#suf aesthetic
spiritmoodboards · 1 year
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Shipboard for Steven Universe (Future) and Luz (The Owl House s3)  nebulae/hand holding/devotion themes For @julianobungus c: thank you for being so awesome! Hope you love this!
Send an ask, we’re open!!
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smootht4lker · 7 months
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just a lion licker in a world full of cookie cats
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lemon-lane · 2 years
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Sweater weather
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darkwitch1999 · 7 days
☕🥱A Random Headcanon: How Marc Got The Coffee Part I 🥱☕
Collège Françoise Dupont: Boiler Room
Nathaniel: (visibly annoyed) So we’re really doing this, huh?
Nino: Yep.
(Down in the boiler room, Nino had set up a small desk with a desk lamp, a radio that played what sounded like the soundtrack of an old detective movie, a stack of books, and a manila file folder. The teen wore a fake mustache and an old-style detective costume. On each opposing side of the desk stood two chairs, the one on the right being currently occupied by an exhausted Marc Anciel. The poor, tired writer was suffering from the effects of his caffeine crash and could barely keep his eyes open. His make-up was a dreadful mess from when he had his breakdown earlier, his hair was a frazzled mess, the dark circles encased around his eyes looked as though they had gotten deeper and darker, and his body that had before trembled and twitched so terribly now struggled against the intense feeling of exhaustion. Out of earshot in a corner, Nino and Nathaniel discussed Nino’s plan, which Nathaniel found to be very unnecessary, and annoying, and he would have been against taking any part in this ridiculous plan if the artist was not worried about his partner’s well-being.)
Nino: I’m sorry, Nath, but this is the only way.
Nathaniel: There are more than one, much better ways we could handle this! I don’t think this is best for Marc’s well-being right now. Just look at him! (points to the exhausted writer) He needs sleep!
Nino: Look, I get it. Marc’s crashing down from the caffeine and needs rest. But we have to do this for his own good! We need to find out where or more specifically, who did he get that coffee from! (starts counting off his fingers) The first time this happened he asked you to buy the coffee for him because he knew you didn’t know he couldn’t have it. The second time he took advantage of Rose’s kindness and trusting nature to secure the coffee. This time, however, he must have gone to someone who didn’t know that he couldn’t have coffee, and since no one is fessing up, we will have to find out who the guilty culprit is.
Nathaniel: But couldn’t we just ask him after he’s had time to rest and recover? Interrogating him when he’s in this state just seems too cruel. It feels like we’re treating him like some dangerous criminal. 
Nino: (puts a reassuring hand on Nathaniel’s shoulder) Nath, I don’t want to watch him suffer any more than you do, but I’m afraid it has to be this way to prevent another episode from ever happening again. If we let him sleep first, he’ll have more energy and focus to come up with a lie or ID a scapegoat, and it will be even harder to get Marc to confess the truth. Marc may be more reasonable when he’s off the coffee, but he definitely wouldn’t give up his supplier willingly, especially if he knows that the rest of us don’t know who gave him his fix.
Nathaniel: (shoots Nino an incredulous look) “Supplier”? Really, Nino?
Nino: (defensively) Hey, technically caffeine is considered a drug! I looked it up!
Nathaniel: (crosses his arms) Not an illegal one. Hence why I feel like you are treating Marc like a dangerous criminal.
Nino: Oh come on, Nath! The last thing I want to do is treat Marc like a criminal! 
Nathaniel: (raises an eyebrow) Then what’s with the Sherlock Holmes cosplay?
Nino: Because we’re trying to solve a mystery and I thought it would fit the aesthetic! (sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose).
Nathaniel: (appears hesitant) I still don’t like this….this feels like torture.
Nino: Nath, please trust me. I swear we’re not going to torture Marc. Just give us thirty minutes or so to question him, an hour at most. If he doesn’t confess within that amount of time, we’ll back off and let him get some sleep. On the other hand, if he tells us who supplied him with the coffee before the time is up, we’ll let him sleep sooner. And I promise, I’ll back off if he reaches his limit. Whatever happens during this, I won’t make Marc suffer more than he already has.
