#specifically sam’s baby
Sam: *exists*
Izzy: *has I Wanna Have Your Babies by Natasha Bedingfield playing in his head on loop*
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puppetmaster13u · 23 days
Prompt 302
Look, when they had decided to reincarnate with Tucker this cycle they hadn’t exactly expected this. Tucker didn’t either, so thank fuck it’s apparently not a normal thing, but still! The matching gold eyes are pretty cool, and at least their fangs and claws have stayed but like, everything else? Ugh. So very not good. 
At least all four are together still, even if it’s in this absolutely crazy scenario of rich cults, undead child assassins, and wow this is like some sort of ridiculous novel or anime scenario when you put in the whole reincarnation thing… 
Alright, so they’re getting out right? Yeah they can all agree on that- and thank fuck these new bodies of theirs are Liminal or else they wouldn’t be able to communicate. Seriously, who slits kids’ throats? The cult people, apparently, so honestly fuck them. They're getting out of here.
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halfghostwriter · 1 year
When a true baby ghost is born— a ghost not born of dying, but rather through the desire of another ghost— they are little more than a core with wispy ectoplasm emanating from them for about a month. During said month, they take on influence from their surroundings in order to figure out the form they’ll take, hence why so many young ghosts look like their parents.
Because they aren’t fully formed until a month after their birth, the parent or parents will take on a far more aggressive, primal form in order to protect their child. The parent’s form will become incredibly monstrous, and their size will increase, with triple their normal size being most common among parents. Their mental state also becomes incredibly instinctual, higher intelligence temporarily being replaced by aggression towards anyone the ghost doesn’t consider family. They stay in this state until the baby is fully formed.
Of course, Danny “don’t worry about it” Phantom forgets to add this bit of trivia to his explanation to his fellow heroes as to why he was taking paternity leave. In his defense, he didn’t expect them to visit during that month.
And he definitely didn’t expect his brooding brain to latch onto most everyone who visited as “part of his brood.”
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dreamersbcll · 10 months
I think you should write something about little Sam and toddler Tara. Something cute. NO SADNESS. ONLY GOOD AND WHOLESOME.
“Pastelitos de Guayaba”
for my one and only @krikeymate . much love <3
Sam associated people with scent. Not how they touched her or what they gave her, but rather the smell that she could lock away in her head. When troubled or stressed, she could disappear and remember how specific memories smelled.
Mindy and Chad smelled like the Fourth of July. Every holiday they went to the beaches of Santa Monica and ran through the waves and kicked up sand. Though Sam was the eldest at the ripe age of eleven, she still thoroughly enjoyed diving into the ocean with them.
Her best friend, Zach, smelled like a pumpkin patch on a sunny day. The two got to know each other by picking pumpkins and eating all the apples at the orchards. Both got violently sick after, but Sam would never forget how he smiled in the autumn sunlight and threw leaves on her hair.
But perhaps her favorite scent was Tara. There were many memories to pick from with her baby sister, from the day she came home smelling brand-new to her fourth birthday when she got ice cream in both girls’ hair. Sam particularly liked the memory of napping with Tara and how her baby sister always smelled like lavender and peaches.
Sam always knew her baby sister was magic, and the sweet-smelling memories they shared only proved her point. Her baby sister was the sun that rose in the morning and the moon that glowed as it shone in the night. Tara was the best that Sam would ever have or know.
However, Sam would be biased if she didn’t say that she had a favorite scent that she associated with Tara. Her favorite memory, so far, would be the night Sam taught her baby sister how to make pastelitos.
Her little girl was very clumsy on her feet and often fell off chairs she was sitting still on. Sam got a stool for Tara to stand on, and she stood right behind her baby sister to ensure she was protected.
There wasn’t much that their parents did right, but at least they always kept a tin of pasta de guayaba on hand- or, as Tara called it, pegamento de guayaba. That and some flour and other ingredients, and Sam could always cheer her little girl up.
(Guava paste, guava glue)
She waited until Tara came home from school with a frown. It wasn’t unlike her little six-year-old to be frowning, but this one was deeper. After some coaxing, Sam finally got Tara to reveal that Amber pushed her down at recess.
That settled it. It was time to make their favorite dessert. It wasn’t ice cream or cookies- it was a Cuban pastry with guava and sometimes cheese. It reminded Sam of simpler times- when their Mami didn’t drink so much and when their papi was around. Tara just enjoyed it because it was sweet and made Sam smile.
