#still... not a fan of the anthems at the current world cup
pepimeinrad · 9 months
new recent anthem-highlight for me: this video from the bronze final of the 2019 rugby world cup in japan, specifically the small boy (timestamp 1:12) singing along in welsh <3 (from some other videos I extrapolate that most/all the kids learned the anthems of the teams they're with - the ones in other videos of Aotearoa and South Africa certainly did)
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jflemings · 7 months
— like ribbons in your hair
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pairing: kyra cooney-cross x raso!reader part 2
summary: kyra finds herself filled with envy whenever she thinks about her fellow matildas player. a chat with charli clears a few things up for her
warnings: none
a/n: fics inspired by songs might be my fav thing to write !!
kyra just couldn’t understand it. it didn’t matter that the two of you were close, how good you were with harper or even if you had scored a game winning goal, there was just a bitter envious feeling that she couldn’t shake.
at first she had thought that maybe it was because you were just a more naturally gifted player than she was. the way you effortlessly glided across the pitch with the ball at your feet seemed almost superhuman to her, almost like you had actually been given powers by the football gods that made you this unstoppable player. the fact that raso was the last name printed on your back didn’t really help, either.
at first, people had asked if you could even live up to hayley as a player, wondering if you could keep up with your older sister on the pitch. you had proved to everyone that you were not to be underestimated when you scored your first international goal from a distance, giving the matildas the win. kyra still remembers how she felt when she watched you score that goal. the pride that she felt had been so overwhelming that she needed to catch her breath and it only got worse when you ran at her with a wide grin, throwing your arms around her in celebration.
she also won’t forget the sight of you jumping into hayley’s arms after the penalty shootout against france in the world cup. matching hair ribbons fluttered in the air amongst the excitement, kyra’s eyes always managing to find you through the adrenaline.
even now, sitting in the change rooms before the first qualifying match in perth, kyra’s stomach is in knots. as hard as she tries to avoid it, her eyes keep finding you and that damn ribbon in your hair. usually she found it endearing that you and hayley wore matching ribbons every game. except for right now when all it’s doing is drawing her eyes to you.
kyra huffs in frustration before wringing out her hands and wiping them on her shorts in an attempt to let loose some of the pent up energy. charli, ever observant, sees kyra’s actions and furrows her brows in confusion. she takes note of the nerves that have settled themselves on the young midfielder’s shoulders but chooses not to say anything, deciding that after the game would be a better time for that conversation.
soon enough the team is walking out to the screams of keen fans, every player hyper-aware of all the eyes that have been on them since the world cup. even through the screams, anthems and kick-off that stupid yellow ribbon still catches kyra’s eye.
the game against iran had done a bit of a number on the team. with play constantly stopping and starting, everyone had been growing frustrated and tired by the end, just wanting to wrap it up.
kyra felt sluggish the whole way back the hotel, wanting nothing more than to have a shower and crawl into bed. her head rolls on her neck tiredly as she gets settled into her seat on the bus, her eyes wandering over all the faces of her teammates until it lands on yours.
despite being visibly tired, you were still smiling as you talked with mary, alanna and mackenzie. the lopsided grin currently spread on your face only widens as you laugh and alanna and macca’s tired banter, the four of you giggling at practically nothing.
maybe it’s the way kyra’s eyes soften, or the small smile that was slowly creeping onto her face, but something about kyra catches charli’s attention.
the blonde elbows the girl sitting next to her, evidently snapping her out of the trance you had put her under
kyra’s brows furrow in confusion “what?” she asks, rubbing her left bicep “what’d you do that for?”
charli tilts her head “what’s wrong with you today? it’s like you’ve just been going through the motions”
adjusting her sleeve, kyra leans further into her seat and away from her friend “it’s nothing” she mumbles, embarrassed that she’s obviously been caught.
charli clicks her tongue “you were fiddling before the match and as soon as it ended you were stuck to mini’s side like glue” she points out, lowering her voice “do you have a problem with y/n?”
kyra’s eyes go wide and she immediately squeezes charli’s wrist before trying to subtly look at the rows behind them, conscious of the fact that your older sister sits just two rows behind her.
she spots hayley drifting off, airpods in and eyes half-lidded and sighs deeply, turning back to look charli in the eye
“it’s not a problem” she emphasises “it’s just… a feeling”
the defender frowns in confusion “a feeling?” she questions “what type of feeling?”
kyra seems to lean further into her seat, now sitting with her back leaning against the window next to her “not a good one? i don’t know!” she exclaims as quietly as she can, trying to hide her embarrassment “it’s like everytime i look at her my stomach ends up in knots! i get this, like, jealous feeling in my chest and i hate it.”
you can practically see the lightbulb go off in charli’s head “jealous?” she asks “why didn’t you tell me you felt like that?”
“because it’s embarrassing!” kyra rushes, keeping her voice hushed “it makes me feel weird knowing i’m embarrassed of one of my close friends”
charli leans her head on her seat, now almost fully facing kyra side-on, and she smiles “are you sure it’s jealously, kyra?” she asks softly, not wanting to confuse or freak her friend out.
kyra scoffs and shakes her head in disbelief “i don’t know what else it could be” she grumbles “like, for instance, whenever she laughs with sam or when she ran straight to mary after she scored in the world cup my heart feels like it’s folding in on itself” kyra explains dully, clearly ashamed of this negative feeling she holds towards her friend “i hate it.”
charli soaks up kyra’s words, wary of what she says next “wanna know what i think? i think that you’re not actually jealous of y/n” she says softly, ducking her head in an attempt to catch kyra’s eye.
kyra looks at her confused “you really aren’t making any sense”
huffing, charli shift her weight “maybe you’re just trying to convince yourself that you’re jealous of y/n because you don’t want to admit that you actually have feelings for her.”
a pregnant silence overcomes the duo as kyra processes what charli has just suggested. her brain is completely frozen and she can’t meet charli’s eye, choosing to instead direct her attention elsewhere.
her eyes once again find you, because of course they would, and she begins tracing your facial features with her eyes from afar. she follows the line from the top of your forehead to the bottom of your chin, focusing on how peaceful you look even when you’re half asleep.
the revelation comes slowly, charli’s hushed words turning over and over in kyra’s head until she’s dizzy. her eyes widen ever so slightly, and her mouth goes slightly agape as kyra reminisces on your friendship and everything that has lead to this conversation in the quiet of the bus. unfortunately, as quick as it comes, it goes. the bus coming to a stop pulls the midfielder out of her crisis and back into reality, the quiet now slowly being filled with tired groans and moans of players stretching their limbs and shaking the pins and needles out of their legs.
charli’s eyes don’t leave kyra’s face as she stands, careful not to bump into mackenzie behind her. the blonde leans down, getting right in kyra’s personal space, and whispers delicately “just think about it, okay?”
all kyra can do in that moment is nod, aware that she probably looks more dazed than she feels, and stand in her place. she gathers her things and waits for charli to begin to walk down the isle of the bus, following her teammates into the comfort of the hotel with you on her mind.
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photographytonki · 2 years
Edwin diaz stats
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Sometimes batters like to take the first pitch and Diaz is just taking advantage of that by challenging them. If you don’t hit that I’m ahead 0-1, now I will just bury five sliders and dare you not to swing at two of them.” He’s basically saying, “Here’s my 100 MPH fastball, or a slider over the dish to start an at-bat. But still, as we compare Diaz’s first three seasons in Queens to his first three in Seattle, it is clear the Mets haven’t quiet gotten what they expected from their closer.īy pounding the zone early in counts, Diaz is then able to do the exact opposite for the rest of the at-bat. Last year he was solid, pitching to a 3.45 ERA. First in 2019, Diaz endured the worst season of his career, getting tagged with 15 home runs in the juiced ball season, leading to a career-high 5.59 ERA and seven blown saves.ĭiaz was elite again in 2020, pitching to a 1.75 ERA with 50 strikeouts in 25.2 innings, but all that took place in a COVID season that still doesn’t even feel real. Unfortunately for the Mets and Diaz, the first three years of his tenure in New York were rather underwhelming. The Mets acquired the flamethrower with four years of team control, as he was clearly the most valuable piece in a trade that saw Robinson Cano come back to New York and top prospects Jarred Kelenic and Justin Dunn head to Seattle. Then just 24 years old, Diaz was coming off a season in Seattle where he pitched to a 1.96 ERA with 124 strikeouts in 73.1 innings. On Saturday, it showed the closer in black and white before unleashing color as the horns began to blare.When the New York Mets traded for Edwin Diaz prior to the 2019 season, they felt like they were acquiring best closer in baseball. “Give stats?”īut SNY saves many of its tricks for Diaz. “What else are we gonna do?” color man Ron Darling responded. When Jacob deGrom returned to the Citi Field mound for the first time in over a year, DeMarsico told the announcers to take a breather so he could focus on Lynyrd Skynyrd’s “Simple Man” playing over the speakers and fans cheering from their feet during deGrom’s warmup, cutting back and forth with a variety of cinematic transitions. SNY doesn’t wait for the ninth inning for those moments, either. I think moments like this, capturing and engaging the viewers through spectacle, is really what baseball can do to grow the game to a younger generation.” “I’ve seen other networks going the route of doing more advanced analytics, showing pitchcast and statcast and all of this extra stuff on the screen, and that’s really not my cup of tea. “I feel like these kinds of moments… are what could really help baseball grow,” he said. After his ERA ballooned from 1.96 to 5.59 that year, “My wife told me, ‘Hey, you should use that trumpet song,’” Diaz recently explained. Diaz entered to “Narco” while with the Seattle Mariners, before switching to “No Hay Limite” when he joined the Mets in 2019. The anthem wasn’t enough to help the Padres avoid getting swept by the Yankees in the 1998 World Series, but it did infect a few New York staffers with the idea to eventually have Mariano Rivera trot in to Metallica’s “Enter Sandman.” With that, baseball’s newest tradition was established.īlasterjaxx should also prepare a thank-you present for Diaz’s wife, Nashaly. The practice then made its way to San Diego, where staffers decided “Hell’s Bells” would be the perfect song for Trevor Hoffman. Inspired by Sheen’s 1989 performance in Major League, the Baltimore Orioles began playing “Wild Thing” before closer Gregg Olson’s appearances. Who does Blasterjaxx have to thank for the recent pop? Well, the list might start with Charlie Sheen. No one was going to miss out on baseball’s coolest current sensation-and the most recent reminder of the unique joys the sport can offer. Last week, 66-year-old Mets manager Buck Showalter delayed a bathroom visit to watch a different Diaz entrance, while SNY director John DeMarsico blew through a commercial break to capture the moment. Thousands more joined on invisible instruments, staying on their feet as Diaz closed out a 1-0 victory over the Philadelphia Phillies that extended New York’s NL East lead to 5.5 games over the Atlanta Braves. Met broke out their brass again when Diaz strode out to the song’s now-iconic Timmy Trumpet riff. But Thom Jongkind and Idir Makhlaf have been learning, ever since New York Mets closer Edwin Diaz helped turn their 2017 dance track “Narco” into the song of the summer.ĭuring his first three up-and-down years in New York, Diaz’s ninth-inning entries often elicited prayers. Dutch DJ duo Blasterjaxx knows a lot more about bass than baseball.
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camoolla · 4 years
The world has their Jaskier, and Geralt has his. 
The soft-spoken poet capable of wrenching lyrics, raw gospels from the very heart of humanity, lute strung across his shoulders like that of Excalibur, the once and future herald of a new generation of musical genius has once again bestowed his wisdom upon the world.
Disciples, who dub themselves the ‘Florets’, continue to sing his praises up and down the country as Julian ‘Jaskier’ Pankratz, known by his stage name Dandelion, has released his latest album Garrotter to the public this month. Comfortably sitting on its rightful throne at the #1 spot on the Official Global Charts for the fourth week in a row, the round table has grown a head to which Jaskier has conquered and is settled to stay for a decidedly long reign.
We fans can only speculate on how this titan of the music industry is spending his amply earned morning. Tapping his foot to the beat of our collective hearts? Strumming the chords to the melody of our souls? Penning the words to the anthem of the generation? Does everything this man touch turn to such benevolent artistry- 
“Oh fuck,” 
Geralt looked over the top of his phone. 
“I put salt in the coffee again.”
The once and future herald of a new generation of musical genius indeed. 
The titan of the music industry pouted as he poured out two mugs of steaming, salty coffee. He turned back to the maker, pressing a few of the various buttons on the over-expensive machine; it buzzed suddenly to life and he jumped. Geralt looked back down at the article. The corners of his mouth twitched. 
He scrolled through many more paragraphs worshipping and deifying the man currently humming and tapping his fingers against the counter to the beat of Cotton Eyed Joe until he paused at an embedded photo. It was the one from Oxenfurt Pride two years ago - a picture that currently sat on the Instagram jaskierxo at a steady 1.2 million likes, but also tucked into a not-so-secret photo album labelled Jask. 
He was mid-set, his hair slightly sweaty so it was perfectly askew, tumbling over his forehead, the dark locks glittering with tiny artificial jewels. His mouth was open in a grin as he sang his heart out. Glitter swiped across his cheekbones in pink, purple, and blue - the blue the same startling hue of that of his eyes, shining and shimmering in the sunlight staring out in awe and joy at the crowd shouting his own lyrics back to him. The stage light behind him was a deep yellow, bouncing off the golden trimmings of his shirt, the hues in his hair, and the light illuminated him, circled, haloed, around his head. He was heavenly. He was beautiful. He was wearing Geralt's dirty hoodie. 
Too large and too dark on him, shoulders drooped over his, the sleeves reaching past his hands. What he matched Geralt in height he lacked in girth meaning all Geralt's clothes swallowed him a bit. Geralt adored it. He watched Jaskier push the stubborn sleeves back up his arm to free his hands for stirring. He hummed as he took a sip.
"Almost forgot how good coffee tastes without salt." Jaskier picked up both mugs and made his way over to Geralt at the table. Geralt hummed, reaching out for his. 
"How can you mess up the only two steps you have to do?" He mused as he took a long gulp of the hot, bitter liquid. Jaskier huffed and then suddenly Geralt had a lapful of still sleep-soft and second-hand sweat-smelling bard. He steadied an arm around him, forgoing his phone for a warm handful of his own hoodie on Jaskier's stomach. 
"Three! I have to put the mug underneath it too." He tilted his head to lean against Geralt's head, cradling the mug between his hands. 
"How gruelling." He chuckled and moved his mug of out Jaskier's reach as he lunged for it. 
"Mean people don't get coffee from their lovely husbands! I lied; there are four steps, but I shielded you from the actual most arduous ingredient: love! I have to scrounge every morning to summon the barest sprinkle for you, and this is how you betray me?" Geralt laughed, kissing away the playful crease between his bard's eyebrows and the downturn of his mouth. He tasted like coffee, milk, sugar and... yes, a bit of salt. 
"You taste of salt." 
"That's just from talking to you," Jaskier placed down his mug and noticed Geralt's phone still lit on the table. He picked it up, catching his name in the lines of text, "What are you reading?" 
Geralt quickly plucked his phone from his hands, "An article Yen sent me." 
"I saw my name." 
"It is... about you." 
"Can I read it then?" 
"What why?" 
"She said you're not allowed." 
"What does it say about me?" 
"It's... mean?" 
"Geralt, dear, I've read mean things about me before. I'm a big boy I can handle it." 
"It’s... really mean?" 
"...Are you lying?" 
"Give me the phone!" He laughed and moved abruptly, forcing Geralt to sweep his arm of hot coffee out of harm's way, but in doing so, left the side with the pocket his phone was stashed in open. Jaskier's nimble hand wriggled and brought it out, unlocking it and scrolling. He blinked as he began to read, lips parting and then curling minutely, "Oh." 
"Yen said your head was big enough already." Jaskier’s grin widened bit by bit as he read each paragraph, the gleam in his eye the exact one Yennefer had warned Geralt against. 
"Not remotely big enough as by evidence of this spectacular article! In comparison to the scripture of this journalist, my head is microscopic! I'm practically a monk with all this modesty! I better buy some extra-extra-large hats, my dear, because I have some major cranial engorgement to do!” He trilled, squirming in Geralt's lap to evade his hands. Geralt jabbed him in the side and Jaskier relinquished, Geralt snatching the phone from his nimble fingers. 
”I think you've read enough.” Jaskier pouted, and in punishment shuffled off Geralt to perch on the table, which in hindsight was more punishment to himself really by how Geralt's warm hand didn't move from his thigh. But he stood his ground. Or sat it, he supposed.
