#tdp you cant do this to me
wodenicheng · 3 months
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my pretty pretty little meowmeow🥰😘,wish we will see him in season 6 very soon❤
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madou-dilou · 2 months
"Gods -Sarai, get up. Just -what am I going to tell them ?"
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maddyshome · 2 years
old man was making too much sense AND he made the good guys look dumb. i 100% believe this was not intended because they fucked him up in the next season. 
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redr0sewrites · 10 months
Self Care With Aaravos Hcs
🥀CW: the writer is ridiculously not ok over aaravos, fluff, mentions of non-sexual nudity and bathing, mentions of shaving
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aaravos is someone who prioritizes self care alot, and has a lot of self care products. especially within his imprisonment, in the beginning he was very neglectful of himself and lowkey depressed but after he eventually understood the situation and adjusted he would prob start doing self care at least to occupy the time
he has the silkiest, smoothest, thickest most luscious hair uve ever seen and has like a billion products for it
his haircare routine is probably like 40 steps alone 💀 not to mention all of the time he spends styling his hair and brushing it through
aaravos has a wall of all the products that he uses and its all neatly labeled and organized in sections depending on what its used for
if u want to help him with his hair, he will gladly let you wash it for him however will instruct u on the specific process and will make u use all pf his products in a super specific order 😭😭😭
he would also wash ur hair for u too, and is super gentle if u have curly hair like me
i wouldnt say this is a self care hc, but when hes out of his prison he definitely styles his hair a lot more than just leaving it down! i hc that he would probably wear it in so many styles, and will spend a lot of time in the morning braiding it or tying it up and adding in accessories :)
i feel like he would do skincare too, i remember seeing this one silly comic on the official tdp website that you can find here, but its basically a (joke) comic ab aaravos dealing with a pimple that i just found hilarious and i feel like would it be very in character for him to have a super good skincare routine
if ur someone who has/had really bad acne and skin like me, he would definitely do skincare with u and would teach you about elven products that he likes (only if u wanted him too tho)
he likes doing face masks with u and the both of you love having self care and skincare days where u guys just chill
its so funny when u walk in on him relaxing with a face mask on and cucumbers over his eyes, but its also kinda endearing that he trusts u enough to be so relaxed and vulnerable around u!
aaravos has a lot of body washes and soaps, and when the two of u bathe together its like a whole mf spa he will pour in bubbles and use all these nice smelling soaps like omfg hes so spoiled but u both love it
along with that, i feel like hes the type to use a lot of body scrubs so he always smells nice yk? i also feel like hes the type to shave and keeps his body hair to a minimum, but doesnt really care what u do ab that he just feels more comfortable without it
when yall bathe or shower together u cant help but admire him cuz hes just so,, pretty and its so mesmerizing to watch him go through all the steps of his self care routines-
im imagining him gently running his hands through your hair as he washes it, humming softly to himself and gently holding your head and cupping your face as he rinses the soap out, placing soft kisses on the back of your neck and shoulders auugh. he then proceeds to carefully wash your entire body, softly rubbing his body soaps across your back, down your chest, on your legs and wherever u want, hes very content in just washing u and worshiping your body. aaravos will trail kisses all over ur body after washing u, hes so devoted to u do mi ti why not me im gonna cry why arent u real
i also feel like aaravos would have very pretty hands and uses a lot of lotions and oils for his hands and nails, he does nail and hand selfcare and will do your nails for u if u want him too!
i feel like he would keep his relatively short but still a little long, and would absolutely ROCK glittery silver nails!!!
he will kiss u on the back of ur hand when hes done doing ur nails for u hhhhhh im not ok
he loves it when u use his hand lotions, or any of his products really. theres a possessive part of aaravos that is very pleased seeing u enjoy his products, and the fact that u smell like him and smell good is a bonus
u both will have self care date days and will take care of eachother the whole day, taking turns doing all of ur routines and having a whole spa day and relaxing with soothing incense burning in the background and its just a wonderful and relaxing time with ur lover <3
what i would do to have him be real.... i put WAYY too much effort into this even with the knowledge that nobodies probably gonna read it cuz the aaravos x reader tag is so dead 😔pushing the acts of service aaravos agenda today 🤭 why isnt he real oh my god why isnt he reallllllll people better read this omg i spent so much time on this i put my whole heart soul and pussy into writing this
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If I may ask, how do you think Kokichi acts around Maki after the game? Because I always imagined that what with the whole 'shooting him in the spine with a poisoned arrow' probably left him a little scared of her. I mean, if you consider that Strike-9 is likely named after strychnine, if the symptoms are similar, then that poison probably wrecked his body pretty good while him and Kaito were setting up his murder, he'd have been in considerable pain right up until the press came down. I can't imagine that Maki isn't a regular part of his nightmares.
