#support the craft
Walking into a yarn shop like it's an art museum. Admiring all the colorways and textures of the various skeins. Nodding my head at the tasteful displays of handmade items by the local knitting/crochet group to demonstrate the different yarn brands. Talking to the owner to learn more about the local fiber art scene and learning about different dyers, and crafters in the area that I would have never found on the internet. Buying one too many skeins to continue my pursuit of creating beautiful things to bring joy into mine and others lives. My way of paying homage to this wonderland of fibrous beauty.
Fucking glorious.
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dangerphd · 4 months
I have been on a bit of a kick for the last few months, setting a budget and then buying everything that caught my eye in the timeline until I hit the total every month. The goods I have received in return are blowing my mind, you guys!
The timeline is so creative and talented and amazing, I am in awe of all y'all's handskills. This post is an ENDORSEMENT of these artists, for real.
if no pics, it means I haven't quite received the order yet (but I am super looking forward to it), or I am still waiting on a frame.
in no order:
from @lunarlightforge, a great knife in a sheath whose theme goes with the Smol Gods. Due to the smallish handle size on this one, it has become MY daily carry, rather than the birthday gift I had in mind when shopping 😂
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from @hyydraworks, an adorable trio of the tiniest cows for the Smol Gods to steward. they are so very tiny and so very detailed 🐮❤️
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from @yuumei-art , a super deal on a quintuple of gorgeous prints, a couple to keep and a couple intended as gifts
from @claypigeonpottery , a fabulously glazed plate and superchill capybara little dude
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from @teaweltzer, a fantastically stitched pair of four-sided pyramid bags in super cute patterns and a couple of myco stickers
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from ruralpearl, #Angie Pickman, a super-sentimental-to-me fox print I just love
from @fruitblush , a brightly colored reminder that Palestine persists
from StellaNCWorks, a pair of nature-inspired small dishes for various desktop goods
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from @creations-by-chaosfay , a super bright set of miniature quilts (coasters)
from @littlebirdinagarden , the warmest soothingest saturated hand-dyed colorway to ever match its name, Moth Orchid
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from @robinsceramics, a couple of little guys to add to what I guess is gonna be an ongoing pottery collection? I love them so much already; chinchilla is so fren shaped!
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chicorystart · 4 months
scraps house, cousin of mistakes house
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this and other houses will become available to buy in the shop
thursday, february 1st at 1:00PM EST
shop // tip jar // newsletter
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uncanny-tranny · 7 months
I just find it very interesting that all the labour classed as lesser (most often seen as "women's labour") becomes indispensable in moments of crisis. It's just interesting to see how quickly people turn to that labour and then discard it in moments of peace or prosperity, devaluing it until another crisis hits.
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poisonousquinzel · 2 months
"harley quinn's never had a good design in the last deca-!" WRONG dropkicks you through a brick wall
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saltpixiefibercraft · 5 months
Am I going to be so normal about FINALLY, finally getting the hang of support swindling?
ABSOLUTELY NOT! I'm so thrilled I finally figured out the technique!! It's been driving me NUTS.
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Thankfully I have very pretty spindles to play on, I'll get a group shot of them all together when I'm back at my house in a few days.
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nomagicartz · 2 months
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space superhell
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hellflamed · 3 months
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Hi ♡ please check out and support my small business. All of the jewelry is handmade by me and is currently my only way of income ! I sell on depop, but you can message me on Instagram/Tiktok or here to get it for cheaper (without the added depop fees). I ship globally
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ritz-regrezzez · 2 months
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25 days of moodboards day twelve! (nostalgia)
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hyp3rst4r · 3 months
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! — ☆ Vine Staff from PHIGHTING! (Rentry Graphics) !
⠀\(^_^)/⠀★⠀Free 2 use ! DONT CLAIM YOURS
¡ – ☆ NOTE FROM THE STAR : I read phighting as pi-ting not as fighting. | ART CRED TO fishybox ON TWITTER
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chicorystart · 11 months
shop opening soon starting with these four
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i was really anxious about needing a perfectly cute and marketable online shop with a ton of perfectly cute and marketable items, and it put me in a miserable headspace where i dreaded working on new things and hated what i already made.
so to break out of this brain prison i'm throwing open my front door and screaming "does anybody wanna buy these???" into this street.
chicorystart.bigcartel.com is launching this coming week (thursday or friday probably) no matter what!!!
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greenbergsays · 9 months
Still re-watching Leverage: Redemption and I've finally figured out why I don't like Eliot and Maria (the US marshal) as a couple
It took me a while but I can finally articulate it
Putting aside the fact they don't bother to build the relationship like they did with Parker & Hardison and Nate & Sophie, so it feels very rushed in a way that's jarring, Eliot and Maria are just too alike
The whole reason Parker and Hardison (and to a lesser extent, Nate & Sophie) are such great couples is because they aren't alike but they're different in ways that complement each other
The show keeps trynna pair Eliot with people that are too much like him, 'cause they seem to think that in order to be with him, the person he loves is supposed to be the same kind of badass
But there's more than one way to be a badass, honestly, and if you ask me, what Eliot needs is someone who will take care of him the way he takes care of everyone else, but also someone who's a little bit silly because Eliot doesn't know how to relax
this aspect is why Eliot/Parker/Hardison works so well, too, because their antics complement his seriousness so well
Honestly, if I were going to craft a character to be Eliot's other half, they'd be more like Breanna except, you know, not a lesbian and aged up but with Parker's bloodthirst, because obviously anyone who's a match for Eliot should definitely think murder is an option
And the fact that they do think murder is an option would endear them to Parker, which would be the biggest hurdle in the team
I've given this a lot of thought, apparently
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fluxedbuds · 1 year
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who are you really protecting?
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ordheist · 8 months
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PLEASE BOOST: Hopefully this’ll be the last time I have to make a post like this. As I hear more murmurings of Twitter's demise, I’m having to reconsider illustration as a long term/full time thing. Like a lot of freelancers, Twitter is where I get the majority of my work, and I’ve been privileged enough to be able to do this full time for the better part of a year.
That being said, it’s always been a little wobbly, almost every month things have gotten really tight just before rent is due. This is untenable even at my current level of engagement, which I’ve noticed has dropped off pretty sharply as of late, so I’ve decided to go back to doing this part time.
As for where I am right now, I’m working nonstop getting the rest of my queue cleared out, as well as opening up other sources of revenue like the ptr3on and my shop. I’m also in a tricky position after being evicted, where I’m still looking for a new place to live which makes it hard to apply for jobs when I don’t know exactly where I’ll be yet.
So, I’m opening up TWO commission slots, with the caveat that there will not be a fast turnaround with respect to my current queue and the annoying situation I’m in right now. Also, please consider looking at my links in my linktree (SEE BELOW), where you can find a few ways to support me, either by buying merch, subscribing to my ptr3on, or just donating if you feel able to!
Hopefully this is for the best, I’ll be more financially stable and be able to clear out my queue while also dedicating more time to personal projects that I’m excited to show you all. Thank you for being so supportive and giving me the opportunity to do my dream job all year!
Ollie x
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nomagicartz · 2 months
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wow wouldya look at that yet another drawing with many hands
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All but 3 of my regular working spindles are full, & I don’t have any more storage space to keep going. So every one now has to be pulled off & processed into skeins.
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