#teeth the jerboa
knizuu · 5 months
A Fabeth Fine Art UvU
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aethiriarts · 2 months
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New personal OC! Sable Fable! She's a 6 inch, feisty Jerboa gal!
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thedailyvio · 19 days
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Day 137 - 138
WIP Below:
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bogleech · 3 months
aloof cg civet voiced by tina fey for no real reason: I can't believe we trusted you, anxious cg musk ox voiced by will ferrell for no real reason, and here you were the first cg animal I was willing to open up to after my tragic past, come on guys, we can get to the ending without this LIAR
anxious cg musk ox voiced by will ferrell for no real reason: hey wait come on guys this is a simple misunderstanding, haven't you seen this all in at least one cg movie every single year since I think roughly 2001?? I bet hilarious cg mudskipper voiced by kenan thompson for no real reason has my back
hilarious cg mudskipper voiced by kenan thompson for no real reason: doesn't say anything funny for once, just frowns and looks slowly down at the ground as he turns to leave
overly friendly cg jerboa voiced by an industry VA like Jack McBrayer or Alan Tudyk whose performance has pretty much carried the entire film by himself: smiles into the camera to reveal he had crookeder teeth and littler pupils than you ever remember. Oh my god. That one's the bad guy. Holy fuck
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pinky-in-blankets · 5 months
TADC: ✨️SideQuests ✨️
A Clue! A Clue!
Route: S.O.S!Au
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Scribbles hissed in protest at the thought of going through every single book in the Potion makers shelf. Pomni, Caine, and herself were currently investigating the Ragdoll's Quarters.
The little Jerboa had taken one of Ragatha's Favorite ribbons and hidden it somewhere with the assistance of Jax under a guise of a prank, So they'd have plenty of time to search. If anything, those two could annoy eachother for hours.
"SO My Dear, Do tell me.. what exactly are we searching for?"
Caine mused as he poked a few of the empty vials and nearly knocked them over. Pomni was Quick to catch them and gave him a look.
"Anything that's suspicious or out of place."
She replied while placing the vials back in order. The last thing she wanted was Caine to be here during her investigation, seeing as he's a suspect.
But she need to keep a closer eye on the riddlemaster.. as he was the hardest to get a read on. It would be better to keep your friends close and your enemies closer after all.. yeah. That was totally the reason.
"Everything in this place is suspicious. I feel like I'm in a witches Cavern.."
Scribbles murmered under her breathe as she filed through the different books. She probably wasn't looking as throughly as she should- but ughhh this was so dusty and boring. "Tears of the world", "A handmaidens guide to Etiquette", "Darling, If you only Knew-"
Scribbles let out a slightly agitated cry as a big book fell on her noggin. The other two turned their heads to see what the commotion was.
"Little Knight?"
Caine asked as he walked over curiously to see what was wrong.
"You okay?"
Pomni asked as she also headed over, trying not to laugh. Whenever something hit scribbles, she sounded like a strained squeaky toy.
"Mmhm.. I'm okay.. just this silly Book.. Huh? That's weird.. this is the only book in another language. Isn't everything here set to "English"?"
Scribbles mentioned as she held up the book to the two. The entire book was written in French.
"That.. That is odd."
Pomni mused as Scribbles opened it and flipped through the pages. She squinted at the fancy calligraphy and let out a frustrated hiss.
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"How can anybody read this stuff? I cant even read the title."
" Base de données des utilisateurs."
Caine chimed in, causing Both Pomni & Scribbles to look at him. He simply spun his cane around with a bit of pride, assuming that he's managed to impress the two.
"Why I can read MANY languages. French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Russian-"
He began to list off one of his many setting before pomni put her fingers to his teeth and shushed him.
" YES yes that's very impressive Caine but could you maybe just read this in ENGLISH?"
She motioned to the pages of the book the little Jerboa held out to him. He gave an awkward chuckle before nodding.
"Ah- But of course my dear! Allow me to shed some light on this verbal mystery!"
He stated as he began to read out the listed words in the pages... he was reading out names. But not just any names.. Names of all the missing persons on this case.
This was a HUGE piece of evidence.
