#tae goes to paris
seoul-bros · 7 months
Taehyung off to Paris
Moody autumnal look, check! Perhaps that's why he was meeting up with Peter Utz over the weekend, discussing another Celine shoot?
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Post Date: 23/10/2023
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oddinary4bts · 2 months
Chasing Cars | Masterpost (jjk)
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☆summary: when your brother goes to study on a semester abroad, your life collides with his best friend Jeon Jungkook, who's coincidentally your roommate. Will you survive the collision, or will you crumble into dust?
☆status: on-going (next update: June 7, 2024)
☆pairings: brother's best friend!Jungkook x younger sister!female reader, Hoseok x female reader, Namjoon x OC, Jin x OC, Jimin x OC, Taehyung x OC and others.
☆rating: 18+ (minors DNI, some chapters have mature content)
☆genre: forbidden love?au, college!au, slice of life!au, smut, angst (as usual a lot of it), fluff
☆total word count: 184k (lmao my fingers slipped)
☆a/n: I got the idea for this fic just a little over a year ago, following a power outage that lasted for a few days where I live and Jungkook's live where he kept coming back with different outfits (the white dress shirt hit me right in the gut). It took me a long time to write, as I was working on multiple other projects at the same time, but I am so so happy to be ready to share this baby with you guys <3
☆Thank you to @moonleeai and @jessikahathaway for beta-ing this monster <3 (and for all your encouragement and support)
☆And a special thank you to @wintaerbaer and @btsborahaee for encouraging me and supporting me whenever I screamed to you about this fic
☆add yourself to the taglist here!
☆discord server link here!
If I lay here If I just lay here Would you lie with me and just forget the world?
Chasing Cars, Snow Patrol
➳Teaser (Jungkook pov): the day he met you (1.1k)
You fucking touch her, you're dead.
➳Chapter one: when the Incident happens (11.8k)
Jungkook is Tae's best friend.
➳Chapter two: when Jungkook teases you (10.2k)
You know I hate that nickname.
➳Chapter three: when Valentine's Day happens (13.1k)
You know, Taehyung doesn’t have to know everything.
➳Chapter four: when you and Jeon Jungkook clash (9.5k)
I was just going to say that we should keep this between us.
➳Chapter five: when you have to go back to reality (12.1k)
We just pretend nothing happened, no?
➳Chapter six: when Jungkook hosts his friends over (9.6k)
I really want to kiss you right now.
➳Chapter seven: when doubt makes you question everything (15k)
Why do you want to believe the worst of me so bad?
➳Chapter eight: when secrets are unveiled in New York (13.5k)
I want you.
➳Chapter nine: when a party makes Jungkook jealous (11.2k)
You make me insane.
➳Chapter ten: when time slips through your fingers (10.1k)
I don’t want to lose you, peach.
➳Chapter eleven: when Jungkook visits Taehyung in Paris (8.4k)
Can’t wait for you to be back.
➳Chapter twelve: when it breaks (7.3k)
I can’t be with you.
➳Chapter thirteen: when it's too late (8.9k)
I have to talk to him.
➳Chapter fourteen: when the truth comes out (12.2k)
We never told each other how we felt.
➳Chapter fifteen: when you find your way back to Jungkook (7.4k)
You came?
➳Chapter sixteen: when Jungkook takes you out on a date (8.9k)
I think I was waiting for you my whole life.
➳Chapter seventeen: when forever awaits you (9k)
Getting to love you is the most beautiful thing that’s ever happened to me.
Drabbles in Jungkook's pov (might add more as the story goes on)
➳Drabble 1: Valentine's Day (1.1k)
We should have hung out like this before.
➳Drabble 2: the engagement party (453)
Have fun while it lasts.
➳Drabble 3: after a call in Paris (596)
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
➳Drabble 4: a conversation with his mother (644)
Nothing strengthens a man more than heartbreak.
➳Drabble 5: a conversation with Taehyung (1.1k)
It’s never been like that with her.
All rights reserved to @/oddinary4bts, 2024. Do not copy, repost or translate.
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not-goldy · 8 days
The louder the dating lie got over the years, the louder Jikook got.
* sips tea *
What's funny is, Tkk wanted validation from JK so bad after Taennie in Paris. On their knees begging for JK to free them & Tae from his girlfriend. Begged JK to speak up, show anger, jealousy and got nothing. What they got instead was Jk coming live, dancing, talking about Jimin & singing his song when Paris happened. They wanted him to hate Jennie & show her who Tae belongs too, but got him unbothered watching her show at Coachella & also at her CK show. Boy, he really showed her. lol. They wanted him to start up Tae lives, gush over & claim him, but he did that with Jimin instead. I see now why Jk made sure others were around when he & Tae went out in public and then would come home after & do a live showing they went their separate ways after. He said these are friend outings, not dates, don't get it twisted. Even sat behind Tae at that Harry concert & even explained why Tae & Hobi was at his house and that Tae really did show up to his show unexpected. He said y'all ain't trapping me. They wanted TK to enlist together to disprove Taennie, they got Jikook enlisting instead. They wanted TK to walk through the airport & go on private vacations & debunk Taennie, but they got Jikook doing that instead. This lie with this lady has been happening for a long time & then Jk's leak/rumors started. And guess what? It was who went out together right after. Going out publicly spending multiple couple days together & vacationing alone multiple times & enlisting together, standing united through it all. Jk saying he has no girlfriend & goes the other way, which is Jimin's way, the way he went & who he's with today. Jimin said all that needed to be said in Letter & shyly exposed himself & let down his guard down, but he needed his message to be heard loud & clear by Jk & everyone else. Tkk relied on Tae to name drop JK to help them cope, since JK wasn't doing anything. Which is funny cause Tae was the one really hurting them, so they took it out on JK and blamed him for not helping their their flopped ship. He said NO. Everything they wanted Jk to do for their ship and Tae, he done for him and Jimin instead. And that tells me all I need to know.
The louder Tkk got, the louder Jikook got. The louder Taennie got, the louder Jikook got. The louder this rumor got, the louder Jikook got. The louder Jk's rumors got, the louder Jikook got. It's almost like Jikook don't want rumors attached to them, unless it's with each other. Jikook freed themselves from baseless lies & rumors And has remained together side by side through it all and that is what has tkk & Jikook antis seeing red and pissed.
Jungkook was busy looking forward to serving time with his ride or die to care
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roo-bastmoon · 7 months
To the Sockpuppets in my Asks
"Jimin is so private! What does he have to hide?"
*Flashbacks to Jimin's mail being "omitted" four times and his national ID and address being leaked online, which the press sat on until his OST With You dropped, or, years prior, when folks accused him of whoring and doing coke because he... [checks notes] played a forehead-flicking game at a pub restaurant in Paris*
"Jimin keeps saying he's all alone!"
*Jimin is seen at work, at the gym, taking trips for work and vacation, posting photos on Insta, and appearing on shows and in dance challenges*
"Jimin never goes out anywhere!"
*Yet another idol scandal is in the news, this time involving illegal drugs, yet somehow, Jimin's photo at the official Nike dinner with Joon gets circulated as him "out clubbing"*
"Jimin and Jungkook never show that they hang out! They are never together any more!"
*South Korea enacts  Article 92-6*
Look, conspiracy theories are bullshit, but ALSO:
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Jimin and Jungkook are both cooking big, big feasts for us before service and they are focused on that right now. There's still plenty of evidence they see each other and are on great terms, if you actually listen to them, so stop flooding my ask box under sockpuppet accounts, crowing that Jimin is all alone and Jungkook doesn't care about him.
Look, puppykitties...
I cannot tell you Jikook are dating. I do not live in their cupboards and watch them 24/7.
Yes, JK has been hanging out with 97 line friends these days and yes, Jimin and Yoongi (and Hobi) have all gotten super duper close (or are at least more comfy talking openly about how close they've always been) in solo era. And yes:
Jikook don't talk about Jikook these days.
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But what ISN'T being said sounds so loud that half this fandom froths at the mouth every other day.
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Jimin has two gaming chairs in his apartment--including one chair that really looks similar to the one Jungkook had.
Jimin traveled half-way around the world to be with Jungkook during his debut and we still have no idea what they were doing at the restaurant or on the boat. Let's wait patiently.
There's been some highly suspect photos in the past of a guy in a white bucket hat with JK via CCTV at a quick mart (illegal, won't be posting) or of suspiciously similar-looking hands during game nights on JK's brother's Insta (family stuff, won't be posting). There's also video of someone who looks eerily similar to Jimin in expensive designer clothing at the arrivals terminal of the airport when JK got back from the World Cup--and later, just beyond the airport, footage of JK's car pulling away from another company car with fans screaming "Jimin!" to the riders inside (unofficial content, won't be posting).
Jungkook knows every single lyric in Jimin's songs, and his choreo, AND what he says, word for word, on his interviews.
Jimin took up boxing and has showed us he has a punching bag in house.
Jungkook muttered that Jimin moved his lamp.
Jimin went to the airport sporting what looked like a big dog scratch.
Vminkook went to a cafe in Jeju. K-Army said they spotted Jikook there well before Tae posted about it.
Jimin and Jungkook both watched the same random anime series recently.
Jimin ran up to Jungkook to cutely say "periri" so often that Jungkook was afraid he'd accidentally say it on stage.
JK quietly stopped by Jimin's docu-live, and Jimin lit up like a Christmas tree and then grabbed his moob.
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But don't come here with that "Jimin is always alone" and "JK only cares about his career, not Jimin" nonsense.
Please make better use of your time by watching JUNGKOOK'S GOLDEN PREVIEW and JIMIN'S SPECIAL TALK LIVE and then go watch YOONGI'S SUCHWITA WITH 2MIN for good measure!
And next time you come to my blog, if you can't say something nice...
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*hugs* Love, Roo
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marengogo · 10 months
Silver Lining - What If #6: FOR(ever) ↔️ YOU(ng) - Jikook the Musical
Good Morning - by Verbal Jint  [10 Years of Misinterpretation Part I]
[Music is a very big part of my life and I’m MOSTLY INCAPABLE of writing without music, so I just thought I'd share what I am listening to while writing this]
🐺 — 🐺 — 🐺—
Dear Ladies, Gentlemen and Distinguished Enbies, welcome to a one day only “showing” of FOR(ever) ↔️ YOU(ng) - Jikook the Musical. Tonight I shall try my best to narrate a cute little story, which has various songs as centre plot developers; hence a “musical”. Taken individually, all these events may seem absolutely disconnected, and with no relevance to each other. However, as I started to collect them, they turned out to compose quite the neat little story about two boys their love for music and perhaps each other? So grab a snack, and a thin hat everyone, sit, relax and enjoy the show.
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This story brings us all the way back to almost 8 years ago, to be precise, the year is 2015, the date is August 18 and during BTS’ Japan Official Fan Meeting Undercover Mission in Osaka (this fan meet went on from the 13th to the 20th of August), while playing a game, JM suddenly loses consciousness and falls off stage. He is taken to a hospital immediately and as soon they are explained the situation, Big Hit Entertainment tweets the following:
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The same day, JM himself goes ahead and posts the following
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Fans panicked. Obviously VERY LUCKILY FOR ME: I WASN’T AROUND AT THE TIME. As for his members, I am sure they were worried out of their minds, so much so that one particular member would express his relief perhaps at having JM safe and sound back with them, right on their very stage. This member was JK, whom two days later (August 20), on the last day of this event, as they performed "For You", walked right by JM and stopped for a couple of seconds, looking at him while he was singing part of the song’s first verse. For the rest of the song, it would become quite visible how JM couldn’t help but smile (cutely).
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So, even though we do not have an elaborated tale of what all the members must have felt exactly, it is safe to say that JM’s accident had a bit of an effect on JK’s mind. So much so that, a couple of months later, while he was playing around as Romeo & Juliet with JM, on the shoot-set of Season Greetings 2016, JK suddenly “refused” to play with JM because, and I quote:
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Let’s fast forward to June 2016, this time we are in Paris, and the boys decide to start a VLIVE just before performing at KCON and, at the beginning of the live, we only have VMIN in sight. They start to talk about RM & JK’s new song “I Know” and, as the two are actually in the room but off camera, Tae asks  bribes JK to sing a bit of the song. We still can’t see JK, but, while Tae looks away JM looks straight into JK’s direction as the latter proceeds to sing
🎶Know you love me, boy
So that I love you🎵
… The expression on JM’s face is priceless the things I’d give to know how JK sang this to JM. ANYWAYS, RM eventually also joins into a funny rendition of the song and when they are done, VMIN resumes talking to ARMY and though we will never know for sure what caused it, perhaps JK’s expression, or the lyrics, or the fact that it was JK or all things together, or none of the above, BUT JM did stumble his way through trying to describe the song, in the words of Tae, JM suddenly seemed to be a bit “nervous” almost as if someone had suddenly serenaded him out of nowhere.
Another example at JM being flustered actually happened a month earlier to the Paris trip, at the ISAC where the Tannies needed to sing a song called Hand in Hand and while they are practising (at minute 0:57) I believe that JK might have change the lyrics to “promise me” but don’t quote me on that!, which made JM react in that way Joon and Hobi on the other hand; LOOOL 😬.
Basically, 10 months had effectively passed since the “For You Incident-Serenade” and it feels as if JK might have caught on to the fact that the easiest way to get a flustered reaction from JM is to sing to him. Perhaps he had to sing at him a couple more times off camera, in order to confirm this theory AS ALWAYS; WE WILL NEVER KNOW but from this moment on, whenever he’d find a chance to, it would seem like JK would take the topic at hand and find a way to romantically sing it at JM.
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It is finally February 2017, and love isn’t the only thing in the air, in fact, on paper actually, on February 7, JK graduates high school. He is visibly hella excited, and though he goes to the ceremony alone, all his members show up, and afterwards, on their way to the restaurant, VMINKOOK share a ride.  For the most part jikook are doing most of the talking and at a point in which JM is talking a very eager looking JK suddenly starts singing, at JM, the beginning lyrics from A day Long Ago (오래전 그날) by Yoon Jong Shin.
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AND, For the very first time on-camera, JM does his very best not to react. We can still see the slight hint of a smile, but for the most part, he’s successfully brushed it off and he is very quick at keeping the topic of discussion on track.
This might have thrown off someone like your-truly, but JK? No, the boy likes a good challenge. JK nor was discouraged, nor did he try to force JM to listen to him, he just went along with JM. We are talking about an almost 20 year old boy who, for the greater part of 2016 (that is when he turned 19, which is the age you become an adult in Korea) has been trying his mighty best to have his hyungs, and JM in particular, understand that he is now an adult and that he has been for quite some time. But hyungs gonna hyung, immaright? Sorry JK…
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Now, I don’t know what happened in the months between JK’s graduation and the 1st of October (2017), but there seems to be no on-camera attempt of JK even attempting to sing at JM, in fact, if anything, JK has been trying to appeal in different ways. For example, JM-Encyclopedia JK makes an appearance, or I’d rather not call you hyung makes a strong comeback. Regardless, for the first time, at the Fan Meet in Goyang (1st October, 2017)  JM is singing at JK lyrics from the “Best of Me” where he substitutes the word heaven (cheonkook) with Jungkook (he would do it again on episode 28 of RUN BTS, which would be broadcasted on November 7, 2017, but telling from the hairstyles it was probably filmed around the same period as the Goyang Fan Meet).
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We are now halfway through the movie, and though our heroes have gone through a series of back-and-forths, they haven’t really encountered any “conflicts” per say; namean? Sure, JM is the one doing the singing now, because maybe he is trying to get JK’s attention. Had he lost said attention? Had something happened between the two of them? Or had their relationship evolved to a point in which he was just trying to return some of the musical energy he’d received thus far? WE WILL NEVER KNOW unless they tell us that is. But what we know is that a good 30 days after this, JK would take JM on what we now know to be, thanks to Beyond The Story, a healing trip to Tokyo, which would give birth to the first and most famous gcf: GCF in TOKYO. 
