#sometimes i go on an unplanned hiatus
yelena-bellova · 1 year
Instinct: Din Djarin x F!Reader - Chapter Seventeen
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Chapter Seventeen: Complicated
Plot: Din and Y/n navigate a difficult conversation while taking on a new passenger on their journey.
Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings: canon typical violence, language, (16+)
A/N: PLEASE READ. Welcome back from our unexpected hiatus and thank you all for being so understanding of the wait. Twenty Years Later was entirely unplanned, but you gotta follow your ideas!
A few notes going forward on this series. A) I will not be adding anyone to the tags unless you are 16+ and have it specified on your page/bio. B) the POV will be changing to both Din and Y/n’s. TYL showed me that that’s my sweet spot for writing. C) I feel like because I’ve been writing this on and off for two years, the plot has sometimes been inconsistent. Rest assured, we have a end destination we are working towards and I think I’ve managed to make it even better than originally planned…so watch out 😏
Thank you for sticking with this!! Let’s dive back in 😘
Din and I sped through the desert, sand kicking at our heels. After what we’d been through, I was ready to get the hell off the dusty hell space and not return for a long, long time.
I was seething in heartbreak as I steered. Din had risked his life as if it was nothing. As if me and the kid were nothing. I couldn’t tell whether I was angry or hurt. It felt like every emotion I had to capacity to feel had been flooding me since Din and I had come together. I couldn’t tell what was what.
What was clear was the gut feeling that something was wrong. I scanned a rocky patch ahead of us and couldn’t see anything other than sand, boulders and-
Din and I went flying through the air.
Frantically clawing, I reached for the kid and came up empty. One of Din’s arms stayed wrapped around me while the other shot out to control his jetpack. We floated clumsily to the ground, narrowly avoiding the rolling wreckage of our speeder.
The shots started immediately. Din took a blast to the helmet, wasting not a second in shielding me with his body. I turned on my shield and unholstered my blasters along with him.
“Get the child!”
As they shouted, my eyes darted around us, spotting the kid fifteen feet away. I fired a perfect shot, laying out the raider nearest to him. Din pulled me with him as a vibroblade swung over our heads. Two raiders began to try and physically pin us. I ducked under Din’s arm, unsheathed my blade and stabbed the first one in the back. I wrenched him back, landing my boot to his head to make sure he’d stay down.
Another raider had joined the fight now and had Din pinned against the rock. I turned to attack just as he yelled.
I immediately dropped to the ground, he unleashed his whipcord launcher, and pulled the furthest raiders towards him to smack the other two in the heads. It was beautifully awkward collision.
The last of our attackers called out something in his alien dialect, drawing our attention. He was holding the kid with a knife to its throat.
“Wait,” Din urged, “Don’t hurt the child.”
I got to my feet beside him, holding my hands up to surrender.
“If you put one mark on him, there’s no place you’ll be able to hide from us,” Din continued, trying to stay calm, “We can strike a bargain. There’s a lot of value in this wreckage. Take your pick.”
The child cooed, moaning as if he wanted out of the strange embrace. My heart ached.
“But leave the child,” Din instructed, the alien’s interest was already piqued. He gestured to Din’s jetpack, seemingly ordering him to give it over.
“Okay,” Din conceded, removing the device.
“Wait, wha-“ I began, stopping when he put a hand up to me.
“Here,” he stepped forward cautiously, setting the pack down in the sand, “It’s yours. Take it.”
Din stepped back alongside me, still holding his hands in the air. My pulse raced as we waited for the being to make his choice. If he made the wrong one, I could choke the life out of him. I didn’t quite know how to yet, but I could figure it out.
Finally, the raider set down the child and moved to the jetpack. He said something in his native tongue before taking off. The child hurried towards us, running straight into Din’s hands.
“You okay?” Din asked, receiving a coo in response. I dropped my forehead to the kid’s head, feeling both relieved and drained from the fear.
As we stood huddled together, Din pressed a button on his gauntlet, triggering the jetpack and the raider to be sent straight up into the sky. I followed his body, spinning and twisting through the air, until it dropped still in the sand. Din landed the jetpack with extreme care, shrugging when both me and the child glanced over at him.
“Well, this day just got longer,” I grumbled, beginning to take stock of what was left of our supplies.
We ended up sharing the load, carrying what we could on our backs and the rest strapped around our bodies. The heat on Tatooine was unbearable without the wind generated from riding on a speeder bike. My ever simmering anger wasn’t doing me any favors.
“You’ve been quiet,” Din commented, about an hour into our long journey.
I exhaled, “Maybe I don’t have anything to say.”
Din paused and I could have sworn I heard a snort through his modulator, “That’s not it. You’re mad.”
Unable to contain it anymore, I sighed loudly. “Yes, I’m mad. But I don’t think you get why I’m mad.”
“How can I know if you don’t tell-“
“Because you almost killed yourself today, Din,” I stopped short and turned to him, “You threw yourself into that thing without a second thought. I-I mean, do you have any idea what I would have done without you? What we,” I gestured to the kid, resting in a satchel around Din’s chest, “Would have done without you?”
“I did that to save you,” Din argued, “That thing would have killed all of us, and we wouldn’t even be here to have this conversation.”
I threw a hand through my hair in exasperation, “You’re not getting it. If you die, I-“ my throat nearly caught, but I wouldn’t allow it, “If you’d have died, I would have been wrecked. Because it’s not just you anymore, Din. It’s us. The two of us, the three of us…us. You can’t do this shit anymore and it not affect anyone because,” I gestured to myself, “There’s someone.”
The loner in me was furious for revealing my hand, for telling him outright that I cared about him so deeply. By now, my feelings were so tied up with my exhaustion, I couldn’t make heads or tails of whether or not I was even making sense.
Growling to myself, I turned on my heel and resumed on the path back to Mos Eisley.
For the duration of the day, past dusk settled over the city I’d never been so happy to see, Din and I didn’t speak. Even when we entered the loud, crowded cantina to locate Peli, neither of us uttered a word.
Once we found her, Peli looked up from her cards to examine us, sweaty, dusty and exhausted. Her eyes crossed the armor draped around Din, “You finally found a Mandalorian and you killed him?”
“He wasn’t Mandalorian,” Din answered, “I bought this armor off of him though.”
“What’d that set you back?
“Killed the krayt dragon for him.”
“Oh,” Peli retorted, “Is that all?”
“He was our last lead on finding other Mandalorians,” Din replied. In other words, we were back to square fucking one.
The creature Peli was engaged in a game of cards with spoke something in their tongue.
“Okay,” Peli told him, “Well, you might be in luck. Dr. Mandible here says he can connect you with someone who can help you. If you cover his call this round,” she held up her hands in innocence, “That’s what he said.”
“How much are we putting up?” I asked, too tired for anything other than cutting to chase.
Peli paused, “Five hundred.”
“Geez,” I grumbled.
“Hey, he’s on a hot streak,” she replied.
Din and I looked to one another, both ready to put an end to the day. He wordlessly threw a bag of credits on the table.
“Is the pot right?” Peli asked, Mandible said whatever he said back to her. Her calm countenance changed, “Ha! Idiot’s Array! Pay up there, thorax!”
“I thought you said he was on a hot streak,” Din said knowingly.
“Oh, stop your crying’,” Peli said as she collected our credits, “You’ll rust,” she stopped to translate what the doctor was saying to her, “All right. He says the contact will rendezvous at the hanger. They’ll tell you where to find some Mandalorians. That’s what you wanted, right?”
“Yes,” Din responded.
“All right, well, stop your mopin’,” Peli cried as she led us out of the cantina, “More importantly, did you bring back any of that dragon meat? Better not have any maggots on it. I don’t like maggots.”
When we got back to the hanger, Din and I both excused ourselves to the Crest to clean up.
While I changed clothes, I was given time to think about all that had gone on between the two of us. I knew I was being unreasonable. Din had saved us, had he not made his almost-sacrifice, we would have surely all been killed. But that didn’t mean that I could look at it objectively. Not when he was the one at the center of the danger.
I climbed up the ladder to the cockpit, where Din was cleaning his armor. I blindly knocked on the wall to signal my presence.
“Clear,” he replied, his voice modulator the answer to the unspoken question.
I climbed the final distance, trying to figure out how to start the conversation.
“I may have, um…” I awkwardly started, “Overreacted over some things.”
Din’s head turned, finally dragging his eyes away from polishing one of his pauldrons.
“This is still new for me,” I continued, wringing my hands, “Having someone to care about and I just…I can’t…” I ran my hands over my hair, “I don’t want to think about ever…losing you. And today was just a little too close for me,” I took a shaky breath, “So, I’m sorry if I was an asshole…but I’m an asshole who cares about you.”
Din stayed still as I spoke, only moving to get up when I was finished. He crossed the cockpit and lightly took my hand into his.
“I have to remember you’re here,” Din said.
My brows dipped in confusion, “Thanks?”
“It’s easy to forget that there’s someone here who…cares.” Din continued, “That if we take risks, we take them together. But I won’t apologize for trying to save you. Ever. Everything I do is to protect you and the kid.”
My heart swelled in my chest, my fingers intertwining between his, “You make it really fucking hard to stay mad at you.”
“Isn’t that a good thing?”
“Not when I want to be mad at you,” I replied with a small smile, pushing up on my toes to press my forehead to his, “Come on, the kid’s probably eaten half of that thing by now.”
We exited the Crest to find the child still patiently waiting on the krayt meat we were roasting, using a spare engine of Peli’s.
“All right, here’s the deal,” she announced upon seeing us, “A Mandalorian covert is close. It’s in this sector, one system trailing.”
“Are they the ones that left Nevarro?” Din asked.
