#tenko // verse // school life
honeydewmuses · 2 years
Tag Dump!
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triscribe · 5 months
WIP Tag Game
Tagged by @crystalshard, which may prove to be a miscalculation, 'cause boy-howdy do I have a lot of works in progress...
Rules: In a new post, list the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
/cracks knuckles
Star Wars: -Fulcrum & Family, the new Tano & Twins re-write -Dreamwalkers Luke and Leia -History Reversed with sequel trilogy Ahsoka, Luke, Ezra and students dropped back in the Clone Wars -Birds Fly sequel Can We Start Over, Bly's pov -Something Big is Happening (Misc/Understudies crossover) -Clone Wars Cass (DC/Batman crossover)
Marvel -The Big One (5+1 Spidey saves Morgan, Pepper meets Doc Strange, Another Chance conclusion with Wanda) -Kids Club, post-Civil War kidnapping fixit -MCU Miles Morales, title tbd -Spider Assassins AU, multi-continuity-combination -X-Fire, Laura/Wolverine, Gabby/Honeybadger, and Rachel/Phoenix -Heroes of Tomorrow re-write with way more kids from different superhero groups/families
DC -Pantheon AU -the revised Alf-verse (22 Bat-grandkids and counting) -Rotten Luck re-vamp (Young Justice season one Team in the Justice League Unlimited universe) -Continuations: The Batman "seasons six and seven" if I ever get around to re-writing the early stuff (my very first fan fic ever, I've improved a lot since those high school days) -Teen Titans meet Robin's horde of younger siblings (original cartoon) -Battorian AU (Diana is human, Clark's a demigod, Bruce came from another planet) -Mandalorian/Star Wars AU (Mando Alfred adopts orphaned Bruce. This is the Way.)
HP -Pair of Potters sequel, year two for Heather, official year one for Harry, the beginning of a long headache for Dumbledore -Founder Foundlings, reincarnation fic -Cheers to the Wish, more Guardian Ghosts Lily and James -Philosopher's Mirror, canon-divergence of the unintended resurrection variety -the third effing chapter of Muggle is as Muggle Does -Thief!Harry AU, my all-out middle finger to the Author Who Shall Not Be Named
Transformers -Terratron AU (Bee meets Dragonfly, Elita makes Artemis, Bee and Fly stumble across Megatron and Rion, Prowl and Beats, Beats finds Jazz, accidental babysitter Serrate, Hornet and her big race, etc etc) -Hard Facts and Simple Truths, humanformers AU -TFAnimated swapped 'verse, with Elita Prime and her team of spacebridge technicians: Arcee, Ironhide, Wasp, and Jazz -G1 sparkling-Starlane AU -TFPrime crossover with Hot Wheels: Battle Force Five
Atla -follow-up to A Small Condition, aka the "Monk Gyatso goes into the iceberg with Aang and Zuko assumes *he* is the Avatar" AU -continuation of Ursa leaving royal life and stumbling across a dying dragon who entrusts her with a baby and two unhatched eggs -Avatar!Yue learns airbending from Aang's grandkids and that whole big mess of world-altering changes
My Hero Academia -Doubles AU (finishing Brand New Day and getting a move on with Double Take as a canon re-write with Pro Hero Shimura Tenko) -continuation for Great Beasts of the Mountain -third chapter of Instinct, my first A/B/O attempt -more next generation fluff, the Archive and Guardian saga
Misc -Sea Beast fic where Crow gets injured, suffers total amnesia, the doctor who patches him up sends for Jacob, and there's a very awkward dance between them and Maisie and Blue as the old man slowly gets his memories back -The Faceless Wolf, a mildly (make that incredibly) ambitious Game of Thrones canon-divergence attempt -Jamie Reagan and the Terrible Horrible No-Good Very Bad Day, a Blue Bloods whump idea I've had rattling around for a while -Milo and Claggor Survived AU from LoL Arcane -Grandboss Gibbs, a bittersweet NCIS fic that would, in my opinion, have been a better end to the series than trying to go on without the main character of the show -Storm Hawks past-and-present-collide idea with some previous generation OCs -Edge Chronicles TWIG GETS TO MEET HIS MOTHER DAGNABIT -may as well throw in what will be my second self-published book, Trials of Youth, because the current draft is definitely a work in progress
Aaand we'll call that good. Now to see if I get any nibbles...
(I know the game says tag a person for each WIP but I don't think I've got that many writing acquaintances on here, so instead I've got one person per fandom grouping)
@wafflesrisa @eirianerisdar @jinxquickfoot @theredscreech @resamille @tarisilmarwen @icarussmicarus @gallusrostromegalus
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@cantillat asked: 4 do you prefer to plot a ship, or would you rather “wing it”?
15 what’s your OTP when it comes to your muse?
16 what’s your NOTP when it comes to your muse?
17 what’s your BROTP when it comes to your muse?
20 is there a ship you wanted to play, but couldn’t yet?
Shipping Questions for the Mun - Accepting!
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4 do you prefer to plot a ship, or would you rather “wing it”?
My preferred method of writing a romantic ship is having muses interact (whether meeting for the first time or already knowing one another) and just see what happens. But I do tell my writing partner if I'm feeling like a romantic ship could happen, or if it's something I'd be interested in writing, after writing our muses in thread for a little while. From there, I then like plotting how a ship could unfold, even if it's just us throwing out theoretical situations when how it actually happens in thread is something very different in the end.
