#source: My Little Incorrect Quotes Generator
ladymiraclewings · 2 months
Starlight Glimmer: Hey, Applejack? Can I get some dating advice? Applejack: Just because I’m with Rainbow Dash doesn’t mean I know how I did it.
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blinkinbrothershark · 2 months
Jack: Died and came back as a cowboy, call that reintarnation
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tlontb · 2 years
Zant: *pulls back the curtain while Ghirahim is showering*
Zant: Hey did we - stop screaming it’s me - did we run out of Cheerios?
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nottapossum · 28 days
Just the classic morning star family dinner/ Aka, an incorrect quote for ya'll
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Charlie, Lucifer, and Lilith are at the dinner table, reading Charlie's report card:
Lucifer, reading: "Charlie is a bright young student! That's my girl.... but Iacks focus, often daydreams, disputes the need to spell words correctly, and has very little respect for the rules of grammar or rules in general."
Charlie chuckles awkwardly: "...oh."
Lucifer: "Why would she write this, Charlie?"
Charlie huffs: "Because... she's no fun!"
Lilith: "That is no excuse."
Charlie: "But it's true! She makes us all use the same words from the same Iist! And when I try to be original, she just shoots me down!"
Charlie: "Like when I invented the word 'terrifical.'
She goes, 'Charlie, that's not a word.'
And I say, 'It's a Iot funner word to say.'
She goes, 'Funner isn't a word either!'
Lilith gives lucifer a look that said: she's definitely your daughter.'
Charlie: "What kind of teacher is that? She can't tell kids not to invent words! She's not the president of the world!
Lucifer: "Charlie, Mrs. Meacham is your teacher. You need to Iisten to her."
Lilith chuckles at Lucifers hypocrisy. And lucifer tries desperately not to laugh with her!
Charlie: "Why are you Iaughing?"
Lilith: "We're not Iaughing, sweetie."
Charlie: "I'm gonna say a bad word."
Lucifer: "You are?"
Charlie: "Mm-hmm. A really bad one."
Lilith: "Well, if you feel the need to get one out of your system, then go ahead.
Charlie: "..."
Lucifer: "..."
Lilith: "..."
Charlie: "...Guts! Guts, guts, guts!"
Lilith starts laughing.
Lucifer: "Oof, the G word. Brutal."
Lilith, laughing: "That's your idea of a bad word, sweetie?"
Charlie pouts because she is serious.
Lucifer is just trying his very best not to laugh at her.
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@todayimfour @ask-dusty-boy @dex-dawn @abby5577
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Something I really appreciate about your writing is that you make the kids feel like actual teenagers. I have to ask, how do you get the characterization down when your writing? It's something I struggle to do, even when I go back to the original source.
Going back to the original source is a good start. Characterization goes deeper than simply ‘this character is nice’ or ‘this character is funny.’ Let’s look at Izuku for example. He’s kind and smart, but so are several other students. Something specific to him is that he doesn’t have much of a sense of humor; he doesn’t tell any jokes and rarely laughs at those made by others. Compare this to someone like Uraraka, who occasionally makes teasing comments about her friends, versus Sero or Mina who make jokes at the expense of their classmates pretty often. Back to Izuku, this fact about him contributes to a general sense of his social awkwardness, which my writing interprets in a few additional ways. I feel like his lack of humor and awkwardness would extend to trouble with nicknames, giving or receiving, further evidenced by his struggling in canon to call Tsuyu by the nicknames she wants to be called by. Kacchan on the other hand is out of habit, which combined with his issues visualizing One for All as a part of himself early on indicates he has a hard time breaking habits once he’s set on them. Even the fact that it took him so long to realize that he could adopt a kicking fight style is more evidence of this. And then a reoccurring feature in my fics is that Izuku isn’t a touchy-freely person. There’s not much evidence in canon for this, except that despite him and his Mom being close, they don’t touch often. This might not actually be the case, but that’s part of where my idea came from, and it fits back into that awkwardness. Little things like that can say a lot about a character and how they approach different situations.
As for writing teenagers in general, a common mistake i see in both fic and original content is the assumption that all you need to write believable teenagers is to throw in a bunch of modern slang and references. Think Riverdale, bad crack fics, and 90s anti-drug PSAs. Not only is this often handled poorly (incorrect slang use or misjudged references) it also quickly dates the writing. Memes can take years to reach big names in the entertainment industry, and then it takes another few years for a movie featuring those memes to come out. By then, the meme is dead and cringe. In this day and age, memes can have a much shorter shelf life, living and dying within a week. Even if you release an fic chapter during the peak of a meme’s life cycle, it’s only going to be funny to the people who read it then and there; everyone who jumps on the fic later will just cringe. And there’s no way to tell which ones with have the staying power of something like a rickroll or a classic vine.
The solution: don’t do this. Avoid overusing slang and meme speak, and instead implement more general/timeless dialogue. Slang like ‘dude’ has been in the lexicon long enough that it feels normal, and while ‘mood’ and ‘vibe’ are fairly new, they aren’t as obtrusive as ‘bae’ which is falling out of style, or ‘boomer’ which references a specific group of people. Basically, the more general and common, the better. And keep the time period of your story in mind; MHA for example takes place at least a century in the future, why would the kids of that era still be complaining about boomers? Teenagers still act immaturely sometimes and make jokes, but try and find the humor in the specific situation of the story rather than quoting something else. Teens are also more openly casual than adults. Teasing, touching, maybe saying something rude or inappropriate. One simple way to convey casual speech is to use more contractions; i.e. ‘can’t’ instead of ‘cannot’ or ‘we’re gonna’ instead of ‘we are going to.’ This is my advice for all dialogue: read it to yourself outloud and ask if it sounds like something a real person would actually say. Exaggeration is also good. ‘My life is over!’ when their crush doesn’t like them back, or a big group groan at a pop quiz.
As for the internal experience of being a teenager, the thing i remember most about being that age in the tension between suddenly being expected to be ready for things and take care of myself when i didn’t feel ready, but still being treated like a dumb child in other ways i thought i was ready for. You start understanding more things when you get older and want people to take you seriously as a result, but you’re also insecure about the things you don’t understand and maybe overcompensate. In short, being a teenager comes with a lot of confusing, frustrating changes, some of which are absolutely unfair, but there are a few you genuinely bring upon yourself.
Hope this helps you get started. If not, or you have other questions, the ask box is always open.
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emcscared-whumps · 5 months
I'm going to start off this post by saying that I usually like to stay well-clear of drama. I have no desire to get myself involved; I like to stay in my dark little corner and write my dark little stories. However, a post 'exposing' the transphobia and misogyny in the whump Discord server @whumplovers-collaborate was brought to my attention, and I could not sit idly by and watch it pass by, so I will make an exception to my rule.
Without further adue, I am emc, and I am a member of the mod team over on Whumplovers Collaborate. I have been a member of the server since, 20/11/2021, two days after the creation. As I write this post, I have been assisting in modding it for roughly a year (honestly, I don't remember ^-^').
A serious accusation of transphobia and misogyny has been made against the WLC Discord server: is it true?
It is NOT true.
Transphobia and transphobic behaviour is a serious and abhorrent offence that must always be taken seriously, and I am pleased to see such a large response from the community. This also means that allegations should not be made lightly. In spite of this, I would like to express my deepest disappointment by how quickly a sparsely sourced, anecdotal post was spread within our community (if you could even call a few out of-context quotes and the offer of screenshots sources). It was borderline slanderous to the owner, my team, and my friends; and it attempted to tear up our hard work.
Mateship is extremely important to me, so when I saw this, I could not let it go unchecked. In response, I am making this post to shed some light on the situation. I will be including fully sourced screenshots and quotes, and responding to allegations, so that you all may come to your own conclusions.
Warning: This will be long. I will make it as long as it needs to be to convey the information correctly with proper sourcing.
This post contains evidence of misogynistic, sexist, and harmful statements on sexual assault that may be upsetting for some readers. Proceed with caution if this is something that could affect you.
Source links associated with screenshots are hyperlinks attached to the image.
What even happened?
In short, there was an incident in February this year (2023) following the question of a member on the controversial topic of why they didn't like lady whump, the discussion veered into the meta theory behind it, which sparked misogyny, accusations of misogyny, sexism, accusations of sexism, accusations of transphobia, and grossly incorrect statements on the effect that sexual assault and rape has on male (and other AMAB (Assigned Male At Birth)) people.
