#sooo i have poor impulse control :)
obsidianobelisk-fr · 1 year
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venacoeurva · 1 year
Wait... Dagoth Ur is a TWO times hookup? When was the second time? I always assumed that Vivec comic and several artworks making fun of the situation are all about that one time...
Wren got the axe skill damage and was like "??? ok that happened but now what if..." [kombuchagirl.gif] and then his dumb ass did it again later, and also can't use medium armor now (at least that went out of style). Curiosity is a hell of a thing
Worth it for the memories, at least?
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artsy-hobbitses · 1 year
Sooo in your TTB cast, who would most likely take a bite from a soap, if said soap looks exactly like their favourite food and smells like it too? Asking this cuz I almost did it once-
HotRod. Definitely HotRod and his poor impulse control. Rumble and Frenzy as well, because they’re chaos goblins and would definitely have dared the other to do so.
Ravage occasionally has a cat-like way of interacting with maybe-food and would give it a small, careful lick. (HOW ELSE IS HE SUPPOSE TO FIND OUT?! MOTHERFUCKERS REALLY MAKE CINNAMON ROLL-SHAPED SOAP SMELLING OF CINNAMON ROLLS AND EXPECT PEOPLE NOT TO GET CURIOUS???)
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darkerthanblack-666 · 8 months
From assumptions ask: 
I have a feeling that you don’t waste your time on haters/people who leave too much negative feedback. I really like the fact how honest and authentic your posts are, no sugarcoating. If someone finds them too blunt, I guess it’s just their problem 🤷🏼‍♀️ to me, so many of your tags/comments are on point!
Your sense of humour is awesome too. Also, this would make so much sense ‘cause you’re a Sagittarius, right? Basically every Sagi that comes to mind can make me laugh/makes great jokes :D sooo my last assumption/observation is that you know a lot about astrology (my zodiakara side is taking over haha)
If that previous anon is reading, I talk more about myself here so trigger warning:
I do send some haters out, yes. But I'm also sensitive and have social anxiety... so it's not like I don't waste time on this sometimes. I've been through some tough situations in the past and I prefer to remove myself from the situations that make me uncomfortable before they escalate too much. Sometimes it causes me to overreact and I know this well. It just reminds me of something else and I worry it might get worse.
Blunt - I've always been like that, I've also managed to tone it down a looot (unless I'm literally pissed off, all my effort goes to fuck itself, but later I worry if it was too much, I don't know how to show negative emotions 😅). It also has its good sides, though, When I say something positive at least you will know I truly mean it 💖 (and I do, I like to randomly drop nice comments as well, compliments and positive feedback is very important! it just makes everyone feel good, both giver and receiver). Also in many cases I share my experience/positive tips and maybe that helps someone 😌. So it's not exactly for the sake of being painfully honest, often I just think I have something important to say and I feel very passionate about it (and if I don't say it I go sdfgkjhfgkjhsdkfgjhdf). Idk, poor impulse control. No idea. Sometimes I simply don't think, just say the thing. I rarely do something to deliberately hurt someone's feelings. Also I'm often misunderstood, so I think it causes me to over-explain whatever I do (like I'm doing it right now, I think I'm in my chatty mood 😅 irl I'm the opposite haha... I can just say nothing unless I feel comfortable).
Yeah, and not only I'm a Sun in Sagittarius, I'm a Mercury in Sagittarius too 😅. Mercury is responsible for communication. Though I do not treat this zodiac stuff very seriously, it more likely is an undiagnosed adhd (I mean I think I have it, but haven't been formally diagnosed, I literally googled "adhd I'm too intense reddit" after replying to the previous anon, because I think I'm just too intense and it comes off as arrogance, but I'm just very passionate when I'm like this). Oh and my coolest placement (that I also share with both of my blorbos) is Mars in Scorpio, I'm very passionate about this one 😂
Also back at you, my assumption is that you're Polish, because who else would use the word "zodiakara" 😆 (but once I did read a fic full of Polish memes and the author just had Polish friends, so... who knows)
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sunset-bridge · 1 month
What is Sergio’s opinion on all the phantom thieves and.. idk what is his favourite food!
hi snowball-maltese ur nooooot gonna believe me but i literally never fucking saw your asks??? LIKE.. theres other asks in my inbox and i remember those but i never saw yours??? WTFF. they spontaneously generated today in between the other old asks im keeping...
tumblr.................. why did you eat these then vomit them back out today : ( sad
HEHEH ANYWAYS hi.. oh my godddd. um. well now im ashamed of answering HJDFJND BUT OK under the cute cut
Sergio favourite food: potato tacos
Sergio opinions on the Phantom thieves:
Mona : He thinks hes cute because he looks like a cute cat and sergio likes cute things and cats. Thinks he is charming. Tries to treat him like any other person despite how adorabubble he is. He starts thinking of him as his big brother naturally later on, he really trusts him and tells him things he doesnt tell anyone else, asks him for advice on his problems and thoughts and yeah really values his opinions.
Ann: He figured she was a Loud girl at first without even talking to her, he doesnt have a neutral opinion on women in general tbh so bad start, but as soon as they became friends and he heard her talk about what happened and how angry and frustrated she was he was like.. woaghhhh. no way.
Sergio has historically never been good at talking/making friends with girls or has had much of an interest in doing so, he mostly avoided them, so idk it seems stupid but he was like... woag. At first Sergio in his mind is like. WELL ANN is cool because SHES NOT LIKE THE OTHER GIRLS nope shes COOL AND REAL unlike the Other GIRLS (sergio turn around) BSDDVJBJFVJ. dont worry he figures it out later.
Anywho he thinks shes awesome and so nice to him and he admires how dedicated she is and how she tries to be upbeat but does worry about her and encourages her to break things if angry. Goes on her shopping trips even if he actually hates shopping because he loves Ann. Is encouraging about the things Ann wants to do but still tells her when theyre a bit silly (like in her social link where she sets impossible things to do hahah). Likes talking about more emotional things with her because he feels embarassed to talk about those things with the Boys (sergio turn around again)
Ryuji: Thought he was a bit strange, annoying at first. Just barging in and making him get involved in weird shit. But like with Ann he starts talking to him and they become buddies because they encourage their silly activities. He feels angry for ryuji and what happened to him; he thinks he should kill everyone in the track team actually/j .
