#teeny tiny horns
practically-an-x-man · 2 months
personal goal as an sfx artist: if a character is getting snakebites, they'd better reflect the species of the snake!!
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szaryherbatnik · 1 year
I absolutely adore whenever the pre&post ad break videos on taskmaster have some sort of a narrative. its like a mini series. 
Like. On this episode of tm hijinks The Taskmaster and his Assistant are playing chess! The Taskmaster got angry but turns out the chess pieces were lovely snacks! The Taskmaster and his Assistant enjoyed the snacks and had a lovely afternoon. Tune in next time for when The Taskmaster traps his Assistant in a bin and throws him over the fence! 
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soni-dragon · 2 years
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and finally mei! i had a BLAST drawing her hair :3
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I've ascended to the next level of procrastination- wherein I download Duolingo again and make the little owl happy for extra serotonin.
Also known as I wanted to write the Horned King using Welsh more often and instead of using Google translate like a normal person I decided to instead absorb the entire language into my thirsty little noggin.
Maybe it'll drown out the heartbeat of the other projects I've buried under the floorboards for fun idk.
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extrajigs · 1 month
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Critters from the coasts of Backera! Wanted to explore pentapods of varying pod number. Info dump below!
The eco system these guys inhabit are the vast shallow sea beds between the sea and 'land'. Where the microbial mat swells up to take in sunshine whilst keeping somewhere between a few inches to a foot of water above. This habitat favors walking over swimming for larger beasts, doing a separate post for the 'fish' of Backera. Those are a whole other brand of beast. For now we'll stick to the larger animals on the scene. Going left to right because I'm biased. 1. A quad-pod, a fellow who specializes in using mouth parts modified into clubs to break into shells and rigid 'plants'. While they have two very LARGE jaws, the other three are teeny tiny so they mostly rely on suction once they open their food. They have decided to be boring and use only their front four legs for walking, whilst their hind leg is to scrape out divots to lay eggs in the sea bed. 2. A TRUE pentapod, these guys spend their day swishing their heads back and forth. The wide arc of their eyes allow them to always have a lot of vision above the waterline at all times. Their dainty mouthparts are a constant scuttle against the slime mat to kick up organic matter to scarf down. The long horn jutting up their back is actually hollow and used to trumpet at each other at a distance. Very noisy. 3. With the least amount of feet in the lineup is the flag foot! These fellas are built to prance through the water and chase down any poor fish spotted by those big ole peepers. But they really shine when it comes to display. Upon meeting, the smaller individual will lower their head and wave around their display legs, wooing their potential partner with flashes of color. Most of the time their audience ends up wandering away.
Want to work on more FLAVOR for Backera, this is only the START!
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wittlesissyb4by · 6 days
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"Oh? You're a big boi? Is that it? Oh, well that's interesting. Let's have a looksie underneath your pretty, pink frilly dress so we can confirm that, shall we?"
*tap tap*
"Come here, sit on Mommy's lap!
Hmm...I wonder what we'll find! Is it a big, veiny triumphant dick the likes of which no woman has ever seen? Is that it? Are you going to have a big, fat cock bulging beneath some boxers??
Oh no...what is this? Is this a pair of pampers? With little princesses on them?? Oh surely this can't be right. No big boi would be caught dead wearing diapers! But maybe we should take a peek inside the diaper, maybe that's where the big dick is hiding...
Hmm...I can't really see anythin--ohp! There it is! D'awww wook at the wittle nubby! So teeny and tiny I could hardly even find it! And look! It's crying little loser tears! Why is it leaking? Is it because you're all horned up from prancing around in pampers? Or is it because you wet yourself?
Oooh that's a very wet diaper isn't it? And what is that I smell coming from behind?
So let's recap: you don't wear boxers, you don't have a big dick, and you've pissed and pooped your pampers that have princesses all over them. So please, tell me again what exactly makes you a big boi??"
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swordcreature · 4 months
Any chance you could do the tiefling trio as dads? Love everyone’s perspectives on this. 👀
okay i admit it i have a soft spot for hot dads. sue me!!
they aren't perfect dads by any means but i think that makes it cuter hehehe
also i just like imagining tiefling babies. there's a serious lack of fan art about how tieflings look as babies.
i need a thousand pictures of chubby red babies with teeny tiny tails and two dark spots on their head where their horns will eventually grow okay. i need it!!!
Dammon, Rolan, & Zevlor - Fatherhood
How the tiefling boys handle fatherhood
First off, I think Dammon throws himself into being a dad the same way he does everything else: wholeheartedly. He’s the type of guy to do things with every ounce of effort he can, and having a family is no different.  
He’s the kind of guy who isn’t afraid of getting in the thick of it or getting his hands dirty, so he’s more than present in all the hard parts of fatherhood as well as the fun parts. 
Dammon isn’t a very nervous parent, though he does get nervous when the younger children are around the forge.  
When they’re babies it’s easy; he can put the littlest ones in a bassinet or strap them to his chest when he’s around the shop (he never works with hot metals on days when the kids are there).  
But when they start to walk it becomes an actual nightmare. There are so many things in the forge that they can hurt themselves with, from tools to weapons to materials scattered about.  
While he loves having them there, the days when he brings them to the forge to take care of them stress him out to no end. 
Dammon is the fun dad, the goofy dad, the dad who always knows how to make his little one smile. He’s the kind of father that is remembered by his kids for all the laughter he brings, all the good times he creates.  
I think part of this stems from being a refugee and seeing the tiefling children deal with unimaginable circumstances. After all that, he wants his children to know nothing but pure happiness. 
He’s definitely the parent who is most lenient on punishments, always having a soft spot for those big puppy dog eyes his children know how to wield so well. His partner has to be the stern one most of the time.  
Despite being the fun dad, he knows when it’s time to stop being a friend and to start being the parent. It’s a fine line, but one that comes naturally to him. As such, he is extremely close with his children. He’s there for them when they mess up and need help, when they need a shoulder to cry on, when they need a cheerleader to urge them on.  
Dammon’s children know that no matter what they do, their dad will always be there for them. Even well into adulthood.  
Rolan’s an absolute trainwreck of a dad at first. Definitely not a natural at parenthood. Completely and utterly in over his head.  
He tries, the poor guy, he does. But he freezes up so easily when he doesn’t know what he’s doing. And when it comes to fatherhood, that’s literally all the time.  
Everything comes awkwardly at first. He seems stiff when holding the baby, he talks to them like they’re an adult, he can’t ever get them to stop crying. It’s a lot, even for a first-time parent, and I definitely think he would have a little melt down about it. Lots of stomping around the tower complaining about how inept he is and how he should be able to do something blundering idiots do just fine.  
He’s quick to learn, though. It doesn’t take long before he’s comfortably carrying the wiggly child around, changing nappies like a pro, even getting them to quiet down for bedtime faster than his partner. He still talks to them like an adult though, a habit he never grows out of.  
Rolan is a very panicky parent, and as his child grows and changes, he finds himself with that “fish out of water” feeling he felt when they were first born. The older they get and the more trouble they can get into, the worse his nerves get.  
Because of this, he’s a bit overprotective. No, they aren’t allowed to go to their friend’s house, he has no idea who their parents are. No, they cannot walk home from class by themself, it’s too dangerous.  
He desperately hopes that his child will show some aptitude for magic, just like he did as a boy, though he knows he’ll love them just the same if they don’t. But he does start testing them young, trying to provoke any tiny, newly formed connections to the Weave to present themselves.  
He’ll take on the role of teacher for his child once they’re old enough to study magic, but despite meaning well, I think he would be a bit too overbearing. He’s just too eager, which causes its own problems. But getting into that whole fiasco is a whole other story!
As an older man having a child for the first time brings some insecurities to the surface. Can he bond with a child at his age? Will he be able to do all the things a father should do? Would his child be embarrassed by him for being so old? He knows it’s silly, but he can’t help it. 
He tries to never let those fears get in the way of his relationship with his children. 
From the very start, Zevlor instills in his children a sense for morality. He wants his children to grow up knowing the difference between right and wrong, good and evil, strength and weakness.  
He takes them to the temple every time he goes to volunteer, showing them how to help others without needing anything in return, ingraining the love of charity in them. He hopes more than anything that his children will grow up to be good people. They can be anything they want to be, as long as they are good.  
