#talking out loud
sparklespeckles · 8 months
I read a tweet that talked about the amount of power Vash used after WWs death and I remembered those panels of Vash jumping out a window after Zazie told him they kidnapped Meryl and maybe Vash is prone to being incredibly rash when it comes to people he cares about.
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mattaytchtaylor · 7 months
Okay apart from Plainsong, there's like... none diagetic music in Forbidden West. At least none they theyve included on the official soundtracks. But if you go back to Zero Dawn there's at LEAST 8 diagetic tracks
I wish there'd been more in FW
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lunar-devastation · 7 months
I loved you like the sun, but turns out you were a moon too...
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rottinglittlegirl · 3 days
@jiraigal you are so cool !!
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bittersweetblasphemy · 10 months
this might be a kinda niche kink scene idea but hear me out.
im a masochist right? im also technically legitimate clergy.
what if I dressed up in proper vestments and then let people take their frustrations out on me? obviously there'd be proper negotiating and I would expect any sadists involved not to actually lose their cool on me and go beyond set limits. but i can't help but feel like it'd be very cathartic for everyone involved.
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lilyminer · 10 months
I heard ao3 has recently been down. Is everyone ok? Can I get a headcount? We all surviving!?
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we-are-so-close · 2 months
Fighting the urge to say "I love you" to my partner for the first time, because every relationship I've been in where I've said it first, they left me and/or turned out to be abusive pieces of shit.
Last week, my mamaw told me "your partner should care more about you than you do about them." And that honestly hurt me, because I'm a really caring person and I'm so used to caring for everyone else. But I see now that my kindness and care are constantly taken for granted.
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diaryofaglassgirl · 3 months
Dear Diary
Today, a friend has invited me over to his. I'm so, so self-conscious of how weak I am at the moment, but he's really sweetly insisted on picking me up, that we'll both wear PJs, and watch films etc. I'm nervous, but hopeful - if I can get over feeling like such an inconvenience whilst so sick and undergoing treatments, maybe I can have a bit of a social life again, maybe, whilst this is all going on
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beastweaver · 1 year
Problem: “I ship Lifeweaver with this character. But I also ship him with this character too. Oh wait he’d be cute with this character too. Ya know, shipping him with this character would be a safe and harmless way for me to explore something new.”
Solution: “Lifeweaver is poly and all the other characters are totally chill.”
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sparklespeckles · 5 months
Oh, look another note to myself written on the 10th of November. For context on this one, I am a believer that P and Carlo are two different people.
"I was thinking real quick about how Romeo's play about Geppetto ripping out P's heart means Romeo knew the plan.
But more importantly he "knew" P was Carlo. He was so convinced P was Carlo that he tried to warn him. 'Carlo, he's going to take your heart and put it into something else. Something not you.' He never considered that P was someone else. From P's pov, his warning sounds like (P heart) into (Carlo), but Romeo meant it as (Carlo heart) into (thing, not you)."
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my-0wn-pers0nal-hell · 8 months
I'll look for you in everyone and anything I touch.
Sometimes I wonder if I ever ment anything to you at all. I think about how we laughed together, cried together, danced together, held each-other.
I'll never forget the smell of your hair, or the feeling of your skin. Or you're beautiful green eyes looking into mine.
Your longing hugs when you knew I needed them. And how I was so desperate to stay in your arms for even more then a normal second a hug normally will last.
I thought we were soulmates with how we could be with each-other. How we couldn't be apart for too long, and even if we were we would come back together like puzzle pieces.
I miss how safe and comfortable I felt with you. The warmth of your skin, body, and soul when you were around mine.
I miss the useless conversations and how it was never awkward or uncomfortable to be open with each-other.
Looking at the sky while laying on fresh cut grass holding hands or my legs on yours talking about our day or something that made us happy or wanted to do in the future always made me smile and even still does, even though we don't do that anymore.
Time has passed but I feel our connection never will pass as the years do.
Things weren't always sunshine and rainbows.
There were times where we really hurt each-other and might of not cared in the moment, but we always came back to each-other.
I'll miss you as long as my heartbeats, I miss what we were and could have been, even if your standing in front of me.
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lunar-devastation · 10 months
When it rains, I stick my hand out the windows while going 60 MPH. On cool winter days, it causes your arm to go numb after 5 minutes. All you can feel is the lack of warmth and the stab of every rain drop. It’s a sensation I enjoy in a weird way because it’s different then most pain. Most pain isn’t numbingly cold, it tends to be… warm. Like heartache or relation troubles; those are best described searing throb in the void that has become your heart.
When you pull your hand back in and even if you stick it in-front of a heater; you can still feel the stabs and the void the cold left. This is the feeling of emptiness for me.
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jmrothwell · 1 year
Trying hard to not indefinitley put this one on the back burner. So I finally came up with a name for it and am sharing the playlist for it again (Each track is meant to go with a specific chapter)
Additonally, after I catch up with the prompts will focus solely on this one.
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mariedemedicis · 6 months
is there a tv meme that includes something like favorite single season show?
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