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Upon returning from Japan the two of them feel closer. It looks like they had the time of their life and they can’t seem to be able to talk about anything else. Basically they appear to be quite smitten with this shared experience, and perhaps, with each other? In addition, while still being the maknae, JK is sort of shifting into being more of a protective entity for JM and though JM tries his best to keep him in that designated maknae-slot, he also can’t help but indulge in the “offered protection”. 
They are now spending a lot more time together and this fact is not lost on some people in their environment, regardless of whether said people want to admit it or not. Particularly in 2018 (where, before even getting to the infamous Nampyeon-Namchin December )
we are in Hamilton, September 22nd, on their Love Yourself Tour. As they perform Attack on Titan, during the song’s break, JK pulls a For You Serenade-typa thing, but this is not 2015 and JK is no longer 17. This time, he focuses on JM for the whole part, hair pushed back and all, and for the first time in a while JM is visibly flustered, he silently giggles, turns towards ARMY, and also pushes his hair back. JK’s satisfied expression as he got JM’s attention says it all.
Yeah, this is not the same JK. He is not a boy who is relieved to see his bandmate's being well and alive, or trying to use the situation to his advantage in an awkwards manner. NO. This is a 21 year old, who’s just come back from the trip of a lifetime, this right here, seems to me, to be a boy with luv. 
Speaking of which, fast-forward a couple of months, May 21, 2019, they are in California, and as they are getting ready to perform on The Voice, Memories 2019 will show us how, for the first time JK substitutes words of a song while singing at JM. He substitutes the word “Love is” with “Jimin” while singing Boy With Luv at JM, who acts like he is ignoring him completely but actually proceeds to sing along. Who knew there was an art in serenading and beginning serenaded? Jikook circa 2015 🤡
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Indeed, there is nothing stronger than a boy with luv, let’s not forget that a couple of weeks prior to this (May 5th to be exact) Rose Bowl-gate did happen. Well, up to this point, all seems very flowery and very peachy; what could go wrong, right?.
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AND, here we are, the part right before the end of the “musical”. We all know some sort of “big conflict is coming” and at this point some might just turn off the movie and leave it at a happy place but the majority will probably just brave it through to this day I start watching Baz Luhrman’s Romeo + Juliet and stop the movie right before the part whenthey take the fake poison, nobody dies in my Romeo + Juliet, thank you, bye! . Let’s brave it through.
Things are going quite well in Jikook world. The Tannies were given a break for the first time ever and thought JM left to go explore the world, he made sure to travel all the way back to Seoul to spend JK’s birthday with him, just to then travel off again; dedication. BTS then takes off to go and shoot Bon Voyage 4, and amongst the many things JK goes up a mountain and comes down with snow for JM; devotion. The two of them are living life, all while diligently performing touring as well.
Thus comes the end of the Speak Yourself tour, Seoul, October 26, 2019. The vocal line performs The Truth Untold and it happens, not only do JK and JM turn to face each other as they sing the last part of the song, but they also change “And” to “But”.
Jikookers who notice are left speechless, but jikookers weren’t the only people who noticed. That and a series of “jikook moments” throughout 26th-29th of October, made October 30, 2019 quickly roll by and the following happens:
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I can’t even imagine what it must have felt to have experienced THAT. To be honest I don’t even want to think about it, but then actually is more like “I can’t believe they actually fucking did that…”. BUT, guess who won the IDGAF war?:
I bet many thought jikook would perhaps “tone it down”, but they kept being themselves. They kept being as affectionate, annoying, close and “flirty” as per usual, I mean some time in 2020 we got 👇🏾
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So yeah, I suppose, love will always win.
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It’s now 2023. All the boys are getting ready to go to MS, as a result, they are giving it their all working on solo projects. Jikook has finally managed to become a bit more private, and this isn’t as a consequence to what happened in 2019 (if not we wouldn’t have had that hickey-incident). A lot has happened since then, but I believe that, perhaps, as things got more serious, and as they got older, their relationship naturally progressed into something more mature, personal and deeper in significance. For example JM associating JK with the song Young Forever
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*The writing in the shoe where JM is sticking his tongue out says Jeon Jungkook.
a song that holds a very special place in JM’s heart; tattoo-worthy special. 
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There is that, the adult side … Aaaand then there is also JK & JM quietly spending 4 days together in NYC/CT, in the midst of JK’s debut (perhaps getting content ready?) and there is also JK half naked in bed trying to bait JM into doing a live with him and starting off the bat with singing at JM the initial lyrics from Good Morning by Verbal Jint.
🎶Good morning – that’s what I texted you
I think I’m into you, it’s dangerous 🎵
… I suppose old habits die hard.
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Always respectfully yours 💜🫰🏾
DAY vers.
NIGHT vers.
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champagneher · 2 years
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❝𝒘𝒆 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒂𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒔❞ —𝐤𝐢𝐦 𝐭𝐚𝐞𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐠
pairing: kim taehyung x reader
based on: reader is in paris and taehyung's an incredible supportive lover.
genre: drabble, fluff, idol au.
warnings: making out, little suggestive, cursing and tae just giving boyfriend material vibes.
a/n: so... i'm back with this little drabble. hope you enjoy it and you can always send your request! lots of love. :) please go easy on me, english is not my native language. so, i apologize for any mistakes and please let me know!
Paris never looked better in your opinion. The night was falling, the stars were beginning to shine in the sky while the young people went out to have fun with their friends on this summery Friday. You weren't far behind, you had your fresh nails, your long eyelashes, your hair recently dyed a light honey brown that contrasted the colour of your skin perfectly, and of course, it was combed in a perfect bun.
You hugged your light shirt closer to your body while you watched the big city from the balcony of your -temporary- home that offered a spectacular view of the greatest attraction the city could offer you, the Eiffel Tower.
You looked at the time on your phone when it lit up with the incoming message.
Tae: I hope Paris is treating you as you deserve.
You smiled.
Me: Of course it is. It always has.
Tae: I miss Paris Me: You should come visit Paris Me: And me, of course Tae: Obviously. Why else would I go to Paris for? Tae: Oh wait Tae: There may be another reason. A good reason Me: Oh yeah?
Tae: Yeah
Me: Care to tell me?
Tae: There is this ballet dancer, who dances beautifully Me: A ballerina who dances? Me: I'm a little surprised that you like ballet. Who would have thought Tae: You're annoying. Tae: But yes. Actually, I like everything about this girl. Hopefully, I can see her soon. I met her in a café when she spilled all her coffee on my white pants and Gucci shoes Me: That's tragic
Tae: No, not at all. I got to know her and since then we have been very close. Very
Tae: I love to fuck her Me: Okay I have to go now Tae: 😊 Tae: Rehearsals? Tae: What time do you go on stage?
Me: In about two hours, 9pm, so I have to run to the theatre and keep rehearsing Tae: Hope everything goes well. I know you'll dance amazing as always just don't be too surprised
Me: Why would I be surprised? Haha Me: Talk later?
Tae: Of course baby, see you soon xx
You shook your head slightly, smiling as you locked the screen of your phone and then turned to take one last look at the incredible view from the balcony.
You could get used to this, you thought. But you missed your life in Korea. Life there as a foreigner could be incredibly difficult in time to time, but you had also built relationships with incredible people and appreciated every beautiful moment lived. You also couldn't deny that you enjoyed it more because it's where one of your favourite people was.
How you met Taehyung was definitely embarrassing, but at the same time you were grateful because otherwise you wouldn't be on the verge of collapsing from everything you felt for him. He was annoying and charming at the same time. You had never been in love, and you didn't want to be either because of your career that demanded a lot of your time. Shit. Tae's was even more demanding, you never imagined that you could be head over heels for an idol who could make you laugh until you cry in a moment and then fuck you until oblivion in the other.
You didn't have a title. You weren't officially a couple, but it was no surprise to his and your circle that you both did almost everything together. Not only that, but you could be in each other's company all day and still yearn for more time together. It was reciprocal and pure. You had met someone with whom you couldn't say a word and still feel comfortable.
Tae loved every second shared with you, he had met the person who understood him and put herself in his place without the need to ask. You both had busy schedules, which worried him a lot when he realized that he couldn't spend much time away from you, but that stopped thanks to the fact that you worked to continue sharing moments without feeling forced.
He introduced you as his, and you introduced him as yours. Still, the little pinch in your stomach that said he would never make anything official was still there, bothering you day by day. And not to mention when the opportunity to dance in one of the most prestigious theatres in Europe presented itself to you, and you made the decision -which was very hard- to go to France for 5 months to be part of one of your biggest dreams. It was a unique opportunity and although Taehyung supported you in your decision and was every step of the way here, it was difficult. For almost eight months you had not spent more than two days away from each other, and now you were separated by hours and hours of distance.
4 and a half months passed, the end of your contract was approaching, and it was bittersweet. Bitter that your moments on this stage with your new friends would end, but sweet that you would be coming home to him. You also loved every second lived here. Although it was difficult, and it wasn't necessary, it must be emphasized, you were always faithful to Taehyung. Your heart belonged to him.
You were about to return to the stage for the finale when one of your new friends walked up to you with a full smile and sparkling eyes.
"I'm about to pass out," she whispered, half screaming. She took your arm in her hands and shook it slightly.
"What's happening?" You laughed, seeing her unable to stay still because of the small movements and tiny dances she made with her body.
"You little shit, someone came to see you and I think if you don't make him yours, I'm going to steal him." She raised one of her eyebrows. She watched you look at her confused and frowning, she dragged you towards one of the panels to sneak a bit and get the public view.
"What the fuck-"
"____! You're going in 60 seconds."
"Oh, go, go," your friend pushed you back into line to go on stage.
In all the time you were out there you hadn't seen him, you weren't one to watch the public either but shit if you hadn't stood still for a few seconds after seeing him there, sitting in the third row carefully observing the performance.
Butterflies burst in your stomach and your nerves went over the top. You took a deep breath to come back to yourself and keep giving your best out there, even more so because Taehyung was there. You were happy.
You were dragged into a more private part of the place by a bodyguard, and there was no doubt it was to see Tae. The audience had gone a little crazy when they realized that one of the BTS members was present in the among them, making the exit a bit difficult, but the happiness of the dancers and the entire crew was amazing. They were all talking to each other and congratulating each other on attracting one of the biggest celebrities of the world to see them.
"I can't believe this," you managed to let out a laugh before being wrapped in a pair of arms, causing you to crash into his chest and choke your words on her neck. "What are you doing here?" It was your turn to wrap your arms around his waist closing your eyes to better breathe his perfume.
"Missed you so much," he murmured with his eyes closed. It was no secret that Taehyung was really sentimental, and when he loved, he loved hard. "You were amazing," he smiled with a heart, showing his teeth, pulling away from you a bit to look into your eyes, taking your face in his hands, your arms still around his waist.
"You think?" You asked timidly with hope in your voice.
"I don't think," he kissed yours lips softly and quickly. "I know."
Your smile grew even larger and heat consumed your face. Still you looked around you to confirm no one saw you both share tha sweet kiss. You knew it could burn the whole world if people knew Taehyung came all the way to Paris to see you.
"You're crazy," you laughed out of breath, that man really took your breath away the moment your eyes met.
"For you," he mumbled, "what about we leave and go to dinner?"
"Dinner in Paris? Sounds fancy," you started to walk away from the crowd trying to get a glimpse of Tae, but thank god, they couldn't even see him and more importantly, you. Luckily you had already changed into your jeans moments before leaving in search of Tae. You didn't want to draw anyone's attention to what you got for throwing on a black hoodie and your flats. Although your makeup and hairstyle were still intact. The bodyguards followed you as you led them out to a more discreet place where no one could disturb you.
The stars were shining in the sky above you, the wind moving your hair in a light and not overwhelming way. The sound of the living city was heard slightly below you, away from the hotel balcony where you were.
Taehyung had taken off his suit vest as well as his tie, the sleeves of his shirt were rolled up to his elbows and a few loose buttons to his chest. His curls were messy from the strokes of his hand. You, on the other hand, had the opportunity to change into a light white dress of a light and shiny fabric, accompanied by small heels of the same colour as your dress, courtesy of Taehyung who had thought that you would not have enough time to change later of the show. It was lucky for you, he had taken you to a beautiful and elegant private restaurant, and you knew that without the change of clothes you would have been very out of place. You were grateful, you had a beautiful new Gucci dress, you had delicious food for dinner, and now you found yourself looking down on the city with the man your heart so dearly loved.
"Beautiful…" Taehyung mumbled resting his elbows on the concrete railings as he watched you not so discreetly, though you didn't notice. "Right? This city never ceases to amaze me," you smiled as it was your turn now to watch him. "Well, I wasn't exactly talking about the city, but yes… it's also beautiful." His left arm wrapped around your waist pulling you closer to him. Damn, if your heart didn't want to come out of your chest. With all the control you could have of your body you brought your right hand to his lower back and rested your chin on his shoulder. "Thank you for tonight, it really was perfect."
Taehyung gently cupped your face in his hands leaning back slightly to get a better look at you. It was a lot for you so you couldn't help lowering your eyes to avoid feeling that your soul wanted to leave your body for the moment you were living. "Please look at me," he requested in a low voice, almost a whisper. With your lips slightly parted you raised your gaze to connect with his again, this time feeling an extreme calm that you didn't know if you had known before. His eyes the purest and deepest brown you've ever seen, his flawless skin and his crimson lips. "Would you be mine?" His words left his lips as soft and slow as only he knew how. Your eyebrows rose in surprise, your smile appeared without your control. Was he really asking you to make it official to be a couple? Did he really want to be yours? "What?" you laughed under your breath.
"I said, ____, would you be mine? Please?" His eyes full of hope seemed to reflect the stars in the sky, his hands trembled slightly and he felt a tingling go up and down his spine. He was about to lose him if you didn't say you wanted what he wanted. He longed to be able to share those small moments full of intimacy that only a couple could share, he wanted to tell his friends that he couldn't make it because he already had plans with his girlfriend, he wanted to politely reject other people because he was already taken, he already had a girlfriend whom he madly loved. He wanted to apologize for being late because time got out of his hands for being with you, or arriving at his parents' house with your hand in his ready to introduce you as his girlfriend and partner. He wanted all of that and more.
"Do you really want to be mine, Tae?" You murmured still feeling on a cloud high in the sky but afraid that everything would be a joke.
"Am I not obvious enough, ____? You are the one I flew across the world for just so I could hold you in my arms. And what more romantic place to ask you to be my girlfriend than Paris. The city of love can now be ours… so what do you say?"
"I say you're crazy," you sighed, wrapping your arms around his neck, your fingers gently stroking the hairs on his head as you gazed at him lovingly, "and I'd love to be yours on the condition that you're mine too."
"I would want nothing more than to be yours, love." With those final words, he connected his lips in a soft and slow kiss that reflected all the emotions that were invading them both at that moment. It had really happened, you were already a couple and ypu could not be more in love.
"We will always have Paris, it will always be ours from now on. Just you and me."
