#tarot do amor
luxmagh · 1 year
Duas vitórias gigantes pra você.
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kenshiv · 6 months
dw spoilers //////
and when 14 uses his tardis to go back in time and apologize to martha and this will give origin to the unit spinoff miniseries with freema as the lead and he will show up eventually and 14martha canon i know that's right
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girlblogging9 · 8 months
Fases da vida
Meu noivo nunca foi casado e não tem filhos,eu também nunca fui casada e é a primeira vez em todos esses anos que vivo um relacionamento de verdade onde realmente sou bem tratada e valorizada,os projetos de Chernobyl que conheci no passado nem posso chamar de relacionamento e sim armadilha de Kiumba e aborto espontâneo de tão ruim que eles eram,muitas pessoas dizem que o casamento é ruim mas para mim é algo bom quando você encontra uma pessoa compatível com você e que realmente tem responsabilidades e respeito,assume esse compromisso em relação a você.
É muito importante antes do casamento você conversar sobre tudo sem tabus com seu parceiro,ninguém muda ninguém e sapo não vira príncipe depois do matrimônio,digo isso porquê muitas mulheres acreditam que seu parceiro irá melhorar depois de um casamento e um filho e isso é o pior erro que você estará cometendo,fique atenta aos sinais,aliás,isso é válido tanto para o homem quanto para a mulher.
Eu sofri muitos abusos e oriundo de tais violências eu desenvolvi problemas de saúde mental e física,então eu sempre pedia a minha Pomba-Gira e Exu uma pessoa que realmente compreendesse a extensão de tudo isso e tivesse paciência em relação,contei ao meu noivo sobre o abuso sexual que sofri e outros tipos de violências e ele foi extremamente compreensivo,porquê há certos comportamentos meus e crises que são sequelas dessas situações que vivi,eu fui abusada por pessoas que se dizem cristãs e o abusador é filho de pastor,ele é uma pessoa extremamente altiva,arrogante e prepotente e acredita que nunca irá colher os frutos de suas ações e a família dele o apoia e o defende,já fizeram muitas orações contrárias para prejudicar a minha vida também entre outras coisas,mas eu não tenho medo de nenhum deles porquê sei que a espiritualidade que me rege cuida de mim e se encarregará de tudo isso.
Meu noivo também teve acesso aos meu processos judiciais e assim como todos que realmente conhece a minha história e a verdade ficou perplexo e indignado,mas realmente não há nada que possamos esperar da justiça dos homens onde há apenas corrupção por esse fato confio na justiça dos meus orixás e Exu,essa eu sei que não falha.
Eu demorei um bom tempo para conseguir permitir que outro homem tocasse em mim,foi muito doloroso todo o processo de restauração e sempre serei grata aos meus guias e a Exu que zelaram por mim,eu me sentia suja e passava mal perto de outros homens,eu ainda tenho sequelas porquê meu médico disse que nunca mais serei a mesma e quando tenho recaídas eu tenho episódios de PTSD com vários flashbacks,o ponto positivo em relação a isso é que meu noivo sempre permanece ao meu lado independente da situação e é muito acolhedor e paciente,eu não daria certo com uma pessoa leiga nesses assuntos menos ainda com uma pessoa impaciente e incompressível,se você atravessou situações semelhantes é importante ter ao seu lado pessoas maduras,compreensivas,pacientes e companheiras,caso contrário trará apenas sofrimento a você e a piora do seu quadro,eu sei que é muito difícil encontrar pessoas que se encaixem nesses parâmetros neste mundo tão egoísta e caótico,não foi a toa que eu me resguardei por um bom tempo, principalmente por causa de julgamentos precipitados.
Às pessoas que fizeram isso comigo e compactuaram nunca terão o meu perdão pois não são dignas de nada menos ainda ingênuas,elas sabem muito bem o que fizeram e o fato delas agirem normalmente hoje em dia não torna nenhum deles bons ou inocentes,o sangue que elas derramaram e tentam esconder sempre estará em suas mãos,dentro da tradição cristã existe o costume onde a partir do momento da sua conversão você é canonizado e isento de qualquer desgraça que possa ter causado,por isso há tantos abusadores entre eles,mas eles sempre serão o que são e não merecem nada de bom,independente dos costumes.
Daqui um tempo vou me casar legalmente em uma cerimônia reservada,extremamente reservada na verdade,eu quero apenas às pessoas que me conhecem de verdade e estiveram comigo quando eu estava no fundo do poço,eu nunca me esquecerei de quem olhou para mim quando eu não tinha nada,nem mesmo o mínimo de saúde esses merecem usufruir da felicidade e alegria ao meu lado,meu noivo olhou para mim quando eu não tinha ninguém e ninguém dava nada por mim,ele olhou para mim e me deu a mão enquanto eu estava sendo "apedrejada em praça pública."
Ele já conheceu toda a minha família e participou das festas dos meus familiares e todos gostaram dele,tenho tanto orgulho dele e do que ele é,da inteligência dele e todo o esforço dele em relação a tudo,eu fiquei feliz em apresentar ele para minha vó e mostrar a ela o quanto estamos felizes,eu fiquei com medo dela partir e não me ver bem,ela já está com uma idade muito avançada e eu refletia comigo mesmo que gostaria que ela me visse feliz antes de partir,minha avó é muito especial para mim é como se fosse minha segunda mãe e ela sempre se preocupou muito comigo,e quando chegar a hora dela eu vou precisar ser muito forte será como um pedaço de mim partindo para nunca mais voltar.
Meu noivo é meu melhor amigo e companheiro para todas às horas e situações,uma da melhores partes também é o fato de sermos da mesma religião e praticarmos bruxaria juntos e estudar a aprender tantas coisas,ele é meu feiticeiro preferido e sempre será,quando eu preciso arriar um feitiço numa encruzilhada de madrugada quem está lá comigo,meu docinho de côco,ele me ensinou tantas coisas e saber que também estivemos juntos em outras vidas é incrível,sabemos disso porquê consultamos o Tarot e às entidades,e antes de tudo acontecer ele sonhou comigo mesmo nunca tendo me visto,eu te amo meu docinho,você é meu grande amor.
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chavemistica · 1 year
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Tarot é uma ferramenta que tem como objectivo dar-nos orientação em diversas áreas da nossa vida. Porém a forma como fazemos a pergunta interfere directamente na resposta recebida. Porque o Tarot tem as suas regras e forma de funcionar. O Tarot permitindo orientar-nos em diversas áreas, se fizermos uma pergunta, muito generalizada, a resposta do mesmo será como a pergunta, generalizada também. O que quer isto dizer? Significa que quando fazemos uma pergunta, sobre uma determinada área, temos que especificar o que desejamos saber. Por exemplo: no Amor se quiser saber “o que posso esperar desta relação”, a resposta do Tarot poderá ser, têm que se conhecer melhor e passar mais tempo juntos sozinhos, mas há hipóteses de futuro. Mas se quiser saber algo mais me pormenor sobre a relação como por exemplo, “ele tem mais alguém?” deverá fazer a pergunta desta forma ao Tarot. Outro exemplo: “Como está a minha situação no trabalho?” Resposta do tarot: tenha atenção a algumas regras do seu local de trabalho e a concorrência de alguns colegas, de resto correrá tudo bem. Mas se perguntar: “devo confiar na minha colega?” Exemplo de resposta do Tarot: tenha cuidado e defenda-se. Concluindo: faça a pergunta em função do que deseja saber em concreto, pode fazer uma pergunta geral, mas tenha sempre em conta que se tiver alguma dúvida específica, deverá fazer a pergunta directa ao Tarot. Um abraço cheio de Luz! Consultora Sherazade A Equipa Chave Mística www.chavemistica.com
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direquail · 4 months
My specific read on John is not that he's a nice guy, either. It's that, like any good character (specifically a tragic character, which, TM has said that he is modeled on a mythical tragic hero, so) he has a flaw that dooms him. And what that means is, when he has the choice to change what he's doing, that flaw either prevents him from taking the option he's aware of, or prevents him from being aware that there is another option altogether.
And so as a writer, what I look for are moments where either:
something good about a character becomes an excess that harms themselves or others
we receive information that shows a persistent blind spot a character has
we look for times when a character gives their view of the world/a situation and it Does Not Match Up with reality, or is hinted that it doesn't
we look for evidence of something simmering under the surface that clashes with their outward, agreeable presentation
What fills that role for John?
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When this first pops up, it's pretty easily dismissed as yet another layer on the falsehood he's propped up. Admittedly, he's been doing it for ten thousand years, so it's probably got a few layers to it.
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This one, to me, gives us a hint about what John is blind to: That his friends see his vindictiveness and his failings and that they could still love him. This is where it crosses into tragedy, for me; where his own inability to forgive blinds him to the capacity that other people have for generosity--and so, to a world where "justice" means more than "vengeance for the dead".
And this illuminates the whole chain of events that leads him to that climactic scene in Harrow the Ninth, telling Mercy that she never would have forgiven him anyways:
John is, at heart, deeply angry--like most characters in the series, and like a lot of people who grew up in poverty, especially if they managed to escape it. He also has some deep sense of justice, and deep sense of judgment.
So we have this cycle of related emotions and ideas: Justice, judgment, outrage. And a human measure of selfishness, amorality, double standards, etc.
In one situation, this allows him to throw himself completely into the cryo project, something that (if it hadn't been sabotaged politically) could have made a difference to humanity. He brings in people who work to make it even better, who demonstrably want to make the outcome as just and humane as possible. It's also implied that this is part of why he received those powers; "I chose you to change."
(And, I'll be honest, one of the other things that I see that chafes me is the implication that there was nothing about John to recommend him to the Earth. I'm actually of the opinion that there was; she chose him, and I don't think she just rolled a d100 or drew a card off a tarot deck and called him up. John is also still a human, flawed person.)