[Read the whole conversation].
(This is a Discord link to the beginning of the incident. If you are a member, you have likely already seen it).
You can read the Tumblr post in question [here].
(Also, please keep in mind that I am Australian and it all happened from 0100-1000 AEST on a work day (Friday). I did not have a direct hand in this conversation as it happened. I did, however, assist behind the scenes after).
Mods at the time:
Orange User
Purple User
Blue User
Yellow User
Server Owner:
Sky Blue User
The Allegations
The discussion of lady whump is not without controversy in terms of gender identity, because there are many different areas of the spectrum that are not explicitly covered in the tagging systems, which are usually binary with a couple of umbrella tags of other nonbinary genders, which by nature can never fully describe the deep way in which humans experience and express gender.
Alleged Transphobia:
Firstly, let's define transphobia, and then have a look at the incident with that in mind:
Transphobia consists of negative attitudes, feelings, or actions towards transgender people or transness in general. Transphobia can include fear, aversion, hatred, violence or anger towards people who do not conform to social gender roles. [Source]
Transphobia and trans-exclusion are not the same.
Trans-exclusion is the intentional and malicious exclusion of transgender people from certain spaces, activities, and discussions. The exclusion of transgender people in certain contexts, such as some gender discussions where transgender people are not the focus, and in which no attacks are made, are not themselves transphobic. However, trans-exclusionary behaviour is often co-morbid with transphobia, hence the association.
The mod censored in orange had expressed an interest in only reading whump of cisgender men. Subsequently, it was argued that the tagging of lady whump, alongside the tagging of male whump and nonbinary whump is inherently 'transphobic' because of the exclusion of other more or less binary genders.
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(Screenshot 1)
That is trans-exclusionary at worst, but that is arguable.
The red user misinterprets the mod censored in purple's previous message "some people don’t like to bother with it" in relation to tagging or not tagging for transgender characters [Source], and incorrectly assumes that the meaning was "‘some people don’t like to bother’ with trans characters."
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(Screenshot 2)
The full message from the mod censored in purple that the user censored in red had replied to reads:
10/02/2023 01:34 Some people don’t like to bother with it. And I think that’s something people can respect [Source]
The above message sent by the mod censored in purple was in reply a previous message the user censored in red sent in reply to the mod censored in orange. It provides the context for "some people don't like to bother with it." It reads:
10/02/2023 01:31 I still question how you want to know if they’re cis like, I think tagging every piece of work stating a character is trans is,, not always necessary or good That’s just what I wanted to clarify like you will not always get to know what’s in someone’s pants [Source]
This does not count as trans-exclusionary, because it could be effectively argued that tagging for a transgender character when that fact does not become relevant is wrong.
The user in red took then took the mod censored in purple's whumpee gender preference to mean main character (of general fiction) gender preference, and insinuates that they are transphobic.
The conversation was not transphobic as the post purported it do be, nor was it truly trans-exclusionary.
The most 'transphobia' that happened was in relation to users' expressed preferences for whumpee gender for the purposes of reading (and writing) whump fiction for whumperflies, rather than fiction in general; and the insinuations of a user's transphobia in relation to if and how a user chooses to or not to tag the genders of the main characters, (especially whumpees), in their whump works.
This is a long established debate within our community, and while some members (of the whump community at large) may express certain preferences for transphobic reasons, no one in this specific conversation did.
I believe the accusation that the whole server is transphobic arises from the fact that two of the mods at the time expressed a whumpee gender preference for only cisgender men. Whumperflies in my experience (and that of many others), are a very physical sensation in reaction that I cannot control to whump that I enjoy, therefore, calling certain whump gender preferences trans-exclusionary is incorrect.
There was another part of the conversation that took place after the previous screenshots, and there was some trans-exclusion inherent in it because of the focus on of sex and gender in relation to that subject, but it is a completely different issue, and it will get its own subsection.
Misogyny, and Harmful Statements on Sexual Assault and other Violence Against Women vs Men:
In the previous subsection on alleged transphobia, I mentioned another part of the conversation would get its own section. This is that section.
A user made a frankly disgusting, untrue, and extremely harmful statement on the severity of the effects of rape and sexual assault of women and men, saying that it is not as inherently bad when it happened to men and other AMAB people.
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(Screenshot 3)
The full message from the user censored in pink reads:
10/02/2023 09:10 I do see the point some people make about how certain kinds of "whump" tropes are treated or developed with women vs with men, especially in mainstream media, but sometimes some people do go overboard with the downright sanitization of those tropes in general, and apply specifically in fanfiction [Source]
Those statements made by the user censored in brown were not okay, and that part of the conversation caused the biggest stir among the mods, which will be covered under the Actions section.
The statement of that user was far more misogynistic and offensive to victims of any kind of sexual abuse, than it was trans-exclusionary. It was not transphobic. Regardless, it was wrong, and every single mod, including myself, and the owner, understands that beyond the shadow of a doubt.
The user censored in brown also went on to say that (general) violence, as well as sexual assault against men and AMAB people, was also inherently less serious because of their sex, adding that it was humourous in some contexts.
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(Screenshot 4)
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(Screenshot 5)
One of the mods on the scene, censored in orange, made a subject change request four minutes after these harmful statements began [Source]. There was one other response from that mod called into question by the post this one responds to, but I will cover that in the following section Accusations.
The conversation, without question, was misogynistic and sexist, and harmful.
Overall, the reductive and infantilising way that women and AFAB people were discussed by the user censored in brown was, without question, misogynistic and sexist. The way that sexual assault and violence was discussed by the user in brown was gross, ignorant, and perpetuated harmful beliefs on the subject, particularly where men and other AMAB people are the victims. In all instances, the user censored in brown was called out by other users and told that those statements were wrong. (I did not include that in the second screenshot above, as I feel the first screenshot adequately represents the general response. Once again, you can read the full conversation from start to finish [here]).
Again, there was no transphobia present in the user censored in brown's discussion, only the omission of non-cisgender and other nonbinary genders when discussing a given gender. There were NO direct attacks made against transgender and nonbinary people that invalidated them.
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(Screenshot 6)
It should also be noted that the user censored in brown openly admitted ignorance in the matters of gender, gender expression, and other topics discussed, and expressed willingness and desire to learn.
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(Screenshot 7)
This does not take away the hurt and harm of their statements, and whether true or not, it should still be noted.
Accusations: The Post
The post made a few other accusations against us, which I will now address. Some will be covered in this section, others will be covered in the following section on Actions.
We did introduce a new policy "not to talk about 'controversial topics' or get into arguments," [Paragraph 2], however, it is not a numbered rule. This will be covered in the Action section, but that was not all that was done.
Paragraph 5 is somewhat true. As detailed in the previous section, the transphobia was not present, trans-exclusion was barely present the omission of non-cisgender and nonbinary genders, but, one section of the conversation was overtly misogynistic, sexist, and ignorant. The main core of the problem was misogyny, and the harmful way in which sexual assault was spoken of. At no point were any direct attacks and invalidations made against transgender and nonbinary people or characters.
eventually, i shut it down by saying that this was not the appropriate venue for a transphobic cis person to get educated about the nuance of the trans experience and trans issues, but what he was saying was transphobic and he needed to stop now that he'd been told that. [Paragraph 6]
The above approximate statement made by the author in the server during the incident is pictured in Screenshot 7.
"After I shut things down for good," (the alleged shutting down is [here] on 10/02/2023 09:26), is misleading. The conversation did end shortly after that on 10/02/2023 09:53, 27 minutes later [Source], after more mod intervention, but not before veering into race representation in general fiction and the whump community.
The statement, "throughout this interaction, mods were emoji-reacting and responding to other things. at no point did any mod step in to help me or shut down the 'transphobia' or at all intervene in what was happening," [Paragraph 7], is false.
Two mods were present and attempting to mediate, and towards the end, got more explicit in their requests to change the subject and shut the conversation down. The author of the post in question mentioned that the mods didn't respond to the transphobia while it was happening, but given the timing of the messages, and that people, including the mods, cannot be present for every single second of a conversation, that is an unfair and untrue statement.