“Don’t know,” Peli shrugged, “All I know is that the contact will lead you to them.”
“We’re not exactly rich right now,” I stated, information this important always cost something.
“Well, that’s the great news. It’s free,” Peli bounced back on her heels, “Except for a finder’s fee, of course.”
“What’s the not-great news?” Din asked.
Peli shook her head, “Nothing. It’s all great.”
“Okay then,” I shrugged, ready to get our show on the road.
“However, there is one small skank in the skud pie,” Peli added.
I gave a joyless smile, “Of course there is.”
“The contact wants passage to the system,” Peli said, holding her hands up as if to say that she wasn’t responsible for the inconvenient turn.
“Do you vouch for them?” Din responded uncharacteristically fast.
“On my life,” Peli nodded.
Din and I shared a look, I gave a small shrug, and it was decided. “Fine.”
“And…” Peli added.
“Stop talking,” I scrunched up my face and begged.
“No hyperdrive.”
“You want us to travel sublight?” Din asked, waving his hands, “Deal’s off.”
“It’s one sector over,” Peli justified.
“And the hyperdrive’s the only thing standing between us and getting caught,” I replied.
Peli lowered her voice, “These are mitigating circumstances.”
“What do you mean ‘mitigating?’” Din asked.
Right on cue, an amphibious female entered the hanger. She looked innocent enough, hanging back and carefully watching the way the conversation was going.
“We’re not a taxi service,” Din clarified to Peli.
“I know, I know, I hear you,” Peli held up an understanding hand, “But I can vouch for her.”
The creature stepped forward and said something in her language.
“What’s the cargo?” Din relented enough to ask.
Peli got the answer neither of us could understand from her, translating it after. “It’s her spawn. She needs her eggs fertilized by the equinox or her line will end. If you jump into hyperspace, they’ll die. She said her husband has settled on the estuary moon of Trask.”
“And this is,” I gestured in the space between us four with the hand that wasn’t pressed to my temple, “Confirmed that there are Mandalorians there.”
Peli turned back, spoke in the creature’s language and listened to her reply. “She says her husband has seen them herself.”
Din and I looked to one another, I’d become well-versed in reading his lack of expressions in circumstances like these. His shoulders were raised, but not so far that he was overtly tense. His head was slightly tilted in my direction, I could imagine there was a questioning eyebrow raised at me.
Peli took our matched silence as an affirmative answer and gestured the amphibian forward. She headed off towards the Crest.
“Do you know the husband?” Din asked our friend.
“No,” Peli answered plainly, “I just met her ten minutes before you walked in.”
I exhaled loudly, “So you’re vouching on your life and risking ours for a stranger?”
“What can I say?” Peli shrugged, reaching over to the passing droid and grabbing a chunk of krayt meat, “I’m an excellent judge of character.”
Sighing, I glanced up at Din. It was a harmless job, on the surface, and it involved a better class of being than we were used to dealing with. We could walk away from it having both helped a growing family and gotten the information we needed. After all we’d seen, there wasn’t much that could scare me about the details.
I pointed towards Peli, somewhere between frowning and smirking, “Every time I think we can trust you…”
“You’re welcome,” Peli shouted as I turned on my heel, walking back towards the Crest.
Truth be told, there really wasn’t any reason to worry about our newest passenger. She sat in the cockpit alongside me and Din, silently observing her surroundings. I couldn’t get a read on her other than she was what she’d been presented as: a mother needing safe passage for her and her kids.
“Now I’m gonna ask you to stay strapped in whenever you’re seated,” Din instructed once we were off Tatooine, “Traveling sublight is a bit dicey these days. Whether it’s pirates or warlords, someone either ends up with a nice chunk of change or your ship.”
The amphibious woman replied in her own tongue, it was foreign to both me and Din.
“We don’t speak whatever language that is,” he replied, “You speak…Huttese?”
Din followed with some words of an elusive skill level in the language, coming up short of a reaction from the woman.
“Well, you seem like you’ve got this under control,” I smiled, patting his shoulder as I got up to leave.
I climbed down the first few rungs of the ladder and slid the rest of the way, landing in the cargo hold. Before we’d taken off, I’d secured the kid in our bunk, but the quiet I was surrounded by felt different than the one that came when he rested. Tapping the button to our bunk and finding it empty, I scanned the area, “Buddy?”
Upon hearing a slurping sound, I spun around to watch the child scooping out one of the woman’s eggs from their container.
“No, no, no-“ I exclaimed, surging forward to try and stop the inevitable.
Without a hint of remorse, the child inhaled one of the eggs.
I slammed the lid shut and swung him into my arms, holding them out a fair distance to get a good look at him.
“That’s not food,” I reprimanded in hushed tones, “Off limits. Completely. Understood?”
I received a burp in my face as a reply.
“Yep,” I grimaced, “That’s about right.”
The familiar thud of Din’s boots hit the ground. “What’s going on?”
“He’s eating the cargo,” I answered, carrying the kid past Din and back to the bunk, “So maybe keep an eye out if my back’s turned.”
Din sighed loudly and it was in that moment that I took stock of our lives. Of our current predicament. And all I felt I could do was…laugh.
“This is funny?” Din questioned.
“No, but…” I gestured around us, letting my hands fall against my legs after, “This is.”
Being so tuned in with one another, Din caught onto the meaning of what I was saying. When we’d met, we’d been lone rangers. Living outside the law and showing no mercy to our enemies. Now, we were chasing a little green gremlin around, trying to keep him from tearing the ship apart. There was humor to be found in how domestic we’d turned.
“Maybe a little,” Din replied, his enunciation changing with what sounded like a smile.
The child babbled behind us, safely stowed in the hammock we’d constructed to keep him close.
“If we’re going to get sleep, now’s the time to do it,” Din suggested as he crossed the room.
“Sounds good,” I sighed, reaching behind me and taking his hand.
Din climbed into the bunk first, sliding up against the wall to make room for me. It was a tight fit, but neither one of us had ever complained about it. I wiggled in beside him, laying my head on his outstretched arm.
“Another day, another adventure,” I sighed.
“Let’s hope that’s our biggest problem,” Din nodded up at the child, who was already shutting his eyes.
“Yes, let’s keep that optimism going,” I chuckled, letting my finger drift up to the edge of his helmet.
It was an unspoken desire, wishing and wondering if Din’s armor would ever come off. We had never discussed it, he never so much as mentioned it. It was just another thing to be worked around in our relationship. And for the most part, I didn’t mind. I was happy with how things were. But every once in a while, usually when we crammed into the bunk at the end of a long day, the thoughts pierced through the stiff walls of my mind.
And I could sense Din was feeling the same desire.
“Sometimes…” he let his sentence drift off.
“Hmm,” I hummed, distractedly running my middle finger agains the sharp edge of the mouthpiece.
Din paused, “I wish…”
But he’d never find his words. And if he ever did, he’d never allow himself to utter them. There was the Creed before there was anything else, including me.
I gave a small smile, trying to reassure him that he wasn’t alone, but he also didn’t have to continue. “I know,” I whispered.
In an effort to make us both feel better about our limitations, I tilted my head up and kissed the usual spot on his helmet. Right where his forehead would be. Din leaned in and the pressure against my lips increased. It was a good reminder that beneath the layers of Beskar, there was a soul, same as mine, in need of the same affection.
After, I tucked myself against Din’s chest, allowing myself to be enveloped in his arms. It was the one place where I welcomed my own vulnerability, where I’d rather let myself be consumed by it. The warmth of him, even through leather and steel, could touch my wounds and gently nudge them back into slumber.
I peered up at the child, already asleep, before resting my head under the chin of Din’s helmet. It was our version of peace, and to me, it was perfect.
Instinct Taglist: @never-no-locomotive @damerondala @x-judyjude-x @jellybeanstacey0519 @elinedjarin @eternallyvenus @kalea-bane @xsnak-3x @xmoonknightly @1800-get-alfie @toinfinityandbeyonce2 @burninggracesandbridges @alwaysdjarin @boneyarrd @mxltifxnd0m @hellu-people1 @avengersfan25 @pedr0swh0r3 @baekmack @djarinsstuff @kaitieskidmore1 @paola-carter @allophonicmess @girlofchaos @pedrettilov3r @tsunamistorm123 @ranjaaaaa2 @melonmochi @hawsx3 @evienorville @brilliantopposite187
Din Djarin Taglist: @damerondala @x-judyjude-x @elinedjarin @mads-weasley @kalea-bane @1800-get-alfie @burninggracesandbridges @alwaysdjarin @mxltifxnd0m @siriuslymooned @hellu-people1 @avengersfan25 @pedr0swh0r3 @baekmack @djarinsstuff @kaitieskidmore1 @paola-carter @allophonicmess @girlofchaos @pedrettilov3r @sirtommyholland @dumbbitchenergy17 @star-of-velaris @tsunamistorm123 @d4rno @follows-the-life-ahead @futuristicdragonprincess @captain-creampuff @kinokomoonshine @ranjaaaaa2 @melonmochi @hawsx3 (tags cont. in comments)
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dystopicjumpsuit · 7 months
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Hello there!
I'm back from my unplanned/unscheduled/involuntary hiatus. Real Life™ got in the way, but I'm back, and I'm ready to simp. Brace yourself for an onslaught of reblogs while I catch up on my notifications; y'all were busy! Sorry/not sorry for flooding your dash.
May I ask a favor?
If I'm on your taglist, and you posted a fic or artwork in the last couple of weeks but never saw me lurking in your notifications, would you please comment with the link? This also goes for folks without a taglist who normally see a lot of me in your notifs! Only if you feel like it, of course! I'll be working my way through everything Tumblr notified me of, but I assume the hellsite is still failing epically in delivering notifications, and I don't want to miss anything.
