#texas x chile
cuntryhuman · 2 years
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cherry-holmes · 8 months
RIVER - Javier Peña x f!Reader
Glimpse of a life with Javier Peña
Chapter —
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Summary: Javi took you to his favorite place on earth: heaven.
Pairing: Javier Peña x Female Reader
Word count: +3k
Warnings: Angst with happy ending (sad!Javi) Parent loss. | SMUT. Again, there's a lot of plot before the smut😅P in V sex. Unprotected sex. Rough-ish sex. Fingering. Sex in a public place -ish. Breeding kink. Praise kink. Pregnancy talk.
A/N: Hello, Hola! First of all I want to thank all of you for the support you gave me on my first work! Muchas gracias! I been writing for almost ten years now, but I haven't publish anything since my first fanfic on Wattpad in 2017😅
I hope you like this one as much as the first one!
I repeat, I'm not a native English speaker, but I'm a translator student so I hope I'm doing it well!
If you wanna send me a request, my box is open!
Several daily high temperature records were broken Tuesday in Texas, including at Houston Hobby Airport, Corpus Christi, Laredo and Del Rio. Laredo hit 115 degrees, marking its 10th consecutive day of record highs...
Indeed, as the reporter mentioned on the radio, those were incredibly hot summer days. The air was dry and the sun was burner, it drain all your energy.
You tried to be helpful at the Peña's Ranch during your work vacations, but the chores felt like torture. Javier and his father used to spend hours under the unforgiving sun, repairing fences, tending to horses, herding cattle, and dealing with clients looking for meat animals. The life of a ranch owner was undeniably tough but prosperous.
Sunday arrived with the thermometer hitting nearly 115 degrees. When you woke up that morning, you anticipated a challenging day ahead. However, Javier woke up with a plan in mind. He mentioned knowing about a river around 22 kilometers from the ranch were he used to spend all summer with his cousins when he was a child. You hadn't explored much of the city since you'd been living there for five months since your return from Colombia. So, you were excited about the idea of discovering your new home state, and most importantly, having a day off to immerse yourself in nature. He was delighted that you had agreed to the plan and suggested that you wear sportswear for hiking and a swimsuit.
You inquired him if his father would join, but he explained that Don Chucho would attend the morning mass and then spend the rest of the day at his brother's house.
"It's just you and me today, mi vida," he promised, his large hands squeezing your hips as he left soft kisses on your shoulders as you prepared containers with cubes of watermelon and mango seasoned with lemon and chile Tajín.
Javier placed a small cooler in the back of his '94 Dodge Ram and filled it with beers, water, the fruits you had prepared, and some tamales you had bought and had leftover from the night before.
You jumped into the passenger seat, and Javi turned on the radio as the truck roared to life. The sound of cumbias tejanas played softly as you admired the view of Laredo's countryside. The wind blew through your hair, and Javi drummed his fingers on the steering wheel syncing with the rhythm of Bobby Pulido's song. You felt his free hand touch yours, and when you looked at him, he took your knuckles and placed a kiss on them. He briefly took his eyes off the road to gaze into yours and said, "You look so beautiful today."
Your cheeks turned red as you laughed shyly, but you couldn't resist teasing him, "Only today?"
He grinned and replied, "You've always been a beauty, chiquita."
Thirty minutes later, Javier parked the truck in an improvised parking lot used by visitors to the river. You grabbed your backpack, which was packed with clean towels and dry underwear, while Javi carried the cooler and his own backpack. As you followed him through the lush vegetation and the cool water of the river, you welcomed the fresh air and the shade of the trees. Families and groups of young friends, some with dogs and others who appeared to have camped there overnight, were scattered about. But you notice that Javi didn't follow the same path as the rest of the visitors.
Curious, you asked Javi, "Where are we going?"
He grinned and replied, "It's a surprise."
You continued hiking uphill, leaving the main river trail further and further behind. However, you could still hear the gentle rush of the river. The air was filled with the fresh aroma of blooming flowers and damp earth. Butterflies fluttered everywhere, and you spotted squirrels and birds with vibrant-colored feathers.
After thirty minutes of hiking, you began to feel very sweaty and tired, especially in your knees due to the rocky path.
"Javi," you called to him, noticing he was climbing effortlessly. "Javi," you called again, a bit more concerned, "Are we lost?"
"Be patient," he responded, sounding a bit agitated but not as much as you were. "You hear that? We're almost there," he encouraged.
You focused on your surroundings, and you could perceive the sound of a waterfall nearby.
You followed him through the large rock formation, and before you knew it, a lagoon fed by a waterfall appeared in front of you. The sun reflected on the surface of the crystal-clear water, making it shimmer. The breeze from the waterfall caressed your face, a soft wind drying your sweat with a gentle, cooling touch, rustling the leaves around you.
The warmth of the sun on your skin and the cool breeze from the river created the perfect atmosphere. It felt like heaven on earth, like an Eden. And the fact that you were there with the person you loved the most made it all feel ethereal.
"You like it?" Javi asked gently in your ear, sending a shiver down your spine as he wrapped his broad arms around your waist and pulled you closer to him.
"Oh my God, Javi, it's so beautiful," you exclaimed, "I love it."
"Nobody will find us here, mi vida," he promised, "People follow the marked path, not all of them explore the surroundings," he explained. "As I told you, it's just you and me. Wanna take a swim?"
"Oh God, yes!" you exclaimed as you placed your backpack under a tree. You were wearing a black swimsuit under your shorts and oversize sports crop top, so you just had to take them off, and you jumped into the water.
The water was so clear that you could see the rocks at the bottom perfectly, and the shimmer of the sun on your skin. You swam to the center of the lagoon, and you heard the distant splash of another body jumping into the water. By the time you surfaced, Javier was already at your side, hugging your body and placing a peck on your lips as you wrapped his torso with your legs. You combed his hair disheveled by the water, running your fingers through his black hair. Then, you caressed his face, passing your thumbs on his mustache and bottom lip. He closed his eyes, absorbing your gentle petting. Your fingers wandered through the freckles painting his broad chest and shoulders. You cupped his face with your hands and kissed him with the perfect combination of tenderness and passion that you knew drove him completely dumb for you.
When he opened his big brown puppy eyes, he looked at you as if you were everything he had ever known.
"Te amo mucho, flaquita," he expressed tenderly.
"Yo también te amo, mi corazón," you promised.
"Are you hungry?" he asked after a couple of minutes of tender kisses and sweet nothings in the water.
"Very much," you laughed and started swimming to the shore.
Javi placed a towel on a rock near the water, and you both sat down to start eating and drinking what you brought. You even fed a squirrel with a piece of tamal, which made Javi laugh as he watched you melt in cuteness for the little animal.
"So, you used to come here with your cousins?" you asked him, eager to learn about his youth and his family. He nodded.
"We used to climb to the top of the mountain and swim in the river that everyone knows," he explained. But his expression shifted from a normal nostalgic sentiment to almost sadness in his eyes. He fell silent for a moment, and you regretted asking and potentially ruining the great moment you were having. However, he continued, "After my mom passed away, I was very angry with the whole world. I started being rude with my father and I started to smoke and get drunk with my friends." He let out a laugh, but it was empty. You knew little about how he lost his mother, since he didn't like to talk about it. He had told you that she was sick, that he was fifteen at the time, and that his father never married again. "One day I had a big argument with my dad. He was very angry because I failed all my exams, so I ran away and came here to the river. I was so angry and lost in thought that I didn't notice I had taken the wrong trail and got lost. So, I kept walking until I found this place."
He looked at the waterfall and the treetops, and you felt a shiver and a lump in your throat.
"I sat on this very rock and cried my eyes out, thinking about how much I missed my mom and that I was ashamed of my behavior towards my father," he added. "This place became my refuge. I used to come here every time I felt anxious, tired, or sad. I never told or brought anybody to this place, not even my father."
You couldn't help but wonder if he had ever brought Lorraine here. After all, she had been his first fiancée, and you wondered if he had considered sharing this secret place with her. However, you didn't dare to ask him, afraid of his response or of making him lie just to please you.
But he knew you so damn well, almost as if he could hear the unspoken question burning in your mind. He loved your low-key jealousy.
"Not even her," he clarified. His hand took yours and caressed your still-wet fingers, then he placed his big brown eyes on yours, so devoted to you. "The very first moment I saw you, I swear that you reminded me of this place. I don't know if it was the heat of the Colombian summer or the blue dress you wore that day, but seeing you seated at your desk brought me a peace I haven't felt in a long time."
You felt tears of happiness gathering in your eyes, butterflies in your stomach, and your cheeks turning cherry red. Javi moved closer to you, wrapping an arm around your waist, his intense gaze still on your bright eyes.
"In that moment, I told myself that I have to bring you here, as my wife. Today is the first time I came back in seven years since I left for Colombia. And you are the only person I've ever shown my most precious secret."
Your hands reached for his face, making him stay still as you kissed him deeply and passionately. His hands went to your back, pulling you closer and kissing you back. You tasted the saltiness of your tears in between the kiss, but so did Javi, so he wiped them away with his thumb.
"I promised to you to be worthy of you, baby, and I intend to make it last forever," he promised.
"You have my heart, Javi," you promised back. "You're everything I have."
He leaned in to kiss your lips again, and then he stood up, pulling you up too.
"Enough of crying, babygirl. Let's swim," he said as he stepped into the water, but you let go of his hand, making him frown.
"Wait," you said, looking around, "Are you sure nobody knows about this lagoon?"
"I'm damn sure, baby. What's the matter?" he said, a bit confused, until he saw you taking off your swimsuit. His eyes darkened as they roamed your completely naked body, and you noticed his Adam's apple moving up and down.
"Is it okay?" you asked him, a mix of innocence and naughtiness that made his cock throb inside his shorts.
"You're amazing," he said as he started taking off his own swimsuit and then pulled you to him and into the water.
He kissed your lips, your cheeks, your chest, and you felt his cock half-hardened against your lower belly. But he let you go, and instead of diving straight into sexual matters, you both swam all around the lagoon, drank all the beers, bathed under the stream of the waterfall, and explored the depths searching for weird-shaped rocks. Sex was an amazing experience in your relationship. You both enjoyed each other's bodies and could spend hours tangled in your shared bed, on the couch, or in any other intimate place. The two of you also knew that there were many ways to make love, and not all of them were about sex. This was one of the connections that Javier learned from being with you. He adored your naked body, and it turned him on. There were days when he just couldn't keep his hands off you. However, he also learned to appreciate it in a way that went beyond lustful desires, reaching a level of intimacy that felt almost divine. He saw you through your nakedness, connecting with your soul, and vice versa.
But when you do fuck, you mean it.
The sun was starting to dip lower in the sky, casting a warm, golden glow over the lagoon. You felt his bare body behind you, his arms around your torso as he kissed your neck. You began to rub your buttcheeks against his cock, making him hiss.
Javi's hands disappeared under the water, looking for your core. His index and middle finger found your clit and began to traced gentle circles as he squeezed one of your breasts with his free hand.
You let out a couple of soft moans, trying to keep as quiet as possible, but Javi fastened his touch, making it so hard for you.
"Don't worry, nobody will hear us," he assured you, whispering to your ear, "C'mon, bonita, let me hear you begging for my cock."
"Javi...", you whimpered, feeling his dick slipping on your ass and his fingers between your folds.
"You're such a Goddess," he praised. Javier knew every detail about how to make love to you. He was proud of knowing every corner of your body, every angle, every freckle and every beauty mark over your body. He knew how to made you whimper and scream, and how to make you undone. Yet, he never get bored, not even after three years of relationship and the most wonderful four months of marriage. He would never had enough of every aspect of you.
"I... I need to... feel you inside," you whimpered.
He wanted to made you cum with his fingers and his mouth first, as he always do. But the scene was so kinky and erotic, making his cock throb so painfully.
"Fuck," he hiss, as he carried you, making you gasp, and took you back to the towel.
Javi laid down and you jumped on top of him. His cock was lying on his belly, so you started rubbing it between your wet folds, massaging your clit with his head. His hands captured your hips, so tight you think it would let bruises with the shape of his fingers. But you didn't care, it felt so good.
"I don't brought condoms, baby," he confessed.
"Are you telling me that you planned all this so I let you cum inside of me?", you teased, he shrugged playfully. "You're such a bad boy."
"What are you gonna do about it? Don't tell me that you don't want it too, feel your tight pussy filled with my cum," he whispered, making your core throb around his cock. He grinned, feeling you become even wetter. "I was thinking about starting to build that second bedroom I told you about. How does that sound?"
That was the signal. You and Javi lived in a house that he build years ago. It was at three kilometer from his father's ranch, and since he was not planning to get married at that time, the house only had one room. But now that the panorama had changed, the house was about to transform from a bachelor house to a family home. Starting for make a baby's room next to the the main room.
And just like that, Javi was asking you about starting to try. You answered with a nod and a shaking sigh, your body reacting to his words.
"C'mon, cowgirl, let's put a baby on you," he added, as you took his cock to your entrance. You moan hard as you felt his length stretching your walls, clenching around him. "Fuck, I love that pussy," he groaned.
He was also mesmerized by the view of you on top of him: your skin glowing at the sunlight, drops of water over your shoulders, your wet hair waving with soft air, your hands on his chests, your hardened nipples and your drop-shaped breasts. You looked gorgeous as always.
"You feel so deep, Javi," you moan, starting to moving back and forth, up and down with gentle movements. His pubic hair caressing your swollen clit, his hands over your hips and waist. "I want you to fill my pussy with your cum."
His cock felt different without a condom. You were a married couple, but you still had intercourse with protection, given that you didn't have plans to have a baby until now, and Javi wasn't selfish to make you take pills full of hormones and side effects. He always tried to have condoms on hand, and even though he had insisted that you didn't have to take morning-after pills, you both had sex without protection a couple of times. You always let him know how much you loved his bare cock inside of you and you knew how much he loved it too.
Your whimpers mixed with the sound of the waterfall was music for Javi's ears. He began to push his hips up at the same time as you went down, meeting each other halfway. The air was filled with filthy sounds of wet bodies and moans and whimpers. His name escaped your lips like a prayer, as he watch his cock disappeared inside your dripping cunt.
"I'm comin'... I'm... fuck...," you cried, as you felt a knot buildup on your lower belly.
"I know baby, I can feel your pussy clenching for me," he said. Javi took control of the situation, as you let him fuck you nice and deep, one thumb on your clit and his free arm around your waist to make you stay still. You placed your hands at both sides of his head, so he was able to capture your nipple with his mouth, making you cried and soaking wet.
"Don't you fuckin' stop, Javier! Just like that, me gusta cuando me coges así," you pleaded as he fastened his thrusts.
"Quiero verte corriéndote en mi verga," he commanded.
You reached your climax with a silent scream as the waves of pleasure washed over you, squirting over his cock. You pulled your hips up unconsciously, but he pulled you back down again, buried so deep into you. You felt him almost rubbing your cervix as his warm and thick load painted your walls.
He was also growling and letting out soft whimpers as he watched your pussy dripping a mix of his cum and your honey.
Javi pull out and placed your body beside him, kissing your collarbone and caressing the curves of your waist as you came down from your cloud of bliss.
"That was amazing," you murmured after a minute, your cheeks burning. You cupped his cheeks and kiss him on the lips again.
"I wanna swim again," he said, starting to stood up taking your hand to follow him.
But you pulled him closer, pressing his chest against your breasts as you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him passionately, your tongues entwining. "You're not going anywhere. I told you that you were a bad boy, and you must be punished for that behavior, mister."
He grinned devilishly as you placed your hands over his shoulders and pushed him down your body.
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chaneajoyyy · 4 months
Just watched top gun maverick…… and whooo Chile. Any fics for any of them and a poc or black reader?