Zevlor is a big storyteller. Every night he sits down and tells his children a bedtime story, starting when his first child is born, and continuing until the youngest is old enough to tuck themself in. Each story is different, every night a new one is told ranging in subject from his youth as a new Hellrider, the adventures of the Hero of Baldur’s Gate, or even some fantastical tale passed along the children in Elturel.  
As the children get older his stories become something more like history lessons. He loves recounting the past with them. There are certain things he will never tell them though, out of fear that it will change the way they look at him.  
They know from general history lessons about Elturel falling into the Hells, but that’s one subject he doesn’t like to talk about. At least when it comes to his own experiences. 
Sometimes, due to his own trauma, he can be closed off or seemingly distant. It’s something he becomes very aware of with his first kid, and it tears him apart the first time it’s brought to his attention.  
It gets better with time as he works through his internal struggles, but unfortunately it never fully goes away.  
Still, Zevlor’s children know that their father would do anything for them. He makes it very clear that he would move the ground beneath their feet if that meant his children were happy. After all, he isn’t perfect, but he’s a good, loving father.  
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artistsfuneral · 4 months
Geralt should have known better.
The feeling of suspicion, a peculiar itch in the back of his mind that was only ever caused by the kind of trouble Jaskier created, had been bothering him for hours. If not that, he should have paid attention to the lingering smell in the air, the way a weak wave of Chaos tickled his senses every now and then, or how the bard suddenly seemed to struggle with the weight of his pack. It was almost frightening, how used he had to have gotten to Jaskier's antics to not notice the enormous dark omen following their every step. Either that, or Jaskier got better at hiding things from him. Geralt didn't know which was worse.
When he finally did realize that Jaskier was carrying something with him he definitely wasn't supposed to be carrying, it was due to the muffled sound of a thick eggshell cracking and a rush of dopamine in the air around his bard. Geralt, always two steps ahead of Jaskier, turned around sharply and growled at the man. "What did you do?!"
"Nothing!" Jaskier squeaked aloud, which might as well have been the boldest lie he ever told, as it was accompanied by yet another crack. "I mean- I didn't- Not- It just sat there Geralt! Alone! Orphaned! It's Mama dead because of those horrible creatures you fought. How couldn't I have?"
Realization dawned on Geralt's face, followed by a look of horror. "You didn't. Jaskier- Tell me you didn't." He knew exactly what creature Jaskier was talking about.
"It's a baby, Geralt! A helpless little creature that needs our protection. Who knows if it even would have hatched if I hadn't taken it with us."
"For fuck's sake Jaskier! Get that thing out of your bag right now. They're perfectly able to fight and kill the moment they've hatched and last time I checked you weren't a maiden pure of heart so it will attack you the moment it's head is out!" Already one hand on his silver sword, Geralt stepped towards his bard and the still hidden hatchling. Thankfully Jaskier seemed to take the witcher's orders seriously as he slowly lowered his bag on the ground, just to quickly flip it open and jump a step back.
The egg inside was bigger than a human head, off-white in color with irregular pale pink spots. Chaos radiates off of it in waves that grew stronger each time the creature inside knocked against the cracks in the shell. It did so once, twice, three times in total until the shell of the egg finally gave away and horn first, a small foal-like head peaked out. Immediately after seeing the little creature, Jaskier threw all caution to the wind and knelt down in front of his pack, cooing at the hatchling with big eyes. Ignoring Geralt's hissed out warnings to back away from the creature, Jaskier reached out to help it get rid of a piece of gooey eggshell and softly stroked a thinger over its velvet head. "Geralt," he whispered, voice full of awe, "it's so tiny."
"Jaskier, get back. It will bite your fingers off," the witcher growled, sword drawn and steady as he inched closer towards the hatchling. The creature watched Jaskier wide-eyed and with open interest, copying his cooing noises between quiet huffs and puffs. "Oh, come on, Geralt," the bard said in a hushed voice, "It's just a teeny-tiny unicorn. A little baby. Look, it's so cute, it wouldn't hurt a fly."
The witcher, who was very well aware that a freshly hatched unicorn possessed the powers and capabilities to kill up to three drowners on first sight, was about to grab Jaskier by the collar and yank him back, when the foal fully stepped out of its egg, shook itself and then proceeded to to invade Jaskier's space by gently bumping into him. That... Was not what the witcher had expected. The unicorn liked Jaskier. It was, in fact, bonding with him. Jaskier, who was still cooing over it like it was some defenseless wet kitten. "Oh, look at you. You are so beautiful with your tiny mane and your adorable little horn. And Geralt thinks you're scary. Who's a little pokey unicorn? Who's my little Pokey?"
Oh gods, Jaskier was bonding with it too. "My sweet Pokey, yes you are. Such a sweet unicorn. You will come with us, won't you? We'll introduce you to Roachie and Pegasus and you can learn all the horsie things you need to know and then you will be the bravest, strongest, prettiest, bestestest unicorn ever. Won't you, Pokey?" The unicorn neighed in response and Geralt knew he was fucked.
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sentientgolfball · 1 month
Like the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars in the Sky
I'm absolutely sick for these two being soft for each other you have no idea
Read here or on Ao3
Pairing: Stardew
Word Count: 2735
Tags: self-deprecating Phantom, Dew is so very soft, mirror sex, teeny tiny twinge of body horror but that's only because Phantom is exaggerating their scars
Summary: Dew can see himself in Phantom for all the wrong reasons. He tries to get them to see what he sees.
Dew wasn’t always the confident ghoul who loved to flaunt and show himself to the world. He wasn’t always one to dress up in a tight little outfit that left absolutely nothing to the imagination. To someone on the outside, it would seem like Dew is one of the most vain ghouls in the Ministry but those closest to him know it’s quite the opposite. He clawed his way through fire to get to where he was. 
When he was a water ghoul he knew what he had. He knew just how pretty he was, everyone was always telling me so. He could bat his eyes and have Ifrit on his knees. If he flipped his long silver hair over his shoulder Mountain would be there with his lips glued to his gills. He’d stretch after a good nap, a little bit of his shirt riding up and Aether would be on him before he finished yawning. He would be completely focused on his music and Zephyr would wrap an arm around his waist and pull him into their side with a growl. 
He was a pretty, sweet, delicate little thing. 
He forgot this after his transition to fire. Oh, he had wanted the change sure, but some dark part in his mind would whisper to him. It told him he made a mistake, he wasn’t the same how could any of them love him anymore? He compared himself to Alpha and Ifrit, convinced he’d never look as gorgeous as two real fire ghouls. He saw the horrid scars that used to be his gills, his matte black limbs, and the sharp spines that used to be his fins. He knew he was being lied to when his pack still called him beautiful. Dew refused to look in a mirror for weeks after the ritual. When he finally did, it only made these feelings worse. He shattered the mirror when he saw one of his horns had broken when he realized even his curtain of now blonde hair couldn’t hide the gashes in his neck. He had wholly devoted himself to the Morning Star and what did it get him but a broken, mangled body? 
When Rain came along it was like something in Dew clicked into place. At first Dew had hated him, he was nothing more than a reminder of everything he had given up. That had changed the first time Rain saw him without a shirt. He had been going to the laundry room, fresh out of every hoodie and jacket he bundled himself in to hide. He didn’t think anyone was in the den. They had stared at each other like two frightened deer before Rain breathlessly muttered the word that altered Dew’s brain chemistry. 
Dew’s path was long, but it only got better from that moment on. He stopped constantly wearing layers upon layers of clothing to hide his scars. He finally let other ghouls take him to bed who weren’t Aether or Mountain. He finally allowed those two to fully undress him. When Ifrit kissed the fire symbol that had been carved onto his chest with the same reverence normally reserved for sacred objects Dew nearly wept. He finally felt like he belonged in his body. He finally felt like Dewdrop again. 
This is why it was so easy for him to spot it in the new ghoul. He’s not sure if he’s the only one who noticed, but he wouldn’t be surprised with how well they hide it. At first Dew thought he was reading too much into things, silently searching for something that wasn’t there. But the moment Phantom used their glamour for the first time Dew knew he was right. It was subtle but unmistakable the way their eyes fell when they saw their scars still covering their face. 
Dew had wanted to do something. He couldn’t let those feelings fester in the little bug. Unfortunately, Dew is not the best when it comes to these deep rooted feelings. He did his best to make Phantom feel appreciated, changing the strings on their guitar, giving them his extra pillow on the bus, and accompanying them to the mall that was near one of their venues. He had hoped Phantom would confide in him or at the very least make some off-handed self-deprecating joke that Dew could argue against, but it never came. Still, he noticed the way they avoided looking in the mirror for too long, the way they’d run their hands over the Lichtenberg figure scars every single time they had their glamour in place. 
