#suffer with me 🤝
bosspigeon · 1 year
did me immense psychic damage when i'm finally listening to raike's playlist and got to carry on my wayward son. still listening though, because it's a great song! i just bear the curse
Unfortunately it is lodged into my brain forever and also INCREDIBLY accurate for his character
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sakuraluck · 2 months
i love till but i know in my heart, i would not have minded greatly if ivan had won because then we’d get traumatized and grieving ivan who would have been surely on the verge of insanity and luka would’ve come along skipping and singing and pretending to be till until ivan just snapped and lunged at him, teeth bared.
all the polite veneer and high class charm and civilized aloofness would’ve slid right off his face and the snarling feral slum kid he used to be would’ve awakened <3
idk guys, the thought of luka imitating fiery head-banging till sends me into a fit of giggles. i also think ivan would’ve been able to pick luka up and chuck him off the stage.
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evichuart · 1 year
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Martin Blackwood love of my life
Jon, Tim and Sasha
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a bunch of clothes i wanted to try on him
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journey-to-the-attic · 10 months
my back hurts like hell and i'm stuck inside for the day SO i've just been thinking about the newspaper club and their dynamics with characters outside the club
honestly this is more for me than anything but i thought i'd give em a post anyway :^) these aren't 'finalised' in the sense that they're all going to end up in the fic (especially since i also talk about the s4 trio, who won't even be appearing), but i'd call these 'canonical' to jtta in a broad sense of the term
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^for reference in case anyone's not aware - from left to right, mephisto (pink), astaroth (blue), wiz (purple), alecto (green)
alecto & lucifer
we already see belphie calling alecto in to deal with caim in ch42, so kind of building on that idea: alecto sort of becomes the student council's secret agent in all but name
so lucifer (being the de-facto leader, even if diavolo's technically the president) calls on her more often
at first lucifer just has her dealing with trouble-makers in school; then, seeing as she's so reliable, he has her helping run errands - and eventually he starts asking for favours outside of school, such as helping him track down a cursed record, seeing as she has a nose for magical contraband - in return, he helps alecto source certain artifacts for wiz, who's obsessed with them
then at some point along the line it becomes a less transactional relationship and more just being buds
they'll catch up with each other in the corridor and have a brief chat, occasionally they'll meet up for a coffee. they peak when alecto starts calling him 'bestie' as a joke and lucifer finds that he doesn't actually mind it
though unfortunately lucifer'll never get the opportunity to take advantage of his new friend's talents on the harpsichord, since alecto reserves those nearly exclusively for wiz
if i had to describe their dynamic it'd be: drinking buddies at the pub
one thing that lucifer did not foresee from this though: alecto really wants to fight him. no magic - that's boring and a foregone conclusion - just good old-fashioned hand to hand combat. he's been steadfastly refusing so far, but maybe one day she'll break him down...
alecto has seriously considered offering to play for him (which she's NEVER done for anyone outside the club) in exchange for a fist fight
alecto & raphael
ideal duo: one is goofy and the other has catholic guilt
more seriously, these two really do get on like a house on fire, even though you'd never be able to tell from a glance
whenever they're hanging out it just kinda looks like alecto's doing her own thing with raphael silently following along - but this is just what works for them
basically, raphael normally can't handle hanging out alone with someone who's above a certain energy level. and, while alecto is above that level, somehow she hits a sweet spot where she makes up for raphael's lack of energy in a way that doesn't overwhelm him
it does sometimes seem like alecto's talking to herself, but often raphael's comments are just too quiet for an outsider to hear
alecto regularly begs raphael to use his shower of spears on her to test her dodging skills, and unlike lucifer, raphael usually indulges her
one time she reflexively broke one of the spears and had to apologise profusely while raphael sadly held the shattered remains
(he wasn't that bummed, he just thought it was funny how guilty she was about it)
also alecto's got a talent for embroidery (if you look at her design - she stitched the daisies on her trousers and shoes herself), and raphael enjoys sewing, so they bond over that
wiz & levi
need a super specific prop complete with special effects for a cosplay? wiz is your gal
she's good with arts and crafts, and also knows SO MUCH about magical artifacts and their mechanisms that you could give her anything and she'd be able to reproduce it
and i need to make this clear: levi absolutely does NOT approach wiz first. he's terrified of her! why would he do that!!!!!