You know it! @leahnicole1219
TOP GUN FANFICITON (!black reader or !poc reader)
"you know what i need in my life is to run and jump iinto bradley bradshaws arms to kiss him like he's gets back imma sprint"- @inkdrinkerworld
"he met me in my im going to stay single phase & now i'm obsessed with him (!au)- @deanscroissant
hit the hard deck series- @purplelily247
crush (bradley x black!oc), good wife (x!blackoc)- @dulcewrites/@dulcelibra
"he puts on such a hard front but he's a total pleaser in the bedroom. he'll go all out if you're having a hard day and not ask for anything in return, no matter how much you insist it'll make you feel even better, the rooster and i series- @princessphilly
call me jake series, watermelon sugar, hangman is secretly possessive and loves leaving marks everywhere he can especially if he sees someone else flirting with his girl, Can I request a soft moment between Hangman and the girl he is seeing?, thinking about calling him daddy for the first time. Like, it just slips when you’re begging him to touch or fuck you and the man goes feral., ohhhhh Hangman finally getting with the girl of his dreams but she’s not convinced he actually likes her because she’s heavier and he’s carved like a greek statue, so he spends the night proving to her just how much he’s attracted to her, i know you wanted smutty but I’ve been feeling really blah lately so if you could hit me with some humor fluff maybe slight smut? With rbf reader who is blunt saying 10) “Look, I’m not into choking but I wouldn’t mind if you grabbed me by the neck every once in a while.” To hangman while playing pool just completely shocking him, going off the thought that Hangman has a classic sailor pinup on his thigh... Could we please have some Hangman tattoo worship please?- @princessphilly
mrs. seresin- @afictionalwhor3
jake's love language, cowboy's date with a georgian (xblack!oc), wet dreams, texas roadhouse, jade, alien storytime (another world series) - @entertainmentgirl80
"hello hello my love <3 I thought maybe I could request something where reader has never really been comforted when crying throughout her life but one time Jake walks in on her crying and just comforts her. She doesn’t expect that and it’s all just a bunch of fluff! I love your writing so much thank you for putting your work out for people to enjoy <3- @inkdrinkerworld
you're pretty, so happening, you're alive, trip to the bahamas no fuck that series- @itsthestutterforme
"we neverrrr talk about Payback. Tell me about what happens when Reuben takes a girl out on their first date. Since I'm feeling all mushy."- @princessphilly
"just wanna share sime little thots on Javy but damn does that man look like he gives such good head. He's reserved but when its behing closed doors that mouth can do anything you want ((but you'll have to ask niceky first)) 🥴", "thots on Coyote and pussy worship?"- @princessphilly
daylight, pie, cancelled flights and beignets- @siempre-bucky
if it's worth your time series, promise this ain't a test, i did what i had to do, for better days, how sweet it is...- @coyotesamachado
flight scare- @words-4u
pie- @siempre-bucky
what happens when mickey grows his hair out... - @siempre-bucky
take me by the heart, take me by the hand- @rae-gar-targaryen
warped series (with jake seresin)- @anjaelle
sundress season, bob is a freak in the bedroom, good girls do, bob and his good girl's wedding night, "anything you got for rooster i'll take it...literally anything but like him on the beach playing touch football" - @princessphilly
white christmas (spy/the americans au)- @dulcewrites
morning showers, koko's and bobby's sexy time, koko's insecurities, expecting again koko's & bobby's special day, koko's special valentine's, - @entertainmentgirl80
the new girl, i think you're cute- @ladyelissarose
might be an understatement- @friendlyneighborhoodchaosdemon
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rjzimmerman · 25 days
Do the recent or right-now-ongoing crazy global weather scare you? Bother you? Interest you?
I'm pulling this from various media sources, because there is so much crazy weather happening now, or that has happened within the last couple of weeks, it seems like no single media source is picking it up.
From Heatmap AM:
Houston’s floods – More than 400 people in and around Houston, Texas, evacuated their homes over the weekend due to flooding. At least one person, a child, was killed. In one nearby county, more than 21 inches of rain fell over five days last week. The rain has tapered off but the cleanup has just begun.
Brazil’s rain – In Brazil’s southern state of Rio Grande do Sul, days of intense rain caused the Guaiba River to overflow and flood more than 340 cities, including the region’s capital of Porto Alegre. At least 78 people are dead and more than 115,000 have been forced to evacuate. One climatologist calledthe catastrophe “a disastrous cocktail” of climate change and the El Niño effect. “It looks like a scene out of a war,” said Rio Grande do Sul governor Eduardo Leite. 
Chile’s fires – Fires in Chile’s Valparaiso region, fueled by an intense heat wave and enduring drought, have killed at least 51 people and burned more than 64,000 acres.
Kenya’s deluge – Flooding and landslides in Kenya from unrelenting rainfall have killed more than 200 people. It is still raining and the weather is forecast to worsen throughout the month of May.
Southeast Asia’s heat wave – A lengthy heat wave has shattered temperature records across Southeast Asia, forcing many schools to close. One weather historian called the heat wave “the most extreme event in world climatic history.” 
From the Associated Press (AP):
A weekend spring storm that drenched the San Francisco Bay area and closed Northern California mountain highways also set a single-day snowfall record for the season on Sunday (May 5) in the Sierra Nevada. The wet weather system had mostly moved out of the state by Sunday morning, but officials warned that roads would remain slick after around two feet (60 centimeters) of snow fell in some areas of the Sierra. “Did anyone have the snowiest day of the 2023/2024 season being in May on their winter bingo card?” the University of California, Berkeley Central Sierra Snow Lab asked on the social platform X. The 26.4 inches (67 centimeters) of snowfall on Sunday beat the second snowiest day of the season — March 3rd — by 2.6 inches (6.6 centimeters), according to the lab.
From Yale Climate Connections:
For the first time since the 2010s, a high-risk outlook for severe weather (level 5 of 5) has been issued for parts of the Great Plains. The outlook was put in place at 8 a.m. EDT Monday, May 6, and updated at 12:30 p.m. EDT Monday by the NOAA/National Weather Service Storm Prediction Center, as a busy few days of severe weather moved into high gear. Dozens of tornadoes could erupt by midweek, including in and near Oklahoma on Monday and across a broad swath of the mid-Mississippi and lower Ohio River valleys on Wednesday. Many of the worst tornado U.S. outbreaks of recent years have played out across the Mississippi Valley and Southeast, but multiple rounds of twisters have hammered the Plains since late April, taking at least seven lives and wreaking what will no doubt be hundreds of millions of dollars in damage.
From Wikipedia:
On 16 April 2024, heavy rains caused floods in the United Arab Emirates, affected cities of mainly Dubai and Sharjah, the northern Emirates, and different areas of the Emirate of Ras Al Khaimah. According to the National Center for Meteorology (United Arab Emirates) , this was the country's heaviest rainfall recorded in 75 years. The floods in the Emirates were a part of the greater Persian Gulf floods.
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moki-dokie · 7 months
a collection of pro-palestine rallies and protests happening right now, all over the world.
auckland, new zealand
washington dc, US
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texas, US
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berlin, germany
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santiago, chile
tokyo, japan
paris, france
london, great britain
toronto, canada
edinburgh, scotland
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rome, italy
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etxrnaleclipse · 11 months
Cont. from @radicalrascals || Ben, Nick and Rafael (x)
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Ben's heart was almost in his throat as he offered the older brother a friendly smile in greeting. He glanced towards Nick with a hint of colour in his cheeks caused by the compliment, nodding his head slightly as he observed the interaction between the two siblings. He got the impression that Rafael hadn't necessarily been aware of their meeting today, and it made the hunter a little uneasy, but when a hand was extended to him, it took the edge off just a little.
"The pleasure's all mine." Ben replied, shaking the others hand as he noticed the rather firm grip. He managed a weak chuckle when Rafael mentioned the way Nick had spoken about him. "Um, well as long as it's all good things, I guess." He glanced to Nick who looked rather uncomfortable and he smiled softly. Sitting down, he got comfortable and waited for the other two men to join him, sliding menus over to them both.
"Oh... Well, I'm not all that exciting really. I'm in pest control." he replied, hating how lame that sounded, but it was a lie without being a complete lie. He did take out pests, just not necessarily the kind one might assume. "I have my own small business and I travel around a lot... As for where I'm from, originally Chile by way of Texas."
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brooklynislandgirl · 6 months
TAG NINE PEOPLE YOU’D LIKE TO KNOW BETTER! I. Favourite Colours: Any shade of green {forest and emerald in particular}, black, silver, garnet. II. Favourite Flavours: Good coffee, deeply brewed tea, dark chocolate, coconut, and a 'scent flavour'... it's gonna either be beef being cooked on a fire, or specific to New Mexico... a crisp/cool afternoon when the sun is bright but not hot and you smell it...smoke, something earthy and green with an almost acidic bite if you breath it in just right. It's chile season, and it's being open roasted in giant metal roasters. And lastly, pinon. III. Favourite Genres: Most fantasy though with a penchant for High Fantasy. True Noir/ Mystery, Horror, History/Alternative History. I do enjoy Romance and Sci-Fi {typically golden and silver age are most often forgotten but truly a guilty pleasure} but tend to prefer them blended with a different genre. Poetry is entirely different and for me it's more like music than narrative fiction, though I do have a soft spot for the Romantics, and the Beat Generation. {You can have my Kerouac and my Ginsberg whence you've pried them from my cold, dead, yaddah yaddah}. And because I am a bastard, I'm going to ruin it all for you: Literally almost any Emily Dickinson poem can be read/sung to the tune of the Yellow Rose of Texas, or the theme to Gilligan's Island. You're welcome. IV. Favourite Music: Classical, Tribal Trap, Country, Grunge, Classic Rock {stfu, G-N-R and them are not YET classic rock}, 80s Rock/Metal. Broadway Musicals, Rap/R&B, really just about anything. Probably my favourite singers are Eddie Vedder {yes, I know}, Geoff Tate who's is utterly incredible even after 40 years. And honestly? Garth Brooks. V. Favourite Movies: SW: The Empire Strikes Back, Tombstone, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Strange Days, Highlander, CA:TWS, Doctor Strange, ST: The Undiscovered Country and just so so so many more. VI. Favourite Series: Constantine, Doom Patrol, Legends of Tomorrow, Supernatural, Babylon 5, Farscape, Loki, ST: DS9/TNG/TOS/SNW {Really all of them except Voyager and Discovery}, Salem, Original Charmed, Witches of East End, Burn Notice, Fargo, Resident Alien, Res Dogs, Longmire, Justified, Dallas {Original and Revival} and Dark Shadows {Original AND Revival}. Family Guy, Bob's Burgers {and Archer}. Robot Chicken. Lastly I'm also going to say the Orville, which yes is a sort of parody of Star Trek, but also an homage, and a surprisingly well written one. VII. Last Song: Paint it Black ~ Ciara cover, Superhero ~ Johnny Hollow VIII. Last Series: Loki Episode 1-Season 2 or American Gigolo Episode 1. IX. Last Movie: The Noel Diary, The Dark Knight trilogy X. Currently Reading: Ten Little Indians anthology by Sherman Alexie, Digitisation and Digital Archiving: A Practical Guide for Librarians {second ed.} by Elizabeth R Leggett, ¡Sin resolver! Misterios de la historia by Dona Herwick Rice. XI. Currently Watching: The Fall of the House of Usher, Loki, Resident Alien XII. Currently Working On: The 500 or so posts I owe across my blogs. I am so sorry for being absolute fail.
~*~ Tagged by: @nightmarefuele my sweet and disturbing C. Tagging: @fasciinating, @respondedinkind, @chiefofstafftanner, @smolcuriouskitten, @rhodestoruin, @lalamoon, @mouthoftheocean, @ifyoucatchacriminal, @morgansmornings and anyone who would like to do this!
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clover-mittens · 1 year
Pedro Pascal x f!OC
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Summary: Shane Andrews, a young woman from Georgia now living on her own in the center of the universe -- New York. Being on her own Shane suddenly feels more lonely than ever; that slowly starts to change, as she realizes she was never as alone as she had thought.
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All About Pedro
part one: The actor and the waitress.
"Good morning, Greg.", Shane chimes as she walks through the employee's entrance at the back of the small diner she works at. The diner is family owned and has been running for almost a hundred years, yet it still sits somewhat quietly at the very same corner it was built on.
Greg looks behind him, towards the sweet voice of the young woman he'd hired just a few months back, yet she had already made such a huge impact on his family's little diner. "Morning, Shane.", a smile spreads on his lips as his eyes land on the woman, putting on her apron.
After putting on her apron Shane walks out into the diner, quickly picking up a pot filled with newly brewed coffee, and making her way around the counter. Like every other day her first stop is at table four, where the same mustached man sits, just like yesterday and the day before that... without asking Shane refills his half-empty mug with new, warm coffee. "Thanks.", he nods at the gesture not looking up from the papers in front of him.
"What are we reading today?", she asks, making small talk, keeping her eyes and attention on the man as she walks a few tables away to pick up an empty and dirty plate.
The man lifts his head, focusing on Shane as he rests his head on his hand. "Script; just this thing I'm working on.", the diner is quiet, except for the older man there are just a couple of teenagers looking all lovey-dovey at the other end of the room.
Though this man sits here for at least a few hours every morning Shane still doesn't know his name; she has never had the nerve to even ask him. "Exciting. Something you wrote... or?", she presses for more information. Exchanges like this, with random people, is partly why Shane loves working at Joana's, she enjoys conversations with strangers from all sorts of different places and backgrounds. Working at a small diner like this gives her time to sit down and just chat for a while.
He shakes his head, before taking a big gulp of his black coffee. "Definitely not. It's for a movie I'll be working on; we start training next week."
"Training? Like choreography and such?"
"Yeah, kind of -- like stage fighting."
Shane's eyes must be glowing with envy at this point, her mother grew up acting, and so did Shane for a few years of her life when she was younger, but when her mother got into a horrible life-changing accident Shane's dad decided that acting wasn't for his daughter. If it wasn't for the fact that it would disappoint her family she would have gone back into acting again, on her own terms this time. "Well, ain't you just the coolest person ever.", though her southern accent may sound sarcastic to some, she means every word. She can only dream of being a movie star, even if the role is small.
The man sits up fully just to lean back in the comfy booth, leaving a red mark on his cheek from resting it on his hand. Shane chuckles lightly. "So," the man double-checks Shane's name tag, even though he's known her name from the first time she filled up his mug. "Shane, where do you come from? With an accent like that I know it ain't from here.", he tries to impersonate her southern accent.
"Georgia -- born in California, but I grew up in Georgia.", she specifies, making the man nod, now understanding the rather strong accent.
Shane nods lightly toward the man, motioning for him to take his turn telling about his upbringing. "A bit messy. I was born in Chile, lived in Denmark for a bit while in political asylum, but then ultimately moved to Texas where I grew up.", the woman's eyes widen. "Now I'm here.", he announces proudly.
"That you are. Are you filming the movie here?", Shane's voice indicates that she's assuming it's just a small role in a minor movie.
"No, I'll actually be flying out to England in a few days. Depending on the movie I sometimes get to travel quite a bit while filming.", this has Shane absolutely starstruck, she is completely in love with whatever life it is that this man lives. "I'll come back though; New York is my home and I've fallen slightly in love with this place.", he says, this place being Joana's. He takes a quick look at his watch, realizing how long he's been at the diner already. "I should go now, but I'll see you tomorrow.", with that he stands up, taking his script with him as he walks towards the exit. "I'm Pedro by the way."
The young woman is left swooning in the booth, almost forgetting that she's here to work. Shane just got a whole lot more dream material and she finds herself excited for tomorrow when she'll see Pedro again, ready to hear more about him and his life as an actor. She's so in her own world that the sound of her boss calling out for her makes her jump slightly. She looks dumbfounded at Greg, he rolls his eyes at her. "Table eight.", he says, slightly annoyed, motioning towards the dirty table the two teenagers had been sitting at.
