#spn bang challenge
dcwildwestfest · 9 months
"I'm your huckleberry."
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DeanCas Wild West Fest (DWWF) is a bang-style event where authors and artists will be paired up to create works inspired by all things Western — from homesteading and rodeos to outlaws and train robberies.
Authors will be expected to write a 5,000+ word DeanCas/Destiel fan-fiction that falls into the Western genre. Artists will then create one work of original artwork and one banner inspired by the fic they are paired with.
Sign-ups for Artists and Authors are now open!
Check out the official rules, guidelines, and schedule here!
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honkytonkangelsspn · 2 years
Hey y’all! Welcome to Honky Tonk Angels!
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Honky Tonk Angels is a Supernatural mini-bang challenge all about country music. In this challenge, Authors will be paired up with Artists via a claims process to create some music-inspired masterpieces. Authors will write a 3,000+ word fan-fiction inspired by a country song (any song!). Artists will then create one work of original artwork and one banner inspired by the fic they are paired up with.
Read the rules and official schedule here.
Meet your mods!
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midnightsilver · 2 months
Tips for Spn Artists posting on Tumblr 😄👍🏻
I see a lot of new artists posting Spn art and it can be a struggle to get your art out there. Or you might be new to Tumblr and not sure how best to put yourself forward.
I post Spn art and do a lot of bangs when my health permits. And I have picked up some tips that I have found helpful for posting art tumblr 😄 so I thought I would share.
Please feel free to take any of these points or leave them as suits you!
✨Personalise your header and icon. Bots will often make posts with popular tags and stolen art, to try and gain followers before throwing out the spam links, but some clues the account is a bot is not having personalised headers and icons, not having a long history of posts (more than a few days), and not talking about their art or fandom. So make sure you don’t look like a bot 😄
✨Interact with accounts you enjoy. Like, comment and reblog your favourite accounts and they will likely return the favour and you will get more followers. The first way your post gets noticed is by your followers. Interacting isn’t always easy if one is an introvert or doesn’t have much time for social media, but do what you can where you can.
✨If don’t have many followers then the next best thing is to use tags more. People follow key tags to find new posts from blogs they are not aware of. I recommend using the ‘Spn fanart’ tag on all your art posts. Also be sure to include: common ship names, the character names, and key words like: cute, funny, angst, angel, wings, etc 👍🏻 😄 this will help people find your posts, so be sure to tag consistently!
✨Make a personal art tag, it could be ‘your name art’ or something as wacky as you like. But tag all your art with it! If someone sees your art post out in the Spn fanart tags and they like it, they can click your art tag to see the rest of your art posts.
✨Don’t include links to outside webpages unless absolutely necessary. If you are posting for a bang, reblog the bang master post for the story which has the links to ao3, but then make your own art post and only link to the tumblr master post. Tumblr often hides posts with links to outside webpages (so that the porn bots sending you to spam websites get minimised, but unfortunately this also minimises links to ao3 or shops 😔). Links to another post inside of tumblr are ok tho! So to keep your art post from being hidden from searches, only link back to the master tumblr post with the story info. If people want to read the story they can follow the ao3 link from there. But it’s better that they actually get to see your art (the ‘advert’ for the story) in the first place so that they know it exists!
Also keep this info in mind if you are linking to your shop or your other socials. Your direct followers will see your shop posts but because of the external links the post might be hidden from searches. Consider doing a mix of posts with direct shop links and ones that get the info out there but link back to a pinned tumblr post or bio post with the outside link.
✨Don’t crowd your art. Many people view tumblr on mobile so your pictures will look small. People can’t really see the details if you put 2 images side by side. Put one image on each line and consider making some cropped images to show close up details of your favourite bits. You need to catch people as they are quickly scrolling past, so be sure that you make it easy for them to see what you are offering.
✨And finally don’t be afraid to do reblogs. It isn’t rude to reblog your own work, it’s helpful. Dashboards can get very busy and even if people follow you, your post might be burried a long way down if they don’t get back online multiple times a day. Reblogs will give them a chance to see what they missed. As long as you are not posting on the hour every hour, most people appreciate 2 or 3 reblogs at different times to save them having to scrolled back for days! 😄 and don’t forget that tumblr is multinational. Time zone reblogs can be helpful.
✨oh I forgot one more thing! Don’t put yourself down! No piece of art is perfect! Ever! But Michelangelo doesn’t start off by apologising that the statue of David is out of proportion. And neither should you! Let your work shine where it shines and don’t bury it in put-downs before you even give others the chance to enjoy its triumphs! You deserve better and so do they!
