#sorry this is so long lmao
miracletyrant · 4 months
Arthur Lester and living for someone else: an essay I dreamt up while I had the flu
First, some clarification: when I say living for someone else, I mean taking them into consideration in your life. It is not about catering unhealthily to them, or enslaving yourself to their whims. living for someone else is the difference between feeling love for someone and acting on it. It's about treating love as an action.
In episode 31, we learn a lot about Arthur's past. While Bella was giving birth, he said to James, "I can't live for someone else!" and he wasn't wrong. He loves Faroe, even if he didn't love Bella, but he didn't truly live for her. Don't get me wrong; he wasn't a neglectful father. He was kind to her and tried to spend time with her. Ultimately, he made few sacrifices for her, but not none.
Once she was gone and Parker had helped him restore his will to live, he found contentment. And this is the most important part; he wasn't unhappy living for himself, having no one worry about where he was or what he was doing, and having no one depend on him. He was fine.
But he wasn't thriving. Guilt and loss aside, he was living the life he would've, had he never gotten Bella pregnant. And yet, despite everything, despite knowing that he prefers a life lived just for himself, Arthur still said that the time he spent with Faroe--for Faroe, so to speak--was the happiest of his life. He didn't allocate much time to that selfless joy, the joy of telling fairy tales to his little girl, of dedicating time to her, but he was happier with her than he would've been without her. Happier carving out a piece of himself and giving it to her, sharing it with her, hollowing out a space in his world for her to be safe and loved in.
But he did cave to himself. He didn't dedicate as much to her as a father should, because he didn't want to live for someone else.
Cut to episode 20. This is a different Arthur than the man who fathered Faroe. This Arthur has lost absolutely everything, except John.
Arthur has made up his mind. He knows he can't beat the King in Yellow, but he also refuses to let him have John. He knows that John doesn't want to return to the King, and he knows John doesn't want to die. But John has no real agency over his fate, as he is trapped within Arthur. John can't fight back, and he can't run away. The only way he can be protected from those terrible fates is if Arthur puts himself aside entirely and thinks only of John.
So he does. He faces the King, knowing that he might die, knowing that he might fail, but completely unwilling to make a call that would doom John. And the King sees that. That's why, during the confrontation, he says to Arthur, "You despise me... and yet you love him."
That line. That beautiful, poignant line, spoken so contemplatively by the bloodthirsty god of madness. He seeks to understand Arthur, to manipulate him, to find his true intention, and that is what he finds. "You love him" means "You act singularly out of love for John, with his best interest at the core of your every decision."
He knows, because of this, that he has lost. So he chooses to take out his anger on Arthur instead.
It would've been easier for Arthur to give up while his bones were being broken. He was helpless to stop the torment, but he knew he had the knife. He could've killed himself once he realized that he was going to be subject to eternal torture, and it would've made sense. But he didn't. In fact, he begged John not to return to the King even while screaming in agony, even knowing that if John left, the pain would end. Because John's fate mattered more to him than his own. So long as he endured, John would live.
It wasn't until he realized that John was leaving, sacrificing everything for him, that he decided to kill himself. If John was doomed regardless, then this way, at least he would be free from the King. And if Arthur's motivation was at all unclear--perhaps he was sacrificing himself because of all the people the King would hurt once fully restored--he clarifies it later, in season 3.
"I died for you. For a fucking voice in my head, that stole my eyesight. I fucking died for that. Do you have any idea how insane that sounds?"
It does sound insane. But he doesn't even mention the even crazier thing he did; being willing to live for the voice in his head. To live through unfathomable agony and terror of the King's torture, just to protect John. Dying for him was his last resort, because he shares a body with him. Dying for John could only save him from something worse than death.
This means that in order to love John, Arthur has to live for him in every way possible. He has to care for himself in order to care for John. He has to do things he doesn't want to do--like maybe one day sit through a film he can't see--to care for John. Every single experience--good and bad--that he has brings John life and humanity, and every good thing he does shows John how beautiful the world can be. His patience and forgiveness helps John to grow his own sense of compassion.
The core beauty of their relationship lies within this, at least for me. Arthur Lester, a man unable to live for anyone but himself, is put in a position where everything he does has a potent effect on a lost fragment of an eldritch being. And despite what that being is, despite the bloodlust and violence of his entire existence, he slowly becomes someone so full of love and compassion that he can hardly stand to ignore a person in need. Even before growing close with Arthur, he knew compassion from his new desire to grow. He wanted Arthur to spare the wraith in season 1, because he wanted to know that monsters can be saved and redeemed. And he kept growing from there. John shed his first ever tears for an innocent animal. He looked through Arthur's cruel words in season 3 and understood that they were fueled by self-hatred, and he stuck by him and refused to let him drown in his darkest moments. He was willing to risk everything for strangers victimized by a terrible monster. He begged Arthur not to take the stone from Mr. Scratch, because in doing so, someone innocent would have to pay the price.
Of course he isn't perfect (ahem, that whole thing with Oscar), but he has been loved enough to be transformed completely. He has been loved enough to return that love, not only to Arthur, but to people he doesn't know. Because Arthur lived for him.
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sculkcensor · 5 months
Quiiiiick (lying) analysis on a little theory I have about the 'species' (ig?) seen in QSMP
so on Quesadilla Island, we see two major sentient peoples. We have the census bureaus (CBs), of which we know Cucurucho, Osito, and the pink ears one, tho there may be more. There's also the faceless people, who I'll call Workers for simplicity tho they seem to encompass all residents of the island who aren't the players, not just fed staff.
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The CBs may potentially have once been Workers, since they appear very similar, or indeed may have just been crafted to look like them. It's hard to say exactly what they are biologically, they may be robotic or not, too much to bother breaking down here but in summary it's not clear.
Conversely, Workers seem to be biological. They don't have the powers (flight, invis, etc). They eat and drink regularly, chat amongst themselves, get paid for their work, and importantly as we see from Walter Bob, can have families and children. They also seem to generally be free-thinking. They are as diverse as players personality-wise, but visually all look the same with a blank face, and communicating through books.
Fit's contractor also resembles a Worker.