Sorry it took a bit to answer. This is a lovely ask with much to think about, but your first question there really grabbed me and I immediately wrote a three-pager about it.
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I think that after the game, Maki is actively trying to distance herself from her V3 persona. She's stated she doesn't like fighting in the first place in TDP, so in this universe I think she'd in the process of legitimately trying to change her title to SHSL Child Caregiver. It's kind of a probationary limbo in admin, proving she has the requisite skills to outright change tracks since IIRC there's not much if any precedent for it, but Maki works hard and has found herself opening up a bit more in the wake of surviving the simulation. She cut her hair to further put the past behind her (though she's not sure she quite likes it yet, it's a work-in-progress) and is, in part, trying to reclaim pieces of the childhood she functionally now never had. Kaede has taken her to I-Can't-Believe-It's-Not-Claire's at least once.
Now, Kokichi on the other hand.
He tries to avoid her like the plague, as he is (justifiably) terrified of her. They haven't spoken since the end of the game, but it isn't lost on Maki that Kokichi is the only person she's actually tried to assassinate (and, depending on who you ask, she succeeded. She, Kaito, and Kokichi each ultimately blame themselves for the press, even if Kokichi outwardly blames Maki for all of it and not just the torture) and it's just a bit difficult for her to stay angry. Especially when her one and only mark backs up against the wall and covers his upper right arm subconsciously so she cant shoot him there again when they pass each other in the hall.
Putting a nightmare sequence on the to-draw list, but Kichi has... thoughts, about potential poisoning he does as much as he can to suppress (only packaged food, even if that's not how he was poisoned before, because 'they'll have to get more creative now that it's not a game'; never leave your drink unattended anywhere, at all, even your own room; he started doing his own laundry again instead of asking Kirumi like the rest of Class 79, considering she defaulted to doing it to keep her hands busy and nobody else has really stopped her...) Little things.
Little things Kaito notices, now that he knows (now that he cares) to look. He thinks that they'll be friends, someday (but it'll be pretty far out, if it ever happens.) Mutual tolerance is a bit more viable.
Oh, hey. Looks like someone started listening to Miu.
[AU Masterpost]
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m4rs-ex3 · 11 months
lines so? fucking raw? i cant believe theyre from tdp
"lots of things are hard. like magic, but you figured that out didn't you?" "...yeah. somehow relationships seem harder."
"history demands nothing! i make history. it does not make me."
"we all want peace and we all want love, but violence tests us. in a twisted way it converts us to its cause. because pain and loss feel so terrible inside, you want to hate. you want to hurt someone else... people are still hurting, and they are still angry. we can't ignore that. or pretend it will go away. somehow we have to hold it all in our hearts at the same time. we have to acknowledge the weight of pain and loss, but open up our eyes and allow ourselves to hope and maybe forgive and love again."
"we gain nothing if we throw away the chance to learn and grow."
"back then, when i was just a little one, the other elves saw me as a doe. but i knew. i always knew, that i was a buck. i chose [this] name." 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️
"i'm a mess" "no, you're not. it's okay."
"you're too good to feel this bad about yourself."
"most people believe that reality is truth and appearances are deceiving. but those of us who know[,] understand we can only truly trust the appearance itself. you can never touch the so-called reality that lies just beyond the reach of your own perception."
"it seems i am a crown without and adult, and you're an adult without a crown."
"justice [is] more than fair decisions and fair consequences. true justice [is] a fair system. the blindfold gives us a way to test the system. that i should use it to imagine i had not been born yet, and that i did not know if i would be born rich or poor, what color my skin would be, what culture or practices my family would have. that a fair system should be fair no matter the accident of my birth. that the rights, and laws, and opportunities within the system should stand to protect and empower everyone."
