#stop talking about the asshole dorm advisors
mrslatifi · 9 months
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save my man k-mag from the nepo twink sandwich
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hopes4gf · 3 years
Thievery and Mischief (a marvel/ descendants crossover)
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TW: (applies for series: discussions and mentions of rape, underaged sex, cheating, suicide, mental health)
AN: hi! this is a work in progress fanfic i’m uploading in advance of 15 chapters, so please show this some love, also sorry in advance for typos and spelling errors, my grammar is shit ;/ please enjoy!
I was so young. Too young. I didn’t understand why anything happened. I grew up in Agrabah with my parents and my brother, Aziz. But it wasn’t the dream vacation destination everyone in Auradon sought it out to be. It was a wreck. Jafar and Hades had invaded Agrabah and fought against my parents for revenge. Agrabah was damaged after their attack and our government had struggle to repair itself. So we had to live in a semi-permanent safe home for quite some time. By the way, I was also cursed by Jafar as a kid and I could shape shift into a tiger and develop other powers in the future. In my home, Mom was always stressed. Yelling and screaming how we needed to be better than they were to protect our city, especially me with my powers. My brother and I both took fencing classes, martial arts, learn how to shoot, every survival skill in the books before taking boys and girl Royal etiquette classes. Mom was the one who was particularly hard on me and my older brother throughout our childhood. Dad, not so much. He spent a lot of time in meetings in Auradon City. That’s how my first friendships began. He was great friends with King Adam and Queen Belle, elected leaders of Auradon. Ben, their only child was shy around me at first. He was intimidated by my mature stature. He like horses, painting, books, and food. I liked singing, fencing, and dancing but I also had a love for food and books so we got along through those things. We would always talk about the different ingredients in our cultures foods. His French pastries and my Arabian comfort foods. We were an inseparable pair of friends. And then I was introduced to Audrey. She joined our group soon after King Adam and Belle has decided to promise my parents and Audrey’s parents to a trust bond. A promise that would have one of us marry in the future. 9 year old me definitely didn’t want ANYTHING to do with dating my best friend. Neither did Ben. But Audrey, she was so persistent. She would constantly try to grab his attention. She was such a cheeky little girl. Raised to be such a lady compared to my more loose and carefree attitude. Somehow, Ben was happy around her. Our group soon expanded, and I met the greatest person ever. Li Lonnie, my greatest friend ever. Daughter of Fa Mulan and Li Shang, she was like me. Mature, strong, intelligent, and such a beautiful kid. Sure, she didn’t have my hazel eyes but she was such a pretty girl. She spoke so intelligently and when she spoke it was law. She was one of my inspirations as a kid. And still is :)
Time passed and we realized we weren’t kids anymore. My brother had to go away to a school in Auradon. And I was alone soon again. But I had my friends. But my child-like manners went away when I realized it was soon my turn to go to Auradon. So, I ran away. But you’ll hear more about that in the future.
Freshman year of high school. Audrey and Ben has broken off from our group and started dating in High School. Audrey has changed so much. She was such a sweet girl with a big heart but had begun to morph into a self-absorbed teen. Lonnie was still the same kind-hearted best friend. When I arrived in Auradon, I had a familiar face to help me. My cousin, Jordan. Daughter of the Genie. Everyone in that school was so nice that it hurt. My mother had raised me not to believe everything in front of me. But one particular thing or something changed that. A blonde boy with short curly hair and beautiful blue eyes had captured my attention. I still remember when our eyes had locked for the first time in the school courtyard. It was a whole new experience for me. I suddenly felt happy inside. Like a new found confidence in me was discovered. But my cousin Jordan advised me not to approach the boy. Chad Charming, son of Prince Charming and Cinderella. The most popular boy at Auradon Prep. Every girl would fawn over him endlessly. One day I had found a note from him on my lunch tray to meet him in the gardens. I swear we talked for hours about everything. We talked about our dreams, our experiences, our hopes. He made all my dreams happen. I wanted my first date to be at a carnival and he made that happen. I wanted something from the mall and he got it for me. I thought everything with him was just fine. Until that party. Ben had thrown a party for all his friends at Auradon Prep and Chad and I were there. Everyone was drinking except me. Imagine, prestigious kids of Royalty breaking illegal drinking laws. I didn’t know at the time but the punch was spiked heavily with Vodka. I never drank Vodka after that damn party. Jane, the headmistress, Fairy Godmother’s daughter had come to my dorm crying. She kept saying “I can’t take this anymore”. She had gave me the worst news of my life. She had seen Chad take me upstairs while I was drunk and touch me in explicit manners. Essentially, my boyfriend decided to rape me at my best friend’s party. I was sickened by that. And when my family pressed charges and got a restraining order on him, the case ended in a settlement. He didn’t even serve time. Because the judge was a family friend of the Charmings. I was devastated. I cried for weeks. I didn’t eat. I didn’t sleep. I just cried. Lonnie visited me every day while I was out of school. She had told me that Chad had moved on and was doing perfectly fine. I was miserable for all of Sophmore year.
By the way, my name is Adri Ababwa and I’m the world’s stupidest masterpiece. But you’ll see why later.
“Adri,” My best friend, Ben called out.
My eyes widen, suddenly alarmed from my name being called.
“What’s up?” I say striding over to Ben’s side as he looks out the window of his parlor.
”I spoke with my parents about the proclamation,” Ben says.
I roll my eyes, realizing what’s about to happen.
”I told you your idea was stupid. Your dad would never let you bring Villain kids over-“
”They approved it,” Ben says, stopping me between my sentence.
My eyes widen in disbelief.
“Oh. Oh! I guess that’s good for you I guess,” I say nervously.
Ben takes both of my hands in his.
”Listen, I know things were rough for you last year, but this year we need change in this world. And I’m gonna be the one to establish that change,” Ben says.
”Even if that means bringing the daughters of Maleficent and the Evil Queen and the sons of Cruella de Vil and Jafar to Auradon Prep?” I ask nervously.
”What did I say about that?” Ben asks cheekily.
”They’re not their parents,” I reply in a mumble.
”Right,” Ben says, patting my shoulder. Ben opens his mouth to say something but hesitates.
”What?” I ask.
”That‘s why your going to be my advisor,” Ben says.
I take a step back.
”Your crazy but okay,” I giggle.
Ben chuckles softly and goes to the phone to ask his secretary if Audrey is on her way to the room for her Coronation fitting.
I walk through the door and wish Ben good luck.
As I stride down the hall, I hop onto my sticker filled skateboard and race down the halls. I greet the guards surrounding the castle and slide the down the handlebars of the stairs. I see Audrey and stop to walk the rest of the way.
”Adri! It’s a pleasure to see after so long. Out of your depression, I see,” Audrey says snarkily.
”Sure! I’m fine. And I see your makeup is looking as creased as ever,” I reply in the same fashion.
Audrey huffs and rolls her eyes.
I strut off.
”Fucking bitch,” I mutter to myself, hopping on my skateboard and skating back to my dorm.