The first harmful statement made by the user censored in brown was made on 10/02/2023 09:08 [Source] and the mod censored in orange stepped in and requested a subject change at 10/02/2023 09:15 [Source], 7 minutes later. At the same time, that mod was stated to not be at home, and was also organising a media stream [Source]. They also notified the mod team of the issue [Source].
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(Screenshot 8)
(The above screenshot is in the mod channel of WLC).
The reactions would have partly been to show that the mods have seen up to certain places, perhaps agree with certain points so that the present members could anticipate a reaction without further perpetuating the conversation, and were going about their responsibility to catch up with, and deal with the situation. Mine were for those purposes, especially considering I was asleep and commuting to work at the time the incident occurred, and caught up when and as I could. It is not fair to say we did nothing at all when we did not respond instantaneously, and when it is also untrue.
Additionally, I speculate the direct response to the transphobia the author of the post in question would have wanted was a direct, verbal, public denouncement of all of those statements made by the user censored in brown, and the user themselves. When other users had already done that, some quite eloquently, it would have been both unnecessary and harmful for one or more mods to have participated, especially when the present mods were already busy handling the situation behind the scenes with the rest of their team, and the current #1 goal at the time was to end the conversation, not perpetuate it. It would have turned into dogpiling, which is unbecoming of the professional way the mod team is expected to act and handle situations when they are doing their jobs, and it is damaging to a potential future ally, perpetuates the incident, and is generally unfair.
We cannot allow the dogpiling of any person or member, even when they're in the wrong, and especially not by the mod team, because that could turn into us dogpiling anyone we disagree with, and then it could happen to anyone we dislike. An authoritative group who acts irresponsibly like that is not one you want in charge of any community space, nevermind one as large and as diverse as the WLC Discord server. I am sure those of you reading can understand the reasoning.
Also, to touch on the claim of ignorance and desire to learn; in the name of fairness, the mod team must put aside our biases and opinions. As there is no way to prove nor disprove the truth behind those claims, we must therefore act in good faith, especially when so many allies have similar beginning stories.
Paragraph 7 also mentions a seemingly questionable quote from the mod censored in orange. The Author of the post stated:
after i shut things down for good, one of the mods said 'thanks for keeping everything respectful’ which was a truly laughable thing to have said in that situation. [Paragraph 7]
This is mostly true. The mod censored in orange did make a similar statement, however, it was not a direct quote, it certainly wasn't sourced in the post, and the misleading nature of the first clause of the above quote makes an implication that the author of the post was the only one to do anything about it, which is incorrect.
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(Screenshot 9)
Read it in full context from [here].
This message was sent after a subject change request from the topic covered in the subsection Misogyny, and Harmful Statements on Sexual Assault and other Violence Against Women vs Men, made by the same mod, to which all of the current participants agreed to and did not rebuke [Source], but did not obey.
As counterintuitive as this seems, there was a reason for this wording.
When asked about the intention behind that message, the mod in question responded that their intention was to thank the members involved for respectfully responding to their request and not arguing it.
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(Screenshot 10)
(The above screenshot is in the mod channel of WLC).
They also added that they acknowledge that the conversation was not especially respectful, but were using that wording as a de-escalation technique commonly used in the workforce, as well as thanking the participants for not actively and directly harassing each other.
10/11/2023 23:37 It was just like… ok they haven't exactly been all that respectful, but they haven't been actively nasty either, so I'll just say thank you before asking them to move on. You say "thank you for your consideration" or "thank you for the respect" even if there was neither of those things [Source]
It was ignored, but users did not express animosity toward the mod censored in orange.
The following statements will be addressed:
"i was blamed for causing drama, essentially," [Paragraph 2]
"[The server owner] blamed me for what happened because i refused to allow rampant transphobia to proceed unchecked." [Paragraph 10]
You did not receive any direct blame in any channel, nor was the announcement (Screenshot 21) aimed at you specifically. You actually handled yourself extremely well without attacking anyone, and given the situation, that is genuinely commendable.
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(Screenshot 11)
(The above screenshot is in the mod channel of WLC).
Yes, there was indirect blame in the announcement, but it is spread among every participant, including you, irrespective of if they were right or wrong, because they were all to blame for disobeying multiple direct mod rulings (see the Actions section for evidence), to end the conversation and change subject. The team decided singling out individuals, especially publicly for this, was not the right move. This is the reason that it was stated in DM conversation from the owner that the user censored in brown was not the only one at fault.
Relatedly, the announcement never said that calling out transphobia [referred to in Paragraph 13] is wrong. It took issue with the fact that no one obeyed a mod ruling, which resulted in the elongation of the incident. If it had been obeyed, it would have been over much faster and with far less hurtful statements.
According to Paragraph 11, asking why someone left a server is weird. Asking for feedback isn't weird, even Discord will ask you why you have left a server with a little survey. Anyone who has spoken to the server owner person-to-person for more than five minutes would know that they value and are always looking for feedback. Asking why a member left, especially after an incident like that, could be coincidental or related to the problem, therefore, they were seeking clarification. Gathering feedback is not weird.
Additionally, I have never known the server owner to "whine" or "throw a fit." Frankly, the statement is extremely insulting; especially when it is backed up by nothing, not even a transcript or approximate quote.
Paragraphs 14 and 15 express discontent with the mod response. I will respond to this personally for one moment because I was one of the mods the author of the post DM'ed, so please forgive the coming bias and informality, I will do my best to mitigate it.
The author of the post expressed satisfaction at the time with their interactions with me.
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(Screenshot 12)
(The above screenshot is a DM).
I also was not "unwilling to do anything in the moment," [Paragraph 15], nor were the mods. I was asleep and going to work, while they were trying to end the conversation. I most certainly did not "[fail] to do anything after the fact either," [Paragraph 15], and nor did the other mods. Direct actions will be covered in the next section Actions. Additionally, if you look at the dates on some of the screenshots, you'll find that they are after the incident. In fact, most of the discussion happened after as those who were not present caught up and then started the process of discussing what actions to take. I was working very hard after the fact to get the response I thought was needed, so I do not appreciate the sentiment with which that statement was made.
the mods i spoke to also got defensive and upset when i pointed out that by not expressing disagreement with the owner’s actions and by throwing up their hands and saying 'oh well, nothing we can do!’ [Paragraph 15]
I did express disagreement and discontent with some aspects of the way the incident was handled, but, in your hurry to accuse us of transphobia and bigotry via 'silence,' you have forgotten that I am part of a team that assisted the server owner, and we did not have the final say. As a team, we all expressed our opinions and what we thought should be done, but at the end of the day, we, and I certainly, will respect the ultimate decision, and will not betray the trust of every team member and the server owner by taking matters into my own hands.
As a team, we collectively agreed among ourselves on possible actions, and that was the advice we delivered to the owner.
That is how a team works.
The complaints of Paragraph 8 and 9 will be discussed further throughout the post.
Action: What was Done About the Incident and did it Work?
Subject Change Requests:
During the incident, four subject changes were requested, but were ignored.
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(Screenshot 13)
Another subject change was requested only minutes later, (see Screenshot 9), however, conversation on the previous topic continued.
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(Screenshot 14)
See also: Screenshot 7.
Eventually, conversation switched to POC representation in whump and fiction, another subject that could potentially lead to a discussion with harmful statements like this one.
The last explicit mention of the previous topic occurred on 10/02/2023 09:30, 14 minutes after the previous subject change request at 10/02/2023 09:16 [Source].
Another two subject change requests were required during that following convesation before any further issues arose.
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(Screenshot 15)
Several hours earlier at the subject of whether or not to tag character gender, the mods left a subtle hint that a subject change may be appropriate made by the orange and purple mods, which ended up being too vague, so it will not count toward the total number of subject change requests during the incident.
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(Screenshot 16)
Mod Response:
The mods censored in orange notified the team (Screenshot 8) when the user censored in brown started posting. The team then responded in the mod channel, calling for a warning or another similar level of punishment to be issued. However, as we are spread across time zones, it was difficult to reach a consensus right away. Here are just a few snippets of the discussion:
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(Screenshot 17)
(The above screenshot is in the mod channel of WLC).
(At the time, the user censored in brown had no introduction, so their approximate age was unknown).
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(Screenshot 18)
(The above screenshot is in the mod channel of WLC).
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(Screenshot 19)
(The above screenshot is in the mod channel of WLC).
