#sorry for the pretentious rant
pacifymebby · 5 months
I think a lot of people are desperate to get out of their hometown when they're a teenager but then start to see the place differently as they get older
Yeah, I think that mostly comes naturally too you know, when you're a kid you're really helpless, you have very little control of your environment and surroundings, when you're really small I suppose you don't notice that, your hometown is still very big and unknown, if you're lucky you're not seeing all the darker corners and the suffering that's built into most communities, then when you become a teenager you notice it all, and you notice it all the more emotively because you're still pretty much powerless to get out or to help anyone or yourself in anyway, you can get a job at 14 but they don't really have to pay you, you can't move out, you have to stay in school until you're 18 and if you're from a certain background you feel like that's holding you hostage... You probably start to notice the patterns things work in, how your parents went to the same school as you, how they met in a pub up the road, how you're going to end up just like them if you don't do something and get out... And you're still powerless to change it, you have that instinct to rebel against it and most importantly you don't have so much respect for the connections and stuff that you already have and you don't have enough to root you...
Then I guess you get older and some people leave for uni and leave home, or they move for work, or you don't leave and you stay behind and you watch a lot of your friends leave, or you lose people along the way as that happens... Your families shrink when older relatives die (and you realise maybe how much it meant to have those people around) and then families grow when siblings or cousins or friends have kids (and you realise how important and special it feels to be a part of people's lives and to have these little families which grow and grow). And if you did leave home for uni all that stuff carries on without you and you realise what you're missing...
And obviously this doesn't happen for everyone (I don't miss the town I spent my teenage years but I occasionally get nostalgic for a time when I was 16 skipping college to drink dark fruits in a park one summer with my friends before my childhood was snatched away from me). And I've learned through moving away, how much you can miss a house where you grew up, how much you can miss family once they're gone, how hard it is to live hundreds of miles away from the one person who can give you a good hug when you're feeling sad.
I know I've been ranting here but I think the thing is that the longer you stay somewhere the more connections to a place you weave, you have milestone after milestone in a town and it becomes a part of your personal history... I find it so strange that I won't be able to show my future kids the house I grew up in (because I've lived in so many and they're so scattered) or the school I went to (I remember being totally in awe when my dad drove my past his primary school or when he showed me the pub he met my mam in) I sometimes think about the country lanes I used to walk home from school down, it took me an hour and a half to get from school to my house but in the summer it was blissful and I'd go the whole way listening to Born to Die smoking cigs with my best friends, thinking we were cool when we were so not. And that's a really big part of my teenage years I'll never retrace because I'll probably never go back?
I think we get really comfortable walking streets that we know but which also know us? And then when you leave as well you start to realise how hard it is to grow those roots anywhere else. I've lived in the same city for 3 and a bit years now and though some of its familiar so much of it feels like being on holiday? I still get lost, still have to rely on Google maps, feel kind of lonely sometimes when my boyfriend points out a little piece of his history in the first bar he got kicked out of for being drunk when he was 18... and I realise that I don't have any of those memories or pieces of me to anchor me to a place.
And even if your hometowns shit and it felt like a prison, even if it holds traumatic memories (there's a street I can't walk down in the town I lived when I was a teenager because of trauma) it's still a town that knows you and knows how to hold you, and you still have those roots there, it's still the place you made your first friend, still the place you fell of your bike and grazed your knee and got a really cool scar from that you were so proud of when you were 10 years old and falling off your bike was the scariest thing you'd ever had to face...
I really am ranting now but I'm sleep deprived and this has made me nostalgic... But yeah, if you're someone who did stay in your shit hometown then you had to make it good, you had to stay and be connected to people and make those friends and be with your family and you had no choice but to become even more ingrained in your shit hometown and it's your shit hometown. Like you do learn to see it differently over time and idk if you necessarily have to like it at any point to feel like you want to stay there.
My dads always raised me on the idea that home isnt a place it's about the people you feel at home with, because we moved so much and he was keen to make me feel secure no matter where we were... But I reckon that's true of shit hometowns too, it doesn't matter about the place so much as the people you grow up and grow close with... It's hard to leave a family behind no matter what kind of family you have found?