(Nathaniel pondered for a moment, considering Nino’s plan and compromise. The artist still felt conflicted about putting his partner through an interrogation while he was so sleep-deprived. He knew how physically exhausting the combination of caffeine withdrawal and insomnia from the previous night was on the writer along with the mental and emotional exhaustion of the pressure that Marc was clearly under mixed in with the aftermath of his breakdown from earlier. Nathaniel wanted Marc to rest. He wanted Marc to get better. He wanted to see that beautifully contagious and unburdened smile spread across his partner’s face again and never to see that strained and unhinged smile or the exhausted frown again. However, as guilty as Nathaniel felt for even considering going along with Nino’s plan, he also knew that Nino made some truthful points to defend his plan. Nathaniel didn’t want to admit it, but Nino was right when he argued that Marc wouldn’t easily name whoever gave him the coffee. Rose and himself were willing to own up to mistakes those times they had given Marc coffee, but this time no one is willing to admit that they had given Marc coffee. And knowing the writer, he would try to play off that “everything was fine” and there was no need to worry about who gave him the coffee, desperately trying to avoid talking about what had been bothering him so much and what was causing all the stress and pressure that he was under in the first place. Marc was never one to be willing to talk about his problems with others and always tried to appear as if everything was okay as best he could because he didn’t want to make others feel worried about him. If they were going to have any chance of finding out how Marc got coffee, now was their best and possibly only time while the writer didn’t have the energy to resist telling the truth.)
Nathaniel: (sighs) Forty minutes. We’ll question him for forty minutes and no more. And when I say “that’s enough”, I mean that’s enough. We won’t push him any farther than he can handle.
Nino: (nods in agreement) Alright, deal! Now that that’s settled, let’s get to it. Get ready to assume your role, good cop!
(Nino took a deep breath in and out as he adjusted his usual demeanor into a more serious demeanor as he now bore a stoic expression on his face. As Nino started walking towards the desk, Nathaniel rolled his eyes in annoyance.)
Nathaniel: (annoyed) Right, forgot that Nino wanted to do “Good Cop, Bad Cop” too.
(The two boys approached the desk where the exhausted writer now had his head face down on the desk, moaning in discomfort. Nino sat in the desk chair opposite the writer while Nathaniel stood next to the cosplaying detective. The “detective” then reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a tube of bubble solution and a bubble wand.)
Nino: (blows bubbles from the bubble wand with a stern look) Rise and shine, Marc.
Nathaniel: (smiles nervously) H-Hey Marc…um…how are you feeling?
(Marc rolls his head to the side, revealing his dreadfully exhausted face to the other two boys.) 
Marc: (moans) My head…feels like it's going to split open…
Nino: (blows another bubble) Mhm. That would be the caffeine withdrawal hangover for you. Though we both already know that you are well familiar with the feeling.
Nathaniel: (shoots Nino a warning look) Nino…
Nino: (clears his throat, unfazed by Nathaniel’s glares) Anyway, enough beating around the bush. It’s time we all talk.
(Marc lifted his head off the table to give the “detective” an annoyed, tired look. His expression then turned into one of confusion as he took notice of the outfit that the young boy was wearing. The writer turned to look at Nathaniel with an eyebrow raised in confusion.)
Marc: Nath, why is Nino dressed as Sherlock Holmes?
Nathaniel: (sighs heavily and pinches the bridge of his nose) I have asked the same question, Marc. 
Marc: Wait, does that mean you are supposed to be Watson?
Nathaniel: (shakes his head and glances annoyed at Nino) No, apparently I’m supposed to be “good cop”.
Marc: (tilts his tired head in confusion) Wait…(yawns)...I’m confused….(points to Nathaniel) If you’re “good cop”...(points to Nino) and you’re “Sherlock Holmes”....then who’s “bad cop”...or…what’s even going on here? What are you guys even doing?
Nathaniel: (smirks) Actually, Nino’s supposed to be the “bad cop”. The Sherlock Holmes cosplay is just Nino doing his own thing.
Marc: (gives Nino an incredulous look) You do realize your “Sherlock Holmes” cosplay doesn’t make any sense if you guys are doing “Good Cop, Bad Cop”, right? I mean, for one thing, Sherlock Holmes was far too intelligent and dignified to resort to such a cliche interrogation tactic that wasn’t even developed during his time! Not to mention that Sherlock Holmes didn’t even work for the British Police! Yes, they did work together on a few cases, specifically with Inspectors Lestrade and Gregson the most, but still-...
Nino: (slams his hand hard on the desk, startling Marc with a jump) That’s enough out of you! Nathaniel and I are the ones asking the questions here, Anciel!
Marc: (rolls his eyes) And I thought Jean was over dramatic…
Nino: (regains his composure and clears his throat again) Anyway, I hardly think that you’re in any position to judge my choices right now. After all, you’ve made some rather “questionable” decisions yourself recently, now have you?