Likes spending time with him, he appreciates that ryuji seems to understand him and likes to have fun with him running and excercising and playing videogames etcc. Bro bonding. They do mischievious activities together.
hes so fun to be around and sergio loves how hes such a kind person despite everything : ). They make stupid jokes together. Ryuji stops sergio from killing people sometimes. See, Sergio is like a Bro Character but hes the leader and also he has poor impulse control and is very angry.
Yusuke: He adores Yusuke he thinks hes so talented and everything he does is literally a masterpiece (hes right)
At first yusuke came off as a bit strange and aloof, but sergio was an instant fan as soon as he saw his work LOL. Yusuke appreciates the support. Sergio really admires and respects yusuke, even when he does “weird” things its like. Well its yusuke so. Yusuke = cool, then thing = cool as well right ??!!! normal
Lets Yusuke hug him even if he doesnt like hugs .
Makoto: Sergio thinks at first shes uptight, too serious, no fun, a snitch. I guess hes not wrong per se but ..
He was sooo mean to her at first when makoto hadnt joined the thieves and was spying them LOL. He did feel very sorry later and begrudgingly apologized along with ann and ryuj.
Nowadays he thinks mako is pretty cool, super smart and super strong. he still thinks she should let loose more, have more fun. He recognizes how hard she had it before joining. She appreciates how cunning she is. He had a playfight with her but sergio fights like a rabid animal and mako actually knows aikido . Im not sure if it continued but their fighting styles and what they look for in a fight are so different it didnt work out too well : ( sad. its ok.
Fuba: Fuba is like Sergios little sis : ). He wasnt sure if they should do something at first when the situation came up but he realized fuba was acting kinda like him before, isolating and being angry and sad etc... felt fucked up to not do something or try to help but he didnt want to be super pushy about it because he knew how he felt and how he didnt appreciate anyone who tried to drag him around even if they had good intentions. But yeah his friends made him realize how they ahd kinda pulled him out of a hole too at the beginning and he figured everyone could use a chance like that..
He really cares for her and tries to spend a lot of time with her, play anything she wants and watch her funny animes etc. He absolutely plays along with every game; he has a lot of fun too hes so silly as well. They bully eachother lovingly hehe. Hes willing to accompany her everywhere but i guess he realizes he wont be there for her forever so tries to gently push her a bit to be more independent.
Sees something about himself in her, although different. He tries to be someone that Younger Sergio would have appreciated in his life.
Haru: Sergio respects her a lot and thinks shes super kind perhaps too much.
He tries acting more serious or polite etc at first with her but haru ofc notices and is like. sergio its ok you can be yourself : ).
He still doesnt really act with her like he does with the others because idk theres this enormous barrier of respect that it seems unprope to act like that with her.. She IS sergios friend he just finds it super hard to be casual with her completely.
They like gardening together and showing eachother their plant children so thats something where they can be ever so slightly more relaxed in. I wonder if haru feels sad that sergio doesnt dare act casual or be himself in front of her like the others : ( He super appreciates whenever haru gifts him something unprompted etc.
Sumi: Sergio doesnt know sumi that well. He just thinks shes a cool , super kind girl whos very talented , polite. He always treated her really nicely. I think he enjoys the tyoe of respect he gets from Sumi even if its embarassing sometimes hahah since he feels she gets a different perspective of him ahah. He starts acting more casual in 3rd sem etc but theres also a barrier of respect here like with haru. Its more like.. welll sumi .. she thinks im cool and responsible i.. must fulfill that...
Goro: Well .. we already know LOL right sunset-bridgers?
He is someone so fucking cool in sergios eyes. He considers him his worthy rival and admires him a lot ; hes just so damn cool, talented, smart , strong.. it kinda feels like he always knows whats he doing and even if he makes a mistake sergio finds it charming.
He used to feel envious and jealous of him for having thigs he didnt and apparently being much more succesful in general. But ofc things happen.. he realizes things werent as simple as they seemed and how goro felt quite similar to him.
He really appreciates how they seem to see things similarly. have a similar world view so they can understand eachother easily and talk soo sososo much. Like.. wow hell yeah this guy gets what im saying yeah finally. guy who can keep up with me in snarky convos. Guy who likes to play the same silly challenges as me. Guy who fights with me and is strong as hell so we are matched. In goro he finds someone who likes him to his core; sees right thru his disguise and is interested in spending time with real Sergio. He takes him seriously. No one takes sergio so seriously or seems to give such weight to his words....
He feels very free with him.
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unsleepingtales · 8 months
Mentopolis Ep 3! We have life things so this is late but we press on
Freddie said the whole thing!
Just a damp damp man 😐
Once again. We need Stacy Fakename merch pls.
I love the wonkaness of Gobstopper Industries
The heart being the Boston to the brain’s New York is interesting
Phrenology lmao
I slap him. I kiss him.
Hunch keeping so much stuff in his pants is such a Choice
I really think it’s a phone buzzing and not a sexy thing because Elias is so convinced he doesn’t deserve pleasure that I don’t he would do that
If not ___, ___? is such a great sequence I’m gonna rewatch that several times probably
Turn yourself in to who???
Every part of the brain can notice conscience but pleasure. Sometimes the dice do really cool things.
The Fix being vaguely southern always cracks me up
Conrad not wanting to say fucks aw
He’s the only one who can DRIVE
Hank why
Ooh yay psychometer info
This thing could alter thoughts. Ok.
I love lengthy lore drops. I love them so much.
That wave is designed to create impulses maybe?
The editing is simultaneously really cool and gonna give me a headache
This thing erases color from the mind? Does it erase memory?
This boiling down to ‘has the government been corrupted by external capitalist forces or was the already corrupt government merely enabled by this capitalist presence’ is incredibly interesting
Cool! Very convenient!
OH the reflexive switchboard yay
F for freezer!
Hunch why do you wanna see Anastasia’s apartment
Trapp is so great I don’t think I’ve appreciated him enough
I think killing the conscience will probably not save the life of someone who has been thrown out of a window
Hank what
“It’s about what happens when you’re the next age” I’m gonna cry?