Pomni Said with a bright grin as she did a little jig in place. After months of wild goose chases she's finally making some solid progress. Caine had no idea how this book made her so excited but the sight alone made his non existenant heart flutter a little bit. Might as well join in the cheerfulness.
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"That's simply marvelous my dear~"
Pomni couldn't contain her excitement as she immediately ran up to Caine and threw her arms around him. He was taken aback but happily spun her around a little as they had a small victory.
Scribbles was quick to catch the book before handing it back to Caine when he finally stopped spinning Pomni. Her face had flushed with the silly laughter she had.
"Finally.. I'm finally one step closer to finding out who's behind this all. Thank you. Thank you so much Caine.."
" Oh no, It was my Pleas-"
Caine began but immediately stopped mid sentence as he felt something wrong. It was as if the ground had went out from under him...?
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As if he slipped on something, Caine went crashing to the ground and the Book went flying.. and landed right into Ragatha's Main Calderon.
It bubbled and fizzled as the book all but discenigrated into the green liquid.
A deathly silence fell over the room as Cain slowly sat up, Feeling the burning stares of the two Behind him.. even He knew that a Simple "Oops." Wouldn't fix what he had just done.
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He felt his Code run cold as the strained Sound of Despair in Pomni's Voice can be heard.
"Caine... What did you do..?"
Song of sorrow Au belongs to @snuffydoo
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meowthplushie · 5 months
i wonder why they decided to get rid of fang being half wolf...bc him having that giant fang + sharp teeth in general as just a jerboa now is so weird lol
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tastesoftamriel · 1 year
Greetings from Finland! (Or I suppose it could be considered Eastern Skyrim) What are some of the spices or ingredients that could be used in food making from each race? I plan to make up a recipe of my own. And how about most famous meats for every race? (And possibly their real life counterparts for some of the meats?) Best wishes, thank you!
Hello! You can find a list of commonly used Tamrielic spices here. With regards to meats, there are a range of different meats preferred by the races based on geographic regions and subsequent availability.
Summerset favours fish over most other meats, but the High Elves also farm a range of more common mainland Tamrielic livestock such as cows, chickens, sheep, and deer. However, indrik heart is the most prized of all meats, and is highly sought after due to the illegality and difficulty of killing these magnificent beasts. The preparation and consumption of indrik heart is purportedly painstaking, and is a closely guarded secret of Altmeri gourmets. It is my goal to one day try this coveted dish!
Guar, bantam guar, and chickens are the main meats favoured by Black Marsh Argonians, primarily due to their ability to cope with swampy conditions. Grilling, baking, and frying are the most common ways of preparing these meats, whether they're served on their own, with noodles or saltrice, or salads.
If it's meat, the Bosmer will eat it. Whether it's wild boar, deer, timber mammoth, or even monkey, all game is fair game in Valenwood! Timber mammoth steak with blue timber mammoth cheese sauce is one of my favourite foods in Tamriel.
If there's one race who's mad about mutton, it's the Bretons. While High Rock is also known for its pork dishes, today I'm focusing on all things mutton. Mutton stew, mutton chops, mutton casserole, and even Orcish-inspired mutton curry are favourites both at home and in taverns. One of the more popular ways of consuming the meat is a mutton and rosemary sausage, that is served fried with eggs, goat cheese, and roasted artichoke hearts.
Aside from guar, the Dark Elves love nix-hound and nix-ox in equal amounts, with the former being more akin to crocodile or turkey in texture, while nix-ox is named such due to its uncanny similarity to beef in flavour (though not in texture). As they are bugs, however, you're not going to get thick steaks or drumsticks as you would from other animals. Instead, nix-ox and -hound are best served minced or stewed. A staple dish in Dunmeri households is nix-hound casserole, made with finely minced and baked nix-hound with saltrice, hackle-lo or ash yams, and scuttle.
Imperials love beef the same way that Bretons love mutton. However, the most unique and exciting beef you can find in Tamriel is Cyrodiilic wagyu, a special kind of fatty, marbled beef that is exquisite as it simply melts in the mouth with a rich, meaty flavour. Whether it's served as tender filet mignon or thinly sliced as carpaccio, Cyrodiilic wagyu beef is an expensive but absolutely divine treat.
