#spookmaster general
the-furies · 2 years
i hope things have been going better for y'all today. i haven't seen the owl house but it is one of the next pieces of media on our List (the order of the List is currently: siamese dream (in order), toh, american psycho the musical (rewatch), our kid brother's favorite fanfic, saw movies (in order this time), star trek voyager (rewatch)).
i'm glad that you like clipping. i was hoping you would, i really like daveed's musical style as well. also @ will we love both of the songs you recommended! usually when y'all recommend songs i pull up lyrics to study and think about while i listen but when y'all recommend songs i already have fully memorized i just just to bob around and think about y'all and reminisce.
today i have Cheesy Halloween music! (we have so many cheesy halloween songs in our possession as well as? several tapes of just halloween and horror sound effects that i'm pretty sure are dr. crane's? i'd accuse dr. west as well but we've had them longer than he's been around).
i'm recommending: batman, wolfman, frankenstein, or dracula by the diamonds for steve, halloween from the be more chill musical for billy, spookmaster by the ghastly ones for eddie (to me the song sounds like you introducing a big bad in your d&d games), riboflavin-flavored noncarbonated polyunsaturated blood by the rigamorticians for your jonathan, and every day is like halloween by ministery for will. also just generally recommending brains! and zombie prostitute, both by voltaire.
this one isn't halloween related but scav was lured out with miss lucy and the water fountain song and has been very insistent that i add the clapping song to the list.
ANYWAYS!!! we're doing better today luckily!!!! however now we r Annoyed bc tumblr is Spotify-phobic apparently!!! fuck shit and other such expletives!!!!!!!! /ref
SO lemme just. tl;dr it!! christ!!
My Dad is Rich - Danny Gonzalez (Steve's rec)
We only come out at night - Smashing Pumpkins (Eddie's rec)
Spooky Ho - Danny Gonzalez (Billy's rec)
Devil Town - Cavetown (Will's rec)
Second Chances - October Fall (Jonathan's rec)
PLUS! THE PLAYLIST WE YOINKED THESE FROM! maybe if I link it this way Tumblr won't be homophobic!!
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zhukzublabs · 3 years
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day 16, Darktober prompt "Disguise". My take on the character of Spookmaster General from WMR
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marieaqua · 4 years
Justin McElroy is known for having some bitchn’ quotes, such as “ Once the spookmaster general is done with ya you’ll piss your fuckin pants”
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whatnotmemes · 5 years
-------------------MY BROTHER, MY BROTHER, AND ME SENTENCE STARTERS change pronouns as needed. language. slightly nsfw.
“Is it possible that your coworker just finds really random shit erotic?” “I woke up with a start and thought, ‘Why hasn’t there been a Fast and the Furious/Transformers crossover movie?’” “I’m trying to figure out how to superman a hoe, can we please focus?” “I think dogs should vote!” “I’ve got a plan: Let’s give up!” “Every first draft has a lotta dongs. Any screenwriter will tell you that.” “Nothing that you do on the internet matters, especially not on Facebook.” “I stole a copy of Fight Club and got caught, which seemed like a very Tyler Durden thing to do, in my defense.” “I wish I could but I’m unstuck in time.” “Cats are nature’s cats.” “I watched you use the boys’ potty earlier.” “If a baby puts the one ring on, you’re never finding that bastard again.” “You can smoke, vote, and ramjam a bilbo right up in you and you don’t have to explain yourself to goddamn anybody.” “I just wanna be like that dude who danced with the umbrella in the Andre 3000 videos.” “I think the big problem with karate is, I don’t have an end to this sentence.” “If a librarian’s job isn’t to keep people from bringing huge containers of hot dogs and chicken wings into where the books are kept?” “You look like you fell and tripped into a Spencer's Gifts.” “I don’t know what Coachella is.” “Life is meaningless I guess!” “I want a full body shave from Dwayne the Rock Johnson- I don’t think that’s asking too much at all!” “The man who sleeps with a machete is a fool every night but one.” “Do you think all of the toys in Toy Story are possessed by different ghosts?” “I am going to stave off Quetzalcoatl with two glow sticks on the top of a fucking mountain just blasting Skrillex.“ “Once the Spookmaster General’s done with you, you’re gonna piss your fucking pants.” “‘I want a raise, no buts about it.’ And then show him your butthole.” “I'm gonna go ahead and say, Bruce Willis has definitely killed a man before.” “I'd like to spend a little bit more time discussing pornography for birds please.” “Were those just raw shrimp I was eating out of your refrigerator?” “Who is One Direction? Is that the fucking glee club on Glee?” “Birds are the mice of the sky. No way on earth would I ever have a bird pet.” “I think this motherfucker is an artificial intelligence, who is very slowly and surprisingly sensually becoming self-aware.” “I do wanna apologize to the person who has the phone number 1-800-Fart-Now, because you've certainly gotten some confusing calls in the previous days.” “Everything that we've done here so far has been a very elaborate sting operation to get you to confess to that crime.” “First name is your least favorite soda, last name is your favorite soda.” “Carly Rae Jepsen is the opposite of Donald Trump. In every conceivable way. She is a pure being of light.” “Kind of a combination of Ebenezer Scrooge and Hugh Hefner. That's a good look.”
