#thank you truly truly 😭 i hope i convey my thanks well enough
lumiereandcogsworth · 6 months
Two things. First your fics has contributed to the BATB brainrot I gained after watching it on Disney + lmaooo. Second, I love how you constantly bring attention to how much Adam and Maurice support/love Belle. Adam wanting to give the world to his darling Belle after everything she's done for him and the castle staff. Maurice loving his free-spirited daughter unconditionally and always thinking about her dreams and happiness even if it puts him in harm's way with people like Gaston during the forest and mob scene. She's a one of a kind lady and they both know it. (PS. I'm a sucker for good fathers in media and Maurice is a top two Disney dad and he ain't number two 😭) .
AAHHHH THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!! what an honor. i appreciate this so so so much 🥺🥺🥺🥺 AND YES EXACTLY!!!! belle is THE best girlie in the world and her papa and her true love could not be More Aware of how lucky they are. they love their beautiful dreamer!!! 🥹🥹💙💙💙💙
and yeah maurice is the BEST. i’ve been losing my mind all day thinking about how much that man loves his family 🤧🤧
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lightlycareless · 5 months
I always wonder what naoya would act like if he had a new born baby? Would he be very soft towards his child? Akxjjzsbizzjj my heart needs y/n and naoya fluff😭😭😭😭
HI ANON YES THANK YOU FOR THIS ASK AAAAHGHAHAHAGH you've come to the right place!! Literally, the more asks I get of Naoya and Y/N with their newborn baby the more ideas I get I want to write (doing one already, xmas themed, idc if I'm late lol)
Anyways, here is the good stuff you asked for 😏 warnings: none. just fluff.
I hope it's to your liking! Happy reading ❤️
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Naoya is obsessed with the baby as soon as you tell him you’re pregnant, and soon, his days are filled with nothing but the pregnancy: from wanting to know if you’re alright, if you’ve had any nausea, if there were any specific cravings that needed to be satisfied, or his all-time favorite—if the baby was kicking.
You’d have to remind him that it’s too early for that, but when it’s finally time, his hands never leave your stomach, whether asleep or fully awake; he always must always be touching you, he needs to—as if he wasn’t already highly overprotective of you!
So, one can only imagine how this escalates when the baby finally arrives. (I’m still going with the idea that their first child is a girl)
When Naomi is born, all that Naoya desires is to stay by her side, her being the first thing he sees in the morning and the last in the night.
Naoya wants to be there as soon as the baby wakes up, hear her adorable coos and gurgles which he somehow always understands, as well as selecting her clothes for the day (they have to match. Non-negotiable) feed her (although that’s more like accompanying you while doing so.) and on and so forth.
And although there is nothing he loves more than being with his baby, his favorite thing in the world is seeing you bond with her.
Naoya just… melts when he sees you gush at their daughter, talk to her in that baby voice that always makes Naomi giggle, the occasional pinch of her chubby cheeks (which he likes to say she got from you—you, of course, deny it.) or how you seem to take her wherever you go, unable to peel away from her, not even a second! As if doing so would cause your immediate death!
I don't think I'll be able to convey just how overprotective the two are with Naomi.
Like, you and Naoya would be the type of parents to overdress her as soon as temperature drops the slightest for the simple fear that she’d get sick or something—obviously this didn’t last long because the doctor (alongside family members) would immediately remind them that being this way is only detrimental in the long term.
Rest assured, you and Naoya would find a way to compensate for that, specifically through toys, and outings when she's a bit older. Weekly trips to Tokyo Disneyland become the norm by that point (hell, if Naoya truly wanted to, he'd take Naomi to each worldwide Disney Park on a weekly basis, if only she didn't get crampy by flights—and if that wasn’t too much, of course.) which again, had to be stopped thanks to your dad advising both to take it easy, or she'll grow spoiled… the wrong way, that is.
I think out of the two, Naoya is the one that would struggle the hardest to not buy every single thing that reminds him of Naomi. But can we blame him? The nature of his work often keeps him away from you and the baby, which makes him very, very sad and resentful that it does.
He literally tried to get some time off so he’d be able to stay with you and the baby… but he wasn’t able to get much; so, he looks for all possible ways to make up for his absence, as well as reassure her that his career is not more important than her, or that he isn’t trying hard enough to be there.