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(Screenshot 20)
(The above screenshot is in the mod channel of WLC).
There was a lengthy discussion among the mods about whether or not to issue penalties (that will be discussed in the Penalty subsection). Many of the mods agreed with me that two participants (not the author of the post in question) should have been reprimanded and/or spoken to in some way. However, it was collectively decided not to go this route, and, as a member of the team, I respected the decision. In light of this, instead of penalty, we pushed for an announcement, which we got.
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(Screenshot 21)
Rule Change:
In response to the ignored subject change requests, a rule was created to give mods the enshrined power to request and enforce a subject change requiring immediate adherence by all users in case a situation like this arises in the future:
5. If I or a mod asks you to change the subject, do so immediately. There should be no further discussion of whatever it is by any of the participants. If you’d like to know why you were asked to change the subject, dm [the server owner] [Source]
The announcement also advised against discussion of discourse, and other meta and/or controversial topics within the server. The reasoning was that this incident stemmed from a topic surrounded in discourse, and we are not interested in being a space to discuss those topics because it only leads to situations like this. There is no explicit rule banning meta and discourse topics, however, the mods reserve the right to end the conversation if necessary.
Mod Power Increase:
As a mod team, this incident was the first real test of how well we work together as a team. We were a new server, and the mod team was relatively new, so it was very difficult for the owner to gauge how well things would run. Behind the scenes, every mod handled themselves well, gave their honest advice, and respected the collective. Seeing this, the owner's faith in us increased, and as a direct result, mod powers were increased across the board.
As a direct result, the mods have more influence over decisions, and mod powers were increased across the board. In addition to the new rule on subject changes, a select extra couple of mods were granted kick and ban permissions to deal with any violations of the rules should the owner be unavailable.
There is also a jail role which every mod is able to utilise in the event of the kick/ban powered mods being unavailable, or if a user incurs a punishment where a kick or ban would be too harsh, and a strike inadequate.
To address Paragraph 12, the user censored in brown indeed received no official punishment for breaking Rule 1 (despite the strong advocacy for one).
The user censored in brown left approximately one month later, on 16/03/2023.
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(Screenshot 22)
A ban would have been too harsh given their admission to ignorance and expressed desire to learn and do better (Screenshot 7), which we cannot ignore. Therefore, they should have received a strike for their appallingly sexist and misogynistic statements. Nothing further would have been required as the immediate response from other users in public, in our opinion, would have made it enough.
As a whole, we recognise the mistake concerning the lack of official penalty, and we strive to do better every single day by regularly refining our policies and protocol, and recognising the signs of an incident faster.
This said, the consequences for the user censored in brown are not null. If they were to get involved in another incident, the consequences would be immediate and harsh because of their actions in, and our learning from the incident in February.
The user censored in brown returned on 29/09/2023 [Source] with no incidence.
Additionally mentioned in Paragraph 12, the owner had every right to "whine," [Paragraph 12], as you say, about the assumption that nothing was done about it, because that is wrong, and it was very insulting to the mod team, including myself, who worked hard to make action and change happened following the incident.
The Insinuation what WLC is Unsafe for Queer People and Other Minorities
... Is incorrect.
We do not "actively [enable] bigots." Four attempts at shutting down the conversation were made by the mods present, but participants did not obey them. (This made everyone participating in the subsequent conversation at least partly to blame for the incident).
Furthermore, the statement "no rule was present to begin with making clear that bigotry was not tolerated, nor was one added," [Paragraph 9], is false. I would have thought that that Rule 1 was sufficient because respectfulness always excludes transphobia, homophobia, misogyny, and other bigotries.
1. Be civil, be respectful, be chill. No slurs are permitted in the server. [Source]
Additionally, there is a rule stating:
8. If you see anyone violating any of the above rules, or if you need an immediate question answered, feel free to @/Caretaker (Mod) at the site of the issue, dm [the server owner], or put it in #help-box
This can happen at any point in the conversation, including if there is no mod present, of if you don't think enough is being done.
The incident could still have been handled far better, but that does not make us a dangerous server, and that certainly doesn't mean we "actively [enable] bigots." At the time, we were still a relatively new server, some of us were inexperienced, and that was our first incident, (which is not to excuse my point). To have something of that severity happen as our first test was startling, however, we have learnt, and continue to learn and grow through continuous hard work and improvements to server policy and mod protocol.
I can say with full confidence that should a similar situation arise in the future, the response will look very different.
Sources: Is the Call-Out Post Reliable? Is this Post reliable?
The Callout Post:
No, the callout post is not reliable.
In addition to everything covered so far in this response, the original poster cannot reliably speak for the current state of the server, as they left on 16/02/2023, within a week of the incident (approximately 9 months ago)
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(Screenshot 23)
The post in question was posted on 06/11/2023, approximately 9 months after the referred incident, which occurred on 10/02/2023. The timing indicates that it was a response to the advertisement in the Whumptober Discord server, which was posted 05/11/2023 (and was since taken down by the Whumptober mods who were linked the post in question).
Given the timing and the personal stance the post takes, I question the author's focus on grossly exaggerating their allegations of transphobia and failure to get what they wanted, rather than directly calling attention to the far more alarming and explicitly harmful statements regarding sexual assault. This post, which is seemingly designed to gain traction and support on Tumblr, almost completely ignores that and chooses to attack the server owner and management instead.
The author shares their personal experience and then tells everyone reading it to side with them without letting them decide for themselves using real evidence. It is almost completely unsourced. It is anecdotal and makes use of recalled quotes and summaries with no links or screenshots to substantiate them. The promise of receiving screenshots on request is not good enough, and "[not wanting] to make this even longer," [Paragraph 16] is not an excuse for not including any real evidence at all. I would also like to add that it can be done with message links rather than screenshots.
With the presence of misleading statements and misquotes, it does not bode well for its reliability.
This Post:
Is this post reliable?
I have done my very best to provide accurate and minimally biased explanations of what occurred (or if I did find myself responding to something personal, I alerted readers to possible bias), backed up by as much information and as many links as I possibly can so that any reader may access the evidence behind my claims and responses. I have also stated my affiliation with the server.
It is up to the readers to decide for themselves whether my post is reliable.
So, now we Know what Happened, Are we a Transphobic Server? A Conclusion
@whumplovers-collaborate is NOT a transphobic Discord server, nor do we allow other harmful behaviours and statements to be shared within it.
Not one of us in management is transphobic, misogynistic, or bigoted as the post accused us, and not one of us supports or endorses it.
The actions of one member do not speak for an entire server.
One incident does not speak for an entire server.
While it could have been better handled, action was undeniably taken, and we have since learnt and modified policies and mod powers to ensure a faster and better outcome in the future.
This incident has also helped us realise the kind of space we want to be. Instead of a divisive and uncomfortable space rife with meta discourse, we want to be a space dedicated to the love of our craft, and the enjoyment of our hobby.
We are all here because of what we have in common; our love of whump.
Every day, we get closer to our ideal through the hard work and dedication of the mod team, and the server owner, without whom, this server would not exist.
We are very proud to report that there has been no incident since.
My Extremely Biased Conclusion
Before you spread the post that warns the "server is unsafe for trans people and the server owner is actively enabling bigots," [Paragraph 3], I urge you all to decide for yourself the quality of WLC based on the sources, the actual incident, and your own research, and your own experience, rather than a word-of mouth post from a disgruntled ex-member who has not been a member of the server for 9 months (and counting).
I also have a couple of questions:
Why on earth would a mod team where the non-queer members are the minority allow transphobia to fester in their server?
Does one incident make an entire server transphobic and unsafe?
Does a single member speak for the quality of the server and its community as a whole?
Who of you actually DM'ed the author of the post and requested evidence before you spread it?
Look up the definition of transphobia.
Have a think.
(These are rhetorical).
Also, to those of you who blindly reblogged this without doing your due diligence: shame on you.
In my opinion, it was a personal attack from a disgruntled ex-member who wanted the attention of a callout post on Tumblr, and you all fell for it.
Do. Your. Fucking. Research. Before you decide to slander and tear down the server owner, the mod team, and our server.
Do better.
Our server is not transphobic, nor bigoted in any other way. It never has been, and we are fully committed to making sure it never will be.
