#surgery hospital
mantracarehospital · 1 year
How Lasik Eye Surgery Works, And What To Expect After The Procedure?
Are you considering Lasik eye surgery? It's a procedure that can help improve your vision, but there is a lot to learn and understand beforehand. In this article, we'll explain how the procedure works and what you should expect when it comes to recovery time and possible side effects. Read on for all the information you need to know about Lasik eye surgery!
What is Lasik Eye Surgery?
Lasik eye surgery is a type of refractive surgery that is used to correct vision problems. The surgery is performed by an ophthalmologist, and it involves using a laser to reshape the cornea.
How Does it Work?
Lasik eye surgery is a type of refractive surgery that is used to correct vision in patients who are nearsighted, farsighted, or have astigmatism. The procedure involves using a laser to create a flap in the cornea and then reshaping the cornea with the laser. After the surgery, patients will need to wear contact lenses or glasses for protection while their eyes heal. Most people will see an improvement in their vision within a few days after the surgery, but it may take up to six months for the full effects of the surgery to be realized.
Benefits and Risks of the Procedure
Lasik surgery is an increasingly popular way to improve vision, but it's important to understand the benefits and risks before undergoing the procedure. Lasik can correct a wide variety of vision problems, including nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. The surgery is relatively quick and painless, and most people achieve significantly improved vision after just one treatment.
There are some risks associated with Lasik surgery, as with any surgical procedure. These include infection, dry eye syndrome correction of vision that is not perfect, and under- or over-correction of vision. In very rare cases, Lasik surgery can lead to serious complications such as permanent vision loss or blindness.
Overall, however, Lasik surgery is safe and effective for most people. If you are considering Lasik surgery, be sure to talk to your doctor about the potential benefits and risks.
What to Expect Before and After the Surgery?
Prior to Lasik surgery, your doctor will conduct a thorough examination of your eyes to ensure that you are a good candidate for the procedure. This will include a measurement of the thickness of your cornea, as well as a test to determine the health of your eye.
After your doctor has determined that you are a good candidate for Lasik surgery, they will schedule a time for you to come in for the procedure. During the surgery, a laser will be used to create an incision in your cornea. After the incision has been made, the doctor will then use another laser to reshape your cornea.
After the surgery is complete, you can expect your vision to improve immediately. However, it is important to note that it may take several weeks or even months for your vision to fully heal. During this time, you may experience some side effects such as dry eyes, light sensitivity, and glare. However, these side effects are typically temporary and will eventually go away on their own.
Lasik eye surgery is an incredibly effective way to improve vision and reduce the need for glasses or contact lenses. The procedure has been proven safe, with minimal risks and a high success rate. It's important to ask questions and understand what the potential side effects may be before going through with the surgery. Following post-operative instructions carefully can help ensure that you get optimal results from your Lasik eye surgery.
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despandehospital · 23 days
Achieving Restful Sleep Post Gallbladder Surgery
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The gallbladder removal by a laparoscopic cholecystectomy or a usual operation definitely changes the fact of your life, even the pattern of your sleep. It is very important to make sure that you get proper and favorable sleep so as to enable you to recover well after the surgery. Thus this guide provides tips and techniques from the best Gallbladder Surgeon In Navi Mumbaithat can help you attain deep sleep during post-surgery.
Tips to Follow in Order to Reach a Calm and Restful Sleep
Sleeping Positions: Following gallbladder surgery, doctors advise the patient to sleep in the back or side, on the left, while avoiding the stomach side or the right side, in order to reduce the pain to the least.
Medication Management: The medical practitioner could provide you with after-surgery relief with possible painkillers. Ensure that you closely adhere to your physician's instructions.
Creating an overnight environment that is agreeable: Make sure your bedroom is pitch dark, noise-free, and at calming room temperature. 
Follow Exercise Advice: Do your exercises and stick to the sets your doctor recommended for the improvement of your wellness and sleep quality.