As soon as I reach my dorm, Fairy Godmother is standing by my door.
“Can you please give me the board?” Fairy Godmother asks.
”Can’t have any fun around here, can I?” I ask, giving her my board for the fifth time this week
“Not for the first week of school. Remember we have-“
”Press coming in to report on the school, I know Jane told me,” I say at the same time as Fairy Godmother.
“Good. Then I’ll see you soon,” Fairy Godmother says dismissing herself.
I turn around and head for the courtyard where I spot Jordan under our gossip tree.
”What’s new, pinky-Lou?” I ask.
”Hey, cuz. Just doing some newspaper projects. I writing about the secret camera web series of our school and the new kids coming to the Isle,” Jordan says.
”Damn, news does travel fast,” I scoff.
”Ben posted an announcement a couple minutes ago,” Jordan says.
I roll my eyes in disbelief.
“What if one of them is cute? You gonna go for it?” Jordan asks cheekily.
”HELL NO. I am never making the same mistake of opening up to a person ever again,” I yell.
”It’s gonna happen...” Jordan says in a song-like manner.
”Shut the fuck up!” I say.
The night I sneak out of my dorm and go to the kitchens to get a snack for Roxie, my baby tiger.
”Insomnia?” A voice says behind me.
I’m startled by the voice and I turn to see Lonnie standing over the counter.
”Yes, you asshole,” I sigh.
Lonnie laughs silently.
”You know someone’s gonna find out that it’s you recording the videos at lunch,” I say.
”Stop it. That’s top secret,” Lonnie says.
”Who cares? Everyone knows that they’re asshole and dickheads anyways. And your very lucky that I haven’t ratted you out to Jordan. She’s persistent,” I say, grabbing some bacon from the fridge and putting it in a pan
”That’s for Roxie, right?” Lonnie asks.
”Maybe not,” I say.
Lonnie laughs and I take a piece of cooked bacon and put it in my mouth.
I hum softly at the taste.
”Hey. Don’t be afraid to talk to me sometimes. Especially after what I saw,” Lonnie says.
Ah. The thing. After some time in my self-quarantine of Sophmore year, I decided it was time for everything in my life to end. So, I grabbed some pills and I did something I regretted. Lonnie saved my life that day. That’s why I love her so much.
“I know, mama,” I say softly as I cook the rest of the bacon.
”You have no idea how much I care, Adri,” Lonnie says, hugging me from behind me.
”Thats probably why I love when you’re around,” I chuckle.
Lonnie lays her head on my shoulder.
”By the way I signed ya up for the welcoming comitee with Audrey,” Lonnie whispers.
”What!” I yell.
Two weeks later...
Someone starts banging heavily on my door. I open my eyes and the sound in my ears clears.
”ADRI! Wake up! Your late for the Vk’s welcoming,” Audrey screams from behind my door.
Maybe I should have stayed asleep. Damn you, Lonnie.
I put on this:
And I walked out my door.
“Ben shouldn’t have made you his advisor if you were gonna sleep in,” Audrey says.
”I’m here aren’t I?” I reply.
”Shut up, let’s go,” Audrey says, grabbing my hand and dragging me down the stairs to the courtyard.
Oh god this is gonna be terrible.
Ben sees me and Audrey coming up next to him.
”What happened to you?” Ben asks.
”Slept in,” I mumble.
Ben chuckles and Audrey takes his arm.
”It’s fine by the way, it’s actually the first time in a while,” Ben says.
Fairy Godmother begins to greet everyone in the small group of band kids and cheerleaders until she reaches our trio.
”Ben, Audrey, Adri, how are you?” Fairy Godmother.
“Good,” We all say.
The limo pulls up and the band starts playing. The limo stops and two boys pop out fighting over a scarf.
My eyes glance towards to girls who come out of the other side of the car. One has short plum hair with a plum leather outfit to match. The other girl has long wavy blue hair with two crown braids at the front.
“Why do you want whatever this is?” One of the boys with gray hair says.
”Because you want it,” The other boy in a red beanie says.
Right off the bat you notice who’s who. And the boy in the beanie is definitely Jafar’s son.
“Leave it where you found it! And by that, just leave it.” Fairy Godmother says.
”Just cleaning up!” The boy with the red beanie says.
He puts the scarf back in the limo and his eyes immediately catch mine.
He catches me as I stare at his frame. His brown hair, his dark brown eyes, his muscular form and his leather outfit all catch me off guard.
His frown turns into a smirk and he strides towards me.
”Hello, foxy~ The name’s...Jay,” The boy introduces, attempting to flirt with me.
I laugh softly at his action.
”Your quite the catch aren’t you?” I remark with a smirk.
“Welcome to Auradon Prep,” Fairy Godmother says, stepping between us.
I whisper a little thank you to her and she nods.
”I’m Fairy Godmother, the headmistress,” She curtsies.
”As in, the Fairy Godmother? Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo?” The girl with plum hair asks.
”Bibbidi-Bobbidi, you know it,” Fairy Godmother says.
“Does she ramble like this much?” I ask Ben.
”All the damn time,” Ben says.
We snicker in unison.
Audrey nudges Ben.
”It’s so nice to meet you all. I’m Ben,” Ben introduces.
”Prince Ben. Soon to be King, right Bennyboo?” Audrey interjects.
I fake-vomit at the nickname and roll my eyes.
”You had me at Prince. My mom’s a queen so that makes me a princess,” The blue haired girl says, fawning over Ben.
”The Evil Queen has no Royal status here and neither do you,” Audrey smiles cheekily.
”Yes she does, otherwise Snow White would cease to be Royalty and she is her step-sister,” I comment with a smile.
Audrey raises a brow to stop me and I wink in the girl’s direction. She gives me a smile in return.
”This is Audrey. My-“
”Girlfriend. And future queen,” Audrey says.
”Last but not least, this is Adri. My advisor and my best friend,” Ben says.
”Your new wickedly cool best friend,” I say with a smirk.
”These three are going to show you all around and I’ll see all tomorrow. The doors of wisdom are never shut! Except library hours are 8:00 to 11:00 and you know I have a thing for curfew,” Fairy Godmother says, excusing herself.
”She tends to drag things out of proportion. Don’t mind her,” I say.
Ben chuckles and Audrey nudges his arm.
“It is so, so, so good to finally me... meet you all,” Ben starts as Jay hits his chest with a light punch.
“ This is a momentous occasion, and one that I hope will go down in history... Is that chocolate?” Shaking the gray haired boy’s hand that is covered in chocolate.
”As the day our two peoples began to heal,” Ben finishes.
“Or the day where you showed four peoples where the bathrooms are,” The plum haired girl says.
“A little over the top?” Ben asks her.
”More than a little,” She says.
”So much for my first impression,” Ben says awkwardly.
“You're Maleficent's daughter, aren't you? Yeah, you know what? I totally do not blame you for your mother trying to kill my parents and stuff. Oh, my mom's Aurora. Sleeping...“ Audrey starts.
