#tenko // open // ultimate aikido master
honeydewmuses · 2 years
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tobiasdrake · 2 years
Started Danganronpa 3
Some initial thoughts. I haven't reached the first murder yet; Just got past the fakeout where Monokuma died and then respawned the following day. Some thoughts. Spoilers after the jump.
So, I may have figured out the twist. I know there's usually a twist regarding the outside world. In Danganronpa 1, the twist is that the school is actually a safe space, and the outside world is on fire. There are no homes to go back to. In Danganronpa 2, the twist was that Jabberwock Island was a simulation all along.
Here, we have a school building under construction that seems overrun with greenery. There are giant mechs being used by the Monokubs. We're surrounded by huge walls and, not only that, but the whole thing is inside a massive birdcage.
What got me was Gonta talking about the lack of bugs. There are no bugs. Absolutely none. This is a bug-free environment. And that seems odd, right? There's no possible way that there wouldn't be bugs in an open-sky environment like this. That's only possible in a sealed-off space.
So I'm looking at the bars of the birdcage while thinking about that. And I'm thinking, why is there a birdcage? What is the point of the birdcage? It wouldn't just be there for no reason, right? It's not like the birdcage is keeping us in; That's what the walls are for. Why is it there?
And I'm looking at the sky that I can see through the bars. I start to think, what if I'm not seeing the sky beyond the bars? What if I'm seeing the sky between the bars? What if that's not a birdcage, but a dome? What if those are panels?
So here's what I'm thinking. I think we're in space. Maybe a satellite in Earth orbit or something. The overgrowing greenery is for oxygen production and the Exigal mechs are for construction and maintenance. There's no bugs because this a controlled atmosphere.
I don't know why we're in space. I don't know how we're in space. I don't know how we're going to leave space. But I think we're in space.
Regarding the characters, my first impressions are as follows:
Kaede Akamatsu, Ultimate Pianist - Ooh, female protagonist. This is the first core Danganronpa title to have one. I'm surprised that she has a "real" Talent, so to speak; She's neither the class's obligatory Lucky Student nor ???. This feels very different.
Kirumi Tojo, Ultimate Maid - Oh, this character can go a variety of ways. She seems like the most dangerous, but dangerous can be either good or bad. She could be a major asset or a formidable Blackened.
Himiko Yumeno, Ultimate Mage - This character is precious and I want to keep her forever. I love the running joke that her "real magic" is just stage magic but it's TOTES REAL I SWEAR. I hope they never decisively answer whether or not she can cast real spells.
Maki Harukawa, Ultimate Child Caregiver - This character is an asshole. She's probably never going to be a Blackened. The obvious asshole is never the culprit. For reference, see Byakuya Togami.
Tenko Chabashira, Ultimate Aikido Master - Her dynamic with Himiko cracks me up. Extremely distrustful towards men specifically but given the context, I can't exactly criticize. This is a killing game. You do what you need to do to keep yourself safe, ma'am! If anything, be more paranoid. You're leaving yourself open to 50% of the potential Blackened.
Tsumugi Shirogane, Ultimate Cosplayer - This character freaks me out. She seems nice and sweet and kind and all that, but she freaks me out. She's Ultimate Cosplayer. Her entire persona could be a cosplay. I still remember when Mukuro Ikusaba cosplayed as Junko Enoshima. No thank you. I have my eye on you, cosplayer.
Angie Yonaga, Ultimate Artist - I love her. I'm going to be really sad when she dies. I don't know why, but I just feel like she has tragic victim written all over her. She's a fairly simple character with a funny joke that she retells every time you talk to her. And it's funny every time, but it doesn't seem like it lends the character much longevity. I mean, the same could be said of Gundham Tanaka, but he didn't exactly make it to the endgame either.
Miu Iruma, Ultimate Inventor - I'm still figuring out what to think about her. The way she breaks down at the slightest criticism makes her mean girl attitude seem totally artificial. She's definitely obnoxious to talk to. Maybe she's going to be the Byakuya asshole we never get rid of?
Shuichi Saihara, Ultimate Detective - I'm sorry, Ultimate what!? Oh, you'd better buckle up, Shuichi, because those are some big shoes to fill you're stepping into. Kinda nervous because he's the starting round buddy-buddy to hang out and help you out. One of those characters tried to frame mine for murder and the other was Nagito Komaeda, so that's not a role I trust easily.
Kaito Momota, Ultimate Astronaut - When he first told me his Talent, I was like, "Haha, whaaaaat?" But now that I think I've figured out this whole space station thing, his skillset suddenly seems extraordinarily relevant. We need to protect this guy with our lives. Unless he's the Mastermind. Shit, that's a possibility.
Ryoma Hoshi - Hahahaha deep-ass fucking 40-year-old voice coming from a 5-year-old body. That's hilarious. This toddler's been in prison!? XD This character is a very funny joke. 10/10 Good job.
Rantaro Amami, Ultimate ??? - He has to be our Lucky Student, right? Every class has a Lucky Student. If it's not him, then we don't have one. That wouldn't make sense. Also, he seems to be the only character who is actually familiar with the Killing Game. I think he may have seen Junko's broadcast? I'm intrigued.
Gonta Gokuhara, Ultimate Entomologist - This character is precious and I want to keep him forever. He's a sweetheart and I adore him. I rank him 9 out of 10 on a trustworthiness scale. The only way I could conceive of him ever being a Blackened is by accident.
Kokichi Oma, Ultimate Supreme Leader - Also a potential candidate for the "It's never the obvious asshole" tag. He calls himself Ultimate Supreme Leader but I think he's full of shit. I bet you money this guy's the Ultimate Liar, because every word out of his mouth sounds like an exact inversion of what he really thinks.
Korekiyo Shinguji, Ultimate Anthropologist - He's just so weird. I don't know what to think of him. He rubs me the wrong way. Reminds me of Mikan.
K1-B0, Ultimate Robot - Oh hey, it's Genos from One-Punch Man! This character is precious and I want to keep him forever. He doesn't deserve to face the kind of robot racism that Kokichi subjects him to. I wonder if he's connected to Alter Ego in any way?
So that's where I'm sitting. I tried to complete the obstacle course of doom by save scumming, but wound up giving up on it anyway. Too intense for me. If you can beat it, all respect to ya, but I had to throw in the towel.
Looking forward to getting to the first murder. Monokuma promised there wouldn't be a class trial for the first one? That can't be right, can it? Junko Enoshima would be spinning in her grave to hear that we're skipping the trial. That's like 80% of the Killing Game's appeal!
I'm waiting for the boot to drop. It has to drop, right?
We wouldn't. Actually skip it. Right?
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shslrose · 3 years
DRV3 Boys React To You Being Falsely Accused Of Murder
Kokichi Oma
“Who is the killer, you might wonder,” Korekiyo theorized. “I shall make it clear. Certainly Y/N is the culprit. I saw her walking around the courtyard at nighttime.”
“T-that’s not true! I’m not the killer!” You pleaded.
Kokichi knows Korekiyo is lying.
It’s sooooo obvious!
But, he supposes he can have some fun with this lie
“Kiyo is totally right! Neeheehee~ Y/N was out of her dorm last night, but it’s not because she’s the culprit.”
“Huh?” Keebo asked. “If she didn’t kill Ryoma, then what was she doing out?”
“Isn’t it obvious? She was leaving my dorm~ neeheehee~”
“T-that’s not true either!” You protested.
“Really, Y/N?!” Miu interjected. “Tell me, how’d you like the Supreme Leader’s supreme member-”
After Kaito’s outburst, Shuichi quickly presented the murder weapon, a golden katana, which proved that Kiyo was actually the culprit, since his hands had been stained gold.
After watching Kiyo get executed, Kokichi walked up to you, noting the pout on your face.
“Aw, geez, are you mad at me?”
“Kiyo said I was the culprit, and you just started making a stupid sex joke! You didn’t defend me or anything!”
Kokichi gave you one of his sly smiles, “C’mon, you don’t really think I’d let anything bad happen to you, do you?”
You folded your arms, but he noted that your pout was more playful now. “Whatever you say, Kokichi. Still, that was a stupid joke, cause I’d never sleep with you.”
“Ah, you wound me deeply, Mademoiselle!”
You would never sleep with him?
He hoped you were lying just then.  
Shuichi Saihara
“As a maid, it is my job to serve everyone here, which is why I must declare that Y/N is the most likely culprit for the murder of Miu Iruma!”
When he hears Kirumi accuse you, his mind goes blank.
No. It can’t be you. It just can’t be.
Not after Kaede.
Shuichi reminds himself that he has to stay calm and find the truth, no matter what.
“As a detective, it is my job to find the truth, so I won’t let you pin this on Y/N, Kirumi!”
“Pin it?” Kirumi asks; each word that leaves her lips is cold and calculated. “Are you suggesting that I am the killer?”
“It can only be you! You were the only one who had access to Miu’s lab, since you were serving her that day! You poisoned Miu with the food you prepared for her, isn’t that right, Kirumi?!”
Shuichi then went on to explain everything - how Kirumi prepared the poison in the food, and then tried to pin her crime on you. After the voting and execution, you run up to Shuichi and hug him.
“Thank you Shuichi! You saved me!”
“Ah, really? I-I was just...trying to find the truth..” blushes
Rantaro Amami
“Well, isn’t it obvious? Y/N is *clearly* the killer!” Kokichi shouted cheerfully, a sly grin on his lips. 
“What?” You gasp, shocked at the accusation. “I..I’m not the killer, I swear!”
Although Rantaro wants to jump to your defense immediately, he knows it would be bad if he lost his cool.
“Atua says that since Y/N has no alibi for morning time, she is surely the killer!”
He finds his opportunity there, in Angie’s testimony. 
“Ah, but how do we know if the killing happened in the morning?”
“Well, Atua says so! And Atua is never wrong!”
Her defense is weak, and Rantaro knows it. Using the Monokuma file, he proves that Himiko’s death could have happened the night before her body was discovered.
“No, that’s wrong! Just because Y/N doesn’t have an alibi doesn’t mean she’s the killer!” Rantaro exclaims.
“So if Y/N isn’t the killer, then who is?” Kokichi asked, grinning still. “Nee-heehee~”
Shuichi interjects with the final reveal, “the true killer is you, Angie Yonaga!”
After Shuichi explains how Angie killed Himiko and hid the body overnight, she is unanimously voted as the killer and executed.
 Rantaro was able to clear your name by keeping his cool, although he’s definitely got some choice words for Kokichi, who falsely accused you.
Kaito Momota   Luminary of the Stars
Kaito and Kokichi have been fighting nonstop all week
The investigation of Kirumi’s death had only made things worse
“The most suspicious person is totally Y/N! Nee~heehee!”
You felt tears well up in your eyes. “I..I didn’t do it…”
“Shut up, Kokichi! There’s no way Y/N’s the killer!”
“Hm? And why’s that?”
“Because...I believe in her. And I believe she wouldn’t do it.”
“Is that seriously your argument? Wow, you’re such an idiot!”
“I’m not an idiot!”
The argument continued on like this for some time, until Maki revealed new evidence that was able to prove your innocence
Shuichi recapped the case and proved that it was actually Ryoma who had killed Kirumi
After his execution, where he was beat to death with 1,000 tennis balls, you still had tears in your eyes.
Kaito walked up to you after the trial, and you hugged him immediately
“Thank you, for believing in me…”
“What, that? You don’t have to thank me for something like that-”
You kissed his cheek, making him blush
The Luminary of the Stars knew then that he was completely in love with you
“At first I thought the Gonta’s killer was another degenerate male,” Tenko began, hesitantly. “I think it’s actually… Y/N.”
The killer is...Y/N?
Is that right? Can someone like you really be the killer?
Keebo didn’t want to believe it.
“Please, you guys have to believe me!” You cried. “I’m not the killer, I swear it!”
“I… don’t think it’s Y/N.” Keebo spoke up, his voice uncertain.
Kokichi chimed in, “Oh, really? And where’s your evidence?”
“I...I don’t have any evidence...it’s just a feeling I have…”
He knew it was illogical and irrational, but he couldn’t help how he felt about you
“A feeling? Don’t be silly! Robots can’t have feelings! Nee~heehee!”
Shuichi interjected, “I agree with Keebo, I don’t think Y/N is the killer.”
“Aww, don’t disappoint me, Mr. Ultimate Detective,” Kokichi pouted. “You don’t believe it’s her because of a feeling?”
“No, that’s not it!” Shuichi then presented the Monokuma File. “The cause of death indicates the killer was relatively strong.”
Suddenly, the logic fell into place for Keebo. He knew how he could defend you.
“Y/N wouldn’t be strong enough to attack Gonta!” Keebo exclaimed. “The only person without an alibi with the physical abilities required...it has to be you, the Ultimate Aikido Master, Tenko!”
a/n - my first multi-character post! pls let me know if you liked it, and if you want more posts in this style! thank you for reading my imagine <3
requests are open, and i write for all 3 games, so send in a request if there’s something you want to see :D
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 4 years
Hello, can I ask for Kokichi with an s/o who dies via seesaw effect during the seance? Please and thank you!
“No, Tenko..let me do it.”
“Huh?” The aikido master in question looked at you, surprised when you spoke up about taking her place as the spirit medium in the seance. “Are you sure [y/n]? You’re gonna be uncomfortable for a while-”
“I’ll put up with it...if it means we can talk to Angie.” You reassured her with a smile, carefully stepping over the salt as you made your way to the center of the magic circle.
But you stopped as you felt a hand grabbing yours. Confused, you looked to see it was Kokichi, who held an even more worried expression as he stared at you. “Hm? What’s wrong? I promise I’ll be okay.”
“Duh, I know that.” He rolled his eyes rather dramatically, though you could still see his genuine concern for you..even if he didn’t like showing his true feelings around others. “Just don’t get possessed by some weird demon, alright?”
“Don’t worry, darling. I promise I’ll come back to you as myself and no one else.” After giving him a reassuring peck on the lips, you heard Korekiyo’s sigh, indicating he was growing impatient. 
Once you let go of Kokichi’s hand--not knowing it’d be the last time you did--you stepped into the circle’s center and got down on the floor, positioning yourself as the anthropologist instructed before the other participants put the cage and cloth over you.
Tenko helped place the dog statue on top, before she swiftly left the room to let everyone else know what was going on.
It was, indeed, an uncomfortable and claustrophobic situation, but you sighed and closed your eyes, resting your forehead on the stone as you remembered who you were doing this for:
This was for Angie’s sake, even if you had doubts her spirit would come back to possess you.
Before long, the room turned pitch black and your heard Shuichi, Himiko, Kokichi, and Korekiyo sing the Caged Child song. Your heart was pounding as you tried not to make a sound, but you tried easing your mind by focusing on your boyfriend’s quiet singing voice.
You’ve heard him sing to himself several times before, like when he’s drawing or just wandering the halls of the academy aimlessly. Though to hear him sing actual lyrics was quite..soothing.
And, for a brief moment or two, all you felt was peace.
But as quickly as that peace came...it was gone in an instant.
Halfway through the song, your eyes snapped open as you heard footsteps approaching your position. Then there was a loud stomp and the floorboard beneath you suddenly rose up, taking you with it. 
A gasp of shock escaped your lips--
Only to quickly turn to choking and gagging as a sharp metal blade pierced through your throat. And that’s when you realized..everyone was still singing the song..
Except for one...
“K-Ko...” You struggled to call out, but it died down into a wheeze as the floorboard collapsed, along with your now motionless body.
As the seance finished, Korekiyo retreated to his corner, calling out to the “caged child” and asking if they were Angie. When there was no response, Kokichi and Shuichi re-lit the candles, and everyone worked on removing the ritual items.
“Wait..why’s [y/n] not moving? Hey, [y/n], sweetieeee! We’re done! The seance was a total bust....!!” But the Ultimate Supreme Leader fell silent as he soon realized..
You were covered in blood. 
‘No...no, no, no! Tell me this is a joke!’
Despite Korekiyo’s warnings, he ran over to you, his shoes scuffing the salt of the magic circle, and practically threw the cage off of you.
By then, however, it was much too late.
He dropped to his knees, tears brimming his eyes as he stared at your corpse, seeing the blood pooling from your neck.
Then the second body discovery announcement that day began playing.
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aikidoheroine · 3 years
Tenmaki -Understanding-
Backflip, backflip, backflip
Tenko Chabashira, Ultimate Aikido Master (Or a variant of it anyway) kept twisting and edging backwards in fluid motion; sounds of air cuts passing by her. If one were to slow down, they could see knives being the thing making the sound through the air. Knives courtesy of Maki Harukawa, former Ultimate Babysitter, current Ultimate Assassin.