Marc: Not more questionable than your choice of interrogation methods…or fashion…
Nino: Got nothing to say, huh? That’s fine, we’ll start things off then. (opens the manila folder) I don’t care to mince words with you, so I’m just going to come out and say it. (picks up three pictures from the folder) We all know that someone gave you coffee and we know that someone had to be someone who didn’t know that you couldn’t have coffee for reasons that we all know too well, i.e. one of these three prime suspects.
(Nino places all three photos in front of Marc. The first photo was of Zoé Lee, the second was a photo of Devin Nolan, and the third photo was of Noelle Odeja. Marc takes a brief look at the photos and averted his gaze away from the pictures.)
Marc: You don’t know what you’re talking about, Nino. You couldn’t even be more wrong. (smirks tiredly) That ridiculous hat you’re wearing might be too tight.
Nino: (smirks, unfazed by Marc’s remark) Seeing as though you still have enough energy to be cheeky, you’ll have no problem naming your supplier.
(Nathaniel rolls his eyes at Nino using the word “supplier” again.)
Marc: What makes you think that someone gave me the coffee? How do you know I didn’t just get the coffee myself?
Nino: You mean other than the fact that you’ve done this before?
Nathaniel: (places a hand gently on the writer’s shoulder) Marc, we know you didn’t get the coffee yourself. We know your moms won’t let you have coffee and for good reasons, too. (The writer shifted his eyes away from Nathaniel, but the artist continued.) We also know that the coffee you’ve been drinking is from your mama’s shop since you would never betray the family business by drinking coffee from a different coffee shop, which brings us to the ultimate reason why we know that someone bought the coffee for you. You would never even think of trying to steal coffee from your mama because too good of a person. 
(Marc remained silent, knowing he couldn’t argue with their reasons given that they were right. Marc was raised too well to steal anything and would feel like a traitor if he tried to buy coffee from anywhere other than his mama’s shop. Nino noticed how quiet the writer had become and smiled a satisfied smirk.)
Nino: (smugly) I’ll take your silence as proof that we’re right. Now then, as we speak, our three prime suspects are currently being interrogated by my lovely partner and her best friend…
Marc: (rolls his eyes in annoyance) Great…Alya and Marinette are doing this too, huh? Let me guess, is Alya dressed up as well? Is she Watson? Or maybe she’s that reporter from New York who always writes about Majesta?
Nathaniel: (raises an eyebrow) C’mon Marc, it’s Alya. 
Marc: Yeah, you’re right, Nath. (smirks at Nino) She doesn’t quite share the same flair for the overdramatic as other people do (snickers).
Nino: (slightly offended) Mock me all you want, Anciel. One way or another, we are going to find out the truth. We don’t care how long it takes. We’ll keep going all day and night if we have to.
Marc: (smiles smugly) We can’t stay on school grounds past five.
Nathaniel: And we’re not doing this any longer than forty minutes.
Nino: We’ll keep going till five if we have to.
Detective Nino is on the case (whether anyone asks or not)! Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed this continuation of the "Why Marc Shouldn't Have Coffee" saga. I was going to do a full headcanon, but I decided to split it into parts since it was getting rather long. Probably a bit out of character for Marc to be a sarcastic, smart mouth in this headcanon, but in his defense, he's exhausted. Stay tuned for part two when we read about Alya interrogating the three suspects. Who do you think did the crime? Share your thoughts, opinions, and theories about the guilty party.
@andromeda612 @artzychic27 @username8746489 @nerd-chocolate @imsparky2002 @msweebyness
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birdinabowl · 2 months
Favorite gem in SU/SUF? Also love your account aesthetic!
My favorite gem in the series probably has to be Amethyst. Her arc was handled wonderfully and super realisticly and that just makes her super enjoyable! She’s also just fun personally wise
also thanks :3!!
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I love Steven Universe (especially SUF) cuz I get to see so many great queer characters and it makes me proud to be queer. And also plural. Like hey they’re all so pretty not just aesthetically but like. They’re just there ya know? Being queer and happy. And fusions also. Like I see Stevonnie and I’m like. They’re multiple people and the same person and they’re so cool and pretty and they love each other and just. Ugh. SU good.
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creativia10 · 10 months
The Merits of Scientist Lab coats
Logan was preparing how he would want a Crofter's commercial to go, for if he gets the chance to share. Janus comes in while Logan is practicing to flirt with him.