Now onto the INTERESTING part, on Egg Island, we see three new 'creatures'.
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We have the Watcher, who is a plain black entity with a single eye, twice the height of normal players. (I could go into the mythology significance here but I'm trying to keep this short lol). We have the Eye Worker, and we have the Little Buddies (LBs).
The eye worker is most likely to be a regular worker who defected to the Watcher's side. We know that Egg Island was once owned by the feds, and whilst we don't know the details, it's likely there were Workers on the island that remained when the Fed left. (alternatively, this could be the Worker that boated to the island, but that's less likely, we do see them dead and this eye worker has no black corruption.)
The ONLY visual differences we see between Workers beyond their clothes are player-created ones (Walter Bob's haircut), yet this Worker has a clear biological difference in that it has an eye. There's two potential routes from this: we can make a slightly jumping assumption that somehow, working with the Watcher gave it this eye - either a surgical change (it does have advanced equipment, tho there's no surgical implications) or a natural change a la the black corruption, something that just Happened to this guy because it works with the Watcher.
Alternatively, ALL the workers who lived on Egg Island could look like that, and they just have a general biological difference to Quesadilla Workers.
Where am I going with this - well. The LBs GREATLY resemble Workers, just small with eyes. We know Walter Bob at least had/has a child, and likely other Workers had children too.
People theorised that the LBs were the equivalent of Eggs, but I want to suggest - what if they are the children of Workers? Either the children of workers on Egg Island, or ones from Quesadilla that ended up there somehow? We know the rebels were trying to boat ppl off the island, and Egg Island is clearly not that far from Quesadilla. If the Watcher can make ppl have eyes, it would track that they could also have gained eyes. And they're not working for the Watcher as far as we see, and do act like little kids.
I'm not even going to start on Cucurojo or whatever we're calling it now, I don't even know what's going on there lmao but it does seem to be a similar entity.
En fin, this is just rambling speculation. But please guys, can we make it cool to like MCYT, so I can make a QSMP theory video on PT without my audience trying to kill me for it---
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groovyfrog420 · 7 months
Finished the show, time for a mini theory. (keep in mind that it's late and I'm in no way a poet. just letting the brainrot out of da brain)
Scarab's Voice and what it could mean for possible future character development
long post be warned. DOES contain spoilers!
I had a weird feeling about his human design.
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No, not because he doesn't look like a hot magazine-cover model, but because it's a completely different vibe than what his voice & personality have been giving off so far. Why would Scarab choose to present himself as a more scrawny-looking weird little guy, instead of someone who looks perfect, strong, and exhibits fear and respect just from one look at his face? (this isn't a roast I swear just stay with me on this one)
Well, maybe he didn't.
His voice is so grandiose and full of self-confidence, all high and mighty like he owns the world. Even from character design perspective, his human form just doesn't match this vibe. When I saw his human face, I've expected a matching voice, fit for a scrawny character like that, not a bossy boasting man.
Except he does have a scratchy weird voice too
We only get to hear it a few times - mostly, in ep 9 from his little bug-selves, or in the finale, when his mask fully comes off, or during the final fight in more feral, buggier form.
All moments when he's completely out of his depth or loses all self-control.
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(Here, around the 6th minute of the episode, he's even more distressed because of losing hold on the crystal. You can hear the difference from his usual voice a bit clearer at this point)
So, here's my mini crack-theory - Scarab fakes his voice.
Or, at the very least, has trained himself to make it sound like that.
Scarab hides a lot of stuff. His face, behind a literal mask, for once. That in itself could be symbolism that there's more to this guy than what meets the eye.
We've got a good look at his obsession with rules and control already. Everything has to be perfect, has to work exactly as expected, as planned. If it doesn't, it must be changed. So, if he himself doesn't meet this standard in his eyes? Well, he'd change that too. He'd make himself fit his standards of perfection, mold himself into a person that's as rule-abiding as possible. Even if that doesn't bring him happiness and he's stuck always chasing smth he can't get, even if everyone hates him for it, it must be the right way, right?
There's also of course, the red-blue dynamic - both his human form and the new shape he has in 2D-dimension are blue and not red as his outer shell. An interesting pattern, as many people have pointed out already.
I don't feel super confident in getting into that part, but, I think it can connect to my previous point - this little guy has layers. They're better reflective of who he is on the inside. That's why neither of those forms is super scary or menacing, softer at the edges.
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And I really think that's why his 'punishment' is perfect. Yes, he's stuck with the one guy he hates the most, but it's also the one guy who can show him that following the rules isn't always needed. Therapy by exposure, and all that. Hopefully, that will help him open up and be more honest to himself as well.
TLDR: I theorize that because of Scarab's obsession with rules, he forces himself into brackets and roles he can't find happiness in. He's got a lot of potential for character development if he manages to work this out (likely with the help of Prismo) and accept himself as he is.
I believe that this lil guy WILL be redeemed. Give him time, he's just warming up. He just needs to come out his shell more.
...get it?
ok I'll go
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crystaldust · 4 months
[session 23 of “Keys to the ultimate freedom” by Lester Levenson]
♡ Change your inability to being able. If you cannot perfect the body you should learn to do so.
♡ When one has enough understanding, no matter what happens to the body, it is all the same to him.
♡ If we want a perfect body and we don't have a perfect body, it means that we don’t have the conviction that we make the body perfect. It means we are subconsciously holding in our mind a consciousness of an imperfect body. The body is an exact copy of the mind, the body being only our consciousness projected outwardly. We must change our subconscious thinking until we subconsciously have the conviction that our body is perfect. That will do it.
♡ The discipline of having an imperfect body and not allowing it to bother you is a very high spiritual discipline. Many fully realized masters go through life with a sick body, setting an example of non-emphasis on the body, because the body is a cage of limitation. We are not in the body but the body is in us. Our greatest limitation is, "I am this body." Not only is the body a limitation but also associated with it are hundreds of other limitations.
♡ (he got injured - slipped a disc in his spine) Now, what happens is that the body doesn't bother me if I'm not the body. I was aware that there was a pain, but it was like a weak distant pain and did not bother me. The body acted just as though it were not imperfect.