Shane's standing outside her apartment, unlocking the door when someone calls out her name from down the hallway. "Shane, hi. Sorry if I frightened you.", it's her sweet old neighbor, Mrs. Williams.
"That's quite alright. What's up?", Shane asks, having already noticed the foil cover plate in her wrinkly hands.
Mrs. Williams hands Shane the lukewarm plate, it's not the first time the elderly neighbor has brought food for Shane since she moved in next door. "Made a bit too much food; sometimes I forget it's just Darren and myself.", the old lady says as if she doesn't do it on purpose to make sure that the young southern woman is eating well.
A smile spreads on Shane's lips. "Thank you.", a genuine one at that. Shane knows she doesn't feel like making dinner herself when she gets home from work late, so she's beyond grateful to have such lovely neighbors. Mrs. Williams nods at Shane before walking off to her own apartment. Shane keeps an eye on the old woman before she too gets inside her home.
Inside, it only takes a few seconds before she's practically tackled by Tucker, her golden retriever. "Hi, buddy, did ya miss me?", Shane puts the plate of food down on the small table standing in her entranceway before throwing herself to the floor to greet her excited dog. "I have a lot to fill you in on. Come on.", she boops the dog's nose, making him sneeze before she gets up from the floor and takes her food from the table, bringing it into the living room, Tucker quickly following behind her.
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elpickett · 6 months
Oathbreaker is now live on AO3!
You can find it here: Oathbreaker - elizabethpickett - The Last of Us (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
Rating: T
Relationships: Tommy / Maria, background Joel / Tess and Joel / his ex-wife
Word Count: 12987
Tommy had never foreseen himself getting married. In his defence, he hadn't exactly grown up with many good examples of what marriage could look like. His parent's marriage was effectively over before he was born, and Joel's marriage to his ex-wife hadn't been great either. After meeting Maria, however, his mind began to change, picturing her wearing his ring.
This is my Tommy x Maria backstory, it's loosely set in the same universe as Blood Runs Red (which you can find here: Blood Runs Red - elizabethpickett - The Last of Us (Video Games) [Archive of Our Own])
Full story below the cut if you'd rather read it on Tumblr.
Tommy had never foreseen himself getting married. In his defence, he hadn't exactly grown up with many good examples of what marriage could look like. 
His parents were already well past falling out of love by the time he was already born, to the point he'd always harboured the suspicion he'd been a last ditch attempt at pulling their marriage back together. It would be an understatement to say it didn't work. By the time he was a toddler, he was well used to the yelling, the fights getting louder and more frequent, the Spanish and Mapuche bleeding together as his parents disagreed about everything they could think of. Joel had tried his best to shield Tommy from the worst of it, but the small two bed flat didn't give them anywhere to go, so under a hastily made pillow fort it was. Joel tried to distract Tommy by making him practise the maths Joel had learnt in school that week, never mind Tommy was four years younger than him, desperate to distract his younger brother. Tommy’s only experience of his mother's first language was through those fights, the only thoughts he could frame those of hatred and disagreement. Joel spoke a little more than him, but still not enough to converse with their grandparents in it. 
After everything happened with his grandfather, his parents had decided to leave Chile behind, head to America, the only thing Tommy could remember them ever agreeing on. He'd clung tight to Joel the whole flight, terrified of how high they were, terrified of leaving everything he'd known behind. 
Unfortunately for Tommy and Joel, four and eight, speaking a half dozen words of English between them (and one of them was football, which apparently did not mean the same as fútbol for some reason), his parents' marriage didn't get any better after they settled on the outskirts of Austin, Texas. 
Joel and Tommy picked up English fairly quickly, both bright and in a school well used to children only speaking Spanish, even if their variety of Spanish wasn't the one the ESL teachers were most familiar with. They played football (soccer, the other kids insisted), they did just enough homework to stay off their teachers radar, they spent as long as possible walking home and left as early as they could in the morning. Three years after they first arrived in Texas, they started showing up to school with bruises. The teachers didn't even raise an eyebrow, just shook their heads when Joel started picking fights with the kids who gave Tommy a hard time seeing the ring of blue around his wrist. 
Their parent's marriage only splintered further the longer they stayed in their little two bed flat above some distant relatives garage. Their father stayed out later and later, returning angry and his breath stinking of vodka. Their mother retreated further and further into herself, trying to make not enough money go far enough for herself and two growing boys. 
Joel let slip when Tommy was 11 that part of the issue was their father coming home with lipstick on his collar, having successfully hid that facet of their parents' marriage from Tommy for three years. 
And then, after the broken arm, after their father was killed (passed, the other ladies from church saying, as though that made it any better, as though they hadn't already seen death much worse than a drunken car crash), he watched his mother bloom again. Tommy saw her get more involved in church when she had time around the two jobs she worked, saw her eyes get brighter and her jokes become more frequent, the hair ruffling and cakes baked following Tommy's abuelas recipes appearing more often. Tommy saw how much happier she was, no longer married, her rings neatly tucked away in a box at the bottom of her dresser, looking younger than she had in years. 
And so Tommy, alongside the lessons of how to take a hit, how to read a room better than anyone else in it (except Joel, but he didn't count), learnt that marriage was a thing that made you miserable. 
Joel's marriage to Julia didn't exactly change that lesson in his mind, older though he was as he watched it end almost before it had begun. 
He was vaguely aware Joel had been seeing someone, mutterings making it across to his middle school from the high school next door, that one of the choir kids was dating some cheerleader. He hadn't thought anything more of it until he wandered over to the high school to see where Joel had got to as he wasn't waiting by the gate for Tommy as usual, where he found his brother with his tongue down said cheerleader's throat. (And oh, thought Tommy, I can hold this one over him forever). After extracting a promise from Joel that he'd get Joel's dessert the next three nights in return for not telling their mother about Joel's new girlfriend (not girlfriend, Joel muttered, which made Tommy burst out laughing because that would be so much worse according to their mother). 
Six months later, Tommy had managed to extract the girls name (‘Julia’), how Joel had met her (‘we sit next to each other in chemistry class’), the nature of their relationship (‘friends who made out sometimes but also weren't seeing other people’), and why Tommy hadn't been officially introduced to her (‘which bit of not girlfriend is hard for you to understand, Tomás, honestly’). Joel never had been good at saying no to Tommy, even when it was clearly information he would clearly have rather not shared with his fourteen year old brother who was altogether too invested in his love life. 
Three months after that, Julia appeared on their doorstep, blood dripping down her face, just as Joel was heading out to take her to a football game at school. Her belongings were moved into Joel's room two weeks later after a brief standoff between Joel and her father, his mother shaking her head and commenting that normally she'd make them sleep apart but it was a bit too late now wasn't it.
Julia and Joel got married on a quiet Saturday afternoon two months after they graduated, with Isabella and Tommy as their witnesses, in a small ceremony at the church Isabella helped organise. Julia wore a white dress her mother had brought over one day without a word to anyone except Isabella. She was holding a bouquet of daisies, Joel in one of their fathers tuxes that didn't fit quite right around the shoulders, as they put on a matching set of gold rings (the cheapest they could find).  Joel had gone straight from the ceremony to a job site, desperately trying to bring in enough money to cover all the costs being a new parent would bring. 
Within three months of Sarah being born, Tommy could tell it was a matter of time until Julia left. Joel had thrown himself fully into being a father, happiest with his daughter in his arms, throwing her up in the air and catching her, reading to her whenever he could, even as exhausted as he was with the long hours he was working. Julia, on the other hand, seemed to want nothing to do with Sarah, hating the time she had to spend with her daughter instead of her friends. Tommy knew she had planned to go to college, but her father had made it clear she'd get no more support from them so it wasn't an option anymore. In hindsight Tommy knew Julia was suffering from postpartum depression and the inevitable after effects of having her entire life turned upside down at 18, but to 15 year old him he just watched Sarah struggle as she got no more attention from her mother than absolutely necessary. Tommy had started going straight to their flat after school to play with Sarah while he did his homework, leaving Julia to her own devices while he entertained his niece and tried to remember how to balance a chemistry equation. 
Julia and Joel had never been properly together before Sarah was born, something Tommy had always thought was fairly mutual given the very different directions of their lives. After Sarah, though, Joel had tried his best to make it work with Julia - date nights (with Tommy babysitting, sometimes accompanied by their mother and sometimes not), bringing things back from work to try and make her smile. Julia had just retreated into herself, rarely showing any affection at all to her husband or daughter. 
Tommy had sworn to himself at that moment that if this is what a better marriage than his parents’ looked like, he never wanted to get married. Never wanted to watch himself or his partner fade, living separate lives in the same house, passing without speaking like ships passing at night. 
Julia left shortly after Sarah’s third birthday, divorce papers on the kitchen table, her belongings packed and gone. Joel had panicked at first, not knowing where she was, worried about her spiralling yet again and showing up drunk or high or hurt, so Tommy got handed Sarah and an overnight bag while Joel went to go and try to find his wife. He eventually got word through a chain of people that Tommy had never quite got his head around that she was in Washington with a cousin, at which point Joel rushed straight home to Sarah. It took three days for Joel to manage to explain to Sarah that her mother wasn't coming back this time, unlike the other times where she'd disappeared overnight with no proper warning. Sarah had started sobbing, too young to fully understand what was happening, inconsolable despite Tommy's best efforts to get her to bed. Once he eventually got settled, he'd called his mother and asked her to try and get Julia to give up custody of Sarah. He'd never fully understood the extent to which Isabella and Julia's mother were in contact, but a week after the divorce papers were finalised, a set of custody documents arrived at Joel's flat, Julia giving up all parental rights.
A month later, Tommy graduated high school and shipped out to the army two weeks after that, Sarah clinging to his leg as needed to leave for basic, sobbing that she didn't want him to leave too. Tommy eventually managed to explain that he wasn't going away forever, just to work for a bit, and he'd visit her soon and call her lots. Then he ended up in Kuwait, out of bad luck with when he'd enlisted rather than a particular desire to be there, and he didn't see his niece for eight months. When he got back, PTSD already reading its ugly head, Joel had told him that he was moving in with him and Sarah. A few months after he got back, still waking up with nightmares of blood soaking his hands, he started working on the same construction sites as Joel and helping as much as he could raising his niece, teaching her letters and how to kick a football and learning to how to braid her hair from one of their neighbour's. 
When Sarah was eight, looking more like Isabella every day and capable of making herself a sandwich, Tommy moved into his own flat, keen to try to be an adult for once without Joel there to pick up the pieces. As it turned out, Joel managed to do that fairly effectively even if they were no longer living together, sending Sarah in to wake him up when he was hungover and due at a job site, knowing full well Tommy would rather die than snap at his niece. 
Tommy had a few girlfriends on and off in the years before the apocalypse began, always ending when they started asking questions about long term life goals and settling down. One of them had got mad at him at one point, yelling at him from across the room that 
‘Would it kill you to commit, Tommy? What's so scary about considering what our lives could be like together?’ Tommy had frozen, rooted to the spot, his mother with a black eye and Julia's dead expression and Joel's desperation to make it work when it clearly wouldn't all flashing through his mind, unable to speak as his now ex-girlfriend stormed past him, never to be in his living room again. He hadn't known how to explain to her that he liked how they were in that moment, that taking it further would end up with them both sad and miserable and wishing they hadn't. Tommy wasn't about to make the same mistakes his mother and brother had. 
And then after the apocalypse, after he lost Sarah, it took him years to even consider anything more than the odd one night stand, relationships just making him think of his niece and who his brother had been broken first by Julia leaving him and then by losing his daughter. 
He'd seen someone on and off in Boston while he was there, a smuggling contact who Tess had referred to, on several occasions, as ‘the most inept drug dealer I've ever met Tommy, Jesus fucking Christ I am begging you to have better taste in women’. Eventually deciding to heed her advice and call it off (he'd long since realised that Tess was the smartest of the three of them, could read people and get what she wanted from them better than anyone he'd ever met), he'd then ended up in Marlene's bed, to which Tess had raised an eyebrow and asked why he was so keen to remake her mistakes. This subsequently led to them both getting drunk off some truly horrific tequila and bonding over shitty ex girlfriends, confusing the hell out of Joel who arrived back at his flat to find his brother and partner drunk out of their minds on his living room floor, both bursting out laughing as he got in from a drop. Tommy had never quite understood the nature of Tess and Joel's relationship, whether she was his girlfriend, partner in all senses of the word, soulmate, or wife in all but filling out the paperwork. To be fair to his brother, Tommy was also aware that Joel probably was terrified to label it the same way he was, too scared of messing up a good thing. 
And then, he met Maria. 
The first time he met her, he was bleeding profusely out of a knife wound in his arm courtesy of a group of raiders when he suddenly had two guns pointed at him. The man he'd written off immediately as someone he could overpower without much effort, an itchy trigger finger and the lack of a proper beard showing his youth. The woman, however, wrapped in a navy coat and a red bandanna covering most of her face, holding a rifle that Tommy could only describe as beautiful, had kept the gun levelled at his face and told him to kneel. Tommy had done so instantly, not even really realising what he was doing until he felt his knees begin to go numb, the snow soaking through his jeans and thermals. The woman had raised a singular eyebrow, and then promptly knocked him out with the butt of her gun. He decided not to hold it against her.  
He woke up in what was quickly identifiable as a doctor's office, even 12 years after he'd last been in a medical centre (and he desperately tried not to focus on that, on the feeling of Joel's blood coating his hands, under his fingernails, begging the doctors to do something, anything). There was the strong smell of antiseptic, and looking down he saw an IV in his arm hooked up to a blood bag and the wound on his arm was neatly dressed. Looking around, Tommy's gaze settled on the two people sitting next to his bed: the woman from the woods, who now she wasn't wearing the bandanna appeared to be about his age, and an older gentleman, deep wrinkles carved into his face revealing a life spent in the sun, his cheekbones the mirror image of the woman's sat next to him - his daughter, Tommy realised. 
‘Well, you've certainly done well to make it this far north with such terrible winter gear,’ the man said wryly, his accent revealing himself to be from somewhere near the where Tommy had found himself. ‘I’m George, one of the council members of this here town. And who might you be?’
‘Tommy Miller, sir,’ Tommy replied, his voice cracking from disuse. The woman reached over to the table beside the bed and handed Tommy a glass of water which he took gratefully, nodding his thanks to the woman. He may not have been Texan originally, but his mother had drilled southern manners into him and Joel within a few years of their arrival to Austin. ‘If you don't mind me asking, exactly how far north have I got? I know I crossed the state line into Wyoming, but I lost track of exactly where I was soon after.’
‘This is Jackson. You made it near enough two thirds of the way up to Montana. You heading somewhere in particular?’ the man questioned, and Tommy sensed a different undercurrent to this question. They may have taken him in and patched him up, but they were now trying to figure out what to do with him now, and judging by the tension between George and his daughter, he got the sense that bringing him in may have not been a decision made by whatever sort of council ran this place. 
‘Just wandering, taking the opportunity to see some more of the country. Was trying to avoid Denver and Salt Lake City, and heard mutterings of a settlement up this way, figured I'd come see if I could find it. At this point, I'd mainly just like to find somewhere with a roof and food for the winter. If I can't find that here I'm happy to get out of your hair as soon as someone unhooks me from all this,’ Tommy said, gesturing with his injured arm to the tubes coming out of his arm. 
‘Avoiding FEDRA and the Fireflies then I see. A man after my own heart. What'd you do for a living before the end of the world?’ George queried, the woman looking closely at Tommy, and he felt her stare down into his very soul, stripping him bare before her. 
‘Military and then contracting, sir. Owned a construction firm with my brother down in Austin,’ Tommy explained, a slight frown on his face as George ignored his comment about leaving and then recognised exactly what those two cities meant. 