Geralt's phone buzzed, officially breaking up their playful moment, and Jaskier sighed, taking a long swig of his coffee as if in preparation, "What toil does Yennefer have for me to do today?" Geralt pulled up their shared calendar, looking for the dreaded yellow dot on the day. There wasn't one. He smiled. 
Jaskier whipped up from his cup and tilted Geralt's phone to see - oh to see, miraculously, incredibly, unbelievably - a white square without a trace of yellow, "Nothing?" 
"Hm." And Jaskier had never heard a hum so pleased. His shoulders slumped with relief, and, placing his mug down, he carded a hand through his hair ruffling it back out his face. Today was a day of possibilities. He probably should, and Yennefer would agree, work on the few very early drafts of his next album, he was still struggling to find a rhyme for amber-eyed after all, or, even just as the bare minimum, interact with some fans. But it seemed Geralt had made the decision for him as he reached over to place his mug next to his. 
Two large hands engulfed his thighs and with a tug, pulled him down to fall on Geralt's lap, pulling and pulling until his knees bracketed his hips and his nose bumped his. But Geralt leaned down and to the right instead, his mouth sliding around the curve of his jaw. Jaskier exhaled softly, his arms gliding over his shoulders automatically, and he smiled, "No responsibilities," 
Geralt moved his mouth further down his neck, "No photoshoots," 
behind his ear, "No interviews," 
over his pulse point, "No taunting evil little yellow dot." 
"We'll have to be quick," Geralt rumbled, unwillingly to pull back from Jaskier’s throat to make the words clear, “Ciri’s coming for lunch.” 
Jaskier squirmed, and his patience snapped as he fisted his hands into Geralt's hair to bring their mouths together as he rolled his hips, delighted to find that the fabric of Geralt’s sweat pants were thinner and more revealing than he thought. Geralt groaned, circling his hands to keep the pressure against him hot and taut - Jaskier’s restlessness as he constantly shifted, twisting, rising higher to claim Geralt’s mouth at newer angles, creating gorgeous bursts of friction. Jaskier keened as he squeezed his handful and Geralt bit desperately at Jaskiers lip at the flare of hot pain. He pulled back for a brief gulp of air. 
“Plenty of time,” Jaskier smirked down at him, his mouth sinfully red and curved. Geralt briefly grinned wolfishly and with a swift movement that had Jaskier's heart dropping into his stomach and thighs tightening their grip, stood the both of them up with Jaskier lined particularly up where he needed him most. 
"Back to bed." Geralt muttered before licking back into his mouth with distinct possessiveness. With a muffled moan, Jaskier agreed.  
The phone laid abandoned on the floor, knocked by Jaskier's hip, and the ignored even when notifications flooded the screen. JaskierStan999, jaskiersbrokenlutestring, jasss_bitch, and hundred of others were commenting and tagging the article Yennefer had taken the liberty in warning the two of them about. Is he even real??, have y'all seen the fucking photo renaissance painters are quaking!!, jaskier is my god and i pray by being gay bitch!!, can you believe this man walks around and breathes and eats like we don't know he's an immortal nymph; reverence in all varieties swamped their feed, liking and praising and loving and worshipping the image Jaskier had created. 
But what nobody saw, what nobody would ever be allowed to see (sans a curious Jaskier who upon finding, smiles wetly with a silent promise of secrecy and a whispered, “Fucking sap.”) is the photo found if one were to scroll to the very first photo in the album Nudes (Fuck Off). Taken off-stage, the two of them blended into the crowd, two faces into a parade of thousands. A front camera photo, an accident, an overlooked distraction from a planned photo snapped, a moment of time caught and treasured. Geralt has been positioned to press a kiss to Jaskier’s cheek, but, having turned suddenly to check the timer, instead had glitter smudged across his nose. Jaskier had exploded, forgetting the camera to press his forehead to Geralt’s as he leaned into his laughter. Geralt grinned back, full and fond, eyes magnetised to the scrunch of his nose, the pink blush beneath the glitter, the brilliant blue of his eyes. The two of them shimmered in the sunlight, basking in one another’s glow. 
The world had their Jaskier, and Geralt had his.
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(via https://open.spotify.com/playlist/52aFxZiF6IhgLaj8Zzj3hU?si=2HFVzdSQT0WZ_fxe4gNniQ)
1. Million Dollar Man by Lana del Ray
You're screwed up and brilliant Look like a million dollar man So why is my heart broke?
We all know Kurapika is now the Nostrade Family Young Boss. He provides the money for Neon now by revamping their business model. He literally saved her family from financial crisis, he can provide her anything, she likes him a lot no matter how messed up he is - but why is she still “broke”.
2. National Anthem by Lana del Ray
Money is the reason we exist Everybody knows it, it's a fact (Kiss, kiss)
This song talks about the excess of materials, drugs, drinking, wealth and sex. A girl having a rich handsome man that gives her everything and he can’t keep her hands off of her. Sounds like Kurapika being in the mafia underworld and making tons of money; Neon bathing materialism as both gets drunk in love and sex? Heck yeah.
3. Young and Beautiful by Lana del Ray
Will you still love me when I'm no longer Young and beautiful? Will you still love me when I got nothing But my achin' soul?
This is the theme song for movie The Great Gatsby. @anotherworldash​ always paralleled the relationships between Jay Gatsby and Daisy Buchanan with Kurapika and Neon. Gatsby desired Daisy because she represents the old money wealth that Gatsby longed for as a child. He became rich through illegal activities. Kurapika desired adventure and for their eyes to be appreciated (and not called a demon for it), which Neon appreciates their eyes as beautiful (even though now it’s in a twisted way. Daisy and Neon are very similar characters who bathes in materialism because they are despondent.
4. Dress by Taylor Swift
Only bought this dress so you could take it off.
Her wedding dress on their wedding night when they finally consummate their marriage. Duh.
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5. Daddy Issues by Demi Lovato
Addicted to love with the wrong one Lucky for you, I got all these daddy issues
100% Neon and her daddy issues. She’s always with insane messed up men like Kurapika and also Chrollo because she never had a good upbringing to begin with.
6. Love Me Like You Do by Ellie Goulding and Earned It by The Weekend
Are we going to put more saucy 50 Shades of Grey OSTs for this hot pairing? Heck yeah we are.
7. A Little Death by The Neighbourhood
I want you to touch me there Make me feel like I am breathing Feel like I am human.
She sought death on a queen-sized bed And he had said, "Darling, your looks can kill, So now you're dead."
This one’s interesting. So the title is based on the French phrase La petite mort  to describe post-orgasm. The song describes two people having sex, finding solace in one another and “experiencing death”. Kurapika and Neon are two wounded souls - Kurapika’s tragic past and Neon’s lack of love from her father.
Also, Nostrade is from Nostradamus - a French astrologer, physician and reputed seer. I can totally see Neon speaking to Kurapika in French. OOF sexy.
T’as d’beaux yeux, tu sais? (You have beautiful eyes, you know?)
8. Requiem Arena, The Phantom Elegy and Kurapika’s Theme aka Hiiro no Hitom (Hunter x Hunter OST)
I know the first two are the Phantom Troupe theme songs, but this also reminds me of YorkNew City arc and Kurapika so yes it’s gonna be here.
9. Afterglow by Taylor Swift
I lived like an island, punished you with silence Went off like sirens, just crying Why'd I have to break what I love so much?
This gives me imagination if Kurapika and Neon ever gets into quarrels, and Neon feels guilty about her petty tantrums because she doesn’t want to lose him.
10. Run To You by Whitney Houston
OMFG. This song is 100% KuraNeon bodyguard-boss situation. So this song was actually from this movie called The Bodyguard (1992). It’s a story about a celebrity in danger, so she hired a bodyguard to protect her. Both don’t really like each other at first, but they eventually fall in love. Sounds like Kurapika and Neon? YES! This was actually the movie that made me think KuraNeon is possible.
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The first verse describes Neon:
I know that when you look at me There's so much that you just don't see But if you would only take the time I know in my heart you'd find A girl who's scared sometimes Who isn't always strong Can't you see the hurt in me? I feel so all alone
Neon is actually a really lonely girl and locked up in the bubble. She may be smiling, but deep down she’s not okay.
The second verse describes Kurapika:
Each day, each day I play the role Of someone always in control But at night I come home and turn the key There's nobody there, no one cares for me What's the sense of trying hard to find your dreams Without someone to share it with Tell me what does it mean?
Kurapika always appear calm and stoic, but really, he has a sad past. His sole purpose now is to collect his brethren’s Eyes, and to take revenge. But does that make him happy? No, he’s lonely too. Don’t worry Pika you can collect the Scarlet Eyes with Neon.
11. Love Theme and Apollonia (The Godfather movie OST)
What’s a KuraNeon song without a mafia-themed love song?
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12. California King Bed by Rihanna
So confused wanna ask you if you love me But I don't wanna seem so weak
I always have this headcanon (and also some other shippers) that their relationship will start off as something physical attraction first? Then it grows from there when both of them starts blurring the lines. 
13. Pavane for A Dead Princess 
Okay, this is classical music is just... we don’t really know if Neon is dead in the current arc (although I believe that she’s not dead and Chrollo’s speculation is only a false narrative). 
But if Togashi does decide to kill her off, I think this song is so fitting for her. Given that she has Princess Syndrome. 
Even if Neon’s alive, I don’t think she is living the best life. Personally, I think she’s a princess-sy girl with a dead soul. She collects dead body parts because she has no sympathy for the dead, partly because of her upbringing. Very interesting. 
This classical music is actually my inspiration for Melody’s music box gift for Neon in Chapter 4 of my KuraNeon fanfic https://archiveofourown.org/works/27963668/chapters/70030809
14. All Too Well by Taylor Swift 
Okay, this is the one song I always think of if I’m going to write about Kurapika leaving Neon for the Dark Continent. 
Maybe we got lost in translation Maybe I asked for too much But maybe this thing was a masterpiece Till you tore it all up
This is a very powerful breakup song, and one of Taylor Swift’s best! (I’m a Tay fan actually). 
15. King of My Heart by Taylor Swift 
Is the end of all the endings? My broken bones are mending With all these nights we're spending Up on the roof with a school girl crush Drinking beer out of plastic cups Say you fancy me, not fancy stuff
We all know Kurapika is the King of Neon’s heart. <3 
16. Lucky by Britney Spears
If there’s nothing missing in her life, then why do tears come at night? 
Not really a KuraNeon song, but more for Neon. She seems like a rich girl, but she’s lonely and incomplete deep down. Her father is using her as a cash cow, much like how Britney Spear’s situation is right now. 
17. For the Love of A Daughter by Demi Lovato
Don't you remember, I'm your baby girl? How could you throw me right out of your world? So young when the pain had begun Now forever afraid of being loved
This song... gets me so sad. Not really a KuraNeon song but I think it describes Neon’s situation with her father a bit, particularly this verse. 
Okay, I will continue explaining the rest soon. 
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Bulgaria brings a mentally reassuring anthem to Rotterdam 2021
I’ve said so that VICTORIA herself sort of agreed to have done “Tears Getting Sober” if she was allowed to, but for one I have to thank that EBU said that the artists can’t have their 2020 songs back? You’ll see why when I get to the review after two boring paragraphs of text with technical info, for the country that is Bulgaria!
Victoria Georgieva (or VICTORIA, but I can’t be arsed to continuously capitalize her name so I’ll just say Victoria from now on) was born a singer, for she started to sing at the age 11, went to a specific school of angel voices (no really that’s what it was called), and tried to go to the X Factor while a liiiiiittle too young until realizing that she needed to wait for a few years, and wait a few years she did, and went on to the X Factor again.
She didn’t win, but she still got to sign a contract and sing some stuff in Bulgarian before she decided to rebrand, started singing in English, and completely decided that ballads is her style. She cannot really do upbeat most of the time. So you can’t really have a bop from her in the future. (Well except that there’s a couple of songs in her discography that I personally classify as “bops” but they’re more like... idek sad bops?? but they can be danced to, but I get her, she doesn’t do anything that’s more loud and upbeat and clubby and summery kind of - in short, nothing you can go “YAAASSSS QUEEEEEN” over to.)
The entry she ended up singing, “Growing Up Is Getting Old”, is what I can describe to be about overcoming the emotional twists and turns inside of you as you grow older, because as it turns out, it ain’t what you thought it would be - but if you push just a little further, you realize that if you’re growing up, maybe the life isn’t so bad, afterall - you are able to get up. Somehow. It was written as part of Boris-Milanov-led songwriting camp held during summer, and a lot of people seemed to be a part of it because multiple different folk have songwriting credits on the potential Bulgarian entries this year.
Let’s get this out of the way immediately. I prefer “Growing Up Is Getting Old” to “Tears Getting Sober”. The former sounds a lot less irritatingly underwhelming and a lot more positively overwhelming you with warm emotions and sunglow. “Tears Getting Sober” was a song I could never really connect with - maaaaybe the last chorus is much better on there, but it doesn’t do much for me either, I guess.
Their 2021 forray however is a much different kind of thing - once again, going for lyrical non-cliches, Victoria tells a tale about her inner turmoils and continuing in life, in a way that’s personal to her and also kind of relatable to all of us. We all have these moments of fear and anxiety and nervous systems aching. If only there was someone who’d tell us that we’re worth saving... thanks a lot Victoria, you’re the MVP. Filling in the void that Netherlands from last year had brought us but not anymore - another personal song about getting old and having those kind of feelings inside - and doing a great job at taking the baton in the right way (even with featuring the word “grow” in both of the titles, neat coincidence).
Not only the lyrics feel like a hug, the song just emulates ray of sunshine and golden glitter coming down from the sky, Molly Sanden style. The violins in the G major key playing so precisely, building up momentum throughout the entire song, slowly but surely - starting with the ticking clock in the first verse that may have subtle violin in there; and the first chorus is just so simple piano, and then the second chorus has a tinge of electronic something, and the last chorus goes full in with the backing vocals boosting the song, after Victoria performs the quite magnificent bridge... now I don’t have synesthesia but I associate music keys with colors, and to me G major would always come across as something yellow or orange - “Growing Up Is Getting Old” is a perfect example of why’s that for me. And obviously, Victoria’s love for harmony-humming (even if there’s just one instance of it after she sings “star crossed soul”) complements the song to a T.
And it turned out to be a much better choice than last year’s. Maybe finally a female ballad I am getting behind.
Now I wanna know why the bookies don’t appreciate THIS entry as much as last year?
Granted, now it’s 2021 and the environment is so much different, and the songs have changed, and the dynamics have changed, and now there’s suddenly more competition at stake. And for Bulgaria it fares quite much more underwhelmingly - well, at this moment they’re like 6th, which isn’t bad, but there’s a lack of sung praises coming its way, not quite a feat that “Tears Getting Sober” actually achieved, being the bookies fave right before the cancellation of last year. In general the year has been pretty dry for the previous winner picks like Iceland, Lithuania and this, but I can’t say that the previous winner bets from 2020 are all that dead either? Though I gotta say that Bulgaria wasn’t gonna win 2020 anyway, so it’s a lose-lose in this case.
Also I just can’t at that music video being a little dramatic at the beginning, with the cancellation of Eurovision being presented as if it were a worldwide disaster during which we all shall lock ourselves into bunkers and wait until the better days, eventhough the panini is not war and war supplies kit is not just enough to survive it. But it seems like that the world is quite literally falling apart, as evidenced by Victoria going through all kinds of pathways away from her living room, meeting a  (presumably) mini version of her somewhere in between, and literally surrounded by the shaking environment by the last moments of the song
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before we realize it was just reality recursing from the TV’s point of view that Victoria was watching all along, and then she leaves the living room again, but in her world, everything is normal and she could just go wherever she wants by car. Even I can’t come up with a storyline ending that’s somewhat intertwined and all plot-twisty and more confusing than that. But props to her team I guess
Approval factor: Let’s say I somewhat approve this message. Follow-up factor: For the sake of argument let me just say that Bulgaria is moving on a great path, eventhough the former entry leaves me cold, at least the current entry keeps me warm at all times, like a cup of cocoa and a good blanket. Please Bulgaria, never run out of sponsors. Qualification factor: I’ve seen one or two people throw around the “surprise NQ” tag for this song and I don’t get why??? There’s no way that the tense atmosphere of semifinal 2 would sure-fire-ly kill Bulgaria, even if they have a lot less chances to win this year than they had the last one. There can be some shock NQs indeed though, and if there are, I am paging... uhhhhh Finland? Idk why but you might see what I mean if I ever get around to reviewing “Dark Side”. Bulgaria? Never. It may not win the semi but it will cradle around the top 7 somehow.
That’s right, Bulgaria managed to do both.
