#someone please be in a qpr with me
Normalize being madly in love (platonically) with your best friends (like me)
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revivif-y · 3 months
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this is canon. to me
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ashenscales · 9 months
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Qintertle smooches anyone?
I was thinking I like any combination of these 3 together and was like wait a minute.
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nerdnightjar · 1 year
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it’ll be okay i promise
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silverirony · 1 year
"they act soooo married, they have to be in love there's no other explanation!!" actually there are plenty of other explanations, such as:
#they are clearly in a relationship#they call each other partner that means theyre on love#this must be romantic!#aro culture is having all your favorite fandoms tags blocked bc you cant stand seeing what amatonormativity has done to it#this post is specifically about how ppl will be like yes a queerplatonic one#theyre platonic life partners they told me themselves actually#this isnt me saying you shouldnt ship characters romantically like no not at all. go ahead do it its fun and its free#but for the love of moses sumney please just say you ship it bc you think they have chemistry#instead of saying they have to be in love bc theres no way for anybody to care abt someone that much unless theyre in love with them#bc 1. thats arophobic and 2. it makes me question your relationships with the people in your life#literally all im asking is think before you say something bc being aro and trying to navigate fandom spaces is already traumatizing enough#also stop shitting on qprs like even if thats not the dynamic you want for your ship doesnt mean you get to ruin it for the rest of us#also im annoyed how ppl will see 2 characters who have platonic feelings for each other and live together and are raising a child together#and be like#like babygirl (derogatory) that is literally a queerplatonic relationship youre witnessing with your own eyes#if you want to be boring about it go somewhere else but we barely get relationships like that so im prepared to defend it with my life#sorry for the long tags <2#aromantic#ew.txt
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dyketubbo · 2 years
i appreciate what the homies can kiss community has done for many friendships but damn every time someone leaves a homies can kiss or brotp related comment on something that is just about a nontraditional relationship and not a friendship with nothing else to it (i.e. qprs please stop acting as if qprs are always as simple as married best friends who kiss sometimes) i lose it a bit
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anexistingexistence · 7 months
I had an... interesting day today and thought I'd share.
Okay so for a few days now, I've been planning a writing day - a day where I have nothing planned, nothing to get in my way of writing. That day was supposed to be today. However, I woke up with a cold today (because getting food poisoning like a week ago wasn't enough), but I thought: "fuck it," got dressed, packed my laptop and phone, and went to my local bakery/cafe because they have cozy vibes there. On the way there, it was raining, which was nice, but about halfway to the cafe it just started pissing like crazy, and because I wasn't wearing my boots like usual, my feet got all wet. Then, when I finally got to the cafe, I thought, "Things can't get worse now! I've got three and a half hours to make progress on my fic, hot cocoa, and some good food!"
But things did get worse. Not even fifteen minutes into my writing (I've written a whole three sentences and gotten through half my food), my laptop fucking crashes. I, of course, panic but try not to be obvious about it because I'm in a PUBLIC FUCKING SPACE and don't want to embarrass myself. I text with a friend and finish my breakfast (it was more my lunch given that it was 12 o'clock but whatever) to distract myself from my current predicament while also looking up why my laptop just randomly died and how to revive it. Half an hour later, I pack my things and go back home in hopes of fixing this mess.
I take of my shoes, they're wet, I put them on something warm, I take off my socks, they're wet, I throw them in the wash, I put on a different pair of pants because the bottom of my previous ones was - you guessed it - wet, and I sit down at my desk. I plug in my laptop, and now I am on Tumblr, ranting about my shitty day so far.
By typing on my laptop. This little shit just wanted to be plugged in again.
So yea, I'm gonna go back to the cafe now (wearing my boots), and hopefully make good use of the one hour or so I will have left by then. I hope you had a good day, Tumblr person in my screen. ._.