Then, the situation changes. It's no longer an issue of dedicating expertise to solve a problem; this is a political issue, and specifically of rich people using their resources to shift outcomes towards the one they think will benefit them the most, that will secure their survival, explicitly at the expense of everyone else.
And their strategy is, profoundly: short-sighted and unnecessary (pooling resources would help create a better outcome for everyone, including the rich, by reducing global trauma and preserving more of the systems that already structure their world); bigoted and uninformed (many rich people think that the world has to be a certain way, generally that the world is violent, competitive, dog-eat-dog, etc., and someone has to be "on top", and there will always have to be a loser, or lots of losers); and utterly cruel, unjust, and pointless.
And John--John, who grew up poor, who grew up aware of the despair around him and the injustice of his position and more than likely made use of that anger to achieve what he had up to this point--John is so angry.
Because they're all the same. They're all the same. It's the same song, over and over again, no matter how stupid and pointless and unnecessary. He is certain, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that it doesn't have to be this way. He passes judgment.
But John is losing to them, because he doesn't have the resources they do. He can hate them and fight them all he wants, and it doesn't matter, because he's nowhere near in the same league as they are politically.
And then, after the cryo project is cancelled, he gains his powers.
The thing about anger and judgment is that the deeper it runs, often, the more invested the person who holds that anger in themselves is in not seeing what they hate in themselves. E.g: John has conceptualized the people he's resisting as fundamentally unjust, cruel, amoral, and bigoted. There's a very good chance--to different degrees, depending on the person--that becoming aware of similar traits in himself might wake up those feelings he has towards those other people--aimed at himself (that is, cognitive dissonance). He can't see the things he's passed judgment on in himself and function. He's not like them; he's trying to fix things, to bring about justice.
Of course, there's justice as in "living in a just society", and justice as in "justice for the dead". But that's a later realization, because right now, everyone is still alive.
So John hides those parts of himself; from himself, from other people. So thoroughly he can exclude it from his consciousness and pretend it doesn't exist. He thinks no one sees the real depth of his own rage, his own cutthroat pursuit of a solution. And then, when he can't pretend it doesn't exist, he can still pretend to be the man he thinks they need him to be. He can "fool" them. He can say--he's trying. He screwed up. He doesn't know what he's doing.
And then, Casseiopeia says, No, actually, we know you, and we know you're horribly vindictive. And we're on your side--we're on the same side--our fight is your fight--and we love you. But your drive for revenge is seriously limiting your ability to imagine and create a living, just world, and that's what we're fighting for. Remember? That's what we set out to create.
And John's brain can't quite handle this; he can't imagine that they could actually see him and still be on his side. Because he couldn't see that and still be on his side. He can't forgive; he can't imagine forgiveness.
He can't see the things he's passed judgment on in himself and function.
And, by this stage, in some ways, it's already too late to change course. But this is one of several "come to Jesus" (no pun intended) moments where John could become aware of alternatives, or could change his behavior--and doesn't.
And I think this is where we get that self-awareness from, the thing that makes him creepy and tragic but also infuriating: He is aware, but apparently that's not enough to stop him from being his worst self--so is he just pretending to be moral? Capable of making different choices but choosing not to? And the weird statements he makes later:
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This is, imo, not a power-hungry dictator who genuinely doesn't care about the cost of his throne, or a gleefully predatory abuser. This is a dude who's committed to a course of action and doesn't feel great about it. This is a guy who has violated his own sense of justice and has to live with it.
This is a guy who set out to save the world, killed it, and now the only thing that's left to him is to avenge it.
And like, from a mythology standpoint, that is exactly what the Erinyes are, like the Furies and Alecto. They are not the justice of Apollo or Athena. They are screaming for blood. They are hunting their quarry to the ends of the universe. They are chthonic.
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Again: This isn't what Cassieopeia or Christabel said to him. This is what John has said to himself. This came from him. This is a reflection of what he believes.
And it encapsulates, exactly, why he erased their memories. Why he took away their agency.
The difference between him and many, many people is he had the power of a god and no one to check him when he was struggling with his own worst impulses. And then, he created a world where no one could, not just because then he could do what he wanted and pretend to be kind and loving and moral, but so that he would never have to lose the love of the people he needed.
Because, unfortunately, he still needed them.
It just took ten thousand years for the lie to unravel.
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pearl-tarotist · 11 months
🌸 Messages from your future spouse 🌸
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{I have not touched my tarot cards in weeks but lately I have had an urge to make this Pac}. Your future spouse wants to communicate with you about something.
I have finally done it...I have surpassed the obstacles and I have reached my goals, but I find myself with palms full of time. The hours that I used to work on them have fallen over me like a weight. What must I do now?
I am content and happy due to my victory but also tired, so I need to rest and recover some energy...but between rests and naps, I can just think of you, my dear future spouse. I can just think about having someone that I can hold in my hands... instead of this void and meaningless empty hand. Something is awaking on me, the need to have someone that I could take care of, someone that I could spend my time with. I have suddenly been dreaming about you...not you as someone with bones and skin but fantasizing about your laugh and your warmness and the softness of your skin when sleeping in the same bed. At my side. I want that close intimacy that one can just get when falling in love.
I have changed because now I want you ...does it sound bad? The idea that I did not want you before? I'm sorry, I don't think I was even aware of this void inside of me while working. I don't know... I just want to hold you and not let you go. I want to kiss your hand and hold your face against my chest... can you listen to my heartbeat?
I am just so ready for this new adventure...not even and adventure if I am being honest. I am just ready for you...and eager too. From one day to other all my focus has changed to your needs. I am ready not just for a relationship but for a life companion...I am ready to bathe you in tenderness and love.
God, I want to fall in love with you so much. Please, come soon. I am waiting for you. Excuse my eagerness and my selfishness but, have you been feeling our connection lately or have you been thinking about me too? Do not say you have not or you will break my heart.
Eagerly waiting for you,
Comments: this man/woman woke up once with an extreme need on their chest. They are full of love and they are waiting for you. I guess this is what they wanted to tell you, that they are ready to commit and take care of you. Some of them want to call you baby, honey, darling, mi amor, amore mio...all type of petnames, but overall they want to pronounce your name so badly but they are unaware of it. They miss you already 😭. I could have keep writing about their feeling for the next 3 days because their feeling are intense but I cannot do that or...should I?
Temperance/ 9 of wands/ 7 of Cups / Wheel of fortune/ 4-3 of wands
I'm confident in us. I have enough trust in the world to know that I will find you, that they will put someone as perfect as you for me. I believe that the world will help us and will put us in the same path and even if they do not...I will search for you. For someone as graceful, nurturing and beautiful as you are.
Lately, things have been going well, I have found some sense of peace and harmony inside of me...I am ready for new adventures, for new people and a new love, that's you bb, ;). I am in an ambitious mode, it feels as if I had the energy to fight against dragons and monsters just to get to you, my princess and my queen. (your fs could call you a princess but see you as a queen).
I do not want to lie, you could think I am a bit of a playboy first as my jokes and flirting could be unoriginal or predictable but I just want you so much that I become of one of those stereotyped knights, just to get to you. What can I do to earn your interest? In those movies the knights were doing incredible conquests, saving kingdoms, being so flirty and sarcastic that the queen can just laugh about it... I want us to became those fantastic and romantic stories, wouldn't you like it?
I mean...you are just like a queen. You are nurturing, clever, beautiful, intuitive...It feels as if you could see everything about me at just one glance with those beautiful eyes of yours and I feel so...naked and seen. Sometimes, I think I'm just not enough so I just want to keep entertaining you with these quests even when it looks dumb from outside. Is it bad that I want you to just keep your attention on me?
I'm persistent, sarcastic and not scared to speak my mind...what a bad combination. I am just lucky and in love with you so much to hope that it is enough.
Always yours to serve you,
The Star/ Knight of Wands/ Queen of cups/pentacles /Knight of Cups/ Strength
From outside it seems that I have everything, as if my life was perfect...I am self-sufficient, I have people to dine with, people to dance with, friends that I can call and family that I spend time with but...I'm not that confident.
Inside of me, I have this recurrent doubt and insecurity....I am still young, I am still learning...I don't want to keep myself into the jail of the known. It seems foolish to some to change my lifestyle and comfortable routine when for some it is to everything they aspire to in life, but is it really that good?
I don't know if the people I involve myself with are the best. Are they trustworthy? Generous? Good people? I don't know.
That's why I think about you, my little ghost, you are present with me when I think about the future. I know we will be good to each other, we both will be young, we will learn about everything with time, patience and love. I have no doubts that we will grow wealthy, healthy and clever.
I think I am allowed to dream when I feel so much for us. Isn't it good that we will grow together and stablish our own bases? We won't copy others, we will be irreversibly us. And that's why I appreciate you so much.
I love you, take care.
10 of Wands/ 9 of Swords/The Moon/ page and knight of pentacles
This reading belongs to @pearl-tarotist.
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tarotwithavi · 2 years
what effect do have on others?
My Masterlist ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ paid services
Disclaimer : for entertainment purpose only .
pile 1 pile 2 pile 3
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I am hearing the word LOVE~ it's either that you make people feel loved and make them love themselves. You inspire people. Like really there's something about you that makes people feel extremely positive. Wow, I really admire you guys. I'm getting that you might be the therapist friend? You inspire people to do what they love and follow their passion. You follow the motto that nothing is impossible . Idk why but I'm getting that when you do something others go like " If pile 1 can do this, I can too" . Your energy makes people want to change like they want to change for the better . You may have an earth moon.
