#thank you for asking this i needed to yap
azzo0 · 3 days
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Happy Mama Day
Summary: Touya and the kids surprise you for Mother's Day.
Contains: soft Touya, fluff, kids n sappy stuff
Pairing: Touya x f!reader
wc: 2.1k
Based on this idea.
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Touya buried his face under a blanket when little hands slapped his cheek. A little girl's voice screamed at him excitedly to wake up. He opened his eyes slightly, sighing into the pillow when both his kids started jumping on the bed, singing, "Wake up! Wake up!"
"Daddy, Daddy, Keiko said it's Mama day today!" His son yelled, pulling the blanket off him.
"It's called Mother's Day, not Mama Day, Takeo." His daughter sassed, crossing her arms as if she knew some great secret her younger brother didn't.
"Stop jumping, Takeo. I'm up." Touya sighed, sitting up and running a hand through his snowy hair, disheveled from sleep. Takeo jumped into Touya's lap, making him let out an 'oomph.'
"Daddy, Keiko told me-" the three-year-old began. Sometimes, Toya was surprised by how fluently the child could speak since most three-year-old's he knew yapped in baby language. He talked to Rei about it, and she told him he used to be the same.
"Keiko-Nee." He corrected, his gaze shifting to his eldest. She excitedly crawled to him and sat on her knees excitedly. He ruffled her bright red hair and looked down at Takeo, "What did she tell you?"
"Keiko-Nee told me that her teacher told her it's Mama Day!" The boy exclaimed.
"Is it?" He hummed.
"Can we do something special for Mama when she gets back from work?" Keiko asked. "My teacher told me you can show your thanks to your mothers today! Let's do something special!"
"How do we show our thanks?" Takeo asked, tilting his head.
"We can make her cards and make her favorite food or buy her gifts!"
Takeo gasped and looked up at Touya with wide eyes, the same colour as yours, "Does that mean we can cook a cake?"
"Bake a cake," Touya threw the child over his shoulder and got off the bed, holding a hand out for Keiko. She took his hand and jumped off the bed, "Sure we can, but first you two need to eat breakfast, clean up your rooms, get ready for the day, do your homework and then we'll bake Mama a cake, okay?"
"It's not fair that I have homework and Takeo doesn't!" Keiko lamented, puffing her cheeks out.
"He does have homework. He has a colouring book to fill. Isn't that right, Taki?"
The three year old nodded his head even though he wasn't sure what 'homework' was. Touya took the kids downstairs and made them sit at the dining table. He went into the kitchen and put on the apron. He took out a few eggs and beat them up with milk and sugar. He dipped slices of bread inside the eggs and then fried them, keeping them a little soft because that's the way his babies liked it.
He took the plates out in the dining room, setting them in front of the kids, "Eat up."
"Thank you," the two chimed.
He sat across from Keiko and Takeo. He sighed when Takeo began breaking the bread into bits without putting them in his mouth. Touya quickly finished his breakfast and helped Takeo with his. After breakfast, the kids followed him upstairs so they could clean their bedrooms. Keiko was six, old enough to make her bed and tidy her room, but Takeo still needed help, given he was only three.
He folded Takeo's blanket and kept it in the crib while Takeo picked up the toys littered on the floor and dumped them in the toybox. Once Touya was done with Takeo's room, he went to Keiko's room, watching his daughter huff and puff as she folded her giant blanket all by herself. She turned to him after she was done, flexing her arms, "I did it by myself!"
"You did great, Keiko." He lowered his back with Takeo on his hip and kissed Keiko's hair. He took her hand and led the kids to the bathroom.
He put Takeo down, took Keiko's unicorn toothbrush, put a small amount of toothpaste on it and handed it to her. He then proceeded to put toothpaste on Takeo's smaller shark toothbrush. He gave him the toothbrush and watched him look up at his sister and try to imitate her. Touya smiled to himself and took his toothbrush hanging beside yours. He brushed his teeth along with his kids and then helped them wash their faces, making them giggle when he patted them dry.
"Cake time!" Keiko squealed, stomping downstairs with Takeo chanting 'cake' behind her.
"Homework first, you two." Touya reminded sternly.
"But I don't have school tomorrow. I can do it later!" Keiko whined, "And Taki's homework isn't even real homework! You just make him sit down and colour a bunch'a of pages so you can watch soccer on the TV!"
Toya raised his eyebrows amusedly as Keiko tapped her floor impatiently. He let out a chuckle and turned to the kitchen, "Alright, alright. Just don't make a mess, okay?"
"Yes!!" She exclaimed, taking Takeo's hand and following after her father.
Touya helped Keiko and Takeo into little aprons and rummaged through the cabinets, looking for the cake mix he bought ages ago. It's not that he didn't know how to bake a cake from scratch, but with two kids involved, the kitchen was bound to get chaotic. He found a vanilla cake mix and took out a bowl and a hand beater, setting everything on the counter. He opened the flaps of the cake mix as the kids watched him excitedly. He took out a white coloured packet and cut it open with a pair of scissors.
"Can I put it in the bowl?" Keiko asked.
"Sure ya can. Come closer." He handed her the packet, and she carefully put the mix into the bowl. Keiko snatched the cake mix box and read the instructions, squinting her eyes as she tried to read the sentences.
"It says to... mix water, oil, 'n eggs with a mixer on... meedum...?"
"Medium," Toya corrected, encouraging her to go on.
"...speed or beat by hand for two minutes." She finished with a grin. Touya patted her hair and measured out the water and oil, which Takeo insisted he wanted to pour. Touya picked up Takeo so he could reach for the cups he had measured. He watched Takeo pick up the cup of oil in his chubby hands and empty it into the cake mix, followed by the water.
"You want to crack the egg?" Toya asked Keiko, smiling when she nodded excitedly. He showed her how to crack an egg and then handed her another one. She managed to crack the egg and let its contents fall into a bowl.
"Do we beat with an electric mixer or hand?" Keiko asked.
"Hand beater," Toya replied. He mixed the ingredients and then let Keiko take over for a little bit. Of course, Takeo didn't want to be left out and had to take a turn whipping the batter.
"And then we pop it in the oven," Touya transferred the batter into a cake pan and put it in the oven that had been preheating for some time.
"Daddy, while we wait, let's make Mama a birthday card!" Keiko exclaimed, pulling on his hand.
"I've got some cleaning up to do, Kei. You make one with your brother-"
"No! Don't you gotta wish Mom Happy Mother's Day too?" Keiko put her foot down and crossed her arms over her chest.
"Yes, let's make a mama card," Takeo added.
"Fine," Touya sighed, "Let's go make a mama card."
He sat on the floor in the living room with the kids. Keiko handed him and Takeo A4-size papers and let them use her sketch pens and colour pencils. She told him how to make a card, speaking as if she was giving away the world's darkest secret, "So, basically, you fold it in half like this, and then you write 'Happy Mother's Day' in fancy handwriting. You can make a drawing if you wanna, and then on the inside, you thank Mama for all she's done. Any questions?"
"No, ma'am, thank you." Dabi picked up a blue sketch pen and nudged Takeo, "Say thanks to your sister, Taki."
Touya had never made cards for anyone before. Sure, he'd received plenty of sweet ones from you, but he never gave you one in return. He folded the paper in half and tried mustering up his fanciest handwriting, which turned out looking like a doctor's note. He picked up a red sketch pen and threw in a couple of hearts and smiley faces.
He moved on to the inside of the card, and that's where he got stuck. The green sketch pen hovered over the paper as he thought of what to put inside. He had so much he wanted to thank you for. Your love, your support and your kindness. The list went on and on. He glanced up from the paper to see Keiko beautifully decorating the card while Takeo went on a scribbling spree. He smiled softly at the kids and looked down at the paper. He knew just what to write.
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You knocked on the door and yawned, bringing a hand to cover your mouth. It had been a long day at work, but you couldn't wait to greet your husband and kids and then spend some time together on the couch after dinner. You heard a few excited cries, and the door was thrown open.
"HAPPY MAMA DAY!!" Takeo screamed, hugging your leg.
"Happy Mother's Day!" Keiko exclaimed with a grin, hopping from foot to foot.
"Oh, my babies." You smiled and stepped inside, pulling them both in a hug. You kissed their cheeks and made them giggle. "Thank you so much."
"No, thank you for all you do, Mama! You're so cool!" Keiko beamed.
"So cool!" Takeo agreed.
"Okay, okay, let ya mama breathe." You looked up when you heard Touya's voice. His lips tugged up on the side in a smirk, "Hey. Happy Mama Day."
"Thank you," you laughed, kissing his cheek.
"We baked you a cake, and Papa made your favorite dinner!" Keiko exclaimed, "We also made you cards!"
"Mhm?" You took the card from Keiko and read through it with a stupid grin. You kissed her nose, "Aww, thank you, Kei. You're so sweet."
"Here is my mama card." Takeo waved his drawing in front of your face. You took it from him and gushed over the stick figures of him and you holding hands.
"It's lovely, thank you, Taki." You squished his cheeks together lovingly.
"Papa, where's your card?" Keiko asked.
"I didn't make any. What are you talking about?" Touya shrugged.
Touya sheepishly revealed the hand in which he held the card. You got up from the floor and took the card, giggling at his messy handwriting adorned with hearts, flowers and smiley faces. It was so unlike him. You flipped it open and read it.
Happy Mama Day, wifey.