So...both, I guess? I like winging it when writing with someone for the first time but not really looking to write a ship, but plotting it out when there's good muse chemistry and I get along well with the mun.
I'm not a person who enjoys the 'do you want to ship? Tell me straight up/right away!' meme, because it tends to get me into insta-ship situations that I don't enjoy writing.
15 what’s your OTP when it comes to your muse?
I guess for this I'll stick to canon Danganronpa muses, and so it's got to be Sonia/Gundham aka. Sondam. I'm unapologetically a Sondam fan, though I have a lot of ideas on how Sonia and Gundham's relationship could play out, both in the context of Sonia in other ships and if I'm writing with someone who writes Gundham and wants to write a romantic ship (this is pretty rare these days! So I tend to make him an important part of her life, often in the past tense).
16 what’s your NOTP when it comes to your muse?
A few! And again, I'll keep it to canon Danganronpa characters:
Sonia/Chiaki. I don't ship it romantically and likely never will. Please don't ask me to write it.
Sonia/Junko. Barring Sonia's time as a Remnant of Despair (which was more about sex and control anyway), I just don't see these two ever having anything resembling a romantic relationship.
Sonia/Kazuichi...with a caveat. Going off what the canon gives us, absolutely not. Really, the only way I could see them happening would be a post-SDR2 verse or a non-despair verse with a lot of character development. What would be the most likely would be the two of them meeting in the future, well after high school after not speaking for years and putting some time and distance between who they were as teenagers.
But in general: I just don't see Sonia staying long-term with muses that are particularly needy, lacking self-confidence, idolizing her, or depending on her for the entirety of their happiness. Kazuichi pretty much embodies this, but any muse with similar tendencies? Yeah, Sonia can't handle that in a romantic relationship. She might think she wants someone to look after and take care of, especially as a teenager, but it's not healthy for her and she ends up realizing that as an adult.
Sonia/anyone from Class 79/v3...as high school students. This is purely because in a Non-Despair school scenario, she'd see them as sweet underclassmen and too young for her to try to start a relationship with. When they start Hope's Peak High School, Sonia would be in her final year at Hope's Peak and attending university right after. So there wouldn't be much time for a relationship to begin with, and she'd see them as people who are at a very different stage in their lives than she is.
As adults go? I'd have to think about it. Though I could never see her with someone like Kokichi, Miu, Tenko, or Himiko.
17 what’s your BROTP when it comes to your muse?
Sonia and Chiaki Sonia and Chiaki Sonia and Chiaki!
This is where Sonia and Chiaki's dynamic lives, rent-free, in my head. Whenever I want to incorporate Sonia's close friendships in a thread, especially in her high school years, I think of her friendship with Chiaki.
I also like to believe Sonia and Sayaka would be good friends as well: two girls with similar life experiences.
Other important BROTPs for Sonia include but aren't limited to @dcviated's Eira, @ahogedetective's Shuichi, @unladielike, and @cantillat's Hilda. And Sonia seems to be the bad influence on all of them!
Sonia needs a BROTP where she's the good influence, for once. Not that Sonia's a malicious person, she just likes to push the rules to fit her own curiosity and interests.
In short: BROTPs are love. Please give me more of them.
20 is there a ship you wanted to play, but couldn’t yet?
There's a few ways to take this, but again I'll reference Danganronpa muses I'd be interesting writing a romantic ship with if I found a mun interested and we had good muse chemistry:
Sonia/Byakuya - Because this would definitely be a 'hate it at first but accept for superficial reasons' that could grow into 'oh no I've caught feels for precisely what I thought I didn't like.' And I'm here for it. Though to be honest, this is a lot of what Sonia is dealing with during threads with @causalitylinked's Ryuto, so I'm a little less into this ship now I guess? But if I had the opportunity to write it with a mun with a compatible writing style who was easy to talk to and plot with? Yeah, I'd take it.
Sonia/Akane - Haven't had the opportunity to write this yet.
Sonia/Peko - This either.
Sonia/Celestia - My f/f canon DR ships for Sonia are suffering because they aren't popular/rarepairs.
Other ships that interest me that I haven't had a chance to write yet: Sonia/Raul and Sonia/Allan from Cupid Parasite. In short: one is basically the male version of Sonia. The other is, without spoilers, someone she would be fascinated by.
Neither of these would be smooth-sailing ships but they'd be hilarious and heartbreaking, possibly in equal amounts.
Otherwise, there's more dynamics that I want to write as a romantic ship that are less contingent on a specific muse:
Rekindling a past relationship and/or meeting former high school classmates as an adult - Whether they have a past relationship or not, but the sort of 'oh, this is familiar but very strange and different' situation of Sonia thinking she knows someone and could not have anticipated how much they'd changed.
Soulmates - Heavily plotted with someone else, especially with how the soulmates aspect would play out, but something with Soulmates. Yes, I still have SJM-esque mating bonds on the brain.
Arranged marriage - A super slow-burn where Sonia and the other muse believe they're very incompatible and hate the whole idea of an arranged marriage, but slowly begin to fall for each other and have to reconcile their principles with the fact that what they have may, indeed, be real and worth pursuing.
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musaeon · 4 years
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group/character + verse tags!