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MBMBAM starter sentences
"Do you want to move in together? I have a bunch of trash buried in my yard!"
"Idiot can't even make his own pancakes, how pathetic."
"The odds of befoulment are rather high."
"Just grab it by the head and tail and bite it somewhere, I don't know!!!"
"I'm going to tell you about a motherfucker named ______."
"I just need to quiet the darkness within."
“You dumb piece of shit. I can't believe we share genetic material, you make me so angry.”
"I'm like 900% sure you're being a dingdong."
"Hell yeah, I'd fuck that up right now."
"Damn ______ you got me dyin' on the ground right now."
"I haven't showered in three months but I'm aliiiiiivveeee!"
"Sup of this grain, _____!"
“Something is going to happen in this room with this _____ that’s going to make you uncomfortable, have fun! Science!"
"Hey I can't read either!! Let's get fucked up!!!"
"This _____ is a refrigerator that I've been trapped in for the past nine years."
“S/he fucks like a broken train but s/he runs on time.”
"Hey guys, come over here and tear into these beautiful babies."
"----and then you're wearing some sexy lingerie...in the garbage can."
"I'm gonna be the king of dead town."
"______, what kind of music do you like to play when you're gettin' busy?"
"You're thinking about fucking _____ gO OUTSIDE!!!"
"I got a feeling that you're gonna die tonight."
"I want to tear my own head off and throw it into the sun."
"______... against god!!"
"Listen, I know a lot about human dicks AND wolf dicks."
"The trash compactor broke both of my---what's the word again?--- legs!!!"
"This is grade A horny material."
"I need you all to get out there and tear some fuckin ass."
"It's so powerful and majestic.... I just want to kill it."
“No stars! I give this house/_____ no stars out of five."
"________, come out and pllaaaayyyyyyy~~"
"What's up man, check the crown!"
"I can't make tits nor ass of this weird exotic goo but I'll be damned if I don't eat it on my....food."
"_____! Help us make these kids fight!"
"God, how beautiful is my wife/_______?!"
"No no nonononONONONONO NO NO---"
"Oh wait, I didn't kill anybody! Maybe it IS safe..!"
"WAIT A MINUTE! Stop the world, I want to get off!"
"I just stole your fuckin' wedding!!"
“I believe, I'm not attempting to offend, I believe the nomenclature is 'bitch'.”
"Can I give you all of my secret stuff?"
"There's a thin line between a pizza theft and a pizza hero and it's about four hours."
"Dried mango's not gonna give you the kind of juice that you need TO PERFORM YOUR FUCKING SACRAMENT!!!"
"I'm in hell. This is hell."
"I just need something to get me through this eternal, bleak existence."
"I'm way too fuckin strong and just way too fuckin sexy to get killed in this shower right now."
"I swear they were dead like ten minutes ago!"
"What the fuck happened to you? Are you HAUNTED? Are you fucking POSSESSED? YOU USED TO BE MY BROTHER/_________!"
"Oh what is that you have? A gun??? Lovely."
“All you want is my alcohol and then to die in your sleep!”
"It's a ghost you can fuck every night!"
"We're three ______'s deep, now get the hell out ______!"
"S-sex? Weird sex?"
“You better do it with an empty bladder ‘cause once the Spookmaster General’s done with ya you’re gonna piss your fuckin’ pants.“
"You can do this once, maybe twice, but the third time they're going to think you have dysentary."
"You're on some---some fucking rats in the walls shit and I'm losing my mind!!!"
"There's no impediment that you could put in front of me that will keep me from my dark goals."
"All rise for these cute guys!"
"Don't crack open the door to your skewed perspective and then not throw that bad boy open and let me peek inside."
“Don’t be a pussy, fight crime!”
“Oh, s/he's openly weeping.”
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mbmbam-quotes · 7 years
Hi everybody, it's me, Justin McElroy. We just wrapped up on our whole ghost episode, and it occurred to me we didn't put any real spooks or scares in there. But don't worry, I'm a TV professional. What I'm gonna do is, I'm gonna film some jumpscares and then through some edit bay magic we're gonna put'em back into the show for you. So you're not gonna know when they're coming but they're gonna be pretty fucking scary. Now here's my warning to you: If you watch the rest of this episode...you better do it with an empty bladder. 'Cause once the Spookmaster General's done with ya, you're gonna piss your fuckin' pants.