ik is the one who first asks wiz for help when levi's in a prop dilemma - he needs a specific wand
wiz makes it, PLUS adds in a feature where it makes colourful sparks when waved that correlate to the actual magic system of the show it's from
and levi's so blown away that he overcomes his fear to thank her in person, and after realising that overly friendly people aren't the scourges he views them as, slowly gets brave enough to ask her for help on his own
generally he just views wiz as, like, the super cool seasoned warrior that occasionally swoops in to save the main character from danger and deliver a life lesson
meanwhile wiz adopts him a little bit. not in the same way you adopt, like, a little sibling - more the way an older student adopts someone lower down in the school
she'll barter with fabric vendors in his stead to make sure he doesn't get ripped off buying materials and tell the cashier that he doesn't want pickles on his burger for him
wiz & om mephistopheles
i've sort of mentioned these in the s4 post, but i'll re-iterate (and explain) my point a bit here
wiz is really good at adjusting her own mannerisms and lingo to set whoever she's talking to at ease - so she's good at the sort of noble formal-speak that mephistopheles is used to
which is how they initially become sort-of friends; mephistopheles finds it easy to talk to her, and is subsequently a lot less standoffish and haughty than he usually comes off as - so wiz isn't immediately put off by his rich bitch attitude like most are
though mephistopheles does NOT like that wiz is so blase about breaking rules when it comes to magical artifacts, because she's usually disregarding direct reprimands from diavolo to do so
but (because he's got a good first impression of her), he has to begrudgingly respect the audacity
and since diavolo has sort of given up on getting her to listen, mephistopheles has decided he might as well look the other way as well
he enjoys consulting on the various puzzles wiz puts together for the newspaper, though it does sting whenever she gives him one that he genuinely can't solve
alecto cannot STAND him at first, but wiz keeps inviting him around to their house for tea (she feels bad for him because everyone seems to hate him), and she starts finding it really funny how much sugar he gets through
though whenever mephistopheles gets a little bit too royalist, wiz is quick to move the conversation somewhere else
astaroth & belphie
ohoho these guys...... (listen i promise the stargazing boyfriends will be a reality in-fic eventually)
they'll have been dating for months before either will admit it (it pisses asmo off because how is his baby brother going to start dating BEFORE him and not even acknowledge it?!!?!!?!?)
astaroth doesn't like talking about them and belphie's solution to just about everything is to sleep on it, but somehow they've both developed a radar for the other's problems
often belphie will just show up at his house without warning, and it's usually there that they spend time together - because tbh belphie would rather go without his brothers constantly butting in on his quality time
of the two of them, belphie gets the most nervous early on in the relationship - he's used to being able to read those he's close to easily (his twin connection with beel, ik's complete inability to keep her emotions from showing on her face), but astaroth's got a habit of just. forgetting to emote
belphie will be completely overthinking whether or not he's completely messed up this date and astaroth will just be staring blankly into the distance thinking "this is the happiest i've ever been"
he gets better at understanding him over time, though - to the point where he can somehow tell how astaroth's feeling based on the vibe of his silences whenever they're on call with each other
on that topic, they spend quite a lot of nights on the phone to each other when belphie's not over at his, since astaroth feels awkward staying the night at the hol - though most of the time belphie will fall asleep halfway through a conversation
astaroth & thirteen
these two don't seem like they'd get along at all, because astaroth seems way too normal to be interesting to thirteen
but here's the thing. he is not at all. and thirteen realises this as soon as they meet
get him talking and this guy has stories about having done the stupidest things, and somehow he thinks that it's normal behaviour - this is the only reason he can project that image
thirteen can never bring herself to explain to him that, no, astaroth, it isn't normal that your one solution for accidentally burning food is to rip out the entire cooker from the wall to shut off the fire. how are you even strong enough to do that????
