#testing: christine chapel
noblehcart · 2 years
@fasciinating SC
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"mr. spock. i was wondering if you were going to make in before my shift ended." a tease of course. he was 99.8% of the time prompt and punctual unless duties required him elsewhere. that however didn't excuse him from her need to tease and find some sort of social relief towards the end of her work day. besides that she knew he would be interested in what she and the good doctor had discovered about a macro-cellular species sample taken on the latest exploration mission of this new planet.
"i already submitted my findings to your workstation, but i wanted you to see these little guys up close first hand." was the amused hum as eyes flickered up to the vulcan then to the microscopes on the counter. "see what you make of their behavioral patterns. as our resident science officer i was wondering if you're seeing what i might be seeing."
which was potential advances in medicine. possibly.
4 notes · View notes
emonydeborah · 7 months
The senior staff of the Enterprise are turned into kids one by one, and the definitely have a favorite.
(It’s Una.)
whole fic under the cut if ao3 is not your speed.
~5000 words
“Anyone want to tell me how the hell this happened?”
Christine and Joseph glanced at each other and back at the biobed, avoiding Una’s eyes. The little boy wolfed down the applesauce Christine had gotten for him, merrily swinging his legs and completely oblivious to anything else.
“Hey.” Una raised her eyebrows, and Christine and Joseph snapped to attention. “Answers.”
“We haven’t had time for a full examination,” Joseph started. “I’ll need to do a full analysis of the energy signatures-”
“Yeah, we have no idea,” Christine interrupted. Joseph shot her a panicked look, but she just shrugged. “Scans show a normal human boy, about ten years old.”
“Can you reverse it?” Una asked shrilly. 
“I believe so, Commander.” Spock inserted himself into their huddle, pointedly turning away from Chris. He had avoided looking at Chris since he had first started to cry for his mommy on the bridge. “If my equations are correct. I will need time to run some tests.”
“You have one hour,” Una ordered, and Spock nodded.
“Nurse Chapel, I’m all done!” Chris held out his applesauce cup to prove it. Christine took a deep breath and slapped on a perky smile before she turned to him.
“All right, I’ll take that then. Do you want some more?” Chris shook his head.
“No thank you, I’m all full.” He patted his belly, and finally noticed Joseph, Una, and Spock staring at him. He grinned, dimples on full display, and Una smiled back before she remembered to be alarmed. It was odd, seeing him like this. They had been in objectively stranger situations, but when she thought of him as young, she thought of a hot shot test pilot, not a sweet little boy.
“Hello,” he said brightly. “I’m Chris. Well, actually, I’m Christopher, but a lot of people call me Chris. Except my mom, she calls me Chrissy.” Una blinked and looked to Joseph for help. He shrugged.
“Hello, Chris,” Una said eventually. She approached his bed, trying to look more friendly than wary. She didn’t entirely succeed, judging by his widening eyes as she drew near. “Do you know who I am?”
“You’re really tall.” Una froze, staring down at him. Christine snorted and hastily covered it up with a cough.
“Right,” Una said. “But do you remember my name?” He shook his head.
“I’m sorry,” he said, eyes huge and doleful. To Una’s horror, his lip started to wobble. “I didn’t mean to forget. It’s really mean to forget someone’s name, especially if they’re your friends.” He looked around at them all, eyes shimmering. “Are you my friends?” Una gaped at him.
“Yes,” Spock interjected. “Chris. We are your friends.”
“Which is why-” Una gave herself a shake. “-we forgive you for not remembering. Friends forgive each other.”
Chris wiped his eyes. “Okay.” He sniffed, and in short order seemed as happy as ever. “What’s your name?”
“I’m Una.” Una clasped her hands behind her back. “You can call me Number One.” Chris’s eyes went big and round.
“That’s a really cool nickname,” he said, awed. Una cracked a smile.
“You’re really pretty.” Una’s smile stiffened, and Christine swooped in.
“I know she is, buddy, do you want to watch a holovid?”
Chris agreed immediately, completely diverted, and Una ducked out of Sickbay before Joseph could say a word about her pink cheeks.
“I thought we fixed this problem?” Chris looked around at the group, who had nothing more to offer than a collective shrug. Una groaned.
“This is a starship, not a daycare.” She glared around, and Spock avoided her eyes. “Spock, you made Chris an adult again, why didn’t the problem end there?”
Spock opened his mouth, but a high pitched giggle from the biobed cut him off. Christine tickled Uhura with one hand and with the other stealthily approached her shoulder with a hypospray while Joseph made a valiant attempt at tricorder readings.
“I do not know,” Spock admitted. “Evidently the anomaly has longer lasting effects than I anticipated.”
“Can you fix her like you fixed the captain?” Una asked.
“And can you do it soon?” Christine sounded more haggard than Una had ever heard her, including after twenty-four hours with no sleep. She joined the huddle and pulled a sticker out of her hair. “I can’t keep this up much longer.” 
On the biobed, Uhura smashed two hastily replicated dolls together. Una couldn’t tell if they were kissing or fighting to the death.
“Five years old is a magical age,” Joseph said grimly.
“I personally would not have expected this from Uhura,” Chris said. “She’s normally so reserved.”
“Yeah, well-”
“Why is it so quiet?” Una hesitated, afraid to turn around, but Chris’s horrified expression gave it away.
Sickbay’s doors swished open, and Una turned just in time to see her officer scamper out the door, giggling.
“Oh, no.”
They all hurtled after her, skidding to a halt in the hallway before splitting off every direction. There was an alarmed shout and Una honed in on it, rounding a corner to find an ensign staring into a jefferies tube.
“Hey, kid!” he yelled. “Don’t go in there!”
Una groaned and pushed the ensign out of the way before he could follow. “This is not what I signed on for,” she grumbled as she clambered into the tube, hair swinging in her face. “Number One to Captain Pike. I’m on her trail. Someone get to deck twelve section eight and you should be able to cut her off.”
“On it.”
Pattering sounds echoed up the tube and Una pushed forward, maneuvering her arms and legs through the narrow space with great difficulty. She hadn’t taken a jaunt through the ship’s innards in some time.
“Nyota?” she called. “Nyota, I need you to come here right now.” She rounded the bend and Uhura came into view, fiddling with wires on the wall. “Nyota-” Una banged her head on a sectional divider and bit back several curses. “Hey, leave that alone-”
Uhura yanked on a wire and Una surged forward, throwing herself over Uhura and curling herself around her. Sparks and steam rained down on them, stinging Una’s eyes and making Uhura cough. Una blindly reached to the side and switched off the current.
Once the air had cleared, Una shuffled to the side and rolled over to sit up, wiping her streaming eyes. She pulled Uhura between her knees and patted her down for damage. 
“Are you okay?” she croaked. Uhura rubbed her eyes, spluttering and hacking until the smoke cleared her lungs. She nodded. Una leaned her head back against the wall and closed her eyes to catch her breath. 
Uhura crawled over Una’s knee, and Una’s eyes shot open. “Oh no you don’t.” Una swiped for her and just missed her ankle. Uhura scurried away, shrieking with laughter. “Get back here!”
“Well, this is great.”
“My name is Spock. My parents are Amanda Grayson and Ambassador Sarek.” Una pinched her nose and squeezed her eyes shut.
“Uh, does anyone know how he fixed the others?” Erica asked. Una glared and she hastily turned back to her station. Chris let out a deep sigh. 
“Let’s get him to Sickbay.” He stood and beckoned Spock towards the turbolift, but Spock just frowned at him, legs dangling off his chair. His head barely reached the science station controls.
“My name is Spock,” he repeated insistently. Una wouldn’t have expected such a serious voice from that round, cherubic face, but this was Spock. “My parents are-”
“We know who your parents are, buddy,” Chris said tiredly. “Come on, we’ll get you fixed up.”
“Mother says not to talk to strangers.” Chris blinked. Erica bit back a grin, until she caught Una’s exasperated look.
“Well,” Chris said, “we… know your mom, and she said it’s okay.”
Erica whistled. “Way to sound like a classic predator, Captain.”
“Mind your station, Lieutenant,” Una snapped. Chris gave her a helpless look.
“Mother says to find a mother with her children and ask her for help if I ever get lost,” Spock plowed on. 
“And that’s usually great advice, buddy, but there are no-”
Spock stared straight at Una. “Can you help me?” Una’s mouth dropped open and Erica snorted. Chris turned to Una. 
“Of course she can,” he said in a pleading tone. “Right?”
“Don’t encourage this,” Una retorted. “I’m not a-”
“Maybe don’t focus on that?”
“If you think I’m going to-” There was a thud, and to Una’s horror, Spock was no longer in his seat. She raced across the bridge and found Spock’s feet hanging out of the conduit under his station. “Oh no,” she said, and hauled him out by his waist. “I have maxed out my time crawling around the tubes today.”
Spock blinked owlishly up at her, clutching an important-looking piece of piping to his chest. An alarm to perform an immediate diagnostic flashed across the science controls.
“What is that?” Una asked, afraid of the answer.
“It was humming,” Spock said. “I wanted to find out why.”
“I’m pretty sure it’s supposed to do that,” Una said, dumbfounded. She took a deep breath and held out her hand for the equipment, and Spock handed it over. At the helm, Erica was shaking with laughter. “Don’t do that again.”
“Mother says my curiosity is admirable.”
“What fresh preteen hell is this?” Una ignored La’an’s question, though she shared her sentiment. Erica crossed her arms, sullenly avoiding Christine’s attempts at conversation. 
Una was sure she had been a much more pleasant eleven-year-old.
“How long to fix her this time?” Una asked tiredly.
“An hour to calibrate the equipment to her readings, Commander,” Spock answered.
Christine sighed and stepped away to confer with Joseph, and Erica slouched farther down the bed. She started to pick at the mattress.
“We’re getting the hang of this, huh?” La’an said dryly. “Who do you think is next?”
“Don’t even joke about that,” Una grumbled. “Hey, stop that,” she said sharply. Erica snatched her hands away from the biobed controls, pouting.
“I’m not doing anything!”
“You’re messing with delicate equipment is what you’re doing.” Una raised her eyebrows. “Don’t.”
“‘Delicate equipment,’” Erica mocked under her breath. “You don’t even know me.” Una’s jaw dropped. La’an frowned.