And I'm also getting that you make people fall in love with you. People fall in love with your personality and how you carry yourself . People may get attracted to you just because of your beauty but they fall in love with your personality. You are the perfect combination of beauty and brains. You're very self disciplined and you pamper yourself. I'm getting that you make people come out of their shell. you might have go through a lot or endings and may get tired around a lot of people . You are a social butterfly on the outside but an sleeping bag at home lol.
If you wonder why you attract only messed up people and the people who are mostly depressed trust me man I don't know too 💀 #webothmessedup . Jk it's because you are healed and you trigger those who are not healed yet . You might attract a lot of energy vampires or toxic people. So please protect yourself and your energy.
And one last thing,
YOU GUYS ARE PRETTY AF. like I was trying to not type it but I couldn't control myself.
I'm hearing the word Luck for this pile. You bring a lot of luck in other people's life. Like there could be black clouds and thunderstorms everywhere but then you enter the room and BOOM sunshine and rainbows everywhere. Its funny how I'm trying to explain this. But one thing you make people speechless. You might even look different from the people in your area or just that you have a very unique aesthetic that no one in your are has. You might even speak two or more languages and people find that amazing.
T, O, M, R, A I'm getting these initials for some reason. Wait, they make AMOR which mean love in French . Maybe some of you are learning French or just have some sort of connection with France. I'm getting that you might give French artist vibes to people. It also makes RAM which is the name of one hindu God. Let me know if you see more words . You might have a lot of knowledge about different cultures . Also it's random but you look good in blue or shades of blue. Are you a middle child? Just asking.
Okay a lot of tarot readers in this pile , so hello to the tarot readers of this community! Honestly this pile has some abilities with tarot or could become famous in tarot community. Also you're very mysterious to others , they want to know you more and what's going inside your head.All I'm getting is Knowledge, intelligence, brilliance, a lot of intellect. You guys have a lot of unique and weird ideas . Sometimes you brain makes people go like "are you serious rn? " . You are always thinking about new things and you might over think a lot. Pile 1 and 2 are giving siblings vibes.
One last thing
Sjjsjsjs this group is femme fatal , if you don't know what that is, google it up. But yeah people tend to put you on a pedestal. People are ready to worship you like literally, they are ready to bow down to you. Because ya know you focus on yourself and never give other much of your time and keep people wanting for more. And that makes them obsessed with you. But this burdens you because you don't want this. You just want to work, earn, enjoy. Just to let ya know , two boys are extremely obsessed with you.
You make people fall for you at the first glance. I'm hearing " You're one you're two✌" . You are their first and you're their second. There's no one who has the same amount of charm as you. Even the people who look emotionless and reserved will fall for you. You fill their heart with love till it overflows. And they can't control their feelings for you. They feel instant connection with you.
K, L, W, V are the initials I got for you. You embody the Girlboss energy. Like the rich CEO who is also pretty AF. You guys are filled with confidence and know your worth and that's very ahem hot to others. You're also very grounded and don't like to show off. A lot of you could be leo. I just heard Dove, you might like dove or just give their vibes.
One last thing
Stop being so hot all the time Momma 😫💀 . Alright that was weird but I hope you get the point ;)
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isabelagoth444 · 3 months
Tarot/ Quién es el amor de tu vida? 💕
Hola a todos y bienvenidos a este nuevo pick a card!🥰 Esta lectura va enfocada principalmente para personas solteras o con nadie especial en su vida actualmente, si tu ya tienes pareja esta lectura no es para ti. Espero que disfrutes de la lectura y que resuene contigo, acuérdate de quedarte con lo que resuene para ti y dejar lo que no, es una lectura general y no todo va a ser específicamente igual, para una lectura privada tienes el link mas abajo.
Toma aire y observa las imágenes y elige la que mas llame tu atención, a continuación dale a leer mas en la parte de abajo y busca tu grupo.
Lecturas privadas aquí
Mi blog principal (en inglés) aquí
Barajas utilizadas: oráculo woodland wardens, tarot enchanted love, astrodados y oráculo romance angels
Fotos y dividers sacados de pinterest
Grupo 1/ Grupo 2
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Grupo 3/ Grupo 4
Grupo 1:
(Cartas: mofeta y magnolia, mapache y sicómoro/ rey de gemas, torre, sol, as de rosas, princesa de rosas/ cáncer, júpiter, casa 7/ jovialidad, conversaciones de corazón)
El amor de tu vida es alguien con mucha predisposición a la espiritualidad o a estar conectadx con un poder mayor, veo que espiritualmente está muy protegidx sea consciente o no de esto. Es alguien con muchas ganas de experimentar y satisfacer su curiosidad, seguramente le apasione viajar y conocer nuevos lugares y culturas, tiene una naturaleza aventurera a la misma vez que realista, como alguien que disfruta de nuevas experiencias para nutrit su mente y alma gracias a ellas. A pesar de su inquietud por conocer y expandirse, el amor de tu vida disfruta de tener los pies sobre la tierra y pensar con racionalidad, no es alguien propenso a la fantasía sino mas enfocadx a afrontar la realidad tal y como viene, aun así también tiene su lado salvaje solo que sabe mantener un buen equilibrio. Esta persona está muy enfocada en su carrera profesional, veo que hace algo que realmente le gusta y apasiona, seguramente su trabajo tenga que ver con ayudar o enseñar a otros como un psicólogo o maestro, aunque diría mas que psicólogo o terapeuta por las cartas que salieron, ya que parece que da apoyo y guía a personas que están en momentos de crisis. Esta persona es mayor que tu, seguramente haya una pequeña diferencia de edad o simplemente esta persona tiene una profunda madurez que le hace aparentar mas mayor de lo que es, sea como sea, no veo que sea un inconveniente para ninguno de los dos con respecto a esto. El amor de tu vida es tu alma gemela, desde el primer momento que os conozcáis los dos vais a sentir una gran conexión y química que será la confirmación para saber que es tu persona por destino, va a haber mucha pasión desde el principio y seguramente os atreváis a hacer cosas justos que no hubieseis hecho con otras personas, también vais a sentir desde un principio que podéis confiar el uno en el otro.
El amor de tu vida tiene muy claras las cosas, es alguien con mucha energía masculina por lo que disfrutará de protegerte, proveer y cuidar independientemente de su género. Es alguien con una visión mas bien tradicional que busca matrimonio y formar una familia, también está muy dispuestx a cumplir su rol en la relación y hacerse cargo de todo lo que haga falta, el amor de tu vida parece disfrutar muchísimo de tomar la responsabilidad y hacerse cargo de las cosas para hacerte sentirte mas relajadx y que no tengas nada de lo que preocuparte. Los dos vais a mantener la chispa de la relación incluso con el transcurso de los años, vais a compartir un vinculo muy profundo que solo ustedes dos seréis capaces de entender. Veo que el pasar tiempo de calidad juntos y una buena comunicación serán las bases de la pareja y que esto os dará mucha mas complicidad e intimidad emocional, seguramente viajéis mucho y conozcáis el mundo juntos a lo largo de vuestra relación.
Grupo 2:
(Cartas: búho y lúpulo, gallo y girasol/ 10 de gemas, 8 de caracolas inv, 7 de gemas inv, 4 de rosas, 10 de caracolas, princesa de caracolas/ aries, sol, casa 6/ dejarlo estar, vale la pena esperar)
El amor de tu vida es alguien que ya conoces pero con quien nunca has tenido nada romántico, ya os habéis visto antes o al menos sabéis de la existencia del otro aunque nunca haya pasado nada, lo que si veo es que habéis hablado y que ha habido química entre ambos, como que ya ha habido interacción aunque no haya sido demasiada. Ésta es una persona físicamente muy atractiva pero su rasgo mas magnético es su calma y sabiduría, es una persona muy tranquila y reflexiva, tal vez resulte un poco callado o reservado de primeras pero tiene un gran mundo interior que solo muestra cuando se siente en confianza. El amor de tu vida es alguien que ha pasado por muchas dificultades a lo largo de su vida pero que ha salido de todas ellas triunfante y esa resiliencia le ha hecho ganarse el respeto de la gente que le conoce, ha tenido que pasar por muchas frustraciones y ha tenido que hacer unos cuantos sacrificios para poder ser la persona que es a día de hoy, sobre todo en temas de amor parece haber sufrido mucho en el pasado. A esta persona le salieron el 10 de caracolas (copas) y 10 de gemas (oros) por lo que 1010 puede ser un numero significativo para ti o una señal cuando lo veas para hacerte ver que estás en el camino de unirte con el amor de tu vida, también estos números indican que tu persona ya ha cerrado o está en el proceso de cerrar ciclos con su pasado. El amor de tu vida es una persona muy romántica con ganas de dar mas que de recibir, es alguien que ha superado muchas pruebas por si solo y está preparadx para compartir su vida y éxito con su alma gemela, realmente tiene mucho que ofrecer y se muere de ganas de tener la oportunidad para hacerlo, lo único es que parece tener dificultades para abrirse rápidamente y requiere de un tiempo extra para conectar y sentirse totalmente cómodo al lado de alguien, las relaciones superficiales, los rollos de una noche o los amigos con derechos no van con tu persona.
Parece que lo único que quiere el amor de tu vida es alguien con quien poder ser y expresarse libremente tal cual es, alguien que le apoye, que le anime y le de tanto amor como él está dispuesto a dar. Es alguien muy cariñosx y detallista, dar regalos puede ser su forma de expresar amor, también siento que actos de servicio es bastante relevante aquí, como que disfruta de hacer mas fácil la vida de la persona que ama. Por las cartas que le salieron en el oráculo te diría que tu persona puede tardar un poquito en llegar todavía porque se encuentra en un momento de purga y purificación, está soltando cargas del pasado que le estaban impidiendo avanzar, intenta no pensar mucho en el tema y enfócate en tus asuntos por el momento, el amor de tu vida necesita este tiempo para sanar su alma, además de que ahora mismo hay una intervención divina muy fuerte ayudandole a soltar, solo dale un poco de tiempo mientras te centras en lo tuyo.