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peachjagiya · 3 days
Anon i feel the exact same way as you. I dont have a solution but i find it works best for me when i think of taekook as a fictional couple that i enjoy and love and that no one will ever be able to take away from me (i read and write fanfiction for one) and then the members as they are i take them as they are and what is presented to me. This excludes their private lives pretty heavily. In real life, though i want nothing more than for them to be ”real”, what i love about them is their bond. I dont go crazy with all the ”theories” that to me all seem like shippers choosing what they believe based on what aligns with their ship. And thats fine! But i cant delude myself like that. So what works best for me is: we will never know with absolute certainty what goes on behind the scenes. And thats how it should be. These are not our lives, its people who are actually strangers to us private lives. When taennie and paris happened, i obsessed over it, followed it compulsively. And eventually i was like. What the fuck am i doing? None of this, NONE OF THIS, has ANY impact on my life. I have nothing to do with it, and no agency in it because its got nothing to do with me. I cant control anything about it. Yes, I want taekook to be real, but at the end of the day, what does that matter to me? If i just want the relationship i can just daydream about it, them being real or not isnt actually going to make me any more part of it anyway (lol). Now i know that not just quitting them and instead staying with them could still be perpetating my problem but i hope i can continue to respect their private lifes. And i realize sending this to a theorizing shipping blog is kind of ironic, i do think theorizing is sort of inherently invasive (and rps in general so like myself included) but utlimately harmless as long as you stay respectful, they are public figures after all (please okay i mean no disrespect to you peachjagiya) So yeah, when that video with jk and the girl came out i was basically over it. My stance is that has nothing to do with me (and if its real i should not be able to see it and thats stalking and a gross invasion of privacy (same with the leaked taennie pics (although they are edited as hell))) so i do not have an opinion. I still love taekook. Are they real? A part of me is always going to believe that. But no, not that we know, and we can never know. But in any case, theyre real to me❤️ Hope this helps, if not then at least know youre not alone feeling this way (unless you dont wanna align yourself with my crazy lol), and i think some sort of distancing is healthy, not in a ”i dont care about them anymore” (like they mean so much to me, how could i ever do that), just another way of thinking about them. Yes its frustrating not to know but only if that knowledge matters to you. And maybe in the ways that matter (am i speaking in tongues rn) you’ll find it actually doesnt? All the love to anon and this blog 🦋💜
Some words for fed up anon and some ways of thinking about it. 💜
Just adding this second clarifying ask from anon:
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No offence taken. I actually think a lot of what we talk about here isn't necessarily romantic. It's often in defence of their closeness in general because a lot of people seem to believe it simply doesn't exist. And in the course of denying their closeness, or minimising their importance to one another, there's a lot of anti-Tae sentiment, a lot of painting JK as something he's not, a lot of bending of ideas to fit weird narratives. That irritates me as a Tae/JK bias so I sometimes feel like I'm just battling that.
That's not to say we don't suggest romance. We definitely do. 😌 But you're right. You gotta protect yourself from potential upset or the weariness of never finding out by accepting that you're never operating at 100% certainty.
I don't think there's prizes for loyalty at the end. If they are a couple, there's no bragging rights if you never had a moment of doubt. JK and Tae aren't personally going to come to your house to congratulate you for never wavering. They are real people, not points to be had.
Sometimes we theorise and make jokes but hopefully it's a respectful vibe? I also hope people would let me know if the vibe got disrespectful.
Just because I'm worried how some people get:
Do I think they're a couple? Yes.
Will I continue to view them through that lens? Yes.
Am I putting my life savings and personal happiness on it? Absolutely definitely no.
Thanks anon 💜
Edit to add:
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Taekook will stay cute! 🥰😘 😍
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Hello, you know i was actually just doing some thinking and i wonder why Tkkrs call Jkkrs delusional or Jokers. They are are so quick to call Jkkrs delusional when we are actually the only ones who have legitimate reason to suspect Jikook are more than friends.
. GCF’s: This was literally the thing that put Jikook ship on the map! B4 this not many pple saw Jikook as a thing! Many pple in the fandom actually thought Jk didn’t like Jimin. . Tokyo Trip: Jk didn’t only take Jimin to Japan for his birthday but also made a very beautiful video which Jimin wasn’t even aware of! He could have literally used any song but he chose to use “There 4 u” by Troye Sivan! And Jk paid for everything too for the trip! Also they were in a hotel room that had a glass separating the bathroom😏
.Jk only giving Jimin a gift .
.Members telling us Jk always goes to sleep in Jimin’s bed.
Watching the first snow together, matching clothes on Valentines day, Jk’s birthday messages/tweets to Jimin, Tae telling us on more than one occasion that Jk was with Jimin at ungodly hours of the night and Jk was stopping Jimin from coming to him(Tae). The only two members who happen to alway know each others hotel rooms even when the other members (including Tae) don’t know! Let’s not forget the fact that we all saw Jimin literally almost obsess over Jk, asking himself why he liked Jk so much!
.Rainy day story! Even the members teased about how romantic the story sounded (and again it seemed like the members were not even aware of this fight)
.MAMA 2018: That whole night was something else for Jikook! Even non shippers could see there was definitely something happening there! NOBODY looks at their bros/friend the way Jk looked at Jimin that night!
.Rosebowl: Till date, there is still huge debate on whether there was an earsuck moment or not, but either way, there was absolutely NOTHING platonic about that moment! Not the I Love u’s which they were clearly saying to each other, or the way Jk encompassed Jimin and gave him that little kiss on the side of his head! Whether u think there was an ear suck or not, that moment wasn’t platonic! Let’s not forget how Jimin only started crying when Jk started screaming "I Love You” without the “you guys”.
.Hickeygate: Now this is also another huge moment! Jk and Jm claimed it was a bite, but unless u are telling me Jm has some weird ass teeth, I don’t see how any of that looked like a bite mark! And if indeed it wasn’t a bite (as i suspect it wasn’t) do you know how long Jm’s lips would have had to be on Jk’s neck to leave that mark? So Jk just let Jm have his lips on his neck for that long and they are just bros?😒
Jk climbing a mountain and getting snow for Jm cuz he knows Jm loves snow! Now i know JK is super sweet to all his hyungs! I’ve seen him cook for Tae, cook for Hobi and he had done many sweet things for all his hyungs, but waking up, going to a mountain to get snow for someone cuz u know they love snow, now that is extra!
Making a huge pancake for JM cuz he had to do penalties! Let’s not also forget how they were always glued to each other in and outside of work and the staff even mentioned they had never seen them apart backstage! Let’s not forget the members asking them on more than one occasion if they are a couple, cuz they just kept doing couply things. Let’s not also forget how the members (especially Joon) act around them! RM is always on his feet when it comes to those two.
Them alway being with each other on important days! Eg, Valentines day, watching the first snow, Jimin flew from paris just to be with Jk for a few hours on his bday, JM was with Jk at 4am on his bday in 2020, JM doing his bday Live in Jk’s studio in 2021 and Jk getting him a cake with "you are my park filter" written on it, Jm going to see Jk on his bday in 2022, Jikook spotted together on white day 2022, Jikook being together on Chuseok, JM getting back to korea on valentines day 2018 and being spotted out with Jk and sungwon on feb 15 etc.
Jk going to Jimin’s room 3 times a day and at odd times like 1:50am, and let’s not forget that position we saw them in at Jhope’s JITB party last year, Jikook leaving PTD vegas last year together in the same car, after Jk slow danced with Tae and Sat on his laps at the concert (talk about fanservice)
Jk’s mom making seaweed soup for Jimin’s bday which Jk proudly told us about, Jimin saying what makes him happy is waking up and seeing Jk in the morning! Jikook sharing a car for the longest time! Let’s also not forget the fact that two of were are always there cheering and watchinv eo during their solo rehearsals! Also, the whole YOU ARE ME I AM YOU. Also, the fact that they are known as the Sun and moon duo and Jm has a moon tattoo and Jk has a sun tattoo🤔
Jk going Live for almost two hours to promote Jimin, something he has never done b4, let’s not forget how his eyes lit up everytime Jimin commented on his Lives! I could go on but I can’t remember everything!
So after all of these, why are Jikookers called delusional or Jokers when we have REAL reason to believe Jikook are more than friends? None of the things i’ ve listed above are theories! Everything is a fact! Things that have happened b4 our very eyes so we are we the delusional ones?
What do Taekookers have? Theories, eye contact, made up hangouts and hickeys, hangouts with friends, Jk calling V handsome, Jk and Tae breathing the same air, Jk and Tae standing close to eo, Jk and Tae knowing something about eo, lies lies lies and more lies! What REAL reason can they bring to show that they are not the delusional ones? Skinship, the same skinship that they do with everyone? I don’t get it! How are we the delusional ones when it’s been proven that Jk spends most of his nights with Jimin? If Taekook are a thing, when exactly do they have couple cuddle time when Jikook are almost always together at nights? Even now that we see alot of Jk and Tae hangouts, it is proven that they always go back to their own houses after hangouts! Even on white day when Taekook were both in Korea but Jimin was not, Jk went live for hours! So when exactly does he spend alone time with Tae? Cuz even when we see them, they are never alone! So why are Jkkrs the delusional ones? I don’t get it!
Now everyone is desperately trying to prove Jikook are not together or never were, or have broken up or ar distanced just because of lack of content and the fact that Tae and Jk have hungout a few times! How do their hangouts cancel Jikook? They hangout a few times with friends and go back to their respective homes, so how does that cancel Jikook? Jikook hangouts cancel Taekook because, why will Jk be together with JM at 4am on his bday instead if being with Tae? Why would Jk be spotted out on white day with Jm instead of Tae? Why are Jk and Jimin always together at night (all nighter friends) why does Jk go to Jimin’s room at 1:50 am to hangout when he should be cuddling his boyfriend Tae? Why is Jimin always trying to Kiss Tae’s boyfriend, we have never seen Tae try to do something like that with Jk, but we have seen Jimin try to kiss Jk several times! Why would he do that knowing that Jk and Tae are together? We have never seen Taekook do anything with eo they haven’t done with some other member at some point, but we have seen Jikook do alot to eo they haven’t done with anyone else! Jimin has never tried to kiss anyone else, Jk has never put his hand into anyone else’s shirt to touch their skin, Jk has never sucked anyone else’s ear, (atleast not the way he did it to Jimin) Jk has never been caught going into his hotel room with another member when they didn’t know there were cameras! Jk has never been caught standing in a dark corner with another member with hands touching and heads close together! Jk has looked at all members with heart eyes but he has never looked at any other member for the suspiciously long amounts of time he looks at Jimin sometimes, Jk has also never pretended to whisper to any other member just to touch faces ( and this didn’t happen just once)! So again i ask, why are Jikookers the delusional ones? When our moments do not need analysis cuz they are right there in your face or the members tell us themselves so why are we the Jokers?
The fact that the fandom is filled with so many Tkkrs will always baffle me! I mean if you are a tkkr because Tae and Jk are your biases and not because you ship them, i get that, but for all those die hard Tkkrs who continuously hate on Jimin, twist members words, call members liars, attack the company and call Jikook fanservice just to prove ur ship is real, I honestly don’t have words for you! Read this and tell me realistically who the delusional ones are!
Anon when u put it like that....
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That's ALOT! And it's not even everything.
Its strange to me because atp it does seem like people ship tkk for the sake of it. U know what I mean? Like whats the point of fighting for something so hard without looking at all angles? All possibilities? Jimin is my fav i looked into all his ships. So if V is your fav look into all his ships too. Don't just decide- oh V is my bias so I wanna ship him and no one else. Fuck evidence, fuck logic, I'm doing this and I dont care. You go to YouTube and see what happens when u correct them. They say "who cares"
(And if u must ship V it would make more sense to do it with Jin. Not JK. Otherwise you will never stop complaining about it being one sided AND you will have content!)
So yes, they're the dillusional ones because they don't care. They just wanna ship for the sake of it.
What i wish is, if only they could stay in their lane and stop coming to our spaces. Just be dillusional over there. It would be so nice and lovely and peaceful and there would be no wars. Because jkkrs only fight with them because of the hate they give to Jimin and sometimes even JK. Coz they're insecure.
Anyway, I agree anon. Its a great question why we are the dillusional ones when we have mountains of evidence. Even this video by a none shipper gets it. Why is it that we have the most content?
Because Jikook are together all the damn time! If I were JK's partner I'd have serious issues with how much time he spends with Jimin. Fr fr
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moni-logues · 1 month
Hey, You
Pairing: Taehyung x Hyunjin
Genre: exes-to-lovers, smut, Kintsugi characters!
Summary: Hyunjin invites Taehyung to his new life in Paris. Taehyung, perhaps against better judgement, goes. He knows he's going to leave with questions and that's all he knows.
Word count: 5.6k
Content: top!Taehyung, bottom!Hyunjin, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, unprotected anal sex; kintsugi reader is named in this fic, her name is Jinnie
A/N: well, none of you guys asked for it but here it is!!!! If you haven't read Kintsugi, you can probably skip the first two parts lol and go straight to Tae waiting at the airport, but I wanted to include the other bits at the beginning because this IS part of the Kintsugi world. I haven't decided how this ends, if I'm honest. I, too, have questions about their future.
Part Two
Taehyung didn’t bother looking up when he heard the beep of his door lock, the sweep of the door being opened, Jinnie’s footsteps crossing the room. 
“Hi, baby,” she cooed lightly, perching on the sofa next to him, gently stroking his hair back from his face. 
He loved her. He was grateful for her. But she was the wrong Jinnie and he’d have given anything for her to be the right one. The one who was already hundreds of miles away and getting farther. The one who had left him, left Korea, and gone to live another dream.  
Taehyung couldn’t hate him for it. Couldn’t be bitter or angry or resentful. It was always going to be this way. Before they ever met, Hyunjin had plans to leave, had applications in and options open. They kept things casual between them deliberately. For this very reason. Except it wasn’t casual. Not really. As much as Taehyung tried, as much as Hyunjin tried, it couldn’t be casual.  
They danced around each other for a long time before numbers were even exchanged. They spent time together without calling it ‘dating’. They slowly circled tighter and tighter around each other until it was just the two of them. Just right.  
Then he left.  
Taehyung hadn’t been prepared for how much it would hurt. Even though he knew he’d fallen way too deep, that they’d taken this way too far. He thought his long-held knowledge of this departure would cushion his heart, keep it safe. It didn’t.  
“I shouldn’t be sad,” he said, voice hoarse and croaky, because he’d already cried so many tears.  
“Teddybear!” she exclaimed, in a soft admonition. “Of course you should be sad. It’s ok.” 
He shook his head. It didn’t feel ok. Not at all. Not even close. He lifted his blanket to his face to cover it as the tears sprang again. His breath shook and his lip trembled. Jinnie clambered over him and held him tight, as tight as she could manage. He let her. It was nice to be held. She didn’t really know it, but she was good at holding.  
She kept holding him for the worst of those early days. Took to caring for him with a relish that made his heart just a little less shattered. She loved him. He loved her. Their undying loyalty to one another had been forged through heartbreak, had made them something closer than friends, made them family. And it was happening again now: their world keeping Taehyung sheltered, just a little, from the abysmal loneliness that hid in the shadows.  
When she finally left his apartment, when Taehyung had stopped crying, she held him tight at the door for what could have been hours. 
“I love you, Teddybear,” she whispered. “I’m here for you. Call me, ok?”  
He had nodded, cheek rubbing against her hair.  
“I love you, too.” 
He comforted himself, in the quiet that followed her departure, with the knowledge that she was on the precipice of joy. He could see her there, trembling on the edge of it, scared to fall. He’d have pushed her if he could have but he knew she had to jump on her own. Jinnie had been Taehyung not too long ago. Jinnie had been broken into a thousand, tiny pieces and convinced she would never be whole again.  
Jinnie was falling in love.  
That didn’t feel possible for Taehyung. It felt very, very far away. It felt about 5571 miles away, to be exact. But it was happening for Jinnie and he couldn’t deny that, didn’t really even want to. 
* * * 
Jinnie fell heavily onto Yoongi’s sofa with a sigh and scooped Cherry from her perch on the back of it. She set the cat in her lap and gave her chin a scratch. Oh, to be a cat. She leant backwards, tipped her head back, too, and closed her eyes. Yet another sigh. She didn’t move when Yoongi approached and she heard the rustle of his clothes, the quiet thud of a glass on the coffee table. She let the weight of his body on the sofa turn her towards him. 
“Are you ok?” he asked hesitantly.  
“Do you have any gay friends?”  
There was a moment of silence in which Yoongi shook off his surprise. 
“Uh, yeah? Why?” 