“How is that relevant?” she asked in an undertone, and Una gave her a warning look.
“Big words from someone who refused to wear any color but black for six months.” La’an flushed.
“Point taken.”
Una took a deep breath and controlled her expression. “Of course I know you,” she said imperiously. “You’re Erica Ortegas, and-” Erica shrunk back in the bed, showing what her surly demeanor had been an attempt to hide: she was absolutely terrified. Una softened her voice. “-and you’re the best pilot I know.” Erica blinked, and the crease faded between her eyebrows.
“No I’m not,” she said automatically, but she sat up, intrigued.
“Are you calling me a liar?” Una straightened to her full height and beckoned Erica towards the door. “Come on.” Erica glanced at La’an, who shrugged. Una raised her eyebrows. “Come on, I want to show you something.”
Erica slid off the bed. She didn’t take Una’s hand, though she appeared to be contemplating it.
“Calibrate, Spock!” 
Erica didn’t speak on the way to the bridge, but her eyes widened when the turbolift doors swished open. Una led her down to the helm, and with a few taps locked the controls before depositing Erica in her chair. She retreated to her own station and watched Erica closely from behind, only looking away when Erica glanced back at her.
Once Erica was sure no one was watching, her guarded exterior fell away and she stared out the viewscreen with unabashed wonder. 
“Please get her out of here,” Joseph said through gritted teeth. “I care very much for Christine, but I am this close to losing my temper.”
“Oh, you’re losing your temper?” Una asked mockingly. “I’ve been on babysitting duty all day. Work it out.” Joseph grimaced. Something clattered and he whipped around to find Christine fiddling with some test tubes on a lab table.
“Hey!” Joseph barked. “Put that down.” Una blinked, taken aback at his snappy tone. She would have expected more patience from him as a physician, and as a parent himself.
Christine raised her eyebrows into somehow the most grating expression Una had ever seen on a child’s face, and Una understood Joseph’s irritation immediately. “We have these at school,” Christine sassed. “I know what to do.” She rolled her eyes, and Una grabbed the back of Joseph’s shirt to keep him from marching over.
“Deep breaths, Doctor,” she muttered.
“It’s nonstop,” he said under his breath. “Since she transformed she hasn’t listened to a word I’ve said. Please get her out of here so Spock and I can finish setting up the device.”
“She can’t be that bad.”
Christine yelped, and Joseph flinched at a loud crash. What remained of a tube laid smashed in pieces on the floor, and Christine looked at them with wide eyes. “That wasn’t my fault.”
“Christine, that’s why I told you-” 
“It’s not my fault!” Christine said indignantly. She crossed her arms with a stormy look.
“Okay,” Una said, and stepped in front of a seething Joseph. “Let’s all calm down.”
“He’s mad at me when I didn’t do anything!” Christine cried, and Una silenced her with a look.
“Christine, we both know that’s not true. You didn’t listen to the doctor and you dropped the tube.” Christine opened her mouth, but Una raised her eyebrows and Christine snapped her mouth shut. “Doctor,” Una said in an undertone, “she’s ten. Stop glaring and go work on the machine.”
Christine kicked at the shards, attempting to gather them in a pile. “Let me do that,” Una ordered. “You’ll cut yourself.” Una picked around the lab table away from the spray of glass. “Come here.” She signaled for Christine to raise her arms, and carefully lifted her away from the broken glass. Christine latched around her waist without prompt and Una carried her to a biobed before hunting down a dustpan. She pretended not to notice Christine watching closely as she carefully swept the glass up into a pile. There was probably more than she could get with the dustpan, but it was better than letting anyone cut themselves.
“Can I help?” Christine’s voice was much more timid than before, and Una looked back at her with raised eyebrows.
“That would be appreciated,” she said after letting Christine squirm a moment. Christine hopped off the biobed and scampered over to her, beaming. Una gave her the dustpan and told her to hold it still for Una to sweep the glass into it.
“Thank you, Christine,” Una said when the glass was safely disposed of. “Do you understand now why you shouldn’t mess with equipment that isn’t yours?”
Christine ducked her head and nodded. Una resisted the urge to pat her back. No need to get mushy. 
“I’m really getting tired of this,” Chris groaned. “Do we know why it’s still happening?”
“I am working on several theories, Captain,” Spock reported. “I do not have a timetable as of yet. There does not appear to be a pattern in crew affected or the ages to which they are reduced.”
“Well, regardless, this has gone on long enough. Una, I got this one.” Chris gave her an apologetic look. “You’ve been on kid duty all day, you can have a break.”
Una didn’t respond, or even look in his direction. She swayed from side to side, humming under her breath. La’an’s little arms were solidly wrapped around her neck and she was a warm weight on Una’s chest, tiny breaths puffing against her neck. It had been pure, primal instinct to sweep her out of her chair on the bridge as soon as she had started to sniffle, and Una had not released her since, even for her scans. Una stroked her hair to the ends of her pigtails and La’an sighed, eyes drifting closed. Her heartbeat fluttered against Una’s chest, much slower and steadier now than when she had first transformed.
“Una?” Una startled and looked around. Chris, Joseph, and Spock were all staring at her, clearly awaiting a response.
“Sir?” Chris raised his eyebrows with a half-smile.
“I was just saying I could take over babysitting this time, since you’ve been handling them all day.” Una frowned and half turned away so that La’an was out of reach.
“I’ve got this, sir,” she said firmly. Christine snickered from across the room and Una gave her a sharp look over La’an’s head. “Do you have all the readings you need, Doctor?”
Joseph nodded, looking wary. She had glared at him a bit more fiercely than intended when he had asked her to put La’an on the biobed for her exam, and he had apparently not yet recovered. “We just need to adjust the device. Shouldn’t take longer than an hour.” He cracked a tired grin. “We’re getting the hang of this.”
“No need to rush,” Una said imperiously. “Don’t get complacent; I expect the same care with this remedy as with the others.” Joseph raised his eyebrows, almost affronted.
“Aye, Commander,” he said.
“Una, you really don’t have to do this by yourself,” Chris insisted. “Weren’t you telling me you had a meeting to get to that you didn’t want to miss?”
“I can multitask, Captain.” Una strode towards the door, huddling La’an away from Chris’s outstretched arms. “Let me know when the device is ready,” she ordered.
La’an jolted as Una hurried out of Sickbay, and Una shortened and smoothed her steps. Small fingers tangled in her hair and Una winced to think of the snarls she would have to brush out later, but she didn’t pull La’an’s hand away.
Una hummed as she wove through the ship, hoping La’an would drop back to sleep, but La’an’s eyes stayed determinedly open and watchful. She kept her head tucked against Una’s neck, but turned slightly to watch crewmembers as they passed.
Her meeting was uneventful. No one dared to comment on the toddler safely nestled in her arms, or the hushed tones Una made them use to give their reports. The only excitement was Chris sweeping in at the end with a problem that could only be solved by Una crawling around in jefferies tubes, and whisking La’an away before Una could argue. 
When Una stormed into Sickbay thirty minutes later, grumbling about incompetence, she found La’an on Chris’s shoulders and shrieking with laughter as Chris ran around making spaceship noises. As soon as she saw Una, though, she dove for her, and Chris barely managed to catch her from tumbling off his shoulders.
“Having fun?” Una asked dryly. She lifted La’an onto her hip and raised her eyebrows as Chris leaned over to catch his breath. “Is this why the conduit situation was so urgent?” Chris grinned.
“Can’t let you have all the fun, Number One.”
“He makes a pretty cute kid.”
Chris turned to her, baffled. “What?” Una shrugged.
“I prefer him as an adult who can do his job, but come on. He’s pretty cute.”
Joseph bounced around Sickbay, holding Christine’s hand and asking a hundred questions a minute. Christine, clearly charmed, did her best to do her job one-handed, though she was struggling to balance all her equipment. Spock had been delegated to follow and catch anything she dropped.
“I guess?” Chris looked at Joseph in a new light, pondering. “Not as cute as La’an, but I see where you’re coming from.”
“Well of course not,” Una scoffed. Chris shot her a sidelong glance, and Una grimaced. “Don’t tell her I said that.”
“Oh, I’m going to. Honesty among my officers is important,” Chris said seriously. “And if you think La’an was the cutest kid on this ship she should know that.” Una just glared, and Chris chuckled.
“You know what, buddy?” Christine said. “I need a few minutes to set this up, so I can’t answer your questions right now. Do you want to go ask Number One?” Una’s head snapped towards her and she gave her a look of absolute betrayal. Joseph scampered over to her, unconcerned.
“How come you’re called Number One?” he asked without preamble.
“Because she’s my number one,” Chris said with a grin. “She’s the best first officer in the whole fleet.”
“What’s a first officer?”
“Ohoho, that’s an excellent question.” Chris looked far too excited. Una watched warily as Chris lifted Joseph onto a biobed and made himself comfortable.
“Now, a first officer-”
Una’s insides were already curdling with embarrassment, but she crossed her arms and stationed herself next to Chris, hoping to keep him moderately in line.
And if watching Joseph swing his legs and rattle question after question with bright and curious eyes made Una smile, that was incidental.
“Buddy.” Uhura’s voice was somewhere between exhaustion and exasperation, leaning heavily towards exasperation. “We can’t be doing this.” After several seconds of clanging, Hemmer poked his head out of the jefferies tube. His sharp features were blunted somewhat by his round cheeks, but his serious expression was the same as when he was an adult.
“I’m bored,” he said matter-of-factly, like Uhura was ridiculous for trying to stop him.
“Then we’ll find something else to do, come on.” Uhura beckoned him out of the tube, but he just stared blankly in her direction, unmoved. Given his unaltered ability to maneuver the ship, let alone the jefferies tubes, Una knew his other senses were intact. He was just ignoring Uhura for fun. 
“Hemmer,” Uhura pleaded. “We’ll find something else.” Hemmer blinked at her, utterly unconcerned, and started to retreat back into the tube.
“Hemmer,” Una barked. “Out. Now.” His head swiveled towards her, and he crawled out without a murmur. Uhura’s jaw dropped as Hemmer wandered past her, and Una smirked at her outrage.
She was not smirking for long. Her disciplining effect only lasted as long as Hemmer was in her presence, and as soon as he was out of sight he was off like a shot.