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starlightsuncrow · 11 months
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@the-mystic-dragon​ waaa thank you so much,,, It’s the biggest part of cao’s identity! Crow and Caoimhe know each other since HoT! They met in the jungle between camps while trying to bring sylvari to safety, so to speak. Crow isn’t immune to Mordremoth (only bc he keeps yelling in his head to get out). But there wasn’t time to make friends and chitchat. However after HoT, they start sending mail, very formal at first until there was a genuine friendship blossoming. Historicians will call them close friends <3 This goes through all season 3, to the point Crow knows something happened ( the commander argued with Braham), mails weren’t much anymore so they kind of...meet? Again? in Hoelbreak, where they discuss ...a lot of things. That’s where feelings start to blossom?Also Crow asked there to become his scout and the reason why Crow will be in the desert much sooner than Caoimhe! Cue to PoF, after *gestures at what happens*, Crow was at the Skimmer Ranch when they saw Momo again and well... well. Before the Commander goes to do his own things to get an army, he stays at the ranch to recover ,physically at least. Crow’s reaction was genuine worry, a need to protect this guy who’s slowly becoming very important to him, seeing such a unbalance in Momo’s figure was..to say the least.. jarring. It made them want to stay with him, to follow much more than before. If this is what happens when Cao is alone? Well he won’t be anymore. Basically they become a sort of extension of Momo. Also lends their armor to Momo since his became uuuh ashes i guess asfhghkjs. Crow observes, stays at his side, he isnt one much for talks but he is very present. He is Momo’s pillar, his corner. They actually dont get together until uuuh season 4 and it’s hilarious, close friends saw these two dancing around for ages, everyone knew but them. They are dummies. Crow’s loyalty and trust, especially from one of his kind, is so precious and he put it in this sylvari who never learnt to be just...a sylvari and not THE commander. He would do anything if it meant helping, keeping cao’s demons at bay, if it means he has a chance of rest. In a way the caoimhe/cardamomo situation allowed Crow to see both sides of Caoimhe. Took time to get used to? Absolutely, but there was no fear, there was curiosity and worry, it brought up questions they will get answers much much later, however the important part is...they stayed. Cardamomo somehow trusted them even at his weakest point, with vague memories and instict and Crow,or better Selkastra, accepted it. In all his centuries of wandering,chasing after answers and getting nothingback, they decided for the first time to put their whole being at the service of Caoimhe. Not to the Commander, but to who he is beneath that crushing role.
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rosesradio · 11 months
i think i might be aromantic btw
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fridayyy-13th · 2 months
oh so tonight's one of those Yearning nights, huh
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twice actually wrote what is love for all the queers that can't tell apart romantic and platonic attraction
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aroace-alucard · 10 months
can someone make a QPR dating app please. please i'm begging you. it isn't enough to just have a "find a friend" app because every time i try one the person i'm talking to ends up either catching feelings or being REALLY weird about it when they find out i'm aro.
"but you'll die alone!" and you will not live to see it; you will die by my sword before death takes me.
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kandavers · 1 month
Thoughts on lucifer/lilith/alastor or lucifer/lilith/eve in poly relationships? :D
Heh. (smug face) Do I have the ramble for you
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It's too long so I'll add a "keep reading" LOL
note: These are all IN MY HEAD, so welcome to my headspace! Feel free to have differing opinions! While I do stand on my opinions, I'd change them sometimes if I find other, more banger ones LOL
Lilith (demiromantic bisexual, lean female)
Lilith is in a romantic relationship with Lucifer. Due to the demiromantic part, she doesn't have romantic attraction towards Rosie (yet), and I also think she had harboured romantic feelings towards Eve (however, I'm not very ready to unpack their relationships with Adam and Eve yet LOL, we'll save that for another time). I also read BIBLE LORE for this (help me), and it said that Lilith, in the past, had refused to be under Adam during intercourse, because she believed that she was his equal. Instead of being under him, she wanted to be on top for once, and this counted as 'disobeying Adam' which caused her to get exiled from Eden (?). There's more to this story that I'd rather not get into because it unfortunately paints Lilith in a horrible light (which is probably untrue, you know how the bible is with female figures who want rights-) but yeah! Relating to that, it would explain Lilith's preferrance for women, and also why she would definitely really dislike Alastor. However, Alastor makes Lucifer very happy, so she tolerates him for the sake of her husband.