The two are locked in what was going to be a simple spar, but it grew to become a heated battle because Tenko is as aggressive with her mouth as her kicks and punches entail.
It all started 1 minute ago.
“Say Maki-chan, being alone and aloof from everyone else…that is no way to live! You should make friends and try to unburden yourself! If you like someone, you should be able to trust them, right? That’s what friends do. They trust each other.”
Tenko had no idea what caused Maki to explode, but she found herself dodging knives. Where is Maki even keeping those knives, Tenko has no idea. She lost count after 29. Doesn’t Maki carry 30? usually? At least, that’s what Kokichi said once. But who knows if that was lie. Almost everything out of that clown’s mouth is a lie in some sort of fashion.
After the 7th flip, Tenko lands on her feet, thankful that she felt the knife rain finally come to an end (that’s going to be a mess to clean up later), but the rain of pain came to her. Maki, despite her thin body shape, is surprisingly agile. Agile enough to close in on Tenko in seconds with another knife (There’s the 30th one), and strike at Tenko.
While Tenko acknowledges Maki is faster, and possibly stronger (Tenko witnessed the girl lift a 100 pound rocket launcher like was nothing), Maki lacks in ways Tenko excels at.
Namely, reflexes. Tenko already knew Maki would have closed the gap between them; its what Maki does, unconsciously or not (Assassin perks, maybe). Even before Maki began the strike, Tenko moved just as fast and with one hand, grips Maki’s wrist holding the knife, and the other one, she strikes an open palm right onto Maki’s chest.
The impact was quick. Maki dropped the knife and coughed her breath out. But she wasn’t out, not by a longshot. She didn’t earn the title of Ultimate Assassin by cowering under simple blows. She retaliates as quickly, leaping; she catches Tenko’s neck with her legs and twists her sideways, pulling both of them down. Tenko landed on her back (Thankful for the mats, otherwise that would have hurt), while Maki lands on her 4 feet like a cat. She grabs the fallen knife with her teeth (What are you Maki, a dog?), and leaps onto Tenko’s lap, about to swipe again at Tenko.
Tenko’s reflexes save her again, able to block the swipe by forming an X with her hands, and pushes them on Maki’s neck; narrowly avoiding the swipe and keeping Maki back. Maki however, persists and pushes forward, twisting her mouth and lips to grab the knife from the hilt and pushes down to try and stab Tenko.
“This is…ridiculous!” Tenko yells, teeth grit. She’s able to move her legs and lifts them back to wrap around Maki’s neck, and then pushes back with both arms and legs. “Off Maki!”
Tenko’s strength and position helps in this case, and she’s able to get Maki off her, one last push gets Maki to flip backwards and skid a little back; though she sprints back at Tenko with no intention of letting the Aikido Master get up.
Tenko does manage to get up. As soon as she got Maki off her, she spun herself in a manner similar to breakdancing, then users her legs as a weight, and lifts herself back up like a trampoline swing. “Aha!” And quickly, back on the defensive she is, as Maki dropped the knife from her mouth, back to her hand and goes for a flurry of strikes and swipes.
Tenko thankfully is skilled enough to parry each one, hands balled to fists, she punches the strikes away from dealing any real damage; though the constant clashes, and being pushed back got to Tenko.
She formulated a plan; simple and to the point. ‘Steady…steady…now!’ finding just the right time to counter, Tenko instead, ducks under one of Maki’s swipes, and sweeps her leg, knocking Maki off-balance. Tenko then leaps and grabs Maki by her sides and slams her down “HAAH!” no mercy for the Assassin.
Once Maki hit the mats (and pretty damn hard. Tenko did not hold back that one time), the force of the impact gets her to drop her knife, and Tenko then sits on Maki’s lap and holds her two arms by her wrists. Neutralization, success.
“…Phew.” Tenko let out a sigh of relief. Now that the 'spar’ finally stopped, she realized just how fast her heart is racing, and the sweat she fells all over. It was a quick fight, but still, it put her on edge. Maki was using real knives. It could have hurt her, or worse. “I would normally say that was fun spar Maki-chan, but you were using real weapons! I could have been hurt!” Tenko said with a frown. “I apologize for any rudeness in my earlier comment, but I meant what I said.”
“…You actually managed to beat me.” Maki said, surprised. She didn’t make any motion to try and get out; she admits defeat. “…I guess that makes it 2-1 for now, still leading.”
Tenko would have been flattered, under normal circumstances, but not this time. “Please don’t flatter me Maki-chan; especially when you don’t mean it.”
“…” Maki grumpily stayed quiet, not even looking at Tenko anymore. “I don’t rely on others Chabashira. I’m an Assassin, get it? I kill people; for a living.” she sighs, and decides to look at Tenko “Whether my target is innocent or guilty, it doesn’t matter. I silence them forever, get paid, move on to the next one. I don’t feel anything, I shouldn’t, feel anything; especially friendship or…anything deeper than that.”
“…You don’t believe that.” Tenko said. “I can tell Maki-chan. Not just by words, but your body. You put on a brave face, threatening anyone, always trying to be intimidating…but I see it. At the table, at the trials, when you see other people talking like friends, like Shuichi and Kaito. You have that look of sadness in your face, showing your true emotions.”
Whether Tenko’s words hit Maki or not, Maki didn’t show it. “Its not your problem to solve.”
“Maybe not.” Tenko admits as much. “But this isn’t an assassin’s mission, is it Maki-chan? We’re trapped, with other people. People that regardless of how you and I feel about, have to work together to get out of this mess.”
“Akamatsu tried. You saw how that worked out.”
Kaede…It may have been more than a week since then, but to Tenko, its like it happened hours ago. Its still vivid in her head. The imagery, Kaede’s look of despair as death slowly took hold of her, and nobody was able to do anything about it. Spectators to an execution no one wanted, for a crime Kaede didn’t even want to commit.
To Tenko, a defender of justice, protector of the weak; it was an insult to her pride and honor.
“I don’t need to be reminded of that.” Tenko said. “But I have never doubted Kaede-chan’s words. To get out of here alive, all of us.” her eyes drooped a little. “…I admit that while I don’t show it, I am afraid of what may come next.”
“I’m not.” Maki replies bluntly.
“Liar.” Tenko frowns again. “In this fight we just had, you told me otherwise.”
Maki didn’t say anything to that, staying strangely quiet. Tenko took this is a queue to continue. “Every swipe, stab, every movement you did…it wasn’t normal for you. Your movements were quick, but sloppy. With determination, but no end goal. Every attack has shown to me that you’re afraid, desperate to exit this confounding prison that Monokuma created against our wills.”
“If you were really aiming to kill me Maki, you would have done so much easier than what you showed me today. I know full well your capabilities to end a life. You did not end mine…so I know, that you are afraid too, for what comes after death here, is facing your own death; and that terrifies you.”
“As strong as you are…facing death, that should never be done alone.”
Maki bit her lip, annoyed and…admittedly showing her fear now, if only a little. “Strength of my own is all I know Chabashira. I never had to rely on anyone else but myself.”
Tenko nods. Her grip on Maki loosens “I know this…I know you are strong Maki-chan.” She lets go of Maki’s wrists, and looses her own hands, relaxed…comfortable. “But someone that has always fought alone, will never know the strength of fighting alongside others. The kind of strength Kaede wanted from us.” Tenko gets off Maki’s lap and stands up, still staring at her, but now a gaze; A strange mix of sorrow and hopeful “The kind of strength I want to hope, can get us to escape with no more victims or murderers. Back to where we belong.”
“…” Maki didn’t move from her spot, though relieved Tenko got off her at least. “…You never spoke with Akamatsu. Why are you holding her in such a strong regard?”
“…” Tenko takes a step forward and slowly sits next to Maki, looking opposite of where Maki is. “It is true…we only spoke once, before the murder of Rantaro. I suppose its not really about Kaede herself, as a wonderful person I’m sure she was; rather…” Tenko bit her lip. “What she represents to me.”
Maki raised an eyebrow, confused. Clearing her throat, Tenko continues.
“As someone that upholds protecting the weak, the innocent, seeing Kaede die the way she did, in such a cruel, unfitting matter…God you have no idea how badly I wanted to crush Monokuma and those damn cubs of his. But it would have been for nothing. I know that, I felt that…but I still wanted to. Because Kaede deserved better; killer or not of that degenerate Rantaro; she wouldn’t have done that if Monokuma had forced us to this evil game of his.”
As she spoke, Tenko’s sadness turned to grief, to anger, to hopelessness. Tears nearly threatened to leave her eyes, and they did. “This killing game goes against everything I believe in; and I hate it. I hate the very idea of it. Comrades and friends being forced to kill each other for some sick proof of an ideal is no way to live; no matter if the whole world wants to think that way, it being acceptable doesn’t mean that it should be ok for anyone to not question it. We question drugs, we question the morality of mental health, but we don’t question abuse? murders?” Tenko shook her head. “We are Ultimates. We bring hope to those that can’t do so, in odd ways, yes. But we still do our parts every day, with hard work and determination.” Tenko shook vividly as she said this. “Monokuma took that hope, and twisted it to something of pure evil; all for laughs.” she stood up again, wiping her eyes from the tears and the sniffs. “I can never forgive a person like that, or anyone that supports such actions and ideals. So for that…I have to fight to keep us together, to work together and live another day. Kaede would have wanted that. I, want that.” Tenko greatly emphasizes in her grief.
“…” Maki didn’t know what to say. What could she say? Tenko’s speech caught her off-guard. In truth, Maki never really thought of it that way. A simple life, compared to Tenko’s complex one. To kill, and to protect.
’…Would killing the mastermind truly end this?’ Maki thought to herself. 'Who’s to say someone else will take their place? Someone with equally twisted ideals?’ history shows as much. You kill one dictator, 2 more pop up someone else. Its like killing ants in a way.
’…Have my killings served any purpose, I wonder…’ Maki mused. 'Were they for the greater good? Or for the selfish ambitions of another? …did my actions caused others to die?’
…Well, whatever the answers to that, it doesn’t matter now. Too late to look back on done deeds. But maybe this once…
“…Hey.” Maki got up, and grabbed her knife. She pockets it. “…Tomorrow, same time?” Maki pauses for a moment. “…No knives.”
Surprised, Tenko looks at Maki wide eyed and mouth agape “Maki-chan…?”
Maki stands up and dusts herself off. “I’ll see you then…Tenko.” With that, Maki leaves the Gym, leaving a flabbergasted Tenko behind.
Though once she left, Maki looks at her knife, her own reflection in the silver blade. ’…Fight for others…its not my thing. I doubt it could ever be my thing.’ Maki pockets it again. 'But…maybe just this once…I can try, if only for Tenko, and Kaede. I am an assassin, that will never change. …Yet, would the kids at the orphanage…would they admire me if they knew what I did? What I’ve done?’
Himiko, Angie! I made friends with Maki-chan! I got her to acknowledge me as a friend!
That’s great Tenko! Atua has blessed you indeed!
“Oi, don’t let it go to your head!” Maki yelled angrily, yet couldn’t help herself to smile…if only once.
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“Wow, thank you so much, Goryuck! I didn’t expect something like this, but this is such a sweet surprise! I’m going to cherish this forever!”
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Romantic AU: Tenko always thought that all males are degenerate. But Naegi is starting to change that little by little by just being himself which makes her feel things she never thought she would especially for a male.
Tenko held her hands together, twiddling her thumbs on her desk as her eyes shifted left and right constantly. What was happening to her? She had constantly gone by a strict code taught to her by her master previously. "All men are degenerates!" she repeated in her head over and over again, but... something was weird. When she first was invited here as the 79th Class' Ultimate Aikido Master, she was greeted by a degenerate male who didn't know his place. She easily threw him over her shoulder onto his back, but he still insisted in talking to her! It was frustrating! Didn't he know that she didn't want him, a degenerate male, around?
Makoto Naegi... why was he like that? Tenko didn't let any degenerate males even breathe near her, but Makoto had insisted to keep seeing her day after day. And to talk to her! It upset Tenko immensely... right? It did upset her? Right? But if that's the case... why did she start to enjoy his presence? His entire existence should just be discarded. His ugly choice of clothing, his disgusting male scent, his cute face... his charming hair with the ahoge sticking out... his kindness regardless of what she thought about him... wait. No. NO NO NO NO! Tenko couldn't possibly be thinking that, right? There was no way she felt anything even close to that! Especially not to a degenerate, but cute male.
Yeah, that was it. Makoto was just a cute degenerate male, that's all. It was nothing else other than that. She definitely didn't have clammy hands thinking about him along with an increased heart rate and huge blush spread across her face. That was all because she was... mentally training! Yeah, absolutely. All she had to do was take a breath and focus on nothing but mental training... her mental... her Makoto...
'Gah! GET OUT OF MY HEAD!' Tenko screamed internally and put her hands on her face, leaning back as she kicked her legs. The rest of the 79th Class were looking at her in confusion.
There was NO way she thought of a degenerate male that way, let alone Makoto Naegi. She just needed to tell herself that she didn't like him. Even if he was kind, supportive, cute, and everything she could've possibly wanted in a partner. She didn't like Makoto... she didn't like Makoto... she didn't like... she loved... Makoto.
Tenko's eyes shot wide open, her mind and heart finally accepting it. She... loved Makoto. Deeply. Even deeper than what the now unlocked thoughts were saying. She wanted to spend all of her time with him, hug him, kiss him, and hold his hand as much as she could desire anything. O-okay, sure! Males were majorly still degenerate, ones she'd never even think of as friends, but Makoto was in the minority. The minority of only one. One that she not only thought of positively, but one she absolutely adored from the bottom of her heart.
Ding-dong, dong-ding
"That will be all for today. Class dismissed," Ms. Gekkogahara typed on her console. With that, everyone stood up and started heading out, making plans with their friends to have some fun. Except Tenko, whose legs were shaking as she stood up and walked outside. She was entirely too nervous to talk, let alone make any plans. She shifted her eyes from side to side until she spotted a certain boy. None other than the source of her affection, Makoto.
"Hey Tenko, how a-"
Makoto stopped in the middle of his sentence, seeing Tenko step toward him with some sort of determination. Uh oh, here it came. Her daily aikido throw. Makoto tensed his body and closed his eyes, preparing for the worst. But instead, he was met with nothing but... warmth around his body? When he opened his eyes, all he saw was Tenko's face, and all he felt was Tenko's body against his, hugging him. There was a quiet look on the girl's face that soon turned into an intense desire to say something.
"T-Tenko... loves you, Makoto."
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paipayaseeds · 3 years
[This response might be a bit short until the next one 🧍🏿‍♂️]
Upon the sudden switch of holders, Anya would slowly stir from her interrupted nap, confused. Her eyes hadn't been adjusted all too well without her glasses so they were still closed. That in mind, she wanted to know why her pillows(Kaito honkers) changed.
Her hand grabbed the first thing it was near.. That thing having felt squishy. And round.. Was it the top of a teddy bear? A ball?
The currently blind girl would give a few more squeezes before her eyes would shoot open and wide, travelling down to where her hand had been grabbing in horror. Due to this being the world it was, Anya's entire body would flush a dangerous and steaming red, her ahoge straightening along with it. Anya's hand had been grabbing:
Tenko's boob.
Tenko, the girl who'd been so kind to take her into her literal arms, boob.
And apparently everyone had Fumiko idiot syndrome because her hand was still on it due to her shock.
"T-Tenko I-I-I-Im-Oh gee im-I didn't mean to-"
She hated this.
Kaede would cease walking upon the detectives worrying, listening to his concerns however with an understanding, yet sad smile. While she understood why he was worrying about this,
It really made her wanting to confess so much harder. She was glad Anya survived. Truly she had been. She had the chance to apologize to her, to her classmates,
To Shuichi.
"And you said you're not a detective."She'd say with a sweet tone accompanied with a smile. She'd give a friendly peck on his forehead easily before walking.
"Cmon Detective Shuichi. I'm sure we'll get our answers in due time, yeah?"
"... Eh?" Tenko's reaction had been delayed, face neutral and still registering Anya's grip on her breast.
Just give her a few seconds.
"Hhhh-" Tenko felt a wave of dizziness hit her, and despite the sudden feeling, she still managed to stand upright and hold Anya safely, all while her face heated up like a ripening tomato.
Kaito had been watching with wide eyes, before suddenly whipping his head away and clearing his throat. "Yup, time for me to go." Kaito shortly left after announcing his excuse, face red and eyes wide from second-hand embarrassment for both Anya and Tenko.
Not gonna lie though, he was a bit jealous he had lost the chance of Anya squeezing his boob.
Tenko didn't say a word as she continued into her room — other than a couple of flustered squeaks and whimpers that managed to slip out of her mouth.