Because of this, you make your best effort for Naomi's first word to be papa; it might not be much, but it’s your way to reassure him that he’s a good father and that she loves him very, very much. (The one deciding to name their children after him is your idea, because you want Naoya to feel included, loved. Like he deserves a family after all that he went through 🥺)
Going back to Naomi’s first word, this feat is easier said than done, but you do your best either way, and when it finally happens…. Oh my god is Naoya over the moon.
He literally died when Naomi cheerfully yelled “papa!” upon seeing him return one day from a mission, with that toothy grin he loves so much and those chubby little hands reaching out for him that immediately melt away all his stresses and anxieties away.
And we haven't even spoken of nicknames yet!!! He already had the habit of calling you all kinds of pet names, and that, alongside his tendency to pinch your cheeks, is something that Naomi will also inherit from him.
He'd call her all kinds of cute things, however, his favorite ones are the ones he associates with you, but adding a small differentiation, for example:
“Princess” and “little princess”
“Little mochi” and “littlest mochi”—this one you tell Naoya not to use just because of how silly it sounds, not that it works but hey, you tried.
“Pumpkin” and “little pumpkin”—this one was mostly used by your dad, which Naoya later adopted upon finding out about it—and if you already felt embarrassed by it, this sentiment just grew when Naoya began to endlessly tease you with it.
But now that it’s being used on Naomi, you finally began to appreciate it and subsequently, find it adorable!
So, yes. Naoya loves his baby very, very much, for Naomi represents a combination of all the things that make him happy: you, his love for you, and now, a family.
He'd go above and beyond to make them happy and keep them safe; when it comes to this, the sky is the limit.
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wow ngl. I want to write more. ajgajgjsaajgkja specifically the "Naoya placing his hands over your stomach to feel the baby kicking" or how he'd react to tiring nights where baby Naomi just can't sleep 🥺 if anyone wants to indulge me by sending in an ask of what you'd like me to write, you know where to find me 😏
thank you for this lovely ask!! Take care and hope to see you soon ❤️❤️
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mitsies · 11 months
Hi!! Hello—I hope you don’t think I’m stalkerish, but I’m the author of Intrinsic Warmth and I came across your tumblr and oh my gosh I just wanted to say thank you ??? This is insane
I am so incredibly honoured (???) that you think so highly of my silly little Gojo fanfiction. Like, genuinely. Its description in your rec list nearly made me cry—it is so flattering and so ridiculous to me that people actually enjoy my little side hobby (which is IW)?? I write it with nowhere near the dedication that some ao3 authors do—I’m a hobby busybody as well as a school neek, which is why updates take so long!!!—and so I literally do not expect people to stick around to follow it, like, at all. And the fact that people do?? And that they look forward to updates??! I feel like I’m repeating myself but I’m genuinely in shock.
I’m trying to think of coherent things to say but I am struggling so hard, oh my gosh. I genuinely cannot convey how baffling it is to see people talking about IW in a way not directed specifically at me, like comments, or something (which is another thing!! The fact that someone—like, *you*!!—has put my fic on a REC LIST?!?! INSANE!!! *I* use rec lists! All the time!! Wtf?!?! Being put on a rec list, that’s for real ao3 authors, and I’m just someone who writes on ao3, man! Insane. Truly insane). So you know, this has been sent to the girls’ groupchat because I needed someone to freak out about it to.
I don’t even know what to say. I saw a post you made about saving IW in case ao3 went down again?? Firstly, I can assure you that ao3 is in no danger and that it’s not going anywhere—but dude, if for whatever reason some random bloody nuclear disaster doomsday apocalypse happens and it does go down, I will literally send you the latest chapters direct >:) Do not fear. Truly the least I can do, my lord.
Jesus, I feel like I need to do something! Like, is there something you want from me?? LMAO. I feel like a poser. It’s like at the end of 2013 wattpad stories where the author would host a q&a with their characters / themself. Can I answer some cool elusive question over here on tumblr?? IDK. I have no idea but I just want to show my thanks for genuinely making my week, good lord.