There's a lot I wish I could say to you more often, but putting it here feels easier. Thank you for all that you've done for me and our kids. Thank you for being by my side when nobody was and for holding my hand on sleepless nights and shooing away my nightmares. Thanks for dragging me out of my depressive episodes and taking me on ice cream dates. I'll never forget them. The ice cream was delicious, by the way.  
Thank you for birthing our beautiful children. I'm so lucky to have you by my side to raise our kids. You're my definition of a blessing in human form.
With love,
Your handsome husband,
(P.S. You have a nice butt)
Your hands quivered as you read the note. Your eyes blurred with hot tears. They fell onto the card, and he pulled you into him and kissed your temple. You wrapped your arms around him and buried your nose in his chest, feeling his warmth seep into your skin, "Thank you, Touya."
"My words hit ya that deep? Maybe I should be a poet." He chuckled, combing your hair with his fingers.
"There's nothin' poetic about it." You muffled into his chest. You pulled away and pressed a kiss on his lips. His hand went to rest on your lower back as he leaned into you.
You were aware of the kids watching, so you pulled away and glanced back to see Keiko pretending to be very interested in the door handle while Takeo tugged at his sister's sleeve. You chuckled and held an arm open, "Come here, Keiko, Takeo."
You scooped up Takeo while Touya picked up Keiko. You let your head rest against Touya's shoulder, your heart brimming with joy and contentment, "I love my little family."
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muchosbesitos · 22 hours
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐚𝐢𝐝
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pairing: suguru geto x fem reader, satoru gojo x fem reader
contents: some angst, sorta kinda follows canon, smut, oral (f+m receiving), fingering, unprotected p in v, some marking (pls lmk if i missed smth)
synopsis: you and suguru are so undeniably in love and all satoru can do is wish for that to be him.
author’s note: one day i’ll stop writing angst, not today tho 🗣️
word count: 10.8k (i may have yapped too much, i’m sorryy)
The word came out strained, the sight of Yaga blurry by your own tears. The paper in your hands threatened to fall with each shake of your fingers, the paper that you were hoping was just a cruel joke. But no matter how many times you forced yourself to read through the paper, the contents of it stayed the same. The words had practically imprinted themselves into your brain by now, yet you desperately hoped that maybe you'd read it wrong.
Yaga looked at you with a pained expression, "Don't make me repeat myself, please." You almost wanted to commend him for his acting skills and the dedication that he held towards making this a believable prank, yet you already knew at the back of your head that this was anything but that. That the words printed onto the paper were true- that the man you loved the most was set to be executed.
Labeled as the worst curse user.
You looked over at Gojo standing next to him, the same expression of pain painted across his features. Even his eyes seemed more dimmed down than usual.. if that was somehow possible. You wanted to shake him for some kind of answer, yet you could see your expression clearly mirrored onto his face. "No, no, you're lying. This prank isn't that funny anymore," you shook your head, almost as if that would remove the knowledge from your head.
How he could be that and still be the same man that wiped away your tears from the corner of your eye with his thumb, whispering silent reassurances that you'd be okay. That he'd always be here for you whenever you needed him. The same man who'd cheeks had flushed pink when he asked you on a date one March afternoon, dusting a cherry blossom off your shoulder as he anticipated your answer was the same one who'd murdered those people. There was no way that it was him, right?
As much as you wanted to delude yourself into believing that the information was false, the mounting evidence piling up was proving to make that task difficult. You knew he must've had a reason for it, that he didn't just go on a rampage for some form of twisted fun like many others had made it seem. At least, you desperately wished he had a reason as bad as it made you seem. The knowledge of this didn't remove the years that Suguru had spent with you, the amount of memories that the two of you accumulated throughout.
"I know that you both have fond memories with him, but you have to remember that he still has to be executed for what he's done," Yaga's voice turned into a dull tone, almost static as you tried to let the situation compute. He continued talking, probably about how to go about capturing him successfully but you couldn't bring yourself to pay attention to this conversation. The walls of the temple seemed to be closing in on you, every breath that you were taking weighing heavy on your body.
"Wait, we're not do-" you heard Gojo start off before Yaga dismissed him by saying, "Just let her go for now."
You weren't even sure when you started running, all that you knew was that you needed to leave. You looked up to see Shoko standing next to you, an unlit cigarette hanging from the corner of her mouth while she held out a sheet of paper out. She gestured for you to take it, simply stating, "He left that for you." You thanked her for the paper, debating on wanting to cherish it or open it right away. What if you regretted not opening it? What if it was something important?
Eventually your curiosity won the best of you, your nimble fingers starting to open the piece of paper. A small breath escaped from your lips as you willed yourself to try to read the words on the paper. "I'll leave you to that," Shoko told you before she headed out, her head peeking through the door. His handwriting looked messier than usual, almost as if he were scribbling the note in a rush. It was an apology, not an explanation like you'd hoped for.
Tears flowed down freely as much as you tried to hold them back, your hands gripping the sheet of paper. You had enough self control not to rip it up with the force you were holding it, wanting to savor the last item he'd left for you. 'I'm sorry' didn't seem to make up for the fact that he'd abandoned you, after he promised that he'd be willing to stay no matter what. You weren't sure how long you were crying for, only looking up when Shoko extended a tissue towards you.
What was his purpose of being a Jujutsu sorcerer?
Suguru found himself contemplating this question more often that not, the amalgamation of everything that happened throughout the course of the past year making his head spin. The own morals that he'd tried to convince Satoru of were starting to falter. All the deaths that had occurred becoming a taboo subject, everyone recognizing the efforts that they each put into maintaining the order of society without taking the time to remember them as a person.
Was all that he was meant for? Just another cog in a machine that wouldn't be mourned after his passing? A body added to a countless pile for a meaningless sacrifice?
Every single one of his actions seemed pointless in the grand scheme of things. No matter how many times he had to put up with the rancid aftertaste of absorbing curses, more would just end up popping up. How every single person he'd lost in his life had died with some type of regret, some type of longing to do something with their life. All whilst humans lived their lives blissfully unaware of the messes they create.
The only thing keeping him afloat was you and even he was conscious enough to know how selfish it was. Of seeing the small frown that would take form on your face after he lied once more about how he was doing, that he was just tired. Of only sharing small pieces of information about the big mess that was unraveling in his head, just enough so that you wouldn't be scared of him. Just enough to still keep you close to him. "Just don't feel like eating," was what he'd told you when you noted his drastic weight loss.
So when Yaga had called him into his classroom and said, "There's a disturbance in a nearby village. I need you to check it out," Suguru didn't hesitate to agree. As much as Yaga tried to reassure him that it was fine if he didn't feel up to it, that Satoru would take over. The train ride to the village had been quiet despite the amounts of people that stood beside him, too distracted in his own thoughts. Every once in a while he'd hear a, "So let me tell you what happened" or a "You would not believe this."
All so self absorbed. Disgusting.
The scent of burning flesh would be something that imprinted itself in his brain forever. It was supposed to be a simple mission, he kept repeating to himself. Just absorb the curse and go. But how would he be able to live with himself knowing that while the villagers thanked him, two little girls were getting crucified for the very same thing that he was. The blurry path that he'd been trying to navigate for months now seemed all the much clearer, every last bit of resistance melting away.
There isn't anything he could really say to justify his actions- not that he's trying to. But he was running off autopilot from the moment that he saw the two girls locked up in a cage, treated like circus animals. He could feel his anger flare up as the two gripped each other, whispering promises about how they'd be good, how they wouldn't use their technique for anything evil. How these little girls had convinced themselves that they were capable of evil was beyond him.
He was certain that he'd left close to zero residuals when he left the village, escaping off to a cabin in the woods with the two girls holding on desperately to him. A knock on the door startled him from that certainty, every single thought in his head starting to spiral. Surely if someone was here to execute him, they wouldn't bother with knocking on the door? Or maybe that's what they wanted him to think? He was running out of time, the knocks on the door becoming more and more persistent.
"Run. Don't come back," he whispered to the girls, getting down to their level when they walked over to him. He knew that this was to be awaited but he wouldn't stand for taking them down with him.
"But Master G-"
He steadied his breathing, clenching and unclenching his fists in an attempt to calm himself down. He opened the door to see you, your fist raised like you were about to go for what seemed to be the thousandth knock on the door. He let out a small breath of relief, barely registering that it was you in front of him. He'd come to terms with the idea of never seeing you again, unless it'd be at his death bed. Though, he couldn't deny that this was a nice surprise.
"What are you doing here?" He asked, watching as you stepped inside of the cabin like you owned the place. Well, at least you'd been courteous enough to remove your shoes by the door. "I'm here to see you, obviously," you responded, picking up the basket of food that before handing it over to him. You glanced around the small cabin, the space devoid of anything other than clothes and empty food wrappers. You made a mental note to pick up more food for him the next time you came over.
He warily grabbed the basket, inspecting the items inside before going over to place it on a counter in the kitchen. "If you expect me to have some kind of repentance towards what I've done, I don't," he didn't seem remorseful in the slightest, talking about the events like it was just today's weather. "I haven't said anything about repentance, nor am I expecting that," you assured him, taking a seat on one of the chairs in the living room.
"Then what are you doing here?"
What were you doing here? You'd convinced yourself that you were just coming here for an explanation, that you'd demand for some kind of answer and leave immediately. But it felt like being with him all over again, the same comfortability that you'd grown too accustomed to. You wanted to prolong your stay and bask in his presence for a little while longer. "I missed you," you managed to tell him after he'd been expecting an answer for a couple seconds, his face contorting into one of shock just a millisecond. Enough for you to notice though.
"You didn't misread the reports or anything?"