♡ I've done that at other times. I once sprained an ankle and it swelled. That's painful too, and when I did not identify with the body, I walked off as though the foot were perfect and yet there was a sprained ankle there. 
♡ When I had that slipped disc, I'd awaken in the morning and, forgetting, I would not immediately not be the body and the pain would be severe. To get out of bed I'd actually have to fallout on hands and knees. I remember doing this the first day or two. Then I'd shake my head and say, "Wow, what is this!" Recognizing the situation, I would say, "Oh, I am not the body," then I'd stand up, move through the day as though the body were O.K. and the body could do any thing and every thing; and yet, there was a weak distant pain that I knew was there but it didn't bother me. Now, this type of disciplining is excellent if one can do it. Be not the body!
♡ Q: Wouldn't it be so much simpler to simply say, "The body's perfect," and then have a perfect body? After all, you control your body,-why even have the pain or feel uncomfortable when you get out of bed? Lester: Well, when I got out of bed I was identifying with the body; that's why it pained so. But the moment I didn't, everything was all right. I'd stand up and the body would do anything. Now, this is a test of your spiritual knowingness. This is much higher. This is being not the body.
♡ A perfect body is not the highest state. A body is a limitation even when it's perfect. It's a perfect body. It’s still a body, but perfect. A higher state is not being the body but being the All. 
♡ Be not the body! Be what you really are! Be infinite! Be the All! Perfection is not a perfect body. Perfection is absolute perfection. Although you have a tendency to bring it down into perfect things, perfection does not relate to things. No thing is perfect. Every thing is a thing of limitation, confined to form and space. So the top state, the absolute, is a state of no things. It’s just beingness, or pure consciousness, pure awareness. That's not being a body, a thing. It's just being. 
♡ So to sum it up, of course we should have perfect bodies! If we have bodies that pull on our attention all the time, it’s difficult to seek the Truth. So rid yourself of body demands. Make the body as perfect as you can; however, it is a higher state when the body does not affect us because of our not identifying with the body.
♡ We artificially create a lack and then a desire to relieve that lack, which, when that lack is undone, we feel better. It's like sticking a pin into you. It hurts and you take it out and say, "Gee that feels good." This is exactly what enjoying things and people is. We hurt ourselves by creating a lack and then remove the lack, the pain, and say, "Gee that feels good. That makes me happy." Every time you feel happiness, you feel only your real Self, more or less. The happier, the more you feel your real Self. And you wrongly attribute it to things and people outside of yourself.
♡ The mechanism of it is this: When you create the lack, you start up thoughts of I need this person, this thing, to make me happy. That causes a bit of pain, -a need, a lack-which when you are relieved of that thought of lack you return back to being your Self and this is what we call happiness. This is something very great to be achieved: to see that your happiness is inherent. That which you have been calling happiness is doing away with happiness and then restoring it and wrongly attributing it to external people and things.
♡ What happened to me was that I saw that there's as much life in this body as there is in a piece of wood. It's composed of carbohydrates and minerals, the same chemicals as in a piece of wood; that the only life in this body is I. I put the life into the body. I saw that the body is my consciousness, and my consciousness puts the life into it. When you see that you make the body, then you can change it. You can mentally change it.
♡ Now, the body we have now is the accumulated education, body-wise, that we have gathered up to date. This is my concept of a body. That's your concept of your body. It's deeply subconscious right now. This is why it's difficult to change the body. To perfect it requires seemingly impossible letting go of all these past concepts of imperfection of body. This, however, is the negative way of doing it, that is, of eliminating the negative concepts of imperfection. It's a difficult way.
♡ Then there is the better way, the positive way of putting in what should be there, a picture of a perfect body in your mind. Now, this picture of the perfect body must be put in with will power, more powerful than the sum total of all the pictures in the past of an imperfect body. You must imagine the picture of a perfect body with a thought that's stronger than all the past thoughts.
♡ A powerful thought is a concentrated thought. The more concentrated, the more powerful the thought. A concentrated thought is a thought without other extraneous thoughts present at the time. The very best way to get a most powerful thought is to let go of your self, your little self; let go of your feeling that I have this and I have that. Then say. "Yes, there is only perfection, and that includes this body." Let go of the world; let go of your thinking as your mind is your biggest obstacle. 
♡ Your mind is going all the time, whether you're aware of it or not. When you're not conscious of it, it's going on subconsciously. You've trained yourself to think, think, think. You've got the mind spinning with all these thoughts. You've given a lot of importance to this thinking. The importance of it is also subconscious, so it's not easy to let go of the importance of thinking. And this is an obstacle to your concentrating. If you could let go of thinking, and in just one easy thought with no other thoughts around, think "I am perfect," you'd instantly have a perfect body. It'll take a continuous trying until you achieve it. An almost effortless thought is the way it is effected because your mind is quiet at the time. And you might not even be aware of it when it happens. You might become aware of it later on.
♡ See, when it does happen, you're accepting the positive so much that the negative is forgotten for the time being. To sum it up, the thing that will affect a perfect body is a very strong conviction "My body is perfect." Saying it in another way, it is a concentrated thought, which is a thought undisturbed by other thoughts at the time. And the feeling is a feeling of let-go. You just let go and let the perfection be.
♡ Q: Well then, what you're really saying is that when you see all perfection, your thoughts are so based upon perfection your body automatically takes that perfection. Lester: Yes, if you see the all-perfection, then everything is absolutely perfect, everything.
♡ Q: And this being very, very peaceful, - if you go into psychosomatic medicine, they claim that the body difficulties are caused by turmoil in the mind. And if these are quieted, then the body may be corrected without any thought about it. Lester: Yes, if you quiet the subconscious mind. You see, the body is working on an automatic pilot. Everything happening in the body, we are doing subconsciously, automatically. So, you have to straighten out the subconscious thinking.
♡ (this is about when he had his own Realization ) Q: When you were in New York and you accomplished much, did you do it systematically? Did you just see perfection so completely, or did you realize the power of your mind? Just exactly what method did you use? Lester: Well, when I did it, it was almost like a byproduct. I sat down with a determination to get the answers to "Who am I, -what am I? What is this world? What is my relationship to it?" In the process of which I saw the Perfection and that this universe, including this body, was a product of my consciousness, my thinking. I therefore imagined the body as perfect and instantly it was. It was very easy. It was like an almost effortless thought.