Grupo 3:
(Cartas: alce y fresno, polilla y eucalipto, caballo y campanilla azul/ princesa de rosas inv, 6 de rosas, rey de rosas, as de rosas, sacerdote, 2 de gemas/ ascorpio, júpiter, casa 2/ coqueteo, química)
Hay muchísimas cartas de rosas (bastos) aquí! Los bastos son energía de fuego por lo que el amor de tu vida puede tener este elemento dominante en su carta astral o tener el sol en un signo de fuego (aries, leo y sagitario). Solo con esas cartas puedo decir que el amor de tu vida es una persona muy pasional, con grandes cantidades de energía y seguramente una líbido muy alta también, puede que esto sea una señal de que es una persona muy sexual o sexualmente muy atractivx, también siento que es una persona muy deportista y que le gusta cuidar su cuerpo. Lo único malo que resaltaría dde esta persona es que parece haber evitado el compromiso en su pasado y que ha preferido ir de flor en flor, un poquito energía de fuckboy, la verdad, puede que esto venga de un miedo inconsciente a mostrarse vulnerable. El amor de tu vida tiene un caracter fuerte y resiliente, dificilmente se rinde o deja intimidar ante la adversidad, parece incluso que disfruta de los retos porque le reafirman cuando llos supera y le hace sentirse mas fuerte y capaz. Es una persona valiente que no le teme a lo desconocido ni a la incertidumbre, a pesar de que haya mucho fuego en su lectura también siento una energía muy escorpiana. A pesar de todo, esta persona está cambiando sus hábitos y mentalidad, seguramente sea mayor que tu y esté empezando a pensar a largo plazo y en sentar la cabeza, en temas de valores es alguien que tira mas a lo tradicional y que busca crear su propia familia, también parece muy decididx a aceptar el compromiso que puede haber estado evadiendo en el pasado, con el dos de gems veo que se está dando un cambio significativo en su forma de ver las relaciones y lo que quiere para su futuro.
El amor de tu vida es alguien que realmente quiere vincularse con alguien y amar incondicionalmente pero que se ha topado con muchas personas superficiales en el pasado que no han sarisfecho su necesidad de profundidad emocional, a nivel mas espiritual, ha estado lidiando con personas kármicas en vex de con almas gemela. Escorpio es un signo que puede llegar a intimidar pero no hay nadie mas leal que un escorpio, con Jupiter y la casa 2 solo resalta su deseo de formar su propia familia y crear un hogar con la persona de sus sueños, además de mantenerse fiel a sus valores. Cuando aparezcas en su vida no lo va a dudar, va a ir a por ti con toda la artilleria, va a sentir la chispa desde el principio y se va a lanzar porque contigo va a sentir algo que no había sentido antes, le vas a transmitir una confianza que no había sentido previamente, como encontrar su hogar, para ti, esta persona será como tu chispa en la vida, te animará a tomar riesgos y dejar de preocuparte tanto por las cosas, a su lado vas a poder relajarte y simplemente disfrutar. Va a haber mucho coqueteo y diversión en vuestra relación, esta energía desenfadada os va a acompañar desde el principio y será la base de la relación, los dos vais a confiar plenamente en el otro.
Grupo 4:
(Cartas: mariquita y guisante de olor, trucha y lirio de los valles, caracol y arándano/ as de gemas, as de alas, 7 de caracolas, rueda de la fortuna, princesa de gemas inv, 9 de caracolas/ capricornio, nodo norte, casa 1/ dale una oportunidad a la relación, boda)
Para empezar, tu ya conoces a esta persona y ya ha habido un acercamiento, sobre todo por parte de esta persona, pero parece que no estés muy segurx o que esta persona no te termine de convencer por alguna razón, tal vez no es el tipo de persona en la que te fijarías de primeras o simplemente hay algo que no te permite confiar del todo, si es la segunda opción, no es porque esta persona esté haciendo nada para causarte inseguridades, es algo que tienes que resolver tu para poder abrirte en relaciones sanas. Esta persona es el amor de tu vida, pero solo si se lo permites, alguien con muchas ganas de hacerte feliz y dar mucho amor, esta persona cree en las almas gemelas y tiene una gran inteligencia emocional, parece también que tiene un muy buen control sobre sus emociones. Esta persona te ve como su persona de ensueño, realmente no tiene ojos para nadie mas, contigo siente que ha alcanzado lo máximo en la vida, aquí hay sentimientos puros y sinceros, es alguien que está dispuesto a lo que sea con tal de que lo aceptes y le permitas demostrarte lo mucho que está dispuesto a ofrecer en todos los aspectos. Esta persona tiene un estilo de vida cómodo, el dinero le fluye muchísimo y parece disfrutar mucho de su profesión aunque con la princesa de gemas invertida siento que puede tener ciertos complejos sobre su apariencia física, por eso se ha enfocado tanto en tener éxito laboral para tener algo que ofrecer mas allá de su apariencia. De resto parece tener su vida bien organizada y tener las cosas claras, como que ahora mismo se encuentra en una posición muy estable donde tiene todas sus necesidades satisfechas salvo por una relación romántica, mas allá de eso, con la rueda de la fortuna, se ve que a esta persona la suerte le acompaña en todo lo que hace y esto suele ser sinónimo de ser una buena persona.
El consejo que te da el oráculo es que le des una oportunidad a esta persona, no quiere decir que te lances a una relación con ojos cerrados, sino que poco a poco le vayas conociendo y haciéndote una idea de que clase de persona es y si sus valores y personalidad compagina contigo. Seguro que te sorprenderá para bien porque la siguiente carta anuncia boda, por lo que esta persona está buscando compromiso serio y te lo hará saber desde un primer momento, es como que quiere darte a entender que no quiere que malgastes tu tiempo sino que sepas que puedes esperar de esta persona. Por lo que dicen los dados, esta persona no solo está dispuestx a tratarte con amor y devoción sino que también parece bastante predispuestx a ayudarte con tus sueños y metas, cualquier proyecto que tengas en mente ésta persona quiere ayudarte a conseguirlo, es alguien que te motivará y dará claridad, sobre todo si es alguna meta laboral. Por lo general, se le ve como una persona con un corazón honesto, que tiene mucho que ofrecer y que haría cualquier cosa por la persona que ama, si decides tener algo con esta persona que sepas que es para un compromiso para toda la vida
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flowerbloom-arts · 6 months
If you don't mind me asking? Can you elaborate more on the problematic aspect of Mumrik please?
Don't take too much of my word for it because this isn't very researched and this is more of a stream of consciousness than anything but fanon "Mumriks" (Joxter and Snufkin), as I've seen here and there, fall dangerously close to antisemitic caricatures and Romani stereotypes.
For one thing, Joxter and Snufkin's personalities being equated leads to a mash of their negative traits, and their negative traits being laziness, deceitfulness, uncleanliness and tendency for thievery/utter disregard for the law to the point of amorality or indecency applied to both with either "natural explanations" (saying that's just an Inherent Part Of Their Species) or dubious motivations is deeply entrenched in stereotypes of the Roma throughout Europe.
The fandom tends to mystify Joxter and Snufkin alot on very shaky ground, with forebodings (gut feelings) that are treated as a magic litmus test for things to come or having a connection with ghosts or using divination like tarot which is based on either throwaway lines or background details that don't particularly affect the plot yet the fandom treats as one of their major traits that get used in plots alot. Romani people get stereotyped with that sort of mysticism alot, especially in association with the Fortune Telling business and to a lesser extent Mediumship and general superstition. I could also chalk this up to the mystic cat stereotype, particularly in association with witches and the like.
Joxter gets (or at least got, a while back) casted as the malevolent counterpart to Snufkin for the sake of Daddy Issues Angst, and that combined with people's dissatisfaction with Joxter and Snufkin's more human designs gave way to very impish or even monsterous depictions of Joxter (and sometimes Snufkin), which we can make parallels to antisemitic caricatures of Jewish people; sharp teeth, pointy ears, strange eyes, predominant nose, hind legs, tails, claws, generally untrustworthy vibes all around. Unclean and tattered, not to be trusted by others in any proximity; good for nothing thieves and tricksters.
People like to make "Mumriks" this massively marginalized group, afterall the two fellas we know are like... Hrm. But Joxter's lifestyle is hopelessly conflated with Snufkin's... Darn. People try to draw lines where they think they are but in doing so, it trying to replicate Tove's style of "some behaviors being inherent to a species" (which one can debunk with some critical thought and literacy) they accidentally create these stereotypes, they don't draw clear distinctions between Joxter and Snufkin even though Snufkin's mother is a Mymble, they don't consider how weird it would be within the context of our culture or even the context of these characters, yet somehow...
But this is just my thoughts as they currently are, I have thought about it alot but I do need to be on the lookout for more examples and do more proper digging. Again, I'm not accusing anyone of bigotry and purposefully baking them into characters who are clearly their darling faves, I'm just saying that there are certain things one must keep in mind when it comes to characterization and headcanons, or else one could accidentally recreate malicious bigotry without any malice.
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luciothefroggo · 18 days
Hi! Ok so I was wondering if you can do venture dating a witch!reader who likes crystals, palm readings, and tarot card readings and other witch things? Like I feel like venture would LOVE someone like that 🤭
of course!
Venture x Witch!S/O
Warnings : None! Just fluff!
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• when venture met you, you were collecting crystals for a potion, when they asked what you were doing you lied, saying you were just looking for some crystals for decorating your room.