I think I’ve conveyed how bloody insane this is for me. I’m truly so grateful. This is wild. You’re the best. Thank you so much.
oh my GOSH. i just want to start this off by saying .. this is so embarrassing for me. holy SHIT this is embarrassing — and insane, of course, and shocking, and so so many things but i am so sorry you had to watch me fangirl 25/8 over your work.
right now how i'm feeling could best be described as a cult leader (because i think i've started a small cult in your name.. sorry) whose like deity has come down in human form to speak to them for the first time. like this is so insane, i can't fully verbalise how crazy getting this ask is 😭 in case you havent picked up im a big fan!! i know i sound absolutely insane rn and i sincerely hope i don't sound as big of an idiot as i feel but i have quite literally sent voice notes upwards of 20 minutes to my friend about your work like i am SUCH a fan
i have received so many asks, messages, dms of people who have read IW at my recommendation and it is so fully deserved :,) you are such an insanely talented wordsmith and i don't think i've ever read a fic that conveys characters in such depth and with that level of emotional complexity. i admire you and your writing so insanely much, honestly in the least weird, least crazy, least stalker way possible you are such an inspiration to me in my own writing — you are so eloquent and verbose, in a way i aspire to be !! so you're not only a fantastic writer but you're a baseline, inspiration, & motivator, and i can't thank you enough for that
i genuinely believe that intrinsic warmth is one of the most amazing things i've read on ao3, and my fav fic work overall like ever forever and ever like honestly i could be dead in the ground 6ft under and halfway to hell and i'd still find time for my monthly reread 😭😭 it's absolutely insane that you say this makes your week because oh my gosh, i will be thinking about this for the rest of the month. might even add "thatdesklamp noticed xx" to my bio for good measure ! honest to god in my silly little head u are a celebrity and im like a crazy fangirl jumping at ur feet like a chihuahua or something .. would literally jump off a bridge if you asked me to !
with all that being said, i don't think i am graceful enough to convey the absolute adoration i hold for you and your writing. like wow. like holy shit like woooow wow. that's all i've got left in me — you are amazing, i hope you know that . welcome to tumblr, trust that this will likely not be the last u hear of my fangirling :,) SO MUCH LOVE!
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solarisgod · 7 days
✨✨✨ i could create an entire galaxy of stars in this tiny ask and still, it would not be enough to convey just how much i love you and your writing. i still remember when we became mootsies and i was so in awe of everything you created ! i could not believe that you wanted me as your writing partner and ever since, there hasn't been a single day in which i haven't been grateful for having you in my life: as both precious friends AND writing partners. i could probably write a huge book about how beautiful your writing is ! it does not matter if you're describing a deeply emotional moment or a more mundane event in your posts, i can always envision everything perfectly inside of my mind: the setting, the muse(s), the sentiments that you're trying to convey. WAAAAHHHH I LOVE YOUR WRITING SO MUCH !!!!! 😭 and you want to know why ? because it's the writing of someone who genuinely loves doing this: all your passion and all your love and all your hard work can be easily felt in every single paragraph, in every single sentence, in every single thread and headcanon and character study that you post.
you're a huge source of inspiration for me and i do hope that we will never stop writing together and being friends because my life would be empty without you. thank you for sharing your wonderful talent with all of us ! and now let me put some more stars here because you deserve them all ! ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ a bonus mwah mwah too because i love you, mwah ! 🥰 💜
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BUNSTAR, OUR BELOVED!!! Thank you so much entirely and endlessly for this love. Honestly, this whole wonderful compliment here means everything to me as this is one of the sweetest and even most honourable things to get ever from you, someone who have always been so incredibly devoted and passionate with their own muses, especially with Awri in this case! Everything that you share on blog about Ahri is an absolute gift and blessing. I just love love LOVE everything that you do with her and talk about her so much. Your brilliant enthusiasm and creativity as well as your wonderful kindness truly makes one of the biggest highlights of my roleplay experiences on here and life. Every form of creation you do with Ahri, I always sense so much love and care radiating from them. It's amazing and it's always a pure delight watching her go through many developments and storylines. YES, indeed, it's beyond an honour to not only be your writing partner but your friend as well. You are always so loving and supportive and one of the things I respect deeply about you is that regardless of the negativity that you have to face, you still try your best with everything and I will always admire you so much for your inspiring and powerful benevolence and perseverance. You touch upon many people's hearts and souls with your kindness and creativity and love. The world and anywhere in it can not be the same without you! You deserve only pure goodness from the universe and always, are we wishing you the best of all. We adore you so so SO much, friend! 💖✨💖✨💖✨
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▌┊ SEND ✨ IF YOU LIKE OUR WRITING // : @vulpesse , accepting !
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chicgeekgirl89 · 2 years
Kenobi: Episode VI
-My heart is 0% ready for this to be over, I am already an emotional wreck and I’m just watching the recap
- Reva is looking a little worse for wear, also how did she get there so fast?
