#thaleia writes
khaire-traveler · 4 months
The Nine Muses
This is a very simple post about the Muses in hopes of explaining who they are, what their domains are, and some things they may be able to help with. This post isn't a deep dive by any means - just a simple introduction. Enjoy!
Who are the Muses?
The Muses, or Mousai, are goddesses of inspiration for various creative, scientific, and poetic endeavors. They were believed to also have knowledge of all things that have come to pass, remembering events with clarity that mortals could not hope to have. Their names are Kalliope, Kleio, Ourania, Thaleia, Melpomene, Polymnia, Erato, Euterpe, and Terpsikhore.
In total, there are nine Muses. The god Apollon was often believed to be the leader of the Muses, having a very close connection with them. The goddess Artemis was also paired with them.
Their origin and family varied depending on the source, but the most common notion was that Zeus and Mnemosyne are their parents and that they were born at the foot of Mount Olympus. Some other possible parents are Ouranos and Gaia, Zeus and Plousia, Pieros and Antiope, or even Apollon.
Poets of the past used to invoke the names of the Muses in hopes of gaining inspiration and the ability to gracefully convey their words. When a connection was drawn between them and Apollo, they were also known for their prophetic abilities as well, even being said to teach the art of prophecy.
What are each of their domains?
Kalliope - The eldest of the Muses, she is the goddess of eloquence and epic poetry. She is often considered the mother of Orpheus. She was depicted with a tablet, a scroll, or (later on) a lyre. Her name has been translated to mean "beautiful-voiced".
Kleio - Wise and intelligent, she is named the goddess of history. In art, she was often depicted with an open scroll or chest full of books. Her name was translated as "to make famous".
Ourania - Associated with the stars, she is the goddess of astronomy and astronomical writings. She has been depicted pointing at a celestial globe with a rod, but I wasn't able to find more information on her symbols. Her name means "heavenly one".
Thaleia - A goddess that helps bring joy to the world, she is the goddess of comedy and bucolic poetry. She was also considered to be the mother of the Korybantes (a group of seven demigods). She was often depicted with a comedy mask, a shepherd's staff, or a wreath of ivy. Her name has been translated as "festivity" or "blooming".
Melpomene - Holding a domain more somber than the Muse above, she is the goddess of tragedy. She was named the mother of the Sirens by Apollodorus. She was depicted with a tragedy mask, a sword, a wreath of ivy, or cothurnus boots. Her name likely means "to celebrate with song (and dance)".
Polymnia - With a name meaning "many hymns" or "many praises", it's no surprise that she's the goddess of religious hymns. She was often portrayed in a meditative pose.
Erato - A Muse that needs no introduction, she is the goddess of erotic poetry and mime. She was often portrayed with a lyre. Her name means "lovely" or "beloved".
Euterpe - Likely full of rhymes and reasons, she is the goddess of lyric poetry. She was often depicted with a double flute. Her name likely means "well pleasing" or "giver of much delight".
Terpsikhore - Filled with music, she is the goddess of choral song and dancing. She was often depicted with a lyre and plectrum. Her name has been translated to "delighting in dance".
Kalliope - Speaking presentations, writing essays, script reading, reading/writing informational posts/articles/etc., interpreting poetry, poetry writing/reading, sharing your own poetry, communicating clearly with others, important conversations, coping with conflicts, addressing conflicts, making peace with others.
What are some things they can help with specifically?
***These are merely suggestions.***
Kleio - History exams/tests, studying classics/history, delving into your own history, discovering family history, recalling past events, writing myth retellings or similar, identifying patterns of behavior, releasing the past, learning from the past, finding hope for the future.
Ourania - Studying the stars/space, story-telling, understanding the universe around us, memorizing constellations, finding peace in the night, finding hope in the darkness, creating goals for yourself, "reaching for the stars", holding onto your wishes, finding a sense of direction.
Thaleia - Creating your own joy, finding what makes you happy, performing stand-up comedy, writing any form of comedy, play-writing, healthy positivity, learning to laugh things off, releasing stress/burdens, moving forward, expressing your joy.
Melpomene - Coping with hardships, moving through difficult times, releasing the past, forgiving oneself, coping with past mistakes/regret, healing from difficult events, coping with the "downs" of life, play-writing, telling tragic tales, addressing difficult topics sensitively.
Polymnia - Writing devotional poetry/hymns/songs/etc., growing closer with religion/devotion, inspiration for offerings/devotional acts, coping with religious difficulties, finding comfort/joy in religion, connecting with the divine, religious/spiritual writings, connecting with your practice.
Erato - Love letters, confessing your feelings through writings/songs/etc., connecting with sexuality, writing/reading erotic stories, communicating sexual needs, establishing/discovering sexual boundaries, sex positivity (especially through literature), embracing your sexual interests.
Euterpe - Writing poetry, interpreting poetry, communicating one's emotions, romanticizing life, sharing poetry with others, devotional poetry, expressing one's feelings through writing, processing emotions, finding the "right word" for a piece you're writing.
Terpsikhore - Song-writing, learning to dance, expressing yourself through dance/song, connecting with music, processing feelings with musical aid, instrument playing, choral/instrumental performances, writing a musical, musical theater, finding your voice, embracing who you are, expressing yourself.
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thewrathfulwitch · 3 months
The Cult of the Muses
The Mousai (The Muses) are the nine Goddess students of Apollo, presiding over many things such as poetry, writing, song, and dance. The nine Muses consist of Kleio, Euterpe, Thaleia, Melpoomene, Terpsikhore, Erato, Polyhymnia, Ourania, and Kalliope.
They had multiple shrines and temples but the main two areas of their worship were on Mount Helikon in Boiotia and Pieria in Makedonia.
The Akadameia (the school right outside of Athens) has an altar to the Muses alongside Hermes.
In the city of Troizenos in Argolis, it is described that Hypnos is dear to the Muses. The group have an altar together that was put there by Ardalos, son of Hephaistos. From Ardalos came the flute, which is where the Muses get their epithet Ardilides.