Babe what
(a ballad of balls on tracks)
Oooh does the Fucks family also have keys
(everyone getting a kick out of the foot fetish joke)
Hank jostling Freddie because he’s so delighted <3
Splitting the partyyyyyy
fLiGhT 😉
Uncle Hunch and Uncle Fucks 🥲
So many hats!
Imelda Pulse supportive cousin of the year <3
The cops. Great.
Something that ladies wear … …
Imelda Pulse coat rack of the year <3
Oh nooo
She’s just sooo estranged from her faaaamily she doesn’t know her cousiiiins
The commitment Siobhan has keeping her arms like that for the whole scene
The Police 😐
Incredible sneak skills
Threw a robe over her trench coat I’m dead
Yeah a newspaperwoman would have to get pretty good at lying lol
Iconic trio
Why is he the only one who can drive 😭
He really just lives to make people uncomfortable
Oooh d20 explosion
Why does he drive like that
Put that tongue back in your mouth SIR.
(group trying to hold back laughter to keep it tense…)
(and failing)
The word fight is losing all meaning
I was gonna say Gilear energy but he’s honestly more confident than Gilear.
Self doubt is so strong and dominance is so weak.
I feel like dominance being weak is a trick tho. It feels too simple.
Also. Self Doubt isn’t even a pun of any kind his name is just straight up his job.
I just was busy.
Why is fight russian
Conrad is so sassy today
The fuck just happened
The poor Fakename family
Box of Doom!!
The one thing that always bugs me is the box is never level and I don’t know if that affects how the die rolls
What a power
How are the fakenames even a family. What concept are they.
Dice are cool
One of those inflatable clowns that are weighted at the bottom so they bounce up whenever you hit them
(the crowd goes wild for Stacy Fakename)
I love character feats!
Flight was in control when Elias got hurt. Interesting.
I love how Hunch just has cartoon logic
I also forget that I’m playing and not just watching a story sometimes
You like my facts right?
Oh god
Hank leaning into being intimidating is so good to watch
Man. Okay.
Oh that’s so cool. Focusing on breathing lowers the pressure. That’s so good.
What are you close to achieving
That’s SO fucked up
Who are you
Is this fucking adderall or something
Probably the psychometer. But it would be an interesting take for it to be meds lol.
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minotaurmutual · 9 months
was walking around town with my partner and his dad when some guy stopped us to tell us that when he saw us he suddenly felt compelled to tell us that god loves us sooo much and I have poor impulse control so I uh. told him god can go fuck himself and left abdnfnf oops
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here2bbtstrash · 2 years
You have outdone yourself, M! Chapter 8 had me slack jawed. 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨 Houston, we have feelings!!! Soft moments, touches on the back, coffee and pastries, reassuring glances, meaningful conversations -
“God,” Yoongi hisses against your skin. “You drive me fuckin’ crazy”
Are you kidding me?! The whole scene of them at his apartment was just so unlike any of their previous antics (outside of both of them running their mouth) and i’m here for it. Not to mention the shower scene?! All of it, every detail is just 🤌💋 (is anyone else not above buying a fear of god shirt to further their delusions that yoongi laid it out for you? Thanks for that, M. Like I need any help being psychotic)
Poor baby goth. He definitely didn’t deserve the treatment he got. The reader needs to reassess the way she navigates the relationships in her life, even Jimin, poor babe was left at a shitty dive in the middle of nowhere so she could go fuck yoongi. I’m not saying we all haven’t ditched a friend for dick appointment, i’m just simply saying 👀
In conclusion (what is this a highschool essay?) the direction you’ve taken this story has me giddy and hopeful that these two idiots could put their pride and derangement aside and perhaps come to the realization that they could work it out!! The reader was having full on visions in his kitchen of their life together and that MEANS SOMETHING!! STOP BEING A STUBBORN BITCH!!
Ok but for real. Love this, love you M. Thank you for taking us on this journey with you! I can’t wait to see what these two dumplings get into at the Grammys. 💕
the apartment sceeeeene 🥺 it lived in my brain for so long, it was sooooo enjoyable to finally write out in full. such a pivotal moment for these two where those hard exteriors are starting to peel back 💜
listen i am not going to fess up to buying a fear of god baseball shirt but if i did i would tell you that i got it when it was on sale so it was only $89 and it does feed my delulu fantasies every time i wear it so thank you love you and goodnight!!!
the relationship navigation comment is SO real and i appreciate you mentioning jimin in it as well.... he's definitely the best at handling reader and dealing with her impulse control issues/not taking them personally but even still 🫠 homegirl needs to take a fat look in the mirror!!!! maybe book a therapist idk!!!
ahhhhh the visions in his kitchen 😭 if these two idiots could just GET OUT OF THEIR OWN WAY..... we must keep the faith 🙏 so much can happen at the grammys!!!! we'll have to wait and seeeeee 👀
i am sooo glad you're enjoying the ride, and i so appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts!!! thank you for reading love!!! 💜
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frogtansonyeondan · 5 months
pleeeease give me a job. I am sooo neurotypical. why haven't I had a job for longer than a year? uuuuh you know I'm just so responsible and was so focused on school bc I'm so neurotypical. I definitely don't have poor impulse control, an unstable sense of self, and a history of mental health crises that landed me in inpatient care several times. I am normal and sane and So. Goddamn. Neurotypical.
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evandorepart2 · 1 year
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ok deleted this on my main cause that was a bit Too personal. but i am literally such an angry and petty person. i get upset sooo much like about stupid things. if anything does Not go my way or the way i specifically planned it to go i will lose my mind. i was called a crybaby a lot in elementary cause its fucking true lol i get upset very very easily and this can make me be very mean.