You shook your head before speaking again, "I'm aware of what you've done. I'd like to believe that you wouldn't have done that without any reason though. Even so, I still love you Suguru. It's hard to stop just because of what some words on paper say."
“It’s not just words on paper. People lost their lives because of me.”
You wanted to say something more, but what could you really say? He was trying to convince you that the same monster that the stories weaved, despite how much you wanted to believe otherwise. "Then explain it to me. If you think I'm gonna run away, I'm not. But don't keep me in the dark then."
He hesitated for a bit, almost as if it was worth going through the retelling of the events. After seeing you stay in your seat, he eventually decided to sit down across from you. "I've been.. struggling with wanting to keep non sorcerers safe. A part of me hates them with every fiber of my being, hating them for being so ignorant yet another part of me wanted to savor in the vulnerability that they also have," he started off, your hands clasping his as he spoke. He continued to tell you what happened, your fingers gently grazing over his skin as a form of reassurance.
Two girls came out of the bedroom, timidly shuffling their feet against the wooden floor as they walked over to Suguru. They hid behind his back, barely peeking their head out to get a glimpse of you. Trying to analyze if you were a threat, if you had to assume. "She's the one I told you about, you have nothing to worry about," Suguru reassured them, gently running his hands through their hair. With the way they leaned into his touch, you had no doubt that he'd be willing to protect them.
"I'm sorry about their behavior, they're not exactly used to people being kind to them," he spoke up after a while, seeing how hesitant they were to even move an inch away from him. "It's alright, what are their names?" You inquired, giving the girls a small wave. They hid their faces into the thick material of his robes, a small chuckle eliciting from his lips. He stayed in the kitchen where the girls felt safe, asking about the students from the school and answering your own questions. Whether it be about the girls or about him.
You stood by the door, unwilling to leave just yet even if you could tell that Suguru was aching for you to return back to the school. "Just have a little faith in me, please," you told him just low enough to reach only his ears. Though he didn't verbally acknowledge your statement, his expression softened just the slightest bit. "Have some faith that I'm willing to stay with you," it was a lot to ask from him, you realized that. But you wanted him to know that you had no intention of leaving him, even now.
Suguru found himself doing just that, your visits to the cabin becoming more and more frequent. Well, as frequent as they could get without any of the higher ups getting suspicious. They started off as friendly visits, quickly evolving into evenings spent with the girls. Whether it be playing some board game that just came out or watching a movie on the old TV mounted on the wall. Featherlight kisses turned into heated make out sessions after the girls fell asleep. He knew he loved you, even before he left.
But now, he was finding it extremely difficult to think of the future without including you. You got along with the girls fairly well after passing the initial awkwardness, introducing them to new shops that quickly became their favorites. It was endearing the way you took the time to memorize what they'd liked and indulge them in what they asked from you. "She makes you happy and she's nice to you, we wouldn't oppose to it," Nanako had told him when he brought up the idea of marriage to the two of them.
You'd come home from a shopping trip with the girls, finding their behavior to be a bit too suspicious for it to be normal. They'd pushed you to get your nails done and get some new clothes- a semi-formal dress and a rather expensive pair of heels that made you grimace when paying for them at the register. Every time that you'd try to coax them for an answer though, they'd usually end up bursting into little giggles and completely diverting you from the question.
"Thank you girls," you recognized Suguru's voice from the distance, your ears pricking up when you heard the subtle scuffling of shoes. "You can take off the blindfold now," you started taking the cloth off at his command, blinking a couple times to get adjusted to the atmosphere around you. The overgrown weeds that'd been growing out of control for the last couple months were trimmed down to a respectable height and fairy lights hung up from a couple tree branches.
"What's the occasion?" You inquired, stepping closer to him to make out his figure a bit more clearly. In the distance, you could see a small table set up for two at the edge of a small stream. "Can't I just treat you to some dinner?" You raised a brow at his question, taking a seat at the table when he pulled the chair back. "Well yes, but it just seems very impromptu."
By the time dessert had rolled around, you'd forgotten about the initial suspicion that had been lingering in the back of your head. He came out with a plate of cake, putting his slice down on the table before placing yours down in front of you. "Before you start eating the cake, please read the frosting," he told you before he went to take a seat. You complied with his request, reading in the girls' sloppy handwriting- Will you marry me?
"Wait what?" You asked, looking up from the cake to where Suguru was supposed to be sitting. Your eyes widened slightly at the sight of him on one knee, holding out a ring. "It's not much.. but I promise to love you and cherish you. To continue to fulfill my promise of staying by your side."
You didn't trust the words to come out of your mouth without the syllables coming out all broken, simply nodding. Of course, that wouldn't do for Suguru. "C'mon baby, let me hear it. Let me hear that you agree to be my wife," he tried to coax out a verbal response out of you, relishing in seeing you in such a state. "Yes, I'll marry you," you responded after a couple seconds, willing the excitement to die down. He placed the ring on your finger, placing a kiss on your hand when he went to stand up.
That was the only word Suguru had in mind when it came to you, the sight of you almost too much to bear at times. It wasn't just you, no. It was all the little parts of yourself that he loved, even those parts of yourself that you hated. He'd never thought of himself as a loving person but you just made him want to cherish you as long as he possibly could. He was stupid enough to think that he could've ever gotten over you. No matter how many years passed by, he was certain that the love he felt for you would never dim.
The sight of Mimiko and Nanako tossing flowers down the altar had almost been too much for his heart to bear, especially with the grin that the girls carried on their face. It truly melted his heart that they were so accepting to include you in their small family. Everything about this wedding was almost like a fairytale brought to life. He'd almost expected to wake up from this dream, yet the moment never came. You were truly a vision brought to life and now you were doing him the honor of being his wife. His.
You stepped onto the altar next to him, the moment seeming all too real when you stepped up. He could hear his heartbeat ringing through his ears, the anticipation of having the honor to call himself your husband seeping through. "Don't cry," Suguru could almost hear Satoru's retort, the thought fleeting as he rolled his eyes. Though Imaginary Satoru did hold a valid point, just seeing you was too much to bear. The dress fit you like a glove, accentuating every curve and contour of your body.
Despite having the area sanitized thoroughly before the ceremony, to the point where the smell of Lysol was starting to get intoxicating, he still couldn't help but feel a sense of annoyance running through him. He almost felt offended by all the humans peering up at you, though he knew that inviting them was something done more than obligation than out of his good graces. They needed to know that your command meant just as much as his did now. He'd have you all to himself after this ceremony was over, at least.
"Do you take Geto Suguru as your lawfully wedded husband?" The priest's voice bellowed through the quiet church, so quiet you thought he could hear your heartbeat. You glanced over at your soon-to-be husband, noting the way he anxiously waited for your response. He looked normal to the rest of the crowd, but you caught the way his teeth dug into his bottom lip in anticipation.
You took a pause for dramatic effect, having already planned out this moment in your head a few years back. "I do," your voice echoed through the church, cheers coming from the crowd. Though most of them were dramatized out of fear of getting reprimanded by Suguru, you could tell that at least. Still, you found yourself unable to stop smiling the second his fingers traced your own as he slid the gold band onto your ring finger. "Had me worried there for a second, sweetheart."
"Have to keep you on your toes even now," you teased him, letting out a small yelp when he pinched your side. He could hardly wait to kiss you, barely hanging onto the priest's words before leaning in and swiftly pressing his lips against yours. He wrapped his hands around your waist, keeping you steady while he kissed you with so much desperation. It was a miracle how he managed to last this long without doing so. It was like you were begging to be kissed with the little glances you gave at him throughout the ceremony.
Gojo couldn't bring himself to go to the wedding, instead choosing to look through the windows outside while the ceremony came to a close. He'd had to face some of the dirty looks from some of the guests, though he assured them that he was just gardening. Not completely sure if they believed him though, since he hadn't met a gardener who did their job in a ¥250,000 shirt. Even if they didn't believe him, they at least managed to leave him alone to his peering.
Truth was, Gojo missed him. More than he was willing to admit to himself and anybody around him. He missed the meaningless conversations that they'd have, talking about whatever stupid thing they had to deal with. He longed just to have one of those conversations again, to just ask how his day had been without the awkward pause that reminded the both of them of the difference between the two of them. That Gojo would inevitably have to be the one to carry out his death sentence.
The title hung on him heavy, the thought of having to kill his best friend one that he couldn't even fathom. It made him sick to his stomach every time he pondered on it too long, though his excuses to the higher ups were starting to run out. "I don't have a trace of him." or "I wasn't able to find him." All excuses to prolong the sentence. They'd even started to question his ability with the six eyes if he couldn't even find out where his best friend was.
He wasn't aware of the tear drop running down his cheek, quickly wiping it away before anyone who might've been lingering around caught a glimpse. Nobody needed to know that the strongest had a weakness when it came to Suguru, he was supposed to be indestructible. Untouchable. Every single part of that facade crumbled away the second that Suguru left, leaving simply the shell of the strongest sorcerer alive. No one else would perceive quite as well, he knew that much.
Suguru intertwined his hand with yours, the two of you walking out of the church in perfect synchrony. That was, until the two of you got outside. It was subtle, something that he shouldn't have even captured. But in the distance, he got a whiff of Satoru's residuals. He knew the scent just as much as he knew his own, unable to forget about it no matter how much he wanted to. "You okay?" you asked, waiting for him by edge of the car the two of you would take to the hotel.