A note on future fics/chapters:
I missed uploads. I know. I'm sorry. I'm doing my best to catch up. I didn't have time to write or read anything while I was away, so there's a backlog, but I promise I'll get through it. Chapter 5 of Stars Beyond Number will be on Tumblr hopefully sometime this week, but if you're itching to read it, I did post it over on AO3 this morning (because Tumblr's formatting is just so... special). I'm going to try to post a bonus chapter this week as well.
As far as shorter fics go, here's a little preview of what you can expect in the next few weeks:
Who's the Alpha Now? Part 2: Bondage Boogaloo
Jesse x reader one-shot for @anxiouspineapple99's Monster!AU Halloween event
A shorter multi-chapter toxic smut fic that fans of "Everybody Hates Neyo" (and part 2) are going to enjoy
A super-secret gift fic for the @rare-clone-fic-exchange event 👀 (taglist peeps, keep your eyes open; my giftee is a beloved, longtime reader)
"Martyrs and Kings AND ZOMBIES!!!" - a Halloween one-shot ft. Kix, Maree, and the crew of the Meson Martinet
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userholland · 2 years
blurb idea: tom and reader are friends who flirt a lot and have shared drunk kisses once a while but tom wants to make it official 💗
pairing- bestfriend!tom x female!reader [friends with benefits (to lovers) au]
contains- making out, drinking, playful teasing, sudden love confession, tom being awkward (lmao)
word count- 1k
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Something about the summertime made you feel freer. Instead of being stuck in your house as snow fell and the roads were icy, you and your friends stayed out as long as you could during warm nights. Whether it was in a pub and dancing to the people singing karaoke or sitting around the park when it was empty, you always had something to do. But, it was always better when you were with Tom.
Taking a year hiatus on acting, he came back to London to relax from the busy schedule that Hollywood made for him. Scared about burning out and hating acting, it was his ultimate decision to come back home and mostly, come back to you.
For the last few years, you and Tom found yourselves in an odd but beautiful predicament. After being close at parties or always driving home together, an attraction blossomed between you but felt like horrible timing. He was doing movies in the States, you were studying at uni and then traveling once you started working. You couldn't have been more far apart, but that didn't mean the effort was lost with the hectic lives you lived.
But, this summer has been the best. Staying out late, sometimes going on bar hops, getting ice cream after a long day, all of that with some secret make-outs and unplanned sleepovers. Although you flirted in front of your friends, they know that something was there and they didn't tease you (much of the time). You two didn't mind their jokes and poking at your friendship.
It was a Saturday night and it was another dinner that lasted longer than usual. Eleven o'clock just passed and you, Tom and a few friends were sat outside with your finished plates and third round of drinks. Laughter, smiling and a bit of a buzz. You were leaning your head on Tom's shoulder as he was talking about a Tottenham and Liverpool game with his friends, smiling at the way he got revved up about his soccer.
You giggled, "Kevin, why don't you just give him the ten pounds and call it a day. You two are so back and forth." You teased the boys and their bickering.
"Cough it up, mate." Tom added, smirking and watched his friend dig into his front pocket for cash. He handed him the ten pound and Tom took the satisfaction from it.
"It's getting late, I think we're gonna head out." Your friend, Natalie, told you both, "You two coming?"
You and Tom shared a look then turned back with Tom replying, "No, I think we'll stay around for a bit." Tom nodded.
Biting the inside of your cheek, you agreed to Tom's statement.
Your friends could have teased you, but they wanted to walk off their buzzes and get into a bed with their eyes weighing heavy. They all sweetly said goodnight before you nuzzled your face against Tom's chest as you curled up in the chair next to him.
"Your place or mine?" You giggled.
He grinned, "We should go to yours. I don't want the guys giving me shit."
"Why? It's so cute how red you get. Thinking you're playing cool... it shows your true acting talents." You teased him as you leaned back up, stretching your back.
"Exactly, yes. I don't like to over-extent my talents." He chuckled, tickling your stomach and you quickly curled up next to him.
The walk to your place was enjoyable, both of you so bubbly from the few drinks you had and no one else around to hear your infectious giggling echo within the empty streets. There were the occasional kisses when you shared bright glances, light chuckles between your lips until you were at your front door.
After lazily opening the lock, the two of you took your shoes off by the door and then found the path to your bedroom. Tom fell on the bed, his back lightly bouncing against the mattress before you laid down next to him.
"It's hard to think that you'll be gone again soon..." You trailed, tracing your finger over his bottom lip then moving your hand up to run your fingers through his curls.
"Don't say that." He trailed, rubbing your shoulder.
You pouted, "I can't help it. You're here then you're not. Like it's only a few more weeks until you're working and it's been nice... being together again."
Tom sighed, "I've been thinking about staying longer. I know, it gets hard being without you too." He admitted with all sober words.
You turned your head up toward him, "You mean that?"
"Of course." He trailed, his eyes glancing between yours and your lips.
You didn't say anything, feeling a bit emotional at the thought of him leaving again. You didn't want to take the time you already had together for granted, but it was hard to know he would be away again. All the feelings of loneliness and wondering eating away at both of you in separate places.
Tom leaned up, kissing your temple and he nodded, "I've been trying to find a way to say this and... well, now seems like an okay time to." He half-joked, sitting up.
You furrowed your eyebrows at him, but his pinks were so pink that it had to be something oddly important. You giggled, "What's got you smiling so hard?"
"I know that we've had this thing for a while, and it feels on and off, but I really like you. I didn't know if I was ever gonna say it, but I really do and just because we're apart doesn't mean we can't be together, right?" Tom asked, a bit flustered.
Your response is a smirk with a sparkle in your eyes as you tilt your head.
"So, do you want to... do you want to date? Make it official." Tom added, turning even more pink.
You tried holding your giggle back, and he started to chuckle out of being nervous.
Tom smiled, "Why aren't you saying anything?"
"I just like seeing you squirm." You grinned, bursting into a giggle fit, but Tom playfully put his arm around you. He pulled you on top of him and held each side of your face, your noses brushing against one another's before your lips met.
You pulled away, "You really thought I would say no?"
"Not no, but there was always that off-chance you could say no. Once you realized you were insanely beautiful and-"
"Shut up." You snickered before pulling him back in for a kiss.
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robincantfunction · 1 year
𝐋𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐚𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐰 ♪
pt. 11
|series masterlist|main masterlist|taglist|
ex bf - friend!james potter x reader (platonic)
bf sirius black x reader
summary: after sirius left his family, james starts to realise quite how badly he screwed up, and although he appears to already be forgiven by everyone involved, there’s one last person that still hasn’t. himself. (this is quite repetitive i won’t lie, but it’s mostly just a look into james’ guilt.)
warnings: kinda angsty on james’ part. swearing, mention of hospitals, smoking (just cigarettes), talks of cheating, self loathing from james - i have a habit of writing james really ooc, so hopefully this has redeemed it slightly. because we all know if james cheated on someone his guilt would be through the roof. i should also mention, sometimes this series (especially this part) might seem a little bit like i’m condoning cheating, and like it’s not a big deal. i assure you that’s not the case, and if y/n was my friend i might have to stage an intervention.
a/n: this randomly switches from lowercase to not all lowercase, back to lowercase again cause during my 8 month hiatus i put my caps lock on and off again and couldn’t be bothered to change it, and i started writing this before i took an unplanned break.
but anyway hello! i’m back. hopefully for a while cause i have some wip’s that i’m very excited to start writing again. but yes i hope this was worth the wait (it probably wasn’t)
gif not mine
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when lily wasn’t there for him to be blinded, he started to notice the reasons he began to fall for y/n in the first place. of course, he wasn’t going to do anything. she was happy, he was happy. but seeing her happy with someone else made him admittedly more jealous than it should’ve. he broke her heart, he left her alone, it was his fault. he shouldn’t have been upset, but standing in st. mungos seeing y/n curled up into sirius’ side asleep whilst he was looking at her, just studying all of her features, and playing with her hair, he felt a pang to his heartstring. but if he was completely honest with himself, instead of living in a constant state of denial, he would have realised that feeling wasn’t jealousy. it was guilt. because watching them made him think about when he could have had that, and he threw her on the floor like he would a crumpled up potions essay.
“prongs, mate. sit down. y’alright?” sirius said softly, as to not make him jump, and to not wake up y/n. james chuckled slightly, bringing a chair beside his bed. using the same soft tone, he responded “you’re in a hospital bed, and you’re asking if i’m alright?” sirius shrugged with a slight laugh “y’just looked a bit in your own head s’all.” james nodded, barely meeting sirius’ eye “d’you think she hates me?” he nudged his head towards y/n, worried of what sirius would think his question insinuates.
“well… i don’t know. i don’t think so. she was a wreck, james, but i don’t think she could ever really hate you.” taking a bit of a pause, he thought about his next words carefully. “she really struggled, y’know. found it hard to find a reason to get out of bed. thought she wasn’t good enough, not just for you, but for the world. it took its toll. but…” he looked down at her then back at james, stroking and playing with her hair unconsciously. “if she hated you she wouldn’t have cared she wasn’t good enough, she wouldn’t have tried to keep the peace when with our friends, she would have shown you how mad and sad she was, instead of letting you be happy because that’s all that mattered.” james looked relieved, but his speech didn’t do much for his guilt. but that was ok, he deserved the guilt. he knew that.
