fluidsberlin · 1 year
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#humancolours #kitkatclub #musik #liebe #farben #dharma #dharmasraya #sanatandharma #dharmabums #beatified #updharmadown #swargaloka #dharmawangsa #lovemydharmabums #dharmainitiative #dharmapuri #muadharmasraya #bodhidharma #peace #safeplaceberlin #ibudharmawanita #bravenewrave #bhuvalove💕 #deva https://www.instagram.com/p/CnO4crzMuKT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ramayantika · 5 months
So would you all like to read a book (romance yes because it's me and I can't do without a love story) about a daughter of a famous apsara curious about mortality and humans and wanting to experience a life like them gets to live on earth for a brief moment in this modern period and she is specifically instructed to not attach herself emotionally to anyone and to NOT fall in love, until she meets a boy at her school, and you know how the tale goes.
Will she give up her apsara status and choose mortality or shall it be a sad ballad serving as a warning for future apsaras to not fall in love with charming mortals on earth to avoid heartbreak and other complications for balancing Swargaloka and Bhuloka?
Dance rivals? YES for a while. Not really enemies to lovers like not in that intense way. They are teens and maybe some difference of opinion until they both learn to accept one another. Divinity-Mortality? YES. Fight for love? That's for the story to uncover.
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madamlaydebug · 10 months
The Transcendental Realms
The transcendent realms refer to dimensions of existence that are beyond the scope of ordinary perception and the physical world. These realms are often associated with spiritual and metaphysical concepts, where beings, energies, and consciousness exist beyond the limitations of time, space, and the material realm.
Across different cultures and belief systems, the concept of transcendent realms takes various forms. For example, in Hinduism, there is the idea of different lokas or worlds, including the material realm (Bhuloka) and higher spiritual realms such as Swargaloka (heaven) and Brahmaloka (the abode of Brahma). In Buddhism, there are various realms of existence, ranging from lower realms characterized by suffering to higher realms associated with enlightenment and liberation.
In many mystical traditions and esoteric philosophies, the transcendent realms are seen as realms of higher consciousness, spiritual enlightenment, and union with the divine. These realms are believed to exist beyond the physical realm and can be accessed through deep states of meditation, mystical experiences, or spiritual practices.
The transcendent realms are often described as realms of pure energy, light, and love, where individuals may encounter divine beings, and spiritual guides, or gain insights into profound truths about existence. These realms are seen as multidimensional, existing beyond our ordinary perception and governed by different laws and principles.
Explorations of the transcendent realms can lead to transformative experiences, expanded consciousness, and spiritual growth. They offer opportunities for individuals to transcend the limitations of the physical world and connect with the deeper aspects of their own being and the larger cosmic reality.
It is important to note that experiences of the transcendent realms are highly subjective and can vary greatly from person to person. They can range from subtle intuitive insights to profound mystical experiences that transcend ordinary reality. Such experiences often defy easy explanations or scientific verification but hold deep personal significance for those who undergo them.
In spiritual traditions, the transcendent realms are often seen as interconnected with the physical realm, forming a vast tapestry of existence. They are believed to influence and interact with the material world, and individuals may seek to align themselves with the energies and wisdom of these realms to bring about positive changes in their lives and in the world around them.
The exploration and understanding of the transcendent realms are not limited to any single religious or spiritual tradition. They are the subject of inquiry and contemplation in various mystical paths, shamanic practices, and esoteric philosophies. The study and engagement with these realms can be deeply personal and can lead to a greater sense of interconnectedness, purpose, and spiritual awakening.
In summary, the transcendent realms represent dimensions of existence that extend beyond the physical world and ordinary perception. They are associated with spiritual, metaphysical, and mystical concepts, offering opportunities for individuals to explore higher states of consciousness, encounter divine beings, and gain insights into profound truths about existence. The exploration and engagement with these realms are often transformative and can contribute to spiritual growth, expanded awareness, and a deeper understanding of the nature of reality.
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acc-writing · 1 year
24th Jan, 2023.
Here I am, still writing 500 words daily. Hope it continues. Here is today's 100 words.
‘But how will stopping my ascension help me get a happy ending?’, Shrishti asked. ‘Stopping you was just one step. As I said before, my whole life I have done good, so when I found that deity I begged them to help you. To take all my good points and bring you back from death. But sadly, they told me they cannot do it. Dead cannot come back to life,’ she sighed, ‘But the deity told me there was another way. She stopped your ascension before taking me to another bigger deity. They asked me to do two things. First I have to give up my place in Swargaloka.’