‘Well, if you're looking for somewhere to spend the winter, we always need more hands here, and someone who knows how to build would be most appreciated as our electrician keeps threatening to turn off my hot water if I make him frame another house. You'd be on probation for three months before you get to vote on the council members and in any town wide votes, and there's a strict no firearms rule unless you're on guard duty or on patrol. We also request no weapons of any other kind, but given my daughter has at least three knives on her person right now, that rule does have some more flexibility providing they don't get used on other people.’ George offered. In that moment, Tommy realised what else felt wrong at the whole situation - his fireflies dog tags weren't sitting on his chest. He'd kept wearing them even after he left out of a vague hope that word would get back to Joel if anything did happen to him, but given George's implication that leaving Jackson wasn't an option, he began to question whether that had been a smart move. The fireflies had made a lot of enemies over the last five years, and Tommy had helped make some of those enemies personally. 
‘I’d be happy to help with building here. It's been a while since I framed out a house but I'm sure I can contribute,’ Tommy said slowly, trying to keep his voice even. 
‘Wonderful. In that case, I'll leave you in Maria's capable hands to show you around the town and get you settled down in one of the open houses. I do hope you settle in well here,’ George said, carefully pushing himself up from the chair he was sitting in, his creaking joints audible to Tommy, who suddenly realised this man looked to be in his eighties, had entered the apocalypse most likely already a retiree and had somehow not only survived but helped set up a town. He glanced at his daughter, Maria, he'd said her name was, on the way out, quietly murmuring something to her, her only response being an eye roll that made Tommy's heart clench in his chest as he remembered Sarah doing the same thing when Joel asked her to help out at home. 
‘Well that went better than expected,’ Maria said, grinning at Tommy after her father left the room, before standing up herself, ‘let me go find one of the nurses and see if you have enough blood in you now to be able to have a tour’. 
Ten minutes later, Tommy was walking down the main street of Jackson, wrapped up in a stranger's clothes, as Maria pointed out the walls they were trying to build, the schoolyard, the cafeteria, before leading him over to one of the residential streets and nodding at a pale yellow house. 
‘This one is yours for the time being, it's where we put all the new arrivals so they can get their heads around Jackson before they pick where they want to live,’ Maria explained, stepping up onto the porch and leaning against the railings, looking down at Tommy beneath her. ‘I do have to ask, though, are you still running with the fireflies? Because you said you were avoiding Denver, but you were wearing fireflies dog tags when I found you,’ she queried, surprising Tommy with the bluntness of her question. 
‘Uh, no ma’am, ain't been runnin’ with them for near enough a year now. Kept them in the hope word would get back to my brother if anything happened. Got no love lost for ‘em now,’ Tommy explained, catching a glimpse of the second knife (one on her hip, one in her boot, and a mystery third one somewhere), ‘and I meant what I said about leaving if y'all don't want me here. I ain't trying to impose.’
Maria looked at him then, her eyes locking onto his as she searched for an answer in his, clearly weighing him up. Tommy kept his expression neutral, staring back at her, taking in her dark eyes and sharp cheekbones. 
‘I’ve worked damn hard getting this town up and running without you fucking it up by bringing the outside world here, alright? I brought you in because despite actively bleeding out you'd still managed to kill that whole group of raiders, and frankly we need more manpower on patrols and wall duty, or more specifically, we need people with combat experience. And you held yourself like a soldier. So do me a favour and don't fuck up while you're here, it'll make me look bad’, Maria said, appraising his face, his hands, one holding the banister and the other with a thumb tucked into a belt loop. 
‘I’ll try my best not to fuck up then, ma’am, I wouldn't want to risk your good reputation,’ Tommy replied, toeing the line between respectful and flirtatious, to which she laughed, before telling him to go wash up and take a shower before heading to the cafeteria for dinner.
Over the next few weeks, Tommy began to settle into Jackson, taking his meals in the cafeteria, Maria making him sit with different groups of people (but normally staying with him too), and helping out with various jobs. It turned out contracting came back easily, and soon people were coming up to him on the street to ask him to fix steps, kitchen cupboards, and a leaky roof. Jackson had a hardware store that was still mostly intact so he didn't struggle for supplies. He'd asked Maria if it was okay he wasn't actually working on getting the new buildings up as he kept ending up fixing various things in the older houses, to which she’d said that if he was helping people build things it didn't really matter the order. He'd asked about patrol shifts or guard duty, but had been told it'd be at least two months after his arrival before he got hold of a firearm. He carefully didn't mention the pistol and ammo he'd found when inspecting a potential building for the new community co-op, now safely tucked away in his bedroom drawer. And wasn't that a luxury, getting his own bedroom, with a bed, and a thick duvet, and space to put things. He reached the point of knowing people's names and socialising without Maria, heading to the Tipsy Bison after finishing up work for the day with whoever ended up on the ‘help Tommy fix shit’ shift that day. 
By the time spring finally arrived, the snow dissipating and early bulbs beginning to show themselves in the grass, Tommy knew he would stay in Jackson. He'd started working on the walls more, making them stronger, had almost finished plans for redoing the main town buildings and making sure they were strong enough to stand for a long while yet. It was quieter there than anywhere he'd found after the end of the world, made of people who just wanted to live as best they could, who didn't ask questions about each other's pasts unless information was freely given first. He moved out of the yellow house and into a small townhouse a few roads over (nearer Maria, a small voice in the back of his head said), and had gotten into the habit of sitting on his porch in the evenings with a cup of herbal tea that one patrol woman made. Soon enough, Maria began to join him, first standing on the steps to ask him what he'd been fixing that day, but soon it had progressed to them sitting on the pair of chairs and both sipping from mugs of tea.
Maria had always felt easy, to Tommy, in a way he hadn't really ever felt before. Her only expectation of him was that he'd do his fair share of the work of Jackson, but beyond that, she didn't want anything from him. He could be himself around her, joke, recollect stories of before the world ended. He learnt she'd been a lawyer, same as her father, which made sense given she could read people better than anyone he'd met other than Tess. He learnt she used to visit Louisiana every summer to visit her grandparents, and had gone to college in New York on a full scholarship. In return, he told her about growing up with Joel and their mother, of playing football at school, desperate to spend as little time inside as possible. Told her about his love for peppermint sweets, and the first record he remembered ever hearing. 
Six months after Tommy first met Maria, they were sitting on his porch enjoying the warm summer evening, both distinctly tipsy from a night at the bar with friends that had somehow involved multiple tequila shots and several bottles of wine. He wasn't entirely sure where the tequila had even come from if he was being honest. He'd looked up to see a moth sitting on the railing across from him, and said, quietly, 
‘Sarah always did love butterflies. Used to insist that moths were just sleepy butterflies, that the wing shape was different because they were too tired to hold their wings up. Took until she was six to convince her they were different animals, though I think she was fucking with me on purpose by the end of it’. 
Maria stilled at his words, turning to look at him, seeing the grief writ large on his face. 
‘How old was she? When you lost her?’ she asked, her voice settling into something softer than usual, a tone he was quickly realising only seemed to appear around him. 
‘She was 14, final year of middle school. Already had her high school picked out, some science specific one. It was going to be a nightmare for Joel and I to get her there it was so far away, but it was academically selective and she was so smart, always wanted to learn more about everythin’,’ he said, finding the lump in his throat beginning to get smaller as the words started coming out. 
‘Was she yours or Joel's?’
‘She was Joel's daughter. But Julia took off pretty early, and Joel had been keeping a pretty close eye on me for years because our dad wasn't around, so it was me and him raising her mainly. Our mum helped as well, but we lost her when Sarah was six, so then it was only us two. Lived with them for a while as well to make it easier when I for back from the army.’
‘So she was yours, then, as well,’  Maria stated quietly, meeting Tommy's eyes as he looked up, a tear glistening on his cheek. 
‘Yeah. She was mine. Felt like I buried half my heart when we had to bury her,’ he managed to choke out, realising how little he'd actually grieved her in the twelve years since her death, realising that Joel's insistence of shoving the feelings down had left him without any closure, any sense of being able to lay his niece to rest in his mind. 
Maria got up, then, moving to sit next to him, and just held his hand as he sobbed silently, waiting for him to be done before helping him inside and up to his bedroom, squeezing his hand as she grabbed an extra blanket for him out of his cupboard (and he wondered then, how she knew where it was. She was in his house a lot, often chatting over lunch or planning new stages of development for Jackson, but he hadn't realised her familiarity with his home had reached knowing where the spare bed linen was). 
‘Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me about Sarah,’ Maria whispered from his bedroom door, just loud enough for Tommy to hear it even as he slipped towards sleep. 
‘Trust you with everythin’, darlin’,’ he replied, drifting quickly off. 
It was easier, after that, to talk to Maria about Sarah, to be able to remember her life and all she had done with it, to finally come to terms with what had happened. 
Maria, then, slowly started sharing stories of Kevin too. Less, as he was so much younger when he died, but stories of ever taller building block towers, of wanting to ‘help’ his mother with work which resulted in a separate firm branded notebook for him after he'd scribbled over her case notes when drawing a picture in her normal notebook. Stories of long nights with a colicky baby, giving way to longer days as she balanced being a DA with being a parent and being married to a surgeon. It had taken Tommy by surprise, a bit, hearing she had been married, which she was confused by. 
‘I was in my thirties with a kid and a career and everything, why's it so surprising I was married?’ she asked, undoing a chain around her neck to show Tommy the three rings threaded onto it, her engagement ring sparkling in the lantern light. 
‘Just never pictured you that way, I guess,’ he'd replied, twisting the rings back and forth between his fingers. 
‘Not something you were ever interested in?’ Maria had asked, reclasping the necklace before sipping her tea as it steamed gently. 
‘Saw what it did to my parents, and then to Joel and his ex-wife. Figured it was something I was probably better without’, he said, shrugging.
‘That’s, that’s not what marriage is supposed to be like,’ Maria said, reaching over to turn his face towards her so she was sure he heard her.  ‘Marriage is supposed to make you happy. It's about finding someone you are so happy to spend the rest of your life around, and then promising each other to try and make that happen.’
Tommy had just given her a cocky grin, one she recognised now as the face he made when thinking over new information, before smiling up at her, her fingers still on his jaw. 
‘I'm glad you were happy. That your husband made you happy,’ he'd said quietly before going back to drinking his tea. 
By the time the next winter came, when Tommy reached a year in Jackson, he realised that Maria probably knew more about him than anyone other than maybe Joel. She knew his life before, knew some of his life afterwards (she knew about the Fireflies, the smuggling. He still hadn't managed to vocalise the details about him and Joel being hunters for a while, though she knew that's what they'd done. He just couldn't share exactly what happened, and she didn't push) and had taken it all into her stride. Had looked at him with her dark brown eyes glinting in the sun and seen him, all of him. 
In return, he'd got to know her pretty well too. Knew how college had been, so desperate to do as well in law as her father, about the realities of living so far from home as an eighteen year old. Knew she'd met Michael on a blind date set up by a mutual friend from her law school, that it had ended with red wine on his shirt, his hands on her arms as he kissed her goodnight, and them trading numbers to meet up again somewhere less stuffy and more them. He knew how much she'd wanted a child, and how worried she’d been about what it would do to her career if she took a year off, only to have got bored out of her mind within two months, Michael and her adjusting plans so she could go back to work full time while he took a step back to look after Kevin more. He knew how terrified she'd been to vocalise what she wanted to her husband, how terrified she'd been that he would say looking after Kevin was her job, only for him to hand her a new job contract from the hospital for reduced hours that would let him do the bulk of childcare, him smiling and telling her he didn't marry her to make her miserable, and that if he hadn't wanted to split childcare in a way that might include him being the one to take a step back career wise he wouldn't have married a woman with a career more impressive than his. 
It still had taken him by surprise when she’d sat down next to him one evening and told him she wanted to tell him how she lost Michael and Kevin, not even waiting for him to make their tea first. He'd offered to go and make it but she'd just shook her head, said it needed to be now, so he just held her hand and sat next to her as she got the words out in fits and starts, tears shining bright on her face. 
Maria told him that her husband had been the one to go and get George when they realised something was wrong on outbreak day, while she stayed at home with Kevin, frantically packing bags so they could leave town and get somewhere quieter. She told him Michael had arrived at George's house to find him being attacked by an infected, that he had got bit getting George to safety. How he'd kept quiet about the bite on his ankle until George was safely with Maria and Kevin, then had pulled her aside and told her what happened, touching foreheads with her before taking his father in laws pistol and going to put a bullet in his head, refusing to let anyone else do it. She told him, voicing catching on the words, how much she regretted not even being able to kiss him goodbye, unsure as they were of how the infection spread. 
He pulled her close at that point, letting her head burrow into his neck, his arms falling around her as she clung to him. 
She managed to explain that Kevin had been bit three days later in an army camp, the quarantine protocols proving insufficient, and that after that she and George had stayed far away from anything government run. 
She’d explained, then, that it would have been his sixteenth birthday that day, and Tommy, who'd spent the nights that would've been Sarah's 18th and 21st drunk and high out of his mind, understood suddenly why she needed to say it then. To make her son real and tangible in the world, to make sure he didn't live on just in her head but in someone else's too. 
He’d offered, then, to go and fill their mugs with whiskey instead of tea, if that was more what she’d wanted, getting a laugh out of her with that joke. 
‘I think I just want to sleep. Walk me home?’ she asked quietly, lifting her face to look up at his. Tommy nodded and unwrapped her arms from around him, keeping hold of her hand as they slowly walked (the extremely short distance) to her house. 
Seeing her face tighten as they reached her door, Tommy squeezed her hand, 
‘Want me to stay until you fall asleep?’ he offered, quickly seeing it was the right thing to say as Maria’s shoulders dropped several inches in relief. And so he took her upstairs, awkwardly hovering as she got changed and got into bed, an odd mirror of what she'd done for him when he'd told her about Sarah. Maria curled up into Tommy’s chest, his hand settling on her hair as she slowly drifted off to sleep. He’d meant to slip out as soon as she was fully asleep, but instead he woke up to the sun coming in through her window, Maria’s face still buried in his chest, his back aching and reminding him that the apocalypse hadn’t been kind to his joints. Maria stirred against his chest rolling over so she was fully on top of him, and Tommy froze, not entirely sure what to do now, lying trapped under his best friend who’d given him a home and helped piece his broken parts back together. Thankfully, Maria awoke fairly soon into his small existential crisis, looking up at him, hair messy and neck cracking, a quiet ‘hey’ leaving her lips as she got up and headed for the bathroom. Tommy took the opportunity to stretch his back and readjust his clothes, still not sure what to say. 
‘You want coffee?’ Maria’s voice broke through the fog coating his brain, emerging from the bathroom with water dripping down her neck from where she’d splashed her face.
‘That would be great. Look, I’m sorry about stayin’, I’d meant to go once you were settled-’
‘It’s fine, Tommy. Really. You were a surprisingly good pillow. Eggs for breakfast okay? She said, seemingly confused why it was such a big deal, as though he hadn’t just spent the night in her bed.
‘Uh, yeah, eggs work. Any chance ya got any of that hot sauce Lauren made?’ he said, shrugging and following her lead as she headed through to her kitchen, filling the kettle.
That afternoon, while working on fixing the roof, Tommy almost fell off said roof when Jon, one of the only other men with any sort of construction experience, suddenly spoke,
‘So you and Maria have finally decided to stop sneaking around huh?’ he asked, smirking and sitting to look over at Tommy.
‘What’s that supposed to mean?’ Tommy asked, confused as to why anyone thought he and Maria were hiding being friends when they regularly sat on his porch together in full view of anyone who walked past. 
‘Denise saw you doing the walk of shame this morning leaving Maria's house,’ Jon told him, clearly delighted at the efficiency of Jackson's gossip network. 
Tommy blinked several times, ‘Wait, what? That wasn't a walk of shame. Firstly, because it's not like that between us, I just fell asleep. Secondly, a walk of shame implies I'd feel shame, which is yet to be something I’ve ever experienced.’