He'd felt Satoru's presence throughout the last decade, never as overwhelming as this time though. It always felt like he caught a whiff of him too late, like he was just out of reach. He glanced around at the areas surrounding the church, wanting to see if he could catch up to Satoru before he'd left. All he saw were the photographers that you'd hired swarming around the two of you to catch your photos. He wondered if the photographers had even managed to capture any candid photos.
Either way, he'd find out soon enough.
"All good," he responded, walking over to you and taking your hand. Though he couldn't put his finger on why exactly Satoru had bothered to show up, he knew that he wouldn't face him alone. He opened the car door for you, making sure that every last bit of your dress had bunched up on the carpet before closing the door. The driver took off as soon as Suguru got in the car, heading to the hotel he'd been instructed to go.
The atmosphere of the room changed immediately when you and Suguru stepped into the room, his lips immediately claiming yours in a fervor. He kissed so desperately, like he needed to consume every last bit of you. It was more a clash of tongue and teeth, though it conveyed clearly what he'd been waiting for since the start of this ceremony. Even with the wedding band around your finger, he was determined to mark you up as his.
His teeth sunk into the skin of your neck just hard enough to leave a mark, his tongue following suit as a way to ease the sting. His hands rubbed small circles on your hips as he held you into place, his lips moving further down. He nipped at your collarbone, pressing a couple kisses here and there before moving onto your chest. The access was somewhat restricted due to the heavy material of your dress, but oddly enough, he managed to make it work.
Well that was, until he got tired of waiting. Part of him just wanted to go out and rip that wedding dress off but he knew that he'd be risking getting you mad within a couple hours of just being married to him. "I love you so so much," he sounded so utterly devoted, standing back up on his feet. He tilted your chin to face him, dipping his head down to give you a kiss. It was much less rushed than the previous ones you'd exchanged, yet just as needy. He probably wouldn't be able to last long like this.
Your wedding dress pooled at your feet when you got down on your knees, your hand sliding up to his crotch. The material of the dress pants he had on did little to conceal the bulge he was sporting. He let out a small hiss upon feeling you palm him, precum leaking onto the material of his boxers. You hadn't done much yet his cock was already begging for some type of release. "Already this hard?" Your voice came out almost like a purr, your touch barely there as you rubbed him through his pants.
"Don't tease me," he meant for his voice to come out more authoritative, though you could hear the subtle whine. You unzipped his pants, a wet spot in the middle of his boxers. It was surprising to see how much you still managed to affect him, even throughout all these years. You slid his boxers down, collecting the precum with your pointer finger before sticking it in your mouth. All whilst maintaining eye contact with him. If he thought he'd gone to heaven before, he was sorely mistaken.
This was his perfect version of heaven. There wasn't anything else that he needed at this moment, nothing more that he could ever ask for. He let out a groan when you finally took him in your mouth, your saliva coating the tip of his cock. "Oh fuck, don't stop," he was already a mess and you'd barely swirled your tongue around it. As much as you wanted to prolong this, your patience was wearing just as thin as his was. You bobbed your head on his cock, hollowing your cheeks out to get more of it in there.
Your tongue slid down to his frenulum, a shiver running down his spine at the sensation. "That's it, don't stop," his hand came to the back of your head, simply as a means of support. Your hands were smaller than his, but the way that they felt wrapped around his cock was angelic. You were jerking him off with one hand, the other fondling his balls as you sucked on the tip. The small moans you let out vibrated throughout his being, making it harder and harder to keep his composure.
He was willing himself to think about anything else other than just how good your mouth felt, think about the disgusting taste of curses. But your tongue always found a way to bring him back into the moment. "Don't go zoning out on me," you spoke up, your tongue running down a couple prominent veins before you went back to sucking him off. Hearing you gag around his cock, spit drooling down the corners of your mouth while your eyes teared up. "Would never oh shit do that."
He pulled your head to the side when he felt too close to cumming, his cheeks flushed. He felt a small shiver run up his spine when you licked a stripe up his shaft before you got up, his cock practically twitching with anticipation. "Can you help me take my dress off? Preferably without snapping all the buttons of," you asked him, turning around to give him access. "Sounds easy enough," he muttered as he stepped closer to you, his dick hitting his stomach when he moved.
How he wanted to swallow those words instantly. "Just give me a second to unbutton all this shit," he grumbled, his fingers starting to hurt after what seemed to be the twentieth button. He could've sworn more of them seemed to appear with each one that he unbuttoned, the task almost endless. "I'm not one to question your decisions but was there not one with less buttons?" he inquired, small crescents forming on his fingers by the time he got to the bottom.
"Well, yes. But I'd say the anticipation was worth it, was it not?" You looked over your shoulder, a teasing smile on your face. "My dick's about to fall off from how hard it is," he muttered, letting out a small sigh of relief when the dress slid down to pool around your feet. You were about to step away from it, instead getting lifted onto Suguru's arms in record time. He laid you down on the bed, spreading your legs open like you were a first course meal.
He slid down the white stockings with more care than you would've thought, you'd been expecting him to just rip them to shreds. He tossed them to the side, his lips returning back to your legs instantaneously. He began pressing small kisses against your shins, moving his way up to your inner thigh before doing the same with your other leg. "Don't tease me," you grumbled, feeling yourself leak down onto the expensive hotel bedsheets. "But you had fun teasing me, hm?"
"That's diff-oh mgh shit!" Your hands instantly flew to his hair as he licked a stripe up your cunt, your slick overwhelming every single one of his senses. Your eyes fluttered shut in pleasure, his tongue messily swirling against your folds before he stuck it inside of you. Hushed moans escaped from your lips, your nails surely digging into his scalp by now. "Hey, look at me," he stopped with his actions, waiting for you to follow his instructions before he continued once more. He looked up at you as he went to swirl his tongue against your clit, the sudden stimulation making you jerk up.
He was quick to push you back down, not willing to have anything disrupt him from his meal. His nose bumped your clit as he buried his tongue to the hilt inside of you, tasting every last drop that you had to give. He raised his head slightly, spitting down on your cunt before going back to sloppily making out with once more. "So fucking good, should just spend the honeymoon here," he groaned against your pussy, his tongue leaving your cunt. You wanted to complain about the sudden loss of contact but the words died out when you felt one of his fingers inside of you.
His tongue swirled around your clit, sucking and licking on the nub as it throbbed underneath his ministrations. His finger was busy on working you open, your slick coating it every time he pushed it back in. "Oh fuck," Your fingers dug in deeper into his hair as you moaned, the way that he'd curled his finger hitting your g-spot. He pushed in another finger, working them both at the same time in a scissoring motion to open you up. It'd take more than just that to get you to stretch enough for his cock though.
Your grip on his hair intensified and yet, he looked like he was almost relishing in the sting. He continued sucking on your clit with as much fervor as before, if not even more. "That's it, use my face," he managed to get out, moving his tongue at the same rhythm you were starting to move your hips. You could feel that orgasm building up rapidly, your walls clenching tightly around his fingers. "Fuck fuck fuck, I'm gonna cum!" Your moans sounded like the prettiest melody he's heard, so close to orgasming.
Your release coated his chin and mouth, his eyes gleaming as his tongue darted out to lick it away. His mouth licked at your folds and slit, eager to get any last drop that he might've missed. He licked away at the two fingers that had been inside of you, never quite getting enough of you. His hand wrapped around his cock once he'd stood up, slowly guiding himself to your pussy. "It'll fit, it always does," it was like he'd read your thoughts, assuring you before you even had to ask.
Suguru rubbed his cock through your folds, a thin sheen coat of your wetness illuminated by the dim hotel lights visible. His hand went over to yours, holding it as a form to anchor you. He wanted you to feel every sensation of the moments with him, rather than letting your mind run loose. His hips thrust forward, the tip in itself already causing a stretch. He leaned in, holding your hand as he used the other to guide himself further. While he was lengthy, the majority of his cock was just the width.
He had to will himself to maintain the last semblance of his self control while he waited for you to adjust, waiting for the furrow of your brows to disappear. He pulled out when he saw your expression relax, gently pushing in deeper this time around. "There you go, you got it," his tone was so much more different than the sting in between your legs. His thumb reached out, wiping away at the tear that'd made itself apparent. He started off slowly, trying to get you adjusted to the stretch before he developed an even pace.
Your walls clenched tightly around his cock, your slick coating his shaft every time he pushed back inside of you. The sound of your skin slapping together and your slick was enough to let anyone know what was happening in the room. Not that it mattered, though. You were too focused on the man hovering above you. "Kiss me please," you pleaded, his compliance almost immediate. His hips never faltered when he leaned in, capturing your lips in a desperate, messy kiss.
"Faster," your voice came out in a breathy moan, the wind getting knocked out of your lungs when his hips snapped against yours. Your pussy enveloped his cock so well, the tip managing to hit your g-spot with every thrust that he made. "Perfect pussy made just for me," he sounded just as needy as you, if not more. His hands came to your waist, his hips moving rapidly. His head leaned back, too overwhelmed in the way that your cunt was stretching around him just perfectly. "Just for you, Sugu! Just you!"
One of his hands went down to the bulge in your lower abdomen, pressing down on it. "Feel just how fucking deep I am?" he groaned, looking over at your frazzled state. You'd be lucky enough to have any coherent thoughts right now. "S-So deep!" you managed to get out, your voice uncharacteristically whiny. Then again, he was the only one that could reduce you into a puddle with only so much as a touch. His heavy balls slapped against your ass with every thrust, so ready to fill you up with his cum at any minute.