She somehow didn't notice Kirumi standing in the middle of the room the whole time she set Anya down her bed and sped-walked to her bathroom, mumbling what she thought was a, "One second, please." but was actually a, "Whoenshuocnsplsasae."
One second of silence passed, the sound of a slap could be heard from outside the bathroom, followed by a, "Get it together Tenko!"
Shortly after 2 more seconds passed, the sound of the door handle being loudly fiddled with, followed by the door slamming open, rang out into the entire room. "Wait a second! Since when could you talk!?" Her dumbass didn't seem to realize it earlier, as she was too busy repeating in her head; "Anya's grabbing my boob. Anya's grabbing my boob. Anya's grabbing my boob. Anya's grabbing my boob. Anya's grabbing my-"
"Wait! When was- How did- Kirumi why are you in my room!?" Now, Tenko wasn't complaining per se, she could recognize that her entire room had looked way nicer than it did before; but she was still very disoriented from earlier, and now she was just more confused.
Kirumi calmly replied as she tucked Anya in neatly, lightly patting her head in a motherly way before reaching for the medkit. "As a maid, I will always tend to my duties; nothing is impossible when I receive an order." It was a slightly intimidating sentence, even the ultimate aikido master could admit that.
“But I’m only a tr-” Shuichi cut off his own protest, realizing he probably wouldn't be able to win anyway.
"... Yeah, you're.. Probably right." He sounded uncertain but decided to follow behind her anyway, seeing as how there really was nowhere to go but forward in their situation. He'd only hope things would start to make more sense as Monokuma cleared things up.
As they both made their way to the dining hall, (mostly) every one had already been gathered there — and as soon as they stepped inside, the annoying bear suddenly bounced up and into the room out of nowhere.
"Monokuma! What's going on-" Tsumigi had been rudely interrupted by the bear.
"How would I know?! This wasn't supposed to happen, damn it!" Monokuma threw a mini-tantrum, before pausing and going stiff as he seemed to suddenly realize something.
If dread could be shown on a stuffed bear's face, that'd be the expression Monokuma had been holding at that moment.
"Haha, whoopsies! Wasn't supposed to say that! Just ignore what I said, got it?" Monokuma left and quickly as he came, leaving everyone disgruntled and confused, only holding more questions before.
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sinfulwonders · 4 years
Here is another Oumasai one! So way back in February when I lost my Valentine’s Day oneshot (stupid old ass computer) I started trying to rewrite it, but it was just too demoralizing to try and redo all of my work. ;_; But here’s the beginning of that oneshot that never came to pass.
“Puhuhuhu!” The maniacal chuckle of Monokuma sounded through the halls of The Ultimate Academy. It made Shuichi tense, clutching the breakfast table tightly, trying not to panic.
It had been a few days now, since Kaede had… well Shuichi tried not to think about it. He tried not to think about a lot of things, actually. He had to move forward. For her and also to survive. That’s why he no longer hid under his hat.
He had to be strong.
A hand waved in front of his face wildly, “Earth to Saihara-chan! Helllllo?”
“Ah,” Shuichi shook his head as if to get rid of his thoughts, “Sorry, did you need something Ouma-kun?”
Kokichi sighed dramatically, “Did you even hear what the bear said? C’monnnn Detective, you’re making it wayyy too easy to kill you! You even zoned out allll by yourself with your back to the door!” He let out an evil sounding laugh, “If I hadn’t taken pity on you, you would have been one dead detective, right?”
“Oh, uh, I’m sorry,” The detective said quietly. He wished he had his hat to hide under.
Kokichi grinned, “It’s fine!” It was crazy how quickly Kokichi could change expressions, his smile darkening in a split second, “Just know that next time I may not be so generous!”
Shuichi tried not to think about that, instead stuttering out, “W-what did Monokuma say?”
“Oh yeah!” The boy was back to his lighthearted self, quickly throwing his hands behind his head, “We hav’ta report to the gym!” He tugged Shuichi up to his feet, pulling him down the hall, “C’mon Mister Detective!”
Shuichi couldn’t help a small smile as the supreme leader enthusiastically dragged him down the hallway.
It seems that they were the last to arrive.
Well, not quite last, as when they entered, the dreadful laugh of their mechanical bear echoed around them.
“Puhuhuhu! Today’s a special day, kiddos!”
“What’re you talking about?!” Momota growled at the bear.
“That’s a wonderful question!” The bear replied happily, tilting his head, “Well ya see, usually this school is all about murder and mayhem, as you very well know,” He winked specifically at Shuichi, causing the detective to visibly cringe into himself, “Puhuhu! But this just so happens to be the one day a year where the people wanna see sparks fly rather than heads!”
“Nyeh. Trying to understand you is a pain…” Himiko grumbled, Tenko instantly fawning over her.
“Hehehe, don’t worry about it Sabrina! All ya need to know is that the votes are in!”
“Votes?” Angie tilted her head curiously.
“Mhmm! So everybody listen up! I’m gonna call your names two atta time and your gonna get your asses over to me, kapeesh?”
The students didn’t get time to answer before the robotic bear barked out the first two names, “Chabashira and Yumeno!” He chuckled, “Gotta start out with the obvious ones, right?”
Tenko squealed happily, “Oooh! Himiko we’re on the same team!!!!”
“What a pain…” Himiko mumbled as she trudged over to the bear.
“Draw two cards! And don’t open em up till I say so!”
The aikido master quickly did so, and they retreated back to the where they stood. Quickly more pairs were created, Kaito and Maki and Miu and Kiibo. Shuichi shifted his weight uncomfortably as he waited to be called.
Angie and Korekiyo. Kirumi and Ryoma. Gonta and Tsumugi.
“And we’re down to the final two! Get over here!”
Shuichi plodded over to the bear with Kokichi skipping behind him happily. He quickly grabbed the two remaining pieces of paper.
“Alright open em up!”
Shuichi slowly pulled open the slips of paper, Kokichi leaning around him to see as well.
“What’s it say! Ooh ooh!” The supreme leader bounced excitedly on his feet.
“Ah. Umm, ‘Courtyard’ and ‘Picnic?’”
Kaito shouted out, “What the hell does ‘Casino’ and ‘Massage’ even mean?!”
Monokuma let out a soft chuckle, “Oh ho ho! Well ya see, you each got a location and an activity to complete! Ya have to go there for the day with the person you’ve been paired with. And if sparks fly then they fly! Whatever happens happens! Oh, but there will be no killings today! Well, unless you reaaaaallly wanna! After all, who am I to stop you crazy kids?”
“How the fuck am I supposed to be stargazing in the freakin’ dining hall?!” Miu shouted, hands on her hips.
“Don’t worry! All equipment will be provided for the evening! Did’ya think all those prizes in the casino were just for show? We got everything you kids need for a super romantic evening!”
“R-romantic?” Tsumugi whimpered, her eyes widening.
“Ah, shucks! I hate spoilers! Oh well, off ya go, kids! Have fun and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” Shuichi wasn’t quite sure how the mechanical bear managed to wink at them before disappearing once again.
The group stood around for a while, no one really bothering saying anything, before Miu irritatingly muttered something about not wanting to ‘fuckin’ die’ because she didn’t follow the bear’s orders. So the group slowly tapered off, until the only remaining students were Shuichi, Kokichi, Maki, and Kaito.
“Man, I guess we gotta figure out whatever the hell this massage is,” Kaito sighed, staring at the crossroads, the casino lingering to the group’s left, “But I’m sure whatever it is, we’ll get through it, right Maki Roll?”
“Do you want to die?” Maki shot daggers at the astronaut so potent that Shuichi flinched.
But Kaito just laughed it off, putting an arm around Shuichi and saying, “Take care, okay! And I’ll see ya for training tonight!”
“Y-yeah,” Shuichi smiled, and then suddenly he and the supreme leader were very alone.
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kasshara · 4 years
After going through some hallways and up some stairs, the three reach there homeroom class. Kasshara hasn't even opened the door yet and she already hears the others talking. As soon as they walk inside, everyone stops to look at them, with a few comments.
"Oh we have two more?"
"More Freinds? Hooray!"
"Another girl, yes!"
"That plush is just plainly cute!"
Wow, first day of school and people are already talking about you. Great...
After more gossip the professor came in, Mr. Stimecz, and talked about the basic rules for Hope Peak. "To finish off this homeroom, why don't you all introduce yourselves and what talent you have." It went row by row, and I learned about my classmates. I of course already know about Shuichi, but we have:
Kaede Akamastu: Ultimate Pianist
Rantaro Amami: Ultimate Adventurer
Ryoma Hoshi: Ultimate Tennis Pro
Kirumi Tojo: Ultimate Maid
Angie Yonaga: Ultimate Artist
Tenko Chabashira: Ultimate Aikido Master
Korekiyo Shinguji: Ultimate Anthropologist
Gonta Gokuhara: Ultimate Entomologist
Miu Iruma: Ultimate Inventer
Kokichi Oma: Ultimate Supreme Leader
Kaito Momota: Ultimate Astronaut
Maki Harukawa: Ultimate Assassin
Himiko Yumeno: Ultimate Mage
K1B0/Keebo: Ultimate Robot
Tsumugi Shirogane: Ultimate Cosplayer
This was going to be a fun time.
//Hey ya, mod Yoshikass here. Just want to point out really quickly that yes, you can ask questions for the other students, but this blog is focused around my OC. Also for anyone curious, down below is the seating chart for this class.
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airyravenmaid · 4 years
V3 Talentswap AU
Self-control who, don’t know her
I’ve been doing a little collaboration with my dear friend @dreamydiamond putting together a full-on Talentswap for the V3 peeps bc everyone likes different talent AU’s, don’t they? At this moment in time, there is no exact designated protag/deuterag/antag-rival/Mastermind bc it’s literally just been fun old brainstorming, but here are some brief, general descriptions of what’s what under the cut.
Ultimate Pianist - Toujou Kirumi: Enjoys making others happy with her music and will play (almost) any song asked of her, though she seems to have an unspoken preference towards softer tempo songs. Open to learning as many different kinds of songs as possible from her beliefs of music being the number one thing to soothe even the savagest of beasts. Took over piano from her mentor who suffered a serious hand injury and was left unable to play any longer, also prompting her to wear gloves in case she ever went through the same fate.
Ultimate Detective - Shinguuji Korekiyo: (NOT A FUGGING SERIAL KILLER HERE; THIS IS A HOUSE OF CHRIST) Dedicated primarily to his work that will someday make him a full-fledged sleuth without his parents’ aid. Gained notoriety as a sleuth following a domestic abuse case ending with the arrest of his (now disowned) elder sister, but wasn’t able to leave without the trauma that came with it. As a result, he’s rather apprehensive when it comes to non-platonic relationships and prefers to direct as much of his focus away from them as possible.
Ultimate Astronaut - Ouma Kokichi: A misanthropic astronaut-in-training with one goal in mind: conquering the galaxy and destroying the planet with nary a drop of mercy for anyone else. Believes he’s higher and mightier than any “Earthling scum” and will gladly show so, using contradictions and fibs to hide what well may be his true self buried underneath. Nonetheless, he seems interested in seeing if there are any “rare ones” that could somehow prove to be worth his time, but severely doubts he could be stood corrected. Could he?
Ultimate Magician - Harukawa Maki: The self-proclaimed master of the arcana and dark arts, she often secludes herself from others in order to perfect her spells and concoctions, believing non-magical creatures may “curse” her and leave her efforts for naught. Having used to do magic shows before growing to hate them and quitting, she also seems to be a reluctant hit with children despite the frigid, unfriendly exterior she gives at first glance. Warns people that magic isn’t a toy or show gag, but is very seldom heeded and brushed off as “crazy”.
Ultimate Aikido Master - Saihara Shuichi: Initially bullied to no end by his peers, he sought martial arts as his way out after taking advice from his beloved uncle and developed an adequate way to defend himself. Because of this, he’s highly disciplined and doesn’t believe something as sacred as aikido should be used for any other reason. Being easily startled, it’s not wise to try and sneak up on or spook him; you will get tossed at best and en route to the hospital for broken ribs at worst as a result.
Ultimate Child Caregiver/Assassin - Akamatsu Kaede: Started out as a simple daycare assistant that’s a born natural with children, but was later taken by a mysterious organization and brainwashed using a sleeper code to test her capabilities. Following her first kill that she doesn’t remember, she was then actively trained into a killer-for-hire, which she’s done everything in her power to keep a secret from the children and everyone else. Some say that uttering her old code will temporarily re-activate her deadly trance, but that’s just a silly rumor! ...Right?
Ultimate Cosplayer - Yumeno Himiko: A longtime lover of the magical girl genre that fell in love with their colorful designs and longed to recreate their outfits for her own to don. Had gotten her first taste of sewing work from having to patch up holes in her clothes and others, which eventually grew with modifying her school uniforms to fit her smaller stature and paved the path to cosplay. Sets up stands at conventions that sell cosplay outfits and wigs for a “reasonable” (to her, at least) price, if only to make up for being terrible at delivering adequate fanart of her favorite mahou shoujou anime shows.
Ultimate Robot - 10-K0, aka “Tenko”: A fully functional android programmed with an intense dislike of robophobes and “degenerate males” created by the esteemed Professor Chabashira (who is also male, but she greatly reveres him and the contradiction hasn’t clicked yet). Has a great sense of empathy and can get a good reading on someone using a simple scan, and despite not being entirely invincible, will serve as a protector for any fair maiden that needs her.
Ultimate Entomologist - Iidabashi Kiibo: More in-tuned to befriend bugs than people as a result of (and resulting in) being harassed by other children over the years, but managed to not let his heart turn bitter from it nonetheless. The son of a biologist father, he grew to discover his own research with arachnids and insects to learn the lifestyles of such small creatures that play such a big role in everyday life. Though he loves his bugs, he also seems to yearn for a human friend to call his own that actually accepts him and his “bizarre” interests.
Ultimate Artist - Gokuhara Gonta: Lost in the woods from an early age, he fell in love with nature and sought to find a way of immortalizing it to its fullest potential. His large size and massive strength make him best at creating sculptures, but his unexpectedly gentle hands are what helps convey his muse through paintings and sketches. Still an aspiring gentleman that hopes to show his sophisticated works to the world, but is also prone to aggressive outbursts when faced with intense enough artist’s block and seeing his art be disrespected.
Ultimate ??? - Hoshi Ryouma: Doesn’t remember too much about his talent or past life save for vague flashes hinting towards it, which he’s only gathered that he’d done something atrocious to warrant being on the lam and sent running to too many places all over the globe. In spite of his amnesia, it seems he doesn’t care if he never gets those memories back if the implied crimes were too horrible to recall in the first place.
Ultimate Inventor - Amami Rantaro: Shown a gift for tinkering at a young age, though was initially apprehensive with making it too big of a deal and making it his primary living in life until he came to enjoy doing so over time. Makes small gadgets for his younger sisters and larger, more complex gadgets that would be beneficial to anyone even if technically in the “prototype” stage. Overall leans more towards making things that’d be useful and not just for fun, but if he trusts someone enough, he’ll likely be more up for bending that rule just a little.
Ultimate Anthropologist - Yonaga Angie: A devout traveler who’s been all over the globe following the word of different religions believing she is the vessel for every deity ever known. Personally prefers the word of her home island’s god, but beckons to all depending on their culture’s faith. Carefully studies humanity in seeing how vast they are in everyday life and primarily looks into their creation myths and pantheon.
Ultimate Supreme Leader - Shirogane Tsumugi: Claims to have been raised into the line of succession for a dangerous organization she believes will bring the downfall of man itself if crossed too much. Wonders how such a “plain” girl such as herself wound up in such a position of power and blames it solely on good luck, but isn’t complaining much otherwise. The day she’s in charge is the day she plans on making the best she’s ever lived.
Ultimate Tennis Pro - Momota Kaito: The unlikely “Shining Star of the Court” that’s come a long way in conquering tennis leagues from all over the nation, but seems to be hiding something he fears will hinder his athleticism. Advocates for keeping a healthy lifestyle both in diet and physiology, and aims to train as hard as he can to stay almost invincible in the face of difficulty. Won’t hold back during a game, but wants his opponents to have as fair of a shot as possible against him if they intend to win.
Ultimate Maid - Iruma Miu: Started from a poorer background and needed to find a way to make a better living for herself, so what better way than putting her “natural good looks” to great use? Is very good at what she does, but her inappropriate comments and nature makes everyone hesitant to trust things she’s prepared in addition to finding her “sexy maid” jokes too off-putting to laugh at. Thinks her skills are better than sliced bread and bellows how people should be thankful for needing her, but one mistake pops her bravado like a bubble and she crinkles at the slightest criticisms.