An Outro
With all that off my chest, if you read through the whole post, thank you, I really do appreciate it. If you had a read through the sources too, that's even better :)
And I mean that genuinely regardless of the conclusion you come to.
With all this said, I will return to my dark little hole. I likely will not respond to any followup questions or argument on the matter, as at this moment, this is all I have to say, and making sure it was this thorough took a lot of time. I will not respond to any hate or harassment. Absolutely do not harass any member mentioned in the sources of this post. I will find out, and we will have words, that is a promise.
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slylock-syl · 8 months
I have gone down a rabbit hole of comparing the source skelliebois to the other sanses and now I want to know if Necros and error could bond over sewing and knitting stuff maybe Necros making some fashionable puppets as a peace offering idk
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Syl's Response:
Canon Error probably not, as he's generally a man-baby who throws tantrums and hates other outcodes XD Fanon Error maybe? People have gone wild on actually developing his character and giving him some semblance of thought/emotion and rationality.
I've always wanted to get around to drawing little scenarios one day, like mini 1-4 panel comics of like incorrect quotes or scenarios with other people's characters. Been thinking about reworking my weekly posting schedule again so I can allocate more time for additional projects, but we'll see.
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bitchysunflower · 10 months
ok i think we all know about the incorrect quotes generator and I'm sad and that little website always brings me joy. so here are some steddie (and the gang) incorrect quotes! there's a lot of them because i have too much free time :D
Steve: Eddie and I have the kind of easy chemistry where we finish each other's- Eddie: Sentences. Steve: Don't interrupt me.
*steve visiting eddie in the hospital*
Steve: Must be hard not being able to laugh Eddie: I do have a sense of humor you know Steve: I’ve never heard you laugh before Eddie: I’ve never heard you say anything funny
Steve: Change is inedible. Eddie: Don't you mean inevitable? Steve, spitting out coins: No, I did not.
Steve: *Kicks the door down looking panicked* Eddie: What did you do? Steve: Nobody died. Eddie: WHAT KIND OF ANSWER IS THAT?!
Steve: Don’t worry, I know exactly what I’m doing. Everything is going to be fine! Eddie: How can you still say that? Steve: Because sometimes, when things get tough, denial is all we have.
Steve: *Stubs their toe* FUCK! Eddie: Mind your language! Steve: What else am I supposed to say, “Woe is I”??? Eddie: Steve: You have to accept that swear words are necessary sometimes.
Steve: Can you keep a secret? Eddie: Do you know anything about my life? Steve: No I do not. Good point.
Steve: Do you take constructive criticism? Eddie: I only take cash or credit.
Steve: I am not out of control! I'm a law abiding citizen! Eddie: Really? Name one law Steve: Don't kill people? Eddie: That's on me. I set the bar too low.
Steve: English is a difficult language. It can be understood through tough thorough thought, though. Eddie: You need to stop.
Steve: In light of what you did for me, you can hug me for four to five seconds. Eddie: FORTY FIVE SECONDS?!? Steve: No! Four to five seconds! Eddie: Too late!!!
Steve: Is letting someone win at chess sapiosexual bottoming Eddie: Does anyone in this godforsaken group ever think before they speak
Steve: In my defense, I was left unsupervised. Eddie: Wasn't Robin with you? Robin: In my defense, I was also left unsupervised.
Steve, in a high voice, holding barbie: hey ken! I was thinking about going back to school and starting a career! Eddie, in a deep voice, holding ken: nonsense, barbie. you’re staying home and having my kids Robin: what the fuck are you guys doing? Steve: playing systemic oppression
Steve: I told Eddie their ears flush when they lie. Robin: Why? Steve: Look. Steve: Hey Eddie! Do you love us? Eddie, covering their ears: No. Robin:
Steve: Eddie, what do IDK, LY, and TTYL mean? Eddie: I don’t know, love you, talk to you later Steve: Ok, I love you too, I’ll just ask Robin.
Steve: Please bring home PURIFIED water with NO minerals added for taste Eddie: We got spring water Steve: NO. Robin: with EXTRA minerals Eddie: it's like licking a stalagmite Steve: DON'T COME HOME. Robin: Mmmmm cave water
Robin: Do you ever want to talk about your emotions, Eddie? Eddie: … No. Steve: I do! Robin: I know, Steve. Steve: I’m sad! Robin: I know, Steve.
Steve: I love you guys, you're the best thing that's happened to me. Eddie: We're the best thing that's ever happened to you? Steve: Yes! Robin: I'm starting to feel a little sorry for you.
Steve: If I accidentally sat on a voodoo doll of myself, would I be trapped forever in that position, doomed to starve to death? Eddie: How am I supposed to know? Robin: You say, as if we don’t use you as a source of knowledge of the occult. Eddie: *sighs* Eddie: You wouldn't be trapped.
Steve: While I’m gone, Eddie, you’re in charge. Eddie: Yes!!! Steve, whispering: Robin, you’re secretly in charge. Robin: Obviously.
Steve: You have to apologize to Eddie Robin: Fine. Robin: 'Unfuck you' or whatever.
Steve: I know you snuck out last night, Eddie. Robin: Play dumb! Eddie: Who's Eddie? Robin: NOT THAT DUMB!!!
Steve: I can’t believe you live nearby, and you won’t let anyone crash at your place. Eddie: You people already know too much about me. Robin: I know exactly three facts about you, and one of them is that you won’t let any of us crash at your place.
Steve, trying to ask Eddie out: Would you like to stay for dinner? Robin: WOULD YOU LIKE TO STAY FOREVER?
Steve: Hey Eddie, Eddie: Yes? Steve: Can a person breathe inside a washing machine while it’s on? Eddie: Eddie: Where’s Robin?
Steve: I trust Eddie. Robin: You think they know what they're doing? Steve: I wouldn't go that far.
Steve, about Eddie: Apparently we’re getting someone new in the group. Robin: Are we stealing them? Nancy: New or used? Steve: Wonderful responses, both of you.
Steve: On a scale from “damn Daniel” to “fre sha vaca do”, how are you feeling? Eddie: In between “it’s an avocado, thanks” and “how did you defeat Captain America”, but as a solid answer I would say “I don’t need a degree to be a clothing hanger”. How about you, Robin? Robin: Probably “road work ahead”. Nancy: I speak many languages, and this is none of them.
Steve, Eddie, and Robin are sitting on a bench Nancy: Why do you guys look so sad? Steve: Sit down with us so we can tell you. *Nancy sits down* Eddie: The bench is freshly painted.
Steve: How did none of you hear what I just said? Eddie: I’ve been zoned out for the past two and a half hours. Robin: I got distracted about halfway through. Nancy: Ignoring you was a conscious decision.
Steve: You lying, cheating, piece of shit! Eddie: Oh yeah? You’re the idiot who thinks you can get away with everything you do. WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD Steve: I’m leaving you, and I’M TAKING ROBIN WITH ME Nancy, picking up the monopoly board: I think we’re gonna stop playing now.
Steve: I think we're missing something. Eddie: Teamwork? Robin: Cohesion? Nancy: A general sense of what we’re doing?
Steve, setting down a card: Ace of spades Eddie, pulling out an Uno card: +4 Robin, pulling out a Pokémon card: Jolteon, I choose you Nancy, trembling: What are we playing
Cop: You’re receiving a ticket for having three people on one motorcycle. Steve: Shit. Eddie: Wait, three? Cop: Yeah? Robin: OH MY GOD NANCY FELL OFF!!!
Steve: *Gently taps table* Eddie: *Taps back* Robin: What are they doing? Nancy: Morse code. Steve: *Aggressively taps table* Eddie: *Slams hands down* YOU TAKE THAT BACK-
Steve: Eddie, I'm sad. Eddie: *Holds out arms for a hug* It’s going to be okay. Robin: Nancy, I'm sad. Nancy, nodding: mood.
Steve: Can I be frank with you guys? Eddie: Sure, but I don’t see how changing your name is gonna help. Robin: Can I still be Robin? Nancy: Shh, let Frank speak.