Dietary Considerations: Not having a hefty meal minutes before going to bed helps you not to have disturbances of indigestion and discomfort that may end up hindering sleep. 
Utilizing Essential Oils: Certain essential oils, including lavender or chamomile, help in offering calm and relaxation. Thus, using a diffuser in your bedroom can help your body to relax and fall asleep easier. 
Main Reasons for Problems with Sleep After Gallbladder Surgery
Pain and Discomfort: It is quite normal to encounter some pain and aches after gallbladder surgery.
Medication Side Effects: Sometimes, medications for surgery may result in drowsiness or sleeping disorder. 
Changes in Digestion: Some individuals might get some digestion problems after the gallbladder surgery, which might affect their sleep.
Stress and Anxiety: The tension from surgery and the recovery period, as well as the concerns about possible complications, can cause issues with the night's calm. 
The Overture of Gallbladder Recovery
The recovery process of Gallbladder Surgery In Navi Mumbai varies for each individual but typically involves:
Hospital stays for a day or a few days for observation and initial recovery. 
The best doctor at Dr. Deshpande's Surya Hospital offers the most effective pain management with medication.
Better diet and rest are good; you can do gentle activities and light work with your doctor's authorization to hasten the healing process and reduce the risk of a blood clot.
When to Seek Medical Attention 
In case you have a persistent sleep disturbance or additional pain after the procedure, or if some other symptoms worsen, you should visit your doctor as soon as possible in these circumstances. The best doctor at Dr. Deshpande's Surya Hospital may suggest a treatment plan according to the nature of your illness, your manner of being affected, and the narrative of your medical history.
Remember that restful sleep is not just a melody but a symphony of self-care. By adopting these tips, you can comfort, nurture your sleep, and harmonize with the gentle melodies of post-surgery recovery. 
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horygory · 2 months
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The Cabin in the Woods (2011)
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writer-in-theory · 1 year
"It's a wonder Steve's survived this long, Jesus H. Christ," Eddie hissed.
Eddie hasn't stopped pacing the hospital waiting room ever since Steve was taken back for 'testing'. The doctors had listed out various scans but there were too many acronyms to keep track of. All Eddie knew was that Steve had been hiding his pain for at least a day, maybe longer, until he collapsed at work with Robin.
That was the second worst call Eddie had ever gotten in his life.
"Harrington?" the doctor called out then, holding onto a metal clipboard tightly and looking around the busy emergency room. In an instant Eddie was on his feet, practically sprinting to where the doctor was standing.
"How is he, doc? Get to keep all his fingers?" He wanted to joke, but the words fell flat in the sterility of the room. The last time he'd been here had been after...No. The Upside Down had long since been closed off from their world and Vecna was disintegrated into that weird otherworldly ash. It was over.
"Are you family?"
Nancy and Robin had prepped him for this one, too. In everything but the law, Eddie and Steve were husbands. They'd had a wedding with Robin and Dustin as their Best (Wo)Men and Wayne as their officiant, in the middle of the night where no one would notice but them. They'd celebrated their fifth anniversary two weeks ago, they were the loves of each others' lives. But to the government, to this doctor, they weren't anything but friends who shared a bed. Fuck the nineties.
"Yeah, he's my brother-in-law," Eddie answered, knowing when Nancy showed up they could pass this lie off decently. "How's Steve doing?"
The doctor gave him a long look, but otherwise nodded and rechecked his clipboard. "Mr. Harrington is getting prepped for emergency surgery, currently, as he's s—"
"Emergency surgery? What do you mean surgery?" Already Eddie could feel the tell-tale warning signs of panic as his heart began to race and his palms got sweaty. Surgery wasn't good. They weren't supposed to do this. No more hospitals, no more surgeries, no more 'wait and see's. They'd promised after last time, Steve promised.
"Sir," the doctor pushed, looking more irritated than concerned. "This is a routine procedure, we see it all the time. Mr. Harrington has a case of appendicitis, pretty bad by the looks of it. Has he been feeling any pain lately?"