- Again, I KNOW Obi-Wan and Leia survive, but they are doing a VERY good job convincing me that everyone is going to die
- BABY LUKE!!!!!
- God the sincerity in Ewan just bleeds so deeply into Obi-Wan I can’t even handle it, literally. the most genuine performance 
- “We’re enough. You and me.” The bravery of all the people in this galaxy is staggering
- He speaks to Leia the way he spoke to Anakin
- “This ends today.” Oh babe, I’m so sorry, but it does not
- Obi-Wan hates flying 😭
- The things this man can convey with utter silence, a masterclass
- Well they certainly knew how to make this face off epic. Dark, murky, desolate planet, crescent moon hanging large in the sky, damn
- Vader standing above Obi-Wan being like, “WHO HAS THE HIGH GROUND NOW BITCH?!”
- Meanwhile Owen Fucking Lars is over here chucking planters and space shit at Reva like the rough and tumble country bumpkin that he is I freaking love him
- This show is finally showing us how deeply massive the Force is and I freaking love it, so much raw power from both of them, it’s stunning
- “Anakin” 😭
- “Then my friend is truly dead.” 😭😭😭
- But what is with no one ever being able to finish the job in this galaxy? 🤷‍♀️
- PALP! Hey there old buddy!
- AND THERE IS THE FUCKING IMPERIAL MARCH! I was so hoping they were saving it for a significant moment! 
- I can’t believe it’s over, this was literally everything I’ve always wanted and a lot of things I didn’t know I wanted and I am an emotional wreck I am literally never getting over this ever ever ever
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glitchcel · 1 month
YOU understand what i was going for with that post thank god i am so used to not being good at conveying my points. fully agree with the climate action points you made i used to be like "lmao what good will dying on track do" but i now feel like thats offensive to people who died to bring attention to massive issues like emily davison
Hahaha yeah you get it I'm also scared of my posts coming across the way I didn't intend them to espetially in these types of circles where people are prone to sending death threats over literal woobified racists 😭. But yeah no your post was pretty much spot on I was glad I saw it because I came across posts along the lines of "this sport used to be good but oh NOW they're all racists" which like... loud and wrong! That's what it's built on actually, common mistake!
And since you mentioned the climate thing I'm gonna expand on it a bit since it's a point that's very close to me. Whenever a climate protest happens I feel like I've warped into an alternate universe on the dashboard because you get people saying that exact thing. Which to an extent I understand, seeing people die from preventable causes is disturbing, espetially in this sport where it happens more than anywhere else, however it is as you said disrespesctful to people who bet their entire existence on causes they believe in. And climate change isn't something that just disappears if you look away, activists are willing to die because that's unfortunately the point we're at, it's a legitimate poltical strategy. I remember a few years ago when Mercedes HQ got vandalized, that was still too much for people "oh yadadada it's disrespesctful" well what the fuck is good enough then? And the grafitti got erased in the span of three days and everyone forgot about it like it's all truly mind boggling to me. Like the very same people who moan about the value of a human life are the exact same ones who said grafitti on Merc HQ won't do anything. Like they're so close and yet can't connect the few remaining dots that a death on track due to a protest WOULD shake up the general public and maybe could be a catalyst for something to finally happen. Like in general the activists' goal is for f1 to stop happening completely, not like. Better fuel and and and better flight plan and yadadadadada, but the people who woobify these men don't want to think about that. And those same men don't gaf! They're set, they'll be fine, it doesn't matter to them, it's gonna affect the rest of us. Like. Yes death is a Bad Thing obviously but when you drive people into a corner that is the strategy they're gonna resort to, which is precisely what is happening. Or it's gonna happen in like two months (the biggest protests are usually in Silverstone) and you're gonna see these exact same takes regurgitated over and over again about how climate change is bad and death is also bad and those are two takes that should coexist, meanwhile one party is throwing themselves in front of moving vehicles in desperation and the other party is driving said vehicles.