#✧ [ ah look down at all the puppets here // group (v3) ]#✧ [ life is a game played by a flaky god // visual (tsumugi) ]#✧ [ the days repeat and keep you here to stay // visual (rantarou) ]#✧ [ played piano but just didn't have the eyes to read the notes // visual (kaede) ]#✧ [ life was so boring just forget i mentioned it // visual (ryoma) ]#✧ [ try to escape but you know the path you're on is game and set // visual (kirumi) ]#✧ [ i drew some manga but the deadlines left me dead // visual (angie) ]#✧ [ i supported girls of course that wasn't all // visual (tenko) ]#✧ [ a hateful man all poisoned to the bone // visual (korekiyo) ]#✧ [ life was corrupted but i guess it was a little fun // visual (miu) ]#✧ [ cry out your eyes or win a new fortune // visual (gonta) ]#✧ [ throw the dice and we'll see which head will roll // visual (kokichi) ]#✧ [ let me do all of things my first life didn't // visual (kaito) ]#✧ [ people praying on their knees but no one there to hear // visual (kiibo) ]#✧ [ never could describe how awful no i'm terrified // visual (maki) ]#✧ [ cried so much and all i did was mourn // visual (himiko) ]#✧ [ why not try your luck and see what you might get // visual (shuuichi) ]#✧ [ killing school semester // verse (killing game) ]#✧ [ love across the universe // verse (salmon mode) ]#✧ [ symbols of hope // verse (hope's peak) ]#✧ [ real / fiction // verse (pregame) ]#✧ [ beautiful lie in the virtual world // verse (virtual reality) ]
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Hey? Mod? Any mod ig? Can you do a headcanon about shsl geisha s/O who quit her job to marry Mikan?
If you don't know what is a geusha, geisha is basically a girl whose job is basically the overall of Japanese culture, but had to quit if she/he wants to marry
Thank you in advance (づ。 ◕‿‿◕。) づ💝
Ooooo, I love Japanese culture, Geisha’s are super cool and pretty! I hope you like this ÙWÙ Anon!!!
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~Mod Tenko
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Take care of yourself’s my sweethearts! Take care of yourself and don’t let anyone bring you down!
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Mikan with a Geisha S/O who quits her job to marry her
As the Super High School Level Geisha, Y/N was well versed in japanese culture and traditions
People far and wide would travel to be in in her pressances 
She loved to intertant people and make the happy, it was her favorite thing to do
But one she went into hope's peak and met Mikan her whole view changed
She love Mikan very much, she was funny,cute,sweet and maybe a little clumsy but still, Mikan was the perfect girl
She spent lots of time with Mikan, listening to her talk and medicine, watching her tend to other students in the nurse's office 
And in turn, Mikan would attend events you took part in, listen to you info-dump about japanese traditions and more
It was a perfect relationship, full of love and understanding
As the years go by, the more Y/N wanted to marry her dear Mikan
But if she did, she would have to give up being a Geisha, what had been in job for many many years
SHe thought about it for a long time on her free time, and even when she was working it would still be biting at the back of her head
After a long long time of considering, she decided, she would leave her job and marry Mikan
And so, after she had decided she went to tell Mikan about it
“Mikan dear?”
Y/N said, knocking on the door to the bedroom before coming (After Mikan told her to come in of course)
“W-w-what is it, S-S/O?”
She asked, a sweet smile on her face
Taking a deep breath before you talked, everything spilled out
“I’m going to quit my job as a Geisha, I want to m-marry you Mikan, I love you so much”
Mikan was quiet, wide eyes
Her silences made Y/N worried, was she upset? Did she not want this?
But soon Mikan rushed up to her, nearly tripping and falling her face before Y/N caught her
“S-S/O? Y-you g-g-going to quit for m-m-me?! B-but, you love your job!”
She sputtered, her stutter becoming more prominent 
“I love you Mikan! And I really, REALLY, want to marry you my love, being a Geisha is second to being able to spend the rest of my life with my one true love.”
Mikan was in tears, she was so very happy
“Y-you would do t-that, just f-f-for me?”
“Yes yes! I would do it always, and no matter what”
The two hugged for what seemed like hours even though it might have only been a few minutes
They giggled and spoke about wedding ideas, what would it look like, who would be there, what would they wear etc.
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Third Order
Third Order by shoyotheninja
"I'm going to take you and the whole system you helped build down to ashes. And it doesn't need to be today. The Third Order will rise and I'll make sure you're alive to see everything you've given your life for crumbling down."
Genesis is a hacker that every underground hero and villain has heard about at least once. He doesn't seem to care about who he works for, as long as the pay is fair.
For someone that spent most of his time behind a screen, people assumed he had a weak quirk. And they were wrong. They always were.