"Yeah, yeah the bastard has," Eddie hissed, not sure if he was about to laugh or cry. Appendicitis. Fucking appendicitis. He'd had that as a kid, he still remembered all the popsicles and ice creams Uncle Wayne let him have in the days after, cooped up in the trailer watching boring TV shows while all his friends were at school. "Is he already in surgery? Can I see him?"
"He's being prepped, but you can see him. We gave him some medication to calm him down and ease his pain, so Mr. Harrington may be...out of it," the doctor warned as he led Eddie through the maze of hallways behind the front desk. "Next time, let your brother-in-law know he shouldn't ignore this kind of pain."
"Oh don't you worry, doc, I'll make sure to pass on the message," Eddie answered, practically glaring at the closed hospital room door. Fucking appendicitis and Steve had ignored it, passed it off as a pulled muscle after a run.
Seeing Steve in a hospital bed didn't get any easier, though it was hard to be angry or scared when the man's head lolled across the pillow to reveal a brilliant, out-of-it smile Eddie had never seen before. "Eddie!" Steve cooed, reaching his arms out for the other man.
Eddie couldn't help but laugh, crossing the distance quickly so he could press Steve's arms back to the bed. "Hey, c'mon now, Harrington, don't wanna pull that IV line out."
"Did they tell you they're stealing my organ? They're stealing it, Eds!"
"It's a pretty useless one anyway, you won't even miss it."
Steve's face scrunched up at that, like he couldn't quite believe what he was hearing. "How dare you! Of course I'll notice one of my little guys got separated! What if he gets lonely?"
"You're..." Eddie tried not to laugh, if only because he's sure that'll make Steve fly off the handle even further. He scrubbed a hand across his tired face, sure his expression was full of nothing but fondness now for the man laying in the hospital bed. "You're afraid your appendix will get lonely?"
"I just...they're all meant to be together, you know? You can't separate one and expect it won't get lonely. Don't let them steal my organ, Eds."
"I," Eddie began, unable to help the smile that pulled on his lips. "Stevie, baby, it's not stealing if a doctor does it. They're taking it out because it's being a troublemaker. It doesn't belong there anymore, you can't keep trying to make it fit somewhere it doesn't."
"Never stopped me before," Steve answered with a little slur. "Maybe I like troublemakers." Then, leaning over with his hand by his mouth in a conspiratorial whisper, he said at full volume, "I mean you, Eddie."
There was no laugh like the one Steve was able to pull from him, of that Eddie had learned years before. He laughed until his chest hurt and tears gathered in his eyes, until even the nurse peeked their head in to check on the two of them.
"C'mon, Stevie. You go be a rockstar in there and I'll be right beside you when you wake up. We'll go get so much ice cream you forget about your stolen appendix," Eddie offered, pressing a kiss to Steve's non-IV lined hand.
"I'll be such a good rockstar you gotta put me in the band," Steve answered, blowing a kiss to Eddie as the surgical team came in to wheel him off. "Love you, Eds."
Warmth spread through his chest, warming him from the insides out until Eddie worried he might burn up from the intensity of Steve's love. "Love you too, Steve."
Eddie stands and watches as they wheel Steve out of the room, laughing as Steve yelled after him.
"I can't believe you're letting them steal my poor appendix, Munson! I won't forget this!"
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fickes · 8 months
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Top surgery journal #5: this too once felt impossible
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stil-lindigo · 4 months
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Safebow, led by raindovemodel over on instagram, is a grassroots team currently doing their best to evacuate almost 200 Palestinian individuals from Gaza.
To do this, they had to raise over $300,000 in a very short amount of time. Amazingly, they not only raised that amount, but surpassed it to the point that they'll now be able to buy prosthetics for the hospitals they work with.
However, Gofundme has thrown a spanner into the work by going completely silent and holding up over half of their funds.