‘Wait what do you mean it's not like that? You're not together?’
‘No? Wait, did you think we were?’
‘Alongside everyone else in Jackson, dude, yeah I did. Are you seriously telling me that you spend all your free time together, and you're not sleeping together?’ Jon asked him, beginning to look as confused as Tommy felt. 
‘Yeah, that's exactly what I'm telling you. Can we get back to finishing this roof now? I'm meant to be meeting the woman I'm in no way sleeping with for lunch in an hour’. 
Turning away from Jon and getting back to laying shingles, Tommy thought about what he'd said, the assumption that he and Maria were together. To be fair, men had stopped asking her to dance at the Tipsy Bison pretty soon after they'd started spending more time together, and he had quit flirting with women in front of Maria, and given he was basically always with her, that meant he'd stopped flirting completely with the other women of Jackson. 
Two hours later, and God, Tommy missed competent coworkers who knew what to do and could be trusted not to fuck everything up the minute he looked away, he fell into a chair opposite Maria in her kitchen with a loud thump, her raising an eyebrow at the interruption from her work. 
‘So Jon asked me about that fact I supposedly did the walk of shame this morning, apparently Denise saw me leave yours,’ he said, reaching over the table to grab her sandwich and start eating it. 
‘That would imply shame is something you'd feel after sleeping with somebody,’ she said, not even looking up from the large stack of papers in front of her. 
‘That’s what I said!’ Tommy replied, gesturing to her with her own sandwich, which she plucked out his hand to grab a bite of herself. ‘But also, apparently the whole town thinks we are together.’
‘I mean to be fair we spend all our free time together and neither of us have been seeing anyone else, it's not a wild conclusion for them to draw,’ Maria replied, somehow managing to hold a conversation, eat a sandwich, and continuing working on what looked like a patrol schedule all at once. 
‘That doesn't bother ya’?’ Tommy asked, confused by how nonplussed she seemed.  
‘Tommy I'm 44 and we are living through the apocalypse, I'm rather a long way beyond caring what anyone else thinks about my sex life,’ she said, pushing the patrol schedule away and setting down the sandwich. ‘Does it bother you that other people think we are together in that way?’ she asked, staring at him with what he had long ago termed her ‘lawyer face’ where he knew he couldn't hide anything from her even if he wanted to. 
‘No? Maybe? I don’t know, Maria, just feels a little weird that they'd think a guy like me had a chance with a woman like ya’ is all.’
‘What’s that supposed to mean?’ she asked, her voice sharper than he remembered it being while directed at him for months.
‘What do ya’ think it means? You were a fuckin’ DA with a surgeon for a husband and a kid and a life and everythin’ before, and now you've helped set up one of the only non FEDRA settlements in the whole US and despite what ya’ tell people about the council everyone knows that people will vote for what you and ya’ daddy decide is best. I barely graduated high school and spent my life before the end of the world pickin’ dumb fights at bars and having to get bailed out by my brother with my niece in tow, and after the outbreak I've done a whole lotta awful things. You managed to build somethin’, I just hurt a lot of people who didn't do anythin’ but get in my way. You never woulda looked at a guy like me before even if ya’ weren't happily married, and god knows you'd never look at me like that with everything I've done since.’
‘Is that seriously what you think? That you wouldn't be good enough for me?’ she asked him, her voice keeping the hard edge even as she reached over and took his hands. 
‘Ya’ know what I've done, darlin’. Don't think I'm good enough for anyone, don't think I was before the world ended, let alone now,’ Tommy said quietly, looking her in the eye to show he wasn't hiding anything. 
Maria picked up his hands and pressed a kiss to his knuckles, hands holding tight to his. 
‘You listen to me, Tomás Miller. You are worth loving. I know what you did and who you are, and I haven't turned away from you yet. If I didn't think you were good enough for me, I wouldn't be spending all my time with you and letting you steal my sandwiches, okay?’ she said, staring deep into his eyes to make her point. 
‘Yeah but that's different, we’re friends. It's not the same.’
‘Am I seriously going to have to explain to you how platonic relationships are just as important and fulfilling as romantic ones? It doesn't matter exactly what our relationship is, it wouldn't change how I looked at you. How much I love you.’
Tommy blinked, ‘you love me?’ 
‘Of course I do, you moron. Now help me with the patrol schedules,’ she said, squeezing his hands before pushing half the schedule over to his side of the table. He just sat there, trying to process the fact that a woman as wonderful as Maria apparently loved him. 
About two minutes later, the room having been silent until then, he broke it by asking,
‘We can start fucking with people if they all think we are sleeping together, right? This could be hilarious.’ 
‘Oh definitely. They want to make dumb assumptions instead of asking questions, we get to fuck with them,’ Maria answered instantly. ‘Now, thoughts on sending Silas and Eugene out on the northern route?’
‘Absolutely not, the levels of common sense on that patrol would be so low as to be nonexistent. Also, I love ya’ too, darlin’. I hope you know that.’ 
Maria smiled over at him, squeezed his hand, and went back to work. 
Things changed after that. They'd been close for a while, spending a lot of time together, but after naming what was between them they lived practically on top of each other, constantly in each other's houses, every so often both falling asleep while watching a movie or working late and moving, groaning at aching joints, towards whichever bed was closest and curling up in it. Tommy hadn't thought much of it, Maria not being one to snore or steal the covers, until George cornered him after a patrol shift one day after he'd finally been cleared to handle a gun and head out. 
‘So what exactly is going on between you and my daughter?’ George said, standing just outside the stables and waiting for Tommy to walk out, making him jump out of his own skin as he quickly looked around for George. 
‘I… I feel like that's somethin’ you'd need to ask her, sir,’ he said, feeling like he was fifteen and had been caught sneaking around with his girlfriend again (Isabella, having had one grandchild from a child barely out of high school, had no interest in there being a second and had been extremely strict with doors open and rules like that. Tommy, having acquired a niece from a high school relationship, had no interest in giving her a second grandchild, so this caused significantly less issues than everyone seemed to expect given his reputation as a womaniser). 
‘I did. She said to ask you,’ George responded, his eyes narrowing. 
‘I… She's the best thing in my life, sir. I like havin’ her around.’
‘Hmm. Break her heart and we will have a problem,’ George responded, his voice taking on the same edge that Maria's did when she was serious. 
‘That feels fair, sir,’ Tommy said, very aware that Maria had learnt most of her lawyering at his feet, including the ability to read people. 
When he mentioned the conversation to Maria that evening over dinner she laughed, apologising for not giving him advance warning of the impending shovel talk as George had asked her the same thing that morning. 
‘What did ya’ tell him? About us?’ Tommy asked.
‘That I was a forty four year old woman and thus rather beyond having to justify my relationships to him,’ she replied dryly. ‘No, I told him you were important to me and I love you and if you break my heart I can kick your ass myself.’
‘That’s my girl.’
Three months later, Tommy and Maria were frantically shovelling down breakfast after sleeping in late, one of them having turned the alarm clock off and rolled back over without thinking. When Maria stood up to leave, grabbing her bag and coat, she dropped a kiss on Tommy's lips as she ran out the door to a council meeting seemingly without thinking about it. 
Tommy blinked several times, decided he quite liked that, and finished eating his toast before heading out to his patrol shift. 
That lunch time, when Maria didn't come to his house like usual, he walked over to her house to find her having a panic attack in her kitchen. He filled her up a glass of water and sat next to her, hand palm side up in an offer to hold hers if she wanted. Maria didn't often have panic attacks, certainly had them less than he did, but she had a tendency to freak out if she was touched unexpectedly, so he waited until she made the first move towards him before pulling her onto his lap and wrapping his arms around her. 
‘I'm sorry,’ she choked out, face buried in his chest as her breathing slowly evened out. 
‘For what exactly?’ Tommy asked gently, not entirely sure what had set this off, and not wanting to guess wrong. 
‘Missing lunch, kissing you, freaking out? Some combination of all the above?’ she said, still not looking up at him. 
‘Okay, addressing those one by one. Firstly, ya’ don't ever gotta apologise for having a bad day. Panic attacks are shit but they happen, we didn't get through more than a decade of the apocalypse without a fuckton of trauma. Secondly, I don't care if you missed lunch, I just wanted to check ya’ were okay as ya’ don't normally bail on me without letting me know something has come up. And thirdly, you do not in any way need to apologise for kissin’ me, okay?’ he said, arms still wrapped tight around her. They'd worked out months ago firm pressure grounded her faster than anything else when she panicked. 
‘It was… okay?’ 
Tommy huffed out a laugh and pressed a kiss to her hairline. ‘Yeah, darlin’, it was okay. Though I certainly wouldn't mind you doin’ it again to be sure. But also if you wanna just forget it ever happened, that's all fine with me too. Whatever you want.’
‘I think I'd like to try again,’ Maria answered, shifting so she was looking up at him, her hands coming up to either side of his face as she kissed him again, gently, giving him enough time to respond this time. His hands shifted to her waist as she looked down at him, the light shining in through the window giving her a soft halo, and Tommy thought, in that moment, that she'd never looked more beautiful. 
She didn't make her afternoon meeting. 
The hickey she had accidentally left on Tommy's neck, right above where his collar could cover, made it pretty clear to everyone what they'd been doing. She wasn't quite sure whether it was better or worse for a hickey to be on him rather than her, but she quickly came to the conclusion she didn't really care. It's not like anyone was going to say anything to her, one of the advantages of good social standing and an ability to set her face in such a way that people tended to decide it wasn't worth crossing her. 
Two years after Tommy arrived in Jackson, almost fifteen years after his world ended as his niece bled out in front of him, a second too slow to save her, Maria moved her things into his house. It hadn't really made sense for them to keep separate houses before they'd got together given how much time they spent together in on or the other, but after George had seen the mark she'd sucked into his collarbone and rolled his eyes, muttering something about her always being possessive about what was hers, he'd told them they needed to pick which house they wanted and move out the other so new people could move in, the increasing flow of people into Jackson putting pressure on the housing situation. 
Neither of them had particularly cared which house they kept, so they ended up in Tommy's as it had better water pressure and one fewer bedrooms to keep clean and dusted (he and Maria were good at most parts of running a house, between them, but keeping on top of dusting was definitely something they needed to work on). She brought over the stuff she cared about most, keeping the better bits of furniture and leaving the rest for whoever moved in after her. 
They still had plenty of bad days between them - what should have been Maria's twentieth wedding anniversary, the day Sarah was officially gone longer than she'd been alive. But they got through them, together, holing up in their bedroom on the days it was too much to go outside. 
But they also had a lot of good days. Patrols together outside the walls, getting to enjoy a picnic in meadows full of wildflowers, evenings spent dancing in the Tipsy Bison as Tommy attempted to teach the townspeople how to line dance. Evenings spent with him trying to recreate his mother's recipes with whatever the gardeners had managed to grow in the greenhouses, Maria laughing as his attempts to make corn tortillas ended in crumbly messes until she stepped in and helped, explaining she'd had a Puerto Rican roommate in grad school who taught her to make proper tortillas. Lazy days when they didn't have shifts or meetings spent laying in bed, kissing and dozing and not worrying about what was outside Jackson's walls. 
That summer, after a family dinner with George at his house, because that's something they did now, family dinners, he'd pulled Tommy aside to help with dishes. 
‘I want you to have this,’ he said, handing a small redvelvet box over to Tommy. Inside was a gold ring with a green stone flanked by two small diamonds. ‘It was my wife's, before she passed. We offered it to Maria last time but Michael had a family ring she fell in love with. You don't need to use it if you don't want to, but I wanted to give it to you so you could consider it.’ 
Tommy ran his fingers over the gold band, catching sight of an engraving on the inside. 
‘It’s the coordinates of where I first met my wife, and where Maria was born. Caleb’ll replace it if you ask him nicely, especially if you have a rabbit to trade with him.’
‘Thank you. For giving this to me. I feel I should say though that we haven't even talked about marriage, so maybe don't expect her to be walking around in the ring next week,’ Tommy said, an image of Maria in nothing but his ring flashing through his mind. 
‘It’s there for when you want it, Tommy. You're a good man, and you're good for my daughter. She laughs more with you than I've seen since she lost Kevin, and what more could a parent want than a happy child.’ 
‘I appreciate it, sir. And for what it's worth, I’m grateful you think I'm good for her.’
When Tommy and Maria got home that night, he slipped the box into his bedside table beside the picture of Sarah from her final birthday party, and if he clung a little tighter to Maria that night then she just tucked her face into his chest and let him hold her as she drifted to sleep. 
He'd sworn, on multiple occasions, that getting married wasn't something he ever wanted. But he'd also been so afraid of getting anywhere near that point with anyone before, and here he was living with Maria and spending all their time together. The only thing that's be different if they got married was that he'd wear her ring, make it visible to other people just how much he loved her. 
But even if it was something he wanted, there was still the question of whether it was even something she'd be interested in. Tommy knew she mourned the life she could've had if cordyceps hadn't happened, knew that there wasn't a day she didn't wear her rings on a chain around her neck. 
He still hadn't worked out what to do about the ring, how to even bring it up, when a few months later she’d asked if he cared that she still wore Michael's rings when they were lying in bed together one evening.  
‘Why would I care that you want to remember someone you loved? Someone who loved ya’? I love ya’, darlin’, and I'm glad other people did too before I got to meet you,’ he'd said, touching their foreheads together lightly. 
‘Someone said something in town today, that it was weird I wore wedding rings to another man while I lived with you.’ 
‘Well, they can go fuck ‘emself.’ Tommy replied, having very little patience for other people's expectations of his jealousy, especially when it was over things like his partner's dead husband. Getting jealous of a trader who decided to flirt with Maria right in front of him despite his arm around her waist? Reasonable, not that he'd ever do anything, knowing full well the man was one more suggestive comment away from getting kicked out of Jackson with a broken nose courtesy of his partner. Getting jealous over the man Maria had expected to spend her life with, who's child she'd carried, who was gone years before he even met Maria? Dumb as hell. 
‘Then they asked me if I planned to keep wearing them if we got married,’ she continued, pausing as Tommy choked on the water he was drinking. ‘You okay?’
‘Maybe don't bring up marriage for the first time when I'm in the middle of drinking something?’ he requested, sipping his water and trying not to think of the ring still sitting beside his bed. 
‘That feels like a fair request. Anyway, at that point I told them to go fuck themself,’ Tommy smirked at that, amused with the image of Maria putting someone in their place. ‘Made me think, though, that we hadn't talked about whether that was something we wanted. Getting married.’
‘Bored of living in sin with me?’ Tommy said, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively, earning himself a roll of her eyes. 
‘Bored of my father telling me he wants to see me married again before he dies,’ she said, her tone of voice suggesting that this was a conversation she was having with George fairly frequently. 
‘For the sake of honesty I feel I should tell you I have your ma’s engagement ring sitting in a box in my bedside table. George gave it to me, said I should use it if we got married,’ Tommy said, wanting all the cards on the table if they were going to have this conversation. 
‘He’s really been playing both sides here then. Sometimes I forget how many years he spent as a lawyer and getting people to do what he wants. I’m just amused he's decided that what he wants us to do is get married,’ said Maria, glad her father had found something to sink effort into, even if it was her love life. He had slowed down a lot even since Tommy had arrived, his mind as sharp as ever but his body struggling to keep up any more. 
‘Is that… is that something you'd want? Getting married again?’ Tommy asked, reaching out for her hand, squeezing it gently. 
‘What happened to you swearing to never get married?’ she asked him quietly. 
‘I met you,’ he said simply, tilting up her chin so he could see her face, ‘until you, every experience I had with marriage was bad. Hearin’ you talk about Michael made me realise it wasn't always shit, that it could be somethin’ worth doing. I love ya’, Maria, with my whole heart, and I fully intend to spend the rest of my life with ya’. If I had the opportunity to do so as your husband I'd be honoured, but if that's not something you want then I'll give your daddy back the ring and tell him it won't happen. I'm happy with us now, I'd rather have us like this than you unhappy.’