• they stay with you as you collected them, blabbering on about rocks and crystals, but you were a little annoyed so you casted a spell by whispering under your breath. they shut up reallll quick
• you stood up and they followed humping and muffling for you to let them talk, once you finally did, they weren't angry.. just.. surprisingly praising your ability to do that! "Woah! That was so cool! I have some co workers at work you can - oh did I mention my names salone! Or venture.. but I like venture bette-" they kept talking and never realized you got to your witch cabin.
• once you guys started dating and you told them what you were, they were very supportive, they collect little crystals for you bc they love u so you don't have to leave ur cabin
Crystals like these :
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• they try their best to comfort you when a spell doesn't go right :
"I'm sorry mi amor.. but theres always a next time y'know?.. lets go eat some food huh?"
"mm.. it's okay don't cry.. your okay dear.."
• you give them crystal necklaces to protect them (you put a protection spell on them)
• thinks witches are ugly but when they saw you they took that back A LOTTT..
• loves cuddling with you bc you can hum a tune to them while they go to bed <3
• likes when you read their future, they knew you were gonna be their wife/husband from the start
• if AFAB witch : will love to get you more witch dresses, makes designs for you to wear and says you look beautiful in anything!
• If AMAB witch : always will wear some type of crystal or something you give to them to wear, once you gave them a small artifact from ancient times in a crystal and they were so excited!!
• if your a long times witch they will ask you if you've uncovered artifacts and stuff, when you show them your artifact room their in heaven!!1!1!1
(being a long times mean that spells work easily for you but being new ehh they sometimes go wrong 😞)
• if your new they help you get through it and collect stuff that you need <3
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adamworu · 9 months
Hi, what do you think of the Anime!Kaworu (not manga or Rebuild) analysis called 'Kaworu Nagisa, Ángel del amor y el libre albedrío. Diseccionando a los Ángeles (última parte)' by MistralChronicles?, has English subtitles.
I finally gave it a look after being inundated with life stuff (forgive me for taking long on this) and wow! If you're a Kaworu fan looking for some really indepth analysis your cup will truly runneth over on this one.
Let me start by saying that this lengthy analysis works because it doesn't go deep into his characterization under the assumption that the viewer already knows. It's all conveniently wrapped in one video. For those that already do know, this video acts as an excellent refresher, given how expansive Evangelion's lore is.
(warning for abuse mention)
The first thing that stands out to me in this 2 hour analysis, aside from thoroughly research on Eva's production history is the noted rearranging of Kaworu's surname as Shisha. Shisha means messenger (You'll notice the term Saigo Shisha to refer to the angels in Eva) while also pertaining to death.
This also works well with MOVIC's assigning of Kaworu to the Death Tarot Card.
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One door closes and another opens. Kaworu dies and he understands that he is the Last Messenger. In so doing, he ensures humanity's welfare in the process.
I love loved that MC (I'll be abbreviated Mistral Chronicles as MC in this analysis) talked of Draftworu and the scars. I wouldn't call those suicide attempts but I would call those self-harm. That's not to say that Draft iteration Kaworu didn't hold ideas relating to suicide.
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MC notes that Kaworu and Shinji's excellent chemistry. Kaworu is more bright and outgoing whereas Shinji is more neutral. This manifests in their shirts: orange and blue, respectively, because they compliment each other.
I think my one pet peeve (even less, actually, just something pointed out) through this analysis however is that Kaworu is directly called Adam. Kaworu's existence as Adam is by proxy. Meaning that because Adam's soul is within him, he's Adam that way rather than being some physical iteration.
Kaworu was meant to be so good that his nature alone would be enough to give Shinji an inferiority complex. MC makes the excellent point that because Kaworu's appearance had to be truncated to one episode, we only ever see not the complex, but rather Shinji's idealization of Kaworu.
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I think about this fact a lot. How, even though Kaworu accepts Shinji for who he is, there's a pushback in parts of Eva communities that assumes bad faith on Kaworu's end. It drives me up a wall every so often due to exactly where the bad faith comes from. There's also a part of me that understands that total acceptance and unconditional love aren't impossible manifestations. Out there, there is someone who appreciates and is so in love with you in all ways. We're so used to being around people trying to change key aspects of us rather than trying to comprehend us at our very cores. It makes the words 'I love you' feel all the more surreal. Genuine, unrelenting love for who you are feels like a shock to the system.
(Also small sidebar before we move on: MC goes into how Kaworu can fenagle with Unit-02 despite the non-reconfigured soul. When she says 'he can control a body that is his own' she's referring to the fact that Kaworu, being an angel, is comprised of particle wave matter)
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Kaworu has Shinji's support. Anywhere can be paradise. Shinji is his home.
MC points out something that often goes missed by some groups: Kaworu's existence is ultimately integral to Evangelion. Not just to Shinji. Kaworu's status as the Angel of Free Will is an ironic one of sorts. Other angels which preceded him desired to understand more of their lilin 'neighbors', so why then, is Kaworu aligned with such a moniker?
Kaworu's kindness, or his sacrifice to humanity, allowed them that free will. Another reading that I have alongside the aforementioned is that Kaworu's action shows the unsettlingly paradoxical nature of free will; that your freedom exists because someone allowed it for you.
The video also goes on to point out that Kaworu doesn't overstep boundaries (i.e. the bath scene). He thinks that Shinji wants to go with him out of the bath. He doesn't really pry. He's not fully attuned to Shinji's culture to understand why there'd be aversion with acts of sudden closeness. That's not to say that Shinji was grossed out by Kaworu (which he wasn't), but that Shinji's aversion comes from a place of fear from being hurt again.
Now onto Netflix's translation.
MC transitions into the Netflix translation and how it danced around 'It means I love you.' Debates about translation are sometimes had pertaining to this scene. You'll often see people argue about how in the Japanese version 'koui/koi' is purely platonic in nature. Given the actual context with the scene as well as the symbolisms that carry later in in End of Evangelion, this is of course far from the truth. The word is a pun which is doesn't carry well outside the language. The words 'koi' and 'suki' are indeed romantic, and EOE doesn't stand as the only example. The drafts debunk any perception of Kaworu and Shinji's relationship being that of 'just friends.' MC also adds more: that Anno gave the drafts to someone who was versed in writing boys love.
The erasure in the translations was justified via 'Evangelion is an ambiguous work.' Correction: Evangelion's moral to the viewer is ambiguous. The characters have been talked about in supplementary material. That isn't ambiguous.
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This snippet here also debunks the platonic angle. When the characters are shown top-down in bed in certain parts of the series, there's some adversity or lack of communication. Shinji thinks of Asuka as only a child (something about glass houses and throwing stones). Asuka did share the sheets with Hikari, though faced away because she felt too vulnerable. But Shinji and Kaworu? They're clicking so much that Shinji divulges to Kaworu about his life prior to the events of Eva. Kaworu offers to sleep on the floor rather than Shinji but Shinji prefers the floor. Shinji catches himself being vulnerable but never backpedals or fronts about his life. At that moment, he was vulnerable with the right person.
Kaworu's such a surreal character in the world of Evangelion because he doesn't really ask anything. He's kind, but far from perfect. But he feels almost immaculate because Evangelion's world comes across to many viewers as cynical. People are often cold and get away with proverbial murder. None of us can understand each other fully because our boundaries not only protect us, but impede us. Fear drives us to be alive but also stunt current relationships while condemning future ones.
The lake scene is brought up in the video analysis in that it makes little to no sense. It's just...weird to think about.
Kaworu's donor is brought up here, though I wouldn't go so far as to say that they 'gave a body.' During the Director's Cut of episode 21, it's stated that Kaworu's conception came about as a Contact Experiment. DNA 'dove' into the flesh of Adam, awakening them. It could have been anything.
Since we're talking of enigmatic lore of Eva, 'clone' is a sort of loose term here. Both of the 'cloned' individuals may have the slight features of their donors, but not by much. Their complexions are pale, nearly calling to mind someone with albinism. Why is it that both of these experiments end in these features?
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Love that MC points this out.
Shinji's on the warpath with angels not because of his contempt, but he seeks validation. Then Kaworu comes along, gives him that validation without condition. There's no ulterior motive for his kindness. He loves Shinji for all his flaws.
Shinji's ire for Kaworu's reveal is a front. He's not angry at Kaworu for his status. His forced to fight between two sources of validation, those around him most or Kaworu. Shinji doesn't want to be forced with the troubling revelation that his fight against the angels isn't genuine. This is further reinforced in episode 25 in which he doubles down.
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Kaworu explains the AT field, how integral it is to understanding others (and outside to the viewer, important to the plot). The deployment of boundaries can protect you but in the same vein hurt others. MC points out that Unit-02 stabbing 01 is metaphorical, and a clever subtlety at that. The progression knife is inserted in the left side of the Evangelion, where the heart is.
He utters 'Human hope is made from sorrow.' From despair, joy arises. Kaworu realizes that his merging with Adam (biological desire, not moral) would spell annihilation for the whole of mankind and its hopes. As the last of his kind, the onus lies on him to cause a freedom of one species to inherit Earth while the other perishes.
It's also why Ode to Joy is synonymous with Kaworu.
It is why he is the Angel of Free Will.
Take the AT Field's usage into consideration. It can be used to protect, hurt, overstep, or even temporarily shut oneself off from the pains of the world. These are used to navigate the circumstances around you, and this truth implicates the angels, given they're as complex as humanity.
Thus, the larger deployment of Kaworu's AT Field is made clear. Blood stains his hands, regardless of outcome.
On this end, humans do have AT Fields but lack the physiology to deploy them physically. The Fields are instead metaphorical. They exist as veneers of a person, avoidance of an issue, among other things.