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sumitacharya · 1 year
Another Nakshatra system, the 28 Nakshatra plan, enters the picture when it comes to spiritual worlds. A hypothetical square with seven sets of steps on each side serves as a representation for this. Maharloka, Janaloka, Tapoloka, and Swargaloka represent each side. The name of this square is Chok or Jagannath. If one knows Orissa dance, which is based on Chok, they will know that it is a very spiritual dance.
There are 2.25 Nakshatras in each zodiac. That translates to two Nakshatras and one-fourth of the third Nakshatra after that. As a result, each zodiac has nine Padas because each Nakshatra has four of them. Nakshatra lords, often known as deities, are vital in defining the planetary motivation of inhabitants. To a certain extent, they alter planetary influences.
Read all about nakshatra astrology and get detailed insights into its types and significance on our life.
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kabar-banua · 3 years
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Kabar Hulu Sungai Utara Dalam rangkaian kegiatan gerakan keluarga sehat tanggap dan tangguh bencana Pj. Gubernur Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan beserta Pj. Ketua Tim Penggerak PKK Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan bersama rombongan yang didampingi langsung oleh Bupati Hulu Sungai Utara (HSU), Ketua PKK HSU serta SKPD terkait sambangi Ekowisata Swargaloka (Susur Awang Rawa Gambut dan Lokasi Kerajinan) di Desa Pulantani, Kecamatan Haur Gading. Sabtu (7/8/2021). Pj. Gubernur Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan, Syafrizal ZA mengungkapkan, Ekowisata Swargaloka adalah program bagaimana mengkonservasi lahan gambut atau rawa menjadi pemanfaatan secara ekonomis bagi masyarakat. "Rawa gambut ini adalah khas HSU, oleh karenanya jangan dialih fungsikan karena sangat bermanfaat sebagai penahan air dan juga harus terus dikembangkan, susur sungai ini eksentrik dan inovasi yang biasanya kita susur sungai sedangkan ini susur awang, ini unik dan saya belum pernah mendengar ditempat lain," ungkapnya. Ia menambahkan setiap tahunnya perlu ditingkatkan dengan diadakannya event-event serta inovasi tambahan sehingga memperkenalkan bagaimana cara menjaga rawa gambut agar tetap eksis serta tetap terlindungi dan bisa juga dirasakan manfaat ekonominya. "Dengan adanya rawa gambut ini bisa dimanfaatkan baik dari segi wisata, bagi sarana transportasi dan bagi para pengrajin anyaman purun sehingga mudah mendapatkan bahan baku yang tidak terbatas," ucap syafrizal. Lebih lanjut ia berharap pemanfataan lahan rawa gambut salah satunya ekowisata swargaloka ini dapat konsisten yang dibantu oleh Pemerintah Daerah dan Provinsi yang nantinya akan memberikan program konservasi rawa gambut ini. "Jangan lupa beritahukan kepada publik, beritahukan dunia luas bahwa disini ada surga kecil yang namanya swargaloka agar masyarakat juga bisa menikmati kekayaan sungai amazon dan susur awang yang jarang terdengar," harapnya. 𝓛𝓪𝓷𝓳𝓾𝓽 𝓭𝓲 𝓴𝓸𝓵𝓸𝓶 𝓴𝓸𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓪𝓻... 𝓡𝓮𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓮 @diskominfohsu #KabarBanua #HSU #Amuntai #KabarHSU #Ekowisata #Swargaloka (di Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Utara) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSRRJ9kF2nR/?utm_medium=tumblr
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cakrawalanewsdotco · 3 years
Tingkatkan Pelayanan Adminduk di Surabaya, Pemkot Luncurkan Media Publikasi Swargaloka
Tingkatkan Pelayanan Adminduk di Surabaya, Pemkot Luncurkan Media Publikasi Swargaloka
Wali Kota Surabaya Eri Cahyadi meresmikan media publikasi Suara Warga Mengelola Kebutuhan Adminduk (Swargaloka) yang dibuat Dispendukcapil Kota Surabaya/Foto : Humas Pemkot Surabaya. (more…)
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templepurohit · 3 years
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Know about Narada Muni from our Epics - TemplePurohit.com He is a great devotee of the Lord Sri Vishnu or Sri Krishna and sings hymns, prayers and mantras in his praise. He carries with him a musical instrument known as a veena. Narada has been described as a traveling monk and visits distant worlds or planets described as lokas. He is respected for his chanting and singing of the names Sri Hari and Narayana Narayana as well as promoting the process of devotional service known as bhakti yoga. His birth took place from the mind of Lord Brahma he is regarded as the Manasaputra. Also known as Triloka Sanchaari he is the only nomad who roams the three lokas of Swargaloka (heaven), Mrityuloka (earth) and Paataalaloka (nether-world) to find out about the life and welfare of people. He was the first to practice Natya Yoga. He is also known as Kalahapriya as he playfully causes quarrels amongst Gods (devas), Goddesses and people. Narada was a Gandharva in his previous birth and therefore becoming a rishi he comes under the category of devarishi. ***** In his previous birth Narada was a gandharva. He had been cursed to be born on earth due to an offense of some kind. Thus he was then born as the son of a maid-servant who was in the service of some particularly saintly priests (brahmins). The priests, being pleased with both him and his mother`s service blessed him by allowing him to eat the remnants of their food (prasada) previously offered to their lord, Sri Vishnu. Gradually Narada received further and further blessings from these sages, and heard them talking about many spiritual topics. Then one day his mother died from a snake`s bite, and taking this as an act of God (Sri Vishnu), he decided to head for the forest in search of enlightenment in understanding the Supreme Absolute Truth. While in the forest, Narada reached a tranquil spot, and after quenching his thirst from a nearby stream sat under a tree in meditation (yoga), concentrating on the paramatma form of Sri Vishnu within his heart as he had been taught off by the priests he had served. After some time Narada experienced a vision wherein Narayana (Sri Vishnu) appeared before him, smiling, and spoke `that despite having the blessing of seeing him at that very moment, Narada would not be able to see his (Sri Vishnu`s) divine form again until he died`. Sriman Narayana further explained that the reason he had been given a chance to see his form was because his beauty and love would inspire Narada to once again become the Lord .After instructing Narada in this manner, Sri Vishnu then disappeared from his sight. The boy awoke from his meditation and for the rest of his life Narada focused on his devotion, meditation and worshipped Lord Sri Vishnu with full faith. After his death Vishnu then blessed him with the spiritual form of Narada. || Narayana Narayana || https://ift.tt/2VGZ9v8
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hippiestudent · 4 years
Five life lessons from Lord Ganesha
1. Duty is above all else
Goddess Parvati created Lord Ganesha to guard the door whilst she bathed. Upon return, Lord Shiva demanded entrance through the doorway, but Lord Ganesha refused. The event led to Lord Ganesha’s decapitation. 
Being dutiful is always valued, especially towards one’s parents. Lord Ganesha was aware of Lord Shiva’s might, but still fulfilled his duty. Costing him his life.
2. Nobody is more important than one’s parents 
Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati offered a fruit of knowledge to their sons, Lord Kartikeya and Lord Ganesha. The sons had to race around the world thrice, whoever finished first would receive the fruit. Lord Ganesha circled his parents three times, claiming they were his world - winning him the fruit.
Our parents should always be important to us - no matter our age, no matter if we are a God.
3. Forgiveness is the ultimate virtue
Lord Ganesha was returning home from a hearty meal, when he stumbled onto his belly. The moon began to laugh hysterically upon seeing this, and Lord Ganesha cursed the moon to disappear from the sky. As the moon begged for forgiveness, Lord Ganesha reversed the curse.
This shows how anger can get the best of all of us, but it is our power to forgive and overcome this anger that makes us a better person.
4. You should finish every task you take up
Sage Vyasa wanted to write the epic, Mahabharata, and he requested Lord Ganesha write as he narrated. Lord Ganesha stated that he would write without pause. Lord Ganesha’s pen broke whilst writing, so broke one of his tusks so he could continue.
Lord Ganesha sacrificed his tusk for the greater good. Once we start a task, it is our duty to completed it.
5. Always stand up for your self-respect
Lord Ganesha was tricked into looking after Swargaloka as the other gods and goddesses left for Lord Vishnu and Goddess Laxmi’s wedding. Lord Ganesha discovered that this was due to the other deities being embarrassed by his appearance and diet. Lord Ganesha sent his mouse mount to dig up the road they were travelling on. The deities got stuck and called for help, a local farmer was able to pull the carriage out of the ditch after chanting Lord Ganesha’s name. The deities then apologised to Lord Ganesha, realising there is more to a being than their physical appearance.
We should never let anyone undermine our abilities, or let our appearance cloud their judgement.