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imaginedanganronpa · 5 years
Hello may I please request Drv3's cast as remnants of despair? thank you ^-^
I love Remnant of Despair AUs :) Thank you for the fun Request, I hope you like it!Also, I’m going to shamelessly self-plug here because I also did a DR1 Version of the Remnants of Despair, too! If you like this, check that one out, too!
Again, obvious Warnings for Su*cide Mentions, D*pression/Violence/Murder, etc. and Spoilers for V3!
NDRV3 Cast As The Remnants of Despair!
Kaede Akamatsu
Kaede would be one of the hardestpeople to bring onto the side of Despair and puts up a valiant fight againstJunko’s tactics, but even she can’t stay immune forever. After hours of picking her brain, she finally succumbed to the feeling.
Like Ibuki and Hiyoko, Kaede would hold Despair inducing concerts thatbrainwashed her audience, preaching about how they should all spread Despair. Her songs also encouraged murder and suicide and the music notes would be fine-tuned into high-pitched sounds that diminish your brain into mush and physically hurt to listen to.
Those notes are modified by Miu to infect others with Despair, like an auditory brainwashing technique.
Although Kaede would pretend to be a sweetheart and maintain her innocent personality, she would have great influence over her fans. As a very prominent musician, she would start preaching to her fans to follow Despair and do the unthinkable. Most of her younger followers were turned into minions of the Warriors of Hope, while her older audience succumbed to Despair and committed unimaginable crimes.
Kaede now wears her hair in double ponytails, like Junko, and wears Monokuma hairpins as well.
Saihara Shuichi
Saihara would resist the Despair for as long as possible, but would break when shown falsified videos of Kaede’s death.
In retaliation, his first act as a Remnant would be murdering the uncle he was so close to and complicating his death so that it would never be solved. He would do so in such a disturbingly violent and brutal fashion that it sends chills down the Forensic Investigator’s spines. Complicating other’s deaths is something he continues to do as well.
Saihara’s next course of action was to set the violent criminals he put in prison free and kill the guards who watched over them, laughing maniacally as he did so and spreading Despair to the inmates.
This lead to the criminals rampaging through the city, destroying it in Junko’s name. They would set the courthouse on fire and he would stand on top of the rubble, overlooking the destruction with a satisfied grin.
He would encourage them to vandalize Japan and actively force them to commit crimes like breaking into people’s homes and murder. Saihara directly caused the crime-rates in the city to skyrocket.
He would be much more violent as a Remnant. Where Saihara used to be frailer and weak, he would now be hostile and lash out as he showed little remorse for the justice system.
Maki Harukawa
Maki would be more resilienttowards the Despair and wouldn’t succumb as easily as her classmates, butultimately even she can’t escape its clutches. She would spew threats at Junko as she picked at her brain, and would become a valuable ally on her side.
Maki would use her true talent as the Ultimate Assassin to battle against themembers of the Future Foundation. Her mass amounts of assault weaponry wouldcome in handy as she sits in a tank driven by the other minions of Junko and mows down the Future Foundation’s army with a military-grade assault rifle and machine gun.
But she is also skilled in hand-to-hand combat and directly gets involved in the battle. Maki would likely infiltrate the Future Foundation Killing Game if it goes on for too long and assassinate the members participating, giving them no hope of ever finding the Traitor among them.
She would spread Despair to adults by masking as the Ultimate Child Caregiver andmurdering their children in front of them, driving most of the adults to suicide or madness.
Maki’s personality wouldn’t change very much, though. She would still be cold and distant, only a bit more unstable mentally.
Ouma Kokichi
He would be much easier tosway onto their side. Although, he would still be extremely sarcastic in theprocess, Ouma would be more open to Despair since he finds it intriguing. He would be one of the only Ultimates to willingly side with Junko out of boredom.
Ouma would then bring the rest of the members of DICE onto the side of Despair,enslaving them while forcing them to do the unthinkable and kill their families.
DICE already participated in heinous acts, but their crimes would only increase in severity as Remnant Ouma leads them, and anyone who tried to leave his organization or fight against the Despair would get publicly executed to set an example.
They would wreak havoc on the streets of Japan, vandalizing and destroying the city and physically lashing out against both the innocent bystanders and the law enforcement trying to stop them.
Ouma would lead a horde of Monokuma through the streets as their self-proclaimed leader, and command them to participate in countless crimes alongside DICE. He becomes a Supreme Leader over the Drones and Exisals, marching in the front of the pack and telling them what to do.
Himiko Yumeno
Obviously, Himiko wouldbring others onto the side of Despair through hypnosis and her magic. She would hold Despair-inducing Magic Shows where she used both her talent and a video that Junko and Miu created to brainwash her massive audience.
Her Show would be held in the Central Park of the city to reach a large number of people. Many families, including young children, would unknowingly attend, believing it to be a normal Magic Show. Her hypnosis would convince the younger children to join the Warriors of Hope, and the older audience to fall in line behind Junko, jumping on the vandalizing and violence bandwagon.
As a Remnant, Himiko would be much more cruel and cold, although her laziness would disappear. She would also use Tenko and string her along, abusing the poor girl, who actually wouldn’t mind.
Himiko would further herself into Despair, killing the ‘useless’ animals she had raised for her Shows. Her doves, rabbits - animals of that nature would be slaughtered and fed to her larger animals.
And the tigers, pythons, and other dangerous animals used in her acts would be set free after being put under hypnosis to kill anyone in their path.
Rantaro Amami
Rantaro wouldn’t be as easy tobrainwash: he is the Ultimate Survivor after all, and has powered through this once before; but even he can’t hold on forever. Even his determination wouldn’t be strong enough to resist the Despair.
The first thing he would do after becoming a Remnant is sacrifice all twelve ofhis sisters, murdering and mutilating them in violent ways and offering them up as sacrificesto Junko. Rantaro would feel no remorse as he did this, a sick grin forming on his face.
He is a naturally calm and relaxed person, but his personality twists into something much more chilling and disturbing. Rantaro has a way of smooth-talking others, which he could use when trying to lure the others onto the side of Despair. He could easily beckon people onto his side with his natural charm.
Normally, he doesn’t like to use his sexuality or good-looks and is uncomfortable with romance, but he would seduce others only to kill them and watch the life drain from their eyes, similar to Mikan.
And he would use his talent to travel around the world and spread Despair to other cultures, gaining a massive following in the process.
Tenko Chabashira
Tenko would snap very quickly since her will-power isn’t as strong as she would like to admit. After becoming a Remnant, she would starve herself until she was thin and frail, but still wouldn’t lose her physical strength.
She would mainly be used as a tool to fight against the Future Foundation, like Junko’s personal attack dog. Tenko would be used against the Future Foundation but also against innocent civilians who refused to succumb to Despair. Anyone who tried resisting would get ruthlessly slaughtered by the Aikido Master.
She would fall madly in love with Junko and do anything for her, seeing her in a God-like status.
Tenko would also obsess over Himiko more than she already did, though her personality would be much more outwardly perverted. To fuel her own Despair, she would try to strangle the small Magician, ultimately failing.
She makes it her goal to kill any degenerate male who refuses to bow down to Junko; men are the main group that she kills in acts of Despair.
And to further herself even more, she burns down the Neo-Aikido Temple that she trained and grew up in, slaughtering her former Masters in the process. Tenko drives herself crazy as she stands among the rubble of what used to be the Temple she loved so much.
All Junko had to do to turn Kiibointo a Remnant is reprogram him, so his transition was immediate and his personality completely flipped. Afterbecoming Remnants, Miu would also upgrade him to become a full-fledged killingmachine.
Kiibo becomes ruthless, no longer caring about anyone else and feeling little to no emotion. The voices he heard in his head would be reprogrammed, so rather than the public controlling him, he was only controlled by Junko and would be forced to do anything she wanted.
He would use his guns and weapons as an unstoppable force against the Future Foundation. He becomes the main weapon used against them, like a tool, unable to be destroyed. Kiibo’s eyes turn red and he is much more sinister as he flies above their heads and rains bullets upon them, going on a full blown rampage.
In an act of Despair, he also murders Professor Idabashi, since he was unsuccessful the first time he lashed out. Killing the man who created him brought an overwhelming amout of Despair to Kiibo, which is the only thing he can feel anymore.
And he uses his bombs to blow up buildings, as well as dropping grenades and fire-bombs onto the Future Foundation’s Army and Hope’s Peak’s building, completely destroying them.
Miu Iruma
She absolutely falls in love withDespair and starves herself into a husk to satisfy Junko; she very easily joins the side of Despair, almost willingly.
Miu would create inventions to bring people onto the side of Despair, taking great influence and inspiration from Junko.
She becomes the Head of the Robotics Department and would be the one in charge of creating all of the Monokuma and Exisals that rampage through the streets. She’s the one who created all of the Drones that invaded Towa City as well, her machines are programmed to invade the streets and kill as many people as possible. 
Miu would often sit inside the Exisals or have her Drones carry her so she could watch their destruction up close and personal, laughing evilly as they burn the city to the ground and take countless innocent lives.
With her knowledge of technology and the way it messes with the human mind, Miu creates a Despair inducing video similar to the one that brainwashed her; it’s the same one Kaede uses in her performances. She designed it to bring anyone who watches it onto the Remnant’s side.
She would still be a loudmouth, who preaches about Despair from inside her Exisals and screams insults belittling the people of Japan.
Kaito Momota
Before entering his Killing Game, Kaito auditioned with the intentions of killing as many people as possible for fame. After becoming a Remnant, his true psychopathic personality would take over and he would once again be fueled by the desire to earn fame and success.
Kaito would lash out against his fellow Remnants, especially Maki, but when that ultimately fails, he would turn towards slaughtering innocent civilians for seemingly no reason.
He becomes power-hungry and wants to conquer the world. He kills others just for the fun of it all, finding enjoyment out of watching others suffer at his mercy.
Using his talent as the Ultimate Astronaut, Kaito invades the Japanese Space Station and sends nuclear missiles to other countries to take as many lives as possible and start a war between nations. Afterwards, he would blow up the remaining missiles and kill his fellow Astronauts and scientists in the Station.
And Kaito would spread the Disease that he was infected with in the Killing Game, trying to make as many people ill as possible. With one of Miu’s inventions, he would launch the airborne Disease into Japan, which causes a countless number of people to become sick and hopeless.
Angie Yonaga
As a Remnant of Despair, Angiewould abandon Atua since it was the only thing that used to give her Hope and faith in the world, but she doesn’t need that anymore…
She goes on to destroy her former places of worship and delve herself deeper into Despair,laughing as she did so. Angie would go back to her home-island and destroy Atua’s Shrine and Temple, spreading Despair to her people and bringing them onto her side.
Anyone who refused to cooperate would be sacrificed and killed. Angie would recreate her religion to worship not Atua, but Junko, and lead her followers to sinful, Despairing acts. They would all follow her orders and abandon their religion for Despair, with Angie as their spokesperson.
Using her talent as the Ultimate Artist, Angie would also create dark, large, disturbing pieces depicting murder, death, and suicide, among other unsettling concepts and ideas. She would display them in public places where they would be seen often to strike a chord with viewers.
Her unsettling artwork would only further people into depression and emphasize that they had nothing left other than Despair. Angie would also create a large statue of Junko representing her as the nation’s new leader, which also influenced viewers to follow in her footsteps.
Korekiyo Shinguuji
If his sister was still alive, he would kill her and use her as a sacrifice to Junko. Unfortunately, he doesn’t have that option, so he continues with his quest to send ‘friends’ to her in the afterlife. Those friends also become sacrifices to satisfy Junko.
As a Remnant, Korekiyo would be more outwardly perverted and hostile than normal. He would be very easily brainwashed and would fall in love with the feeling of Despair, doing anything in his power to deepen his own mindset.
He would slowly lose his mind and his grip on reality. Korekiyo would become unstable and his moves will be unpredictable, likely becoming a  killer who murders others for the sake of entertainment. He is much less compassionate, but now cold and heartless. The only thing he can think of anymore is Despair.
But he uses his talent to travel to other places and spread Despair to other societies, preaching about how beautiful Despair is. Korekiyo continues leaving a trail of bodies in his path for not only his sister, but also for Junko, and uses his status as an Anthropologist to convince others to join him in Despair. Anyone who didn’t listen would become one of his sister’s friends.
He gains a large following, almost like a cult. He travels from country to country, bringing more people onto his side and becoming a prominent figure in many cultures.
Kirumi Tojo
Being the firecracker that she is, she would try to run away and fight against the brainwashing tactics, but it wouldn’t work.
As the Prime Minister of her country, Kirumi hasgreat power over others and would convince her people to commit suicide andwreak havoc among the streets in the name of Despair.
She would order her people to follow in hers and Junko’s footsteps or be killed, commanding her Army to kill anyone who tries to refuse or escape, which is ironic since that was exactly what she did in the Killing Game.
Kirumi has great influence over others and directs her people to commit suicide to fuel their Despair, and watching her followers drop like flies only dragged her down even more. She holds large public meetings and events where she tries to persuade others to join her, and this works since she is so powerful.
But Kirumi also becomes the Head over the fight against the FutureFoundation. Since she is so persuasive, she becomes a leader alongside Tsumugi, militarily commanding her friends like Maki, Tenko and Gonta, as well as Junko’s average minions, telling them how to fight and creating strategies to defeat the Future Foundation.
She is like the Remnant’s voice of reason, speaking on their behalf as the other Remnants worship her as their parental figure. She loses her own sanity and gains a power-trip, her ego skyrocketing.
Gonta Gokuhara
Gonta would be very resilient, not wanting to give into the brainwashing techniques, but he isn’t the strongest man mentally so he easily breaks and succumbs to Despair.
With that said, he completely ditches his gentlemanly persona and becomes an evil, cruel person. Gonta couldn’t care less about anyone else and becomes increasingly violent and hostile; due to his size and strength he becomes a terrifying, unstoppable force.
He would still be quite gullible, so he’s easy to boss around and does anything Junko tells him to do, like a mindless servant. She is the only person he cares for and respects: the only one he is a gentleman towards.
In relation to his talent, Gonta would infest people’s homes with insects in an attempt to force them to love bugs, but these aren’t just any ordinary insects: they are artificial Monokuma-bugs created by Miu.
Their purpose is to infect others with Despair through bug-bites and they are commanded by Gonta, doing what he says and going where he wants them to go. After being bitten by one of his bugs, you will fall into a deep, dark Despair and can be controlled by Junko.
He has an entire Army of these revolting insects that he can use on a whim. They crawl down the streets in a sea of insects, infecting others with Despair and spreading pathogens; they help spread Kaito’s illness.
Gonta also uses his brute strength as a weapon against the members of the Future Foundation, under Junko’s orders. He will be used as a killing machine, directly jumping into the battle and using physical force to combat them.
Tsumugi Shirogane
Tsumugi would become similar toMukuro and serve under Junko, helping brainwash others and pick at their brains. She would also be Junko’s test-subject for new torture methods and hypnosis videos.
Tsumugi was already overcome with Despair before her Killing Game and likely was the one who helped brainwash her classmates, so she’s been a Remnant this entire time. It was her idea to offer her classmates up as sacrifices, manipulating their talents to spread Despair to the rest of the world.
And she loved watching them all fall like dominoes, it only drove her deeper into her own madness. Tsumugi loved watching the chaos her classmates were responsible for, feeling a sense of pride knowing that she helped create this.
She would also use her talent to Cosplay as, or essentially disguise, herself as others to frame them for the Remnant’s crimes. She could disguise herself as certain Future Foundation members and incriminate them by planting fake ‘evidence’ of their involvement with the Remnants, causing many of them to be executed by the Foundation or thrown into prison. In reality, it was just Tsumugi pinning everything on them to prevent them from stopping the true Remnants crimes.
She would be Junko’s punching bag and servant, working endlessly to please her Master. She does anything Junko tells her to do and falls madly in love with the blonde, becoming her new second-in-command.
Ryoma Hoshi
It was very easy to brainwash Ryoma into becoming a Remnant of Despair; he was already depressed enough, so it didn’t take a lot to finally break him.
Remnant Ryoma would still be depressed, but more outwardly hostile and violent towards others. He is much more cruel and corrupted and this feeling of Despair becomes his reason to live.
He doesn’t have a lot of influence over others and his loved ones are already dead, so in order to spread Despair, Ryoma would work towards slaughtering the remaining Mafia members who took his loved one’s lives.
This strikes fear into the Mafia members who managed to escape his wrath, but those who did escape would be turned towards Despair, becoming very valuable allies with ties to a larger Army.
And Ryoma would become their new leader. He becomes a very prominent, deadly figure as he is the new leader of an entire Mafia organization, all of which are ready to aid the Remnants in the fight against the Future Foundation. He commands them to join in the fight, adding another complicated layer to the battle.