Dew really couldn’t do anything about it until they were home from tour. Everything was too chaotic on the road for them to have any real heartfelt moments. That didn’t stop Dew from trying to figure something out. He had something planned, a moment where he’d steal Phantom away to go stargazing or maybe watch a thunderstorm roll in and Dew would whisper his adoration to them. 
That plan was thrown out the window though when Dew came into the kitchen for dinner this evening and Phantom wasn’t there. Dew immediately questioned the rest of the pack. 
“They said they were taking a quick shower before dinner” Cirrus supplies. 
“Yea quick” Aurora giggles “It’s been like thirty minutes.” 
“If we compare that to Rain technically it is quick” Swiss flicks the water ghoul with the end of his tail who hisses in return. 
Dew hums in acknowledgment before walking to his own room to get changed into something more comfortable. He stops though outside of Phantom’s door. He doesn’t know why, but something deep within was telling him he needed to check on them. He tried to ignore it, telling himself they’re just showering for Satan’s sake, but he already had the lock popped before he could stop himself. 
The scent of melted plastic nearly made him fall over with how strong it was. All the lights were off. The shower wasn’t running. The bed was empty. Dew peered into the bathroom to see if maybe they were hiding in there, but he came up empty-handed. That’s when he heard a small sniff from his right. He looked over only to see Phantom huddled up under their desk, knees drawn up to their chest and their face hidden. 
“Bug?” Dew crouches down to their level. 
“I’m sorry” they sob. 
“What? Why are you sorry?” 
“I know you’re only here to bring me out. I’m sorry I didn’t…I was going to take a shower honestly but then I just…I just—“ another sob wrecks their body and the space is momentarily filled with purple light as quintessence jumps from her Lichtenberg figure scars. 
Dew shakes his head, tentatively reaching out to place a hand on their arm. When they don’t pull away he scoots closer. 
“No Phantom, buggy, I came to check on you.” 
“Just had a feeling” Dew shrugs “what happened?” 
It’s quiet for a moment as Phantom takes the time to find their voice. They slowly look up, eyes shining and puffy. 
“I’m disgusting.” 
“Oh come on Dew look at me I’m covered in scars that I can’t hide no matter how hard I try! I’m shattered! Hells even if I could hide the scars there’s no way to get rid of this!” They let the tips of their fingers slip into the empty void that should’ve been their left eye. 
Dew gasps and grabs their wrist quickly, stopping them from going any further. They let him guide their fingers away from their face as more tears start to fall. 
“Phantom…” but Dew doesn’t know what to say. 
He knows words won’t do anything. He could call them beautiful until his vocal chords gave out and it still wouldn’t clear the fog from their mind. Maybe that’s a blessing, Dew has never been one with words. He does his best with his body, so that’s what he does. He gently pulls Phantom out from under their desk. They thankfully don’t resist, allowing Dew to drag them out and into his lap. He holds them there, pressing their ear to his chest and wrapping his tail around them. He lets them cry for as long as they need to, gently rubbing their back. 
When their shoulders stop shaking Dew cups their face, softly guiding them to look at him. He brushes his thumb across the underside of their eyes, wiping the stray tears away. Dew pressed his forehead to theirs and sighs. 
“You’re beautiful to me Phantom.”
“Liar” they let out a halfhearted whine. 
“Trust me…” Dew whispers before gently pressing a kiss to their forehead. 
He travels down, kissing the corners of their eyes, then their nose, their cheeks, and the corners of their mouth. He pulls away only for a moment to stare into Phantom’s eyes, hoping to the Lords Below they’ll be able to see every word that gets caught in his throat. He leans back in slowly, giving them plenty of time to stop him, before capturing them in a kiss. 
It's soft for only a moment before Dew is pressing more insistently against their lips like this kiss alone could get them to see what Dew sees. To feel what Dew feels when he looks at them. He’d give them the breath from his lungs if it meant they would know how radiant they look. 
Even when they part they still close, lips ghosting over each other’s when Dew speaks. 
“Please believe me when I say you’re beautiful.” 
“I can’t…” 
“Let me show you what I see then.” 
Dew scoots back until he’s pressed against the end of Phantom’s bed. He turns them so they’re both facing the floor-length mirror in the corner of their room. Phantom keeps their face tucked into Dew’s neck. 
“Look” Dew gently urges. 
“Come on love bug look.” 
They hesitantly lift their head and turn towards the mirror. They put all their focus on Dew’s glowing eyes. He smiles in the reflection before pressing a kiss right below their ear. He peels their shirt off with no real hurry, dragging the tips of his claws over their skin to make them shudder. He kisses over every inch of skin that’s exposed to him, sucking lightly on their neck and nipping at their shoulders. They sigh and lean their head back against Dew’s shoulders. 
“Keeping watching Phantom. You have to watch me.” Dew whispers into their ear before softly rolling the lobe between his teeth. 
Dew doesn’t continue until he sees Phantom lift their head and make eye contact with him in the mirror. When he does, Dew laves over the branches of the scars on their neck, sucking deep marks over them as evidence of his love. He doesn’t stop until he feels a small spark of quintessence ripple through his body. 
“Sorry” Phantom tries to look away again but Dew doesn’t let them. 
“No more apologies.” 
They open their mouth like they’re going to protest before closing it and nodding rapidly a few times. 
“Good boy” Dew whispers before slowly trailing his claws down their body to hover over their hips. 
He goes slow, making sure they’re watching as he pops the button on their pants. He whispers sweetness into their ear as they pull their pants and underwear off, leaving them bare before the mirror. Dew takes only a moment to rip his own shirt off, exposing the worst of him. He grabs Phantom’s hand and rests them against the scars where his gills used to be on his abdomen. 
“Do you think I’m ugly?” 
“What!” Phantom tries to turn to meet Dew’s eyes. He holds them still. 
“Just look, it's okay. 
Phantom nods and swallows. 
“Good. Do you think I’m ugly Phantom?” 
“Of course I don’t! You’re one of the prettiest ghouls I’ve ever seen” they thumb over Dew’s scars absentmindedly as they talk. 
“Even though I’m covered in scars like you? Covered in the burnt remnants of what I used to be.” 
“I…well that’s different you can hide yours.” 
“Even if I couldn't, would you still call me pretty?” 
Phantom sighs “Of course I would. You’re you.” 
“Then do the same for yourself.” 
When Phantom doesn’t respond Dew removes one hand from their hips to slowly stroke their half-hard cock. Phantom gasps when those warm, lithe fingers wrap around him. He drags his fist over their length, squeezing gently with every pass over the head. Dew holds their hip still to stop them from bucking into his hand.  
“You’re beautiful Phantom” Dew kisses over their shoulder, minutely speeding up his hand over their cock. 
Phantom whimpers and shakes their head, yet his eyes fall to where Dew’s hand is working them. 
“Say it.” 
“Dew I can’t…please.” 
“Say it.” 
They gulp and shake their head with a whine. 
Dew lets go of their dick, letting it drop to sit heavy against their thigh. Their eyes shoot up to search for Dew’s in the mirror, concern and confusion written all over their face. Dew meets their gaze with intensity, determination set over every sharp angle. Phantom feels their resolve whither under those burning eyes. 
They mumble something and Dew wraps his hand around their cock, holding but not moving. 
“I didn’t hear you.” 
“Dew come on.” 
He waits, not dropping his gaze from Phantom’s reflection. 
“I’m…I’m beautiful.”
“Damn right you are” Dew starts stroking his cock again, thumbing at the tip to collect the pre beading there. 
“You’re gorgeous Phantom and I mean that. I can’t get enough of you. I would spend every moment tracing the paths of your lightning if you’d let me.” 
Phantom keens when Dew sucks another mark over their shoulder. They don’t want to believe him, they don’t want to accept what Dew says is true. But the conviction that he says it with makes it impossible to keep out. Their cock kicks in his hand, blurting a thick glob of pre over his knuckles as Dew continues his whispering of devotion. 
“Gorgeous. My gorgeous ghoul.” 
“Dew oh fuck Dew I’m gonna cum.” 
Dew hums in acknowledgment, setting a more steady pace. 
“Watch Phantom. I want you to watch and see how pretty you are. I need you to see it.” 