In Sparta, of Lakedaimonia, they have a sanctuary built to the Muses in honor of the war music they use. They used instruments such as flute, harp, and lyre instead of the trumpet.
At the Olympic home of Elis, their altar is located between Dionysos and the Kharites.
The Muses are the ones that hold charge of Mount Helikon, and are described to "make their fair, lovely dances upon highest Helikon and move with vigorous feet." and "dance on soft feet about the deep-blue spring and the altar of the almighty Zeus".
The first to make their sacrifice to the Muses on Mount Helikon was Ephialtes and Otos, making it sacred to the Goddesses.
It is thought by Mimnermos that there are the elder Muses, daughters of Ouranos, and the younger Muses, daughters of Zeus.
As you enter the Grove of the Muses, there is the spring of Aganippe. This spring circles Helikon. It was thought that she was the nurse of the Muses.
Orpheus was often depicted with the Muse Kalliope, for he was her son, and famed lyrist. There is a statue of him on Helikon near the river Olmeios and the spring of Pegasos. It was in Pieria, a mountain in Makedonia, that Orpheus met his end by the Maenads, his bones held within a stone urn where he died.
In Delphoi, they have a shrine where the springs rise. The water was used for libations, Kleio overseeing it all.
Cult Epithets of The Muses:
Pierides - Of Pieria
Olympiades - Of Mt Olympus
Helikônides - Of Mt Helikon
Ilisiades - Of the Ilissus River
Ardalides - Of Ardalos
Parthenoi Helikôniai - Maidens of Helikon
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Apollo and the Muses, Antonio Zucchi, 1767
All information found on theoi.com
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signed-author · 9 months
“ Listen to the Music ”
Goddesses of music, song and dance, and the source of inspiration of poets. Goddesses of knowledge, those who remembered all things that have come to pass.
Daughters of Zeus; Calliope, Clio, Melpomene, Euterpe, Erato, Terpsichore, Urania, Thalia, Polyhymnia. The Muses
Calliope - epic poetry
Her name meaning “beautiful-voiced” deriving from the Greek words kallos and ops. Calliope is the Muse of epic poetry. She is also known as the Muse of eloquence.
She is portrayed holding a tablet and stylus or a scroll. In older art, she’s portrayed with a lyre. She is often referred to as “the One with a Beautiful Voice” and named “Chiefest of them all [The Muses]” She is the wisest of the Muses as well as the most assertive according to Hesiod. She is the mother of Orpheus, Linos, Ialmenos, Rhesos, and The Corybantes and is the eldest of the Muses.
Clio - history
Her name deriving from the Greek verb kleô meaning “to make famous” or “celebrate”, Clio is the Muse of history. She is also known as the Muse of poetry.
She is portrayed holding an open scroll or seated beside a chest of books. She is often referred to lyre playing and named “Muse of History” She is the mother of Hyacinthus and Hymenaeus
Melpomene - tragedy
Her name deriving from the Greek verb melpô or melpomai meaning “to celebrate with dance and song”, Melpomene is the Muse of tragedy. She is also known as the Muse of chorus, singing, and musical harmony.
She is portrayed holding a tragic mask or sword and a knife in the other hand, depicted as richly dressed with a serious face. Sometimes wearing an ivy wreath and cothurnus boots. She is said to charm the souls of her listeners with melodia. She is the mother of the Sirens.
Euterpe - lyric poetry
Her name meaning “giver of much delight” deriving from the Greek words eu- and terpô, Euterpe is the Muse of lyric poetry. She is also known as the Muse of music.
Her main attribute was the double-flute. She would entertain the Gods and serve as an inspiration to poets with her influence on liberal and fine arts in Ancient Greece. She is the mother of Rhesos.
Erato - erotic poetry
Her name meaning “lovely” or “beloved” deriving from the Greek word eratos, Erato is the Muse of erotic poetry. She is also known as the Muse of mimic imitation (‘mime’) and lyrical poetry.
She is portrayed with a myrtle and rose wreath, holding either a lyre or a small kithara. She is the mother of Kleopheme.
Terpsichore - choral song and dance
Her name meaning “delighting in dance” deriving from the Greek words terpsis and khoros, (similar to Melpomene) Terpsichore is the Muse of dance. She is also known as the Muse of choral song
She is portrayed with a lyre and plectrum. She lends her name to the word “terpsichorean” which means “of or relating to dance”. She is the mother of Rhesos, Linos, and the Sirens.
Urania - astronomy
Her name meaning “heavenly one”, Urania is the Muse of astronomy. She is also known as the Muse of astrological writings. She is able to foretell the future by the arrangement of the stars.
Her main attributes are the globe and the compass. She is portrayed pointing at a celestial globe with a rod. She is often associated with universal love, power, majesty, beauty and grace. She is the mother Linos and Hymenaeus.
Thalia - comedy
Her name meaning “rich festivity” or “blooming”, deriving from the Greek word thaleia, Thalia is the Muse of comedy. She is also known as the Muse of bucolic poetry.
She is portrayed with the attributes of comic mask, shepherd’s staff, and an ivy wreath. She is the mother of the Corybantes
Polyhymnia - religious hymn
Her name meaning “many hymns” deriving from the Greek words poly and hymnos, Polyhymnia is the Muse of religious hymns. She is also known as the Muse of sacred poetry, dance, eloquence, agriculture, and pantomime.
She is portrayed in a pensive or meditative pose. She’s believed to have made the lyre. It is unclear due to many disbelief. It is not sure if she bore children or had many.
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royal-wren · 6 months
Once I sang solely of the Mousai, giving them the greatest praise. Tonight though, you, the Kharites so blessed and honored have my greatest regard. To you, the greatest arts the world has to offer are given after the inspiration strikes like a hammer to steel in turn for you elevate all in your lovely hands. You praise the artists who create real gems, both to those who are rewarded and those who go unheard of. All of them rightfully called your works, as the drive that gives grace and beauty to all in moderation.