Using his talent, Ryoma would persuade and challenge others to unwinnable Tennis matches where they would work so hard that they dropped from exhaustion, pushing others to their absolute limits. Once they were down for the count, he would hypnotize them into joining Despair and add his colleagues to his own Army.
- Mod Rantaro
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storytell · 4 years
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❛     stay  back  ,  you  degenerate  male  !  i  can  tell  you’re  up  to  something  !     ❜
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Hope you didn’t miss the DRTC AU too much!
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It took forever to edit, but with the rough bits out of the way, I can safely say that chapter three is finally here!
Thank God, it’s Danganpocalypse Chapter 3!
A loud crash sounded, making the ground beneath everyone’s feet tremble.
“This isn’t necessarily ideal.”
“That’s one way to put it!” 
Kaito was almost back to back with the Ultimate Neo Aikido master in retaliation to the feeling of everything falling apart, leaving them defenseless to whatever was going to be coming their way. An indignant yelp sounded from Tenko as a hand grabbed her ankle with ferocity. A zombie pinned by a portion of the second floor tried to pull her closer to it's gnashing mouth. She started trying to rip her leg from its grasp, only for it to remain attached. Tenko grabbed onto Kaito’s jacket for some sort of stability as she screamed for it to release her. Suddenly, there was no tension on her leg. A serrated survival knife had swiftly chopped at the wrist on the marred hand, causing it to stay attached to her but not be a problem. The zombie continued to flail it's rotted appendage at Tenko.
“It’s not that hard, I mean it.” A girl with short black hair picked herself off the ground and walked over to the knife, picking it up from where it laid and rubbing off some of the gross remnants onto her pants.
“That isn’t something most girls would do, y’know,” Kaito stated, grimacing a bit.
“So? This isn’t a circumstance most girls wouldn’t find themselves in. Adapting is the best way to do things.” She put the knife in its holster before looking at the other two in a questioning manner. Kaito was about to raise an objection when Tenko cut him off excitedly.
“That was amazing, Junko! I’m seriously impressed-- the way you took that zombie down so effortlessly had me shook.” Tenko grabbed the other girl’s hands with a bright smile. A pink tint touched her cheeks before she quickly shook her head, smiling a little bit.
“I don’t suppose it was that cool. That was just the most tactful approach I could think of.” Tenko continued to fawn over her while Kaito looked around the new rubble. While it was hard to see at first glance, more and more hands started popping into vision along with other body parts finding their way to the surface. Kaito held back a disgusting feeling in his throat and grabbed Tenko much to her dismay and started running fearfully. It took one glance before Junko realized that she should be running too. She caught up with her group easily, keeping pace and calmly surveying her surroundings for other threats.
The group ran for what seemed like forever, their feet starting to throb in pain. Kaito cursed himself for his sense of fashion, but he couldn't pass up a pair of galaxy slippers, knowing full well that they wouldn’t be able to stay together past the following couple days. 
“How the hell are you not complaining about your feet while you run in your geta? It just doesn’t make sense!” Kaito yelled to Tenko, who was now on her own two feet running towards what looked like a junkyard.
“Training for long hours every day definitely helped, meaning you have no excuse to be whining about your footwear! Isn’t training for anything aeronautical hard, or do they just let any degenerate male in?!” Tenko retorted, causing Kaito to shut up. They made their way to the rusty scenery, piling into a small office building on the side of it to rest. Everyone in the building struggled to catch their breath while barricading the door. When they had finally managed to make it hard to get through, Kaito had fallen to the ground, taking a knee and groaning.
He looked at his leg, which he knew had been infected only an hour before. He looked back up at the two girls in chairs talking to one another, and his heart sank. He wasn’t ready for his hero work to be done, especially when there were still people out there that needed him. He still wanted to recruit sidekicks and live his life for those who were afraid to do things for themselves. He bit his lip, pondering whether or not to break the news while they had a place to breathe.
“You look like you have something on your mind, what’s up?” Junko asked, kneeling in front of the man with curious eyes. He blinked a couple times before backing up on instinct. He paused for a moment before deciding on what to do.
“I was just thinking about some of my previous sidekicks. You remind me of one of them. Maki roll had a hard time tackling her greatest enemy, and I can’t help but think that you’re doing the same thing.” He confronted. While it wasn’t what was actively on his mind, he figured now would be a good time to bring up what had been bothering him before.
“...” The shocked silence filled the building with a tension that was hard to cut through at first, but Kaito was determined to get to the bottom of it. He stood back up, ignoring the dull pain in his leg as he did so.
“Well? What’s your enemy?” He challenged, making Junko close her eyes and sigh. She got back up, dusting off her pants and looking away from him.
“I guess you could say my problem is one that I can’t face. There’s not a way I can get those words out of my mouth that wouldn’t end catastrophically for your hopes.” Kaito growled in frustration, unsatisfied with her answer.
“That’s a cowardly thing to say.”
The room fell quiet once more, and Junko felt like a different person entirely as she stared at the floor away from the two of them intensely. There was a moment where, if Kaito had been in any other situation, would have ran as if his life depended on it. She moved quickly, turning to him and getting close to his face.
“You don’t know what it’s like to be unable to give yourself a decent enough haircut! The idea that I don’t look like runway material because some idiot decided to cause the dead to make a fuss is really pissing me off.” 
“But, didn’t you say you had military traini-” Tenko asked behind the two of them tentatively.
“What, can I not have both careers in my past?” Junko raised an eyebrow and scoffed. Tenko raised up her hands defensively, deciding she’d be better off minding her own business.
“I’m not gonna believe that’s what’s bothering you unless you prove otherwise. You don’t seem like the type to fret over your appearance.” Kaito said dismissively, waving his hand. With that, the three of them sat awkwardly, Tenko looking through the desk to see if she could find anything to fight with.
“Any luck finding food on that desk?” Junko asked as she fiddled with the vest she had found in a military stock store. Tenko threw a pack of ritz crackers to Junko, who caught it in one hand and observed it for herself. She would’ve normally made a remark about how little it was, but she knew better than that with some of the brutal training she had endured before.
As they sat in silence, Junko seemed to ruminate on being confronted so brashly. Her appearance was the furthest from her worries, but she couldn’t come out and say otherwise. Telling the people you’re traveling with that you aren’t who you’ve claimed to be the entire time would cause a commotion, but keeping it from them felt crueler. She wasn’t anything like her sister. The real Junko would be taking in all of this horrifying experience with demented pleasure. While she may have been like that at one point, it was Mukuro who just wanted to get away from the name that caused so much trouble in the past.
Her real name was Mukuro. Even stripped of her sister’s clothing and the wig she had worn to disguise who she was, she still had kept the name and the M.O. of her now missing sister. Truth be told, she had regretted it when she had met all of her classmates for the first time. That being said, she felt incredible relief when Makoto had saved her and continued to do so with all of their other classmates, but she still hadn’t apologized for hiding her identity. Everyone split up after the failed killing game in an attempt to fix the havoc her sister created, leaving her to her own devices. She floundered around for a bit before finding a purpose in supplying those in need with weapons to fight against the looming threats. She learned not to think too much about the people she sold to, as they probably weren’t going to make it incredibly far.
It wasn’t long before Tenko broke the silence accidentally, her stomach growling loud enough for everyone to hear. She refused to acknowledge the two sets of eyes watching her with worry.
“When was the last time you ate?” Kaito asked. Tenko shrugged as she went underneath the desk, trying to break a locked cabinet for whatever slim chance it had of being something useful. Mukuro looked at the crackers she had been tossed before sighing and walking over to Tenko, bending down so she would be closer to whatever compartment she had been working on. She opened the pack and ate a couple of the crackers before handing them to Tenko.
“H-hey, Junko! I thought you wanted these?” She asked, looking down at her.
“It wouldn’t do you any good to go hungry, though. Models have to starve to be magazine-ready, so this is nothing new.” She examined the lock that was barring their progress. With a pistol she’d been carrying, she motioned to Tenko to cover her ears. She obliged, and Mukuro shot the lock, ignoring Kaito’s scream as it disabled the mechanism, putting it beyond repair. She smiled as she got back up, looking over at Tenko and motioning her to open it for herself. She nodded quickly as she pulled at it’s handle. Her eyes lit up at the contents; she had found not only a couple first aid kits, but enough candy to fill a shoebox. She looked around for a bag, rustling around until she found one. She started scooping out the contents and putting it into the bag, reminiscent of a trick or treater.
“You know you could’ve warned me you were about to do that, right?” Kaito mumbled, his ears still ringing from the sound. Mukuro walked over to him, looking him in his eyes.
“You’re right, I could have. But I was mad at you.” She looked up in contemplation before fiddling with another holster near her knife. Kaito closed his eyes in fear only to be smacked with a crinkling wrapper. He watched it fall to the floor for a moment before scrambling to pick it up.
“Where did you get this? Have you been holding onto this the entire time?!” He yelled. She nodded, mumbling something about not always being as selfish as she seems. He glanced at it, wondering whether or not to bother eating. If he was going to die, wasn’t it just wasting resources?
That’s right. Death was around the corner for him.
The realization hadn’t fully set in until he looked at the chocolate chip granola bar for a little too long, realizing there was going to be a final meal he ever ate. There was going to be a final set of words to send the two girls off with. There was going to be so many lasts, and he wished he hadn’t let that sink into his head.
“...lo? Hello?” He blinked a bit as a pale hand waved in front of his face quickly, causing him to blink and snap out of his thoughts. He smiled, and unwrapped the bar. 
“You do know that we should get a move on as soon as possible, right?” He asked as he continued to chew, causing Tenko to make a disdainful face at his actions. Mukuro hesitated, looking down at the ground before nodding. She made one last look around the room for anything important they could take with them. She found a crowbar, and held it in her hands.
“What have you been fighting with?” She asked Kaito. He laughed, and it was only then that Mukuro realized she hadn’t seen him hold a weapon the entire time they were working together. She shoved the crowbar into his hands, and he noticed her disapproving glare. He decided to ignore it, taking it. With a quiet grumble of gratitude, he looked out the window to see it was still light out, and their quiet safe haven was about to become incredibly infested.
He was cursing their luck of having nothing to use in the means of faster travel when he noticed something he hadn’t seen before: a small minivan. He gasped, pulling Mukuro by the shoulder so it would be in her view too.
“Wait, really? Do you think there are any keys around here?” She asked. Tenko resumed looking around the room, and Kaito continued to look out the window until he finally found what he was looking for. On a pile of rubble, in a probably cold and lifeless hand, was a key ring with multiple keys on it. Without telling the others his plan, he dashed out, cursing as he felt rocks get into his slippers. He continued moving in fear of the horde that was on the horizon getting too close for comfort. Tenko hastily grabbed the bag with one hand and Mukuro in the other before making a break for it after him, coming to his side in case he needed any aid. He grabbed the keys and ran to the car, unlocking it.
The group piled into the car, buckling their seat belts as Kaito slammed the keys into the ignition. He felt the car stutter beneath him, not fully starting. He took the key out and put it back in quickly, but to no avail; the car wasn’t turning on all the way.
“Why isn’t it working, damnit?!”
“Turn on the car!!”
“I’m trying!!!”
“Turn the wheel left and right quickly, it’s probably locked, causing the car to not fully turn on,” Mukuro said quickly, making the motions of turning the wheel to him. He obliged, mimicking her motions as she turned the key for him. The car finally turned on, and Kaito hit the gas pedal a bit harder than he should’ve. He winced at the growing pain in his leg as they sped off, leaving the zombies behind. Mukuro watched the way he favored his other leg, choosing not to say anything about it for the time being. Instead, she looked in the glove compartment for anything that could fill whatever silence they were about to be in. an old iPod touch was sitting there with the charger cable still inside. She held the button for a few moments as the screen turned on and a logo brightly shined on the black background.
“Guess we aren’t gonna have to sit in silence, eh? Good find!” Kaito stated.
“Ooh, does it have any Beyoncé? I haven’t gotten to listen to her since this started!” Tenko piped up from behind them, poking her head between the two front seats. They waited with baited breath as the screen turned on. Mukuro unlocked the phone, thanking whatever god was out there for the fact of someone not putting a pin on it. She ran through the apps, amused at how many free to play games were on it along with a Youtube MP3 converter. She looked through, a little baffled at the choices of music. In the end, she went with what looked like a podcast of Dungeons and Dragons. The car was filled with loud music, and it faded into the dungeon master talking of elves on a runway, voguing as one of the members got incredibly excited.
Byt the end of the drive, they had listened to three episodes, wishing that they could have downloaded the previous episodes. Kaito stopped in front of a lone house on a hill, seemingly abandoned. He motioned to it as he turned off the car and got out. The others followed in pursuit, watching his back as he opened the front door with no human response from inside. They looked around the house, astounded at their luck; there was no sign of zombies being in the vicinity of the place. Tenko squealed when she went into a room and found a soft bed, burying her face into it. Mukuro looked in a garage, finding multiple tools for barricading the door. Kaito looked into the kitchen, finding boxes of cereal and cup ramen.
They all came back to the front door, reporting what they found. Mukuro looked at them as she held a hammer and a fistful of nails.
“Can you guys get the table from the dining room? If that’s possible, we should be able to use the tabletop for keeping the door shut.” Tenko and Kaito nodded and went over to it, lifting it up with some ease. Kaito held back the urge to scream as his leg felt more pressure than before. They brought it up to the front and propped it against the doorway. With some time and a bit of labor, they were all pleased with their haphazard blockade. 
For a moment, everyone stood silent, unsure of what to do. Kaito felt the glances of his two companions practically asking for orders, and he moved a hand through his not as spiky hair, trying to find some excuse to be on his own.
“I, uh, think I need to get some rest. Not sure what you two need to do, but you should keep in mind an opportunity like this doesn’t happen everyday. Hopefully not sleeping on the floor will do wonders,” He chuckled a bit as he saw Tenko look away, already eyeing the bedroom she had went to earlier. Mukuro nodded solemnly, already walking off to what Kaito assumed was the living room. He stood there a moment longer before finding a bathroom and locking the door quietly.
Whether he wanted it to be or not, this would probably be the final stop he had before turning. He put his leg up on the toilet seat gently and rolled up his pant leg, seeing if there was anything he could do. He grimaced as the wounds discoloration had taken more of his leg than he realized possible. He put a hand over his mouth to make sure no one heard him as he poked it, recoiling almost immediately at the searing pain that came with the touch. He closed his eyes for a moment, trying to calm himself before looking in a medicine cabinet. There wasn’t much for tending to wounds, but dressing was a different story.
While it wasn’t much, a medical wrap laid untouched next to what he assumed were medical staples. He took the wrap and held it and quickly ripped some toilet paper to act as gauze. After gently putting it on the wound, he began wrapping it. The sting from a foreign substance felt sickening and he had to stop frequently to make sure he didn’t make a sound. When he had finished, he looked at a clock and cursed to himself. He flushed the toilet, making a sigh purposefully loud enough for everyone to hear. He quickly rolled back down his pant leg before walking out, giving a huge thumbs up to Mukuro, who had been pouring a bowl of dry cereal.
“You were in there awhile, you okay?” She asked softly, putting down the box. He gave a thumbs up, walking over to the sink in the kitchen.
“Yep! It’s just that sometimes, nature calls!” He turned the sink on and began washing his hands.
“For an hour?” She asked, raising an eyebrow.
“... Huh. Seems legit,” she said, shrugging as she went to find a spoon in one of the many drawers. He let the tension in his shoulders go for a moment, taking in the moment of relaxation. It wasn’t until just then when he realized the place had a back door into what looked to be a fenced backyard. Curious, he opened it and took it in.
Truth be told, it wasn’t much of a yard to begin with. The grass was growing in patches and weeds were taking over the area, leaving no space for legitimate growth. Dandelions sprinkled the enclosure, the white balancing out the green of the yard nicely. The area was small, but he supposed it would’ve been enough for a small child and maybe a dog to play in.
He let himself sit in the grass, holding one of the many dandelions between his fingers gently. Life had never been so important to him until his was going to be gone in what he could only assume would be hours. His uncharacteristically slow and uncertain actions would’ve made Shuichi or Maki ask how he’d been, but he knew that they were somewhere further along the trip to Canada (or, so he’d hoped.). He took his jacket off and laid it in the grass before sitting down and looking up. The sky was just as blue as it had been before this mess had started. He hated to think it, but he knew it’d most likely be like that long after he was gone too.
“Mind if I join you?”
Kaito looked behind him to see Mukuro still holding her cereal, leaning on the doorway. He patted part of his jacket, and she walked over to sit next to him. The quietness they shared while she crunched on her cereal was more comfortable than it had been before. 
“Has something been bothering you?” Mukuro finally asked, looking over to him. He bit his lip, looking away as he thought about the question.