Words: 1570, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of Izuku in the Izuku-Verse
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Okuta Kagerou | Giran, League of Villains, Sensei | All For One, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Bubaigawara Jin | Twice, Toga Himiko, Meta Liberation Army, Shie Hassaikai | Eight Precepts of Death, Eri, Chisaki Kai | Overhaul, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Dabi, Pro Heroes
Relationships: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
Additional Tags: Self-Indulgent, Villain Midoriya Izuku, Dead Midoriya Inko, Dead Midoriya Hisashi, Midoriya Izuku Does Not Have One for All Quirk, Midoriya Izuku Does Not Go to U.A. High School, Midoriya Izuku Does Not Have All For One Quirk, BAMF Midoriya Izuku, Informant Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku Has a Quirk, Midoriya Izuku is a Little Shit, Confident Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki Has PTSD - Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Midoriya Izuku Has an Undercut, Character Death, So much death, Betrayal, Midoriya Izuku has tattoos, Tattoos, Dabi is Todoroki Touya, U.A. is a University, Aged-Up Character(s), Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia Manga Spoilers
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29908512
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serendipitous-posts · 4 years
Sometimes, when I’m bored, I like to imagine a world where Rantarou and Kaede both survived, and the two team up with Ouma and Shuichi respectively, becoming two rival teams that basically become the schools two cliques, dragging everyone else in.
Because I love the idea of factions in Danganronpa and platonic(?) Oumami
Kaede and Shuichi’s relationship doesn’t really change; it basically stays as is
Whenever Shuichi lies to try and catch someone out, Kaede will usually back him up
There is a lot of tension after the whole ‘shotput ball’ incident, but they make up after a bit, because, y’know, literal life or death situation 
She’s very supportive, defending him from others and as such Shuichi is slightly more confident
But, in turn, he’s also quieter, shyer. He doesn’t have to be the leader, because Kaede is here. He’s the follower. 
He’s probably not as close to Kaito in this verse, since Kaito and Kaede hit it off so well. Oh, he’s still invited to their training sessions, but Kaede and Kaito are naturally closer than Shuichi and Kaito, with Maki and Kaito being the closest
Amami and Ouma would have probably gotten along great if given the chance
Oh, sure, you may not think so at first, with how chill and laid back Amami is compared to Ouma 
But, like
Rantaro canonically doesn’t trust anyone, and thinks trusting anyone in this situation is the dumbest possible thing to do
It’s also implied that Ouma was especially interested in Rantarou, even to the point of entering his lab, all because he knew something was off about him
Ouma knows that there has to be something special about Amami- why else wipe his mind?
He’s also pretty sure that Amami isn’t the mastermind, because why would the mastermind draw attention to himself like that?
But Kokichi is a paranoid bastard, and so settles for needling him any chance he can
Meanwhile, Rantarou’s survivor instincts (tm) are going ham, telling him that Ouma is planning something, and that he’s probably not the mastermind, because the mastermind wouldn’t be so obvious and seclude themselves
Despite this, the two don’t create an alliance until much later on.
Kaito and Kaede probably drive the two nuts. It’s a lot subtler in Rantarou, but their continued insistence that everyone should stay together and not suspect anyone, basically dancing on strings for the Mastermind, is fucking infuriating for Amami especially
In fact, as I’m thinking about it, had Rantarou survived for longer, he would have really hated Shuichi. It’s an odd thought, but the fact that Shuichi never really looked into the possibility of a mastermind, or one of the students being behind it until the very end, would have pissed the Survivor off to no end
(No offence, Shui, I love you so much. But, like, Kirigiri was investigating that possibility from the very beginning. Step it up, emo boy)
Anyways, Rantarou and Ouma would both be annoyed by Kaito and Kaede, though Amami chooses to show it through subtler means, usually by giving them vaguely threatening advice before walking off
Eventually, Amami says out loud, with Ouma in earshot “they are going to get themselves killed” and Kokichi is just like
They start to bond over this shared exasperation, sharing looks and complaining to each other when they’re alone, but they still don’t trust each other yet.
I think Rantarou would be the first one to extend the hand of friendship; not by telling Kokichi his secret, but by showing him the bookshelf, and explaining his theory
So Kokichi and Rantarou go to check it out, and the shotput ball trick fails, as it does in canon, but Shirogane doesn’t attack Rantarou because now Kokichi is with him
Instead, the two hastily retreat, because they know a DEATH THREAT when they see one
They go back to Amami’s room, and Kokichi is too freaked out to even freak out about being in someone elses room, vulnerable, during a killing game, because what the hell was that-
The two go back and forth for a while, trying to figure out what the hell just happened, and eventually realise that that must of have been a trap set by the mastermind
“Pretty shitty trap” Kokichi jokes weakly, but Rantarou still laughs a little
Meanwhile, Kaede and Shuichi’s side of things, Kaede realises her shot-put ball trap failed, but doesn’t say anything
The cameras are checked and-
There Are TwO mAsTeRmInDs?!?!
They are, understandably baffled. Shuichi cautiously suggests that maybe, like them, Rantarou and Kokichi found the secret door which-
Kaede denies. It can’t be true. It can’t. Because if it is-
She glances at her shotput ball, then looks away before Shuichi can see what she’s looking at
Instead, she suggests that they bring it up in front of everyone, to see if they can explain themselves
And boy, can they
Even as Shuichi and Kaede lay all of these things out for all to see, Amami and Kokichi are dead silent, glaring at the two
And Kaede feels her hopes start to rise; maybe she was right. Maybe this entire thing can end, right here, right now
And then Amami starts talking
It’s weird; it looked like Kokichi was going to at first, but then he and Amami’s eyes met, and he steps back and allows the green haired boy to speak
It is the first case of silent understanding and trust between the two
Amami carefully explains what happened, how he found the door, and showed it to Kokichi
Since he’s the one explaining, and not Kokichi, nobody is quick to accuse him of lying, but Shuichi does cross examine him a bit- why Kokichi? Why not tell anyone else?