”Beauty! Yeah I’ve heard the name. You know, I totally do not blame your grandparents for not inviting my mother to their stupid christening,” The girl responds.
”Water under the bridge!” Audrey fakes.
”Totes!” The girl replys in the same tone.
They laugh together pathetically.
“Jeez, can we get this over with?“ I scoff.
” OK. So how about a tour, yeah?“ Ben starts.
We start to move towards the front of the school.
“Auradon Prep was originally built 300 years ago before my father turned it into a high school when he was elected King,” Ben says, clapping his fingers to morph the statue.
The gray haired boy jumps into Jay’s arms.
”Carlos, it’s okay. My father made the statue to remind us that anything is possible,” Ben addresses.
I laugh at the boy’s banter. Jay sees this and drops Carlos to the floor. I can feel him lurking by me as we continue inside the school.
“ So do you guys have magic here? You know, like wands and stuff?” Mal asks.
“All that stuffs pretty much retired. Most of us are just ordinary mortals,” Ben says.
”Unlike me. I was cursed so...” I say clicking my tongue.
”And you happen to be kings and queens?“
“That’s true. Our royal blood goes back hundreds and hundreds of years,“ Audrey says, placing an arm around Ben.
”Doug,” Ben calls Dopey’s son down.
“Doug, will be showing you to your dorms. If you have any questions-“
”Ask Adri or Doug,” Audrey says, whisking him away.
“Um, hey guys. Hi, guys. I'm Dopey's son. As in Dopey, Doc, Bashful, Happy, Grumpy, Sleepy, and... Heigh-ho.,” Doug starts, his eyes landing on the blue haired girl.
I take the clipboard from him and read their names.
”Mal Bertha. Evie Grimhilde. Carlos De Vil. Jay Farr,” I read to myself.
I interrupt Doug as he talks about classes.
”I’ll be showing you to your dorms,” I say, walking up one staircase.
”Guys, it’s actually this way,” Doug points towards me as the go in the wrong direction.
They follow me until we stop at their dorm rooms.
”Boys, you have the larger dorm here,” I point.
”Sweet!” Carlos says, hopping inside.
”What’s in it?” Jay asks, me
”Two full size beds, a flat screen tv, mini fridge, 3D printer, gaming console, a bathroom for two, fireplace, and double closet,” I say off the top of my head.
”Thank god, that’s enough to keep them busy for hours,” Mal says.
Me and the girls turn away from their room but someone places a hand on my shoulder.
”Hey, can we talk after?” Jay asks.
���Why?” I ask, raising a brow.
Jay gives me a pleading looks and I roll my eyes, walking away.
”Girls, this is your dorm. With roughly the same things as the boys except a bigger closet and bathroom and no gaming console,” I say.
”This room needs more-“
”Purple? I supposed you would agree. Love your outfit by the way,” I compliment.
”You don’t look to horrible yourself,” Mal smirks.
”I made it by the way,” Evie adds.
“Fashion Designer, huh? You could make some bank with that,” I comment.
Evie smiles.
”If you need anything, I’m the first door down the hall,” I say.
I close the door to the girls dorm and turn to see someone completely unexpected. My smile turns into a frown as I see Chad Charming at the end of the hall. As I try and stride down the hall to Jay and Carlos’s room, his gaze meets mine.
”Well, well. Look who it is. Little miss court case,” Chad says, his lips curving into a smirk.
”Your lucky my restraining order is expired, Charming,” I snark as he draws near to me.
”You know, you’re lucky Ben and Lonnie are friends with you. Otherwise, everyone here wouldn’t give a damn about your little charity case,” Chad says cockily, running a hand through my hair.
My body tenses and my teeth clench as he touches my hair.
“Don’t do that,” I say through my clenched jaw.
”Or what?” Chad says, pinning me against the wall. His frame towering over me.
”You gonna sue me again just so that I could give your pathetic ass more money?” Chad asks.
”Get your fucking hands off of her,” A voice says from behind Chad.
I look over Chad’s shoulder to see Jay standing behind him with a scowl on his face.
I can practically feel my eyes change shape, pleading to Jay to help me.
Chad gets off of me and walks towards Jay confronting him.
”Is that a threat?” Chad asks.
”You gonna punch me if it is, Princey? You know, you probably shouldn’t mess with someone you barely know. I’m sure it’ll have serious consequences,” Jay growls.
Chad backs off, intimidated by Jay.
”Whatever, man,” Chad scoffs, taming a step back.
He turns to me, his smirk returning.
”I’ll see you later, babe,” Chad says, winking at me.
He walks away and I can practically feel the tears coming to my eyes.
”Who the hell does he think he is?” Jay scoffs.
My legs start to move down the hall, trying to get away.
”Hey! Where are you going?” Jay calls behind me.
”Leave me alone!” I choke.
Jay’s footsteps chase after me and he grabs my wrist.
”Stay out of my business and leave me the hell alone,” I say in a serious tone.
”What was that about though? And why do you look like your about to cry in any second?” Jay asks deliberately.
I growl under my breath.
”Because he’s my abusive ex-boyfriend who raped me while I was blacked out at Ben’s party! And now everyone pities the hell out of me and treats me like a child because I tried to commit suicide. Is that what you’re so desperate to get out of me?” I yell.
Jay is taken aback by my words. His brown eyes widen as he looks at me. Searching through my eyes and seeing the pain in them.
”Shit, I’m so sorry. Look, I will never ever do that to you ever again,” Jay says, concerned by my action.
”Listen, don’t make promises you know you can’t keep,” I say.
Jay turns to leave but I grab his wrist.
”You forgot you tell me what you wanted to speak about,” I say with a smirk.
Jay scratches his neck nervously.
”Sorry. I was just so concerned about the way that guy was talking to you that I didn’t even realize,” Jay explains.
I chuckle lightly at his concern. How is he so chill after that? After I just yelled at him?
“I was just wondering if I could learn a little more about you. I mean-since we know a little bit about Ben and Audrey so,” Jay says.
I giggle lightly at his question. Then I hesitate, remembering this is the son of my parent’s enemy. But suddenly, my new found confidence tells me “Fuck it”.
”Well, I’ve lived in Auradon for 3 years. I like Art a lot. And um, I’m the daughter of Aladdin and Jasmine,” I say shyly.
Jay erupts in a light chuckle. My brows furrow at his actions.
”Did I say something wrong?” I ask.
”No, but that does explain everything,” Jay says with a smirk.
”Explain what exactly?” I ask, confused by his action.
”The comebacks, the way you roll your eyes, the outfit, and the way you act around danger. You have that “I really don’t give and shit sometimes attitude”. I’m assuming it’s family trait,” Jay laughs.
I roll my eyes at his banter.
”Sure, dipshit. And you know wanna know what gives you away?” I ask cheekily.
”What?” Jay says, playing along.
”The fact that you prance around me, eyeing me just like your father did to my mother when she was my age,” I say with a smirk.
His eyes widen, catching him off guard.
”And I promise you, your little concerned or flirtatious act isn’t gonna always cut it with me, pretty boy,” I say, tapping his shoulder and turning to leave.