“Well, of course. Lots of things bother a person when they gotta run through an entire country,” Kaito stated.
“I don’t think that you’re telling me the entire truth.”
“Maybe so, but sometimes it’s just challenging.” He held the dandelion out in front of him for a moment before blowing on it, letting the pappus fall apart. One of the seeds got incredibly close to Mukuro’s nose, causing her to sneeze. He bit back a remark of the sneeze being kind of cute. She glares at him, shaking her head.
“You know, for someone who wants me to tell them what bothers me, you aren’t exactly setting an example.”
“Maybe setting an example could compromise how you look at me.”
“Wow, it’s almost like that’s the exact reason I didn’t tell you what you wanted to know.” Mukuro grabbed at some grass absentmindedly, trying to find something to do with her hands. Kaito looked her up and down, thinking about if he should just bite the bullet and admit to his impending doom.
“I uh.... You really want me to go first, huh?” He said, mumbling. She gave him a look of curiosity before nodding. He took a breath and held it in for a moment.
“What I’m gonna say is gonna be really rough, and I need you to not react horribly or anything,” he said, the silence making him pressured to continue. “Time is… not really on my side, if you know what I’m saying.”
“What are you-” Mukuro started, her eyes squinting.
“I know you haven’t known me long, and I know that this is super sudden, but I’m probably gonna bounce tonight to make sure I don’t infect anyone here when the time comes, I-”
“What?!” She whipped her head around to see his slightly pained face as he looked down at his leg. She scooted over to him and rolled up his pant leg before he could object at all. The putrid smell of the injury made her gag, and the sight definitely matched the scent. She moved away, a hand to her mouth as she backed up. Kaito looked away from her and the discoloration that was crawling up his leg more than he’d seen before. When Mukuro finally regained her composure, she looked at him.
“I’m-” she paused, trying to hold down the gross taste in her mouth, “... I’m gonna chop it off.”
“What?! No!!” Kaito screeched, looking at her in fear.
“Is everything alright down there?” Tenko called, opening the window and looking down at the two of them.
“U-uh, yeah! Yeah, everything’s fine. Just an argument and stuff.” Kaito quickly explained, giving Mukuro a nervous smile. She hesitantly nodded, waving up at Tenko.
“It’s fine, really. Don’t let us stop you from what you’re doing.” Mukuro smiled softly, and Tenko gave her a thumbs up before closing the window. Kaito looked at her again with the same horrified look.
“Are you insane?!” He hissed at her, getting up. “I need both legs to be able to go places; disabling me is practically a death sentence anyway!”
“Sure, but have you considered that you’re with other people? I’d be more worried if I were alone, but you should rely on those around.” She responded with worry as she watched him sort of struggle to get upright. Mukuro decided to prop him up, slinging his arm around her neck.
“Either way, I’ll probably die. Even if it wasn’t going to be the death of me, I’d feel useless not being able to rescue people with the rest of you. When me and Tenko first found you and brought you back to somewhere safer, you have no idea how…“ He fumbled over his words and started waving his hands wildly in an attempt to regather his thoughts. “... How inspiring it was-- that’s probably the closest I’m gonna get to whatever I was trying to say-- to see that we could make a difference. You’ve felt it too, haven’t you?”
Mukuro thought about it, remembering when they first found the girl Tenko had called Himiko in a pile of rubble, muttering about not having the mana to stop the building from toppling after a siege and carrying the small girl on her back made her feel. She remembered bringing her back to the camp and helping her patch up some of her clothes and sharing a meal around the fire with the three of them. The thought of that warmed her up a bit, and she dropped her shoulders slightly.
“I guess I understand what you’re talking about.” She watched his face go through a few emotions, and she couldn’t help but wonder if he was recalling it all too.
“Then maybe you get that I can’t just let that ideal go.” He stared her down with a fire in his eyes she’d never seen. Passion seemed to be what motivated him, but it’d never felt like it was going to physically manifest in front of her. 
“... You’re really just going to let yourself die, huh.” Mukuro mused, choosing to suspend her disbelief.
“If that’s how you view it, then sure.” He finally rolled down his pant leg again, doing his best to drape it in a way that would avoid the sensitive area. His hands planted on the ground as he struggled to get up, groaning when his legs finally cooperated. He offered a hand to Mukuro, who took it and let him bring her up to her feet. She brushed some of the grass sticking to her off and stared at Kaito, who was already walking into the house and waving at her.
“Wait!” She clenched her fists and yelled, her eyes squeezed shut. He stopped, and turned his head a bit to look at her. The expressions on her face were an arrange of things he hadn’t seen her show, and it definitely didn’t seem as if it’d be fair to not hear what else she had to say.
“I…” she bit her lip, trembling as she looked to her left. “Mukuro. Not Junko.” She opened her eyes to see him with a brighter smile than he’d ever given. She regained her composure, letting the air in her lungs go. She hadn’t been aware of how she was holding her breath until her chest started feeling weird.
“It’s been a pleasure, Mukuro.” He walked back inside, leaving her out in the grassy area. She looked up at the sky, knowing she did the right thing. She closed the door as she walked back out.
Night fell faster than normal, marking Kaito’s departure. He had been shaking more, and his frame in the light exposed how frail he’d become in the matter of a day. His hand rested on the doorknob of the backyard once more, stopping when a hand fell on his shoulder. He sighed, turning to see Mukuro with a knife in offering.
“There-there might still be some time, so I thought you could change your mind?” She gripped it loosely, giving him an insistent look. He took it, watching the moon’s reflection in it as he brandished it. He looked at the girl who’s eyes stayed on the knife the entire time.
“You know I’m not gonna do it.” Kaito mumbled, pulling his shirt up to show his skin taking the same coloration of his infected leg. She bit her lip again, not taking the knife back as he held it out to her. He watched as Mukuro picked at loose threads, averting her gaze. He closed his eyes, and Maki took her place, playing with her hair and puffing her cheeks out slightly. He chuckled, knowing that there was something that he’d seen in her, the same something was in Mukuro. Her mannerisms, and her strengths-- they mirrored Maki almost perfectly.
He held his tongue from saying how she was like his friend, but took off his coat, draping it on her shoulders. He took off his slippers and placed them carefully near the hinge of the door.
“The impossible is possible, you know.” Kaito thought about how wild it was that he was able to save anyone, like a real hero and smiled. “The toughest challenges are always gonna look scary from a distance, but that just means you gotta be a bit scary too. You just have to hype yourself up beforehand.”
Mukuro watched the way he spoke, his eyes looking up and his hand movements livening him up.
“Just… don’t let those things scare you for too long. It’s been fun.” With a final thumbs up, he opened the door, and shut it, finding the lock on the gate of the little yard.
The moment he was out of sight, Mukuro let her face fall into her palms, finally crying. The bitter taste of failure to keep someone alive stayed in her mouth as she clutched onto his jacket, the sleeves wrinkling under her grasp. Her shoulder shook as she tried to suppress the volume of her cries. She slumped against the door, hiccuping a bit as she held his jacket tightly.
And that’s where she stayed the entire night.
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geminiamethyst · 2 years
Childhood Friends. Chapter 11
Chapter 1: click HERE
Chapter 10: click HERE
Chapter 12: click HERE
A couple of weeks after that day, Kaito stayed true to his word, and kept her secret from his friends, which Maki found quite surprising. She had settled in well into the group, making her feel like she was getting on well with mostly everyone. With Tenko, they can talk about different fighting techniques, despite the Ultimate Neo Aikido Master constantly complaining about men or showering Himiko with almost too much affection. With Himiko, the Ultimate Magician (or Ultimate Mage as the small girl calls herself) would show small magic tricks, claiming them to be real magic. With Gonta, Maki would listen about the different insects he had at home, even going as far for the gentle giant let her hold an insect for a minute or two. Maki tries to have a normal conversation with Tsumugi, but finds it a little difficult sometimes when it comes to the Ultimate Cosplayer going on about how plain she is or discussing anime and manga. Keebo was fairly interesting to talk to, especially if he asked for advice on how to feel more human. Maki would sometimes have conversations with Ryoma, but he avoided talking about his time in prison or his old tennis days. It was clear that he wanted to try to not dive too deep into the past, and Maki respected his privacy. Whenever Maki saw Kirumi (which was quite rare because the Ultimate Maid would be found doing things for everyone or was not in school), they would try to have a conversation when Kirumi doesn't offer to fufill any of Maki's requests. Rantaro was pleasant enough to have a conversation with, even if he occasionally spoke about his sisters. It's Kaede that Maki is surprisingly comfortable to have a normal conversation with her. It was kinda nice to talk to someone other than Kaito close to her age and not have to worry about too much.
There are a few members of the group however that she is unsure of. Angie was okay, but would try one too many times to try to convert Maki to pray to Atua, which was starting to make her a bit concerned. Miu while she was willing to share a couple of ideas for her inventions, she can be quite vulgar in her language and rude. Kiyo would sometimes make Maki feel uncomfortable but she tried to keep herself steady whenever he did so. Kokichi seemed too nosy for Maki's taste, often asking her too many personal questions. Not to mention he would constantly lie which was getting on Maki's nerves.
It was Shuichi that she feels the need to be careful of. It wasn't that she didn't want to try to be friends with him. It's just that, he is the Ultimate Detective, and if he finds one of her targets because she, god forbid, got sloppy, with disposing the body or any other evidence, he'd figure out it was her instantly. She needs to be careful around him.
Despite all that though, Maki felt like she was starting to belong somewhere for once.
Today was not how Maki expected it to go. It wasn't terrible in terms of school or anything. It was the weather. It was bright sunshine without a cloud in the sky this morning. By time the afternoon rolled around, there were a few clouds. However, now that school was over, dark clouds blanketed the sky and the heavens have opened. Rain pounded heavily, so heavy that when the raindrops hit the windows, they almost sounded more like pebbles than water. The wind was harsh, making the rain seem more heavy. The wind blew this way and that, nearly knocking people over. Cars drove along the road as carefully as they could, their windscreen wipers wiping away the rain as best they could.
Maki cursed herself for not having a coat, but she didn't see the rain coming at all. She waited at the entrance hall, hoping that it would ease enough for her to walk home relatively dry. After waiting for five minutes, she decided that it wasn't, and she wasn't willing to stay any longer than she has to. Steeling herself against the environment, Maki started to make her way through the storm. Rain hit her heavily at all sides. Her clothes became soaked through and her head felt heavy thanks to her hair becoming drenched and had started to feel like lead weights. The wind blew harshly at her, threatening to knock her over and she could just about see what was in front of her. Puddles were so large by the road that as Maki was walking past one, she was splashed harshly by it as a car sped past her. Maki scowled at the offending vehicle, but ignored as it wouldn't come to anything. She trudged on, determined to get back to her apartment as quickly as possible.
"Maki Roll!"
Maki turned and saw Kaito coming up to her. He was running at full speed with his jacket over his head. It flew behind him as he moved. He gripped onto the item of clothing so tight that his fists were almost pure white. Like Maki, he was soaking wet from head to toe. His feet pounded heavily into puddles, making the water rise up briefly before falling back to the ground. After becoming drenched in rain, his hair had lost almost all of its gravity defying features. Maki waited until he caught up to her.
"Thank god I caught up to you. Are you nuts?! Going out in this storm without a coat or an umbrella?!" Kaito panted heavily, his voice sounding a little irritated.
"You're doing the same thing, idiot." Maki sighed, rolling her eyes a little.
"That's besides the point." Kaito argues, avoiding that remark completely. He gestured at a spot next to him. "Come on. Get under here so I can take you back to my house."
"What?" Maki exclaimed, feeling a little in shock.
"Well, I mean...it's closer and with how this storm is, I don't think that it'll ease up anytime soon." Kaito said in a somewhat awkward tone as he rubbed the back of his head. He shook it off quickly as he remembered Maki's apartment. "Also, you live in an apartment that is pretty much run down and on the other side of town. You'll get sick." Kaito raised a fair point, Maki would be better off in a warm house. The offer was too tempting. However, she didn't want the cult to find out. If they did, she dreaded to think about what might happen.
"Kaito-" Maki began to protest, but Kaito cut her off.
"Maki, I'm serious." He shouted, standing his ground. "Here, get under my coat. Might not be as effective as an umbrella, but it keeps a majority of the rain off." Maki looked at the item of clothing in question. It was big enough for both of them to fit under and it would certainly keep the rain off for now. Plus, a nice house where there was easy access to electricity, fresh water and heat was more than inviting. It was definitely what she needed during weather like this. However, something inside of her told her not to go. It could've just been her assassin instincts kicking in, telling her not to get too close to Kaito's personal life. She once again felt like she was becoming too close. She couldn't get too close, she's not meant to.
"Kaito, I don't want to get in the way-" she sighed, trying once more to convince him that she was more than alright at her apartment.
"Nonsense! Now come on and get under here." Kaito stubbornly said, sounding more annoyed that Maki was trying to fight back on this. Without waiting for Maki to reply, he gently took hold of her arm and brought her under his coat. Maki didn't protest at this. It's better to just go along with this. As she gripped onto her side of the coat to keep it from flying, the two started walking in a completely different direction to where Maki was going.
The street that they walked down transitioned from tall apartment buildings and busy roads to a quiet road and small houses. They passed by a large park and a couple of cafes as the rain started to become heavier and the wind picked up a little more. The house that Kaito guided Maki towards was a small house with only one floor and attic. As they entered the house, rainwater dripped off of them onto polished hardwood floor. Maki felt at ease instantly as she took her first step into the house. It was just as warm and inviting as she thought it would be. The long hallway was graced with pale coloured walls, a small mirror, a coupe,pieces of small furniture and some household plants. The walls were graced with a couple of photos of Kaito with an elderly couple. They must be his grandparents.
"Hey! I'm home!" Kaito called out to the inside of the house suddenly, shrugging off his coat as he did so. There was a quiet shuffling of footsteps and an old woman came into the hallway. She was short, only a couple of inches shorter than Maki herself. She had short snow white hair and dark brown eyes. Her skin was wrinkled and she had a beauty mark above her nose, near her right eye. She wore a light grey cardigan, white shirt, a long, dark coloured skirt and warm slippers on her feet. After briefly looking at the photographs on the wall again, Maki instantly could tell that it was Kaito's grandmother.
"There you are Kaito. I was starting to get worried again." She smiled wearily as she approached Kaito.
"Sorry, Grandma. I stayed behind a little to see if the rain would let up." Kaito said after he placed his coat on a hook.
"Well, you're home now and that's all that matters to me." Kaito's grandmother sighed, looking a little relieved. She suddenly caught sight of Maki, who suddenly looked a little uncomfortable. "Oh. Who's this?"
"This is Maki, Grandma. I thought she could stay here for the night." Kaito explained. Maki felt like surprise had taken over her again. She hoped that the rain would stop before night fall, but now that she looked at the weather again, chances of that were extremely slim.
"So you're Maki. It's a pleasure to meet you dear. Kaito speaks quite fondly of you." Kaito's grandmother smiles as she gently took Maki's hands into her shaky, wrinkled ones. She frowned in concern suddenly as she had a better feel of them. "My dear! You're absolutely freezing cold! A nice bath should help warm you up." Before Maki could respond to that, Kaito's grandmother walked off. She grabbed a towel from an airing cupboard and disappeared into what was more than likely the bathroom. As she heard quiet running of water, Maki looked up at Kaito. He seemed to look quite embarrassed by what the elder had said.
"You talk about me?" She asked, her eyebrow raised.
"Huh? Oh yeah! I mean...I talk about the others as well." Kaito said rather quickly, not looking at Maki at all. Maki couldn't help but feel more suspicious at this. Kaito obviously lied about that. Why would he do that? Before Maki could catch him out on his lie, his grandmother came back from the bathroom. She once again took hold of Maki's cold hand and started to lead her towards the bathroom.
"Come dear. Let's get you warmed up. And you, young man," she said before turning to Kaito. Kaito stood up straight, shaking off his embarrassment. "go upstairs and get yourself warmed up too. You'll have to make do with the shower I'm afraid."
"Yes ma'am." Kaito sighed, gently putting down his backpack. He quickly opened a door, leaving it slightly ajar behind him. Maki could faintly hear him going up a set of stairs.
"And find something for Maki to wear while her clothes dry out." Kaito's grandmother called up after him as she went past the door, gently taking Maki with her to the bathroom.
"I don't think that's-" Maki tried protest.
"Nonsense. Come along." The elder sighed, continuing to lead Maki to the bathroom. Maki couldn't help but feel at ease at this. She hadn't been shown this much affection for as long as she could remember. It felt different to have people caring about her. She wasn't sure how to feel about that. It felt uncomfortable at first but it slowly started to feel nice. Was this what it was like to have a family? A real family? Maki didn't know how long she had stood there in the bathroom thinking about it, but she snapped out of it when she heard the taps being turned off.