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mackmp3 · 1 month
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actually i think there is no hope left for instagram. RADIOHEAD IS NOT UNDERGROUND THEY ARE ONE OF THE MOST POPULAR ALTERNATIVE ROCK BANDS OF ALL TIME. all i need is not that obscure! in rainbows frequently tops 2000s album rankings!! you are not 'giving music to normies' whatever that means, you are sharing with people and appreciating the beauty in a well crafted song, something that every body does and should do!! who cares if lots of people like radiohead? they're really good! i think more people should get into them!! peace and love on planet earth people music is for everyone <3
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lemonhemlock · 3 months
not to be a hater on main but i just stumbled on a tik tok claiming that tsh both takes itself too seriously and could use more absurd comedy and it nearly made me punch a wall
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effei-s · 7 months
okay, question time! are all monoshippers THIS INSUFFERABLE or just twitter kurokuras?
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babe, let's get back to that soulmatism bullshit when I have at least one confirmation that chrollo remembers kurapika's name, ok? or when you all learn that parallels, mirrors and foils are three different words with three different meanings...
i've been in fandoms for the better part of my life, i started with young adult books and, trust me, ten~ years ago those spaces were A BATTLEFIELD. but still, i never EVER encountered this level of pretentiousness and MY SHIP IS BETTER THAN YOURS energy. this is the first time i fell out of love with something only and only because of the fanbase and that "#they don't understand characters like WE DO!!!" fuckery.
understanding in question: chrollo obsessed with kurapika, kurapika in love with chrollo. ooc, ooc, ooc, and more OOC. did you know that leorio is ugly? OOC kurapika the housewife, chrollo cosplaying tserriednich (or hisoka because his "obsession" is uncanny-valley similar to what hisoka had towards chrollo in canon), more ooc.
nothing but obnoxious behavior toward other people, a superiority complex and the most overused cliches you can easily find in the dark romance section of the bookstore.
rant ended.
p.s.: is it the ship's fault that the fanbase is awful? no. are there talented people writing and drawing krkr? yes. but this bunch is the loudest.
p.p.s: never saw this behavior on tumblr (or anywhere else) so i guess it's twitter-only phenomenon.
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peterpastrahmii · 1 month
hating queen is a full time gig and brother I'm doing over time
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hamartia-grander · 8 months
My professor took off a point from one of my scripts because I labelled a character as Nonbinary, and he claims I should've left the gender description blank because "it's not necessary for this character", as if "nonbinary" is a placeholder for "I don't care what gender" I am actually going to tear him to shreds
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paperlunamoth · 1 year
Nature is not your friend.
Nature is a not a force of benevolence. It does not think, it does not feel, it does not want. It is incapable of caring about the wellbeing of any living creature. It is not inherently good. An inherently good thing would necessarily either be inherently good in character, which nature cannot be because it is not a conscious being, or inherently good in what it does, the effects it has on the world, which nature is clearly not.
The evils born from human action are not separate from nature. They are a part of nature. They are examples of how the evils of nature manifest. Humans do not exist outside of nature. We are just as much a part and product of it as any other creature, as objects even, as water and the moon. And while nature is not a conscious thing, it can and does cause immeasurable harm. It is evil because of this harm caused. Not in the way a man is evil, but in the way cancer is evil, in the way an earthquake taking hundreds of lives and leaving people trapped, injured, and starving for days is evil. Not evil as in a being who is morally corrupt, but evil as in a thing which generates injustice. A child who suffers the fate of dying horribly from disease is a victim of evil just as much as a child who is poisoned by another human is a victim of evil. True evil is in the experiencing of injustice, not in the deliberate creation of it. A victim of evil is created when a being is made to suffer. The nature of the perpetrator, what blame, of what kind, and to what extent, can be placed on it, is irrelevant. A victim is a victim whether they understand why they were harmed or not, whether they hate that which harmed them or not, whether they judge it or not, whether it can be held accountable or not, their pain is just as real and their suffering is just as unjust, just as wrong, just as unfair, just as undeserved, just as cruel, just as evil.
Whatever hate you hold in your heart for humanity, hold it too for nature, who imbued humanity with both the ability to experience harm and the ability to inflict it. Who gave humanity its impulses, its urges, its instincts, prejudices, and perversions. Whatever sympathy you feel for animals who are made to suffer through human action, feel it too for the animals who suffer independently of the influence of humanity, who succumb to torturous diseases, broken limbs and open wounds, tape worms and bot flies, and deformities which render them incompatible with survival from their very birth.
To detest evil is to detest nature itself. To love nature is to dismiss its evils as not truly evil, to dismiss suffering as not truly unjust. To love goodness is to love happiness, joy, and pleasure, to love what of these things can be felt, created, spread, and preserved. But there is no loving of goodness in the love of nature. If nature can be, and often is, seen as good through the good it births, regardless of its status as a mere force, then it can be seen as evil through its creation of evil as well. And just as we would not consider a person who committed uncountable horrible acts to be redeemable through any number of good ones, we should not see the good that nature creates as capable of excusing or justifying its innumerable works of evil, which include amongst them all the evils of humanity.