They couldn’t look now if they tried, eyes glued to the way the tip of their dick disappears and reappears in Dew’s hand. They glance away only for a moment to try to find his eyes in the reflection, but their gaze accidentally lands on themselves. They gasp a moan at the sight of their flushed cheeks and the small glow coming from their scars. When Dew notices he laughs and licks up the column of their throat to whisper directly into their ear. 
“I told you. Just look at how fucking pretty you are.” 
Phantom moans and bucks into his fist, spilling over his knuckles and onto the floor. Dew jacks them through it, muttering praise as he milks every last drop from them. He doesn’t stop until Phantom whines from the overstimulation, cock spent and sensitive. 
Dew buries his face into the side of their neck, kissing over their skin. They sit like that for what feels like an eternity until Phantom wiggles in his grasp. Dew loosens his arms enough to let them turn around to face him. They kiss him before curling up and burying their head in his chest, ear pressed right over the fire symbol. 
“Promise you won’t tell the others? I don’t want pity.” 
“Only if you promise that you’ll find me when things get too loud” Dew pokes the side of their head. 
“You’re really not gonna let this go huh?” 
“Absolutely not.” 
There’s a pause.
“Thank you” they mumble against his skin. 
Dew closes his eyes and buries his nose into their hair. His heart clenches thinking about what must’ve been running through their head before they finally broke. He hopes that maybe just maybe he’ll be able to break through to them. He knows that feeling. Knows what it’s like to look in the mirror and not recognize yourself. Phantom doesn’t deserve that. He just hopes that whatever Rain was able to do for him, he was able to do for Phantom. Phantom deserves someone as soft as Rain and if Dew has to douse the fire in his veins to that then he will without question. 
He always will.
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yelenasdiary · 6 months
Once Upon A Dream
Pairing: Military! Yelena Belova x Fem! Nurse! Reader
Summary: Yelena surprises you and shared daughter with a vacation to remember!
Warnings: Teeny Tiny Angst, Fluff, Mentions of scars, Brief Mention of PTSD | 2.3K
Translations: милый (darling), Detka (baby), 
AC: I think this little AU deserves a happy fic, so enjoy! Also friendly reminder, this is the only variant of Yelena that I can see having a child, if this isn’t your vibe, don’t read xx. 
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"Where are we going?" you turned to your wife who grabbed the last suitcase from the trunk of the Uber's car. "You'll find out tonight" Yelena replied with a cheeky smirk on her lips, with a shack of your head at her you grabbed your suitcase with your free hand, Natalia holding your other before the three of you walked into the airport. Natalia now a 5-year-old was most excited to be going on her first plane ride rather than finding out what her Mama had planned for the family of three. 
Yelena did everything in her power to keep the surprise from slipping, she checked in the three of you while you sat near the terminal with Natalia. "Mommy when do we get on the plane?" she asked, holding her stuffed Maleficent as a dragon plushie. "You'll have to ask mama peanut, when she gets back" you replied. The little girl with blonde hair and big green eyes threw herself on the seat beside you and huffed making you raise a brow slightly at her little outburst. 
"Everything is all set" Yelena smiled as she sat down beside you, keeping the plane tickets out of view. "Mama, can we get on the plane now?" Natalia asked looking over you to Yelena, "Shortly милый, come here, I have a secret to tell you" Your wife gestured for the little girl to walk over to her with her index finger. Natalia loved secrets, mainly because she loved the tickle feeling she got whenever somebody whispered into her ear. You watched as your daughter's face lit up rather quickly with whatever your wife just whispered to her, she jumped up and down trying to keep herself from squealing which only made your mind run through ideas of what Yelena could possibly have planned. 
The flight was 5.5 hours long, Natalia was asleep with her head resting against your forearm as she slept peacefully between you and Yelena. "She's not going to sleep tonight" you whispered to your wife. 
"I've already got that part covered; don't you worry about a single thing" Yelena winked before her eyes returned to the book in her hand. By now you were just desperate to know what Yelena was up too, she just returned from a 10-month deployment a week ago and ever since coming home she had been very secretive. 
It wasn't until the three of you were in the backseat of another Uber that Yelena finally told you what was happening. With a slightly tired little girl sitting in between you both, Yelena reached into her backpack and pulled out three horned headbands. 
"So, this is where I can't keep the secret anymore" Yelena looked at you, handing you a headbang with a soft smile, "We're spending a week at Disneyland!" she added. Natalia put on her maleficent themed headband and looked up at you with the biggest smile, "Mama said Maleficent will be there!!!" she boosted. You couldn't help but smile before reaching over Natalia and kissing Yelena deeply, "surprise detka" she smiled against your lips. 
Yelena knew how much you've wanted to experience Disneyland with the three of you but the dream had become such a long distant thought over the past few years that you almost forgot all about it. "Thank you" you replied before kissing her again. Yelena had planned everything to perfection, not a single thing was left unthought of. Your little family would be staying in a 2-bedroom suite at Disney's Grand Californian Hotel & Spa and Yelena wasn't lying when she said she had Natalia getting some more sleep covered. 
Once at the hotel, you helped Natalia get into her Moana themed pjs before Yelena reminded her that she needs to get a goodnights sleep before she goes on a magical adventure tomorrow. Of course, only after a bedtime story was the little girl who was almost too much of a spitting image of her mother asleep snuggled into her plushie. 
"Honey" you spoke softly has you unpacked the toiletries and placed them on the bathroom countertop. Yelena came up behind you, instantly wrapping her arms around your waist, "yes my love?" She smiled before placing a kiss on your cheek. It was already getting late, soon to be 10pm and you had no idea what Yelena had planned for tomorrow. You turned in her arms, wrapping your arms around the back of her neck with a bottle of cream in one hand. 
"How long have you had this planned?" You asked with a soft smile. 
"Months, I had Nat help me book stuff while I was away. If you think the surprises stop here, you're wrong" she replied before kissing your lips softly, "Kate is going to fly out here in 2 days and watch Natalia so we can have some time alone" she added. You and Yelena haven't had a decent chance to have some one on one time for a long time, between her deployments, having Natalia & your own deployment, finding time for each other was almost near impossible but you both made do with what you had. 
"You really are full of surprises" your smile grew, "could you please?" You asked, bringing the cream in your hand to Yelena's view. She nodded, "go lay down detka, I'll be there in a moment, just going to brush my teeth" she replied before kissing you deeply once more. This new part of your nightly routine was never your favorite but somehow, Yelena was able to make you forget why she was rubbing cream into the scars on your back. Maybe it was the way she kissed every single one of them before she worked her hands softly and tenderly over them with cream while she told you jokes that she found hilarious. 
Or maybe it was how tightly she held you close to her afterwards, whispering sweet nothings as you fell into a slumber in her protective and loving arms. Either way, she made the process easier. 
Natalia was up bright and early at 6am with pure excitement for the day ahead. She slipped out of bed and was quick to her Maleficent horned headband before running into your shaded room with your wife and jumping on the two of you. 
"Mommy wake up!!" She shook you awake before Yelena wrapped her arms around her making her squeal as her mother covered her little face with kisses. "Mama!!! That tickles!!" Your daughter giggled in the arms of your wife while your eyes adjusted to being awake. 
You smiled softly as you watched your wife hop off the bed with your daughter still in her arms, flying her around the room. "Faster Mama!!!" Natalia giggled, her arms spread wide as if she was an airplane. It always amazed you just how much energy Yelena had so early in the morning while it was a bit of a struggle for you to wake up without a warm mug of coffee or tea depending on the weather. 
"Bug do you want a bath this morning or a shower? You didn't haven't one last night" you asked your daughter as Yelena placed her back on her feet and you sat up in bed.
"Shower! I'm a big girl now!" She replied with confidence. 
"I'll help her, you get some coffee into you. We have breakfast reservations at 8" Yelena said as she wandered over to her suitcase. "Can I wear my horns today mama?" Natalia asked as she jumped back up onto the large bed and instantly cuddled you. "I've got the perfect outfit for you sweetheart!" Yelena replied as she turned around with a child sized Maleficent costume in hand, "what do you think?" she asked with a smile. 
Natalia's eyes widened at the costume before she nodded her head ecstatically. Thanks to Kate, Maleficent was your daughter's favorite Disney character, she loved how Maleficent was able to transform into a dragon, it blew her mind when Kate had Maleficent: Mistress of all evil playing in the background once while babysitting Natalia. 