astaroth isn't really one to get involved with the making of her traps (though he'll offer suggestions if she needs them) - thirteen doesn't go to him for that sort of thing, she goes to him for vibes
astaroth's visited her cave enough times that she's just installed a secret ramp corridor so that he doesn't have to deal with the security spells every time
they're very in-sync when it comes to making fun of other people - essentially they're that "true friends judge other people.... together" post
they're not super close emotionally, but with astaroth being so into the stars and ~the endless universe~ and thirteen being in close proximity with death, occasionally their conversations take a turn for the intensely philosophical
mephisto & solomon
*slaps head of boys* these bitches have a relationship SO complicated
they're in a weird place after the whole sonno thing, where solomon's finally gotten some closure on having been abandoned, but he really doesn't like it
meanwhile mephisto doesn't think it's a good idea to try to bridge the gap after all this time, so he just kinda withdraws emotionally
which solomon hates even more, because he's just perceiving this as a second abandonment
whether in a romantic way or not, back in that time where they were each other's only company during his studies - solomon might have loved him then. and to be honest he's never really let it go
there's this whole cocktail of resentment, grief, guilt, relief, hope and devotion going on, and neither of them know how to handle it
it gets weirder because eventually they settle in with a new dynamic - of good-natured banter while carefully ignoring what they both know the other is thinking
and it's comfortable, but the thing about these two is their relationship has never been static like this
the one constant has always just been each other; even back then, feelings were mixing and flipping on a dime, which is probably why neither's ever used a label for whatever the hell they were
figuring it out was always going to messy, but mephisto left before they could, and now they're at this motionless stage where both are avoiding moving forward - for fear that the other isn't willing to take the plunge
mephisto & diavolo/barbatos
diavolo and mephisto SEEM like they really don't like each other - which would have been true pre-jtta, but after the whole ordeal with sonno, they've both silently agreed to let bygones be bygones
but they still tend to avoid each other's company, though not necessarily deliberately - it's just that they share a lot of bad memories from that old time, and seeing the other tends to remind them of it
however, they've also both developed an odd, subconscious sense of duty to the other; essentially, they'll go out of their way to assist/defend each other, but only if they don't have to be alone together to do so
neither feels they have much to say in terms of reconciling their pasts, so they don't
meanwhile, mephisto and barbatos don't tend to hold much stock in their shared past - but, unlike with diavolo, they do share some fond memories, so there's still a certain degree of affection to their relationship
similarly, they feel an obligation to each other - if anything, theirs is stronger, since as chronodae they share a sort of mutual connection that's beyond ordinary comprehension
and, while they'd describe each other as 'an old friend', they're not close in the same way that friends are; rather, they're close in the same way that two moths seeking the same light have an instinctive mutual understanding of what drives the other - though neither would be able to put it into words
some more misc ones that i don't have a lot to say about, but i like
astaroth and raphael are pretty chill - they like hanging out together bc neither likes talking a bunch, but enjoys passive company, so their hangouts mostly entail being in the same general area but doing completely different things
lucifer and astaroth share a lot of their tastes in music, so occasionally lucifer will ask astaroth for recommendations. sometimes when belphie's feeling nice and he knows lucifer's been overworking lately, he'll call astaroth over to perform a little concert in the music room
mephisto and levi don't tend to talk, since their history makes it kind of awkward (even though levi's mostly forgiven him at this point), but when they do mephisto's always weirdly nice to him. no ridiculous jokes, no antics - tbh it's kind of unnerving how pleasant he is
wiz and satan don't talk a lot, but when they get started they'll go on for FOREVER, because they're both magic nerds with special interests in curses (wiz used to be a curse-breaker herself) and magical artifacts. a similar thing happens with solomon, except that tend to engage in more scholarly debates rather than just gushing or throwing fun facts back and forth
lucifer respects wiz as a mage, but finds it difficult to talk to her because she has a disconcerting habit of looking very hard at whoever she's talking to, and he doesn't do well with perceived scrutiny