‘The way they said it in town, it sounded like they expected to just replace his rings with yours. Replace him with you, trade one husband out for another,’ Maria said, leaning her cheek into his hand. 
‘You know you could wear both, right? Wearin’ my ring on your finger wouldn't stop ya’ wearing Michael's rings around your neck. I don't expect you to just give them up for me,’ he offered. 
‘You'd be okay with that?’
‘I would be honoured if ya’ loved me enough to wear my ring, Maria, but I’d never expect you to stop wearing his.’
‘Yeah, darlin’?’
‘I expect a proper proposal. This doesn't count, alright?’ Maria said, smiling at him, laughing as he leant over to press their lips together, pulling her back against him to enjoy the feel of their skin pressed together. 
‘I love ya’, Maria’, he said, pulling just far enough away from her to speak, their lips still brushing as he tried to pour everything he was feeling into his words. 
‘I love you too, Tommy,’ she replied, pressing their lips back together. 
Three weeks later, more nervous than Tommy ever remembered being before, he and Maria rode out north of Jackson on a patrol shift together. They didn't often go out together, more because Maria's council work and his contracting tended to happen on opposite shifts, so it'd taken some doing (he now owed several people unspecified building favours) to get them on a two person shift together, especially given he wanted a specific route that went past the lake. 
They'd gone on a date to the lake fairly early on in being romantically together (rather than just attached at the hip as they had been before), as it froze deep enough to skate and Jackson had a surprising number of ice skates. Tommy, having never had the opportunity to skate before, protested 
‘Of course I can't fucking skate, Maria, Texas doesn't get this cold!’
‘Boston does though.’
‘Yeah and in Boston I was busy trying not to get shot by FEDRA for smuggling, we didn't exactly have time for family outings to find a pond to skate on!’, he complained, falling over again. He fell over a lot that day, laughing until his chest his hurt as he clung to Maria's hands and tried to stay upright. And then, once he managed to learn to go places, Maria quickly realised she'd forgotten to teach him to stop when he went careening into a snowbank. His head had popped back up, snowflakes clinging to his mustache, an indignant look on his face that Maria had laughed at until his arm reached out to pull her down on top of him. He rolled them over so he was hovering above her, arms braced on either side of her head. 
‘Now, I'm begin to sense this was all a plot to get me on my ass repeatedly,’ he said, his voice dropping lowing, teasing, eyes darkening as he looked down at her. 
‘Can’t have you getting too cocky sweetheart, and besides, you look so delightful underneath me,’ she'd replied, her eyes glinting bright and her cheeks flushed from the cold. 
‘I think we have well established that you only have to ask if that's what you want,’ he said, kissing along her jaw before moving down to her neck where it wasn't hidden behind a thick scarf. 
‘Does it help if I promise to kiss all the bruises better?’ she'd asked, smiling up at him. 
‘That does help, yes. Now what say you we start heading back so you can started on that?’ he'd said, standing up and pulling her with him and towards the horses. 
As they rode up the same path a year later, the weight of the ring box in Tommy's pocket seemed to grow the closer they got to the lake. It felt odd to be this nervous, given she knew the question was coming, and he what her answer would be. They settled for lunch, eating some sandwiches that they'd made from the cafeteria, and passing a flask of tea back and forth, coffee being too rare a treat to take on a standard patrol. 
The day was cold but bright, frost sparkling on the trees and lots of wildlife around, suggesting they likely wouldn't find too many infected on patrols. The animals were a pretty good indicator of how bad things were llikey to be, though not foolproof. 
Tommy waited until Maria was turned around, packing their lunch back into his saddlebags as he pretended to retie his shoelaves, and instead got out the ring from the box in his pocket, kneeling down so she'd see him when he turned back around.  
She turned around, clapping her hands together and ready to get going, before freezing as she took in the sight of Tommy kneeling before her in the snow, a perfect parallel to how they'd met, albeit with her gun slung over her back instead of pointed at him this time around. 
‘Maria, darlin', I love ya’, and I'd be honoured to spend the rest of my life loving ya’ as my wife. Will you-’ Tommy began, getting cut off as Maria dropped to her knees to get them at the same height, and pressed her lips to his. 
‘Yes. Yes, I will marry you, Tommy Miller,’ she said, eyes bright and a huge smile on her face as he slipped the ring onto her left hand, bringing her hand up to kiss it. 
They finished up the patrol (thankfully uneventful), and then headed straight to George's house to tell him. 
Five months later, on a warm afternoon in May, (between a flood of new arrivals meaning more council work for Maria and new houses needing to be built by Tommy, their plans of a quick, small wedding had been shoved on the back burner for a while), they got married. 
Tommy was in a dark blue suit he’d borrowed from one of the other patrollers, the same one that got brought out for anyone who had big events. He had opted to skip a tie, but had a daisy tucked into his suit jacket as he stood in the yard of his and Maria's house. Given the legal framework behind marriage had disappeared along with the rest of civilisation, weddings in Jackson were more for the couple themselves, with whoever they wanted acting as the officiant, and the after parties often held in the Tipsy Bison so the whole town could celebrate. 
He stood next to George, who'd started using a wheelchair that spring, who’d had teary eyes all day at the idea of his daughter marrying again. They'd asked George to officiate the first night they'd told him, and he'd said he'd be happy to say a few words, but given Tommy's family were catholic and his and Maria's was baptist he would be making it as ecumenical as possible. Tommy had laughed and pointed out he’d stopped going to church as soon as he moved out of his mother's house, after which Maria had looked at George and reminded him that they hadn't gone to church since she was a child and Michael’s family were Jewish, so they'd just followed those traditions the last time she was married. George had thrown up his hands and asked what they wanted, and they'd just asked for something short, not wanting to make a big deal out of it. 
A few of he and Maria's friends were there too, on a hodgepodge of chairs taken from various neighbours houses - Eugene, another patroller, Jon, who Tommy had worked with for a while and continued to claim partial responsibility for Tommy and Maria getting together, and Edith, a friend of Maria's who'd helped set up Jackson, who was responsible for somehow making a wedding cake in the apocalypse. It was amazing to Tommy how many people had pitched in for the wedding - his clothes were borrowed, he knew Maria's dress was from the school teacher though he hadn't seen it, there were bouquets of ox eye daisies everywhere that a patrol group had picked. They had a cake, and there was some sort of food buffet planned for the Tipsy Bison, Caleb had used his blacksmithing abilities to make a pair of gold wedding bands, pressed into Tommy's hands and the rabbit he'd brought in payment refused. A friend of George's, another council member, had found a guitar and was going to play it when Maria walked down their version of an aisle. Jackson worked as a settlement because everyone contributed, and the inhabitants loved nothing more than contributing to a party. 
Tommy was pulled out of his thoughts of how lucky he was to have found Jackson when the guitar began playing, and Maria began walking through the garden towards him. She was wearing a knee length yellow dress (she'd asked if he cared if she didn't wear white, but Tommy didn't care. If it meant he got to marry her, he'd be happy if she showed up in dirty jeans and one of his old shirts), buttons in a line up the front up to a gentle v-neck that showed her collarbones. The sleeves came down to her elbows, cuffed at the ends with the same white ribbon that adorned the hem and neck of the dress. Maria was holding a bouquet of the same daisies they'd used for decor with ferns mixed in, her dreads in an updo that seemed to have small crystals in as well as flowers. She’d even found lipstick for the occasion, darkening her lips to a deep red. Tommy, looking at her, was dumbstruck at how beautiful she was. He'd known she was gorgeous even since they first met, even if all he could see were her eyes and all he could hear was the barked order to kneel. He remembered waking up in the clinic, his eyes tracing over her cheeks and noses. In hindsight, he'd been in love with her for months before they'd said it to each other, and now, he got to marry her. 
Maria walked herself up the makeshift aisle, taking Tommy's hands as she reached the front and pressing a gentle kiss to his lips. 
‘Pretty sure you're meant to do that after I marry you both,’ George said dryly, Tommy breaking away from Maria's lips to flush up to his ears. 
‘Well then you'd better get on with it, because I would like to kiss my husband now,’ Maria snarked back, resting her forehead against Tommy's. 
‘Do you, Maria, take Tommy to be your husband?’ George asked, smiling up at his daughter and soon to be son in law. 
‘I do.’
‘Do you, Tommy, take Maria to be your wife?’
‘I do.’
‘Then by the power invested in me by myself, I pronounce you husband and wife,’ George finished, smiling as Maria and Tommy looked at each and then to him, surprised at the brevity. 
‘What? I told you, it needed to be ecumenical, and you said you wanted short! Besides, you seem to have the love and care for each other down already, and my daughter seems to be in a hurry.’
Tommy huffed a quick laugh before grabbing Maria's waist in one hand, the other coming up to touch her cheek as he pulled her towards him, pressing their lips together hungrily as their friends cheered behind them. He even heard a click, the type from a camera, but ignored working out where someone had got a camera to keep kissing his wife. They only stopped when George tapped them both on the thigh with a book and reminded them they had a wedding party to attend. 
As everyone began to return the chairs to their rightful places (a challenge, as no one had thought to label them, and it wasn't as though people had matching sets to begin with), people slowly started heading towards the Tipsy Bison to celebrate. Before he left, Jon handed over a small piece of paper to Maria, grinned, and then ran off to follow Eugene to the bar. Looking down, Maria and Tommy saw a polaroid photo of them - they hadn't even known anyone had managed to find a working camera, and had assumed they wouldn't be able to have wedding photos. They headed inside to put the photo on the mantelpiece, Tommy scooping Maria up into his arms to carry her over the doorway. 
‘What? I get to do some traditional things!’ he protested at Maria's squeak at being suddenly picked up, before she silenced him with a kiss. 
‘Ready to go see how fast we can sneak out of our own wedding party and come home?’ Maria asked, smoothing her dress with her hands, trying and failing to get the wrinkles out of the linen. She hadn't realised how thankful she was they'd finally got the dam up and running until she was ironing the dress, so thankful she didn't have to try and discover how people ironed clothes before electric irons. 
‘We could just skip it entirely,’ offered Tommy, stepping close to his wife, arms coming up around her waist, lips dipping to brush along her cheekbone. 
‘Tommy, darling, we have to show up for a little bit. First dance and all that jazz,’ she said, gently pushing his chest until he let her go.
‘Wait we are actually doin’ the first dance? I thought you were fuckin’ with me. Maria, darlin’, you know damn well the only dance I can do is line dancing,’ Tommy said, slightly freaking out. 
‘Tommy we just sway together for thirty seconds, you can manage that,’ Maria reasoned, soothing her husband. He sighed, grabbed their jackets in case they stayed longer than expected and the temperature dropped, and they headed to the Tipsy Bison. As well as the people who'd been there for the actual ceremony, most of the rest of the town seemed to be there. The alcohol was flowing, with glasses of champagne pressed into both of their hands, and there was a huge spread of food as well as the wedding cake. 
In the end, it took them an hour and a half to make their escape, Maria being the one to break first, grabbing Tommy's hand where he was chatting to a few of the patrol team, and bodily pulling him out the door, to the cheers and whistles of their fellow partygoers. Tommy, pressing Maria into their front door and kissing her deeply, commented smugly,
‘I win the bet on who breaks first then,’ he laughed, referencing his promise on the way to the Tipsy Bison that he could persuade her to make them leave before she persuaded him. 
‘You started telling me what you wanted to do to me in Spanish, that's cheating,’ Maria said, breathless and unbuttoning Tommy's shirt as she pushed him in the direction of the stairs. 
‘No, it's making use of what you have. And I have a wife who thinks it's sexy when I speak Spanish,’ he responded, picking her up to carry her up the stairs, before pausing for a moment,
‘I love ya’ so much, Maria.’
‘I love you too, Tommy.’
Tommy had always tried to keep his promises, but laying next to his wife, a gentle sheen of sweat on both of their skins, matching rings on their left hands, he didn't regret breaking the promise to his younger self to never marry for a moment. It was an oath sworn on incomplete information, but now he knew what he was missing, how wonderful it could be. And having finally got married himself, he decided that marriage was actually a pretty good idea. 
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brookstonalmanac · 9 months
Events 8.22 (after 1940)
1941 – World War II: German troops begin the Siege of Leningrad. 1942 – Brazil declares war on Germany, Japan and Italy. 1944 – World War II: Holocaust of Kedros in Crete by German forces. 1949 – The Queen Charlotte earthquake is Canada's strongest since the 1700 Cascadia earthquake. 1953 – The penal colony on Devil's Island is permanently closed. 1962 – The OAS attempts to assassinate French president Charles de Gaulle. 1963 – X-15 Flight 91 reaches the highest altitude of the X-15 program (107.96 km (67.08 mi) (354,200 feet)). 1966 – Labor movements NFWA and AWOC merge to become the United Farm Workers Organizing Committee (UFWOC), the predecessor of the United Farm Workers. 1968 – Pope Paul VI arrives in Bogotá, Colombia. It is the first visit of a pope to Latin America. 1971 – J. Edgar Hoover and John Mitchell announce the arrest of 20 of the Camden 28. 1972 – Rhodesia is expelled by the IOC for its racist policies. 1973 – The Congress of Chile votes in favour of a resolution condemning President Salvador Allende's government and demands that he resign or else be unseated through force and new elections. 1978 – Nicaraguan Revolution: The FLSN seizes the National Congress of Nicaragua, along with over a thousand hostages. 1978 – The District of Columbia Voting Rights Amendment is passed by the U.S. Congress, although it is never ratified by a sufficient number of states. 1981 – Far Eastern Air Transport Flight 103 disintegrates in mid-air and crashes in Sanyi Township, Miaoli County, Taiwan. All 110 people on board are killed. 1985 – British Airtours Flight 28M suffers an engine fire during takeoff at Manchester Airport. The pilots abort but due to inefficient evacuation procedures 55 people are killed, mostly from smoke inhalation. 1989 – Nolan Ryan strikes out Rickey Henderson to become the first Major League Baseball pitcher to record 5,000 strikeouts. 1991 – Iceland is the first nation in the world to recognize the independence of the Baltic states. 1992 – FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi shoots and kills Vicki Weaver during an 11-day siege at her home at Ruby Ridge, Idaho. 1999 – China Airlines Flight 642 crashes at Hong Kong International Airport, killing three people and injuring 208 more. 2003 – Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore is suspended after refusing to comply with a federal court order to remove a rock inscribed with the Ten Commandments from the lobby of the Alabama Supreme Court building. 2004 – Versions of The Scream and Madonna, two paintings by Edvard Munch, are stolen at gunpoint from a museum in Oslo, Norway. 2006 – Pulkovo Aviation Enterprise Flight 612 crashes near the Russian border over eastern Ukraine, killing all 170 people on board. 2006 – Grigori Perelman is awarded the Fields Medal for his proof of the Poincaré conjecture in mathematics but refuses to accept the medal. 2007 – The Texas Rangers defeat the Baltimore Orioles 30–3, the most runs scored by a team in modern Major League Baseball history. 2012 – Ethnic clashes over grazing rights for cattle in Kenya's Tana River District result in more than 52 deaths.
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monicaleake · 2 years
Texas Ranch Chicken
Texas Ranch Chicken This is one of my favorite recipes I like to cook for my family. They always beg for more and it never lasts long around here. It's Easy and delicious! Enjoy! 9 X 13 baking dish 1 10.5 oz can cream of chicken soup 1 10.5 oz can cream of Jalapeño soup 1 10 oz can diced tomatoes with chiles , like Rotel 2 tbsp chili powder 1/2 tsp ground cumin 1/2 tsp black pepper 2 cups…
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menuandprice · 2 years
Pollo Regio Menu Prices
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Pollo Regio Menu Prices are very curious. For this reason, we have prepared the updated Pollo Regio Menu Price list for you. By following our site, you can reach up-to-date menu prices such as Pollo Regio Menu Prices. The menu prices of the Pollo Regio brand, which has many branches, are frequently searched. You can follow our website menuandprice.net for menu prices research. We offer you the most up-to-date Pollo Regio menu prices. You can find the menu prices of the brand you want to research on our website. You can also access the menu of the restaurant, cafe or fastfood store you want from the search field above. Here are the new Pollo Regio Menu prices.