“so to answer your question, i don’t know. because i’m not y/n, but i do know her. and i can safely say that if she truly hated you, she would have done everything in her power to ruin your happiness. but she didn’t. she didn’t even tell anyone what happened.”
those words were stuck on a loop in james’ head for about a week. over and over, each words replayed with a different meaning. each word held a story, her story, his story, their story. and each one ended with lily and james. but not all of them ended with sirius, because what if? what if sirius hated james for initially ruining his chances with the girl he liked? what if he didn’t stick around? what if he wasn’t there to save the day when y/n needed him?
what if?
what if?
what if?
every time it would just get louder, the voice in the back of his mind. “you could have ruined her belief in love.” “you could have left her alone and someone might not have been there for her.” “you were so selfish, sleeping with lily.” it all drowned out and merged into one big noise, every voice somehow making an appearance every time he opened his eyes, closed his eyes, looked the other way, turned around…
“james.” he was cut off by y/n, her and sirius were staying with him for the rest of the summer. sirius because he had no where else to go, and y/n because neither her nor sirius wanted to leave the other. both james and his parents were understanding, and he wasn’t going to get in the way of her happiness again. “what’s wrong?” she asked, mildly concerned by his behaviour the past couple of days.
“I just want to say sorry” she cocked her head in confusion. “Sorry? Why?” He chuckled humourlessly. “I was a selfish dick to you, who used you to get over a girl i slept with not too long afterwards. And you’re asking me what I’m sorry for?” She shook her head. “James I don’t care anymore. Ok, I was hurt. I wanted to hate you. But I wouldn’t have Sirius without what happened. Because we’d have broken up in a nice clean way, and sirius wouldn’t be needed to help my heartbreak. Things happen for a reason, james. Don’t beat yourself up so much”
That conversation stuck with him, he never thought he’d be missing y/n. And he wasn’t, not really. He was just hiding behind denial and guilt, forcing himself to belief that he hurt her beyond repair. turns out hindsight is a bitch, and james didn’t know how to handle it. he always prided himself in being a classic, charming ‘nice’ guy. but what he did was anything but, and he couldn’t stop the thoughts swirling around his mind telling him that he was a bad person, that he didn’t deserve y/n when he had her, and he certainly doesn’t deserve lily now.
james was standing outside his house in the rain, hiding in the little shelter near the back door, he pulled a pack of cigarettes out of his coat pocket, along with a lighter. as he was fumbling with the box, trying to get one out and light it, his mind was continuing to wander. over the past two weeks he was being plagued by guilt, by the idea that he could have hurt someone so badly that they could have stopped believing in something like love. in something that he strongly believed was one of the best things anyone could ever experience.
he was so lost in his thoughts that he didn’t hear sirius open the back door, also sneaking out for a cheeky cigarette whilst y/n was getting ready for bed.
“didn’t realise you were anything more than a social smoker, prongs”
he jumped at sirius’ words, making the boy across from him chuckle as he, too, pulled out a pack from his coat. “well, not normally. just too much going on in my head at the minute, needed something to take the edge of, i guess.” sirius nodded, hesitating slightly before he spoke. “yeah, i noticed that. seriously, prongs, what’s going on. you’ve been acting funny since me and y/n/n got here. since st. mungos. do you not want us here? cause we can-“
james was quick to cut him off “no. no! it’s not that, i just-“ he stopped for a minute, debating whether or not he should be honest with sirius. “i keep thinking about what i did. about the way i treated y/n. and i know- i know that she’s ok, and i know that you two may never have been together if i didn’t, but- but that’s still a person that i hurt. that i completely disregarded the feelings off for my own selfish reasons. when i could have just had a conversation with her and everything would have been fine.” he took a breath and looked up from where he’d been gazing down at his shoes, trying to judge how sirius was going to act based off of his face. he didn’t know what he was expecting, but he certainly wasn’t expecting the sympathetic half smile that he was currently wearing. “i didn’t have to hurt her, if i’d have walked her back to her dorm when she was drunk, like any decent person would have, we’d have spoken about it and we’d have probably broken up before we even got to her common room. but i didn’t. i chose to hurt her”
after he’s finished speaking sirius shook his head slightly, taking a long drag of his cigarette whilst trying to form the right words to say, without trying to add to james’ guilt. “mate, everyone makes mistakes. granted, it was a shitty, shitty mistake. but a mistake is a mistake. and it’s not ok, and you did hurt her, a lot. but you feel guilty about it. most people that cheat don’t care, it’s a game to them. they’re happy to pretend like nothing happened and all is still perfectly fine. but you’ve been torn up about this for weeks, probably more than that. it’s just finally sinking in. y/n’s okay prongs. she’s okay. and as shitty as it was, everything happens for a reason.” just as he finished speaking he saw y/n through the window on the back door. he gestured to her that he’d be inside in a second, and gave her a smile. she smiled back and he watched as she walked towards the kitchen.
smiling slightly at the look on his friends face, james nudged sirius with his shoulder “you really love her, pads… don’t you?” sirius was quick to nod his head absentmindedly, before his eyes went wide. he looked at james before nodding his head again, this time really letting it sink in. “yeah, yeah i guess i do.”
aghhhhh thank you for reading that and sorry for the long wait. hopefully the next part shouldn’t take nearly as long. honestly i don’t know if i like this, but oh well. it was always going to be a filler chapter, but yeah hopefully it’s not too bad.
d.t.n.f.a.j @jessyballet @Snigdha-14 @haroldpotterson @cherryslushyslut @nyks-bella-blog @aliendemigods @wherewitcheslive @adriennebarnes @espressopatronum454 @thepersonbeep1 @melliegorl @idli-dosa @siriusdumblittlepuppy @allise4 @blackqueens01 @-kazbekkarluvbot- @directionerarianator @theonethatmustnotbenamed @mortui--flores @ilovedilfs32 @allise4 @eclipsedsuns @rslry @cassiopeia1042 @hcloangcls
j.p @kissmeunicornbaobei @s8liva @momoewn @roundbrownlover @slut-for-matt-murdock @chandlemania @cassiopeia1042 @hcloangcls
s.b @messy-insomniac @imintofictionalmen @spookybooisa @siriuslyjanhvi @blackst0nes7077 @sassybadqueen @itzzzzcookie @x-heartrender-x @j-cat @nestiaisgod @kissmeunicornbaobei @dcvilslvr @momoewn @roundbrownlover @eyelovelhh @slut-for-matt-murdock @chandlemania @cassiopeia1042 @hcloangcls
(sorry it’s been so long quite a lot of people’s names have changed. also if you don’t want to be on the taglist anymore just let me know! :)
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frecklystars · 3 months
I'm sorry if this is weird to say but I really enjoy your vent art. I don't enjoy your suffering but every time you post vent art it's always so soft and god I missed you. I was horrified when you left, then you came back and I learned everything your abuser did, the whole time you were gone I was worried you died and I was just crying when you came back because I assumed you couldn't fight anymore. You're a fighter and it shows in your art. I'm sorry you feel so bad but Ken loves you, ok?
oh no i totally get it, that's not weird. that's very flattering. i used to make vent art much more often but after i came back from my unplanned 9-month hiatus i was like........ in such shambles i could not draw anything until Barbie breathed life back into me
im really touched that you missed me, even moreso that it had affected you so deeply. im sorry that i worried you. disappearing for 9 months was not supposed to happen. if i knew the person who claimed to be my best friend was going to cut off my other friends from me while i was unable to contact them, spread rumors when i was literally just sitting in a hospital bed and dying, tell other people on this hellsite when asked abt me and where i disappeared to, "oh keri is fine :) don't worry abt her", completely isolate me and track down where i work and call my workplace and demand i speak to her 24/7, attempt to track down where i live, asking my friends behind my back about my family's phone numbers, etc, jesus christ i wish i could go back in time and stop myself from ever interacting with that person. if i knew then what i know now i would have run for the hills
the last year and a half has been the Worst of my entire life. there are so many things behind closed doors i have not posted about, out of fear for my safety. there's so much shit you guys don't know. i'm scared and exhausted all the time.
but im finally at least at a point where im not isolated anymore, im socializing as often as i can, i'm self shipping again even if it's really really fucking hard sometimes, and i'm making baby steps to reclaim all of the characters/things that were turned into triggers. it feels so hopeless sometimes, like all the fighting i've done to escape/heal from my abuser doesn't feel worth it because i am so. tired. all. the time. and still facing unsafe situations regarding that whole goddamn thing. it's been over a year and it doesn't feel like i'm ever going to fully heal if i feel so on edge all the time. but messages like this always help me feel better. im sorry you've had to see my at my worst for so many months now
thank you for taking the time to send this, i appreciate you more than i can put into words rn. mentally giving you so many hugs. and hey, thank you for appreciating my vent art. if i don't draw out my feelings i think i'd go crazy haha, so i'm glad at least one person feels Something when looking at it, i'm glad it can give you some positive feelings. and thank you for missing me. even if you and i have never spoken one-on-one, you should know i missed you too. i missed all the positive connections i had with everyone and every single kind word in my inbox is refreshing and a reminder of that.
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If requested are still available, I would love to see a continuation of the Addams Family MC with the side characters. It will be interesting to see how they react.
I am so sorry for the unplanned hiatus! Work and school was beating me over the head! 
Here’s the post with the brothers!
Addams Family MC With the Side Characters!
When MC was first pulled into the Devildom, in all honesty, Diavolo thought they pulled down a demon who was on vacation. It’s just… MC dressed in such demonic attire! They looked great, don’t get him wrong, but he was expecting some… brighter clothing. With significantly less knives attached.
Once MC and Diavolo begin to build a rapport, the demon prince couldn’t help but wonder… was the human world really as similar to the Devildom as MC was saying, or did MC just… live a bit of a weird life? He’d have to check with Solomon later. (Not that the wizard lived a life that was any less weird…)
Poor Diavolo tried to take MC on a trip through the Royal gardens once to show off some of his unique plants he was sure MC would enjoy, but tragically, MC pointed out that they already had plants like this at their great aunt’s estate.