And if you're wondering "if she dislikes men, why is she married to Lucifer?", think of it like this:
Adam would say, "Go make me a sandwich."
Lucifer would say, "Would you like me to make you a sandwich, my darling?"
Lucifer views her as his equal, if not someone of a higher position than himself. The king moves the pawn, but it's the Queen who rules the board, as they say.
Lucifer (panromantic demisexual)
He's deeply, utterly in love with Lilith, no matter what. In my head, I also thought of "loving styles" for these characters, but I have a more elaborate idea for Lucifer due to the fact that I'm biased LMAOOO- and I strongly believe that his loving style is Worship. It means once he's in love with someone, he devotes his entrie being to them. The 'them' in question is Lilith. Anything she wants, she'll have, anything she says, goes. He'd let the whole world burn for her.
Also he's kind of autistic and Lilith is his special interest but that's besides the point. Service husband.
Anyways, he's also in a queerplatonic relationship with Alastor. How this is possible is a little bit beyond me (I'm too lazy to think about it) but again, explaining what a QPR is, they're close friends who do things that are outside of society's norms for friendships. Like kiss on the lips or sleep with one another. They don't have romantic nor sexual attraction to one another, but they're free to do anything romantic or sexual to each other (with consent!!!) as they please. In my head, the main reason they're connected to each other is how they're almost on the same level, intelligence and power-wise, so they keep one another on their toes with the competition. It's about their thoughts, their conversations, their RIVALRY !!! Playful jabs, snarky remarks, barks and bites, you name it. But at they end of the day, they deeply care for one another. (Whether or not Alastor is with Lucifer for ulterior reasons depends on whether or not I'm having a good day that day /j)
And I think Lucifer and Rosie would be best friends. No kissing or sex involved since Rosie clearly likes his WIFE !!! BAHAHA- And Lucifer is totally cool with it, since he would want Lilith to be happy. He was cool with it when Eve was in the equation too (but this will be unpacked another day). They sometimes hang out on their own time, and exchange gossip about Alastor mainly. Rosie is very friendshaped I think Lucifer would be very comfortable around her.
Alastor (Aromantic Asexual)
First of all I think he would be intimidated by Lilith. In general, he respects women very much, but I also agree on the theory that the person who has Alastor on a leash is Lilith herself LMAO- She's a bit like him, tall, intimidating, charming, has a way with words, but BETTER. The only difference is probably the fact that she doesn't have to use violence to get her way (she probably makes Lucifer do it LOL), which makes her far more classy and elegant compared to every other Demon in Hell, and there is no way Alastor could compete with that.
Does he feel inferior to Lilith? Maybe.
And does he feel guilt when he's seeing Lucifer because of her? Also maybe. I'd like to think all of them are genuine in their relationship though, but if you're into the angst stuff, feel free to interpret it otherwise (I'm too lazy to come up with conflict ideas).
His relationship with Lucifer is pretty much Explained in the Lucifer section, but I'd like to add the fact that Alastor is a sex-positive asexual, which means whenever Lucifer is in the mood, he'd be down to indulge him sometimes. Also I'm well aware of his manipulative nature, and in the canon series, this whole relationship might as well be a plot to take over Hell in some way, but... out of all the smiles he's shown other people, the ones with Lucifer are most genuine :)
Rosie. Oh, don't even get me started on her. He loves her to the moon and back. She's his best friend in the world, whether it was when he was alive or in Hell. They kiss each other, yes, and they're comfortable enough to do other intimate things, but as for the question of whether or not they're sleep /sx with one another? No, and never. One is a lesbian, and both are asexual. Outside of Alastor's life as an overlord and Lucifer's partner, he's Rosie's partner, and they do things such as hunt people for sport and eat them.