♡ Actually, the whole material world and the body are very similar in creation. They are the physical out-projecting of our mind.
♡ See, it does not help you much when I tell you what I did. You've got to do it your way. And as I see it, your way is overcoming the accumulated wrong body-thinking of the past. Now this is a carry-over from a prior life. This is how deeply engrained it is in you. If you can perfect it, good. If you can't, don't make a big issue of it because it's better to live with it and not be it. Get your spiritual understanding. That's far more important.
♡ Q: As I understand it, if I have a sense of perfection, which would include my body, the body could not be imperfect. Lester: That's correct. Get it! And when you get it, not only the body but everything becomes perfect, which is far better than having just a perfect body. Then you have the whole universe perfect and that's a very, very high state. To see the perfection where the imperfection seems to be is the highest state.
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What are some of your HC's for darius?
Oh ho ho I'm so glad you asked of your own free will
I don't care what canon says, mans is tall. Like The only people he's shorter than is Hettie Cutburn and Eda in her harpy form.
He's also like, so fucking buff. He carrys Eberwolf, an adult demon who can't weigh less than a fully grown golden retriever, around on his shoulder. And he absolutely weaponises this to pick up people like-
One of the BATTs (Amber probably): *blasting wonderwall on her recorder for the 23rd time in an hour*
Darius: Alright, that's it. Get out of my kitchen.
Amber: Ha! You've got nothing on me, old man! I bow down to nobody, I defeated the-
Darius: *picks her up like this:
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Amber: ... I seem to have made a grave error.
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tabswrites · 11 days
Friday Kiss Tag
Tagged by @writernopal here!
Rules: Post a smooch from your writing for Friday. It can be as light as a peck or as intense as a makeout. It can be romantic or platonic or familial. As long as a smooch takes place it’s free rein!
I actually have something to contribute to this for once. Can you believe?
For those of you who don’t know, I have decided to write a little something pre-ToL exploring Mara and Oliver’s relationship. I decided to include the whole scene because I’ve really been slacking on sharing stuff lately. This is still rough because I haven’t written romance in…a time. But I think they’re cute 🥰
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Oliver lingered in the doorway, taking in every inch of her. It was his favorite sight–his fiery, towering woman tangled in his wool sheets, letting the candlelight bathe the pale skin of her naked body in golden light. She had one hand raised, holding her leather-bound book closer to the light, while the other toyed with her tangled auburn waves.
“I come bearing food,” he announced, using his foot to nudge his bedroom door closed. He inhaled the sweet, yeasty aroma of the bread before he set it down beside the candle.
“Always with the bread.” Mara’s eyes continued their path up and down the pages of the book.
“Always with the books,” he teased with a playful squeeze of her exposed thigh.
When that failed to give him the desired reaction, he ripped the wool blanket off of her and let it fall to the floor. She continued to ignore him as he crawled on top of her and nestled his body between her legs. He pressed himself flat against her and rested his head against her stomach.
“Do you ever wonder why Caledon seems reluctant to engage with other countries?” she asked him, her voice a low whisper as it often was when she was focused. “According to these reports from the Old East, we could revolutionize our economy by simply investing in a few ships.”
He reached out to pull her hand away from her hair and brought it to his lips. “I’m more concerned about you being reluctant to engage with me. You always use such big words. My teachers were only tasked with making sure that I could spell my name. After that, they were content letting me do fuck all.”
“I know, Ollie. I was included in ‘all’.” A heavy sigh. “That is why you are the pretty face, and I am the scholar who will have to support your frivolous life.” She freed her hand from his grasp and let her fingernails rake his scalp. “Although I must admit that I am excited to see butter on that bread.”
He hummed happily and let his eyes flutter shut. “Only the best for you, my love.”
“Hm.” The book snapped shut and hit the side table with a thump. “Perhaps you do have a purpose.”
“Oh, it’s purpose you want?” He raised his head and met her mischievous smile with one of his own.
She squealed as he turned over and grabbed her hips, pinning her to the bed while he made a trail of eager, albeit sloppy kisses from her navel to her breasts. Her hand reached down and grabbed him by the chin, forcing him to look up at her.
“Come here, you wicked thing.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he breathed, and the rest of him went limp as their lips touched.
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Gently tagging: @talesofsorrowandofruin @pheita @sarahlizziewrites @clairelsonao3 @galactic-mystics-writes (I’m not sure who else to tag for this so consider it open!)
ToL tag list: @outpost51 @writernopal @avrablake (please ask to be +/-)
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devilcat3d · 7 months
*summons you, but gets nervous cause ur attractive and infodumps to you instead of what i initially planned*
the ground where you drew the pentagram starts to glow, and fire starts to spawn around it. you look upon your ritual with excitement in your eyes, the summoning appears to have worked! soon youll get to meet an all powerful demon, one youve read about in all the old books that are strewn about the floor. you lick your lips, since you read this demon is known for its lustful nature, youre very excited to do certain- things with her. what will you make her do first, you wonder? maybe youll make her get on her knees and use her throat, mke her choke and gag until she cant breathe... maybe youll take her to the nearest bed and rail her brains out... ohh the options are endless, and the thoughts are all running rampant through your head. finally after a minute or so, a shadowy figure starts to rise out of the pentagram, and it is accompanied by a gust of black smoke billowing out from the center. you are hit with a flash of light, blinding you, that forces you to look away. after a second the light disperses, and you look up anxiously to see the sexiest, most beautiful woman you have ever laid eyes on. her skin is red, her body is to die for and she is wearing a skimpy little outfit. she has a set of absolutely gorgeous horns, that must add at least 7 inches to her total height. she makes you seem so small and weak just looking upon her, you start to get nervous that maybe she'll be the one using you. she looks around the room with curiosity, before finally setting her gaze on you. she opens her mouth to speak and her voice is like an angels, ironically.
"well well well. another mortal. let me guess, you want something from me dont you?" she seems annoyed slightly. "i was in the middle of something important you know. so. what is it?"