There are many exotic meats that are native to Elsweyr, and jerboa is probably the most popular. These small (and unfortunately very cute) rodents are delicious when deep fried or roasted in moon sugar sauce, though their small size means you'll have to eat a few to fill up. If you don't mind picking bones from your teeth, jerboa is a must-try for adventurous foodies.
Beef, chicken, elk, goat, horker, rabbit...in Skyrim, if it moves, we're probably eating it. However, the consumption of specific types of meat, and whether it's processed or fresh, really depends on where you are in the Province. Major towns and cities are more likely to eat fresh farmed meats like poultry, mutton, and beef, while rural areas rely more on wild game. Whether it's Markarth barbequed goat skewers or Dawnstar horker casserole, there's a whole new world of regional dishes out there for meat lovers visiting Skyrim.
Echatere, chub loon, horker, and mammoth are the cornerstones of Orcish cuisine, and they're enjoyed in abundance. Wrothgarian Orcs in particular love their echatere, which are lovingly hand-reared or hunted in the wild. Either way, it's delicious, albeit with a rather acquired taste and gamey aroma. Echatere meatballs topped with crispy chub loon bits and an echatere cheese and frost mirriam gravy are a timeless classic hailing from the region.
If goats were ever to become an endangered species, the last place they would disappear would be Hammerfell. Anyone who's visited the Alik'r will know that despite the sandy, Oblivion-hot depths of the desert, these hardy creatures will survive just about anything. As a result, goat meat plays a central part in Redguard cooking. Goat koftas, kebabs, shawarma, curries...no matter what form it's in, you're bound to have a tasty, meaty meal no matter where you are in Hammerfell.
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science-lings · 1 year
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twistedtummies2 · 10 months
Malikhan's Affection
I've mentioned in the past that Malikhan - my lion-taur OC - has a boyfriend/valet named Jabari. He is a demi jerboa. I felt like sharing a little example of their relationship at work, so... Jabari: (is cleaning up the floor) Malikhan: (grins and starts to pad up behind Jabari) Jabari: (blinks, hearing the heavy footsteps...pauses...and starts to turn-)YIPE! Malikhan: (holds Jabari up like a teddy bear in his arms) Hey, little mousey. >:3 Jabari: ...Put me down. -_- Malikhan: Nah. Don't feel like it. Jabari: You know I can't do my job if you-EEP! Malikhan: (purrs as he licks the top of Jabari's head) Mmmmmaaaaahhhh…heh heh…(licks teeth)…you're soooo tasty. Jabari: (flustered, wriggles around…then squeaks as Malik growls and squeezes him tighter) Malikhan: Nope. You're being held, and you can't do anything about it. Jabari: (blushes, rodent ears twitching) Uh-huh…and what about cleaning up the bones from the last victim? Malikhan: (shrugs) Eh. I'll smash them into powder and you can sweep 'em up later. Jabari: ...I feel like I should be disturbed right now, but I'm finding it hard to be... Malikhan: Awwww, does the wittle mousey wike being cuddled so much he forgot? Jabari: I will tickle you with my tail. Malikhan: I will literally eat you. Jabari: Yeah, but I also know you'll let me out later. Who else is gonna clean up after your worthless butt? Malikhan: I am the king of an entire empire. I don't think my butt is THAT worthless. Jabari: Oh, then you won't mind losing some of the weight back there? Malikhan: (growls and nuzzles) Shut up. Less talking, more being snuggled against your will. Jabari: (sighs and just lets the lion cuddle him)
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dujour13 · 1 year
Caught in a blizzard or cookies for Siavash?
Thank you so much for the ask 🥰 Sorry it took so long. January, you know what I mean.
“What have you learned from your people watching?”
“People like cats.”
“Also cookies. Here.”
She took the cookie in both hands like a sacred host. “Thank you.”
He watched her eat it delicately with her sharp, white teeth. “What do you think?”
“I’ve eaten many fine feasts, but this—this makes my heart want to jump like your pet jerboa.” She wiped crumbs from her ruby lips and smiled.