Warnings: suggestive themes
Relationships: Logan/Janus
Wordcount: 1405
Notes: Loceit Week 2023 Day 5 Philosophy/Science (I chose science) Sorry this is late. I don't know if I'll have any more for @loceitweek as I only decided this week to write this one. The topic this week has inspired me though. I may write other Loceit fics, like maybe for the multifandom pride prompts I've been attempting (which will also be late).
Logan looked around at his setup with a nod. It wasn’t much, but it was perfect for what he was going for. Logan had been preparing in his head what kind of commercial he would have proposed for Crofters. If it ever came up that was.
He cleared his throat and smoothed out his lab coat. Logan then waved a hand at the nearby whiteboards to write out what he said. It would look better to be handwritten in real time for the actual thing when he showed the others. This was just for practice though.
He held up the crofters’ jar, presenting it to where he knew the camera would be. Logan had been listing helpful facts about the jam for a minute and a half when he heard someone go,
Logan stopped and looked in that direction. He hadn’t thought anyone was in here. To his surprise, Janus was sitting nearby, smirking at him.
Janus clapped.
“What a well-done presentation, Logan. I apologize for interrupting you. It was not my intention.”
Logan frowned at the other, unsure about that. Logan cleared his throat and set the jar of jam off to the side.
“Janus. I did not expect you in here. Did you need something?”
Janus hmmed again and stood up. He stretched languidly, bringing attention to his different outfit of choice. Then he started to walk over to Logan.
“Noo, not necessarily. Perhaps I just wanted to hear you ramble on intelligently about something of interest to you,” Janus said with a smirk.
Logan’s eyes widened. Janus walked closer to Logan, who then coughed to the side. Logan hadn’t expected anyone to actually want to hear him spew facts like that. The others had always acted like it was a necessity that nobody actually liked.
“I-is that so?” Logan cleared his throat again. He was usually so much better at holding his composure than this. Janus had simply caught him off guard by saying so.
“And the outfit?” Logan asked, gesturing to Janus’ new getup.
Janus was wearing a lab coat, like Logan’s own. Except he had a yellow shirt peaking out where Logan’s typical polo was similarly visible. Janus was also wearing safety goggles as well.
Janus hummed again, stepping even closer.
“Maybe I just wanted to match the vibe of your setup, hm? I think the scientist look works, don’t you?” He asked with a playful smirk.
“Ah well, yes. Of course, it works,” Logan started,
“I had the lab coat set up for this scene to show safety was a priority. And how the production of Crofters would be hygienic. Of course, we wouldn’t be near anything that would be a contamination concern anyways, as it is more for the aesthetic of the commercial.”
Janus sighed at that.
“Logan, I’m not doubting the merits of wearing a lab coat here. I know you have good plans for these things,” Janus said.
“You do?” Logan asked.
“Mhmm,” When Janus was close enough, he reached over and started toying with the lapels of Logan’s lab coat.
“I just think the whole scientist look, with the lab coats, works for us. Aesthetically, as you would say. I certainly appreciate intellectual looks,” Janus said with that smooth voice of his.
“O-oh,” Logan said. Janus’ fingers were warm where Logan could feel him brushing against his coat. Amidst messing with the lapels.
 Logan found he didn’t mind it, even if it was unexpected. Nobody got this close to him.
Janus leaned in.
“Did you want to keep going? I wouldn’t be opposed to assisting you.” Janus said.
Logan hesitated. He was sufficiently distracted now. Admitting such a thing felt embarrassing though.
“Uh, well,”
“Or did I throw you off your vibe?” Janus asked.
 Logan really needed to add that word to his slang vocab. He was hearing it a lot more now.
“I wouldn’t say you threw me off. I am physically right where I was when I started. I also knew I would be presenting this in front of others at some point. Theoretically, I should be fine.”
“Theoretically?” Janus asked with a knowing smile.
“Uh, well,” Logan wasn’t sure what he should say here. Janus hmmed.
“It’s okay if I distracted you, Logan. I am well aware you didn’t expect me to be here,” Janus said.
“How did you know I would be here anyways?” Logan asked.
“I didn’t originally,” Janus continued. “But I was bored and I overheard you as I passed this room amidst my wandering. Figured I could learn something and maybe have some fun. Which I definitely have.”
Janus was smirking again, which e often did.
Logan blinked. “Oh? You were enjoying my presentation?”
“Of course,” Janus said, “Although, I have more fun interacting with you.” Janus paused in his teasing to lightly poke Logan in the chest.
“I-is that so?” Logan asked.
Janus winked at him in response.
“Why are you interacting with me in this way?” Logan asked.
“Because it’s fun, as I said,” Janus continued, “Is that alright?”