"i uh um please um can we- uh" you stutter.
"spit it out human. i dont have all day." she says in a commanding tone.
"um well you see i- i want to- uh well did you know that in the original banjo kazooie game theres only 5 colors of jinjos but in the second game there are 10 colors and the grey ones are extinct?"
she looks confused. "...what? what are you talking about?"
you anxiously let out another tidbit of autistic infodumping. "in banjo kazooie when you use the mumbo transformations sometimes he'll turn you into a washing machine and joke about how he's going to wash his clothes with you..."
"huh wow. thats quite interesting actually. its cute how anxious you are cutie. wanna have sex?"
and then you get to fuck a hot autistic demon girl because you got anxious and started infodumping. love wins!!!!
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sitzfleischh · 4 months
Ok I'm back, finally got to watch the Ghosts finale & took some time to articulate my thoughts.
I totally understand why it was divisive, but honestly for me it was just the issue every sitcom finale has where they have the baggage of multiple seasons weighing on them and needing to be wrapped up in one episode. Any sitcom finale that wants to end-end has to decide whether to do a "very special episode" vibe where it's completely different in structure to a typical episode, or keep the structure of a typical episode and wrap up quickly in the way that every episode of a sitcom usually ends quickly. The Ghosts finale chose to do the latter, and given the 30 minute runtime, they just didn't have the time to really sit with everything that happened. A longer ep, or one that didn't follow their usual structure likely would have helped to make it all feel smoother / land better, but that would have required it to be something different than any other episode of Ghosts. What we got, then, was something with the structure of a typical episode but the emotional baggage of a finale, meaning things are inevitably just less funny and much higher stakes than usual because you don't have the expectation that everything will be back to normal next episode.
But I'm not at all disappointed by Alison and Mike leaving, and had basically expected it as the ending since I started watching the show-- I think the ghosts choosing to let them go (and especially to let Mike and Mia go, since Mike has never been able to see them and Mia won't very soon), was great and showed the growth they've all had over the last 5 seasons.
And while I was briefly worried about it, I think they'll have a great time in the hotel! The show has portrayed boredom as the biggest issue every ghost has had with their afterlife, and a difficulty with change as being the biggest point of growth for basically all of them. The hotel certainly solves the boredom issue, and the realization that this change could be good shows how much they've grown.
This finale for me was not at all a destruction of the found family they've cultivated. The ghosts are a family to each other now in a way they weren't emotionally able to be before Alison opened them up to it. And now Alison and Mike come back every year to be with them because they choose to, because they love them, not out of obligation. Because they're all still family, even if they don't literally live together anymore.
One of my favourite things about Ghosts is how it portrays the weird messy difficult parts of life as just as important to being human as the nice parts. And I think this finale did exactly that.
So all this to say, while I don't think the execution of it worked for me, I do think Alison and Mike taking the hotel deal at the ghosts' suggestion was the right ending for a beautiful five seasons of television. ❤️
I only just joined this fandom in November of this year but god I love this show and can't wait to keep obsessing over it. I hope you will all stick around and continue to write fic and make edits and play in the space for a long time :)
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folansstuff · 4 months
I'm bored, and you’ve been super kind, so here's a present for ya. I'm gonna try to come up with some genuinely good questions regarding Atticus. Some will be simple, while others will try to dig deeper. Here we go:
1. What is the most important thing in the world to Atticus? His undisputed #1 thing?
2. Would Atticus give this thing up if it meant saving mutantkind?
3. What angers Atticus most?
4. What saddens Atticus most?
5. What is Atticus' biggest flaw?
6. What is one regret he will carry for the rest of his life?
7. What made you follow the official timeline for his story instead of making your own?
8. Who do you think Atticus would be with if Illyana did not exist?
9. Is Atticus a genuinely good person to you? What dark traits does he have deep down, if any?
10. What could potentially turn him to a villain? If anything?
11. If you had to change his powers, what would they be?
12. How much of you has been reflected into this manbear?
And that is all for now! Hope you enjoy.
Thanks for the questions! I appreciate the questions, especially when they're thinkers like these ones. That being said, there are a lot of them so they're gonna go under a read more.
His books. It's Illyana. Of course it is. We are talking Illyana as number one, and then his students and team mates at second.
2. Absolutely not. This has more than once gotten him punched in the face for his stubbornness. His loyalty to Illyana is more than a little bit self-destructive lmao.
3. Atticus is an incredibly laid back dude, but literally any moment when he is forced to interact with Xavier makes him want to rip his hair out. Years of watching the egg-man ruin his friends, students and others lives because he think he knows best drives Atticus up the wall. Also Sinister, he exploded when he found out Sinister was on the Council.
4. SAD! KIDS! As a former traumatized teen and currently mildly traumatized adult, nothing upsets him more than seeing a young person having a rough time. This why he has so many (unofficial) adopted children (consisting of ever single student he has ever had).
5. A combo of stubbornness and, in a smaller sense, cowardice. Atticus has spent most of his adult life avoiding the superhero community, and until Krakoa, he was very committed to never getting involved. This has made him difficult to deal with, especially when he talks to people like the X-Men or Avengers. It also applies to his convictions, cause good luck getting him to budge once he's made a decision.
6. 3 big ones. Not stopping the Avengers from putting the Phoenix into Illyana, Piotr and Emma (he doesn't care enough about Summers or Namor to worry about them.) The other one is not being in Sydney when Australia's Sentinel program killed his mother accidentally. Notably he couldn't actually stop any of this from happening, but he still regrets it. Finally, he regrets leaving his job at Avengers Academy, since the events of Avengers Arena led to the deaths of a bunch of his students. (No wonder he's so protective.)
7. Honestly? It's easier LMAO. Not having to think as hard about the timeline of everything means that I can focus more on character work, which is really my area of expertise. And it's not like I can't mess with canon (the timeline I write in splits off after the 2023 Hellfire Gala) since comic canon is already so bullshit.
8. Uhhhhhhhhhh. I actually don't know? He's kinda crafted to fit well with her so much now that I have a hard time considering it. Maybe Emma? That could be a similar and cute relationship. Same thing with like, Lorna. Maybe there's a cursed timeline where he ends up with Boom-Boom. IDK, Atticus is drawn to people with Issues (and blondes), so that's probably your best bet.