At the time when one other of Bulgaria’s songs got released, within the *Special* Eurovision September 1st-onwards range, people naturally succumbed to their primal instinct of asking whether that’s her Eurovision song... only for Vic to probably announce this early on that no, it’s just *one* of potential ESC entries she’s harbouring. And the remaining potential ones were all on her debut EP. Who actually got a more well-orchestrated schedule for everyone to follow, and yet, people were much more keen to cling on the first EP song out of the gate, “Imaginary Friend”. Now I get that the fans of that song were super upset at the revelation that IF is not going, but it is a technically strong song for the sake of being a technically strong song, and I don’t want to think that Victoria is only forced to choose the songs that can win for her, so she’s such a sweetheart for gravitating towards a song she could dearly care about. So props to her team saving the initial winner for last to be revealed, lol.
Though wasn’t her personal favourite a Billie-Eilish-lite-upbeat-kinda-track Phantom Pain?
Which was also my personal favourite?
Look, I know that favouring the only non-ballad in the whole lineup (well “Ugly Cry” is also not quite a ballad but its beat is kinda so-so, so I tend to ignore it) is kinda sus, also, y’all are sick to death to Billie Eilish comparisons, but I do believe that Billie would never be able to do an “Imaginary Friend” while Victoria could do a “Lovely”. This makes me remember the cover art of Billie’s debut album where she sits on her bed, dressed in white, and so is Victoria on this very MV, with strange shit going on behind her in the mirror. To the mirror, her reflection acts creepy, back again.
The other 2 I don’t feel like caring about enough, sure they got their cred, sure there’s one entry properly crediting Milanov (who seems to not have an actual entry this year that’s purely attributed to *him*, as opposed to 3 last year, 2 of which were performed by acts that returned this year????), sure there’s the funny thing about having a funeral song where out of this and Finland only Austria managed to send a quote unquote “funeral” song, but I think the funeral song would’ve sounded better if the pre-section of it on the “Phantom Pain” video was THE “funeral” song itself, and not whatever was that other funeral song.
In between there was a public sort of survey where people could submit feedback and positive words to Vic’s choices to help her decide - I didn’t get to vote but I feel fine with the winner eitherway, and that counts for something! And the end result was revealed at the very end of Victoria’s very own rooftop concert.
The colors on the circle thingy of this, they were meant to symbolize all Bulgarian entries up to Victoria’s 2nd one, in pictograms that kind of reminded me of Coldplay attributing every song on ‘Mylo Xyloto’ its own little symbol.
The concert was not only full of music and also adverts for the inaugural sponsor iCard (that also included some element of foreshadow in between the suspense, you’ll see why), but also the Bulgarian folk talking before each song, saying all the positive nice words they can for Vic; that she’s talented, and that they were so excited that Bulgaria was doing well in the odds last year prior to cancellation, bla bla bla... also some people were proud of voting for Bulgaria outside Bulgaia, and they made puns about the forthcoming songs on the concert that they were introducing, and so on, and there was also someone called Dara, whom I really want to be sent by Bulgaria one day to show off that they’re not afraid of doing trashy-esque bops that don’t necessarily win
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Also they reminded me that Lucy from No Angels (aka the sole reason Bulgaria 12′d Germany in 2008) still exists.
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Also Azis.
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There was also an intermission where Eurovision 2021 acts could say all the nice words to Victoria on their own part. And several artists chose to... how shall I put it... use up their several seconds rather interestingly. Like how The Roop would say something real quick only to delve into more of their usual “let’s dance, let’s discoteque! *hand scissors* ;P” self-promo, and Senhit carelessly being allowed to say whatever she wants in Italian without subtitles <3 Sorry sis, they’re only given to people from another white-green-red flag-color country.
About the iCard foreshadow... so there’s their advert about Victoria waiting in the line to get something in the Soft Vocals Store, and people ahead of her giving her money the standard oldfashioned way, and the old lady at the counter is... slow, to say the least. After a good amount of time spent waffling around, Victoria finally pulls out the iCard application and pays for the imaginary items she wants, then narrates some stuff about said application, and a Eurovision entry of hers plays when the old lady is at home, spending time in front of TV enjoying the music. Before the concert, the song that played was “Tears Getting Sober”. The advert played once more before Victoria’s big entry decision and entry MV reveal, and in place of the 2020 entry, “Growing Up Is Getting Old” was the one that sounded out loud... Now you may think that there were attempts at some sort of spoilage here, but after that ad before the concert EP NF result, there was this other advert starring Victoria that played “Imaginary Friend” at the end, a last-ditch effort to trick viewers into going “see? just because that ad played the chosen song doesn’t mean it’s the chosen song!! this song could as well be a chosen song as well!!” yeah no shut up GUIGO IS the chosen song kthxbyebye.
Having said all that praise, I actually have “Growing Up Is Getting Old” fairly low on my ranking. It’s just because the year is so damn good and I have a lot more songs to care about more than this, but I appreciate the gesture that this singer is sending very much. Good luck on your road to conquer Europe, Victory-ia, I’m sure you get the best of the experience and all, because you would deserve it.
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bbyx · 4 years
ripple effect - part three
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Summary: During her fourth year at Hogwarts, (y/n) Deauxville falls for none other than Cedric Diggory. But it's not easy when you have to deal with protecting your family's fortune, keeping your father's illness a secret and having two of your closest friends catch feelings for you.
Pairings : reader x cedric, reader x draco, reader x harry
With help from some of the Ministry's interns, your tent was finally up. It was lilac purple with a beautiful satin finish. Walking inside always took your breath away just because of the sheer size of the tent. It smelt brand new and didn't have that homey feeling like the Weasley's tent but it would do for a couple nights.
(y/n) plops down on the bed. She opens up and rereads the letter that Minister Fudge had sent her father two months ago. You had started reading your dad's mail and answering for him since he was no longer capable of doing it himself. Your father had a very formal way of writing so it had been easy enough to imitate his handwriting to answer the Minister's letter.
You open the creamy beige envelope and pull out a sturdy white letter with gold embellishments. It reads:
Dear (f/n),                                                                                                                  I hope this letter is finding you in good health. I've heard that you have recently been traveling Europe in search of new properties. Barty and myself were wondering if you would be so kind as to join us for a meeting during the Quidditch World cup. The time is nearing and we must finalize the deal.  Looking forward to seeing you,                                                                                                                                Cornelius
You tried remembering what you wrote in the answering letter. It went something like this.
Dear Cornelius,                                                                                                         I am currently in Romania for business and I unfortunately will not be back in time for the Quidditch World Cup. However i've left my daughter (y/n) in charge of my business affairs while I am away and she would be delighted to join you. Barty and yourself can finalize the deal with her.  Wishing you the best,                                                                                                                                             (f/n)
Your father had started a real estate company when he was twenty four and it had grown into one of the most successful businesses in the wizarding world and in Britain. You assumed that the Minister and Barty Crouch wanted to buy a property but you didn't know anything further. It was a very secretive affair and you had searched your father's files extensively but there was no mention of this mysterious deal anywhere. You were essentially going in blind.
The meeting was going to be over dinner in the Minister's box during the Quidditch Match. (y/n) had time to kill so she walked back to the Weasley's tent.
You arrive just in time to see the Weasley twins and Ludo Bagman betting on the games.
"Personally I have to agree with Mr.Bagman, my money is on Bulgaria winning" You tease and the twins shake their ginger heads.
You hear sirens that signal the stadium has opened. You head over with your friends. The inside of the Quidditch stadium is just as breathtakingly festive as the outside. Red and green coats everything, it is filled with headshots of various Quidditch players and drunken voices singing national anthems.
"Blimey how far up are we dad!" Rom complains.
"Well, put it this way, if it rains you'll be the first to know." You turn towards the familiar cold posh voice. Lucius Malfoy.
You had grown up with the Malfoy's and practically spent half your childhood at their house. Narcissa has become a second mother to you after your own mother's death. (y/n) had her suspicions that her parents and the Malfoy's were hoping their children would get married but (y/n) cringed at the idea. It wasn't that you didn't like Draco but your relationship was more like cousins. He was like that one favourite cousin everyone has that makes all family gatherings fun. But you couldn't stand the snobby facade Draco put on whenever he was around other people. Like now.
"Father and I are in the minister's box. A personal invitation from Cornelius Fudge himself."
"Don't boast, Draco" Lucius says while nudging him with his cane. " There is no need with these people."
You rolled your eyes so hard it felt like you could see the back of your skull.
"Ah miss Deauxville, I believe you'll be joining us in the Minister' box." Lucius says in a respectful tone.
You hated how he talked to your friends like they were lower than you. Lucius nudges Draco with his cane and Draco immediately offers you his arm. You look back at the trio and mouth help me as you take Draco's arm.
"Have fun" Hermione says sarcastically.
The Minister's box is filled with house elves carrying trays of little delicacies and wizards and witches dressed in overly formal clothing. You immediately felt underdressed in your sweater and tennis skirt. But to your delight you could see the sweat glistening off their skin, after all it was still mid August.
A curly haired blonde woman in a ridiculously tight plum dress and green glasses walks over to Mr. Malfoy.
" Ah Lucius, darling, I see Draco has brought his little girlfriend along." She sneers at you, clearly not recognizing you. However you knew exactly who this was, Rita Skeeter, a slimy idiotic gossip columnist with worms for a brain.           " Hope she enjoys this once in a lifetime opportunity to dine with such fine people."
You feel a hand on your shoulder.
"Miss Deauxville, so glad you could make it. The Minister would like to talk in his private room."
Rita Skeeter's face blanched when she realised you were a Deauxville and you follow Barty Crouch through a curtain into a smaller room with a round table and a huge window.
Seated at the table was Minister Fudge, you took a seat just as the team mascots stepped out on the field. The beautiful Bulgarian veelas danced on the field while the Irish leprechauns bounded with their gold, this angered the veelas who in turn transformed into demon-like bird creatures. The teams stepped out on the field, national anthems were played and the snitch was released.
"Well let's get this over with quickly so we have a chance to enjoy the game" You say.
Cornelius Fudge starts.
"Yes, yes well as I'm sure your father mentioned, the Ministry would like to lease a property for a couple months."
Just then Percy walks in holding a stack of papers.
"Here are the papers you asked for Mr.Crouch." He says importantly.
"Ah thank you Weatherby. You may go now."
You almost choke trying to stifle your laugh, earning a glare from Percy as he leaves. Mr Crouch hands you a stack of papers.
" The contract." He simply states. You're too distracted to notice the house elves bring the meal to the table.
You take your time to look it over for any loopholes. Normally your father would have his team of lawyers draw up his own contracts but this would do.
"You want to lease lot number 637? The two acres in the Black Forest, next to Hogwarts? You're sure?"
"Yes" The Minister replied looking uncomfortable.
"There are a few modifications we would like to do to this property." Barty Crouch cuts in.
"What kind of modifications?" You ask, eyeing him suspiciously.
"Well first we would like to cut most of the trees off"
You squawk.
"What! You realise that property will lose all value without the trees."
"Indeed but the ministry is prepared to compensate you for the trees and any fire damage." Mr.Fudge adds.
"Fire damage! What on earth are you planning on doing there!" You blurt out, you're voice rising several octaves.
" Miss Deauxville, we would tell you if we could, trust us it would make this so much easier, but unfortunately you are still a Hogwarts student and therefore we regretfully have to keep our lips sealed."
You decide to let it go. After all your father had done plenty of suspicious deals before he fell ill.
"How much are you offering?"
"370 000 galleons for eight weeks" Barty answers. You knew that property in the middle of the Black Forest was essentially worthless because of the aggressive centaurs that lived around it. They were offering a lot more money than expected so you quickly grabbed your pen and signed the contract. The two other men did the same. You got up to shake their hands and left the room.
(y/n) sat next to Draco and Lucius Malfoy for the remainder of the game. They made small talk but she couldn't focus on anything other than that property in the Black Forest.
Why the hell would the ministry be so eager to lease that dump? Why would there be fire damage? Why cut all the trees? Questions were swarming your mind like bees.
You look up when you hear the tremendous cheers coming from all the Irish fans. The game was over. You smile to yourself.
Those bloody Weasleys predicted it. Krum caught the snitch but Ireland won.
Both teams came up to the Minister's box to shake his hand. Everyone got up and clapped when the Irish team proudly walked in. The Bulgarian team stomped in with it's sulking seeker Victor Kum leading them. You started shaking hands with people you barely recognized just trying to get out of there as fast as possible. You shake Viktor Krum's hand and give him a warm smile, after all the guy had just lost the biggest game of the year, and he gave you a smile that never completely reached his eyes. Suddenly a bright flash blinds both of you. When you regain sight you see Rita Skeeter standing there with a camera.
"Beautiful photo" She says with the phoniest widest smile.
You finally join the Weasley clan and Cedric Diggory around a campfire later that night after the Malfoys had insisted that you have dinner with them.
"Where were you? I was getting worried. I mean. We. We were getting worried" Harry says quickly. The others give him strange looks.
"Stuck at a dinner with the Malfoy's." You sigh "If anyone mentions politics or the stock exchange one more time I will slit all your throats ok?" They all laugh and explain that they're playing truth or dare.
"Give me a dare! Give me a dare!" Ginny pleads.
"That's not how it works Ginny, you have to get picked." George explained.
"We've been playing for an hour and nobody's picked me !" She whines.
"Fine, eat this" Fred says, handing her a candy.
She pops it in her mouth and her tongue starts to swell enormously. She runs to find Mr.Weasley.
"She asked for it." Fred says, throwing his hands up.
They all keep playing, (y/n) not really paying attention. She was distracted by the Minister's words: "we would tell you if we could, trust us it would make this so much easier, but unfortunately you are still a Hogwarts student and therefore we regretfully have to keep our lips sealed."
"Cedric, truth or dare." George asks, smirking.
"Very well, your dare is to go ask one of those veelas on a date." He says pointing to a group of breathtaking creatures. You feel a pang of jealousy as Cedric gets up. Instead he comes and sits next to you.
" (y/n), how about a date?"
"Sure" You smile and turn red as George gets up, flailing his arms around..
"No no no. I said a Veela."
"George, are you a bloody idiot, everyone in Great Britain knows (y/n) is a quarter Veela." Hermione says.
Fred and George look at you puzzled.
"Really?" Asks Fred.
"Can you do that cool demon bird shit?" George looks at you suspiciously.
You laugh. "No! It would be kinda fun though if I could. But no, I can't turn into a bird or enchant men into falling hopelessly in love." You say making dramatic hand gestures.
" I don't know about that" Mumbles Harry. You shoot him puzzled looks.
As the night goes on the group keeps talking and playing various games. Your eyes start to feel heavy.
"I think I need to go to sleep." You mumble.
"You can always sleep with me." Fred purrs. Ron hits him with the back of his hand. Cedric's jaw stiffens as he glares at Fred. He looks like he's about to say something when Hermione cuts him off.
" I'll walk you back to your tent (y/n)"
You agree and say goodnight to everyone. As you're walking back you hear screams and see dark figures with masks levitating and torturing a muggle family. You and Hermione run towards the forest where you catch up with Ron and Harry. Ron trips. Lumos Hermione whispers and a bright glow appears on the tip of her wand.
You spot Draco leaning calmly against a tree close to you.
"Better go Hermione, unless you want to show everyone your underwear, if so stick around it would be tremendously funny" He sneers while gesturing to the levitating family.
How can he be so freaking calm when people are literally being tortured less than fifty feet away?
Harry and Ron start defending Hermione and question Draco about his parent’s whereabouts. Meanwhile, you're stuck in a trance watching the family of muggles being tortured and feeling helpless.
"Have it your way, Potter" Draco grins maliciously. "If you think they can't spot a mudblood, stay where you are"
Anger ripped through your body at the sound of those words and you were about to tear his vocal cords out and jinx him within an inch of his life when someone gently squeezes your hand.
"(y/n), let's go." Cedric says, his eyes pleading.
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eksperimentgaj · 4 years
Day 6 - Have you ever been to a competition? If yes, describe a little your experience, if not, what competition would you like to attend?
So far I’ve been to Wisła (SGP 2017, SCoC 2019), Kranj (SCoC 2018), Oslo (SCoC 2018, WC 2019), Planica (WC 2019, was supposed to be there in 2020 as well, but corona happened  🙃), Szczyrk (ladies’ SCoC 2019) and Lahti (WC 2020).