“I want to find someone for Teddy.” 
Jinnie was aware of Yoongi nodding above her.  
“Does he want you to find someone for him?” 
She looked up at him with a pout on her face.  
“He’s going to Paris.” 
“Yes! Apparently Hyunjin invited him. I didn’t even know they were talking.” 
“Don’t you want him to go?” 
“I can’t imagine a world where it’s not a really bad idea. He says he’s over it and maybe that is true, but he’s still not... Out there, y’know? I don’t think he’s been on one date since Hyunjin left and that’s just not like Teddy at all. He’s going to go to Paris and have his heart broken all over again!” 
“Have you told him that?” 
“Of course, I have, but he won’t listen.” 
“Would you listen, if you were him?” 
Jinnie’s pout intensified and, in choosing not to answer, gave an answer anyway. Yoongi smiled and wrapped his arms around her.  
“If he’s made up his mind, you can’t stop him.” 
“I know. And I know I did a lot of stupid shit that I shouldn’t have when San broke up with me, so it’s not as if I even have a leg to stand on. I just don’t want him to get hurt.” 
“He probably doesn’t want that either.” 
Jinnie loved Yoongi, with her whole, entire heart, but sometimes, she wished he wasn’t always fucking right.  
“If he’s chosen to go, he’ll have his reasons and whether or not he’s prepared for what happens out there is up to him,” he continued.  
Jinnie sighed again and tucked herself tighter into Yoongi. 
“I know... I know. I just... It’s just not like Teddy to do this, y’know? And I know Hyunjin was... different. Or- I don’t know. I know that it’s Hyunjin and he wouldn’t be doing this for anyone else, but that’s why I’m worried about it. The stakes feel too high.” 
Yoongi pondered for a few moments, questioning his response, hesitating.  
“You came to Daegu,” he said eventually, quietly.  
“That’s different.” 
“Is it?”  
A genuine question, because Yoongi didn’t actually know but it was the closest equivalent he could find. He didn’t push Jinnie for a response, knew there would be a reason for her rare silence. After a minute, she looked up at him, eyes wide; Yoongi didn’t know what her face meant, what he was supposed to be reading in it about her trip to Daegu that she couldn’t find words for. He kissed her forehead and she relaxed back into him, head on his shoulder. 
“I guess you’re right,” she conceded after another minute or two. “I get it. I understand why he’s going. I just don’t want him to.” She paused and then with an effortful sigh, continued, “I don’t want him to go and have his heart broken but I also don’t want him to go and... be happy. I know that sounds bad—it is bad. It’s selfish but I... I don’t want him to leave me.” 
“You think that’s possible? That he’ll try to move out there?”  
“At this point, I think anything is possible...” 
She stopped talking, the lump in her throat grown too large, tears threatening the edge of her waterline. She wiped roughly at them, sniffing, shaking her head. Yoongi held her tighter still, keenly aware of the hole Taehyung’s moving would leave in her life, keenly aware that he couldn’t fill it.  
“I’m being dramatic,” she sniffed. “It’s literally just a holiday. It’ll be fine. I just-” 
“It’s ok. It’ll be ok.”  
She nodded, reassuring herself of the same. Yoongi frowned above her, a new worry settling in his stomach. 
* * *  
Taehyung felt sick. Over and above everything else, sick. He was nervous and exhausted and hungry and waiting at the airport with a snake pit in his stomach. He was scanning constantly, left to right, looking for Hyunjin. Didn’t know which direction he’d be coming from. Didn’t know if he would have changed: had he dyed or cut his hair? What would he be wearing? Would he still be Hyunjin, like he always was? He peered into the faces of strangers, who definitely couldn’t ever be Hyunjin, just in case. Was he that figure over there, striding in a red dress? No, of course not. Was he that elderly man gingerly stepping out of a taxi? No. But Taehyung had to look closely, just in case.  
“Taehyung! You came!”  
Korean. Cutting through the French around him, loud and clear and to his left. He turned. Ah, of course, that was Hyunjin. As ever. He didn’t have time for a full appraisal of his appearance, because Hyunjin was coming closer still, enveloping Taehyung in a hug that made him go a little weak at the knees. That was Hyunjin, delicately sweet, lightly refreshing.  
The snake pit in Taehyung’s stomach turned to butterflies when Hyunjin pulled back. He was grinning from ear to ear and Taehyung was sure his face mirrored the expression. Without another word, Hyunjin grabbed Taehyung’s suitcase from him and turned to lead him away. He immediately tripped over a wheel of the suitcase and stumbled, looking back at Taehyung with a kind of denied surprise. Taehyung laughed. Thank god. He was the same. Just the same.  
The train took only 34 minutes and they spent it in nervous silence. There were too many people; it was too public for a reunion, so they simply stood next to one another, in their own worlds. Taehyung’s nerves were eating at him again, fraying at the edges with exhaustion and adrenalin; he wanted to hold Hyunjin’s hand, wanted to kiss him, wanted to fall back into everything they had said goodbye to months ago. It surprised him, the strength of that feeling.  
He hadn’t known what to expect, had been surprised when Hyunjin invited him. There wasn’t a drop of doubt in Taehyung’s acceptance; he knew he wanted to go. He wasn’t sure what he wanted to find there. He thought perhaps either would be a relief: to go and be madly in love again, even if only for a short while, to know that Hyunjin’s feelings hadn’t faded either, that everything he thought he felt when they were together was true. That would be a relief, but also, to go and find that those feelings had faded, that they had mellowed into something sweet and comforting and platonic? That would also be a relief.  
He didn’t ask Hyunjin about his intentions, didn’t want to make it weird before it had even begun, so he had just daydreamed to himself, looked up pictures of Parisian streets and imagined himself and Hyunjin walking down them, sitting at tables outside cafes, the perfect summer holiday.  
Now, part of him wished he had. It was clearer than ever to him that he was still Hyunjin’s; what was not clear was whether or not Hyunjin wanted him. He wondered if the tension he felt was one-sided. He tried not to stare, not to peer into his face, to see in his eyes what he intended. He would find out soon enough, he figured, and he was too tired to be of sound mind enough to deduce anything.  
“Sorry, it’s a little, uh, well, it’s like this,” Hyunjin said, as he gestured around at his small dorm room. “I’m going to move next semester, into a nice flat, but it’s not ready to move in yet. Sorry.” 
Taehyung shook his head. 
“No, this is fine. This is great. Thanks for letting me stay.” 
Hyunjin grinned and tapped his phone for the time. 
“What do you want to do?” he asked. “Are you tired? Do you want to sleep now for a bit, or can you power through until the evening?” 
Taehyung had no idea. He had moved into the kind of alert overtiredness that left him feeling like sandpaper. He shrugged.  
“I guess I can power through a bit.” 
That appeared to be the correct answer. Hyunjin led him back out of the dorm and into Paris.  
“Ah, Korean,” Hyunjin said as they walked towards a cafe. “It’s been too long! I don’t even know if I can speak it anymore!” 
Taehyung laughed. 
“How’s French?” 
Hyunjin pulled a face. 
“Ugh, it’s hard. I think it is as hard as English, actually. Harder. Did you know they have genders for everything? How am I supposed to remember a chair is female?” 
“It is?” 
Hyunjin shrugged. 
“I don’t know, to be honest. But Korean! Ah, it is so nice to be speaking it again. Such a relief. I think everyone should speak Korean. It would make my life, specifically, a lot easier.” 
Taehyung felt warm – and not just because of the Parisian summer heat. He had worried this would be awkward, but there was no awkwardness to be found. It was just him and Hyunjin again: same people, new place. It might have been the lack of sleep but Taehyung began to feel a little giddy, buoyed up by love and sunshine.  
Hyunjin led him beside the Seine, past parks and gardens, past the Notre Dame. He led him to Diptyque, laughing, saying that he knew Taehyung would want to go there first. He wasn’t entirely wrong. The shop acted like smelling salts, invigorating Taehyung’s senses – but not so much that he didn’t drop almost his entire holiday allowance on one perfume – and, from there, Hyunjin promised tourist sites and culture.  
Taehyung didn’t really care. He could see the Eiffel Tower on google. That wasn’t why he came.  
As they walked further south-west, into the Jardin Tino-Rossi, there came a very French-sounding cry of Hyunjin’s name. A small group approached and Hyunjin exchanged cheek-kisses with all of them, little interjections of French and English going right over Taehyung’s head.  
“Ah,” said the Frenchman at the front of the group. “Qui est ton ami?” 
“Il s'appelle Taehyung, mon ami de Corée.” 
“Taehyung, enchanté.” 
“Uh, oui,” Taehyung offered, not delighted when each member of the group turned their attention to him for garbled greetings and cheek-kisses. 
“Parles-tu français?” 
“Comme moi, il ne parles pas français!” Hyunjin exclaimed with a laugh. “If you’re going to talk to us today, you have to use Korean,” he continued, in English.  
Taehyung hadn’t heard him use that much English before. Had never heard him use French. Something about it made him feel far away. The months they had spent apart stretched into years; the person Hyunjin was in Korea disappeared. Taehyung knew he was tired, he wasn’t thinking clearly, but the weight of time crashed heavily onto his shoulders and he cracked. It wasn’t just the twelve hours of flying, or the months without Hyunjin, or the months with him. It was the weight of the world. It was his entire life. It was realising, at this moment, standing with his ex, surrounded by strangers, that he loved Hyunjin. Still. That it hadn’t gone away, that it wouldn’t go away. That, no matter what happened on this trip or further into the future, it would always be there.  
“Korean? Non! What about English? Taehyung, do you understand English?” 
He knew a little English, but didn’t recognise a word out of the Frenchman’s mouth. Hyunjin laughed again. 
“No one understands your English, François! Your accent is too French! Even French people cannot understand you!”  
“Oh, whatever, Hyunjin! When you learn French, then you can criticise my English! Pah, I’ve had enough of you!” 
It was jovial and familiar and Taehyung had to be glad that Hyunjin had found people here, found friends. He should have been but he felt his mind itching, a scratching in his eyes and throat. A wave of nausea hit him and he barely waved goodbye as the group moved off. He had Hyunjin’s full attention again.  
“Do you want to go home?” he asked and Taehyung could only nod.  
“I’m sorry, like I said before, it’s a little small. I hope you don’t mind sharing the bed; it’s bigger than a standard single, at least.”  
Taehyung could barely take in the words. He hastily took off his clothes, ignoring any impulse that might have told him not to, that maybe it wasn’t appropriate anymore, that maybe he should have changed elsewhere. Then he climbed under the covers and was asleep before his head had fully sunk into the pillow. 
* * * 
He slept a dreamless sleep until four in the morning when he woke, disorientated and convinced he was dreaming, to find Hyunjin in his arms. Taehyung was a cuddly sleeper. This was well-established. Hyunjin knew. Had first-hand experience of it. He had to have known that this would happen if they shared a bed. Taehyung wondered if it meant anything. If anything meant anything. Half-asleep, he couldn’t think it through properly. So he just relaxed back into the mattress, gave Hyunjin a light squeeze, and fell back to sleep.  
When he woke for the second time, he could see bright sun around the edges of the window blind, even though it was only 7am. He didn’t want to wake Hyunjin, who was still sleeping, on his back now, in Taehyung’s arms. Taehyung looked at him, watched him breathe, his eyelids flickering lightly as he dreamt.  
Hyunjin had left him. Taehyung had let him. He wondered if he would let him go again. Wondered if he could.  
He didn’t have long to think about it; Hyunjin’s eyelids fluttered and his eyes opened slowly, squinting at Taehyung in the dim light of the room.  
“Morning,” he said, voice thick with sleep.  
“Morning,” Taehyung returned. 
His heart swelled, so big that the flesh of it pushed up against the bars of its cage, protruding through it. The metal bit at the muscle, threatened to cut through, but still it grew. It had been a long time since he’d heard that word from Hyunjin, since he’d been able to offer it back.  
“Sorry,” he said then, feeling like he should.  
He began to pull his arms back, but Hyunjin stopped him, hands holding in arms in place. 
“No, don’t. I like it.”  
Hyunjin shuffled, snuggling down in the light, summer covers, tucking his head against Taehyung’s.  
“Ok,” Taehyung replied, voice barely even a whisper.  
At some point, he knew he was going to have to ask if any of this meant anything, but, for now, he was going to lie, revelling in Hyunjin’s proximity, for as long as he would let him.  
Between dozing, half asleep and half awake, Hyunjin twisted, turning onto his side to face Taehyung. He wrapped his own arms around him, softly rubbing his back, slotting a leg between his. Taehyung could barely breathe. He froze completely when he felt Hyunjin’s lips against his neck. When he thought he felt them. 
Hyunjin’s voice was muffled, his lips pressed against Taehyung’s skin. Taehyung was sure of it now. Hyunjin kissed his neck, dropped another kiss a little further up, nuzzled his nose against the sharp line of Taehyung’s jaw.  
Not a moment, even a split-second of thought went into Taehyung’s next actions. He pulled back slightly, dipped his head, and kissed Hyunjin on the mouth. Not hesitant, not shy; firm, deliberate, long enough for his heart to start racing and his skin to flush.  
When they separated, Hyunjin looked up at him with wide eyes. Taehyung had not once been able to say no to that face. This time, he didn’t want to say it. There were many things he did want to say, flurrying around in his brain, static-like and dizzying, until Hyunjin kissed him again and it all fell away.  
“I missed you,” he whispered, between kisses. “I fucking missed you.” 
“Me, too,” he returned. “Me, too.” 
There were all sorts of things that they might have considered at that point, before things went too far, but neither of them was thinking anything at all. It was all animal, all instinct. Hyunjin hooked his leg over Taehyung’s hip, pulling their bodies close. Taehyung responded, hips rutting his cock against Hyunjin’s. Hyunjin bit down on Taehyung’s lip then twisted back, opening a drawer in his bedside table.  
“Tae, take me, please,” he said, rolling back over, pushing a small tube of lube into Taehyung’s hand, his eyes pleading.  
That face again. As if Taehyung would’ve said no. As if he could have. He kicked off his boxers as fast as he could; Hyunjin did the same and turned over, his back to Taehyung’s chest. The lube was warm in Taehyung’s hand and he was grateful for the summer heat that made it so. Then, like he had so many times before, he pushed the head of his cock against Hyunjin’s rim, past it, slowly inching himself inside. 
“Fuck,” he gasped. “You’re tight. You ok?” 
Hyunjin nodded hurriedly. 
“Yes, yes. Please.” 
Taehyung gave Hyunjin a second, once he was fully sheathed inside him, and reached forward, wrapping his long fingers around Hyunjin’s swollen cock, pumping slow and slick with the leftover lube on his hands. Hyunjin swore softly and reached back to pull at Taehyung’s hair. 
“Please,” he begged, again. “Please, Tae. Fuck me.” 
So Taehyung did. Hard and fast, until sweat was sticking his hair to his forehead, until drops of it rolled down his back, until his entire posterior chain wanted to give out. Everything he had learnt about Hyunjin resurfaced. Floating to the surface was the way he liked Taehyung’s teeth in his flesh, not too hard, but there all the same; the desperate way he whined and mewled for more; the tug of his hands in Taehyung’s hair, no matter the position; the smell of his body, his hair, his sweat, his cum.  
Taehyung knew he was going to finish first, could feel it in the tight tension of his thighs, the hot, heavy pulling in his abdomen. He didn’t have to tell Hyunjin – he already knew.  
“Come,” he panted. “Inside me. Please.” 
Taehyung did not need telling twice. With his rhythm faltering and muscles contracting, he let himself go inside Hyunjin, then held himself there while his hand continued to work over Hyunjin’s length.  
“Your turn,” Taehyung whispered in his ear. 
Hyunjin nodded and, with a deep sigh, juddered into his climax, cum spilling over Taehyung’s fingers, staining the sheets.  
