#tenko // ic // ultimate aikido master
honeydewmuses · 2 years
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ask-dangmurderkids · 4 years
Question for everyone: What are your opinions on the mods of the group?
[ we decided not to use unclaimed characters, for simplicity! ]
[ also, tw: uhhh sex joke ig? swearing, definitely ]
“Well, they’re certainly better than trash like me! Except for maybe mod Polska, who knows what their talent is, and thats just oh so despairful!” Nagito cups his face in his hands, his pupils swirling. “Ahahhaha!”
“Eh.. they’re cool, I guess.” Kokichi twirled his purple hair around his index finger, then stopped, and grinned maniacally. “Just kidding! Thats a lie! They’re all morons! Every last one of them! I hate all of them! Or is that a lie? Who knows? Nishishi!”
Kotoko huffed, and stepped back from the anon. “They’re not demons, so I *guess* they’re fine, but adorbs? None of them. I hate it. I also get the vibe that they’re chaotic like Masaru, which I absolutely *hate*. The mods look like demons! Well.. some of them.” She rolls her eyes.
“Tenko has no specific emotions towards them! No degenerate males! Well, almost none. Tenko supposes that her dislike towards mod Kaika is because of the prejudice against males that Tenko has, though. However, Kaika-san is no degenerate!” The Ultimate Aikido Master tightens her bow. “Overall, Tenko thinks the mods are okay. No special feelings.”
"Wait theres other people- who- where??" Kazuichi freezes, and looks around nervously.
Mikan shies away from the anon, clasping her hands under her chin shakily. "Th-they're okay I-I guess.."
"Huh- oh yea they're chill." The Ultimate Gamer doesn’t even look up from her Nantendo to answer the question.
“The mods or whatever are fine I guess, they're better than any demons could be” The Lil Ultimate PE slouches, cupping his face with his hands, a bored expression on his face.
The Ultimate Breeder‘s T-posing over the anon, letting his hamsters run around his arms, scarf, and the top of his head. “The mortals known as the mods of this do not bother me much, though do not be fooled, I, the dark lord of ice, am able to take over if I wish, I simply have no reason to.”
“Kaede fingers pianos uhhh sit on a dick I dont know what to say uhhh suck my dick-“ Miu‘s inventing something, and wasn’t paying attention to the question.
Byakuya scoffs, his icy blue eyes as harsh and focused as ever. "They're all plebeians, with nothing better to do with their time other than... whatever this is. Don't ask me about it ever again, got it?"
"They're not Demons, so..." Monaca takes a moment to think. "...well, Monaca doesn't really know, to be honest. She's... what's the word... very neutral on this topic."
Jataro doesn't respond, simply playing around with a piece of scrap metal. "..."
"Kehehe..." Korekiyo chuckles, but it sounds less like a laugh and more like sandpaper. "They're very... intriguing, to say the least."
Nagisa just does his normal pointing sprite. "The mods are okay, since they aren't Demons, one, and two, I don't have to babysit them like I do with the WoH."
The Ultimate Detective, Shuichi Saihara, puts his hand out, slightly gesturing it towards the anon while he spoke. "I like some of the mods, and i'm okay with the rest."
Hajime puts his hand to his chin, like he was thinking. "I'm fine with them. No specific feelings."
"I like all of them! They are nice! And no one is robophobic!" Kiibo exclaims.
"I like them a lot! And at least they aren't trying to kill me-" Komaru fiddles around with her megaphone gun.
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Would it be possible for some Tenko x Rantaro headcanons? I know it's a very rare and possibly disliked ship, but I've been dying for stuff of them since I find their relationship really fascinating.
Hi, Anon! Yes, it would be very much possible! Even if it is rare, I am about to make it a little less rare by writing about it! It is also okay if it is a possibly disliked ship. Everyone likes different things, and that is okay! And yes, their relationship is quite fascinating. I just worry since I do not recall them interacting too much, but I will certainly do my best!
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Tenko Chabashira x Rantaro Amami
Tenko Chabashira
- “Listen up! Society is 100% about appearances! And they say handsome degenerate males are always up to no good! But! I will make an exception for Rantaro! He is handsome, but he is not insensitive, which makes him okay I guess…”
- It was extremely apparent to the rest of the students how flustered Tenko always became whenever Rantaro was nearby, though no one could fathom the reason. She would become all sweaty and even accidentally kick any poor soul to the next dimension who approached her and surprised her, though it did not take much to catch her by surprise while she was in such a state. But she despises men! There was no way she could have developed affections for him. And even if she had, how did it all begin?
- As the Ultimate Aikido Master, Tenko promptly trains her mind and body each and every night to maintain her athletic fitness and prowess, but even if she didn’t, she would still be able to beat up those disgusting mud doll males no problem with her passionate energy! But one night, she was approached by Rantaro, who remained to briefly chat and watch her train despite her threats. Regardless of her efforts, he remained composed and polite, which astonished her.