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el pollo regio menu
Pollo Regio Menu Prices
Pollo Regio is a Mexican restaurant that once started in Monterrey, Mexico, and now has several restaurants in the United States. The restaurant’s menu mainly includes salsas, tacos, nachos, burritos, quesadillas, their famous Mesquite-grilled chicken. They deliver to customers the unique taste of home-style cooking, and nothing beats Pollo Regio menu prices.  New Pollo Regio Menu Prices; Entrees Whole Grilled Chicken$19.00Carne Asada$11.99Chicken SoupChicken - $8.49 No Meat - $5.49Chicken Flautas$8.99Regio SaladCrispy/Grilled Chicken - $7.99 No Meat - $4.99Tostada Siberia$8.49Grilled Burger$9.99Corn TacosFive - $9.99Flour TacosFive - $11.99Loaded Nachos$8.99Torta$8.99Quesadilla$7.99Burrito$8.49Burrito Mixed Meat$9.49Baked Potato$8.99Baked Potato No Meat$6.99Baked Potato Mixed Meat$9.99Grilled ChickenHalf - $10.99Pollo Regio Menu Prices Kids Kid Quesadilla$4.99Chico Regio$4.99Pollo Regio Menu Prices Sides RiceMedium - $2.29 Large - $4.08 X-Large - $7.66 Jumbo - $32.72Charro BeansMedium - $2.29 Large - $4.08 X-Large - $7.66 Jumbo - $32.72Grilled OnionsMedium - $1.74 Large - $2.29Pickled Jalapeño Pepper$1.25Toreado Jalapeño Pepper$1.25Refried BeansMedium - $2.29 Large - $4.08 X-Large - $7.66 Jumbo - $32.72Corn TortillasFive - $1.74 Ten - $2.29Flour TortillasFive - $2.95 Ten - $3.99Grilled Sausage$2.14 2 Grilled Sausages - $4.08French Fries$2.99Chips$2.29GuacamoleSmall - $1.62 Medium - $4.18 Large - $8.16 X Large - $16.12Salad$2.29Pollo Regio Menu Prices Drinks Fountain DrinksSmall - $1.88 Large - $2.39Flavored WaterSmall - $2.49 Large - $3.49Gallon Drinks$8.99 - $10.49Pollo Regio Menu Prices
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el pollo regio menu Salsas Salsa VerdeSmall - $0.81 Medium - $2.09 Large - $4.08 X-Large - $8.06Salsa RojaSmall - $0.81 Medium - $2.09 Large - $4.08 X-Large - $8.06Onions with HabaneroSmall - $0.81 Medium - $2.09 Large - $4.08 X-Large - $8.06Salsa HabaneroSmall - $0.81 Medium - $2.09 Large - $4.08 X-Large - $8.06Salsa Chile de ÁrbolSmall - $0.81 Medium - $2.09 Large - $4.08 X-Large - $8.06Cabbage with JalapeñosSmall - $0.81 Medium - $2.09 Large - $4.08 X-Large - $8.06Pico de GalloSmall - $0.81 Medium - $2.09 Large - $4.08 X-Large - $8.06Cheese SauceSmall - $0.81 Medium - $2.09 Large - $4.08 X-Large - $8.06RanchSmall - $0.81 Medium - $2.09 Large - $4.08 X-Large - $8.06Pollo Regio Menu Prices Desserts Cajeta Empanada$1.89Pineapple Empanada$1.89Churro$2.50Cheesecake Burrito$4.99Pollo Regio Menu Prices Pollo Regio originated in Monterrey, Mexico and brought its authentic recipe for Mesquite-grilled chicken to Texas in the early 2000s. Pollo Regio was founded by Mr. Bazaldua. He set up a food trailer that was outfitted with a charcoal grill, over which he cooked his special-recipe marinated chicken. Planet Smoothie Menu Prices https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BgYjTB4k4II Pizza Ranch Menu Prices The demand for his chicken was so great that it wasn’t unusual for him to out sell everything by noon each day and already had people placing orders for the next day. It quickly became a successful concept and soon Pollo Regio moved into a regular storefront. A few years later, Hector J. Rodriguez became part of the company and Chief Executive Officer. Pollo Regio’s principals have a great passion for innovation, efficiency, and the pursuit of the highest quality ingredients and products. Mr. Bazaldua’s legacy continues to be an inspirational and integral part of Pollo Regio for today and future tomorrows. PizzaRev Menu Prices WHAT TIME DOES POLLO REGIO OPEN?Pollo Regio opens at 10:00 a.m. Monday through Sunday. You can also browse through their website to verify their opening hours based on your location. WHAT TIME DOES POLLO REGIO CLOSE?Pollo Regio closes at 10:00 p.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Sundays and 11:00 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays. Check your nearest location to verify. WHAT IS THE MOST POPULAR FOOD ITEM ON POLLO REGIO’S MENU?The most popular food item on Pollo Regio’s menu is their Mesquite-grilled chicken.  Read the full article
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brostateexam · 3 years
Almost immediately after Carey botched the vault, former gymnasts took to social media to talk about the lack of one-touch and how dangerous it could be. Chellsie Memmel, the 2005 world all-around champion and a member of the 2008 silver-medal-winning U.S. Olympic team, tweeted, “Seriously, figure it out and give them a one touch. Athlete safety is clearly not your top priority in event finals. It should be.” 2016 gold medalist Laurie Hernandez asked for the one-touch to be reinstated for the apparatus finals. Cecile Canqueteau-Landi, coach of Biles and Jordan Chiles and a 1996 Olympian for France, also called for a return of the one-touch.
And the calls weren’t just coming from former athletes on social media. The gymnasts and the coaches at the competition also opened up about how they felt about lack of one-touch time. “I think that rule is so dumb,” Lee told the media. “And it’s honestly so dangerous.” Her coach, Jess Graba, was as forceful as his pupil. “You could really get hurt doing this.” And South Korean gymnast Yeo Seo-jeong, who won the vault bronze 25 years after her father won the vault silver in Atlanta, also spoke up in favor of a one-touch. “If we had a chance to warm up, I think I would have been less anxious and nervous.” The sentiment regarding the one-touch was the same regardless of whether the athlete hit. Skinner did arguably two of the best vaults she’s ever performed en route to silver, and her coach, Lisa Spini, also tweeted in support of the one-touch. This level of consensus is striking.
Biles hasn’t yet made a statement about the one-touch, but when I interviewed her for Texas Monthly in March about the Yurchenko double pike she had been training and asked her if we might see it at the Games, she said, “I feel like it might be a better bet to do it in the all-around final because you do get that one-touch warmup, rather than vault finals where you don’t.” You know a rule is bad when it discourages the best vaulter on the planet from showing her best vault in the final, which is precisely when you’d want to see that vault.
So if all these gymnasts, both past and present, hate this rule, why does it remain in place? The answer is simple and cynical: TV broadcasts. When USA Gymnastics petitioned in 2010 to have the one-touch reinstated for the apparatus final, FIG rejected this proposal, stating: “Media demands sufficed for a rejection. The truth is podium warm-ups irritate TV broadcasters, who are looking for a certain rhythm, an entertaining show, highlights and short sequences. The downtime that would result from podium warm-ups would only serve to undermine entertainment quality and, worse, encourage networks to cover other discipline with a more suitable programme.” (x)
Really impressed with the gymnastics reporting from 538 during the Olympics! I'd never heard of this, but I do remember as a viewer how sometimes you see the gymnasts do warm-ups and other times they just go straight to the main event. As it turns out, those who do the sport are in favor of allowing a warm-up for vault, those who broadcasts it are opposed.
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nunufx · 3 years
Okay so I read your from nyc head cannon and loved it! I was wondering if you could have Class 1-A react to having a black!southern student. She could be from Texas, New Orleans, or Atlanta but she has a thick accent, calls a few students “Baby” , “Honey”, and “Sugar”(in a platonic way but let’s be real, it feels really good to be called that), goes down with her southern cooking in her bento, and is a great dancer. She may be sweet but she’ll fold anyone talking crazy to her like Mineta.
a/n: YES I LOVE THIS. also i’m not from the south so if anything is wrong or off, tell me and i’ll fix it😭 <3
warning mild swearing
pairing: class 1a x southern black reader
Student from New Orleans
you’re a transfer student from america and you’re from New Orleans
when you introduced your self in front of the class, the first thing everyone payed attention to was your accent.
when you told everyone you were from the southern part of america everyone just thought of ‘cOwBoYs’ ‘yEeHaW’ and all the typical stereotypes of the south
but boy did you prove them wrong
you got along great with girls and most of the boys...bakugou of course saw you as an extra
mineta claimed he had a fetish for your accent which you found creepy as hell and stayed far away from him
your cooking skills were amazing, they rivaled bakugous
on holidays when all the students weren’t able to see their parents, you would make your grandma secret gumbo recipe
AND LET ME TELL YOU, everyone was fighting for seconds
“y/n this my 2nd favorite food now..behind cold soba of course” todoroki said
chile when i tell you even aizawa and all might came for some
and everyone was a sucker for your accent and found it pretty adorable (not like mineta tho)
the way you would call everyone “baby” “honey” and “sugar” in a platonic manner
“thanks for helping me with my work y/n” sero said. “you’re welcome baby” you said smiling sweetly. you walked away to talk with mina and mom. sero was frozen in seat. he knows you didn’t mean it in that way but it still gets his heart racing.
during training izuku would accidentally hit you to hard and you would end up going to recovery girl. “IM SO SORRY Y/N I DIDNT MEAN IT” izuku said. “it’s no problem sugar” you said smiling again. like sero, izuku also freezed.
sometimes you’ll be cooking with bakugou after he finally came over the fact there’s another cook in the dorm building. “bakugou can you pass me the salt please” you said. he quietly passed it. “thanks honey” you said and continued on with your task. this time it took him like 5 seconds to register what you said.
“HEY DONT CALL ME THAT” he said while turning away so you don’t see him blushing. “what ever you say...hun” you said smiling. bakugou lowly growls. but we all know he liked it. maybe you weren’t an extra after all.
you’re basically that black elder woman in the grocery stories that says “no problem sugar” when someone bumps into them by accident and quickly starts apologizing.
gotta let them know that black southern people are some of the nicest people you’ll ever meet
another thing is...you loved to dance.
mina also loved to dance, so you would teach her some moves you’d learned when growing up in the south.
around the beginning of february you would start to feel home sick.
and izuku would do some research as to why this time around was so important to you.
then he’d learn about mardi gras
so him and the others came up with a plan to decorate the common area to look close enough like mardi gras
kaminari would be used as a distraction.
he was advised to take you out and keep you away from the dorms until a certain time. although the secret almost slipped out cause you know...it’s kaminari.
“we just can’t go back just yet” he said
“but why not” you said
“because-...because-....hey look a bird” he said trying to change the subject
and when it finally got to the time to take you back he blind folded you.
“kaminari what are you doing”
“don’t worry y/n it’s all good”
he led you inside of the common area and took off the blind fold
“SURPRISE” everyone yelled
you looked all around and saw purple, yellow and green decorations. jazz music was playing.
some people had on those masks that goes over your eyes while others just had on the beaded necklaces.
“what’s all of this” you said smiling
“well we’ve noticed you’ve been feeling homesick for a while, so izuku came up with the idea to decorate the dorms so it can feel like home” uraraka said
“i’ve done some research and saw that a holiday named mardi gras is being celebrated back in new orleans right now. so since you cant go to new orleans, we brought it you” izuku said
you were so happy and your smile was big. “thank you guys, i appreciate it so much” you said wiping some tears away.
“ah ah ah, don’t cry now let’s celebrate” mina said putting a couple of necklaces over your head and on your neck.
that night was full of partying, even some students from other class came and some teachers and heros did too.
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xemptywithyoux-old · 2 years
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wait a minute, is RIVER REYES still in town? i thought i saw a flash of fluffy brown curls, graphic t-shirts, used condom wrapper thrown in a bin! last i heard they were working as a DRUG DEALER & BAR TENDER at TBD. when it’s the leo’s birthday on 8/4/1994 i forget that they’re PUSHY and celebrate that they’re CHARMING. i hear THAT'S WHAT I WANT by LIL NAS X every time i think of them. ⌠ jorge lopez. 27, bisexual, gender fluid, he/they ⌡
he was born in chile, where he spent his childhood at, but of that he remembers very little. him and his family migrated to the united states when he was six, jumping on trains and in the back of several trucks, risking it all for a better life.
it was a very tedious, very long, and eventually the saddest trip of them all, because after an accident trying to get on a train in mexico, his mother fell and died pretty much on the spot. him and his father continued on the journey, but after that, things got twisted for river.
he didn’t know english when he got there, first starting in houston, texas, and a few years later moving up north. he was very fast to learn the language though, and he loves to mix it up.
his father started very low, but little by little he managed to get his way around, creating his own cleaning business for big spaces like gyms, shopping malls, schools, etc.
growing up on his own in a new country was hard for river, and his father could not give him the attention he needed. considering he was a latinamerican man, therapy was not exactly something he wanted to put his child through. 
river acted out a lot, specially during his teens: stealing things from stores, taking his dad’s car and driving recklessly, and at the age of fifteen he was arrested for drinking and driving and being underage. he was never caught with drugs, but he had some of that in his story.
there were too many punishments at home, until eventually his father kind of gave up. he was about eighteen when he finally kind of calmed down– at least with the slightly criminal behavior. or at least he stopped getting caught. their immigration papers were in good state (now the both of them residents) but the fear of being deported became real then, so he became a little more discreet.
river was twenty when his father died of a sudden aneurism nobody knew he had. they didn’t have the best relationship at that point, so to this day, it is something very hard for river to deal with- he had so many things to say that he couldn’t say, but with how he grew apart from religion as well (he was raised catholic), he doesn’t think it’s worth his time to pray for him. 
he has a complicated relationship with religion as well, if you can’t tell.
getting jobs with a police record was not easy. he ended up doing all sorts of jobs needed around, but none of them were enough to help him pay rent and bills, so he ended up homeless and moving around A LOT. that’s how he ended up in centralia, where he’s been living for a few years now. 
eventually, river fell into the world of drug dealing, which is what has worked best for him. but he needs a cover, and the easiest way to do it is as a bartender at the strip club. 
he couch surfs a lot. he has a lot of friends, and he doesn’t even ask before he’s showing up in people’s places to crash in their couch or wherever they let him sleep. he still doesn’t have a place of his own. he simply pays what he can to the people who let him stay.
he’s very flirty, very charming, very good salesman, and most of the time, he’s selling himself.
he knows how to do pretty much anything. fix pipes? his dad taught him, fix a car? sure. sew the hem of a pair of pants? yes, sir. he can do that too.
he drinks a lot. smokes a lot. he’s pretty much never sober when he’s working, but he manages to do it functionally.
he always takes five to go for smokes, then comes back half an hour later with his fly open.
will charm his way into anything. he has very sweet, deep eyes, so it works with authority as well.
he takes care of his friends. will never sell them anything too bad, too strong, and if they already dabble in them, he will not let them take too much. he cares too much for people, he doesn’t even think of himself. just for hair and skin care. he likes his curls too much and his face is his selling point. 
will speak in spanish because people think it’s hot.
hook ups
someone he fucked over about some petty crime, blamed it on them
former friends from school
people he’s worked with
people with a crush on him
u get the idea, give me anything. i’ll say yes <3
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another-mexico-oc · 4 years
💖 Lo que tu ship/OTP favorito de México dice de TI ...