Those are the main points my friends. If you have any other helpful tips that you want to share, feel free to reblog this and add on points. We were all new to this hellsite (affectionate) at some point. And life is already hard for us struggling artists so whatever we can do to help each other is a good thing 💛
Stay awesome my friends, and happy Arting 🙌🏼😄
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rauko-creates · 5 months
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I got to work with @ayumidah (author) and @alicetallula (the banner artist) for @deancasanimebang! 💚💙
Everyone should go check out this adorable fic (beta'd by @golby-moon who's also an author and artist in the event 💚) combining Destiel with the world of Studio Gibli's Spirited away, set years after the events of the film.
AO3 link to Connections
Link to Tallula's art
Link to Masterpost
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newtdrawz · 2 months
Sam winchester,,,, save me,,
Sam Winchester
Save me Sam winchester,,
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deanwbigbang · 9 months
Last Call for Artists
Dean Winchester Big Bang
Claims are coming soon! Be sure to sign up by September 22.
Claiming a fic (of 5k or more) means a minimum of 1 art piece and a post banner; however, if you find yourself inspired to make a ton of art, you're more than welcome to!
Do be aware that our schedule for this year has been slimmed down:
September 22 — artist sign-ups close  September 23 — claims day 🥳 September 29-October 1 — partner check-ins  October 20-22 — final check-ins November 4 — posting begins
Make sure to read the rules before signing up.
Ready? Join through links
Artist Sign-Up (open until midnight PDT on September 22)
Beta Sign-Up (always open!)
Signal boosts appreciated!
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ladylilithprime · 10 months
Written for the @spnproshipbang daily drabble challenge!
Today's prompts are as follows:
Word prompt - Tattoos
Dialogue prompt - "It's three in the morning."
Character/ship prompt: Sastiel
SAM WINCHESTER HONESTLY felt like he had only just managed to close his eyes for sleep when he felt a hand gently touching his shoulder. "Sam, wake up."
Sam cracked an eye open and peered blearily at the glowing red numbers that mocked him with their cheery brightness. "It's three in the morning."
"Which is why I am not waking Dean," Castiel said patiently. "I know that you will want to see this. Come on."
Standing outside on the roof of the bunker and watching in wonder as the extended Aurora Borealis painted tattoos of colored light across the sky, Sam could only agree that Castiel had been right to wake him.
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heavenssexiestangel · 6 months
SPN Pro-Ship Bang Weekly Drabble: Baking with Dad
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Rating: General
Ship: Arthur Ketch/Dean Winchester
Word count: 200
Written for: @spnproshipbang Weekly Drabble Challenge
Prompt: "What the fuck?"
Tags and Warnings: Double Drabble, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Original Child Character,
There is never a boring day in their small family
Beta: none
Notes: I promise I'm also writing things that aren't drabbles XD
Read on Archive of Our Own
To have updates on my fics, make sure you follow me and join my Discord Server to have bonus snippets, deleted scenes, make requests, and the like. It’s FREE.
If you’d like, donate me a Ko-fi
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ncdover1285 · 10 months
Drabble #1
Prompts for the @spnproshipbang discord community drabble challenge
Today's prompts are as follows:
> Word prompt - **Tattoos**
> Dialogue prompt - "**It's three in the morning."**
> Character/ship prompt: **Sastiel**
Sam was pretty sure he was sleeping soundly when his angel boyfriend popped into the bed. “Sam! I have an amazing idea! We can get matching tattoos!” 
Sam groaned and looked at Cas. “Dude it’s three in the morning! This couldn’t have waited until seven?”
Cas rolled his eyes, a habit he had surely picked up from Dean somewhere along the way. “I was just excited about getting something for just the two of us.”
“Okay let’s talk about this in a few hours. I don’t see why we can’t get something just for us.” He was such a sucker.”
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radiocompanydcbang · 1 year
Radio Company Destiel Bang
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If you’re a fan of Radio Company and ship Destiel then you should join the Radio Company Destiel Bang!!! Each fic will be based on a song by Radio Company.
Sign Ups start April 1 offically but if you want to get into the server a few days early the link is below.
Rules || Sign Ups
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free-to-be-impaled · 2 years
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"There are mountain gorges and salt flats and the planet has multiple moons and rings like Saturn. Dean has SUPER GROSS BLISTERS wending all over his body like snakes and oozing green pus but they're also a ~manifestation of his inability to let Sam go. Sam's fine--he's waiting to be reincarnated, but Dean is holding him back."
Art for the Destiel Sci-fi and Fantasy Bang. @kayliemalinza wrote a great fic that asked the question: What if Dean acted like a feral cat and he lived in the mountains?"