"There we are. That's not too hot is it for you, dear?" Kaito's grandmother asked, after she had stuck her hand in the water to make sure it wasn't too hot. Maki did the same and couldn't help but smile contently.
"No, it's fine. Thank you." She smiled.
"It's not a problem, Maki. Help yourself to any of the bath oils on the side there. Might I recommend the lavender scent. I find it extremely relaxing." Kaito's grandmother smiled and slowly made her way out of the bathroom. "Just leave your clothes outside by the door and I'll collect them." Once the door closed, Maki looked at the bath oils on the side of the bathtub. There were different scents there, but after sniffing a couple, Maki rested with the rose scent. While she didn't want to admit it out loud, she often liked roses. After leaving all but her undergarments in a neat and folded pile outside the bathroom, she settled down into the water. Although tense at first, Maki sighed in content and relaxed deeply into the water. Her body warmed up steadily and she no longer felt a chill crawling through her skin. She felt like all of her previous worries had finally been cleared from her mind. That was, until she subconsciously looked at her skin. So many scars from knifes, bullets and other deadly weapons. Some from training and some from her targets fighting back. So many, too many. How could life curse her like this?
There was a light knock suddenly. This caused Maki to sit up rapidly, water almost spilling over the side of the tub. Her eyes were focused on the door. She glared hard at it, daring the person on the other side to open it. She couldn't let anyone see her like this. She doesn't deserve any pity.
"Maki? It's only me, dear. How are you in there?" Kaito's grandmother asked, her voice heard clear enough through the wooden door. Maki felt like she could relax again for some odd reason.
"Everything's fine." She said, just loud enough to be heard. Her heart skipped a beat when the door suddenly started to open. "No! Please don't come in." Maki couldn't help but instinctively turn her back to the door. She wanted to try to hide as many of her scars as possible. Even if she was showing any of the ones on her back, she felt that it was less disturbing from the front.
"I'm not going to, dear. I'm only passing in the clothes that Kaito was able to find for you." Kaito's grandmother said, a kind smile being heard in her voice. Maki once again relaxed as a neat pile of folded clothes through the door. "Come out when you're ready. There's no rush." Once the door closed and quiet footsteps faded away, Maki sank back into the rose scented bath water. She didn't know how to feel now. Everyone so far in this family has shown her nothing but kindness. Something that the assassins never thought to give her. Kaito has everything that she didn't. A warm home and a loving family. He had a feeling of security that only a family could provide. Maki envied him. Despite that, she couldn't hate him for that. She was happy that he didn't have to go through anything that she went through. She shook off those thoughts, relaxing fully in the bath.
Maki didn't know how long she was in the bath for until she felt the water slowly turn stone cold. As the water drained away, she slipped on the shorts and hoodie that Kaito was able to find. They were fairly big on her, the shorts needed to be held up by a belt that Kaito also provided and the sleeves of the hoodie had to be rolled up a little. The shorts were an dark violet colour that reached well past her knees, covering up a fair majority of the scars on her legs. The hoodie was black with star constellations printed all over it. When Maki slipped her feet into a pair of small black slippers, she left the bathroom. She could hear Kaito speaking to his grandmother in a quiet tone. She stood just around the doorway of the kitchen listening carefully to what was being said. She peeked a little. Kaito looked almost completely different from behind. His damp hair hand lost all its gravity defying features, making it look longer than it was before. He wore another pair of his galaxy themed slippers, black trousers and a dark purple shirt.
"So, what do you think of Maki?" Kaito asked, sounding a little uncertain.
"She seems like nice girl. Quiet maybe, but I'm not fussed about that." His grandmother said as she placed a mug on the table in front of her grandson. She are fully pulled out a chair from the table and sat down in it. "She's a very pretty girl and I think you're lucky to have her."
"Wha-what's that supposed to mean?!" Kaito exclaimed, almost falling back in his chair. "Maki and I are just friends."
"Kaito, I might be old, and my eyes may not be as good as they used to be, but that doesn't make me blind." The old woman grinned a little before sipping the hot tea that she had provided herself with. Maki couldn't help but listen out of keen interest. "Back when you were a kid, whenever you spoke about Maki, there was always this spark in your eyes. It was amazing to see that in you. When you told us that Maki had left, it had died. Now that she's back, I'm happy to see that spark again."
"What spark? I don't get it." Kaito asked, scratching the back of his head.
"I think you know what I mean. You're just not admitting it." The elder smiled knowingly, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Your grandpa and I were young too once."
"Again, what's that supposed to mean?!" Kaito exclaimed. His grandmother only chuckled quietly, making him let out an annoyed groan. Maki smiled a little as she watched the scene unfold. She suddenly had this feeling in her chest. It felt warm and comfortable. It was making her heart beat going a little fast. What was this? Maki had never experienced anything like this before. She shook it off, putting it down to being just nerves or something like that. She stepped out of hiding, clearing her throat a little. Kaito glanced at her over his shoulder, but quickly looked back down at the table. Maki thought that of it as odd, as she half expected him to stand up and greet her.
"Oh! There you are, Maki. How are you feeling now?" His grandmother smiled as she slowly stood up and approached Maki.
"A little better now. Thank you." The assassin smiled a little, as her hands were once again taken in by the old woman.
"Of course, dear." Kaito's grandmother smiled. She held Maki's hands a little longer and quickly felt her forehead. She let out a sigh of relief as she felt that Maki was no longer freezing. "Come sit down, and I'll pour you out a cup of tea." Just as she said that, Kaito snapped out of his thoughts. He stood up and pulled out the chair next to him for Maki to sit down. Once Maki had made herself comfortable, and the elder had started to make a fresh cup of tea, she glanced up at Kaito. He had a bit of distant look on his face, but his cheeks were a light shade of red for some reason.
"Are you alright, Kaito? You seem a bit red." Maki asked, carefully putting a hand to the Ultimate Astronaut's forehead. He seemed a bit warm.
"I'm fine. Just....warming up...that's all..." Kaito said hesitantly as he carefully removed her hand. Maki raised her eyebrow at him as he took a sip of tea. That last bit seemed like a lie but Maki let it go. Kaito was probably embarrassed still by what his grandmother had said to him. As Maki thought on that, she snuck a glance outside the window. The rain had fallen heavier than ever now, sounding almost like small pebbles as they hit the window. The sky had gotten much darker and the wind howled even louder. Maki couldn't help but let out a quiet sigh. Hopefully the rain will stop by tomorrow and she wouldn't have to be here longer than she should be. After all, the longer she stays here, the more likely she'll be putting this warm hearted family in danger, especially Kaito.
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aikidoheroine · 3 years
The muses of Aikidoheroine
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Tenko Chabashira, main muse of the blog. “I’m the Ultimate Neo Aikido Master!”
Tenko’s Bio | Rules of the Blog | Verses
Tenko is opening to RPing with characters from any Danganronpa media! She is also open for RP with crossover muses, and has done threads with characters from Persona 5, Persona 4, Final Fantasy XIV, and others. 
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art by @ultxmate-hxpe​
Reiki Pekoyama, OC created by Snowthefirst. “It is nice to meet you. I am the Ultimate Priestess.” 
Reiki’s Bio and Verse page
Reiki is the daughter of this blog’s Tenko Chabashira and @convivxncia​‘s Peko Pekoyama. She is open to RPs with any Danganronpa, though keep in mind it would need to be a future verse. Crossover RPs are on a trial basis. 
Please reblog this promo if you are interested in RPing with either of these muses! 
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lore-a-lie · 6 years
Chapter 2, Act 2: Lessons of the Gymnopedia
Daily Life
Kaede found them all outside, which Monosuke wasn’t pleased about at all. Despite his earlier implications he was going to make this process as difficult as he could the Ninja Scroll still found its place in what was either the masked ninja’s mask or mouth.
Gonta looked rather guilty upon seeing Kaede, but before she could find out why she was being pulled along by Tenko who was eager to show off her own lab that had recently sprung from the scenery.
It was a welcome relief to see some traditional architecture that wasn’t at all related to Kiyo’s lab. Not that Kaede wasn’t still trying to get her memories of it out of her head.
Or that the kitsune mask the ninja statue wore was an unwelcome reminder of the one of a similar style Kiyo had in one of his cases near a cutesy mask he claimed had some connection to a brutal serial killer who targeted murderers. Nope, definitely not still traumatized by that extended lesson.
Not to say the Ultimate Aikido Master’s lab wasn’t still weird, between the large wooden fighting doll in the back and the odd hanging platforms. Kaede assumed this was related to Tenko’s spin on the art as opposed to being needed for the actual fighting style. (Which fits what was said about these all being made for us rather than our talents. Only Tenko and her Master know what Neo-Aikido even is.)
“Look Kaede, isn’t this awesome?! I could give you some lessons here later if you’d like, you may need them given the type of menaces you keep wasting your precious time on. Actually, that’s a great idea, I should give all the girls here some lessons for self-defense, thanks Kaede!” (... But I didn’t say anything?)
“Maybe another time, things with the fourth floor left me rather… Uh, drained? But thank you for the offer, it could be pretty useful. I’m not sure you should be limiting it to just the girls again though.”
Tenko got that look on her face like she was impersonating an insulted dead fish. “... Fine. Kaito maybe. Kibo probably, even if his flexibility is awful  and his weight could make things awkward. And while Gonta doesn’t need it he might still be fun to teach. But that’s it! It doesn’t matter how small and punchable he is, Kokichi is off the table! Kiyo too, because I don’t ever want to be in a room alone with that guy. Gives me some bad vibes.” (That’s fair.)
“Then what’s wrong with Ryoma? He’s been a pretty nice guy, and it might be easier for you to train him, Kaito, and Maki at once since I think they already do something similar together sometimes.”
“... I’m… Not sure I’d really want to teach Maki this either… But Ryoma’s a killer too! Why would I want to teach him any of my precious Neo-Aikido?! And even if I did how would I even demonstrate for a person that size? That’d be too much hassle for me, and like Gonta and Maki he doesn’t really need my help.”
There was little point in arguing against that, and Angie came bouncing in anyway to see what was going on putting a halt to that conversation. Monophanie was waddling along after her, like a duckling following its mother, as Kaede focused back on why she came.
“Hey, hey~ What’re you two doing in here huh? Has Kaede taken an interest in joining Atua’s efforts?”
“Efforts? I mean I came by since we found a Flashback Light in the computer room that opened up with the new labs. Also, yours is one of the two that opened Angie! It's just down the hall from Kiyo’s, so location aside I hope you’ll enjoy it. We just thought it might be good to regroup in the dining hall if you’re all done exploring too, to trade notes and see what we’ll do about the light. If that’s okay with everyone?”
Angie’s disposition shifted again, as if taking things more seriously for the moment to think, before going back to her bubbly bouncy persona. “Hmm, That will probably be for the best, for now, we are just about done here. It will be good to establish some new rules too. Kibo, Kirumi, and Tsumugi are likely already on their way there anyway, since they had nothing else to do around here since only Tenko’s lab appeared. So let’s all get going, C'mon, C'mon!” (New rules? For the killing game, like Monodam gave?)
When Kaede got there with Angie and Tenko everyone else was back and ready to talk about their discoveries. General information about all of the labs was shared, and Angie for her credit wasn’t the least bit disturbed by her new floormate or the descriptions of the area around her lab.
Gonta looks like he wanted to talk about something, likely the reason for the guilty expression from before, but the looks from Angie and her cultists was enough to convince him to keep quiet. So things moved onto the discussion of rules, and the tiebreaker scenario Monodam explained. But he wasn’t the only cub trying to endear themselves to the students they clung to in their efforts to solve their fighting.
Monophanie had indeed told Kirumi about another rule of the killing game that had yet to be touched on, regarding body discoveries. Even if the class strongly suspected a missing student was killed, until the requirement regarding students finding and bearing witness to the corpse was met everything would continue to act as if they weren’t dead.
Kibo apparently also pushed the issue and had her concede that even if everyone knew where a body was, without witnesses beyond the killer to “prove” someone was dead the game would continue to proceed as if they were still alive, like a twisted Schrodinger’s cat.
As there weren’t any rules about hiding or destroying bodies the implications of this rule were very concerning. Particularly since the killer themselves would never count as a witness to help get a case started in the first place. (No one knew what happened to the bodies of our other friends either really.)
But it was time to decide on what to do with the Flashback Light. Angie was against it, so Tenko, Kibo, and Gonta followed her lead, but Kirumi and Tsumugi’s curiosity won out to avoid a stalemate. There were too many mysteries that outweighed any risks using it could cause.
The Ultimate Hunt, the purpose of the Killing Game, why they hadn’t been found yet, even where this place was right now were dangerous unknowns that needed to be solved. (If they aren’t how are we supposed to ever get out and go home? Will we all even have homes to get back to? Can the lights return that hope to us those motives took?)
Despite Angie’s warnings to give up hope on leaving this place Kaede flicked the switch and the world around her warped once more. But not to one that made any sense.
Everyone had their own memorial photos, just like those that appear during the trials but with more color to them. This had to be a funeral ceremony, but for all 16 of them at once. People could be heard talking about an accident the occurred while Kaede and her classmates were all trying to escape from some group, but she didn’t know them or understood what this was meant to mean.
All this did was leave them with more questions. The way everyone spoke indicated they all shared this same “memory”, despite none of them being present for it. (Why even call it a Flashback Light if it isn’t tied to our specific memories? What are we supposed to do with this information? Or at all at this point.)
Monodam and Monophanie looked between themselves and the arguing students, as theories ranging from everyone being dead in some sort of purgatory high school or the memories being taken out of context like merely being part of a school play. Nothing was matching up, and every idea tossed around was soon shown to have more holes in it than swiss cheese when the group considered it.
Only Monosuke was enjoying the discord sewn by the newest batch of worthless memories, much like his father did, while his siblings had a nervous energy about them as they began planning something.
When it was agreed that nothing about the memories made sense the group decided to take a break to cool down and clear their heads best they could. Angie was oddly silent during the discussion but upon the dismissal, she made a beeline for assumably her lab, arms spread out to the side like an angled airplane.
Kaede instead resumed her silly self-given goal of finding all the Monokuma dolls she could. It was nice having a goal like that to reach, like a scavenger hunt, since after the first trial she already saw a bear that wasn’t there the day before. (And definitely has nothing to do with getting teddy bears to express any frustrations felt towards the monster they are based on. Or finding them cute on their own merits.)
It was a pleasant surprise to find one of these dancing dolls in her own lab, the pink winged figure making overblown leaps in front of her piano. And also rather creepy as she had no way of knowing if this doll was placed here because Monokuma (or his cubs) noticed her morbid little collection, but she tried to ignore those implications as she stashed the toy inside her bag and continued her search outside the school.
Until she overheard a conversation being held near the Shrine of Judgement, past her newest fluffy acquisition found on the stairs leading to it. Her curiosity quickly got the better of her as she tried to slip inside to better listen in on what her fellow students were talking about.
Downsides of having hearing as good as mine I guess, it’s easy to unintentionally listen in on others which I know is kinda rude. Also an upside for when it helps me learn of any fun gossipy stuff I’d be too out of touch to catch otherwise~
“My condolences Ryoma, I know all too well the pain that comes with such a loss.”
“Thanks. I wasn’t really expecting you to understand either. Just because of how…”
“I’m too unsettling for someone to care for in such a way? It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve heard that.” (“Care for in such a way”? What is Kiyo talking about? Is this about their motive videos again?)
“No. How young we all are. It’s weird enough to really get a serious girlfriend this early in life, much less lose them so soon.”
Wait, what, they're talking about girls? THESE two guys of all people had girlfriends already?! I’ve never even been on a date yet! … At least I don’t think I’ve ever been on one. I’ve hung out with guys before I guess, did that count? But what do they mean by “losing them”? They can’t mean...
“Polite of you to say so, but I think your lie is obvious. I suppose in a sense we’ve both been lucky, yes?”
“Strange sort of luck that would need to be. She’d still be alive and content back in America had she never met me.” (Oh… Ouch. Wonder what he means by that, was there an accident? How’d he even meet an American girl? Was she like... normal height or also tiny like him? How different was he before?)
“Do you think she would have been happier had that been case? Every meeting is a once in a lifetime interaction, life is but a series of chance encounters and farewells. Hardly a reason to blame yourself for embracing a golden opportunity. Sorrowful as a leaving may be it changes not the beauty that came before it. There can be a beauty to be found in even the darkest of times if one tries to look.”
“... You might be the most messed up type of optimist I’ve ever heard of, you know that?”
“Kehehe, is that so? An optimist am I, that’s how you chose to see me?”