“It’s terribly haunted, constant screams of the damned, not quite sure who’s cries are from those still living… it’s a wonderful vacation spot! We should all take a trip there sometime!” “Oh… yes that sounds lovely…”
It’s not that Diavolo isn’t enthralled by the idea of hanging out with MC’s great aunt, it’s that Diavolo just wants to impress the human… we here at Stupid Headcanons Inc. hope that MC is willing to at least pretend to be shocked and amused by all the weird happenings in the Devildom… for Diavolo’s sake.
This might come as a shock for some but… this man is strangely smitten with this strange new human. Their aesthetic is absolutely on point, their mannerisms, so refined and elegant with a dangerous edge, like the intricately carved knives Barbatos keeps in his alleged torture dungeon.
He tries to deny his attraction (be it as a friend-crush or a romantic one), but he can’t help but try and… show off around MC.
Expertly pour them teas from all over the Devildom, share his knowledge and expertise on all manner of different subjects, maybe even… show off his bare wrists 🤭
It’s once Barbatos properly explains his powers that MC gets really into it.
“Oh, all that knowledge of times gone by and times yet to come… I bet it just drives you intoxicatingly mad, doesn’t it?” “…honestly, yes, sometimes. Knowing there is a timeline out there where I did not have the amazing fortune of meeting you of course.”
Barbatos expertly positioned a fainting couch nearby so if MC swooned too hard they wouldn’t fall onto the hard floors of the castle and get a concussion, but it wasn’t MC who ended up needing the couch. The human dreamily sighed and managed to just graze Barbatos’ bare collarbone as they pinned a black rose they found to his uniform.
The poor demon was passed out on that couch for an hour.
This poor vaguely confused Angel… first he can’t figure out how the computer works, now he’s concerned that this human took to the Devildom a little too well. The dark clothing and almost Victorian mannerisms were captivating yes, but what if they influenced Luke and Simeon had to deal with his charge going through a goth phase???
But other than worrying about the fate of his little companion, Simeon couldn’t help but marvel at this human and all their strangeness. Though, he nearly had an aneurysm when he caught them cutting the petals off his flower displays.
“Please don’t ever do that again, MC…” “Why ever not? This place is far too bright and colourful.” “For your tastes maybe, but I prefer at least a few pops of colour here and there.”
While MC didn’t exactly understand why Simeon would want something as strange as colour in this perfectly dark and gloomy place, they didn’t want to upset their friend, so they complied. (Much to Simeon’s relief and appreciation)
A bosom friendship was formed when Simeon was trying to branch out into writing gothic short stories and MC arrived to help. Well, they didn’t help intentionally, really, they were just sharing anecdotes from their latest family reunion and Simeon just wrote that stuff down. MC has a… for lack of a better word, “colourful” family.
Oh this guy has definitely become an honorary Addams at some point in history through virtue of just how WEIRD he is.
He’s the weird cousin of the family, MC knows him well. Where do you think the family got all their wonderful plants, pets and magical oddities?
The sorcerer is completely in phased by the family’s weirdness and goes out of his way to ask about all the fun things they’ve been up to while he’s been too busy to visit.
“Well, not much has happened in recent years, Solomon. Though, we did dance the mamushka at the last family reunion.” “You did?! Damn, I wish I could have been there. I was the best at that dance, you know.”
Once MC can start using magic, he demands to be in charge of all of their lessons, he’s family, after all!
MC is single handedly responsible for Luke’s goth phase.
It happened suddenly and without warning… just… one day MC and Luke went out shopping, and Luke came back dressed like a little gothic Victorian boy with his hair slicked back. (He looked like a tiny blonde Gomez Addams to be honest. Very cute 10/10)
Simeon passed out (tragically not near any fainting couches). Solomon applauded. Asmo took a million pictures.
At first though, Luke thought MC was another demon. Their sense of style and general demeanour really freaked him out, and on more than one occasion, he actively ran away. MC didn’t mind, they were used to inspiring fear in the populous 🖤
But one day, Barbatos invited MC to one of the baking lessons, and Luke realized that this human was alright. Sure they were a little weird, but who wasn’t? And the cookies they made were really really good! They were shaped like little cobwebs :D
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unorcadox · 1 year
2 years of unorcadox.
hey hi welcome all -- hello especially to my trans and nonbinary followers, hope we’re all doing well ^_^  today’s the blog’s birthday!!  as of this post going live, assuming tumblr actually does its job, it will have been 2 years since uo’s first post!  i wanna just talk about the blog a little because i haven’t talked on here much as of late.
however, before that, i want to just say that i’d like to eventually start releasing video edits to accompany certain edits!  i have no idea when this’ll get sorted, but i’m gonna try to get it ready by the turn of the year, so keep an eye out for that!  these will mostly just be a single edit with accompanying audio on them, but who knows.  maybe i’ll do something more?
in case you choose to not read the stuff below the read more, i just want to say thank you to everyone for supporting the blog over the years, and for continuing to do so!  anyways, onto the actual post:
first of all, thank you all SO much for 9000 followers!!  it’s over 9000 wow!!  ok but seriously, when i first started this blog, i didn’t expect anyone to ever see it.  i know it’s a cliche thing to say but i told no one i was making it, i didn’t network to other blogs, i just made a really shitty edit and slapped it up on here, and somehow i got lucky.  i’ve made over 800 edits as of today’s post, and that’s just the ones i’ve posted!  fun fact, if i’d never mass-posted my backlog in august, i would’ve ran out literally days ago.  that’s how much content i try to stay ahead on.
second of all, i kinda wanna take a moment to say that i’m sorry about the lack of requests being fulfilled -- both recently and in the past.  i edit in batches, and prioritize content i need for scheduling purposes, but sometimes requests get kinda forgotten in the shuffle, or i don’t really have much in the way of ideas for it, so i shelve it and hope i can come back to it later... which i very rarely do.  😔  going to try and catch up on a couple of ones i have and feel free to send in more!  i know i don’t really interact as much on here as i probably should, but i love getting asks and requests and i read the notes on my posts frequently so.  thank you for being there!
third of all, the future of the blog.  so, i want to make this clear now -- uo’s not going anywhere!  i don’t intend on changing the blog at all, if anything i’d want to add onto it.  i post 3 times a day now currently, with intermittent unplanned posts at off-times, mostly reblogs of others’ edits.  however, weirdcore is probably not forever and i am kinda thinking about where this blog could go in the future.  i’ve considered opening a redbubble, ko-fi or patreon, as a way to support myself financially (i take virtually every photo used on this blog, and use very little outside content esp. in these newer edits) but i am uncertain about it.  i could also try branching out my image editing into other styles or something, but idk what!  what would you guys like to see?  i’ve considered actually talking on the blog more, transitioning to having text posts be a major part of the blog, but i’m not quite sure about how they’d be received.  let me know if you want to see anything on here!  --  relatedly since we’re mentioning blogs, check out @dreamlink3d as i’m still working on it :)
one last thing actually, for those who choose to read the read more, enjoy the secret -- before i had to go on hiatus in august, i was working on trying to attach songs to specific uo edits, for a compilation album of some kind.  i ended up running them through a site that just attaches audio to an uploaded images in ...ways i don’t understand, BUT the end results were so fun, i edited and compiled them into 2 “albums”!  i don’t consider them my own work as i didn’t make the audio, and they won’t be used in the upcoming stuff, but you can listen to them here [1] and here [2] !  click on a song title to see its associated edit btw!
i know i said the last thing was the last but i just remembered actually, i want to say like.  it’s weird being one of the “first” weirdcore blogs to really hit its stride, and one of the only from that time to still be around and actively posting.  cahwwcabh is deactivated and they were a huge influence on me and wc as a whole, sanfor has deactivated, shwenthe/hazy/dragon/hauntedearth/a lot more tbh have more or less gone inactive, godenteredmybody and pirate-flavor still post intermittently, and most of the active blogs now are a newer set that i didn’t ever meet in my time in weirdcord.  it’s weird but cool in a way!  i really like the newer set of editors tbh, and i hope that me supporting them encourages people to check them out.  in general this whole section is meaningless but idk i felt like vocalizing it.  it’s a weird feeling watching all your peers more or less move on while you stay behind and see a new wave of artists take their place more or less.  anyways, i just hope that my edits still bring happiness and meaning to the people who see them :)
ok NOW i’m done.  sorry for the wall LMAO i just felt like actually saying something for once on here.  btw i’ve been doing a lot better since i got back from hiatus, i hope you (yes you, the reader of this post) are doing well too -- i know this blog tends to lean heavily on negative emotions, and as such it kinda attracts people who are troubled -- so i feel like i gotta check in every once in a while LMAO.  i hope life is being kind to you, thank you so much, and have a lovely day <3.
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mrluntthehandsomer · 10 months
S-Cape Vlog Time (returns!)
(Swallowing some food he had earlier) Ah, there. Much better. Now I can talk. (Deep breath, then turns to the camera) Hello, friends! I’m back after a very long, unplanned and unexpected hiatus! Heh.. When the life of a superhero slows down, there’s not much to talk about!
But I can see that, uh.. my inbox is filled with questions and concerns. So this video is going to address all of those. And maybe more.
Um, okay first, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you I was stopping. If you’ve seen me in the streets fighting crime, then you know that I was busy 😅. But nowadays, things seem to have slowed down so I’m okay with starting these up again.
I’m okay, I’m alive, thank God. I’m frustrated, I’m annoyed, I’m- (blinks) Where did that come from? Anyways, you’ve probably seen the league not together so much these days. I can explain that.