Read here on ao3
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happilyfeatherafter · 5 months
Happilyfeatherafter's ficrec Fridays
Back for my second week of fics I've read and loved recently, as well as a couple of throw backs. If you missed last week's you can find it here for more!
12 January 2024
Altitude by enochianprayer (@chapeldean, art by @hornystiel here and @naughtystiel here) is a wintery delight, in which Dean is a seasonal worker in a mountain lodge and Castiel is a hiker who's passing through. Enchanted by their brief encounter with each other, Dean can't get Cas out of his head, and Cas' questioning leads him to find something holy in the revelations he stumbles upon at the lodge. Sweet and romantic, wild and wandering, cosy and brave.
boy leave your boots by the bed by an_ardent_rain (@alulangel) is a post-canon fix it, a smutty cowboy kink (shh yes this WILL be a recurring theme on my rec lists), wish fulfilment fic for the spn bang bang with one of my favourite tropes of Dean and Cas going on little dates without really realising they're going on little dates, whilst pining. Plus absolutely wonderful banter:
Cas squints and ignores that.  “Technically, you could say that this heaven is still ‘in beta’ now,” he says, and he uses the air quotes and it’s so adorable Dean bites the swell of a bottom lip to hold in a fond smile.  Cas is, as always, a giant dork.  “But we are soliciting feedback.”
“Yeah, you got a heavenly suggestion box?  Hotline for complaints?  Five stars, would die and spend eternity here again?”
“There are… more than five stars, Dean.”
Sweet Science by emmbrancsxx0, (@valleydean) is now complete, a 12 days of smutmas challenge continuation to the incredible destiel 1930s boxing au Heavyweight. Cas and Dean are on a romantic winter retreat to get out of the spotlight against the backdrop of the burgeoning economic depression in New York, both seeing the boxing world become harder to maintain a living. With Cas secretly planning to retire, and not yet letting on to Dean, can they navigate their future whilst still maintaining their hard fought for trust? I love these guys so much and am so glad to be back in their world.
The Root of this Love by kathscradle is for all the bearded!Misha fans. May he have survived the acrylic paint incident. The very short and sweet and sexy premise: Cas is hairy, now that he’s human. Dean can’t get a grip on himself. (But he sure can get a grip on Cas!) Smutty body hair celebration and body worship.
Just Being and Just Having by Englandwouldfall is the post-canon fic series I drop everything to read every time there's a new update. It delves so incredibly beautifully into Dean and Cas' history of miscommunication and gives them the chance to truly talk things out, finding themselves falling more deeply in love as they do so and understand their own mistakes but also what makes them work so well together when they're no longer under Chuck's thumb. Each chapter feels like therapy and a brain and heart massage! Two chapters left to go of Just Having, dive in now so you can lose your mind with me when it's complete.
Solitudes by ilovehowyouletmefall (@angelinthefire, art by @hawkland) is set in season 12 after Cas is nearly killed by Ramiel. Dean is close to acknowledging his feelings, whilst Cas is weighed down by the responsibility to find Kelly, but he agrees to help out on one more hunt before he leaves. Trapped, they encounter a monster which makes both of their nightmares come true...or so they think. Witnessing each other's despair, this is a haunting and genuinely creepy story that will make your heart ache.
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museaway · 11 months
To all of my friends in the SPN fandom, while it's not the same as a bang (it's a writing event & there are no matchups), if you're looking for an event that is truly welcoming to all ships (and gen! we love gen), please consider the 5k! It's an all-fandoms event that challenges you to write an AU using no more than 5,000 words.
A few of our features:
we welcome all fandoms, all ships, and original works
we have 0 content restrictions
you can write in any language
it's an AU if you say it is!
our mascot is an inspiring pineapple
you can post whenever you want in August, I don't care
what are penalties? we don't have any. we don't even close sign-ups
we have one check-in, which is next weekend, and tbh it's just a reminder for all of us
it's the perfect excuse to write that one AU you've been sitting on for three years
I run the 5k through @ficwip and you can find out everything there is to know about it over here on notion
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cdrcrossoverbang · 11 months
CasDeanReverse CrossoverBang 2023
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Hello Destiel Artists! 
It’s time for a new and hopefully exciting Destiel Reverse Bang! 
Time to mash up our beloved SPN Universe with another one! 
Yes, it’s crossover time. 
Have you ever thought about Cas and Dean meeting Mulder and Scully from the X-Files? Or wondered who would win in a vampire-stake-challenge: Buffy or Dean? Or maybe you've thought, “I wonder how Cas and Dean would look as little ponies and what their cutie-marks would be”. Any crossover with another TV show, film, book or game is allowed!