Your legs wrapped around his waist, your ankle digging into his ass to push him all the much closer to you. (As if he weren't nearly balls deep.) His thrusts got sloppier, solely focused on the mission of getting to his own orgasm. His hand came down to your clit, his thumb rubbing small circles on the bundle of nerves just to get you as close as he was. Though by the way your eyes rolled to the back of your head and the way you were gripping the bedsheets, he knew it wasn't much longer. "Fuck, right there!"
Your vision turned white as you came, your release leaking out of your cunt onto the bedsheets. He only managed to get one more thrust in before he was leaking inside of you, his cum painting your walls white. It twitched inside of you, his breath heavy as he tried to regain whatever bits of his composure he had left to maintain. He pushed any drops that were threatening to slip out with his cock before pulling out of you, careful not to stimulate you any further. "I'll be right back, hold on."
He went over to the bathroom, grabbing a fluffy white towel before slowly starting to clean you up. "You okay? You need a shower or anything?" He'd just come back with a water bottle, setting it down on the nightstand next to you. "Can you just hold me for a while?" You hadn't even finished speaking when he was already getting into bed with you, his arms wrapping around you. He held you tightly against his chest, kissing the top of your head. "I love you. Thank you for agreeing to be my wife."
Those moments of bliss were simply temporary. While Suguru had managed to clear up his schedule for the duration of your honeymoon with him, it was full the minute the two of you landed back in Tokyo. Of non sorcerers that needed curses to be absorbed, of payment plans that weren't being met. All tasks that kept you away from your husband. "After I'm finished with this last mission, you'll have me all to yourself again," he assured you all whilst pushing Playful Cloud into the worm he'd managed to tame.
"Please take care of yourself," was the last thing you'd told him before he went off on his mission, a chaste kiss placed on his lips. "I promise I'll be back before you know it," he whispered back to you, kissing you like it was the last time he'd get the chance to. Maybe if you would've known, you would've savored the feeling of lips against yours a little bit longer. Relished in just the warmth that his skin exuded against yours. Though you guessed that was the certain beauty of those moments, not knowing how many of them there would be exactly.
At least Gojo had been courteous enough to let you tag along to where he was planning on burying Suguru. It wasn't much, a sparse area covered in a heavy layer of snow but it would have to do. It was almost painful looking at him in this way, of knowing that he wouldn't be coming back home after this. You stayed by Suguru's side while Gojo dug up a whole, grunting to himself about how hard snow was to dig up throughout the process. "You idiot," you found yourself whispering to Suguru, unable to think of anything else to stay.
Though, in a way, it was somewhat befitting.
"Just give me a few more minutes please," you didn't need to look up to know that Gojo was behind you, waiting to honor Suguru in the same manner you were doing. Your hand held his tightly, the reflection of the sun peeking down on the golden band around his finger. You didn't have the heart to take it off, not that you'd know what to do with it regardless. You wanted to hold his corpse close to your body but you settled for just holding his hand throughout this process. So many unsaid things you had to say to him.
You just wanted to tell him that you loved him one last time. Forgive him for all the fights that the two of you had throughout the years, over silly stuff. You were starting to regret ever having gone silent after said arguments, wishing that you would've savored his presence instead. You weren't sure how long you were holding his hand for, but you moved away once you felt ready to. Satoru took your place on the floor, looking over at Suguru with the dullest expression you'd ever seen from him.
"You don't have to pretend in front of me. But if it makes you feel better, I can step away."
You walked through the thick layer of snow to form a distance between you and Satoru, watching over as the two interacted. Satoru's head hung low, hushed whispers that you couldn't quite make out escaping from his lips. He got up after a couple minutes, wiping away any stray tears that leaked out. Even if he wouldn't acknowledge them, you could still see the streak marks on his face.
You were pretty certain that you'd never love anyone the same way that you loved Suguru. No one else would be able to compare to him. To how it felt to wake up to him in the mornings, your body intertwined with his to the point where you couldn't tell where yours started and his ended. Of finding simple joy in waking up, knowing that he’d be right beside you or humming a quiet tune in the kitchen while he cooked breakfast for the two of you. Nothing else would ever compare to those moments.
So how exactly did you find yourself in Gojo Satoru's bedroom?
You'd gone over to his penthouse after you went off to get the girls some snacks, not willing yourself to be at home just yet though. It all just felt too empty. Like you didn't really belong there without Suguru. Gojo had welcomed you into his abode, letting you stay there as much as you needed to. "I have this bottle of some expensive wine Yaga gave me," was the last thing you remembered from the night before you ended up blacking out.
The mattress you found yourself waking up in was like a slice of heaven, your body just melting down onto the plushness of it. As nice as the bed you had with Suguru was, you didn't remember it ever being this soft. Your eyes fluttered as you opened them, a steady pounding throbbing behind your skull. Not only did you wake up with a splitting headache but you woke up in a different room than your own. Wearing someone else's clothes apparently.
Surely, you couldn't have slept with someone else? You were certain that you would've probably burst out into tears before any action happened. Still, your judgement was severely faulty when alcohol was involved.
"Get your mind out of the gutter, we didn't do anything," Gojo's voice broke you out of the idea, a small sigh of relief escaping from your lips. While you still had no idea why you were wearing just his shirt, at least you hadn't slept with him. "So then what exactly did we do?" You decided it'd be the appropriate question to ask, still left wondering why exactly you'd been changed out of your clothing. Though the subtle pounding that seemed to rattle your skull was a good indicator.
"You got too drunk off some wine last night, spent half the night babbling and crying about how you missed Suguru. Spent the other half of the night dancing on my very expensive coffee table until you broke it. Then you wanted to be a cowg-"
"Okay, I think I got it, thanks." Just the recollection of those events was starting to make you debate never having another drop of alcohol again.
"You don't have to go home just yet," he spoke up before you had a chance to get up from his bed, turning to face you. "I don't want to overstay my welcome, plus I'm sure you have business trips to attend to and whatnot," you tried to dismiss his concerns, getting up from his bed. You quickly pushed the shirt down before it ended up exposing you. Just the thing you'd need to make this situation all the much better.
"I wouldn't be asking if I planned on leaving you alone. Stay a while," he reiterated, making it hard for you to find an excuse to leave even if you wanted to. Well that, and the sheer softness of the mattress underneath you. It truly did feel like you were floating on a cloud. "That's if you want to, of course. But we could spend a couple more minutes in bed, share some breakfast when you get up," he added, surely in a last minute attempt to not come off as too desperate.
You pulled the blanket back over yourself, letting out a small sigh when you sunk back into the mattress. "I'm saying yes solely because of the breakfast and the bed," you muttered, looking up at the ceiling to avoid looking at him. You weren't sure if you could ever face him normally after what happened. "Well that and the excellent company you have," he responded, letting out a yawn as he got comfortable too. "Debatable."
"I know you're lonely without Suguru. And it's a lot to raise two kids by yourself, so I'm asking if you want a companionship," you raised a brow, turning to look over at him just to make sure you weren't getting the wrong implication. Even if that was the least romantic way to ask someone for a relationship. "We don't have to do anything intimate if you don't want to. It'd be just for the title," he added, turning his head in your direction.
Even considering the idea seemed like a betrayal to Suguru.
"What do you mean by companionship exactly?"
"You'd be able to live here with the girls and you'd be appearing to events as my date. I won't coerce you into anything you're not comfortable doing. Just two people living in a home together."
"Why?" It was just the tip of the iceberg of the multitude of questions that you had for him. But it was the one that seemed the more reasonable to ask right now.
He twirled a snowy strand around his pointer finger, looking up at the ceiling before glancing over at you. "Well, I imagine Suguru would want you to be taken care of. Something that I could accomplish. And I need something to get the higher ups off my back."
"And no romance involved?"
"Absolutely none, nope."
"Alright, sure."
The relationship that you established with Gojo felt more like an agreement rather than the culmination of shared feelings towards each other. While the two of you tolerated each other enough to be friends, you didn't feel any connection towards him. Not much more than simply laughing at a couple jokes or tolerating his existence better than most, anyways. Though you weren't exactly sure if the other members from jujutsu society really cared about all that. To them, marriage was simply just a matter of status and power.
You weren't sure what he was looking for in this arrangement, if he just wanted some solace from the pressures set on him or he wanted some kind of an actual relationship. Every time the question was on the tip of your tongue, you couldn't bring yourself to ask it. A part of you wanted to ask why confine himself to a relationship with you when there were plenty of women who'd be willing to throw themselves at his feet.
So many questions that you couldn't bring yourself to ask him. So many questions that would remain unanswered.
You slept in the room furthest to his, next to a stuffed bear that Suguru had gotten for you at a fair along with one of his shirts that still managed to smell like a mixture of his cologne and fabric softener. A shirt that you refused to wash, needing his scent around you just a bit longer. Just until you were ready to let go. The girls slept in the room next to you, each carrying a little memento from the cabin. Something to make the desolate space feel more like home. Even if what made a house a home wasn't present anymore.
Satoru kicked a rock as he walked out of the meeting with the elders, his hands in his pockets. The elders had caught whiff of his new relationship (not that he'd ever call it that) and started prodding into the themes of marriage and of an heir. All the topics that he would've liked to avoid for as long as possible. All the topics that made him nauseous whenever he thought of pursuing them with you. Of having to run his hands through your body, pretending to enjoy the sensation just to give the clan what they need.