- He never once tried to hit on her or make any suggestive comments, which threw her for a loop. Weren’t all men supposed to be degenerates…? And have ulterior motives when they are sympathetic…? This all confused her, but Rantaro’s calming and inviting presence was comforting while she trained. The room felt a lot less empty, and she did not need to focus extremely hard on her training to forget about that lonely feeling. And ever since, Rantaro would always make the time to stop by her training room, and settle down on the floor to keep her company, even learning a few basic Aikido moves or two, even if he did look silly attempting them and earning a light scolding from Tenko.
Rantaro Amami
- “I always wondered…is Tenko the way she is because she feels alone? Maybe. But it would be unwise of me to make assumptions. And being kind to others goes a long way.”
- Rantaro has always admired Tenko’s courage, fighting spirit, and tenacity, though her loud voice and overactivity do overwhelm him at times. For quite some time, he has noticed her tendency to assert a rather misandristic outlook, and has since always been curious about its origins. There would be occasions in which she would forget her disdain for boys and men, and proceed to comfort them, encourage them, and admit their kindness and strengths. To him, this was quite amazing, as people tend to not admit their wrongs or attempt to understand those who oppose their own views.
- Generally, Rantaro was always interested in Tenko’s Neo Aikido since he has only rarely heard of it during his travels and her enthusiasm for it was always incredible. So he decided to pay her a visit one night, as everyone knows she practices in a special training room late into the night (because her battle cries are always made very clear). He was not surprised whatsoever when she threatened to kick him into the next room, and was determined to talk to her as a friend.
- And ever since then, the two became close, often playing sports on the same team, working on assignments together, or going out for ice cream after Tenko’s morning training sessions on the weekends. There is never a shortage of gaping mouths and surprised expressions whenever the two get close. 
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ndrv3haven · 5 years
This is my submission dedicated to @kibasniper for @danganevents valentines fic exchange. Sorry I was a little late, some things came up. It’s my first time writing for this pairing, and I hope you like it!
It was a relatively decent day for Kaede Akamatsu. At school, they had to pair up for a project and she got a good partner for once… or so she thought.
Tenko Chabashira was walking besides her, complaining about their male classmates’ behavior. She often had the tendency to look down on men and be highly critical of every little thing they did… Then again, she also had this ‘little’ infatuation for girls, specifically Himiko which scared Kaede a bit; but when she found herself side by side with her she noticed that Tenko was a much more pleasant company than she would have expected. They made small chat about all sorts of things, the blonde being especially careful to not mention the opposite gender.
It proved to be fairly easy, since the discussion was mainly about Neo-Aikido and how people tend to often misunderstand its importance. Soon enough, the conversation shifted onto her achievements and love for the arts, Kaede listening low key amazed; firstly, because of the awards in question and how unbelievable they were compared to her own, and secondly because how immersed she seemed to be. It was as if everything else ceased to exist, and that fact reminded her once again how unusual her classmates could sometimes be.
“Kaede, what do you think? Would you be able to train with me someday?” She didn’t know how their talk got to that point since she wasn’t fully paying attention, but the question slightly baffled her.
“Um… Of course! Though I’m not familiar at all with Aikido, so I’m not that good…”
“Woaah!! You actually said yes?! I mean, I really didn’t expect you to! Every time I would ask Himiko she’d always say it’d be too tiring for her…” There she goes again with Himiko. She was all over her every single moment of the day, and Kaede was questioning why that wasn’t the case at the moment.
“Speaking of Himiko, why didn’t you pair up with her for the project?”
“…She didn’t want to.”
“Oh…” the silence that followed was more saddening than awkward, since Tenko slumped in her posture and looked like a dejected little puppy. Not that she could be blamed for that, as her crush didn’t hesitate to reject her, it seemed.
“But that doesn’t matter!! I mean, you just told me you’d be willing to train! So that makes me really happy, you didn’t ask anything bad!!!” her sudden reaction and exclamation points startled Kaede a bit, but managed to shrug it off by offering her a slightly nervous smile. Out of nowhere, she got an idea that might help break the ice for the project.
“Say, wouldn’t it be a good idea to hang out somewhere before we start? I have a place in mind-“
“OOOOH!! We could have a picnic! My house is close by, I happen to have sandwiches and everything we need prepared!!” …She wasn’t going to ask further. But it would be fairly easy to guess why she’d keep a huge amount of food available with Himiko around.
As Tenko said, walking to her home didn’t take too long; not only that, but she also eagerly invited Kaede inside. It was common courtesy, yet she still felt a little out of place since her and Tenko hadn’t really spoken that much. The interior was decorated normally, a thing one wouldn’t quite expect from the Ultimate Aikido Master. Of course, there were some martial arts motifs lying around.
With a quick ‘I’ll be right back’ the slightly shorter girl disappeared into the kitchen, swiftly returning with two decently sized lunch boxes. When meeting Kaede’s gaze, she offered her a wide smile, excitement visible in her eyes. “But there’s no picnic without a picnic mat!” Apparently she had one… lying right on the couch??