But yeah I agree with everything you said in your post and I hope this was readable I'm really not good at getting my point across anyway have a lovely day 🫶
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sluttywoozi · 1 year
I RETURN TO MORE COWBOY MINGYU AND THE TENSION THICKENING WITH YUNHO 😭😭😭 the hype i am to see how things Crash & Burn (Affectionate) when all is laid bare between Yunho and the reader….I’m over here like how do these two idiots pay such close attention to each other and somehow still be so BLIND to all the little not-so-subtle hints that the other is into them too they’re so STUPID and i LOVE THEM 😭😭😭 enthusiasm is HIGH for this story I’m SO serious oh my god 🥺❤️ I wish I could properly convey how much of a delight your work is to me, reading your stuff is an EVENT, I have to have a BEVERAGE and NO INTERRUPTIONS and must SAVOR it 😤 I’m cheering you on so hard for real you don’t even know 😭❤️
(as for my biases and wreckers! I have a Vernon bias and Jihoon/Soonyoung wreck in SVT, and then a Yunho bias and Mingi/Hongjoong wreck in Ateez, and Stray Kids im basic as hell and have a Christopher bias and the occasional Jisung wreck 💀 and when I tell you I’m on my knees crossing myself thanking god that my ult bias is a soloist and not in these groups because I licherally could not survive you writing for him because I suffer enough with my love for everyone else you write for)
I hope you are well and taking care of yourself and know that you are well-loved 🥰 — 🌌 anon (Constance)
constance my love! there have been lots of developments!! the tension is truly getting thicc as hell with yunho and reader and i have no idea where it's going but im having a great time! i feel like you're really good at conveying your feelings bc every single message from you makes me smile!!
i love that you need a beverage and no interruptions bc thats exactly how i write 🥹 i adore you!!
also for your biases and wreckers you've got a hell of a lineup!! you like your rappers as do i lmao also now i neeeeed to know who your ult bias is!! im just curious!!
i am well and taking care of myself and i feel well-loved thanks to you 💖
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simpforroses · 2 years
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🌹 An absolutely immaculate & phenomenal self-ship commission piece by the extremely talented @friendly-kaiju!!! 🥺🥰😍 First of all, thank you so much for bringing my vision of Law and I in Wano Kuni traditional wear to life!!! Even our matching lockets!!! 😭❤️ You designed the patterns so well, perfectly conveyed the intimate pose with our hands and us leaning in for a kiss, and the colors blow me away! You did so outstandingly conveying my & his dynamic and the type of love we have and I can’t thank you enough! Everything about this is excellent & done with so much love, attentiveness, and passion, and from artist-to-artist I admire it! During the whole process I wanted to commission again immediately, but I’ll have to exercise self-control. You do amazing work, Mimi & I hope that your support base will continue to grow! Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart!!! 🥺❤️🌹🌹🌹
🌹Now to gushing (opens thesaurus trying to find all the words to describe how stunning this is, but I am still speechless). I am still staring at all the sketches, lineart, flat, and final product, bc it’s all unbelievably beautiful (definitely keeping all of them)! Look at my Law, my love, my surgeon of death, keeper of my heart! 🥰 He looks so handsome in your style & you truly drew a realistic fitting for his yukata and my kimono, which I am still fangirling over 😍🥰❤️🌹His hands, the bend of his neck, the way you sculpted his face, and everything is so well done!!! And the makeup you chose for me, along with the color palette for my clothes is breathtaking! I adore the longing looks in our expression as we lean into eachother and lean in for a kiss—you did outstanding justice to both Law, our dynamic & the vision I had 🥺❤️❤️🌹
🌹Mimi does outstanding work & is extremely detailed and timely too. Plus she is a sweetheart and such a pleasure to work with 🥺 Her commissions can be found on her page for anyone interested, plus check out her other content too!!! ⬇️⬇️⬇️
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minniepetals · 3 years
Ahahaa... I plan on binge-reading your stories to get the feel of poly relationships. Got to be one with my stories.. Can’t let fashion illustrator Jin down.. :)..
Except to see a lot from me!
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Ah.. Yes! You are amazing Luna. You are a person who manages to convey emotions beautifully, whether that is pain, love or happiness. You are absolutely wonderful. You are one of my favourite authors. I absolutely adore your stories with all of my tiny little heart.
I discovered you last year.. Around September or November through Rose and Thorns. I am happy to have done so. Wahhhh!!
You have written so many brilliant pieces. I just wish my attention span was better. I sometimes question how I manage to write or even read in general.
To luna:
You nice, keep going!
I always write whenever I feel like it, I hope you do so too. I hope you are taking care of yourself. I hope you are drinking enough water. I hope you are not too hard on yourself.
Take care!
Sincerely yours, @fluffyydumplings who will be cheering you on for as long as you are here..
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Ahhaahhahaah.. I introduce to you the two sides of fashion illustrator Jin..