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They are on a time crunch as they desperately try to recoup their money before the border closes. Please donate to their Paypal, Venmo or Zelle. Their window of success is genuinely a matter of days.
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cyanwyrmy · 3 months
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I’m scheduled for top surgery! Wow! 🎉 🎉🎉
Still don’t really believe it’s happening haha but I trust Dr. Bob!
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aceofwhump · 10 months
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Broadchurch 2x06
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starwrighter · 11 months
You know what I love in DpxDc crossovers?
When people explain Jason's pit madness as having to do with ectoplasm. Whether it be the hc that the pits are corrupted ectoplasm, Jason being a revenant before being dunked in the pits or any other idea/theory I love it all!
But you know what I don't see much of? The pit madness being seen as something more clinical. In most of the DpxDc crossovers I've read it's always treated as something that can be easily and quickly fixed. I don't see much content about Jason's pit madness being treated like an serious illness and it's honestly underrated.
Make his pit madness be like cancer for ghost's. Something spread throughout his body like a fucked up spider web slowly killing him as it continues to go untreated. Making his life emotionally and oftentimes physically painful. Have Jason assume his pain is just the consequences of his vigilante life since nobody could ever diagnose him with anything.
Danny feeling heartbroken when he sees Jason not because he can sniff it out or sense it but because he can see it. Oftentimes cancer doesn't show symptoms until it's advanced. For Danny this is like seeing someone who's medical treatment has been so neglected that they're covered in tumors! Danny screaming bloody murder at Bruce for allowing things to get this far; for not getting him help and allowing things to fester like this. Danny's ugly crying because he's a child and he doesn't know how to react to something like this! It's a horrifying sight when medical care is neglected, but seeing someone suffering so much without even knowing what's going on? It's terrifying.
Jason trying to comfort Danny but Danny just starts crying harder because Jason doesn't know what the hell is going on and someone has to be the one to tell him.
Treat Jason's pit madness as a symptom of something bigger, not something that can be fixed with the flick of a wrist. Show me the grief of having a loved one/being the loved one suffering from something that has a good chance of killing them. Where the treatment can make you feel worse than the disease does sometimes. Seeing a loved one get weaker and weaker yet reassuring yourself it's just the process of healing and they're going to be fine.
Have it be something that's treatment is long and strenuous, something that might need surgery to fix. Jason needing a bone marrow transplant or an organ and Danny being the only halfa that's willing to give it to him. Jason having to choose whether he's willing to risk a child's life to save himself or if he's just going to die a second time.
(Bonus! Have Jason deny the operation but Doctors work differently in the realms so it's done anyway without his consent. Does Jason think Danny died from the operation? Maybe it's some important ghost bone marrow/organ and the doctors being dodgey and refusing to let anyone see Danny before he's recovered enough? Jason grieving over a child and lashing out because "why would anyone decide the life of a child was something you could throw away like that!")
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sapphicslut777 · 10 days
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had an absolutely fantastic care team yesterday <3 i couldn’t have asked for a better top surgery experience! i’m at home n recovering now.. only a bit of pain, but i’m starving all the time!! can’t wait to get my drains out and see my chest! 😱❤️
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ghosttotheparty · 1 year
based on this post of mine bc i had thoughts // tw surgery mention, anaesthesia, hospital environment (not detailed its just there)
“And who are you?”
Steve pauses by the door, setting his jacket on the back of the chair next to Wayne. He looks over at Eddie, laying in his bed, covered in a blanket, his hair a messy halo around his head. His eyes are shining brightly, staring intently at Steve.
“He’s very high,” Wayne says to Steve, smiling softly.
“Yeah, I got that,” Steve says, watching Eddie roll slightly, groaning loudly. “Surgery went well?”
“Went fine,” Wayne says lightly, and Steve can see the relief in him as he leans back, eyes watching Eddie like he’s scared to look away.