Breakfast was a whole new experience for your little one, Yelena booking a table for 3 at Disney Princess Breakfast Adventure, giving Natalia a breakfast experience that she'll never forget. Entering the restaurant, you were greeted by 2 different princesses and of course, Natalia's eyes lit up when she saw one of them was Aurora. 
She let go of your hand and ran up to the woman in the pink dress, you couldn't help yourself but capture the moment on your phone while your daughter played her role as maleficent and made jokes about putting a spell on the princess. Your eyes looked over to your wife who was watching the event unfold in front of her, a soft smile on her lips and a loving look in her eyes made you realise this trip was something Yelena needed for herself as well. A whole different environment, surrounded by excitement, love and other families to help her forget the events she had experienced recently. 
The rest of the day was spent at Disneyland, Yelena taking Natalia on multiple rides over and over again, shopping of course, stopping every few steps to meet the next famous character walking around the theme park. Everything was so exciting for Natalia, her smile glued to her face the entire day, as for you, you had to capture so many moments on your phone's camera causing a growing excitement to make a scrapbook when you returned home. 
"Can we go again mama?! Pleaseeee?" Natalia begged to go another round on the Dumbo the Flying Elephant ride. 
"We can't detka, we have to get to the Halloween party for your big surprise remember?" Yelena replied with her hand reaching out for your daughter to cling onto. Natalia ran to her mother's side without a second thought, the three of you began to walk towards the Halloween party. The area was surrounded by other Disneyland goers as they all crowed some of the characters standing out the front while others took pictures and videos with them. 
"I can't see mama!" Natalia looked up at Yelena. Natalia was a little shorter than most children her age, but it never usually bothered her until it came to doing things that required her height to be taller. You watched as your wife picked up your daughter and placed her on her shoulders, another moment for you to capture on your phone. 
"Mommy! Mama!! Look!!!" Your daughter pointed with excitement as a woman dressed as Maleficent came out of the building, Natalia's face lit up instantly as she watched the fairy make her presence known. 
"Well, Well" the character spoke, their eyes looking around at the crowd of families and couples. "I don't like children but –" the fairy pointed to your daughter, "you, come here" she added. If Natalia had moved any faster your wife would've dropped her, she placed her on her feet before apologizing to those around her when Natalia pushed her way through to the character that she was dressed as. 
"Hi Maleficent!" Your daughter spoke with high confidence, a wide smile and a little sparkle in her eyes. The woman played the character all too well and Natalia loved every single moment. "Don't you look terribly evil today" Maleficent spoke followed by her famous chuckle, "and what evil things have you done today child?" she asked. 
"I made my mama go on lots of rides!" Natalia boosted making both you and your wife chuckle. 
"Where is your Mama?" Maleficent asked as she looked up at the crowd, "are you mama?" she pointed at Yelena when she saw you both laughing. Yelena nodded, "and that's my mommy!" Natalia added. 
"Well you better come forward, move out of the way people" Maleficent replied as she gestured for you and Yelena to take a few steps forward to get the best quality photos of the moment. 
"Now, maybe you can help me child" the fairy turned to your daughter one more, "have you seen young Aurora around by chance?" she asked. Natalia nodded, "she was at the restaurant I had breakfast at!" 
"Did you cast a spell on her for me?" Maleficent's question followed. 
"Yes! I put a sleeping spell on her!" Your daughter replied, even though she didn't think of such a thing, she was soaking up the moment she was sharing with her favorite villain. "Well done child, keep being evil and have a happy Halloween" Maleficent did her evil laugh once more before posing with Natalia.
After dinner at one of Disney's restaurants, the three of you stuck around for a fireworks show at 7pm. You could tell that Natalia would sleep like a log tonight, she was already so tired as you carried her to the viewing spot, Yelena's hands full of the bags of shopping she'd taken you and Natalia to before dinner. All throughout dinner your daughter couldn't stop talking about her meet and greet with Maleficent and you could tell by the look on Yelena's face that she was proud of herself for making sure this little vacation happened. 
As the fireworks began, Yelena wandered over to a nearby bench and sat down with her eyes glued to the ground. You knew the display was triggering her PTSD but before you could do anything, Natalia asked for you to put her down. You watched as she walked over to Yelena, "it's okay mama, I'll keep you safe" You heard her little innocent voice over the fireworks as she wrapped her tiny arms around your wife. Your eyes teared up, Natalia had no idea why her mother disliked fireworks so much, but she knew they scared her and she did exactly what you and Yelena did whenever there was a thunderstorm, be there for her. 
You wandered over to your girls and sat down beside Yelena, placing your head on her shoulder. The three of you watched the firework display, on of Yelena's hands rested on your knee while her other was wrapped around Natalia in a tight hug. "I love you mama" Natalia whispered once the fireworks were over, placing a kiss on her cheek.
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Taglist: @red1culous | @bentleywolf29 | @jeyramarie | @lissaaaa145 | @high--power | @parkerdaramitzzzz | @mmmmokdok | @wackymcstupid | @kiwiana145 | @valiantmugcowboyscissors | @observeowl  | @nattyolw | @ripofflizzie | @get-the-fuck-outta-here | @goofy-goonie | @makegoodchoices | @apollo2907 | @marvelfan98 | @wandaroman0ff | @dumb-fawkin-bitch | @lovelyy-moonlight | @santana1437 | @fluffyblanketgecko | @puta1 | @inluvwithfictionalwomen | @tintedrose12 | @jaymieflorissssssss | @tita001 | @youralphawolf72 | @crescent-witch | @randomnessbecausewhynot | @natashamaximoff69 | @a-dorkier-book-keeper | @hehehehannahthings | @secrettoallofyou | @romantic-slaps-on-the-asss | @marvel-fan-2021 | @mmmmokdok | @riveramorylunar | @ripofflizzie | @toldthatdevil | @itsmv3 | @katiemay-025 | @maria-403 | @boredandneedfanfics | @wandamaximoffspuppup | @xox-little-troublemaker-xox | @irishhappiness | @music-4ever | @hyper-fixated-delusions | 
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hypnoneghoul · 2 months
may i please request a cumulus and mountain? i dont see enough of them.
(also love your writing mwah 💋 /p)
630 words, puppy play, teeny tiny bit of objectification blink and you'll miss it, cumulus calls herself mommy once
“What was that, baby?” Cumulus cooed, running her fingers through Mountain’s sweat-tangled hair. He was settled on his knees between her own as she was busy with something on her phone, one hand on it and the other on the earth ghoul. Delicate chain of a leash loosely wrapped around her wrist.
He’s been down there for a while, cock rock hard and leaking and his brain turned off. Cumulus told him to wait so wait he would, but it didn’t mean he’d be quite alright with that. Mountain whined loudly again and batted his eyelashes up at Cumulus, licking his lips.
“You want something, pup?” she asked and he nodded so fast he nearly gave himself whiplash. “And what would that be, hm?”
The problem was there were no words in Mountain’s fuzzy head. He opened his mouth and let his tongue loll out and nuzzled sweetly against the soft skin of Cumulus’ thigh, as close to the apex of her legs as he’d dare.
“Oh, you want a treat. Is that right, pup? Want to taste me?” The earth ghoul shuddered and nodded again with another whimper falling out of his mouth. “Well, I suppose you��ve been good for me today. You deserved it.”
Mountain could hear his own tail thumping against the floor repetitively as he brought up his hands and pawed desperately at the air ghoulette’s legs, too blissed out to be able to get her shorts down on his own.
“Oh, I don’t have to do that,” Cumulus laughed. “You’re a smart puppy, you’ll get there.”
Mountain frowned and whined at the lack of help. He leaned in to the strings of the ghoulette’s shorts and took them into his mouth, starting to chew aggressively as if they offended him. “Hey, Mountain, no! Bad puppy, no! No chewing!”
The earth ghoul recoiled with another sad whimper at that, feeling desperate and helpless. He slumped back on the floor and stared at Cumulus with big, pitiful eyes.
“Don’t you look at me like that,” the air ghoulette sighed. “You know I can’t say no to you like that, evil little thing. You’re too cute for your own good.”
She reached out again to scratch behind his horn as she put her phone down and used her free hand to move the crotch of her shorts to the side. She spread her legs some more before grabbing Mountain’s antler and pulling him in. “Here, have your treat.”
He didn’t need any more encouragement, immediately diving in with a happy chirp on his lips. Cumulus was already wet and soon enough his drool made her cunt truly dripping and there wasn’t enough brain in Mountain to do anything more than lick at her sloppily. After all it was his treat and he just wanted to feast, making Cumulus cum wasn’t exactly his priority in such a state.