Arueshalae had practically twisted herself in knots with embarrassment when she came up to the Citadel to ask Siavash if he had time to talk. They met at the Half Measure, and found themselves a secluded corner while Aivu “helped” Fye at the bar. It was early evening, before the rush. Still, a couple of crusaders spotted them and came over to salute the Knight-Commander, and he shook their hands warmly even as they cast uneasy glances at his companion. He thought he overheard one of them saying he ought to be wary as they went back to their table, and relished the day she would prove them wrong. He wanted to believe in her.
“People like you,” she said when they were gone. “You’re full of hope and inspiration, like an azata…” Pain flashed across her features so briefly it might have been a trick of the light. “But there’s also something sad, when you think no one’s watching.”
“You’re good at reading people.”
She flinched and looked away. “My demonic nature.”
He started to lay a hand on her arm but drew back, giving her a warm smile instead. “You know, maybe some of the talents from your demonic nature could be used for good. If a succubus senses people’s fears and desires, maybe she can see how to help them.”
“It won’t be easy to… sort the wheat from the cheese? But maybe you’re right. I should learn to use my gifts to help people.” She looked him straight in the eyes with her intense, crimson gaze. “For example, you just deflected.”
Now it was his turn to flinch. Part of him warned that this was really foolish, but another part wanted to confide in her, in all her seemingly guileless curiosity. Which was exactly what a succubus would want him to do. And even if not, even if she was being honest about wanting to change, she could lose control at any moment. Yet how could he help her if he didn’t extend his trust? “All right. Yes, I’m a little lonely sometimes.”
“You’re surrounded by friends. Why do you feel alone?”
“Maybe I think I deserve to be alone.” He fidgeted with the paper cookie wrapping on the table between them. “Not to let people get too close, because I tend to let them down. Maybe I’m not all that different from you. Well—not quite as extreme. But maybe I’m also struggling against part of my nature.”
“You’re not letting people down in the Crusade.”
“Not yet,” he smiled wistfully. “I’ve hurt people before by not keeping my promises. I want to do better.”
“I never thought I could have anything in common with someone like you. It makes me feel so much more hopeful.”
“We’re not as different as you think.”
“Maybe it’s silly and selfish, but sometimes I think Desna sent you to me. When I first saw you in a vision you looked like an azata, beautiful and glowing, and then you freed me from prison. It’s as if She sent you to free me from the prison of being a demon.”
“No, Arue, you have to free yourself. I’ll be here to listen and feed you cookies, but that’s not a door I can unlock for you.”
“You’re right, of course, but eating cookies with you does make me feel stronger. Like maybe I can want to be with you without wanting to… to destroy you. I’ve watched mortals just be happy together, with no violence in their eyes, and someday I want to feel that too. But you’ve been in love before. Tell me what it’s like.”
“Love is a wonderful feeling. It’s like the sun is shining even in the middle of winter. Your beloved’s smile is like the sun in your heart: it lights up everything, fills everything with warmth and joy. And you want desperately to give them the world, to make them happy.”
She leaned forward as she listened, her eyes wide and her lips parted in a wondering smile.
“With time it mellows, so you don’t feel as if you’re walking on clouds all the time, but love grows deep roots. You still have moments of sunshine, but it’s more like your heart has learned to drink from it and grow strong and bloom. When you’re with your beloved you feel whole. At home.”
He was aware his voice wavered as he spoke. Thinking of Kristov didn’t stab him in the heart like it used to, but the old ache was still there. He stopped to gather himself and realized only at that moment what had happened.
Arueshalae’s face had ever so gradually changed while he was speaking, her jaw growing squarer, her brow heavier, a slight hint of stubble on her chin.
She gasped, instantly melting back to her feminine form. As he watched, helpless with shock, she shoved violently away from the table, leapt up and ducked out of the tavern, leaving him to shakily finish off his wine, fold the paper over the rest of the cookies, and throw his cloak on.
Part of him was aware of the danger. His heart pounded like a rabbit’s that had barely gone to ground in time. But mostly, he wondered if he’d foolishly just undone years of her hard work, so wrapped up in his own musings he hadn’t noticed until it was too late what effect it was having on her. Maybe feeding people cookies and listening to their troubles was all part of what Kristov called his “act.”