(Deep breath, then snaps) Vogue is wrong, Thingamabob is wrong and LarryBoy needs to wise up and say something before this whole team falls apart! I can’t be the only one here speaking sense! I don’t want to get to specific but we’re having a disagreement and it gets me angrier and angrier every time I think about it. Sometimes, I don’t even care if I get tricked with a coupon. I don’t! If it means that I have more time to myself and my thoughts, then so be it! I just want to help the town but no one gets it! They don’t understand, man! I want to be a hero but I don’t know what kind of hero to be! And it’s driving me CRAZY!! (pushes his ringlight over and the phone falls down)
(Pants heavily and picks everything up. Then suddenly smiles like nothing happened) Like and subscribe for more! See you next time! 😁 S-Cape AWAY!
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Hi sorry I have missed the last like many many months (health stuff has Happened™), the last thing I remember is you taking a short break/hiatus? I used to read this au every day. Would you mind just bullet pointing a couple key things that have happened in this au in the last couple months? Scrolling through, I see people talking about the Blake incident, maybe if you just tell me where I can start reading for that?
So sorry to be annoying. Missed this au so much- 🌸
Hi, Blossom! No worries, you're not being annoying at all!
If I'm being honest, my (unplanned) break/hiatus really ended sometime last week, so nothing plot-related has really happened. I've had a fews asks here and there, we played an ask game to learn more about the couples, the kids went on a bowling trip, and (if we go back a couple months) we did another crossover! It was with a friend of mine and their Moomin AU, but it wasn't plot heavy.
Right now, everyone's just talking to Clover because Noir (black cat anon) just wanted to poke him a bit and get him involved. It turned into a bit of character work, trying to get him to see how his actions when he interrogated Blake way back when was inappropriate and trying to help him change.
Otherwise, there's not too much going on right now. Anyone can chime in and help out if it feels like I'm glossing over something (maybe I didn't think something was important that you guys do as readers?), but for now, that's where we are!
If you have anymore specific questions I'd be happy to answer them! With the break and time skip and gaps I'm sure you're not the only one who's a little thrown off, so you might even help someone else! I'm happy to see you around, again and I hope your health stuff gets sorted out! Take care 🤗
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fanniballecter · 1 year
3, 5, and 7 for the writing game pleaassee ❤️
omg am i actually gonna have to use my brain and think??? well i'll try!
3. what's your favorite line of dialogue you've ever written?
maaaannn this is hard. i really like my use of first person for the robot's sections in synthetic love because the development of his internal dialogue shows his sentience developing, but as for a single line?? i quite like this that i used in the summary of this is inevitable (i love us) - “I feel like I didn’t start living my life until I met you. Like I took a long hiatus somewhere in the middle.” the idea of taking a hiatus on life.
5. do you have a specific character you don't like writing at all?
not so far, i don't think!! i think there are some that would be difficult to write which would put me off from writing some fandoms, but i've not written anyone and not liked it i don't think!
7. do you plan ahead when you write or go with the flow?
a mix of both! like, i like to know where a story is going when i write it but there can be some unplanned deviations on the journey if it feels right. for really short stories though, sometimes you can just go with it
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katierosefun · 1 year
hi caroline! 6 & 8 for the ask game pleaseeee :)
thanks for the ask, roo!! // from these asks
6. what is something that you’ve always wanted to do but have never been able to do?
probably send my parents on a proper vacation. i consider my relationship with my parents to be incredibly complex, but i think there's still this really strong part of me that wishes i could at least send them off on some vacation by themselves, just because i know that my own parents were able to do the same for their own parents.
8. what is something that gets to you that you wish wouldn’t?
ooph, i think these days . . . it has to be sometimes people on my fics asking when i'm going to update x or update y , , , i feel mostly grateful that people are still interested in whatever wip i took an unplanned hiatus on, but i think sometimes, they feel like intense demands, and sometimes i think i feel a little sad because i want to explain myself. one commenter did just ask when i was going to update a story on a different story that i'd posted, and that had gotten to me more than i thought it would.
i think ultimately, though, the gist of why those kinds of comments get to me is because they make me feel . . . like . . . a relationship is transactional? and i don't particularly like that, especially when i have other things going on in my personal life and etc. thankfully, this only happens once in a while, but i feel like it's been happening weirdly more . . . frequently these days, which is why i needed to take a step back and just. not write fic for a few weeks because i realized it was doing unpleasant things to my brain lol
(thankfully, we're getting back to writing now, and we're trying to balance out the demanding comments with the nicer ones!)
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onwriting-hrarby · 2 years
a little update + holidays
Some update: I am going on vacation tomorrow, and it's very much needed. I haven't been doing well emotionally and mentally these past few months and it's all coming now in the worse ways possible.
While I plan to update next chapter this Sunday or the next, I am wondering whether or not I should really take a step back this month and not write and not feel out of schedule. My plan was to give you a chapter before August, but watching how Chapter 10 is looking...
I think sometimes it's alright to breathe. RJ is my hobby but it's straining sometimes, too. So, if you don't have an update this Sunday, consider that I am on vacation and maybe we'll go to August. Sorry for the unplanned hiatus.
I will also be lurking here less and interacting less, but I will leave some tweets scheduled and some Tumblr surprises scheduled too! Have a nice July y'all. <3
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patt-writes-stuff · 2 years
Maid for Each Other
Pairing: Prince! Kiyoomi Sakusa x fem! Reader
Word count: 1.5k
Warnings: nothing that I can think about, except maybe the fact that y/n works since she was like a kid.
A/N: HI IM BACK FROM MY VERY LONG UNPLANNED HIATUS KINDA!!!! Writing this made me realize how much I miss it so I might open up requests for drabbles and hcs soon
Genre: fluff
Tags: Royal Au, Childhood friends to lovers, semi forbidden love.
Summary: You’ve come to terms with the fact that you and Kiyoomi can never be together. Really, you have. Kiyoomi, on the other hand, is very much determined to make it happen.
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Growing up as the daughter of a maid gave you opportunities most common folk like yourself would only dream of having. For example, you got to live in a castle. True, you lived in the much less lavish boarding area where cooks, knights, and other maids lived but walking through the lavish corridors was still something few people could say they’ve done, even if you do it with a mop and a bucket of sudsy water on hand. The best part of it all was that you met Prince Kiyoomi, son of the King and Queen of Itachiyama and he became your closest friend. Even years later, you still look back at the memory of how you met with utmost fondness.
You took a bite of your apple, reveling in the satisfying crunch followed by the delicious taste. Today you had some rare recreational time. Despite being merely a child, living at the castle still meant that you had to assist your mother and the other maids. You didn’t mind too much since they always gave you small tasks to do and a much lighter workload, but you were still just a kid, and kids like to jump, play, and run around. By nothing short of a miracle, your mother had let you wander around the east side of the royal garden, saying that as long as you made sure to behave, you were free to do as you pleased.
So here you were, a basket full of leftover juicy apples given to you by the cooks and your favorite book of fairy tales in hand, making your way to a pretty gazebo where you could read your book in peace.
“What are you doing here? This is my spot,” a boy around your age with wavy black hair and two moles right above his right eyebrow asked, clearly more than a bit miffed to find that ‘his spot’ was occupied.
“I can be here if I want to, y’know? It’s not like this place has your name on it or anything, And not that it’s any of your business, but I’m here for some peace and quiet,” you retorted, lowering your book and bringing it closer to your chest. His eyebrows raised in surprise as if he wasn’t used to people talking to him like that, but it seemed as if your answer had him lowering his guard if the way he sat down next to you (after thoroughly wiping the surface of the chair with a handkerchief he carried in his vest pocket) was anything to go by.
“I’m here for some peace and quiet too. My cousin Komori is staying with us for the summer and he’s always loud. It gets kind of annoying sometimes. I’m Kiyoomi,” he told you, offering his hand and you couldn’t help but giggle at his matter-of-fact tone as you shook his hand.
You hadn’t realized who he was at the time, but when you got back to the maid chambers and told your mom all about the weird boy you’d met that day, she almost had a heart attack, thoroughly scolding you for being so crass when interacting with the prince. Despite your ‘crass’ behavior, however, Prince Kiyoomi continued to search you out whenever his cousin -or anyone, really- got on his nerves, bashfully insisting that your company was the one he enjoyed the most.
“Absolutely not,” the very same prince announced as soon as Lady Yua, the daughter of a wealthy viscount, and her escorts exited the very same gazebo you’d met the prince in all those years ago.
“Your Grace, the Queen won’t be pleased to hear that you’re rejecting yet another marriage candidate, especially not one as well off as her,” You warned the black-haired prince. He winced at the honorifics, motioning for you to sit down in the now-empty seat across from him.
You hesitated, unsure as to whether or not it would be appropriate for you to act so informally around the handsome prince. Your mother had recently sat you down, explaining that she’d seen the way you looked at Kiyoomi and that it had to cease immediately. Upon seeing the hurt look on your face, she consoled you. Taking you into her arms, she explained that Kiyoomi was a prince, he had been destined for greatness since birth. Clinging to your feelings for the pretty prince would only lead to heartache. A few days later, the King and Queen had announced that since their son had reached eighteen years of age, it was time to begin searching for a wife for him to wed. In hindsight, you had a hunch your mother had heard that the search for a wife for Kiyoomi would start soon, and she was merely trying her best to protect you from a broken heart.
However, Kiyoomi saw your hesitance. He made a big show of motioning to the plate of uneaten apple pie tartlets; the ones he requested despite knowing that Lady Yua disliked them- and they’re your favorite sweet treat. And really, who were you to let such a delicious treat go to waste? Especially when you got to share them with your best friend in a beautiful garden.
As you sat down, your heart fluttered at the thought of how romantic this all was. You were quick to catch yourself, of course; those thoughts were not thoughts fir for a maid to have for her prince.