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gfmaximoff · 9 months
introduction 💌
hello fellows! this is yet another incorrect mcu quotes blog :) my main blog is @the-doomed-witch so all likes, comments & follows are from there <3 i’m skye (they/she/he) and a lesbian.
also i love posting about bishova a lot. i’m a bishova lover first human second <3 also wandanat my best girlies <3 and if you didn’t guess it already, i love <hearts3
do not interact:
any kind of bigots including racists, homophobes, transphobes, TERFs, etc. fuck you !!!
hate on my favourite characters/non-canon ships/etc. leave me and my little daydreams alone :):)
all sources will be preferably addressed but if source is unknown i hope it’s okay. my posts are generally gender neutral but more sapphic leaning. tag to find all my incorrect quote posts #gfmaximoff. that’s all, hope you have a good time!
(05/09/2023) for a few weeks, this blog will be running purely on scheduled posts, please don’t mind if i don’t reply/etc i’ll try my best to get back to everything once i’m back. take care !!
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catchingbigfish · 6 months
incorrect quote tag game
thank you for the tag, @dogmomwrites!! i haven't done this yet and this was fun lol. i'm soft-tagging @words-after-midnight, @horrormama, @joeys-piano, @bardicbeetle, and @saphoblin, and this is also an open tag! the rules are to generate some quotes using this link. i'm using the cast from conversion and some of these are freakishly accurate:
Rose: What’s the straightest thing you’ve ever done? Josephine: *sighs* Josephine: I killed a man.
Anais: My gender is in a constant state of flux.
Josephine, planning a group disguise: You cannot be Blake Bortles. Dahlia: Fine! Then I’ll be Jake- Ximena, under their breath: Don’t say Jortles. Dahlia: Jortles! And I work at the molotov cocktail department.
Josephine: The odds of this happening by coincidence are vanishingly small. Ximena: I would say infinitesimally. Anais: And I'd say teenily-weenily. We all know words.
Rose: Where are you going? Anais: To either get ice cream or commit a felony. I'll decide on the way.
Rose: I hate you. Josephine: Well, according to this picture I drew of us holding hands, that is untrue.
Ximena: If you think I’m playing favorites, you’re wrong. I love all of you equally! Ximena, earlier: I don’t care for Dahlia.
Rose: That's a nice arguement, Dahlia Why don't you back it up with a source? Dahlia: My source is that I made it the fuck up!
Dahlia: Ximena likes to win. When they were 8, a little Club Scout friend of theirs bragged they could sell the most cookies. Dahlia: Damned if Ximena didn't walk the neighborhood till they got blisters on their feet, and won by 10 boxes. Dahlia: Best part is, Ximena wasn't even a Club Scout.
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Welcome to the REVAMPED MASTERLIST with color codes for the WIPs! (even though it's been 3 months and that wouldn't have been necessary-- I just wanted a new one, ok?)
UPDATED ON 10/1/2022, CHANGES: Added a section for the Midscryption AU (co-created by Ame and I) and it's stories!
Overture: Quick Tag Rundown
#themelodiverse - for anything Melodiverse related, mostly excluding worldbuilding, but can include answered asks relating to the Melodiverse in some way, whether it's OCs, lore or otherwise!
#Midnight's OCs - for anything relating to my characters, whether its intros
#Midnight's rambles - For my general posts that (mostly) have nothing to do about my writing, sometimes!
The Curtain Rises: The WIPs and their related content, canon or not!
Now for the main event, my WIPs and their related content! These will be color coded for easier reference! (also look at the emojis on either side of the WIPs' titles to familiarize yourself with what emojis are associated with which WIP!
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A summary of Book 1's plot, in the form of a news headline: Local Teen Boy Discovers Mysterious Blade on Doorstep, Ends Up Encountering a Strange String of Arcane Events
An actual summary: A wolf-human boy named Midnight tries to keep a mysterious blade that he recieves on his doorstep one morning secret, as he uncovers the source of strange arcane events disrupting the city, and a young villain who wants the blade for malicious purposes.
The plots and summaries for the other books in the saga meanwhile, are under progress hehe
Brief Excerpt:
(nothing yet, sadly)
Some related content, if you desire to look: INTROS (which include the story intro, and character intros) EXCERPTS (in progress!!), INCORRECT QUOTES, MEMES, OUTLINE (This is exclusive content for those subscribed to the "Midnight's Behind the Pages" taglist, of which is still in progress, so stay tuned for the taglist post!)
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News Headline Summary for Short Story #1:
Local Goblin Girl Gets Stolen Away By A Misfit Group and Is Taken Along On Their Many Adventures
An actual summary:
When a young goblin named Leshi who's afraid of large groups of people has her quiet little house broken into by some goblin criminals, she tries to shoo them off but to no avail, as she has no choice in the matter but to haul away with them, with the bribery of mysterious artifacts known as the Melody Gems.
With this bribery however, as each day the crimes committed grow more mischevious and full of tricks, Leshi considers reprimanding the misfits. But of course, with the legalities of it all and all of them being children, that wasn't bound to work.
Like the rest of the Melody Blade Saga, the rest of Goblin Theft Auto's stories' plots and summaries are in progress!
Brief Excerpt:
Leshi Desxia was a very young goblin, in the beginnings of her double digit years, who was averse to large groups of people. 
Whether it was in the form of innocent family reunions or celebrations which posed no harm whatsoever, many gatherings of friends bickering amongst themselves or in some cases at each other, if a conversation was heated enough, gangs, and or criminals shadowed under the veil of night, she would not budge in going out of her way to avoid such situations.
Although by her own accord, her life was pretty lonely. Even with loving parents, Leshi’s fear of large groups was strong enough that every day felt like she was isolated in a prison of her own fears and anxieties. 
However, all this changed, for what she assumed was the better, when one sunny morning she was awoken from her slumber to the sound of a resounding thud, and a wooden door being smashed open.
Some related content, if you desire to look: INTROS, EXCERPTS, INCORRECT QUOTES, MEMES
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News Headline Summary for Stars, Bits, and Bytes:
Two Kids Stumble Upon a Strange Spacecraft And Are Then Thrown Into a Grand Adventure Through Space, With A Cranky AI, And Space Pirates
An actual summary:
After two adventurous young kids stumble upon a strange spacecraft, they are thrown into a grand adventure through space with a cranky AI who loves to misnavigate the ship, a group of strangely greedy space pirates who really want a piece of the group's ship, named the Titania, and an emperor who wishes to siphon music magic from everyone and everything to give himself power.
Brief Excerpt:
After sneaking by relatively unnoticed, they found the spacecraft, once a dot in the distance, but it was now fully visible from its landing platform. The Titania, which was the spacecraft’s given name, stood there boldly, like a valiant warrior posing. The sunlight reflected off the steel blue metal which acted as a barrier to gunfire and laser fire, which further presented the ship’s stature as marvelously momentous. The craft surely was a sight to behold.
The kids seemed to stare into the black abyss which was the cockpit windows spanning across from left to right, getting a slight glimpse at a rainbow of buttons inside the spacecraft. Those black windows were adjacent to that of an ethereal starless midnight sky. They were taunted by its height; it was like they were standing beneath a titan. Both of them being below average height for a child didn’t help matters in quelling the silent terror of laying their eyes on Titania’s seemingly massive stature as a spacecraft. 
Some related content, if you desire to look: INTROS, EXCERPTS, INCORRECT QUOTES, MEMES
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News Headline Summary for Silver Moon Sonatas:
A Young Teen Discovers Dark Secrets About A Symphonic Metal Band Who Is Hiding Bodies In Their Church
An actual summary:
A young girl discovers that vampires with the gift of music have formed a strange cult; one of being a symphonic metal band. Though, after she is roped into their backstage cult by force... she discovers that this band has many dark secrets, when she finds bodies of people in their church where they perform...
Brief excerpt:
(Nothing, yet...)
Some related content, if you desire to look: INTROS, EXCERPTS, INCORRECT QUOTES, MEMES
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News Headline Summary for MIRRORVENTURE:
Young Teen Boy Discovers A Cosmic Horror In His Dream, Ends Up Having To Free A Trapped Kingdom In a Mirror Dimension Before The End Of The World Comes Upon The Boy's Family
An actual summary:
After a young teen discovers a cosmic horror in his dream, it's a race against time for him and his family to find the portal to the mirror dimension of which this cosmic horror inhabited, the cosmic horror itself, and liberate the trapped kingdom before cataclysmic events descend upon the world, keeping them in this mirrored reality.
Brief Excerpt:
(nothing... yet.)