He could go along with a wedding, right? Right. Well, it didn't exactly matter if he could. He knew that he needed to. He needed something that would make the higher ups stop condemning him, stop condemning his choices. He'd make a big show out of it, invite all the different members of jujutsu society just to have them all shut up. First, he had to figure out a way to prompt the question though. Something that would get people to talk. Maybe he could do it tonight while the two of you were out at dinner.
"You look lovely tonight," the words felt less forced the more that he said them, extending his hand out to help you in the car. "Thank you," you responded, giving him a smile as you stepped foot out of the car. You took his hand, a featherlight grip on it as he led you inside of the restaurant. The whole thing just screamed expensive, from the chandeliers on the ceiling to just the food items on the menu. About 30 different ways to cook a piece of meat and caviar. Just a subtle reminder of how much Satoru differed from you.
"How was work?" You decided to ask after a couple minutes of uncomfortable silence, hoping that it'd be an easy enough topic. "Went to fourteen different funerals," he deadpanned, your eyes widening a little in surprise before he burst out laughing. "Sorry, just had to tease. We don't even get funerals, really. But work was alright," Gojo shrugged, taking a sip from the bright pink juice he'd ordered. You weren't even sure what that concoction was- a mix of dragonfruit and melon?
One thing did stand out to you though. The mention of no funerals. That'd been one of the things Suguru had said to you in passing before, making you wonder if they shared the same views or if he'd just heard it in passing. "And that doesn't bother you?" you decided to ask, waiting for him to finish taking a sip of his drink. "The funeral thing? I mean, it really bothers me when it's about people I care about. But for me, personally, no. I'm in people's minds either way," he responded, a cocky grin on his face afterwards.
"Ah, of course. The everlasting legacy of Satoru Gojo will outlive even the end of sorcery." You could hardly resist rolling your eyes as you spoke.
You'd been busy biting into your food, almost missing when Satoru spoke up. He rolled his eyes before repeating himself. "Do you want to get married?" He popped the question in the middle of dinner, his slender fingers holding a black velvet box. He popped it open, exposing one of the biggest diamonds that you ever had the pleasure of seeing. The light above the two of you casted down on the ring, a flurry of rainbow colors surrounding the two of you. And even so, you'd be lying to yourself if you said you felt the same excitement as you did when Suguru proposed.
"Sure, why not," you responded, extending your hand out to Gojo. He brought the ring up to your finger, sliding it on carefully. Maybe he should've asked for your ring size first. And maybe he shouldn't have thought about how he didn't have to ask Suguru for his. "Sorry," he muttered, noticing that the ring wouldn't exactly go past your knuckle. He had half the mind to force it in there, but he decided to just slide back off and put it down on the table.
"Don't worry about it. I'll just wear it as a necklace," you couldn't help but feel a bit tacky as you put the ring in your pocket, the atmosphere in the restaurant tense. "Should we clap?" You heard in the background, amongst a couple of other chatters who were debating if this was a joyous moment. You wished they'd decided on the latter, uncomfortable by the sounds of clapping and hoots ringing in your ears.
You looked over at Gojo, noticing some of the same discomfort on his face though he was able to hide it with much ease. You couldn't miss the way that his lips twitched, almost contorting into a frown before he pushed way to force it into a smile. Always the entertainer, he gave out his thanks and a small bow. "Oh, thank you," he smiled at the waitress when she set down a slice of congratulatory cake, a small candle sparkling in front of it. He blew out the candle, setting it to the side before starting to eat the cake.
While you'd been responsible for making plans of what venue to use and the color scheme of the decorations, all Gojo had done was simply pass his card whenever you brought up one of the costs. At least he did it without batting an eye though. "Is that supposed to be expensive?" he asked with a teasing grin when you'd pointed out that the venue had run you no less than fifty grand. Even when the dress you originally picked out was a hundred grand, he convinced you to pick a more expensive one. To paint the picture of happiness.
The only thing that he brought himself to actually participate in was the day of the cake tasting, practically engulfing the samples in record time. "The red velvet one's pretty good, pretty sweet too," you pointed out, waiting to hear Gojo's opinion on the cakes. He turned towards the register, wiping any spare cake crumbs from the corners of his mouth. "We'll take them all, actually," he told the baker, getting up to go fill out the rest of the order.
You could see the panic on the baker's eyes as the order went through, surely wondering how they'd be able to bake some many pastries with such a time constraint. "Are you sure we need all these cakes?" you asked him pointedly, noticing that most of them were ordered to be made for ten people or more. Though you held no doubt that Gojo was more than capable of eating them all in one sitting. At one point, you just had to wonder what this man's blood sugar was.
"Yes, we do. I'm willing to pay you extra for any troubles this may cause," he turned to look at the baker when he said the last part, taking his wallet from his pocket. You were willing to bet that half the guests wouldn't even eat a slice of cake, leaving most of the latter towards the two of you. Well, mostly towards Gojo if you had to bet. He finished up a negotiation with the woman, giving her the details to the venue before making his way out with you. "I'd say that went fairly well, no?"
Gojo could feel himself getting anxious towards the date of the wedding, though he did his best to conceal it. He couldn't go through with this, could he? Well, maybe it could be an arranged marriage of sorts. Even that wasn't a reassuring thought, knowing how he had to fight tooth and nail with the higher ups to prevent that situation from even happening. But maybe he could force himself into enjoying the idea of romance with you. He'd forced himself out of worse situations anyways.
After all, it'd been proven time and time again that the longer he pretended to do something, the less it'd feel like he was pretending in the end.
He tried. He really did.
He forced himself to enjoy every caress of your fingers, the ghosting feeling of your lips when you kissed him, those intimate moments that never escalated into something more. But he failed. The feeling wasn't one that he savored at all, it was one that haunted him even through the darkness of the night. Every 'I love you' he'd told you had been a complete lie. He didn't love you.
He loved Suguru. The only person that was able to reach the depths of his soul and understand him, the only person that his heart yearned to be next to. If Suguru loved you, then why couldn't he bring himself to share the same sentiment with you? He yearned to be so badly with Suguru that he willed himself into getting married just because you got to experience that love. He’d lied to himself for years by saying he was happy Suguru found happiness with you, what’s a couple more years of lying?
In a way, he thought it would be like Suguru loving him. But he was so mistaken. He knew it wouldn't be the same, no matter how many times he tried to get you to act like him. You just.. didn't understand him at the same level Suguru did. It just felt like more of a disrespect now than anything. He only wished he'd had this realization before standing at the altar next to you.
He could practically hear the conversations that would follow, criticizing his ability as heir and ability to be able to lead the Gojo clan. It was what they'd done when news of Suguru broke out, anyways. And yet.. he couldn't bring himself to do this to please the clan. He just couldn't.
"Do you take her as your spouse?" The father prodded after receiving no response the first time, expectant eyes landing on him. Hushed whispers were heard throughout the pews, questioning the whole validity of the situation. If only the bastards knew. He glanced over at you, an expectant gaze on your face as you waited for his answer. After all, it'd been his idea in the first place. Yes. Yes. Just say yes already.
"I'd like to object," his voice echoed through the empty church, unable to meet your gaze. If he had, he would've been able to see the way your shoulders slumped down a little in relief. Truth was, if he wouldn't have done it, then maybe you would've. Just the idea of living a lie to be rid of your solitude didn't seem too pleasing anymore, even if you were surrounded by grand quantities of money. He calmly walked down from the podium, making his way of the church and letting the doors slam on the way out.
Your feet felt stuck to the ground as you tried to urge yourself to move, wanting to run after him. What would you even say, though? Demand him for some kind of answer? Demand him for an answer that you already knew at the back of your head? That he was doing this for the same reason that you were? You knew that you were in position to demand anything from him, just as much as he couldn’t demand anything from you.
You could feel the pity emanating from the people at the stands, pity that you weren't exactly sure you even deserved. This would surely be the talk between sorcerers for days to come if their gazes are anything to go by. They all looked like they were begging for this to escalate into something further even if their visible faux pout tried to imply otherwise.
They waited for a scandal, a show, a spectacle, anything that would be worth talking about.
But no.
"Sorry for wasting your time father," was all that you said before making your way down the altar, walking through the aisle. You imagined this moment would've been with Satoru at your side, congratulating cheers following the two of you out of the church. Instead, all you were received by was an overwhelming silence. The photographers that were placed outside had already left the venue, surely by Gojo's order. Well, at least it was one less thing to handle.
You looked around for any spots that stood out to you, noticing a bar across the street. A little ironic that a bar was right in front of a church but you weren't up to question it now. Though Gojo had expressed how much he disliked the taste of alcohol on various different occasions, you figured that was the first place he thought to hide in. You crossed the street, stepping in front of the entrance.
You hoped that the patrons couldn't see you from the inside, that they were blissfully unaware to the way that you paced around near the entrance as you willed yourself to go inside. It's not like you and Gojo were on bad terms either way, right? You wiped your sweaty palms on the material of your poofy dress (courtesy of Gojo: "The bigger the dress, the bigger the love." Whatever that means) before stepping inside of the bar.
At the end of the counter, Gojo idly messed around with the straw of his club soda. The scent of piss and beer made its way up your nose, reminding you that you were terribly out of place. You pulled your dress up to where it wouldn't drag on the floor, some jeers about being a Disney princess shot your way by some of the other patrons. You sat down next to Gojo, handing the ring necklace back to him. It took him a couple seconds to pick it up, shoving it into one of his pockets.
"I think we were getting married for the wrong reason completely. I'm sorry I didn't realize it before making you look like a fool," he told you, unable to maintain eye contact. He was waiting for some kind of reaction, but instead all he got was your silence. At least your stiletto didn't end up lodged in any part of his body. (He was silently praying it wouldn't resort to that.) Yeah, you definitely understood him on this matter. "Don't worry about it. I'm sorry too, I should've said something before we got here."