HOWEVER. this is deflected with my ability to Not hold onto any emotions longer than a few minutes. so i can just. Leave. i can go on a walk or do whatever and then im fine. i have poor impulse control but enough sense to just. do ofher stuff when i start getting upset. so im not one of Those people online whod respond to smth with like an entire essay and get needlessly upset whatever before pulling the guilt trip thing cause they want sympathy. i Could be. very close to being. but i am self aware
theres no real point to this just now i am sitting here shaking like an agitated chihuahua opening and closing my hands so i dont snap
i lied. im talking more LOL but also its like at the same time i cant just. Talk with people about why im upset because then thats gonna make me even More upset and im not great with communicating so people misunderstand what im tryinf to say which upsets me More. and while i cry a lot when that happens i also like. get physically angry. like i want to yell and throw things around but i cant do rhat cause then im being like my mum
its hard to grapple as someone who expresses and feels (like. mentally feels. emofions happen but i only am aware ro a limited degree) very little how Angry i can be. like my best friend has anger issues (tho hes gotten help for that), my cousin has anger issues and severe adhd, my mother is bipolar. so like im surrounded with people who experience that stuff but there was always just a degree of seperation when it came to me. like an outward and inward perception that doesnt match wtf is going on inside.
idk! idk. it feels weird talking abt it cause like the degrees ive gotten to curate my life to Prevent that from happening. like an unconscious choice to stop myself from being super upset by cuttinf people off or dropping out of school or being very limited in my online engagement with people or my interests. cause nothing good happens when youre angry i know that cause i grew up in it.
that being said i am tryinf very very hard not to be petty and mean about stuff i see on tumblr but certain constant trends are Incredibly upsetting me and i am two steps away from snapping. thank god i have limited followers so i can snap into the void in peace but still.
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imapursoon · 3 years
Hey, uhh do y’all know what microwaved ranch tastes like?
If I don’t find out soon I might just try it myself...
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kanene-yaaay · 3 years
You’re going to tickle me first, right?
Kanene’s note: One day I will carefully plan beforehand a title. But that day is noooot today! sdfghjfrgtyujikdfgh.
I consider this the last story from that idea of lers + lees in more different scenarios. I already did all the sides and I am very proud of the results! Thankys for all the support <3333
Warnings, fun facts, random things and stuff:
* This characters don’t belongs to me! They all belong to Sanders Sides!
* This is a SFW tickle fanfic, so, if you don’t appreciate this kind of content, please, look for another blog. There are a plenty of fabulous arts in this site!!  ^w^)b
* This is Ticklish!Logan with Ler!Patton and Remus. Their relationship can be viewed as romantic or platonic. Around 2.300 words.
* Some fabulous works that inspired me with the idea and the teases (they’re from bnha)
* Sorry for any spelling, pontuation and grammar mistakes! Any and every advice is very very welcome! \(-w-)/
* Take some time to remember about the litol cool things that you saw today! Fanfic, series, movies, a bird or a beautiful flower... anything that maded u happy! Drink water, sleep and eat! Today is another day and I’m proud that we’re both still here.
"Looking good, hot stuff." Arms hugged him from behind and Logan scoffed, as usual when confronted by feelings, behind his cup of coffee, drinking the remains of the liquid in a few gulps as he relaxed on the warm chest behind him. The morning was quiet and Patton’s humming on the kitchen was one of the few sounds that cut the air. Logan let his attention swim back to his book when the other began to nuzzle his neck, a small 'tsk' escaping between a tiny smile when his mustache hit a sweet spot on his shoulder.
 They both knew what that meant, after all, Remus wasn’t fond on keeping a subtle demeanor and they already had played this exact game thousands of times before.
 "Tickle me, Logan!" The pout was crystal clear on his voice, discarding the need of the other adult to turn back to notice it. "It’s been almost a week since last time! And. I. Need. My. Daily. Doses of. Tickles."
Logan growled, ignoring the amused crackle behind him and instead focusing on hiding his now complete red face on one of his hands, the other tightly gripping his book and depositing it on the tabletop in front of him. "How can you say this so nonchalantly?" It was his almost inaudible muffled whisper.
 "Because watching you become a blushy-blushed mess is sooo fun. ~"
 Another nuzzle, Logan scrunched his neck, containing his reactions.
 "Now, now, Re. Teasing Logan about how he is the most adorably-adorable bumblebee when he gets all blush-y and soft-y about tickling isn't very nice." Patton chirped from his spot, almost finished from doing the dishes, since the most serious of their group had been responsible for their breakfast and Remus would be making their dinner today. He could even pass as being very serious if it wasn’t for the smirk on his features betraying his words. "You know he can't stand hearing the word tickle. Or tickling. Or tickly."
 "Or ticklish, or tiggle, or even tickle, tickle, tickle-"
 In a smooth, quick movement, Logan turned his body, now being the one encircling the taller waist with his arms, fingers clawing on his sides, but not moving. Yet.
 "That is enough of you, squeaky toy."
 And Remus knew that just their previous playful banter had been more than enough to prompt Logan to get some revenge.
 Seeing him like this was just too much fun.
 His eyes glinted, a grin expanding on his face. "He is sooo flustered. Pat! Look at him! Isn't he adorable?"
 "I know, right!" Patton squealed in delight at the tiny, infinitesimal smile showing on the most serious one, ignoring Logan's grunt as he tried to hide his face in Remus' shoulder, grumbling something about teases and stupid, confident friends "But we can't be mean with him, sweetpea. Even if he is so precious and full of such beautiful reactions that makes us want to tease him over and over and over again." He whispered the last part, as if he was sharing a secret and the person they were talking about wasn't dying in the middle of their room.
 "Even his ears are red, now!!" Remus also lowered his voice, blowing a light steam of air on them as he talked. "You're the one being mean to me.” Logan more felt than saw Remus pointing a finger accusingly to the other, “telling me I can't tease him even knowing he will be all helpless and shy and cute.”
 "I would like to state that I hate you."
 "Shhh, Lo-lo! We're whispering! Which means you can't hear us."
 Snickers floated freely in the air. Logan’s warning jab at Remus’ side only made part of them evolve to amused crackles.
 "I am literally between you two, unless you talk in a language I do not master nor understand I can very much process the exact meaning of what you're pronouncing."
 They giggled harder. Logan's scoff deepened, he tried to untangle himself from the hold and walk away to the security of his room and his valorous notebooks where he could carefully think and plan a very special, tickly revenge for both, but a soft kiss on his flaming cheeks placated his impulse, - although not his mostly dramatic scoff and roll of eyes.
 "Patton!!!!” The one wearing a green pajama whined as if the world was ending and he was not the one to blame because of that, drops of fake-sadness dripping on his tune. “He is even pouting!”