Some related content, if you desire to look: INTROS, EXCERPTS, INCORRECT QUOTES, MEMES
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News Headline Summary for Spirit's Call:
Young Teen Girl Encounters A Spirit From Beyond The Veil With A Distress Signal To Save A Colony Of Spirits
An actual summary:
After a young teen girl encounters a spirit from beyond the veil, they notify her that strange events have been occurring where certain evil spirits are possessing mortals, and thus, a distress signal was sent to her to help out the situation, before evil spirits cross over into the human world.
However, it's a race against time, as the girl realizes in order to enter the spirit realm, she must forfeit her life by way of painless magic. Though she's hesitant at first, she does so, and realizes there's more depth to the spirit world than she had been led to believe when she was told bedtime stories and convinced that they didn't exist.
Brief Excerpt:
(also nothing yet... hehe)
Some related content, if you desire to look: INTROS, EXCERPTS, INCORRECT QUOTES, MEMES
MASTERLIST TAG: @bardic-tales, @carefulpyro, @365runesofpassion, @multi-lefaiye, @albatris, @sammichkek, @parttimeghost (ask / DM to be added / removed!!)
Logo Credit goes to the lovely @lockejhaven! Thanks so much for your help with this, Locke!
Brief Info about the AU:
Midscryption is an Inscryption AU that crosses over with the Melodiverse. Many adventures are to be had, many games lost, and lessons learned through death and the significance of death cards.
This AU spans across four books (known as volumes), and potentially some short stories and or comics in the future. The books in order are: I. Challenger Midnight, II. The Wolf’s Epitaph, III. Mox of Melody, and IV. Filthy Beasts.
Books in Order:
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ladymiraclewings · 2 months
Izzy Moonbow: When I said bring me something back from the beach I meant like a conch shell! Zipp Storm: *Struggling to hold a seagull* You could just say that next time!
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thachinchilla845 · 1 year
Some candle cove incorrect quotes
Percy: Not trying to brag or anything, but I can wake up without an alarm clock now simply due to my crippling and overwhelming anxiety, so...
Percy: Can I be frank with you guys? Poppy: Sure, but I don’t see how changing your name is gonna help. Milo: Can I still be Milo? Janice: Shh, let Frank speak
Horace: Sorry it took me so long to bail you out of jail Skin taker: No it’s my fault, I shouldn’t’ve used my one phone call to prank call the police
Janice: I turned out perfectly fine! Percy: Janice, this morning you thought a ghost made your toast Janice: I DIDN’T PUT THE BREAD IN! YOU DIDN’T PUT THE BREAD IN!!!
( I bet is was banana king)
Poppy: Can you please be serious for five minutes?  Milo: My record is four, but I think I can do it.
Milo: Okay. I get it. You've had a really hard time lately, you're stressed out, seven people died- Percy: Twelve, actually. Milo: Not the point. Look, they're dead now and really whose fault is that? Percy: Yours! Milo: That's right: no one's.
Percy: Stop buying plastic skeletons for Halloween! It's terrible for the environment! Poppy: Yeah! Locally sourced, all natural skeletons are much more environmentally friendly!
(well skin taker should start running)
Percy: We need to distract these guys Poppy: Leave it to me Poppy: Centaurs have six limbs and are therefore insects. Discuss. Milo, Janice, and Dr. Heartfelt: *Immediately begin arguing* Banana king, watching in horror: Oh this. I don’t like this. I don't like this at all.
*Percy's helping Poppy out after they get injured, while the others are watching* Milo: How does Poppy look? Janice: A little better than you, actually.
———————————————————————-Percy, setting down a card: Ace of spades Poppy, pulling out an Uno card: +4 Milo, pulling out a Pokémon card: Jolteon, I choose you Janice, trembling: What are we playing
Percy: There is no future. there is no past. do you see? Time is simultaneous, an intricately structured jewel that humans insist on viewing one edge at a time, when the whole design is visible in every facet.  Poppy:  Milo:  Janice:  Everyone Else At Percy’s Surprise Birthday Party:  Poppy: All I asked was if you wanted to cut your birthday cake first.
Percy: We need a distraction. Poppy: Is anyone here good at jumping up and down and making weird noises? Janice, whispering: My time has come
that’s it for now I just input names into an incorrect quotes generator and weirdest these things so some of them probably don’t go along with the characters personalities but hey I tried love you all make sure to drink plenty of water and eat regularly❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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stardestroyer81 · 2 years
Followers of my blog may know that I've been known to take a particular interest in secondary characters, or write pages of lore for obscure and little known characters to make up what little presence they may have online. Similarly, followers of my self-ship blog know that I also have a tendency to see certain characters— be them popular or obscure— as anything from a lover to family.
So, what happens when I develop a familial attachment to a secondary character that has no online presence (I checked!) and only appears a handful of times in her fairly popular source material? Now, I understand the obvious answer to that question may be to 'devote a post to the such', maybe even throw in an incorrect quote in there somewhere...
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And you'd be right!
(Check under the cut for a very in-depth look at one of Night in the Woods' most underrated secondary characters, as well as what role she plays in my AU, Autumn Angels!)
Now, before we go into any detail about the above art piece itself, I feel like it's necessary to provide readers with a bit of context as to who this character is and her role in Night of the Woods, so let's dive right in!
Throughout Night in the Woods, you'll more than likely encounter a specific quartet of people congregating someplace in town on certain days. This group works for Possum Springs' chamber of commerce, and their responsibility is to govern the affairs of the crumbling town all the while finding ways to attract new businesses.
The names of these four individuals are Gary, Colleen, Andrew and Cathleen, and are always in a heated debate over a state of affairs whenever Mae comes across them. Each of the four known members of the city council are well-intentioned, though their varying opinions on certain matters will often result in hilarious conversations to walk in on.
However, due to their limited appearances throughout each of the four acts, there's a chance that you may only see them a couple of times in a given playthrough, and as a result the members of Possum Springs city council are often overshadowed by other secondary characters. More so, you never really get an idea on each member's true personality (Unless you happen to find them on every day they appear) so they come off more as background characters.
Which is a shame, because I really like Colleen in particular.
I'd always liked her character quite a lot (Of what little of it I saw in my first playthough), and this admiration for her very quickly spurned into seeing her as a parental F/O, perhaps my most underrated one at that! Because of this, I wanted to both give her the appreciation she deserves by drawing art of her as well as making this post the one-stop shop for a general overview of Colleen's character!
But because there isn't a specific place online citing Colleen's overall personality, I took it upon myself to do the unthinkable... using the NiTW wiki to find out when and where the city council appear, I found and wrote Colleen's lines into a document— every last one of them— and made observations on her character for each one to form a definitive personality.
Naturally, I didn't have to go this hard in researching Colleen, but I care about her too much that I couldn't resist... and it was a pretty fun exercise!
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Here's an example of what my research looked like! Every line has a small write-up underneath it observing her dialogue and citing important aspects of her personality. She only has about thirty spoken lines total, and surprisingly, that was more than enough to get an idea as to what kind of a person Colleen is! With that said, here are my findings...
⦁ Colleen is a good-natured fox who is deeply compassionate about her position in Possum Springs' chamber of commerce, looking to do whatever she can to preserve its history and resolve any issues the town may have. She also is known to be particularly cynical, particularly when disagreeing with one of her coworkers. This level of sarcasm can range from a flat retort to a fiery retaliation.
⦁ She genuinely cares about its residents— specifically the children and elderly— and has been shown on a number of occasions putting their needs and safety above all else. Unlike a couple of her other cohorts, Colleen will often times take charge should a discussion go awry, and is the city council quartet's natural mediator. In spite of this, however, she herself has had her moments of outrage, especially evident by her very first line.
⦁ Colleen, believing that she knows what is best for Possum Springs, will often stand by her opinions on how to improve upon it without backing down, refusing to accept defeat or wrongness as she finds her ideas to benefit a cause more than, say, Cathleen's… however, Colleen has been shown to still respect a person even if they both share different beliefs on something.
⦁ On the topic of Cathleen, Colleen's relationship with her coworkers seems to be a bit of a mixed bag. She appears to get along with Gary the most (Regardless of their disagreements) and the two of them will more often than not team up with each other on resolving an issue. She doesn't seem to think much of Andrew's few contributions and especially does not like Cathleen.