You're on my mind always, goddesses who delight and rejoice in gods and men loyally, equally in the moderation you honor. As I write your favorite medium, writing, story, and poetry are known to be holy and divine, I give you my praises and glory back, eternally yours to continue to raise high. You who delight in Hermes greatly as a poet, storyteller, ever writing and doling out peace, joy, inspiration, grace, and eloquence when needed most. By the name you share with him, Kharidôtês, see how he gives back to gods and men in a manner befitting to you. See how in turn he too showers you in all of these for what you give is what you will receive.
Devotion to you who delight and enjoy all things is all I want to do for every joy, passion, interest, laugh, and moment of rest I take the best offerings I can give you. For you, there is always a spot at my table, in a similar vein to Hermes, Peitho, the Mousai, and Aphrodite my pride for every empty chair claimed by you, beautiful Erasimolpoi (Philêsimolpoi).
To you, Aglaia, Thaleia, Euphrosynê will forever be burned in my mind.
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findusinaweek · 7 months
Last Seven Lines
I was tagged by @aeide and @sleeplessincarcosa and then I forgot to do this twice. Whoops. Sorry! Write the last 7 lines of your WIP below:
**My seven lines is from smut (Slide Back Into The Abyss), so that's below the cut. Uh. CW: Biting, rough foreplay. Deimos (AC Odyssey) is involved, so whether it is safe or sane is questionable. tagging @artschoolglasses, @ithinkthiswasabadidea, @kassidas2fanfiction, @aquila-v, @stressfulsloth, @baejax-the-great. No pressure, of course!
The pressure is just shy of breaking skin, but it will bruise. The next morning there will be splotches of purple and green across her pale skin and she will wince as she looks down at the mark. Deimos inhales sharply through their nose, eyes lidded as they imagine how Thaleia will feel with such a reminder. They bite down harder, locking their jaw. Their eyes close, the rush of power over another is an addictive memory and they want to remember this. This is my place, they remind themselves. The world in my hands, shuddering. Their hands spread her legs farther, nails digging in to leave halfmoons on the tender inside of thighs.
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miqolena · 7 months
Thoughts on 6.5
Now that I've thought on it a bit I wanted to compile my thoughts on 6.5 for the record and for anyone who's curious.
Spoilers below the cut for both the 24-person raid unlock, clear, and after-quests, as well as the MSQ.
I liked where Zero's character went even though it went there a little fast. I think it's safe to imagine that during 6.4-6.5 offscreen time there was a bit of character building we didn't see that sort of made her more comfortable with who she was discovering herself to be. Fanfic and art will make up the gap. As it always does.
I liked the shounen power of friendship vibe that the last bit of the conflict in the Thirteenth gave us. I know some people have a bit of trouble with Golbez' quick turnaround. I don't. My ship features the king of clumsily portrayed turnarounds, I'm used to it.
This whole patch arc seemed to be filler and that's okay to me. I hope they're setting up something for later - it certainly smacked of that in how we said goodbye to Zero. I wouldn't mind running it back in the Thirteenth and doing the same thing we did to the First if we could.
I don't like that Zero won't be with us in 7.0. That was really upsetting, actually. Since she was in the Trust menu I was certain she would be a main fixture from now on, a new Scion friend to add to the main cast, but I guess I was wrong. Damn. Them's the breaks.
Myths of the Realm
During the Thaleia unlock, when Deryk revealed himself to be Oschon and that poor opo-opo staggered after him as he left, I almost burst into tears. The little guy didn't understand and there was no way for anyone to explain it to him. This isn't a knock on the rest of the raid story, but that moment moved me more deeply than anything else had so far.
Likewise when the opo-opo halted Oschon's footsteps at the end, I felt something. What I'm saying is that if the opo-opo had not been there then this entire raid series would have rang pretty hollow to me in its finale. The previous raid had a moment where Menphina talked about hearing the prayers of all her children, and that got to me, but otherwise I had no huge attachment to any of the gods and so I wasn't overly concerned with where the series was going.
Mechanically, Thaleia was satisfying to figure out and execute. Most everything I could decipher through context clues alone, which is a design choice I'm a big fan of, because my memory isn't the best and I don't do alliance raids often, so I tend to forget some things. It helps to be able to just look at what's going on and understand relatively well.
That's all. Not the biggest bang to end on before the expansion, but we do still have 6.55 to look forward to and speculate about. Overall I feel like I'm in a relatively happy place in my relationship to the game. As always, I can grind as much as I want or as little, and outside of that I am creating fan works and still have that drive (even though I'm taking a break from writing right now).
We'll just have to see what kind of expansion leadup 6.55 gives us.
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hands--of--fate · 2 years
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Twisted from Final Fantasy XIV - Iadara Mythra
✥ Full text profile under cut! ✥
 ( Character art by myself, profile image by @ephemerallibrary )
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Artwork by Jee (twitter)
Technical Information
Name: Iadara Mythra
Japanese: イアダラ・ミスラ
L’Artiste (Rook) 
Sea Anemone (Floyd)
Voice Claim: TBD
Character Theme: Silica Gel - Hibernation
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Biographical Information
Gender: Non-binary
Pronouns: He/They
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Open
Age: 18
Birthday: August 12th
Starsign: Virgo
Height: 182cm (6’0”)
Eye Color: Ruby red
Hair Color: Silver blue
Homeland: The City State of Amaurot
Family: Mother, Father (unknown), Thaleia Mythra (legal guardian, deceased)
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Professional Status
Dorm: Pomefiore
Occupation: College Student
School Year: Sophmore (NRC)
Class: Class C (No. 13)
Film Studies Club: Iadara is a natural fit for the club due to his background in theatre and make-up. He has made himself an indispensable part of Vil’s team and happily lends a hand in any part of the production process.
Best Subjects: Astrology, Art, Potionology
Worst Subjects: History of Magic, Animal Languages, P.E.