The two set off, making the dough and kneading it together. Sam gushed over Tara's little cheeks, powdered with flour, and smeared some on her face so her baby sister didn’t feel alone. Four hands kneaded dough, one pair actually kneading, and the other chubby pair just punching the dough.
“Muy bien, nena. Ahora los colocas así,” Sam softly said, guiding Tara’s hands to lay the pastries on the baking sheet.
(Alright, baby. Now you place them like this)
Tara finally set all eight on the tray- they lost two in transport- and turned around to face Sam, pigtails flopping in front of her toothless grin.
“¡Mira, Sammy! ¡Lo he conseguido! ¡Igual que tú!”
Tara squealed happily, hugging Sam with her sticky and flour-filled hands.
(Look, Sammy! I did it! Just like you!)
Sam laughed, bending down to kiss Tara on the forehead. Her sister clung to her middle, giggling as Sam worked around her. Breaking open the tin, Sam carefully pried Tara off of her, handing her a spoon. She then helped Tara place the paste onto the pastry, gently correcting her when she put too much on.
Finally, the pair finished; Tara was so excited that she nearly smashed the pastries with her flapping hands. Turning around to place it in the oven, she showed Tara what rack to put it on and how to set a timer.
The two settled in front of the oven, watching their pastries bake, Tara in Sam’s lap and Sam’s arms around her middle.
“Te quiero mi cielo. Lo eres todo para mí,” she whispered, her lips ghosting Tara’s ear.
(I love you, my sky. You are everything to me)
Tara shivered from her words, leaning into Sam’s embrace. The pair sat like that for seven minutes, soaking in each other's company and the scent of a baking pastry wafting through their empty home.
Sam would always associate the smell of fresh pastries and flour, reminding her of her girl for as long as she would live.
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thelaurenshippen · 6 months
i've been working on some new writing/character playlists for some of my projects and have been digging up a lot of old tracks from my childhood/teenage years/college radio years, which means a lot of them were imported from CDs and there are so many songs that I could replace with the apple music versions but I'm SO accustomed to the particular skips and scratches that the CDs have. physical media nostalgia my beloved 🥰
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densitywell · 1 year
given ashton's specific issues, it's quietly tragic that they don't have someone on team uthodurn to specifically remember them, the way orym and laudna do. fearne goes to the wildmother shrine specifically to reach out to orym, and imogen- well, thoughts of laudna run through everything imogen does. fcg is ostensibly that person, for ashton, but they've known each other for significantly less time than fearne and orym or imogen and laudna, and fcg wasn't emotionally reliant on ashton in the same way. and fcg's had his hands full with meeting frida and all the new feelings coming with that, and maybe it's an intentional reflection of the fact that, as much as they care, fcg is a little self-absorbed, and also still very bad at processing and expressing their feelings.
but when frida asks if they ever had a person like frida has deanna, they mention dancer. which is- fcg was essentially a servant to dancer, she told him what to do. ashton's place in their life is much more parallel to deanna. and i think it makes sense for fcg to mention dancer, given their own issues and belief that someone else has to give them meaning (which is something that could be very interesting to explore in their relationship with frida!!), but. ashton's definitely gonna be worried sick about fcg when we eventually get to team ???, so seeing them apparently occupy fcg's thoughts so little is sad.
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mxmorel · 6 months
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trans joy 🥰🏳️‍⚧️
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devotionthatcorrupts · 4 months
ruby really gets who sam is in a way that I would argue no one else gets close to. dean loves sam but ruby knows him
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quietwingsinthesky · 9 months
if Castiel had just taken a day off every once in a while to watch Sam & Dean while they plan their murder-suicide and go through with it so that he can bring them back afterwards, they would genuinely be more mentally stable than they are in the show
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whysamwhy123 · 8 months
.........................................................................do I really want to write Ricky/Christian??
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puppetmaster13u · 10 months
Y'know lil bby mans aus? What if, hear me out-
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bottomvalerius · 1 year
I just know that Sam would think it’s funny as fuck that Lucio fed Julian a plague beetle and literally everyone would be mad at him for it lmao
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liopleurodean · 7 months
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dr3amofagame · 1 year
also is JJ from JMAH or does he only exist in birdhouse? where did this child come from
JJ specifically takes place in one of our off-the-wall "HEY WHAT IF THIS HAPPENED-" sessions in the birdhouse chat where we decided to have XD give the dream kids (+ one sam cat) just to see what would happen, so he's kind of a package deal with the rest of the triplets--there's not really anything abt him on his own.