Taehyung pulled himself out, slowly, carefully, and flopped onto his back. Hyunjin did the same and they lay, side by side, across the full breadth of the bed. Without looking, Hyunjin stretched out an arm into his bedside table again and let a packet of wipes land on Taehyung’s stomach.  
They cleaned themselves up in silence, something in the air too thick for words to penetrate, but it wasn’t stifling. Taehyung felt like he could breathe more easily now than he had for months. He felt clear. He felt alive. He felt, with a fondness so deep it hurt, happy.  
Hyunjin rolled into Taehyung, their faces level. They looked at one another for a while, just looking, taking it in, reminding themselves of all the minute details they might have forgotten, noticing the new ones.  
Hyunjin was the first to break the silence. He cleared his throat.  
“I didn’t ask you here for that, by the way.”  
Taehyung’s stomach flipped.  
“I mean... I didn’t know that was going to happen,” Hyunjin continued.   
“Do you wish it hadn’t-” 
“No. I’m glad it happened. I just... I don’t know. Maybe I don’t want you to think that I just invited you here to get laid.” 
Taehyung laughed.  
“I certainly don’t want you thinking I came all the way here to get laid. I can get laid in Korea just fine.” 
He regretted the words as soon as they were out of his mouth, before he had even registered the shadow fly over Hyunjin’s eyes, the sliver of hurt there. 
“Have you?” he asked quietly, eyes dropping.  
“Have I what?” 
“Got laid. In Korea.” 
Taehyung felt the heat on his cheeks. He knew the answer would say more than he wanted it to, but then... What was there left to reveal? Had they not just exposed themselves already? They were naked and sweaty in each other’s arms—didn't that say it all anyway? 
He shook his head. 
“Have you? Here?” 
Hyunjin nodded, gaze still averted. 
“Oh,” Taehyung breathed, surprised that he was surprised.  
“It’s ok, you don’t have to tell me.��� 
“Nothing that meant anything. It didn’t... I just...” 
Hyunjin trailed off and Taehyung didn’t say anything to fill the silence. He didn’t know what to say. Of course Hyunjin would have slept with other people. You would have had to be crazy to turn him down. Hyunjin was single. He had every right to do everything he wanted. Nevertheless, Taehyung was finding it hard to breathe around the shard of glass in his heart. 
“I wanted to forget you,” Hyunjin whispered. “I couldn’t. I just tried to get you out of my head.” 
“Did it work?” he asked even though he didn’t want to know the answer. 
Hyunjin just shrugged, his fingers gripping tightly to Taehyung, his eyes still downcast.  
“Did it?” 
Hyunjin lifted his face and shook his head. Taehyung sighed, pressed his forehead against Hyunjin’s.  
“I love you.” 
He hadn’t known he was going to say it. Hadn’t planned to. It had flown straight out of his mouth without passing his brain for approval. Hyunjin just stared at him, open-eyed, open-mouthed. He blinked. Taehyung looked down, cheeks burning, discomfort wriggling up from the nerves in his stomach. 
“Do you really?” Hyunjin asked.  
Hyunjin surged forward, stealing a kiss and not giving it back. His hand wound around Taehyung’s hair, gripping and tugging; his tongue slipped through the seam of his lips, finding the soft, wet pad of Taehyung’s tongue, rolling over it; his leg, once more, found its way across Taehyung’s hip, bending and pulling him closer. It might not have been exactly the answer Taehyung had hoped for, but it was an answer all the same. It was an answer he would take, even if it was all he got, even if it was all he ever got. He would take it.  
“Taehyung,” Hyunjin panted when he finally let him go. “I love you.” 
Hyunjin laughed, pressed his still-smiling lips to Taehyung’s again.  
“I love you,” he repeated. 
“I love you, too.”  
* * * 
Taehyung thought he had remembered. He thought he had remembered every minute detail of it, of Hyunjin, of him writhing below him. He thought he had remembered every whimpered breath, every jerk of his hips, the way his skin rippled with goosebumps, the sight of his dark hair plastered to his forehead with sweat. He thought he had it all down pat, but this, this was suddenly somehow new again. New but not different.  
Taehyung held tight to the backs of Hyunjin’s thighs, pushing them into Hyunjin’s stomach, leaning against them as he fucked him. Hyunjin’s stomach was smeared with pre-cum and Taehyung knew it wouldn’t be long before he came. The twitch and squirm of Hyunjin’s body was a roadmap Taehyung had learnt to read long ago. He knew all its twists and turns, the shortcuts and detours, the scenic routes.  
Hyunjin was a marathoner, not a sprinter. So when he came with a stuttered sigh, coating his shiny skin with cum, Taehyung didn’t stop. When he cried out, sensitive, over-stimulated, Taehyung didn’t stop. When he writhed beneath him, trying to kick his legs out, trying to lift his chest up, Taehyung didn’t stop. Didn’t stop when there were tears leaking from his eyes. Didn’t stop when Hyunjin’s cock grew stiff again, hard and dark and sticky. Didn’t stop when he felt his own legs twitch, when he felt himself on the edge, when he had to bite down hard on his lip to stop himself coming. He didn’t stop, his hips thrusting relentlessly into Hyunjin, hands gripping hard enough to bruise.  
Taehyung had already lost count of the number of times they’d done this: filled the room with the sounds and smells of sex. The air was warm and wet, the tiny dorm almost steaming with the heat of them. It made breathing thick and difficult, made them light-headed, panting and gasping their way to the finish line.  
Taehyung’s heart was erratic in his chest, beating hard and painfully as a bead of sweat dropped into his eye. He blinked fast, desperate not to miss him, knowing he was close. Hyunjin was speeding, again, taking corners way too fast and close to careening off a cliff. It was Taehyung’s job to drive him there and he loved to see a job well done. So he shook his head, cleared his eyes, and removed a hand from Hyunjin’s thigh. He took Hyunjin’s cock in his hand, pleas and gasps streaming from Hyunjin’s lips, and he squeezed it lightly, then a little tighter, his hand stroking up and down, slow compared to the punishing snap of his hips. 
Hyunjin’s hips were twisting, his feet flexing, his hands forming fists as his sides. With a final flick of Taehyung’s wrist, he came again, adding to the white pool on his torso, cock twitching and jerking in Taehyung’s hand as he milked it dry.  
Taehyung still wasn’t finished and Hyunjin’s breath broke in a sob, his whole body jerking loosely with every thrust of Taehyung’s hips. Taehyung knew Hyunjin had more in him, knew he could go another round, wanted to go another round, but Taehyung was almost broken. He was clinging to the cliffside with his fingertips, ten, then nine, then eight, as each digit popped from the rockface.  
He let himself fall with a loud moan of Hyunjin’s name, spilling inside him, collapsing onto him. He felt Hyunjin’s cum sticky on his stomach, felt his breath blow hard against his ear, felt the press of his chest as it heaved and shuddered. Taehyung pressed his lips to wherever he could find skin. He knew he would suggest that they shower; he knew they would get under the water and Hyunjin would ask to be fucked again. Or maybe he would get on his knees. Taehyung needed a moment before that happened. To catch his breath. To come back down to earth and meet with reality again.  
He paid close attention to the sound of Hyunjin’s breathing as it slowly settled. He noticed the stroke of two light fingers across his shoulders. All he could see from where he lay his head was the round of Hyunjin’s shoulder as it dipped into the top of his arm. Hyunjin’s skin somehow still smelt sweet, despite the sticky sheen of sweat across it, despite the cum squished between their stomachs.  
“Fuck,” he said and his voice was hoarse.  
Hyunjin could only nod.  
Taehyung didn’t see much of Paris. Hyunjin pointed out the top of the Eiffel Tower from a distance. The only art Taehyung saw was Hyunjin’s own, which, in Taehyung’s opinion, was better than anything the Lourvre had to offer. He didn’t see a hunchback swing from the bells in the Notre Dame. He didn’t spot anyone in a Breton shirt, cycling with a baguette in their basket.  
He saw Hyunjin, eyelashes dusting his cheeks with charcoal, as he slept. He took in the sight of Hyunjin’s naked body: lithe and long and just slightly more muscular than he remembered. He learnt French: how to say ‘I love you’ and ‘please’ and ‘my love’; how to say ‘more’ and ‘you feel so good’ and ‘don’t stop’. Learnt them in English, too, because why not? He ate sweet pastries for breakfast and sour cheeses for lunch; he drank bad wine and good wine and felt a little bit drunk all the time. Drunk on alcohol, maybe, but certainly drunk on love, drunk on the sound of Hyunjin, the taste of him, the feel of him.  
He knew their time was running out. Knew they had questions to answer. Questions he didn’t know how to answer. He knew all of that was coming. That around the mountain there was trouble and strife and insurmountable obstacles. For now, though, that didn’t matter. He couldn’t let the unknowable future ruin his present. Wouldn’t.  
He shook his head clear and brought himself around to the present again, to Hyunjin sitting opposite him on the bed, eating grapes and humming, smiling with stuffed-full cheeks at Taehyung. Taehyung’s heart swelled—he was sure he would leave Paris with a heart twice as big as when he arrived—but it didn’t hurt this time; the cage had been broken down, dismantled, pulled apart by Hyunjin’s hands. He made a note to himself to remember this moment: the dust motes sparkling in the sun, the incongruous stench of strong, blue cheese, the floaty kind of happiness he felt; this sweet, shining bubble surrounding the two of them and this dingy, old-fashioned dorm room. No matter what happened, he would never let go of this.  
Part Two
18 notes · View notes
Hey there BMT
Happy new year
So...after today's Tae Wlive...I was left feeling a bit confused
Okay to be honest...ever since the solo chapter two era began...I deleted my twitter account and it has been one of the best decisions I made...but in my journey as an Army...Tae has always rubbed me the wrong way and I couldn't really pinpoint what exactly it was about him because when you first come into this fandom it is ot7 kumbaya all the time....so I can't help but realize Tae doesn't like being left out on being in the spotlight...he is someone who seems to know what goes on in the fandom like how most of his solo stans are shippers of him and the maknae...and how said shippers are one of the biggest reasons this fandom is going to shit and how they portray he's supposed soulmate..so...it's how he always comes online when one of the other members is on the spotlight for some reason and he feels the need to name drop the maknae..like today...he comes on for two minutes,comes back and mentions how he is with the maknae and friends but he decided to do the live cause he was bored...plus I found it a bit weird how he didn't mention Jihope being in Paris....considering he likes fashion...something so big and new and exciting for his bandmates,his family,friends...but instead go on and just rally up his psycho cult by adding innuendos with strawberries and "pineapples?"....and I'm just wondering JK couldn't even pop in his head for a second to say hi but then I sit down and remember he likes to lie?troll?be funny? So many narratives to explain away his behaviour....anyways...what was the purpose of all this....you are one of the bangtan fans who is so level headed and I wanted to know if I'm just tripping..
Have an amazing day/night
Alright, I think it's time for a real talk here. I'm not going to mince my words because I don't care what anyone says. I'm no Army, you all know where I stand, so let's fucking go.
This fandom is made of butthurt, two-faced, kumbaya, fruity bangtan-lover people who are rarely able to show some spine because they're too afraid of losing their clout on twitter and their followers on tumblr. They're so programmned to believe that a bunch of seven men are the epitome of perfection, unable to do something even worthy of mentioning any type of criticism because they all live in this fairytale-like world. They are super human, incapable of actions and emotions that govern the daily lives of us, the inferior human race. Well guess what? Believing it doesn't make it real.
We can like nasty people and we can dislike them for the same damn reasons. We can dislike nice people and we can love those good people all the same. And guess what? BTS are people. Tae is one of them. Rm is one of them. Jimin. Yoongi and so on. And we can like BTS, while at the same time, not like some of the things they say or do. It's not the end of the world, the sky won't fall on us. Just as we have complex emotions and reactions towards the people in our own lives and towards our own self. I know I'm seen as some Tae/RM anti. Unfortunately for those people, I can never give them the satisfaction because I don't have a ''hate Tae today and talk shit about him'' on my to-do list every day. And they can say I'm biased and I only care about two people in BTS and I see them as perfect and I get frustrated when someone else talks shit about them. Yeah dude, I do care only about two of them. There ya go. The Earth is still spinning. And you know what? I can dislike stuff about them too.
I don't like Jimin treating the fandom as if they're all kids and even going as far as to cover a damn photo on a hotel wall. It's stupid and it won't help and he's part of the problem. I once thought that Jungkook is going to do something more artistic in the future because I saw the potential after My Time, but for now, all he did was confirm how damn basic he is from an artistic pov. I think he made a wrong decision making that song for the World Cup in Qatar and it shows that money comes first. I don't like RM because he's pretentious as fuck. I don't like Hobi because he's too damn loud and as a fan, I couldn't give a flying fuck about his presence at FW or what brand deals he gets. I think Jin is severely out of touch and money does that to you.I think Tae is insecure for no fucking damn reason, but he is. I think Yoongi can be so damn insensitive sometimes and he doesn't know when to shut up. And, for the sake of inclusivity and fairness, I'll add myself too in this dislike fest (not that I'm some world superstar and I have no fans, but you know what I mean).I am a selfish bitch that tends to ghost people. I have ex-friends that probably hate me and I don't blame them.
What does all this mean? That my opinions are facts? That the aspects I've mentioned reflect someone's entire being? That when I look at Hobi, all I see is an obnoxius loud guy? No. Of course not. He's not just that because none of us are only one thing. Layers, people. As simple as that. And if I or anyone else ends up thinking that Tae is insecure and doesn't like being left out, then so be it. Just as I mentioned all that stuff that I personally don't like, there are many more reasons that still make me enjoy them. They're not horrible people worthy of being burned at the stake. But one bad word and this fandom acts like that's exactly what one means when they are not a fan of a BTS member. Then they jump to call people antis, bitches, cunt whores and every other insult. Because that's certainly nicer that any sort of criticism made towards BTS, but it's an acceptable and desired form of bullying. If this was twitter or perhaps my inbox after this text is posted, some will jump and say that Tae would burn me to keep himself and JK warm. Oh no, I'm about to cry and do my penance and apply 30 lashes on my naked body.
Everything is so absurd and every day when I go on twitter and come here, I'm taking the bad pill on purpose so I can enter this alternative reality. And I accept that, I made my bed. But I'm also not going to be some sheep that parrots whatever this fandom deems acceptable.
So yes, anon. I don't blame you for thinking this. Yes, it does seem to look like a pattern. Why? I don't fucking know. Why doesn't it seem genuine? Because there's a history of lying for no damn reason. No one in their right mind should be upset that he's hanging out with his bandmate (be it in person or playing online games). That's not the problem here. It's just that it has become such a habit of only him doing this one-side whatever the fuck he is trying to do, that I had a bunch of people in my inbox from one-two weeks ago saying that this exact thing will happen at the right moment. And it did. I say we should place some bets next time. It will be more fun.
Why does he suffer from a bad case of mimetic desire? Is it needed? Not from an outsider pov, but I have no idea what insecurities Tae has. Except from that time he told Jungkook during their ITS talk that he uses weverse to get some love from fans because he was indeed insecure at that time. So, that tells you something. Which means, it's not completely out of the realm of all possibilities that some of the stuff he does can be on purpose. I'm glad I'm not a Tae stan or some ot7 army cause I would feel kinda shitty seeing Tae's attitude towards his fans. He laughts at them on Weverse while they believe they're laughing together. Look at how the others are using a live stream to connect with the fans they so much love, while he uses that because he's bored for 5 minutes. What is he? A teenage girl that gets bored after the guys come over? Is this high school? I didn't know he's some 16 year old cause at least his behavior would make more sense. But his fans thinks this is cool behavior, except he's a rebel without any cause that makes threats when the Paradise heir gets dragged in a scandal and other times he's keeping his mouth shut. Anyway......