“Sounds a lot better than calling you a masochist, trying to find anything good out of pain.”
“So better to sound civil than risk calling a spade a spade I take it? How considerate of you.”
“Okay, when you get like this you really can’t blame a guy for being confused why a girl would like you.”
The bluntness of the response only led to more of Kiyo’s laughter, at the indirect admittance of his earlier assessment. “I suppose that will remain my little secret then.”
“Seriously? Nothing? Not a single clue after you got me sharing? Not cool man.” (But Ryoma's still smiling~)
“Just because you answered my questions doesn’t mean you’re entitled to me responding to your own. It’s terribly uncouth for one to “kiss and tell”, wouldn’t you say?”
“Or you just made her up to get me to talk, you seem like the sort of guy who’d do that.” Ryoma’s words were said in a joking tone to Kaede, still hiding nearby, but Kiyo was insulted by the notion regardless.
“Then that is where you’d be completely wrong, even for the purpose of study to lie about such a thing is a line I wouldn’t choose to cross. Far too serious a matter to abuse it in such a way, which is precisely why matters of the heart are not meant to be merely spoken of with others in the first place.” (The big twist here is that Kiyo has been a romantic this whole time? Whaaat? That’s one I didn’t see coming.)
“I dunno, sounds like something a stalker might say.” Ryoma snarked with a smirk. But Kiyo was adjusting better to his sense of humor as he played along with the lighthearted jab better this time.
“I assure you while there may have been allegations and restraining orders in my past they are all completely unrelated to the topic at hand. Those were merely results of miscommunication in regards to my appearance and... tendency to perhaps overindulge in the art of “people watching” outside of fieldwork.” (Ah, okay, thank goodness something here makes sense. Everything is still right with the world.)
Kiyo took the moment to pause for Ryoma’s laughter, which was a rare occurrence to hear his deep chuckle. “Honestly Ryoma, I’m rather hurt you’d accuse me of stalking when Kaede has been spying on our conversation since she caught wind of the word “condolences”. Tell me, has your curiosity been sated yet, or will it take a bit longer for satisfaction to bring this particular cat back?” (WAIT WHAT?! Oh shit, how’d he notice?! And what is he talking about? If you’re going to mess with me make sense first!)
The candy cig actually fell out of his mouth when Ryoma turned around to see Kaede awkwardly squatting behind one of the stone flower pots, blushing hard enough to nearly match their roses now that her cover was completely blown.
After the shock, he displayed his expression went to one used by so many parents before him. He wasn’t mad at her, just disappointed. Unlike Kiyo who hid any possible annoyance felt rather well. His obvious enjoyment caused by pulling the rug out from under her, not so much.
“I, uhh… Sorry! It was originally an accident honest! I’ve always had excellent hearing, but…”
“But you just couldn’t resist some good ol’ teen drama bullshit, could you?” Ryoma asked, rubbing at his forehead as Kaede bashfully nodded.
“I didn’t mean to, I just thought it was unusual to see the two of you hanging out, I’m so sorry.”
“There is truth to this, our conversation began only due to Kokichi’s most recent set of antics. He still hasn’t settled on what role of a jester he should be playing since his more malevolent persona fell apart. He supposedly wasn’t lying about his intent to make an event in protest to Tenko’s poolside shenanigans, as he requested Kaito, Ryoma, and I to join him at the Casino later tonight. Given Kaito’s personality, I am inclined to believe Maki may be in attendance as well, given she wasn’t a part of Tenko’s group before from what I gather. Would you care to join us?” (I’ll just not mention I was a part of Tenko’s party then.)
“Sure, I guess? I haven’t really been there much since it didn’t look like many of the games were working yet but it might be fun to be there with a group. But what about Gonta and Kibo?”
“When we asked before he said “no traitors allowed”, since Gonta ended up joining Angie and Kibo was at the girl’s thing before, so he’s just being a brat again. Probably anyway. Who even knows with this guy?”
“Well that’s good for youse guys but all this bullshit’s gonna hafta wait a bit. We have ourselves another nice little present for you bastards out in the gym, and you don’t want us and our Exisals to cause any trouble you better get down there ASAP. No delays, no excuses, vah menos!”
And as suddenly as Monosuke appeared to give the three those orders he was gone, toddling off in the direction of the school. But with little room or reason to object they swiftly followed him, joining everyone else waiting for the monokub’s newest motive. (Why do this if most want to end the game?)
The crowd in the gym again had itself become neatly divided with Angie’s group near the left wall while Kaito, Kokichi, and Maki waited for Kaede and the others along the right-hand side. Too bad Angie and Kaito were arguing again closer to the middle, likely encouraging keeping everyone divided this way, while Monophanie and Monodam kept turning to look at whoever was speaking as if they were watching a particularly intense game of tennis. Well, Monophanie turned, Monodam’s head swiveled.
“Atua says there is no place for murderers in a peaceful academy life like we should strive to have. Ryoma and Maki have too many ties to the horrors of death to simply roam unchecked.”
“And I say that's a load of crap and you know it! What you have us do, lock them up over something they ain’t fuckin’ gonna do in the first goddamn place?! Ryoma already paid for his crimes, and you can’t just going around judging either of them like this!” Kaito shouted, while Kirumi tried to argue for this idea.
“This could be as much as a help to their safety as it is for the rest of us, as if they are supervised then no one else would have the opportunity to attack them out of a misplaced sense of paranoia.”
“Speaking for yourself there?" Kokichi chimed in, to Kirumi's obvious displeasure. "Would you also be one of the people that would be “supervised” after your own little stunt against Ryoma? I’d be more than happy to keep an eye on my mom if you want me to~”
“Of course not, she’s also a member of the student council! She may have lost her temper before but she’s better now, and she’s in agreement with the rest of us so she’s not a danger to anyone at all.” Tenko argued, not that Kokichi was buying anything as he gave her and Kirumi skeptical but nonplussed looks.
“Hey, everyone let’s settle down. What are you talk-” Kaede tried to ask, before the Monosuke decided to take control of the situation instead.
“Listen up ya chumps, let’s get right down to business! ‘Cuz we’ve got anotha great motive for you all.”
“It won’t matter, nothing you can do will make us participate in your killing game anymore. We have Atua to help guide us now.” (Good god Kibo you really have been drinking the kool-aid haven’t you?)
“You-Misunderstand, That-Is-Not-What-This-Motive-Is-For!”
“What are you talking about? A scary motive like this was left behind by Daddy, so of course it can be used to help with the killing game if Monosuke wants it to.”
“That’s-Not-Why-I-Agreed-To-It. This-Is-A-Motive-That-Can-Bring-Everyone-Closer-Together! Because-It- Can-Return-A-Friend-The-Game-Took-Away-From-Us-All-Before.”
“Us all”? Not “You all”? I thought he and Monophanie only started hanging out with us because they were fighting with Monosuke. Is he really trying to “be friends” with us now because of the problems with him and his siblings? Why do that?
“Can it, ya tin can! That isn’t how this’ll work you hear me?! So listen up you fucks and listen good! This here motive is no mere book ya’know. It’ll be the most terrifying shit you’ve ever seen. Because what we got right here is the groundwork to get you all a new “transfer student”... Of a sort. Right Monophanie?” Monosuke began to explain with a snicker as he passed the duty to his sister like a twisted set of show announcers.
“Of course Monosuke! Because the place they’ll be “transferring” from is Beyond The Grave ~ Isn’t that just the most fear-inducing thing you’ve ever heard?! You’ll be able to resurrect one of the four people who have died in this killing game back to life, to welcome them back into the class.”
“Correct! But-This-Will-Only-Work-On-One-Of-The-Four. We’re-Sorry. You-Will-Understand-Why-When- You-Read- How-It-Works-In-The-Necronomicon-We-Will-Provide-For-You. But-” Monodam tried to add, wanting to be a part of this two as his siblings made no attempt to include him, but he was quickly shot down.
“But nothin’! And no “sorries” neither, this is a fuckin’ gift to you all, so you bastards better be grateful. So you gotta choose carefully you schmucks, ‘cuz you only have this one chance. And who even knows what your student of choice will be like. Same as they were before, like nothin’ happened to ‘em in the first place? Gross ass zombies still fucked up from how they died? Somethin’ in between? Or maybe they’ll be like someone completely new, who fuckin’ knows?! Won’t that be a blast to find out, huh?”
This can’t be real.
They can’t be serious.
This can’t be happening.
Could I really talk to Shuichi again?
Everyone else seemed to be having similar thoughts as the Monokubs derailed themselves yet again, Monophanie objecting over how she was never told how “icky” the transfer student could be. So the fact they genuinely don’t know what will come of this appeared to be honest at the very least, and if not this being the first she’s heard of it does incline one to think the student will be returned to the class hale and whole. (Even if that may just be wishful thinking on my part. But this doesn’t sound like something a resurrection manual would just leave out, unless the cubs didn’t even bother reading all of it.)
“There’s no way bringing back the dead could really be possible… Right?” Tsumugi quietly asked.
“R-Right, ‘course it isn’t! They’re just being stupid to rile us up, no way in hell it’s possible!”
Kaito insisted, much to Tenko’s displeasure.
“Hey! Aren’t you the degenerate who likes to claim the “impossible is possible”? Why are you changing your tune now, huh?! This could bring Himiko back, you coward!”
To that, Kiyo was the first to make his objection. “Now I may be one inclined to doubt a skepticism born from the hubris that often comes with a purely scientific background but I must concur with Kaito. While many cultures around the globe may have indeed made their own twists on rituals made to grant safe passage for a soul from one life onto the next to one instead meant to bring a person back from whatever “afterlife” they believe in, none have ever truly succeeded in such a lofty goal. And if merely communicating with someone who has been lost to us is what would be desired from using their suspect methods, we already had the means of contacting any departed spirit in my own lab which would be a more trustworthy alternative.”
“Uhh, wait a sec, aren’t you contradicting yourself there? And I’m not sure “trustworthy” would be the word you’re looking for.” (Like you can be one to talk Kokichi. Stupid jerk. Both of you.)
“Not at all, a spirit needs a vessel to best communicate, and no ritual exists that can bring back the flesh of the departed in such a way to sustain it to a point one could call it “life”. A soul might be given a temporary medium or even “haunt” a particular person or object so they can continue to interact with this world, and that could be seen as returning from the great beyond to some extent, but never in a way that leaves any of the parties involved properly satisfied. Nothing like what is being suggested-”
But thankfully before Kiyo could get more into his rant Maki cut him off.
“Then that’s fine, no need to go into it more than that. If even the closest thing we could have to an occultist specialist doesn’t believe it could be possible then the idiot must be right for once. No more need for discussion. We don’t need to go around needlessly humoring dangerous motives anymore-”
“Is it only natural for one so quick to end the lives of others be as quick to rule out bringing them back?”
Maki’s glare was enough to nearly chill the room, already feeling cooler than it should as the subject was giving everyone goosebumps, but Kirumi took her anger head on while barely batting a lash.
“Atua agrees with Tenko and Kiyo. It wouldn’t really be so strange for this to be possible in an Eden such as this.” And with that said Angie’s people were all ears, which helped to keep the tensions between the assassin and maid from escalating any further. “Nyahaha! Come now, everything in this new world of ours is odd enough isn’t it? How can we even really know the ones we believe are “dead” really are? Their bodies get taken from us so quickly, “crime scenes” cleaned up so thoroughly as if nothing had happened, and even “executions” so over the top that it just couldn’t be possible, right?  So far past any suspension of disbelief that all of this must surely be impossible, shouldn’t it?" She asked, but they felt more like rhetorical questions than anything else.
At the silence of the others considering her words gave her to the opportunity, she continued. "Atua surely thinks so. For Atua knows our dead can be “returned” to us even if “resurrection” is indeed impossible. Because no one is really dead here. They never were.” (But that’s not possible! We checked the bodies. Not me specifically, but Shuichi, Korekiyo, and Maki would have all surely noticed this! ... Right?)
“Do you honestly believe a mere imitation could capture the sensation of a warm body growing cold? Surely you jest. And even if my own assessment of Himiko’s condition was admittedly amateurish then Maki would have easily caught such a massive discrepancy with a background such as her own, yes?” Korekiyo retorted, echoing Kaede’s own thoughts. But something about what he said made Kokichi stare blankly at him for a moment, before recovering enough to return to his cheshire cat grin. Had it been any faster Kaede isn’t sure she would have even noticed the brief change, or catch the colder look in his eyes.
“We can’t prove they aren’t at any rate, look at the levels of technology the existence of Monokuma, the Monokubs, and the Exisals shows this place has access to. Even if the murder victims were real then a means of saving them before the point of no return may have indeed been possible, and they are the only bodies Maki has ever been close enough to check.”
But even if we didn’t see Miu’s body, we saw Shuichi’s. He was shot- er stabbed?- through the head. He was moving before the blow landed, we never lost sight of him in that horrible room, and there couldn’t be any way to recover from a brain injury like that if nothing else right? T-that had to be real. No matter how much we wished it wasn’t. Or how often.
“But wasn’t the basis of wanting Angie to lead in order to avoid doing what the game wanted by using the motives Monokuma and his cubs gave us like I encouraged before? Is it really okay for you to change tunes like this because this one would be more convenient for all of us if it’s true? I… I want you to be right Angie. Honest, I do. It’d be great if everyone was still alive safe somewhere else, away from here. But we’ve been burned before, and I don’t want a repeat of that. Please let’s just think things through.”
Kaede’s point did raise some debate. This had turned Angie’s initial point on its head, but the bond of the cult, their “faith” in her and by extension Atua, was strong enough to ignore the hypocrisy at play.
“It doesn’t matter in end, student council still able to protect everyone! And Angie our good president. And she says motive to save student won’t be used to hurt anyone. If book says rescuing not-really-dead friends mean other friends need to be hurt to work then we won’t listen to book, promise. No worries!” Gonta claimed with a comforting smile and absolute confidence.
“So that’s what this is Gonta? A “Student Council” to end the killing game?” Kaede asked.
“Yup! So Kaede no worry no more. No more killings happen, that why Gonta and Tenko here! We enforce rules Atua makes so people no get hurt or hurt each other again. No more disagreements.”
“So you think that gives you the right to just set this up under everyone’s noses? Like we’d ever agree to this. All this will lead to is either more disagreements or Angie trying to set herself up as a tyrant Gonta.”
Ryoma spoke up with a level head, and Gonta looked taken aback by this. But it was likely a good thing Ryoma said something first as Kokichi looked nearly seething at what was going on. Not intentionally either, as Keade saw him try to fall back onto his smiling mask from the corner of her eye, trying to keep herself from drawing attention to him.
No one else noticed it, as he was near the back of the crowd while Kiyo took to rambling on about the nature of cults and the reasons why they form in places like this, giving him time to re-adjust. And when he did he cheerily went along with Kiyo’s rant in order to highlight the means of Angie’s manipulations. Even though he should know they wouldn’t listen.
So I was right. He’s not okay with this either, hell he’s even more bothered by how Angie’s doing this than I honestly am. This just means we have to find another way of bringing us all back together.
“Please everyone, let’s just calm down-”
“Indeed, no need for anyone to worry at all! The student council will take care of the resurrection ritual so no one else has to worry about anything. Atua will decide what we will do with it at a later time.”
And with that Angie gladly took the book from Monosuke’s eager paws and tightly held it to her chest as she began skipping away from the conversation. It’s not like there would have been reasoning with her anyway.
Kaito looked nearly as sick as Kaede felt over things ending on a note like that but there was nothing else that could be done so everyone began to disperse. Kaede took another look around the campus for monokuma dolls to try and lose the ache in her chest before trying to go to the Casino.
She had found another before nighttime began, but it came with its own unwelcome discovery. The little bear was just sitting in the boiler room that led to their best possible exit, but it wasn’t like before.
The manhole cover was put snugly back into place and covered in large rocks so no one could try to attempt to remove it again. It was all too heavy for this to be a mistake, but at the same time, it hadn’t been moved before Himiko… Before the second trial was held. So while it could be a Monokub’s doing with their Exisals that may not be the case.
Was this why Gonta looked guilty before? Was this Angie’s plan? Why can’t she understand staying isn’t an option?! Rantaro died to prove this fact to us already! If he hadn’t we all would have. Except for the mastermind and maybe anyone else who might not have been “forced” to play this killing game.
At least she’ll be able to bring this up to Kokichi or Kaito after the get-together. Even if she told everyone at the Casino what happened it’s unlikely any of them would be able to lift the manhole cover to fix it.
No need to ruin Kokichi’s bit of harmless fun, everyone needs as much levity in this awful place as they can get. It’s what will keep everyone together, and in the process make bonds to help protect them. (Even if that sort of planning hasn’t really worked for us yet. It’s the best idea I can come up with here.)
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