She would cum, of course, Mountain all desperate and needy for her turned her on impossibly. It was adorable and a little fun how he went on about the act—just shoving his face in between her legs and licking all over.
“Yes, that’s it. That’s it, good boy– oh, yes, pup. Lick away.” She tangled her fingers in his long amber hair and scratched at his scalp some more. It was for his enjoyment, but her motives were a bit impure–
“Oh,” she moaned loudly when her ministrations made Mountain kick up a loud, rumbly purr, that in turn made him whole vibrate. Especially his mouth. “Yes, pup, that’s good. My lovely little vibe, aren’t you?”
He chirped at the praise. Cumulus was getting close and so she decided to give Mountain some more incentive. “Make mommy cum and I’ll let you get off on my tits.”
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boxofoxberry · 29 days
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i think about her a lot actually
headcanons for her under the cut if u care 🫶
binta hcs!!!!
• okay this one is more an admin hc but. the admins made the old builders and there are a lot more than the ones we see in game. binta is one of them 🫶
• because of that yes she is immortal and so is Pretty Old but just appears physically young like cassie. she's probably seen a fair few generations of people in fred's keep
• speaking of, the night before fred confronted romeo, he gave her a teeny tiny fraction of his power to help her protect the people should anything happen to him
• because of this power, a few years after fred's passing, binta began to grow tiny deer-like horns
• it's also because of this power that she's the only old builder left in the underneath. she confronted romeo after fred's passing, fully ready to fight. romeo realised that she held the only piece of fred's power left after he killed him and trapped her down there, cutting off the portal network to prevent her escaping. she lived with it and kept her promise to fred by protecting the keep instead
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Rating Hazbin Characters based on if I could tell what animal/creature their supposed to be:
I really hate that I even have to say that, because art critique is part of engaging with art and design. People shouldn’t have to worry about being bullied or sent threats because they don’t like every single thing about a piece of media. I’m not saying these character designs are “objective bad” or anything like that.
I just realized that I didn’t know most of the designs were apparently based on animals for a long time, or until it was pointed out to me, and wanted to kind of review/examine that.
Ratings below:
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ANGEL DUST—Spider—2/5:
I’m giving Angel a 2 because his design does look spider-ish to me, but I had to be told he was a spider to see the spider-elements to his design. I don’t think I would have figured it out unless told, the only time I think I could have figured it out on my own is with the spider web elements in Addict. The spots under his eyes being extra spider eyes kind of makes sense, but I don’t think I would have realized they were supposed to be eyes if I hadn’t been told. They did actually get drawn as eyes briefly when Angel got mad in the show when it came out-so that was actually really nice to see.
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Literally nothing about this man’s design makes him look like a deer to me. I gave the half point for the teeny tiny antlers at the top of his head, and because I do think his shoe print being a deer hoof pattern is kinda clever. But i should be able to see his antlers easily if they are an important part of his character design and if he’s supposed to be a deer. I also thought he was an OWL for like. 2 or 3 years while the Pilot was being animated b/c of his hair tufts. They looked like a great horned owl’s feather tufts to me.
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VEE—no I’m not calling her that—MOTH
Pilot: 0/5 // Final Show: 1/5
I wanted to add Pilot Vee b/c other than Charlie her design was probably the one that seems to have changed the most. Pilot Vee gets a 0 sadly b/c, while I actually don’t mind her base design that much, and think she looks good, literally NOTHING about her looks like a moth. Is she even still supposed to be a moth? Asking genuinely b/c that’s what everyone says but if that’s the case I sure as hell couldn’t tell and still can’t.
Show Vee gets 1 point b/c I DO like the design element they brought back from her first ever design where her hair is supposed to mimic a moth’s wings laid back. I thought that was clever and fun. It’s the only thing tho that kind of points towards her being a moth. Again if I’m wrong and she’s not supposed to be a moth lmk but every source I’ve seen says she’s a “moth demon” or that her design was based on a moth.
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I mean just look at him. That’s a fucking cat alright! Only thing I may have docked a point for is the feather tail thing, but tbh it’s still very clear he’s a cat. If someone tells me he’s not supposed to be based on a cat tho I may lose my mind.
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NIFFTY—???/5 (???)
Is Niffty supposed to be an animal? No, right? She’s just like. A weird creature/girl. Please tell me Niffty is not supposed to be a certain animal or anything b/c I have NO idea what animal that would be.
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I literally had no idea this guy was supposed to be a moth until his coat turned out to be wings for some reason. Nothing about the coat made it look like wings to me. I thought his “antennae” were just feathers in his hat. Even when his coat became wings I was still very confused and thought for a moment he was supposed to be a butterfly? But no apparently he’s a moth. He’s got extra arms but I didn’t think that was specifically a “bug/moth” thing, b/c so many of the character designs in HH have extra features. I’ll be real I really don’t like anything about Valentino’s design and don’t understand the appeal of him at all. Sorry Val fans :(
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I’m really sad I have to give out another 0 but like, I had NO idea that Katie was supposed to be a Mantis. I’m not sure if that’s even accurate like maybe that was just a rumor/speculation?? Right? Please let me know b/c I seriously NEVER would have guessed that she’s supposed to be a Praying Mantis. Even in her other form, I would have thought they were trying to imply she’s a spider…why did they give her 4 eyes? I can’t tell if they’re supposed to represent pseudo-pupils or a mantis’ ocelli but I never would have thought of them as that. I just thought she was like. A scary monster white lady/“karen”-type 😭
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So, based on the creator/character designers statements from a podcast, I believe that Charlie is supposed to be a sort of…amalgamation of the above? But honestly I’m not sure. I’m that statement they mentioned she had a lamb or puppy nose, and I think they mentioned before that her heels are supposed to look like hooves? But also the creator made a tweet saying they never intended her design to be a goat, so I don’t really know what she’s supposed to be. I gave Charlie a 2.5 b/c she DOES look like a porcelain doll to me. Or like. A. Clown??? Cause of her cheek marks. Idk. She at least looks like one of the things she’s “supposed” to be according to the creator, and I can see the puppy element with the nose if that’s what was intended. The lower ranking is more because I’ve heard MULTIPLE things about her design elements so I’m not sure what the intention was with her.
I would have bumped her up to a 3 if I knew what she was supposed to be, but b/c it’s been stated that she’s based on several things it’s hard to tell, and I can’t actually tell if that’s still the case.
I may do another one of these with some other characters. There are a few in Helluva Boss that I couldn’t really read either but most of those designs make much more sense to me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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primalsouls · 1 month
Nilotpala Lotus
tighnari x m! reader
moon, tell me if i could
send off my heart to you
theme: general, fluff
warning: a teeny tiny mention of nipple piercing, allergic reactions, 1.5k word count, little ooc Tighnari(?)
summary: Tighnari, Cyno, and Collei decided to go on a walk and patrol the Avidya Forest for a couple of hours, but before an hour can even be completed, they were met with a loud shierk.
notes: I've been thinking about tighnari a lot lately and wanted to write something that kept coming to mind, haha. im also writing pt. 3 of Inner Visions, but the motivation comes and goes every three to five business days. currently has over 350 words that fic lol. please, someone talk to me about Tighnari (╥﹏╥) i need more of him 😔 also meant to make this short under 1.5k words, but i guess i dont know my own limits. xD comments & reblogs are appreciated!
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Tighnari, Collei, and Cyno were out on a walk when they came across a loud shriek. Tighnari flinched and covered his ears right away, wincing at the loudness. Cyno and Collei looked around before another yell was heard. The trio quickly picked up their pace and headed in the direction of the sound. As they got near, the fennec fox was able to pick up more than one voice. Panic filled in them. Cyno took the lead, his polearm already in hand. Tighnari followed behind, keeping a close watch on Collei next to him.
“—should we do!? Is he gonna die!?” The high-pitched voice sounded familiar to Tighnari. Shrill and panicked. So loud, it made the dendro user flattened his long ears against his head. When the trio reached the area where the voices were heard, Cyno held a hand up to stop on their tracks, his grip on his polearm tightened to be ready to use. He was the first one to walk closer with cautious steps.
“He's gonna pass out, compadre! He's burning up!” Now there was an unfamiliar voice. The electro user peeked over the large tree that stood between them and the owners of the previous voices. A small flash of shock crossed his features and turned to look back at his two friends.