He faked a friendly smile for Fye and the crusaders as he left.
Maybe it’s right that people should run when they start getting too close, he thought wistfully as he walked up the dark streets toward the Citadel. She wasn’t the first.
Still… as the Sword of Valor came into view, bright in the dusk with its graceful tree growing even here in the heart of the Worldwound, he drew a deep breath and fished a cookie out of his pocket. There was always hope. When he found her again, he knew already what he would tell her: there’s a little bit of the Abyss in all of us. We have to learn to overpower it. But also to forgive ourselves.
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thecount03 · 5 months
Jerboa mobians are born with their front teeth due to their nature as rodents, this kinda freaks Bark out when Aurora yawns and it's mainly typical baby gums but at the front of her mouth four sharp teeth
He then doubly freaked out when Fang gave their barely a-week-old daughter a stick to chew on
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((if they had a kid meme for jack and a honey?
If they had a kid meme (closed!)
Name: Apollyon (Polly)
Gender: girl
General Appearance: Hunbun but WORSE. Thick curly hair, short, kinda chubby, brown skin. Black sclera and black insides like Jack, star shaped pupils, forked tongue, lop ears, sharp teeth. Same jerboa tail as Jack, pointy Lil horns, bean feet AND bean hands. Retractable claws. Pouch.
Personality: head empty, likes climbing things and talking to people even before she could speak coherently. Violent streak, has bitten multiple people and drawn blood, but is pretty easy going aside from All That. Golden retriever with thumbs.
Special Talents: fire generation and manipulation, can see and talk to ghosts, necromancy, animal communication, advanced healing and limb regeneration
Who they like better: Honey
Who they take after more: HONEY
Personal Head canon: she loves you so much even though she just met you :D! Her walking egg was basically glued to honey the entire time it was incubating, totally a mama's girl. Likes to be barefoot and likes to run around outside whenever possible
Face Claim:
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mochamothunderscore · 8 months
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cos fan design :D i really like how it turned out!!
Based on a jerboa, zombies, and rot (:
The ver’ichit species as a whole is composed of vicious, rotting bodies fueled by the desperate need for meat before they inevitably succumb to the all-consuming rot eating them from the inside out.
Fun facts!!!:
* the reason these creatures rot is simply due to a species of mold that evolved alongside this one. the mold uses this creature as a host for reproduction. it is inhaled by the lungs and rests in the bloodstream, consuming many of the nutrients these creatures do. when it’s time for the mold to reproduce, it clogs up the veins and kills the creature, letting the mold reproduce without the immune system catching on.
* the mold literally only works on this species. if this species were to die out, the mold would have nobody else to infect and also die out.
* some ver’ichit have become resistant to the fungus, and are thusly rapidly becoming more prevalent. it’s said that it’s only a matter of time before the mold catches up, though, as it has for the past thousand years
Creature: ver’ichit
Tier: 2
Diet: carnivore
Type: terrestrial
Health: 1,600
Damage: 160
Weight: 1,000
Bite Cooldown: 0.4
Hp Regen: 4%
Appetite: 60
Hunger: 2
Thirst Appetite: 80
Thirst: 2
Nightvision: 4/3
Oxygen: 15
Growth Time: 14 Minutes (s)
Speed: 24/102
Stamina: 80
Stamina Regen: 2
Glide Regen:
Takeoff Cost:
Jump Power: 4?
Jump Stamina: 4
Dart Power:
Dart Stamina:
Ambush speed: 1.4
Turn: 1
* virus breath
* serrated teeth
* strength in numbers
* 0.5 defensive plague
* burrower
* latch
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thistownhasteeth · 1 year
this town has teeth is a collection of poetry, made and managed by @pigeonprose.
this town has teeth is for when you're haunted by more than ghosts, when it's not your eyes staring back at you in the mirror, when a dead man's cafe recommendation is pretty good, actually, when fear and freedom get caught in your throat, when the narrative is aware of you, when you're wanting to burn it all down and hoping it takes you with it, when the armies of troy are right there and you are going to make them pay for what they have taken from you. it's also for the hundreds of jerboas in the deserts of pakistan, who are blissfully unaware of their own existence on a cosmic level but see the sun rise each and every day over the sand dunes and maybe that's the same thing.