"i've had his letter for a few days now, but i-i just can't bring myself to open it. i don't know. i know it sounds crazy, but it's like, right now, there are words he hasn't said to me, and they're all right in there. they're just waiting to come to life. but then once i read it... once i read the last word... then he'll really be gone. forever."
"i know i'm not your birth father, but in my eyes and in my heart, you are my son. i see myself in you. i'm proud of you. and i love you unconditionally."
"the great lie of history. advisers and scholars will tell you that history is a narrative of strength. they will recount stories of the rise and fall of nations and empires. they will be stories of armies, battles, and decisive victories. but this isn't true strength. it's merely power. i now believe true strength is found in vulnerability... in forgiveness, in love. there is a beautiful, upside-down truth, which is that these moments of purest strength appear as weakness to those who don't know better."
"i've tried to be selfless as a king, but, as a father, i have a selfish wish. and that is for you to be free. reject the chains of history. do not let the past define your future, as i did. free yourself from the past. learn from it, understand it, then let it go. create a brighter future from your own hearts and imagination."
"sweet words can be more dangerous than hidden daggers."
"i feel so overwhelmed with everything, i-i have so many thoughts, things racing through my head." "sometimes you just need to focus on the present, take a deep breath, and just be. sometimes, things can get so complicated that our minds can't quite sort them out alone. but when you slow down and let yourself breathe, your spirit and your body can catch up with your mind, and help out."
"to know something truly, and deeply, you must know it with your head, hand, and heart. mind, body, and spirit. i love you with all of myself, and i always will."
"i think i've heard about this... a philosophy of accepting you are already dead... so you will not fear death. what a beautiful challenge you've given me. i must come up with something you will fear... more than death."
"we're all a mess sometimes. me? i'm usually a mess."
"there is a cycle in the world. life and death. it is at the core of all things. the moon embodies this cycle. bit by bit it will fade away: then bit by bit it will brighten. death is frightening. birth can be as well. yet they are two things that connect us all. kings and commoners, rich and poor, elf and human--each one is equally vulnerable in the beginning and in the end. let that fact be humbling. let it bind us together. remember that as life inevitably leads to death, so also does life come from death. this is a cycle, not an ending. for those you have left behind, think on all they have given you. for those who will come after you, think on all you will give to them. know that you are always connected."
"white lies are illusions you build with your words to protect the hearts of those you love."
"they're gone. i'm never going to be okay with that, but i guess i have to face it."
"you're not doing this without me. i let you jump into [there] alone and i knew right away i made the biggest mistake of my life. i could have lost you. we do this together. don't try to change my mind." hindsight is a bitch
"i like being alive."
plsplspls rb with urs
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ballisterboldheart · 2 months
let me recount the night's events. for posterity. so, earlier tonight --
no wait. further back. so, last week --
no, still further --
so, in 2001 dreamworks released shrek. three years later they released the sequel. this year, tomorrow, marks the 20th anniversary of the film critics have called revolutionary. genre-defining.
of course, in preparation of this sacrosanct ritual, we had to rewatch shrek (2001) which we have on dvd i love you physical media. i cant find it. :( it bothers me i cant find our dvds so i rummage my entire closet.
hey look i have the tdp s1 novelization? forgot lol. bored enough to read it. man viren fucking sucks. lol. finishing it who cares harrows parts are over.....
viren's spell to put runaan in the coin... is "your soul is my treasure". isnt that the line harrow said in the weird flashback in the last season of tdp??
hold on.
all this time... all this TIME its been right there? canon confirmation that harrow ISN'T dead? and it even aligns with "he isn't in the bird" like. ooh aaron ehasz must have thought he was so fucking clever. but. whatever. there it is. harrow isn't dead.... but he isn't alive either. but he kinda has to be brought back because if they dont bring runaan back theyre not gonna beat the bury your gays allegations. man i still want to hit aaron ehasz with my car. do you know he lives in california. harrow isnt dead. hey do you know they describe being put in the coin as worse than death. LOL. SAD....
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jamieedlund · 2 years
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Who's bullying who now? trick question it's fair game they just enjoy making fun of each other
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jal-the-jinxed · 3 years
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How many au’s for the same show can one nerd make? The world may never know...