Rosie (Lesbian Asexual)
Fell in love with Lilith the moment she laid eyes on her. This relationship isn't reciprocated (yet). I think Rosie's also a disaster lesbian and chokes up whenever she gets the chance to talk to Lilith. Would happily spend a lot of time with her, though. Lilith does most of the talking, understandably. I think Rosie is also a service ace. I just learnt about this term lately, feel free to look it up hehe
She has a very good relationship with Lucifer. Nothing much to say that I haven't said already. I need to explore their relationship more.
Alastor's her other half. He means as much to her as she does to him. She trusts and respects him, and would defend him with her life if it comes down to it. She also sees him as 'one of the girls', so they'd often find themselves at parties where he's the only dude there LMAO-
I'd have more to say about her if I haven't elaborated for paragraphs about her for Lilith, Lucifer and Alastor already, so yeah !
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wren-kitchens · 22 days
lazy mornings
1382 words
etho wakes up in a warm bed, with the sun peeking through the portholes and a still-asleep joel attached to him. it’s.. kind of sweet, if he’s being honest, to see joel like this. joel is the kind of guy who would never in a million years let someone see him like this if he didn’t trust them wholeheartedly not to make fun of him or stab him in the back. it’s.. kind of wonderful to know that joel trusts etho like that.  just as he thinks this, joel mumbles something incomprehensible and nudges closer, burying his face in etho’s neck. whatever the platonic version of falling in love is, etho is pretty sure he just did that.
this is kind of unfinished but as you may suspect, I started writing this before joel was announced as a new hermit, so I am thoroughly done with this wip
anyway qpr boat boys are the best kind of boat boys and this fic made me realise I am also embarrassed to show affection if someone doesn't do it first so thank you qpr boat boys for showing me the light
etho wakes up in a warm bed, with the sun peeking through the portholes and a still-asleep joel attached to him. it’s.. kind of sweet, if he’s being honest, to see joel like this. joel is the kind of guy who would never in a million years let someone see him like this if he didn’t trust them wholeheartedly not to make fun of him or stab him in the back. it’s.. kind of wonderful to know that joel trusts etho like that. 
just as he thinks this, joel mumbles something incomprehensible and nudges closer, burying his face in etho’s neck. whatever the platonic version of falling in love is, etho is pretty sure he just did that.
okay, but- come on. for someone who loves to paint himself as a terrifying red name who’ll trap your base and steal your diamonds, joel is.. well, he’s kind of a doggy. sure, he’s the kind who’ll bite you when excited and will tear up your cushions when bored, but at the end of the day, he’ll curl up and fall asleep on your lap. etho kind of loves it.
closing his eyes again, etho presses a kiss onto the top of joel’s head, burying his own face in joel’s hair. there’s a small noise of contentment from underneath him, before a quiet mumble of, “you’re a sap, y’know.”
etho gives a little scoff of laughter. “oh yeah?”
“yeah.” joel says, muffled slightly. “I woke up and you’re hugging me already. you’re a sap.”
etho snorts, pulling back a little so he can see joel’s face. “yeah? you wanna know what I woke up to today?” 
joel frowns at him, as if he already knows what etho is about to say and is preemptively mad about it. it’s both funny and sweet—not that etho reckons joel would appreciate either of those comparisons, but still. he’s not wrong. “what?”
“when you were asleep, you started hugging me.” etho grins, watching joel’s face turn progressively pinker with every word and grinning. “you were asleep! I woke up and you were already attached to me, and then you did this-“ etho copies joel’s earlier actions, noting the distinctly foreign warmth filling his chest as he does.