I hope you find what you're looking for here. and if not, I hope you can tear it out with your claws and your teeth. the suburbs fucking ruined us and we will fucking ruin them right back when the revolution comes.
until then, we write.
icon is by ultrainfinitepit on tumblr - all content is original unless marked otherwise - header is a public domain image by vincent van gogh. - blanket cw for potentially graphic imagery - main is transrevolutions on tumblr - regular writeblr is pigeonprose on tumblr
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petculiars · 2 years
What Is a Jerboa? Interesting Facts About The Jumping Rodent
New Post has been published on https://www.petculiars.com/what-is-a-jerboa/
What Is a Jerboa? Interesting Facts About The Jumping Rodent
Jerboa is part of the Dipodoidea family. It is a jumping rodent animal that can be found in North Africa, Asia, China, and Manchuria. It lives in desert areas with a warm and very warm climate.
The jerboa is a miniature animal that has a completely bizarre appearance. From the outside, it seems that his body is made up of parts of various animals, but despite this, it has perfectly adapted to the harsh environmental conditions, and can easily live even in places where it is difficult for other creatures to survive, for example, in arid deserts.
Jerboa description
Jerboa has a head and a torso in the form of a mouse or a rat, has a sensitive mustache like a cat, the eyes are large, similar to the eye of an owl, the ears are like those of a squirrel, and the hind legs are like the ones you would find on a kangaroo. The forelimbs make them similar to dogs and they have long tails, sometimes covered with fur.
The length of the animal is between 5 and 15 cm, depending on the species. The average weight of a jerboa is between 50 and 140 grams.
Head: The skull is very similar to that of a mouse. The nose of this small animal is strong and adapted for holes. The eyes are usually large enough, adapted for night activity. The ears are also large and protected by short and coarse hair. If we talk about teeth, then I can tell you it has curved incisors shaped like a chisel, as well as strong molars, which are necessary for the jerboa to eat hard plants on arid earth. It is also worth noting the rather long and sensual mustache, which is necessary to control the underground environment or on the surface of the earth at night.
Body: It has a mouse-like body shape, covered with soft fur. The color of the fur is dark sand under the limbs and belly, and the coat has a lighter shade.
Extremities: The hind legs are 4 times longer than the front legs, designed for a rather strong force. With the help of the hind limbs, the jerboa can jump up to one and a half meters in height and up to 3 meters in length. Four fingers, in Asian jerboa, or three, in African species, are stretched on the paws. The front legs of the animal are quite small in size. They act as hands because they are designed for digging holes, and can also transport food.
Tail: As a rule, the tail is longer than the head and body, and it is used to maintain balance in the feet.
Jerboa has a well-developed sense of smell and hearing, but their vision is pretty weak.
Habitat and diet of jerboa
The jerboa is found in desert and steppe habitats where there is vegetation. These are nocturnal rodents that live alone and spend most of their day in relatively small burrows, about 40 cm deep. These holes are clearly visible in the light sand and contain well-defined nesting rooms.
The main component of the nutrition of a jerboa is based on plants. They can also eat seeds if they are not very strong. Some smaller species also feed on bugs and other insects they encounter. Unlike gerbils, jerboas do not store their food.
Most species of jerboa have very well-developed hearing. They use it to avoid nocturnal predators.
Jerboa behavior
If you see a running jerboa, you can take it for a mini-kangaroo. These animals are able to jump a distance of 10-13 cm at each step. However, if the jerboa feels danger, then it can become more energetic, and its jumping can reach up to one and a half meters in height and up to 3 meters in length. This means that the jerboas can reach speeds of up to 25 km/h when predators chase them away. They can move from side to side in a zig-zag motion to confuse enemies. Almost every predator is a danger to these rodents, especially foxes, owls, and snakes.
The jerboas survive in the desert, hiding in the tombs. Living under the ground, they manage to hide from the heat and cold of the deserts. Their burrows are usually found near vegetation, but during the rainy season, tunnels are dug near hills or earthworks, where they can escape the flooding waters. During hot summers in the African deserts, animals seal the hole entrance with earth blocks to prevent heat from entering. Asian herbs in winter also seal the entrances to their burrows to prevent the cold from entering. Such holes are usually quite deep. They can reach 3-4 meters deep.