“What is with these kids and climbing into things?” Una asked despairingly. She keyed in override after override as Chris and Spock attempted to manually open the hatch. None of them were having much success. The emergency protocols were doing a great job of sealing things off at the first sign of an overload, but there were no procedures built in for a precocious child crawling into the engines and pulling things apart.
“Can we at least turn the alarm off?” Chris yelled over the blaring klaxon.
“Negative, Captain,” Spock answered, straining at the locking mechanism. He and Chris were pulling at it with all their might with no success.
Una hit her sixth firewall and groaned. She smacked the interface in frustration and inserted herself between Spock and Chris, adding her Illyrian strength to the mix. With a metallic screech, the hatch edged open torturously slowly.
“Why didn’t you do that from the beginning?” Chris panted. Una ignored him.
She stuck head into the hatch. “Lieutenant!” she bellowed. “Come out of there this minute!”
There was no response for several seconds. Una gritted her teeth and braced herself to climb into the tube, knowing she was at least marginally more resilient to the radiation, but just as she grabbed onto the bars to pull herself in, a pair of antennae poked around the bend.
“Commander,” he greeted in his normal growling tone, only with a much squeakier voice. Una didn’t wait for him to crawl all the way out; as soon as he was in reach she hauled him out of the tube. Spock and Chris slammed the hatch shut and collapsed against it, panting. Una didn’t realize she was holding Hemmer tightly to her chest until he started to squirm, and she loosened her grip so he could lean back and cross his arms. He made no move to get down, though, and Una didn’t prompt him.
“We need to get you a hobby,” Chris said from the ground, sounding dazed. Spock staggered to his feet and reset the protocols, and finally the alert klaxon turned off.
Una let out a long breath.
“So…” The captain glanced around at everyone, baffled. “Do any of us know how to handle this?”
La’an shrugged, as lost as he was. Una watched them both with wide, frightened eyes, sitting quietly on the biobed with her hands tightly clasped in her lap. Dr. M’Benga raised his eyebrows at Chris’s tone.
“I think we’re pretty efficient by now, Captain,” he said, amused.
“Yeah, but-” Captain Pike fumbled for words, gesturing vaguely in Una’s direction. “It’s Una.” M’Benga shook his head and chuckled, but La’an agreed with Captain Pike. For whatever reason, the rest of them had gravitated to Una as children, and she had been able to keep them under control. None of them really knew how she had done it, and it was unlikely they could apply her methods.
“All right, Una,” Christine said in a much gentler voice than La’an had ever heard from her, even with the other children. “How are you feeling?”
“I’m fine,” Una said quietly, even as her heart rate shot up on the monitor. Christine didn’t react to the beeping monitor, or even look away from Una’s face.
“Do you know who I am?” Christine asked. M’Benga ran his tricorder over Una as Christine spoke, and Una jerked away from the device.
“No.” La’an couldn’t tell if she was reacting to Christine or M’Benga; she retreated from them both.
“Okay,” Christine said easily. “That’s okay. My name is Christine, and this is Joseph, and we’re going to help you.”
“I don’t need help,” Una said shrilly, and slid off the bed. “I’m fine. Please don’t scan me.”
“It won’t hurt,” M’Benga promised.
“What makes you nervous about it?” Christine asked. She stayed where she was as Una retreated, giving her space to feel safe.
“I’m not nervous,” Una said firmly. “I just don’t like it.” She crossed her arms, as if to shield herself from the tricorder. She glared at M’Benga when he opened his mouth to explain, and La’an almost smiled.
That was their Una.
M’Benga wisely chose to retreat and stand next to Chris. He watched contemplatively as Christine engaged Una in quiet conversation about if she’d like a snack or a book. Una politely refused everything.
“Do you have enough data to calibrate the device?” Chris asked under his breath, and grimaced when M’Benga shook his head.
“If it were a human crewmember, I would say yes,” he said, and Una’s eyes shot to him, though he should have been out of earshot. La’an frowned as M’Benga continued. “But she’s Illyrian, and even though the physiological differences are minimal-”
Una paled so drastically La’an took a half-step forward to catch her if she fainted. Her breaths came sharp and deep and she leaped back when Christine reached for her.
“What are you talking about?” Una demanded, voice shaking with panic. “I am human!”
They all understood within seconds of each other, and M’Benga winced at himself. Chris’s shoulders sagged in the face of Una’s terror, and Christine knelt. Even at an estimated twelve years old, Una was nearly as tall as La’an, which La’an had not grumbled about as she had escorted her to Sickbay. On her knees Christine reached Una’s shoulders, and Una looked down at her, trembling.
“I’m human,” Una insisted desperately. “Your scanners are wrong. I’m not Illyrian. I’m human.”
“Una,” Christine interrupted. “We’re not going to hurt you. You’re not going to get in trouble.”
“I’m not- I’m not- I promise-” Tears streamed down her face and La’an’s heart tugged at her abject terror.
Una had always seemed so heartbroken when La’an called her in tears after an incident at school or yet another change in foster families once they put two and two together and found out where she came from. It had never occurred to La’an to wonder where that sympathy came from, even when she found out the truth about Una’s heritage. She had been so angry to find out that Una, the same Una who had always told her never to be ashamed of her origins, had kept her own genetics a secret for most of her life. But this reaction made La’an wonder if that secrecy had been more than a calculated decision, and instead a deeply ingrained instinct borne out of trauma. Una never talked about her childhood, and La’an wasn’t one to ask.
“Una, look at me,” Christine said soothingly. “I believe you.”
“But he said-”
“He was wrong.” She lied so smoothly La’an consciously had to control her shock. “The tricorder is broken; he’s gonna get a new one, okay?”
M’Benga looked dubious but he followed her lead. He got a new tricorder and laid it on the bio bed for Christine, not daring to approach and break the tenuous rapport.
“I don’t want-”
“Una,” Christine said firmly, “no one here is going to hurt you. No matter what. We’re going to keep you safe, but to do that we need these scans.”
Una’s mouth wobbled as she looked down at Christine’s reassuring face, and her breathing hitched. “Are you gonna tell?” she asked quietly. 
Christine’s shoulders sagged, but she didn’t try to defend her lie. She shook her head. “No. You’re safe here, we won’t tell.”
Una looked around at the rest of them, and for La’an it was like looking at herself all those years ago, lost and alone and so terrified that it was all too good to be true, that Una was about to disappear like everyone else. “No one?” Una asked. La’an straightened her shoulders and met Una’s gaze head on. 
“No,” La’an said firmly. “This is Starfleet, we don’t care what you are, we care who you are.” Captain Pike shot her a surprised glance, but La’an didn’t squirm. It was Una’s old mantra to her whenever she’d fallen into resenting her ancestry again, convinced it was holding her back. “You’re our friend,” La’an continued, “and we’ll protect you.”
Una looked to Chris, and he nodded. She swallowed, and took a deep breath. 
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tigereyes45 · 5 months
AOS mckirk + 43? ❤️
Prompt 43 was, "Why aren't you eating?" You can find the list of prompts here. I originally wrote a version of this request where it's Jim not eating, but then my mind kept saying, but what if it was McCoy. So I did that. XD There's going to be a second part to this where Jim is the one not eating. You can also read the story on AO3 here:
It's easy to push aside eating in favor of finishing a task at hand. Everyone needs reminders sometimes.
When Jim Kirk steps into McCoy's private office space, there's a swagger that's ever-present in his moves. A self-confidence that's more act than reality. Leonard has enough kindness to keep from announcing the fact. The doctor lowers a PADD that had been claiming his ever-dissipating attention, for the last hour and a half.
"Nurse Chapel tells me you haven't been eating." The doctor drops his PADD onto his desk as if he couldn't be bothered to read it for another moment.
“She told you.” McCoy corrects before rolling his eyes. It’s official. No more late-night lab tests with Spock. The vulcan’s beginning to rub off on him. Leonard shakes his head. His fingers impatiently tap against the PADD’s screen. "Christine needs to learn how to keep information to herself." Jim’s foot began to subconsciously tap along with Bones’ fingers. McCoy huffs and crosses his arms. "It's unprofessional."
"She worries about you Bones." Kirk leans against the doctor's desk. A knowing smile on his face. "I worry about you."
That’s obvious. Despite his role as captain, Jim has never been able to hide his favoritism. He’s kept those who he first encountered on the ship closer than most others. Their history throughout the academy resulted in McCoy being allowed closer than most. Even more so than the bridge crew.
"I don't need you worrying over me." Bones insists. How many times have they had a conversation like this? With another huff, he stands up. "And leave Christine alone. She's a rather skilled nurse. I'd hate to lose her. Again." That last word came out with a little more bite than he intended.
"I'll keep that in mind."
There's so much work to do. Wounds to heal, chests waiting to be sewn up, check-ups, vaccinations, physical therapies to watch, paperwork to sign off on, newly released research to catch up on, and then review. All before they head off to start this new five-year mission. The work never ends, and damn it! He's a doctor. If anyone knows how far and long their body can go, it's him. No puffed-up captain is going to tell him otherwise.
"Bones," Jim's soft call is followed by a hand clapping around McCoy's shoulder. Leonard shrugs the handoff. Concern fills Jim's face. His usual smirk now hangs awkwardly open. No doubt the gears are turning in that quick mind. Nimble as a fox. That's what his father would’ve called Jim.
If they ever had the chance to meet.
"I just want to make sure you keep some meat on you." Jim jokes, rounding on McCoy. He folds his arms over his chest and offers a light smile. Even that small smile would be enough to brighten up most of McCoy's days. Not now though. There’s no time. He’s due for a surgery in about eight hours. Eight hours that’ll pass in a blink of an eye if he’s not careful.
"I've got work to do Jim." Leonard tries to step around. 
Jim swiftly sways and weaves to keep in his way. "Come on Bones. Join me for lunch."
"I can't."
"Yes, you can.” Jim’s the one rolling his eyes now. “Take a break.” He throws a hand out, leaning in the doorway. Thoroughly blocking McCoy’s only way out. “Captain's orders." He adds with a wink.
"I said I can't." It’s not that he doesn’t want to, but there’s too much on the scales. He has to keep going just to keep them balanced. Otherwise, Jim will be short on crew, and missing talented people. Individuals that may keep him alive. Out there in the vast emptiness, they’ll only have each other to count on. Starfleet won’t be able to help if they get into trouble. They can’t have come so far for McCoy to make a mistake. Not now. Not again.