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zahrudinharis · 6 years
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Wajah-wajah polos dari tanah surga.. foto : @ombass93 #wajah #wajahpolos #rajaampat #tanahsurga #paradise #nirwana #swargaloka #smile #love #beautiful #picoftheday (at Piaynemo, Raja Ampat)
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dmstdy-blog · 7 years
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Merinding denger mbak @kikankikan nyanyiin lagu-lagu drama musikal #IndonesiaJaya waktu proses gladi kotor di Griya Ardhiagarini komplek @_tniau halim perdana kusuma. Sangat menguasai karakter sebagai pemeran antagonis. Terbaik mbak @kikankikan 🙌🏽 Jangan lupa nonton tanggal 25 Nov 2017 pukul 20.00 wib di The Kasablanka Hall, Kokas, Jakarta Timur. 🇲🇨 #dramamusikalindonesiajaya #Swargaloka #HUTTNIAU (di Jakarta, Indonesia)
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ramayantika · 1 day
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The Lovers of the Cosmos series brings together the worlds of the Celestials and the Mortals, who are interconnected by a sacred bond of love.
Set in this modern era, where the divine and the mortals cannot interact directly with each other, love does find a way to bring the two distant worlds together.
Who writes their story? Is it the Celestials, who are otherworldly, the most powerful, beautiful, priceless, and cherished beings, the owners of the tale? Or is it the Mortals, who, with their finite lifetimes and everlasting passion, override the tides of fate and rules, thus changing the destiny of the stories of their hearts?
Or do they all share Love's pen to write their tales?
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Yuthika, just like every day, watches the activity of the mortals down her window until one day she realizes that her eyes crave to watch a certain boy on the busy streets of the city. The daughter of the famous Apsara Tilottamma, however, must carry on the legacy of her mother and become one of the important nymphs of Swargaloka. That means leaving behind the budding infatuation she has harbored in her heart for the charming mortal boy, Mihir, who looks as radiant and divinely handsome as the deities and demigods above. Apsaraloka is the center for arts, and power rests with the best of the women skilled in performing arts. Swargaloka cannot afford a young nymph to lose her heart to a mortal, especially in this modern world. But when has love followed a straight path? Should she choose her legacy and the path every Apsara has chosen before her, or should she choose the path which her heart sings about?
A/N: Hello! Since I also write on wattpad here's me finally deciding on setting my mind straight and believing in myself that i can actually do this instead of chickening out because I get overwhelmed. So, here I am presenting a piece of my heart, 'A Nymph's mortal love,' a story I actually narrated to my boyfriend as a bedtime story and later decided to make a novel out of it.
My wattpad id: ramayantika
There will be steady updates in a while but my main focus after college reopening will be on polishing the final draft of Goddesses, Rishikas & Women.
I had a strange (probably it was meant to be) calling to write this mythological romance. There is very less of it in this genre for India so here's a little bravery on my side to let my overthinking mind go and write this.
Taglist (do mention or send an ask if you want me to include in the taglist for updates and snippets on this book here): @krishna-priyatama @krsnaradhika @ramcharantitties @jukti-torko-golpo @inexhaustible-sources-of-magic @alhad-si-simran @kaal-naagin @navaratna @indiansapphic @houseofbreadpakoda @to-three-or-not-to-three @aesthetic-aryavartik @oldersiblingcurse @divya444
Also I would be reallyyyyyy grateful for your support hehe. Thanks
(Those who have read the old version of the same story, this is a little reinvention of the same book)
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According to this version Naraka was the son of the Earth Goddess Bhoodevi (Bhumi) and Lord Vishnu in his Varaha avatar. Therefore his another name is Bhaumasura. He established the kingdom of Pragjyotisha in Assam.
Naraka worshiped Goddess Kamakhya and he got a lot of energy. He ruled the world for many Yugas.
In association with another Asura named Banasura, Narakasura became very evil. Maddened with power, he brought all the kingdoms on earth under his control. His next target was Swargaloka. Even the mighty Indra could not withstand the assault of Narakasura and had to flee. Narakasura thus became the lord of both the heavens and the earth. Addicted to power, he stole the earrings of Aditi, the heavenly mother goddess and kidnapped 16,000 women.
Indra led all the Devtas to Vishnu and asked him to deliver them from Narakasura. Vishnu promised them that his incarnation of Krishna would solve their problem.
It was foretold that Narakasura would be destroyed by a later incarnation of Vishnu. Therefore his mother sought a boon from Vishnu asking that his son should have a long life and that he should be all powerful. Vishnu granted these boons. But when the evil activities of Narakasura became unbearabale, Vishnu took avatar as Krishna.