“Eds?” Steve says, moving closer to the bed. “How was surgery?”
“Was fu-u-un…”
“Yeah? You had fun?”
Eddie hums affirmatively, and Steve crouches next to the bed, looking at him. There’s a bandage on his cheek, and the sight of it makes Steve’s chest ache, but Eddie’s eyes are shining brightly, glazed over as he blinks at Steve.
“Whoa,” he breathes dramatically, and Steve suppresses a smile.
Eddie lifts a hand, and it lands heavily on the side of Steve’s face, making him recoil slightly even as he laughs. Eddie’s fingers press into his skin, kneading his cheek.
“You’re fuckin’ beautiful.”
Steve’s eyebrows fly up, and his face burns as he hears Wayne laugh quietly behind him.
“Am I?”
Eddie hums again, smiling brightly, deliriously, wriggling as he shakes Steve’s face.
“Pretty boy,” he mumbles. “Pretty, pretty, pretty boy.” He releases his cheek to boop his nose a little too hard. “Who are you?”
“I’m Steve.”
“Ste-e-e-eve…” Eddie blinks at him, poking his face again. “Stevie, Stevie, Stevie.”
“Hi, Eddie,” Steve says softly.
“Princess Stevie,” Eddie slurs happily.
“Mm. Princess. Pretty princess.”
Wayne laughs quietly behind Steve, and Steve turns to glare at him over his shoulder. He’s rubbing his forehead and smiling amusedly, and Steve starts to open his mouth to speak, but Eddie grabs at his face again, pulling him to face him.
Eddie’s eyes are almost closed, like his eyelids are heavy, and his fingers are petting at Steve’s cheek and jaw, rubbing his stubble. (He hasn’t shaved. He’s been too stressed. He was planning on shaving tonight after getting firm confirmation that Eddie is okay, but if Eddie likes it…)
Eddie lets go of his cheek and boops his nose a little to hard. And then he does it again, and again, humming a song that Steve doesn’t recognize.
“Do you like boys?” Eddie asks abruptly, his fingertip lingering on the tip of Steve’s nose. Wayne barks out a laugh behind Steve, and Steve’s face burns, and for some reason, even though Eddie isn’t going to remember this and Wayne is right there, Steve says, “Yes, I do.”
Eddie’s face lights up, and he tries to sit up, but Steve gently keeps him down, murmuring a soft, “Stay here, Eddie.”
“You do?” Eddie asks hopefully, flopping back down and looking up at Steve, who suppresses a smile, nodding.
Eddie’s eyes widen and he turns his face into his pillow, reaching up to pull his hair across his face shyly, shifting and fidgeting and wiggling, and Steve gazes fondly, contently. He hasn’t felt this calm in a good long while.
“Can I have a kiss?” Eddie asks shyly, and Steve raises his eyebrows. “Please.”
“You’re high, Eddie.”
“I’ve been higher,” Eddie says, his voice slurring, mumbly. Steve just looks at him for a moment, watching his eyes shine. “Please? I’ll be good.”
Steve’s stomach flutters, and he exhales, hesitating before he turns to look at Wayne, who’s still watching, smiling absently with his face resting on his hand. Steve raises his eyebrows, shrugging weakly, asking silently what to do as Eddie’s hand touches his cheek again.
Wayne shrugs, his smile growing, and then he points to his forehead with another shrug, and Steve sighs.
He turns back to face Eddie, who’s gazing at him blearily, his eyes glazed over.
“I won’t kiss your mouth,” Steve starts, cracking a smile when Eddie’s lips pout, his lower lip poking out, shining. “But I’ll kiss your forehead if you want.”
Eddie beams.
“Yes, please.”
Steve smiles, licks his lips, shifting on the ground as Eddie smiles up at him.
“Don’t move,” he says firmly, and Eddie nods, his body tightening and his eyes closing. He’s still smiling.