alecto and belphie have a mutual understanding going on where, if one needs assistance from the other, it's given without question - but they don't hang out a lot, since alecto's the type of demon that belphie can't really handle without a buffer
lucifer finds mephisto insufferable but he also thinks he's really funny, so he's constantly having an internal struggle whenever he's around
mammon has wanted to ask astaroth how fast he can go on his wheelchair for a really long time but he's never worked up the nerve to (astaroth's whole monotone stoic deal intimidates him)
simeon gets along super well with the girls and will usually ask them first if he needs someone to babysit luke for whatever reason
astaroth doesn't like sugar, but one time luke offered him a cookie and he felt too awkward to refuse. but now luke KEEPS offering him sweets, and now he's trapped himself
mephisto and thirteen are thick as thieves - but, don't get me wrong, they'd NEVER emotionally confide in each other. what they've got going on is some kind of troublemaking goblin solidarity
wiz's expertise also makes her a perfect consultant when it comes to thirteen's traps, so you'll often see them poring over blueprints together
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akkivee · 12 days
ok now I'm imagining kuukou hosting Hot Ones interviews with the rest of the hpmi cast
for reference, Hot Ones is a celebrity interview show where the guest has to answer questions while eating progressively hotter and hotter sauces on wings. It catches them off their gaurd a little bit and they respond more earnestly because their PR brain is off and all they can focus is on dying of spice and answering questions
Imagining him doing this to Jakurai in particular 🤣
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johaerys-writes · 1 month
As a neurodivergent your fics remind me of that "me and the bad bitch I pulled being autistic" meme, except I really don't know who's who in this scenario
The answer, dear anon, is both. They're both the bad bitch and they're both autistic 😂 half of the same braincell, remember
Also, did you mean this meme? The meme that my friend Baejax made?
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I'm sure there’s lots of variations but this one is ALWAYS on my mind. Always <3
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mobydyke · 2 years
feel like shit just want her back
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sukugo · 11 months
ALSO re plantcest i am incredibly on board that was like a selling point to me .. main enemy is his brother and they have the most possessive and fucked up relationship possible ?? nai wants to own vash and vash loves him so much he can’t kill him ?? not that he kills otherwise but still ?????? the literal mindfuck of i’m in your head and i’m making you believe all the love in your life came from me like the mfer wont even let vash Think other ppl have said nice stuff him
much love,
hate m. anon
YEAAAAAAHHH completely normal totally not insane behavior <3 they are simply insane about each other and it fucks up Everything. and we love world-altering tragic relationships.
they're a MESS. and ohhhh it's so good!!!!!!
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pollyna · 2 years
Pete likes to kiss Tom, he like is a lot. He doesn't know if it's because of the way they kiss or for all the warm feelings the actions causes him. It doesn't even have to be a full blow make out session, just a peck on his lips and his day is completely changed for the better. That's why three weeks in their thing Maverick presents Iceman with a contract, an actual one with all the y and the x in the right places, with Chipper's signature and stamp on the end of the two pages. Now Maverick begins over breakfast, with Slider and Goose present at the table too, if you're going to sign it you are going to have to kiss me for at least thirty minutes every day. And if you don't, at page two, there's a list of things I can ask you to do because of that. After a second of silence Ice watches at the paper and then at Slider because do you have a pen on you Ron? and Goose has already a foot out of the kitchen because oh god, and me and Carole are the problem. C'mon Slider, let's get out, I'm buy breakfast.
Tom is signing, his smiling is dopey and he has the time to write ky before Pete is sitting on his lap because the thirty minutes starts now and Ice can't say he's sorry about being late for whatever they have to be after.
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rabbitproduce · 2 months
I am literally the sickos window peering meme guy when you post alien stage stuff… yessss hahaha YESSS
i feel the same, anon, seeing my mutuals also get into alien stage. 🤝🤝 according to my activity feed at least
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mistressemmedi · 11 months
the way my mental health depends on merc doing well this weekend. how do ferrari fans deal with this??? also checking in on mclaren fans, hope you guys are hanging in there!
how do ferrari fans deal with this??? <- I'm not saying that the exponential growth of my white hairs in the past few years has anything to do with Ferrari but the timing of it all is suspicious, so...