Have a nice day!
p.s: If there are any mean anonies out there, I will gladly stand up for you
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Since I’m writing Jin’s chapter, I have Jin everywhere. So… a World Wide Handsome flying kiss coming your way 💜
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If Tumblr doesn’t send this through… I’m suing 😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑
to be honest i'm a little upset at the moment with lots of things and can't get my head straight and literally just want to escape this world ughhhh. but thank you so much for this lovely letter, i really and truly appreciate the fact that i can just jump onto tumblr and read kind messages especially on days when things aren't working out well, and when my mind isn't in the right headspace to write.
i'm honestly happy to have written about 16k for cmar already but it's getting so long and i just want to get it all written out but i keep thinking of different scenarios that will fit and help the story progress asdfghjkl this is so hard i hate it 😭💓
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tswaney17 · 3 years
so I maybe found IDBTWY (i hope i put the letters in the right order my brain is so slow HAHAHAHA) on ao3 and binged all of it (+ the prequels) last night and WOW😩🥵🤩🥰!! It was beyond amazing! You are an incredible writer and the whole story was so engaging and well balanced (the angst:fluff ratio 😤👌🥵) and I COULD NOT STOP READING PLEASE IT WAS SO GOOD??? This should not be allowed I am not okay and how dare you release something THIS GOOD😩🥰!!!! You are SO TALENTED I love this story sm please I can’t believe you’re letting us read this for free TYSM☺️💛. Something about Elriel AUs just hits different and this one >>>>?? NEXT LEVEL! I loved it so much please I just wanna reread immediately but I will wait until I have enough time to reread here and give you the praise and appreciation and hype that you deserve because this story is INCREDIBLE. Truly. I AM OFFICIALLY A (n even bigger) TSWANEY17 STAN😌😌💛💛!! Because I remember you def also wrote Across the Hallway which is ✨burned into my head✨ because I’ve read it so many times I’m not even sorry😌😌😌. Definitely my comfort story too, everything about it is so warm🥰🥰 (except for that very smutty chapter😈)!!! As you can tell I’m definitely not the writer here🤣. But I hope I managed to convey at least a little bit of my gratitude and appreciation for you and your writing🥰🥰. You’re amazing and I think IDBTWY has dethroned and replaced Across the Hallway as my fav Elriel fic because I am HOOKED😌😩😭!! TYSM for writing it and I’m so glad I found it💛💛💛
P.S. No pressure at all, but I was just wondering if you had a schedule for updates? Just so I remember when to pop back but all good if not🥰)
P.P.S. I was already convinced the story was CHEFS KISS TOP NOTCH but then you made Cassian and Elain sing Exile🥺🥺. A Taylor Swift stan and your name is Taylor too I am crying!!🥰🥰🥰🥰
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Oh my god...
This is... I just... 🥺🥺🥺
I have no words for how incredibly wonderful it felt to read this. I'm totally not going to be able to express myself well enough for you to understand how much my heart swelled to get this.
I feel like I say this all the time, but I never expected to get the kind of reaction I have over this fic. Here I was, just a random newbie to the writing world (at least for public consumption), and to get the amount of amazing and responsive feedback I've gotten has just been astronomical to me. You are the reason I push myself to continue and improve my writing. I seriously cannot say thank you enough, but truly, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Across the Hallway was my first baby. It was this random idea that I just needed to get out and when I look back on it (knowing that it needs A TON of edits), I can't help but smile at how far I've come. IDBTWY has been an absolute joy to write (yes, even when everyone yells at me to just make them kiss and to stop hurting them 😈).
I can't say I blame you for letting IDBTWY dethrone ATH, because, in my heart, it has too. I don't usually give myself kudos or talk about things I've done that make me proud, but this fic is one of the proudest things I've ever accomplished (-ish, since it's not done yet).
As for a schedule, I tend to post every other week - but I'm not always successful. Life gets busy, ya-know? For notifications, you can always subscribe to my fic blog (I only reblog snippets and actual fics, nothing else so it's not obnoxious), @tswaney17fics. Or you can subscribe to my ao3 account as well. Those will probably be the best options for keeping up with my posts.
I am a HUGE TSwift fan! I had the idea of Elain and Cash singing Exile together for months before that part came out. It just hit me as Elriel, especially in this fic. But more ironically, my last name also begins with "Sw", so we're almost the same person… 😬 (A girl can dream right??)