And the bitch goes off
“Look, I’m all for the optimism here guys, but the fact of the matter is, we are a bunch of strangers being forced into an enclosed space, prodded with sticks, and being told to kill each other. Sorry if I’m not exactly trusting any of you.”
Kaito sputters for a bit, gesturing towards the grinning Ouma “and you trust him.”
Amami eyes him for a moment “yes” he says, surprising himself “he’s the only one here talking sense.”
Protests all around, but Rantarou speaks over them all “the fact that the door was in the library tells us that somebody is working for Monokuma and that that somebody is in the building.”
Kaito raises a fist, ready for anything “really? Well, lets go find them then!”
“You idiot” Maki mutters “he means that whoever is working for Monokuma has to be one of us.”
“Well, duh!” Kokichi sticks out his tongue and gestures towards Kaede and Shuichi “they think so too! That’s why they set up the camera, to catch the Mastermind”
Then his expression darkens, and he’s almost whispering when he says “you wanna tell ‘em what else you set up?”
Shuichi is really, really confused, and Kaede is really, really scared, because now she realises just how badly she screwed up
When Kokichi and Rantarou explain what happen, Shuichi immediately interjects, saying that they didn’t do that, that it must have been the master-
He notices how quiet Kaede has gone. She’s pale, and her eyes are watery, and-
And she admits it
She admits what she did
And- damn
Kokichi and Rantaro didn’t think Kaede had done it.
What follows is an hour long argument. The group basically fights over the two basic ideologies of the killing game
No Kaede shouldn’t have done that, but wasn’t killing the mastermind the right thing to do? Should they really trust everyone, especially as one of them could be working with Monokuma? So what you want to just turn on eachother? That would be playing into his hands!
They don’t even notice when the time runs out, and Monokuma rushes in to tell them all that he’s not going to kill them all, that would be too painless, but warns them
“I’m being super duper nice, letting you off with a warning this time around, but don’t think it’ll happen again. Even I can’t be that sweet!”
(Realistically, they wouldn’t kill everyone off after only one episode, it would be a hassle and a half to reopen auditions and find a new location and it would really disappoint the fans, so, no, I don’t think Monokuma was ever actually planning on killing them all off. But they didn’t know that.)
And now our ragtag bunch of misfits basically splinter off into two separate factions.
One faction, basically lead by Kaede and Shuichi, believes in keeping the peace, and trying to stop the killings before they happen, to keep distrust as low as possible to avoid a blackened situation and values things like optimism
Their members include; Kaito, Kiibo, Himiko, Tenko, Angie and Tsumugi
(I think Tsumugi would like to be in the other faction, so she could keep an eye on Amami, but is also scared that they’ll see through her)
Meanwhile, the other, lead by Ouma and Amami, believes in finding out which one is the mastermind, of not playing into the masterminds games and values things like pragmatism
Their members include; Maki, Miu, Korekiyo, Gonta (kind of? He just follows Kokichi), Hoshi and Kirumi
Both sides have equal points in their favour, and both sides are flawed
Basically, it’s highschool cliques all over again
I’m absolutely going to come back to this again when I have the chance
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A Rewritten Verse
A Rewritten Verse by Forgotten Stars
Midoriya Izuku had been shunned all his life for something he has no control over, tormented and hurt for his biology.
Hatsume Mei has faced misogyny and sexism, because she was better at crafting support equipment than her brother, and her brother had to be better.
Shinsou Hitoshi was muzzled and scarred to prevent him from speaking, after all, a villain's quirk was only just better than being quirkless.
Todoroki Shouto was tormented for years and years of his life, pro hero after pro hero walked through his home, and not one of them helped.
Words: 302, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Hatsume Mei, Shinsou Hitoshi, Todoroki Shouto, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Dabi, Toga Himiko, Eri, Chisaki Kai | Overhaul, Kaminari Denki, Takami Keigo | Hawks, Bakugou Katsuki, Melissa Shield
Relationships: Other Relationship Tags to Be Added, Hatsume Mei & Midoriya Izuku, Hatsume Mei & Shinsou Hitoshi, Midoriya Izuku & Shinsou Hitoshi, Midoriya Izuku & Todoroki Shouto
Additional Tags: Villain Midoriya Izuku, Villain Todoroki Shouto, Villain Shinsou Hitoshi, Villain Hatsume Mei, Villain Kaminari Denki, Villain Dabi, Villain Eri, Quirkless Midoriya Izuku, BAMF Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku Does Not Have One for All Quirk, Midoriya Izuku Does Not Go to U.A. High School, BAMF Melissa Shield
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25419991
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honeydewmuses · 2 years
Tag Dump!
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ao3feed-bnha-girls · 4 years
A Rewritten Verse
A Rewritten Verse by Forgotten Stars
Midoriya Izuku had been shunned all his life for something he has no control over, tormented and hurt for his biology.
Hatsume Mei has faced misogyny and sexism, because she was better at crafting support equipment than her brother, and her brother had to be better.
Shinsou Hitoshi was muzzled and scarred to prevent him from speaking, after all, a villain's quirk was only just better than being quirkless.
Todoroki Shouto was tormented for years and years of his life, pro hero after pro hero walked through his home, and not one of them helped.