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kitsnickett · 3 years
rock the boat my beloved why september 2 do you hate us
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you know that one scene where characters dance together to a cute song and then when they get in a certain position, they look at each other all romantic-like and are kinda like “are we about to kiss” and either a) pull away shyly or b) K I S S (its the top one bc its my fave)
when character a is severely injured and is reassuring character b that they’ll be okay (even if the wound is fatal) and weakly caresses b’s face and either a) passes out and makes b shake them while b has to be pulled away so a can be taken care of or b) a dies in b’s arms while a holds them close while sobbing in THAT POSITION Y’ALL SHOULD KNOW THE ONE IM TALKIN ABOUT BUT LIKE JESUS WAY TO PUNCH MY GUT THANKS ALOT
or when they’re lightly injured (lets say a broken arm) and they don’t have the supplies to steady it and when character a tries to move it, b softly says something like “no don’t move, just rest” LIKE CHARACTERS TAKING CARE OF EACH OTHER IS JUST PERFECT
when a is emotionally vulnerable and when their emotions reach a climax, they kind of collapse in b’s arms, sobbing into their shoulder and b’s just holds them (bonus tears if they’re standing up and they slowly sink to the floor together and BONUS BONUS if b cries w/ a)
Kisses where b runs into a’s arms and a lifts them and kisses them passionately
kisses when a dips b are truly magical
cuddling when a is sitting upright while b is laying on a’s lap while a runs their fingers thru b’s hair LIKE FUCKIN ADORABLE
look, i know they’re cheesy and some of them are just horribly done but MEET CUTES ARE GREAT
when a is picking up b for a dance/party and are waiting downstairs when b makes their GRAND ENTRANCE and stuns a w/ their beauty. bonus tears if a either mouths ‘wow’ or stutters bc they can’t find the words to describe how beautiful b is
when a gives b a cute piece of jewelry that has some personal meaning for the both of them and b says something like “its beautiful” and/or “i love it” and throws their arms around a. bonus tears if a has a matching or companion piece.
SERENADES. my dad once serenaded my mom w elvis’ “can’t help falling in love” and then gave her a music box that played it bc it’s her favorite elvis song (trust me my parents have a lot of romantic moments that are suspiciously movie-like)
proposals. i dont care how it happens just as long as one of them says yes.
when a goes to sacrifice themselves for the greater good and b’s like “no don’t leave me you can’t” and a’s like “i’m sorry but this is the only way” and they kiss passionately one last time before a and b’s hands slide apart in a C I N E M A T I C M A S T E R P I E C E
the sick character. i am a strict sickfic person so here’s what i believe it has to have to be perfection. a denies sickness and b just kinda accepts it but is still suspicious about it until something big happens that causes a to weaken and b says something like “lets get you in bed”. bonus tears if b carries a bridal style. bonus BONUS tears if a has nightmares while being sick and cry into b’s shoulder while having a high fever or whatever BUT SICKFICS ARE GODTIER AND YOU CANNOT TELL ME OTHERWISE
when characters meet for the first time by locking eyes across the room and the whole scene slows down except for them and it just focuses on them and omg bye i gotta go bc why do i gotta be the side token black character in all of my friend’s love lives :(
when a is a singer (like professionally) and they sing a song that a wrote for b and only they know it (i have yet to have a song written about me)
when they’re besties and they goof off and a does something stupid (normally involves falling) and b catches them and they look into each other’s eyes while b slowly puts a down but is still holding them
when they fall asleep and wake up on each other and are WAY embarassed about it
a cleaning b’s cuts and bandaging them and being like “hold still” while b’s being a difficult little shit who’s secretly in pain
ROMANTIC MIDDAY PICNICS IN A PARK (thats very hallmarky and i despise hallmark with all my being but i only like this trope if it’s done right in a montage with a cute song in the background, preferably a well-known one)
sharing earbuds to listen to a song
when they’re faces get so close because circumstances but they don’t kiss but you can tell they thought about it
Uh, I actually had one more in mind but I completely forgot it so I’ll edit it later if I remember it but YEAH ADD ON IF YOU HAVE ANY. also i guess these were more like “common situations” than “tropes” but you get the idea: these happen in romantic movies and tv a lot and when they do i gush and i smile so wide my face hurts.