And if we're dropping names (which doesn't happen just with JK, it's only that he's the main character lately) and if JK was there too, why couldn't he just give a shout and call him to say hi to his beloved fans? No one would think it's weird. We have footage of all the group hanging out together for years everywhere. Either tell him to shut up cause he's about to be live and doesn't want anyone to know, or actually do something? Cause this is what I don't get? Making situations be odd when it's not necessary. Now, it's not confirmed that JK is actually there, it could be just a theory and people having bad hearing and apparently Jungkook can sing like shit sometimes. We don't know.
And I don't want to hear anyone saying he doesn't know his stans and his shippers. First of all, they all do and second of all, he's on damn twitter and there's evidence of that. No, he doesn't have to call out his fans, but why rile them up? But then again, all of them are like that, so there's no escape.
Tae doesn't need to go live and talk about Paris Fashion Week and what his bandmates did. He's not the news so he can cover all the events that are happening. But the timing...like clockwork, every single time. Sometimes it's during and sometimes immediately after. Now he waited a day. Good for him, he's being considerate. If anyone would have to patience to look at the bts archive for the last half of year, I bet the pattern is more easily recognizable.
The point to all this and I'm going to end this post cause it got way too long, celebrities (that includes BTS) are people like everyone else. They put themselves in the public eye which means that everyone else watching them is bound to draw conclusions. Some are favorable and others are not. And saying that Tae seems to want some spotlight and he's not very nice sometimes is not a smear campaign. Whoever believes that, get a life. You have no idea what that means. But this fandom distorts all sense of reality and the actual meaning of words.
People can like Tae for exactly the same reasons I don't. I wish he would be an actual bad boy. That would make him at least interesting. I like shitty people. I like nice people who do shitty things. I like people who are considered persona non grata. So what? So if his fans like Tae for who he is, then absolutely fine. But then I can also say that I don't. That's the basics of all of this.
And one last thought. I can't truly take someone seriously or argue with them in some weird act of defending men. I value myself a bit more than that. So whoever wants to be an Army on a high horse and call me names, you can take them and shove them.
Happy New Year, Anon!
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sugarwithtea · 2 years
paris in the rain || pjm [2]
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pairing : bookstore owner!jimin x fem!reader
genre : angst, fluff, eventual smut, strangers to friends to lovers.
rating : pg-15
series summary : you hadn't expected to run into jimin, an unusually charming guy in the midst of love and peace, in paris. but here you were, falling for a man covered in the smell of old parchment and wine while also recovering from the traumatic experiences of your past. your work stay in paris, which you had took on for a change of atmosphere, changes every nook of your life.
chap word count : 5.8k
chap warnings : swearing. i made up an imaginary author and her imaginary works ;) there's lil angst — talks about cheating, mentions of nudity (in a painting)
a/n 1 : this one took a little longer than expected but i am sure you will love it because there is a lot of jimin in here :) and also tae and hobi hehe. its still lowkey and the plot is kinda building so umm, enjoy the vibes?? anyways. please lmk what y'all think about it haha.
a/n 2 : a big thanks to the dearest @jjkeverlast for helping me by beta-ing this chapter <33
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"Y/N?" Jimin says as he regards you with the surprise of a bud which has just bloomed.
Hoseok looks between you both, yet again and goes wide eyed as he exclaims in a little shrill voice,
"You know her?"
He is smiling at you, truly. You can't help but return it back. You wiggle your eyebrows a bit and just nod back in greeting, opting to look back at Hoseok. Or else you'd just keep on staring at his smile, spellbound.
"Why is that surprising for you?" You ask him.
"Let me guess. One, cause he barely knows anyone around here and second, cause hey, you just moved in didn't you?" He holds out his arm, palm facing upwards as if trying to make you realize the obvious.
Jimin makes an unfunny sound and you let out a small giggle as he quips back, rather disappointedly.
"We ran into each other the other day, not that you'd know given you were too busy being a pain in my ass."
Hoseok's jaw drops to the floor as you laugh out loud, finally.
"Okay, rude."
You just stand there awkwardly, trying to stop laughing and gaze around the store to make it look like you weren't giving them attention as their bickering seemed to get a little too personal.
"Anyways," Hoseok says after a second of an intense glaring session with Jimin, "Your accidental run-in here wants the books you are holding in your hands."
"Oh yeah, that would be me."
Jimin looks at you and smiles, visibly lessening his irritation a little. "Right, because I really thought from when did this man," he points at Hoseok smugly, "start to think about the location of books he hadn't heard of."
"Oh yeah, you finally started it?" Hoseok shoves his hands in his pocket and stands up straight, ready to move away after a single word.
"Thinking." and he walks to the desk with the snide remark and not even a last glance whereas Jimin just stares at him with his lips parted in mock offense and you try to control your laughter which still leaves your mouth in short bursts of amusement.
"Ignore him." he directs his words towards you, with a seething look towards Hoseok.
"Mhm. Sure." You smile funnily and he starts moving.
You follow him to the end of the aisle from where you just came, and he sets the books on the pre existing pile of books. You observe the way his blonde hair sticks to his forehead and the nape of his neck, a little wet due to the rain – the way his cream sweater fits around his torso, a little snug but enough to indicate that he is built, if not bulky. Your eyes trail down and before you can even register the fit of his pants around his thighs and his ass-
"I hope Hoseok didn't bother you much."
His voice snaps you out of your daze and you look up at him to see his eyes trained on the books sincerely. If you wouldn't have been so embarrassed by checking him out so shamelessly, you would have noticed a faint pink creeping up his neck under the blonde tresses.
"No no he didn't. He was an absolute treat to be with."
He was, indeed. You were nervous about meeting new people. Hell, you were even nervous about communicating with the shopkeepers you needed to interact with. But Hoseok made it easy for you from the moment you set foot inside the shop. For the briefest hour you spent in his company, you felt as if the dream you had expected Paris to be had returned in front of you with flashing colors of the sun in the rain. You saw Paris just like it had been romanticized by the media, and you didn't want to step out to face the reality.
"Ah, I'm glad." Jimin still doesn't look at you, but you can see the ghost of a smile lingering over his lips, causing one to form over yours instinctively.
"These are the ones you wanted. And I must say, the ones you have already collected and are now going to collect, show you have a pretty good taste." He finally looks at you while pointing at the books and you flush wildly.
People have always been quick at disregarding your likings. Even if they were as mere as taste in books you read. Your choice has always been questioned. So when someone you don't know praises, and validates your choice with such sincerity, your heart warms to an extent completely immeasurable.
"You think so?"
"Of course, Y/N."
And that's when it dawns upon you that he didn't only remember you as the person he had run into, he remembered your name. One that you had mentioned in a fleeting moment of haste, and incoherent mumbling, he remembered it. Sure, the same happened with his name. But you had a reason to remember him, as he was one of the very first people you had met when you moved. You on the other hand, were just a random passerby too lost to see her way.
"I see people buy and go through books every day. So when I say that your taste is good, trust me, I know what I'm saying." he finally gives you that eye smile and you almost sigh with relief at his words.
"Thank You, Jimin."
His eyes brighten up as if he too, like you, was not expecting you to remember his name.
Too nervous to hold eye contact with him, you look towards the books and take a battered copy of The Great Gatsby in your hand, going through the dog-eared pages and splatters of blue ink on the edges of the pages. Your heart swells as you realize it's a used copy, which means you'll get an insight into someone else's life, without judgment, without embarrassment, just love and excitement.
Jimin takes it as an opportunity to leave you to yourselves, his smile deflating a little. He almost moves when Hoseok appears in the aisle.
"Dear friends," he continued with an exaggerated flourish,"I am ordering food, would you like some?"
You look away from the book and towards Jimin as he seems deep in thought, mulling over the difficult decision of deciding what food he would like to eat.
"Whatever you have, Hoseok." he sighs at last. Hoseok just shakes his head disappointedly.
"And you, Y/N?"
"Huh? Me?"
Jimin laughs beside you.
"He did say friends didn't he? You are one of them."
"Oh, right."
You look between them as they laugh at your nervous state, now lessening in their warm presence.
"But I'd rather not have anything" you begin and they turn their faces to argue,"because I already told Hoseok I have some errands to run, and I really do. So I'll be leaving."
"Bummer." Hoseok says and you give him a tight lipped smile.
"Yeah, just ring these up for me." you carry a stack of three in your hands, directing his attention to the previous ones already sprawled out on the floor.
"I will. Hobi you can order the food." Jimin chimes in and you almost jump at the enthusiasm in his tone.
Hoseok just eyes him warily before sludging towards the desk with a groan.
Jimin follows him gladly and you join the train too, walking behind him timidly as he walks with a weird air of happiness. He ends up standing behind the counter and sets the books in front of him as he takes one in hand and scans its code. All this time, you do nothing but stare at him and the pretty bracelet adorning his lithe wrist. It was a customized silver bracelet with the word ‘Mimi’ engraved on it.
“Is Mimi your nickname?” You ask out loud. Your eyes widen as you realize you were prying into a stranger’s life and his eyes widen too at the unexpected question.
“Huh? Uh yes. My mom gave it to me.”
You smile and he flushes embarrassingly.
"I know it's stupid but sh-"
"It's cute."
His mouth goes agape and you beautifully see pink creep up his neck and dusting his cheek. He closes his mouth and opens it again, trying to come up with a response but fails. You yourself were shocked you said it, but it's true. And you might just love watching his flustered state.
"Really, Jimin. I mean it."
"I- Thank You."
A comfortable silence sits around you, even though you want to pierce the silent blanket. He types something on the keyboard and out pops a receipt from the printer, stating your total. The mood around you both is calm and a small, unknown smile plays on your lips, as well as his.
"You're buying The Last Home now? Isn't the next book coming out in like two months?"
Your eyes light up when he mentions your favorite series, already holding the second volume in his hands to pack it.
"Yes. That's why I'm catching up on it again. You see, I lost some of my books back home, so I'm buying this one now. I've read it though. It's just I am so excited for the next book, I couldn't wait to grab this one when I saw it. I love the author so much. She always writes such immacula-" you notice him looking at you with interest, his eyes holding awe and amusement and realize you had been rambling.
"Sorry. I didn't realize I was rambling." you say meekly.
"No no no, continue, please. I want to know how much you like my favorite author." He laughs.
"Wait. Kristine is your favorite too?"
Kristine Rodriguez, the author of one of your most favorite books. She hadn't written many, and wasn't well known but you believed in her more than yourself. Her series, Home was a trilogy and The Only Home was the last one.
"Of fucking course. I think she might be one of the very few authors who writes about socio-political issues in romance books so well. I don't even know how she thinks that."
"Right? So amazing. I especially liked when she sarcastically used it to taunt the system."
"The way Claire is portrayed as a character so relatable I-" your phone goes off as the contact of your neighbor stares back at you. Jimin stops speaking immediately and before you can even pick up the call, it cuts and a notification chimes in.
Lily (11:57 am) : That missed call was on purpose. And a reminder that my parcel will come in v soon.
Lily (11:57 am) : I am so sorry for bothering u Y/N.
Lily (11:58 am) : And thank you babes. I owe you.
"Oh fuck."
"What happened?" Jimin seems concerned and you immediately wave it off.
"Nothing, just. I had to collect this parcel for my neighbor and I completely forgot. I'll have to run now." you say dismissively as you pay and collect the two bags he gives you.
"Thank god. I was scared that something went down."
He was? Why? You both had just met and were practically strangers. Your heart swells but you are way too distracted to dwell on it.
"Oh no, don't worry." and you move to the door.
"Bye, Jimin. And bid Hoseok goodbye on my behalf too."
"Yeah, bye Y/N. See you later." he shouts out just before the door closes behind you.
See. Him. Later?
Yeah you were in deep shit now.
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Even though you and Taehyung had agreed to meet tonight, something seemed off. And it bothered you, a lot.
It was already 5:55 pm and you were eagerly waiting to hear from him. Usually, he jumps around a lot whenever there is a plan made but this time, there is dead silence on his side. You tried to reason it with the lack of enthusiasm from your side, but no. That can't be it because he is generally a forgiving person.
You were waiting in your living room, wearing a blue sundress and a creme cardigan. You were not dressed too extravagantly, partially because you didn't know where he was taking you and partially because you wanted to be comfortable.
One thing which you suddenly realize is that a week has passed since your arrival and Taehyung still hasn't mentioned the date you were supposed to pay for.
Because it's highly unlikely of him to miss an opportunity to tease you, or annoy you.
All these thoughts go to the drain when your doorbell rings, indicating his presence. You open the door to find him wearing loose black pants and a pink cardigan with puppies on it?
"Where the fuck are we going Taehyung?"
"The Louvre."
Ah, then the outfit makes sense. Yours, not his.
"You're dressed like a hoe."
"Dress like the ones you aspire to attract." You roll your eyes at his half ass humor.
"And also because I am one." He flashes his boxy grin and you laugh.
"Now that's better. But don't encourage the hoes cause you've got one already." You say as you grab your purse and turn off the lights.
"We are getting late, Y/N. Hurry up."
You furrow your eyebrows a little but nevertheless lock your door and turn to face him, already walking towards the elevator.
"Late for what?" You ask as you follow him quickly.
"The cab is waiting downstairs, nothing much."
"Didn't bring your car?"
"Didn't feel like driving."
He makes a tsk sound and buries his hands in his pockets while staring straight ahead as the doors close. You whirl around on your feet and face the same direction as him, a bit confused at his behavior.
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The Louvre.
Many might say it's the place to lose yourself to art, to dive into the intricacies of emotions woven together to form pieces alluring eyes alike. You knew that these statements had to come from some form of truth, but little did you know they were just the half truth.
The place was magnificent, nothing less of the grandeur it had been praised for. The sun filtered softly over the vast area as it neared the horizon steadily and the glass pyramid standing there, in all its glory, shone like the doors to heaven might if they had been graced by the entrance of an angel.
You were walking slowly, beside Taehyung, as your head moved on its own accord, trying to absorb everything around you.
There were people bustling in and out with glee and solemnity. It was after days that the city was seeing an hour with no rain and soft sun, and it seemed like everyone was reveling in it.
"How do you like the 'surprise'?" Taehyung speaks up.
"Not too bad. But you know, I was planning to visit this week anyway so it's not like you took me to someplace unreachable."
"You should learn how to be grateful." he looks at you with disappointment and betrayal.
You laugh at his face and quickly loop your hand through his arm, his palm stuffed into his pocket.
"I'm kidding. I love that you brought me here."
"Hmm. That's better."
Both of you sport a small smile and walk towards the entrance, entranced by the place.
The area was littered with people, art enthusiasts and mere tourists alike. A horde of them gathered in bunches all across the hall, in front of different counters and receptions, leading to different sections of the museum. You looked up and saw the sun seeping in through the glass covering of the pyramid, forming shapes and shadows on the floor, reflecting off the slanted panels of the structure.
"It's so beautiful." you whisper.
"But so crowdy."
You snort.
"Is that even a word, Tae?"
"I don't care. You got what I meant."
"Yeah." You sigh.
It sure was crowded. As soon as you thought that, a group of people blocked your path, led by a man carrying a flag which had something written in German, hard for you to decipher. It was a tourist group, that much was understood.
There were some escalators taking you to the upper storeys, and up ahead two major divisions were made, "Expositions" and "Exhibitions". The roof, which was not a part of the pyramid, had a false ceiling wherein inverted triangles were carved out, with a light fitting at the top vertex.
You both continue into the museum, silently, in awe.
Up until a point, off white, yellowish light washed the whole area. But then, bright white light shines on you and you come in front of an archway, with the sign 'Pavillon de l'Horloge'. A bunch of paintings decorated the entrance, and two stairways went up from either side, both a part of two different archways, which were a bit smaller than the main one.
"Pavillon Sully. The center of the western wing of the Cour Carrée we are in." Taehyung informs you.
"Feels like a dream."
"Which is very much real."