Words: 302, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Hatsume Mei, Shinsou Hitoshi, Todoroki Shouto, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Dabi, Toga Himiko, Eri, Chisaki Kai | Overhaul, Kaminari Denki, Takami Keigo | Hawks, Bakugou Katsuki, Melissa Shield
Relationships: Other Relationship Tags to Be Added, Hatsume Mei & Midoriya Izuku, Hatsume Mei & Shinsou Hitoshi, Midoriya Izuku & Shinsou Hitoshi, Midoriya Izuku & Todoroki Shouto
Additional Tags: Villain Midoriya Izuku, Villain Todoroki Shouto, Villain Shinsou Hitoshi, Villain Hatsume Mei, Villain Kaminari Denki, Villain Dabi, Villain Eri, Quirkless Midoriya Izuku, BAMF Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku Does Not Have One for All Quirk, Midoriya Izuku Does Not Go to U.A. High School, BAMF Melissa Shield
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25419991
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implexaanima-a · 4 years
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Mini Head Canon Dump for Tenko aka The Decay Hero Corrosion 
Tenko lives on his on and has for most of his life, only occasionally getting calls and checked in on by Toshinori (All Might) as he grew up, who was dubbed his legal guardian after finding him. This was for his protection and more often than not Tsukauchi was the one to at least pop in from time to time, when Toshinori couldn’t, seeing as he was someone to be trusted. 
Tenko attended U.A. and graduated from the hero course, while he was bullied throughout elementary for not having a quirk, he was bullied in middle school for having a villainous one that required him to wear gloves (something he decided on because he was afraid of hurting someone again). He was not heavily picked on at U.A. but he was still a rather quiet student, focusing on himself and playing games rather than making friends. 
Tenko did his work study with Thirteen and after graduating he even became a sidekick for them up until he had enough experience to debut on his own. 
Like Thirteen, he specializes in Rescues and avoids capturing villains unless necessary (due to the dangers of his quirk). However, Tenko is versed in close combat and is still extremely agile and quick on his feet, something that shocks most as he makes a habit of dragging his feet at times and hunching his shoulders to better help hide his presence from unwanted attention.
He HATES the media, with a passion. If it was up to him, he’d avoid it at all costs. 
At the age of 16, Tenko got a therapy dog, a corgi that he named ‘Nana’ after his grandmother that he never had the chance of meeting. Nana helps him cope with situations especially when his anxiety spikes. While Nana at times makes him think of Mon-chan, who he still feels guilty about, over all Nana helps him calm down and distracts him from scratching away at himself, a habit that has persisted despite how many years have passed. 
Tenko does in fact dye his hair. After the incident with his family, His hair turned a light bluish silver and seeing the color has always bothered him. He makes a point to dye the color back to his natural black, but there are times when he’ll miss a few strands.
Tenko’s hero costume is rather basic, but the main support item that stands out is his mask, that is reminiscent in design to a gas mask. He utilizes it when doing rescue work, to avoid dust and debris from entering his lungs when using his quirk. He does at times have spares attached to his belt to pass onto civilians when saving them. 
Tenko has a small agency that he opened up and while he is willing to take on interns or even work studies, he is extremely picky in doing so. But more often than not, if he learns that a student’s quirk has been dubbed “villainous,” Tenko makes a point of reaching out and inviting them for an internship. Whether to help them learn how to use their quirk, give them more skills, or overall confidence while ignoring others. 
Last but not least, as said at the top, Tenko is known as The Decay Hero; Corrosion.  
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verecunda · 4 years
Books - January 2020
I love babbling about books, and I always keep meaning to keep up some sort of record of the ones I’ve been reading. So let’s start now!  Watch me completely fail to keep this up for the rest of the year hohoho
Eagle’s Honour - Rosemary Sutcliff
A volume of two little novelettes set in Roman Britain, displaying Sutcliff’s usual mastery of atmosphere and characterisation (though obviously not to the scale of her full-length novels). A Circlet of Oak Leaves is a rather sad story about loss, bitterness, resentment, and the cost of living a lie. Eagle’s Egg, on the other hand, is a very nice one which somehow mixes a sweet romance with Agricola’s Caledonian campaigns (ikr?!), and features a hero who manages to quell a mutiny by - in his words - making a bad joke at the right moment. (Quintus is My Kinda Guy! <3)
Some Must Watch - Ethel Lina White (aka The Spiral Staircase)
A rare case of the film being better than the book! I nearly put this down after the first few chapters, as the dry, expository style was pretty awkward. There was a lot of “Little did she know that this seemingly innocuous incident would be Really Important later…” which had the effect of defusing the tension, rather the heightening it, and depriving the reader of the fun of trying to pick out the real clues from the red herrings.
It’s also been a long time since I’ve read a book so thoroughly hostile to its female cast. Of course I try to take a book as a product of its time, but even for the ’30s, the misogyny felt overwhelming. The female characters are despised for being pretty or ugly, stupid or clever, flirty or frigid, young or old… (Somehow this sort of thing is even more depressing when it’s a female author.) The only exception, as far as the narrative voice is concerned, is the protagonist herself, who I guess is supposed to occupy some sort of happy medium, but unfortunately this reader found her irritating as hell, and a shining example of Too Stupid To Live. (Honestly, until now I would never have imagined that making a female protagonist literally voiceless could ever be an improvement on the source material, but somehow The Spiral Staircase managed.) *sigh* There’s no winning sometimes.