 “That is not fair!! Not. Fair."
 "Okay, okay, my dear.” Patton gave in, calm words. Logan looked smugly at Remus, who was now in the hold of the pout.
 “You can tease him more, but just a little."
 Logan squeaked when Remus triumphally shoved his face on his neck, working his way across the spot, mustache tickling and itching, until he was able to deliver a couple of nibbles right under his chin, drinking up the muffled yelps and snickers that that caused.
 Patton's gentle voice hit his ears just as he threw his head back in an attempt to escape the attack. "Just say 'glasses’ and we stop, okay?"
 Remus didn't say anything, although he stopped his attack, a hand finding his and squeezing reassuringly. The shorter smiled, a warmth flooding on his chest and pouring out of it in the way softness found the corner of his eyes, immediately hiding any hint of it on Remus' shoulder and nodding. Quiet, mumbled words.
 “Aw, what is the matter? Not so serious now, are we?” Remus purred, each word vibrating on his skin. “What a shame, what a shame, what a sad end for our rational, professional nerd boy. Just a few tickles here,” he quickly pinched the other’s thigh, making the arms tight around his waist, consequently pulling him closer, “some attention there,” nails found and traced whatevers on the length of his lower back, “a couple of  teases and tickles aaand then you’re already all defeated. Aww, my poor, poor, sensitive ler. ~”
 His confident tone was broken by a squeal when the fingers resting on his sides squeezed that spot, wiggling for a few seconds before stopping, enough for the taller to try to squirm away, only to find himself well stuck on the arms securing him in the same place. His gaze found danger on Logan’s glare.
 “Oh,” shivers ran his spine, “is that so?” Another squeak flew from him when the fingers curled, nails grazing the ticklish skin. “Please, care to elaborate?”
 Remus' excitement was written over his entire face. He began to bounce, however his giddy energy was controlled enough for him to be able to lower his head, a shit eating grin plastered on his lips, hands locking behind the other’s neck, exposing even more the spots on his torso.
 "Do your worst, my ler. ~"
 “Gasp! Lo-lo!” Logan blinked and, oh, when he opened his eyes Patton was on his vision field, with an adorable pout and arms crossed. “I can’t believe you’re going to tickle him first. I thought I was your favorite Gigglebug!”
 Another grunt escaped from his lips. That was it. Logan was done.
 “Patton…” He warned, mind already running to how to turn the tables before he got caught on their teases again.
 “You’re definitely our favorite gigglebug, Pattycake.” Remus nodded, extending one of his arms behind him and pulling Patton swiftly when they locked their hands, succeeding in making them both sandwich the taller in a hug. He danced his fingers on the other’s neck, making his pout disappear in a soft huff. “Buuut, I have the best snorts and squeals here. So, sorry not sorry, it seems like I will be getting all the tickles today.”
 “No, no!” Patton quickly jumped in on the playful demeanor, smiling and clinging on Logan from behind, bubbly giggles already escaping from his mouth. “My ler!!” He nuzzled between his shoulder blades, the sudden move leading the coffee-addicted one to arch his back, a silent gasp escaping from his lips.
 “You are both being ridicuLOUS-” His voice hitched as Patton focused on a rather… sensitive spot on his back, too much next to his ribs and not away enough from his spine. “P-p-patton. Sssstop!”
 Unfortunately, the fact of him holding the wrists of the hands resting peacefully under his armpits, trying to pry Patton away also meant he wasn’t paying nearly enough attention to the dangerous gleam surging on Remus’ eyes, nor the way his hands clawed in the air for a few seconds before descending on Logan’s hips, fishing a surprised shriek.
 The aforementioned only smirked, thumbs digging on the ticklish flesh with ease, batting his eyelashes when Logan's awareness turned back at him, legs trying to kick himself away as his body squirmed in despair with the unexpected ruthless attack. “You’re going to tickle me first, right, nerd?”
 “No!!” The adult didn’t even get a chance to answer before kisses were being deposited on the sides of his neck, an index finger tickling that exact spot where it connected with his back, switching between encircling the spot to lightly scribble, scribble, scribble right on the middle on it, being careful to not let a single inch unattended. “I am the first! You’re such an amazing, lovely and good Ler, Logan! I won’t even cover my face this time! All the giggles and laughter and smiles just for you, cutiepants.”
 “Well, with me,” he highlighted the word by energetically scratching his others, previous free, fingers on his sides, delighted with the way the shorter’s laughter improved with it, “we can play all the tickle, tickly games he wants to! Hands up, Countdown, Don’t Smile, How Much Minutes Can You Endure… You name it, hot mess.”
 And a mess he was, indeed. Especially when Patton decided to pull his shirt up, slowly spidering his hands under the fabric, a tingly sensation following his path, and giggling as he prodded his way up to skitter his long, absurdly, horribly, amazingly long nails on the back of his ribs, sending shivers and tingles non stop on his torso. Both attackers cooing in synchrony as guffaws and squeaks started to paint his frantic laughter.
 “Lo-lo, don’t listen to him! I can help you to sing those nice, cute nursery rhymes that you like so much, remember? I love when we sing them together because you’re so great, smart and mean about it! Always doing things like crawling your fingers up, up, up, our ribs…” he punctuated his sentences by doing exactly what he described, “and then running them aaaaaall their way back to the sides!”
 “Wait!! Damn! Wait, please, wahahahait!”
 “Or when he discovers a new, horrible, unbearable spot,” Remus ignored the series of ‘nonono’s from the ‘victim’ as he focused two fingers on the patch of skin above his bellybutton, poking and pinching there, his free hand holding down the wrist that shoot in order to stop him “and he focuses all his attention on it, being sure to thoroughly tickle it and to remember us that we can wiggle and giggle all we want because we do absolutely nothing to stop it.”
 “And also, how much we love all of this! All the attention,” Patton kissed behind his left ear, traveling to the other with small raspberries when Logan clued it on his shoulder, shaking his head, “all the care,” kiss “all the teases,” a big raspberry “all the tickles,” a series of tender, soft pecks along his cheeks and ears “and how much happy that makes us feel!!”
 “And the best part? We will go on and on tickling you for hours and hours until we are all satisfied.”
