#something give me the ick when someone kisses someone else by surprise
foolnamedjoey · 2 months
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Random thing an aroace slapped up
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quillsmora · 1 year
2022 year in review
thanks for tagging me @novasforce!
Number of stories posted to AO3: 6
Word count this year: 20,977 according to my AO3 stats, but there are probably a few thousand more in cut scenes and scrapped WIPs that didn't end up being posted.
Fandoms I wrote for: Guardians of the Galaxy (Movies) and Marvel Cinematic Universe. Pairings: Every work I posted this year featured Gamora/Peter Quill and one with a dash of Gamora & Nebula. Stories with the most: – Kudos: stakes are high, water's rough (but this love is ours) – makes sense as it's the work I updated the most this year + there weren't many other new stories in the starmora tag on ao3 when it first started. – Bookmarks: same as above, surprisingly half of them are private. – Comment threads: also the same, again there being 10 chapters already def helps boost the number of comments. – Word count: once again, this love is ours sweeps with nearly 10k words.
Work(s) I'm most proud of (and why):
– tangled up with you all night: my first true attempt at writing smut. it was terrifying and probably took the longest to edit but with some help from a good friend of mine I was able to figure it out. I actually have no idea if it's good or not, guess I'll find out in a few months when going back and reading it won't give me the ick about my own writing.
– better off as lovers (not the other way around): maybe it's because it's the most recent work I've posted but I'm so excited about this. not only because I'm writing this for a friend but because for once I actually have the whole thing planned out, I just need to actually write it.
– kiss (chapter 6 of this love is ours): probably the best writing I did this year.
Work(s) I'm least proud of (and why): I wouldn't say I'm not proud of any of my works, but there are definitely a few I think are not my best if that makes sense.
Share or describe a favorite review you received: There are quite a few, I love any comment in general but my favorites tend to be the ones that respond to my rambles in author's notes or don't know much about stamora/the guardians but are still able to enjoy the story. knowing I've inspired someone to read more of my favorite team is the greatest compliment I could ever receive. I also love when Zoe remembers to comment on my works instead of containing their keyboard smashes in my DMs.
A time when writing was really, really hard: Anytime this past month. Real life and family have just been taking up the majority of my time and when I do find some to write I have zero motivation. Also again trying to write smut from a man's POV which I for some reason thought would be easier since I'm a lesbian but it was not lmao.
A scene or character you wrote that surprised you: Rocket's dialogue actually being in character in the first chapter of this love is ours. going back and rereading it I can hear bradley cooper's drunk new jersey uncle accent in my head.
A favorite excerpt of your writing: from chapter 6 of this love is ours
Gamora tells herself that this late night visit is no more than a friendly gesture towards a friend in mourning. She understands the tremendous loss Peter has suffered these past few days, and the nightmares and internal blame it brings upon someone. She also knows that despite him having told the others he would be fine earlier that night, Peter needed someone to be there for him, whether he knew that or not.  It’s a thoughtful, completely normal thing for a friend to do. So why is her heart pounding in her chest as she stands outside his quarters? Because they aren’t strictly friends anymore, there’s something else there now that Gamora’s made the “thing” a spoken one. She’s never had a romantic relationship before, hell she’d practically never had a platonic relationship before meeting him. Whatever this thing between them was is now uncharted territory, and Gamora has never been one to sail risky waters.
How did you grow as a writer this year? I actually wrote. before august it had been over five years since I had posted fanfiction and maybe three or four since I tried writing any. it's been a great outlet for me these past few months and I'm so thankful for it because I probably would have gone crazy without that.
How do you hope to grow next year: write more obviously. branch out and try posting for different fandoms to get out of my comfort zone if inspiration strikes.
Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc): the gotg hive group chat, specifically: kate, maggie, zoe, vic, and claire. I wouldn't have posted half the stuff I did this year without their support and nagging. mera who helped me tweak my smut and the rest of my friends who aren't that into gotg/marvel but still read my works and support me. taylor swift for her endless supply of title inspiration, and pete wentz for his obsession with writing songs about that sunset he watched with mikey way for inspiring better off as lovers.
Anything from your real life show up in your writing: my love for Britney Spears made a cameo or two, as well as drawing on some of my own fears of love and commitment and experiences with loss and grief to help understand the mindsets of certain characters.
Any new wisdom you can share with other writers: write whatever the fuck you want because no one else is going to cater exactly to you but yourself! don't worry about stats because they genuinely do not matter and are not a reflection of the quality of your work!! have fun!!!
Any projects you're looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year: I'm aiming to finish this love is ours before Vol 3 and better off as lovers by march or april. I'm so excited to start working on prompt fills for @starmoraweek2023! The release of Vol 3 will for sure be a flood of inspiration for all types of different stories whether the movie ends up being good or bad (I'm really, really hoping for good). I also want to post at least one completely bugborg centric work this year because they are criminally underrated and I want to write more sapphics! There are quite a few fandoms I'd like to give a shot at writing for, mainly sitcoms and such, but I'm not sure if I'll actually get to those.
Tag some writer's who's answers you'd like to read: @godblessgamora & @rocketnebulas ❤️
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nerdychick13 · 11 months
Hi lovelies! It’s your girl Finesse. I’m finally back in the main villa after Casa Amor. I have so much tea to spill so get your cups and hold ‘em tight!
I know you’re all wondering why I didn’t share with you last week. Well, I needed time to really process everything myself before I brought it to y’all. Like how Amy is all over Marshall and she knows Ozzy is my man! That pisses me off to no end. Marshall has been speaking so ugly about Ozzy at every turn. And Amy doesn’t think anything of it. She’s love drunk on Marshall. It’s giving me so much ick I can’t be around either of them, much less when they are together. But that doesn’t stop her from pulling me into a private chat every five minutes. She is blocking the graft and yet she wants to know if I’m sticking or switching. I don’t even know.
Chloe tells me she likes Francis, so I stepped back from him and got to know Andy a bit more. Okay, you got me. I got to know Andy quite well, even biblically. I took Andy to the hideaway and he took my breath away. I have been to the hideaway before but it was heavenly with Andy. He is such a sweetheart! He even offered to turn down the opportunity so I could take Chloe instead. Yes, Chloe is still very much in the picture. I told her I want to keep it casual between us. I don’t want to close the door on us completely, but I know she hasn’t found anybody she’s falling for yet either. Maybe we could make a go of it.
Hamish. The self-titled “Ham Man.” He doesn’t want me but he gets mad when I say I don’t want him. Okay?? Then he picks up my note I dropped next to my bed the night before. I don’t snoop around your bed, drama fiend! I still don’t know who wrote me the note. I wish I knew. I really hope it was Ozzy. I need some reassurance I’m still the girl he wants. I know he’s still the man I want next to me in the final. But back to Hamish - he and Grace have been kissing. But he told the Casa boys (or led them to believe) that he and Grace went all the way. Of course Grace set the record straight that it was only kissing and touching. I don’t like guys that make it seem like they did more with a girl than actually happened. If you wanna write a fantasy story, write it! Don’t go telling your mates it happened for real!!
Marshall and Amelia are the most extra couple I have ever met. They made a public announcement during our losers’ party in Casa Amor that they were switching together. I know. I KNOW!! The world doesn’t revolve around you two!! I don’t care if you decided you’re taking my boo’s disgusting brother to the main villa. I don’t care that you’ve gotten “serious” after a couple of days. Go bother someone else dammit!
In other news, I told Grace I might take Andy into the main villa with me. He is such an angel to me. He’s not about a lot of drama, he’s mature and secure in himself. Andy is quite the gentleman and I could be very happy with him. But I don’t want to give Ozzy the wrong impression.
I can’t believe the Casa boys couldn’t tell I’m a better kisser than Amy! It was a tie?! I just want something to myself. And now I had to go on a double date with Amy and Marshall, the walking red flag. Speaking of flags, apparently all of the boys are walking green flags to Amy (which should be a red flag to Marshall but he is only using my twin to get in the main villa).
So when we get into the main villa Amy, of all people, gets the first text. Whoop-di-do 🙄. And against my advice, she picks Marshall. But in a shocking twist of fate, Jamal has brought Helen of Troy (sorry, she is goddess-like), I mean Flo into the villa. The surprised look on Amy’s face was so worth it!! I’m proud of Jamal for that. He didn’t need Amy dragging him along any more. Chloe and Roberto both stuck to each other as friends. Such a lovable duo, they are. Ozzy and Grace both stuck and Hamish threw a fit and stormed out of the villa! I can’t blame him. Grace led him on after he put all his eggs in her basket. But I’m glad Ozzy won’t be leaving anytime soon. I need him to pick me at the next coupling! I chose to stick with Elliot, but I don’t know what he has decided. In the postcard it looks like he’s admiring a girl in the shower. A very familiar looking girl. She looks like Ivy but I could be wrong. I don’t need her coming after my partner in the villa. I am all the queen this villa needs. Well, if Elliot switched, I hope I can ask Andy or Francis to couple with me. I don’t want my summer of love to end here.
Well, that’s all for now. See you next time!
Xoxo, Finesse
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angelicimagines · 3 years
(Any Mod) Ultimate Mathematician Reader who teases their partner Byakuya, Miu, and Kazuichi about being better at math, and it being true until money/mechanical specs are in the equation?
Hello there, Anon. Thanks for the request! As someone who is kinda good at math, I can confidently say that fuck economic and mechanical terms, they mess everything up. Anyways, onto the request. –Mod Shuichi
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Byakuya Togami, Miu Iruma, Kazuichi Souda with an Ultimate Mathematician!S/O who's the best until money/mechanics are introduced.
Byakuya Togami 💴
💴 He didn't like that you were always bragging about your talent, it was annoying (he was just salty). 💴 Yeah you're the Ultimate Mathematician, but he handles finances for a living basically so he can be just as good as you thank you very much. 💴 He ended up being right, kind of not really, but he still got a kick out of it. 💴 He asked you for help with splitting and handling some money that was supposed to be invested, of course he hid his intentions under the guise that it was a test to see if you could prove yourself working with numbers in a different context than you're used to. 💴 You failed this "test", which shocked him a lot, but also intrigued him. And you know he wouldn't pass up the opportunity to get back at you after all those times you teased him. 💴 "My my S/O, where's all of your bragging now, dear? Did someone forget their ultimate because of simple economic terminology? How pathetic of the Ultimate Mathematician." 💴 You tried forming a rebuttal, but all the words died on your tongue when he leaned in closer to your face with the smuggest grin you'd ever seen. 💴 "Trying to save your dignity, darling? How about a proposal, for every equation you solve correctly, I'll give you a kiss. If you fail...I guess you'll have to wait and see what happens." 💴 Your competitive side was icking to prove him wrong but your more logical side said to chicken out. You didn't chicken out and ended up backing away from the challenge in frustration after multiple failed attempts. 💴 Mans was having a field day with this. He finally had some sort of bragging rights over you and you bet he'll use it to shut down any of your future braggings. 💴 If you ask him nicely, he might help you understand the economic terminology and all that jazz, but he won't let you live it down. 💴 "The Ultimate Mathematician, asking Byakuya Togami for help, how desperate can you be, dear?" 💴 He's smiling teasingly at you the whole time he said that sentence. Don't mind him though he actually cares and will teach you. 💴 He is not heartless though, he won't tease you in public, let you keep some of your dignity at least. He will send you a small smile when you brag, as a reminder. 💴 All jokes aside, he does believe you deserve your ultimate. You figured out the hardest equation after all, the equation to his heart <3
Miu Iruma💡
💡 Gets weirdly defensive about her math skills for some reason. Probably thinks that you're questioning her genius brain and abilities. 💡 How dare you doubt the gorgeous girl genius, even if you're her smoking hot S/O, she just can't let it slide. 💡 So that is how you found yourself in Miu's lab, supposedly helping with her out with one of her more demanding inventions. 💡 She was defensive when asking you (because the gorgeous girl genius doesn't need to rely on outside help), but still got your help anyway. 💡 Why did you say yes, you're gonna blow your cover. And that you did. 💡 She laughed at you at first "Of course a virgin like you wouldn't know how to handle such complicated problems. Don't worry babe, it's nothing my genus brain can't handle!" 💡 After that confidence boost, she got to work on her invention as you just stood there to the side, sulking. 💡 Luckily, in her ever present greatness, she will gladly teach you the basics…if you beg hard enough. 💡 Or simply turn the tables on her, she'll teach you either way. 💡 Her lessons are…something. They can go from professional to "Hey S/O! Wanna test out my new invention? It can count replicate your wet dreams with whatever virgin you want!" 💡 You surprisingly learned some of the basics, go you. Don't let this go to your head though, Miu will always remind you that you had to get her help. 💡 She's a hypocrite though. Oh she can make fun of you all she wants but if someone else tries they're gonna get an earful. 💡 She'll request your help more often now that you know how to at least navigate the landscape. 💡 Don't be surprised if y'all make something blow up, she tends to get distracted and you don't know how to work things so complicated. 💡 Her invention is ruined and her lab is probably on fire, but hey, it's an excuse to cuddle in your bed <3
Kazuichi Souda🔧
🔧 Gets very annoyed when you tease him, please let him have this it's the only thing that makes him special (in his mind cuz you think he's very special even without his talent). 🔧 Is always subconsciously wanting to one up you even though you're the ultimate mathematician. Let him prove that he's good enough for you dammit. 🔧 Oh wait that gave him an idea, math competition, but in his element! 🔧 After hours and hours of work he won? Hold up, record scratch, go back, what happened? 🔧 He looked between your embarrassed face and the set of problems multiple times before it finally clicked. 🔧 His laughter was a build up laugh, starting off as simple giggles before cackling like a maniac. You were contemplating smacking the laughter outta him. 🔧 When he calmed down, he jokingly patted your back and comforted you (read: teased you). 🔧 "It's fine sugar cube, mechanics are really complicated. Lucky for you, you have me, the Ultimate Mechanic, to teach you! Oh wait that gives me an idea!" 🔧 Being the lovesick boy he is, he made you a compromise. He would teach you everything there is to know about mechanical mathematics in return for 3 consecutive days of affection and lovey dovey shit. 🔧 Listen, being a mechanic is hard and he misses your cuddles when he's working so this is payback. 🔧 If someone asks how exactly the cuddle arrangement happened, he'd cover for you and say it was something like a game of rock paper scissors or some other simple thing like that. 🔧 After the suspicion is diverted he giggles a bit and snuggles closer to you. 🔧 Ends up asking you on these little "challenges" more often because it means more time together and he can get bragging rights. 🔧 Y'all somehow made a rocket engine but are to scared to try it. And what good is a rocket engine without an actual rocket? 🔧 He loves your confusion when it comes to mechanical mathematics, this way he can help you and share his passion with you at the same time <3
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hangekitty · 3 years
Hange x f!Reader Oneshot
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Summary: Squad leader Hange is a very busy scientist, so having Moblit and Y/N on their team is a great benefit to their work; so much so that Y/N finishes Hange’s work so that they get time off! Little do they know that the socially awkward Y/N has a passion for astrology, so one night she works up the courage to take Hange star gazing!
Genre: Fluff, Smut 18+
Warnings: spanking, cunnilingus, fingering, swearing, 69-ing, this oneshot is GOOFY af
Universe: canonverse
Word count: 3.9k
A/N: This oneshot is based on the song Space Girl by Frances Forever, I love this wlw song so much I just had to. In this one shot Hange’s pronouns are she/they but I mostly use they/them pronouns! Although in the song the singer refers to her space girl as a ‘cancer’ (astrological sign) I have left the reader’s sign ambiguous so you can insert yourself in! Also I don’t know how advanced the canonverse is with astrology, especially with astrological stories behind the constellations but we won’t focus on that its just a cute (probably inaccurate) oneshot. AFAB!Hange. I am so sorry it’s so long for a oneshot!! I just love them so much 🥺
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When squad leader Hange Zoe is in the zone, they will work throughout the day and throughout night with no breaks and no signs of stopping; unless they quite literally pass out. If ever they got in that position of dropping at any moment, you and Moblit would be there to either complete the work or to catch Hange before they fall. You had always admired Hange’s determination and stamina, that alongside their eccentric personality, had you weak at the knees.
If you were honest with yourself, you had quite fallen head over heels for Hange the moment you saw them, their smile felt like a kick in the heart and a thousand butterflies in your stomach. It wasn’t until you helped Levi bathe Hange did you realise your feelings towards them, desperately looking away from their body with great embarrassment. Levi always rolled his eyes at your actions, but he’d usually have a faint smirk on his face as you try and wash them whilst attempting to keep your eyes closed. You and Levi were quite close, despite his quiet (and rather passive aggressive demeanour), a friendship with him was meaningful and he definitely cared more than he’d let on. He, alongside Moblit were the only ones that knew of your passions with astrology and space; he’d always say something like “it’s quite fitting, you’re head is either in the clouds or up Hange’s ass”. The funny little bastard.
Your captain would tease you regularly, especially when he noticed your longing stares; whether it be out on expeditions or back at HQ. He’d reach for your head and shake it, waking you up from your day dream. “Your obsessive pining will get you killed, scout” and “Keep it together space girl” were a regular thing Levi would say. You couldn’t help it, Hange was your moon and all the stars in the sky, all things you’d happily gaze at forever.
As mentioned, the bathing sessions were a great opportunity to get advice (and teased) from Levi. One bathing session he told you that he’s pissed off that you hadn’t revealed your feelings yet. How could you? Hange probably didn’t feel the same way, and neither did they have time for it! Changing the subject slightly, you would say “Poor Hange, always working so hard!”
Its true, Levi would usually have to knock them out to bathe them because they worked so much; you suppose the only ick that bothered you about Hange was their lack of hygiene - they just can’t help it. All of that energy dedicated to work, they rarely had any spare time to do anything else; but you were determined to make today different.
You heard of a meteor shower that was expected around 11pm that night, a spectacle you were adamant not to miss. You decided that if any time was the perfect moment to reveal yourself to Hange, tonight is the night. You day dreamed the whole day, picturing the two of you under the stars. Between paperwork, you would check regularly and calculate the time and position of the moon whilst the meteor shower happened; it had to be perfect.
“A waxing crescent” You whispered to yourself
“A what what?” Hange fluttered over to your table making you jump, you attempted to hide the paperwork of calculations; absolutely nothing must be revealed otherwise the surprise will be ruined.
“Squad leader H-H-Hange! I uhhh nothing!!” You stuttered, looking to their perfect, smiling face. You wanted to both die and dance at the same time, to grab them by their collar and kiss them passionately. Hange leans on your desk, looking at you with a cheeky grin.
“I do hope you’re doing your work scout! You don’t want to be working for 2 days straight like last time!”
“That won’t be the case tonight Hange!”
“I recon if I work solidly for the next 2 hours I will be completely finished!”
“Really? Ugh I technically have like 4 hours left of paperwork too do, I don’t really even have time to scold you on how obviously distracted you are Y/N” Hange sighed, lifting their goggles up to pinch the bridge of their nose. Your eyes light up, seeing their face without goggles was just...