Kaworu's designation as the first and last angel is pointed out. This not only goes for the series but also the Rebuilds as well and it works thematically. Kaworu's the 13th angel in Rebuilds and this is juxtaposed in FINAL with Unit 01 as well as 13. 01 in FINAL is considered Hope whereas 13 is considered Despair. Before Kaworu's 'demotion' he was hopeful in that he would be able to save the world without mass death on his head. When realizing he was set up when Shinji retrieves the spears in Rebuilds, he becomes the 13th. In the original this manifests as Kaworu feeling hopeful that he found someone who finally understood him. Someone whom he could love and laugh with. 'Human hope is made of sorrow.' has even more depth, when the above is considered added with Kaworu's empathetic nature. He understands the needs of man, because he feels this way too.
Kaworu feels hope when being around Shinji (Also makes 'I may have been born to meet you' more wholesome) but a sense of sorrow knowing his mission.
He becomes desperate, understanding that if man were to live, he'd need to die.
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This is probably the only part I strongly disagree with. One of the biggest horrors of Evangelion is that people do take from others (and they often get away with murder). The cast heaps baggage on each other, or neglects them unless a situation comes in which benefits them. It's not a nihilist bent that Eva goes on, because it'd contradict that anywhere could be paradise. It highlights that humanity is ugly without going into a 'so get over it' angle. Eva highlights that realities are often ugly, but hardly defeatist or smugly pessimistic.
Kaworu's likened to Rei in their sad realities. He sets up to become something larger, but the reasons differ. Kaworu does humanity a kindness of his own accord. Rei? Becomes a mother figure simply because her whole existence of a man's unhealthy coping mechanisms. She is conditioned, start to finish to be a mother. Even though she understands more of her identity thanks to Kaworu, her tragedy is that she doesn't know how not to be anything maternal. Kaworu's kindness is his own and his tragedy derives in knowing the cycle but being a slave to it. His ultimate tragedy is that, for how powerful he is, he's still susceptible to unhealthy cycles, forced to play out that role until it is broken.
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It's pointed out that Shinji's depressive spiral goes deeper with Kaworu's death and not just because of the event itself. 'Death is the only freedom.' are chilling words from a boy who could not control his existence but could control his death. This makes the likening of Kaworu to Shinji all the more tragic. Much of Shinji's life was rife with neglect up until this point. Then he had to get rid of a genuine source of validation.
The love of Kaworu and Shinji is mutual. MC dives into misconceptions of how Kaworu and Shinji's relationship is platonic because it lacks the suggestive closeups of Misato, Rei, and Asuka (it's own can of worms). EOE debunks the platonic bent as well the Rebuilds with the numerous references. There's even a heart shaped tree where Shinji and Kaworu play Quatre Mains!
Anno even states Kaworu as an idealized other.
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Kaworu's proxy status as a father and mother is noted. While Anno uses chichi (father) as a designation for Adam, Kaworu uses hahataru sonzai for Our Mother. This explains why Kaworu stands as judge over Gendo alongside Rei and Yui. This latter of the designations makes sense, given Adam's status as the progenitor for angels.
Kaworu's status as integral to the plot of Eva is especially solidified during Instrumentality. Rei and Kaworu represent the desire to understand the world around and unconditional love, respectively. He, along with Rei, teaches Shinji that if he were to come back physically, AT Fields would exist once more. Pain would exist. People would not know each other fully. And Shinji allows that for mankind, even after knowing this revelation.'
People like Rei and Kaworu can exist, however. But in our lives, our sometimes unforgiving realities, people like that are rare. There are people that love you for being you. There are people that want to comprehend the complexities the world hands us. I hope that one day, you find both.
That we all find both. That too, is why anywhere can be paradise as long as you have that will to live.
All in all, I loved MC's meticulous dissection of Kaworu's character. It's a welcome addition and it was easy to follow along through all of it. I recommend watching it for anyone reading this who has the time. It's some of the most indepth Kaworu analysis i'd seen in the years I'd been in this fandom and I thank MC for the write-up. And I thank you, anon, for redirecting me to this video dissertation.
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22ayla19 · 4 months
Summary: You took an oath that even if you die, you will definitely meet in your next life, under the same pomegranate tree where you first met.
Warning: AU, mentions of death (reader died in a past life), reincarnation, angst, tarot reader, clairvoyant.
From the Author: I was able to complete the world quest with Deshret only recently and gods, how mesmerizing it is. I'm very interested in the desert, it's a pity that there is little lore on it.
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To say that I’m not like everyone else, everyone will think that I’m an upstart, posing as a simpleton, but I’m really different from ordinary people. You see, I am a person with an unusual gift, I can see spirits since birth. They say that newborn children and animals are very sensitive to the paranormal, my parents believed in this up to a certain point, until I grew up and began to scare them with the words “Mom, dad, look! There’s Aunt Bella!” Yeah, Aunt Bella, who died in an accident due to the fault of one drunk driving... Mom then almost fainted.
That's pretty much how all the paranormal stuff started with me. I am already 25 and roughly speaking, I have become a local fortune teller, as some call it, which sounds very rude, since I am a clairvoyant and a tarot reader to boot. Of course, I charge for my services, but it happens that sometimes deceased clients come to me, that is, spirits who ask me for help, to finish things or say important words that they did not have time to say during their lifetime. Honestly, I would not pay attention to them, but there was one case when I ignored the spirit and as a result, the daughter of a deceased woman died at the hands of her husband. I still feel guilty for not warning that girl...
Fortunately, today is my day off and I can take a little break from the daily hustle and bustle. I decided to lie in bed and watch Egyxos at the same time. So what? I live alone, no one bosses me around, I can at least be a child alone with myself. Since childhood, I have loved everything connected with Egypt, and I am studying to be a historian and the topic of my diploma is Ancient Egypt, the secrets of the pyramids and pharaohs.
My joyful and exciting mood was ruined by a call from a friend. Still, it would be better to set the “do not disturb” mode...
- Hello, friend!
- What do you want (F/N)? Get to the point, you wouldn’t have called me if it wasn’t very, very “important,- I answered my friend displeasedly. Well, it's true! I told her not to call on my day off, but she again probably asks for a triangle layout for the first men she meets.
- Well, you’re so mean,- she pouted, for sure. - In short, I met two guys here, they’re so nice. One is so tall that...
- I don't care what they look like. Their names and two bottles of cognac at your expense, and I’ll make you a triangle layout - I’m really not interested in her personal life right now. I value (F/N), but she is very amorous and after a couple of betrayals, some scoundrels (which is putting it mildly), she is desperately looking for that very man who will only love her and not get under the skirt of others.
- I guess I’m tired of you with my men, aha-hah... Sorry, Y/N...
- To hell with you. I’ll make a schedule and bring some booze to me next weekend. Agreed?
- Agreed! I'll be waiting for a message from you! Bye bye!
- Where are you going?! Tell me the names of your men! How can I make a schedule for you? - how I love her instant forgetfulness with all my backside.
- Oh, oh! Andrew and John are their names.
I made this triangle layout and purely theoretically, something might work out between her and Andrew, but it depends on both of them, I can only suggest a possible scenario. But John has something dark behind him, so it’s better for a friend not to get too close to him. I wrote the message, and then it’s up to (F/N).
I would like to eat some fruit now, I really want pomegranate or pomegranate juice, but the only option is to leave the house and go buy it, but I’m too lazy. Eh, there’s nowhere to go, maybe I’ll buy myself something else, I’ll go and get ready quickly.
It didn’t take long to get ready, only about 10 minutes, I left my apartment and went towards the supermarket. Already on the spot, I began to look for the fruit I needed. I quickly found it, took the bag and, touching the pomegranate, I had a vision.
Love... such a strong feeling, but at the same time weak. One day my love destroyed the one I loved very much. I don't want... I can't lose you too...
My habib albi, you yourself said that love is a very strong feeling, so let me become your strength, your support in such troubled times.
My Merit...
I want to share my love with you, like I once shared a pomegranate with you. Even though I am destined to die as an ordinary mortal, I will definitely return to you under that pomegranate tree where we met.
The vision disappeared, and I felt a tear roll down my cheek. This is the first time something like this has happened to me. I have experience as a clairvoyant, but for some reason I felt empty and lost after this vision. I didn’t even want to buy pomegranates, but since I came to buy them, I’ll buy them. Although it is interesting that similar visions will continue to appear.
. . .
A month later I went on a little trip. I needed material for my thesis, and I would draw it from the history of Egypt itself. Of course, now it is possible to find the missing information on the Internet, but it is still much better to see all the secrets of Egypt for yourself.
The strangest thing is that when I arrived in Egypt, visions began to torment me. From them I only understood that the king fell in love with a girl who became both strength and weakness for him, but because of the unrest in the country, both she and he died. It’s a sad story, but there’s something left unsaid in it, but I can’t figure out what it is.
Today I have a meeting with an expert who will talk about Heliopolis, one of the oldest and most important cities in Ancient Egypt. The meeting with this expert will be the last, since after this I will have to return home and complete the material for the diploma. It’s sad, because I want to know even more about Egypt, it fascinates with its secrets.
I was supposed to meet with the expert in the park near the museum, but since I arrived earlier than the appointed time, I decided to take a walk to pass the waiting time.
Walking through the park, I noticed a pomegranate tree. It’s strange that it is in such a place, but looking at it, for some reason I remembered a fragment of my visions, where the king met a girl under a pomegranate tree.
I walked up to the tree and began to look at it. An ordinary fruit tree, there is nothing so distinctive, but for some reason it attracts you. It’s as if some unknown force wants to say something, but cannot.
For about 5 minutes I stood and looked straight at the tree that I didn’t even notice how a fruit fell from the tree, but it fell not on the ground, but on my head. I managed to catch the pomegranate in my palm, but my head now hurt from the blow.
- Miss, are you okay?
- Yes, I'm... fine..
Looking at the man who was looking at me worriedly, I felt a surge of joy, happiness, but also bitterness. I felt the same as in my first vision about the Tsar and my favorite, but for some reason it was joy that I felt.