 “I can’t! I cahahan’t!”
 “Yup!! We will just stay riiight here, giving you all the kitty kitty coo’s and coothie coothie coo’s you could ever want until we ask us to stop, okay? So, you just relax and enjoy it, Logie-bear.”
 “Tickle, tickle, tickle, nerd. What with that smile? Can’t take what you like to dish out? Tsk, such a pity, really. You know what is even greater, though? You can beg, you can say you’re sorry, you can promise to do anything we want but that won’t work. Do you know why?” Logan shook his head, a smile plastered on his face. “Because there is no reason for me to be doing this other than see you get tickled to pieces.”
 “Oh no, my dear, it seems like the tickle monsters got you! Isn’t that amazing? Having two lovely monsters who knows all your melt, fluff spots giving you exactly what you love? Knowing precisely what to do or what to say to make you a cute, adorable puddle of laughter and giggles that you so much love and crave to be? Huh? You absolutely love this, don’t you, my blushy bear?”
 “Enough! Enough!” Logan’s legs gave up, and in between his wheezing laughter, his yelps, squeaks and pleas a breathless ‘glasses’ made itself known, leading the tickling to a stop and to the three of them to lay carefully on the kitchen’s floor. Happy chuckles filling the silence.
 “So, did you choose which one of us you will tickle first?”
 “Actually, Pat-Pat, I think we make a great team.”
 Patton flung himself to the other, hugging him with a squeal. Remus couldn’t help but to reciprocate the touch, cooing over his excitement. “We do!!”
 “I agree.” Maybe it was how much closer and lower Logan’s voice was, or because of the thousands of memories that tune brought that made both froze so instantly, goosebumps traveling across their bodies with shots of adrenaline. “And I am sure you will make a much more endearing one, with matching helpless laughter and excited smiles, when I catch you. ‘When’ and not ‘if’, because I will find and catch you two, my ticklish lees. And when we are all reunited I am certain you will love all the ideas and experiments I have for you.” They slowly turned back, joyful expressions as their gaze found the malefic, playful glint shining along with the slightly blush on the Logan’s face.
 “You have five seconds.”
 Patton grabbed Remus’ hand, pulling them up.
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scribblesofanaricat · 2 years
Yo! Sooo who are some of your active ocs 👀?
And, if possible, can you provide a reference/description of what they look like and summary of who they are/their backstory?
For no reason in particular-
Uhhhh I'm not too sure what you mean by active OCs, but I can certainly list off some of my main ones, though they're not very special ;-; (I don't have that much of a backstory for them, but I'll do my best) (all art credit to @/doodlecam and @/mewi-or-lara!)
Finley Redding (aka Finny), age 8, from WIP #1:
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Born with abilities that harness the limitless dark energy of another plane, but grew up with the distinct impression that they had to try and restrain it, though they don't know why. Moved homes a lot over their eight years and pretty much isolated except for their parents and their grumpy shapeshifting wyvern Marshmallow. Met Marshmallow when they were not-quite-two years old; they found him injured in the forest and forcibly brought him home to be healed. Currently lives in a tiny dilapidated swampside village. Withdrawn and speaks in very short blunt sentences. Compassionate towards the lost, alone and persecuted. Cloak is actually a blanket. Big sweet tooth. Likes chocolate, stories and climbing trees, hates worms and crowds. Nonbinary.
Elias Felix, age 14, from WIP #1:
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Born with abilities that harness the energy of the waters. Raised in a large community of fighters in a war-torn province by Arna, the healer who nursed his mother after she gave birth to him. Not a bad fighter but much prefers listening to the elders' stories. Mostly isolated from the rest of the community; only really close with Arna. Has put a lot of time and effort into learning card tricks. Optimistic but also a worrywart. Hums a lot. Likes animals, jokes and cheese and crackers, hates heights and mint. Bi trans boy.
Robin Galanis (aka Laes), age 14, from WIP #2:
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Separated from their family in a huge electrical fire a long, long time ago - who really knows when? After that, taken in by someone who started out with his own agenda but grew to care about them. Stitch marks from incomplete mutilation transformation process. Left eye replaced with a cybernetic one that can see more brilliantly - difference in eye strength often causes headaches. Difficulty concentrating and patchy thought processes/poor impulse control. Struggles between their instincts and the right thing to do. Wants to know just what happened, how and why. Likes comfy clothes, windy days and ladybugs, hates bright lights and instant hot chocolate. Genderfluid.
Adeline Jaxson (aka Addie), age 19, from WIP #2:
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Lives with her (biological) father, her (adoptive) father and her little brother in a cramped apartment. Underpaid overworked intern at a certain laboratory because it's the closest she can get to her special interest (coding and programming) as well as a reliable, if menial, way to earn a paycheck. Peanut butter is one of her samefoods. Sometimes plays monster hunting with her brother when she isn't too exhausted. Afraid of asking questions or requesting clarification. Very determined to prove herself but consequently never knows when to stop. Likes black coffee and the colour lavender, hates the heat and slimy textures. Lesbian.
........um, I hope this is good enough and I've at least made them sound semi-worthwhile 😅
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zikadraws · 4 years
If the ghosts bosses got to be reincarnated, what do you think they’d look like in the modern age(I’m talking, like the twisted sisters, Clem(best rat boi), Fishhook, etc)?
Oh boy tough call !✨Sooo let's seeeee...
(*Low quality colouring, drawing and long post ahead (sorry), Click4Quality*)
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So let's start with Chambrea and Steward. They gladly took back their human form (Yeah I see Chambrea as Latino/Arabic styled, and Steward as Australian), but less gladly the fact of having to work to not get hungry. They restarted to work in services, although their experience (as for a good part of the ghosts) got them militant, and they are fighting for the service workers to get treated/respected better and better paid (between others). Chambrea (Chãlissia) is the leading type, Steward (Stuart) follows and admires her, and struggles to push their relationship to another level. They already live together.