McCoy furrows his brows and fights back the memories threatening to take his attention. Deep down Leonard knows why he’s doing this. Why it has become so easy to push his own needs aside and focus on all the lives on board. 
Part of it is his training. Doctors of all kinds learn early on in school how to push down the biological signs of hunger and stress. When you have lab results due in the morning, but the tests haven’t run their full course yet, and midterms are around the corner, while professor after professor is encouraging you to start thinking about your thesis work now before you even manage to get out of undergrad, well stress becomes seconded nature. Exhaustion, hunger pangs, and increased anxiety that verges on panic attacks, all get swept under the rug, and suppressed until a body can’t go on anymore. By the time they get to medical school most students have bodies that are simultaneously, in a horrendous state, yet conditioned to work through it. They keep to themselves. Reminding himself with post-its, handwritten notes scrawled in the empty spaces of his books, and phone alerts to drink water, eat food, and take five minutes to close his eyes before pushing on. Always aware of the fact of the hypocrisy between the instructions he gives to patients on how to care for themselves as he works himself to the bone.
Leonard’s trained not to share his own problems. To ignore his own needs, but even that can only go so far. Deep down there’s more to it. A fear deeper than the grief that washes over him as he loses a patient. Something that motivates him more than any fear he experienced when in school or out in space.
He can’t lose Jim again.
"And I said you can." Jim opens up his arms, talking with his hands. "You're not much help to anyone if you're all skin and bones."
The timing had been more. Leonard knows that’s not what James was saying. He wasn’t invalidating the fear, but rationality wasn’t home today. "Damn it Jim, I said no!" McCoy’s hand goes flying past Jim, towards the door’s control. Fingers catch on the bottom of Jim’s long sleeve as his palm smacks the buttons.
It’s painful how ingrained that loss had become in his life. Terrifying how the mere thought of it sends his mind spiraling as if lost to a deep, powerful vortex that sucks everything else away.
"Hey!" Jim pushes a hand against Leonard's chest. "Watch the hand, McCoy."
McCoy pulls his hand back. His fingers were shaking. With a deep sigh Leonard folds them in. Doing his best to calm his racing nerves the doctor closes his eyes. Doing his best stern, yet calm voice Leonard says, "Just get out of here Jim. I've got lives to save, and people who need fixing." People you need.
Leonard opens his eyes slowly. The look on Jim’s face was one of determination. Better than heartbroken. McCoy can only imagine his own expression. He needs to get back to work.
“Nurse Chapel.” Christine appears right behind him, as if waiting for Jim’s call. “When is Doctor McCoy’s next scheduled appointment?”
“In eight hours sir. It’s Lieutenant Alfonse’s surgery.” An engineer skilled enough, that Scotty himself has been asking after his health since they first discovered the kidney issue.
“Does he have any pressing matters in the meantime?”
Christine doesn’t even bother pretending to look at the datapadd in her hands. “No sir?” Her eyes stare McCoy down.
“He’s officially off shift. Call me directly if there’s an emergency.” Leonard fights back the urge to swear. Jim really isn’t going to let this drop.
“You sir?” Chapel asks, trying to get a look at the captain’s face. The man keeps his back to her, and his eyes trained on McCoy.
Jim crosses his arms. “He’ll be eating with me in my room.” A new smirk adorns his face. “Won’t you Bones?”
Sensing no room for argument McCoy agrees through gritted teeth, “I guess I will, sir.” He added that last word to make it clear that while he’s bending he’ll remember this. If Jim’s bothered by that idea, he doesn’t act like it.
Jim steps aside, finally letting Leonard pass by. Chapel steps back out of the way, heading over to the bio beds, with a polite nod of her head. Leonard steals a glance at her datapadd. It wasn’t even turned on. They planned this! Jim comes bounding after. He lightly pats Leonard’s arm, as he falls into step beside the doctor. “No be angry Bones. You’re gonna like this.”
“I like working.”
Jim playfully smacks McCoy’s chest. “No you don’t. You like fried potatoes, dumplings, and steak bites.”
That stops Leonard dead in his tracks. “What?” He turns to face Jim whose got the biggest shit-eating grin. Sickbay’s front door slides shut behind them.
Jim grabs both of McCoy’s arms, and fix the end of his short sleeves. “Like I said,” Jim leans closer practically bubbling with energy. “You’ll like it. I even used basil.”
This time Leonard couldn’t keep his face from forming a wide, disblieving smile. “You what?” Did that mean Jim actually cooked? Yeah they were still on Earth but it must’ve been out of his way to go and grab actual food from a market. McCoy’s stomach growls, voicing it’s lack of care over where the food came from, or how it was prepared. Either way he has to try it now. As if it wasn’t already being required by Jim.
A home cook meal. Literally. It shouldn’t be such an odd thought considering that the Enterprise was going to be his only home for the next five years. Leonard had expected to only eat synthesized food for it all. An actual cooked meal, made with fresh ingredients, his mouth starts to water.
The captain was already a few steps down the hall, as McCoy’s feet finally lift and start to follow. With each step bringing him a little bit closer to the promise of food, his body grows lighter. There’s still a lot of work to do. Guilt threatens to rear it’s ugly head back up, but Jim’s smile banishes the thoughts to the deepest recesses of Bones’ mind.
Sometimes it’s easy to forget to actually enjoy his time with the people he wants to save.
Another lesson trained into the practice, unfortunately.
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antimatterpod · 10 months
Anika studied musical theatre at college. Liz outrighted hated musicals until two weeks ago. And they’re here to discuss … “Subspace Rhapsody”! And also fight crime. Star Trek crime. Which this episode is not, except when it is. It’s our very special 150th episode!
Liz did a crash course in musicals, and then “Subspace Rhapsody” kind of does the same thing!
“It’s bad because it’s Strange New Worlds, not because it’s a musical.”
Liz has some comments about sound mixing, which is PRETTY RICH coming from someone whose podcast sounds the way it does
We’ve had a season of characterisation via romance to build up to a musical! It all makes sense! (Except that it’s all so straight!)
La’an and Una are failing the Bechdel test in song!
We need more Batel, less Pike
Christine Chapel has never done anything wrong, ever, in her entire life, and Anika has never loved her more
“It’s like the put all the pieces on the board, and then they threw the board in the trash” – the SNW Story
If you look up “liberal white men who step back and let Black women do all the work of saving the world” you’ll find a picture of Chris Pike
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hummingbird-of-light · 4 months
In Our Favor
Part 89
McCoy laughed as he left class. Eugene had just told him about something that had happened to him over the weekend. Before he could respond a familiar arm slipped through his.
“Hey Chris!” he greeted her as he looked over.
“Hey Leo,” she smiled back. She looked over at Eugene, small frown resolving to a smile. “You were at the clinic the other night, right? I didn’t catch your name.”
“Eugene Dorsey,” Eugene got out in surprise.
“Christine Chapel. Nice to meet you.” Christine stuck out her free hand and shook Eugene’s.
“You going to be a doctor too?” she asked.
Eugene nodded.
“He got the highest score on our test last week,” McCoy said.
“Leonard was right behind me,” Eugene got out with only a light blush.
“Nice work!” Christine said. “My parents are surgeons, so I’ve always wanted to be in medical. Just still not sure if nursing or doctoring is what I want though.”
“You’ll be great at either!” Eugene blushed again as he heard himself. “I mean,” he stammered, “you already knew as much as those officers the other night.”
“No,” Christine said with a quick shake of her head. “I just know lots of doctor slang from my parents.”
“But you are going to be great at it, whichever you pick,” McCoy said. “You’re why Spock survived.” His face sobered from the grin he’d been sporting. “Even Dr. Boyce said that so you can’t argue.”
“I know,” Christine said quietly.
McCoy could feel Eugene looking at them both with puzzlement.
“I’ve got to get some homework done,” Christine said after a moment. “I’ll see you at dinner?”
“Of course,” McCoy said. “And after.”
“Ok. See you then.” She leaned up to kiss McCoy’s cheek before pulling her arm back. “It was nice to meet you; I’m sure we’ll see each other around,” she said to Eugene.
“Yes,” he said. “I mean, nice to meet you too.”
Christine gave a wave as she walked away.
“You said you were friends, I guess I didn’t realize that close.”
McCoy chuckled. “She was one of my first friends when I got sent away for school. And she did help me and Scotty before we could reveal our relationship. Everyone at school thought she was my girlfriend and we never confirmed or denied it.” He laughed again. “Jim still calls her my girlfriend as a joke sometimes.”
Eugene was looking at him with a confused face again.
“One of our teachers told Scotty to stay away from me,” McCoy explained. “But we’d already fallen for each other, and, well, good luck keeping me from something I want.”
“That’s dumb,” Eugene said. “Why should someone stay away from you?”
McCoy opened his mouth to speak, then stopped. He sighed.
“The teacher had some very wrong ideas about scholarship students. He thought he was protecting me. I’m glad to say his thoughts have changed on the matter.”
Eugene still looked puzzled.
“Who’s Spock? How did Christine save him?”
McCoy let out a quiet sigh. He knew Eugene’s ignorance of who he was wouldn’t last forever, but he had quite enjoyed the anonymity with him.
“Spock is our friend. He was still my bodyguard back then. He- he was shot during their rescue attempt of me and Scotty.” McCoy saw Eugene’s mouth drop open. “Chris knew more about first aid than the rest of us and took care of him until we got to a hospital.”
“Rescue attempt?” Eugene had stopped walking and was staring at him.
“Yes,” McCoy said with another quiet sigh. “You really don’t know who I am, do you?” His shoulders drooped. “We were kidnapped by Romulans. I- I don’t really want to talk about it.” A small shiver went down his spine. “But it’s all out there. It was reported on quite heavily during the trials.”
McCoy gave his head a small shake and smiled weakly at Eugene.
“I’m sorry, I don’t like to talk about it. We went through a lot and it still affects us sometimes.”
“Yeah,” Eugene said blankly. “I’m sure it does.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow?” They had begun walking again and now were in front of McCoy’s dorm.
“Yeah,” Eugene said idly. “Yeah, I’ll see ya later,” he said more firmly and gave McCoy a smile. “I’m sorry I brought it up.”
McCoy shrugged. “You didn’t know. It’s ok.”