9. Woah, big morality question. The boring answer is yes because I say so. But I think removing myself from that position as his creator, I do think he's a good dude. He definitely has his issues, but ultimately he just wants the best for himself and the people he cares about. If anything dying and coming back fused to a living garden has probably made him even nicer.
10. There's def an alternate universe where he's swayed to Magento's Brotherhood for a while, and I've looked at Beast's descent into villainy as a fun What If? thing. It would have to be if Illyana had died, or he let his more controlling elements take over.
11. Plants or making him a Telepath (of the unwanted voices variety). Honestly every time I write Atti's powers in action it gives me a headache, even though I think they're legitimately cool.
12. Uhhhhhh, some amount. As he developed he's actually gotten pretty far away, but it'd be silly to say nothing about Atti is similar to me. I'm Australian, and am currently in Uni for teaching, so there's the ones that 100% still apply at least. I wish I was as much a bear as Atticus is tho, I'm a little chubby, not quite as cuddly as he is (or hairy.).
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senchee · 1 year
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oooh someone’s crossing the line??? hello and welcome to another revalink au... the villain revali au where our bird boi crosses over to the dark side and link will do anything to get him back
okay, so basically i just wanted to connect some of my fave songs to these boys because i have to fit every song to them AHFSDHDJH. it’s an entire series of songs too lmao, please feel free to listen to them!
1. Waiting in the Wings - revali (cassandra) laments over his frustrations of feeling overshadowed as the only one who’s not “special” 
[ Guess we all are born with parts to play Some of us are stars, and some are just in the way I know I was meant for glory But that's never what my story brings ]
2. Crossing the Line - (the song i used for the drawing!) link (rapunzel) tries to dissuade revali (cassandra) but ultimately fails as he crosses the line and leaves a heart broken link behind
[ There's a line between the winners and the losers There's a line between the chosen and the rest And I've done the best I could But I've always known just where we stood Me here with the luckless You there with the blessed ]
3. Nothing Left to Lose - zelda (varian), empathizing with revali (cassandra) as someone who used to hate link (rapunzel), tries to convince him that he’s going down the wrong path
[ Don't you see this path you're on leaves a permanent mark It feels good at first, then it slowly turns dark With each passing day You're further astray from the light ]
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natequarter · 1 year
can you tell us more about your ocs?
sure! in chronological order:
diuset, a celtic leader who died of unclear natural causes. died long before the roman invasion of britain. more or less the first ghost to stay around, but unfortunately she simply does not vibe with robin. haunts button house for at least a thousand years, probably closer to fifteen hundred. moves on in the twelfth century, having seen three separate invasions of britain and having kind of moved on from watching her people disappear by this point. she does learn old english, but she's not the best at speaking it. middle-aged, and dressed in quite a lot of layers for a ghost, because it was fucking cold when she died. pale, light eyes, very red hair.
lucius, the very unfortunate ghost of a young roman soldier. held down and drowned in the lake at button house over roman-celtic disputes. roughly fourth century ad. doesn't haunt for very long, and quickly moves on.
leofstan, an early anglo-saxon peasant - about the sixth century ad. pagan - he died before england converted to christianity, and has a mix of anglo-saxon and celtic family. fourteen years old, and typically annoying - loud, brash, and rude, but a good friend of robin's. how exactly he died is unclear, but it probably has something to do with the cane and the limp. moves on in the mid-1400s, walking into the lake, never to be seen again. he likes to make fun of rich people. ashy blonde, and predictably skinny.
godric, a later anglo-saxon blacksmith - mid-tenth century. had a family and kids before some bitchass carpenter shoved him into an anvil. took damage to the brain stem, stopped being able to breathe, and promptly died. wishes everyone would just calm down a bit, which they don't, or at least be nicer to each other, another thing they do not do. has a thing for robin, more so than the various ghosts who have a thing with robin. one of about two ghosts who is genuinely a nice, pleasant person, and does not have some glaring personality flaw which ruins everything. physically muscular, with blonde curls (because blonde people exist, which i frequently forget). married with kids at the point of death. sucked off at some point before the 1500s.
william, a norman would-be crusader who died in 1096 of tuberculosis. obsessed with holy war - somewhat like a crusading version of the captain - except, well, a massive failure on the soldier front, on account of being incredibly dead. died a slow and agonising death of tuberculosis - despite being surrounded by murder victims, he had one of the worst deaths out of any of the ghosts. cheery, with a painfully optimistic streak, and an unhealthy habit of idolising military figures - even long after his death, as with richard the lionheart. in his mid-thirties; tall, and very unkempt. still has his sword (adhémar) on him, as he died with it, and, especially when he's very stressed/angry/excited, he can interact with the world of the living through it... which frequently causes havoc. sucked off shortly after humphrey died, in the early 1590s. afflicted with a terrible cough all throughout his afterlife.
geoffrey and matilda, the owners of button house during the anarchy and early reign of henry ii. geoffrey died after falling off his horse and then being trampled by it (very gory, very ouch), and matilda died of hypothermia after he failed to arrive home. she spends the entire afterlife freezing cold. they're married, and unlike most of the canon ghosts' marriages, they do actually love each other. geoffrey moves on in the fourteenth century, matilda in the early 1600s. geoffrey has short hair and a short beard, and matilda has braided brown hair. robin makes fun of geoffrey's death constantly, because he is, quite frankly, a bit useless, but he's very fond of both of them.
elizabeth, a late medieval noblewoman who died in july, in 1485. the arrival of a messenger with the sweating sickness infected her household, and she succumbed shortly after. most of the ghosts were conscious when they died; because she died in her sleep, it took a while for the other ghosts to even convince her that she had died. in her early twenties, with dark brown eyes and very dark curly hair. afflicted, much like william, with symptoms of the disease that killed her - easily tired, often dizzy or feverish (someday matilda might stop using her as a radiator). at least she doesn't cough up blood, though. they very gradually warm to each other. one of the few people to actually look out for humphrey - not that there's anyone much else to do when he first dies. robin dislikes her, on account of typical aristocratic uptightness, and her being a bit frosty towards him when she first died, because the older early/high medieval ghosts are by that point a pretty tight-knit group, to the exclusion of others. holds a grudge against humphrey's grandfather, who takes over the house a while after her death, and tries to haunt him. it does not work.
clarence, a victorian gardener, and servant to george button. poor fucker. in his thirties when a teenaged george dared him to go ice skating... you can probably guess how this ends. ice broke, clarence drowned, rip. died of shock and the cold as much as the whole water in his lungs thing. just wants to chill, but did not get that wish in the way he intended. being soaking wet is a miserable way to spend the afterlife... which is probably why he doesn't haunt long, moving on shortly after fanny dies. presumably he didn't like the taste he got of fanny. good but brief mates with robin; not really dead long enough to form close connections with anyone in particular, but it would be nice if thomas stopped trying so hard to bond with him.