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Then there's Chef Jacques Soulfflé. He of course oriented himself towards cooking, but understandably enough for those who witnessed his cooking, got fired several times, and refused to understand why ; so much that he actually attempted ''Hell's Kitchen'' to prove everyone wrong- and nearly caused Gordon Ramsay, who -figures- spectacularly blazed his @ss, to rage quit the emission. They actually had a private talk afterwards and Gordon decided to save cooking's honour and to give him private lessons. Never did he see a guy so bad at cooking but who genuinely absolutely loved cooking against all. Deserves an effort. Thanks to that Soulfflé got better and found a regular cook post. Yeah I got carried a bit far on this IK. X) Anyway so next-
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Morty finally managed to open the cinema class he was planning to open before his death, and he's having the time of his life with this. He takes cheap and everyone in -elementals to elderly- and he is in a 'poor-populated' city part, so he has a lot of volunteers ; as an activity as for an actual class. He loves to communicate his passion with others, is a wonderful teacher open to everyone and loves creating shorts and movies with his students. Some of them actually succeeded as actors or staff or even directors, and often credit him. Although a bit wore out, he is really happy. Plus a good portion of the former boss ghosts like to help him with and star in his productions.
Krüller thought of becoming policeman, but chickened out and went on as a mall guard. He is great with children. He even babysits sometimes. And often stars in Morty's movies, as 'the police chief'. He's satisfied by this repetitive but calm life.
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Johnny Deepend invested into an old gym and became sport coach. Between taxes and incomes, it isn't always easy but his easygoing, supportive and friendly natural attitude gets him a nice bunch of people following him and going to his gym. But on the side, he is also very engaged to ban competitions based on showing off the body, knowing way too well how destructive it is for the people, and actually even run conferences about that. He is determined.
Serpci has became a famous social media influencer and practically lives out of it (plus some beauty and fashion sideworks. She customize clothes.). Her Egyptian style, her beauty and aura and her pets snakes got her REALLY popular on any network- and leaves her targeted by many creeps of course, but her merciless way of dealing with them chicken them out (and actually is a way of outcome for her. Blackmail is powerful, but shhh.) She's militant for feminism, and against racism, cultural appropriation and above all, grave robbers (especially targeting archeologists). Remains of her pharaoh shenanigans, y'know.
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Dr. Potter searched around and was taken under the wing of an association that fights to save true seeds (seeds that naturally grows back after harvesting and not having to be replaced each time like big corporations like to sell [as] 'necessary'.) He is trusted to keep and grow in number these true seeds, and in return he is taken care of, feed, and has his own house, garden and glasshouse. He is very happy.
The Triplets had to actually go to school for the first time in their lives, and if they managed to get to be adopted together (by one of the bosses, idk for this one), they had a very cynical bad surprise. They still perform during events, to show-off or at parties.
THAT is my human interpretation of Fishook. He lacks an arm and look as what white police arbitrarily view as the embodiment of ''''potential criminal''''; and now that he's human again, he's fucking pissed. As in -he freaking means business. By that I mean, he is entirely, body and soul, engaged to the whole 'Save Marine Life' cause. He raids awareness and direct missions, participates to everything and acts everywhere. Yeah, he works for the WWF. (He is also getting a bit of trouble about his cranky comportment.)
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(Yeah, ship time. Why ? Because I can.)
Amadeus Wolfgeist and Clem turned into a couple representation of Tortured Artists ™. (I'll explain for Clem at some point in the future so it'd make sense, pinky swear.)
Amadeus Wolfgeist got his hair back (and I wasn't too sure of what colour to give it but heck it I'm satisfied), but was really pissed to learn that it's hard to make a carrier out of classical music nowadays. He yet decided to keep on it, determined as frick that he was to bring back the golden age, and became an independent compositor, freeing the stress generated from this work by private contract concerts. Despite his talent, he's struggling due to his dissuading stubbornness and is upset to not being able to afford his preferred nobile lifestyle. Clem has spawned up with an hyperactive syndrome, plus of his autistic condition, and is making the most money by having several jobs at the time. As a handyman/plumber, but also as a painter and visual artist, as he finally noticed how much interest and talent he had for that. He draws eyefooling artworks as a living, to situate. He kept his pet opossum and his emotional support duckies. Strangely enough, he hardly sleeps on his own impulse anymore.
They live together (for 'financial reasons' dixit Wolfgeist, y'knooow...) and complete and equilibrate each other. Clem is the one who -ironically- makes the most money, and deals with Amadeus's stress and irritation levels. Amadeus is Clem's impulse control, health, fashion, self-care and sleep schedule advisor.
Sometimes Clem seconds Amadeus on his banjo.
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AND THEN, TO FINISH (because I literally, between other things, have no space left) we have Macfrights who tried to get hired at 'Puy du Fou' but got humiliated and turned off, and Phantasmagloria who tried to get hired as a DJ but nuts for several reasons. They both swallowed back their pride and ended up working at fast-foods. They both try as often as possible to play in Morty's movies. Macfrights likes to play the villain.
OKAY ! And that was about it for my headcanons about this ask. Very long post, I know but hey ! Dare I believe that it was worth it...?
Alright, thank you for your ask. That was a big one and I hope you are, too, satisfied and wish you a nice day :) .
Aaand thank you to everyone else for your attention 🎵 ! 🤗 Have a nice day~♥️
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junosartsthetic · 4 years
Mista Headcanons
Did somebody say appx. nine pages of Mista Headcanons written at appx. 1 am? No? Well too bad, because that’s what I have to offer. These have not been read over so good luck deciphering some of them.
He do be hairy doe 
U know he’s got out of control curly hair that he doesn’t know what to do with
And I ain’t just talkin abt his head hair
Dis mans
Doesn’t understand how hygiene works
I lov him
But he smell
And the fact that he’s got a lot of hair doesn’t help that
But have no fear!
Just,,,, give him bath or shower. 
He will be fresH and make sure to shampoo and condition haiR!
Also get him some curl cream and blow dry that shit.
It’ll be stunNing!
And it’ll smell like vanilla or some shittttttt and it’ll be niceeeee
N u can run your hands through it and play with the curls n u know if u scratch behind his ear his gets all happy like a doggo
He’s a good boi!
He just needs someone to show him some love! And teach him how to properly take care of himself!
Also teach him how to properly shave because u know ya boi doesn’t know how to do that properly 
But it’s okey!
He learns!