You might also like my articles with interesting facts about the wallaby, the aye aye, or the aardvark.
These small animals have the ability to quickly dig the soil. They use their short front legs to dig holes. Also, during this process, their large legs work. Strong limbs are necessary for the animal to push the dug soil. Many rodent species are very well adapted to live in sandy deserts. Jerboas have special folds of skin, which are used to prevent sand from entering the nose. They also have special hair in their ears, which also prevents sand from entering.
Jerboa’s life cycle
They belong to polygon species. Mating usually occurs shortly after waking up from hibernation. Females can bring offspring twice a year, usually in summer. Between 2 to 6 offspring are usually born in a litter. The gestation period lasts from 25 to 35 days. In fact, little is known about the parental relationships of these small animals. Like most mammals, females care for their young, at least until they stop feeding on milk.
The jerboa babies are developing quite slowly. They are usually born without hair. The posterior legs do not grow until the age of 2 months. They can also not jump until 3 months of age. The jerboa matures after 3.5 months. The average lifespan of these animals in the wild is up to 6 years.
Dangers and predators of jerboas
In general, the jerboa has a very uncertain future. This small animal constantly encounters fairly dangerous predators, especially those who go hunting at night. These include owls, snakes, foxes, jackals, and even domestic cats. However, the biggest threat to them is the possible loss of habitat, and this can happen by human fault.
Some of the species of jerboa, for example, the five-finger dwarf, Cardiocranius paradoxus, and the thick-tailed dwarf, Salpingotus crassicauda, are now threatened with extinction. And species such as Egyptian jerboas, like the Euchoreutes naso and Jaculus jaculus, are already listed in the Red Book because they are in danger of extinction.
Jerboa as a pet
In recent years, jerboas have become very popular as pets, but they need care and attention. They are difficult to tame and are not very easy to care for because they are nocturnal. Therefore, these animals are by no means suitable as playmates for children. Depending on the type of jerboa, it must be determined whether it lives alone or in group housing. For family or group homes, it is important that animals have enough free space. Since the jerboas can jump long distances, they cannot be kept in tight cages. A cage of at least 3 meters must be available. A jerboa cannot be settled in the open air if the climate is cold.
Living conditions
In order for the animal to feel comfortable, underneath its cage you need to create a space with a size of at least 3×2 meters. There should be a place in the house where the jerboa could dig a hole for itself. In order for the animal not to be limited in movement, it is necessary to allocate him a large amount of free space in the apartment. It is necessary to make sure that the animal does not bite the furniture and cables. The jerboa will not stop in front of the wallpaper. Potted plants shouldn’t be kept within the reach of rodents, as they like to use potting soil for digging. If you plan to keep the jerboa in the terrarium, then you need to cover the glass walls with leaves and branches.
Jerboas feed on roots and other parts of plants, as well as insects. In captivity, it should receive hay and cereals, as well as fresh vegetables. Fruits are recommended to be given in limited quantities due to the fructose content. Despite the fact that jerboas can live without water, it is still important for the animals to always have fresh water. In order for animals not to show a shortage of motor activity due to the fact that they do not need to obtain food, it is recommended to place food in the entire perimeter of the cage. This will help mimic the activity of the rodent in the wild.
Proper care
In the wild, the wild jerboa often becomes numb to save energy. Under critical conditions, this helps them maintain their body temperature at an optimal level. So, if the animal falls suddenly into a state of sleeping, do not worry. Since this animal is very sensitive to cold, its housing can be provided with additional heat, for example, by installing a special heater in the corner of the cage.
Interesting facts!
According to research, the proportion between the legs and the body of the jerboas exceeds the proportion of the legs and body of a kangaroo.
Although random jumps are good for avoiding predators and probably for finding hidden food resources randomly, they are not very energy efficient because to do them, jerboas need to consume a lot of energy.
The long-eared jerboa was first captured in the wild in 2007 during the London Zoological Society’s expedition to Gobi. Its ears make up two-thirds of the length of its body. This rodent has one of the highest ear-body ratios in the animal kingdom.