“It's the traveler and Paimon with two unfamiliar faces.” Cyno reported. When he confirmed their identities, the trio walked around the tree and up to the small group. Tighnari looked at the sight.
As Cyno mentioned, Paimon floated beside Aether, her small hands covering her face as she floated back and forth with a scared look. Aether was crouched next to an unknown face. He wore a concerned expression on his face, trying to keep a calm demeanor as he kept a hand on the back of the first stranger. Beside them was a white haired, tall man with red markings and horns sticking out on the front of his head. He also wore a panicked look. Between Aether and the other fellow was a (hair color) male who looked fatigued and had reddened skin, almost looking like he had a fever. His eyes were casted down on the ground and his breathing sounded irregular.
“Aether, what's going on?” Cyno broke the tensed air around the group. Aether and Paimon looked over and relief washed over their faces. The traveler stood up after making sure the other man was sitting comfortably against a log before he walked over to Cyno with Paimon. “Is he alright?”
“No, he's not! (Name) suddenly felt sick!” Paimon exclaimed, a pout on her small face. Aether gave a small smile before telling the floating child not to exaggerate the situation. “We were just coming from Liyue and were taking a small break. Aether and (Name) stayed in this camp of ours to make snacks while Bull-chucker Itto and I went out and gathered some wood for the fire.” Paimon explained after calming down. Cyno glanced at the two Paimon was referring to, nodding his head for the story to continue. Tighnari stepped closer to the fatigued male Paimon called (Name), but kept his distance. He only studied to see what was wrong with him, a small frown on his face.
The man certainly had reddened skins around the nape of his neck and forearms. His face was flushed like he had a fever and his eyes looked exhausted. Their (color) eyes glanced up at him. Tighnari let out an apology as he stepped back again.
“(Name) was fine with me. Paimon and Itto here came back with wood and a couple of the Nilotpala Lotus.” Aether continued, pointing down at the small pile of wood beside the log his friend rested against. The two Nilotpala Lotus he mentioned were scattered away from (Name), as if someone dropped them without a care. Tighnari turned his attention to the two lotuses with a tilt of his head, his hand taking hold of his chin as he put himself in thought. “Then out of nowhere, (Name) said he felt terrible and almost faint on us. He started to get red on his arms and said he was having a hard time breathing.”
“Paimon thought he was gonna die!” Paimon said, floating next to (Name).
“C'mon, Flying Lavender Melon, (Name) is too strong to die!” Itto said, a frown on his face. Paimon nodded in agreement, a look of determination on her own face. Aether shook his head as he let out a sigh.
“He might have an allergic reaction to the Nilotpala Lotus.” Tighnari broke their conversation. Their eyes turned on him. Paimon and Itto glanced at each other in shock. “He has shortness of breath, an itching rash, and a fever.” The forest watcher leaned a bit over (Name) as his eyes squinted. “And hives. His eyes are also watery. Have you been sneezing?” He asked, crouching next to (Name). He nodded, his lips parted slightly as he took swallow breaths. “We have to take him back to the Gandharva Ville. I could prepare him a quick relief cream for the rash and hives.” Tighnari stood up, crossing his arms over his chest. “This must be your first time in Sumeru, if I'm guessing. You never came in contact with Nilotpala Lotus before, so he must not know he was allergic to it. Who gave you the lotuses?’ The watcher tilted his head before turning his attention to Paimon and Itto, both wearing a guilty look.
“Paimon swears we didn't know! We just found the lotuses pretty and decided to give it to (Name) because he said he had never seen a Nilotpala Lotus.” Paimon explained quickly as Itto nodded along.
“Yeah, if we knew that our amigo was allergic to the flower, we wouldn't have given it to him!” The oni added in, his hands held up in defense. Tighnari sighed as he shook his head.
“Just help bring him in. When we get to the ville, you can take him to my room. C'mon, let's go.” With the help of Cyno and Itto, (Name) stood up. His legs almost gave out but Itto held him close. Aether reassured the others he would catch up with Collei, who decided to help stay behind to clean around the camp with Paimon.
The trip back to the ville wasn't too long, luckily they weren't too far off. Cyno and Itto helped (Name) lay on Tighnari's bed. The forest watcher busied himself in his corner preparing the cream. Thankfully the cryo user wasn't deadly allergic to the lotus. When the cream was ready, Tighnari knocked before he walked in. (Name) laid on his side. “I've brought the cream. Should help relieve some of the itchiness and hives, reducing the rash as well. I've also prepared medicine to help lower down your fever and a gel to apply on your chest and back so you can breathe with no trouble.” Tighnari placed the small bowls and bottle on the nightstand next to his bed. He turned to the other man who carefully sat up with a pained groan. “Here, let me help you apply them, if it's fine with you of course.”
Once given the go to, the long eared fox removed his gloves. He helped the guy remove his shirt, taken a bit back when he was met with a tattooed back of two vicious tigers in red lining. Tighnari cleared his throat and picked up the cream, scooping a bit up with a few fingers. He gently rubs the cream on the reddened part of the skin, watching (Name) let out a satisfying sigh. He could tell the (hair color) man closed his eyes and leaned into his touch. Tighnari continued to apply the cream on the nape of his neck behind. With the cream applied, he cleaned his hand with a wet rug he had brought with himself and took the other bowl, this time the gel. Like the cream, he scooped the gel and massaged it on the back of (Name). The feverish man turned when asked to let the watchleader place the gel on his chest. Once again, he was taken back, this time by the sight of scars and pierced buds. Tighnari tried not to let his stunned look linger as he finished off with the gel, cleaning his hands once more.
Clearing his throat, Tighnari stood up from the bed and looked away from (Name), placing the bowls on the nightstand. “Um, you c-can go ahead and drink a spoonful of the last medicine.” The fox-hybrid was surprised with his stuttered words. What was going on? “After that, you should rest. I'll, uh, I'll bring you dinner when it's ready.” Without a second word spared, Tighnari left his own area. (Name) blinked, thinking nothing wrong about the forest watcher's behavior. Taking his advice, he laid back down on his side and took a nice deep breath for once, smiling a little as breathing became easier to do again. He closed his eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep. Now, it was time for the night to fall upon them all.
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britishassistant · 3 months
It’s dark and dank down in the hag’s lair.
The infernal engine cuts through some of it, but it’s still enough to niggle at Karlach, feeding into her rage alongside the righteous fury of seeing this scared young mum cower while the hag wears her face and the ire of “we have had to run through an ABSOLUTE SHITHOLE to get here, and the bitch is still not dead?!”
She can see Wyll hanging back by Mayrina, eldritch blast crackling in one hand with his rapier at the ready in the other. Gale has magic missile humming at his fingertips, mage armor humming around him. Yuu is drawing the hag’s attention away from her, mockery as vicious as the spear they’re still getting the hang of.
The hag screeches as Karlach’s axe cleaves into her fleeing back, vanishing in a puff of rancid smoke.
But when the three dopplegangers reappear, something’s different. They’re all chanting, a language that Karlach doesn’t know but sets her teeth on edge the same way a devil or demon around does.
Gale yells something, but it’s drowned out by the chanting reaching a crescendo, the hags all shrieking in unison before the illusions burst.
The next thing Karlach knows, Yuu has vanished from her periphery, and the hag is cooing at something in her grasp.
“Well, aren’t you just the sweetest little morsel, petal?” Floats over to where Karlach is, the saccharine sweet poison in the words somehow piercing the too-hot rush of her fury. “Now, hold still for Auntie…”
There’s a frightened child’s scream.
Karlach’s already hazy vision goes red.
Next thing she knows, she’s staring down at a pulped mess where the hag used to be, her rage broken by exhaustion more than anything else.
When she twists around, she sees Wyll curled around a small child, the pair of them staring up at her.
The only ways she can tell they’re a tiefling is the bruise pink face peeking out from under a wimple pulled too tight against their little head and horns. Gloves cover their hands, not even their feet peep out from under the hem of their long, undyed dress.
Looking at the kid, Karlach gets the weirdest sense that someone has tried really, really hard to make them as unlike themself as possible. Something in her gut squirms.
This teeny tiny version of their leader gazes up at her, mouth hanging open. Excitement, of all things, dancing in their eyes.
“Are you my Mummy?!” They ask.
“Uh.” Karlach says blankly.
Wyll’s lips are pressed together as he wheezes on an exhale.
Behind her, Gale begins coughing as though he’s choked on his own spit.