Steve takes a moment to gaze at him. At the lines in his skin from his smile, at his dark eyelashes and chapped lips. (Which Steve will kiss when he’ll be able to remember it.)
He brushes Eddie’s bangs back carefully, and Eddie inhales, his smile growing even more somehow, and then he leans close, pressing his lips to his forehead softly, leaving a lingering kiss on his skin.
Eddie sighs, still lying stiffly, unmoving, being good like he said he would, and when Steve pulls away to look at him, his cheeks are flushed pink. A second passes before Eddie's eyes flutter open, and then he's smiling so brightly his eyes are squeezing shut, and he rolls away a little bit, letting out an excited squeal that makes Steve burst into laughter.
"Wayne," Eddie calls, rolling over and looking across the room at Wayne, who's laughing even harder than Steve, covering his face with a hand. "A pretty boy kissed me, d'ya see?"
"I saw, Eds, 'm happy for you."
Eddie giggles deliriously and rolls over again, wiggling, and Steve presses his face to the side of his bed, his face hot, because even though it was Wayne's fucking idea, he forgot Wayne was watching him press the softest kiss humanly possible to Eddie's forehead, was probably watching his gaze at him before it. But Wayne is laughing, amused, and probably relieved to be hearing Eddie giggle and squeal happily after worrying for so long.
"Alright," Steve says after taking a moment to collect himself, reaching up and pulling at Eddie's shoulder. "You're gonna pull your stitches, honey, lay still."
"Honey," Eddie repeats, his eyes shining brightly, the bandage on his cheek wrinkling as his cheeks squish up under his smile. "Honey, honey, honey, honey..."
Steve's face burns again.
"You're so sweet, Stevie," Eddie says lightly, his voice mumbly. "Sweet boy. Sweetheart. Cotton candy boy."
"Cotton candy boy," Steve repeats under his breath, and Eddie hums affirmatively.
"Cotton candy. Sweet. Hubba Bubba. Bubblegum baby."
"He's a poet," Wayne quips behind Steve, and Steve turns to glare at him, but he can't fully suppress the smile that's making his face sore. Eddie is still mumbling to himself, now reaching up to rub Steve's face again.
"Sweet like iced tea. Like a lollipop." He giggles to himself, pressing his fingers into Steve's cheek again. "Wanna lick you."
A laugh bursts out of Wayne, and Steve's face floods with heat.
"Oh my god."
Eddie giggles.
He asks to hold Steve's hand after rambling a little while longer, after comparing Steve to cake frosting and strawberries and honeysuckle blossoms, and Steve lets him take it, watches their fingers lace and twist together, and Wayne finally brings a chair over to him with Eddie doesn't want to let go. Wayne kisses Eddie's head when he says goodnight, and then he kisses the top of Steve's. It makes Steve's eyes burn and fill with tears that he refuses to let fall until after the door's shut behind Wayne.
Eddie asks if he's okay, eyes filled with concern, and his fingers tighten on Steve's. Steve wipes his face and smiles, telling him he's fine. No one's kissed me like that in a long while. Eddie sighs and relaxes, still gazing at him. Tells him Wayne does it all the time, and he'd probably do it to Steve if he wants him to.
"I can kiss you like that if you want," he offers kindly, sleepily. Steve raises his hand to his lips and kisses his knuckles.
(Eddie doesn't remember anything when he wakes up the next day, but when he opens his eyes to find Steve resting his head next to him on his bed and Steve's fingers twisted around his, he certainly doesn't complain.)
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Author's note: This is birth and medical fiction. It's all fake, just a fantasy. Of course I don't want this to happen to me or anyone in real life.
I'd like to have a high risk twin pregnancy. The type where I have to fight my obstetrician to let me try to give birth vaginally and then they try to insist I have an epidural so they can cut into me without delay if something goes wrong. I'll finally get them to agree to let me try it natural if I am invasively monitored throughout and I understand I'm going under general anesthesia the second things go south.