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ccsalmon · 2 years
This is something I worked on with my oc’s
Snickers/shin and Chester. Shin is snickers father and Chester is a friend who betrayed shin know getting revenge.
The ruby is a seal that contains a massive monster contained by one of the rings of the samadhi fire
If snicker dies bye Chester after they try to find the ruby to help look for the Samadhi fire
Chester smirked tightening his grip around the young jerboas neck. Snickers screamed in pain as hot tears fell from his face, his two extra arms were cut of laying on the ground full of blood.
Snickers cried as his grip tightened around Chester’s wrist shakily, Chester chuckled as his ear twitched
“SNICKERS!” Shin cried eyes widened as his chest became heavy. Chester’s smile became bigger “ well if it isn’t yirtqich hayvon” his tail flicked dropping snickers as he backed up slowly. Shins vision went blurry full of tears as anger started to form but he kept it down checking the baby jerboa if he was still breathing or alive.
Shins breath shook as he huffed smiling as his bottom lip wobbled, he creased his thumb on snickers cheek rubbing his cheek gently as the baby jerboas breath was slow.
Shins ears pinned his head as his feathers shook out of anger, he slowly picked up snickers gently yet tightly as his face was scrunched up bearing his teeth
Walking over to wukong and the others he hesitantly gave snickers to wukong with a serious face slowly frowning. Chester was a little confused yet he kept his stance quickly smirking he chuckled loudly “oh u have to be kidding me!?, for a child!” He sounded sarcastic snickering. Shin wasn’t having it as he snarled glaring over his shoulder tho out of no were his body flew into flames as his glamor in his eyes faded.
Shins tail slammed against the ground slowly turning to face the smiling cat, red firing tears fell from his face as it was visible to see over the blue flames and a loud hissing sound escaped the massive jerboa in flames
Chester’s eyes widened as he smirked | let’s see what this monsters learnt |
**hrs later
Slamming himself against the cat he roared in tears punching back and forth while holding his neck in place
“HE WAS MY SON!” He huffed put realing his fist behind his head as it was ready to punch again.
Chester quickly raised his hands in self defence
“Shin shin stop!” He cried out huffing.
The jerboa didn’t want to hear it as he started to cry
“You killed the only remaining blood line of the jerboa tribe..” he punched again not hearing cheaters breath.
He slowly got up turning towards snickers as he slowly walked up to the group, he didn’t look at any one but snickers picking him up as he then set him down infront of his shrine.
Tears rolled down his face as he silently stared at the dead hybrid, he raised his hand above snickers head starting to burn the fur and skin slowly turning snickers into ashes.
Once snickers was burnt there was a small lump in the ashes, shin slowly removed the ashes finding a baby monkey that looked like him but monkey and green eyes full white fur.
His ears twitched frowning he got up with a child in his arms finding a grown mother monkey, they creatures both stared at each other as shin slowly handed snickers to the mother monkey full of tears,
Shin stared as he watched the monkeys disappearing.
He snarled turning towards everyone
“leave and never return”
He then walked to the shrine putting a blindfold over his eyes sitting there like stone as he cried silently
Wukong frowned walking behind shin as he placed a hand on the jerboas shoulder “we’re not going anywhere!” His tail flicked. Mk mei took a step forward as red took a step back. Tang hooked onto pigsy as sandy was holding tang and pigsy.
Shin didn’t even budge or respond he sat there tears staring to soak thru the fabric of the blindfold. He let out a soft sigh
“Snickers was my one and only son.., the only jerboa left is me know. I’ll never forgive myself sun Wukong” he slowly got up staring into the abise
Wukong frowned stepping back “grieving is not a good choice.. trust me” he grabbed shins wrist softly with a worried frown
The jerboa snatched his hand away frowning “I’ve trusted u half my life and it’s leading me down hill.. good bye old friend..” he then vanished into ruby flames, sun Wukong fell over staring on were shin had been.
Mk rushed over to Wukongs side helping him up as he followed the monkeys gaze “don’t worry… he’ll be back”
Yes yes I know it doesn’t match up but I was rushed and enjoyed writing this!!. No oc x cannon btw just friendship :>
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