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bybdolan · 4 months
wish i could be angry without feeling bad
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demiel-kheiv · 5 months
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Душу в зарю приковали к фонарю
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Now, I get that there are some incredibly distraught children in the foreground, but there is time to talk about that later.
What??? Even is it??? It's, like, two nonsensical abstract paintings, that just keep replicating into oblivion??? WHY????
Oh my heavens I hate this picture so much I revile it with the highest level of distaste it is abhorrent and ugly and confusing and it totally pulled me out of the moment. I'm pretty sure I had to rewind this episode at least once because I totally missed the heartbreaking and hugely important dialogue because that picture was so distracting
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citrusotakutea · 2 months
People that make it a joke to be like: "Omggg the introductions to classic books are soooo annoying, why would they put so much of this useless shit here?" after they only started reading classics to be a part of the pretentious booktok fucks who read classics just to say they read them... Hi, pretentious fuck who always reads the introduction... It is literalllyyy a free literary analysis you dipshits. If you're reading some abstract shit, well it was written that way and people have been trying to read and interpret it since it was published. There is 200% popular explanations or theories of the plot there, if not straight up quotes from an authors diary/notes on their process and intentions for writing their novel (if those were left behind by the author). Fun facts, relevant historical context, translation deep-dives (which are fucking great btw, translation is an art and even the best translations will always lose something) and more. Honestly, people bragging about not reading it is like. ok fine whatever. To call it useless is just indicative that you are a VITCIM of the media comprehension crisis. If you're just going to parrot some rando from tiktok who summarized the plot (badly) in fortnite terms (do not recommend) read the fkn intro instead. If you're not going to try analyze the book yourself, or if you don't know where to start- read the intro!!!111!!! I am old enough (21. sarcasm.) to remember the time when the media lit crisis was in full swing before Lolita blew up on tiktok where people were making the most bare bones, surface level interpretations of it, calling the author and people who liked the book pedophilic. Saying they didn't know why it was a classic because it was just some old man's sick fantasy. I'm pretty sure there are old arguments on this blog of me trying to explain it to people. Nabokov was very open about the true meaning of his novel, there were many resources for people on and offline, plus the book that I had (not special, from library and then one from B&N) had an intro AND author's note. Yet people only got it when it was oversimplified for them on tiktok? Introductions are literally some nerd who was so obsessed with the author/book that you're reading that they who wrote something (barely anything usually, not a fucking lot) to help you understand the book better. Obviously, its meant to be supplementary and you can and should find your own meaning. Plus, usually for compiled works, the introduction are the guy(s) who made the fucking book, but ofc they are only credited in the intro (& copyright page) because they didn't write it. Surprise, people actually have to pick what works go into those types of books. Intros are usually just: "wow, I love this author so much that I did research on their entire life, read every single word they left on this earth, read 50 decades of analysis of their works and researched the era they lived in to understand why and what they wrote the wrote better, " and you mfs that don't even read it call it useless. fuck you. Oh and before anyone with -80 IQ reads this and gets upset, if you want to avoid spoilers for the 103935405739 year old book, read it after you finish the book...
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iodotsys · 1 year
Tears of the Kingdom is just kinda feeling like a very expensive Breath of the Wild DLC. :/
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siverfanweedo · 1 year
when i was writing my exam i started thinking about this girl in another class i am in who was saying that we need a system to base our morals on that system being Christianity and i realized how wrong that is.
some Christian philosophies and ideas aren't even born there. They come from Neoplatonism.
countries that didn't have Christian roots have morals some even overlapping with each other.
even Christians can't all agree on the same stuff
back on point 2 it's fucking racist to think non-Christian base for morals are wrong holy shit
Ethics and Morals really struggle to be objective ( this is also in part why I don't think objectivism is even true )
Morals and ethics are even the same damn thing
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unusualshrimp · 8 months
i hate mental health content like "heal your inner child 🥺" what if i HATE that thing and want to beat it to a pulp. is that allowed because i think that would fix me
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sylvaniian · 5 months
love my friend but sometimes they just frustrate me so much
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klenda-v · 2 years
(Transferred thread from Twt: OG thread HERE, edited for clarity & the new format. Gonna eventually transfer several of my favorite threads here just in case Twt does die)
In Ultra Galaxy Fight: the Destined Crossroad, there’s a strange tagline: ARE YOU TOUGH ENOUGH?