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snickerdoodlles · 5 years
I have 29428826492 thoughts about the dragon prince s3, but Viren storing Sarai’s last breath for a future revenge spell really drives home his ultimate sin—
Viren is evil because he treats people like things
He looked at a dying woman—one who he respected and was feeling overwhelming gratitude to for saving his life—and then decided what he could take from her to use later
All Dark Magic mages have this flaw, and Viren especially is so steeped in it he’s lost entirely. Dark Magic is evil because a Dark Magic mage looks at living creatures and then decides how *useful* and/or valuable the parts of them are. And ironically, in evaluating the worth of creatures, they lose sight entirely of what makes life precious
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sunflowercandie · 4 years
My brother: T Pose to assert ur dominance
Me: *karate chops him in the gut* that leaves u exposed BITCH
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feral-anarchy · 5 years
Explain whats going on and I might finish it
I hate it though. I’m so tired and I hate the way everyone looks- Aary surprisingly turned out okay. 
But if the description you come up with is good enough I might finish it
OR If you guys would prefer I can crop Feral out and add details and such to Aary instead. 
But anyways I spent far to long on this and I have NO IDEA WHY because I groaned through the entire thing and for why?! The lineart is so thick, its choppy looking, the colors are lazy, the anatomy sucks- but you know what?! Im just happy I produced something T__T Maybe my artblock is leaning out of the way for a bit? Im actually being positive here believe it or not.
Anyways! Give me a short description of what YOU think is going on in this pick? Whats being said? 
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renthony · 3 years
Hey, youre an awesome writer/author. I was wondering if I could ask for a little advice. writing used to be an integral hobby of mine, but now when I try I find myself struggling with severe anxiety. I cant even work on pieces i dont plan on sharing with anyone. do you have any suggestions for breaking back into it and getting some words down?
I get variations on this question often enough that there are several sitting in my inbox I still haven't managed to get to. I never quite know how to respond.
The hard truth, Anon, is that I'm struggling with that exact thing. I'm disabled and depressed and dealing with all the chaos of the world, and it makes it hard to do much of anything, much less write. I average maybe one productive day of writing every couple weeks, no matter how much I try to force myself to work.
I used to fill notebooks. I used to write every spare minute I had. I never didn't have a notebook on me. But as I got older, and everything started going haywire, I lost that, because I had to channel all of that energy into just...surviving. I don't have an inspirational "here's how I beat it and became the world's most productive writer!" story, because I struggle with it every single day.
But I do have some things that make it just a little easier:
Talk about your writing. Make picrews of your characters, tell your friends about the scene you're working on, post snippets of your stuff on your blog, whatever sounds fun to you. I want SO BADLY to share my excitement about my characters with people, but writing is so goddamn hard. So talk about your writing. Even if you don't finish the story or it changes or it never really goes anywhere at all, talk about it, share it, and enjoy it. I struggle with it a lot, because I'm a horrid little perfectionist gremlin who is convinced everything I write is garbage, but goddammit, the only way to get over that is just to...do it.
So I do. I cringe and I get anxious and I talk to my friends about how shitty I feel about myself, but I do it, and I try very hard to listen to them when they remind me that depression is a liar.
Indulge yourself. Make playlists, make Pinterest inspiration boards, make art, put together moodboards. Play. Do goofy fandom stuff for your own OCs, even if nobody else gets it. Jazz yourself up and fall in love with the world you've created.
Don't make "writer" part of your core identity. That was my fuckup. I internalized the idea that I'm a writer, and writers have to write, so days when I can't write? I feel like I'm failing as a person. I'm struggling every single day to unpack that and undo that damage, and it's hard as hell. All humans have the innate drive to tell stories and share our experiences. It's a part of who we are.
Every human is a storyteller--when you tell your friends about your day, when you share a funny anecdote with a coworker, when you post on tumblr about your cat, you're telling stories and weaving words.
You're a storyteller by sheer nature of being human, which means it's impossible to "fail" as one. That's what I hold in my heart to get me through the rough times.
And, more than anything, don't cut yourself off from other media. I have a nasty little habit of getting stuck in a spiral where I feel guilty for consuming media when I haven't produced "enough" of my own. What "enough" is, my anxiety refuses to tell me. So not only do I not create, I don't consume, either--which means I'm not filling the creative tanks.
I gave in and let my best friend convince me to watch The Dragon Prince on Netflix recently, and the only way I can describe it is like...you know when you're dehydrated and take a big gulp of nice cold water, and you can kinda feel your brain re-inflate? It felt like that. I felt inspired to make notes and doodle and invest more energy into writing again. I had a solid few days after finishing TDP where I wrote quite a bit. So you gotta remember to fill those creative tanks.