Swallows in the Spring - Rosemary Sutcliff (short story)
Another atmospheric short story, this time centred on two veterans of the Ninth Legion after its disappearance (picking up the idea Marcus posits in EOTN that there must have been some of the legion who didn’t march north that last time for one reason or another). Short, but haunting. I’d say both it and Eagle’s Egg are worth checking out for fans of Eagle of the Ninth, as both add a bit to the lore of the Hispana’s story in the Sutcliff!verse.
The Boy with the Bronze Axe - Kathleen Fidler
This is regarded as a bit of a children’s classic, and it’s one I’ve kept meaning to read for years. Now that I have... eh. :\
If you’re looking for something that sets out to recreate daily life in the Neolithic, you could hardly do better. The book is rich in detail, and you get a real sense of Stone Age people's resourcefulness at feeding, dressing, ornamenting, arming, and indulging themselves from the natural world around them (absolutely nothing was wasted!). Hunting and farming techniques are described, and rituals and ceremonies recreated from the existing monuments and artefacts we still have.
But apart from that, character development is basically nil. By the end of the book, I found myself rather sympathising with the couple of designated bad guys who were sick of Tenko the Bronze Age Gary Stu. A lot of the dialogue is stiff and stilted, and some sections - like the blow-by-blow description of floating a tree out of a cave at high water - made my eyes glaze over. I can’t really criticise a book for following the accepted archaeological theories of the time it was written, so I won’t, but even then there were still some things that made the head tilt. Even accepting the idea that Orkney at this time was remote and cut-off from mainland Britain, it was hard to believe that the people of Skara could have next to no knowledge of what was going on in the other islands. Some of those straits between them are very narrow indeed, and would have been easily navigable in a small hide boat. I’d say this is probably a book I would’ve enjoyed much more if I’d actually read it when I was a kid - only I remember finding another Fidler book, The Desperate Journey, pretty dull when I read it in primary school, despite the subject matter being extremely relevant to my interests, so I think I’m just plain not a fan.
The Fugitives - Rosemary Sutcliff (short story)
Another short, evocative little slice-of-Roman-life. It’s quite like EOTN in the respect that the protagonist, Lucian, is a young boy who has been physically disabled and is only just coming round to the acceptance that his life is going to have to take a different course than planned. (His father is Pilus Prior of a legion. ’Nuff said.) I felt the thematic link between Lucian and the deserter he ends up helping was actually pretty tenuous, but the characters themselves were all pretty engaging, especially the friendly young centurion who heads the search party. He reminded me a bit of Flavius from The Silver Branch. :)
Wandering Ghosts - Francis Marion Crawford
I’d already two of the stories in this collection - The Upper Berth and The Screaming Skull - but I enjoyed them so much I read the whole thing. They’re definitely the best of the bunch (The Upper Berth is, I gather, supposed to be Crawford’s best one, but for my money The Screaming Skull is even better), but I also really liked Man Overboard! and For the Blood is the Life. Crawford has a deft hand at mixing menace and humour (a bit like M.R. James in that regard), and a lot of the stories here have a very nautical character, which obviously pleased me. :) The only one I’m not crazy about was By the Waters of Paradise, which started off great, meandered on for a good long while, then just sort of... puttered out.
Winter Tales - George Mackay Brown
Weirdly enough, though I’ve read several of GMB’s novels and short stories, this is is actually the first full anthology of his that I’ve read. He’s always a delight to read for the beauty of his prose alone, and these stories are no exception. As always, he’s at his very best when he’s describing the rhythms of Orkney life, whether that’s in the 11th, 18th, or 20th centuries, and his sense of place and character is always gorgeous.
As is the way with anthologies, some of the stories I loved, others didn’t do much for me. My favourites from this collection are The Paraffin Lamp, The Woodcarver, and The Fight in the Plough and Ox (possibly because they were the most humorous?). I also have to give a shout-out to Lieutenant Bligh and Two Midshipmen for its thoughtful characterisation of William Bligh.
There’s a lot of overtly Christian symbolism throughout the stories, though it never quite matches the lyrical, meditative power of his novel Magnus, which meant quite a few of the stories left this stone-cold heathen going, “So… what was the point of that, then?” That said, I very much enjoyed his modern AU take on the parable in The Road to Emmaus. There’s a section in Magnus where he does something very similar, describing the civil war between the two earls almost as if it were a BBC report from a modern warzone, and it was an interesting echo of that. (I’m not sure which one was written first.)
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aikidoheroine · 7 years
This is the verse page for Tenko Chabashira! There are three major verses for her, which will be described below. The third verse has major spoilers, so it will be put under the cut and must be read with caution. 
The Unruly Student: This verse is from before Tenko arrived at the Academy for Gifted Juveniles, and as such is before the events of V3. At this point, Tenko is thirteen years old and still training at the monastery with her Master. Her temper has still not been completely tamed, and she goes out as a masked heroine to punish crimes. Tagged as “Verse: The Unruly Student”. 
Fighting to Survive: This verse takes place during the events of Danganropa V3, and as such are before or during case 3. Tenko is doing her best to survive the killing game, and will use her talents to accomplish this. Perhaps she could use some company in the meantime. Tagged as “Verse: Fighting to Survive”. 