“Well if you give me part of your work, we will be both finished in 3 hours. Anything else that needs doing I will do!” You offered, Hange darts their eyes at you, an excited expression on their face. Without any warning they grab your hands into theirs and puts their face mere inches away from yours. Your face heats up, staring at their lips, you hold everything back from just leaning in to kiss them.
“You’d do that?? For me?? Well aren’t I lucky to have such a kind assistant!!!” Hange exclaimed
“If you both give me some of your work, I am happy to complete whatever’s left” you hear Moblit say across the table. Your eyes turn to him as he gives you a knowing wink. Gods bless Moblit. “That way you two get to leave early tonight, I hear there is some kind of astrological event on tonight”
Your face dropped, as much as Moblit was helping you, he must have looked at your notes as he walked past; nosy dickhead. Hange placed a hand under their chin and thought for a moment, before they had the chance to say anything about it (worrying they’d say its stupid or something) You stood up in your seat.
“Squad leader Hange! We can watch it tonight together if you’d like!!!” You blurted out, sounding more authoritative than you’d wanted. Hange’s eyes widen and observe your shaking body.
“But what about work?? I am sure after this paperwork needs doing they’ll be-”
“I’ll do it! Even if it means I work into the morning. It’s something that Y/N is passionate about so please!! I can always get Nifa or Abel or both to help me out!” You could hear the panic in Moblit’s voice. You take what you thought about him being a dickhead back, he’s doing you such a favour. The both of you look at each other and then back to Hange, trying to gage what their response will be.
A roar of laughter fills the room, followed by a long sigh. “As long as you are sure Moblit, that is real sweet” Hange turns to you and grabs your hand again. “Tonight’s a date then, what time and where?”
‘A DATE???’ You panic to yourself, did they really call this a date. You scream in your mind, wanting to just faint there and then. You collect your emotions and take your hand away from theirs, coughing into a fist. “10:15, walk south from the back entrance of HQ and head towards some bushes and the oak tree. I will meet you there” You said, you wanted to be far enough from HQ so you wouldn’t be disturbed.
“Sounds perfect! Now, lets get some work done!” Hange exclaims, sitting back at their desk and scribbling even faster than before.
The three of you continued to work, you were the first to finish and left the office to get changed into your casual gear. You pull out some perfume that you saved months up for from the market, it was a beautiful scent that you only used on special occasions. You looked in the mirror and hyped yourself up, “come on Y/N you are a lover and a fighter. Titan killer in the streets, pussy killer in the sheets” You slap yourself for saying something so embarrassing out loud.
Once dressed, you head out to the spot with blankets, pillows and a couple of lanterns; if you were to be there a while, you wanted to be comfortable. Once everything is laid out, all you had to do was wait. You felt the nerves building up, as time passed and drew near to Hange’s arrival, you had looked at all of your notes over and over. You lined star charts up and spotted all sorts of constellations to point out to Hange when they were there, you looked at the notes with all the stories behind the constellations and tried to identity any planets that were visible. You kicked yourself, wishing you’d be able to afford a telescope; apparently Saturn is aligned with Mars and that would have been an incredible sight to see.
You hear a noise behind you, oh lord here they come! You scramble at your notes, looking at the more complicated details and stuffing them into your bag.
“Y/N I could do with a little bit of help!!!” You hear Hange yell out, clear struggle in their voice. You stand up to see them behind the bush holding a very large telescope. You rush to their side and help carry it in front of the blankets.
“Hange! Where did you get this telescope from??” You exclaim with delight, Hange’s face blushes at your excitement and rubs their neck.
“Well after Moblit told me that you’re passionate about astrology, I took a deep dive into what is so special about tonight. A meteor shower right? And the planets Mars and Saturn?? Well so I uh....spent my savings on this baby to see it” Hange said awkwardly, your mouth agape and eyes wide, they spent all of their money on a telescope just for this?
You lunge forward and give Hange a massive hug with excited giggles. “Hange thank you so much!! It’s going to be so amazing I promise you!!!!”
Hange blushes wildly, resisting the urge to kiss you. “Well, it’s nice to see someone so excited over science just as I am, makes me feel a little less weird”
“Oh trust me, in school when we were taught about astrology I seemed to be the only person interested! I would spend hours just researching the constellations and zodiac signs! No one really wanted to be my friend, so uhhhh well I suppose I shifted my focus on Titan fighting and work with you and your science squad. It’s not space, sure, but I too felt lonely in my hobbies!” You explained, Hange’s heartstrings felt a tug, picturing you as a kid is just too cute.
The two of you carried on with conversation, you pointed to the sky and explained the stories behind the constellations. No matter how complicated the story or science, Hange seemed to want to know more and more; you even had to pull out your notes to answer their questions. In Hange’s mind, they had spoke about the science of titans for years and never bothered to ask you where your true passions lie. They questioned why they never asked, perhaps they were too nervous? Hange always put on a mask of being this optimistic, eccentric scientist and even acted cocky in front of you, but secretly they were just as insecure and shy towards you. They wanted to get to know you, but of course the element of dying at any point worried them; if they got too attached, especially romantically, it would hurt more. However, since the two of you are out there, looking at the telescope and talking so much, Hange’s fears lifted, even if it was for an evening.
Using the telescope, you pointed it in the direction of Mars and Saturn, both planets basically next to each other, a wonderful view to see. They weren’t super clear of course, the telescope wasn’t that powerful, but you could clearly see Saturns rings; something Hange got super excited over, asking you millions of questions. It wasn’t until the both of you sat down, waiting for the showers to come did you gulp and turn to Hange.
“Hange, I hope you don’t mind but I really would like to talk to you” You began, nervously fumbling with your fingers
“We’ve been talking all night??”
“AHH no I mean I have to say something okay. Please don’t say anything until I uhh finish because I just kinda wanna blurt it all out okay??” You really are stuttering and slipping up on your words, Hange gives a reassuring smile and nods. “Okay, I uhh...” You were interrupted by the meteors shooting across the sky. Mesmerised, you didn’t move your face away from Hange, just your eyes, they took this opportunity to lean in and kiss you. Your eyes widen in shock, what are they doing?? They’re going to miss the meteor shower! Despite this, you relax and close your eyes, leaning into them and deepening the kiss.
“As you were sooo distracted, your turn has been cancelled. I’ll go first. Y/N I really like you, I have done for a while, and I know you and Levi bathe me together, and sometimes...sometimes I hear you”
“Ahhhh!!!!” You yell out in embarrassment, Hange lifts a finger to your mouth
“Ah ah ah, I am not finished yet! I find you breath taking, I even get so overwhelmed by the way you just stand there! It makes me want to work harder, so much so I would purposefully knock myself out so you could bathe me...oh gods that sounds bad. Not in that way I JUST REALLY ENJOY HEARING YOUR CONVERSATIONS WITH THE CAPTAIN!!!” Hange is now the one getting all flustered, waving their hands erratically. They didn’t want it to sound weird, but they aren’t exactly experienced in expressing their feelings.
“Hey no I get it, sort of...but yeah I really like you too and I guess I’ve never...I UGH words” You pathetically confess, earning a laugh from Hange.
“We’re not very good at this are we, space girl?” Hange moves their arm around you and pulls you in to a hug. Your eyes light up at your little nickname, they definitely do listen to yours and Levi’s conversations. You take this opportunity to kiss Hange, feeling their soft lips on yours.
“You’ve showered haven’t you?” You smirk into the kiss, Hange looks at you, confused and a little insulted.
“How ... whaaaa?”
“You smell delicious” you say boldly, in fact Hange did shower before meeting you tonight, for the first time in ages. They of course laugh at you, and confess. You both sit there for a moment, watching the rest of the meteor showers, colours of gold and silver shooting across the sky.
“How beautiful” You whispered to yourself, Hange looks at you and smiles
“Not as be-”
“Nope. That’s so cringey” you joke, Hange slaps your legs earning a weird moan/yelp from your lips. You cover your mouth in embarrassment. Hange looks at you with curiosity, what a response to just a playful slap. Hange’s face confidently smirks, taking your chin in their hands.
“What was that?” Hange asked seductively, walking two fingers up your thigh. You shiver at how foreword your squad leader is being.
“Do you think I’ll be able to get another noise like that out of you?” Hange moves their face forward, practically whispering next to your ear
“I uh...oh look the meteors! They are still going!” You panic, the air is thick, your heart fluttering at how close they are getting. Not that you wouldn’t want to...it’s just moving so fast that you couldn’t barely keep up.
“The meteors can wait”
“I mean technically...” you’re words at cut off by Hange kissing your neck, testing the waters a little before going right ahead. You softly moan out Hange’s name, heaving a little bit at the intensity. So long have you envisioned yourself in this position, being kissed by your squad leader; you’ve thought about it and you’ve touched yourself to it. You may be feeling a little awkward now, but you shiver with anticipation to see how far this could go.
“Are you okay?” Hange asks, looking at you with a little concern, they can feel you tensing under their touch, even shaking a little. “I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable”
“No! No definitely I’m okay I’m just inexperienced. I mean I’m not but it’s different when it’s you because I...I like you and I want to do this but, can we start off slow?” You ask nervously, Hange gives you a tender kiss on your forehead and holds you close.
“If you ever want to stop, please tell me okay?” Hange asks, you nod at them eagerly before pulling them close in for a confident kiss. You lean back onto a pillow, allowing Hange to hover above you, lips still connected. What a feeling this is, never would you imagine getting this close to them; you savour every moment. Hange sits up and takes off their shirt, revealing a binder underneath before taking that off too, your eyes fall to the exposed skin; a lump in your throat. There Hange is, straddling you and pinning you down, half naked and stunning.
“Gods...” You whisper under your breath, Hange snickers at your cute expression before attacking your neck. They plant several erratic kisses all of you, earning a mixture of moaning and giggling.
“What happened to going slow?” You chuckle out, Hange stops immediately and changes their expression.
“I can slo-”
Hange’s words are cut short as you flip them over underneath you, their eyes wide and breaths manic, that is until you sloppily kiss their lips. Hungry noises leave either of your throats as you fight for dominance; you suppose the issue here is that the both of you are so eager, so keen to please that you clash - but in the best possible way. One final flip and you find yourself locked onto the floor under a very horny squad leader. And by locked, it means having Hange gripping your jaw with one hand and the other being intertwined with yours.
“Be my good little space girl, let me see you” Hange unbuttons your shirt, one button at a time, almost painfully slowly. 1...2..3...4...and suddenly your chest is on full view. You attempt to cover yourself, but too late, Hange is already kissing every bit of skin they can see, uncapping your breast from your bra like a hungry animal and latching their mouth onto a free nipple. They graze their teeth and tongue over your sensitive bud, sucking slightly. You reach a hand up to their head and grip their hair slightly, enjoying the sensation. Whilst you are so distracted, Hange reaches a hand down to your trousers, you don’t even notice them unbuttoning them; it was only until their hand was ghosting over your underwear did you look down. They then press a finger against your clothed pussy, feeling your growing excitement.
“Wet already?” Hange scoffs against your breast, you can’t even answer; either from embarrassment or your panting. Hange thinks back to your little yelp, they would love to hear you make such a noise again. “Over my knee sweet pea” Hange ordered, without hesitation you stood up and allowed Hange to sit down, here you bend over their knee, raising your ass into the air to give them all the access they need. After pulling down your trousers to your ankles, they take extra time to look at you; you’re hot and bothered, shaking a little in anticipation. Hange looks to your perfect ass, stroking and groping it slightly, thinking about all the little red hand prints they will leave on you.
“Such a good girl” Hange mewed before landing a harsh slap across your cheek, you yelp out in a mixture of pain and pleasure. Enjoying the noise so much, Hange slaps your ass over and over, allowing little to no breaks between each hit - you knew this isn’t quite how spanking works but it feels good and Hange definitely was enjoying watching your ass jiggle with each slap.
“Ow!” You yell out, that last hit was a little too hard; Hange, feeling sorry kisses your now extremely red behind.
“I’m sorry, I got a bit carried away; here...” Hange moves their hand over to your underwear again and slips under the fabric to stroke your aching clit. Whatever pain you felt had all disappeared to the sudden wave of pleasure that is Hange. They spread your pussy a little, allowing their middle finger to trace your folds and stop at your clit; here, Hange uses their middle and index finger to rub the sensitive nub, interchanging their technique from circling to a forward to back motion. You could feel the knot build up in your lower abdomen, imaging yourself cumming onto Hange’s fingers. That was until they pulled their fingers away, you let out a disappointed moan and looked to your squad leader with pleading eyes.
Without word or warning, Hange lowers themself down and repositions you over their face. You were now suddenly close to Hange’s pussy, unfortunately still clothed, as you fumble at their belt you could feel Hange lift your ass up a little and look down to see what you’re doing. They smirk, hands leaving you and helping you pull down their trousers and underwear; much better.
You wasted no time but to dip your head at their entrance and lapped up their juices, hands either side of their propped up legs and making sure to be especially rough on their clit. Hange moans out painfully, how long had it been since they were in this position? Your ass is forcefully lowered onto Hange’s face, you feel them lick and suck at your clit, feeling your knot tighten one more. Your legs begin to shake, you won’t be lasting long and Hange can just sense it.
“Y/N look! The meteors are going again!” Hange yells out, you stop licking and look immediately up to the sky; but this was a trick because Hange pulls you down further, inserting 2 fingers into you and eats you out rougher than before, earning an eruption inside you, bursting and almost painful as you cum hard onto their mouth and fingers.
“Venus~!” You strangled out, shaking heavily above Hange who cocks their head to the side.
“Uh..yeah sorry I don’t know why I do that...” you breathlessly panted out
“Don’t apologise, its cute” Hange strokes your ass, giggling at their little space weirdo. You position yourself above Hange, taking them by surprise as you cup their pussy with your hand.
“Got you” Was all you could say before inserting two of your fingers inside your squad leader. You arch your fingers inside of them, using your thumb to draw circles over their clit as they pant and whine under you. Using your free hand you grab both their wrists and hold them above their head, giving you full view of their body. As you finger fuck them, you reach down and kiss them, moving your lips from theirs to over their neck, sucking hard; making sure to leave a dark mark. That was it for Hange, their whole body trembles and cums undone; what you didn’t expect was the flood that left their body, squirting all over you.
“Globular Cluster!!!” Hange screams out, they were a hot mess, melting into the blanket. You crawl next to them and snuggle into their chest. They begin to stroke your hair, leaving forehead kisses.
“Globular cluster?” You ask cheekily, Hange laughs and pats your back.
“Listen, if you are going to scream out space words during sex instead of my name, I might as well do it too!”
“That is too adorable”
“As are you Y/N, do you think my space girl could love an earth...ehhh girl?”
“There is a gender neutral word for that you know, earthling” You giggle, Hange huffs a little, cheeks dusted with a pink blush.
“But yes, this space girl loves her earthling” you say, kissing their head. The both of you spent the rest of the evening just staring at the stars, Hange continuously asking questions including “What’s my zodiac sign?” and “Is yours compatible with a Virgo?” - not that it particularly matters whether you are astrologically compatible with Hange, you already knew you were.
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bigender-titan · 3 years
i tripped and ended up falling for you
"Let me finish. I tripped over a box." Raine chuckled. "And then I heard my mom shouting my name, and I panicked, so I opened the box and went in. And then... I wasn't on the Boiling Isles anymore."
"And let me guess. We're going there."
"Of course! You know me so well, Rainstorm."
Content warnings: Food, cursing
Word count: 1780
(read on ao3)
"Eda," Raine complained, a note of teasing in their voice. "This is the third time you've walked me into a tree. Are you sure I have to close my eyes?"
"Yes! Otherwise it doesn't work as a surprise! We're almost there, though, so hopefully your pretty face won't have to be threatened by any more trees." Also, if Raine's eyes were closed, they couldn't see how much Eda was blushing after xe called them pretty. Also, how much xe blushed every time xe remembered they were holding hands.
"Are you normally this- ow- clumsy?"
Yeah, I tripped and ended up falling for you. "Give me a break, I didn't have any apple blood today." Eda swatted a branch out of the way before it could hit Raine, and waved xyr arms enthusiastically. "We're here! You can look!"
"Where is here?" Raine asked, opening xyr eyes. "The middle of the woods?"
"Here's where I found the portal!"
"You found a-"
"It all started when my mom was being- well, you know my mom, she suggested some weird curse treatment as usual, and I did not want to deal with that shit. So I did what any reasonable witch would!"
"Communicate your feelings in a healthy way?"
"Don't be ridiculous. I escaped through the window and ran!"
"That's... not really that surprising."
"And while I was running, I tripped-"
"Also not surprising." Raine had the cutest smile, even when they were teasing xem. It almost made Eda want to do more stupid things, to see their smile again. Though xe was pretty sure xe would do a lot of stupid things accidentally.
"Let me finish. I tripped over a box." Raine chuckled. "And then I heard my mom shouting my name, and I panicked, so I opened the box and went in. And then... I wasn't on the Boiling Isles anymore."
"And let me guess. We're going there."
"Of course! You know me so well, Rainstorm." Xe took the portal out of xyr bag and opened it up. After putting one foot through, xe extended a hand to Raine. "You coming?"
Raine paused. "Is it... safe?"
"Well..." Eda thought about the times xe'd been in the human realm. "No one's tried to eat me, and they have weather that doesn't try to kill you, so we should be good. Close your eyes again- that'll make it more fun!"
Although they still looked slightly unconvinced, they closed their eyes and took Eda's hand in theirs. Xe grinned and tugged lightly until Raine followed xem into the portal.
"You can open your eyes again!" Eda declared when the pair reappeared. Raine obliged and looked around.
"Um, cool. An old house. There's a newspaper hung up about how... 'an annoying redhead teenager robbed a bakery.'" They gave xem a disapproving look as Eda grinned and gave a double thumbs up. "Did it at least taste good?"
"Delicious. I'll take you. We can steal some more."
"I don't condone this."
"Fine. I'll steal more and share with you, you goody two shoes."
"How about... paying?"
"They don't take snails. I tried." Well, xe'd only tried paying in snails after the owner had caught xem stealing, but Raine didn't need to know that. "Come on, stealing is fun! Be gay do crime!"
"Okay, Eda. And where exactly is this bakery? Also, where are we?"
"The human realm!" Eda exclaimed, letting out the secret that had been bouncing around inside of xem since xe'd come here the first time. Xe'd wanted to share it with someone desperately, and who better than Raine?
Raine's dark brown eyes lit up. "The human realm? Okay, that's cool."
"And they have really good- their pastries don't try to eat you!"
"Now this I have to see."
Eda laughed and threw xyr arm around Raine's shoulders, leading them out of the old house and into the little human town. As they passed things that must have been ordinary for humans- a dog that barked instead of speaking, automobiles speeding past, people walking by with their rounded ears- the pair whispered to each other and pointed it out, fascinated. Eda had been here before and it still excited xem; this was all new to Raine, and they were flapping their hands up and down in surprise and excitement.
Soon, they reached Robin's Roast Cafe. "Ready to help me rob the place?" Eda asked.
Raine sighed.
"Come on... think of pastries that are eaten willingly instead of trying to kill you... oh come on, Raine, you won't even have to do the stealing! Just distract the owner while I do it."
For a while, Raine was silent. Then: "Fine, I'll do it. Only for you, Eda Clawthorne."