“She can throw a fit for all I care. I have no intentions of marrying Lady Yua, or any other woman she picks for me for that matter,” Kiyoomi stated.
You froze mid-bite at his words, “Any other woman? Does that mean Omi Omi’s already got a girl picked out for himself?” You teased, trying to hide the way your heart clenched painfully with some of your usual banter.
“Chew your food before you talk, dummy, you’re not a child anymore,” He said, trying to act disgruntled by your immaturity. Kiyoomi’s face turned an endearing shade of pink as he fought the smile trying to worm its way into his face. With an unexpectedly intense look that made you swear he could see into your very soul, he added, “And you of all people should know who it is I’ve picked.”
You choked on your apple pie tartlets before you could question him on just what he meant, knight Tsukasa- you think that’s the name Kiyoomi told you- walked up to the gazebo and informed Kiyoomi that the Queen wished to speak with him. With a ‘good luck’, you saw Kiyoomi off as you wondered who could’ve possibly stolen your prince’s heart.
Kiyoomi stood in front of his parents, fully prepared for yet another scolding from them. They could go on for hours, for all he cared. He wouldn’t budge no matter what and that was final. He refused to marry anyone other than you and no amount of parental guilt-tripping would change his mind. Besides, he didn’t see why it mattered so much if he married someone of royal blood. He was third in line after his brother and sister, so odds are he’d never get the crown. Not that he cared.
“Son, I don’t understand why you’re being so difficult! How is it possible that none of the eligible young ladies met your standards? It’s completely preposterous, that’s what it is,” his mother ranted as his father nodded along, albeit rather half-heartedly. “At this point, anyone will do as long as you just choose already. How do you think it makes us look when you reject one girl after another, all from powerful families?! I’d take a commoner over this humiliation.”
Kiyoomi’s head snapped up at her words, looking at both his parents for confirmation. “Do you mean that? Anyone will do it? Even if she’s a commoner?” He couldn’t hide his excitement even if he tried and the King and Queen’s surprise at their youngest son’s rare outburst was almost palpable.
“It’s that maid girl, isn’t it?” His father asked, sharing a look with his wife. With a sigh, he added, “Very well then. If she’s the only one you’ll have, then so be it. However, I fully expect for her to be taught proper etiquette before you even think of having her walk down the aisle.”
Kiyoomi respectfully bowed to his parents before quickly making his way out of the throne room, all but dashing to the gazebo where he hoped you’d still be, heart, beating hard against his rib cage. He didn’t have a ring quite yet, however, he had a hunch you’d say yes anyway- if it came to it, he’d give you all the apples in the kingdom.
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argylemnwrites · 3 years
Sunday Morning
Pairing: Drake Walker x MC (Riley Liu)
Book: The Royal Romance (It Couldn’t Wait Another Moment universe, about seven years after Why Are We Still Waiting?)
Word Count: ~1750
Rating: PG-13 (language)
Summary: “I’ve had this dream of mine since I was like 21… about Sunday morning. Waking up Sunday mornings early, my wife is there. She’s asleep. And then you can hear these little feet coming up the stairs… She’s like, ‘Daddy, I’m hungry.’”
“‘Okay, alright.’ I go down to the kitchen; I take her. And you know she wants the one thing Momma says you can’t have. She wants cookies for breakfast… I’m trying to be... “Daddy’s girl,” you know, all that type of stuff. So I sneak her a little cookie and we go play, and that’s it. We chill, and then eventually Momma wakes up, she comes down, and she plays with us.
“And, you know, for me, it’s just quality time. It’s just quality time with family. I don’t need anything more than that. I don’t want anything more than that in life. When I see you... I see Sunday morning.” ~ Riley Christian
Author’s Note: Breaking my hiatus just a little bit early. This is definitely an unplanned one shot, set long after WAWSW?. I was getting caught up on some TV now that my exam is (thankfully) behind me, and I watched the Bachelor in Paradise finale, because I clearly have no taste. The quote above came from one of the contestants, Riley, as he told Maurissa, the woman he proposed to later that episode, how he felt about her. It was one of the most touching moments I’ve ever seen on a reality dating show and it actually made me feel genuine emotion - at least enough to get the creative juice flowing. So congrats to Maurissa and Riley, a couple I think has an actual shot at lasting in the real world! And don’t mind me as I use this reality TV moment as fanfic inspiration, hahaha!
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The sun was just peeking between the slats of the blinds as Drake blinked, slowly transitioning from asleep to awake. He rolled over, checking the time on his phone that was charging on the nightstand. 6:14. Well, Riley wouldn’t be up for a while. He let out a sigh, rolling to his other side and taking her in, passed out on her stomach. Her hair was getting longer, back like it was before Jackie was born, and it fanned out over the pillow, a sea of black, her face barely visible. He’d never understood how she could breathe through that thick mass, but she’d always claimed that it was less bothersome than him trying to keep it off her face, so he just let it be.
He knew he probably wasn’t going to fall back asleep, but there was something just so damn nice about being able to take a lazy morning, lounging in bed with his wife. Sundays were just like that. Riley sometimes had to work either Friday or Saturday night, but that was rare on Sundays. Sundays were usually just the three of them, bumming around. Sometimes, they’d head to Prospect Park, or they’d go out for lunch, but other times they literally didn’t leave their unit. It was always relaxing and just enjoyable.
Drake shifted slightly, moving to grab his book off his nightstand when he heard a floorboard creaking through the bedroom wall. He paused, and sure enough, the squeak of the hinges of Jackie’s door followed just a few moments later. He kept quiet, trying to determine if he was going to need to get out of bed and intercept whatever mischief she would undoubtedly get into if she was left unwatched. During the day, she could usually be trusted to play quietly by herself, but she’d recently decided she would make herself breakfast in the mornings. It had usually just meant some spills and sticky messes in the kitchen, but last Sunday was Mother’s Day, and Jackie had attempted to make pancakes for Riley as a surprise. It was a sweet thought, but the end result had been spending the entire morning in urgent care. Drake supposed it was a blessing she shattered the mixing bowl early in her effort. Getting some glass shards removed from her foot and a handful of stitches in her palm and sole was probably better than if she’d gotten as far as turning on the stove and burned her hands. But after that, she was officially banned from cooking without one of them in the kitchen. Drake was just curious to see whether or not she followed the new rule.
A couple of seconds later, Drake was able to let out a sigh of relief as their bedroom door swung open. Jackie made a beeline around the bed to Drake’s side, knowing exactly who would be up at this hour. He was impressed how quiet she kept, not making nearly any noise until she stood right next to his nightstand.
“Daddy,” she hissed out in a whisper, “I’m hungry. And you and Mommy said I’m not allowed to make breakfast alone anymore and-”
Drake nodded, sitting up and swinging his legs over the side of the bed. “Yeah, that’s right. Thanks for getting me.”
He stretched slightly, watching his daughter bounce on her bare feet that stuck out from the bottom of her shooting star pyjamas as she tried to patiently wait for him to fully get out of bed. As soon as he pushed himself to standing, she bounded out the door, around the corner and into the galley kitchen. Jackie did, at least, wait for him to join her before she pulled out her step stool.
“Alright, Jackie. What are we making?”
“Can we make pancakes?”
Drake raised an eyebrow. He wasn’t exactly surprised, because pancakes were her favorite, but part of him had thought she might be a little less sold on them after her experiences last weekend. But in a lot of ways, she was just like Riley, and her boldness and fearlessness was only one example. “Sure thing, kiddo.”
So they got to work, washing their hands, pulling out the ingredients and supplies. Eventually, Drake cracked the eggs into the bowl before placing it in front of Jackie, letting her stir everything together.
“Maybe we should add some chocolate chips?”
Drake glanced over at his daughter, her dark eyes wide as she held the spoon over the bowl. “Jackie, you know you aren’t supposed to have chocolate for breakfast.” They’d been trying to teach Jackie about healthy foods versus treat foods, and adding a definite treat food to breakfast was not exactly sticking with that effort. Plus, Drake knew she was figuring out that she just had to give him that look, and he was likely to cave. Again, not great behavior to enforce.
But it was just hard to tell her “no” when she kept looking at him like that. All the shit that Riley gave him about Jackie having him wrapped around her little finger was definitely true. She was his kid, though, and he just struggled to be tough with her, particularly over something so minor. Especially when she’d been good and listened to them and had come to grab him before she went into the kitchen. So, he stepped over to her other side, opened the pantry cupboard, and pulled out the container of chocolate chips, tossing a few handfuls of them into the bowl. The smile Jackie gave him was more than worth it.
As Drake cooked the pancakes, Jackie set the table. Drake did stop her from pulling out the whipped cream from the fridge; he wasn’t that much of a softie. But soon, they were sitting down to eat, a large stack of chocolate chip pancakes between them. 
“Can we go to the park today?” Jackie asked between bites, reaching up to brush her hair back.
Drake nodded. “I think that can be arranged.”
“And can we get ice cream there?”
“What, the chocolate chips not sweet enough for you?”
“Dad-dy, it’s not the same. Ice cream will be later.”
“No way, kiddo. You are only talking me into one treat today. Hit up Mommy for the next one.”
“Hit me up for what?” Riley’s voice caused him to twist around in his chair, taking her in as she entered the dining space, wrapping her robe around her as she shuffled over to the table.
“Mommy, can we get ice cream at the park later?”
Riley pushed her glasses up her nose as she sat down at her spot, grabbing the plate with the pancakes that Drake passed her. “Are those chocolate chips I spy in the pancakes?”
“Daddy added them.”
“Is that so?” Riley spun to face Drake, a smirk playing across her face.
“It’s probably more fair to call it a joint effort,” he said with a little shrug.
