#sorry not to nitpick but
firelise · 21 days
i don't like claudia's new accent its not correct...is the new claudia british? why is her southern accent so weird (edit*: yup, she is british... i can always tell... sigh okay)
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corvidaesgarden · 4 months
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contributing to the gay tv + moth demon ship 📺🦋
(re-uploaded bc i’m so incredibly nit-picky with details🙃)
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totally-razzical · 1 year
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when the sneeg gets snagged <— is in visceral anguish 
(Please lemme know if this is not how you do an image description correctly or if I should add anything! Be honest! As I have never done this before and would like to do better moving foward.)
[Image ID: A couple of pieces of fanart of the streamer, sneegsnag. The first image has a drawing of him making a confused expression in the top-left corner with his hat turned backwards, two doodles of him wearing his hat in different ways in the top-right corner, the writing around them saying “Is seeing all the horrors, all of them actually.” and “Y’all we vibing.” And the last one at the bottom having sneeg and ranboo holding eachother while shocked. The second image has sneeg looking scared and yelling “What is the sick place!” as he gets dragged away by two masked henchmen /.End ID]
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stardustdiiving · 5 months
HI… I MADE A GENSHIN QUIZ… You guys should take it and tell me what you got
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takadanobaba · 1 year
Yet another progress video on the submas Stardew Valley mod I’ve been working on with the help of the wonderful @xdoctorsparklex ! (She wrote the script and I coded it in! Thank you so much!!)
This would be their introduction event! Along with their own individual heart events, we’ll also have a main plot featuring the twins revitalizing the abandoned train station and more! ^^
EDIT: The second introduction event has been posted here!
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catwafers · 6 months
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11/23 is good big brother day in japan (11/23 = ii nii-san) so, with that, after one and a half months of working on this, i present my very self-indulgent scenario of vash and knives being brothers and taking that first step to heal.
if you want to throw some support my way i have a higher-res pdf version on my ko-fi shop for $3 - no pressure obviously, this will remain free to read here on my blog indefinitely!
also i would like to give a quick thank you to @/nimpnawakproduction for their references on vash's scars which were pretty much my bible when drawing this LMAO
(not ship art)
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cnl0400 · 6 months
Ok this may be nitpicking but my problem with the whole "Father's love" Is that your father Is the reason your sister is death, the whole reason y'all went to war... They casted you away because you didn't want Lilith to die...
The thing Is that Father's love Is not unconditional, If you didn't started the war, your sister would have died anyways, for the crime of loving a human too much, he practially made you choose between your loyalty to him or your love for your sister. Thats why Lucifer whole speech of "All Father did was love me, but I couldn't see It" feels shallow, because It undermines the tragedy of falling from the CR in the first place. Like If Seraph Lucifer had fallen in love with a human, he would probably had the same fate as Lilith. Simeon Is stripped of His own angelhood in S3/S4 for stealing the ring of light to save MC, so it's not like the CR Is better in the future or anything
I think Its unrealistic to expect OBM to put Father/God as this 100% Bad guy (with the whole uniting the three realms and all that) but also I feel like Lucifer should have more complicated feeling about this. I don't doubt Father loved him, but I don't think the conclusion of Lucifer arc should be that "All my Father did was love me but I was too prideful to see it"
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biirdex · 8 months
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This is (hopefully) the last time I’m redesigning them ? (Trauma arc)
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genderkoolaid · 11 months
It's so frustrating to see people purposefully misunderstand transandrophobia/transmisandry and then very confidently talk disparagingly about the people who talk about their experiences of it and then blatantly ignore everyone going "hey yeah no that's not what that means"
Like. Devon price trying to frame it like people who talk about transandrophobia are doing so firstly because they're just ignorant misogynistic babies who want to be oppressed so bad and also to try and drive a wedge between transmascs and transfemmes is so fucking disingenuous I don't even know where to start.
We're literally just trying to talk about the experiences transmasculine people have and the institutional problems specific to us? Why is this such a fucking problem?
Its painfully obvious that the people who make these posts do not ever actually engage with the discussion of anti-transmasculinity & the wider transunitist-feminist theories. Its embarassingly obvious in this case because Devon tried to make this sick gotcha, by bringing up one of the most common topics of conversation in our spaces.
And then there's the whole "TMRAs don't realize most of what they deal with is misogyny!" take, which I've seen in other places as well. Which imo comes from the idea that people who discuss transmisandry are literally just the trans version of MRAs. & the MRA idea of "misandry" is just a reversal of their idea of feminist theory- so they use it to describe "actually society is based around women's needs and desires and it targets (cis) men and we actually live in a matriarchy!" While the transunitist concept of misandry/antimasculism is "patriarchal beliefs about men/masculinity & the roles they are expected to fulfill, used both generally to reinforce patriarcharal control and specifically to target marginalized men/perceived-masculine people." I coined antimasculism specifically to provide an alternate to misandry for those who are uncomfortable with it because of the MRA associations.
& like. whether or not you agree that these are useful words, its obvious that the transunitist idea of misandry/antimasculism is very different to the MRA one. But to know that you'd have to actually, like, read the things we write & take seriously to our theories on the patriarchy. And not just trust Tumblr Callout For Evil Trans People #3245853723 that said we don't think misogyny exists.