Wisła in 2017 was the competition I chose to go quite spontaneously. It was only after half a season I was into ski jumping, didn’t really know anyone in the fandom. I managed to convince my brother and friend (who is not really into sports) to go with me. I hope they had a good time 😀
In Wisła we’ve met few people (with whom I sadly have no contact, I’m not good at this 😟) to fangirl with. Got to sing national anthem twice, as team Poland and Dawid Kubacki won the team and individual comps 😀 One thing I remember very clearly from after the quails, when I lost my group and was trying to locate them, saw two girls taking a photo together next to me. After a moment I realized they were not two girls, it was a girl and Anders Fannemel 😅 Well, I judged from height only 🙃
I’m glad it was not too hot, considering it was July.
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old phone, sorry for shit quality
Kranj 2018 was the first time I was flying a plane ever and also my first time traveling abroad alone. Already in Slovenia I met two girls from tumblr sj fandom. I got to see the town, which is very charming and the hill (obviously first journey destination, when I had some time alone). The comps itself made me fell in love with CoC, such a nice atmosphere, ski jumpers walking among the crowd and easily accessible. Oh, and I’m visible on a transmission from that comp 😂 Before going to Slovenia, I had to buy a new phone, as in Wisła the old one trolled me with its battery and turned off in the middle of a qualis, when I was taking photos 🙃 Funny thing was that in between the rounds there was a little archery contest for chosen fans from the crowd watching competition. And, considering it was CoC, there were quite a lot of people. You can really tell that Slovenians enjoy sj.
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Also. Locate Domen’s car 😂
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 Going to CoC in Oslo in September of 2018 was possible thanks to the fact we were already visiting family’s friend who lives in Norway (yes, I suggested the date, luckily it was also this weekend the plane tickets were cheaper). Only saw one comp, on Saturday. Sadly we missed girls jumping, as we needed like 3 hours to get to Oslo and it was simply too early (instead I followed text transmission while on a train to Oslo). When we arrived to Midtstuen station, obviously we took wrong route to the hill and somehow, through the woods, got to the smaller hills 😂 Anyway, we found the right hill quickly. The comp was not attracting almost any interest at all. Apart from my brother and me, ski jumpers and their families, there were barely a few people. Sometimes bikers would stop and watch for a moment but as the water break start, they would go. The barriers were prepared but not used at all, you could just walk wherever and nobody seemed to care. Nice. The café did not sell all the coffee and waffles they had prepared, so this lady was walking between  people and offering them for free 😀 I cannot eat waffles and my brother didn’t want any (why?) so we politely declined.
It was the first comp of Andreas Stjernen after an injury break, he did nice finishing third. And also gave me a weird look when I was shouting something in Polish to my brother, as he passed me by 😂 I got to see flower ceremony standing right next to Joakim Aune 🤩 And by a coincidence, during the second round we stood behind Marius Lindvik’s… family, I guess? Daniel was there too, not jumping himself but cheering on the ones who did.
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WC in Oslo in 2019 I described earlier. I can add that on Saturday there was a snowfall since morning, I’ve almost froze my fingers off (stupidly sensitive hands). Also – seeing a bunch of Norwegians traveling at 9 am to watch cross-country skiing, leaving metro station and already getting drunk, dancing to party music being blasted out of the nearby windows – quite something.
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photo from Sunday, with metro station mentioned
Planica 2019 was my very first time seeing ski flying live! Again with Slovenian crew. But because I’m an idiot who did not book place to stay at early enough, had to travel to Kranjska Gora every day from Kranj (like an hour and a half with a bus if I remember correctly) 🙃 Missed evening attractions of Kranjska that way 😅 But back to sj, got to see some really nice flights, personal best results, Ryoyu’s record of Letalnica (holy shit, the excitement that went through the crowd!), last jump of Robert Kranjec’s career (one of childhood faves ❤️),  team Poland’s first ski flying win, Žiga Jelar playing with his band and much more 😀 From personal experience I don’t recommend forgetting sunscreen to Planica. Ended up with sunburn in a shape of sunglasses and a beanie 🙃 And I was really surprised how hot it was in full sun on the stands. It truly turned from snowy winter on Thursday to full spring on Sunday. Felt like spending two seasons there in just four days 😀
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 CoCs in Szczyrk and Wisła in 2019 were basically joint events, same week in two nearby towns. First day I went to girls’ event alone, on the next Julia @lewanarta​ joined me. And what sort of sj trip would that be without a fuck up by me? This time, apart from not having courage to approach Virág, who jumped in Szczyrk twice to fifth place (pleasure to see), I could not watch last jumps of second comp and flower ceremony because at the time I was throwing up in the toilet of a bar by the hill 🙃 Took wrong backpack in which I had no painkillers and got surprised by period 🙃🙃🙃 But until that, watching jumpers from the so called ‘river tribune’ was a very pleasant experience.
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Also hill in Szczyrk is the very first I was to (and at), in 2005, before it was rebuild to its current state.
Having in memory SGP in Wisła two years earlier, the chill CoC comp without crowds was a nice change. Obviously, it’s Poland, there were still people, but not as many. First day was rainy… But only between rounds and after a comp. And as always, my job was following the comp with text transmission on my phone, while Julia was asking for autographs and taking photos 😀 I’m always trying to follow results during watching live, but it’s almost impossible with all these distractions 😅 And how nice it is to finish day spent on watching ski jumping live with watching ski jumping on tv – Courchevel was the same day 😀
 And finally WC Lahti 2020, the last thing before everything went nuts because of corona. Again with Julia, we’ve planned for a while to go to Finland. First sj related experience we had still in Warsaw – it turned out we’re on the same flight as team Poland. Later, at Helsinki airport, we’ve waited for a bag together with Norwegian xcs and noco teams as well 😀 we’ve been at the Lahti Ski Games since very morning as I wanted to see noco sj part, so we’ve had plenty of time to see the place, small hills, tracks, big hills… Surprisingly, there was no snow, apart from the artificial one produced for the events. Local people seemed a little bit sad because it’s usually naturally snowy around the time of Lahti Ski Games. It also turned out that we were to the 1000th individual comp in World Cup’s history. We’ve met Finnish Tumblr crew and I had an unexpected encounter as among them was a girl that I’ve briefly met in Wisła in 2017! World is a small place, isn’t it? And at the end we’ve had photo together with God of Wind himself. Last occasion, couldn’t let it pass. Oh, and I got a bouquet from flower ceremony 😀 No idea whose, it was given to me by Austrian staff member after team comp 😅
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Uf. That was a long one. Congrats and thanks if you’ve read it all ❤️ I’m physically unable to write ‘a little’ 😅
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vero-magic · 5 years
Top 10 Moments from this Women's World Cup?
Okay so I kinda just did TOP TEN HIGHLIGHTS of the 2019 WWC... because I didn’t just want it to be goals//matches//dribbles. I wanted it to be bigger than that.
Where do I even begin? Seesh! Okay you asked to go down this rabbit hole. I apologize to no one for how long this is.
[10.] Lucy Bronze v Norway (Defender, England)
Okay... So we shouldn’t be surprised that I put Lucy Bronze on this list. But her goal vs Norway was my personal goal of the tournament. The strike, the technicality, the pace, ugh. Beautiful stuff from a beautiful human being. I mean it was a rocket. This was such a statement win, not to mention the fantastic tournament that Lucy had as well as the rest of the Lionesses. She anchored the english backline despite being a RB up in the attack. I think Lucy is the engine of the team. (Tbh, I don’t like Houghton as a captain because she doesn’t command enough of a presence for me on the field) You know who does have a presence on the field? Lucy Tough Bronze. This goal proved that statement to be true.
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[9.] Amel Majri (Defender, France)
Switching flanks to the LB position, let’s talk Amel. Majri had one of the strongest if not the strongest performances throughout the entire WWC. (If she gets left off of the Best XI, I will literally riot.) She was strong, creative, pushed forward and added to the attack, while still providing top-class defense. She was able to keep world class forwards and mids quiet for 90+ minutes game after game. She had insane stats for this WWC, listen to this and tell me it’s not crazy. She led the entire tournament (think about the strong teams of Germany, USA, Netherlands, etc.) leading into the Round of 16 // Q/F games in assists, chances created, crosses//successful crosses. She’s a left back. I’m sorry but I just have to point out how important she is to the French side. Her dynamic running and influence was//is crucial to their attacking play. (She did more than Gauvin and Thiney combined tbh.) But anyhoo, Amel Majri had a hell of a tournament and she is a hell of a player. That’s just the facts. 
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[8.] LGBTQ+ Visibility
I think this entire point can be summed up in one tweet. 
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The LGBTQ+ Community THRIVED this World Cup. And I was here for it.
[7.] France - La Marseillaise // Chile - Canción Nacional
I love nothing more than pride for our heritage and country. I promise that not all of these moments are about France either. (sorry! Mais allez les bleues am I right?) But after living in France for 19 months learning the culture, understanding the people, loving the language and the pride. I couldn’t help but put this on the list. France (the host nation) walked out onto the Parc des Prince field June 7th, it was all the pride of the host nation on display. It was incredible to experience and as you watched the players take in a sold out Parc des Prince and have 45,261 people scream-sing your nations anthem, chills. One of my personal favorite moments I got to experience throughout the games I went to. Similarity, I got chills when the Chile WNT sang their national anthem. For whatever stupid reason that FIFA was being shitty, it all got somewhat remedied when we heard La Rojas belt out Cación Nacional each and every game. Passion. Soul. Chills.  
( Couldn’t find a video of these... :/ )
[6.] Oranje Legioe
Undoubtedly, the best fans throughout the entire WWC go to the Dutch. They went to Le Havre, Valenciennes, Reims, Rennes, and finally Lyon and they didn’t just go... No, they showed up with thousands upon thousands of supporters strong. You’ve got them all, old, young, kiddos, men, women, children, gay, straight, and even Lisa Evans in a dodgey Orange hat to support her gf. Even still you might be asking, “Sage, why do I love the Dutch Oranje so much?” Well dear tumblr user, because it wasn’t just about the fanbase that they brought to the France, rather it was the support they gave from home. Game after game, the Netherlands smashed viewing records by millions as the NEDWNT continued on to the final. Incredible support makes incredible football. #GrowTheGameTOGETHER
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[5.] Erin Cuthbert’s Photo Tribute (Forward, Scotland) 
I made a post about this earlier in the WWC. But this moment was incredible. Erin and Co are playing Argentina in their final WWC Group Stage game. It’s simple, win and they’re in. (Ultimately they would fall short after a powerful rally from La Albiceleste that stunned the world.) Anyhoo, Erin scores her first-ever WWC goal and pulls out a small photo and kisses it. Probably the most tender goal celly of the entire tourney tbh. The image was unclear but it was soon confirmed that it was a photo of a young Erin Cuthbert. Erin later said this:
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[4.] Marta’s Speech (Forward, Brazil) 
What a moment not only for the Brazilian fans but for fans across the globe. Marta after Brazil’s elimination to hosts France in the Round of 16, delivered a powerful speech. In it she stated, “There's not going to be a Formiga forever, there's not going to be a Marta forever, there's not going to be a Cristiane.” before inviting the youth of Brazil to give more and do more. This speech quickly, became a worldwide topic of interest. But you know who didn’t need to hear it? (Hint: Read #5 again.)
[3.] Italy Women’s National Team
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They first turned heads on first WWC game since 1991 against Australia. Upsetting the favorites 2-1 in an intense, exciting game. No one expected the Italians to do well versus the likes of Sam Kerr (c), De Vanna, Kellond-Knight, Foord, and Williams but, the Italians came back with a unique set of talent in Sara Gama (c), Bonansea, Giacinti, Girelli, and Galli that led their team not only to a shock upset against Aussies but to the Q/F. They played with heart, soul, and passion. They played an exciting game and displayed to the worst why they were there. (and ruined thousands of brackets in the process. RIP.) By far, one of my personal favorite teams to watch this entire tournament. Fantastic football. Let’s just put some up a beautful goal yeah?
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[2.] Badass Goalkeeping
This WWC had no shortage of badass women, and it didn’t have a shortage of badass goalkeepers. I’m talking about Christiane Endler, Alyssa Naeher, Shimeng Peng,  Hedvig Lindahl, Karen Bardsley, Vanina Correa, and Sari van Veenendaal among others. Each of these players came up with HUGE and critical saves and moments for their respective countries. Between the 4 Goddess (oops) Player of the Match awards went to keepers showcasing the power and punctuality of the art of goalkeeping. Sari van Veenendaal took home the coveted Golden Glove. 1/12th of awards from the tournament went to keepers and if you don’t think that is impressive just check out Tiane Endler’s  performance against the United States in the Group Stage OR just check out this GK WWC Youtube Vid I found....
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[1.] USWNT
The USWNT proved to from the start that they came to play. With a whopping FIFA record setting 13-0 win versus Thailand the USA started the road to the final. But the road was not easy, they had to play Sweden, France, England and take down the Netherlands in the final. This year was filled with record breaking moments for the USWNT including adding a brand new 4th star to those jerseys. What I love about this team is not only the play (but in my opinion they did not play the most attractive football in the tournament (@Netherlands) nor did they play the most strategic (@Sweden) but they grinded out win, after win, after win all while being their dorky selves. Despite pressure to succeed from the ‘15 WWC, the nation, and backlash from the current US President... the United States proved to be made of diamonds and thrived under it all. We saw cellys, sipped some tea, and marveled at Megan. The USWNT won on every front.   
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End Tangent: This WWC was so successful and laid a great foundation for the 2023 WWC. This WWC broke records, united nations, and created a platform to advocate for equality. The level of play was tremendous and we saw that every nation is growing the game. It was exciting to see and it makes me very, very excited for what’s to come.
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gamergirl929 · 5 years
So Gay: Chapter 3 (Tobin Heath x Reader)
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A/N: Yet again, another continuation of our MMA fighter story, though this time Y/N, AKA the reader is on the sidelines for Tobin’s match and of course, fluff ensues. 
The second Tobin steps out of the tunnel, her eyes widen as she catches sight of Y/N on the sidelines, donned in a #17 jersey, a snapback perched on the top of her head.  
Tobin stays focused on walking forwards, doing her best not to stumble as she, and the child beside her come to a stop on the field.  
Tobin’s eyes immediately lock with Y/N’s and they both grin, cheeks flushing.  
Beside Y/N, Mallory Pugh gives her a nudge and she turns to the small girl with a chuckle.  
As the anthems for both countries play, Tobin finds her eyes drifting to you every few seconds, the two of you smiling at one another as the anthems play in the background.  
The anthem’s end and the players make their way to the sidelines, Tobin of course, moving towards Y/N.  
“So, how’d you get down here?” She grins and you shrug.  
“Ehhh, a certain coach may have helped me out.” You smirk as you glance at Jill.  
You’re surprised when seconds later, Tobin is throwing her arms around you and you blush as you immediately return the hug.  
“Knock them dead Toby.” You whisper in her ear and the woman shivers, blushing crimson not only at the nickname, but at the puff of hot breath against her ear.  
“Get over here Tobs!” Christen shouts and Tobin reluctantly pulls away from the hug before rushing towards the group huddle.  
Christen sends a grin your way and you smile, your eyes locked on Tobin’s back.  
The huddle breaks and before Tobin rushes onto the field she runs over, giving you a quick hug, before she rushes onto the field.  
“Kick some ass!” You shout, earning laughter from some of the players on the field who are in earshot and the ones on the bench.  
Seconds later, the whistle blows and the game begins.  
In the 15th minute, Tobin Heath, doing what she does best, jukes multiple Canadian players, and fires the black and white ball into the box, the ball then being kicked into the goal by Megan Rapinoe.  
“YEAH!” You shout loudly, throwing your fists in the air with a beaming grin.  
Megan dives on Tobin, the two immediately joined by the other players as they pile on top of the pair.  
Tobin turns your way and you grin as you clap your hands together excitedly. She points to you and gives you a thumbs up. Your face almost immediately reddening as you realize a camera has now been angled towards you.  
You grab your jersey and pull on it grinning as you point at the number, the commentator’s quickly rushing to comment about the fact that the jersey you are wearing is Tobin Heath’s.  
Gameplay immediately restarts and you watch intently as the ball passes from player to player, from USA players to Canadian players.  
“You promise us you won’t hurt her?” You hear a sudden voice beside you and you glance over, finding Ali Krieger and Ashlyn Harris standing beside you.  
Your eyes dart back and forth between the pair and you smile, your eyes dart to the woman on field who is currently in possession of the ball and you grin.  
“I wouldn’t dream of it.” You whisper softly as your eyes glaze over, watching the forward in her element, the forward you’d realized you already had begun to fall for.  
Ashlyn and Ali share a glance, both smiling as they watch you intently watch the forward.  
Suddenly, someone slams into Tobin, obviously purposely and your eyes widen as your lip curls in a snarl.  
“Come on ref!” You yell, throwing your hands up in the air angrily while the audience behind you boos loudly and the bench, along with Jill shouts their protests.  