“Marshmallow,” she mouthed at him before turning back towards Jackie. “Well, since Daddy already got you one treat, I think Mommy should get to get you one too, right?”
Jackie frowned, trying to work through Riley’s statement. “Does that mean we’re getting ice cream?” she finally asked, a hopeful look in her eyes.
“It means we’re getting ice cream,” Riley said, shaking her head, “but only if you help clean up breakfast and put away all your toys where they belong.”
Jackie was out of her seat in a flash, dashing into the living room to start cleaning up her toys before her good luck ran out.
“God, she’s going to have so many cavities,” Riley said before taking her first bite.
“Sorry, she gave me that look, and she’d been so good. You know, she came to get me before she went in the kitchen, and I wanted to reinforce that, and-.”
Riley leaned over the table and kissed him, effectively cutting him off. “You are so soft,” she said as she pulled back, tracing her fingers across his cheek.
“Hey, I drew the line at the whipped cream she tried to place on the table!”
Riley chuckled as Jackie walked back past the table into her room, a pile of stuffed animals loaded in her arms. “Oh, my mistake, you clearly are such a hard ass with her.”
“You don’t have a leg to stand on, Liu. You caved just as quickly with her ice cream ask,” Drake said, raising an eyebrow.
Riley smirked before taking another bite. “I am not gonna let you be the favorite parent here just because you get up early and can spoil her first. We’re gonna have to come up with a better strategy, though, because she’s definitely realizing she can play us against each other.”
“It only works because you are so competitive.”
“Me? Who was the one who got mad over losing Candyland last night?”
Drake let out a sigh. “That game is garbage and you know it, Liu.”
She laughed again as Jackie passed back through on her way to collect more toys. “You are only saying that because you lo-oo-ooo-st,” she responded in a sing-song voice.
“Bullshit,” said Drake, quiet enough that his voice wouldn’t carry over to Jackie’s ears. “It’s completely random and it takes way too long and if you had got sent back to the start when you were three squares away from winning, you’d be just as-”
Riley cut him off with another kiss. “Like I said, I am not the competitive one here.”
All Drake could do was roll his eyes. He knew he had a competitive streak, but Riley’s was definitely worse. It was just his luck that he had such a recent example that she could toss out there. “Yeah, yeah. You just keep that sentiment in mind next game night. You want some coffee?”
Riley nodded. “Don’t do all the dishes while you’re in there. She needs to help.”
“I know. I’ll just start things soaking.” Drake couldn’t help but smile as he watched Jackie dart through again, this time carrying her crayons and some coloring books. She was cleaning up her stuff readily, which meant that the ice cream at least motivated some good behavior. She was a good kid, and she was clearly willing to work for a little extra treat. That had to count for something.
Besides, it was a Sunday. And if any day deserved chocolate chip pancakes and ice cream, it was Sunday.
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Perma: @mom2000aggie @octobereighth @kingliam2019 @lovingchoices14
TRR/TRH: @iplaydrake @princessleac1 @twinkleallnight @gkittylove99 @ladyangel70 @marshmallowsandfire @axwalker @sirbeepsalot @iaminlovewithtrr @forallthatitsworth @marshmallowsaremyfavorite @hedgehogs-dilemmas
Drake x MC: @petiteboheme @mskaneko
ICWAM: @sunnyxdazed @thequeenofpixels​
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1234-angelika · 3 years
Sick Days
an: Hey y'all! I'm back from my unplanned hiatus and I have been catching up on all the stories I have fallen behind on. So, I have a new Matt fic for y'all. This is the fourth installment of the Happily Ever After series for Matt. As always, hope y'all enjoy!
words: 1.1k
warnings: mentions of vomit
summary:"Life is a succession of movements. To live each one is to succeed." -Coreta Kent
masterpost|taglist|have an idea
It had now been just over a year since Matt officially asked you to be his girlfriend; it wasn't too long after that first date.
After being together for a year, you decided it was time to move on to other things career-wise. You didn't feel ready to sell your business. Instead, you found a replacement and trained her to take your place. Rarely were you actually needed at the school, sometimes she would call you about something, but she was doing well. Now you mostly stayed at home finding things to do, and you looked after the kids when Matt had to leave for a case on a custody week.
A few weeks ago, Matt asked you to move in with them, saying, "Y/N, most of your clothes are here and you spend the majority of your free time here. I love you and I know that, though the transition for them was difficult, the kids do too. Will you move in with us?"
Of course, you had said yes, so here you were. Unpacking boxes, the same as you had been doing over the week. These were the last few left, so you just wanted to get them done. The girls were napping, and the boys were playing in the playroom, so you had some time, or you thought. A shrill cry reverberated through the baby monitor, resulting in you rushing to the nursery. The adjustment of the new baby was just that, an adjustment. The kids didn't seem to have any trouble with their new sibling. You hurried over to Rosemary only to find that she was burning up. Rosemary in your arms, you rushed into the bathroom and rifled through the cabinet looking for the medicine. You let out a huff as you noticed that Matt didn't have any baby Tylenol meaning, you had to go to the store.
You hurried to the girl's bedroom, carrying Rosemary in your arms and trying not to jostle her too much. Gently, you shook the girls awake from their naps which resulted in a new problem, crying. Chloe started crying from being woken up, and then Lily joined in because her twin was crying. You carefully set Rosemary on the bed before putting shoes on the girls, not bothering to change them out of their pyjamas. You picked up the baby, told the girls to follow you, and headed down to the playroom.
Hurrying in there, you weren't anticipating any problems with the boys. But, boy, were you wrong. As soon as you got to the bottom of the stairs, the smell of puke overwhelmed you. Jake was standing off to the side looking scared while David was puking on the carpet and crying. You herded all the kids upstairs and put the baby in her car seat before you went to help David. You quickly rinsed him off and helped him change his pyjamas before putting jackets on the boys and grabbing your keys. Quickly, you buckled all the children into the car and secured the car seats before you got in. You began the drive to the BAU and tried calling Matt hands-free, but he didn't answer. You tried a couple times before, just focusing on the road and driving just a little bit faster.
Crying and screaming filled the car as you drove to the BAU, going as fast as possible while still legal and safe. Five unhappy children were a lot to handle on your own. You pulled into the parking lot, which was unusually busy, so you had to drive around a little bit. You managed to snag a spot near the building just before another driver did. After parking the car, you quickly jumped out and got the kids out of the car in a speedy fashion. You managed to calm three out of the five kids, which was a win for you. Rosemary and David were still crying, but the screaming had stopped, which made it a success.
Walking into the lobby, you checked in with the receptionist. Matt had put you in his file as an approved visitor, so the receptionist quickly provided a pass. A short elevator ride to the correct floor, and the receptionist hurriedly opened the door for you since your hands were full. You thanked her with a kind smile. When you walked into the bullpen, you found Matt's desk empty. You knew it was his desk because of the photos littered across it. You went to sit there and wait before you spotted him in the conference room in what seemed to be a meeting. Unfortunately, the twins seemed to have spotted him at the same time as you, and before you could stop them, they took off running. Surprisingly, they waited for you at the door. You softly knocked on the door, and a dark-haired woman opened it. Chloe immediately hid behind your legs and clutched your jeans in her fist like her life depended on it.
"Hello. Can I help you?"
Before you could answer, you saw Matt's frame coming up behind her. Your hands were full, so you couldn't stop Lily from running to him. He picked her up before answering his boss.
"Sorry Emily, I'll handle this," he said as he walked past her to you, "Y/N what's wrong? Why are you here?"
"I need help Matt. You didn't have any baby Tylenol left and Rosemary is burning up. David is also super sick and needs to be taken to the doctor, he's been throwing up." You answered, frazzled.
Before Matt could even respond, a woman who could only be described as colourful asked, "Who's this?"
"Garcia, everyone, this is my girlfriend Y/N. And these are my kids: Jake, David, Chloe, Lily and, Rosemary."
You offered a wave with your free hand while you tried to soothe the crying baby. As soon as your hand was back by your side, David latched on-- an immense amount of strength for a sick child. Matt turned to his boss, Emily, opening his mouth to speak, but she started before he could.
"Matt, obviously Y/N and your kids need you. Go home and take care of them. We'll work this case without you, just keep your phone on for consulting."
Matt nodded, and the two of you thanked her. Then he grabbed his stuff from his desk, and you walked out of the BAU together with the children. Ready to fight whatever this was, together.
taglist:@myescapefromthislife @multixfandomwriter
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savvylark · 3 years
Hey friends, I’m back! Yes my hiatus was unplanned, sometimes other life... things just take over. You can imagine... 🤣
I’m a wife, a mom of three (that’s especially what takes over) we live in the country and life is busy.
Part of finding myself again was having this blog and diving so deep into THG.
I’m back, hi old friends, and if I don’t know you feel free to say hi, I do love new friends too. I’m hoping to back in the swing of writing and drawing. One Step at time though. 😉
——-Where have I been? ———
I have a channel changing brain though, so I fell down another rabbit hole (as we all do from time to time) in an attempt to be a better storyteller, because I wasn’t happy with my own writing, it wasn’t improving like I wanted to. I dove deep into “Wired for Story” by Lisa Cron and then her other book “Story Genius.”
And I stress panicked about how little I knew, (that always happens right? Too much information and you need time for it or marinate and sort out)
So I dove into personality theory... it was a whole thing.
All the while I’m keeping up with cooking and cleaning and school work for kids ages 9-5. Reorganizing our home, bins, books, dishes, laundry, family drama... my husband had a whole I don’t know, meltdown. I’m not even going to mention COVID or politics... because YEAH.
And eventually it’s like hobbies? Who dat? Is drinking coffee a hobby?
Blah blah, no one cares, anyway hi.
I’m back 😎 Let’s Everlark.
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