“I suppose,” Logan said.
Janus frowned slightly and stepped away.
“Logan, I know you’re not the best at admitting to your wants, but you need to be clear about how you feel about my teasing. It’s no fun if I am actively making you uncomfortable. I get a hard enough time from the others. About whether I actually respect personal boundaries.”
Logan blinked at that.
“Wouldn’t that be more of a concern from Remus than you?” Logan asked. Janus sighed and shrugged. Logan frowned but nodded.
“I see what you are saying. I would not want to make things worse for you.”
“Logan, it’s not about that,” Janus said. “You are not responsible for anything that affects me except your own actions. Which you are fine with at this point by the way. Nothing else should be a factor in stating your boundaries. Aside from what you are comfortable with.”
Logan nodded again. He knew Janus had a point.
“Right, of course.”
But then came the harder part of admitting he didn’t mind Janus’ actions, because what would that mean next?
“It’s okay if you don’t know, Logan,” Janus said with a more genuine smile this time.
“I should have asked earlier anyways. I just like to be playful, you know how I am.”
Logan supposed he did. Although Logan saw this side more when Janus was around Logan now.
Logan took a breath. He was curious though where they could go from here. Logan was definitely one to seek after knowledge. Even in the case that it could affect his personal relationships, though not in a bad way.
“I…did not mind, Janus,” Logan said, not meeting the other’s eyes. He figured he should have at least looked at Janus while admitting so. But it was harder than he expected for some reason. Plus, Logan could feel his cheeks warming.
After a moment, Janus stepped up to Logan again.
“You are sure?” Janus asked.
Logan nodded.
“Yes. I am just…not used to admitting such things.”
Janus hummed again before reaching forward again to trace his fingers against Logan.
“That’s okay, Logan. It can be a process. It does make me wonder if you would prefer moving slower than I had in mind then.”
Logan’s breath caught, and he got himself to look at Janus in the face then. Janus looked back at him.
“I would like to know what you mean, first. And, I’m sorry if my need for clear wording changes the uh ‘mood’ at all, as the twins have told me in the past.”
Janus gave him a soft look at that and shook his head.
“Logan, you are not ruining anything. I know who you are. How do you know I don’t get hot and bothered by more words anyways?”
Logan narrowed his eyes in confusion.
“Hot and bothered? I certainly wouldn’t want you to be uncomfortable at all, that doesn’t sound pleasant. Should we get some air in here?”
Janus threw his head back in a laugh. Then he suddenly gripped his fingers around the coat lapels and pulled Logan against him. The breath from Janus’ lips brushed Logan’s own as he said,
“How about we head up to my room and I show you what I really mean by that?” Janus asked.
Logan’s breath stuttered.
“Okay,” Logan choked out.
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sloaaaa · 1 year
Yo you see the new direct? I'm pretty sure you will think its cool :).
TOTK PREVIEW LOOKS AWESOME!!!! all the new enemies and stuff to use totk's shiekah slate equivalent! and the shield suf rails are cool too! hmm all the glowy vehicles feel kinda clashy though sin'ce they're literally just hoverboards and cars but ✨magical✨ but who knows! they might grow on me once we get to know more about them!