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Fun Facts
Dominant Hand: Right
Favorite Food: Pumpkin Potage
This is their ideal comfort meal to cook when they have their free time, especially when it becomes colder outside.
Least Favorite Food: Oysters
Dislikes: The sound of scraping silverware, waking up just a bit too early, being talked over
Hobbies: Nail art, collecting crystals, writing screenplays and short stories
Talent: Cold Reading (both in fortune telling and acting)
Iadara is genuinely good at the magical practice of divination, which requires actual magical prowess, but he likes to add a little drama with some old fashioned smoke and mirrors. His preferred methods for fortune telling are reading palms and using crystals.
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Iadara stands at just six feet with a slim build, he takes great care in his appearance and is proud to be one of his dorm’s shining examples of aesthetic beauty. He often wears fingerless gloves to show off his nails, which he does himself.
Due to being raised in a society with strict fashion rules he often isn’t sure how to style himself when not in some sort of uniform but is often excited to experiment with various looks. Their casual wear is tidy and fashionable and can skew both masculine or feminine depending on how they feel that day.
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To strangers Iadara is a perfectly polite and amicable young man, to his elders and upperclassmen he treats with perfect respect and his underclassmen, eager guidance. In fact, Iadara spends much more of his time interested in discussing the finer details of his companions than himself, only offering minor details when asked. This kind of behavior would set off the alarms of any socially adept person and they would be right to be cautious. Be it to collect gossip or to offer a perfect fortune telling, Iadara understands the value in knowing other people’s business. 
Once he knows that he can trust you, Iadara opens up more about himself. He is much less patient and understanding, even judging. It shows a part of himself that makes it apparent that he comes from a very closed off society, understanding the social mores of the world outside of it is a little bit of a challenge for him.
Iadara at his core is an artist, chasing whatever his muse is at the time, be it a song, a book or even a single person. He can easily fall into obsession if he doesn’t control himself. He is also a social climber, caring very much about how he is perceived.
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Signature Spell
Forbidden Fruit (知恵の樹、 lit. Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil​)If Iadara makes physical contact with a target as he casts it, he can make them believe anything he tells them. The effect lasts up to 24 hours and is more effective if he tells the target things they actively want to believe. Whether or not the target knows they've been manipulated after the spell wears off depends on how outrageous the lies they're made to believe. The effect could be broken by another mind-altering spell if cast by a skilled mage.
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NOTE: Characters and concepts from the Shadowbringers and Endwalker expansions of Final Fantasy XIV are included as part of Iadara’s background. Please be aware if you want to avoid potential spoilers.
Iadara hails from the City State of Amaurot, a semi-reclusive bureaucratic society of mages. It’s well known that he is seeking to take the role of “Altima” in the city’s governing body, The Convocation of Fourteen. In this position he would become the city's patron of the arts, a responsibility that his guardian once held.
Starting their life in the city’s orphanage, memories of their early life there are vague and they prefer not to bring up this aspect of their past to anyone. Iadara showed promise as a mage even from a young age.
He was adopted at age seven and raised by Thaleia Mythra, holder of the seat of Altima. She raised him well, giving him a proper education and encouraged him to pursue what made him happy. Thaleia’s home was full of all manner of things she enjoyed, paintings, sculptures, endless shelves of novels, ephemera that she collected from the various plays and shows she attended and had hand in. Over the years he tried a little bit of everything, music, painting, writing and even dancing.
Iadara blossomed into a refined and promising young mage as he attended school in Amaurot, making friends and maintaining proper grades along the way. At some later point in his secondary school he had developed his Signature Spell/Unique Magic, a spell that could make anyone he touched believe a single lie told by him. Iadara tried his best to be reasonable with using it, but the power trip of being able to influence someone’s thoughts had a strong allure. He became comfortable with twisting things in his favour in small ways with his magic, despite the very real danger of ruining his reputation.
In the last year of Iadara’s secondary schooling Thaleia fell suddenly ill, throwing both of their lives into chaos. Any moment Iadara was not at school, he was by her side, constantly wracked with worry. Members of the Convocation visited often, both to comfort their colleague and to discuss the matter of who would take on the role of Altima in Thaleia’s stead.
When asked who she would nominate to take her place she picked Iadara without hesitation, imploring him to become Amaurot’s patron of the arts. At first he turned her down, in denial of the inevitable, but soon accepted it as her final wish.
Not long after experiencing such a heavy loss he discovered that he was accepted into Night Raven College. He felt relief when the Ebony Carriage came to collect him, only wanting to be far away from his homeland and his troubles.
Going to college meant that his transition into his new role would have to wait, or so he thought. Only months into his freshman semester Iadara received a letter from Amaurot regarding the nature of his signature spell. An investigation into his character had begun, insinuating that he had manipulated Thaleia’s will in her final moments to secure the seat of Altima.
The news added a consistent feeling of anxiety to the background of Iadara’s freshman year at NRC, which he did his best to hide as he settled into student life. Now in his sophomore year, with little to no updates from the Convocation, the stress has begun to crack his flawless façade.
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Notable Relationships
Mirabelle Hourlinet [Lover]: Iadara became interested in Mirabelle the moment she showed up at the NRC at the start of his sophomore year. He took it upon himself to become as helpful as possible to her in order to recruit her to Pomfiore. They became fast friends and partners, he greatly enjoys pampering her by doing her nails and make up when she allows.
Rook Hunt [Lover]: Rook was one of the first students to reach out to Iadara and get to know him when he was a freshman. At first, he was suspicious of his motives, but it wasn’t long before he fell for the eccentric hunter. They have been seeing each other casually for a little while now. Due to their shared love for theatre they enable each other’s dramatic tendencies.
Vil Schoenheit [Friend]: Due to their carrier paths, Vil and Iadara are friends with benefits (ties to the entertainment industries of their homelands). As the future patron of Amaurot’s art scene Iadara would have a say in what films get shown in the city, so Vil has a vested interest in keeping them close professionally. Iadara has little issue with deferring to Vil’s authority as house warden and doesn’t mind his strict mannerisms. Although Iadara’s love for sleeping in have caused them to clash a bit.