"Thanks, Rainstorm! Love you!" It slipped out of Eda's mouth without xem knowing; xe blushed when xe realized what xe just said.
The pair stared at one another for an awkward beat, then Raine looked away and cleared their throat. "Ready to steal?"
"Always," Eda said, cracking xyr knuckles. Xe opened the door and held it open for Raine. No one else was inside, probably because all the humans were either at work or school. It was the middle of the day, after all, and Eda and Raine only had off because it was a holiday on the Boiling Isles.
"How can I help you?" someone asked. Eda didn't get a very good look at them, because xyr gaze was focused on the cupcakes on the counter. But then xe realized Raine wouldn't want to do the talking, so xe looked up.
Behind the counter was a brown skinned teenager, with dark hair tied in a bun and red-framed glasses. She was kind of pretty, Eda supposed, but nothing like Raine.
Eda! Owl Bitch! Stop being gay and focus on stealing cupcakes.
"Yeah, my partn- friend and I were thinking of getting cupcakes, but Raine has a lot of allergies, I can never keep track, so they'll need to know the ingredients."
The girl nodded. "We have an ingredient list in the back room. Do you mind waiting a bit while I go grab it?"
"Not at all," Raine said, likely knowing that Eda would probably give xemself away by being a little too enthusiastic about being left alone. The girl nodded again and left.
As soon as the door behind her swung closed, Eda snapped xyr fingers and two cupcake vanished from behind the glass and reappeared, one in each hand. Raine grabbed xem two napkins to wrap each one in. "I'll meet you outside," xe said softly, bumping shoulders with them. "Tell the girl you forgot your wallet and can't pay so it doesn't look suspicious that we came inside without buying anything."
"I should probably be concerned by how good you are at this thief thing, but it's fun," Raine replied, grinning. "See you soon."
Raine might have thought Eda was a good thief, but they were the one who stole xyr heart. Xe only hoped xe'd managed to steal theirs in return.
Shaking the thought away- no use pining over xyr best friend more than xe had already today- xe grabbed a table and set the cupcakes down. Soon, the door swung open and Raine joined xem at the table.
"That was terrifying," Raine sighed, grabbing their cupcake from Eda.
"And fun?"
"Yeah. And fun." They smiled and licked some of the chocolate icing off their cupcake. "Oh- oh wow. This is really good. You're sure it won't eat me?"
"Pretty sure, yeah," said Eda, taking a huge bite out of xyr cupcake.
"You aren't going to savor yours?"
"Nah," xe replied, slightly unintelligible due to xyr mouth being full.
Unsurprisingly, Eda's cupcake disappeared significantly before Raine's, but it was almost as enjoyable to watch Rainstorm eat theirs and smile. Damn, xe was really failing at this don't pine over them thing.
Finally, Raine finished their cupcake and looked up at Eda. "That was delicious. Thanks for stealing it."
"Any time, Rainstorm." Eda paused a little, studying Raine's lips. Which was a completely normal thing to do, of course. "You got a little icing..." xe trailed off. Suddenly feeling bold, xe swiped a finger along the corner of Raine's mouth.
Instantly, xe regretted it. "Sorry- sorry. I'll just crawl in a hole and-"
"I don't mind."
"Okay," Eda said, and quickly changed the subject. "You want to head back to the Boiling Isles?"
"Not- not yet, I don't think. I... really like it here. It's- I like it."
"I'm glad you do. I was really hoping you'd enjoy coming here. I'm not really the best at gestures, remember that time I got you snake oil for your birthday? But I really wanted to do something special for you, because, well, you're really special to me."
Raine was silent for a long time. Eda went back to wishing xe could crawl into a hole. "You're really special to me too," they said finally, softly.
Eda smiled and blushed. Did Raine mean it platonically? Romantically? Who knew. This was all so confusing. But it made xem a little braver.
"Raine, I don't want to sound all cheesy, because ick, but you're sweet and caring and funny and a million other things that make me want to be with you all the time, and like you said, I'd be a mess without you. I mean, I'm already a mess, but... I want to be with you anyway. Shit, now I'm rambling. Okay. Um. How do I say this... You're smoking hot and I have a teeny tiny ridiculously overwhelming crush on you!"
Raine blinked once. Twice. Eda looked around for escape routes and/or holes.
"That's- I- I think you're really date and I want to go on a great, I mean. Ack. Words. I think you're really great and I want to go on a date."
All the panic evaporated off of Eda and a wide smile spread across xyr face. "Fuck yeah! I'd love to date you! Hear that, everyone!" xe yelled loudly, drawing the attention of the one and only pedestrian on the other side of the street. "I'm dating Raine Whispers! Whooo!"
Raine laughed and kissed xem on the cheek. Eda's mouth formed a perfect O.
"-da. Eda. Eda. Earth to Eda?"
"Sorry. You kissed me and I think it broke my mind. I'm definitely still a mess."
"I wouldn't have it any other way."
Holding hands (holding hands!!!) they walked back to the old house and back through the portal, back to the Boiling Isles. Back to Eda's old life. Except now, it was a million times better, because xe was dating Raine Whispers.
Hear that, everyone? Xe's dating Raine Whispers! Whooo!
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intoanothermind · 4 years
The Glue - Part Five
Tumblr media
T H E   G L U E
Word Count: 3.2k words
Synopsis: Glue or Variable? This is the big question about Frankie’s existence. Assigned to the same role as Newt in WCKD’s Lethal Experiments, Frankie suddenly realizes that she will become just a variable to activate brain reactions in her former Group A friends. Without memories and being the only girl among several boys, she has the feeling of already knowing some of them. The new question that matters to WCKD is: will Frankie play her role as a variable correctly?
- Newt x OC (Frankie)
<Part 4 | Part 6>
(Warnings: attempt of sexual abuse. DO NOT read it if it’s a major trigger for you. You can read the first part in italic, skip the first part after the “~*~” and read from the first line in the normal text.I will put it in bold so you can know where. After that there’s a lot of confusing and shocked feelings, so be warned as well. I’ll put a summary at the end of the chapter about what happend if you want to skip it altogether after the italics.)
P A R T   F I V E
The girl could do nothing but cry. Cry and mourn for the bad luck she has had since she was pulled out of her parents' arms more than a decade ago. She was a fifteen year old teenager and, as such, had her hormones, feelings and dreams like any other, it didn’t matter if she was part of WICKED or not. And they should understand. She loved Newt as she never thought she would ever love someone and now the Creators have only thought of separating them. That wasn’t fair!
“Frankie?” She heard a familiar voice seconds before bumping into someone and going straight to the floor.
The girl looked up, meeting the small eyes of her friend Minho, looking at her with concern.
“Frankie, what happened? Are you alright?” He asked, crouching beside her to help her up.
“Doesn't matter, where's Newt?” Asked the girl, a little hurried as he wiped a few tears.
Minho frowned, confused. “He's on his way, he was finishing some last minute challenges.”
“Thank you, Minho, see you later!” She said in a hurry, giving a kiss on the friend's cheek before running away in the direction where he came from.
After a few corridors turned, she finally saw the blonde she was looking for further ahead. She was in a hurry, so she didn't stop as she pulled Newt toward a side door. The space they entered was tiny, but the girl didn't care. She just hugged the boy's waist and allowed herself to shed a few more tears.
“Frankie? What is it?” Newt asked, concerned, as he hugged her with one arm and stretched the other to find the switch.
The girl closed her eyes tightly when the light was turned on and buried her face in Newt's chest. With some difficulty, he managed to push the girl away and watch her face, reddened by crying. She held it in her hands and the girl finally opened her eyes, finding the brownish orbs watching her closely.
“What happened, love?” He asked, stroking his cheek with his thumb.
“T-they ...” She started, but paused to take a deep breath and say something coherent. “The Creators changed my role in the Experiment.”
Newt frowned, confused. “What do you mean? Frankie, I don't understand.”
The girl took another deep breath, building up the courage to pass on the information she had heard Thomas exchange with the Chancellor.
“They found out about us dating, Newt.” She said, and Newt could see the desperation in her eyes. “They found out and instead of punishing us, they decided to change my role. Thomas had tried to negotiate with Chancellor Paige, but all he managed was for me to become a variable.” She continued, already feeling a new wave of crying wanting to explode through her chest. “I will not be more to ‘keep the girls together’ in Group B. I'll go to your Glade.”
Newt looked astonished. He looked around at the broom closet - strange and cliché in the girl's opinion - before turning to her with an unreadable expression on his face.
“Why would that be bad?” He asked, finally speaking.
“Because it is!” Exclaimed the girl, moving away from Newt and placing her hands on her head. “I will be a variable! I will be there just to induce brain reactions, I will be even more disposable than I already am!” She ended almost screaming.
“Hey Hey hey!” Murmured Newt, taking the girl's hands and pushing them away from her face. “We can try to see the bright side of it.” He waited until she looked him in the eye. “We were afraid when they split up to Phase 2 in the Desert. Now they won't.”
“B-but...” The girl tried to argue, seeking answers to her doubts and despairs.
“But nothing, Frankie.” Said Newt firmly, holding her face in his hands and making her look into his eyes. When she did, he opened the crooked smile that made her heart so fast. “You may not remember anything that happened to us so far, but at least we'll be together. And that is what matters.”
The girl smiled, delighted. “That's what matters.”
Newt's smile widened even more, and he leaned over to kiss her. The kiss that always made the girl forget that the reality she faced was not the best.
~ * ~
The first thing I felt when I woke up was despair taking over my body control. I couldn't breathe and my eyes were already blurred by tears that I didn't even notice were streaming. My sleeping bag was pulled out of me and I finally realized what was happening when a weight pinned me to the floor covered with dry leaves: Greg, the Builder who had been teasing me the day before, was onto me, immobilizing me and using one of the hands to explore my body.
I breathed heavily against the boy's warm skin, and tried at all costs to free myself from his grip. Greg murmured indecipherable words that I sometimes understood as “be quiet” or “shut up before they find out”. But I would never be quiet, at least not now and not at that moment. I struggled as hard as I could while I was trapped under his body, but nothing I did seemed to bring me freedom. The feeling of despair, failure and disgust was beginning to suffocate me more than ever. Greg slid his hand down the men's shirt I wore, leaving my breast exposed. My eyes widened automatically and my heart increased its pace almost sickly.
And in that instant, I wanted my heart to really stop.
When Greg left my breasts reddish, purple and sore, I no longer knew how to decide between uselessly screaming for help and whining about my bad luck. I was already about to hit my head hard on the floor in order not to witness what I knew would be the worst moment of my life as Greg lowered his hand towards my pants when his weight abruptly left me.
I opened my eyes, taking the opportunity to get away and crawled on my back until I felt my body hitting a tree. I lifted my torn shirt and hid my chest again. Not far from me, I saw Minho over Greg, beating him audibly and angrily.
“Go after Newt, now!” Minho shouted at me, before returning to his fight with Greg, who started to fight back.
I still remained paralysed for a few seconds, trying to absorb everything that had happened to me. When I finally seemed to recover at least enough to run, I did. I got up suddenly and didn't look at the boys fighting on the ground before running through the trees back to Homestead. And I kept crying. Holding the torn fabric of what is left of my shirt in front of my chest, I ran, stumbled, got up and continued running even barely seeing where I was going with the tears running down my cheeks. I got out of the Deadheads, under various confused and curious eyes, but I didn't care. Just one pair of eyes mattered, and as soon as I found them, I threw myself into Newt's arms without caring about anything else but the inexplicable security his embrace gave me.
“Frankie?” Newt asked, a little surprised and frightened, as he hugged me tightly in order to ward off sobs. “What happened?”
I pulled away from Newt a little, still holding the cloth loose in front of my chest, breathing deeply and heavily as I tried to regain my composure to say anything. But, before any words left my mouth, Newt had his reaction. He looked me up and down, making me ashamed and his eyes widened when he realized my miserable situation. In a quick movement, Newt tore the scabbard from his machete, throwing it anyway on the floor at his feet. I was confused, until he took off the long-sleeved blouse he wears on a daily basis, showing a brownish T-shirt and slightly hidden muscles.
In the next instant, I found myself raising my arms by force and Newt's shirt was running over my head. When she settled herself largely on my body, the smell of sweat, earth and cologne calmed my heart by the simple fact that it was Newt's scent.
“Frankie, tell me what happened!” Newt pleaded, holding my shoulders and shaking them slightly.
“G-Greg, he...” I tried to say, indicating the Deadheads behind me, before my voice disappeared.
But it hadn't been necessary. A howl came from the woods, and I knew it came from Greg. I was startled by the noise, pressing against Newt in an impulsive movement. I hugged him tightly, relaxing a little when he, although confused, hugged me back. A movement on the edge of Deadheads caught our attention and Newt hugged me tighter in a reflexive and protective act, while I cowered in his comfort.
Among the skeletal trees, Minho appeared with a fierce expression on his face and Greg in front of him, trying to free himself from the improvised handcuffs with ropes. While being dragged by Minho and Alby - who had come to find out what was going on and had finally helped - towards the Slammer, Greg looked in my direction despite his face swollen by the beating. A sadistic, impure look that gave me such a high level of disgust that I wanted to pluck my reddened skin from his stabbing touch. I avoided looking while he was arrested, so I buried my face in Newt's chest again.
“What happened, Minho?” I heard him ask, and I looked up to see Minho and Alby already beside us.
I wanted to open my mouth to thank him for saving me, but when nothing came out I realized I was still crying. Alby indicated that we followed him to the Homestead, so we didn’t attract more attention to me and for the first time, I agreed to something he said. We entered the Homestead, with Newt still holding me, and I realized that the council was there too. They settled on the floor in a half-moon shape and, although I thought they would do it upstairs, I realized that a Conclave would start.
“We gather here in a emergency to decide Greg's situation.” Began Alby. “Although I still don’t trust the newbie, she is now a Glader and, as the rules say, it is forbidden to hurt another Glader. Each of you will be entitled to your turn. We will respect all opinions and consider everything that each one says and we will reach a conclusion. Minho, tell us what you saw.”
Minho threw a sympathetic look at me quickly before beginning his narrative.
“Frankie had promised to say goodbye to me and Ben every time we went to the Maze, but I thought it was a little strange when I didn't see her on the edge of Deadheads. I went looking for her and when I found her near the cemetery, Greg was on top of her trying to...” He swallowed hard. “Abusing her...”
A sob was heard and I realized it was mine. My eyes hazed up and my fingers were shaking. Winston, Gally and most of the other Keepers looked at me with pity, which made me cringe more towards Newt.
“Newt, take her upstairs to calm down.” Said Alby, possibly in the best act of compassion for me.
I felt Newt nodding and then he lifted me up next to him. He guided me up the stairs to the top floor, looking like he already had a destination in mind. When he passed me through one of the doors where I thought he was his room, I finally got out of my trance state and had a concrete reaction that wasn't just crying. I took off the shirt Newt had put on me and, in a fit of pure fury, I started to scratch my skin. I felt hatred and disgust with myself. I hated feeling weak and Greg had made me feel worthless and helpless. I hated him for doing this to me and I hate myself for allowing it. I looked at my skin and purple hickeys on my breast and howled with pure hatred as I scratched myself, hoping to rip off the desecrated skin with my nails. My psychological state was already seriously compromised and I was afraid that the images I had seen would never release me from this trauma. I started to scratch my arms too, not caring that red lines started to appear and my nails were dyed. I cared even less if I stayed raw. Maybe it was even better than feeling invaded and violated.
I felt strong hands holding me, preventing me from continuing with my self-destruction. With adrenaline still pumping through my veins, I tried to break free from Newt, screaming for freedom. I struggled as much as I did with Greg. But, unlike him, Newt didn't move, just held me, his breath hitting the back of my neck and making me shiver.
“Let me go, please.” I asked, my voice hoarse from crying.
“I won't let you go, Frankie.” Said Newt, and his carefully calm voice had an almost instantaneous effect on me. “I will always want your good, I will not give up.”
Gradually, I managed to calm down and Newt guided me to the bed. He left me leaning against the headboard and went back to pick up the shirt on the floor. When he handed it to me, I dressed it without question, while he sat across from me. I pulled my legs up and hugged them, resting my chin on my knees. I closed my eyes, trying to block the images that came to my mind. I felt Newt's breath coming closer and for a moment mine became uneven until I felt his lips on my forehead. Newt moved away from me, and I opened my eyes, seeing him still close.
“I'll take care of you, Frankie, I promise.” he whispered, his brown eyes staring at me intently.
I smiled, unable to find my voice to thank him, and leaned over to hug him. Not that hug of despair that begged for comfort. It was a hug of thanks, and Newt didn’t hesitate to respond. He didn't move away from me and I didn't insist until we heard a knock on the door. Newt stepped away minimally, just enough to shout an “come in”. Minho came through the door, looking a little upset, but trying to disguise that fact.
“Have you finished the Conclave already?” Asked Newt, looking a little surprised. “I didn't even hear screams from those klunks!”
“Because they didn't.” Minho replied, sitting on the edge of the mattress. “I never thought anything like this would happen.”
“What? Minho, what happened?” I asked, sitting up straighter, looking forward to his reply.
“The decision was almost unanimous.” Minho finally said. “Greg will be banned at dusk.
~ * ~
The moment Alby untied the leash, I knew I couldn't stand watching it. But my feet were planted on the ground, and I couldn't get out of the crowd of boys watching Greg's banishment. The collar was tied around Greg's neck the moment he looked through the boys around me and looked at me with a look of pure insanity and desire. I didn't even know if I could cry anymore that day. No one said a word, and although I knew that Greg would be killed by the Griviers since no one had survived a night in the Maze, I was afraid I was still in danger.
Greg kept his gaze on me and Chuck, beside me, took my hand. Alby pulled on his collar to make sure he was well attached to the long pole in his hand. He ran his fingers along its length and when he reached its base, he waved back with his hands. The post seemed to be about six meters and the aluminum tip was curved in the middle, but only a little.
“Greg of the Builders.” Said Alby aloud, finally breaking the silence that had been installed by the tension of the situation. “You were sentenced to Banishment for attempting to rape Frankie the Newbie. The Keepers spoke, and their word does not change. Unanimous decision and you will never return. In charge, take your place on the Bane Pole.”
I shuddered when his words reached my ear, saying for the first time the clarity of what had happened to me as the worst experience I have ever had in my life, including the one before Box. One by one, boys came out of the crowd and among them I recognized Newt, Minho, Winston and Gally. As soon as the ten Keepers were evenly spaced on the post, all I wanted was for it to end at once. The tension in the air and the weight on my chest felt too much for me to take. The East Door began to close, with a loud noise and sparks coming out of the stone. The ground shook and I squeezed Chuck's hand tighter. The post was pushed by the Keepers and the crowd of boys looked surprised when Greg offered no resistance. Soon he was more than a meter out of the Glade. At the last second, the Keeper at the front loosened the wider bar, detaching it from the part attached to Greg and, pulling it back to the Glade, left it to the Banishment.
Before the Doors closed completely, Greg was able to say a single sentence while looking directly at me.
“I just regret not having finished.”