I look behind me and see him smirk behind me as I walk to my dorm.
That boy is gonna keep trying to win me over. And I’m in for the long game...
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ferritin4 · 5 years
Titans Together part 2 (Gen Jon Kent/Damian Wayne)
A follow-up to This First Installment of my mildly absurd headcanon about aged-up Damian Wayne and Jon Kent, based off of the recent, and now ongoing, runs of Tomasi’s Super Sons. The first post got more interest than I expected -- the amount I expected was “none” honestly -- so I’m putting this up as well for you few who thought it was fun. It is fun. It’s a fun ship. This is set on the same visit, the next day.
“I have a meeting with my advisor,” Damian said, stepping over Jon to get to his desk. Jon pulled his blankets back onto the air mattress and rubbed his eyes.
“Cool,” Jon said. “Is the cafeteria open on Saturday mornings?”
The cafeteria was open.
Damian had demanded he go to some restaurant in town where Damian knew someone, but that didn’t matter. Jon hadn’t even intended to stay the night, but if he was here, he was here, and he wasn’t Damian. He could eat at a normal cafeteria like a normal person.
It was pretty sparse still, because Damian got up at like four thirty in the morning every day — Damian slept between zero and four hours a night most days, which still freaked Jon out a little bit, but if he was going to have a heart attack or a seizure or something he probably would have had it by now — so Jon was showered and dressed in his jeans and boots and one of Damian’s plain white t-shirts by five thirty. Damian didn’t just wear t-shirts around anymore, of course, and this was supposed to go under a dress shirt, but Jon wasn’t wearing one of Damian’s dress shirts. No way.
It was pretty warm for September, but he still needed something between a t-shirt and his jacket. Damian’s dorm or whatever was like, a whole studio apartment, with a closet that Jon probably could have slept in instead of next to the desk where Damian kicked him in the side by accident every time he wanted to get a new pen or something.
Damian probably would’ve kicked him in the side by accident even if Jon had slept in the closet. Jon had spent more than enough time in the Titans headquarters. He knew how Damian operated.
Damian had a couple of sweaters that didn’t look too fancy, for Damian. Jon had pulled a dark red one over his head and gotten his wallet and headed out.
The breakfast in the dining hall was eggs and bacon and stuff. Jon got like six pancakes at the pancake station; he was hungry.
“Hi,” he told the person at the cash register. “I gotta pay with money, like. I’m not a student. If that’s okay.”
“That’s fine,” the cashier said, and then the person behind Jon said, “I — are you — um, Kent?”
“Uh, yeah,” Jon said to Ms. Braxton, who looked even smaller standing up. Her hair was in a very ineffective headband and she was wearing a hoodie, pajama pants, and house slippers.
“Wow,” she said.
“Good morning,” Jon said.
“I can get your food,” she said suddenly, apparently recovering from whatever she’d been thinking, and shoved forward to give the cashier her ID card.
“Oh, no, don’t worry about it,” Jon said. “I can pay for my breakfast, Miss, uh, Braxton. For real,” he added when she blinked up at him.
“You remember my name?” she said. “And, no, I got it. It’s not even real money. It’s part of my tuition.”
Isn’t your tuition paid for with money? Jon thought, but it wasn’t like he didn’t know Damian. It wasn’t like he didn’t know a whole lot of people who ran billion-dollar companies and bought newspapers and banks and thought things like it’s not real money, if they even thought about it at all.
“Thank you, I appreciate it,” Jon said, following her to the condiments station. “Why wouldn’t I remember your name?”
“Because you were busy getting grilled by the devil himself?” she said. “I think I go into, like, a fugue state most of the time. Like my brain is trying to die while my body’s still alive.” She pumped a giant pool of ketchup onto her plate.
“Oh, yeah,” Jon said. He shrugged as well as he could with a tray in his hands. “It doesn’t bother me anymore. I guess I don’t know if it ever did? But I get it.”
“Other profs don’t bother me,” she said, steering them toward a table. “I’m not, like, a wimp, but he’s like — he’ll fail you as soon as he’ll look at you, did you know that? And he’s, like, I don’t know. He’s so mean. You have no idea.”
“He can be pretty mean,” Jon conceded, tucking into his bacon. He wasn’t going to sit here and try to convince someone that Damian Wayne wasn’t an asshole.
“So,” she said.
“Mgnh?” Jon said. He swallowed. “Yeah? Oh, I didn’t really introduce myself.” He wiped his hand off on his napkin. “I’m Jon.”
“I’m Hafsah,” she said with a weird look on her face. “Mitchell said your name was Jon.”
“Mitchell?” Jon said. He took a sip of his coffee. It tasted okay, but it smelled kind of funny. Whatever, it only cost a dollar.
“Derek Mitchell? He was sitting next to you?” she said, and Jon bit his tongue so he didn’t say, oh, sure, Sweater Vest.
“Yes,” Jon said instead. “He didn’t tell me his name.”
“We don’t talk a lot in that class,” she said, her eyes narrowing slightly. “Usually. You did.”
Jon put half a pancake into his mouth and chewed it while he tried to figure out what she was getting at, but it didn’t really help.
“I didn’t mean to,” he said finally. He hadn’t. He had mostly planned to ask Damian about it after class, if he remembered or if Damian hadn’t explained it already by then.
“Do you work with him?” she said, out of nowhere. Jon frowned.
“No?” he said. “He works here?” It was kind of a lie, but like, he didn’t think she was acting weird and confused because she’d figured out the whole Teen Titans thing.
“Liam Kendry, who is a tool and stalks all his professors online like a creep,” she said, “says that he works for some defense contractor sometimes. And that he works for his dad’s company.”
“Well, okay, yeah, but he’s been doing that since he was like si— sssoo long ago,” Jon said. Damian would have had his ass for that. “He works here,” Jon added in an effort to distract her from the world’s lamest half-lie. “He goes to school here. And that’s not how I know him. I’m just here to hang out with him.”
“What?” she said. “You’re here to what?”
“Hang out?” Jon said. She stared at him, eyes nearly as big as Sweater Vest’s — Derek Mitchell’s — had been.
“Is that some kind of weird slang for like, a start-up tech company thing? Or, like, some kind of military exercise?” she asked.
“No,” Jon said a little more sharply than was polite, because he was getting tired of this. “He’s my best friend. We grew up together. We hang out! We watch movies! I made him go mudding on the farm last spring, he hated it,” he added, smiling.
Hafsah’s mouth opened, but she didn’t say anything. It stayed open.
“Are you okay?” Jon asked.
A small piece of potato fell out of her mouth and landed on the table between her plate and her lap.
“Oh my god, that was disgusting, I’m so sorry,” she said, snapping back to life and frantically attacking it with her napkin. “Okay gross, gross, sorry. Ew.”
“It’s okay,” Jon laughed. “Are you okay?”
“Um,” she said. “I don’t know. You seem so nice.”
That was a real non sequitur, but she seemed awfully sincere.
“Thank you,” Jon said, trying not blush. “I, uh. I try to be.”