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arthyritis · 10 months
!!!!! How would the other puppets feel about either P or vampire Paulie
Sweetie is like super trusting of most humans even though it usually ends up in her heart being broken.
With P, she'd be the first one to try and talk to him (and she can talk in puppet form as if she were a little person in a fox suit so it's more freaky for P than her). The others would grow less hesitant as time went on but still be wary. They'd be less hyped to go to work with P than Pip is but IRIS has a way with giving them the right information when they need it (in other words they'd somehow idk how but somehow find out they have alternates that are humans, resulting in the meeting drawings I've made lol)
With Vamp Paulie, it might actually take a liking to Sweetie before anyone else, though it still probably wouldn't end up good for her. Depending on if Pip was already there and captured, if she found it like that she'd be immediately heartbroken and stop trusting Paulie, but with time she might even just be so curious and encapsulated by his charm that she wouldn't want to leave. The others aren't so susceptible so they'd have to stop that from happening, obviously. They'd be much much much less trusting as soon as they find out he's a vampire (and what a vampire is outside of the watered-down stories the library kids told). It'd be a big mess really.
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b-a-pigeon · 1 year
13. I always like to support the Haters Hating
Thank you for supporting my hating 😌
Here's a list of all the books I rated two stars, since this was miraculously a no-one-star year for me:
Are You My Mother? by Alison Bechdel - I like Fun Home but struggled through all the psychoanalysis-based navelgazing!
The Monster Baru Cormorant by Seth Dickinson - Again, enjoyed Traitor & found this sequel boring
A Memory Called Empire by Arkady Martine - I honestly remember nothing about this, which probably says something
Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir - I realize this will send me to Tumblr jail but I did not vibe with the voice/humor and struggled through the second act. I much preferred Harrow!
On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous, Ocean Vuong: Corny. "It's not fair that the word laughter is trapped inside slaughter" please...
Gender Identity, Sexuality and Autism by Eva Mendes - An entry-level analysis of autistic queerness via self-reports from an unusually privileged segment of the community. Meh.
Detransition, Baby, Torrey Peters: Already talked about this
The Subtweet, Vivek Shraya: Just so annoying
Manhunt, Gretchen Felker-Martin: Fun post-apocalyptic ultraviolence weighed down by its own Twitter-brainedness
Light From Uncommon Stars, Ryka Aoki: Clumsy plotting with some weird tonal disonnace - twee and also kind of hateful?
Bath Haus, PJ Vernon - Might've held its tension if it was about half the length. Maybe.
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mockingbirdshymn · 1 year
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heres like. some of the things i keep in mind when writing grieving
the little things in grief
something i scarcely see written is the little things in grief. seeing things that remind you of the person causing you to nearly cry in public, but you can't. seeing people be happy with their family members/friends (depending who was lost) and being both jealous and miserable. wondering for years if you could have done anything, even though the chance of that is impossible, or blaming yourself for not noticing something.
the smallest things in grief are the most important. forgetting the person is gone and calling out their name, texting them about something important to you before realizing that theyre gone, setting an extra plate at the dinner table, entering their room. its things like that which are the most personal. the countless times ive done that, the countless times ive seen my mother do that.
it's not having the will to clean out their room. its not getting rid of any of their stuff ever, keeping their room as pristine as it was before they were gone. it's having nightmares of the death and waking up realizing youre alone. it's sleeping in that person's room for comfort. it's rewatching videos with the person who died in them, reminising over old times and sobbing. it's thinking "oh, ___ would love this!" while at the store before realizing. it's thinking you see them, but it's a coat hanger or a shadow or a chair in the dark, or something your brain tricks you into seeing.
obviously, as time goes on, this will lessen, and it wont last forever. eventually, this phase will cease. but when the grief is fresh, the little things will happen more often.
and the grief can be fresh for a very long time.
general things to remember/advice
don't make it quirky. for the love of FUCK, don't make it quirky.
try to portray the misery, the numbness, the seriousness of grieving over death. use descriptive words, metaphors of flowers, of death, or anything beautiful or ugly or both. use mystical words; death is an enigma to us all. one of the reasons death is so terrifying is because none of us know much about it. just that theyre gone.
"____ had seen death up close. They'd seen her cold grasp take away the person ____ loved the most. ____ sometimes wished they'd been taken instead. If only they were the one to stare death in the eyes and follow her into the inky void of nothingness. But no, ____ was cursed to sit on their bed, every day and every night, wondering what they could have done." this is an example of descriptive words and metaphors can be used to portray write the grief the character feels
instead of a simple 'i wish it were me', expand upon that. they don't wish it were them, they wished they were the ones to stare death in the eyes and accept their fate rather than the person they loved doing the same. it's more descriptive, i suppose
metaphors are your best friend when discussing grief and death (but make sure to not overdo them!!!!!!), as well as your characters little reactions to the enviorment around them.
ie this sentence in my fic's draft - "Harrison just continued staring off into the distance, at the frozen lake and families skating together on it. Preston could see a small flame of jealousy reflect in his eyes, but the ember faded into something sadder."
write about how your character views the world after the death. do they view it as cruel, as worthless to live in, or as something that should be cherished while they can? how does this affect how your character treats others, acts, talks? how does this affect their relationships? do they weaken them or strengthen them?
write the healing process as slow and gradual. if your fic is short, still make it a gradient. it won't heal right away. this healing can be from 3 chapters to 20. it depends on the story length.
keep your character in mind. if your character doesnt fit any of the things i mentioned, dont force yourself to change the character to fit my advice. instead, take it and warp it so if fits your character. model the grief around the character's personality.
all in all, there is no perfect way to write death and grieving. these are my tips, from my experiences both dealing with grief and writing about it for some time, but remember that everyone deals with and writes death in different ways.