I was horrified even after the Doors closed completely between me and Greg. The crowd dispersed and all I could do was to stay there like a dead weight. I didn’t disagree with that point of view, but my muscles couldn’t move. When I found my will again, Newt was already in front of me, looking at me with concern. I looked at him, feeling my irregular breathing and a lonely tear running down my right cheek.
“Newt.” Alby approached after dispersing the crowd. “Your responsibility.” He said to Newt, looking just like wanting to reinforce something that had already been said.
Newt nodded and Alby waved at me before walking away.
“Come on, Frankie.” Called Newt, his voice sweet. “You sleep in my room from now on.”
(CHAPTER SUMMARY: Greg The Bilder tried to abuse Frankie while she slept in the Deadheads, but Minho came in time to save her. He told her to go look for Newt and she did. The was a Conclave to decide Greg destiny, but while Minho as telling the Keepers what happened, Frankie was still in shock and Newt took her to a room so she didn’t have to relive it. She freaked out in there and Newt told her he would take care of her. Minho came after them a while after, telling that the decision was unanimous and Greg would be banished. The final part was the banishment and Newt saying that Frankie would sleep in his room from now on instead of in the open.)
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accioromione · 4 years
Could u do a fic about Ginny and Harry teasing romione infront of molly pls🥺✨ this was inspired by a comment under the fic where Harry hears romione btw! X
It was a beautiful Easter Sunday. The sun gleamed against the Burrow’s kitchen window, and Mrs. Weasley had made a huge feast. Dinners at the Burrow was something Harry rather looked forward to. They used to do it every other week, but because of everyone’s busy schedules, it was hard to arrange them. So now, dinners at the Burrow were usually reserved for holidays or special occasions, Easter being one of them. Harry saw that Bill and Fleur were there, Fleur was five months pregnant and seemed to be glowing more than ever. Percy was there, with his girlfriend, Audrey, and George was also seated, alone. Harry knew about George and Angelina, but because they had just started dating, he figured that George was not ready to introduce her just yet. Across the table he saw Teddy and Andromeda, and immediately went to hug and hold his godson, who started giggling. 
Mrs. Weasley was still slaving away in the kitchen. Despite there being more than enough food on the table. She turned around at Teddy’s giggles. 
‘Harry! Ginny!’ She said before going over to kiss Harry on the cheek. Harry held Teddy in one hand and hugged Molly with the other. 
Mrs. Weasley went over to Ginny to give her a big squeeze. 
‘Ginny dear you look beautiful, the dress is a bit too low cut, here help me with the plates’ Ginny rolled her eyes, listened to her mother and helped her. 
Andromeda indicated to Teddy, who’s giggles had subsided, he was now resting his head against Harry’s chest, his eyes closing, 
 ‘he’s due for a nap, he’s just eaten, couldn't wait for the whole lot, reckon he was waiting for you’ 
‘Oh Harry dear, let him sleep in Ginny’s room,’ Molly said, as she waved her wand so more dishes made their way onto the table. 
‘Transfigure my bed into a crib’ Ginny added, and Harry went upstairs and did exactly that. Teddy was far gone the moment he went on the stairs, he settled Teddy down and placed a kiss on his forehead, tucking him in. He took one last look at his godson, who was now peacefully asleep, before going back down the kitchen to hear Fleur and Molly arguing.
‘Really, it eez not like I am incapable, I would be pleezed to ‘elp’ Fleur said
‘It’s okay dear, everything’s all done now, where is everyone...’ 
‘No manners I tell you mum, at least we know who’s punctual’ George joked 
‘Who else are we waiting for?’ Percy interjected 
‘Well, your fathers outside in the shed, Harry’s here now, Bill you’re here, Percy..George ...We’re waiting on Charlie, Ron, and Hermione then’ 
‘Ron late, surprise surprise’ George joked again 
‘He’s not late, the dinner starts at seven, which is in two minutes, oh Ginny go call your father for me’ 
‘Hopefully they didn’t get side-tracked’ Ginny joked before going to get her father. 
Molly looked confused at this and then with a ‘pop’ they saw Ron and Hermione appear. Hermione looked pink and Ron’s hair was slightly disheveled. 
‘I’m so sorry Molly!’ Hermione said right away as soon as she saw everyone’s eyes on them, ‘we didn’t keep good track of the time!’ 
Ron gave a shy smile at everyone, 
‘nonsense you’re right on time- take a seat, take a seat, you look beautiful darling, Ginny’s went to get Arthur, and we can all tuck in, now where is Charlie!?’ Molly added
And as if her mentioning has summoned him, Charlie Weasley appeared, he appeared to have 3 more burns since the last time Harry had seen him. 
Ginny came back Arthur by his side and everyone sat down to enjoy the meal. 
The whole table was caught in different conversations ‘Charlie, look at all these burns!’ Molly was saying to Charlie
‘Really I teenk people overplay zee difficulties of pregnancy, I quite eenjoy it’ Fleur was saying to Audrey. 
Bill was asked about Gringotts, Charlie, the dragons, George, the shop, Ginny, quidditch, and then the Ministry became a topic of conversation. ‘So how are you three enjoying it’ Arthur asked Ron, Hermione and Harry. 
‘I found it hard to navigate at first, but you get used to it don’t you?’ Percy interjected 
‘Yeah no it’s fine, plus I don’t really have to be running all about the ministry, I have my office when Ron and I aren’t on missions so we just have to go there,’ 
Ron agreed, and Hermione chimed in ‘same for me as well, minus the missions- but yeah it’s quite nice, a lot of work but I enjoy it, just stay in the office really’ 
‘I mean, for the most part’ Ginny joked
Molly looked at Ginny confused.
‘What do you mean dear?’ Molly asked
‘She stays in her office for the most part’ Ginny said, smirking.
Now Arthur looked confused, but George was sniggering in the background, and Harry too, knew where this was going, as he had recently told her about how he had overheard Ron and Hermione, in Ron’s office, the other day. 
‘Just you know, when she’s not paying Ron a visit..’ 
George sniggered even more and Ron’s ears turned red. Hermione looked mortified. 
Molly looked at Hermione, and then at Ron, and then back at Ginny. 
‘W-well I mean...you know she’s his girlfriend, it’s not out of the question for them to have lunch’ 
‘Think they had a bit more than lunch’ Ginny cheeked, ‘right Harry?’ 
Hermione looked at Harry furiously, but he couldn’t help but snigger a bit with George. ‘Er...’ 
‘Ginny enough!’ Molly said, ‘Ron and Hermione...I know you two are finally boyfriend and girlfriend but the ministry?’ 
Arthur seemed to be laughing as well. George interjected, ‘psh like you and dad wouldn't do the same’ 
Molly turned pink ‘I ...I’ 
‘Can’t really blame them- it’s the years of built up sexual tension’ Ginny added, and Harry’s eyes watered as someone kicked him under the table. Harry, who was sitting beside Ginny, knew that kick was from Hermione and targeted towards her. 
Hermione, who was regaining her composure looked at Molly and said, ‘anyways..we’re not boyfriend and girlfriend anymore’ 
The whole table burst in outrage, ‘that’s even worse!’ Molly said, ‘to do that and not even be together, but why!’ 
Harry was shocked at this bit of information, but Hermione only sighed. 
‘Ron, are you going to say anything or am I doing all of the talking’ she said looking at Ron. Once their eyes met, the look of embarrassment on their faces appeared to vanish, and Harry saw that they were lost in their little world. How could they not be boyfriend and girlfriend when they clearly loved each other so much? 
‘Earth to Granger and icke Ronniekins’ George interjected, ‘must say- you guys are on really friendly terms for exes, you know I dont tend to look my exes in the face with lovey dovey eyes but that’s just me’ 
Ron put his arm around Hermione, gave her a kiss on the cheek, and finally took his eyes off of Hermione’s to look at the table in front of him..Hermione blushed. 
‘We’re not boyfriend and girlfriend, Hermione’s now my fiancee’ Ron announced, smiling at the table at first and then smiling at Hermione, who looked lovingly back at Ron and beamed at the table, she stretched her arm to reveal her hand, and there in fact was a nice diamond ring placed on his finger. 
This was followed by another outburst on the table. ‘Oh thees eez lovely’ Fleur sighed, 
‘git you didn’t even tell me’ Ginny said 
‘didn’t know you had it in you Ron’ George said 
‘Congratulations Ron,’ Bill said
‘That is quite a responsibility’ Percy added 
‘Oh this is lovely!’ Molly said, ‘Hermione you’re officially apart of the family!’ 
Hermione beamed at the table.
‘Sorry I didn’t tell anyone before I did it...’ Ron added, ‘it’s just that anything I say to Harry, he’ll tell Ginny,’ he added before giving Harry a glare, as Harry had shown how he does exactly that ‘and Ginny will tell George...and then I was just scared it would come back to Hermione’ 
‘Oh it’s no worries!’ Molly said, ‘another wedding how lovely!’ 
And the whole table went into conversation about the wedding plans. And Harry was excited too...another wedding! With his two best friends, he had thought about it with Ginny, and he figured they weren’t too far off either. Harry figured that Ron and Hermione wouldn’t rush into one, but the idea of his two best friends being engaged after everything they’ve been through made Harry very happy. 
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bindi-the-skunk · 3 years
Son of Frankenstein
"What did you all do!?" Robert called as he ran into the room and attempted to calm the other doctor down, who screamed as if he was being murdered.
"We did not do anything! He just started pitching a fit!" Miss Flowers defended, scowling a bit at the accusation.
Robert wanted to scream himself, with no doubt in his head that they dashed in here and shoved yet another blunt explanation bomb in his lap to deal with, and it was the final straw that broke the camels back into a fit of hysterics.
He had half a mind to deck every single one of them!
Henry felt as though there was a ringing in his ears that refused to stop...spots danced before his eyes, everything hurt as he thrashed, bones screaming as loudly as he was for it all to-just-stop, desperate to run but legs refusing to listen, just as broken as their owner's mind, his head pounding as if Hyde was tap dancing on it despite the fact the blond-haired hellion had gone scarily quiet.
Suddenly he was pressed against something sturdy and felt a soft pressure against his back, strong hands rubbing his back soothingly, hands that were obviously trying to be careful as to not cause the injured man any more pain as the smell of cinnamon and apples hit his nose.
"Do something useful and look in the cabinet for a mild sedative, I don't want to give it to him yet, just in case he calms down on his own, but I want it out just in case" Robert barely kept from snarling at the lodgers and was grateful when they slinked away to do as asked, looking properly guilty.
The chemist went limp in the other's hold like a puppet with the strings pulled clean out and left forgotten on the floor, and Robert checked a bit frantic for a pulse and calmed when there was a rapid but steady one under his fingertips.
Frankenstein watched the two, mild jealousy stirring in her gut at how easily her son relaxed in the grip of that little chipmunk and recoiled from her as if she bore fangs and a rattling tail, she knew it would be a bit of a chore getting him to see reason, but this was-
Then again, she had not exactly reacted well to things when she had been young either, Harry's skilled hand at caretaking and tending to her sickly body's whims had been part of what she loved about him, she had never, to him, been the one to inherit her family's title, she had just been a woman he loved, Victoria, now she was beloved by dozens of people breaking into the unknown and the one person who she should have been striving to get and give love to had been hurt by her actions.
Yet another whose personality had been soured because their life-giver chose to not consider the consequences...
Had she been too harsh? He was a grown man who did not need babying, he had given up far too much dignity in his circus for the 'normal' people, but he took pride in his work in alchemy.
What had she truly offered at this point besides being the one who spit him out? He got her tendency for melancholy and foul temper when pushed far enough, him hitting a nerve with her about Elizabeth had been a low blow, but she had not exactly had tact with him either and made several low blows herself.
Slut had been a harsh word...slave to the public might have been a bit more suited a phrase, in all honesty, she should not be surprised if the moment Henry became lucid again he threw the S-word at her since she and Harry had not been married before his conception.
Everything else was her Harry, gangly limbs that they magically never tripped over, the soft brown hair that was just slightly wavy, the eyes of passionate fire and smell of peppermint, perhaps that was another reason Victoria had been cruel on her arrival, angered that someone not only dared to try and sanitize mad science, but also who dared to look like someone she had loved and lost, like a specter trying to haunt her, striking out at his face the same way someone might attempt to destroy a bug on their window, buzzing in their ears and not allowing peace.
What did she hope to even get out of reaching out? Telling him, all of them, of her past?
A normal mother and son relationship? Ha! Victoria Frankenstein was far from a mother and she knew it! She did not do warm hugs and kisses, saying I love you's, and possessed no ability to cook, clean, or sew and her nose curled up at the idea of doing.
Ugh, but what possible harm could it do? Kill her faster? Climbing out a window and being grabbed by Creature had done her no lasting damage, cooking her own damn son something or giving him a peck on the head would not be the end of the world.
Now, where was the kitchen in this stupid building? --- Robert once again got the lodgers to leave the room as Henry started to become more aware, the freckle-faced man had no plans of telling him of his breakdown, if he remembered it, that was what happened, but he was not going to shove it back in his lovers face to re-live it.
Whining near the edge of the bed drew both their attention
Henry smiled tiredly at hearing the familiar sound "Zosi.."
Zosimos spun in circles beside the bed, whimpering till Robert scooped him up and settled him next to his master who hugged the pup close with his good arm and giggled when the grim licked at his face.
"I'm going to change the bandages again alright? Seems a few have..come loose" Robert said and was glad when he got a nod of consent and got to work replacing the bloodied or loose wrappings, trying his best to be gentle and feeling bad whenever he saw the other biting back a wince.
But it was the quick glances to the door that worried him the most.
"Don't worry about them, they won't bother you anymore" Robert tried to comfort but could tell that is not what the other wanted to hear.
"Robert, tell me honestly, does what...who...I am ....change how you feel about me? That I am a Frankenstein? The lodgers are all ...acting so...I don't want you to-"
A kiss cut him off
"I do not care if you are a Jekyll or a Frankenstein, all that matters is that you are my Henry, that is who you are, the others will see that too, they just have to get over the hero worship is all..." Robert chuckled cupping his lover's face, noting the still soaked cheeks.
"Like a child with a new toy..." Henry chuckled himself "I don't even know who I am anymore, the past few hours have just been...a blur of emotions I did not know I could feel"
"You are who you make yourself, it's your choice, not theirs," Robert said, feeling very much like those fortune cookies his mother used to bribe him with in order to get him to do his schoolwork, but also knowing that it was true, nothing he said would fix what happened, but, perhaps he could keep it from completely falling apart.
"Can I stay with you a few days? I know it is asking a lot, but I need to get out of ...here...for a while" Henry asked, perhaps stepping away from the society and all its madness would be able to bring a little clarity to his mind.
"Of course, just rest a while now, and I will make the arrangements,"
Had a bloody nose the past few days because of the change in seasons and just tonight I bought a new humidifier (the old one got ick all in it and would not register it had water in it) so hopefully it works ... Not sure if I should take my misery out on Henry or not...maybe save it for my serial!killer au I have planned...
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Side To Side
Chapter 181: Cold Fried Rice
Characters: Penguin, Law, Shachi, Ruby, Ikkaku, Jun Rating: Teen Warnings: Language Notes: Full Story
“I think Shachi gets the dumbass of the year award,” Penguin muttered as he stared at an x-ray screen.
Law grunted at him. “Probably.”
“Who just slips and falls from mopping and cracks their ribs?” Penguin rolled his eyes and turned off the light.
“Could be worse.” Law shrugged. “We could have another Mugiwara-ya situation.”
“Or a Ruby one. In fact, I’m surprised it’s not Ruby that is hurt!” Penguin snickered and Law sighed.
“I know.” He pinched the bridge of his nose. “That woman needs to just stop.”
“Stop what?”
“Everything.” Penguin raised a brow curiously. What was up with him? Did Ruby get on his nerves? He was looking a little bit more tired than usual. Law looked at him through the corner of his eye and raised his eyebrows. “It was a joke.”
“Uh-huh. You’re like those annoying straight couples now, always at each other’s throats.”
Law made a disgusted noise. “Ruby is anything but straight.”
“You say that like you are.”
“Whatever. Let’s get back to Shachi.”
“He’s touchy.” Penguin muttered lowly.
They both walked into the examination room where Shachi was laying on the bed, with a blank expression. He looked over to them when he noticed they had walked into the room. He tried to sit up but winced and laid back down with a painful expression.
“You cracked a couple ribs,” Law said cooly, without any real emotion, like he usually did when we played doctor.
“Great.” Shachi groaned. “That’s what I get for trying to do chores. See, dude? I just shouldn’t have to do chores.” Law rolled his eyes and walked over to the counter. Shachi looked over at Penguin, and Penguin rolled his eyes and shrugged. Law was just in a shitty mood it seemed. “Let me guess, painkillers, bed rest? No dancing in the moonlight?”
“Pretty much,” Penguin said. “We’ll give you some extra strength ibuprofen and send you off to bed.”
Penguin walked over to Shachi and helped him sit up while Law put together Shachi’s bottle of ibuprofen. Law turned and looked at them with a tired look in his eyes, holding the bottle in his right hand.
“Do me a favor and don’t act stupid anymore.”
“Are you victim blaming me?” Shachi teased.
“Yes, don’t be stupid.” Law tossed the bottle of painkillers to Penguin and Penguin handed it to Shachi.
“Jerk,” Shachi muttered while cradling the bottle in his hand.
“Come on. I’ll help you to the bedroom.” Penguin helped him stand up and began to walk him out. “See you later, Captain.”
They walked out when they received a grunt in response. They looked at each other for a moment before sighing.
“What’s up with him?”
“Dunno. Maybe they got into a fight or something.”
“Nah, Ruby was too energetic.” Shachi sighed. “We’ll let him figure it out on his own. Or let Ruby figure it out, she’s pretty good at it.”
“Definitely leaves us less work to do.”
They both chuckled as they walked towards the crew quarters.
They heard giggling from the room and peeked inside. Ruby was painting Ikkaku’s nails and Jun was braiding Ruby’s hair. It was a very...cute and girly situation. Penguin was curious as to why they were doing it in the crew quarters and not the captain’s quarters, but he supposed it didn’t matter.
“How’re your ribs?” Ikkaku asked.
“Cracked.” Shachi sighed.
The two of them made it to his bed and laid him down.
“Ick,” she responded.
The three women continued to talk amongst themselves, talking about nothing. Penguin stared at Ruby for a moment. She definitely wasn’t acting like anything was bothering her. And he really didn’t want to bring up Law if there was something wrong, lest she be upset as well.
“You guys hungry?” He called over to them. “I was going to get Shachi a sandwich, so I can get you guys one, too.”
“I could use one,” Ruby said and returned the nailpolish brush to the bottle. “Thanks!” She grinned at him. “Do me a favor and get Law something, too. He probably hasn’t eaten anything yet, knowing him.”
“Can do. What about you two?”
“I’m fine.”
“Me too.”
“Alright, two salmon cream cheese sandwiches it is!”
Penguin left the crew quarters, and back towards the medbay. Law was probably still there, or at least near there. Luckily for him, Penguin caught him in the hallway.
“Hey, Cap! I’ve been sent on a small task to find you.”
Law looked over with a raised brow. “Why?”