“yeah, well- I was asleep.” joel says, and etho smirks at him. “but, y’know, I don’t care. i’ll get up now actually, since i’m awake-“
before etho can make a joke or tease him or- y’know, anything normal, he makes an embarrassing noise of protest in the back of his throat as joel starts to sit up, and holds him tighter. he feels his face go hot, but he can’t help feeling pleased when joel settles back down again—even if it is because he’s about to tease him relentlessly.
“shut up.” etho says, before joel can even open his mouth.
“I wasn’t gonna say anything.” joel sounds so smug, etho can practically hear his smirk. he would be annoyed if it weren’t so endearing. “I was just gonna do this.” 
within the space of what has to be five seconds, joel has buried his face in etho’s neck, practically laying on top of him. for a second, etho is a little taken aback, considering how self conscious joel gets when showing affection—this, whilst very much appreciated, is pretty odd. he quickly realises, however, that etho managed to embarrass himself just enough to make it feel less- well, vulnerable for joel to do something similar. after all, when someone makes a noise that honest as you stop hugging them, you can kind of rule out the possibility of them rejecting you. well- that’s kind of a win?
etho can’t quite keep the smile off his face as he hugs joel back, letting himself entirely ignore his worries about what if joel thinks he’s weird—they are well past that now. burying his face in joel’s hair, etho closes his eyes and begins to wonder how joel finds any time to wash his hair in this game (he smells like shampoo).
“etho?” joel mumbles, somewhat muffled. etho hums in answer, feeling as if he might end up falling asleep again in a minute. “you. you mean a lot. to me.”
etho feels that thing again- the platonic falling in love thing. man, he’s never gonna be able to stop smiling around joel, huh? 
he presses a kiss to the top of joel’s head, who huffs a little in what sounds like exasperation—however, the warmth beginning to fill his chest once again says the exact opposite. “you mean a lot to me too.”
joel doesn’t say anything, but etho can feel him smiling against his skin, and man, this might be the happiest etho has felt in- pretty much any of the death games. he hugs joel tighter, grinning as he mumbles, “etho.” exasperatedly.
“I love the way you say my name.” etho says into joel’s hair. “you go eefo.”
“I do not.” joel protests, but it’s clear he’s not putting much effort into it. 
“you do.” etho teases. maybe he should kidnap joel and smuggle him into hermitcraft when this is all over. he’s sure he can convince xisuma to let him—although, he may have to bring lizzie and jimmy along if he wants joel to stay on hermitcraft. “it’s sweet.”
joel gives a muffled noise of complaint. “‘s not sweet.”
“it absolutely is.” etho says, already creating an elaborate heist to get joel past the firewalls in his head as they speak. he thinks he could probably get grian and scar involved if he tried hard enough. “you’re like a dog when they do something that’s like- an instinct that’s meant to make them look scary but they just end up being cute.”
“you’re being annoying.” joel mumbles, but he sounds a little pleased regardless.  
“i’m being lovable.” etho pauses. “it works for bdubs.”
“yeah, but- have you seen the guy? he’s in a permanent state of concussion.” joel snorts. “i’m not surprised it works for him.”
“that’s mean.” etho pretends to pout. joel gives him such a withering look that etho stops immediately, grinning. “what, am I not lovable enough for you?”
“you’re not lovable, full stop.” joel says, actively disproving his own point by settling back down on top of etho. “you’re just- dumb.”
“you wound me.” etho says, trying not to smile too much; joel is so bad at lying. 
joel is quiet for a long moment, and etho has begun to wonder whether or not he has actually fallen asleep again or if he’s pretending in order to give etho the silent treatment when joel shifts abruptly and presses a kiss to etho’s cheek. that- okay, that just happened. how does etho respond without sounding like he’s losing his mind?
“you- what-“ etho scrambles for any comprehensible words that make a full sentence. “i- why?” 
joel cackles at etho’s reaction (the asshole), apparently very pleased. “well, you do it all the time to me. I had to return the favour.” he says, sounding every bit the smug bastard etho knows and loves. 
etho spends a solid five seconds blinking, still trying to process anything. he feels like a shitty printer of emotions, and is seriously hoping he doesn’t release them all in one flood of inconvenience and accidental leaflets. joel, sensitive as ever, continues to laugh at him. after a moment, etho gives up on words, and instead pulls joel closer and buries his face in his hoodie. joel gives a fond little huff, returning the hug readily. 