The hard, dangerous tackle is shown on the jumbotron and you slowly shake your head, your anger only growing when the ref doesn’t give the woman a yellow card.  
Unexpectedly, the player who’d tripped up Tobin walks passed you, her eyes darting to yours before widening as she realizes you’re looking at her like you look at your opponents in the Octagon. She quickly scampers off and Ashlyn lets out a booming laugh as Ali giggles beside her.  
“I think you scared the shit out of her.” Ashlyn laughs and you smirk as your eyes focus on the player who worriedly glances in your direction.  
Half-time comes around in a short amount of time, the score tied at 1-1.  
Tobin walks towards the bench and is immediately high fived by Jill who is waiting for her, hand extended with a smile.  
Jill catches her hand as soon as it comes in contact with her palm.  
“Y/N is scaring the hell out of the Canadian players, bring her to every game from now on, okay?” She laughs and Tobin shakes her head with a grin.  
Tobin glances Y/N way, smiling brightly when she sees she’s talking ecstatically to Megan and Kelley. She makes her way over to the group and throws an arm around your shoulders.  
“Well don’t you smell nice?” You snicker and Tobin only pulls you closer, making sure her sweat covered skin brushes against your crisp, clean clothes.  
You roll your eyes playfully but smile happily at the player.  
“Your team left without you; you should probably get in the locker room.” You nudge her, nodding in the direction that her teammates went and she glances around, eyes widening before she gives you a smile and runs away towards the tunnel.  
You shake your head with a grin as you glance around with a hum. You’re alone for only a few minutes when suddenly and unsurprisingly a camera crew and an excited woman holding a microphone rushes towards you.  
“Hey, Y/N would you mind if we asked you a few questions?” The woman smiles and you shake your head with a grin.  
“No, not at all.” You smile kindly and the camera man turns his attention towards you.  
“So nice to see other women from other major sports coming to support the USWNT, are you impressed by how the women are doing today?” The woman smiles and you nod.  
“Of course, these women always do such a fantastic job on the field, keeping the pace fast and basically gassing the competition.” You shrug and the woman nods.  
“Speaking of the women’s performance, what do you think about the way they handled talks with their federation this year about the wage gap?”  
You hum.  
“What these women did was admirable, taking a stand to their federation and advocating for equal pay, it got the ball rolling in so many sports, including my own. It’s 2019, it’s time for equal pay, no gender should be treated as if they were worth lower than the other and if ANYONE deserves equal pay it’s these women on talent alone, they’ve won a World Cup for God’s sake, what more will it take?” You sigh and the woman nods.  
“Well maybe the federation will be keeping an ear out and take some of what you said to heart. So, it’s no question there’s a relationship blooming between you and USWNT’s own Tobin Heath, mind giving us a scoop?” She smiles and you hum loudly.  
“Honestly we’re just friends.” You shrug and the woman smirks.  
“May that change in the near future?” She asks and you shrug again.  
“I guess we’ll just have to see.”  
“Well, Y/N thank you for your time.” The woman grins before she turns back to the camera and begins talking again to the fans.  
You do the same, making your way to the edge of the fence to sign autographs and talk to the fans happily, taking selfies and making sure each young girl you talk to knows that she too can do anything she wants in life.  
Eventually, the players make their way out of the locker room and Tobin watches as you hold a little girl in your arms while her mother takes a picture.  
“Isn’t that adorable?” Christen comments and the girl blows a raspberry at her friend, though her cheeks flush.  
Tobin with Gatorade bottle in hand makes her way towards you, grinning when the little girl in your arms holds her hands out to her.
She immediately scoops the little girl up, allowing her mother to take a few pictures before she gives the woman her daughter back.  
“Bye bye.” You wave as you coo at the little girl.  
Tobin smiles as the two of you head closer to the USA bench.  
“You’re killing it out there.” You turn to the woman with a smile and she chuckles. 
“And I hear you’re killing it over here, scaring the Canadian players.” She smirks and you scoff.  
“I’m not scary.” You pout and Tobin laughs, throwing an arm around your shoulders.  
“Eh, babe you kind of are.” She says nonchalantly.  
Your eyes widen, Tobin’s doing the same a millisecond later as you both stare at one another, cheeks flushing.  
You bite your tongue between your teeth and wiggle your eyebrows at Tobin, who snorts out a laugh.  
The two of you go silent, just enjoying each other’s presence while the stadium cheers ecstatically around you.  
“I’m still not scary.” You mumble and Tobin laughs, a laugh that makes your heart stutter in your chest.  
“Yeah, you’re a big softly.” Tobin blushes when your arm slips around her waist, your hand resting gently on her hip.  
“Only for certain people.” You shrug and Tobin blushes.  
“So, this is the Y/N you’re always gushing about?” Christen Press walks over with a smile and Tobin’s eyes widen.  
“Ye-Yeah! That’s me.” You grin, your arm reluctantly leaving Tobin’s waist so you can shake the player’s hand.  
“It’s a pleasure to meet you.” You smile and Christen beams.  
The trio is almost immediately joined by Megan Rapinoe who grins and Kelley O’Hara, who also grins but with a malicious glint in her eye.  
“So, where you taking Tobin after the game?” She asks, just as Tobin is taking a sip of her Gatorade, which she in turn, spits out.  
Your cheeks flush as you shrug.  
“Wherever she wants to go.” You smile and Kelley hums, tapping her chin.  
“What if she wants us to come along?” Megan adds and Tobin barks out a laugh. 
“Yeah, no.” She sticks her tongue out and Alex shakes her head as she makes her way towards the group.  
“Are these two causing trouble?” She asks and you glance at Tobin who rapidly nods.  
Alex rolls her eyes as she grabs both Kelley and Megan before dragging the two away, the two protesting adamantly.  
You turn to Tobin with a grin.  
“I like them.”  
Tobin rolls her eyes, but grins nonetheless.  
“Me too.”  
The game is in the last twenty minutes when Tobin makes her way off the field, subbed out for Mallory Pugh whom she high fives before making her way to the bench.  
Jill high fives her before she eagerly takes a bottle of water from another coach and sits down beside you.  
“You did amazing.” You smile and Tobin grins, face covered in a thick sheen of sweat.  
“Th-Thanks.” She pants and you smile, turning your attention back to the game, eyes darting to the woman beside you from time to time.  
You inhale sharply when you feel a light weight on your shoulder, turning to see Tobin’s head resting there.
“Is this okay?” She asks and you smile softly at the forward before leaning your head on top of hers, your arm slipping around her waist as you pull her closer.  
Tobin smiles tiredly, eyes opening to look up at you before attention again turns to the game.  
Hours later, well after the end of the game, which of course ended in the USWNT’s favor you’re relaxing on the balcony of Tobin’s hotel room, the forward sitting beside her as most of the team takes up residence in the room behind you.  
Though not the dinner date or coffee you’d expected, in all honesty, you don’t mind at all and think this is the perfect date, one suitable for you and the USWNT player.  
Behind you the room full of women cheer and you snort out a laugh.  
Tobin glances over her shoulder before shaking her head.  
“Sorry about them.” She chuckles and you laugh.  
“Don’t worry about it, they seem like my kind of people honestly.” You beam and Tobin shakes her head, mumbling under her breath something you don’t catch.
You lean back in your chair, your eyes focusing on the profile of the woman beside you, tracing her sharp jawline with your Y/E/C eyes.  
Tobin glances your way, catching your shameless staring and you turn away, your eyes focusing on the view in front of you.  
A sudden weight plops down in your lap and you inhale sharply, grinning when you see Tobin has taken up residence in your lap.  
She wraps her arms around your neck and you blush a dark red, your arms slipping around her as the two of you stare at the beautiful view before you, which to you is the woman in your lap.  
The two of you go silent, the sound of the city below and the woman in the room behind you being the only sound you hear.  
Tobin buries her nose in the crook of your neck and you smile, your eyes fluttering shut.  
“I know we haven’t really known each other long...” She whispers against your neck before taking a deep breath.
She goes silent for a moment before muttering, voice barely above a whisper.  
“Do you feel it too?” She asks and you blush, your chest rumbling as you hum.  
Tobin pulls back to look at you, her brown orbs locking with your Y/E/C ones. Your eyes flick down to her lips before flicking back up to lock with her eyes.  
You swallow hard, softly whispering.  
“I do.”  
Tobin’s eyes flick from your lips to your eyes and back. Her palm slides gently onto your cheek and you close your eyes leaning into her touch as her thumb runs across your bottom lip.  
The two of you slowly lean forwards, the distance between you minute, but feeling as if you’re miles away before your lips finally meet in a soft kiss.  
You both sigh into the kiss, butterflies erupting in your stomachs as you pull apart only for your lips to meet again, the kiss even softer than the first.  
Tobin’s hand slips behind your head, fingers tangling in your hair to pull your lips back to hers.  
Her nails dig into the back of your neck, right at the nape, earning a softly rumbling hum from you that makes her laugh against your lips.  
The two of you pull apart, gazing into one another’s eyes as you smile softly.  
“You’re beautiful...” You whisper softly causing the USWNT player to blush.  
“See, a total softy around Tobin.” You hear a familiar voice whisper and you and Tobin turn to look over your shoulder to see Kelley and the entire team had been watching your exchange.  
Tobin lets out a growl as she glares at her teammates, realizing that more than one of them has a phone in their hand.  
“I swear to god...” She mumbles as she attempts to get off your lap, nearly tripping as she rushes into the hotel room.  
You move to your feet and stand near the edge of the balcony, your hands wrapping around the balcony’s railing as you look out over the city.  
You hear the group of women in the hotel room behind you bickering and you shake your head with a grin.  
If being with Tobin means that she brings 22 women along with her, then you’re just fine with that as long as you’re with her.  
This is a perfect place to wrap up the story... BUT I’d like to see what you all think, because I CAN continue, I’m just not sure if it’s right to do so, or if this is a perfect place to call it a wrap. I’d love to hear your thoughts on if I should continue this series or not! :) <3
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Loving Her: Alex Morgan - Chapter 8
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(Y/N) POV:
“In conclusion, these women are nothing more than your typical arrogant Americans who think they are better than the rest of the world based purely off of the fact that they are American.”
“Jesus…” Kelley said as Alex finished reading one of the hundreds of articles about how we are a bunch of bullies. We are currently in a room getting massages and doing recovery as we are talking about controversy that followed last nights game.
“I don’t think I am better because I am American…I think I am better because I’m more talented.” I said earning a few chuckles from some of the girls around the room.
“That might be the attitude that got us into this mess.” Pinoe said as I shrugged my shoulders. “Way to stay humble though…”
“I can’t help how amazing I am….” I said laughing as they shook their heads.
“Kaylyn Kyle is also on Twitter talking about getting death threats after her comments about us.” Alex said as she continued scrolling on her phone.
“Listen, this is the World Cup. Goal differential matters and maybe we celebrated too hard, but again this is the World Cup. I’m going to celebrate every single goal like it’s the last.” I said as there were a few head nods.
“I’m over talking about it already to be honest…” Alex commented as I nodded my head along with her.
“You’re going to get asked a million times about it.” Allie said as she groaned.
“I know…”
“In other news, most of America has decided that they don’t like that you didn’t put your hand on your heart and that you didn’t sing the anthem.” Allie said looking to Pinoe who rolled her eyes.
“We been knew about this…next!” she said as Allie laughed.
“Most of our fans are calling you out for flirting with Alex during the game…” she said looking at me as I grinned.
“I was flirting, and she was flirting back…” I said looking to Alex who blew a kiss at me. I grinned at her sending her a wink as the others groaned.
“Oh hey!” Kelley said looking across to me. “I finally figured out why you and Christen don’t like admitting your best friends…”
“Oh, pray tell…” I said with disinterest as I turned to look at Alex who shot me an amused smile.
“So, when she first got to Utah, I really did think you guys had like a thing…” I could have got whiplash with how fast I turned my head as Alex scowled at Kelley who grinned at us. “Wait…hang on let me explain…”
“You thought we had a thing?” I asked with a disgusted look. “I mean like yeah she’s hot…but like also gross…”
“Excuse me?” I turned to Alex who was now scowling at me.
“I think you’re the hottest person I have ever met…” I said as Allie and Pinoe were practically on the ground cracking up. Alex shot me a look as Kelley continued.
“Yeah I thought you guys had a thing…you spent a lot of time together at each other’s places. So, naturally…I was like they like each other which was confusing because you know as far as I knew Chris and Tobs were together and you were madly in love with Alex…then I realized that yes you were in fact extremely into Alex so I was like okay so they aren’t together…”
I was staring at her in disbelief as Alex just settled on glaring at both of us. Allie was grinning looking back and forth between us as Pinoe was still trying to stop herself from laughing.
“So, it settles that you guys are best friends because you spend a lot of time together, you have your own little inside jokes, and you genuinely just seem to have each other’s backs. You also love to annoy each other, and you hate to admit that you are best friends. Which leads me to believe that you have a very antagonistic friendship. Normally, I would just say these are two people who don’t like each other and leave it at that, but like you do care about each other so much.” She finished as I thought about it. I mean she wasn’t completely wrong, but the idea of admitting that Christen was my best friend just seemed annoying.
“That actually makes a lot of sense. You do love to annoy each other, but your also like one of the first to defend each other. You seem to be pretty informed on each other’s lives and your connection on the field is super strong which would indicate that you are in fact close...” Pinoe commented as I made a face. I turned to face Alex who still looked mildly irritated.
"Look away. I’m not over your comment yet.” She said as I looked back at Kelley who shot me a grin and thumbs up.
“I didn’t know you were such a genius Kelley.” I said sarcastically as she nodded her head.
“I keep telling you…” she said before getting a serious look. “Do you not agree though?”
“I feel like…your half right…”
“I’ll take it.” She said with a wide smile as I rolled my eyes. I finished my massage before everyone else, so I offered to wait with Alex who shot me a small glare.
“Okay. Your still not over the comment…I’ll give you a little space.” I said as I kissed her forehead. “I love you”
As I walked out of the room, my phone rang. I picked it up with a smile when I realized who was calling.
“Well…I didn’t realize that my best friend was such an arrogant jerk.” I laughed at Sebastian’s comment.  
“Me neither.” I joked as he laughed.
“We watched the game yesterday. We were very proud of you.” He said as I smiled. “Mom was freaking out when you scored. Though, she does think you could have been nicer to the other team.”
“It’s the World Cup. I don’t have time to go easy on anyone. You can tell Mama Alvarez that I am sorry though.” I said as I approached my room. I opened the door and sat down as I continued talking to him.
“I understand that and I’ll let her know. Santiago thinks you weren’t ruthless enough.”
“Santiago just likes to watch people cry.” I commented earning a chuckle from Sebastian.
“Yeah…how are things though?” he asked as I laid there thinking about it.
“It’s going pretty good. I’m relieved that the tournament has finally begun for us.”
“Yeah I get that…I am really sorry we can’t be there.”
“I know.” I said not wanting to have this conversation again. “You guys all have jobs and lives. It doesn’t just stop because I am playing in the World Cup.”
“Yeah, but I am sure everyone else’s family is there and technically we are your family.” He said as I nodded my head. “We aren’t being a very good family right now.”
“Seb…I don’t want to talk about this right now.” I said as I felt my eyes stinging slightly. “I appreciate everything you guys have done for me…and hopefully I will be able to come home and stay home soon.”
“You’re still trying to do that…” he said with a little bit of shock in his voice. “I thought you were happy in Utah.”
“I am, but I also want to come home and be with you guys…my family.” I said as I heard him sigh.
“Aren’t you worried about the consequences of your actions?”
“A little…there’s no guarantee that anyone finds out what I did…in this case, the reward is worth the risk.”
“Does your girlfriend at least know?”
“No…I need to tell her, so she isn’t blindsided, but it’s not exactly easy saying you fucked over one of your friends…”
“I can only imagine….how are things going between you guys?” he asked me curiously and I couldn’t be more grateful for the subject change.
“It’s going really well…I opened up to her about what happened with my family…”
“Yeah Santiago told me…he said he was super proud of you and so am I…” I smiled a little at his comment of being proud of me. “I imagine it was really difficult for you…”
“Yeah…it’s hard letting people in. She took it all really well though…I was pretty grateful.”
“Santiago said something about her threatening to fight you family…?” I let out a laugh.
“Yeah, she definitely wants to fight them…” I said as I heard the door open. Alex walked in and she still looked a little upset. “Seb I think I need to call you back.”
“Okay. I got to get going anyway. I’ll talk to you later. Love you.”
“Love you too.” I tossed my phone to the side as I watched her move around the room. She was refusing to look at me which only caused me to smile.