Cater Diamond [Friend]:  Cater and Iadara mesh well as they are both social butterflies, but they didn't have much of a reason to interact until Cater discovered Iadara’s magicam account for his nail art. They frequently trade gossip over lunch and talk about popular music and trends. They are fair weather friends at best.
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- Iadara loves playing casual puzzle games on his phone and considers himself “kind of a gamer” much to the chagrin of others (Idia)
- Primarily uses their magicam account to show off their nail art and gained a modest following after Vil posted photos of the manicure that they gave him.
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pixelwalnut · 1 year
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Thaleia: *Cackling* How do you expect to have a gooey romance if you’re terrible at flirting?!
Erato: *Blush* It’s easier writing it than living it! I get too up in my head and I don’t want to say the wrong thing, so I end up saying… nothing.
Thaleia: Gods, you’re hopeless. Do me a favor, if you ever see him again, call me so I can show you how it’s supposed to be done.
Erato: You’re no help! And I thought you didn’t do the whole romance thing.
Thaleia: I said I didn’t want a lovey dovey love like mom and dad!
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stardustdiver · 7 months
thaleia spoilers ahead
oschon (now deryk) and theia both being the last two of the ancients, now sundered and mortal. both have recently accomplished their primary goal: stop the final days (theia), see to it that man can look after theirselves without the twelve (oschon), and have taken up the mantle of adventurer, and now are able to go out there and see the sights and experiences that neither would have gotten in the unsundered world.
also for the longest time, until i got theia her lvl 80 bard af gear, was running this outfit, same cape as deryk, also bow of the wanderer. also none of this was intentional i just thought the cape was very theia-fitting, and "the bow of the wanderer" was very azem, i thought deryk was just some guy (kind of thought maybe he was oschon, but that was a long shot and doubtful)
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oschon also using the bow of the wanderer, and deryk has the cape of happiness but in paler green
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i just, its wild how oschon/deryk and theia ended so similarly but i didnt write it intentionally, theia's backstory came up couple months after i finished endwalker and i settled on a backstory. her cape of happiness i saw in patchnotes and was 'yes theia needs this'. deryk was there but just kind of. just there..
i hope this makes sense, it makes sense in my head
theia/graha was a possibility too but idk, graha is more friend shaped
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gijsvanhee · 7 months
The 9 Muzes Mural from gijs Vanhee on Vimeo.
Documentary about the realization of The 9 muzes mural in Lokeren, Belgium in august 2023 By Gijs Van Hee
These nine towers represent the nine Muses of Greek mythology, each showing a different kind of art. Inside them, trees grow, connecting the towers with their roots, showing how all the arts are linked and make up our culture. In the middle is Thaleia, the Muse of Comedy, welcoming everyone with her inviting staircase. On her left is Erato, the Muse of Song, with a guitar, and on her right is Cleio, who keeps the stories of history with books. A bit further away stands the tower of Terpsichore, the Muse of Dance and Poetry, shown with a musical instrument called a lyre. In the distance, you can see the other Muses: Urania, the Muse of Astronomy, with a globe; Melpomene, the Muse of Tragedy, with a dagger and a sad mask; Calliope, the Muse of Epic Poetry, with a writing tool. Euterpe, the Muse of Flute-playing, with a tower shaped like a flute and Polyhymnia, the Muse of Rhetoric, with a special scepter. These towers together show the beauty of human creativity and culture in all its different forms.
Video and edit by De Beeldsmederij
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misedejem · 7 months
I have to work on my cosplay and I haven’t managed to get a weekly gear drop from Thaleia yet but the urge to write a long headcanon list for Azem and her lore grows stronger by the hour
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khaire-traveler · 3 months
Offering Ideas for the Muses
~ Since I don't see many posts on this topic, I've also included common "general" traditional offerings to the Greek pantheon. I did my best to come up with unique but simple ideas; I wanted to include things that most people could likely offer or do. I hope this list is helpful to someone. ~
Kalliope - Your favorite poetry, poetry books, poetry you wrote, musical instruments, writings you're proud of, devotional writing to her, a handmade scroll with your writing, your favorite pen/pencil, a quill, clay objects (especially tablets), gifts from your siblings (if applicable), imagery of Orpheus, lyre imagery, golden crown imagery. General: Imagery of here, incense (frankincense, patchouli, citrus, etc.), olive oil, olive branch, honey, water, baked goods, wine, rosemary, Orphic Hymn 0 or 75 (can be given to any Muse, but I'll only list it here since Kalliope is thought to be the mother of Orpheus).
Kleio - Any historical or historical fiction books you enjoy, your favorite books (any genre), school notes about history (if applicable), a list of lessons you've learned from the past, a letter of how the past has helped you grow, setting time aside to learn history (anything that interests you), learning about ancient Greece, your favorite bookmark (especially one you frequently use), your favorite quotes. General: Imagery of her, incense (frankincense, patchouli, lavender, etc.), olive oil, olive branch, honey, water, wine, baked goods, rosemary.
Ourania - Star maps, globes, maps of Earth, compasses, dream journals, telescopes, glow-in-the-dark stars, your favorite books about the universe, sci-fi books/shows, seeking knowledge about the unknown, your own art of the stars or space, your own sci-fi writings, solar system imagery, space/star imagery, imagery of your favorite constellation, General: Imagery of her, incense (patchouli, lavender, rosemary, etc.), olive oil, olive branch, honey, water, wine, baked goods, rosemary.
Thaleia - A list of your favorite jokes, a joke book, ivy leaves, an ivy wreath, funny stories/memories from your life, jokes you've written, your favorite comical musical/play/movie/etc., confetti, streamers, a shepherd's (or wooden) staff, comical masks, smiley faces, blooming flowers, sheep imagery, comedy mask imagery. General: Imagery of her, incense (patchouli, rosemary, strawberry, etc.), olive oil, olive branch, honey, water, wine, baked goods, rosemary.