After a lot of trial and error…
also u know with all that hair and sweat he’s got some acne
The poor boy doesn’t know what to do but you go out and buy him some skin care products and make sure he knows how to properly apply it!
Monthly spa time!
Give him a mani pedi and a nice deep condition and a face mask and put some cucumbers on his eyes!!!
He deserves it!!!
Also take away some of that greasy food he likes to eat
It’s not good for him
🥺 sorry mista but it’s for your health
But u can make up for it by giving him some smooches!
Tell him he’s a pretty boi!
Because he is!!!
He’s just a poor 18 year old that never learned how to take care of himself!
but u kiss his lil acne scars n u tell him he’s handsome n u play with his hair n give him the love he deserves!!!!
H-he babey. That all. 
N when u two finally ya know,,, get it on u make sure to let him know that u don’t care if he hairy everywhere!
U lov him!
It DONT matter!!!
U think he is stunning!
N of course let him know all the little scars he’s got from bein in the mafia DONT matter either!!!!
U kiss them!!!
And make them all okay!!!
Because it is okay!
Also idk if I mentioned this but u get him that nice old spice deodorant and it smells so good!!!
And it works so well!!!
So he’s no longer stinky!!!!
He’s fresh looking and smelling!!!
Also u help him pick out some clothes that let his skin and hair breathe so he doesn’t break out often and his hair stays nice n he’s hesitant because he’s worn the same clothes for sooo long but u convince him it’s for the best
N when he does he’s so happy!
He loves them!
What do they look like?
Gimme a sec
U get him a blue jean jacket that’s a button up in case he wants to have long sleeves
U find him a breathable shirt with the same pattern as his crop top sweater
U get him some shorts that make him look fashionable but also he can run n stuff in them
U get him some cool sneakers
U buy him a hat that’s loose and he can put his hair down or through the back of it in a lil pony tail n it’s nice
He looks so much better!!!
N u even bought him a holster!!!
It’s good.
n his stands like to chill in the pocket of the jean jacket or the shirt pocket n they’re happy too!
also in ur boobs but that’s not the point of this fic
anyway, he’s good!
And now that he’s all clean you cuddle with him more often n he loves it!
he likes to rest his head on your chest and close his eyes
U pet his hair
His stands also like to vibe inside whatever shirt or top you’re wearing n u honestly don’t mind
They just chill n rest their arms on the collar and wave at mista
Also they catch any food crumbs you drop so it’s amazing
it’s a win-win
But also awkward for Mista because he can feel anything his stands feel so the entire time he’s got a red face
Also the days you don’t wanna shave or even if u quit shaving all together, mista doesn’t give a fuck!
he’s like,,, have you seen me? Grow that leg hair out, grow out any other hair you want.
N ur like,,,, u sure?
N he’s like you put up with my hair so damn right imma love yours
So then you just vibe tbh
He makes you so confident in yourself because you did the same to him
Power couple!!!
Y’all both realize your strengths and appreciate the other for what they’ve done
It’s a good wholesome relationship 🥺🥺🥺
Oh he’s also probably self conscious about his eyebrows cause they r bushy n when he furrows them it looks like he has a unibrow 
N ur like, I can teach u to pluck ur eyebrows but also I love your bushy eyebrows?
Dem caterpillars on your face?
You kiss his forehead right between his eyebrows n tell him you love every bit of him
He just 🥺🥺🥺
anything he ever mentions
U smooch it.
It’s amazing.
His tummy?
Best pillow ever.
You give him a smooch on his tummy.
Literally anything— you make sure he knows that you love it because it’s a part of him and you love him!!!!
He’s also admitted that he wears his hat to hide his ears 
He’s got big ol’ ears and he’s self conscious about them
you give him a smooch on each ear
“What? Babe, you’re the only person I’ve been with that actually listens to me! Those ears are a plus!”
Soft boi need lov 
He was probably bullied when he was younger for how he looked and acted and so put up walls to ignore it
He likes to pretend nothing can get to him but he’s honestly really soft
He needs someone to confide in because he’s full of so many self doubts but he’s so good and doesn’t deserve to be!!!
he also likes being the little spoon sometimes
It’s nice to be held
He’s not used to affection and craves it
Give him all the snuggles
He deserves it more than life!!!!
He acts carefree and likes to live life peacefully but he probably has some sort of undiagnosed disorder like anxiety or ADHD that makes him hyper aware of bad things that could happen
When he was younger, he was less worrisome and such, but ever since joining the mafia he’s gotten more anxious
Who wouldn’t?
It’s the mafia!
He’s shown not to overthink things but I think he’s just telling himself that
A million scenarios are probably flying through his head
He’s a quick thinker!
That’s why people think he’s not too bright, because he chooses the direct route and chooses it fast
I think he’s aware of what he’s doing down to a T however.
He learns to drop his facade and actively talks with people without feeling anxious about it
he can now read and listen to music without horrible scenarios running through his head
Now, when he looks calm, he actually is
He obviously had a rather traumatic childhood whether he wants to admit it or not
When he says he wants a peaceful life he really just wants a break from his thoughts telling him that he’ll never get what he wants and that he’s not worth it
When he did things when he was younger and sort of just went wherever he wanted he thought that would help him get rid of these feelings
It didn’t
U help him to see that any life can be good if you make it so
He cracks jokes and makes others laugh and he likes to feel like he belongs
He sometimes regrets impulsively speaking all the time however, as he fears people find him annoying
He also gets really upset and angry easily
He learns to relax more though
You help him with this, of course, with all of your compliments and such
Also, this has been mentioned before, but cuddles!
Y’all love them
So nice
On the couch? Cuddles
On the bed? Cuddles
You love to be able to access his hair to mess with it and he loves to lay against your chest because free pillows
Usually he’s halfway on top of you, head against your chest as he tells u about his day
You’ll pet his head and play with his hair as he does so
He’ll have his arms around your waist and cling to you like a koala
When you want your hair messed with or just get suffocated from fluffy boi laying on you y’all will switch places
You’ll put a pillow on his chest tho
His stands will also mess with your hair
And probably walk on your back to attempt a back massage
But they’re too light so it doesn’t do much
You appreciate it anyway
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akillerqueenyouare · 5 years
me @ me: stop snacking or you won’t want your dinner
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