“Are you really giving me the silent treatment?” I asked as she glanced at me which only caused me to grin and let out a laugh. “You are…”
“Shut up…” she mumbled as I pouted and stood up. I walked towards her and wrapped my arms around her waist from behind resting my head on her shoulder.
“I’m sorry.” I said as she stopped what she was doing. I took that as encouragement to go on. “I think that you are the most breathtaking thing I have ever seen…the first time I ever saw you was in 2014…I was playing for FCKC and you were playing for Portland and I saw you and you took my breath away. I was too afraid to talk to you because you were Alex Morgan and I was just some random person. Then, I came onto the team and I started to get to know you and when I say I fell completely head over heels…it’s an understatement. I already thought you were beautiful, but you took my whole heart with your mind and the way you look at the world. I was a goner. Completely and irreversibly in love.”
She had completely relaxed into my arms at this point as I swayed us slightly. She had intertwined our fingers as I placed a small kiss on her neck. I turned my head slightly as I looked at her.
“There’s never going to be anyone who means more to me or makes my heart beat the way you do.”
That seemed to be enough as she then turned in my arms slightly bringing her hand up to the back of my neck as she connected our lips. I kept my hands on her waist as the kiss got deeper. Eventually, air became a necessity as she leaned her forehead on mine. Our breaths were short as we stared into each other’s eyes.
“I need you so much.” She said as I nodded my head slightly.
“I need you too.” I said as she leaned in and kissed me again. “Loving you is the only thing that has gotten me through the past couple years…I mean yeah we’ve been together for like a month, but it feels like so much longer than that…”
“I know what you mean…I feel like we’ve been together for years at this point…” I picked her up as I laid us down knowing our best conversations came when we were laying down comfortable with each other. She rolled her eyes but happily accepted my actions.
“I can’t imagine my life without you…” I admitted as she adjusted her position, so she was laying directly on top of me with her head on my chest looking up at me.
“Me neither...I see my future with you and only you.”
“It might be a little premature, but like…I see it all with you…” I said as she gave me a soft look. “I see marriage and kids and having a house near our families and growing old together…” She had a smile on her face as she leaned up to kiss me and then hovered over me.
“Do we have a dog? Or any pets at all?”
“Plenty of pets…a house close to the beach so we can take the kids there…Kelley can teach them to surf. Tobin will try to teach them to skate until one of them falls and then it’s immediately vetoed. Sebastian and Santiago will fight over which one of them is the favorite Uncle while Jeri and Jeni duke it out with Kelley and Sydney and the others over who the favorite Aunt is...we will lose our minds over the amount of people who try to spoil them…” She had a grin on her face as I smiled up at her.
“Everyone knows you buy the love…” she commented as I nodded my head.
“Obviously, I’ll take them to Sebs and Santi’s moms house so she can teach them all the good recipes like she taught me…”
“Oh, I didn’t know you could cook…” she said with a playful smile
“Yeah, it’s one of my many talents, but it’s better they learn from her…”
“Will our kids play soccer?”
“Only if they want to…we wouldn’t want to force them into anything…whatever they decide to do is what we will support…and we are going to love our kids unconditionally…they will know that we would do anything for them. That we will always protect them and care for them and never make them feel like they can’t come to us…” I said getting slightly emotional. She gave me a soft kiss.
“I can’t wait to have kids with you…you’re going to be an amazing parent.” She said as I smiled at her.
“I only want kids if I can have them with you…” I said as she nodded her head.
“How coincidental because I only want kids if they are with you too…” I grinned at her as I leaned up and kissed her with as much passion as I could muster up.
“I love you so much.”
“I love you too.” She smiled at me as I stared into her eyes. “I am sorry by the way…”
“It’s fine. I overreacted. I just get protective because what we have is so special and I don’t want anything or anyone to ruin that.” I gave her a soft smile.
“There isn’t a thing in this world that could take me away from you.” I said as she smiled at me.
The rest of that day and the next few days seemed to fly as we got to the Chile game. Alex was pulled away a little more because of having to do media for the team with Pinoe. So, that sucked. I spent the time she wasn’t around with Christen, Becky, Tierna, and JJ. I sort of rotated between the four. Mainly Christen or Becky though. Becky had been pleasantly surprised upon finding out that I had opened up to Alex about my past. She called it a breakthrough. I disagree, but she’s a little smarter than me so I don’t have enough ground to stand on to disagree.
The game against Chile was going to be a good one. We’d be fools to count them out especially considering they have Christiane Endler. I knew how talented she was, and I wanted to play against her so badly, but alas Alex and I were both not starting because most of the starters were left on the bench to rest. I was disappointed to not get to play but ultimately, I was happy to cheer on the rest of my teammates once the game actually started.
Christen was tearing it up during the whole game, yet she never scored which was injustice given some of her shots. I cringed a little when Carli missed the penalty. I could tell the entire bench was shook as we watched the midfielder miss.
“We are never going to hear the end of this…” I said as Alex gave me a look shaking her head. Though, Kelley shot me a small amused smile. It ended up being okay though because Carli scored two and JJ walked away with one goal. All in all, we were in a good mood because the win meant we were going to knockouts. That was the goal for the first couple games, so we did exactly what we set out to do. So Far.
The next big test would be Sweden and I was pumped to get to play against them. I knew the big storyline was that they had knocked the US out during the Olympics, but I knew it was exhausting to talk about with everyone.
“Well done!” I said giving Christen a hug as the forward smiled. “I’m actually really mad that you didn’t score.”
“It’s fine. We got the win. That’s what matters.” I nodded my head as we walked towards the rest of the team after the game.
“On to the knockouts.” I said as she nodded her head.
“Got to play Sweden first though…”
“Yeah, you nervous for that game?” I asked as she shook her head.
“A little. I know everyone is going to make it about getting knocked out of the Olympics.”
“Yeah, that’s what I was thinking…” I said as we approached our team. We joined the huddle as Jill talked for a few minutes before walking off. Christen and I continued walking as I saw and pulled JJ in for a hug.
“Nice goal my friend…” I said as she smiled at me.
“Thanks!” she said as I kissed her forehead.
“You’re beautiful head.” I joked getting laughs from her and Christen as they hugged.
“It was a good assist.” She said as I nodded. I searched around the field for Tierna and spotted her talking to Kelley and Becky.
“Yeah, I feel like she’s the future of this team…I mean she can do that at her age…where will she be in five years?”
“I know right?” Christen said as we came across Lindsay, Mal, Rose, Sam, and Sonnett. “I used to think the same thing about Mal.”
“What about me?” she asked as she looked between us.
“You had so much potential and now I just think what went wrong…” I said as her jaw dropped, and a pout formed.
“She skipped college and went pro…that’s what happened.” Christen said as I grinned and hit her shoulder getting a smile in return.
“I hate you guys.” Mal said with a pout as I pulled her into me.
“Oh, come on…we are just playing…we love you so much…” I said as the forward tried to get away from me.
“No, you guys are jerks…” she said as Christen let out a laugh.
“The Non-Best friends strike again…” Lindsay said as everyone laughed when Christen and I both immediately made faces at each other and shook our heads.
“Not best friends.” Christen said as I nodded my head to her statement. JJ shook her head as the others immediately started disagreeing with us.
“If you guys aren’t best friends, then Lindsay and Mal never skipped college to go pro.” Sonnet said as Lindsay and Mal both turned to Sonnett with glares. I laughed as I shook my head.
We all then started making our way to the locker room as Christen and I continued talking about the Sweden game…eventually the topic switched to Alex and me.
“Things are going really well…getting pretty serious…” I said as she smiled.
“I’m really happy for you…” she said softly as I looked at her and nodded my head.
“I am equally happy for you and Tobs…but if you tell anyone I said that…”
“I know.” She said before I could finish my sentence. “You’ll kill me.”
When we got into the locker room, I gathered all my stuff. I walked towards Alex who sent me a small smile. I hugged the forward as she stroked the back of my hair.
“To the Knockouts, but first Sweden.” She nodded her head to my statement.
“Got to get past Sweden first.” We exited the locker room and made our way back to the hotel, mostly everyone was pretty tired, so it was off to bed.
As I was laying with Alex in bed, she was tracing patterns on the portion of my skin that was exposed from t-shirt being up a little.
“You’re disappointed you didn’t get to start huh….” She said after a moment. I nodded my head a little.
“Yeah…I was at first at least…I think it’s the first time that I have ever enjoyed just watching the team play…with me not playing at all and you not being on the field either…”
“You like to watch when I play…?” she asked looking up at me.
“Yeah, I am fascinated by everything you do…especially when you play.” She smiled leaning in to give me a kiss.
“You always know just what to say huh…” she said as I grinned and nodded my head.
“Another one of my many talents” she shook her head giving me another kiss.
“Yeah, well go to sleep Ms. Talented” she said turning our light off and snuggling into me.
“I love you.” I said kissing her forehead.
“I love you too.” She mumbled as we both drifted off to sleep.
To Be Continued…
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nickjunesource · 5 years
Interview: Max Minghella, Who Plays Nick in The Handmaid’s Tale, is the Enigmatic Brit in LA About to Make His Directorial Debut
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(link to article — PAYWALLED — full text below)
Astro is an obscure diner in Silver Lake, Los Angeles’s hipster area. When it comes to trendy nooks in Silver Lake, there are options beyond this, but Astro is one of Max Minghella’s haunts. He’s sipping on a cup of tea in a booth, blending into the background. He wears cord trousers and trainers. The cords are his version of dressing to impress. At 33, the actor and director is taking heed of friends’ advice that he needs to “grow up. I literally don’t have any trousers,” he says, chuckling. “I only had sweatpants until a week ago. My clothing looks like it was made for a 12-year-old. Too many people have said something to me.”
Minghella is dashing — the type of guy who could maybe get away with wearing a uniform of tracksuits and a flannel shirt for decades beyond his youth. He has a refined English accent but with a transatlantic twang. Born in Hampstead, north London, he moved to LA when he was 17, to act, and has lived between the two countries ever since. You may know him from The Social Network (2010) and The Ides of March (2011), but his star has risen recently due to his role as Nick Blaine in The Handmaid’s Tale, currently on its third series. He is also celebrating his directorial debut: Teen Spirit is a Cinderella story, starring Elle Fanning as Violet, a Polish immigrant girl-next-door living in a small British town and seeking to become a pop star. It has been a labour of love for Minghella, and it crept increasingly closer to his heart as the process unfolded. “I wrote the first draft 10 years ago,” he says.
At first, the script was an excuse to indulge Minghella’s guilty pleasures: Swedish pop star Robyn and sports shows and movies such as Friday Night Lights and The Karate Kid. “It was masturbatory,” he laughs. The inspiration came with Robyn’s album Body Talk and its lead anthem, Dancing on My Own. The first scene he wrote was Violet performing the hit song in a TV talent contest akin to The X Factor. “It was also originally a foreign-language film,” he says. “But I thought the combination of subtitles and expensive pop music made it a silly endeavour. The script was a shambles,” he adds. The actor Jamie Bell, Minghella’s best friend, helped to turn it into a real script. “We’re yin and yang,” says Minghella. “Everyone I work with is incredibly hard on me. I’m addicted to that. By the time we got to shooting, every comma had been argued over.”
Minghella is tricky company. He can be curt, offering vague answers, professing to being “very private”, or simply responding with a “sure” or a shrug. It doesn’t surprise me that the story of how he and Bell became friends begins with them as enemies. “We met really young and had a tempestuous initial meeting, where he’d heard that I’d been saying things about him behind his back, which was untrue,” he recalls. “I heard that he was saying things about me, so we were very wary of one another.” Years later, in 2005, Bell emailed Minghella and they went to dinner. “We fell in love instantly. Most of my closest friendships have been spawned in similar …” a pause. “I’m very wary of people,” he says finally.
Growing up, Minghella says he was obnoxious. “I loved school socially and still miss it,” he says. “But I was not an academic student. I did badly and was in a lot of trouble.” He recently bumped into an old history teacher on the Tube. “He said, ‘We just didn’t know what to do with you,’” Minghella laughs. His parents were both hard-working — his mother, Carolyn, came to England from Hong Kong when she was 18 to be a dancer, and his father, Anthony, the writer and Oscar-winning director of The English Patient, had an Italian immigrant father. Minghella’s older sister, Hannah, 40, is the head of TriStar Pictures.
Dropping out of school a year early, Minghella headed to LA with no A-levels, landed some roles, then, guiltily trying to appease his parents, applied to university. He was accepted to only one, Columbia, to study history — he “charmed his way in”.
Anthony died of a haemorrhage in 2008, when he was 54 and Minghella was 23, and he carries with him his dad’s life mantra. “My father would always say, ‘When nine Russians tell you that you’re drunk, you should lie down.’”
Teen Spirit is set — and was filmed — on the Isle of Wight, where Anthony was born and raised. Minghella gets defensive when I ask whether Anthony’s legacy intimidated him as a film-maker. “I don’t grapple with it,” he replies. “A lot of people in my family work in film — my sister runs a studio, my uncle [Dominic Minghella] is a successful producer. The reason for it taking so long is for no good reason except my twenties were very wasteful. I didn’t utilise them in the right way. I’ve made a lot of things I probably should have released in some shape or form, but I’ve always been a private person. The amount of hours I spend acting? Very few. Directing for me was a relief.”
That said, he loves working on The Handmaid’s Tale — and with its lead, Elisabeth Moss. “She’s just a joy,” he says. “A very easy, chill person. I feel privileged.” The show has been universally lauded, winning 11 Emmys and two Golden Globes. Nick is someone of initial suspicion, who winds up being a saviour and love interest to Moss’s June/Offred. Given the current threat against abortion rights in America, I wonder if Minghella is excited to be exploring that on camera. He shakes his head. “None of it was intentional,” he says. He does admit to relief that “it’s on the right side of the conversation”, but he feels “quite antithetical” about using his platform to talk social change. “Activism in film-making is not interesting to me. I don’t like to be told what to think. I like to interpret.”
Teen Spirit’s Violet was inspired by his mother. “She didn’t speak a word of English when she moved to Britain,” he says. “There’s a huge amount of her in Violet. There’s a lot of my sister in Violet.” Initially, Minghella was looking for a Polish actress, but rewrote the part when Fanning expressed interest in being in the film. “I was her biggest fan. And then we sat down, had lunch and [it] became clear that she was probably the only person who could play the part. A lot of her real life is absorbed into the character.” Like what? He squirms. “I don’t know if I want to talk about that. There’s something funny about film sets. The amount of confession that happens … It feels out of turn.”
Reportedly Minghella and Fanning, 21 — 12 years his junior — are in a relationship. They were spotted holding hands last July in Florence and attended this year’s Met Gala together. They gush over each other in interviews, but neither has confirmed a relationship in as many words. To confuse things further, Minghella used to date the actress Kate Mara, who is now married to his best mate, Bell. I ask him whether it was special to work with someone in a creative capacity that he was romantically involved in, referring to Fanning. He laughs. “I don’t wanna answer that question.”
We manage to find some common ground as Brits in LA with a shared nostalgia for the things we miss back home. When he feels homesick, he listens to BBC Radio 1 and he says that nothing makes him happier than a Branston pickle sandwich. He spent some time living in New York in the early 2000s, but wouldn’t move back there. “I love New York, but I don’t know anyone there, so I always end up feeling lonely and strange,” he admits. As our interview finishes, I wonder if Minghella considers himself more British or American, as clearly his connections to both are so strong. “I’m not sure I’d call LA home per se,” he says. “But it is comforting. When I drive by the 7-Eleven on Silver Lake Boulevard from the airport, it’s the one place in the world that feels settled.”
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avaliveradio · 5 years
5.20 New Music Monday Playlist on AVA Live Radio
Explore some exciting new music from creators all over the world recently discovered by our host Jacqueline Jax as she searches the far corners of the globe for talented songwriters and music creators who are telling their truth to bring the listener a unique experience. From dealing with hate to sounds that will inspire you to get up and dance or help you feel better about yourself, this show offers everything for fans of New Music from Hip hop to R &B styles as well as Alternative rock favorites.
Listen to the show across all broadcasts.
The Anchor Fm page: https://anchor.fm/ava-live-radio
iHeartRadio station page : https://www.iheart.com/podcast/269-AVA-Live-Radio-Musi-29336730/
The Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2toX0f3dPmI8gmUSOKZicx
Artist: Ugly Melons
New Release: "You want More"
Genre: Rock
Located in: Canada
The song is basically about the problems that arise when you act selfishly, and never think of others. There is a price to pay when greed is your only motivation. The price is not only paid by others that you have taken from or hurt along the way, but by the individual who has acted only with their self interest in mind. Material success never really leads to happiness, and that is something that anyone that has achieved any level of monetary success will tell you. Be a good person, help others, and realize that 'more' isn't always a good thing.