A lovely couple passes by at that exact moment, hand in hand, step in step, heart in heart. At that moment, they looked more refreshing than the art around you, because of the aura of love they exuded. A thought strikes you and you increase the pace of your steps, catching up with Taehyung who had gone a bit ahead.
"Yeah?" He pauses and turns back.
"When are you going on that date? I'd like to know when you will beg me for my money." You wink at him and pull him aside, not stopping the traffic.
You look around and find yourself partially hidden by a statue, placed in the corner of a large hall with a variety of similar structures and paintings. You smile a little at the magnificence of the place and look back at Taehyung.
"About that."
"We broke up."
He seemed so excited just a week ago.
You look up at him and see that he was unwilling to make eye contact. He was nervous, a trait of his you got to know over time. His face had fallen and the sparkle of his eyes had faded.
You were bad at comforting people, but looking at him seeming so down, and hurt, panged your chest. You bring up a hand and gingerly rub his forearm, lightly, to let him know you were there.
"Yeah. Just a few days ago, actually." he whispers into nothingness, jutting his chin out and looking up at the roof.
"What happened?" you ask slowly, cautiously, retracting your hand to give him space if he would like to retreat from the conversation.
"It's, it's complicated."
His voice is strained and you feel your heart crack at the vulnerability in his voice.
"Tae, you know I am here for you. Whenever you feel like talking to me." You give him an awkward, reassuring smile, not knowing what to say, or what to do.
"Angel, she," he inhales shakily, and exhales, completely broken,"she cheated on me."
The room shifts at his words and suddenly you are standing in the cold Seoul air, on the road in front of your old apartment. The entrance opens and you see yourself walking out with marks of dried tears on your cheeks and a bag full of trash, belongings of him.
A gust of cool air from the overhead Aircon brings you back to earth and your eyes burn to look at the man in front of you, face sullen and fingers twitching nervously at his sides, looking so defeated.
"I don't really want to talk about it right now, Y/N." he whispers and looks at you with a stoic face, but his eyes plead to you nevertheless.
"It's, it's okay. But I am here for you, Tae. Even though I might not be the best person to talk to-" he laughs a little and you smile,"I can at least listen."
"Yeah, yeah I know. Thank You."
You mindlessly reach for his hand and take his palm in yours, noticing how sweaty it was even in the cold room. You instantly intertwine your fingers with his and squeeze his hand, to reassure him. The gesture brings a smile on his face and your heart calms down, witnessing the slight curve of his lips.
The soft light of the hall illuminates his saddened features. A petal falls off from the cage of roses you had encased your heart in, on seeing his misery and you immediately flick your eyes away from his face, glazing them across your surroundings to stop the withering of your heart due to the rush of memories which was catching on to you.
Taehyung, as if sensing your discomfort, jokes about the headless statue beside you, with wings wide open and shoulders dropped. It was meant to be funny, the way he said that he wouldn't have to deal with the pain of hangovers but all your mind could decipher was 'hangovers'.
Alcohol, and the pang in your chest grew more.
You grace him with a hearty smile, to ease the air which seems to comfort him and he lets out a relieved sigh. You tug at his hand and move yourself away from the secluded corner, back to the museum's grandeur.
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"What are your thoughts on this?"
You and Taehyung had wandered off into an area with a horde of paintings lined on the wall, and a number of admirers just staring at them with admiration, taking photos, or laughing at some of the weird interpretations.
"This one?" You ask him as you point towards the painting diagonally to you.
It depicted two young men deep in conversation, leaned towards one another, in the countryside playing instruments. With them were two naked women, one of them sitting on the grass beside them, turned away from the viewer and the other serving water from a marble basin, in the viewer's straight sight. In the backdrop, lush meadows and a waterfall stream can be seen.
The Pastoral Concert.
"It looks like painted poetry. I mean, the men seem unfazed by the close proximity of the nude women, indulging in the music and their talks. The background adds to the effect, given it shows the lush environment so beautifully that one might get distracted by it."
"Like, pastoral poetry, singing about the beauty of the natural world. And the lute in the picture might refer to the shepherds and their famous way of poetry." Taehyung continues and you look at your hands still intertwined.
"But with a tinge of melancholy." You finish for him.
"Where's the sadness?"
"In the picture? I can't find it. But I assume the women are sad? As the men are not paying attention to them. Or the men are so ridden with misery that they are not able to look at the beauty around them? Maybe the women are nymphs from one of the caves we can see behind, who knows? But I feel there's something in the piece which does not allude to happiness." you speak while staring at the painting, a frown etched on your face.
"Because of course, when there is beauty, we always tend to ignore the pain." Taehyung says softly and you look up at him with wide eyes.
"That's true." You whisper when you realize he had been referring to the past, of you both, his more immediate than yours.
He squeezes your hand and you both laugh again. At this point you lost count of the number of times you both laugh just to ease the atmosphere.
Your head whirls around the room to take in new things when a head catches your attention and your eyes lock in place.
Did he literally mean 'See you later'? Because no way were you looking at Jimin, a few steps away from you, staring back at you with wide eyes. The scene was similar to the one you were in just that morning.
He was donning an off white button down with an indecent amount of buttons left open, letting you a peek of his chest and midriff. You almost groan internally on seeing the golden skin shine in the light. His blonde hair was still frayed over his forehead, but they seemed a little permed. A singular earring dangled from his left ear, making its way to his jawline and hitting the sharp structure with elegance. His jeans were black, fitted perfectly around his legs, accentuating his thighs deliciously.
Why was he dressed like this? It was a goddamn museum.
He looked like a siren, with his crescent eyes and full lips, inviting one and all. The call was alluring, and you willed your legs to not move.
Even though he was attracting all eyes, his were caught in headlights. They flicked once between you and Taehyung and you might have seen something similar to a shock flash through them. Before you can even dwell on it, or give him a smile as a greeting, Taehyung's voice cuts through the haze.
"You look like shit."
"Excuse me? I look amazing." you quip back without second thought, whipping your head to seethe at his face, noticing he had turned a little.
"Then proceed?"
He turns a little and discreetly points a thumb in Jimin's direction.
"In front of that," and then points towards your outfit,"this is shit."
You stumble for words as you realize what he was trying to imply.
"I am not trying to get his attention or something. I know him already."
"Really? Cause you look like you'd jump his bones any chance you get."
"Shut up Taehyung." you slap his arm, pulling your hand away from him, and turn to look at Jimin, only to see that he was nowhere to be found.
Your head frantically whips around the room, trying to locate a mess of blonde hair and–
"Wow, he's got some good cake there."
Taehyung was staring straight at Jimin's ass, who was now in the opposite direction to the one you first saw him in, retreating towards the corner with someone by his side, someone you recognise.
"Now you look like you'll jump his bones." you snidely say and wink at him.
Taehyung just laughs and waves off your comment, mumbling something like 'I might, okay'.
You wonder why Jimin had gone away after explicitly seeing you, even making eye contact with you. Your eyebrows furrow a little as you look in his direction, to see him staring at a painting softly, looking so angelic and at peace. Hoseok takes some pictures by his side, of the paintings or of Jimin's, who knows?
You had wanted to go ahead and greet him, but seeing that he purposefully dodged you and your sight, you were hesitant to go forward.
Regardless, when you are with Taehyung, you're hardly able to think as he pulls you towards them.
"Is he a friend of Hoseok's?" he asks you, excitedly.
"You know him?"
"Uh huh. Through a friend."
You let out an 'ooh' and begrudgingly follow him till the end of the room.
The soft padding of footsteps makes both the men turn towards you, and you fist your hands to not get nervous on something so trivial. Why were you getting anxious over meeting the same people you spent your whole morning with?
The men in front of you stand still, several emotions flashing through their face before they settle on one, amused. Hoseok smiles big enough to challenge the lights in the room and Jimin's eyebrows raise up as a soft, lopsided smile plays on his lips.
"Hey, Taehyung." Hoseok exclaims loudly, enough so that a few heads turn in your direction, and engulfs Taehyung in a bear hug.
"When did you come back to the city?" Taehyung asks him and Hoseok groans.
"A few months ago. And to be honest, I'd like to return rather than having to work under him." he points at Jimin.
"You can resign whenever you want. I can use the extra money that I waste as your salary." Jimin grumbles at him and Hoseok scoffs playfully.
"As if the shop would survive even a day without me. Ha."
"Did well for the last whole year."
"Yeah but now you've got lazy as fuck and–"
"Guys." You interrupt their rising bickering and they both look at you like kids, who were caught while fighting over whose toys are the best.
"Hi." you idiotically wave at them and the smile is back on both of them, Jimin's rather shy and ashamed.
"Hey Y/N. Didn't see you there. You and Taehyung know each other?" Hoseok exclaims, yet again.
"Yeah, yeah we do." Taehyung answers for you, in the softest way possible.
"Oh that's great. You two–"
"By the way, I'm Jimin. Hoseok's friend or you could say, temporary boss." Jimin cuts Hoseok off with a laugh and extends his hand towards Taehyung.
Taehyung happily clasps his rather small hand in his big ones and politely shakes them,introducing himself and looking up at him with awe in his eyes. Seems like whoever meets Jimin are immediately pulled towards him, like a moth drawn to a flame.
He looks at you and you nod your head at him, him returning the gesture politely and waving a little. Taehyung sees this and starts wringing his hands together, and you already know he is planning some trouble.
"You look amazing, man. Y/N was–"
"Was saying that I know you guys and he was curious as to how." you finish for him instead, with a sickly sweet smile.
Both of them don't seem to notice the slip up Taehyung almost caused and you mentally sigh, nudging the man beside you with your elbow and a grumbled curse. He just laughs and throws his arm around your shoulder, pulling you in.
Jimin flicks his eyes between you both once more, before settling on Hoseok's face with a pleasant expression.
"She moved in recently, a few blocks away from the bookstore. Came in today to buy some books and that's how we know each other." Hoseok answers Taehyung.
"The bookstore as in the one Jimin owns, and I work at – Mimi's Dream." he continues and points at Jimin with both hands.
"The name sounds familiar." Taehyung wonders and looks up at the ceiling.
"If you have been around the area then you might have heard it."
"Maybe." He looks at you and you just shake your head, praying he doesn't remember the phone call you had the first day you came there. You can't trust Taehyung to know what to say, and especially when he has the golden ticket to embarass you.
You can feel Jimin staring at your profile but you don't dare look back at him, to avoid melting to the floor under the heat of his gaze. He was like an enigma, speaking chosen words, impacting you the same with each of them. You knew his gaze was soft, not intimidating as of yet. But you didn't want to feel the cloudy, sugary feeling that came with it, with the hint of spice as the allure rolled off him in waves.
"You guys should join us this weekend." Hoseok chirps in suddenly, breaking your chain of thoughts.
"One of our friends has his photography exhibition on Saturday, and we are meant to bring a plus one." Jimin explains.
"Yeah, Jungkook's had many of them and let me tell you, that guy has talent. I think you both will enjoy it." Hoseok excitedly adds.
"Is this the same Jungkook I know? Your college mate?" Taehyung enquires and he confirms his suspicion with a loud exclamation.
"Ooh yeah that kid has potential. What do you say Y/N?" He looks at you and you reply without second thought.
"I don't have anything better to do on Saturday," given that Taehyung's date has been cancelled now. But you don't add that piece of information."So yeah, this does sound exciting."
Everyone lights up brighter than the sun, and you can visibly see Jimin almost jumping on his toes. Faint traces of color grace his face and a wide smile becomes the cherry on top.
"Great. You can be my date." He suddenly directs the statement towards you, eyes immediately going wide as he realizes he said that out loud. "I mean, you know, we are meant to bring a plus one, so you both will have to accompany us individually, yeah? Only if it's okay." He adds quickly, with sprinkles of embarrassment.
All night, he seemed to be inviting you in wordlessly, by unknowing stares and mindless words. But at this moment, the invite was explicit, stated clearly. And who were you to deny such amazing company?
"Sure. We can go together." you say, rather breathlessly, convincing yourself that you were not back to your school years, when your crush had asked you out for the prom.
Jimin smiles at you, the same way he had when you had praised his bracelet, and the petal which had fallen from the rose cage of your heart, grows back.
"Perfect. Taehyung, I am sure we are going to outdo all these pairs over there." Hoseok wiggles his eyebrows at Taehyung who laughs heartily.
"Damn right we are going to, my man." They both do an extravagant handshake and bump their chests together.
"I hope you guys know we are going to an exhibition and not a match." Jimin smiles at them with a sarcastic voice, laced with an innocent smile.
"Hello? We are very passionate okay?"
You laugh at Taehyung's comment and pull him back from Hoseok, with a hand on his cardigan.
"Well, isn't that just what we wanted to hear." you grimace and he straightens up with a wide ass grin which you wish to wipe off for no reason.
The Louvre, a place for minds and passions alike, seems to dissolve into nothing around you as you take in the man in front of you, as realization dawns upon you.
You were going to be his date.
He had asked you to be his date.
And now he was looking at you with a gleam in his eyes and a shine in his smile and a vile in his style and you think you should stop thinking.
"So, we will meet on Saturday?" Jimin's airy voice redirects you to the conversation you had completely missed and you nod at the question, seemingly answering it so you don't have to let your shaky voice come out of your mouth.
"Wait, what's the dress code?" Taehyung asks the real questions.
"Dressy Casual."
"You mean, dress casually?"
"No I mean exactly that – Dressy Casual."
Indeed. You'll have to rake your whole closet to come up with a worthy outfit.This night is going to be a hell of a night, you think.
Indeed, one to look forward to.
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permanent taglist : @nuniah @kittykooyoongi @astronaut-jin-moon @jeonkookiesworld @haliiimede @jjkeverlast @aliimac @gimmethatagustd @btsstan12 @namjoonwhoresworld @apotatomashedbybts @synnfulqt @saweetspoiled @chimchimmarie @sugababylove84 @axigailxo @yoongukie-ff
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feedbacks, reblogs and comments are highly appreciated so please let me know your thoughts :)))
© sugarwithtea. all works belong to me. do not repost without permission.
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dearweirdme · 9 days
Not a jikookers, honey. You just dont accept that anyone else could find stupid tkkrs willing to keep talking about taennie forever. Like you are doing now.
And it doesn't matter what they are doing now because I was refering to the time between gurumi and Paris walk.
Now jkkrs are using taennie to distract tkkrs from daeunjimin. And not surprisingly, it's working.
Stop stalking dumb jkkrs and being mad about they being toxic, anon. It will do you good.
Hi anon!
Now now, no need to get snippy.
Taennie was huge, especially after Paris. But I suppose even before Paris it was something that had an impact. It’s something big that happened that affected Tae and Jk, so for me it makes sense to talk about it every now and then. I don’t see much use in ignoring the weird/hard/strange stuff that goes on around them. Though to me it does seem useless to keep going on about stuff like similar jewelry.
After Paris there’s been months in which it hardly came up and I started to think I could send my #taennope to the cemetery.. but now something like Daeun and Jm comes up and it makes sense that it’s being discussed again. Though the situations are very different, they are similar in that it’s both rumors about a BTS member dating.
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not-goldy · 4 months
ChaPTeR 2 ShOWeD uS wHo Is CLoSesT, they said. I agree & have only 2 words for you. PARIS & ENLISTMENT.
Paris: Congrats Tae for being the first member of BTS to show your real relationship in Chapter 2. Walking in public, no mask on, flaunting your relationship with Jennie, holding her hand, taking an IDGAF moonlit stroll together. Vacation in Jeju & planning your work in NY to accomodate Jennie in NY, when she was there for her first VMA performance. Showing you treat everyone, Wooga, all BTS & random's in Paris, all the same. Snuggling, cuddling & using pet names with everyone & letting other men live with you. Ah yes, Chapter 2 Tae really showed everyone the truth & dismantled every ship he was part of, as being exclusive/special, cause he acts that way with everyone. The only one he was different with was Jennie, his girlfriend. Imagine that.