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kiddokori · 11 months
i most definitely have some type of sleeping issue like it impedes my personal life that i dont sleep properly but i am also absolutely brain riddled with blorbo so all i can think is woag,, just like link skywardsword SHUT UP!!!! ITS NOT A GOOD THING
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yrlocalghost · 4 months
i. i am sick Again and i slept for nearly 24 hours and today. well today i bring you more of the same. 24 more hours. i am trapped in the realm of the ancient dreamer
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katabay · 2 years
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day 3/30 for color studies/practices, this time it’s hei xiazi! I’m pretty early into this informal challenge I gave myself, but it’s been really nice to get back into doing something like this, I can already feel some of my old ‘art muscles’ returning ✨
society6 | twitter | ko-fi | deviantart | redbubble
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watatsumiis · 7 months
id like you to know that the tsaritsas hair is Extremely Fine and smooth… very glossy and soft and just slips through ur fingers like silk. its not smth i make very obv in my art bc the effect would take me SO LONG (if i start doing anything detail-oriented i will forget about eating and spend the rest of my day doing it).
GAHHH just looking at that art you posted gave me that sort of vibe, hence the comment about wanting to touch it !!! I feel like that last piece especially does convey it in a minimalistic way that I really like a lot!! Your art is so like.. texture heavy in a way that is extraordinarily pleasing to my sensory oriented brain. I'm sort of running low on words today but your art just has this very specific vibe to it that delights me.
I vibe SO MUCH with the detail oriented stuff. I used to get so stuck on details in my art and it's part of why I'm trying to steer away from digital art now because I just end up so stuck into it 😭
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kr1llz · 1 year
i dont know how to ask questions. but i now need to know everything about this au. any little scrap will do i just NEEDDDDD INFORMATIONNNNN
[sharp inhale] hi. fucking beams you
okay quick note: this is literally something thats been in my head for like 2 or 3 days if you see consistency issues ignore them bless. also for consistency purposes shadow has a higher concentration of chaos energy (bc i dont think this is ever said in any games but is just kinda implied)
the basic premise is that maria and shadow both survived the raid on the ARK and survived the fall to earth
Maria does still get injured and, in an attempt to heal her injuries, is able to use his own chaos energy to not only heal her, but more or less reverse the effects of NIDS at the cost of keeping his black arms traits completely at bay
additionally this extreme concentration effectively ruins his regulators, causing his issues with his black arms traits to be worse than they couldve been
With the reversal of her disease, Maria's lifespan and aging process is uh. kinda messed up, extending it by a pretty significant amount by making her aging process much slower
they go into hiding best they can and the 50 year timeskip that takes place in sa2 instead becomes time where they try and figure out 1. how the world works and 2. more about their past bc they were both kept in the dark about things while on the ARK (basically wtf was going on with shadows creation and why did GUN attack in the first place)
on the other hand, shadow experiences some mutations (third eye, sharper claws, increased amount of red quills/fur) and is more prone to violent episodes
these episodes are especially bad during their first few years on mobius but after awhile hes able to keep these episodes at bay much much better
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i also lied when i said i wouldnt post the art this entire post is the entire au as of right now so heres their (still kinda wip) modern designs
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this is where i havent thought things out as well but uhh BASICALLY maria hears about tails and how hes a genius and goes "huh. maybe this guy can help us but i have no clue on how to contact him"
this is also where things are very muddy but more or less shadow and sonic accidentally meet, maria finds them about to beat the shit out of eachother and offers sonic a meal as an apology
during this she tells shadow about tails and sonic goes "oh hey thats my brother :D" and there is no way to describe how they react in text so heres a doodle
as an agent for GUN, rouge is more or less the only true key they have to figuring everything out, so they have tails contact her (sonic and tails arent friends with her but its tails he has his ways) and she agrees to help them and uncover their past through some good ol spy work against gun, but says that theres a hefty price behind this work, that price being the chaos emeralds (this is her idea of being absurd and telling them that theres no way in hell she would do the job without being payed shittons of money) but they go "ok lol"
sonic tells tails about shadow and maria and how they want his help, and tails agrees
he does scans on the both of them and tells them exactly what happened to them all that time ago (marias disease being reversed, shadows glorified hormone imbalance) but says that he cant help with much else because he just. doesnt know enough about either of their conditions to really give any solid insight or advice but knows someone who might . this is where rouge comes in :}
this is where things kinda leave off bc like i said i thought of this like. three days ago LOL
right around this time the black arms invasion starts and through a series of events that i also havent thought out yet shadow gets like. partially assimilated into the hivemind
he still has his own conscious thoughts but cant control his actions, making him a threat
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