Toronto, Canada… We are in Toronto Canada , The live music scene is not what it used to be ,but it’s still alive and working ,its Toronto the small New York we keep fighting and have hope just like we keep fighting and hoping for the Toronto maple leafs to win the Stanley Cup lol
Social Media:
Music Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42Q2HbxK6CA
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/uglymelon/
Instagram: ugly_melons
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Ugly_Melon
Artist: After Aristotle
New Release: Episodes
Genre: Rock, Alternative, Indie, Emo
Located in: Austin, Texas, United States ’Episodes’ is an introspective journey into trying to understand and overcome struggles with depression. The instrumentation of the song echoes this feeling with wailing, emotional guitar leads and driving bass and drums. We hope that listeners will hear this track and find some kind of comfort in knowing that it's okay to not be okay.
The music we are creating is... Our next EP has taken a journey into self criticism and understanding, while also exploring a lot of new directions musically. We took this second album as an opportunity to open up and just express what we felt both as people and musicians. The instrumentals range from shoegaze to heart-pounding punk rock and articulate emotional ideals that we all deal with daily. This album is all about self discovery and being open to whatever feels right and we're just lucky to share those ideas with our listeners.
Right now we are... preparing to release the new EP, "Ghost to Ghost" and also going on tour June 16-22. We'll be visiting several south/central Texas cities and releasing the album on all digital platforms June 14th. We really can't wait to share all the new music!
LINKS:  Spotify Link to "Episodes": https://open.spotify.com/track/3FpNOstehQlAQYdDwrXao3 Twitter: @After_Aristotle Instagram: @after_aristotle Facebook: facebook.com/afteraristotle
Artist: Tough On Fridays
New Release: Little Italy
Genre: Rock: Alternative Rock
Located in: Georgetown, TX
Tough On Fridays is a rising alternative rock duo from Georgetown, Texas. Comprised of best friends Katie and Caleigh, the two have turned their shared passion for music into an exciting blend of pop and rock sounds! Inspired by iconic alternative bands like Paramore, Green Day, Basement, and Nirvana, Katie and Caleigh work together to bring a refreshing new sound to the alternative rock genre.
The band’s unique attitude and exciting new sound have garnered serious attention from fans everywhere. As one of 10 songs recorded, the recording of "Little Italy" further defines Tough On Fridays sound as something unique. While many reviewers have tried to categorize the band, the one thing they seem to agree on is that Tough On Fridays, with their edgy, hooky, anthemic songs, may have the ability to bridge the gap between rock and pop in a way that hasn't been done in some time. They refuse to be categorized as a "female-fronted band" as these two can write and play every bit as well as the boys. They have the look, but refuse to let that be the stepping stone that takes them away from the music.
Right now... Tough On Fridays just reached its initial crowdfunding goal to fund the recording of an album in 2020 with the help of a contribution from a local radio station.
LINKS:  https://www.reverbnation.com/toughonfridays/song/30698131-little-italy https://open.spotify.com/track/19ljJUXcw6D91AkxCZNDKf?si=SSJqc9XPRg6QF3hXp0qV5A https://www.twitter.com/toughonfridays https://www.facebook.com/toughonfridays https://www.instagram.com/toughonfridays
Artist: Joshua Flores
New Release: Give Me Some Time
Genre: Pop
This is a kind of upbeat pop song that was influenced partially by Lauv and his style. I wanted to write a kind of positive song that people could feel good about when they listen to it.
I've been writing more music and making more song lately so people should be seeing more of my music out there soon.
LINKS:  https://www.instagram.com/joshuafloresmusic https://www.facebook.com/OfficialJoshuaFlores https://twitter.com/joshuafloresmus https://open.spotify.com/artist/0zffiMLhptfUW8AXmMDDXH
Band Name: FAKKEN
Song name: Si Meg
Music Genre: Hip Hop
I live in... Norway
Link to play: https://open.spotify.com/track/5JfVmnAJiZMqolL6uspjUy?si=uaC42_G-SsCtnk7O9vYkeA
Music is my life, it’s my job, my hobby, my love. and what inspires me. I work hard work hard at it and am dedicated to the vision. This is what I do, I make emotional Rap with real lyrics straight from the heart. My music inspires people through hard times, I made this song after my 4th best friend died of a overdose. It’s meant to touch on that question, Why people give up? What drives me is all the people that tell me I have saved their lives with my music. The music business is hard, no doubt but all the work I put in has paid off over time.
Website & social media links: https://www.facebook.com/FakkenMusic https://www.instagram.com/fakken_offisiell https://open.spotify.com/artist/0ZbBWXNJTyB5IaUWg4TSWY?si=KYDJXVc9QP-3EFryeY3-lQ
Artist: NOVA
New Release: Electrocute
Genre: Jazz+Funk
Located in: Los Angeles
A culmination of all the musical genres that have ignited my passion for music in the very first place. I think I will look back and think of this song as one I HAD to produce in order to move on to other things. It's the most reflective of my artistic voice. I grew up loving all forms of music, but I've always been partial of music that can make you move. Genres that were energetic by nature (Jazz, Funk, & Hip-Hop) have always had a soft spot in my heart. Electrocute is the one track on The Jazzmen Invasion that combines all 3 of those genres & applies them to their fullest effect. In it, I channel 1/3 Eminem, 1/3 Prince, & 1/3 Frank Sinatra; a blend that could be hard to swallow. I always tell people my genre of music is neither jazz nor funk, it's Jazz+Funk. So I see that a lot more songs in my future would build off of the Electrocute formula.
Currently… I've put together an outfit of wonderful musicians who I've reached out to help me re-interpret the music on the EP to a wider live audience. We are Funk Sway, the driving force of the Jazzmen Invasion. With a band of musicians that I trust to carry out my vision with me, new music, & subsequently, new music videos, social media content, etc. will also be inevitable. I am working on building the NOVA movement one song at a time.
LINKS: iTunes link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/the-jazzmen-invasion-ep/1462599764 Spotify link: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2J3IK4VbcSzekqpZIoBlre?si=WQjt7LgpS8qEqNTCI8iI5Q Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/NOVAguitar Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/novaguitar
Artist: Joshua Flores
New Release: I Wait
Genre: R&B
Located in: Corpus Christi, Texas This song is my first attempt to create an R&B song, I wanted to challenge myself and make something that people wouldn't except from me. I was heavily influenced by Khalid and Drake when it came to the vibe of the song with all the harmonies and music production. I will say that I truly express my feelings through this song so I find it very personal and special to me.
This song is important since it's my way of starting to branch out from doing more than just pop music. I've always wanted to do R&B as well and now people will get to see this new side of my music.
 I will be moving to Dallas in June to help put my name out there and continue working on some new songs and perfecting my music production and songwriting.
LINKS:  https://open.spotify.com/artist/0zffiMLhptfUW8AXmMDDXH https://twitter.com/joshuafloresmus https://www.facebook.com/OfficialJoshuaFlores https://www.instagram.com/joshuafloresmusic
Artist: Sound Machine (Band)/Sunil Bhatia (Artist)
New Release: L'amore
Genre: Electronic Pop Rock
Located in: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
This is an Instrumental Electronica track with rock elements. It would take one back to the kind of music we used to hear in the 80's and 90's with a College Music kind of feel. Some Electronic sounds have been added to bring a modern day hearing experience. "L'amore" means "The Love" and is found in the Italian, French and Spanish languages.
The music we are creating is... The Music of Sound machine has been varied across Pop Rock, Electronica, Techno and Symphonic Genres and may also be in the category of Thematic Film Background and TV/Drama/Fantasy series. Every track attempts to tell a story as there are instrumental in nature.  The artist Sunil Bhatia has been making music for Bollywood and also as an Indie Artist.
Right now we are... Am a Singer, Songwriter and Composer based out of Mumbai. Have also authored a storybook with a poems section too called "My Feathered Friends & the Book of Poems-Part 1" available across online platforms.
LINKS:  https://www.reverbnation.com/sunilbhatia/song/30797274-lamore-electronic-rock https://soundcloud.com/sunil-bhatia/lamore-electronic-rock-by-sound-machine https://twitter.com/sunilbhatia https://www.facebook.com/YoursMusically https://www.instagram.com/sonu.sunil.bhatia
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shikihana · 6 years
The Sengoku Warlords as a Football Team
I am experiencing some minor World Cup withdrawal. Actually, I had the idea and wanted to put this out while the tournament is still going on.
There are 11 of them (on the mobile game) and 11 players on a team. It’s just perfect.
Center midfielder
As a control-freak, he couldn’t think of a position more suitable
looks up to the likes of De Bruyne and Kroos
but he’s more like CR7 in his personal life with his womanizing ways
is famous for his high endurance and a mean left leg
creates great chances for his teammates, has more assists than goals
he is a little bummed out that Yukimura shines brighter than him, but he thinks the kid more than deserves it
Right back
but who in hell lets a one-eyed man play?
voted Most Likely to Get Carded
but most probably because he has no depth perception and will crash into people
also because he swears the most
gets so into driving the ball to the net that he forgets to pass
with his stamina and wildness, he doesn’t stay in position, and often runs the length of the field to play both defense and offense
tripping over the ball while running every once in a while
Defensive midfielder
king of stealing the ball
sings the national anthem emphatically
sometimes with tears in his eyes
master of maneuvering
has the most assists in the team
will be the first to hug whoever scored the team a goal
and end up protecting said team member from being crushed under the others
a smol bean
a smol agressive bean
gets hurt very often
fast and great at long passes
vision 20/20
will always reverse the play if he gets the ball
started the latest in the team, so he works extra hard
but he also tries hard to not show that he’s working hard
Right winger
biggest strength is the fact that he’s ambipedal
(danger from both sides)
and that he is soooo damn slithery
guiding the ball past one or two opposing defenders is an easy feat
dives the most in the team, but claims he’s nothing like Neymar
“I’m a lot more convincing”
will successfully trick opponents into fouling in the penalty box
is also good at persuading the referee
Attacking midfielder
tactician for the team
also coaches the Little League on the weekend
studies every possible stats, make elaborate plans
plot at least 4 different play formations for different scenarios
no one understands the game better than him
has argued and won against a referee
but also voted Most Likely to Score an Own Goal
he could be a little confused sometimes
definitely team leader
definitely the most passionate
best techniques
will defend Neymar’s diving because he knows how it feels getting fouled so frequently
is the stereotypical star footballer
does the slide, takes off his shirt, points to his calf when he makes a goal
the whole thing
and he smiles so brightly every time
thinks goalkeeping is the most important position
wiling to to spend hours convincing others of this fact
grew up loving Casillas
is currently a huge fan of Courtois
he is quite impatient
during games, he will sometimes pull a Neuer
it is more frequent than “sometimes”
on his bucket list is making a goal from a goal kick
Left winger
Yukimura had to beg him to join
is very competitive and devoted
despite his nonchalance
will 100% fight the referee over a foul
literally will fight the ref
he hasn’t done it, but he has threatened to
it’s a miracle he hasn’t received any red cards
his goal count is second only to the striker
Left back
undoubtedly the fastest runner and very agile
will run down any opponent trying to attack
has been known to do acrobatics on the field before
the refs didn’t know how to judge
it was just... strange
really enjoyed watching the France team this past World Cup
“I want to race Mbappe”
but he roots for the underdogs, through and through
Center back
his massive stature intimidates any opponent he is guarding
isn’t fast but very strong
his kick is very powerful
one time it sent an opponent off the field for trying to stop his pass
will guard the goal when Shingen is busy Neuer-ing
“I should just be the goalie”
cannot stand how rowdy the locker room is with the other ten
“I should just be a referee”
So MC is probably the manager. Or a sports medic. Or maybe a fan.
I’m surmising that the overlap between football fans and IkeSen players is rather small. If you’d like to, feel free to comment and ask about the references I made.
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180abroad · 6 years
Day 111: Anfield
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Today we visited Anfield, home turf of Liverpool Football Club and Jessica’s personal sports Mecca. We arrived early, with plenty of time to walk around the grounds and have some lunch before our scheduled tour of the stadium.
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We entered through Paisley gate, named for legendary Liverpool player and manager Bob Paisley. Three trophies above the gate represent the three European Cups that LFC won under his management--a record only two other European managers have ever tied--and the crest on the left half of the gate is of Paisley's birth town, Hetton-le-Hole in northeast England.
Just inside the gate is a statue of Paisley's predecessor, the equally if not more legendary Bill Shankly. With Paisley as his assistant coach, Shankly ruthless rebuilt the team (and much of the stadium) from the ground up and dragged it from B-list ignominy into the spotlight as one of the greatest teams in all of Europe.
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Shankly was famous for his relationship with the Liverpool fans. From the beginning, he insisted that the fans are the most important members of any team, and he saw their faith in him and the organization as sacred. He understood how much the team meant to the people of Liverpool, and always worked hard to show them how much they meant to him in return.
He’s also the one who picked You’ll Never Walk Alone to be the team’s anthem. It was a spur of the moment decision, but it proved momentous. It remains one of the most iconic and beloved anthems in all of sports, and it has since been adopted by numerous other teams around the world, including Celtic FC in Glasgow, Borrusia Dortmund in Germany, and FC Tokyo in Japan.
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As the statue says, he made the people happy.
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The Liverpool Football Club is rich in history and lore, and every corner of this place honors that heritage with pride, including a monument to one of the darkest chapters in the team’s--and the city’s--history.
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ESPN has an excellent "30 for 30" special on the Hillsborough disaster--Jessica had me watch it when we were in York--but I'll do my best to summarize it here.
On April 15, 1989, Liverpool was playing a semi-final match against Nottingham Forest at Hillsborough Stadium in Sheffield. Shortly before kickoff, a surge of fans entered the already overcrowded pens at one end of the stadium. The pens were standing-room-only sections of the stands that were fenced off from the rest of the stands, with only a single gate for entering and leaving.
Panic ensued, and fans and police alike scrambled to tear down the fences and help people escape the crush. When the dust settled, a horrifying 94 people were found dead from crushing or asphyxiation--over a third of them children and teenagers. Over 700 others were injured, including two who would later die form their injuries.
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Almost immediately, the police and the Sun newspaper released the story that the disaster had been caused by Liverpool fans who had broken down the gates and recklessly stormed the pens. The rest of the country already thought of Liverpool fans as a bunch of drunken hooligans, so the story was easy to believe.
But it was a lie. Having failed to sufficiently prepare the grounds and his officers to handle the massive crowds attending the game, Police Chief Superintendent David Duckenfield--the man who officially blamed Liverpool fans for breaking down the gate--ordered himself that the gates be opened to relieve the restless crowds, having apparently forgotten that doing so would lead the throngs directly into already full pens of Liverpool supporters. Even as the bodies were being laid out on the pitch, Duckenfield was calling reporters and debriefing his lieutenants to ensure that only the “correct” officer statements made it into the official record.
False reports were leaked to the press, including absurd claims that Liverpool fans robbed the bodies of the dead, urinated on police officers, and attacked medics trying to resuscitate the victims. For years, Hillsborough survivors and the victims’ families were not only unconsoled but actively villainized as scum.
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The Sun is still firmly boycotted throughout the city, and anti-Sun posters are still proudly displayed on walls and taxis.
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The Sun finally apologized and recanted the false stories in 2012, but for the people of Liverpool, it was far too little, far too late.
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The government inquest that followed the disaster took three years to complete and ultimately ruled all the deaths to be accidental. The inquest declined to accept testimony from two practicing doctors who had been in attendance at the game and were critical of the emergency response provided. The only doctor whose testimony was admitted was that of the hosting stadium’s club doctor.
Meanwhile, an independent government investigation into the police handling of the incident thoroughly and definitively contradicted the official story, clearly exposing the cover-up and laying the blame squarely upon the police and the stadium’s design flaws. The report led to major safety improvements in stadiums across England, but no one was held accountable for the 96 dead Liverpool fans.
Years later, in 1997, the Labor party won control of parliament from the Conservatives. One of their campaign promises was to reopen the investigation into Hillsborough. The result was little more than a sham. The justice appointed to the investigation was openly hostile and derogatory of the people of Liverpool, and he declared that only new evidence would be admitted for consideration.
Since the facts of the police incompetence and cover-up were already available during previous investigations--albeit ignored--they were deemed inadmissible. Unsurprisingly, the investigation upheld that Hillsborough was an accident and no one was at fault.
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Finally, after years of bitterness and failed civil suits--funded by the people of Liverpool themselves--a new independent panel was commissioned by the government in 2009 and in 2012 ruled that the Liverpool fans were in no way at fault for the disaster.