Melpomene - Ivy leaves, an ivy wreath, serious/somber poetry, "vent" art, your favorite tragic musicals/plays/movies/etc., tragic stories you've written, symbols of inner strength/perseverance (whatever that looks like to you), stories about overcoming/growth, therapeutic journaling (I recommend doing this with professional assistance), tragic/sad masks, siren imagery, sword imagery, boot imagery, tragedy mask imagery. General: Imagery of her, incense (frankincense, lavender, cedar, etc.), olive oil, olive branch, honey, water, wine, baked goods, rosemary.
Polymnia - Meditation (if applicable), devotional writings you've written, your favorite hymns/devotional poems, laurel leaves, lustral water, self-made hymns, devotional writings about her, burning non-toxic offerings, fire, prayer journal, imagery of Mount Olympus, imagery of animals you associate with "divine connection" (maybe doves, stags, owls, etc.), imagery of anything you associate with "divine connection" (hands in a praying position, the stars or sky, nature, etc.). General: Imagery of her, incense (rosemary, myrrh, patchouli, etc.), olive oil, olive branch, honey, water, wine, baked goods, rosemary.
Erato - Smut fanfic (that's right, I'll say it), written erotica, your own erotic writing, love letters you've written or received, erotic poetry, setting aside time to explore your, er, "interests", red or pink flowers, jewelry/perfume that makes you feel attractive, sex-positive journaling, basil, myrtle, lyre imagery, sexual imagery, anything you associate with passion/erotica. General: Imagery of her, incense (rosemary, rose, amber, etc.), olive oil, olive branch, honey, water, wine, baked goods, rosemary.
Euterpe - Your favorite poetry, your own poetry, poetry books, sharing your poetry with others, relaxing/calming tea, media that brings you comfort (watching a movie with her, giving her a DVD of your comfort movie, your favorite book, etc.), the lyrics to your favorite songs, imagery of animals/objects that have symbolic meaning to you, imagery of double flutes. General: Imagery of her, incense (patchouli, lavender, myrrh, etc.), olive oil, olive branch, honey, water, wine, baked goods, rosemary.
Terpsikhore - Musical instruments, dancing in honor of her, songs you've written, a devotional playlist, your favorite song lyrics, setting aside time to simply listen to music, your favorite musicals, expressing yourself through song/dance, picks for instruments (guitar picks, lyre plectrums, etc.), sheet music, supporting local/small musicians, learning to play an instrument, lyre imagery, songbird imagery (or any animal you associate with music). General: Imagery of her, incense (patchouli, citrus, strawberry, etc.), olive oil, olive branch, honey, water, wine, baked goods, rosemary.
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misskatebishop · 3 years
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For @winterironmonth day 6
Royal AU + Birthday
Tony was never the type of person who celebrates birthdays. He enjoys giving gifts to his friends on their birthdays, though. But he never actually celebrates his birthday himself. The fact is since he ascended the throne, the whole realm took the responsibility of celebrating the king’s birthday upon themselves.
King Stark found it adorable, in fact. Streets decorated just for his birthday, the news on the TV, and the dinner he will have later with many important guests. Queens and Kings from other countries, and presidents, ministers. Tony finds it all tiring. There’s only one person he would like to spend his birthday with.
Jarvis enters the room with another gift in his hand. Tony looks at the pile of gifts he had received. He doesn’t care about it. If he wasn’t the King, he would spend his birthday in his room, laid on bed with his lover.
“This one is from Senator Stern, sir,” Jarvis says.
Tony rolls his eyes, and Jarvis comes next to rearrange his tie.
“How’s everything down there?” Tony asks.
“Splendid, sir,” Jarvis replies, replacing the tie Tony was wearing for a bow tie. “It suits you better, sir.”
Tony turns to look at himself in the mirror. He looks good in that black suit. It would fit for the next three hours. Tony makes a silent pray for it to pass fast, so he could come back to the comfort of his room. Jarvis stands behind him, holding a crown.
“Has Lord Rogers arrived?” Tony asks while Jarvis makes sure that the crown is well arranged on his head.
“Yes, sir.”
“Is he alone or…?”
“He came with his wife, Lady Carter, and his knight, sir.”
Tony nods. His heart pounds inside his chest at the mention of James. God, he hadn’t seen James in quite a while as Rogers sent him on missions after the enemy, Hydra, an organization that has been boring Lord Rogers’ domains. However, they write often to each other, though he hadn’t received an answer for the last letter he had sent to Barnes. He hoped to get the chance to talk to him later.
Jarvis leads him outside. The guards bow as he passes through the decorated corridors. God, Pepper had really invested in the decoration. A guard announces his entry to the hall. The crowd turns their eyes to the King. Tony greets some people on his way to the center of the hall, but his eyes look for only one person. Tony feels a little disappointed when he finds Lady Carter talking to Lady Romanoff, and Lord Rogers talking to Doctor Banner on the other side of the hall.
Perhaps the knight Jarvis mentioned was Sam Wilson and not James. Tony prays that he’s wrong.
“Hey, happy birthday,” Rhodey says behind him.
Tony smiles.
“Big night, huh?”
“I hope so.”
As a matter of fact, Tony wasn’t interested in the party or what would happen after this annual dinner to celebrate the King’s life. He was only interested in James’ answer to him. In their last letter, Tony wrote that if his response was negative, then he’d leave him alone. He promised he would never go after Barnes ever again.
“Tony!” Pepper smiles, wearing a blue dress. She looks stunning. “Happy Birthday!”
“You already said that in the morning, Peps,” Tony says.
“I’m saying it again.”
“Okay. What about the dinnertime, Pepper?”
“Oh, you’ll have to wait a little longer. There are a lot of people wanting to talk to you.”