“I’m getting lunch for Shachi and Ruby. She told me to check and see if you have eaten, because you probably haven’t.”
“Ah.” Law looked forward and down the hall. “I haven’t.”
“Well, there’s your reminder.” Penguin said and walked forward, patting him on the back.
“Thanks,” he muttered calmly.
Penguin smiled. “Want to come with?”
Law looked at his face. “Yeah.”
Penguin’s smile grew. “Let’s go.”
They made their way towards the kitchen, both comfortably silent. Penguin started to make sandwiches for Shachi and Ruby when Law stopped him.
“Let me make Ruby’s, she’ll complain if I don’t.”
Penguin couldn’t help but snort because Ruby absolutely wouldn’t complain, Law was just wanting to make his girlfriend some food. It was kind of adorable how he was trying for the tiniest semblance of domesticity.
After lunch had been made, and Penguin had thoroughly teased Law about him making Ruby’s lunch, they walked back into the crew quarters. Shachi was laying down with his hat over his face, trying to rest no doubt. The three women were still giggling and chatting on Ikkaku’s bed.
“Brought you food, Shachi.”
Shachi lifted his hat off of his face and looked at Penguin. “Thanks,” he croaked. He was definitely feeling it. Penguin brought Shachi’s food to him and helped him sit up. “This sucks.” He groaned.
“Yeah, I know.” Penguin patted his knee.
“Did you eat?” Penguin heard Ruby ask. Penguin looked over to her. Law had his hands in his pockets and didn’t answer her. “Penguin, I gave you one job.”
“Sorry. I suck.” Penguin grinned with his teeth.
Ruby scoffed and stood up, her plate in her hand. “C’mon, you.” She wrapped her free arm around one of Law’s and started to drag him off. “See you guys later!” She called back happily as Law was dragged away, grumbling and with a frown on his face.
Ikkaku and Jun started snickering and making fun of the couple. Penguin sighed and patted Shachi’s knee again. “Do you need anything else?”
“Yeah, water.”
“You got it.” Penguin stood you and stretched before walking out of the room. He walked towards the kitchen to grab Shachi a water bottle. He peeked in and saw Ruby sitting on the counter while chewing on her food.
“Hey, Pengu,” she said with a little wave.
“Hey.” Penguin walked into the room and walked towards her. Law was standing off to the side while eating and orange. He had a mildly annoyed look on his face, but then again, he always did. “Just need a water bottle for Shachi.” Law moved aside as Penguin walked up the refrigerator. “Why are you annoyed?”
“I’m not annoyed,” he said.
Penguin looked at Ruby out of the corner of his eye. She was sitting there, swinging her legs back and forth, sandwich in her hand.
“He’s getting sick,” she said.
“I’m not sick. I’m fine,” he argued.
“You medical jerks, terrible at taking care of yourselves. You know if I have a sniffle, you make me stay in bed all day.”
“Because if you don't stay in bed, you’ll die,” Penguin teased her.
Ruby scoffed, offended. “Whatever,” she grumbled. “Doesn’t change the fact that Captain is getting sick.”
Ohhh. “Captain.” Law was definitely in trouble.
“I’m the doctor. I’m the only one allowed to diagnose someone on this ship. My ship.”
“Whatever you say, Captain.”
Penguin rolled his eyes behind the refrigerator door. He heard Ruby’s heels click as she jumped off the counter and Penguin felt the pause she took after doing so.
“You okay?” Law asked flatly.
“Yeah.” She breathed out. “Fine.” She cleared her throat.
Penguin heard Ruby place the dishes in the sick and walk over to Law.
“What?” Penguin looked over and saw them staring at each other. Law looked annoyed as he stared at her. Ruby blinked slowly, not saying anything. They just stared at each other. Their facial expressions not changing until Law kissed her. “I’ll eat something,” he grumbled.
Ruby smiled up at him and his annoyed expression finally eased. “I’ll see you two later. I’m going to be in my greenhouse.” She walked away without another word.
“That was awful. I can’t believe you made me witness that.” Penguin stuck out his tongue like he was disgusted.
“Oh, shut the hell up.” Law groaned and shoved him aside. He pulled out some leftover fried rice before walking away to get a fork.
“Rude.” Penguin said and finally pulled out a water bottle. “You know…”
“What?” Law asked with good in his mouth.
“You need rest if you’re getting sick.” Law gave him an annoyed look. “Don’t give me the “I’m a doctor” stare. I’ll tell on you to Ruby.”
“I’m fine. I’m not getting sick, I’m just tired.”
“Soooo, rest?”
Law sighed. “Yes. If you insist.”
“Sucks having people who love you, doesn’t it.”
Penguin left Law to his pot of cold fried rice. He made it back to Shachi, who was in the crew quarters alone.
“Here ya go. Bottle of water.”
“Thanks,” he grumbled and opened the bottle of ibuprofen that he had next to him. “Thanks for the food.”
“No problem. Need a nap?”
“Want me to stay with you until you fall asleep?”
Penguin smiled and patted his head. “You got it.”
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nalu-fluff-week · 6 years
Nalu Fluff Week 2018
Prompt: Kisses & Comfort/blanket
• This was supposed to be a little drabble lol. Oh well, I hope you enjoy :)
I never thought it would happen. These past 6 months had been so perfect, I never thought we would have a fight like this one; so serious he even stormed out of my apartment.
“He was hitting on you right in my face! What did you want me to do?”
“The guy’s a jerk, that didn’t give you a right to punch him on the face! You know how much I hate unnecessary violence.”
“So you just wanted me to watch while he hits on you?”
“I can fight my own battles, Natsu.” I folded my arms across my chest.
“Who said you couldn’t!?” His eyes were wide, arms outstretched and shoulders raised.
“Then why couldn’t you let me handle this!?”
“Because! I can’t stand it when guys look at you like a fucking piece of meat, Luce! Someone has to drop some sense into them.” He muttered the last part and crossed his arms, turning his head to the side.
“This is not the first time you’ve let jealousy get the best of you, but this time you crossed a line. Look, it has been a long day, just… go home, will you?”
“You want me to go home? Are you kidding me?”
“We’ll talk in the morning, Natsu.”
“Fine.” He turned around and left, slamming the door on his way out.
Why did I ask him to leave? We could’ve talked it out and would probably be fine by now. Now, I don’t know what will happen. I don’t want to lose him.
No point on dwelling about this right now. We will talk tomorrow and everything will be okay.
I grabbed a book and laid down on my bed, maybe a good story will take my mind off of everything.
I had been reading for about 30 minutes until I heard droplets of rain against my closed window. There were just a few, but soon enough it started pouring outside. And then… I heard thunder.
It startled me and I quickly got under my blanket, covering myself from below my nose to my toes. I’m terrified of thunder and lightning, and being alone late at night did not help the situation. I closed my eyes trembling, hoping and praying the storm would pass soon.
Meanwhile in the woods…
We had never fought like this. So what if I was a little protective of her? She’s my girlfriend, no one else has the right to look at her or talk about her the way I do. That son of a bitch had it coming.
But, what will happen now? Is this the end for us? I don’t want to lose her. She’s the most important person in my life.
I laid down on my hammock and soon after it started to smell like rain. I stood up and went to the window next to the door. Sure enough, it had started raining and it was starting to pour down heavily. I saw a lightning bolt coming from the sky, followed by the sound of thunder, which slightly startled me.
The sight reminded me of Lucy. It was so cute how scared she got by the small natural disaster. She usually lets out an adorable shriek and hides under a blanket or wherever she can to protect herself. A meek smile appeared on my face as I imagined her wrapped around her blankets; scared out of her mind, trembling, all alone, with no one to comfort her…
My smile was soon replaced by worry. Without thinking twice I opened the door and ran out in the rain, heading towards her apartment.
How could I leave her alone? I’m such a dumbass.
I ran as fast as I possibly could and as soon as I got there I opened the door to find her just as I imagined: body wrapped around her blanket, shaking, and eyes filled with fear and surprise.
“N-natsu?” She called out, shock written all over her face, “What are you doing here? And soaking wet!?”
“T-there was… thunder and… li-lightning” I answered out of breath due to my previous workout.
“So you came all the way here in the rain!? Oh my goodness…” She stood up and came to my side, trying to take off my vest. “We need to get you out of these clothes or you’ll get si-ICK!” The last part came out as a shriek as the sound of thunder startled her, making her cling onto my side.
I let out a small laugh, “How about I go take off my clothes and you go hide under the blanket?” She gave me a little pout and went to lay down on her bed, veritably hiding under the covers.
I scoffed and went to the bathroom, taking off my clothes and putting on a new pair of underwear out of the drawer with clothes I had in her house. I got back to her room and smiled at the sight. She was so beautiful.
I snuggled beside her under the blankets. At first she was hesitant, probably because of our earlier fight which we still needed to talk about, but after a lightning ray reflected across the room she quickly turned on her side, burying her face on the juncture of my neck and shoulder, and draping an arm around my torso, pulling me closer. I kissed her hair and she looked up, her pretty eyes filled with vulnerability and something else I couldn’t quite decipher. I kissed her forehead, then the bridge of her nose, then the tip, then her eyebrows, then all over her face.
“Natsuuu!” She giggled, trying to get away.
“What? I’m trying to kiss the fear away!” I exclaimed, continuing to kiss her all over the place.
“Oh my goodness, that’s so cheesy!” Lucy laughed, then kissed me on the lips. She pulled away after several seconds, a coy smile playing on her mouth. “I thought I told you to go home.”
I looked down at her and smiled adoringly,
“That’s why I’m here.”
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erydiel-art · 6 years
(ENDED)CASTING CALL FOR: Voice Actors/Music Artists!!! Multiple Roles Available!
Hello everyone! I’m Erydiel, and I need your help! This is a long post, so beware!
I am currently working on my own anime called��“Changing Fate.” To not give away too many spoilers, the anime is in a modern setting with fantasy-like elements, and involves romance, action, angst, etc. You can think of something like Naruto/Bleach, but closer to a Sailor Moon-type style. It’s a little weird of an explanation, but I hope that I’ve grabbed your attention! If you’re interested, read more below!
Now, here’s the deal: this project of mine is a one-man team. I make the story, the script, and do all of the artwork and putting everything together. Since I’m the only person doing this, it takes time to finish all of it. At this point, I will most likely release 1 episode at a time, OR finish all of the episodes and release them once a week. I’m still not sure what to decide yet, which is why I’m doing a casting call now.
Right now, this casting call is for both voice actors and music artists! To prepare you on what you’re getting into, Changing Fate will have:
- 15 episodes of various lengths
- 2 OVAs
- a trailer for the anime
- an anime intro/outro song
- a character reveal trailer
All episodes will be released on Youtube (and Vimeo, possibly). Now, I am a college student on a very limited budget, so I cannot pay you for your hard work. However, you will receive credit on every episode/video that’s released that you’re on, and you can absolutely add this series to your resume. (I’m sure that employers would love to see that you’ve worked on a long-term project, right? I know I would!) I WILL attempt at making a kickstarter to raise funds, so if it is at all successful I will be able to pay you then depending on the work you’ve done. Of course, this is something that will be discussed when we get closer to that time.
So, are you still interested? Wonderful! Here are the requirements in order to apply:
1) Must have a good microphone, and/or be able to remove any background noise/static/etc. from the file before sending it to me.
2) Send files in either a .mp3 or .WAV file format
3) Be able to work with me in making sure that voice files are correct, and if needed re-do a line if the tone of a scene needs to change.
4) You will also need to be okay with scenes that either include or imply: torture, blood, death, pain, etc. Torture scenes will only be for 1 episode or so, but the situation is implied multiple times in the anime. DO NOT apply if you are NOT COMFORTABLE WITH THIS. I do not want to accidentally hurt you. I may not know you personally, but I always try to make sure that everyone is okay before moving forward.
1) Be able to create several tracks (if needed) to fit various scenes in the anime.
2) If you can sing, or know someone who can sing, and be able to get them to sing the intro/outro song for you in the music file.
3) Send the files in a .mp3 or .WAV file
4) Be okay with certain scenes as stated in the Voice Actors Section above.
5) If you can do an intro/outro song but can’t create certain tracks, etc. (and vice versa) that’s OKAY. I don’t expect for only 1 person to do everything: I know different artists can create different genres of songs/tracks, so I’ll be expecting to hire more than 1 person. Just be you when applying!
6) Be okay and patient enough to be able to make any tweaks or changes to a song/track if needed. This may happen multiple times.
1) When applying, send all applications to [email protected]
2) The email subject heading should have either VA or MA, the character or track/song you wish to do, and what lines (for VAs only)
Voice Actors:
VA (Accalia) Lines 1-5 Sample
VA (Accalia + more) Line Sample (Use this if applying for more than 1 character)
Music Artists:
MA (intro song) Sample
What I will be looking for in the emails:
Voice Actors: What character(s) you wish to apply for, plus the files that have the sample lines. EACH line (given below) MUST HAVE it’s own file, and named! For example, if you are doing Accalia’s sample lines, you would do: Accalia-Line 1 for the 1st sample, Accalia-Line 2 for the second sample, etc. Please make sure that you do this when sending emails!
Music Artists: Tell me what you wish to do: intro song, outro song, or background music. Then, I want you to include either a demo reel or examples of your work that either fit or are similar to the music that you wish to do for Changing Fate.
Okay, now that all of that is done, time for the fun part! Voice Actors, this section is for you! Here are the Characters that you can apply for:
Accalia Enelya (Ah-Kay-Lee-Ah Ee-Nel-Yah)
Gender: Female
Race: Nashoba (werewolf)
Accalia is one of THE main characters of the show. She will be one of the main focus in the anime, which also means she will have many, many lines. She is Tsundere to most people, but is heartwarming/acts normal to those that are the closest to her. She is a fierce protector who does not like Humans for the most part, but also knows that she is just a tool for their protection.
1) “Humans…they disgust me.”
2) “Hey, get back here you scum!”
3) “It’s time to change.” (The line that’s spoken before a transformation scene occurs)
4) “I’m sorry…but I can’t. Not now, not ever.”
5) a file of a *sound of disgust* or a sound of “disapproval” (Similar to Cassandra from Dragon Age Inquisition)
Natsuki Arai (Naht-Su-Kee Ah-Rye)
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Natsuki is a soft-hearted man who is the love interest of Accalia. His voice is softer/feminine than most males, but NOT too feminine. You can clearly tell that he is a male, especially if his voice is raised in anger (which is quite rare). He is a gentleman at heart and tends to be the peacemaker in arguments.
1) “Hello, my Lady.”
2) “I assure you that this must be wrong. Can we not resolve this another way?”
3) “Accalia, please, let me help you! You don’t have to do this alone!”
4) “All of this pain that you went through…I’m so sorry, my Love.”
5) a file or track of a *gasp* sound.
Paula Kisurugi (Paul-Ah Kiss-oo-ru-gee)
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Paula is Accalia’s best friend and closest ally. They have known each other for years, and will depend on each other if everyone else is against them. Paula is known to be a klutz, but she makes up for it with her sarcastic remarks and jokes. She will defend anyone who she is close with, although Accalia is most likely to protect her first.
1) “Hey, get back here you jerk!”
2) “You know we gotta get them together, right?”
3) “Lia, you know you can trust me, right?”
4) *crying* “I can’t believe this…why did you have to suffer so much?!”
5) a file or clip of giggling or laughter. Be creative and feel free to send more than 1 file of this!
Cain Kazuhaya (Kayn Kah-zu-ha-yah)
Gender: Male
Race: Natissa (Vampire)
Cain is similar to Accalia in being Tsundere, but it’s not as strong. Instead, he’s almost like the classical annoying Jock that gets on everyone’s nerves. However, despite that persona he is a protector of his friends above all else, and is especially kind to Accalia because he owes her for saving his life long ago. He is also the love interest of Paula.
1) “Yo.”
2) “Heh, hey Shortie. Did ya lose on the bet already?”
3) “Hey, back off!”
4) “They’re going to pay for this.”
5) a sound file of anger or yelling (like a battle-cry for a fight)
Damerick Bennett (Dah-Mer-Ick Ben-nett)
Gender: Male
Race: Nashoba
Damerick is known to be a Jack-of-all-Trades and makes constant jokes to make others laugh and be happy. He is an old friend of Accalia and Cain, and looks out for them often in times of need. Like Cain, he also is close with Accalia due to saving his life long ago, and wishes to pay her back for her sacrifice. If you ever feel down and need a pick-me-up, Damerick is the guy to go to.
1) “Yo!”
2) “Dude, you gotta be kidding me!”
3) “Looks like it’s time to dance, yeah?”
4) “I don’t understand…why do we have to suffer like this?”
5) a sound file of a “WOO!!” or a yell of joy. Take your pick and be creative!
Sasha Anderson (Sah-sha An-der-son)
Gender: Female
Race: Human
1) “Hey, what’s up?”
2) “…Really?”
Hampton Yamazaki (Hamp-ton Yah-Ma-Za-Kee)
Gender: Male
Race: Natissa
1) “Huh?”
2) “…I don’t think we should be doing this…?”
DeAndre Parker (Dee-Ahn-Dre Par-ker)
Gender: Male
Race: Human
1) “So…what do we do now?”
2) “Uh…what?”
Tran (Tr-Ann)
Gender: Female
Race: Human
*Vietnamese accent preferred, if able*
1) “Hi.”
2) “…Thank you.”
Jordan Roan (Jor-dan Row-Ann)
Gender: Male
Race: Nashoba
1) “Are we going to do this or not?”
2) “…Really?”
Various Female/Male Random voices/roles
*There are no lines here, just let me know if you can provide a voice for these smaller roles! They are of different ages, from children to old.
Zaman (Zah-Mahn)
Gender: Male
God of Time & Knowledge
1) “Hello, my children.”
2) “My child, I’m afraid that it will only get worse from here.”
Xantara (Xan-Tear-Rah)
Gender: Female
Goddess of Earth
1) “I have failed you, my children. I…am sorry.”
2) “Do you think it was mere chance that you two are together? You two are together by fate!”
Araceli (Ah-Rah-Cel-Lee)
Gender: Female
Goddess of the Heavens
1) “My child, do not look so down upon yourself. Your soul is too pure for such a sad look.”
2) “…I see. I have not thought of that before. You surprise me, my child.”
Asar (Ah-Sar)
Gender: Male
God of the Underworld
Aznil (Az-Nill)
Gender: Female
Race: Demon
1) “Just give up already, Nashoba. We WILL rule over this world!“
2) “You don’t know what it is truly like to suffer. So, I will show you what it’s like myself!”
Aaaand that’s everything! Quite a long post, but it was necessary. If you all have any questions about this, please send in an ask! I will be happy to answer any questions or concerns.
Also, if you have no interest in this, please still reblog this! I need to get this reblogged everywhere so that others can see. Thank you SO MUCH if you do!!
So please apply before it’s too late!