Nothing was done about it, but it was the closest thing to justice that Liverpool had gotten in over 20 years since the disaster happened.
Subsequent investigations uncovered the fact that police reports from the incident were not only curated by the brass but forged wholesale. Over a hundred officers’ statements were found to have been either edited without their consent or fabricated entirely, the originals lost to the void.
The story isn’t over. To date, not one person has yet been held accountable for in a court of law. Just this year, charges were brought against chief Duckenfield for gross negligence and manslaughter, and his trial is currently set to begin in January 2019.
Hillsborough is more than enough of a tragedy in its own right, but it’s also a case in point for the relationship between Liverpool and the rest of England. And it’s not hard to see why so many people here see themselves as Scousers first and English a distant second.
Speaking of Scousers, it was high time for something less somber: lunch.
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I had my first taste of scouse, a local specialty consisting of spicy meat stew with beets and red cabbage mixed in. Scouse was a popular dish among British sailors, so naturally it became popular in the major industrial port city of Liverpool. Nowadays, the dish is so strongly affiliated with the city that the people of Liverpool are called Scousers and their unique dialect (a blend of English, Irish, and Welsh) is called Scouse.
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Our hearts and bellies warmed, we headed into the club museum, which was filled with stories and artifacts from the team’s founding in 1892 up through the current year. One room was entirely filled with personal memorabilia from recent team superhero Steven Gerrard, and another was occupied by the team’s five European Champions League cups--two more than the next-best team in Britain, Manchester United.
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One room in the museum was made up like a section of the stands, with screens and speakers recreating the experience of being at a game while fans around you sing the team anthem, “You’ll Never Walk Alone.” Even as an outsider to football fandom, it was an incredibly moving experience.
Finally, it was time to tour the stadium itself. Jessica had visited the stadium twice before, but this tour was different. Much of the stadium had been recently renovated, and because it was the off-season, the tours were all given on self-guided tablets that we could use to scan various signs and displays for more information. Stationary guides were posted at intervals to answer questions and make sure we didn't get lost.
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The tour starts on the top floor with a rundown of the team’s best managers and the victories the team earned under their leadership.
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Then we turned a few corners and came out into the sunlight and glorious green pitch.
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Jessica couldn’t have been happier if she was in Disneyland.
The stands on the right-hand endzone are called the Kop and where the most diehard Liverpool fans sit (if they ever do sit) during home games. The name is used for similar sections in stadiums across England and dates back to the Second Boer War of 1900. Many fields, including Anfield, had hills nearby where people could sit and watch the game. Returning soldiers compared the hills to a South African hill named Spion Kop, where a major battle took place. The hill at Anfield became known as Spion Kopp, then just Kop. Eventually, the hill was leveled to make room for larger stands, and the stands that took its place took on the name as well.
After taking it all in for a good few minutes, we continued on inside the stadium for more displays covering the history of team and stadium.
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One large window looks out toward the shockingly close Goodison Park, home turf of the rival Everton Football Club.
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Our tablets filled us in on the history of the rivalry, but of course, Jessica already knew it all and had long since enlightened me.
Anfield was originally used by Everton, the city’s first professional football team. But as Everton became more and more successful, Anfield’s owner tried to get more and more money out of them. He also wanted to sell booze in the stadium, which the church-owned Everton FC opposed. Eventually, in 1892, Everton got fed up and built themselves their own stadium on the other side of Stanley Park, less than a mile away (and in the backyard of a church).
Left with an expensive new stadium and no team to occupy it, the owner decided to make his own team. And so Liverpool F.C. was born.
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Along the way, we ended up talking with one of the stationary guides for a good while. It turned out that the first game Jessica went to at Anfield was also the first game that the guide took his grandson to. They reminisced over the great last-minute goal by Stevie G to win the game.
Somehow, though the conversation kept turning to sad things. When he asked us where we were from, we ended up talking about the terrible fires up in Napa and Sonoma the previous autumn.
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Downstairs, we saw the newly renovated dressing rooms, where Jessica was able to get her picture taken with the jerseys of some of her favorite players, including Gerrard and Mané. Using the guide tablets, we were able to scan each jersey to bring up a short interview or highlight reel about the player.
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Whereas the home dressing room is warm and cushy, the visiting teams’ dressing room is drab and spartan. A selection of jerseys in the niches showed an all-star team opposing players who've visited Anfield, picked out by former Liverpool defender and local Scouser Jamie Carragher.
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We didn't go onto the field itself--stepping onto the grass of that holy of holies is literally a crime unless you are a player or a groundskeeper--but Jessica got to touch the famous “This is Anfield” sign that the Liverpool players tap every time they go out onto the pitch.
Sadly, we didn’t get to go into the dugout or the Kop since they were both closed for maintenance.
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Leaving the stadium, we walked around for a bit and went into the massive new Club Shop. Jessica got some LFC stickers for her laptop, and we both got some refreshments--it had gotten surprisingly late in the day, and we’d done a lot of exploring.
While we were there, a giant-screen TV showed France knocking Argentina out of the World cup, ushering in the Round of 16.
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Before heading home, we took a quick stroll through Stanley Park and caught another glips of Goodison.
On the bus back to our Airbnb, we saw another sign of city’s socioeconomic standing.
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We ended up missing our stop and wound up back in central Liverpool. Getting home would take another good bit of walking--plus a major detour in search of a convenience store that actually sold decent food--but it all worked out in the end.
Back home, we watched Pirates of the Caribbean 3 and tried to ignore the obscenely loud birthday party next door that went absurdly late into the night for a kid’s party.
Next Post: The Magical Mystery Tour (and a Cathedral, too!)
Last Post: To Liverpool (With the Beatles)
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your-dietician · 3 years
Entertainment heat wave is coming this summer: What to watch for | Entertainment
New Post has been published on https://tattlepress.com/entertainment/entertainment-heat-wave-is-coming-this-summer-what-to-watch-for-entertainment/
Entertainment heat wave is coming this summer: What to watch for | Entertainment
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Remember 2019, when hot girl summer became a motto for living with confidence?
Well, with life getting closer to normal and vaccines nudging the pandemic into — fingers crossed — the rear-view mirror, 2021’s entertainment calendar for the next few months has a similar mood.
Call it a hot everything summer.
Blockbuster movies are returning to theaters. Live concerts are set to resume. Television and streaming shows are back to being a nice part of the mix, not a sole entertainment lifeline. And with travel heating up again, beach books can actually be read on a faraway beach.
To navigate this soaring heat index for fun, here is a list of recommendations that are sunny, breezy, steaming and sizzling. You get the idea.
Hot Jeff Daniels summer
Michigan’s resident acting great always keeps it real — remember his plaid dad shirt at February’s virtual Golden Globes? His latest project evokes his home state’s ethos of blue-collar endurance. “American Rust,” a nine-episode series premiering Sept. 12 on Showtime, stars Daniels as the police chief of a Rust-Belt Pennsylvania town who is feeling “ticked off and kind of jumpy” when a murder investigation tests his loyalties. If the preview looks a bit like HBO’s gritty “Mare of Easttown,” that’s a very good thing.
Hot goofy summer
In real life, metro Detroit native Tim Robinson could be a calm, collected guy. But as a sketch comedian, he’s made an art form out of wildly overreacting to life’s little embarrassments. “I Think You Should Leave,” his mini-masterpiece Netflix show, is back July 6 with a second season. Besides brilliantly making himself the butt of the jokes, Robinson always remembers his hometown friends. Let’s hope for repeat appearances by his pals like “Detroiters” co-star Sam Richardson and Troy’s own Oscar nominee, Steven Yeun.
Hot retro Motor City summer
The Detroit of the mid-1950s comes alive in director Steven Soderbergh’s “No Sudden Move,” available July 1 on HBO Max. The crime drama starring Don Cheadle, David Harbour, Benicio del Toro, Jon Hamm and more is about some low-level criminals given a simple assignment that draws them into a mystery that stretches to the heights of the automotive industry’s power structure. The film was shot last year in Detroit under strict COVID-19 safety measures, because Soderbergh, who filmed 1998’s “Out of Sight” here, would accept no other city as a substitute.
Hot road trip summer
Six years ago, a young waitress from Detroit created a viral Twitter thread about a bizarre journey she took to Florida with a new friend to do some freelance stripping. It was as compelling as a novel and as vivid as a movie. Cut to June 30 when “Zola” hits theaters starring Taylour Page and Riley Keough. It’s a comedy and a thriller that defies expectations and makes J-Lo’s “Hustlers” seem mild. Director Janicza Bravo and screenplay co-writer Jeremy O. Harris have created a raunchy adventure that still respects A’Ziah (Zola) King as a strong woman and original writing voice.
Hot action dad summer
Yes, Matt Damon is now old enough to play a Liam Neeson-esque outraged father out for justice. In “Stillwater,” Damon is a worker for an Oklahoma oil rig who must travel to France to try and clear his daughter (Abigail Breslin) of murder charges. Think “Taken,” if it were a serious drama directed and co-written by Tom McCarthy of “Spotlight” fame. It comes out July 30, just in time to make Damon’s fans from his “Good Will Hunting” days feel ancient.
Hot reboot summer
It has been almost a decade since “Gossip Girl” ended its run, which is way too long to be without fashion tips from impossibly beautiful rich kids. The newly reimagined “Gossip Girl” on HBO Max arrives July 8 with some notable improvements, like the inclusiveness of its cast of newcomers. But it’s bringing back the original narrator, Kristen Bell (who grew up in Huntington Woods), as the voice of the title character with the hidden identity.
Hot sweating summer
Sweating is a bodily function, but what exactly is it all about? “The Joy of Sweat: The Strange Science of Perspiration,” out July 13, will explore the biology, history and marketing behind the moisture that makes us glow (to use a polite term). It covers everything from the role of stress in sweat to deodorant research that involves people who can sniff out, literally, the effectiveness of a product. Since the New York Times recommended the book as one of its 24 summer reads, you know that author Sarah Everts did sweat the details.
Hot Olympic star summer
The 2021 Tokyo Games, which run July 23-Aug. 8, will feature the world’s best gymnast, Simone Biles. She still enjoys competing, but quarantining gave her some time to improve her work-life balance, as she told Glamour for its June cover story (which comes with a dazzling photo spread of Biles). “Before I would only focus on the gym. But me being happy outside the gym is just as important as me being happy and doing well in the gym. Now it’s like everything’s coming together.” For the 24-year-old GOAT, the sky — or, maybe, gravity — is the limit.
Hot variety show summer
“What percentage of white women do you hate? And there is a right answer.” That was among the questions posed by internet sensation Ziwe to her first guest, Fran Lebowitz, on the current Showtime series that carries her name. Combining interviews, sketches and music, “Ziwe” deploys comedy to illuminate America’s awkwardness on issues of race and politics. The results are hilarious, so find out about Ziwe now before her next project arrives, a scam-themed comedy for Amazon called “The Nigerian Princess.”
Hot ice road summer
Take the driving skills of the reality series “Ice Road Truckers” and add one stoic dose of Liam Neeson and you’ve got “The Ice Road,” which premiered Friday on Hulu. The adventure flick involves a collapse in a diamond mine, the miners trapped inside and the man (Neeson) who’s willing to steer his ginormous rig over frozen water to attempt a rescue mission. Crank up the AC temporarily!
Hot kindness summer
There is a better way to be a human being, and he shares a name with an Apple TV+ series. “Ted Lasso,” the fish-out-of-water sitcom about an American football coach (Jason Sudeikis) who’s drafted to lead a British soccer team returns for a second season on July 23 —the date that Lasso fans will resume their efforts to be more empathetic and encouraging, just like Ted. Only there’s a new sports psychologist for AFC Richmond who seems impervious to Ted’s charms and home-baked biscuits. She doesn’t like Ted? We’re gobsmacked!
Hot podcast summer
When Michael Che guested on “Jimmy Kimmel Live” recently, his segment was interrupted repeatedly by Dave Chappelle, who kept plugging his “The Midnight Miracle” podcast available on Luminary. What Chappelle was selling is worth the listening. “The Midnight Miracle” brings him together with his co-hosts, Talib Kweli and Yasiin Bey, and his famous friends from the comedy world and beyond for funny and though-provoking conversations interspersed with music. If you were a fly on the wall of Chappelle’s home, this is what you might hear.
Hot series finale summer
The last 10 episodes of “Brooklyn Nine-Nine” start airing Aug. 12 on NBC, a too-short goodbye to one of the most underrated comedies in TV history. You can give all the glory to “The Office,” but the detectives of the Nine-Nine could go toe to toe with Dunder-Mifflin’s Scranton branch in terms of quirkiness, humanity and office romances and bromances. It’s hard to pick a favorite dynamic among the characters, but the irritated father-incorrigible son vibes between Captain Holt (Andre Braugher) and Det. Jake Peralta (Andy Samberg) are sublime.
Hot musical comedy summer
Keegan-Michael Key and “Saturday Night Live’s” Cecily Strong lead a star-studded cast in “Schmigadoon!,” an AppleTV+ series premiering July 16 that magically transports a backpacking couple to a land of 1940s musicals. Until Broadway reopens in September, this parody love letter to the power of musical theater should do nicely. And the premiere episode’s song “Corn Pudding”? Catchy!
Hot nostalgia tour
Hall & Oates are criss-crossing the nation with enough 1980s hits —”Maneater,” “Kiss on My List,” “I Can’t Go for That,” “You Make My Dreams Come True,” etc. — to make you want to trade your mom jeans for spandex leggings. As if they weren’t enough top-40 goodness, their opening acts are Squeeze, still pouring a cup of “Black Coffee in Bed” all these years later, and K.T. Tunstall, whose “Suddenly I See” is immortalized as the anthem of “The Devil Wears Prada.”
Hot all-female, all-Muslim punk band summer
A British import now airing on the NBC streaming spinoff Peacock, “We Are Lady Parts” would be notable alone for defying stereotypes about Muslim women. But this sitcom about an all-female, all-Muslim aspiring rock band is a gem of both representation and laughs, thanks to characters like Amina, a shy doctoral candidate in microbiology whose complaints about a guy she calls “Bashir with the good beard” inspires a song.
Hot documentary summer
While Woodstock has become synonymous with epic music gatherings, the Harlem Cultural Festival of 1969 is finally about to get the pop-culture recognition it deserves. “Summer of Soul: (…Or, When The Revolution Could Not Be Televised),” directed by the Roots drummer Questlove, will hit theaters and Hulu on July 2. It chronicles a mostly forgotten event that drew superstars like Stevie Wonder, Nina Simone, the Fifth Dimension, Sly & the Family Stone and B.B. King. Using his vast knowledge of music, archival footage and interviews with performers and those who attended, Questlove has created a history lesson that’s also the best concert you’ve never seen before.
Hot Marvel summer
Once you’re all caught up with the summer streaming sensation “Loki” on Disney+, please turn your attention to two new films. “Black Widow,” the long-awaited star turn for Scarlett Johansson’s former KGB assassin Natasha Romanoff, makes its debut July 9. It’s followed by “Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings,” set for Sept. 3 and starring Simu Liu (“Kim’s Convenience”) as the martial arts master of the title. All brought to you by the corporate global entertainment domination machine that is Marvel.
Hot biopic summer
“Respect,” starring Jennifer Hudson, arrives Aug. 13 at theaters, nearly three years to the day the world lost the Queen of Soul. Although Cynthia Erivo gave a fine performance earlier this year as Franklin in “Genius: Aretha” on the National Geographic network, the odds are good that Hudson, chosen by Franklin herself for the part, will be the definitive screen Aretha.
Hot fiction summer
Terry McMillan calls “The Other Black Girl” essential reading. Entertainment Weekly describes it as “‘The Devil Wears Prada’ meets ‘Get Out,’ with a little bit of ‘Black Mirror’ thrown in.” This debut novel by Zakiya Dalila Harris mixes office politics with suspense in its story of Nella Rogers, an editorial assistant who’s the only Black staffer at a noted publishing company. When Hazel, a new Black employee, is hired, things seem to be improving. But then Nella starts receiving ominous unsigned notes. Sounds like yet another reason to keep working from home.
Hot slow dance summer
After nearly four months on Billboard’s Hot 100 chart, “Leave the Door Open” remains the song most likely to provoke a quiet storm on the dance floor. The hit single from Silk Sonic (aka Bruno Mars and Anderson .Paak) may sound like a cover of a long-lost ‘70s classic R&B tune, but it’s a contemporary song that can make you forget the humidity long enough for “kissing, cuddling, rose petals in the bathtub, girl, lets jump in.”
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