#specialized research
egophiliac · 2 years
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more masquerade stuff! things really went from 0 to 1000 in, like, thirty seconds.
(sorry if none of these make sense outside of my head)
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pratchettquotes · 1 year
It was a cottage of questioning witches, research witches. Eye of what newt? What species of ravined salt-sea shark? It's all very well a potion calling for Love-in-idleness, but which of the thirty-seven common plants called by that name in various parts of the continent was actually meant?
The reason that Granny Weatherwax was a better witch than Magrat was that she knew that in witchcraft it didn't matter a damn which one it was, or even if it was a piece of grass.
The reason Magrat was a better doctor than Granny was that she thought it did.
Terry Pratchett, Lords and Ladies
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chaoticace2005 · 2 months
Spiders, their senses, and Angel Dust implications
I already screamed to @xxqueenofdragonsxx about this but figured I’d put it out there because I was doing research and I can’t stop thinking about it.
While we don’t know how canon it is to the show, this does have some implications for fanfics and is fun to consider.
Spiders don’t have ears. Or noses. Or tongues.
People have already made jokes about Angel’s lack of a nose, but it tracks with that fact. We also don’t see his ears, although we have seen his tongue (which, given he isn’t an actual spider there can be some allowances made.) Yes, he doesn’t have pedipalps to act as a substitution for his nose/tongue, but that isn’t the only place they can smell/taste things.
It’s their legs/feet(?). Their legs and bodies have sensory hair cells that allows them to detect vibrations in the air, as well as changes in electrical fields (which… Vox and Alastor implications? Can Angel sense them.) Humans hear via sensory hair cells too, but those are concentrated in the cochlea of the inner ear and surrounded by the outer/middle ear system (eardrum, etc.) Spiders don’t have that. They also have chemoreceptors that can smell and taste things.
Now, as someone who didn’t know much about spiders it’s cool to think about in terms of a character with some spider-like characteristics. But then I thought about this other aspect of Angel
His clothing
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More specifically his constant usage of gloves/long sleeves/boots. We know he hates his spider feet, and yeah, the usage of gloves and his blazer can be to fit his style, but it’s also fun to think that maybe him wearing them is an active attempt to reduce sensory input? He’d still get some vibration input because the fabric won’t block everything, but it won’t be as direct. But since spider sensory organs aren’t localized like humans are, this could essentially be the equivalent of wearing a headphones. (Also do you really want to taste every single thing you touch?)
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Which brings me to the second order of business: when he DOESNT wear his gloves. We do see him have to be bare for the camera, and if you consider him wearing clothes as a way of sensory modulation, he could essentially be forced to get all that input. Sensory overload would already be so ways in a place with so many sounds, lights, smells, etc. but imagine if you also have to do that when not used to such a level of exposure?
In humans there’s a condition called hyperacusis, which is basically a reduced pain and discomfort threshold to sounds. Some everyday ones can cause pain. Some neurodivergent people also have sensory sensitivities like that, in both cases sometimes headphones can help to reduce input.
The thing is though, if you constantly wear them you’re reducing your own threshold. It’s not recommended for people with hyperacusis to wear earplugs all the time because it makes them even more sensitive when not wearing them.
So, if you apply the same principle here, there is even more reason to consider the idea Angel would have some level of overstimulation just from not having his clothes on, combine that with the work environment, what he has to do, and the emotional turmoil of it all and that just makes it worse.
Which… with me anyways I’ve found when I’m too overloaded my brain tends to nope out and dissociate. So that could be what happens to Angel as well.
Then, there is one time outside of the studio we see him with uncovered arms and that’s the battle at the hotel.
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Here, he’s wearing gloves but his arms are exposed. So it could be said that he’s allowing himself access to more input while also not overwhelming himself. He still has a buffer with the gloves on, but he also has heightened awareness for things around him.
Again, the amount of this actually being applicable in canon is hard to say. Sense we don’t know how spidery Angel really is (since again, he does have a tongue) and what level of research went into that aspect of their character designs. But I think it’s a fun thing to consider.
So uhhh… yeah. Totally normal about this all as someone who totally isn’t interested in audiology, hyperfixating on hazbin hotel, and neurodivergent myself.
(Update: there is now a fic)
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helyeahmangocheese · 5 months
tbh I headcanon percy to eventually land on an environmental science major in college after a lot of experimenting around and not because of his dad but because of *grover* and his belief in finding pan, because of knowing how much the mortal and mythical world have been hurting the earth itself, and because if there's one thing that could convince percy jackson to study, it's justice. plus I think he and annabeth would totally geek out over sustainability as restorative and regenerative design. this is your "build something that lasts" couple. your "ur system is broken fix it rn" couple. if the mythical world EVER left them alone they would 100% be pursuing justice at any other stop they found themselves in anyway
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archaeologysucks · 2 months
I just spent an entire day untangling a knot in a friend's family tree. It turns out that about 100 years ago, some careless researcher accidentally smooshed together two guys with the same name, in spite of the fact that they lived in different states. Even though this person appears on nearly 500 people's family trees on Ancestry.com, and dozens of people have submitted him as their qualifying ancestor for the Sons/Daughters of the American Revolution, no one has ever taken a second look and thought, "Hmm ... it's a bit weird that this feller was still living in Pennsylvania 15 years after he died in Ohio."
Anyway, I think I have it all sorted out now, and I wrote up and posted a document explaining my reasoning, attached to his profile on the tree I made. I hope it is helpful to someone, and that I'm not about to have 100 angry DAR/SAR members show up at my door with torches and pitchforks because I said that their Revolutionary War Soldier Boy ancestor wasn't actually, and they're not as super special as they thought they were.