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ultchaebugi · 7 years
bittersweet; ick
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genre: smut, fluff, a lil angst?? but like just a lil pairing: changkyun / reader word count: 3.5k summary: in which you fall in love with some you shouldn’t, and you’re sure he doesn’t feel the same. right? warnings: smut i guess lmfao a/n: i fucking love him :( oh my god he makes me so soft look at his lil dimples
You’re so beautiful. Everything about you is beautiful, he states, staring right into your eyes. It’s like he had some kind of galaxy inside of them, because it captivated every single part of you from the very first moment. Even when you’re just laying beneath him, under his touch, his body heat, his everything. Even when you’re vulnerable, like a prey under the claws of a heartless predator. You brush your thoughts off for a mere second and hold his face in your warm hands, bringing it closer; and in seconds his lips are almost touching yours. You can feel his breath and he can feel yours. You know you’re craving his lips but you can’t kiss him, you can’t bring him any closer. You know you’ll fall, you know you’ll be lost the very first second your lips touch his. You caress his cheeks lovingly and sigh, closing your eyes and concentrating only in the gentle touch of your warm pillow.
“What’s wrong?” he asks; he stares at you like if he’s trying to understand what’s inside your head, like if he’s trying to read you. What he doesn’t know is you’re an open book for him; the reason why you’re hesitating in doing things you’d do in a daily basis is his existence. His touch, his voice, his laugh, his smile, his dimples, everything. Just him.“Nothing,” you lie. “I’m just stressed over work and can’t stop thinking about it.” he hums in response. He caresses your thigh, his hand going up and down gently grazing your skin. “then just concentrate in me,” he smirks. “You’re here with me and there’s nothing else.”
You wish you could believe those words to heart, because even if you want to, you can’t. You can’t put your feelings aside even for a few hours, it doesn’t work that way. You’re scared, scared of losing him, even if there’s nothing to lose. Not for him at least.You sigh and reassure him, “yeah, I believe in you. I have nothing to worry about.” He holds your cheeks and kisses you gently. His hands run through your body, finally resting in your waist while his lips trail all the way down to your neck, kissing and nipping gently on the sensitive skin. You can feel the warmness of his lips and then the cold air touching the exact places he marked. Everything’s happening in slow motion and for the very first time, you’re enjoying the moment. Your legs hook into his waist and brings it closer to you, this way you can feel his skin. You feel protected, under the caring touch of someone you treasure.His lips slowly trace their way down to your collarbone, kissing it and teasingly going down. His hands ghost over your clothed breasts and slowly travel down to your waist, grabbing the hem of your shirt and lazily lifting it up. You help him out desperately, making a huge contrast between his pace and yours.
“Someone’s desperate, huh?” he teases, caressing your neck, down to your collarbone and to one of the places where you need him the most at this exact moment.He takes his time; he likes teasing and going painfully slow. He kisses your lips hungrily, biting desperately but carefully- like if you’re something precious to him he doesn’t want to break. At least that’s what you wish and you try to convince yourself.
His fingers graze your nipples and you moan into the kiss, inevitably. He smirks once again while you feel his clothed but still noticeable member between your legs- that’s exactly what he wants. He wants you to feel him, to see what you do to him. He presses his hips to your aching core and you feel the urge to take all of your clothes off, kiss every inch of his skin.You trail your hands down to his waist band and unzip his pants, hoping he won’t notice how desperate you are –even though you’re sure he already did- and stroke his still clothed member. This time you’re the one who smirks, making him go crazy- he likes teasing, he likes when you’re straigh forward, but he certainly knows that you’re being carried away by something. In the way you act, the way your lips search his everytime he breaks the kiss. He doesn’t know what it is- but he enjoys the moment.His hands wander around your body, vaguely and teasingly touching your bare skin. His fingers find your panties, drawing circles and moving them up and down, the gentle touch making you moan just a little- you love and hate at the same time how painfully slow he is, and how easily you get reduced to a mess under his touch.   You are so immersed in your thoughts that it takes you by surprise when the fresh air hits your core, making you squirm. He chuckles, “you’re more distracted than usual tonight,” Before you could open your mouth to answer his lips are crashing yours, his fingers caressing your thigh. The kiss is sweet but hungry, and it tastes just like… Changkyun. Just like him. You hate yourself for familiarizing so much with someone you can’t have, you even know exactly how he tastes.He throws your panties away, somewhere on the floor –not like it matters to him right now. Your hands are desperately trying to get a hold of yourself, finding it in his back. You hold him close to your body, trying to regain a little bit of composture, reminding yourself that he barely touched you there and you were already a mess.He cupped your check, getting closer to your ear. “I’ve seen the way you look at me when you think I don’t notice.” Technically yes, you knew it. You knew it was pretty obvious the way you stared at him from the other side of the table, even while your friends were speaking- like that time you agreed to get pizza with the boys and Minhyuk was the story teller of the night but you still couldn’t manage to take your eyes off Changkyun, even if Minhyuk’s voice was to die for- you couldn’t. The way he smiled when his friends said something really funny or the way he stared at them blankly when they made a really bad joke. You just didn’t expect him to be so bold about it, because if he noticed, did he notice those weren’t lustful glances? Was he aware of that? How wicked would it be if he noticed and even then he’d play you and roll you over like some kind of game only he finds entertaining? Maybe you’re just thinking too much, or maybe you’re right. You can’t brush the thoughts off so easily, even when he’s so close to be inside you, or blatantly talking- when his cock is so close to your aching core that it makes you squirm. He hides his face in the crook of your neck, “you just have to be a good girl and open up to me, yeah?” He meant your heart or your legs? You weren’t sure. At all. You submissively nod, only for him to kiss your ear. His cock is pressing against your clit, his lips desperately searching yours and his one of his hands caressing your breasts while the other is resting next to your head, cupping your cheek while he kisses you hungrily, breaking it every now and then to regain a lil bit of breath. You moan slightly at the warm feeling in the place that craves for him the most- other than your heart. “Be really loud for me baby. I want to hear you moaning my name, because you only belong to me” he enphasized that last sentence, “and no one else. Show me what a good girl you are for me, princess.” He had you practically at his feet, even when he tried his best to praise you. He knew exactly where to touch, what to say, but more specifically when and how to do it. You were an open book and it seemed like he had read it before, multiple times. Like he studied you from beginning to end, from end to beginning. His member was now grazing your slit; you were so wet for him that it made it so much easier to slip inside. He was slow, carefully going inside you and kissing you lovingly, maybe trying to reassure you- like his careless and horny attitude were thrown away for a mere second, just for you. But was he careless at all? Or was it just with you? Or did he show any signs of not caring at all? “Fuck, baby. You feel so good,” he moans. His hot and heavy breathing presses against your ear, making you even more desperate if that’s biologically or physically possible. You grip his back, maybe even scratching him a little- but he doesn’t seem to mind. You throw your head back, pressing against his force. He bites your lips, his own making their way to your neck, sucking and bitting your skin. “Changkyun…” you moan, you hoped you didn’t say that out loud. You wanted him to go deeper, faster; to hit that spot you knew he was aware of. You knew he knew where to find it and how to do it exactly the way you liked it- even if it was the first time he touched you. It was just like this, he always knew. Even though you’re desperate- you wouldn’t like to admit it. Would you?“What is it, baby?” he says calmly in response; gripping your thighs and biting his lips, staring at you expectantly, with an innocent look that drives you crazy. “Please, Changkyun,” you beg. He knows exactly what you mean, but he won’t show it. Teasing is his second name. “If you don’t say what you want I can’t give it to you, babygirl,” he slows down a little bit, leaving a feeling of emptiness until he presses down his thumb against your clit, massaging it in circular motions while he smirks. You wish you could erase from his face that damn smile that makes you go crazy. He knows. And you know he knows. But he won’t give it to you if you don’t say it explicitly, because dirty words coming from such a pretty little mouth are his weakness. “Please, ugh…” you moan, a shiver running through your spine at the feeling of his thumb pressing harder against your clit, the other hand grazing your sensitive nipples. “Please, Changkyun. Harder,” you pause for a second- you are fucking with your crush and you know he doesn’t feel the same; is there any dignity left anyway? “P-please,” you continue, “please, harder, deeper, I don’t know. I need to feel you more. I need you, please,” you beg and he licks his lips. “That’s exactly what I wanted to hear, babygirl. You’re such a good girl, you deserve a reward.” He kisses you gently, leaving a sugar sweet feeling in your lips- something you thought was long forgotten and you didn’t expect to bring back those memories from someone who isn’t even your fiancée and isn’t in the most romantic moment with you.His thrusts are not slow at all this time; but he isn’t desperately trying to break you. He’s not too slow but not too quick- the perfect pace. His fingers didn’t left you clit behind; he presses against it after a few thrusts while he has his face glued to your cheek, his mouth close to your ear, only for you to hear his heavy breathing and moans. He hits the exact spot and you can’t help but press against him and close your eyes, getting completely carried away. “Changkyun, ugh,” he kisses your ear, “please, I have to come,” you breath, and his lips search yours once again. “Come for me, baby. Come around my cock like the good girl you are.” You come undone underneath him, releasing everything you have. You think you really scratched his back this time- you throw your head back and reach your high; he comes right after you. He comes inside of you- his thrust becoming sloppy and lazy until he eventually stops. He desperately reaches for air. He throws himself right beside you, putting back his boxers- and you decide you should do the same. Before you could get up and reach some new panties, or the old ones, it doesn’t matter- you’re way too tired to think about it- Changkyun stretches his arm and reaches for them. You chuckle, because even if time was going quickly you knew it had been a few minutes since you finished and you were thrown in bed, you hadn’t moved since then, not even to get your panties- and Changkyun noticed before you and handed them to you. You thanked him, slightly embarassed- not like you could be after doing what you just did.You grab a over sized shirt you had under your pillow as a pajama and put it on, throwing yourself onto bed once again, comfortably lying next to Changkyun. You stare at him in awe, now that you’ve calmed down, you can see it clearly. You’re head over heels for this boy. It’s clear, and you just fucked up- but it isn’t like you could resist him anyway. You start thinking about the posibilities that, after he leaves your apartment, he visits someone else. Or even go out with his friends and forget completely about it while you’re fantasizing about it for probably the next two months. It makes your heart ache, the fact that you can’t have him- no, you do. You do have him, kinda. You have him next to you, and you had him as a friend –you’re not sure if you still do- but you’ll never have him as you selfishly want to do. You want to take care of him, be the reason he smiles. You want to wake up next to him every morning, you want his morning kisses to be yours. You want him, not in a sexual way; you want to have the boy that makes your heart race right next to you, giving you company for the next stages of life. But you know not everything’s possible and you’re quite okay with that, as long as he is. You throw your feelings aside for a bit, it won’t hurt, right? “Earth calling y/n” he chuckles, and you sigh, snapping out of your daydreaming. “Is something wrong lately? You’ve been acting strange for the past week.” Yes, you did. You’ve hooked up with him before, this thing going around for at least one month- this being the first time you had sex. He knew something was up because you always were so confident but now it seemed to go away- and he’s right. He’s right because even since you’re aware of your “crush” you can’t feel confident anymore. Not when you weren’t able to make him interested in you, to make him see you more than just a fuckbuddy or something. At least that’s what you thought, that he saw you that way.“No…” you replied, the tone in your voice making it even more obvious. He rolled over a little to face you, “C’mon. I know we’re tired but you can tell me if something’s up.” You don’t want to look at him. You don’t. You stare at the ceiling blankly, trying to hold the tears in; his words made you feel bad because you knew you couldn’t tell him if something was up. And until now you thought he was aware of it, but now you’re not quite sure. He isn’t such a dick, is he? Not enough to play you like a game and try to reassure you when he feels you’re sad or something’s bothering you, when he just wants to fuck you. He isn’t so heartless- you know that. No, you’re sure. Then what? What’s left? What can you tell him? “Yo I have hella feelings for you, hope you don’t mind!” No. It doesn’t work that way. You’ll just have to shut your mouth and watch the time pass by, as always. People will step over you as always and you’ll just stand there, observing. Because you aren’t strong like you thought, not when you couldn’t hold your tears in front of the boy whom you just fucked- and now he’s cleaning up your tears with his thumb. “Aye, don’t cry. Are you really that sensitive over work? Do you want to talk? Do you have to work tomorrow?” he asks and you remember the excuse you threw before- work? You’re crying after fucking with someone so perfect like him because of work? A job you liked? You turn your head and stare at him, his worried eyes and frown making an impact in you. Are you really going to cry everytime you stare at him after fucking or hooking up? If the feelings go even deeper what are you doing to do? Make him hug you to sleep because you’re lonely and you’re craving for company or you’re “stressed over work”? you’re going to live your whole life like this, feeling empty after he leaves but also when he’s with you because you aren’t capable of forgetting your feelings even when he’s by your side. You can’t do this to yourself, you can’t stab your own back like you’re doing. And you’re being contradictory because a few minutes before you swore on your life that you weren’t going to tell him, that you could hide it. But right now you have to stop this- go big or go home. It’ll leave a bitter feeling on him and you know it, such a turn off- to tell him your feelings right after having the most awesome night you could ask for- if it wasn’t for your stupid crush. Well, “crush”, because by the time you’ve known him, it was a crush the first 3 months. The more you tried to deny it, the more you fell. And now you’re head over heels in love for him.“It’s not work,” you confess shyly, slowly regretting it but then you reassure yourself. It’s for the best. “Then what is it? Did you fight with your friend again? Do you want me to punch his face?” he joked, making you laugh. How you wished this friendship didn’t end here- but you remember it ended when he noticed how you stared. Because you couldn’t keep it to yourself and it was all your fault.“No, it’s okay, we never made up after that fight anyway,” you affirm and he hums in responde. “Then what is it? Tell me.” You sigh, and then take a deep breath. “I’m…” you make a pause, trying to figure the exact words you could say. “I think…  I think I’m in love with you,” you stare at him and then quickly stare at the ceiling again. “I think I’m in love with you, and I’m terrified.” You finish your sentence and your heart is beating faster than ever, leaving you a bitter feeling already even if he didn’t even answer. “I’m sorry it had to be this way-“ and he presses his lips against yours, shutting your mouth up. He must’ve been noticed the confused look in your face because he chuckled, and you noticed the blush on his face that painted his beautiful features- even with the dim lights of the room. “You should’ve said that a long time ago. We could’ve had made love instead of just straight up fucking,” he grinned and you smiled; you couldn’t believe your eyes, your ears, nothing. You couldn’t believe this was happening- you made a whole story in your head and didn’t even think about the posibility of him falling for you. He holds you close and kisses your forehead, “I love you, y/n. So much… In case that wasn’t clear.” You hug him and sigh, a heavy weight lifted off your shoulders and heart. For the first time in years you felt you were home.
8:30 pm you: hey babe can I ask you something?
8:30 pm kyun💕: sure baby, anything you want
8:31 pm you: why did he send this?
8:31 pm image sent to kyun💕
8:27 pm ki: I owe you, y/n. you’re a life saver thank you so much
8:28 pm you: what do you mean?                       kihyun?
8:33 pm you: lmao hyungwon too
8:33 pm image sent to kyun💕
8:31 pm hyung 🐢won: the fuck he so loud for
8:31 pm you: ???
8:31 hyung 🐢won: the next time he storms into the dorm like that
8:32 hyung 🐢won: i’m cutting ya tits off
8:34 pm you: you there?
8:35 pm you: kyun? babe?
8:35 pm kyun💕: new phone who dis
8:35 pm you: what did I do to deserve this
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aliceslantern · 6 years
Nocturnal Memory, a Kingdom Hearts fanfic, chapter 21
[Summary:  Dying takes a lot out of you, it's true, but when Demyx wakes up for the first time since his fight with Sora nothing's right. His memories are fragmented and he's missing his true name. And he's not the only one. An incomprehensible mystery and an inevitable war make him question what, exactly, he would do to become whole, and reclaim the music lost to him.
on FF.net/on AO3]
Demyx woke up on Yuffie and Aerith's couch with another hideous hangover. Someone—evidently, Aerith—had been kind enough to leave two little pills and a glass of water, which he waited to take until after he threw up the first time.
"Fucking no powers," he said into the toilet. "Fuck me." At least the semidarkness of the bathroom was soothing, unlike the vicious sunlight which poured through the living room windows. Undone completely by a handful of shots of some stupid stuff. Of course, he'd been the idiot who hadn't eaten all day, but that was beside the point.
Despite the physical misery, he could remember fairly well what had happened the night before. Some things were vague—he knew he'd rambled at some point, but about what he had no idea—but others were distinct. The kiss. The vague—yet terrifying—anticipation he'd felt. He sat very still on the bathroom floor. This was not good. This was very not good. The idea of being attracted to her was not what upset him, but rather, the fear of what this meant now, especially because they still had to work together on a semi-regular basis. He wondered if he'd just ruined one of the only friendships he really had.
He heaved again, but nothing came up. "Shit," he said.
When he was feeling less like trash and more like merely hell, he went back and took the two little pills. He should go back to the castle. As awful as he felt, he also wanted fresh air before it got too warm.
"Good morning," Aerith said from the kitchen, starting him. In a careworn robe, her hair was pulled back loosely from her face.
"Hey, sorry," he said hoarsely.
"What for?"
He shook his head. "I guess you don't exactly have any other medicine for a hangover."
"Strangely, I don't."
"Of course."
She smiled. She put up the kettle and gave him a glass of water. "Not that I would, you know, necessarily give it to either of you right now anyway. I'm afraid drinking too much isn't a life-threatening emergency."
"No fun allowed," he said.
"Oh relax, I'm not Leon." She fixed her tea.
"How do you even know what we did?" He asked, and a paranoia closed around his throat.
"I heard Yuffie throwing up a few hours ago. Not that she was exactly subtle."
"Maybe we should have invited you."
"Drinking never did anything for me," she said. "So you're right, I am no fun."
"Thanks for letting me stay," Demyx said. "But I better go. Before… before the others get worried. I sort of have a track record, you know."
"You sure? It's very early."
He stood, somewhat tremblingly. "Yeah, I should go. See you soon."
When he got back he slid into his bed, not caring about the hardness of the mattress for the first time. He pulled the sheet up over his head and lay, trembling, trying to convince himself that the shaking came from the hangover.
They didn't talk about it.
At first he thought it was because she didn't remember, but after a while he could tell she did, in the set of her eyes whenever they were in the same room. She wasn't unfriendly—at least no more than usual—but there was a tension that hadn't been there before. The unnecessary layer of drama made him stressed, as did the private question of whether or not it might happen again under better circumstances.
For a few weeks, as June neared its end, life continued quietly. Lea was missing; Demyx worried about him. He knew that Lea was more than capable, but usually he at least turned up to make reports. In the meantime, he trained with Aeleus, who was still struggling to get the strength back into his injured arm. Despite having an able-bodied advantage, Aeleus was kicking his ass. At least one thing was constant.
Soon after Leon assigned him to a construction project with Cid to begin fixing up some of the houses in one of the residential districts. It seemed like he had gone from being the water boy to being the fix-it boy, which felt like both a demotion and a promotion at the same time.
After the day was over, he hung around the Bailey, resting his sore body against the cool stone and looking out at Villain's Vale, which was rotting by the day. There had been talks to just tear it down, but nobody dared to go close, not with all the dark energy that had been near it.
He lit up one of the few cigarettes he still had. It felt nice to have something to do with his hands, and it helped unwind the knot of anxiety in his stomach. These construction projects, despite the physical exhaustion, let him avoid thinking for a few hours, which was probably why he was so willing to do them now. When it wasn't Xehanort, it was something else. Or someone else.