Anyways, this answer has become ridiculously long, so to summarize, THANK YOU x1000000000000000000! It truly meant everything to read this. 💙💚💜
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jeonsweetpea · 4 years
HELLO!!!! YELLING ANON HERE BACK AGAIN!!!!! Ok so I’ll try to gather my thoughts here: I’m not over exaggerating when I tell you Moonstruck is probably the BEST fic I’ve ever read. Of course I’m not trying to shame all the amazing authors out there, and I’ve read a lot of stories, but very few managed to capture my attention like you did. Again, by no means this is an attempt to hate on all the other creators; I fully believe all writers on this platform are SO unjustifiably underrated cause you guys put endless effort into content you provide for free and I don’t think you all get enough recognition for that. So like, at the end of every chapter of Moonstruck I was like “WAS I REALLY FORTUNATE ENOUGH TO HAVE READ THAT MASTERPIECE FOR FREE??? WHAT THE HECK”. All of this just to say that I hope you’re well aware of the fact that you’re so talented and so competent and so so so so brilliant; you were able to convey emotions in such a raw way that I felt them too (this is me not-so-subtly hinting that I’m still not over chap. 6 😭), you were able to keep me guessing, keep me wondering, then make me change my mind a second later the more I got into the story— (or in much simpler words, there was just me going like:”IT CAN’T BE HIM?? OR IS HE ACTUALLY...... BITCHHHH NO WAY” through the whole story), so no matter what happened, I could simply never keep a straight face while reading- I would either gasp or pout or smile at my screen cause I found it impossible not to get invested in your art. I spent days thinking about it and sometimes I’d even go back to reread chapters for a second time so I’m seriously so amazed by how talented you are and I can’t put into words how much I love this fic and all its characters. Oh also, English is not my first language so thanks to you I got to learn many words I never heard before - so this is just all the more reason to thank you. Seriously, thank you for crafting such a beautiful work and for letting me and so many other people be able to read it. This got very long I’m sorry lol 😭 I can’t wait to read next part and see what you’ve got in store for us! I wish you all the best 🥺❤️
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I’m assuming you’re the very first anon who started the yelling and not the second one so from now on, I’ll tag you as such!!! 🤣
T-THE BEST?! No, no, no~, you are so very kind. AHHHH. HOW CAN I NOT BLUSH. 🙈❤️ I can’t believe someone out there really thinks this highly of my story. Thank you! 😭❤️ It’s my first time writing something this long! I usually only write one-shots. I even told myself I could never write a real series (heck, I could barely do two-shots) and then this happened and I was so NERVOUS. I wanted to capture people’s attention and keep it constant. I worried about becoming stale or boring. 😱
And don’t worry! I understand what you’re saying. Us writers appreciate readers like you who give feedback and recognize our efforts! 🥰
MASTERPIECE HAKLDJLKFDSJLFJL. Yup, all for free, all for readers like you! 😙💖
Okay, you’re really going to make me cry a river. The rest of your message is so incredibly touching, so thoughtful, so sweet. 🥺🥺🥺💕💕💕 I think from time to time, I doubt my writing skills just like any writer would. So having small reminders and compliments really make all the difference. I truly appreciate you!
The whole fic really is a testimony to my indecisiveness in real life. LOOL. It’s chaotic, I’m chaotic, but I try to balance it out and keep you all guessing! Hehehe. Super thrilled to hear it’s working! 😈
“so no matter what happened, I could simply never keep a straight face while reading- I would either gasp or pout or smile at my screen cause I found it impossible not to get invested in your art.”
You’d go back and REREAD some chapters? Gosh, I can’t thank you enough for investing so much of your spare time for my series. Time is something you can’t get back, so I take it to heart when I know someone enjoys it so much they reread a second time. It’s a LOT of words too, you deserve an award. 🥇
HOLD UP, English isn’t even your first language? My love, I would’ve never guessed! You write so eloquently and sound way more fluent than me. I just keyboard smash. HAKLDJFDSLK. AHAHAHA! 💕 Jokes aside, my vocabulary is something I’m very self-conscious of. So as I write, I’m learning new words too! Same when I read other’s works. I’m glad I could help you learn as well. YAY! 🙌
You never have to apologize for long messages, oh my gosh! They give me LIFE. Literally, my conversations with close friends are just PARAGRAPHS back and forth. I love hearing from you! Thank you for being amazing! I wish you the best too. Please stay safe and hydrated and stop by again anytime. 🥰🌸
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