Don't just consume your favorites over and over--find new stuff. Enjoy it. Talk about it. Revel in it. Let it inspire you and give you fun new ideas of your own.
And when all else fails, I like to go watch a marathon of Overly Sarcastic Productions' Trope Talk videos. It gets me thinking about stories that I like, why I like them, and what kind of twists I'd like to see in them. Which almost always gets me writing again.
So yeah. I don't have all the answers, but...that's what I do to help. I hope you find it useful, Anon. Be well. <3
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coveredinsun · 3 years
OMGGGG okay so i started this at 6am today so its rough bear with me. i have no plot, just some characters. please keep in mind this has NOTHING to do with the original plot, im just taking the bare bones of tdp worldbuilding and running with it. without further ado:
tommy is very very loosely (/sarcastic) based off of ezran. he’s the younger prince who spends all his time talking to animals (raccoons are the most entertaining, and cows are the most calming, so he likes those two best) and researching elves despite the way dream steers him away from doing so. because you know. elf-human animosity and all. he’s also like 14 and does if out of spite (but also because the six primal sources of magic interest him a lot)
wilbur is kinda like callum. he’s the older prince who just wants to write his silly little songs and grieve his mother (who has just died of sickness, which is nearly sending the general public into a frenzy) but he can’t because the rising threat of war against the elves forces him to take on responsibilities that he simply cant handle
niki and eret would probably be our duo in place of claudia and soren. except no claudia/callum thing because niki and eret are tommy and wilbur’s … *checks notes* distant cousins. their personalities are obviously different but other than that it checks out: siblings? BOOM. cool dark magic? BOOM. though niki practices much more– not only because it personally interests her more– because eret has assumed a sort of regent-type role in the wake of the queen’s death. dark magic doesn’t pique their interest the way it does niki’s, but they encourage her use of it as long as she doesn’t use it to hurt others
in their circle is dream, a long-time friend of the queen and tommy’s mentor figure (he was the first one to believe tommy about the whole talking-to-animals thing, and helped him hone in on that ability). he is quite close with everyone previously mentioned– often, he makes the big decisions for eret, and his best friend sapnap is known to practice dark magic with niki.
cut to the silver grove (moonshadow elves!) and we meet our silly little elf characters: ranboo and tubbo are being trained by technoblade.
ubbo is being trained as an assassin/soldier because of his talent with close range combat– as an earthblood elf born with that arcanum but mostly disconnected from its magic, he can depend only on himself in combat. it’s proven him very useful to xadia’s cause, even garnering the attention of phil, a high-ranking skywing general
ranboo has the opposite problem– he relies too much on magic, and his initial reactions to threats is often flight rather than fight. the only reason technoblade continues to train him is because of his extraordinary skill with magic. he struggles to keep his place in his community since magic is seen as mundane/ordinary. thus, his “claim to fame,” if you will, has been creating, discovering, and mastering a new type of spell which allows him to prove his worth to technoblade (and the rest of his community)
i dont have any ACTUAL plot, but i have some plot points in mind. namely:
dream contacts technoblade and the moonshadow elves to cast a spell on the queen and kill her, and to disguise it as a common illness. not only does this make him a huge hypocrite considering the animosity he pretends to have against elves, but it means he’s also the reason for many of their personal struggles.
also, that spell that killed the queen is the one ranboo created, but he has no idea it was used in such a way. technoblade conspires with dream because their interests simply align; the politics of the human kingdoms don’t concern him whatsoever. and thus, technoblade is TECHNICALLY the one to kill the queen but he never could’ve dont it without ranboo’s spell.
tubbo catches him in the act, and he brings that information to ranboo. it terrifies them both that techno is conspiring with humans– technoblade is their only attachment to that place, their training is the only reason they’re there at all– so when that trust is broken they run.
tommy and wilbur have to leave the kingdom for… some reason? i have no idea. but they leave, and they meet tubbo and ranboo. tommy is immediately THRILLED to meet them (it’s rather naïve of him, as is pointed out) but wilbur is skeptical. they don’t mention the whole “princes of the human kingdom” thing, but they mention that their mother recently passed from illness
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