It was at this moment that, out of luck, another vision came to me.
My dear, Merit... I could not protect you, I could not protect my people... My ambitions became the grave of both Nabu Malicath and you. If my sacrifice can cure the plague on my lands, then I will give my life without regret. My only wish is to meet you in the next life under the same grana tree where we met.
- Maybe you should still go to the doctor, miss? - the man became more worried at the sight of my numbness. I couldn’t tell him to his face that I was imagining a moment from the past. They'll take her for a crazy person.
- Everything is fine with me. There’s no need to worry, I’m just tired after several weeks of work - it wasn’t a lie, since I’m really tired, but I won’t tell just anyone about my paranormal powers. Although the words “just anyone” do not quite apply to this situation. It’s difficult to describe in words, because looking at the man in front of me, I felt that I could trust that he was someone I once knew, the feeling of deja vu did not leave me.
- Excuse me, have we never met before? You just seem very familiar to me...
- Oh, it’s unlikely that we’ve ever met, this is the first time I’ve seen you, miss. Perhaps my words will seem absurd, but maybe we met in a past life?
The question itself sounded like a slight flirtation or even a joke, but for some reason, behind the man’s back, I saw a shadow, or rather the image of the king who appeared in my visions. Time seemed to stop, I didn’t hear anyone, as if I had fallen into a trance, but the man’s voice made me realize one important thing.
- I have been waiting for our meeting for a long time, my dear Merit, - an important detail that I have been missing all this time. I was the same Merit from the visions. More precisely, my past life. And the man in front of me is the same man who swore to wait for me in my next life. He is the same king who sacrificed his soul to stop the plague because he could not save the life of his beloved.
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vermilionpearls · 1 year
PAC+18: 11 things your future spouse would want to do to you (sexually)
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¿Quién lo diría? Que se podría hacer el amor por telepatía.
๑⁠Done through Shufflemancy and intuition.
They are going to tease you in public through their touch, they will grope your whole body: ass, chest, legs, waist and the back of your neck. They are going to make you wet/hard easily, their fingers are quick and their body will surround you, there's no scape. The most agressive shows of affection will be done at parties or when there are a lot of people. The rest of the people will notice the tension, the gazes and the noises that you both make, you both will look hot. You are going to cum on your underwear, the women will get their panties super wet and for the men is going to be more embarrassing as, well, there will be a visible mark on your pants. (Don't Time - Lana del Rey)
Manhandling: they will put you wherever they want, lmao. They will lift you up easily to place you in a new position. The action is done due to comfort and safety; they want you to be comfortable and they have no problems putting your weight in top of them. I think certain position that require the strength of your FS are better at...depth. If you like men, his dick will reach deeper and it will be more pleasurable like that, also, mmm... It will be easier for them to cum inside you on that positions. If you like women, their fingers or the friction will be better in those positions. (Safe and sound - Capital cities).
Sometimes, your FS is in a sweet and sentimental mood so they just want to hug you while leaving a tenderly kiss over your shoulders. They like to smell your essence when they are close to you. (Ylang Ylang- FKJ).
After having penetrative sex, they are still going down on you (sometimes, not always). They like to squeeze you at max. Also, just for some of you, your fs may like to have sex under the sun, when the warm is hitting their skin. (Waka Waka- Shakira).
They like to eat you down in general. (Down by the river - Milky Chance ).
Your FS won't like to fight with you,they would rather hug you and not waist their time. They must be busy really often, so they won't use the time they have to fight but they will use to make love to you. When they are tired, they are so sweet and tender 😭, sometimes the sex is not even about cumming but about being together. (Movin'out- Billy Joel).
Harnesses and ropes!! Oh Jesus (Harness your hopes - Pavement)
Hickeys (cruising for a bruising)
And orals are interesting to them 🫢 (Lean on-Major Lazer).
Sleepy sex, they like to cum when they have just woken up or when their senses are confused. (Dark Beach- Pastel Ghost).
They will share sexting and nudes when they are away, so they want you to do the same. (One step at time - Jordin Sparks).
Tip Me - More +18 Pacs - Non +18 Pacs
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They hate when you both are interrupted when having sex, so when the moment to be together arrives. Get used to spend hours with them without interruption: no phones, no more people, not opening the door...just you and them. (who can it be now? -men at work).
A little bit of roleplaying. If you are intuitive or into tarot/astrology...they would want to introduce that in your sexual life somehow. Sex magic maybe? Or playing being an intoxicated man hypnotized by a beautiful witch. (Witches in Bikinis)
Tw: knifes. They may use their strength and be a bit extreme, they may like to use knifes or some source of weapon on you but never hurting you. (AirplaneMode - Bones).
Your Future spouse is truly sensitive and they need a lot of time together with you...MMM, they are a bit annoying, I'm not going to lie. They need a lot of reassurance so they would love it if they were always in your mind and you showed it. (Afterthought - Joji)
They would buy you lingerie and they would love to break it when they are undressing you. They love to see you dressed by things they have bought. (Material girl -Madonna)
Your FS likes to feel comforted through sex. The intimate connection both of you can have through making love will heal and erase any doubts that your fs has.(Ain't no rest for the wicked - Cage the Elephant).
There will be a lot of sex against the wall, your fs likes to press you against it, unable to scape them. Also, there could be a window, your FS would like to play with the idea of pressing you against and letting the ones outside see you. Plus, banging against the wall, a classic, (The Wall- PatrickReza)
"I don't know what it is but I got that feeling (got that feeling)// Waking up in this bed next to you swear the room//Yeah, it got no ceiling // If we lay, let the day just pass us by// I might get to too much talking// I might have to tell you something" (I like me better when I am with you - Lau).
Your FS likes it when you surprises them, they want you to try to take control, they think it's funny. (Sunglasses at night - Corey Hart).
Missionary and cumming inside of you, yummy. (Viva la vida - Coldplay).
Your FS could be into essences, strawberry and perfume. Maybe even lubricant of different flavours. (Strawberry fields - the Beatles).
Tip Me - More +18 Pacs - Non +18 Pacs
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Your future spouse will think that you are perfect for them, that you have the right stuff, the one that they need. You are a great lover in their eyes. If you are a woman, you will have the prettiest pussy in their eyes and if you are a man, you will have the perfect size. There's not even one doubt in their mind, you are their only lover. (The right stuff - Vanessa Williams).
For some of you, it's possible that your future spouse was not a committed partner, they could have been unfaithful or just not good. They would like to be good for you, you would be someone they do not dare risk to lose. They learnt their lesson in the past. They would want to keep you happy and safe, to never see sadness in your eyes produced by them. (Careless Whisper - George Michael).
I don't think you are into it, but they would like to have sex when high/drunk/drugged. (Labrinth - Formula).
When you both are already living together and sleeping in the same bed, your fs will be unable to fall sleep knowing that they have their lover and their companion by their side. They will feel a strong urge to unite you and them in one, they just have a need to have you when they realize how much they love you. (Lemon Glow - Beach House).
They cannot go anywhere without kissing you first, they need a goodbye kiss every time(Running away).
When they feel sad, dirty or guilty they go back to you so can clean them and heal them. Be aware that the clean/dirty is a metaphor :), it does not mean that you will wash them but that you will help to find them peace.
They like to watch your facial expressions and eyes, they think it's erotic and interesting. It's telling of your emotions. You may be expressive and they like watching you. (uh oh! Sub urban)
Somehow, they want to do everything to you and... in their eyes any reaction that you have would be perfect. Whatever you give them, they take it and treasure it. In particular, they would want to make you scream and moan of pleasure (Hearing damage).
They like it when you are playful with them, when you can smile and dance shamelessly around them. They like to watch you have fun and be with you in those moments. I sense they would like that you did a striptease for them, in the comfort of your bedroom. (If you lie down with me - Lana del Rey)
They like to hold your hand while having sex and moaning inside your mouth while kissing, your fs thinks is so intimate that is kind of like souls touching. (Fade into you - Mazzy Stars).
Feeding, just like little birds. Your future spouse thinks it's hot when you share your food with him and give him half a cherry with your lips, or you share watermelon, lips to lips. It tastes better when it comes from your lips. (Florida Kilos - Lana del Rey)
Tip Me - More +18 Pacs - Non +18 Pacs
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This PAC belongs to @pearl-tarotist and @vermilionpearls.
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mabelskins · 25 days
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Tarot Readings Skin ⸻ $65
Yaaaay! It's been ages but I finally FINALLY got the courage to sell my first premade. Tarot Readings is a skin that was made with much much love and regard. Tarot Reading is a responsive skin for JCINK forums and is optimised for Google Chrome.
https://ko-fi.com/s/0a71ca8387 This Skin Features:
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Please like and reblog if you liked it! <3
Together with Socials and Guidebook templates
Tarot Readings Skin ⸻ $65 [PT]
Ebaaa! Demorou uma eternidade, mas FINALMENTE criei coragem para vender a minha primeira encomenda. "Tarot Readings" é uma skin feita com muito amor e carinho. É uma skin responsiva para fóruns JCINK e otimizada para o Google Chrome.
Você pode encontrá-la na minha loja Kofi: https://ko-fi.com/s/0a71ca8387
Recursos da Skin: — 8 grupos de membros personalizados com variáveis para facilitar o uso — 3 estilos para categorias do fórum (por ID do fórum) — Navegação lateral — Barra de navegação ocultável — Botão de aumentar e diminuir o tamanho da fonte para acessibilidade — Templates HTML JCink — Perfil de ficha de personagem — Vários campos de perfil para editar — Tracker automático de Fizzyelf — Lista de membros usando filtragem Isotope — Templates de administração geral — Código para reserva de imagens de perfil — Estilos de texto (H1 - H6), listas, divisores
Por favor, leia meus termos e condições antes da compra (mabelskins.tumblr.com/terms) Você pode ver uma prévia aqui: https://mabelpremade.jcink.net/index.php Se você comprar, por favor curta e compartilhe!