Any crossover goes!! You paint it, and our talented authors out there will claim it and write a crossover for your art!
Minimum for authors is: 3k
Sign-up starts on September the first but you can join us already on discord: https://discord.gg/7grbaRSzPc
You can find our rules and schedule here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1V
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sharkfish · 2 years
i've seen some people express concern that the spn/destiel fandom is dying out. i've had that feeling myself! but SO MANY cool projects have started (or continued), even two years after the finale, and i want to highlight some of them for you!
(sorry for so many links in replies. trying to make sure this post shows up in the tags. stay cool, tumblr.)
@amoreprofoundcon is a fanworks & creators-focused destiel convention (via zoom!) created by fans. the first con was back in march 2022, with a second scheduled for the destiel holiday weekend (nov 5-6)!!
@mixtapebookclub is a podcast focused on destiel fanfiction, featuring a different topic and author each episode!!
the destiel fan favs survey is still going strong (link to the ao3 collection in the replies) and you can find more info at @destielficarchive!! the ao3 collection currently includes 2782 works, submitted by fans over the five years the survey has run.
@destieltropecollection also does a yearly survey where writers can submit their own works that fit a list of various tropes. i love to see writers reccing their own stories!!!
the profound bond discord server (@profoundnet & link to discord in replies) has a gazillion members and is still hoppin'. the tumblr also reblogs members' stories, art, and other creations.
suptober is a fanworks celebration put together by @winchester-reload every october!! you can find this year's contributions in the #suptober22 tag. (suptober is not destiel-specific so you'll find a lot of other great spn art there too.)
tons of challenges and bangs still going strong! there are way too many for me to list here, but profoundnet has a long list on their wiki (link in replies).
@profoundbondfanfic brings you recs and reviews of a new fic every day!! just in case you're having trouble narrowing down over 100,000 fics. cheers to 100k more!!
@makingitupaswegopod is an anthology of destiel podfics! it doesn't look like this tumblr is being updated with each episode, but you can find the podfics embedded in ao3 works or on your favorite podcast platform.
but really, the BIGGEST thing still happening in the destiel fandom—the MOST IMPORTANT thing—is YOU. every artist, writer, reblogger, edit & gif maker, meta analyst, lurker, rec list curator, and friend is a vital part of this community!! <3
if you know of any other cool projects that should be listed here, please reply/reblog/dm and i will add it! would also love to see anyone with an active spn blog in the replies/reblogs so more folks can find each other!!
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zybynarx · 1 month
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Here are the art pieces I did for the @rewritetheages bang event! I got to work with the amazing @thebatmandiaries who came up with an incredible story, which you can read HERE!
More artist comments under the "Read more" break, but long story short, I had a blast reading through the story and working with my partner on this! It's been super fun and I'm happy and proud of what we came up with!
Alright... so, once upon a time when I got into the Supernatural fandom... I myself had come up with a Destiel 1920's AU. The AU plagued my mind for a good couple of years! I drew fanart, I attempted to write stuff out, but ultimately I just sort of "wrote it in my head" and then left it at that when it was done.
This was back in like... 2014... fast-forward to 10 years later, and the summary for a 1920's DeanCas AU caught my eye during art claims. I thought the summary was really intriguing and I like the vibes for those Prohibition days (I slightly blame my older sis for her fascination of the mafia and their history rubbing off on me XD ). As I began drawing, I knew I needed the right mood music to keep me in the zone. I remembered jamming out to the Great Gatsby soundtrack when it first came out, so I thought it would work. As soon as the first song played, I was INSTANTLY transported to my earlier SPN fandom days and I remembered this AU.
It felt like such a sweet little celebration for me, and it made me want to do justice to my author's fantastic story even more! Seriously, I was hooked from only the first few paragraphs! I love the description and the pacing of the story. The scenes that always stood out to me the most was when Dean and Cas were talking, so I knew that was what I wanted to try and bring to life with my main drawing.
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This was the colored version I had initially done for the bang, but then I thought, "Heh, wouldn't it be funny if I made it black & white too? Just like in the old times!" I sent both versions to my author and they loved the vibe of the black & white drawing, so we decided to go with that! I still wanted to show off the colored version though! So here you are!
Both the main artwork and the banner had their challenges. There were times when my bestie and art bestie had to cheer me on as I was screaming in a slight panicked confusion on how the heck I was going to get everything looking right. But I really am happy with how both of these turned out! And I feel so incredibly grateful and honored to have been able to work with such a talented author!
With that being said, again, go check out the story!
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