Which begs the question: what does this mean? Who’s it talking to? Tough enough to do what? What does this have to do with a Crossroad, Destined or otherwise?
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The obvious, easiest translation seems to be: are you, the viewer, tough enough? The implication being, I assume, to ask if we’re strong enough to stand with the Ultras against the Absolutians, fighting for the Land of Light.
But that seems incomplete; if that was the intent, I feel like there’d be something more specific they’re asking the viewers to do, a specific call to action (eg SUBSCRIBE TO FIGHT THE ABSOLUTIANS or VISIT OUR WEBSITE AND DO THIS THING TO ETC ETC). There’s the Narak Tower game but since they don’t tie that in as strongly in mainstream advertising, I don’t think that’s the intended meaning of the tagline.
I also assume it’s not saying “are you, the viewer, tough enough to sit through a movie-length series of ideas that Klenda will eventually do an overly long thoughts-thread about.” So I think it’s safe to assume it means someone within the story.
Because of the UGF format, there’s no one true “main character,” or even a main cast. It’s “everyone is here Except Agul” which means it’s hard to tell what characters are considered central. But let’s go over the possibilities. Who in The Destined Crossroad needs to be Tough Enough?
Grigio is the first character we meet who can be called a main-character. And like…in a sense she needs to be tough? They start a really interesting direction with her and Gina, and Grigio deciding throughout that she wants to be stronger—hence, “tougher.” Even Mebius mentions that her strength and powers could be the key to ending the Absolutian threat.
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So is it talking to Grigio? I’m inclined to say no; Grigio starts that arc of growth and strength, yes, but we never really see her go anywhere with it. Her last scene ends with her saying “I need to get stronger!” And then we just. Never see her again. She vanishes an hour into the movie, and never again becomes relevant to the story.
So not Grigio. Maybe Zero?
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He seems like a likely candidate; his arc in this is about getting back to his roots—on multiple levels. He circles back to his origins as a character and in his legacy, both as a leader and a student, and he has to use that in a new, tough way.
So does Zero need to be Tough Enough?
There’s a better argument for him than Grigio, but I’d argue no. His power and new ability is relevant to the finale in a way Grigio’s isn’t (read: he’s THERE AT ALL, thanks Tsuburaya), but is it Zero’s story? I don’t think he’s the one the story’s truly about. And I don’t think he’s the one the tagline applies to the most.
Ribut’s another main(ish) character, but he doesn’t do enough for me to really think it’s asking him to be tough. That and it feels contrary to his role in the story, as his “toughness” is in his stubborn belief in his friends and his faith in his ideals.
The only other likely candidate seems to be Regulos, the new kid on the block. The story establishes him as incredibly powerful, and master of THE strongest space-martial-art that we know of in the Ultra universe. Not to mention he has a personal grudge against the Absolutians, so it seems like it’s him who needs to be Tough Enough.
I’d like to posit that none of these people are the one the question is addressed to. Because it isn’t their story. They’re all part of that story, yes, but they’re not the reason the story’s happening.
None of the Ultras are so consistently pushing the story forward, so constantly active rather than reactive, so desperate to achieve their ends that they’ll burn down worlds to get it.
No one in The Destined Crossroad needs to be tougher than Absolute Tartarus.
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Tartarus is, in the technical sense of the word, the protagonist of UGF3. He’s the one moving the story forward, connecting all the threads of the story, his role is active and reactive. This is his story; a story about his downfall.
UGF3 itself lets us watch in real-time as Tartarus slowly deteriorates under the pressure of his mission. He started UGF2 as a polished villain, never losing his cool, cold and calculated, who will carry out his task whatever the cost. And by the end…he’s desperate, screaming, self-destructive.
And in the end, he wasn’t tough enough.
Rather, he was tough in the wrong ways; he wasn’t tough as in resilient, but tough as in closed-off. He sacrificed everything for his ends: any sense of honor, morality, his own life, and even the lives of those entrusted to his care. The lives that, supposedly, he’d been fighting to save.
So TL;DR: the Ultras were Tough Enough, in the sense that they stayed strong in the way all true Ultras do. They held fast to their hope and their bonds, and persevered in compassion and empathy.
And Tartarus acted as a foil and antithesis to those ideals.
….so is that what Tsuburaya meant by that line? "Are You Tough Enough?"
Almost definitely not! But that’s where my brain went so there you go—
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