English version ---> HERE
¡Hola a todos! Ya se va a terminar el mes del amor, e inspirada en los videos de “Lo que tu ship favorito de Hetalia dice de ti” y semejantes; y en vista de que México es uno de los países más shipeados, (al menos por el fandom de Countryhumans y Hetalia) decidí hacer esto en colaboración con mi prima. Básicamente es una recopilación de las características que comparten algunos fans cuando emparejan a México con otro país.
- Dirigido tanto para fans de Countryhumans como de Hetalia. Aclaro que en este blog no se discute si uno es mejor que el otro, y disfrutamos la parte sana de ambos y evitamos la parte tóxica.
-  Esto es solo por diversión, y NO SE DEBE TOMAR ENSERIO. Piénsalo como un horóscopo, puede que cumplas con alguna de las características, puede que no. El objetivo es reírnos un poco.
- Estamos conscientes de que no todos los ships aparecerán aquí, o no todos tendrán la misma extensión que otros. Intentamos juntar a todos los que fuera posible.
Sin más que agregar, comencemos: 
- Eres mexicano, no me cabe la menor duda. Tienes un OC de México y haces fanarts y escribes fanfics de él/ella con tu personaje favorito.
- Eres latino y eres del fandom de Latin Hetalia, o del fandom latino de Countryhumans (obvio señorita Sherlock)
- No eres mexicano ni latino, pero te gusta México
- Si eres de Hetalia, todavía esperas el día que Himaruya publique el diseño oficial de México, para que interactúe con tu personaje favorito.
- Género favorito de los fanfics: Angst. 
- Tus placeres culpables son el amor tóxico, el amor imposible o el amor no correspondido. O quizá te gusten las historias de personas que se enamoran de su amigo de la infancia. O también te gusta la frase “Del odio al amor...”
- Si eres de Hetalia, (también aplica a Countryhumans) probablemente también te guste el FrUK (Francia x Reino Unido) o el SpUK (España x Reino Unido). O simplemente no soportas el USUK (USA X Reino Unido).
- Si eres mexicano, probablemente eres del Norte, y te gustan los OC´s de Mexico Norte y Sur. (Obviamente emparejas a México del Norte con USA).
- También si eres mexicano, probablemente has visitado Estados Unidos o tienes parientes viviendo allí. O yendo más lejos, eres chicano.
- Te encantan las personificaciones de los estados de ambos países, y te fascina la idea de que Texas, Arizona, Nuevo México y California son los hijos de USA y México.
- Si eres de Hetalia, te gustan las imágenes de Estados Unidos vestido de vaquero, y de México vestido de revolucionario o de adelita. 
SI TE GUSTA 🇷🇺 RUSMEX (Rusia x México) 🇲🇽
- Odias el UsaMex y muy seguramente a Estados Unidos, si eres mexicano. 
- Tu evento histórico favorito es la Guerra Fría.  
- Palabra favorita: Tripaloski.
- Te gustan las parejas con mucha diferencia de estatura. México chaparrito es la cosa más adorable del mundo. 
- Si eres de Countryhumans, posiblemente también shipeas a Perú con USA. 
- Te gustan las historias de triángulos amorosos. (Cough... cough... USA x Mexico x Rusia)
- Has visto videos en YouTube de “Rusos reaccionan a...” y de los mexicanos en el Mundial de Rusia 2018.
SI TE GUSTA 🇨🇦 CANMEX (Canadá x México) 🇲🇽
- Te gustan los ships fluffy.
- Piensas que Canadá es mejor pretendiente que el tóxico de USA y el distante de Rusia. (O si eres de Hetalia, piensas que Rusia está bastante loco e inestable para México)
- Si eres mexicano, has visitado Canadá, quieres trabajar o estudiar ahí, o tienes parientes viviendo en Canadá.
- Si eres de Hetalia, es probable que no te guste Cuba x Canada.
- También si eres de Hetalia, te emocionaste cuando en el manga y en el anime Kumajiro mencionó a México, ¡y luego te hirvió la sangre cuando nunca lo mostraron!
- Si eres mexicano, le entraste a los memes de Justin Trudeau y Peña Nieto.
- Como en el caso de Rusia, amas los triángulos amorosos, pero en este caso te gustan las historias de hermanos que quieren conquistar a la misma persona.
SI TE GUSTA 🇪🇸 SPAMEX (España x México) 🇲🇽
- Te gustan los sugar daddies. (Papi España 😏)
- Tu placer culpable son las historias de parejas posesivas y de parejas con amantes secretos. (Okay, eso no es sano...)
- Si eres de Hetalia no te gusta el SpaMano (España x Romano), y nunca aceptarás (o ignorabas) que canónicamente, Romano fue el que recibió mejor trato que las demás colonias españolas.
- Si eres mexicano, te gusta cuando ponen a México (o Nueva España) como el niño consentido, la princesa de papi, y como el mejor de las colonias de España. (Lo siento, los demás países latinos)
- Tus épocas favoritas de México son la Conquista, la época colonial de la Nueva España y la Independencia.
- Probablemente no solo emparejas a México con España. De hecho por alguna razón te gusta que México le sea infiel con otro país, ya sea Inglaterra, Francia, un latino y, ¿por qué no?, con Estados Unidos.  
SI TE GUSTA 🇫🇷 FRAMEX (Francia x México) 🇲🇽
- Te gusta vivir la vida cara: Comer en restaurantes gourmet, comprar ropa de marca, viajes costosos en hoteles de cinco estrellas. O si tuvieras dinero, te gustaría vivir la vida cara. 
- Te gustan la moda y la arquitectura.
-  Época favorita de México: El Porfiriato. Piensas que fuera de las cosas malas, Porfirio Díaz hizo grandes aportaciones al país, y que deben regresar sus restos a México.
- Si eres mexicano, probablemente vives en la capital, y/o amas visitar el centro de la Cd. de México.
- Te gustan las historias de personajes que logran enamorar al casanova, o del acosador stalker que logra enamorar a su crush. (Creepy...)
 - Si te gusta México hombre, te gusta que sea coqueto y galante. Si te gusta México mujer, te gusta que sea súper femenina y que vista bonitos vestidos. 
SI TE GUSTA 🇬🇧UKMEX (Inglaterra x México) 🇲🇽
- Si eres de Hetalia, obviamente te gustan los tsunderes. 
- Eres fan de Harry Styles, Tom Hiddleston, Benedict Cumberbatch, Queen, Los Beatles, David Bowie, Alan Rickman, o cualquier otra celebridad inglesa.
- Te gustan los caballeros tipo el Sr. Darcy de Orgullo y Prejuicio o el Sr. Rochester de Jane Eyre. De hecho has leído muchos libros de esa época y de ese género.
- Te gusta el humor negro, el albur y el doble sentido.
- Odias a España. Piensas que Inglaterra es mejor suggar daddy. (No sabemos por qué piensas eso)
- Piensas que Inglaterra hubiera sido mejor colonizador que España (¡¿Por qué piensas eso?!)
- Si eres de Hetalia, te gusta ver imágenes de Inglaterra vestido de pirata.
SI TE GUSTA 🇩🇪 GERMEX (Alemania x México) 🇲🇽
- Si eres de Hetalia piensas que Italia no merece a Alemania. Por lo tanto: No GerIta.
- Te gustan los perros, y quieres adoptar a Paco de Countryhumans.
- Época favorita histórica: La Primera y la Segunda Guerra Mundial.  
- Eres de los que piensan que el telegrama Zimmerman fue una declaración de amor de Alemania a México.
- Piensas que Inglaterra y Estados Unidos son los peores por haber intervenido en tu ship. 
- Te gustan las historias tipo Romeo y Julieta: Dos personas que son de bandos opuestos.
- También si eres de Hetalia, aparte de que te gusta el Doitsu, te gusta su lado BDSM (”Cincuenta Sombras de Alemania”, próximamente en tu librería local...)
SI TE GUSTA 🇦🇹 AUSMEX (Austria x México) 🇲🇽
- Si eres mexicano, piensas que Maximiliano de Habsburgo hubiera sido mejor gobernador que Benito Juárez. 
- Si eres mexicano, piensas que México debió ser un imperio desde su independencia.
- Te gustan las historias de matrimonios arreglados, o del pobre que se casa con el rico, ¡como en las telenovelas!
- Si eres de Hetalia, probablemente prefieres el PruHun (Prusia x Hungría).
SI TE GUSTA 🇮🇹 ITAMEX (Italia x México) 🇲🇽
- ¡Felicidades! Eres 1000% único y detergente. Oh, y también estás solo en tu fandom. Apenas y existe alguien que comparte contigo este ship.
SI TE GUSTA 🇯🇵NIMEX (Japón x México) 🇲🇽
- Eres mexicano y eres 100% otaku.
- Estás cansado de que a México lo emparejen únicamente con europeos, latinos, y norteamericanos. Los asiáticos también merecen tiempo y admiración.
- Amas a los gatos. (Tal vez seas furro)
- Si algunos de los ships anteriormente mencionados tenían esta característica, con este ship das a entender que te gustan las parejas completamente opuestas, en cuanto a personalidad se refiere.
- Te gustan las relaciones a distancia.
- Si eres de Hetalia, te gusta Japón callado, tímido, inocente tiene la mirada... 🎵 🎵 🎵Le tomo la mano, y siente algo extraño ... 🎵(okay, ya dejo de cantar)
SI TE GUSTA 🇨🇳 CHUMEX (China x México) 🇲🇽
- No te gustan ni UsaMex ni Rusmex.
- O quizá te guste el triángulo amoroso Rusia x México x China. Puedes agregar a Estados Unidos y ahora tienes un cuadrado amoroso. 
- Has visto los videos de Chumel Torres en HBO, especialmente los que se titulan: “Mexicanos al Grito de Trump” y “Latinos Enemigos”.
- Te gustan las apps Wish y Tik Tok. 
- Al contrario de los que shipean FraMex, tú prefieres economizar comprando cosas buenas, bonitas y baratas. Has comprado en Miniso. Y admítelo, has comprado un artículo pirata chino.
- Te gustan las parejas con mucha diferencia de edad (Si eres fan de Hetalia, sabes a que me refiero). Es decir: 🎵A mí me gustan mayores, de esos que se llaman señores ... 🎵
- Prefieres los Huawei a los Iphones.
SI TE GUSTA 🇰🇷 Corea del Sur x México 🇲🇽
- Es más probable que seas de Hetalia que de Countryhumans, y piensas que Korea necesita más reconocimiento al lado de China y de Japón, aún más cuando este personaje fue censurado del anime.
- Tu ship inició cuando: “Hermano coreano, ya eres mexicano”.
- Te gusta el K-Pop.
- Has visto videos de El Coreano y Coreano Vlogs en Youtube.
SI TE GUSTAN 🇧🇷 BRAMEX (Brasil x México) 🇲🇽, 🇦🇷 ARGMEX (Argentina x México) 🇲🇽, 🇨🇱 CHIMEX (Chile x México) 🇲🇽, 🇵🇪 MEXRÚ (México x Perú) 🇲🇽, o CUALQUIER OTRO PAÍS LATINO X MÉXICO.
     - Si eres de Hetalia, obviamente eres del fandom de Latin Hetalia. Si eres de Cuntryhumans, obviamente eres mexicano y/o latino.
     - Tus personajes favoritos sin duda son los latinos, y prefieres que todo quede en familia. De hecho, no te gustan los ships de México con potencias mundiales, o a éstas últimas las usas para generar triángulos, cuadrados, u otra figura geométrica amorosa.
     - Te gusta México siendo el seme de la relación. 
- BRAMEX: Si eres de Countryhumans, muy probablemente eres fan de @torakashu. No te gusta Argentina x Brasil, o quizá te guste el triángulo amoroso Argentina x Brasil x México. Tal vez shipeas a Argentina con Chile.
- ARGMEX: No te gusta Argentina x Brasil, o te gusta el triángulo amoroso Argentina x Brasil x México. Al mismo tiempo shipeas a Brasil con Uruguay.
- CHIMEX: Vives con un roomy. Te gustan los personajes tsunderes como los que shipean UKMex, pero no taaan tsunderes. Y a la gente que no les gusta tu ship, ¡los golpeas con tu guitarra! ( 😁)
- MEXRÚ: Si a los de RusMex les gusta el México chaparrito adorable, piensas que Perú (que es aún más chaparrito) es la cosa 1000% ultra súper mega kawaii del universo. Probablemente te gusta el cuadrado amoroso Rusia x Perú x Estados Unidos x México.
SI TE GUSTAN 🇺🇦 UCRAMEX (Ucrania x México) 🇲🇽 o 🇧🇾 BELMEX (Bielorrusia x México) 🇲🇽
- Periodo favorito de la historia: La Guerra Fría. 
- Piensas que RusMex está súper sobrevalorado, y al igual que el caso de CanMex, piensas que los hermanos(as) de Rusia son mejores partidos. 
- No te importa shipear países que no comparten tanta historia e interacciones, a comparación de otros.
- Si eres de Hetalia eres fan de Bielorrusia, e ignoras u odias su personalidad canon dentro del manga y el anime.
SI TE GUSTA 🇳🇱 NEDMEX (Netherlands x México) 🇲🇽
- Eres del fandom de Hetalia, sin duda.
- Época favorita de México: La época colonial de la Nueva España.
- Te gustan los chicos misteriosos y con aura de “bad boy”, que en el interior son románticos.
- Eh... ¿te gustan los tulipanes?
SI TE GUSTA 🇵🇭Filipinas x México 🇲🇽
- Época favorita de México: La época colonial de la Nueva España.
- Es más probable que seas de Hetalia que de Countryhumans.
- Te gusta México dominante.
- Es probable que a Filipinas y a México los emparejes con otros países, pues ambos tienen su respectivo harem de países.
SI TE GUSTAN PRUMEX (Prusia x México) 🇲🇽,  🇵🇹 Portugal x México 🇲🇽,  Escocia x México 🇲🇽
- Eres de Hetalia.
- PRUMEX: No te gusta GerMex. 
- PORTUGAL X MÉXICO: No te gusta SpaMex.
- ESCOCIA X MÉXICO: No te gusta ni UKMex ni USAMex.
- EN GENERAL: No te gustan los ships populares de México, y prefieres shipear a México con los hermanos de los países populares.
SI TE GUSTA 🇲🇽México x Cualquier otro país que no haya aparecido en este post 🌎
Te gustan las parejas random, eres único y detergente, o simplemente eres mexicano que ha visitado o le gusta cierto país.
SI TE GUSTA 🇲🇽 México x México 🇲🇽
- Eres mexicano 100% patriota.
- Te gustan los OC´s de México, Norte y Sur, e incluso Central.  
- Sin duda eres mexicano.
- Te gusta ukear a México, o te gustan los OC´s de México casanova.
- Piensas que México es el mejor país del mundo y todo el mundo lo debe saber. 
- Te emocionas cada vez que un extranjero habla bien sobre tu país. Lees muy seguido las noticias sobre México y sus negociaciones y acuerdos con los demás países.
- Has investigado a fondo la historia de México y sus relaciones con otros países. Has visto los canales de YouTube de MainWatchers, Yolo Camotes y El Nopal Times Tops.
- Estás estudiando o te interesan las siguientes carreras: Relaciones internacionales, Historia, e Idiomas.
- Si eres fan de Hetalia, te gustan todos los personajes masculinos y fantaseas con ellos.
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¡Terminamos! Si les gustó y se divirtieron los invito a responder con este emoji: 💟. Y también los invitamos a rebloguearlo para que lo compartan con más fans :) Todavía tengo mucho trabajo y parace que se pondrá más pesado, pero haré lo posible por seguir activa. Sin más por el momento, nos vemos hasta el próximo post. 
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