When the day comes for me to be induced, I change into a hospital gown & follow nurses instructions as they put IV ports in both of my wrists. I'm catheterized -- a situation that isn't made any more pleasant by the twinges already squeezing my middle -- and by the time I'm being strapped into the stirrups for the doctor to swipe my membranes, I'm so trussed up I can barely move.
It's my first pregnancy & I didn't expect it to hurt so much just to be pregnant. My hips have been sore practically the whole nine months, in part because of how heavy and low I am carrying the twins. Baby A practically lodged himself between my hips last week and the pressure has been slowly increasing. My breasts are cumbersome and it's painful to even feel the hospital gown brush against my areolas. By the time the doctor is settling between my legs to start my labor, I'm eager to face whatever delivery holds for me to make this pregnancy end.
I'm singing a whole different tune 16 hours later. Or rather, screaming one at the top of my lungs. I am in the throes of transition and suffering the pinnacle of a truly agonizing labor. Baby A is posterior and the pain in my back has me at the edge of my sanity, especially now that the contractions are lasting for 90 seconds, with barely a minute in between.
I'm incoherent at this point. I'm in so much pain I'm only able to think about surviving the second I am living. I'm minimally aware when the nurses move my aching body back into the stirrups so I can push my son into the world. I bear down at their direction and it feels like my ass is gonna bust when his head plunges down.
What actually happens is his precious posterior facial features lodge against my clit as a desperate push shoves him just past crowning and my poor little nub starts to sting. It feels like it's being ripped off and I'm humiliated to find I'm begging my doctor to save my clitoris while I'm straining a massive baby out of me.
I don't know how long I howl a about the pain in my clitoris but the next thing I know the doctor is roughly pulling the shoulders and then the body out of my hole, tearing me more in the process.
I'm aware that my aching canal is empty for the moment. I don't realize I am gaped so badly my asshole is almost inverted. It stings something fierce as birth fluids continue to pour out of my loose, sopping cunt. I start to cry when I realize I am still going to have to push Baby B through my ruined pussy.
I drift in and out of consciousness, occasionally aware of the sharp stab of a contraction. I wake fully to a nurse tapping my cheek to see if I've passed out. When I force my eyes open, she informs me Baby B isn't face down anymore and the doctor is about to perform an internal version. She tells me to brace myself because it will be uncomfortable.
I didn't fully realize the medical actuality of an internal version was for a grown man to stick his entire grown man hand through my cervix and into my uterus. I'm in such utter agony I barely register that the nurses are holding me down by my arms and where my thighs are not strapped to the stirrups. I am experiencing the most pain I have experienced up to this point in my life and it seems to last forever.
I never stop screaming, even when they put a mask pumping gas over my face to try to give me some relief, but the tenor of my yell changes when something shifts and then I feel something rip deep inside of me.
Suddenly all the pain that has come before pales in comparison to what I am suddenly feeling in my abdomen. It is indescribable burning combined with a sudden sense of dread that takes over my body. I am 100% certain that my reproductive organs just gave way with my daughter trapped inside me and I am going to die if something isn't done very, very soon.
It must only be minutes, maybe not even that long, that I lay there while the medical team catches up to the realization that me and my baby are in mortal danger. Time slows down and I feel the rip in my uterus expanding as the contractions, one on top of another now, injure me more by the second. Despite no medical knowledge, I know instinctively that the renewed flood out of my pussy is blood and I am hemorrhaging, possibly to death.
I am utterly helpless now. Strapped down in stirrups, paralyzed by pain, my strength seeping from me as fast as the blood flowing between my legs. I faintly register the monitors start to alarm as I lose the battle with consciousness and my world goes dark.
I wake up groggy and disoriented on a stretcher being wheeled somewhere. I immediately start to panic because there is a tube down my throat and I am really, brutally aware of a long, deep vertical incision that extends from above my belly button down to my public bone. I swear I can feel the layers upon layers they sliced through to deliver my baby. I won't know until later about the battle the surgeons waged, first to save my life and then to save my fertility.