Aditi, who was a relative of Krishna’s wife Satyabhama approached Satyabhama for help. When Satyabhama heard of the Narakasura’s ill treatment of women and his behaviour with Aditi, she was enraged. Satyabhama approached Lord Krishna for permission to wage a war against Narakasura. As promised to the Devas and Aditi, Krishna attacked the great fortress of Narakasura, riding his mount Garuda with wife Satyabhama. The battle was furiously fought. Narakasura possessed 11 Akshauhini (a division of the army), that he unleashed on Krishna. However, the Lord slew them all with little effort.
Krishna also killed Mura, Narakasura’s general. Thus Krishna is called ‘Murāri‘ (the enemy of Mura). In desperation, Narakasura launched his great weapon, sataghini (a thunderbolt) on Krishna. However, it made no impact whatsoever on Krishna. At last, when Narakasura tried to kill the Lord with a trident, Krishna beheaded him with his Sudarshan Chakra.
Krishna subsequently married 16,100 maidens who were held captive by Narakasura to save their honour.
Before dying, the Asura requested a boon that his death anniversary should be celebrated by all people on earth. This day is celebrated as ‘Naraka Chaturdashi’ – the first day of Diwali.
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periodyear67 · 2 years
Some Known Factual Statements About Lord Ganesha - Significance of Ganesh in Hinduism
6 Simple Techniques For Iconography of Ganesh - DailyArt Magazine
Ganesha is related to the Hindu mantra Om. The term (Om is his form), when related to Ganesha, refers to the idea that he personifies the primal sound. The testifies to this association. Chinmayananda translates the pertinent passage as follows: (O Lord Ganapati!) You are (the Trimurti) Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesa.
You are fire [Agni] and air [] You are the sun [] and the moon [Chandrama] You are Brahman. You are (the three worlds) Bhuloka [earth], Antariksha-loka [space], and Swargaloka [paradise] You are Om. (That is to say, You are all this). Some devotees see resemblances between the shape of Ganesha's body in iconography and the shape of Om in the Devangar and Tamil scripts.
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Why did Ganesha marry a Banana tree? Did you know Ganesha married a Banana Tree? All the information that you need about Ganesha's Banana Bride
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Ganesha Images, Stock Photos & Vectors - Shutterstock
Mula implies "initial, main"; adhara means "base, foundation". The muladhara chakra is the concept on which the manifestation or external growth of primitive Divine Force rests. This association is also confirmed to in the Ganapati Atharvashirsa. Courtright equates this passage as follows: "You constantly stay in the sacral plexus at the base of the spinal column []" Hence, Ganesha has a permanent home in every being at the Muladhara.
Family and consorts [edit] Shiva and Parvati offering a bath to Ganesha. Kangra miniature, 18th century. Allahabad Museum, New Delhi. Though Look At This Piece is commonly held to be the boy of Shiva and Parvati, the Puranic misconceptions provide different versions about his birth. In some he was developed by Parvati, or by Shiva or produced by Shiva and Parvati, in another he appeared mysteriously and was discovered by Shiva and Parvati or he was born from the elephant headed goddess Malini after she drank Parvati's bath water that had actually been included the river.
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sikaffie · 2 years
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Let them judge about you. Let them misunderstand you. Let them gossip about you. There opinions aren't your problem. You stay kind, committed to love and free in your authenticity. No matter what they say or do Dont you dare doubt your worth or the beauty of your truth. . . . #streetracing #forestfire #streetbike #mountainclimb #hike365 #forest_captures #streetarteverywhere #treecaptures #streetphotography #treecutting #treefelling #streetpoetry #cloudlyfe #streetartistry #foresttattoo #foresta #mountainhikers #mountainer #oldtree #tree_love #forestgump #intags #cloudart #streetart #mountainaddict #treehouses #hikecalifornia #forestgreen #street #cloudofart (at Swargaloka) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cd5ZIYDvWDH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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seratireng · 2 years
ragamu tak lagi berdaya
mencari kesana kemari
harapan itu telah hilang mengikut roda karma
Manusia menjerit,
meronta memohon diampuni kenistaannya
ah, sudah biasa Tuhan mendengar omong kosong,
maka Dia enggan mengurus manusia;
"Kau sudah ada kami yang bisa diandalkan dan tak mungkin mengecewakan," kata Jibril dengan hormat
Sang Pencipta, Yang Maha Agung
mengapa Engkau ciptakan semesta dan kehidupan?
dua batas mengenai swargaloka dan neraka,
seseorang menjadikannya ayat-ayat untuk merajam sesama manusia
Sang Juru Selamat, Sang Nabi Akhir Zaman
Yang manakah?
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