He sighed as he entered their dorm room. McCoy knew with pretty fair certainty that Eugene was going to look it all up and find out who he really was. He hoped it wouldn’t change anything; he really enjoyed Eugene’s friendship.
Part 90
Dinner was a happy affair. Everyone chatted about how their day had been and about what games they should play. That was at least until a familar blue figure entered the dining hall.
Scotty's eyes widened in surprise and he bumped his knee against Leonard's to catch his attention. Leonard couldn't help but frown slightly and shake his head.
Aporal slowly made his way over to where the food was served and grabbed a sandwich. Judging by the way he walked, he was apparently still in pain. However, he tried his best not to show it.
"What happened to him?"
Chekov sounded quite shocked and quickly several heads turned around to look at the Andorian.
"Did he get hurt during classes?"
"No, he didn't attend any course today."
"He looks miserable."
Whispers went through the crowd. Not only at Leonard and Scotty's table but also at others.
Scotty quickly got up from where he was sitting and hurried over to grab Aporal, who was about to leave the hall without looking at anyone, by his arm.
The Andorian turned around, a crooked smile on his lips.
"Hey, Scottish boy. I just wanted to pick up dinner." He held up the sandwich.
"I could have brought ye one. Ye could've just written a message," Scotty hissed.
Aporal only shrugged his shoulders.
"I'm attending classes again tomorrow. So why shouldn't I do this stuff myself now already?
Scotty glanced at their surroundings. Lots of cadets were staring at Aporal.
"But the others-"
"I don't care about the others, Scottish boy. They can look all they want. I'm still the prettiest guy at this whole academy."
It was obvious that Aporal was trying to overplay how hurt he was. Once again he put on his arrogant and hard shell.
"So... ye're okay with everybody knowing?"
Scotty certainly hadn't expected that. After all, Aporal didn't seem like the person who wanted to show any weakness.
"Why not? Everyone should know that nothing can keep the best cadet in this place down. Especially a certain group of people." Aporal glanced at the table where Francis and his friends were sitting.
Maybe he hoped for a reaction. Some kind of sign. But Francis didn't even pay attention to him. He just kept on chatting to the rest of his group.
"I... see. Do ye want to join us?"
For a moment, Aporal looked at Leonard and the others, but eventually he shook his head.
"I think I'd like to eat in my room tonight. Have fun with your friends."
With a wave of his hand, the Andorian left the hall, not looking back.
Scotty couldn't help but sigh. If only the boy would accept more help.
"Is the story about the attack true?" Cora asked, her eyes wide, when Scotty sat back down.
The Scotsman nodded slowly. There was no need for keeping it a secret anymore.
"And Aporal was the victim?" Even Jaylah seemed worried and shocked. "Why didn't you tell us, Montgomery Scotty!"
"We couldn't. We didn't know if Aporal wanted others to know," Leonard answered for him.
"So you knew about it too, Just Leonard?"
The prince nodded and Scotty started to explain just what had happened.
"I was the one who found Aporal, injured, and called for help. Leonard... Leonard helped me after the shock."
The memory was still horrible. And he knew that it would take lots of time to forget about the images.
"Oh Scotty..." Christine reached for his hand and squeezed it gently, giving him a sympathetic look.
"He... he's okay. He'll be fine," Scotty assured the others... and himself. He really hoped his words were true.
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virtuousfuta · 10 months
New Test Muses
DC: Huntress (Helena Bertinelli) Raven (Rachel Roth) Starfire (Koriand'r) Final Fantasy: Neon Sophia Fire Emblem: Titania Genshin Impact: Amber Eula Jean Mona Granblue Fantasy: Katalina The Legend of Heroes: Alisa Reinford Claire Rieveldt Elie MacDowell Emma Millstein Estelle Bright Laura S. Arseid Rixia Mao MARVEL: Black Cat (Felicia Hardy) Captain Carter (Peggy Carter) Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers) Crystal Emma Frost Gwen Stacy Invisible Woman (Susan Storm) Jubilee (Jubilation Lee) Kate Bishop Magik (Illyana Rasputin) Maria Hill The Mighty Thor (Jane Foster) Psylocke (Elizabeth "Betsy" Braddock) Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff) Shadowcat (Kitty Pryde) Sharon Carter Sharon Rogers Silk (Cindy Moon) Wasp (Janet Van Dyne) X-23 (Laura Kinney) Yelena Belova My Hero Academia: Nejire Hado Star Trek: Beverly Crusher (Alt FC: Rachel McAdams) Christine Chapel (FC: Jess Bush) Jadzia Dax (Alt FC: Zoey Deutch) Jamie Kirk (FC: Emily VanCamp) Star Wars: Brianna (FC: Adelaide Kane) Jaina Solo (FC: Kaya Scodelario) Jyn Erso Meetra Surik (FC: Jennifer Lawrence) Qi'ra Revan (FC: Brie Larson) Valkyria Chronicles: Alicia Melchiott Kai Schulen Minerva Victor Riley Miller Selvaria Bles
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Let’s Get Physical
Pairing: Christine Chapel x Female!Reader
Rating: T
Warnings: Fluff!! Nothing but fluff! Reader hates physicals. I mean also mentions of aspects of a medical examination; mention of needles in relation to a blood test. Also also yearning.
Notes: I literally had an idea for one line of Christine’s dialogue so I wrote this. It’s super short. Also not to be dramatic but I’m in love with her. Not beta-read.
Not sure who would be interested in this, so only tagging my darling Micky ( @wretchedwisteria​ ) so she can suffer with me.
Summary: Christine’s smile widens, eyes darting to yours before she winks. You’re certain your heart jumps in your chest. You can only hope that it doesn’t register on her sensors.
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“Just relax,” Christine coos, her hand gently guiding you more deeply into the med bay. “It’s nice and quiet calm. Like, no one is here, you’re gonna be fine.”
“As fine as that time I fainted?”
“Better. Way better,” She reassures, lowering her hand and waving you into a biobed. You climb onto it dutifully, shifting nervously from side to side, unable to get comfortable.
“Okay...Okay...” You see Christine nodding in your periphery. “If you keep that up, I’m gonna get sick.”
You go still with embarrassment, sweating palms clamped to the side of the bed.
“Go ahead and lay down,” She adds. You swing your legs up, scooching down and settling in. You feel Christine looking at the diagnostics screen over your head.
“Palms flat, please.”
You hurriedly scrub your palms against your pant legs before laying them flat.
“Sweat doesn’t impede the readings, I promise.”
You can’t help but smile a little at the reassurance, your eyes darting to Christine. Her eyes are set on the screen, glancing around for a few moments before she raises her tricorder. She waves the scanner over your body, eyes lowering to the screen. Her lips purse together a touch.
“Blood pressure and heart rate are a little high...But I know you hate these, so I’m sure that’s not helping anything. We can check them another time, outside of the med bay, just make sure everthing’s normal.”
“Pffft, please. This is great,” You mutter. Christine’s smile widens, eyes darting to yours before she winks. You’re certain your heart jumps in your chest. You can only hope that it doesn’t register on her sensors.
“Temperature is fine...”
A stunning fact; you feel like you’re burning up.
“Just gonna check your lymph nodes. Is that okay?”
“Mhm,” You nod hurriedly before forcing yourself to hold still. Christine’s hands are warm and soft as she gently massages your neck, checking for any swelling.
“Alright, perfect. You can sit up,” Christine waves as she pulls her hands back. You swing your legs over the side of the bed, swallowing thickly, and trying not to think of the lingering buzz that her touch has left on your neck.
“Look at the light,” Christine urges, shining a small pen light into your eyes. You blink at the sudden onslaught. “...Straight ahead,” She adds softly, moving the light from one eye to another. “...Great. I need to take your blood, and then we are set here...I know,” Christine gives you an apologetic smile as you grudgingly unzip your jacket. “Already handling it like a champ, though.”
You scoff a nervous, slightly hysterical laugh before you shrug your jacket off. You nudge it aside, holding your arm out and averting your eyes as Christine takes up her hypospray. You look anywhere else—the other biobeds, the ceiling, the floor. Your heart leaps into your throat as Christine’s fingers wrap carefully around your wrist, steadying you.
“You’re gonna feel a little prick...” She warns, voice gentle and soothing, “Juuuust like your ex-boyfriend.”
The comment catches you off-guard, and makes you cackle. Christine grins, carefully pressing the hypospray against your arm. The jab isn’t pleasant, but it’s not nearly as bad as you’d built up in your head. It helps that you’re distracted. You glance at Christine as your laughter quiets, and find her smiling at you fondly.
“You alright?”
“Yes,” You nod, still resolutely avoiding the sight of the hypospray. “Thank you.”
Christine nods, lowering her eyes to your arm. It’s another moment or so before the needle is withdrawn. She takes up a cotton ball, pressing it steadily over the injection site before she sets the hypo aside. She twists away just a little, taking up a bland tan bandage and placing it over the cotton ball.
“Not so bad, right?” Christine asks.
“Stings,” You mutter petulantly. Christine’s eyes search your face for a moment before she grasps your wrist again. You watch, stunned again, as she draws your arm up and bends over it. You blink dumbly as you gaze at her shining hair, and feel the warmth and press of her lips over the bandage. Then she tips her head up, a soft, expectant smile on her lips.
“Better?” She murmurs. You nod hesitantly before nodding and choking out,
Christine gently lets go of your wrist, turning to set the hypo in its proper place as you put your jacket on again, doing up the zipper with a slightly shaky hand.
“Are you feeling lightheaded or anything?” Christine asks. And yes, you are, but you resolutely mumble, “No.”
She gives you a knowing look regardless, smiling before she waves you to lay back down.
“Take a few minutes, relax. I’ll check in on you in a bit.”
You nod a little, scooching forward and settling back against the biobed. You shut your eyes, drawing in a deep breath to calm yourself. You force yourself to relax, though you find yourself and struggling not to think of the heat and tender press of Christine’s lips.
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daughter-of-melpomene · 7 months
For the faceclaim and fandom ask game: Jenna Coleman + Star Trek, please??
@dancingsunflowers-ocs ✨💛✨
Oooh, I love this one, thanks a bunch, Alexandra!! <3
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NAME: Magdalene “Maggie” Scott.
LOVE INTEREST: Christine Chapel.