"you should know," etho mumbles, something fuzzy in his stomach. "i’m making a plan to smuggle you into hermitcraft as we speak."
joel snorts, and etho feels the soft ache in his chest as he nudges his face into etho's shoulder. "you’re an idiot, you know."
etho kisses one of joel's ears, smiling as he feels joel's face grow hotter against his skin. "well, you haven't heard the plan yet."
"don't need to." etho can hear joel's smile in his voice. "I already know you’re an idiot." there's another pause, and etho has begun to understand that they just mean joel is thinking. "but, uh- what's the plan?"
etho snorts, and joel elbows him. "i’m not gonna tell you if you’re gonna hurt me."
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i-suc-at-art · 1 month
I identify with Charles and Edwin’s relationship so much, their qpr (queer platonic relationship) (well i generally hope it’s not forever bc i wanna see them kiss and hold hands..) is so heart warming to my cold (possibly) aroace heart, im gripping onto them with old frozen hands. You will quite literally need to kill me and then also my ghost for me to let go of them. ALSO as someone who believes so wholly in love i also identify with Nekio (who i head canon as being on the aroace spectrum) she is never given a romantic interest or seems to have interest in romance FOR HERSELF, BUT she’s is so distraught when Jenny’s date turns to disaster she thinks she needs to become a literal hermit to get Jenny to stop being mad at her and never give love advice again bc she thinks romance is dead. LIKE GURL THATS SO REAL OML
All that to say.. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE go watch the dead boy detective agency like rn bc it is so good and there is amazing representation of all types of relationships and ppl
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makowcy · 8 months
talk to me about spacing mining au martyn please plese i want to onow everything about him why is he kidnapping jimmy why is he an antagaonist why is he so handsom
clap alright
Martyn is a professional bounty hunter under Rens command aka he gets sponsored by the government to do his job (he is not a space cop but as far as the wanted characters are concerned he may as well be so if i refer to him as such thats why)
He had a brief encounter with Tango more early on, but for once Tango figures out quickly that this man works for the gov so not much happens there.
Quick timeline later Grian disappears > Scar burns Jimmy's house > Jimmy and Tango travel together for a while > they get separated by a commotion and Martyn meets Jimmy
Jimmy was wearing Tango's coat and since Martyn has already seen it once he followed him and decided to help him out, which immediately gained Jimmy's trust (+Martyn wasn't hiding that he's also from Earth). Now Jimmy basically ended up babbling about his life to Martyn and considering that his family members include someone so wanted as Pearl and whatever he has going on with Tango he's just a great leverage (side note most of the information he shared was useless to Martyn, the man has separation anxiety and the only people he ever speaks to is his family, ex husband and Tango, he just spoke his his heart out)
Also while it's a kidnapping Jimmy doesn't even realize it for the first half and Martyn finds him amusing, harboring criminals is not legal but he doesn't really care so nothing against the guy
Martyn used to be a criminal like many earthians and he ended up in his current work as a rehab thing, he proved himself to be very good at his job and stayed for the money (and ren). Currently he's Ren right hand and does a lot of the dirty work for him. He has his private information network and does things behind Ren's back which he is aware of, but he trusts him and can't quite bring himself to discipline him. One of many qprs in this au they are also not normal but a different flavor. Narrative wise while Ren is in a higher position of power than Martyn he's more of a supporting character for him
Anyways the reason for Grians disappearence is also Martyn and his little schemes, they had a quest with BigB, but the two of them did not trust Martyn one bit and BigB ended up helping Grian get away
Other important note is that Tango and Martyn are opposites in many ways and he absolutely hates him
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