“Wayne doesn’t,” she said decisively, and Jon didn’t even try to fight his smile.
“No,” he said, “no, he really doesn’t.” He forked the last of his pancakes into his mouth and took a drink of coffee. Something in his coffee still tasted a little off, or smelled weird. It was cafeteria coffee, so he didn’t want to be mean, but it was definitely getting worse.
“Did you really hug him at the end of class?” she asked, her eyes a little wild. Jon grinned.
“He hates that too,” he said. “But he had it com—”
That wasn’t his coffee. Shit.
“I gotta go,” he said, lurching out of his seat. “I’m sorry, I just — remembered something I forgot to do.”
“You what?” she said, but he was already gone, bolting out the doors and onto the quad.
Shit, shit, shit, where was it coming from? Where was his map? Something was burning, something chemical and strange, and Jon didn’t know where anything was, where were the science buildings — he punched CALL on his phone and started running toward the smell. Thank God it was still early. Nobody was out, nobody was there to see him and say, hey, man, are you —
“I am in a meeting,” Damian’s voice said, sharp and annoyed. “Which I know I told you.”
“Where are the labs, the science, like, the lab buildings?” Jon cut in. “Dami, something’s, I don’t know where, something’s on fire and it smells like nitrogen, or metal.”
“Four hundred yards southwest of Waterstone,” Damian said. “This meeting is over,” he said, not to Jon, “I will reschedule at my —” and Jon hung up.
He rounded in the corner, past Waterstone Hall, up a flight of weirdly broad stairs. There were two buildings, pretty much identical, looming up, and where was it — oh. Oh no, he could see the smoke in the windows of the third floor.
Nobody was coming. There was nobody anywhere, no sirens. Smoke was starting to trickle out one of the windows, but no one was helping.
Well, Jon thought as a dark shape landed on the roof. Not no one. Not anymore.
Nobody was out here, though, which meant Jon could fly up and kick in the emergency door on the third floor fire escape without anyone calling the cops or a TV station.
Damian ducked in through the break room window as Jon came down the hall, and oh, whoa. Shit had been the right word. Yikes.
Smoke was pouring out the open door to the lab at the end of the hallway, acrid and sour and foul. Jon’s eyes were burning; his mouth felt like he’d been chewing on pennies.
“Fuck,” Damian said, covering his mouth. “Even I could smell this from the dining hall.”
“Why isn’t the fire alarm going off?” Jon said. “This should be,” he stopped.
“What?” Damian said. He punched the plastic box of the fire alarm until it cracked, then ripped it off the wall. Wires fell out in a tangle. “There's a short in the system. Jon?”
“Somebody is in there,” Jon said in horror.
He could hear their heartbeat.
The fire alarm surged to life, suddenly screaming.
“Okay,” Jon said. “Okay.” He could barely see the door through the smoke, but they were in there and they were alive, and he could find them if he listened hard enough.
“The local fire department’s response time to this location is an average of eight minutes,” Damian said. Jon turned to look at him. “So stop just standing there, Kent.”
Jon smiled.
“Right,” he said. “Don’t go anywhere.”
The lab was a blinding, suffocating wall of smoke, and Jon shut his eyes against the sting and listened.
They were… to his left. Somewhere to his left. He tripped over something, a chair or a stool, but it wasn’t burning. Some of the furniture was on fire, but most of the flames were coming from a fume hood on the far side of the room, nowhere near him, near him or near them.
They were right under him before he was sure of it, but they were breathing. A woman, in jeans and a puffy vest that had half melted in the heat of the room. She was breathing, she wasn’t moving but she was breathing —
Something made a very ominous cracking noise behind him.
He felt it before it happened: a wet splash of liquid on the floor as a bench collapsed and a pipe burst, and then a thunderous shudder of bottles and jars tumbling and rolling toward the side of the room that was mostly flame, and then that awful, familiar inrush of air before an explosion.
He dropped to cover her just in time.
The windows blew out; one of the lab's doors ripped off and went crashing out into the hallway. A piece of a desk hit Jon’s back, hard, and the ceiling on the far side of the room let out a miserable, terrible groan and started to sag.
Jon grabbed her and ran.
Damian wasn’t in the hallway, and Jon spared a terrified thought that maybe the lab's door had hit him, and he was — no, of course not; he was in the break room, halfway down the hall.
“Put her here,” Damian told him. “Is she breathing?”
“Yeah,” Jon said. “Hang on, hang on, I gotta,” he stripped the melted vest off her and threw it on the floor. Damian’s fingers were at her neck. He had a bottle of water from somewhere, and he was opening it as she began to cough.
“Oh, whew,” Jon said. “Wow.”
Damian looked over at him, his eyes sharp chips of green. Jon heard the heavy footsteps of the firefighters start up the stairs on the ground floor.
Damian’s gaze flickered down to Jon’s chest, then back up.
“Oh,” Jon said, looking down. Damian’s sweater was hanging off him in burnt strips, and the whole left shoulder of his t-shirt was missing. His jeans and shoes were okay — he’d kind of laid down next to her and curled up — but there was no way he looked like he should have all his limbs.
“I, uh, I think I need to leave,” Jon said.
“We need to leave,” Damian agreed. “The easiest roof access is just to the east of the window.”
“No, I need to leave,” Jon said. “You need to stay here and explain the fire alarm, and the getting her out of the lab and stuff.”
Damian rolled his eyes. “Nobody asks why they didn’t die in a fire,” he said.
“Somebody was obviously here,” Jon said.
“And when they’re gone, no one will—”
“She didn’t crawl out here and onto a table and not —”
“People do all kinds of things in critical, life-threatening situations,” Damian snapped.
“Not like this,” Jon stalled.
“Jon,” Damian said suspiciously.
“In here!” Jon yelled as the firefighters burst through the hallway doors, and then he lunged for the window.
He caught Damian’s eyes as he scrambled up to the roof, and boy, was he doubly glad he was impervious to fire today.
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gensou-no-toshokan · 7 years
First date azanina ?
Technically already got this one, but I think this time I’m gonna try it on an AU scenario~
“Professor! They’re at it again!” Someone told tohim the moment he was outside the classroom and quite honestly Kaisar doubted alittle the moment he got warned because that meant only one thing.
“Why can’t you be nice for once!” 
“Why can’t you ever bring your own stuff for class?Last time my book was covered with soy sauce! Do you know how fucking expensivethey are?” 
There right in the front row where Nina and Azazelarguing again about some ridiculous thing, while the others only laughedpointed at them or recorded them with their cellphones.
It was only Tuesday for god’s sake!
He had thought that this was one of the things hewouldn’t have to deal with again once he got his tenure and stopped teaching atthe high school.
“I have my stuff! I just can’t find them!” Ninayelled and stomped her foot. 
“Are you saying you can’t find anything in thatchaos you call a room? What a surprise.” Azazel said rolling his eyes andfinally sitting down and putting on some - ridiculously designed - headphones,flat out intent on ignoring her existence.