SUMMARY: Maggie is the daughter of Starfleet navigation officer Montgomery “Scotty” Scott, born from a two-night stand between him and her mother. Abandoned by her mother and left with her father shortly after her birth, Maggie spent much of her childhood being raised by various family members while her dad was away on Starfleet missions, but when he was home, Scotty always tried to be the best father to his daughter that he could be. Now in her twenties and fresh out of Starfleet Academy, Maggie is offered a position as a science officer on the USS Enterprise, finally getting to spend an extended period of time with her father for the first time in her life. She’s very quick to make friends with her fellow crew members, and even a playful flirtation with a certain Enterprise nurse… but as time goes on and they spend more and more time together, Maggie has to wonder if maybe her banter with Christine isn’t so unserious as she thought.
She’s an OC for the original series.
She’s a little sweetheart lesbian!
Like Scotty, Maggie is a pretty bright and friendly person, but she’s not quite as playful or comfortable around authority figures; she believes in following Starfleet protocol to a T unless it’s strictly necessary not to, and she never speaks to Kirk or Spock with anything less than complete respect and proper decorum. (Of course, once she becomes friends with Sulu, you can imagine how long that whole thing lasts.)
She’s a botanist, and she absolutely loves plants! Usually the one place you’re sure to find her is in the Enterprise’s lab, running tests on flora found by the crew on expeditions and talking softly to the plants to encourage them to grow.
It takes a while for her and Christine to get together, because it takes Maggie to realize that Christine’s actually interested in her and not just flirting for fun, but they’re super cute once they do get together!
send me a fandom + a faceclaim and i’ll make an oc!!
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kosmos2999 · 7 months
Star Trek: The Animted Series 50th Anniversary Episode Review
Episode: Mudd's Passion
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Season: 1
Episode: 10
Stardate: 4978.5
Original airdate: November 10, 1973
Written by: Stephen Kandel
Directed by: Hal Sutherland
Music by: Yvette Blais and Jeff Michaels
Executive producers: Lou Scheimer and Norm Prescott
Studio: Filmation Associates
Network: NBC
Series created by: Gene Roddenberry
Captain James T. Kirk (voice by William Shatner)
Mr. Spock (voice by Leonard Nimoy)
Dr. Leonard “Bones” McCoy (voice by DeForest Kelly)
Ursunoid Female Miner (voice by Nichelle Nichols)
Lt. Hikaru Sulu (voice by George Takei)
Eng. Montgomery Scott, Arex, Human Miner, Ursunoid Male Miner (voices by James Doohan)
Nurse Christine Chapel, Lora, M'Ress (voice by Majel Barrett)
Guest star:
Roger C. Carmel as Harry Mudd
The USS Enterprise enters the Arcadia Star System in a mission to seek for the interstellar con artist, Harcourt Fenton Mudd. As the ship approaches the planet Motherlode, Mr. Spock reports to the Captain Kirk that the probabilty of finding “an old friend”, Harry Mudd there is very high.
As Kirk and Spock are beamed down to the planet's surface, they found Mudd selling crystals he claim that work as a liquid love potion to a group of heavy metal miners. Kirk tells Mudd that he is under arrest for fraud, illegal drug manufacture and swindling. Mudd refuses to give up because Motherlode doesn't recognize Federation law.
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To deceive the miners into buying the “love crystals” from him, Mudd gets the help of a lizard-lake alien. A Rigelian Hypnoid, who has a hypnotic ability to make believe that she is a woman in love with Harry Mudd. Spock uses his phaser to reveal the true nature of the creature. To escape the angry mob of the planet's miners, Mudd gives up to Kirk and Spock uses his phaser again to dig a trench as a barrier while they were beamed up to the ship again.
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Once Harry Mudd is beamed up to the Enterprise and while he is receiving medical treatment from Nurse Christine Chapel, he told Kirk how he escaped from the android planet they met the last time (happened in The Original Series episode, “I, Mudd).
After Mudd watched the interaction between Spock and the nurse, he decided to take advantage of Chapel's feelings as part of his escape plan. Mudd claims to Chapel that the liquid from the crystals brings strong friendship between two members of the same sex and romantic love between two members of opposite sexes. He offered Christine some of his “love potion crystals” for her to test on herself rather than a laboratory.
As the nurse opened the brig to receive the crystals and almost fall fainted by the reaction of the “love potion”, Harry got the chance to steal Chapel's ID card and the device to open himself the brig. Then Christine went to Mr. Spock's office to give the medical report on Harry Mudd. She tried to approach Spock in a lovely fashion, but he doesn't respond to her kindness the way she wanted.
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While on the bridge, the captain gives orders to set course to a desert planet on a exploratory mission.
Mudd takes the escape route from the brig to a computer center where he made changes to Chapel's ID card. And when he was ready to went to the shuttlebay, the nurse intercepts him, to complain about the crystals of love. On the melee, Mudd take Chapel captive and both took a shuttle to the desert planet and some of those crystals fell thru the air conduct system.
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On the bridge, everybody is amazed at Spock's reacton to the kidnap of the nurse Chapel. It seems that the “love potion” works. Kirk and Spock went to the transporter room to rescue Christine on the planet. As soon as the vaporized liquid of the potion runs thru the conducts, everyone of the ship's crew began to feel its effects. Even Kirk take a breath of that vapor.
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In the planet's surface, Mudd and Chapel had a surprise encounter with a rock monster. Kirk and Spock intercepted Mudd and together tried to fight the monster but their best efforts with their phasers are made in vain. And then, another rock monster appeared.
Kirk had an idea, to give the potion crystals to one of the monsters. After a moment of hesitation, Mudd gave the crystals to the captain and he throws them to one of the rock monsters to be swallowed by. It seems it works, one of the monsters is fighting with the other, in that moment, the group takes the chance to escape from the planet by beamed up to the Enterprise.
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Back into the ship and under the influence of the potion, Mudd confesses most of his recent felonies. Spock offers his help to the nurse but she refuses. It seems to be that a side effect of the potion is a moment of hate after a moment of love. Harry Mudd has to be sent to a rehabilitation center.
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Fascinating Facts:
This is the third story of Harry Mudd in the Star Trek universe. The other two were in The Original Series episodes, “Mudd's Women” and “I, Mudd”. From the first and second season respectively. All those Mudd's stories are written Stephen Kandel.
This is the third time a relationship between Spock and Chapel is established. The first time, it was in the first season episode, “The Naked Time” and the second time in the third season episode “Plato's Stepchildren”.
Along with Mark Lenard as Sarek and Stanley Adams as Cyrano Jones, Roger C. Carmel were the only three guest star roles who both performed their characters in both the original and the animated series.
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paragonofvirtue · 10 months
New Test Muses
Assassin’s Creed: Kassandra DC: Huntress (Helena Bertinelli) Raven (Rachel Roth) Starfire (Koriand'r) Dynasty Warriors: Guan Yinping Sun Shang Xiang Wang Yuanji Zhen Ji Final Fantasy: Neon Sophia Fire Emblem: Titania Genshin Impact: Amber Eula Jean Mona Granblue Fantasy: Djeeta Katalina Hololive: Mori Calliope Ouro Kronii The Legend of Heroes: Alisa Reinford Claire Rieveldt Elie MacDowell Emma Millstein Estelle Bright Laura S. Arseid Rixia Mao MARVEL: Black Cat (Felicia Hardy) Black Panther (T'Challa) Captain America (Steve Rogers) Captain Carter (Peggy Carter) Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers) Crystal Emma Frost Gambit (Remy LeBeau) Gwen Stacy Hawkeye (Clint Barton) Invisible Woman (Susan Storm) Jubilee (Jubilation Lee) Kate Bishop Wolverine (Logan) Magik (Illyana Rasputin) Maria Hill The Mighty Thor (Jane Foster) Psylocke (Elizabeth “Betsy” Braddock) Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff) Scot Summers (Cyclops) Shadowcat (Kitty Pryde) Sharon Carter Sharon Rogers Silk (Cindy Moon) Thor Wasp (Janet Van Dyne) X-23 (Laura Kinney) Yelena Belova My Hero Academia: Nejire Hado RWBY: Sun Wukong Star Trek: Beverly Crusher Christine Chapel Jadzia Dax Jamie Kirk Star Wars: Brianna Jaina Solo Jyn Erso Meetra Surik Qi'ra Revan Valkyria Chronicles: Alicia Melchiott Kai Schulen Minerva Victor Riley Miller Selvaria Bles
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ao3feed-mckirk-academy · 11 months
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noblehcart · 2 years
drabble: author's note: -fingerguns @walkingshcdow- cause you knooow christine ch.apel coming on board the Volya totally throws so many things into chaos. and she gives no shits abt upsetting stefan.
"your ship is so fucked, stef. "
"i thought nurses were supposed to be understanding. nonjudgmental and sensitive. " lieutenant stefan ivanov huffed arms folding across his chest as he looked to the nurse who grinned back at him. christine chapel was thrilled to be on another ship. another crew. another dynamic and away from Enterprise drama for a spell. somehow she didn't anticipate running into a ship filled with far more drama, twists and romances than a trashy spaceport bookstore offering.
"that's where you're very mistaken-" she continued grinning while mimicking his stance as she leaned against a bed in sickbay. "for one thing, nurses are judge-y, but we don't actually judge you for what you do. everyone has their ticks and vices, we get that, but we do gossip at the nurses station and it stays there and that's that. we are known to be VERY insensitive because we are always dealing with the sensitive."
pink bitten lips quirked up to a faint smirk as she continued. "and lastly we are all of the above you mentioned but with our patients. when i checked the sickbay roster i didn't see you listed as one so you're exempt from all of that."
she laughs with a dismissive gesture at the lieutenant who rolled his eyes, head shaking for a moment as a breathy chuckle followed. "how did the enterprise ever manage to let you go?"
"i like to keep my options open. you know that. commitments are too messy." her head tilted, dark eyes shimmering faintly at the teasing.
his arms unfolded so his hands could brace against a counter he had begun to lean against now. "our encounter at kelleaus-nine is proof of that."
dark brow arched at his phrasing of their time spent together. "encounter? is that what you're calling that hookup?"
"i thought it was the more respectful term."
"always the prince, aren't you, stef? that's why we'd never do anything long term. i mean, don't you ever wanna just throw caution to the wind?"