Enlistment: The straw that broke the camel's back & blew every fucking ship in BTS out of the water. YES, Jikook did that. Together they also dismantled every ship they belong to. Jikook Spent Chapter 2 moving in silence. Had antis looking like fools, claiming Jimin said he only talked to Suga and Hobi, he doesn't talk to JK, yeah he said that, but at the same time now we know he was Making life decisions with JK behind the scenes, now don't we? He said I don't have to tell you who I talk to, if I don't want too. Planning their enlistment together, planning to do a future show together they wanted to work on and planning their multiple private vacations together. Making songs together & songs about promosing to stay by each other's & standing next to each other & actually following through and doing exactly what they said & kept those promises. Spending actual couple days together and not to mention JK riding hard for Jimin in Chapter 2, proving he's a Jimin biased solo & Jimin's personal Hype man & #1 fan (his words). Even dedicated lives when he was missing Jimin. Yes Chapter 2 showed everyone is friends, but also who the real couples/closest are. AND FYI, its not your favs.
Enlisting together was a power move, a risky & brave move, a we don't give a fuck move & they did that & doing it right now together for the next 15 months. That is the true definition of what being close looks like. You have to really, really, really like someone to volunteer yourself to be with them 24/7 for 18 months, without breaks. Your favs couldn't even spend more then a few hours together skiing, before one of them split & took off with their friends, leaving the other behind. Now what? All Chapter 2/Hiatus did is show that Jikook proved to everyone that you can have a real personal private life & keep things low key because you want too & enjoy your private time & making plans together. Chapter 2 also showed Jikook clearly take their relationship serious, whatever kind it is they have. Everything they've done has been calculated & done on purpose. What they've withheld & done privately & not shown and what they've shown & teased publicly. It also goes to show they don't care if people think they are close or not. They're not here to convince you they are. They simply don't give a fuck.
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I enjoyed this read thanks 😊
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roo-bastmoon · 1 year
Just a little reminder that since coming home from a crazy amount of Jikookery in Vegas in April, we've had:
--waiting deliberately to ride home from the airport in a car together
--JK singing With You on his vlog
--Jikook giggling and holding hands in the dark at Hobi's party
--JK accepting Kookmin Are Dating and Jimin's Little Finger into his In the Seom circle even though they had fewer experience points
--JK's tattoo artist inking JM and JK on his own arm
--cute interactions at awards shows and changed lyrics for June performances
--JK's brother liking Jikook + Bam family fan art
--Jimin giggling and chasing JK over eating ramen (knowing about his gluten intolerance before it was public)
--JK flirting in the car while sucking on corn ice cream
--JK smacking the hell out of Jimin's ass and doing couples flying yoga
--Jimin coming to visit JK in the dead of night for his birthday, bringing his own cake, snapping that intimate photo, posting on WeVerse two days in a row despite the fact he was also working in the studio that whole time
--Jimin's dad posting a photo of JK's old beloved dog on his birthday
--what sounds like Jimin's giggles in the background on JK's birthday live with Jin
--what sounds like JK whispering "JIMIN!" twice during Jimin's birthday live
--JK's birthday thirst trap for Jimin--which he posted on WeVerse specifically for Jimin, having not been on that platform himself in years
--The Busan live where JK looks on adoringly while Jimin slurps noodles
--JK offering up the story of his mom making seaweed soup just for Jimin which is culturally SIGNIFICANT
--Jimin razzing the shit out of JK for "Jungkook Marry Me"
--Jimin inviting JK to feast after the Busan live
--JK saying twice that he'll join Jimin on a live soon if he has time
--JK posting their special numbers on his selfie in Qatar
--Jimin posting about how cool JK's World Cup performance was.
Now look, they've both been busy with work and travel. What raises doubts about if Jikook are still close is the fact that JK goes out (seemingly mostly alone) to so many meat restaurants. I saw one video of him joining another person outside, but it was too shaky to make out much of anything. The coat and jeans looked similar to what Jimin wore to the airport for NYC, but I can't say that with any certainty so please take that with a grain of salt.
After 10 years of having every second of his life scheduled and strict diets, GOOD FOR JK. A restaurant tour of Korea while Jimin is holed up in the studio is a lovely idea, especially since it seems he's not super into cooking for himself.
Here's where fandom gets sticky.
JK also went bowling with Tae and friends, and did a TikTok dance challenge with Taehyung, who mentioned JK frequently before Taehyung went to Paris. Seems like there were plans for them to do a gaming live similar to Jin's but time didn't allow for it.
There's also unsubstantiated rumors of them going skiing this week with other people. You know, friendship things. Positive, healthy, harmless things you do with friends when you are young. It definitely suggests closeness, but not necessarily sexy times? People made a lot of assumptions that JK came right from the airport and spent the night in a luxury villa with Taehyung, but, actually, Taehyung is friends with the owners, and JK's pants are different than what he wore at the airport, and it could have been filmed at dusk, not dawn. Maybe they just, ya know, wanted to do a cool TikTok vid since their versions weren't included on the official choreo version Hobi posted.
What worries some folks is that there's no evidence of Jikook even doing friendship things since Vegas. Which, again, PJM1 is consuming Jimin's time... Plus also remember that whole traumatizing few months of mail tampering, doxxing, scandal in the press overshadowing Jimin's unpromoted OST, governmental manipulation over the Expo, stocks tanking, and military enlistment, plus rampant hate online and sometimes even death threats?
Those are all really good reasons to not share one's personal life or hint at a closeted homosexual relationship. Even under the cover of friendship and group outings, Jimin just may be sick of the scrutiny. He's not been going out with ANYONE.
And yes, it's fair to say that Jikook normally are always together and never really hid that before. I mean, there is an ENTIRE POP UP MUSEUM DEDICATED TO ALL THEIR INTERACTIONS. No other members have anything like it.
But 2022 is unlike any other year they've had before either.
Also something to think about: Jimin once recently mentioned that he and Taehyung Facetime each other practically every day. (It was during the live when he shared that Taehyung was the one who inspired Jimin's moon tattoos based on fan art he showed Jimin.) Think about that Vmin hug on the Busan stage--it was a chef's kiss. Just this week, Jimin insisted on a selca with Tae and Jin on his own phone.
We can assume their friendship is rock solid, but we rarely see much evidence of them interacting in their off time. In fact I cannot think of the last time Jimin and Taehyung hung out in person when not for a work thing. I can't imagine they are faking affection or bed hoping with JK. I don't require proof of them doing things together to think their friendship is real.
Maybe we could do the same for Jikook? Even if they don't post a selca this year? Yeah, it's a bummer, but it's not divorce papers, y'all.
Can I say for sure Jikook dated / are still dating? NO. I can't say that about any point in their relationship, actually. But I keep reminding myself to be patient, wait things out, because more always comes out.
There's all these little things, like JK knowing that Jimin won't be drinking champagne, but having no idea that Taehyung had given up alcohol for two months.
Clues always come out eventually.
I'll be so curious to see what happens after PJM1 drops. Will Jimin do very little promo, like with his OST? Will there be multiple videos, with choreo? Will his members be silent about this work too? Will he have more free time and thus poke his head up more? Or will he continue to be a lil ninja? I dunno. I'll be supporting him no matter what.
And even if his members don't publicly hype him up, I won't just assume that means they are jealous or don't care about him. Like Jin said: "Post, it's good. No post, it's still good." Will I be a bit unnerved? Honestly, yeah. But Jimin knows Jimin's situation best.
The honest truth is this: none of us KNOW what's going on with any of the members' relationships except the members. And that's how it should be because that's their business. They only owe us good music and dance performances. The rest is icing on the cake.
It's totally okay if you believe this is just one of those dry spells Jikook has over the years. It's valid if you think they broke up and are just being good friends and coworkers at a distance. If your gut is telling you Taekook is now real, I can't say I agree with you, but I'll never come into your spaces and argue with you.
It's up to you to seek out reliable sources of info and then make your own judgement call, if you feel if you have enough data. This isn't a cult. You are not required to "keep the faith" about anything.
Two months ago, Jikook were Jikooking like always. Now Jimin is quiet (except to tell us to keep warm and not get sick, bless his heart). And Jungkook and Taehyung are showing us they hang out (as they have done in the past--restaurants, gaming, trips with Wooga--though perhaps now they are doing it a bit more than when they all had an OT7 schedule).
And so the silence from Jikook and the hanging out from Taekook has the cult all whipped up and Jikookers feeling unsettled. I get it. It's normal to feel your feels. But also be sure to math your math.
Me? I honestly have no clue what's going on. I still feel like we're seeing so little of the full picture, it would be wise to withhold judgement quite yet. I tell myself: Be patient. Trust the members. There are things they can't tell us, but if we trust their words, that would be good.
In the meantime, please stream and vote and buy albums. That's our main job as Army, regardless of ship or bias. Soon all our boys will be serving, and the drought will be very very real. So let's try to celebrate, smile, and laugh about what we still can, okay? I think they'd want us to focus on that.
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moabunnie · 2 years
TxT | You’re on vacation with them ❤️
Hey guys! I’ve got a sudden creative spurt so you’re probably gonna get more than one post this week :) hope you enjoy ~
For story context: you guys have been planning a vacation and finally get to go together for a whole week!
Warnings: mention of weight gain, Yeonjun accidentally hurting himself (no details of blood or gore or anything), slight smut/sexy things
You guys are going to Paris!
Ngl I think soobin really just told you to plan it and just goes along with everything you wanna do lol
You guys would walk literally everywhere
Always stopping at different bakeries and cafés
And feeding each other cute lil pastries
Acting like newlyweds😭😭😭
Soobin just always looking at you and into your eyes because he’s so in love 🥺
Soobin would buy a beret and then never wear it
OBVIOUSLY you’d go to the Eiffel Tower
He would surprise you and bring you flowers :,)
There would be some guy playing violin nearby for tourists and and you and soobin just hugging each other, soobs giving you forehead kisses
Stray cats would follow you guys around
Soobin would joke about you being their mom
And you’d just kinda give him a wink and say something like “I could be one after this trip”
And then he gets all flustered and red and ahhhhhh
You two are going to Hawaii!
You guys are basically gonna be swimming the whole time you’re there
Whether it’s in a pool or on the beach
Yeonjun is your personal photographer and takes photos of you whenever he can (which is basically 24/7) because he just thinks you are so beautiful:,)
Him pretending to not know you and flirting with you like “Ayo baby you got a man?” And wearing sunglasses and like tilting them to look at you (I hope you know what I mean???)😭😭
matching outfits
Trying all the little local restaurants
Also stopping at stands that sell pineapple and coconut, and making a meal out of it lol
Yeonjun trying to impress you by surfing/boogie boarding and totally failing and accidentally hurting himself from the string waves
But it’s okay bc you go back to your hotel room and make sure he feels comfy and safe ❤️
Every night you two usually drink wine and just watch movies and cuddle, and fall asleep :,)
You lovebirds are going to Greece!
Beomgyu would make a whole ABBA playlist for you two to listen to the whole time your there
you two getting sunburned and just putting aloe vera and lotion on each other everyday lol
“Baby ow be gentle I am SENSITIVE” -Choi Beomgyu being the drama queen he is and that we love and adore
I can see beomgyu taking you here for like your birthday
So he would wake you up on your birthday with breakfast in bed
Maybe cute new outfit??? Lingerie?????👀
he loves going to the shops in town and buying you pretty clothes and jewelry
Even though you basically wear his tshirts the whole time
Let’s be honest you guys would be all over each other the whole time
Kissing and hugging everywhere and at all times, just can’t get enough of each other 🥺
Y’all are going to Korea!
I know he’s from here but hear me out-
He’s showing you his favorite places!!! Restaurants, scenery, stores, everything
I think you would stay at a different hotel every night
Even though you could easily stay at his place (for free lmao)
You guys turn it into a game to test out which hotel is the best😂 we all know what y’all are doing at night in those hotels beds tho
I can see you two cuties getting tiny matching tattoos :,)
Lots of museums
Tae taking pics of you at the museum and being like “I’m loving this art piece” and you just roll your eyes 😩
Even though he’s lived there his whole life, he would say he’s never been happier there :,)
You cuties are going to Italy!
Cue him faking a really bad Italian accent
Except he’s bad at accents and actually does like a German or Southern accent lmao
You’d visit the colosseum, obviously lots of restaurants, museums
Kai never stops looking at you though
He’s so happy to be there with his favorite person 🥺
You rent a scooter / motor bike and share it, which is probably a bad idea but still fun nonetheless
Takes lots of selfies with you mostly of him kissing ur cheek
Your hotel has a balcony and he likes to go outside into the street while you’re on the balcony and wave at you from below 😭😭
buys matching rings :,)
He’s not proposing he’s still a baby watch urself (but u gonna be thinking about it the whole time😂😂)
You guys are gonna gain weight from this trip from eating so much pasta and pizza lol but you’re so happy and content you don’t even care 💕
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borathae · 5 months
Can we get soft MV Koo moments with oc and moments with tae (just like the yoongi one no smexy details unless you want of course) I just love the fluff you write 😭
Of course you can get soft moments with them 🥺
Sanguis Koo
he sucks at texting
omfg besties it's so bad
he regularly forgets to check his phone and accidentally ignores at least five different people
luckily for him, everyone of the family knows that he's the worst texter in vampire history jfasdjf
they tease him about it constantly
especially OC
she sometimes texts him something, knowing very well that he won't see it
just so she can storm to his wing and go all like "uhm hello don't ignore me" and give Koo a little startle
she'll snicker instantly though so he always knows she's just being playful
and he'll give her a fond grin and a pat on her butt
"do you wanna hang out together?" he'll ask because it's most definitely always the reason she came here in the first place
"yes I do. I was thinking maybe we could go for a swim in the lake?"
OC and Kook love swimming together
listen, I know this is such a random way to spend time together but swimming in the estate's lake really bonds them
so they do A LOT of it in the warmer months
and during the colder months they go ice skating
but back to the summer months
they are by the lake a lot
swimming, sunbathing, having picnics with Yoongi, napping and making out
sometimes they also fuck, but that's not what these HCs are about
sometimes Kook wants to show off to her by diving all the way to the bottom of the lake
he is successful most of the times, returning with a little stone or shell for her which she'll accept with a big smooch to his wet cheek
also okay okay OKAY sometimes he goes under the water just so he can dive up between her legs and therefore lift her onto his shoulders
it'll be close to shore where he can stand already and it always ends in her squeaking and giggling and grasping his head tightly
"Kook oh my god, you doofus let me down."
"Never, you're living on there now."
it's honestly such a nice time filled with giggles and innocent kisses
Sanguis Tae
their favourite way to bond?
oh my god, you guys they love to dance together
whether it's in the estate to Tae's vinyl player
or in the garden when Tae comes up behind OC and hugs her tightly
and of course, in dance clubs as well
Tae loves to take her to dance clubs and then guide her over the dancefloor until her feet ache
their shared favourite are jazz clubs and swing clubs
they'll dress up in fancy evening clothes
(Tae will insist on putting on her jewelry and shoes for her. he is a gentleman after all)
then they'll take one of Tae's perfectly polished oldtimer cars and drive into town
or a neighbouring town to dance the night away
Tae will be the one paying for everything even if she insists that he doesn't have to
"please my darling, a lady shouldn't have to pay. Allow me to treat you."
she can't say no to him because he'll always make the cutest puppy eyes at her
sometimes, when time allows it, they take a romantic weekend trip to Paris and then spend the nights in jazz clubs
and the days wandering around the city
also omfmgm sidenote, but Tae will ALWAYS massage her feet after a long night of dancing
he'll prepare her a warm bath, some champagne and light some candles
and then he'll get in the water with her
he'll position himself so he is by her feet and he can massage her feet as she relaxes
can you guys tell that I like my men devoted and eager to serve? fjajdsfja
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