When he got into teaching career, he had done sobecause it was a noble profession: cultivate young minds in order to help themdevelop to go out there in the world and make the best of it! 
If he managed to inspire a single student to achievegreater knowledge and education, then that meant his job was done. But why inthe entirety of high school had the two most boisterous and conflictivestudents had ended up on his ancient history class?
“Teacher!” Nina came to him at thatmoment, “Azaz-”
“Nina Ialready told you, I’m a professor here.” He cut her, not in the mood. “And Azazel had a point;when are you going to bring your own study material to class?” 
Rather than saying anything, Nina’s face got all tearfuland ready to beg, and before he had to deal with another of her displays inpublic he just borrowed her his edition and hurried her to her seat.
Which was of course next to Azazel… who was busyglaring at Nina and him from under his arms…. this was going to be a long day.
“This is not funny.” He said when Favaro finished guffawingat his expense in the break room. 
“I’m sorry,are you listening to yourself? A couple of teens who are your stereotypicalproblem student’s cases, obviously have the hots for each other and before meeting you were in dangerof failing but not only passed but actually made it to the same college andclass you are now tenured in…”
He didn’t get to finish because he was laughingagain and Kaisar patience was wearing thin.
“…Oh my god, that’s the stuff right out ofafterschool specials!” He added pounding his hand on the table and wiping atear of his eye with the other
“You’remissing the point, this is college! And they still act like children, I mean Iknow them and I can overlook it… most days anyways, but it won’t be long beforeNina fails her classes and Azazel manages to get himself punched or punchsomeone, and i can’t do anything, because I can’t involve myself in their livesanymore, they’re not children anymore and the board made very clear my job wasnot to fix anyone’s lives, that’s supposed to be your work advisor.”  
Favaro said nothing as he just looked at him withan infuriating smile.
“…and by the way, I never said they hadthe ‘hots’ for each other.”
Now, that got his attention and he rose from hisseat looking at him completely serious.
“Okay, youconvinced me send them to my office tomorrow morning, and at the very least Ipromise… no I bet youtheir attitude problem will be fixed by the end of the week.”
In another time, in another universe in which hewasn’t perpetually tired Kaisar might have looked at the evil glint in his eyesand said no.
But that wasn’t the case was it?
That was what woke up Favaro from his nap causinghis ears to ring and his headache to ache even more, when he opened the door hewas witness to an tall boy  - who looked to have stuck on his gothic phasea couple years too long -and a tiny girl - so ridiculously ‘cute’  thatshe looked pulled out from some commercial - engaged in what might have lookeddirty in any other circumstances in which he wasn’t squishing her face with hishands while her fists moved around widely, managing to punch him more thanonce.
For the first time he felt some sympathy forKaisar.
When he cleared his throat they both stared at himwithout even disengaging from… whatever he supposedly walked on, so he got anidea:
“I know thatis must be hard for you freshmen to find time to be intimate with your high school sweet hearts, but I wouldn’t advise to do it in this hallway since it’s incrediblybusy…” Favaro paused in that exact moment to hear and ‘eek’ from both ofthem and put as much space in between before grinning and adding: “…ButI will gladly provide you a list of the best hiding spots in the campus to doyour stuff if you listen to me first.”
When he finally got them to seat, pointedlyavoiding to touch or look at each other and a slight blush in both of theirfaces that he knew he had this in the bag.
“There has been a growing concern for some of theteaching staff that both of you seem to present some risky behaviors, typicalfrom older students so naturally I grew concerned, since you are only startingout.”
“If this about me not bringing all my books Ipromise me and my roommate are working on getting rid of the trash thisweekend! Please don’t expel me!” Nina yelled almost jumping on top of his deskin the process.
“Psst, I bet that thing won’t stay clean for morethan a day, so what’s the point?” Azazel said sneaking a mocking look at her…except said eyes looked too interested on her backside.
When Nina realized - or probably felt - of hiswandering eyes she quickly sat again attempting to look none the wiser.
Poor Kaisar, sometimes Favaro feared that he mightbe dead from the waist down, there was no other explanation for him to ignoresomething so, so obvious. 
“Oh, don’t worry Miss Drango, this has nothing todo with that, mostly it has to do some attitude problems that might put you atrisk in the foreseeable future…” Really this was the reason Favaro had neverworked in high schools, he shouldn’t be having this type of talk with two youngadults. “…and you disrupting almost all of your classes, at any momentof any day.”
“Wait a minute why are you looking at me? It’s herwho can’t even attempt to act like a proper student, half-assig her wayeverywhere she goes, clinging to the pity of everyone she directs those stupidpuppy eyes of hers!”
“Ha! Says the guy who can’t have a properconversation with anyone in which he doesn’t end up being a complete assholebecause he can’t stand other people being right!”
“That’s fascinating but-”
“Huh? You’re the only one whose always arguing withme for every little thing, because for some reason, you need to consult me foreverything, I don’t care if you buy that dress, I don’t know if you should takemore courses or change roommates and I definitely don’t need to know how oftenyou miss your mother!”
“See? How can someone be this level of an idiotsince elementary school and still not understand anything? And I don’t goaround making ‘puppy eyes’  at everyone! It’s just that everytime youyell at me I feel like an idiot!”
“Wait, you know each other from elementary-”
“Oh, I’m theidiot?! And it’s because of you that everyone in the dorms think I’m like thissuper villain? Specially after the last time you slipped your underwear withmine in the laundry basket again, and notonly did it stain them all pink and blue, but now everyone thinks we’resleeping together!”
“Maybe they wouldn’t have thought that if you hadn’tstormed into my room and yelled loud and clear about it while holding my pantiesin your hand! Or if you had thought me to use the laundry machine like youpromised a month ago!”
Favaro already giving up on having any civilconversation with these two, simply muttered. “Maybe you should reallysleep together…”
Of course thathad caught their attention, and he felt like throwing his own desk over thewindow at how incredibly oblivious they both were, maybe Kaisar had influencedthem in more ways than one.
“Obviously you’re both under a lot of pressure fromthe new responsibilities and demands of college, and honestly maybe a goodnight or two of fun would help you release some steam.” 
It was like a spell, the office was miraculouslyquiet while they both got redder by the minute, assuring Favaro that he was notby far the only one with his mind on the gutter.
“A- Are you allowed to talk about that withstudents?” Azazel asked of all people.
“I’m sure you probably heard this a lot already,but allow me to add more: This is not high school, you’re not children anymoreand this time I’m serious, since you’re above the age of consent and yeah as long as I’mnot the one getting into a student’s pants this is free game, so why don’t you go outin a date, talk out some obviously repressed feelings out and get over with it,tonight preferably?”
Whether or not they listened to him, Favaro didn’tcare so he just kicked them out of his office.
“How did you do it?” Kaisar asked the next morningbefore even greeting him.
“Huh?” was the only thing he managed to say beforeKaisar turned his attention to the window, at first he wasn’t sure what he wassupposed to be looking at.