Non despair verse: A catch all verse for interactions that happen outside of V3. This verse is for Tenko to interact with muses from other DR media, or with V3 characters outside the killing game setting. Tagged as "Non despair verse".
A song in her Heart: A talent swap verse where Tenko is instead the Ultimate Pop Sensation. This Tenko chased her dream of becoming an idol, and is given to singing at a moment's notice. Does notably get stressed out easily. Tagged as: "Verse: A song in her heart". 
Major Spoilers for V3 below the cut:
Wandering Aikido Girl: This verse takes place after the events of Danganropa V3. Despite seemingly dying during the events of Case 3, Tenko wakes up in a ruined school and goes out into the wider world. Now Tenko is trying to find her place in the “real world”, and is unsure of her direction in life. This verse presumes that no one truly died in the “reality show” of V3. Tagged “Verse: Wandering Aikido Girl”. 
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honeydewmuses · 2 years
Tag Dump!
God’s Specialest Girl :)
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aikidoheroine · 4 years
Legal name: Tenko Chabashira
Nickname(s): Ten-ten (Goddess of Pathos)
Date of Birth: January 9th
Age: 16 (default) 
Gender: Cis Female
Species: Human
Place of birth: Japan, further specifics unknown
Current living conditions: Student at Hope’s Peak Academy
Spoken languages: Japanese 
Education: High School Student
Occupation: Martial Artist, 
Criminal Record: Vigilantism, related assault 
Drink | Smoke | Drugs
Like(s): Training, performers, cute girls, sunshine
Dislikes: Men, dishonesty, the cold
Fears: Being unable to protect the important people in her life
Personality Traits: Kind, cheerful, empathetic, passionate, wrathful
                                       {Physical Information}
Hair color: Black
Eye Color: Green 
H/W: Unknown
Tattoos: None
                                           {Family Information}
Sibling(s): None
 Parents: A mother and a father, status unknown 
Children: Reiki Pekoyama (in a future verse(\
Pets: Osamu the cat 
                                      {Relationship Information}
Sexual Orientation: Lesbian
Relationship Status: Single (default), together with Peko Pekoyama (Convivxncia), together with Chiaki Nanami (Nxthingtxwn)
Top or bottom: Bottom
Tagged by: @nxthingtxwn 
Tagging: if you want to do this, go right ahead!
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by PhoenixScamander
When Izuku Midoriya, a young Quirkless Alpha, met his idol All Might his life changed forever. He got into the school of his dreams and was heading towards his dream. When Shouta Aizawa, a Omega from a wealthy family, passed his recommendation exam to get into U.A., he met a young courageous Alpha that changed his life forever. Omegaverse.
Words: 4957, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Teenage Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead's Mother, Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Inko, Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shouto, Shinsou Hitoshi, Iida Tenya, Iida Tensei | Ingenium, Shirakumo Oboro, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Yaoyorozu Momo, Kaminari Denki, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Tsukauchi Naomasa, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Sensei | All For One, Aizawa Aiko, Aizawa Kazumi, Kouda Kouji, Kirishima Eijirou, Ashido Mina, Asui Tsuyu, Tokoyami Fumikage, Shouji Mezou, Aoyama Yuuga, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight, Uraraka Ochako, Shuuzenji Chiyo | Recovery Girl, Chisaki Kai | Overhaul, Eri (My Hero Academia), Jirou Kyouka, Hagakure Tooru, Nedzu (My Hero Academia), Kan Sekijirou | Vlad King, Kurogiri (My Hero Academia), Dabi (My Hero Academia), Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Sasaki Mirai | Sir Nighteye, Amajiki Tamaki, Toogata Mirio, Hadou Nejire, Shindou You, Sero Hanta, Ojiro Mashirao, Fukukado Emi | Ms. Joke, Satou Rikidou
Relationships: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki/Todoroki Shouto, Kaminari Denki/Shinsou Hitoshi, Jirou Kyouka/Yaoyorozu Momo, Iida Tenya/Uraraka Ochako, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Shirakumo Oboro, Fukukado Emi | Ms. Joke/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Shirakumo Oboro/Kayama Nemuri | Midnight, Tsukauchi Naomasa/Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Ashido Mina/Kirishima Eijirou, Asui Tsuyu/Tokoyami Fumikage, Amajiki Tamaki/Toogata Mirio
Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Alpha Midoriya Izuku, Omega Todoroki Shouto, Alpha Bakugou Katsuki, Alpha Kaminari Denki, Alpha Kirishima Eijirou, Alpha Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Omega Shinsou Hitoshi, Alpha Iida Tenya, Alpha Yaoyorozu Momo, Beta Jirou Kyouka, Beta Fukukado Emi | Ms. Joke, Alpha Shirakumo Oboro, Shirakumo Oboro Lives, Young Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Aizawa is in Class 1-A, Oboro is Class 1-A's homeroom teacher, Aizawa Shouta and Yamada Hizashi are brothers, Midoriya Izuku and Shindou You are Siblings, Bottom Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Top Midoriya Izuku, Deaged Aizawa, He is 15, Aizawa is a teenager, Kidnapping, Possible Rape/Non-Con, Mpreg, possible male pregnancy, Discrimination, Quirk Discrimination (My Hero Academia), Omega Verse, Alpha Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Omega Tsukauchi Naomasa
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