Right now I am only aware of how much it hurts to be jostled on a stretcher with a massive cut down my middle. When the two male nurses move me into the bed, I plead for unconsciousness as my body is roughly transferred to a bed. My tailbone hits the mattress and reverberates in the form of a sharp pain through my pussy. I've still got a catheter and I feel like every inch down there has been stitched up.
I hope one of these nurses will realize I am aware and therefore in indescribable pain but it seems like the paralytic they gave me before intubating me is the only drug of the cocktail still in effect. I suffer as they lift my hips and put a pillow under my butt. Then they start taking off my hospital gown completely.
My confusion quickly turns to fear as one gloved hand on each side grabs one of my fat titties and starts tugging. Breast pumps are whipped out and the men make quick work of shoving as much of my massive milkers in to each before turning them on simultaneously.
My uterus, even after the brutal surgical repair, still tries to respond to my milk suddenly dropping. The pain of contracting after uterine repair and a cesarean combined with the sudden gush of warm pressure on my aching tits brings tears to my eyes. I must be a strange sight: intubated and naked, massive breasts attached to pumps, with my deflated belly sporting a huge incision hanging above a pussy so bruised and stitched it looks entirely purple.
The elder nurse pats my naked thigh just before he makes to leave. It jostles everything and our eyes meet as I wince at the pain it causes me. A chill runs through my body as I realize he knows I am awake and feeling way more than I should be.
He looks at me the entire time he lubes his gloved fist, a sinister smile on his face. He settles between my legs and pauses to look up at me again.
"I bet you wish you'd had that epidural, huh, dear?"
My vision goes white as I feel his whole fist plunge into my pussy with a force absolutely intended to cause me a fatal amount of pain. My vision goes white and I feel pressure building in my chest as the stitches holding my cervix together start ripping. The last thought I have before I go into cardiac arrest is how I don't want to my last memory to be of being brutally fisted in my obliterated, post-birth pussy while my heart explodes in my chest.
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bamsara · 10 months
It's the kind of exhaustion where I just tried to slide my card in my car's gas filler hole instead of the pump to pay for gas and stood there for 10 seconds wondering why it's not working
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kaptainandy · 3 months
the best way to contextualize the difference in herbert's and dan's flavor of unhingedness is this: herbert commits outright medical malpractice while dan commits egregious HIPPA violations.
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immunetoneurotoxin · 1 month
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I never thought it would be my turn to make one of these posts.
Sunday night, my 6 month old kitten, pickle, had a really bad fall down a hardwood staircase after getting startled, and upon impact with the first floor, his little femur took the entire force of the impact and it snapped clean in half. My heart dropped to my stomach when I heard him thump hard against the ground and he began to cry, we immediately dropped everything and rushed him to the emergency vet nearby.
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Turns out, the injury was worst than we thought. He needs orthopedic surgery to fit his femur with a metal plate. This will help him recover faster with the best successful outcome for his quality of life, but this is going to cost a staggering $4,000 dollars. He hasn't even celebrated his 1st birthday yet, he's still just a baby and this terrible accident happened. Pickle is truly my best friend, he has been my little beacon of light through it all, he is the one who sits with me while I write long chapters for my novels, and I will do absolutely anything for him.
My heart is fucking shattered seeing my normally happy and high-energy baby have such a traumatic injury like this. I know this is hard on his mental health, too. Please, if you can, help us help pickle. If anyone is willing to donate to our GoFundMe to help us alleviate the burden of surgery costs while I'm literally still desperately job hunting, it would help me and my partner more than you can imagine. If you can't financially support it at the moment, don't worry, I completely understand. But please, share this post as far out into your friends list as you can. Sharing will still help us out so so much.
Whether you donate or share, Pickle thanks you for helping his little leg get better. ❤️‍🩹
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CA$HAPP: $EricEdrington
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