Justin McElroy
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circuswizard · 7 years
hey whats good uh i was tagged by @ambergrist and i like doing these even if theyre corny as fuck
nickname: con
zodiac sign: virgo
height: 5′9″ i think is what the doctor said last time i was there??
last thing you googled: why did walmart leave germany
favorite music artist: area 11 is my favorite and has been for years
last movie you saw: the prince of egypt is my favorite movie of all time and i watched it two days at 2 am and i have no regrets
why you chose your url: it’s from justin mcelroy in i think “dorms and ghoulsmashing” from mbmbam seeso when justin calls himself the spookmaster general ( i have a link to the clip on my blog, its the button that says “url insp” )
do you have any other blogs? nah
what did your last relationship teach you: ive never been in one bitch im lonely square up
religious or spiritual: i think im agnostic?? i have weird beliefs when it comes to spirituality and shit like that
favorite color: porpl
average hours of sleep:  that varies wildly
lucky number: when asked this i usually just say 11 due to area 11 and i have no regrets
favorite character: i have too many? the whole fucking cast of the adventure zone, mei, lucio, doomfist, reinhardt, roadhog, pharah, and more from overwatch, gengar from pokemon, megaman x and megaman zero, fuckin 99% of the characters from bnha (except mineta fuck mineta), and i could just go on theres so many
how many blankets do you sleep with: in the summer i sleep with like.. .. . 1 but in the winter i’ll get up to probably 3 
dream job:  voice actor! it’s been my dream job for a few years now due to how ive always done shit with my voice since i was younger and i have a huge massive respect for voice actors and the work they do (plus 99% of voice actors are wonderful nice people? im always hearing good things about them and ive met chris sabat, rob paulsen, and nicki rapp in person and they were all absolutely amazing people)
uHHHhhHHhhHhhhhh im bad at tagging people so the first person i see in my feed is @starshroom whats up youre one of my oldest followers thanks for sticking around and u dont have to do this if you dont want to but here it is if you do
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theydjarin · 7 years
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Once the Spookmaster General's done with ya, you're gonna piss your fucking pants.
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wartwhitman · 7 years
MBMBaM Seeso Sentence Starters
"What’s up, you cool baby?" "You can't just yell ‘go’." "I know the government has it." “It's a really tricky dick." "Do you think all of the toys in Toy Story are possessed by different ghosts?" "This is how two roommates become one friend." "Let’s see if we can't spook it up a little bit with some delightful ghouls." "Jumpscare!" "Once the spookmaster general is done with you, you're gonna piss your pants." "There’s a very real chance that that is not a doll." "Yeah thats just somebody that got frozen in time." "Watch the fucking throne because we're coming, and we're hungry." "If this boys a rattlin’, you best get skedaddlin'." "Mayor said it, thats legal everybody." "He can't finish unless you look him in the eyes---I don't want him to finish." "I didn’t buy the boy so everybody outside could enjoy it, I bought the boy for me." "I stole a copy of Fight Club and got caught which seemed like a very Tyler Durden thing to do, in my defense." "Did you at any point leave to go to Bonnaroo?" "I left at one point... hold on... I left at one point to go to Bonnaroo." "Ohhh look at me! I’m like a rotisserie shithead!" "You guys would tell me if I looked like a magical pervert, right?" "I would absolutely hire the beard guy. I liked it." "OUR SISTER CITY IS THE MOON!" "I will for one day, cook meals for the officers, and be called the CHEF of police." "The wild boys have become the cops." "Augh these legs a mine." "Come out and plAAAAy." "Okay this is intentionally threatening!" "I’m gonna commit toilet crime all day long!" "I’m sorry I tried to make a good life for everybody here!" "If theres armistice i wanna be in the armistice!" "I feel like I look like a magical high-tech pervert." "You look like an undertaker for clowns." "Do you know anything about...parade management...or how to start one?" "Hi! I was trying to, uh-- my name is----Zack?" "Hey I just had an interesting thought--actually, fuck this." "I’m just, like, super super chill right now." "You got it on the ghetti!!!" "That’s a gar-rawn-tee." "Teens are very into the following: bullying me on tumblr, and dabbing, of course." "That was a dab? that's fresh as hell!" "Your teen name is: first name is your least favorite soda, last name is your favorite soda." "And to prove it; I’m gonna rip a phone book in half." "And whats great is that could also be your porn star name." "But don't feel like your cell phone is also a prison, from which you can't really escape." "Nobody believed in me because I had narcolepsy all year." "I need a definite boost." "I have an ouch on my fanny." "I'll need a bunch of pillows, or some sort of staircase." "Is this your first time? You're doin' a really great job. I’m proud of you." "THROUGH YOUR SACRIFICE WE SHALL LIVE!" "Hey siri, change home to: Baskin Robins." "It says don't touch it, so we should only touch it once." "All of which said either ‘fuck you’, or 'okay' and then five minutes later 'fuck you'" "They know where the holy grail is and you're talking to them on the phone! and their number was on google!" "You look like a business man with an extremely specific fetish." "You look like a new kid in candyland that just steals twizzlers." "You look like a vaudeville usher whose trying for a management position." "Gotta have my vape!" "I was gonna dress like a gorilla that loved to vape named vape ape." "The fact that you're saying it out loud makes it legal." "They all have giant dongs." "Go bone yourself, I'm gonna actually go home and play Pokemon now." "Every first draft has a lot of dongs." "If you set up a dong in act one you gotta pay it off in act three." "My heart, soul, GUTS, all went into it." "Keep it real, keep it raw, and don't embarrass me out there."
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izutsumicat · 7 years
cause once the spookmaster general is done with you…
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