"To not getting married," he spoke up, passing you a glass of whiskey. There was no need for words, no need for him to elaborate why he'd done why he'd done. The two of you sought out solitude in each other's loneliness, not exactly the best starting point for a loving relationship.
"To not getting married," you clinked your glass against him before downing the liquor, reveling in the way your throat burned when it went down. The two of you shared a couple rounds, cracking a few jokes when the bartender came over to ask why the two of you were in here instead of getting married.
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triglycercule · 18 days
what do you think of murder time trio poly
i thought someone would never ask.
murder time trio poly is like the sun is to a plant. me being the plant of course. without it i simply could not live a satisfactory life and would die out. i have so much to say about them
see now WHY is the ship so damn good?? because they're practically made for each other without even knowing it like hello why are these three characters with the same origin point so perfect for eachother despite having different backstories and personalities. the creators were all across the world yet these three fit so well together you might as well think that SAS rahafwabas and askdusttale communicated telepathically to place all these parallels and dynamics into theri aus. they have so much chemistry together even when theyre not being shipped it's unreal. you will never see them apart in art because they're the mtt. they literally have their own trio name that's how iconic they are together (they mightve stolen it from the bad time trio but its ok its ok they deserve it). you don't see any other characters beings referred to those names aside from the bad sanses and star sanses so that just shows how awesome they are together
they don't even have to be in love to be good with eachother like hello. even in their duos theyre so good for eachother but it feels incomplete without all three. and the best part is that they don't even know eachother canonically so it's completely up to personal interpretation how you think they would be together. like canon is already juicy enough already but theres still so many other interpretations based on aus or headcanons or literally just who is thinking about them (i love seeing other people's interpretations of the mtt because its always so different. you will never find two versions of them that are the same from two different people)
dust and killer have their beef with eachother where they hate the other for what theyve done but it's onesided mostly from dust. dust doesn't like him but he tries to avoid him (canonically. ya i read the dusttale blog and you should too) and yeah killer has a grudge against him because dust is an asshole but he just keeps bothering him and getting up into his business because hes curious and needs entertainment to distract himself and slowly but surely they start warming up to eachother and become frienemies. they will NEVER truly become full friends because they simply are too traumatized to do so. dust will always resent killer for teaming up with the human and killer will never be able to get dust to forgive him because he is permanently stuck as killer sans but they can try. they can try to be friends even if they fucking hate eachothers guts. they can stab eachother and then go patch themselves up. they won't help the other tend to their wounds but they will offer some offhand comments here and there if killer misses a gash or dust forgets about a bone he needs to fix. this is as healthy as they get but it's okay. the mutual rage is what makes kist work
like kist horror and dust don't like eachother either. it's a mutual thing for all three of them that they fucking hate eachother. but unlike kist (or horrorkiller aswell) horrordust are the "nicest" to each other. dust pities horror. he feels bad that horror had to go through something terrible all at the hands of a human just like he did. he knows that horror did some questionable things (why in horror's not so right mind did he think feeding papyrus HUMAN FLESH was a good idea. he understands why and all but it still upsets him) but it's not like dust will comment on it. dust doesn't have the right to after all the bullshit he did. but horror hates this he hates that dust pities him. he KNOWS what he did was wrong and he absolutely resents being reminded of what he did, or even getting the slightest bit of pity for himself (because nobody should feel bad for him especially after all he did. he doomed the underground and ruined his papyrus and changed everyone for the worse out of rage). horror and dust mutually avoid eachother (dust out of respect and horror out of disrespect 💀💀) but they eventually have a few interactions. they get along FINE. they have some passive aggressive bickering mostly started by horror and dust fires back but overall their relationship is courteous. they do get into fights but unless both of them are in a REALLY bad mood theyll likely just leave the other before it gets physical. they would get along fine if they could just fucking trust eachother but they don't. that tension will always be there where they judge eachother
horrorkiller is similar to kist. except not. like with dust, horror probably really doesn't like killer for similar reasons and killer probably bothers horror out of curiosity too. except the way they react is different from kist/horrordust. horror doesn't explode like dust does when killer riles him up. instead he just insults him back passive aggressively with no fire behind it because he knows that killer's just looking for entertainment (he also thinks killer's below him. probably.) killer is ngl intrigued by this. he wants to know what will make horror snap just like dust does at him. so he tries to make his insults more and more mean, but horror can actually spit back without getting mad and it bothers killer. he tries sabotage (pranks) but it turns out that horror likes pranks. what will it take for killer to piss him off??? (it's insulting actions like killing a papyrus literally infront of horror and making it a mockery it's disrespecting food in front of horror with intent to piss him off etc etc) but it takes killer a long ass time to figure this out and by then hes kinda become somewhat decent friends with horror (friendsISH. a canonesque murder time trio will never truly become friends with eachother)
"okay but triglycercule you fiend. none of this is about murder time trio POLY. this is about them as friends and you should never speak again." i hear you disembodied voice in my head but let me tell you this: mttpoly is literally just them as friends. and you wannanknow why its because of qprs. yaaaa personally i don't think that a canonesque mtt would be anything more than a qpr. dust wouldnt be interested in romantic partners (i think dusttale blog said that. dusttale blog i love you.) horror would rather die and have bis corspe fed to undyne than even think of doing anything non plstonic with either of those losers and killer just does not give a damn about the specifics of their relationship (because he's cool like that) and ya sure there are versions of them out there who might be more than a QPR and i wholeheartedly love those idas because i love these three but my personal canon(ish. nothing is truly canon unless it comes out of the holy mtt trinity of creators) interpretations. also none of this even considers the whole boatload of aus and personal hcs and other stuff that other contexts and people who can take these templates of characters that have never met and make them into something amazing with their interactions
but yeah. i just think theyre neat
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soloquel · 4 months
you're asked at the dinner table what your favorite marine animal is and you say, "i don't know, dolphins maybe?" and levi just bolts out of his seat and leaves the room so quickly you need five seconds to process that, and by the time you do, he's back with an entire power point presentation which he projects onto the wall so that he can teach your uneducated, naive ass about WHY you should pick ANY animal in the ocean EXCEPT those damn fucking traitors. and you're gonna listen.
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skeletalheartattack · 6 months
Devil bottles takes control of your dog for revenge clawing and biting its horrible
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not my fuckin dog man leave him out of this
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chaldeanuu · 8 days
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puppyeared · 11 months
How'd Augusta end up being radioactive? :o
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A second chance.
// suicidal themes below
Augusta originally worked as a part time astronaut at a Star Depot, which collected star Fragments and sent them back to earth to be used as fuel similar to nuclear power.
Augusta wasn’t really in a good place at the time while working there. She never had any kind of big ambition in life and wanted to live life peacefully, but knew that “getting by” isn’t enough for her to survive. People around her kept expecting so much of her that she didn’t know what to tell them.
Working as an astronaut helps take her mind off things at first, but then she starts to feel worse. She doesn’t get invited out to things, but she doesn’t really make any effort to try, and relatives are asking how she’s doing and she doesn’t know what to tell them without it turning into a lecture. and over time it piles up
First she starts asking for more shifts handling and shipping the stars. Then she asks to do overtime. And finally one day she finds a tiny Fragment on the floor.
The thing about Fragments is that they change your body and can make you very sick if youre near them for too long.
Tomorrow would be a holiday and the building would be closed. The Shift manager, who promised to close up, left early for drinks with coworkers. So she was the only employee working.
So she picks up the star and swallows it expecting to die. But instead her hair turns pink and the dust around her floats, and when she breathes no air comes out. The Star fused to her body and latched to her heart.
Basically, her suicide attempt gave her her own way to live and pink hair as a bonus lol
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Here’s what her hair looked like before and after The Incident <3
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cashweasel · 2 months
Okay, I need to know more about Gideon and Valen. I (now) know they're OCs, but from what fandom? What are they like? How did they meet? (Of course, pace yourself if this volley of questions is too much, lmao)
HIIII omg thank you so much for your ask hehe I totally don’t wait for people to ask about them or anything djdjskskjdjd 💗💗💗💗💗💗
They’re my ocs yes! Not from any fandom just my brain lol they exist in a fantasy verse (and also a modern au that I’m very obsessed with)
Their moms are very close besties!! and when they had kids they also became besties fjdkdkdjd (so basically they’ve been besties since birth yes, besties since the womb even)
Valen is royalty and lowkey the black sheep of his family he’s loud, chaotic, charming and unhinged, Gideon is the same but emo kdjsjdjdksk (and shy sometimes) and later becomes the general of his armies
They basically go through their entire lives together and they’re very dependable on each other which is a huge part of their story. Valen has a magical disability that can be very dangerous to him and others and gideon is a victim of DV so they take turns taking care of each other and for a long time they were each other’s only friend
They grew really close which created feelings, they had their first kiss -which valen rejects and runs away from 💀- when they were teens for which gideon apologizes and responds to by building impenetrable emotional walls that lasts a lifetime all while valen is trying to gaslight him into believing Nothing happened fhdjskdj.