Until he spotted a pink head near the gardenfountain, looking uncharacteristically happy and actually carrying all thestuff she was supposed to - or so he assumed seeing the backpack she had beenmissing yesterday - and then to a white-haired head walking not too far fromher, his shoulders looking much less tense than yesterday and for once not glaring atevery one and everything around him.
Then he looked at Kaisar looking at him as if hehad the answer to all his problems, and Favaro knew he couldn’t tell the truth now.
“I… might have suggested some… recreationalactivities after school for them.” He said. “You know… as a stressrelief.” 
“Don’t lie to me, I’ve tried that before, it endedup with them banned from using the rec room!”
“…Okay I told them to… have a date.” Technicallynot a lie, but still waiting for his inevitable tirade about proper behavior atschool or something…
Instead, he watched him give a huge sigh of relief and sank into his seat.
“Finally.” And Favaro knew his jaw was hangingopen. 
“You said that they didn’t have the hots for eachother!”
“No, I said I had not told you, I know you and Ritalove to mock me about that, but I’m actually not that dense you know?” 
“And if you knew then you send them to mebecause…” he asked waiting for an answer.
“They take my class, and I have to see them threetimes per week, if I acknowledged that, I wouldn’t be able to look into theireyes, you on the other hand are shameless and could only dream of having mypatience, so I thought why not trying.” He answered shrugging.
Favaro couldn’t even be angry because damn if itwasn’t the sneakiest thing he had done and he felt strangely proud of it.
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emeraldwaves · 7 years
Title: Dance With Me (It Won’t Kill Ya) Pairing:  Kacchako Dance/College AU Rating: M Word Count:  2,367 Read on Ao3 Summary: When Bakugou damages university property, he's forced to take dance lessons with the best dance student at the school, Uraraka. There's no way he'll actually enjoy learning to dance though... right?
Absolutely not...
Thanks to @its-love-u-asshole @theweakestthing @youaremynewdream @darksylvir @silverwings104 for reading this ahead of time. I get nervous posting fics like this for new fandoms!
Full fic under the cut!
The word exploded from his lips, echoing across the room, a decibel way higher than necessary for a tiny office. Didn’t they know who he was? Bakugou Katsuki wasn't going to take this sitting down. Literally. He'd already jumped up and slammed his hand on the desk, his face turning red from how hard he was glaring at his idiotic advisor.
"Yes. Probation," Aizawa repeated, tucking his hands into his pockets casually.
"You realize I'm on a fucking scholarship for rugby right?! I have to play to stay at this damn school!" Bakugou blurted out.
Yawning, Aizawa plopped down in the seat behind his desk, looking completely unperturbed by the outburst. "Maybe you should've thought about that before you failed math and set the sports equipment shed on fire."
"That second one was an accident," Bakugou huffed out, the air puffing out of his nostrils, like a dragon breathing fire. Technically failing math had been an accident as well. He hadn't meant to fail a class, and he had studied...sort of. He was amazing at all of classes, normally he didn’t even have to try to do well. However, a fight with Kirishima and some of the other rugby boys had caused a distraction large enough to keep him awake practically all night. Which led to him sleeping through the main test of the semester—the one which counted for almost all of his grade in the class. "What the FUCK am I supposed to do then?!" He slammed his hand down again, the slap angry enough to make the desk vibrate.
"Sit down, Bakugou-san," he sighed, shaking his head at the angry student. "Normally, you'd be kicked out of the school, no questions asked, since you destroyed school property," Aizawa began, "but your coach argued hard to keep you around. However, you are going to be punished."
"So just make me rebuild the shed, and we'll move on," he growled, shaking his leg up and down quickly as he sat in the large chair. The longer he sat, the more he slid downward, slouching in the large black chair.
Clearing his throat, Aizawa shrugged. "No. We won’t be doing that. Midoriya-san will be tutoring you in math-"
"HAH!?" Bakugou snarled, jerking forward quickly. "That little shit?! Why him!? I’m just as good at math as he is!"
But Aizawa ignored him, letting out a tired sigh. "And we've agreed that you need to do something to try and...calm your temper, so we've set up dance lessons with Uraraka-san, the best student in our dance department. Instead of going to rugby practice you will spend your time with her, working on doing something...calming."
Bakugou snorted. He wasn't quite sure he'd heard Aizawa properly. Dance lessons? There was no way. Absolutely no way. "You've got to be kidding me," he cackled, throwing his head back against the edge of the chair. "Dance? Yeah, right!" He slapped the chair with his hand.
"M'serious." Aizawa's face was deadpan, unchanging. "For the next month, you'll take lessons with Uraraka on Mondays and Wednesdays, and lessons with Midoriya will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Fridays and the weekends you will be free to attend practices, but you’re suspended from games for the month."
Bakugou froze, his eyebrow twitching. Aizawa was serious? Dance lessons? What the hell did he mean by that?! And what exactly would he have to do?! A growl escaped his lips, as he shook his head, his blond hair moving quickly. "There's no way I'm going to take dance lessons!" he snapped.
"Then you will be kicked off the rugby team and lose your scholarship."
Snatching his bag up angrily, Bakugou stood up from the chair and stormed towards the door, his blood boiling with anger. If he had still had that damn lighter, he would've burned down Aizawa's office.
"Be at the dance studio once your classes are done for the day," he called after him, and Bakugou slammed the door, a crack being heard when he stormed away.
Dance lessons! What a fucking joke! Bakugou slung his bag over his shoulder, and stormed his way back to his dorm. He fucking hated everything about this. If he hadn't failed stupid math, none of this probably would've been happening. Sure, setting the equipment shed on fire hadn't been the smartest thing he'd done in his life, but it really had been a mistake (mostly Kirishima's fault) and it probably would've been forgiven if he hadn’t failed the damn test.
Rubbing his head angrily, he slammed his fist against the wall in the hallway, making a few other students jump. "Fuck!" he cursed, continuing to trudge down the hall. Each step seemed heavier than the last, his boots stomping against the tiled floor.
How the hell were dance lessons supposed to help him be 'calmer'? He wasn't light on his feet, not at all. He was a rugby player—brutal, tough. Being terrible at dance was going to make him angrier, not calmer. Actually, the more he thought about it the angrier he became, and he walked faster, desperately trying to avoid punching a hole in one of the hallway walls.
It didn't help that fucking idiot Deku was going to be his math tutor either. He didn’t need a math tutor, failing had been a mistake. And of course, it had to be the one person he hated more than anyone else. He'd been mad when Deku had followed him to the same university, as he had assumed Deku would attend a pretentious school for really smart nerds who did nothing but study. Instead, he'd been granted a full academic scholarship, and followed Bakugou, exactly what he hadn't wanted. Thankfully, they weren't in any of the same classes, but that luck had run out, now Deku was going to be his damn tutor.
Bakugou snorted, and swung the door to his dorm room open. He screamed, chucking his backpack against the wall, watching as it tumbled down to his bed.