SPLATOON DLC!!!!! aarrggrurahrgh it makes me so excited that they're coming in wAVES!!!! i feel like there might be two more waves bc of the 4 in colours behind the words expansion pack and the 4 tapes under the wave 1 screen but idk that might just be me grasping at straws shkdjfgh wave 1!!! hOUHRUHGRHG INKOPOLIS PLAZAAA ;;;;;;;; i think it was really funny that the whole fandom lost their shit at the dlcs being announced n then after getting over the adrenaline collectively decided that wave 1 doesn't actually do shit shkjdfhg but honestly i like it! splatsville feels a bit big for me plus i never got to play splat1 that much so it's nice getting to see where it all started. also sQUID SISTERS PERFORMING AGAIN ;;;;; i Love that their city of colours instrumental didn't change but their singing clearly did, and they look older noww!! ;; and also their clothes do the glowy glow now too!!!! so happy for them -w- also ss is my fav idol group of the three (but the other two aren't far behind so it's not rlly significant jskjhdfg) so obv i'm excited to see them again ;;;; i hope that w bringing back the plaza they also bring back AT LEAST the arcade minigames and everything, bc it looks like the arcade machine is still present in the plaza (but i might be tripping so don't take my word for it :p
AND THEN WE HAVE SIDE ORDER ouruhrhghgh god idc if there was barely any info in that teaser but gOD was it pretty. the music box?? everything was so. Different. just the teaser itself felt like this Huge leap from the usual energy of splatoon in almost every aspect, colourless, slow, inquisitive. i'm hoping that the story is deeper w this dlc! maybe even make it feel like an rpg? idk but like, it'd be cool i think if they took the lore stuff in oe, the dialogue, the chat rooms, the Everything, and really tied it into the gameplay instead of making it feel like something you can always just check later if that makes sense? ough i am sO fucking excited for side order,, the music, the aesthetic, the story, the Everthing man aURUGHUGGH
NEXT MY CHILDHOOD BEST FRIEND KIRBY'S RTD DELUXE!!!!!!! AWOHHWHGOAWHGA i love kirby rtd ;;;;; it's my very first kirby game!! and one that i'd play over and over and over and over again. i'm so happy that it's getting remade for the switch ;;; absolutely looove the outline thing they did w the characters! i love that they kept the colours nice and bright and fun just like i remember! i'mm not sure yet how i feel about retconning king dedede's design hkdjfhg since rtd was my first game his design there is the one i'm used to n not his earlier design in kirby 64 crystal shards :p but yeah! i really like the merry magoland!! i played it a bit in the demo and it's a fun lil mario party minigame mountain feeling thing -w- aND THE MASK THING IS SO COOL??? U CAN WEAR THEM IN STORY MODE TOO!!!! i think it's really neat that they added the souvenirs to help you in ur playthrough n all that, and they added an easy mode w the magolor help thingy! i'm always a fan of people adding easy modes to games -w- (won't go too into that though bc i could be a whole nother post probably jkdhfgs) ooouhg n then there's the magolor epilogue!!!!! u get to play as the bastard!!!!!!!!!!!! he looks so pathetic n cute i'm sorry hkdjfhg i think it's really cool what they did! the whole upgrading thing n making it a bit more rpg-like which is new for kirby games afaik! oughh i'm really happy that they added new content ><
i nutted when i heard the gameboy advance startup sound sHKJDHGKJSHFDG that's like,, my very first nintendo console thingy ;-; specifically the advance sp! kinda hoping they add pokemon r/s in the future,, i think i might play m&l superstar saga after i finish bowser's inside story! :D
AND LAST BUT DEFINITELY NOT THE LEASTTT PROFESSOR LAYTON AND THE NEW WORLD OF STEEEAAAMMMMM AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I DIDN'T THINK THEY'D EVER MAKE ANOTHER PROFESSOR LAYTON GAME AGAIINNN ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; professor layton and the miracle mask was one of my very first games on the 3ds ;; the very first was scribblenauts that my dad got for me but when choosing my very own game professor layton miracle mask called to me and i am sO happy i picked that specific game up ;;; ahem. i know that the teaser gave basically No information but sTILL!!! HE'S ALIVE!!! ngl after katrielle layton flopped i thought they'd never continue the series kdjfhg kat layton didn't even feel like a part of the series it kinda just felt like a spinoff or smth. but he's here! he's alive!!! and i love that the One Background we see is so distinctly layton ;; it's making me think of specifically professor layton and the unwound future. ugh gOD i am so fucking excited to go through another crazy adventure. i remember playing through Every layton game and each and every one has some crazy batshit insane twist at the end and you can Never really figure out what's going to happen until the very end and i LOVE that!!! i remember finishing Azran legacy and feeling a lil bittersweet. i'd wish that i could play it all for the first time again. katrielle layton came around but that was a bit of a letdown ;-; i barely even remember anything from it anymore :p but god. GOD. professor layton new world of steam. FUCK man
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huecycles · 4 years
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windows aesthetic pearls | part 1 | part 2
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rosebrambles · 3 years
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❝ and we'll always save the day... ❞
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kcgirl578 · 4 years
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I'm late but here you go
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3am-in-the-park · 3 years
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Leather jacket !!!
Feel free to follow my art account on Instagram (@willows.jpg !!)
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marskiiii · 4 years
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idk why i feel the need to do the things that i do
Do not repost, please!
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lemon-lane · 2 years
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Portrait of a Quartz
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coloredviolet · 4 years
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todays episodes were a bit... too real
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prettyshort · 3 years
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POV: You're prince Phillip and you've just landed in hell so go to say hi to the Cool Royal clique (Marie Antoinette, Joanna of castille, Richard III, Charles II) but they're too preoccupied with trying to stay cool (metaphorically and literally) to chat and instantly start judging you for ur bland fashion & being old
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