He should drop the whole thing. Pretend it never happened. Move on. He'd already done that so many times with other things, so what would one more be?
Against the sunlight, the smoke was thick and acrid. He settled on the ledge, smoking slowly as to savor it. Cid seemed to be monopolizing the limited tobacco imports they got, and besides, he didn't have the money to upkeep this habit anyway. Best just to keep it to the rest of the mostly-empty pack he had. Still, he saw the appeal.
"I didn't know you smoked," someone said, startling him out of the spiral. He looked around wildly and saw Yuffie, some fifty feet away, shuriken at her side. He froze. He felt like he'd been caught doing something wrong. He'd forgotten that her patrol brought her through here; without the careful elimination, the Heartless bred out of control in this area.
"Not really," he said. "I won some from Cid. Just kind of anxious, is all." He could feel his face burning and took a longer drag off the cigarette.
"Any reason why?" She attempted indifference, but he could see awkwardness in her eyes.
"Oh, you know," he said vaguely.
She came closer to him and paused. "It's kind of awfully beautiful, isn't it," she said. "The castle. I kind of want to drop a bomb on it. See it smashed to smithereens."
The violence didn't surprise him, but the harshness in her voice did. "…Because of the darkness?"
"Because Maleficent lived there." Yuffie spat her name. "She brought darkness to this world when it was still whole. She's the reason so many people died. Can I bum a drag?" She held out her hand; he wasn't sure he could say no, so he handed it to her. She inhaled and coughed. "Fucking disgusting. How do you guys do it?"
"Was that your first time?"
She shook her head adamantly.
He laughed. "You're a terrible liar. You have to puff, not inhale."
"Fine." She smacked her lips and flinched. "Ick."
"To be fair, this is possibly the worst thing I've ever smoked."
She sat up on the ledge next to him. "We need to talk," she said. "Right?"
He took a final, long drag and ground out the butt. The nicotine was making him shaky now, instead of calmer. "About?"
"Oh, come on, you know, I know you remember," she said sharply, but didn't meet his eyes.
Demyx paused. He took a deep breath.
"I don't want things to be weird between us," she said. "Okay?"
Any stranger than they normally were?
Her attempt to hide her expression was almost comical. Her cheeks were flushed pink. "I shouldn't have done it. I was drunk and it made things weird. I'm sorry."
He tried to take another breath and found he couldn't. He felt like he was slightly outside his body.
"Can you say something? Please?" She asked.
"I don't know what it means now," he said. "I didn't even… think—"
"It's fine. Let's just consider it forgotten."
"I don't think I want to," Demyx said.
Silence. His heart raced. "…What?" she said after a long moment.
"Oh, fuck," he said.
She turned to face him. "What? What do you mean?"
"Look, I'm just really confused, okay? Don't you have patrol or something?"
"It can wait," she said.
He felt panicked tears in his eyes and looked away. She edged towards him but looked unsure of what to do.
"It's okay," Yuffie said. "You don't have to do anything you don't want to. I'm sorry." The softness in her voice made it worse. Before the shattering overtook him completely he leaned over and kissed her. For a moment she tensed. "I thought you didn't want—" She dropped her thought and kissed him back more deeply.
He hugged her to him tightly, wondering if he'd just made an even bigger mistake. Her hand slid up against his chest and the other tangled through his hair. The terror was back, stronger and clearer, and a few tears slid out. This was what he thought might happen; that he would want this.
"Why are you crying," she asked. Somehow, she'd ended up sitting on his lap.
"I don't know," he said.
"I didn't think I was that bad of a kisser," she said.
He laughed weakly. He touched his wet face. "I think I'm scared," he said, and wanted to hit himself for saying that.
"You should be," she said, with a smile, but then the smile fell. "Oh—you weren't flirting—you mean that."
"I'm kind of sort of maybe having a panic attack," he said.
"Oh, shit. Why?" A pause, then simply: "You told me that night. You're a virgin. Oh my god. You're a virgin."
"No—" He couldn't stop crying. "That's not why—Go. Go back on patrol. This is a weird me thing."
Yuffie hesitated. "Are you sure?"
"I'll be fine." He wasn't sure about that; it felt like all of him was ripping.
"I'll be done later," she said. "Meet me at my house at sundown. Okay?" She patted his hand awkwardly and all but ran off.
It took almost that long to calm down.
The crying had stopped, and he could almost breathe normally. Another feeling twisted in him more tightly—anticipation. He choked it down. It didn't matter what he might physically want; if he couldn't stop crying at a kiss, he didn't know what might happen to him if—
"You're here," she said. He hadn't even had to knock at the door. "You actually came."
"Hey," he said weakly.
"Come in," Yuffie said, voice oddly formal. Without boots she looked even smaller than normal. "Aerith's out helping with an injury case. She might be gone a while."
An awkward pause. He felt like he had to say something. "That's too bad."
"I feel bad for them. She'll do her best, though. She always does." She looked away, and scratched one calf with the opposite foot. "You can come inside, if you want."
"I'm already inside," he said stupidly, before realizing.
She was in the hallway by the bathroom door. He'd never seen her bedroom before; it was a tiny space, barely large enough for a double bed and dresser, and dark. It had no windows, and a lamp struggled to permeate the gloom. Trinkets and clutter were everywhere, and he tried to focus on these items to quell the tide of emotions inside of him. Potion bottles, arranged by color and size; yellow feathers; a few stuffed toys, half-hidden but obviously well-loved; and some small, glowing marbles he knew had to be magical.
She sat on the bed and pulled one leg up under her. Her gloves were off, too, he noticed, and without them her hands were oddly delicate, though the nails were torn up. He sat, gingerly, next to her. "Can I ask you something blunt," she said. Her questions were sounding less like questions and more like statements.
"Are you really a virgin? Because you kind of panicked when I asked."
"I don't think so." He tried to steady his breathing. "It's very weird. Everything's really weird. I've slept with people but never as a real person? I'm not used to feeling anything." He spoke quickly. "Why?"
"I just want to know what you're okay with," she said.
A glittery sort of panic shot through him. "This is kind of fast," he said.
"We can just talk," she said. She took his hand.
He wasn't sure what that would entail.
"Without feeling," she said, as if repeating him. "Like… no love, or…?"
Definitely not love. Looking back at those nights was like looking through a veil, and he wasn't sure he wanted to go there. There had been nothing more than a clinical brand of lust, a curiosity as to what would come next. He tried to describe it to her.
"That's so weird," she said. "I just got excited, I guess. I haven't had anybody to kiss in a long time."
He shut his eyes, suddenly exhausted. Her hand felt so nice in his—her skin was dry and cool and callused and more importantly steady.
"Wait." She had gone red. "Hold on a second. Back the fuck up. Does that mean—does that mean I turn you on?" She spoke quickly, with pride.
If possible, he got redder. "I guess?"
"My god," she said. She flopped back. "How old are you?"
"Okay. Close enough. I'm eighteen. I figured you were older if anything. One of those weirdly young-looking older people. Isn't Even, like, forty?"
He took a deep breath. "Something like that. I don't really remember." He lay down too, mostly because all of his bones had turned to jelly. He turned on his side to face her.
"This is still weird," she said. "Doesn't it feel weird to you?"
It was weird, in a million different ways. Their enmity. Now this. To him, it was night and day, especially how kind she was being now.
She rested her hand on his waist. "Is this okay?"
"It's fine." The warmth through the fabric was making him dizzy. "I want—" He began, and stopped. He had meant something like, "I want to know why you picked me," but it died in his throat.
"What do you want?" She asked in a low voice that was as casual as he wished he were.
He couldn't get himself to speak.
"Can I kiss you?" She asked.
For a while they did, in the semidarkness. It was easier when he didn't see, he realized, though still overwhelming. She slipped her leg back around his waist. Her skin was so warm. He clung to her, because her weight was reassuring and comforting and it felt so nice to be held like this. She was strong, and wiry, and if anything the utter lack of tenderness only helped. She pressed her lips against his neck and he felt faint. He listened for her breathing—soft and a little more controlled than his—and felt very, very strange.
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movienotesbyzawmer · 4 years
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones
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December 9: Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones
(previous notes: Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace)
Source: Blu-ray release, the box set with all six Lucas-era movies (2D)
I feel like in recent years I've seen a lot of rhetoric claiming that this is the worst of all the Star Wars movies. But I've always felt like the prequels improve as they go, at least a little. Like, Hayden Christiensen might not be especially good, but he's an improvement on Jake Lloyd. Is there less of the childish stuff in this movie? Let's press play and find out.
Opening crawl is first mention of Count Dooku; seems like the previous stuff was resolved and a new story is beginning. Maybe that's why it's common for people to recommend skipping Episode I, like it's not actually necessary.
We also at this point in the natural chronology don't know anything about clones. Just the title here.
Another decoy-Amidala, but this one gets blowed up right away. And that's Rose Byrne, right?
0:07:30 - Obi-wan does a "oh… oh yes…. Mm mm mm mm mm mm" thing which is stupid and I don't like it.
Wait, no Rose Byrne is a silent handmaiden lady I guess. Unless they're clonesies. Are they clonesies?
Hey, a glimpse of Coruscant's colorful nightlife scene! Or at least some commercial advertisements. Feels like we don't see much of the lives of regular folk of Coruscant much.
Super pretty imagery of this city at night with its traffic and lights and I know I say that every time but it's great.
0:14:30 - Obi-wan shooting himself through a hole in the window in pursuit of that flying robot villain is exciting! And then he just hangs onto it, and then the sniper snipes him off it and he just falls and falls! This is a good action scene.
Then later, Anakin just jumps and falls and falls on purpose like and it's fun to watch.
0:20:00 - Does the sniper have a weird disguise that goes away when she turns her head? Is that what I saw?
"This weapon is your life" says Ewan McGregor doing his best impression of Alec Guinness. I think it was supposed to be funny. And I think it succeeds. Helps to remember that EG's natural accent is Scottish. And you know what? Maybe a little bit ago when I didn't like EG's hammy delivery, I should respect that he's embracing the need for him to embody a young version of Alec Guiness's character, figuring out what that would look like while honoring the director's vision.
They're in a nightclub, and I think there's some genuinely imaginative vision around what people are doing in there.
Ooh! The sniper got sniped by someone else, and the shot of that second sniper zipping away on a jetpack is I like it.
Senator Amidala gives Jar Jar the important job of substitute senator while she goes and hides. Yeah right. Not very credible.
Now Anakin is venting to Amidala in a way that shows how cocky he is. He does the flirtation stuff so that we'll think he's sexy like Han Solo, but also visibly flawed with impatience. Meh. Okay.
Whoa, Rose Byrne just did some acting! She spontaneously shed a tear in a way that looked authentic! Acting… in a Star Wars prequel!
0:31:50 - A greasy spoon diner! I don't remember this. Obi Wan is doing some intel gathering and George Lucas decided to go all in on having this be a 50's-style neon urban railcar slop counter!
The romance. Anakin and Amidala. GL is also going all in on the overtness of that plot. Maybe it's fine? Anakin seems like a horny and awkward teen with a huge crush on someone out of his league but he's going for it anyway. Maybe we'll be convinced that she'd succumb to his charms?
0:39:00 - We're back on Naboo… this scene is oddly non-CGI-looking. Did they film this in a real place with that actual architecture?
The tension they're setting up between Anakin and Amidala is moving in a direction of NOT growing fonder of each other. She looks irritated, and rightly so. This is a move that experienced romance plot makers make, but will GL pull it off?
Meanwhile Obi-Wan is doing spycraft, going to the clone planet place and pretending he's the one who ordered the whatever. "That's why I'm here!" Kinda funny.
0:44:45 - Okay, another A&A scene. He has that line about sand getting everywhere. She looks really damn fly. They kiss a bit and then she changes her mind. See, this is a weak link in the romance plot. We don't buy it. She's not such a sucker that she'd want to kiss him now. She didn't go, "oh he was so charming when he talked about where sand goes that now I'm not only less annoyed by his churlishness but I'm actually turned on". Or did she.
There's something about Obi-Wan's intel gathering, realizing that this huge army of clones is being put together, that's very James Bond-y. I mean that in a good way.
Naboo countryside is hella pretty.
Oh ick. A very very stupid romance scene just happened. See, Anakin fell off a blob creature and it looked like he was hurt! This worried Amidala! She ran to him but it turned out he was okay! They laughed and laughed at this merry misunderstanding and rolled around together! Oh merry! And…. SCENE.
Now Obi-Wan and Jango Fett are having a fight on a platform place and it's pretty exciting and still kind of like a Bond movie. Even more so because of "gadgets" like the devices on JF's outfit. And a dippy little "this is not good" comment from Obi-Wan that would fit in okay coming out of 007.
A&A go to Tatooine and talk to the salvage dealer who used to own Anakin. I like where that CGI character visibly starts to recognize the grown-up Anakin.
Obi-Wan followed JF & Son to a pretty red planet with an asteroid field and it's fucking beautiful and they do this wicked sound effect with bombs and it looks and sounds mother fucking amazing. Seriously god damn. The SOUND.
1:11:40 - They're at what will be the moisture farm of Luke, et al. "I'm Owen Lars and this is my GIRLFRIEND Beru." See, because this is BEFORE they're married. She's JUST his GIRLFRIEND.
1:14:20 - Okay, they just did a weird thing where A&A have an exchange, then hug. But the camera just shows their SHADOWS. And Anakin's shadow looks like he maybe kind of has some semblance of a VADER HELMET. I'm not even that convinced that that's what they were going for. If it actually conveyed that, it'd be cooler. As is, it's a little awkward. But I wouldn't discourage a director from going for this kind of thing.
Anakin found the Tusken Raider camp where they'd brought his mom and he found her just in time for her to die. Like she was just hanging on long enough for him to witness her death. Melodramatic. Then he goes and slaughters everyone… this turns out to be important because it's the catalyst for him turning dark, but it's sort of a weak explanation for something so important.
So HC just did a rage monologue about how he killed everyone, and okay it's not good, but I really don't think it's HC that isn't good. I think he did his very best with really dumb writing.
1:34:30 - Ooh, we're back in that neat senate hall. Jar Jar was suckered into proposing that Palpatine be given special powers, and it's super easy and it just works, and the Jedi are like "oh, hm, bummer". I'm just not impressed with the story.
A&A have arrived on Geonosis and it's quickly quite actiony and rather like a video game where they have to fight robots and hop on platforms at just the right time. I dig it.
It's a little odd now… so I already forgot how A&A got captured in the video game factory place, but they're quickly hustled to an execution arena to be munched to death by monsters before a delighted audience. With Obi-Wan. Just a little odd, but now it's pretty fun action.
Oh yeah, Mace Windu cut Jango Fett's right head off! Forgot that. Another case of an interesting villain ending disappointingly. Except that it's important because his "son" witnesses it and looks vengeance-y.
1:56:40 - Yoda heroically shows up to save the good guys with a force of soldiers that look kind of like Stormtroopers. Those are clones, right? I guess so, but the movie didn't quite ensure we know that. I mean, if they're going to treat the audience like children with their jokes, maybe they could extend that same expectation to plot explanations.
Okay, so now they're in a much bigger battle. I like the flying thing that delivers a walking tank thing! Lots of exciting things to look at. It's not that clear which side is which, not by looking at the battle, but maybe that doesn’t matter too much.
They shoot down a globe-shaped ship as it's taking off and it's pretty. So is lots of this battle stuff.
How does Anakin have a lightsaber now? His was broken earlier. I'm probably not the first to ask that. I probably overlooked the explanation. Seems like they trimmed stuff out of this part of the movie to improve the pacing.
2:07:50 - This is the part that worked well enough that it's probably the main factor in holding this movie's reputation above that of Episode I: the light saber duel with Yoda! Those of us who had played the Dark Forces PC games were already familiar with how it would look to see a Yoda-type wailing on someone with a light saber, but it was a pleasant surprise for many, and it definitely worked.
Then Dooku escapes on a ship that does a really sweet-looking panel-unfurling thing. Love it. And then he goes to Coruscant. Very visibly. Which is for me to love some more.
The movie ends right after that, with Yoda observing that it's dumb to think of this as a victory because now the Clone War has started. Then we get suitably disturbing imagery of the Clone Army being imposing with, significantly, the Imperial March in the background. It's okay. Then a shot of A&A getting hitched. With, a little less significantly, the new tragic-love theme in the background which John Williams was probably pretty pleased with. And over. Okay.
Yeah, better than Episode I. Less childish. Although it's harder to point to a climax, it somehow seems less anti-climactic than Ep1. No less impressive visually, but with new locales compared with the first one. And it's true that you can get all the information you need by starting here instead of with the first one.
(next: Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith)
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thelastspeecher · 7 years
Stan-at-Home - Chapter 2: An Idyllic Domestic Life
Chapter 1   Chapter 2   Chapter 3   Chapter 4   Chapter 5   Chapter 6 Chapter 7   AO3
Okay so I wasn’t planning on updating this fic before I finished “Stan Pines, Farmhand”, but my muse, she inspires me.  And I wanted to write something, since I’m officially post-op and have not much else to do while I recuperate.  But anyways, in this chapter, we meet Stan’s wife!  And we find out more about the family dynamics, as well as how Stan and his wife met.  We also get a few hints about some of the drama coming in the next chapter, with Bill Cipher.  Seriously.  The next chapter is gonna be intense, folks.  Anyways, enjoy~
               Ford sat bolt upright, drenched in a cold sweat.  His breathing slowly steadied as he looked around the sparsely furnished, but clean guest room.  He threw the brown-striped covers off and sat on the edge of the bed.
               Fuck!  See, Stanley, this is why I don’t sleep!  Bill always finds me.  Always. Once his heart had stopped pounding in his ears, he could make out the clatter of cookware and voices chattering. Ford hesitantly stood up and opened the door.  He was immediately greeted by a waft of marinara-scented air.  His stomach rumbled.  How long has it been since I’ve eaten?  He walked down the hallway and into the living room.
               “You got Daddy in trouble,” an accusatory voice said.  He looked down.  Danny was standing in front of him, her diminutive arms crossed and brown eyes narrowed.  
               “Yer daddy got his own self in trouble,” a female voice said in a thick southern accent.  Ford looked over.  A short woman with mid-length caramel-colored hair and a very large nose was standing in the kitchen, wearing a clearly hand-embroidered apron.  Her eyes were hidden behind a pair of half-moon reading glasses. She stood in a pose similar to her daughter’s.  “Let that be a lesson.  Ya don’t lie ‘bout yer fam’ly.”  
               This must be Angie.  Fiddleford’s younger sister.  She smiled politely at him.  She’s going to hate me when she finds out what I did to her older brother.
               “You’re Stan’s wife?” he double-checked.  She nodded.  
               “Though I like to think of it as bein’ Stan’s my husband.  You must be Ford, the brother-in-law I didn’t know I had.”
               “You’d be Ms. McGucket, then,” Ford said.  She grinned crookedly, and it made Ford’s heart ache.
               That’s Fiddleford’s smile.
               “Actually, it’s Dr. McGucket,” she clarified.  “But ya can call me Angie.”