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treasureplcnet · 6 months
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various karl and esther drawings :') netflix give them back to me PLEASE i don't want to keep going without them
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scary-lasagna · 4 months
Scp 096 (established relationship) where the scp researchers found that if someone sees his photo and comes running at them, if they put a photo of reader (another researcher) in front of their face, 096 gets confused and doesn’t kill them, and so reader can come in and take 096 back to his room?
SCP - 096 “Shy Guy”
It was sabotage, no- attempted murder.
The researchers had no clue it was your face in the file, these precious little interns didn’t even look over the contents before slapping them into a D-class’ arms and sending them into a testing chamber.
It was supposed to be the second unknowing D-class, on the other side of the testing room in a 2x2, 14” thick, lead box.
A simple study of how fast 096 could rip it into shreds, allowing more intel for breach shelter doors if it ever escapes again.
(That was a mess, and ironically how you two met, being the only one who knew how to handle him properly.)
The pressure sensors on the floor never moved, only shifted awkwardly. No crying. No screaming.
And somehow the silence was more terrifying than the outburst he should be having.
One of the head researchers called the D-Class back in, and the file is examined. Not too much later, you’re called into the observation room.
Much to your dismay, it seemed someone tried to killed you rather unceremoniously while also endangering the lives of so many others.
And being the lead researcher over 096, as well as his self-proclaimed “BFF”, you were able to waltz in and give him a gentle pat on the back, comforting his confused state.
You lovingly secured the bag over his head, the only thing that gives him the maximum comfort and relief, and stood him on the ‘X’ marked on the floor, all set and ready for the MTF to transport him back to containment.
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canisalbus · 5 months
This is a weird ask that kind of relates to the headcanon of Vasco being a blood donor.
What's is Vasco's and Machete's blood type?
Maybe they like hook eachother up and die if they have incompatible blood types.
That's the way to go. Kinda romantic?
(A reference to a show that I hope someone here gets-)
This has no bearing whatsoever and I'm picking these based on nothing.
It would be ironic if Machete was O-, which is the universal donor type. It can be given to anyone without adverse effects, which makes it very useful in cases of trauma and emergency when the receiver's blood type is unknown. But he wouldn't be able to donate because of his chronic anemia and low weight. Type O- can only receive O- blood.
I'm tempted to give Vasco O+. Over 80% of human population is compatible with it so it's always in high demand, and I like to think as a regular donor his blood would have extremely high chances of being put to good use this way. Type O+ can receive O+ and O- blood.
Neither of them are that uncommon, and it would be kind of funny if they had the same group by chance but were only halfway compatible.
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jeffyfitoftheyear · 5 months
🌟Jeff Satur outfit of the year 2023🌟
And the winner is Siam Halloween!!
video by beamspy_
Your most voted for Jeff outfit of the year, and most submitted. We had many, many photos of this fit turn up in our inbox. Thank you all for your efforts and dedication to a hot little corset!
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picture credits: saturn4am, studio_on_saturn, jeff satur,
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horsemeatluvr23 · 1 month
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sashwammyvoid !!!! with alcohol marker and fineliners in my sketchbook :D i'm so so pleased w how this turned out n i had so much fun drawing all the little details
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jesncin · 6 months
Does J'onn's beloved bartender have any relatives in Gotham that make family dinners incredibly, incredibly awkward... or is the last name just an unfortunate coincidence?
I'm pretty sure both martians would have that same doubt, but while J'onn tries to avoid the subject in order for it not to get weird, Ma'al doesn't hesitate
Jonathan Crane and Al Crane are distant cousins! Jonathan is a child of an affair, and was raised by his grandmother on his mom's side. He went by his maiden name "Keeny" until college where he switched his surname to "Crane". While they both grew up in Georgia, Al and Jonathan didn't get to actually meet each other until they both studied in Gotham College as roommates. People give them weird looks because they don't look related.
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They get along! Al is one of the few family members Jonathan tolerates. Al eventually moves to Denver to be a bartender while Jonathan becomes a psychology professor in Gotham. They stay in touch. Al doesn't know anything about the Scarecrow stuff.
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Ma'al jumped to an entirely different conclusion about their relationship.
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perpetual-fng · 4 months
can we have a SINGLE roach model that's actually a roach model and not just one of the basic MilSim guys from MW2019
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coloredcompulsion · 1 year
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obstinatecondolement · 7 months
There is an aphorism in science that all models are wrong, but some are useful. The general idea is that a simplified representation of something much more complex may not perfectly replicate every element of the real thing, or account for every single factor that would affect it under real world conditions, but a good simplification potentially can approximate something more complex enough to get broadly accurate* insights that are useful.
In my opinion, specific sexualities and genders (all of them, fwiw), and the even the concept of being cis or trans, are best thought of as useful models for certain amorphous clusters of experiences and feelings, rather than as things that have concrete, inflexible definitions that map perfectly onto every single person who uses that model of identity as a shorthand. Dictionary definitions of what gay means/what a woman is/etc., are all assuming spherical cows in a vacuum to make the maths easier, and you look like an idiot if you think that cows really are spherical and are not affected by atmospheric pressure in any way (or indeed that they could survive vacuum conditions) and then go around harassing cows on this basis.
A person's internal sense of self is more important than your belief in a model. Fuck off and let me get back to chewing cud.
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jawsofpleasure · 4 months
Have you freaks ever heard of extreme haunts? Incredibly up our alley as jackoff fodder at the least, Im kind of unhinged about them (speaking directly to my fellow degens who also consider horror movies pornagraphic)
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cuntrytaylor · 1 year
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here's my magnum opus. snoopy is a swiftie these are his top ten
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