And that's pretty much everything! I quite enjoyed going through all of a character's spoken dialogue and observing each line for a better grasp of their personality, and my efforts for Colleen will certainly benefit her role in Autumn Angels! Speaking of which...
It's a new Autumn season in Possum Springs, and since the previous season, the town has seen a good few quality of life improvements, though the chamber of commerce is still diligently working to alleviate any state of affairs to keep the city they govern the best it can be...
... especially Colleen (Who's full name I've headcanoned to be Colleen Chappell), who perhaps has been working the hardest out of her peers, and it's beginning to show. Harfest, Possum Springs' annual Autumn event, is just around the corner, and she is stressed beyond belief that— despite her best efforts— that she can't find a group of volunteers to help dress the town up nicely in time for the big occasion, fearing that she'll have to rely on her cohorts like last year.
One morning, she finds herself sitting against the wall of the Video Outpost "Too" building, overwhelmed that she isn't going to have enough time to decorate all of Possum Springs. Not long thereafter, she happens upon Micah Huxley, who works at the very store Colleen rests against. Micah senses Colleen's anxiety and offers to sit with her for a bit to find out what's wrong.
Upon hearing Colleen's explanation, Micah offers to be of any assistance that she can be whenever she isn't working, even suggesting to create a few decorations herself, and this delights Colleen to no end. She may not have a team of volunteers, but any help she could get is more than appreciated. This interaction acquaints the two and, over the course of the season, their bond grows strong, as the two go out of their way to see each other every so often.
In this time, Micah secretly begins to develop a sense of found family in Colleen, seeing her as a mother figure. She does well in hiding it, but when she accidentally refers to Colleen as 'mom' in a conversation, feels more regret than she ever has before in her entire life and wishes to stop existing.
But Colleen doesn't mind in the slightest. In fact, she embraces the role, and tells Micah that she's like 'the daughter she never had', and as a result of this, both parties now share a found family bond with one another, and Colleen is never shy in working Micah into a conversation.
And with her role in Autumn Angels as an actual secondary character out of the way, now that's pretty much everything! I definitely intend on broadening her role and relationship with Micah later on down the line, though I find that what I've written for this post is certainly more than enough for now! Hopefully you've enjoyed reading the fruits of my research to uncover Colleen's true character because this was the most fun I've had writing a post in a while!
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blueberrysunflowers · 2 years
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hi everyone 👀
— ✨ — 🕺 — ✨ —
hello twt friends !!
this is the side acc for @exasperatedmoron
tumblr is ✨silly & quirky✨with it’s side accounts and my haikyuu account is a side account !! it means i can only post/retweet on here !! when i follow people back / comment on other’s posts, it will show up as that account !! (because the main acc + side accs all share one timeline) 🕺 there isn’t really anything i can do about it apart from making a whole ass account but 🥲 i hope this clears things up !! <33
— 🕺 — ✨ — 🕺 —
✨ what to expect on this page — 80% incorrect quotes, 10% headcanons and 10% fanfics 😌
✨ ships to expect from here — kagehina, tsukiyama, daisuga, asanoya, iwaoi, kuroken, and kiyotana (however, i do have a balance of general quotes and ship quotes lined up☺️)
✨ #life in the (team name) household — an easy way to navigate through the page and read content with only the characters you want 🌻
✨ disclaimer 1 (sources) — most of my quotes come from my other incorrect accounts / my old fanfics in other fandoms, i may not be able to credit them all so not all quotes are mine‼️ ADDITIONALLY i apologise if i post a quote another hq incorrect quote acc has posted ! let me know and i’ll take it down :))
✨ disclaimer 2 (age appropriate content) — anything that implies anything sexual is always with the timeskipped characters! i try to always add the #timeskipped hashtag so it’s easier to find too🔞
✨ a little about me — i’m elle!! (she/her, sometimes they/them). i’m 21 and i watched hq for the first time in may 2022 (and i’m very upset i didn’t watch it earlier). i mainly write socmed aus on twitter !!
✨ my other tumblr blogs! — @queeneye (queer eye) , @exasperatedmoron (DCTV), @three-trainwrecks (unus annus), @choupielu (skam france)
✨ ao3! — xllx / exasperatedmoron
✨ twitter! — chouyo_
✨ current fics published on ao3 / published on tumblr / in the works / posted on twitter !!
tsukiyama || yamaguchi does tiktok and tries introducing tsukki to his followers + domestic fluff and sharing a bed + suga being a great upperclassman moment
hinakage || [NSFW] long distance + voice recordings
karasuno volleyball team || different members of the team baby sitting natsu
kagehina || there’s a small flood, hinata injures his ankle and kageyama is a secret, caring sweetheart with strong arms
kagehina || engaged since they were first years. they never hid it, but somehow no one knew. everyone assumed it was just them making jokes + hinata sending out wedding invites now that he’s back from brazil
kagehina || literally just them holding hands because hinata got lost in the crowd before a game (and a little of “gay panic!kags” but make it tall beefy football man)
kagehina + mainpairs || they both have their main twitter accounts + a secret private side account where they scream about their crushes. lots of crack and fluff !!
kagehina + mainpairs || they both run secret sasaki to miyano stan accounts & are moots on those accounts without realising it + take inspiration from the show to flirt with their irl crushes !!
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beaniibunzz · 10 months
Incorrect Quotes!!
Kai: Dude, that’s like a bird eating another bird.
Kou: Kai, that happens all the time.
Kai: Sweetheart, I thought we agreed birds are my thing! :(
(Source - Psych)
Kai: Get with the times, Wally! It’s 2016!
Kel: …
Kel: Kai, It’s 2023.
Kai: Hah! Nice try, if it were 2023, we’d be living in the year of the machines!
(Source - Psych)
Leon: C’mon Bean! Eat the carrot!
Bean: That’s a stereotype.
*little 9 year old Kai appears*
Kai: I bought you a carrot! Do you like it?
Bean: ‘Course! I love carrots!
Leon: ?!
(Source - I made it the fk up)
Kai : Here comes the lightning!��
Kai , whispering: You've got to imagine it coming out my fingertips, wherein I am an almighty wizard. 
Wally: Ok, currently imagining that. Hmm, not bad. Not bad at all. 
(Source - https://perchance.org/incorrect-quote-generator)
Monika: I'm not creepy. 
Monika: I'm petty. 
Monika: There's a difference, ya' know. 
(Source - https://perchance.org/incorrect-quote-generator)
*Scaramouche is telling a story* 
Bean: Wow, Scaramouche, this story has everything! Action! Adventure! Romance! 
Kai: Romance? 
Bean: I have a crush on him. 
(Source - https://perchance.org/incorrect-quote-generator)
Kai: Is something burning? 
Stan: My burning love for you of course! 
Kai: … 
Stan: … 
Stan: And the kitchen is on fire… 
(Source - https://perchance.org/incorrect-quote-generator)
Bendy: Oswald, screw off. 
Bendy: And by "screw off" I mean "screw off right back here and listen", you insufferable prick. 
(Source - https://perchance.org/incorrect-quote-generator)
Monarch, cowering in fear: What do you want from me?! 
Bendy, standing in front of Monarch: *bites into the whole KitKat bar like a heathen* 
Monarch, crying: Please...stop... 
(Source - https://perchance.org/incorrect-quote-generator)
Yashiro: Kai... you've been cuddling with me for over an hour now. 
Kai: *muffled* mm hmmm :) 
Yashiro: Crud. I should be annoyed but you're adorable. 
(Source - https://perchance.org/incorrect-quote-generator)
Kai: You can de-escalate literally any situation by asking ‘are we about to kiss?’ 
Kai: Doesn't work with getting out of speeding tickets, though. 
(Source - https://perchance.org/incorrect-quote-generator)
Kai: I'm a firm believer in "if you're going to fail, you might as well fail spectacularly." 
(Source - https://perchance.org/incorrect-quote-generator)
Hanako: I like your new pants!
Kai: Thanks, they were 50% off! 
Hanako: I’d like them better if they were 100% off. *winks* 
Kai: The store can’t just give away clothes for free. 
Hanako: Thats’s… not what I meant. 
Kai: That’s a terrible way to run a business, Hana.
(Source - https://perchance.org/incorrect-quote-generator)
Bean, dressed up to look exactly like Kai: H-
Wally: You’re not my silly little girl >:(
Bean: How tf-
(Source - I made it the fk up)
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