#standing tough
Survival song during covid-19. Or any bad situation in general.
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landoffreaksandfrogs · 11 months
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you want me to what
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parisoonic · 11 months
Heavymedic kiss
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please accept this crumb
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dreambutdontsleepx · 2 months
as a possessive, jealous Eddie Diaz truther I actually thing the jealousy switcheroo in buddie is incredibly appropriate.
buck can have other male friends besides Eddie, and he's completely fine about it, cause he's sure of his place in bucks life. he know he's buck's best friend, and would never replace him. he knows that besides Maddie, and the kids (Chris and jee) he's the most important person in bucks life.
When is Eddie jealous? when bucks gets a new girlfriend, when he partners up with Taylor for the treasure hunt instead of him. We see him being actively hostile. Cause that's a position Eddie doesn't fill in bucks life, a romantic partner (even though he wants to), so he's unsure of himself.
When is buck jealous? when Eddie gets new friends, we already saw that with Lena Bosko in season 3, cause buck is insecure of his role in Eddie's life (in pretty much every single life of his friends and family), he fears abandonment. He fears that someone will take his place as best friend. But when Eddie is with Ana, buck is calm in my opinion, he's stressed just cause he can see that Eddie is not happy.
all these words just to say that Eddie Diaz knows he's in love with his best friend, he's known for a long time, that's why he's jealous when buck has a romantic partner. while buck still has his eyes covered to the truth, and in his mind what he and eddie have is a totally normal besties relationship. that's why he's jealous and anxious when Eddie gets a friend.
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furiousgoldfish · 7 months
abusive parents @ their kids: stop being so sensitive! you just need to toughen up! you can't complain when you're being forced to work or beaten or punished for things that you can't control, or shunned or scapegoated or neglected or threatened or insulted or humiliated or blackmailed or rejected or betrayed or being told you're utterly unlovable and worst thing that's ever happened to humanity. Stop making such a drama out of everything!!!!!
abusive parents if their kid looks at them wrong or says 'no' once: you've ruined my entire life you demon, you monster, you are evil and you need to be punished, what you've done just made me lose my job sanity and last bit of happiness I had, you horrid creature you'll pay for this, this is normal and totally not overly sensitive dramatic behaviour, it is you who are wrong for daring to stand up to me and ruin everything good in my life this way!!!!
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anoonimthepoorchad · 5 months
A loud ass explosion just happened and the whole building shook. And while getting my dog from under the kitchen table I saw smoke coming out of neighboring buildings. There were two explosions actually, and my friend from across the city heard them too but only several seconds later due to sound delay. We heard them almost immediately because of how close they were. There are more missiles in the air. The air raid has been happening for hours already, and we had one earlier at night as well. It's 8 am right now. Cities like Kharkiv (north-east), Lviv (west), Odesa (south-west), Dnipro (south-east), Khmelnytsky and Vinnytsya (west-center) and Kyiv (north-center) were targeted and damaged. I think I'll update later, either with more information or just to say that the air raid is over and that we're ok
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jascurka · 5 months
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All the important things
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vampires having symptoms of anemia as like. a normal thing since they don't have any proper blood but are still by some definition of the word "alive" in that they still. exist. as a moving "living" being. and they're so so iron deficient
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soft-cryptids · 1 year
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...you guys are enabling my brainworms, so here, have some sketches. 
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dynamic-power · 8 months
Gallavich discover farmers markets when they move to the Westside.
Ian has been trying to make sure they're eating healthy, and how can it get healthier than fresh fruits and veg? So when he sees a few stands teeming with produce and people, he drags Mickey with him.
The first time, they only purchase fruits and vegetables and bypass most of the other stands. They go back the next week. And then they go back again.
By the fourth time, they have added fresh local flowers to their weekly purchases. Mickey refuses to admit he likes having them on their dinner table, but eventually he's the one picking out the bouquet.
On their sixth trip, Ian gets distracted by a local soap maker. He spends nearly 20 minutes picking out a scent that he likes. Or rather, that he thinks he'll like on Mickey. When he finds Mickey again, his husband is munching on a bag of homemade jerky.
Ian loses count after that.
They try honeycomb for the first time and buy honey from the local beekeeper. They sample artisan cheese and jams and jellies, and they listen politely to a candle maker as she excitedly explains her process for the fourth week in a row. Ian aquires a taste for tea thanks to the blends made by a middle-aged man who pays far too much attention to his daily horoscopes. They make sure to stop by a bakery stand every time to buy fresh pastries and bread.
Mickey often lingers at a stall run by a man who does leather and woodwork, and Ian places a special order with him for Mickey's birthday; a matching belt and wallet.
By far, their favorite vendors are an old woman and her grandson who sell beanies, scarves, and the like. The old woman is nice enough, if a little forgetful, but it's the grandson, who is their age, that they become friends with. He did time for armed robbery and learned to knit while he was locked up. "I did it 'cause I remembered Nan doing it when I was a kid." Now, it's his business. And his grandma enjoys the excuse to spend time with her grandson.
By the time winter comes around, they've each got a matching hat, scarf, and glove set, there are four varieties of tea besides Mickey's favorite coffee, and they've even purchased a couple candles.
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hatake · 6 months
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love how after winning sanji goes back to his gfs and zoro also goes back to his gf
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Girl help, I blinked and now I have 22 urban fantasy novels checked out of the online library
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vynnyal · 3 months
Btw I'm basically speedrunning now
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kasper-tag · 8 months
Since our boys suffered a devastating loss in a recent shipping tournament, I thought they deserved a second chance at winning something. Vote for your favorite!
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enden-k · 2 months
what are your hsr teams?? i pulled for so many characters and i dont know how to use any of them
i have 3-4 teams built around one main dps so what i run often is
1) acheron, black swan, galladilf and either pela/aven whatever i feel like/need
2) ratio, aven, ruan mei (+ a friends topaz)
3) blade, jingliu, ruan mei, whatever of my sustains or a friends
[ 4) IL dan heng, hanya, pela (+ friends sustains sometimes, i dont really play IL DH often anymore tho other for ruan meis pet boss) ]
i use different teams for other modes ofc (my jing yuan/himeko/etc)
i could help with putting a team together if you could tell me what characters you have to begin with and for what you need the team (jsut regular team, PF, etc)
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earthquake happened Ern what everr here’s bunny
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