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stardewtales · 1 year
No wait as I writer I wanna hear the sanitized dialogue rant bc I always worry I do it chaksndnf
oh!! ok then let's get into it!!
so here's my thing. over the past few years, there's been a lot of online discourse around how to formulate healthy, upfront communication in standardized terms and formal consent checks and all of that. I'm not here to speak on using that irl. but it has spread through fanfiction like wildfire, imo, and that's what annoys me.
bc the thing is, unless your characters are terminally online and/or have built-in issues and trauma around intimacy, it should be unlikely for them to speak to each other like that. there's so much romance in the unspoken that you can't exploit if your characters always say precisely what they mean! And you also completely lose out on using voice to your advantage, so instead they come out sounding like an instagram infographic or a tiktok by a therapist who's lost the plot.
if you want to avoid that in your own writing, there's a few things you can consider. first, could the statement being made be efficiently conveyed through action/gestures instead? If you find yourself typing "I want you to feel safe" or some variation, ask yourself: 1) what can this character do to make the other feel safe, concretely? have they been doing it? does the other character already feel safe? if yes, then your dialogue is not only sanitized, but redundant. 2) do you still want them to say something to this effect? no problem! but put it more specifically, and have it be earned.
there's also a lot to be said about how discomfort is not an inherently unhealthy thing. let your characters fret a bit around their own feelings. let them wonder if something is okay without having the other immediately reassure them like they've read their mind. let them fuck up and make the other react weird and then make it up to them!
and let them ready into body language/social cues! if I have to read another bit of dialogue where a character says something like 'I think you're incredibly attractive' I might gouge my eyes out. let their eyes wander instead! let their touch linger! let them get red in the face and get short of breath at the slightest hint of reciprocation!!
this also goes for non-romantic relationships. now if you're still reading and wondering 'what does she even mean by sanitized dialogue anyways?', here are some samples: 'you're important to me'/'I appreciate you'/ *in the middle of something that is clearly going well* 'can I keep going?'/'I'm here for you'. Sure, there are ways to make this sound natural, but there's also much more compelling ways to write all of these. a good start is by staying specific to the situation your characters are in.
tl;dr: if your characters aren't speaking to each other through the filters of their own voice, their perception of each other, and the situations they're in, your dialogue might be generic. if they would get an A in therapy, your dialogue is sanitized. try messing it up, see what happens!!
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synthwwavve · 1 year
from the ask list thing— bo-katan, for whichever ones you want/all:D
Aaaaa thank you! I did almost all of them but left out a few that I couldn't think of anything good for. Without further ado--
— a fun headcanon
She is really good at video games, especially FPS and strategy games (naturally.) She grew up kind of a loner and spent most of her teens holed up in her room not knowing what to do with herself, and this was one of her major pastimes.
— a sad headcanon
The scar on her forehead came from a near-miss of being fatally stabbed during an attack on the palace during the civil war, when she was only about 6-7. Fortunately she managed to dodge just enough for the blade to graze her skin and nothing worse. (I have a lot of uh. much sadder headcanons from this same night/event, but I’m not revealing them yet because I want to turn them into a proper fic >:D )
— a headcanon that canon doesn't disprove (yet lol, this could change in mando s3 now that we’re getting more Bo history)
She joined Death Watch ~4-5 years before TCW canon, but continued to feign a normal life in Sundari and a relationship (albeit a strained and not-very-close one) with Satine while actively double-crossing her and plotting to overthrow her behind her back. Satine didn’t find out any of this until right after the shit went down with Death Watch being exposed in general.
— a headcanon to spite canon, specifically
She is somewhere between 23-26 during TCW. Not 17. Not the same age as Satine. Early to mid 20’s. I will die on this hill.
— a headcanon about their family
Mom Kryze was not born a Mandalorian, she was the eldest daughter of a prominent Kalevalan noble family, and was adopted into the culture when she married Adonai... who was not a Duke until he married into her family, just an influential warlord and the head of clan Kryze.
— a missing scene that definitely happened
Not so much a headcanon but a speculation… something fucking intense must have gone down for her to lose the darksaber to Moff Gideon because?? she’s amazing at weilding it as we now see???
— I recognize canon has made a decision, but given that it's a stupid-ass decision, I've elected to ignore it (+ what should have happened)
This is a bit controversial but in my headcanons, I tend to massively dial down her regret, deradicalization, and general arc towards redemption in favor of keeping her unhinged and villainous, just a bit more subdued with age. She’s just so fun and entertaining to me when she’s terrible….. I am happy with the direction they're taking her in current canon too though!
— something they believe about [other character] that isn't true
I headcanon that she had a lot of irrational, sometimes bordering on delusional, hate for her sister that often wasn’t based on anything true, but was founded on a twisted and dramatized misinterpretation of things she believed to be true about Satine and her actions, intentions, ideology, etc.
— their happiest memory
Having her dad's armor reforged to fit her and putting it on for the first time. I feel like it was kind of a “second birth” moment for her.
— favorite fanon relationship
I fucking live for anyone who writes Death Watch era Bo and Gar Saxon as antagonistic barely-frenemies who constantly give each other hell, I don’t know why it’s so funny and perfect to me but it is
— favorite should have been canon relationship
God. listen. not to get on my bullshit but Bo/Pre Vizsla…. Yes as a romantic ship because I'm trash of them, but I also just think more of their relationship and their past together “should have been canon” in the sense that I wish it was explained and fleshed out more, no matter what the nature of their relationship was. I’m dying to know what their history is, how they met, how Bo joined Death Watch, how she ended up his second-in-command, etc. I’m happy with my headcanons but I want to know what officially went down too!
Ask Meme post for anyone who wants it!
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