“No. Socialize. You’re good at it, then you can fake a headache and go back to your room,” she smiles sassily, her gaze going to the door where Barnes is hurrying to Rogers.
His heart skips a beat. James looks gorgeous as usual. His hair was perfectly combed. He shaved since Tony had seen him. That dark blue suit puts his blue eyes in evidence. James goes to Steve and whispers something to him, then the blond follows after him. James doesn’t even see him. Tony gulps, heartbroken. If his answer was ‘no’ Tony had to do as promised. He had to let James go.
Tony feels his heart breaks into little pieces, he tries his best to hide his disappointment during the party. Tony doesn’t know what he did wrong or why Barnes was refusing him, he only wishes he could go back in time and fix whatever mistake he had made. Lord Rogers returns alone to dinner.
Tony does exactly what Pepper told him to do. He has dinner, shows his guests a good time, talks about government accords and improvements, he even dances with Lady Van Dyne before he thanks all of them for coming and retiring to his room. Pepper, Rhodey, and Jarvis could handle the rest of the guests.
Tony went to his favorite room in the palace. It was filled with paintings of his ancestors along with historical facts about the Stark Kingdom. That wasn’t the only reason, of course. The balcony there gives him a clear view of the gardens his mother cared so much about. Tony watches the fireworks to celebrate his birthday, but that is the last thing he wants to care about now.
A tear slides down his left cheek, then the door opens, and steps approach.
“I said I wanna be alone, Jarvis,” Tony says, quickly wiping off the tears.
“I’m sorry. I’ve been wanting to talk to you the entire night,” James’s voice replies, making Tony turn around to see the man. “But if I’m bothering, then I’ll go,” James gives a step forward where Tony can clearly see him.
“No,” Tony hurries to say. “No, you are not. Of course not. I--I thought it was Jarvis.”
James comes to the balcony, standing by Tony’s side. He watches the view, and all Tony can watch is Sergeant James Barnes.
“I’m sorry for not staying at the party. Sir Barton had some urgent news about Hydra’s advance that required my attention,” James looks down, rubbing his metal hand on the other.
“It’s okay. I hope everything is fine, now,” Tony’s tone is uncertain. He heard about Hydra’s advance on the North.
“I hope it will be in a few weeks,” James says, though, by his tone, he knows that James is aware that Hydra will not stop. “Are you feeling okay? Miss Potts said--”
“I’m okay. I-I just wanted to sneak out of the party.”
James smiles, and that smile is capable of making Tony’s mood better.
“I’m sorry for not replying to your letter.”
“It’s fine, you’ve been busy,” Tony nods, startling when James takes his hand in his.
“I have a gift for you as well,” Tony smiles.
“Yeah, what is it?”
“It’s a very humble gift, actually,” James fixes Tony’s tie.
“What is it?” Tony asks, curious.
“It’s a yes,” James replies, grinning. Tony’s heart skips a beat because he knows what it means, and he can’t believe it. God, he was such a fool. “Yes, Tony. I’ll marry you.”
James cups his cheeks, pulling him to a kiss. Tony melts in his embrace. He can’t believe this is happening. How could he think that James didn’t love him when the soldier had told him a thousand times? Tony feels like an idiot, how could he be so blind? How could he believe that James would tell him ‘no’?
Tony can’t help the tears that stream down his face or the sob that eventually comes out when they pull apart.
“Don’t cry, doll,” James wipes off his tears, kissing his cheeks.
“They are happy tears,” Tony replies.
James wraps his arms around him, pulling him closer. Tony lays his head on his chest, listening to his heartbeats. He feels safe there. He feels love. And that’s all that matters.
"Best gift ever," Tony mumbles, and James laughs, placing a kiss on the top of his head.
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reddevil-xiv · 3 years
Prompt #27: Benthos
Prompt 27: Benthos - FFXIV Write 2021 Character: Talan, with Sinnan of the Night ( @thedarknesssings ) Warnings: M/M, nsfw, mature topics.
“You couldn’t sleep?” Talan startled, as Sinnan’s voice rang out from behind him. He shouldn’t have been surprised. After all, he’d slid out of bed with the man only a few bells before, restless thoughts drawing him out of his slumber more readily than the nightmares that no longer touched him might have.
“Yeah,” the redhead confirmed, as he pivoted where he sat to look back at his Prince. An obsidian dark expanse of skin greeted his eyes as they traveled up, to meet the night-dark gaze that stilled his heart in his chest, regarding him with an edge of concern. 
“It’s the third time this week.” Sinnan moved over and lowered himself down into the grass alongside Talan. When his hand lifted to cradle the side of his face in a palm, Talan leaned into the touch, mismatched eyes closing. 
He didn’t open his mouth to say anything. Knew that any excuse he tried to give Sinnan was likely to not work. He’d had far too much time over moons and moons, to get to know how his innermost thoughts worked. And while he could steer away Idristan with other topics and intimate touch, the other fae wouldn’t be so easily distracted.
“Yeah,” he admitted at last. “I haven’t been sleeping well.” Sinnan clicked his tongue, stroked his thumb down the other man’s cheek while he slid his hand further down, dark fingers curling around a too pale throat. Talan felt his breath catch when Sinnan pressed in against his back, his head tipping in an arch to welcome to fingers that gripped him. Never too tight. Never too much. Just enough to remind him how fragile he was. How fragile he was allowed to be under his Prince’s grasp.
“You usually don’t, when you’re overthinking things, mo chridhe, ” Sinnan leaned in, drifted the tip of his tongue across the many piercings that decorated Talan’s elongated ear. The sensation of the redheads throat bobbing under his fingers drew a smile that he buried into Twilight’s hair. “So talk to me.” Talan could feel every subtle movement that his lover made, like it was a thing heightened. Maybe it had to do with the hand around his throat. Or maybe it was the words. Talk. He wanted him to talk? He could barely even commit these things to a page to get them out of his head. Trying to force them out of his lips and lungs and into the peaceful air of the Grove was too momentous a task. 