Also tbh I think a bigger part of this issue (transmascs who are anti-transunitist) is that its a symptom of anti-transmasculine erasure. If you don't personally experience, assault, demonization, or accusations of being a predator for being a trans man, and no one you know has either, then... you certainly aren't gonna hear about those issues from wider society. And even if you have, you might not recognize what happened as anti-transmasculine, or tell yourself it must be only a fraction of what trans women go through. & again, they don't fucking read anything we post. That's why I feel like its so important to point out & remember incidents of anti-transmasculinity (like what I do w the AoVaTP). Because its so easy to buy the "people don't violate trans men the same way" until you've read about (tw for somewhat graphic anti-transmasculine violence)
trans men getting their faces cut off, beaten with a chain, thrown out of men and women's bathrooms, hit over the head with a cooler, having their shelter at a refugee camp firebombed, having hot coffee poured in their eyes while being called a "he-she", institutionalized & tortured for not showing "proper gender behaviors" as a child, having their family burn their documents to keep them from getting a job, forced to jump from a 2nd-story window and left to die, being harassed by Fox News for being a "groomer" until their school got bomb threats, held captive and tortured for two years, found dead with their genitals stabbed, assaulted by a police officer for "lesbian activity", called "tranny" a lot, and so many rapes and so many suicides, and this is just some of the shit that I have collected for that archive.
But yeah. We're just whining about silly representation nonsense.
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blimbo-buddy · 9 months
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Who the fuck thinks to themself like this, who the fuck sounds like this in their head. Why is AcornTail thinking like how the writing explains the most basic baby shit
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minimoefoe · 5 months
the insistence from some ppl that 13 was just ‘letting Yaz down gently’ in lotsd is so strange and embarrassing btw bc she clearly and objectively wasn’t doing that. have your weird unreciprocated headcanon if you want but canonically that isn’t what’s happening and it’s pretty easy to follow
and the way some ppl like to take what’s in the episode and twist it to be a point towards either bad writing or 13 not feeling the same way about Yaz is truly baffling to me like do any of you actually pay attention to this show or do you just like to shout chibnall bad from the rooftops even tho your point doesn’t make any sense?
when 13 says she can’t fix herself to Yaz, she is not letting Yaz down gently. five minutes before that she compared her to River and said if she could be with someone then it would be Yaz. and let’s not forget that 13 for her whole era has been avoidant when it comes to being too close or open with ppl and just two eps before lotsd she was told by Time that she was going to die soon. so, surely, the obvious conclusion there is - 13 feels the same way about Yaz but her fast approaching ‘death’ and the fact she’s already suffered so much loss throughout her life and doesn’t want to go through that again means she tells Yaz she can’t be with her, even despite Yaz saying her Nani’s thing of ‘being brave is knowing something will hurt and doing it anyway’
like, OKAY, did 13 make the wrong choice there? imo yes, because they clearly have an attachment to each other already so leaving is going to hurt so bad they might as well just go for it and be together for what short time they have but the fact 13 still made the choice despite that isn’t like, horrific writing or proof 13 actually doesn’t feel the same at all, it’s just how shit went. like, that’s storytelling bro omg. dislike it if you want and say you would have preferred 13 to say yeah fuck it let’s be together for the time we have, but acting like it doesn’t make sense for her to turn Yaz down or like it was bad writing is genuinely just ridiculous
also, when it comes to the whole settling down thing, there’s been talk of how the doctor has settled down before, 12 with river, 14 with donna and like.. okay idk how that means 13 saying she can’t settle down doesn’t make sense? we saw her reaction to Ryan deciding to leave, and in Diodati how she obviously is still fucked up from Bill. 12 may have settled down with River but after that he went through things that clearly still affect 13. like woah maybe the reason she struggles with the idea of settling down with Yaz is bc the last time she was settled somewhere (the university), it resulted in that killed basically the entire group and left the Doctor alone once again
and then when it comes to 14 it’s like we’ll yes he’s settling down bc 15 and Donna basically talked him into it and he is slightly less emotionally repressed than 13 was so settling down wasn’t as big a deal for him. like HELLO ?? do you ppl not see how dumb you sound. there’s explanations for all of these things I actually cba
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annihilatius · 2 months
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 11 months
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Dancing with the devil...
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@estelletheskeleton forgot to add this here but here you go >:Dc
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freezebobs · 1 month
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I've been working on this comic for a little while, decided to finally call it done!
For context, they're eating fried dace with salted black beans, a salty canned food consisting of fish & fermented black beans in oil. Most of the salt is in the black beans, making them yummy but indulgent. It's a cheap & easy sort of Chinese comfort food.
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prosebushpatch · 8 months
the slippers are made of glass because its awesome where's your whimsy, where's your basic human decency if you don't like it kindly enjoy another genre that isn't FILLED WITH impossible dresses made of moonlight or silver. I'm sorry, you need someone to explain how a glass slipper wouldn't be impossible to dance in? a glass slipper that came from a FAIRY Godmother? Are you going to nitpick spinning straw into gold, too? You sound like the people who complain about musicals having music. It's about the beauty in imagination. It's about emotion manifesting impossible things. You don't have to like it. You don't have to engage with it. but that is the Point of this genre. the slippers are made of glass because it's awesome.
sometimes that's all it needs to be.
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rachymarie · 2 months
look idk who on Goddess' green Earth decided ableism towards the severely mentally ill was cute but it needs to stop
looking at u "delulu" girlies*
*also schizoposting/lobotomycore girlies and "I'm in your walls" bros and all u other sadistic creeps. (also the oldest and most ingrained in society which is still kind of a bad and lazy excuse for ableism: "that's psychotic" as negative) all of u just go straight to jail and don't pass go. and don't come out till you've thought about your actions and decided to treat disabled folks better
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