"throwing caution to the wind generally lends to whatever you threw coming right back at your face."
"-ohhh, i see what this is now."
"i'm sorry?"
"who's the girl?"
"there's no girl."
"christine-" the warning tone only told her she was on the right track somewhere.
"hmm, rudyard? can you do me a solid and run an active scan of lieutenant ivanov? i wanna know when his heart rate jumps as i'm throwing out names-"
"do NOT get me involved in your nonsense." the voice echoed out in sickbay. "its bad enough having to listen to major essen's complaints about him and officer voronina i'd rather not hear it from you both."
stefan could only groan, hand rubbing over his face as christine laughed, one hand coming up to cover her mouth. "noo? voronina? as in the woman who i just replaced here in medical? our current science officer? her? oh, stef. what did you do to lose a woman like that?"
"he's not eric chapman"
rudyard chimed over head drawing a fierce scowl and hiss from the lieutenant. "stay out of our conversation rudyard. that's an order."
"oh god eric? " christine laughed trying not to snort. "my cousin? that's who you lost to? what did you do? bore her to death?"
"according to the crew he's very charming." was the tight even response from the lieutenant.
"he's a golden retriever, stefan. its cute but not that cute." she snorted rolling her eyes. "besides if there is a charmer in our family its me. believe me- a vulcan said it, which is plenty factual for me."
"wonderful." he drawled. "does that mean i have to see you flirt with her as well?"
"maybe." she grinned moving away from the bed to lightly shove against his shoulder. "depends on how miserable i feel like making eric. i mean i could do it as a favor for you. steal her away and wingwoman her back into your arms."
"as kind an offer as that is-" he says as brow furrowed trying to decide whether he wanted to laugh or scowl. "-you won't be able to. she's not that kind of woman."
"i figured as much, but i thought i'd offer at least." she snorted. "i do have a way with pointy eared people. just saying."
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rssspockuhura · 1 year
Living Another Life
Warning: Some M/M works might show up here because the Spock/Uhura tag is used in ref to S/U as a side pairing, past pairing, etc. Currently there is no way to filter and exclude feeds on Ao3 to get only S/U F/M works.Solution. Read at your own risk.
by sojukitty
“I'm Captain James T. Kirk of the USS Enterprise and all I can say for certain regarding how I got here is that I didn't do it by falling down any rabbit holes.”
Scotty's lips twitch into a smile for a moment before his expression once again becomes serious, though Jim is thankful for the fact that the engineer's weapon has been lowered to the man's side. It means that this Scotty doesn’t see him as a risk.
“Now I know that at least one of those things are not true. Captain Pike is the Commander of this ship, not you.” Kirk stares at the man in red and smiles at the fact that Scotty is so calm and collected regarding this not so small inconsistency. Time to test that calm to its limits.
“Actually, everything I said is true, just not in this universe. I think I may have been accidentally transported to a different dimension… universe… reality… whatever you want to call it.”
 An ion storms leads to Jim Kirk travelling to a different universe, where he meets a different Spock. Things get interesting to say the least.
Words: 64979, Chapters: 21/22, Language: English
Fandoms: Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: James T. Kirk, Spock (Star Trek), Spock Prime, Spock again, Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Montgomery "Scotty" Scott, Nyota Uhura, Hikaru Sulu, Pavel Chekov, Joanna McCoy, Christine Chapel, Amanda Grayson, Romulan Characters (Star Trek), Gaila (Star Trek: Alternate Original Series)
Relationships: James T. Kirk/Spock, Spock/Nyota Uhura
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Ion Storms (Star Trek), Two Spocks, Hurt/Comfort, Spock Being an Asshole (Star Trek), Poor James T. Kirk, happy ending for most, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/47006710 via AO3 works tagged 'Spock/Nyota Uhura' https://archiveofourown.org/works/47006710
Need an Ao3 invite? Don't want to wait? Get one via LiveJournal or Dreamwidth. Remember to check out the Spuhura fanworks community on livejournal. Follow rssspockuhura for Spock/Uhura fanworks from around the web.
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Masks and Misunderstandings Chapter 2
Pairing: Pavel Chekov/Leonard McCoy
Warnings: Swearing (because it’s Bones),
Word Count: 2331
Summary: Leonard thought that a nightclub where you had to wear a mask was idiotic, but he humored Jim and accompanied him to the club during shore leave anyway. After Jim fucked off into the crowd of dancing bodies without so much as a ‘never you mind’, Leonard went looking for him and found something unexpected. Meet unexpected: sexy, young, blonde...and if he reminded him a bit too much of a certain Russian navigator he wasn't going to linger on that thought.
Chapter Summary: Leonard deals with the aftermath of the previous night. He gets teasing from Jim, an STI test from Christine, and guilt as a special present from himself. He also find out through the gossip mill (AKA Jim Kirk) that he wasn't the only one who got lucky on shore leave.
Author’s note: Thank you so much to everyone joining me on this wild ride!
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45899593/chapters/115759018#workskin
The next morning Leonard woke to the sharp chime of his door, rolling over to look at his alarm clock with a groan. He should have been awake almost a half hour ago. They were leaving dock today and he had paperwork to get to. The door chimed again and he briefly considered taking out a phaser and shooting it. He knew exactly who had come to bother him.
“Go away Jim,” He groused, hearing the telltale click that meant Jim was taking no heed and was using his captain’s override to open the door. “God damnit Jim, have some decency.” Jim came striding into the room looking positively chipper, the door sliding shut behind him.
“Oh-ho-ho,” he crowed. “Bonesy, Bonesy, Bonesy. What am I going to do with you?”
It was obviously a rhetorical question but bones couldn’t help but respond with a sharp, “Maybe leave me alone to start with.”
“Now Bones, that wouldn’t be responsible,” Jim demurred. He was enjoying their role reversal a little too much. “I couldn’t find you at the club last night. I only had confirmation you made it back alive when I got back to the enterprise and the computer informed me you were in your quarters. It seems like you got up to much more fun than I did last night disappearing like that. I know you don’t trust me enough on my own to have just left.” Unfortunately Jim had a point. Len would never have left Jim at the club under normal circumstances. In fact, he barely remembered his return to the enterprise. When he couldn’t locate the mysterious man anywhere in the club, all the life had seemed to slump out of him and he somehow made his way back to his quarters on autopilot.
“Now,” Jim continued with too wide a smile, “It’s my job to drag you down to Nurse Chapel to be poked and prodded and declared free of alien STDs. But at least I let you sleep in.”
“How magnanimous of you. Now get out, I don’t have any alien STDs I was with a human.” The words were out of his mouth before he fully realized what he was saying. Jim stopped short.
“Wait, you really did fuck someone last night? Good for you Bones. God, you never do that. She must have been a knockout. Damn shame I didn’t see her first.” Jim was rambling, but he didn’t miss the way Leonard looked down ever so slightly at the word ‘she’. “No, a guy! Bones you haven’t been with a guy since what, college?”
Leonard climbed out of bed and started tugging on a uniform over his boxers and t-shirt - thankfully it seemed he had been present enough the previous night to shower and change before crashing into bed - and Jim now seemed to be registering the lack of Len’s impairment.
“Fuck, you’re not even hung over are you? You did that sober? I’m proud of you man.” Len could tell that the fucker actually meant it. He wasn’t trying to be patronizing. That was fine. Leonard was patronizing himself enough for the both of them. He couldn’t believe that he had actually had anonymous, unprotected sex in a public venue. That was Jim’s schtick. He was done dressing and finally noticed that Jim was carrying a paper bag.
“There’d better be breakfast in there.” He threatened. Jim just smiled back at him, knowing that threats were Len’s way of showing affection.
“Have a sandwich,” Jim replied solicitously. Leonard took the proffered breakfast sandwich wrapped in a napkin and started wolfing it down as he set off down the corridor, Jim trailing hurriedly behind him.
“So who was it, you really have no idea?” Jim wheedled as they entered the blissfully empty turbolift and were ushered towards the med bay.
“None,” Len replied shortly. “Not a member of the crew though.” At least he could rest assured of that. Except he wasn’t sure that he actually wanted to. He had felt such a strong connection to the mystery man of the previous night and as much as he knew it was a good thing that the man wasn’t a member of the crew, a part of him wished that he was, just so he could see him again.
“You’re absolutely sure?” Jim pressed.
“Why? Is there something you’re not telling me?” Len asked, suddenly suspicious.
“No,” Jim shrugged. “Just an idle thought really.” Len decided to leave that for later as he swallowed the last bit of his sandwich and exited the turbolift setting off down the corridor towards med bay. Jim caught up with him again easily and passed him a bottle of water as they approached the sliding doors. He took a few gulps and passed it back with a firm look at his friend.
“You are NOT coming in,” He stated, leaving no room for question, “Get your ass back on the bridge where it belongs and get this tin can in the sky before we’re late for our next mission.”
“Aye-aye boss.” Jim gave him a mock salute. “I can confidently leave you now that I have escorted you down here,” he paused and gave Len a sly look before continuing, “where Nurse chapel is waiting for you.”
“Jim-“ Len started, but Jim cut him off.
“Don’t worry, I didn’t tell her any details, just that she should be expecting you for a checkup and to report directly to me if you failed to make an appearance.” Jim turned and hustled off down the hall. Len just rolled his eyes and entered medbay with a groan at the bright lights. He quickly found Nurse Chapel working on a padd in her office. He stalked into the room, slamming the door behind him.
“Leonard! What has gotten into you?” She jerked her head up to glare at him. “Jim said to expect you, but Christ give a girl some warning.” Poor thing, she had no idea how awkward this was about to become.
“Sorry Christine.” He sat down on the couch and buried his face in his hands.
“You better not be here about a hangover, or I’m going to kick your butt.” When he didn’t respond Christine continued. “Don’t make me lecture you Leonard. Lord knows we get enough of it with this crew.”
“Ineedafuh STI paneh” he let out in a rushed breath into his hands.
“You’re going to have to actually say that to me and not your own epidermis Leonard.” He lifted his head to look woefully up at her.
“I need a full STI panel.” He clipped out through gritted teeth.
“You’re kidding.” She barked out on a sharp, short laugh. It was cut short by the look on his face. “Oh god, Leonard, you’re- you aren’t kidding.” Dawning horror bloomed across her face as she came to the realization. “Oh shit, Leonard, I’m sorry.” She immediately switched into nurse mode and Leonard had never felt quite so grateful for her friendship.