               “Oh, that’s right.  Stan mentioned you have a doctorate.”  Angie nodded again.  
               “Yessir.  In herpetology.”
               “Wow.  That’s quite the achievement.  Biology was always something that fascinated me.”
               “Well, we can talk ‘bout that over dinner, if’n ya want,” she said cheerfully.  She wiped her hands on her apron.  “I was just ‘bout to send someone to fetch ya.  Dinner’s ready.  Spaghetti and meatballs.  It’s all homemade and all kosher.”
               Kosher?  Ford looked at Stan, who was setting the table. 
               “Stan, do you practice?” he asked.  Stan shrugged.
               “Not really.  But Angie and I agreed that the girls should grow up knowin’ some of the family culture. Which means they’re bein’ raised with a weird mixture of Catholicism and Judaism, but eh.  It works out pretty well.”  He glanced over at Angie.  “Like our wedding.”  Angie smiled fondly.  
      ��        “Speaking of, why wasn’t I invited to your wedding?” Ford asked. Stan raised an eyebrow.
               “Like ya can’t figure that out on your own.  I didn’t want ya to show up and start yellin’ ‘bout how I ruined your life in front of my fiancée’s entire family.  She’s got four older brothers, and all of them know how to use a gun.” He grimaced.  “Didn’t need ‘em to think I’d ruin her life, too.  Her folks are still suspicious about how soon the girls were born after we got married.” Stan placed the last bowl down. “Hey, lil monsters, get yourselves in here.  It’s dinnertime!”  Danny abandoned her post in front of Ford to run to the kitchen, where she was summarily lifted into her chair.  “Daisy, get your butt in the kitchen,” Stan said.  
               “Wanna play,” Daisy whined from somewhere behind Ford.  Ford turned.  Daisy was busily scrawling in a coloring book.  He squinted at the pictures.
               That’s not a children’s book.  Those are textbook photocopies.
               “I know ya like yer fancy colorin’ pages,” Angie said, taking a seat at the table, “but ya need to eat, junebug.”
               “…Fine,” Daisy sighed.  She stood up, but stopped before she reached the kitchen.  She held out her six-fingered hand to Ford.  “Hold?”
               “Uh…”  Ford looked at Stan and Angie helplessly.  Angie was clearly fighting back a grin.  Stan laughed, not bothering to hide his amusement.
               “C’mon, kid.  It’s not like he’s gonna take ya for a walk or somethin’,” Stan said.  He walked over to Daisy and picked her up, then put her in her chair at the table.  Stan took a seat next to his wife, giving her a kiss on the cheek before he sat down. Angie responded with a kiss of her own. Ford tried not to stare at the blatant display of loving, happy domesticity.
               My wild twin really did settle down.  And it’s clearly a healthy relationship.  If Mom ever found out Pops lied to her like Stan did to Angie…she wouldn’t even talk to him, let alone let him kiss her.  
               “You gon’ eat, Uncle Ford?” Daisy asked.  “It’s friendly food.”  Ford reluctantly walked to the table and sat down.  
               I can’t remember the last time I ate a meal with someone else.
               “‘Friendly food’?” he asked.  Daisy nodded.
               “It’s how we described kosher,” Stan explained.  “Easier than the whole spiel.  At least, right now.”  Angie cleared her throat.  Ford looked over at her.  Her eyes were closed.
               “On this day, we thank the Lord for the bountiful gifts he has given us,” she intoned solemnly.  Ford looked around.  The other people at the table had their heads bowed.  “We pray that he continues to bless us with food, family, and happiness. Amen.”
               “Amen,” Danny and Daisy echoed.  Stan grinned at Ford.
               “Surprised ya, huh?” Stan asked cheekily.
               “I, uh, was definitely not expecting that,” Ford said.  
               “We say grace before each meal,” Angie explained.  “It’s a tradition in my fam’ly.  But I’ve been tryin’ to make it a bit more…inclusive, since the girls ain’t just Catholic.”  Ford picked up a fork.  Angie’s eyes were immediately drawn to his hands.  Ford swallowed, once again fighting the urge to hide his polydactyly from Stan’s family.  “Stanford, Stan mentioned ya know Fiddleford?”
               “Uh, yes,” Ford replied.  “He was my college roommate.”  Angie nodded, a contemplative expression on her face.
               “I think Fidds mentioned he met his roommate again a while back.  ‘Bout seven years?  It was around the time we first met, Stan.”
               “Well, um, that wasn’t the last time I saw Fiddleford,” Ford said.  Angie cocked her head.
               “I saw him more recently, um-”
               “We can talk about that after dinner,” Stan interrupted.  
               “I wanna know!” Daisy protested.
               “It’s just boring grown-up talk, sweetness,” Angie said soothingly.  Daisy crossed her arms and pouted.  
               “You met in ’75?” Ford asked.  Stan and Angie nodded.  “How exactly did that happen, by the way?”  Angie smiled at Stan.
               “Stan showed up at my folks’ house, tryin’ to sell some sort of vacuum.”
               “Stan-Vac,” Stan supplied.  Angie chuckled.
               “You were a door-to-door salesman?” Ford asked.
               “Yeah.  My products weren’t good, but I was.  Angie’s folks still saw through me right away,” Stan said.
               “They figured this young man needed some help, so they invited him to stay fer dinner.  And then he stayed the night.  And then another night.  And then my folks asked him if he wanted to stay permanently, as a farmhand,” Angie finished.
               “When Angie came home from college for Thanksgiving break, she walked into the barn and saw me and, well, that’s how we met,” Stan said with a shrug.
               “That’s quite the series of coincidences to bring you two together,” Ford remarked.  
               “Yep,” Stan said.  He grinned at Angie.  “Glad they happened, though.”  Angie smiled back at him.
               “Ick!” Daisy said loudly.  Stan rolled his eyes.
               “What?” Ford asked.
               “The girls don’t like it when their ma ‘n dad get lovey-dovey,” Angie said.
               “‘S boring,” Danny said.
               “Then what do ya wanna talk about?” Stan asked.  Danny frowned thoughtfully.
               “Why is Uncle Ford more fingers?” she asked after a moment. Angie’s eyes widened.
               “Stanford, I’m sorry,” she said quickly.  “The girls ‘re-”
               “No, it’s fine,” Ford said.
               “They don’t mean anything by it,” Stan added.  “They’re just too curious for their own good.”
               “Seriously, it’s fine.”
               Is it, though?
               “To answer your question, Danny,” Ford continued, despite the awkwardness, “I’m a polydactyl due to a flaw in my genetic coding.”  Danny and Daisy stared at him blankly.
               “Ford.  They’re three years old,” Stan said shortly.  “They’re not in high school.”
               “Oh.  Right.”
               “He’s got extra fingers ‘cause that’s just how he is,” Angie said. “Like how some folks have red hair, and some have brown hair.”
               “I have brown hair!” Daisy said.
               “Yes, ya do.  And like yer Uncle Ford, you’ve got more ‘n ten fingers.”
               “You actually inherited that trait from your father,” Ford added.  “It runs in my family.”
               “Then why does Daddy have ten fingers?” Danny asked.
               “Some things skip generations,” Angie replied.  “Yer Gran and Gramps don’t have red hair, but yer Auntie Violynn does.  It’s just how things work sometimes.”  Danny and Daisy nodded.  Ford looked at Angie.
               “I must admit, it’s refreshing to hear a full explanation, instead of just telling them ‘That’s how things are.’”  Angie shrugged and leaned over to wipe sauce off Danny’s face.
               “The girls are too curious fer somethin’ like that to slide.  Anyways, I always hated hearin’ that, growin’ up.”  
               “I suppose you’re glad to find out where Daisy’s polydactyly came from?” Ford asked.  Angie paused.
               “Yes,” she said after a moment, in a calm, level tone.  “I suppose I am.”
               Dinner passed by cheerfully.  Though Ford, for the most part, felt like an outsider looking in, as he watched Stan and Angie flirt, carefully keep their daughters’ faces clean, and attempt to engage the girls in meaningful conversations.
               Why does Stan keep asking them what they would do in hypothetical situations involving “pug trafficking”?
              “It’s after dinner, girls,” Stan said.  “Ya know what that means.”  Daisy leapt out of her chair.
              “You’ll never catch me alive!” she shouted gleefully before bolting.  Danny followed suit.  Stan stood up with a chuckle.
              “I’m comin’ for ya,” he growled playfully, stalking after his daughters. There were squeals of joy from somewhere else inside the house as he left Ford’s field of vision.  Angie began to clear the table, humming to herself.  
              “What, exactly, is going on?” Ford asked.  Angie smiled fondly.  
              “It’s a bathtime ritual thing.  Stan started it.  He’s a goofball, that husband of mine.”  
              “Gotcha!” Stan shouted.  There were more delighted squeals.  Angie chuckled.
              “Stan’s a heck of a father, by the way.  After my maternity leave ended, we couldn’t find anyone to watch the girls. Well, not anyone that Stan thought was good enough for his babies.  Stan told me ‘Ya know what, I’ve always hated my job anyways.’  Quit that very same day.”
              “So he’s a stay-at-home dad?”
              “Yessir.”  Angie deposited the dirty dishes in the sink and began to clean them.  “I appreciate how involved he is in raisin’ ‘em.  I’m pretty busy most days, so it eases my mind to know that they’ve got one of their parents watchin’ ‘em.”
              “What are ya impressed by?”
              “Honestly?  All of it,” Ford said.  Angie looked at him, bemused.  “I never thought Stan would settle down, or have a kid, or, if I’m being completely truthful, if he did have a kid, I didn’t suspect he would make an excellent father.” Angie pursed her lips.  “I mean, I thought he’d be a serviceable one.  But not the one I saw today.  It’s not like we got any ideas from how to be a good father from our own.”  Angie nodded silently.
              “That’s understandable.  But it’s fer the best if ya don’t say that ya weren’t expectin’ Stan to be a good dad. It means a lot to him that his kids adore him so much.  He’s put a lot of stake in his abilities as a father.  He don’t need to hear that negativity from his twin.”
              “…Of course.”  A few minutes passed while Angie continued to wash the dishes.  Ford looked around the kitchen.  Like much of the house, it was tastefully decorated, in bright colors with pictures on the walls.  Ford cleared his throat.  “So, um, did you take these pictures?” he asked.  Angie beamed.
               “Yessir.  Well, all of ‘em ‘cept fer the ones of me.  I’ve always been a fan of photography.  Had my own camera since I was thirteen.  Pretty useful when I did field work fer my thesis.  Can’t draw worth a darn, but I can make a salamander look like a movie star in a picture.”  She shrugged. “If the lightin’ is right, ‘course.” Stan walked into the kitchen, slightly dampened.
               “Kids are tucked in,” he said, taking a seat at the table.  Ford eyed him curiously.
               “Did you take a bath as well?” Ford asked.  Stan laughed.
               “Nah, the girls just like to have splash wars.”  Angie put aside the dishes and joined her husband at the table.
               “So, Stanford,” she said in a business-like manner, “at dinner, ya said that back in ’75 weren’t the last time ya saw Fiddleford?”
               “Uh, no.  Far from it,” Ford replied.  “He actually was my assistant, up in Gravity Falls.”  Angie frowned.
               “Yer assistant?”
               “But Fidds was hired by someone named Stanford Pines, not Stanford-”  She cut herself off and crossed her arms. “All right, which one of ya changed yer last name?” she asked, looking back and forth between Stan and Ford.
               “What?” Ford asked.  Angie turned to Stan.
              “Hey, you knew I was a grifter.  I went through a lot of different names.  And I ended up takin’ yours anyways so-”
              “Ya didn’t tell me yer real name!  Ya didn’t tell me that, and neither did ya tell me ya had a twin brother!”
              “We’re married.  We have two beautiful children.  We need to be able to trust each other with our secrets.”  Stan looked down, abashed.  “I hope ya know where yer sleepin’ tonight.”  Angie leaned in.  “An’ it ain’t our bed.”
              “Yeah, figured,” Stan mumbled.  He glowered at Ford.  “Way to go, Sixer, Tuesdays are the nights we get it on.”
              “I wasn’t the one who lied to your wife,” Ford said defensively.
               “Stanford,” Angie said suddenly, “if Fidds was yer assistant, do ya know what happened to him?  No one’s heard from him in weeks.  We’re gettin’ awfully worried ‘bout him.”  A deep discomfort knotted in Ford’s stomach.
              “He’s…not himself.”
              “What do ya mean?”
              “He’s lost his sanity.”  Angie’s eyes filled with tears.  “I’m so sorry, Angie.  I- it’s my fault.”  
              “Wh- how?”
              “It was through the course of our research that he- shit!”  Ford scrabbled backward, falling out of his chair in the process.  Angie had launched herself at him.  Stan grabbed her torso, preventing her from actually harming him.
              “Angie, what the hell are ya doin’?” Stan asked her.  
              “He has a son!” Angie yelled at Ford.  “A fam’ly.  An’ it’s yer fault that he’s gone?  Worse than gone, he’s there in body but he ain’t there in mind!”
              “Angie, chill!” Stan hissed.  “He explained it to me earlier.  It’s not completely his fault.”  He nodded at Ford.  “Tell her.”
               “It’s- Fiddleford saw something that drove him mad.  The domain of a former research partner of mine,” Ford said. Angie glared at him.
               “Yer not helpin’ yer case, Stanford,” she growled.  “It still sounds an awful lot like it’s yer fault that Fidds is- is-”
               “I don’t think he’s completely lost,” Ford said.  Angie blinked.
               “No, I- I think he can be saved.  It will be difficult and fairly intensive, but you can have your brother back.” Angie sat down again.  Stan kept an arm wrapped firmly around her torso.  
               “All right,” she said softly.  “If yer willin’ to help bring him back to his fam’ly-”
               “And I am,” Ford said quickly.  “Very much so.”  Angie nodded.
               “Okay.  Now, tell us ‘bout this former partner of yours.  What kind of person is he, to have a sanity-wreckin’ ‘domain’?” she asked. Ford sighed.
               “This is going to sound insane, but…a demon.”  Angie and Stan stared at him blankly.
               “A demon?” Angie parroted.
               “Sixer, what in the hell are ya talkin’ about?” Stan asked.
               “Bill Cipher is a dream demon.  He- he assisted in the construction of a device of mine.  Something to allow for interdimensional travel.  But he lied to me.”
               “Demons tend to do that,” Angie said flatly.
               “Ford, how are we supposed to believe ya?” Stan asked.  “A demon?  Seriously?” Ford sighed.
               “I know.  And I don’t have much by the way of proof.  Beyond, well, this.”  He took his first journal out of his trenchcoat pocket and handed it to Stan. Stan placed it on the table and opened it.  He and Angie skimmed the journal with interest.
               “This is either the truth, or a very powerful and complex delusion,” Angie said slowly, after reading a few pages.  She looked at Stan.  “I’m goin’ to defer to you on this, sweet potata.  Ya know Stanford.”
               “This is real,” Stan said softly.  “Ford wouldn’t make all this up.  And he’s not like your cousin Thistlebert.  He’s not a madman.”  Angie nodded.
               “Okay.”  She looked at Ford.  “We might need some more proof eventually, but fer the time bein’, we believe ya.”
               “R-really?” Ford asked, surprised.  
               “Yes,” Angie said.  “And we’ll help ya.”
               “Like I said, Ford, no one messes with my family,” Stan said.  He grimaced.  “Even if it is a ‘dream demon’ that’s tryin’ to wreck my twin’s life. What’s the difference between a dream demon and a normal demon, anyway?”
               “Well, that’s a rather complicated topic,” Ford said.  “The difference-”
               “Stanford, maybe that’s a conversation you can have with Stan later,” Angie said.  “I have to be up early tomorrow fer work, so I shouldn’t stay up much longer.  Do ya have any questions fer us right now?”
               “Actually, yes.  Stanley, when I called, why didn’t you tell me you were a married father?” Ford asked. Stan crossed his arms and leaned back.
               “I didn’t hear from ya in over ten years.  Then ya call me up, askin’ me to go to a different state to help ya. Forgive me for not wantin’ to tell ya ‘bout the life ya clearly weren’t interested in,” Stan said bitterly.
               “I didn’t know how to contact you,” Ford said.  Stan’s eyes narrowed.
               “Bull.  I’ve had a steady phone number since 1975.  Ya coulda gone through Mom before, but ya only did it last week.  Ya didn’t wanna talk to me.  Do us both a favor and quit lyin’.”  Ford resisted the urge to look down like a scolded child.  Angie frowned.
               “But when I got here, why all the secrecy?  I had to figure out that you were married and who the girls were on my own,” Ford soldiered on.  Stan shrugged.  “That’s not an answer.”
               “Maybe ya figured it out before I got a chance to tell ya like I planned,” Stan said.  “Maybe I was nervous about tellin’ ya I settled down, when everyone, includin’ me, said I wouldn’t.  Maybe I’ve got a flair for dramatics.  Who knows.”
               “Stan,” Angie intervened, “did ya mention Ford contactin’ yer mother?”
               “Yeah, why?” Stan asked.  Angie crossed her arms and glowered at him.  “…I just bought myself another night on the couch, didn’t I?”
               “More like three.  Yer mother’s alive?  Is everything ya told me ‘n my fam’ly a lie?”
               “Are ya sure?  ‘Cause it’s startin’ to feel that way.”
               “Angie-” Stan started.  Angie sighed.
               “I know ya had yer reasons.  But the lyin’, this can’t keep goin’ on!  Is there anything else you’ve kept from me?”
               “No,” Stan said firmly.  
               “Are ya sure?”
               “Yes.”  After a pause, Angie nodded.
               “Okay.”  She stood up. “Tomorrow, we can discuss a way to deal with this Bill problem.”  She shook her head.  “Bill. That’s quite the normal name fer a demon.  Is his full name William or somethin’?”
               “I’m not sure.  I never asked,” Ford said, surprised by her candidness.
               “Ah, well.”  Angie looked Ford up and down.  “Don’t take this the wrong way, Stanford, but…yer a bit of a walkin’ disaster right now.”
               “I’m well aware.”
               “Stan, would ya get yer twin some towels and show him how to use the shower? Oh, and lend him some of yer clothes, please.”
               “There’s no need to do that,” Ford said quickly, holding his coat tightly. “I’m perfectly fine in the outfit I’m wearing.”
               “Stanford, please, just borrow some of Stan’s stuff.  I can throw yer clothes in the laundry tomorrow mornin’ and it’ll be done by dinner.”
               “You can keep yer coat,” she said with a smile.  Ford relaxed slightly.
               “All right.  Stan’s clothes won’t fit me, though, I’ll have you know.”  She nodded.
               “I know.  But they’ll fit better ‘n mine or the girls’ would.”  Angie kissed Stan on the cheek.  “Darlin’, don’t forget, yer sleepin’ on the couch tonight.”
               “I know,” Stan muttered.  He stood up. “C’mon, Ford, I’ll show ya how to use the shower.  It’s a bit tricky.”  Ford followed Stan to the bathroom.  He could hear Angie hum as she resumed cleaning the dishes.
               Well, I just completely overturned their normal, happy, life, didn’t I.
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