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rodeoxqueen · 10 months
Greetings once again my queen. The idea of succubus/incubus in dmc has swirled around my mind like rotisserie chimken. Fluff and smut pretty please. They just reside in a human world, mostly chillin, not killing. Occasionaly sapping unsuspecting person for sustenance. Then one day they are get suprise visit from Dmc crew that expects dangerous demon, but its just this cute and sexy person with miscolored skin and teeny horns. Sparks fly and local sex demon soon learns there's more potent mana than the one stolen in backalley from occasional fling - love.
I love this idea so much I had to write something for this. I made this Dante/Reader coded.
Dante/ Sex Demon! Reader
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The DMC crew was expecting a dangerous demon indeed, a succubus/incubus sighting was rare.
You were in your demonic form when they gave chase and you fought like hell.
You were a lesser demon than the Spardas and you were quick to be captured and pinned by a devil sword to the wall by your shirt, also stolen from one of your victims.
In a bout of exhaustion, you returned to your human-ish form.
Demon and all, they just weren't expecting you to be so....cute?
Nero was surprised to hear a demon hiss like a cat like you did, trying to free yourself and near-begging for your life.
It wasn't your fault exactly for catching the attention of the crew, you had accidentally taken out a few humans with your soul-sucking powers.
With your submissive nature, the boys didn't find you as dangerous of a threat as they thought. Just a demon that got lost in the human world and learned to deal with it.
So they did what they always did: taking in another demon.
So there you were, a demon working with the great Sparda family.
You became the bookkeeper for the family business and came with for smaller missions.
Dante was immediately endeared by your tiny horns and engraved skin that was so pretty to look at. No wonder no human could resist you.
Vergil couldn't help but find your heart-shaped pupils and doe-like stare adorable. Like a cat almost, which he had learned to enjoy the company of.
You weren't used to kindness unless it meant the person being nice to you wanted to get in your pants.
So when Dante started just being nice to you and asking you to go to places with you, you were surprised. What did a demon like Dante want with a lowly sex demon like you???
You thrived off the kindness the Sparda boys gave you and you almost entered a moment of celibacy, not wanting to prey on humans anymore for manna. If they hated demons that preyed on humans, you surely wouldn't want to be one of those.
You weren't as powerful as before, but it was worth it to feel a sense of family and belonging.
The boys noticed you started becoming more human-like, with your horns becoming smaller and your engraved skin becoming more of a human tone.
As a sex demon, you tended to attract people just by just being. Sometimes you would wear skimpier clothing, more comfortable showing skin with your sexual nature.
"You're killin' me, baby." Dante would think internally as he would see you in such attire.
You and Dante had been flirty with each other for some time. You couldn't help it, seeing such a handsome demon every day.
It wasn't until your demonic energy finally tapped out and you became weak like a human.
Luckily for you, Dante had approached a rather severe rut when you had began craving for sex again.
The two of you were quick to get your hands on each other.
Dante had been acting strange lately, choosing to hole himself in his room and not coming out for a long time. The demonic energy leaking from him was enticing and you couldn’t help but rub your thighs together thinking just in its presence. 
You were embarrassed, demon tail with a heart-shaped end curling and flicking in the air in curiosity. 
You knocked on Dante’s door with a glass of strawberry lemonade. 
The boys told you Dante was in a rut and your heart skipped a beat. You didn’t see the knowing glance between Nero and Vergil when you ignored their comment about leaving him alone and leaving quickly to his room. 
You and Dante had a sexual tension that Nero could cut with his sword for some time. Dante explained he didn’t want to pressure you into anything since you were used to being used by humans. So for a long time, you fed off his demonic energy in slight amounts, going on dates and spending a lot of time together. It wasn’t anything you were used to, but it was well-welcomed. 
Demonic heats were common and could drive one insane. Your core ached thinking about those heats, where you were desperate to grind against skin and feel your center stretched by a ridged demon cock. You made your peace with other demons for some time, choosing humans to do such actions with. They were definitely lesser than a demon’s company. 
You were hungry again, and not for food. 
 A knock on the door and movement lead to Dante opening the door, shirt off as he usually did, but with a sheen of sweat over his chiseled skin. 
“Hey sugar.” He rasped, face tinged pink slightly at his predicament. A hot sex demon right in front of him, and he’s in a rut that’s never been as bad until now. 
“Hello, Dante. Can I come in?” You ask, giving him the glass, which he gladly drank from. 
“Oh, sure. I guess.” He lets you in. His room is a mess, with clothes strewn about everywhere and cups he forgot to bring into the kitchen. The curtains were closed, no natural light in the room. 
“How is your rut?” Dante blushed slightly. You were always one to ask blunt questions, human social code not of your own. 
“Hardest fucking rut I’ve ever had.” You blinked owlishly at him. Fuck, you were killing Dante. In that sexy fit and your beautiful face. 
Hell sure knew how to make their sex demons. 
“Why is that?” You asked, coming closer to Dante. He almost wanted to back away, your scent making his cock stir. 
He gulped, not used to this forwardness you came into his room with. 
“You know, I can fix that.” You lull, tail swishing behind you. 
“Oh really?” Dante exuded a slight dominance, looking down at you with lust sick eyes. 
“Sex demons are quite partial to other demon’s heats..” You smile. 
Dante remains quiet, a smile reaching his face when you come even closer. 
“Are you sure?” He asks. You nod softly, a sweet smile on your face and he swears he sees your heart-shaped pupils shine for a brief moment. 
“I want you, Dante. Let me scratch this itch of yours.” You two are so close that he can feel your tail coming around from your back to tap against his leg, coaxing him. 
You two kiss and it is electric. 
You’ve never kissed someone and felt the same spark you give to others. But this is different. This is Dante. Your Dante. 
“Come here, you sweet thing.” Dante pulls you close and kisses you, his back against his desk. He puts a hand on your rear, lifting you up to reach his hungry mouth. 
Your tail wraps around his strong thigh and he carries you to bed. 
You’re so excited, being fucked by a demon finally. 
Dante is a smattering of kisses against your neck and chest, both of you stripping away your clothes in a hurry. 
You’re in your underclothes when you see the hardening erection in Dante’s briefs. You palm him in his briefs and he groans. 
He takes off the briefs, hard cock hitting his navel, ruddy and thick. You lick your lips, fangs showing. 
You move around, Dante laying on his back as you give pretty little kisses on the head. 
“You’re such a little tease.” You giggle, letting him hit the back of your throat after some foreplay. You choke and gasp, but continue letting him use your throat for his own pleasure. Tears leak from your eyes as you feel that delicious lack of air. 
He’s the biggest you’ve ever had in your mouth and you drool all over him. You can already feel your strength returning to you just by his pleasure, slipping into your veins like the sweetest drug. 
Dante pulls you off his cock and gives you another kiss, tasting himself on your tongue. 
“Let me fuck you, baby.” You nod and take off the last barrier from feeling Dante’s skin against yours. 
He lays you on your back, fingers teasing your entrance. You’re already so slick and Dante can’t help but try a taste of you. 
You purr at the pleasure, celibacy broken as he continues to feed himself of your essence. 
Your legs wrap around his head and he groans again, raspy voice vibrating against your core. 
Dante is in absolute heaven here in between your legs. 
Your moans are like music to his ears. 
Eventually, Dante comes up for air. He sticks his thumb in your mouth, letting you suck on it. 
“Fuck, baby.” 
He grinds his member against your entrance, tapping his head against your slickness. 
“Is this okay?” 
You nod drunkenly, spirals against your skin deepening in color and your horns turning (f/c). 
Dante pushes in, hissing at your tightness. 
You let out a long moan, panting as you try to take Dante. 
“Oh my god~” 
Dante kisses your forehead, between your horns. 
Hours pass and you’re insatiable, riding Dante as you've gotten used to his length and both of you have lost your human forms much earlier. 
He’s trying the weight of his bed, springs creaking as he’s in his SDT form. You’re covered in spirals, horns spikier than before and claws out. 
You look ethereal to Dante, as he fucks you onto his cock. 
It isn’t until Nero comes back when the two of you are completely sated, laying on his chest and he returns to his human form again. 
You yelp when Nero passes the open door, moving the covers to hide your nudity. 
“Keep that damn door closed, you horn dogs!” Nero shouts as he runs away from Dante’s room. You had completely forgotten to close the door after you. 
Dante chuckles, keeping you closer. 
“This was fun. Thank you for keeping me company during my rut.” 
You kiss him on his cheek. 
Two demons lay in bed, completely at peace with the world and each other. 
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