Several years of pining and clawing their way out of the depths of repression hell they Finally kiss for real and their happiness and planning for their future is definitely not cut short by a devastating incident or anything 👍
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mx-yip-yip-hooary · 12 days
i think tumblr is eating your activity notifications. i see you reblog a post on the dash and oh you reblogged it from ME?? but i didnt get a notification??? hmm
anyway i am going through the omori brainrot. cant stop listening to the soundtrack (WORLDS END VALENTINE WORLDS END VALENTINE WORLDS END VALENTINEEEEEE!!!). cant stop thinking about basil. i played part of the last section again and went through one of the neutral endings (the abandon end i think). i also replay some blackspace rooms sometimes bc i made have a save there. im soooo not ok
i fucking love worlds end valentine its so bouncy and everything i associate with pixel game boss ost. also theres a really cool remix on youtube: https://youtu.be/AZmminJ9pZo?si=CoM7MyEb2NVr-sSq (World end valentine manic ver) (this guy also makes a lot of cool omori songs so. check em out =])
the neutral endings fuck me up. a lot of people say theyre sadder endings then the bad ending, and to a degree i agree. like—at least with the true ending, sunny TRIED to confront his demons. with the neutral endings, he was so close to healing but ultimately. was just unable to.
blackspace,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, <- spinning it in a microwave
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camerabitchsmile · 4 days
what are some of your interests outside of ts?
Oh if we're talking music: I love Halsey, Lorde, Hozier, Beyonce, Fletcher, Rihanna, some other bands too many to mention and a lot of OPM (Original Pinoy Music, where Pinoy is a local term for Filipino).
I love reading books but currently I'm on a reading slump :( if you have suggestions/ recs i am more than happy to put them on my to read list!
I also love watching wlw shows or movies! I've been collecting them since forever gkdjdjjd. My top wlw shows are Killing Eve, The Haunting of Bly Manor, Atypical (there are lots more i am forgetting them rn) and wlw movies my faves are The Handmaiden, Portrait of a Lady on Fire, etc
I am also excited for House of the Dragon this June. I know there's a lot of NUANCE around the Game of Thrones realm but, get this: DRAGONS <3
I also love journaling while drinking my iced matcha latte to relax after poking people with needles at work lol
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omg ari i would love a bingo 🥹🥹
ALEXIS MY BELOVEDDDD i’m shaking you so hard rn….….. pls take a seat here r your refreshments 🍨🍧🍦🧋 <3333 I LOVE YOUUU
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guiiay · 1 year
I'm loving your art. You say it's mostly reposting so is there an older blog with more? It's just the first time I see you in ny dash.
nope, I'm just posting older stuff from my other socials! it's the same @ on twitter and instagram :)
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pink-tk-a-latte · 9 days
THIS IS NEARLY A WEEK LATE … but if you still wanna do the ask question game thing,
9, 12 and/or 13 (depending on what you feel like answering, neither is okay too!! :D ), and 21?
- 🎀
OF COURSE I DO!!! Always fun to answer questions!!
9. I hop in my big comfy bed and either watch YouTube or a show until I feel sleepy or read a book to get away from the screen!!
12. Kokomi/Venti (Genshin), Kanade (PJSK), Wylan/Jesper (Six of Crows) >:)
13. Lucy (BSD), Chisato (Lycoris Recoil), Sumire (TBHK) mwlakskjqlaka
21. Japan for sure! Also the Philippines (I’ve already been but it’s been so longggggg) and somewhere like the Netherlands!! (it’s gorgeous there aksjkakaka)
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kiwiorcore · 4 months
tomii hi!! hope you're good and i just wanted to know what you thought about the whole hamilton to ferrari thing? i still don't know much about f1 but even i felt like this was really important 😭 and i love reading anything you say too lol so it's better from you than anyone else 🫶🏽🫶🏽 also unrelated but please talk about tennant's macbeth i'll send another ask if i have to, i'm so curious!! love you and i hope you're doing well!!
hii! sorry for the late response
honestly i don’t think the reality of lewis moving to ferrari has well and truly set in. it’s just a bit confusing for me why he’s doing it cause merc doesn’t stink that badly and ferrari isn’t that good either. i don’t have anything insightful to say it’s just kinda like ‘wait is this seriously happening?’
spoilers for david tennant’s macbeth under the cut i guess??? can you really spoil macbeth?
so my drama teacher chose this production for out live performance review and oh my god was it good. like where do i even start
the staging was so good i loved it so much. i liked the like glass enclosure they had behind the stage. it was such an interesting staging decision. the lighting as well was sooo good. it’s such a joy to analyse. the live music they had added so much to the production it would have not been the same without it
someday i wish to be like max webster because only he could’ve come up with the idea to use binaural sound for the whole production. the witches at the beginning??? i jumped i loved them so much
david tennant was so good for the role of macbeth. he’s got a very insane look about him and he plays macbeth really well
on the topic of macbeth, cush jumbo played lady macbeth so well. i loved lady macbeth in this actually. everything about her made her feel like and outsider from her northern accent when the others had scottish accents and the fact she was the only one wearing white. just ugh i love it
malcolm and macduff had bigger roles in this production than others. i wish ross did as well because i love moyo akande but oh well. the time she was on she was really good she’s literally my idol
the actors playing malcolm and macduff must have had bills due during the scene ross comes and tells macduff his wife and kids are dead because that was the make gut wrenching thing i’ve ever watched. noof ousellam (macduff) portrayed macduff’s emotions so well and ros watt (malcolm) really convincingly made himself seem as if he was on the brink of tears
speaking of ros watt, omg ros watt. i loved everything about him. his physicality during the 2nd prophecy, his pleading with macduff, god everything was perfect. ros watt was perfect to play malcolm especially considering he’s smaller than the rest of the cast. just delicious. he’s got those big sad eyes that i love
noof ousellam as well. big massive sad eyes like that’s baby girl (he’s over six feet tall). when he was all up in malcolm’s face shouting, dear god i loved it. my little pea brain starting whirring. something about their height difference does it for me.
this is getting long so let me finish quickly. lady macduff, her screams were fucking bone chilling. the porter was so funny. his actor does really well in comedies. banquo was so fit omg. the child actor they had playing like all the children (and he died so many times poor kid) was surprisingly good as well
i desperately want to write about this version of macbeth/the cast (the guy playing donalbain has a podcast called putting it together and his interviews with the other cast members are really good) but i fear no one actually gives a shit
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puppyeared · 1 year
Fun fact: whenever I see you in my dash it makes me super happy to see how far your art has come :> but also just happy to see that you're doing well!!
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pupkashi · 3 months
satoru loves yapping [to you]
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satoru was always chatty, shoko could definitely attest to that statement, subjected to too many conversations she definitely did not care about.
“isn’t it hotter than usual? i swear last year it was colder around this time of year-” he began, continuing to talk as shoko tried to focus instead on healing an injured itadori in front of her.
it seemed that his chatty characteristic only amplified when you were around, his eyes would visibly brighten, practically gleaming when you appeared in his eyesight.
“sweetheart! how are you? staying cold in this heat?” you can help but smile at him, walking straight into his already outstretched arms and squeezing his waist a bit, pressing a soft peck to his cheek before pulling away.
“heat? it feels so good out today!” you sigh happily, waving yellow to shoko and itadori, “it is hotter than last year though I’ll tell you that,” satoru grins at your words, turning to shoko with a flint in his eyes before turning back to you.
“that’s what I said! global warming is getting too severe-” the two of you walking out hand in hand, the taller man still talking as you listened intently.
satoru never felt the need to be quiet around you, always finding things to talk about no matter the task or the hour.
“and so you would think that since they were doing so bad they would think of making changes right?” you nod along, humming so he knows you’re listening, “but no! they keep going with same stupid strategy and it’s so frustrating as a fan to see, i just want him to achieve his dreams,” he sighs sadly.
“can you pass the salt?” you ask, taking it from his much larger hand, thanking him before speaking up again, “why does he keep resigning if they always treat him so poorly?” you ask, satoru smiles, heart warming at the fact that you really do pay attention to him.
“he’s always wanted to win with Ferrari- let me take you back to the beginning” he begins, giving you a summary of charles leclerc’s life as you finish cooking dinner.
you could always tell when he got a bit insecure of how talkative he was, but you’d always smile at him, urging him to go on. “and then what? why’d you stop talking?” you’d say, making him smile widely before quietly starting again.
“I’m listening, angel boy,” you mumble in between dreams, listening to him talk about how orange juice isn’t the same as it was when he was growing up and how the new game he downloaded was more complicated than it seems.
it could be nearing 2 in the morning but you wouldn’t mind, satoru would be discussing how and why wombats have cube shaped poops and how koalas eat eucalyptus and pandas have half a brain cell they don’t bother to use.
“it has no real nutritional value and that’s why they have to eat so much of it,” he mumbles, eyes drooping as he cuddles closer to you.
“aren’t they made to digest meat?” you whisper, head tucked into the crook of his neck, your breath running a chill down his spine.
“think so, dunno” he mumbles back, breathing evening out before he’s fully asleep.
your eyes open slowly as you crane your neck, his pink lips slightly parted as he takes soft breaths, snowy hair pointing every which way.
you can’t help but smile at your lover.
“goodnight pretty boy” you whisper, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek, “my little yapper,” you chuckle to yourself, already looking forward to what he’d talk about tomorrow.
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a/n: hi friends ! just a quick little something i put together bc i miss satoru so bad lately </3 he’s def a yapper and i want to hear him talk all day and night
taglist (send an ask to be added!): @chilichopsticks @anime-for-the-sleepless @safaia-47 @nanamikentoseyebags @fushironi @nineooooo @the-mom-friend-dot-com @gojoshooter @sat6ru @beautiful-is-boring @sweetheart-satoru @luna0713hunter @torusmochi
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