He started the slow shake of his head, in protest, when Sinnan’s fingers tightened, craned his head further back and bared more of his neck. That pale stretch of throat made the perfect target for lips to press against, once, and then again, and then again, before the slide of his tongue eased along up skin all the way to the bottom lobe of his ear. 
“Sinnan,” he could only gasp out his Prince’s name as that electric sensation danced along his skin, jolted his nerves. “I can’t.” He’d tried. To talk. To vent this endless pressure building in the back of his head. Talking about inane things was easy. But his thoughts were a constant mire, and circumstances were different. This was less like talking, and more like peeling back the ugliness that he hid under his skin where it couldn’t turn the stomach of those close to him for his weaknesses.
The last time someone had motivated him to that kind of talk was a lifetime ago, in a cabin in the woods, where teeth sank into slate grey skin until black cushions were a mess of crimson and torn, sticky fabric. Sinnan tipped Talan’s head further back, and shifted up onto his knees so the other man was forced to look up to him.
“As if I--” his other palm smoothed down the front of Talan’s chest, black fingers splaying across skin that tensed under his touch “--of all people, would find some part of you too much to endure. You should know me better, Thaleia.” Something inside him trembled at the other man’s tone, woke to life in a roar that set his pulse to thundering in his veins. “I told you that I’d bear your burdens with you. So if the words won’t fall from you willingly. I’ll draw them out of you.”
Mismatched eyes widen at the threat implied in those words, as tendrils slink from the shadows, spiral their way up his wrists, over his legs. He is pulled, drawn, lifted and nimble hands make short work of what few garments the redhead had worn in his search for solace in the Grove. But cool air isn’t long for his skin, as Sinnan’s tongue sets itself to a sensitive expanse in the first touch, in a long sweep that is meant to urge him into talking.
A question follows, murmured in cool words that are breathed out over warm and damp skin. To cool. To dry. To torment. Sinnan is only a half a dozen questions in when Talan’s body twists in the binds that hold him in place. When he flashes him up a familiar devilish glint over a smile that is full of promise. When a far too skilled mouth and tongue wrap around sensitive flesh and the bars of his mind rattle and groan in protest. Each lap of a tongue over him, each sweet application of friction and pressure and suction is punctuated with inquiry. 
Until protests of ‘I can’t’ in that softer voice become the spill of words dumped into the air in blind anger and hurt. Sinnan does not need to understand any of the context behind these things to let Talan excise them from the bottom of the churning ocean of his mind. From that benthic layer that he sat unmoving in, buried all the while. All that matters is that these things buried in the sea of their heart cause his lover pain, make them regret and ache, and so he’ll help them cut it free from its confines. 
Every single one. Until bittersweet tears fall from violet and green eyes as he works an entirely different magic over the redhead. Twilight writhes in their bonds and the harmony of their voice lets him hear the familiar tones not just of his new prince of dawn, but of his dusk princess as well. Exactly as it should be. 
Every word they spill now is spent on the cry of his name as his lips wrap around them and slide down. Until the cries of his name become the pleading call for release. All at once he is a moving shadow; above them, over them, filling them, overwhelming them, working them until their voices are incoherent and under his skilled touch, they shatter apart. He knows that the wave has ended when those sounds fall to quieter sobs. 
It doesn’t take him much to gather his red haired lover to his chest, to put Talan back into the bed nook that he had first fled from. Talan reaches for him on instinct when Sinnan rejoins him. And he is insistent and persistent as his hands explore and slide across skin. The first time, that was for the sake of his mind. But this time, when Sinnan feasts on him, it is a healing thing. To soothe, and reassure. To comfort and cradle. 
When it’s all over, when Sinnan lies still above him, he speaks to him steadily, in words that are so soft Talan almost doesn’t understand. Reassurances. The gentle admonishment to not wait so long again. If he needs him, he needs only say so. Who better to devour that darkness down than him? 
Talan drew him down, wrapped his arms around his midnight raven and buried his face against his throat. He had no words for an adequate thank you. For the release of pressure he’d felt. For the way his heart no longer hammers angrily in his chest, and the way his thoughts no longer scream in his ears. Instead he settles for the soft vows of love he murmurs against Sinnan’s throat as he lets sleep draw him down, back into its comforting embrace. 
Perhaps the brackish waters of him will remain quiet for a while. It is a reprieve, but for now, that alone is enough.
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findusinaweek · 7 months
Six Sentence (or Slightly More) Sunday
Was tagged by @brasideios! Thank you so much! I am also not writing right now, just very little creative energy lately. This is from Slide Back Into The Abyss, which is what I'm calling this Deimos fic I had been working on. Post-cult Deimos falls for Thaleia (Oc. Name may change), former Follower of Ares who is now a lieutenant of the Adrestia.
Thaleia lifts her hand, waves it as she speaks. Deimos focuses on her wrist, the tenderness of her vein under her pale skin. It is an example of weakness, their mind offers. It is something easy to cut, to crush, to break. But Thaleia twists her wrist, continues talking, and Deimos thinks it is as hypnotic as a dancer. “Just because there are hardships doesn’t make it any less worthwhile”. (Thaleia talks a lot with her hands.)
ok, tagging @stressfulsloth, @baejax-the-great, @aquila-v,@blue-mono, I cannot think, anyone else like to join, please do. My brain is just mushy.
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its-tortle · 3 years
8, 18 & 23 for the ask game, please?
hey, thaleia! i hope you’re having a good day 💕
8) how do you mark your spot in a book?
a bookmark! usually some kind of ticket or pretty business card.
18) what’s your clothing colour palette? 
i answered this a bit longer here, but basically denim and bright solids. i like cheerful colors!
23) default font when typing?
asdfghjk comic sans. when i’m gonna turn something in i turn it into cambria, but when i’m writing something it’s almost always in comic sans. i saw it as a writing hack on this hellsite (affectionate) a few months ago and haven’t looked backn (it really works for me!)
send me telling asks!
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