However, we have talked about the possibility of a kid in any kind of JMAH timeline, be it in some c!awesamdream scenario within the prison or like, afterwards, in Mayfair. It would...well, it would go poorly. The only reason why things in the birdhouse go as well as they do (like, relatively speaking) is because of 1. how much time has passed since the prison--by the time birdhouse triplets happen, it's already been like, 3 1/2 to 4 years since the prison--and more importantly, 2. the fact that the dynamic has had to constantly change to incorporate the other people that are added to the cottage. As a result, Sam is less of a stranger to the idea of himself and Dream having a relationship that could involve, say, having a kid, thanks to the coparent duo being around (as well as ff!Sam...to a much lesser degree.)
(more under the cut!)
In just plain JMAH and Mayfair, though...well. It'd go a lot less smoothly. The whole crux of j!Sam and j!Dream's dynamic in both of these is the lack of interference from anyone--anybody that can get involved in the relationship between them is, in a way, a threat--including if they had, like. A child. That would complicate Sam's priorities, complicate Dream's rules, complicate everything between them in the scope and depth of their feelings towards each other and the potential of how they would develop--it would force them both to confront things that they would rather let lie, and would likely end up tipping in one direction or the other when the status quo can no longer support the changes that raising a baby would bring.
Given the scenario that the baby is like, biological...honestly speaking, they probably choose to terminate. j!Sam is torn--he doesn't want the change, but he also. Like he doesn't not want to keep it, you know? But for j!Dream, well, it's a terrifying change, he can't cope with the idea of how it would end up interfering with everything (well, he's not really coping with the idea of it at all)--it's just too much. He doesn't really think that he'd have like, any say over the matter for the baby to actually become something he can leverage (and like, in all fairness, he's right.) It's terrifying and it's just not worth the damn risk. (And like, in either the prison or Mayfair, j!Dream's body probably wouldn't be able to handle the physical stress--like, at all. There's a really small chance that it would even make it to term.)
IN THE SCENARIO where they like, do keep the baby, or it's a magic baby, or something along those lines, we've said that j!Sam would very likely try to keep these spheres of his life as close to separate as possible. Like he would make a separate house for his kid if he could manage to do that and still take care of them kinda separate. It doesn't help that in any kind of continuation of JMAH or Mayfair without c!Dream, j!Dream's condition,,, pretty continually deteriorates. He really wouldn't be any state to take care of a kid in Mayfair, and Sam just flat out wouldn't let him have any contact with the kid if they were born in the prison. Like, no chance in hell. Both of them would still kind of be clinging to the status quo and the kid, as a result, would likely end up shunted to the side--the kid would likely be sheltered from knowing their true parentage and like, end up in boarding school or something 😭
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spn au where they're in a spiderverse and sam and dean are the spinchesters
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babisawyer · 1 year
paramount+ has given up on me suddenly so I've only been able to watch a tiny bit of scream 6 so far.
#🐇#it's better than five at this point it could still go downhill though#I enjoyed the opening scene with samara weaving but I feel like it dragged on for too long#and I actually really enjoyed jason as a potential ghostface BUT that scene also dragged on a little too long#jason is sort of what I've been wanting from this franchise just some guy who is obsessed with the movies and becomes a ghostface killer#he forgets that sidney is real and that these are real stories and not just a slasher series#him listening to the last podcast on the left and ice nine kills also tells me he's the worst guy I've never met so I loved those details#lmfao like that was a very specific and pointed character design detail I wouldn't have expected#I also appreciate that sam has become a villain publicly just because she's a girl lmfao very relatable#I've only just gotten to the frat party so I haven't seen much but I appreciate them showing the different ways the group is dealing with#trauma I'm kinda surprised that they're bothering covering it. before sidney was really the only one allowed to have trauma#it's better but still not great. the dialogue has improved but it's still cheesy in a way I don't think was intended#like the therapy session with sam was kinda cringe when I think it could've felt way more important#also I've only known quinn for .5 seconds but as a baby faced skankola I appreciate the representation it's very nice to see#yeah. that's it so far. the app still isn't working god bless who knows if I'll ever finish
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