“Don’t worry about it,” Leonard shrugged her off. “Jim’s been enjoying himself at my expense since I woke up. To be fair, I deserve it.”
“I imagine he has been rather enjoying this rare occasion.” She chuckled. “But you don’t deserve anything and I don’t want to hear that again. Should you have been safer, more mindful? Well yes. You of all people know what’s out there. But is it normal and human and not the end of the world? Also yes.” She grabbed a hypo and drew a quick vial of blood. As she inserted it into her tricorder, she turned back to him with a look of friendly care that made Len’s heart give a squeeze. “Do you want to talk about?”
“Because this must have been a singular event to make Mr. Safe Sex wind up sitting here.”
“Just an anonymous hook-up at a club on a pleasure planet, nothing more to it. Classic Jim Kirk Special.”
“Ok then.” She conceded and turned back to the tricorder. It beeped gently and she gave a satisfied nod at the read out. “All clear. You will need-”
“To get tested again in two weeks, yeah yeah I know” He cut her off.
“I know you know. Just make sure you actually do it. I will hunt you down Leonard McCoy.”
“I don’t doubt it.” He said before turning serious again. “Thank you Christine, really.”
“Don’t mention it.”
“Oh don’t worry, I won’t.” They both chuckled at that and she busied herself transferring the tricorder data into a medical record on a pad.
She saved the file and closed out of it. Before she turned it off, he caught a glimpse at the file she had been working before he interrupted her. Pavel Chekov. Shit, what was the kid in for this time? It seemed like he was in the medbay every other week with broken bones or second degree burns. At the rate he was going, Chekov was going to beat the captain’s record for most lacerations requiring a dermal regenerator in a single year. Len blamed it on his penchant for experimental engineering. That and his penchant for stupid heroics on away missions. The kid was too good for this world. And too attractive to be constantly under Leonard’s nose, but that was beside the point.
“Chekov was in this morning?” He asked, trying to school his voice to a tone of typical doctorly concern. Just because he thought Pavel’s smile could outshine a dwarf star didn’t mean that the rest of the ship needed to know.
“Oh,” She replied absently. “Yes he was. Don’t worry Len, he’s perfectly fine.”
“Why would I be worried?” He asked with a scowl. She just shrugged in response while shooting him a far too innocent expression. Maybe he wasn’t quite as good at hiding his feelings as he liked to think. Fuck.
Leonard met up with Jim later for lunch. What could he say? He was a glutton for punishment and a creature of habit. Jim looked like he was practically bursting at the seams, trying not to bounce in his seat as Leonard joined him at the table in the captain’s mess.
“What is it,” He asked, giving Jim a long suffering look.
“I can’t believe you missed it Bones. I swear, the one time you aren’t on the bridge berating me.”
“What is it?” Len asked again, pulling a bowl of chicken pasta towards himself and digging in.
“Apparently you weren’t the only one who had fun last night! Chekov could barely sit down!”
Leonard froze with his fork hallway to his mouth, not noticing the heap of cheesy noodles that slid off and plopped onto the table with a wet thwack.
“Excuse me!” Leonard…well yiped was really the only description for it. He really would like to say that he didn’t sound more like one of Admiral Archer’s beagles than a human, but that would have been a lie.
“I know right? It sucks having to be all professional.” Jim complained. Leonard had to stop himself from snorting.
“Professional-yeah right! Like this is being professional.” He scoffed.
“Oh come on! I can’t even press him for details!” Jim whined and it really sounded like it was physically paining him.
“You’re damn right," Leonard said, "that would be completely inappropriate.”
“But I want to know! I’m not just his captain, you know, I’m his friend too! But I have to be all mature and just take no for an answer.“ To be fair, Jim really had become good friends with Pavel during the two and a half years since he had become his chief navigator. The entirety of the senior crew had. It was virtually impossible to dislike Pavel Chekov.
“Oh you poor baby.” Len said. He knew first-hand how much Jim hated to be left out of the loop regarding his friends' romantic entanglements, but felt no sympathy for the nosy fucker.
“I really want to know! Chekov has pretty damn high standards. He wouldn’t just be taking it from anybody.”
“Come on Jim don’t be crude.” Leonard knew that this was asking entirely too much of the man. And it wasn’t as if he wasn’t plenty crude himself at times. But he really didn’t want to think about Chekov ‘taking it’ from anyone. ‘Anyone other than yourself’, his subconscious supplied unhelpfully. No, that wasn’t entirely true. He didn’t want Pavel Chekov to ‘take it’ from him. Len wanted to worship the younger man until he couldn’t remember his own fucking name. But he was possibly feeling just a little bit guilty about how roughly he had fucked the stranger from the night before. If the young man happened to have dark blonde curls and a similarly delectable ass…well that was neither here, nor there.
The similarities really were striking. Leonard might have actually worried that the mystery man WAS Pavel, but he knew that it wasn’t remotely possible for one very simple reason. He may not have been able to make out much about the other man’s features beneath his mostly full mask, but Leonard’s own features were barely obscured by the small piece of leather that he had been wearing. Anyone from the enterprise would have known exactly who he was and there was NO way that Pavel Chekov would knowingly want to fuck him. If there had been any doubt in his mind, he wouldn’t have let it happen in the first place regardless of his own desires. Or at least he wanted to believe that he wouldn’t have. No, he definitely would not have. He was a superior officer and it would be entirely inappropriate. Of course he wasn’t actually in Pavel’s direct line of command, and therefore there were no actual regulations against it…but he was still far too old for the kid.
“You know what I mean Bones.” Jim said, drawing Len’s attention from his inward musings.
“Unfortunately I do. Jim. Unfortunately, I do.”
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nursc-a2 · 2 years
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the power of the sun, in the palm of my hand.
there was no warning, no sign of the transformation that was about to take place that day. the sun rose in the east, casting its warm rays upon central park, the new york skyline slowly becoming visible through the fog. phd candidate christine chapel woke up, had her usual breakfast before heading to the university to assist in morning lessons and work on her research in the lab. it might be easy to assume that what had happened was an accident that started in a test tube. but nothing like that happened, there was no fire in the lab, no chemical reaction, she did her work and left long after everyone else.
as she walked through the park, moonlight painting her already pale hair white, a stranger appeared before her, wielding a weapon and demanding her money and everything else she had on her. although this was not the first time christine had been the victim of robbery, something within her shifted. her genes reacted to the fear and hopelessness she felt, and a bright light began to build within her, engulfing her entire body in a radiant white flame. the stranger fled, leaving behind a different woman than the one he had encountered moments before.
christine had developed an extraordinary power - the ability to manipulate energy. she could channel the energy of the sun and use it to heal or harm, to defend herself and others. her power was strongest during the day when the sun was at its peak. the change also manifested itself physically, her once pale hair turning white. it always grows white, and no paint will stick to it.
with a concentrated blast, she can even take flight, but the strain on her energy means she can't sustain it for long.
she took a sabbatical from school, her powers were too much for her to handle at first. after a few months, she returned, quickly finished off her studies, which hadn’t been the plan (she had wanted to stay and impress her teachers and eventually become a professor). however, the powers changed her plans for the future, she had all of these powers, all of these abilities, she had to do something good with them.
with her existing knowledge and this burning desire to affect change, christine quickly obtained a nursing license and now works as an emergency room nurse. she also moonlights as a vigilante.
 while i have primarily set her up as a mutant, depending on the thread, i might also write her as an inhuman.   her powers were activated when she came into contact with terrigen when another researcher left a piece of it in the lab (and her curiosity got the better of her)
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mothmans-cumrag · 3 years
Rewatching Operation: Annihilate! be like
ok I’m sorry, but why is Bones on the bridge? just... hanging out? you know you have a job, right?
ah ok, sorry I judged you, it’s about diseases
Icarus be like
ah, the typical main-character-has-a-family-member-who-is-in-peril-to-make-it-seem-more-personal situation
whyyyy does Jim always take AT LEAST half the senior crew? just... whyy
these surroundings make the place look like a random university campus
*wild mob approaches* *stands in place like 3m before the crew for a few seconds*
also why did all of them collectively crouch while firing their phasers?
“their attitude was inconsistent with their actions” Spock, how long have you been living amongst humans? isn’t that, like, almost always the case?
Jim’s brother has The GayestTM moustache I have ever seen (including that tiktok dude
a dying child to show how crucial it is that they help the ppl here
idk somehow stories about deathly diseases that spread across the galaxy have lost some of their appeal during the last two years
these jellyfish look so harmless it’s ridiculous
just touch it with your hand trying to get it off, good idea
the way Jim is holding Spock? gay.
Christine Chapel my beloved
maybe everyone who goes down to the planet should wear some sort of protection against the pathogens so they don’t get infected,,,
awww Jim worrying about his bf and his other bf being like “I’m sorry, idk what to do” breaks my heart a little
aaaaaaaaaaah the pain!!!! the paaiinn! Spooock why and how do you do this?!
“and knowing Mr. Spock’s determination on some things” damn Scotty don’t burn him otherwise he’ll be saved from the disease he’s carrying before the plot demands it!
awwwwww he trusts him!!!
“Don’t give me any damnable logic about him being the only man for the job” “I don’t have to Bones. We both know he is” why does this feel so intimate and beautiful and saaad
that face after Bones scans him AGAIN tho
“I understand your concern, your affection for Spock” Bones don’t tell me you aren’t worried about him after you tried scanning him repeatedly against his will
awww it’s the trolley scenario!! Kill a million people or let the disease spread across the universe?
“I WANT THAT THIRD ALTERNATIVE” babe we all do, relax
you guys still have inches? lame
“unfortunately you’re both right” is such a Bones thing to say tbh. Their energy in a nutshell
ok but why. didn’t he say he was blind until he ran into that table? Spock, sweetie, did you think you could hide your blindness from your boyfriends?
oooof see this is why you don’t sacrifice yourself head first at every opportunity. sometimes it’s good to wait for the test results first and then use your first officer as a guinea pig second
ah, the guilt! the guilt in McKirk’s eyes as they realise!!!
ok to be fair they didn’t know yet that UV light causes cancer, but it’s still weird to me
it was all worth it just to hear their typical triumvirate banter😍
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