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thoughtwriting · 6 months
Depois que nós terminamos e você decidiu que não queria mais voltar uma parte de mim foi contigo e ela faz falta aqui, mas do que você se duvidar, eu gostava de quem eu era contigo e eu gostava de quem eu estava tentando me tornar pra continuar tentando, tentando manter nós. Me recusei a procurar notícias tuas depois que você se foi e até hoje eu me recuso, mas em dias de fraqueza eu não soube o que fazer e perguntei ao tarot de você, todas as vezes ele respondeu que você tava tentando seguir em frente, vivendo o luto do nosso amor que morreu sufocado por ter sido enterrado vivo, apenas tava seguindo sua vida com outra pessoa e tentando não pensar, nesses dias eu chorei, chorei porque eu não queria acreditar que qualquer outra pessoa no mundo era melhor do que eu, porque eu poderia rodar o mundo hoje e eu nunca encontraria alguém que me fizesse acender como você, você não vê como isso é injusto? Me irrita pensar que eu lido bem com tua falta, mas que eu ainda sinto ela, é como se fosse palpável todos os diálogos que eu queria ter com você em minha cabeça, e com isso, toda raiva que eu tenho aqui se torna tristeza e é muito triste pensar que tua saudade tenha sido reduzida a um sentimento tão miserável.
-Astronauta Bebado
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athena-111 · 7 months
🧍‍♀️bom vocês sabem que eu sou a pior professora possível porém está aqui meu post sobre trabalho com espíritos e companhias espirituais!
✩o que é spirit work? : basicamente é a prática de trabalhar com espíritos. Para cada encarnado nesse mundo, tem perto dele em média 3 espíritos desencarnados. Eles podem ser bons ou ruins. Alguns espíritos vagam pela terra, outros estão no mundo astral, alguns ainda em planos mais distantes, e por isso precisam ser evocados.
✩quais são os espíritos que existem? : vários. Podem ser aqueles que já morreram, como ancestrais ou guias. Podem ser os que estão presos na terra, os rancorosos obsessores. Podem ser espíritos do plano astral: yokais, espíritos animais, espíritos das flores, fadas, sereias, dragões, magos. Podem ser anjos ou demônios. Exus e egregoras gregas. Alguns estão aqui para ajudar, outros vagam no objetivo de acabar com a vida de pessoas, por diferentes motivos.
✩como trabalhar com espíritos? : 1. tradicionalmente você evoca espíritos (evocar=para fora; invocar=para dentro de si) em rituais cerimoniais para fazer pedidos diretos a eles, ou conversar. É um método avançado e o espírito pode ou não se manifestar fisicamente dependendo do seu nível de clarividência (capacidade de enxergar espíritos); 2. Métodos divinatórios: espelhos de scrying sendo a melhor forma, já que possibilita ver o espírito. Tarot, baralho cigano, pêndulo e etc; 3. Em templos astrais, ehhh também é uma técnica avançada mas dentro deles você pode chamar seres da forma que quiser; 4. Viagens astrais, meu método favorito, já que a limitação da matéria não existe. Você pode tocar no espírito, viajar por outros planos e etc. é um método intermediário, nem todas as pessoas tem a capacidade de se projetar astralmente.
✩o que são companhias espirituais?: bom, o nome é bem autoexplicativo 🧍‍♀️ são parceiros do plano espiritual. Eles podem ser de variadas espécies, dependendo do seu objetivo. Eu tenho um kitsune e um mago, por exemplo. Eles procuram companhias humanas, românticas ou platônicas, e em troca disso irão ajudar o seu companheiro humano com as habilidades que ele tem. Podem ajudar a estudar, dar um boost na sua prática magica, ensinam línguas e matérias, te protegem, cuidam de sua saúde mental, ajudam em projeções astrais, a se comunicar com outros espíritos, a conquistar um amor específico, a arranjar algum emprego, etc. Eles não são seres que você escolhe e diz “quero que ele tenha x poder e y habilidade”, não, eles são como seres humanos que possuem suas próprias áreas de conhecimento.
✩como é a relação humano-companheiro espiritual?: é uma relação mútua, eles não são seus escravos. Você precisa alimentá-lo, dar a ele seu tempo e fazer coisas que faria com outro ser humano. Ler com ele, assistir filmes, sair para fazer comprar, conversar com ele. Cada espírito tem sua própria personalidade, então talvez x companheiro não se adapte bem a y companheiro. Eles também sentem raiva, tristeza e felicidade como qualquer um de nós.
✩ok, mas COMO eu “adquiro” um?: bom, falando seriamente existem diversas formas🧍‍♀️ se você é médium e trabalha com esses seres provavelmente já sabe, mas basicamente você apenas faz uma viagem pro plano astral e acha um espírito que esteja disposto a ficar com você. Você irá conversar com ele sobre os interesses dois dois, personalidades e o que esperam um do outro para ver se há compatibilidade. Feito isso, você vai conectar o espírito a um vessel, um anel, colar, algo do tipo. Será como sua casa. É algo que você tem que carregar sempre consigo, porque é sua ponte de conexão com ele. A segunda forma é a mais segura e qualquer um pode fazer: adotar um espírito 🧍‍♀️ é, não é uma frase bonita, mas é o que é. Ha pessoas especializadas que estão dispostas a fazer uma “adoção” espiritual, obviamente pagando. Não são muito baratas porém, e muitas vezes não acessíveis. Mesmo assim, não é uma prática imoral já que o espírito mesmo está procurando um companheiro e está ciente de todo o processo. Você irá dizer pro magista qual raça, personalidade, aparência e habilidades você quer e ele tentará encontrar algo parecido. Obviamente você não vai ter 100% do que quer, já que você não pode fazer um espírito totalmente fiel ao que quer.
✩livros recomendados para quem quer começar a trabalhar com espíritos: Consorting with spirits e summoning spirits (the art of magical evocation) são os únicos que eu recomendo 👩‍🦯 o primeiro é pago e sim eu já tentei achar o pdf até no inferno mas simplesmente não tem. É o melhor livro sobre o assunto, porém, então o dinheiro vale a pena.
advertências: 1. não vá sair tentando evocar espíritos se você não tem domínio na magia cerimonial. As chances de você evocar um espírito errado que vai te obsidiar é bem grande 🧍‍♀️2. Essa é básica mas não tente adotar um espírito se você não domina os métodos divinatórios, especialmente o uso do pêndulo. Pra que um companheiro se voce nao vai se comunicar com ele? 3. Se você não entende o básico sobre esses seres, também não faça isso… como alimentá-lo, como fazer oferendas e tudo mais, eles precisam disso 4. A ideia de ter dragões e fadas perto de si parece ser boa, mas não peça por esses seres antes de uma profunda pesquisa. Kitsunes por exemplo são espíritos que muitas vezes não tem medida sob suas brincadeiras, são caóticos e suas energias são densas. Dragões são seres soberanos e estritos que podem revirar sua vida de cabeça pra baixo sem você estar preparado, são seres disciplinados e sérios. Fadas… bom, elas são elementais 🧍‍♀️ elementais normalmente não morrem de amores por seres humanos, tiram suas coisas do local e fazem um caos. Muito se fala sobre ter um companheiro succubus ou incubus, mas eles são seres extremamente DENSOS, podem afetar negativamente suas relações por sentimento de posse, possuem uma energia sexual muito grande e podem drenar seu companheiro. Não façam nada apenas porque em filmes parece ser legal, PESQUISEM.
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✵ ˚ : · no momento eu tenho 2 comigo: um kitsune e um mago. Eles deixaram que eu os introduzisse pra vocês, porém sem revelar seus nomes. O primeiro espírito chamarei de 🦊 e o segundo de 🧙‍♂️.
sobre 🦊: ele possui olhos vermelhos e pele pálida, cabelo comprido e preto. Esse aqui eu adotei pois não tinha experiência em vales de raposas. Como qualquer kitsune, tem uma personalidade brincalhona e é muito charmoso. É muito apegado a mim e inicialmente não queria outras companhias perto de mim 👩‍🦯 pode me dar problemas por ter uma natureza trickster, mas eu desenrolo. Sua comida favorita é japonesa, gosta de rock e filmes de drama.
Suas habilidades incluem: mentoria, boost nas minhas magias (principalmente quando se trata de carisma e beleza), me ajuda a estudar, a focar e ter disciplina. Me ajuda a evocar espíritos da goetia e me protege durante todo o processo. Também me ajuda a ler tarot.
sobre 🧙‍♂️: Ele é um espírito shapeshifter, o que significa que pode mudar de forma. Sua aparência verdadeira é muito matura, mas para mim ele aparece com sua forma mais jovem. Tem cabelos escuros e olhos verdes, possui uma tatuagem de cobra no pescoço. É sério e calmo, diferente do 🦊. Gosta de música clássica e comida típica brasileira. Ama ler e assistir filmes de comédia.
Suas habilidades incluem: viagem astral, me ajudar a ver espíritos, exercitar minhas habilidades psíquicas, também me ajuda a chamar espíritos, clareia meus pensamentos e cuida da minha saúde mental junto a mim, me ensina a manipular energia, protege minha energia pra que eu não fique drenada após um ritual, tem domínio na magia digital e me ajuda a passar os feitiços pros subliminals, me ensina ciências exatas e naturais, também me ajuda a fazer provas, a manifestar as coisas pro mundo físico, me da uma aura de comando e controle especialmente útil pras minhas magias de controle.
Mais uma vez, obrigada por acompanhar até aqui! Espero que eu tenha esclarecido algumas coisas sobre esse tipo de prática 🎀 Athena.
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