“T-Tenko… Did you actually prepare everything knowing you’ll get paired up with someone and… ask them to have a picnic?”
“O-o-o-of course not!!!! This just happened to be random, see?? I didn’t even know what kind of sandwiches you like, so I totally wasn’t prepared for this!!” at this point, her face was clearly redder than usual and nervous droplets of sweat dripped from her chin which surprised the blonde a bit since it was such an unusual sight. But then, it finally clicked.
“…You got this ready for Himiko, didn’t you?”
“W-what, no!!! I mean, not that I wouldn’t want to, but no!!” her lightning fast response gave Kaede all she needed to know.
“Look… It’s okay. Even if Himiko didn’t want to hang out with you, which I’m not really sure why,” oh, she definitely knew why “you don’t have to pretend you’re happier than you actually are. It’s alright to be sad from time to time.”
“B-but… but…” Slouching in her posture, she let out a sigh and avoided the other’s eyes. “I just don’t understand… What did I do wrong…? Himiko and Angie always hang out, and… they leave me out all the time!! But maybe… maybe I really am annoying Himiko, there’s no way she can be possibly wrong!!”
“No, that’s not true! I’m sure she needs a little more time to get used to you, but you really aren’t annoying. It’s actually the opposite, since you’re so energetic you tend to rub off on others, and that’s a good thing!”
“But I must surely be bothering you right now! Instead of having a picnic, I’m just wasting your time with my excessive whining…”
“I don’t know how exactly I can convince you otherwise, but… wait, I have an idea. Since we have all weekend to finish our projects, why don’t we go hang out with Himiko and Angie? We could even have a picnic together, since you’ve prepared quite a bit of food and it’d be a shame if we wasted it. What do you say?” Kaede eagerly waited for a response, while Tenko didn’t hesitate to show her reluctance. After an incredibly short amount of time, she gave in, letting her elation take over.
“YES!! And it won’t be only me and Himiko, so that way… but are you sure you want to? I don’t want to involve you in my problems because you felt that you had no choice…”
“Look, this is my choice. I may not have spoken too much with either of them, but that’s why we could try hanging out! It doesn’t hurt to get to know each other better, and this is also a good opportunity for Himiko to warm up to you!” she tried to convey her excitement into speech, yet there were some things better left to Tenko and her seemingly limitless energy. “…of course, I do like picnics too, so…” mumbling, she smiled bashfully.
Letting her emotions out, she gleefully grabbed Kaede’s hands and thanked her, while also reminding her of how she’ll make sure the picnic would be enjoyable for all. A quick call was all it needed to convince Angie, who took it upon herself to carry Himiko along. It would be no easy task, but something assured Kaede they'd show up; she couldn't quite tell what that something was, though.
Trying to lower Tenko's eagerness to sprint out the door turned out to be a difficult challenge. Soon enough, she calmed down and walked besides Kaede as calm as she could... which was definitely not that.
Soon enough, they made it to the park where Angie, Himiko and Atua apparently, waited for them. Laying the mat and readying the sandwiches faster than one would say "nyeh", Tenko just couldn't contain herself. Kaede mostly just sat and watched, steering the conversation from men whenever she could. The food was amazing, even Atua praised them from wherever he was, according to Angie. Himiko grinned slightly while slowly munching on hers, and that meant the world to Tenko.
A few minutes of small chat turned into hours, and meaningless words took the form of secrets and confessions. The evening's rays of sun highlighted the small group of girls, giving the shortest one a headache. The rest answered to her complaints and parted, hurrying to their respective homes as it had gotten quite late. The gentle smiling Kaede and the overexcited Tenko once again found themselves walking besides each other. This time though, there were things that needed to be said.
"Kaede, thank you so much!! I really wouldn't have gone through with this idea alone, how can I possibly repay you?!"
"Geez, Tenko... You're talking as if I did something actually meaningful; instead I just hung out with my friends, no big deal."
"Aaahhh, you're too kind! I certainly don't deserve someone as good or pretty as you..."
"P-pretty?? I wouldn't really say that... "
"It's true!! And spending this day with you... has made me realize something." It was hard to believe Tenko actually used a serious tone, and by the looks of it she even attempted to look Kaede in the eyes, but immediately failed and avoided her gaze, wearing a thoughtful expression.
"I've realized there are people other than Himiko... and that, maybe, I didn't like her as much as I thought... What I mean is... Waaaah, I can't say it!" her face was tomato colored, and her nervousness made itself visible with her seemingly quivering lower lip.
"It's okay. I'm sure you'll be able to say it someday. You're strong, and I believe in you!" it was more than obvious what she was meaning to confess, yet Kaede was thankful she couldn't do it. She was not quite sure of her feelings for Tenko, and she didn't know how her vague answer would affect the other. Fortunately, Tenko reacted well to her encouragement and nodded; her motivated self back once again.
Of course, maybe with a little more time, she'd consider other options as well.
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storytell · 4 years
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❛     stay  back  ,  you  degenerate  male  !  i  can  tell  you’re  up  to  something  !     ❜
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