"Woah..." Kirishima muttered, turning around from his desk. Bakugou knew his outbursts weren't anything unusual to the redhead, not anymore. This was their second year rooming together, so Kirishima generally ignored the anger at this point. "I guess it didn't go so hot?" he asked, turning around in his chair, leaning one arm over the back.
"Fuck no!" Bakugou growled, and flopped down onto his bed, folding his arms behind his head. "Did you think it would?"
"Nope," Kirishima shrugged. "I mean I got a punishment too, but I'm not failing any of my classes."
"SHUT IT!" Bakugou yelled, glaring daggers at his roommate, his red eyes narrow and frustrated. "Failing math was a damn mistake!" he snarled through grit teeth.
"So what do you have to do?" he asked, pushing his chair back, rocking back and forth.
"..." Laying back down, Bakugou turned towards the wall. It was fucking embarrassing. Dance lessons, with some girl he'd never even heard of. It sounded awful saying the words in his head, let alone out loud.
"What is it?" Kirishima asked, flopping his chair back down to the floor.
"Fuck off Kirishima!" Bakugou snapped. "I don't want to talk about it..." he growled.
"C'mon man," he said. "It can't be that bad." Leaning forward, he poked at Bakugou's back.
Rolling over, Bakugou sat up quickly, grabbing Kirishima's wrist. "Shut up," he hissed. "You have no fucking idea."
"You're right," he replied, chuckling nervously. "I don't, because you won't tell me!"
Bakugou let go of Kirishima's wrist, tossing his arm back towards him. "Dance lessons," he said under his breath.
"Eh? What? Did you say...dance...lessons?" Kirishima bit his lower lip, his cheeks puffing out as he snorted, desperately trying not to laugh.
"SHUT UP!" Bakugou growled, lunging forward to grab at Kirishima's shirt collar. "I told you it was fucking dumb!"
Holding up his hands Kirishima let out a few laughs. "C-Calm down, Bakugou-kun," he said. "It...It's just funny to imagine you dancing."
"Whatever," he snapped, laying back down on the bed. "I'm just going to get it fucking over with and move on!"
"Good plan," Kirishima said, turning back to his desk. He let out a few more chuckles, shaking his head back and forth. "Dance lessons!"
It sounded ridiculous no matter how it was said, or who said it. Bakugou stared at the wall, debating whether he wanted to punch it or Kirishima more.
"Uhm...Uraraka-san...are you sure you're going to want to do this?" Midoriya muttered. "I've known Kacchan for a long time and he's...really unpleasant when he's angry. Actually, he's really unpleasant even when he's not angry because he usually seems angry even if he's not..." Midoriya rambled quickly, moving the rice around on his plate nervously.
"Midoriya-kun," Uraraka said gently, placing her hand on his shoulder. "I'll be fine. It's only for a month, so that's 8 classes. When you look at it that way, it's barely even a week," she giggled. "Stop worrying!"
Pressing his glasses up the bridge of his nose, Iida folded his arms. "This is true, and as much as we’ve all heard the rumors about Bakugou Katsuki, you did promise to assist the school with this matter. You should follow through at this point," he stated bluntly.
"I wasn’t planning on not," she said eyeing Iida while shaking her head. "He's just a guy with a temper, how bad could it possibly go?" She took a sip of her water, and sat back.
Both Iida and Midoriya exchanged a knowing glance, looking nervous. "We just wanted you to be...warned," Midoriya said. "And you know if you want, I-I could come with you and watch to be a buffer. I'll be tutoring him the other days anyway..."
Uraraka shook her head, clapping her hands together in determination. "I can handle myself you guys," she smiled. "Plus there is no way he's a good dancer. We'll be doing basic steps the entire time."
"Why is he taking these classes anyway?" Iida asked. "I understand why Midoriya-kun is tutoring him in math, but why...dance?"
Tilting her head, Uraraka shrugged. "They wanted him to try something more calming than rugby," she explained. "Or that's what Aizawa-sensei said when he asked me to help."
"I don't think Kacchan can do anything calm..." Midoriya said.
"Who knows," she giggled, "maybe he'll be some kind of dance prodigy!"
"Doubtful." Iida placed his chopsticks down.
Puffing out her cheeks, Uraraka pouted and shoved a large bite of rice into her mouth.
"A-Ah! B-But if anyone could teach Kacchan...I'm sure you could, Uraraka-san!" Midoriya said quickly.
Opening her eyes, she smiled. "Well thank you for the support, Midoriya-kun," she replied.
"No one loves dance more than you, so if anyone could get Kacchan to like it, it would be you!" he said, cheering her on. "Though getting him to like dance kind of seems impossible," he admitted, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Well, like I said, I'm not nervous," she smiled. "He'll probably want to get it over with."
"I'm surprised he's not trying to get out of it actually," Midoriya said.
"Mmm. Aizawa-sensei told me he had to or he'd have to give up his rugby scholarship and they'd kick him out of school . He told me I was to watch him and make sure he took it seriously," she nodded.
"It’s his duty to take it seriously!" Iida chimed in.
Wide-eyed, Midoriya pursed his lips, curling them up into a smile finally. "Right...well, good luck, Uraraka-san!"
She stood up, pulling her bag out from under the table, her dance shoes tied around one of the handles of her bag. Giving them a thumbs up, she nodded once. "I've got to go you guys," she said. "Class is starting soon."
"See you for dinner!" Midoriya smiled, both him and Iida waving goodbye as she made her way out of the dining building.
Truthfully she was a bit nervous, but not for the reasons Iida and Midoriya had seemed to expect. Of course she had heard the rumors about Bakugou Katsuki, on top of the many things Midoriya had talked about. The two had grown up together, and she knew their relationship was rocky at best. Bakugou apparently was often hostile, but Uraraka had never experienced it herself. But she had heard about the sports shed fiasco, and plenty of other angry outburst rumors which had spread around campus every so often.
There had been a rumor he'd sent someone from a rival university to the hospital for tackling them to the ground so hard during a rugby match. However, that hadn't seemed too out of the ordinary to her, since rugby was usually a more violent sport.
Another popular story was Bakugou breaking down a door in one of the freshman dorms when he'd been angry at his roommate. Needless to say he'd been relocated to a different room, and rumor had it his parents had been forced to pay to fix the damages, something they hadn’t been too happy about.
But no, Uraraka wasn't nervous about Bakugou's violence, or attitude. She assumed he was going to be shitty about this punishment, but would put up with it in order to keep his scholarship. She was more nervous about actually teaching him. She hadn't ever taught someone who had no dance experience. She'd made up her own choreography before, but she had never actually taught a complete beginner. She hoped she didn't move too fast for him, or too slow even.
Pursing her lips, she shook her head and clapped her hands together. It probably didn't matter all that much. Yes, she had to teach him, and she knew the advisors would be checking in, making sure he was actually learning, but mostly it was a low pressure situation for her. Still, Uraraka didn't like doing anything unless she put herself in it completely, 100%. And she wanted to give teaching 110%.
Bakugou Katsuki probably didn't care about these lessons at all, but Uraraka wasn't going to give up on him before it began, and she sure as hell wasn't going to let him run away.
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