#so who know 🤷🏻‍♀️
reineydraws · 1 year
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so there's this post that talks about how people call jason's curved knife a kris but it's not a kris 'cuz why would he have a southeast asian knife? and op's tags say if you're gonna give him an 'exotic' weapon at least make him malay or something. a later reblog adds a filipino kris as an example, and then i was like, 'omg, jason in a barong tho.' SO i tried designing a bat-barong inspired by his hood logo, for a filipino jason haha. and now here we are! 😊✨️🇵🇭
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taglist: @foxyanon @alexagirlie @sihtricsafin @neonhairspray @gemini-mama
@lexwolfhale @sigtryggrswifey @skyofficialxx @djarinsgirl27 @m-a-s-h-k-a
@verenahx @mrsarnasdelicious @diiickbrainn @little-diable @maii777
@urmomsgirlfriend1 @dixie-elocin @elle4404 @bubblyabs @ylvie50
@hb8301 @willowbrookesblog @apolloanddaphnis @jennifer0305
@carnationworld @justanother-sihtricgirlie @stark-head @reidsbookstore @thenameswinter99
@deathbluestar113 @ladyinred2248 @zaldritzosrose @maryelle-cats @penumbrie
@solinarimoon @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @yungpoetfics @legitalicat @stupiddarkkside @volklana
if you want to be added to/deleted from the taglist, message me 🖤
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jadedbirch · 10 months
I'm just gonna say it.... Look, Xiao Zhan is a FINE actor, and he really does his very best with the (often questionable) material he's been given. I haven't seen him in EVERYTHING but I've seen most of his dramas at this point, so I am confident when I say this:
Never has any other character he's played looked at anyone, ANYONE, with the same Epic Cow Eyes as Wei Wuxian at Lan Wangji.
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Never had any of his other characters an iota of chemistry with their love interests as much as Wangxian.
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Make of it what you will.
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jesus-is-my-bestie · 1 month
His smile 🥺
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animationismycomfort · 5 months
making John Dory trans but in a way where she looks/sounds the exact same and just uses she/her pronouns
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wonder-worker · 7 months
I heard that Edward IV and Elizabeth Widvile were known to be very beautiful. Were there any reports on their appearance at the time?
anon 😂
But yes, contemporaries and post contemporaries in the 16th century were pretty much unanimous in praising their appearance. I'll list some of the ones I could find:
'The most beautiful woman in England' ('la plus belle fille d'Engleterre') - Jean de Waurin
'Her very great beauty' ('sa tres grande beaute') - Jean de Waurin
"Her beauty of person and charm of manner" - Dominic Mancini
"None of such constant womanhood, wisdom and beauty" - Hearne's Fragment; its author was one of Edward IV's servants
"A daughter of prodigious beauty' - 1469 Continuator of Monstrelet's Chronicle
"Both faire, of a good favor, moderate of stature, well made and very wise" - Thomas More
Edward IV:
"The beauty of your personage it hath pleased Almighty God to send you" - James Strangways, Speaker of the Commons in Parliament
"The king is a handsome upstanding man" - Gabriel Tretzel, travels of Leo of Rozmital
"A handsome prince and had style" - Oliver De La Marche
"In the flower of his age, tall of stature, elegant of person" - Croyland Chronicle
"One of the handsomest knights of his kingdom" - 1469 Continuator of Monstrelet's Chronicle
"A handsome and worthy prince" - Pietro Alipranto
‘...Tall and strapping as the king’ - John Paston, Paston Letters
"He was young and more handsome than any man then alive" - Philippe de Commynes
"A man so vigorous and handsome that he might have been made for the pleasures of the flesh" - Philippe de Commynes
"The handsomest prince my eyes ever beheld" and "I don't remember ever having seen a man more handsome than he was" - Philippe de Commynes
"A very handsome prince" - Louis XI, from the Memoirs of Commynes
"He being a person of most elegant appearance, and remarkable beyond all others for the attractions of his person" - the Croyland Chronicle, referencing Edward a few months before he died
"He seized any opportunity that the occasion offered of revealing his fine stature more protractedly and more evidently to onlookers" - Dominic Mancini, writing shortly after his death
"He was a goodly personage and very princely to behold...of visage lovely, of body mighty, strong and cleanly made; howbeit in his latter days, with an over liberal diet, somewhat corpulent, but nevertheless noy uncomely" - Thomas More
I'm tagging @edwardslovelyelizabeth because I think you got a similar ask?
I hope this answers your question, anon! I don't generally pay a lot of attention to the physical appearance of historical figures (I find it pretty irrelevant), but in this case, it ultimately does play a role in both Edward IV and Elizabeth's historiographies for better and for worse, and seems to have actually been a personal prop of Edward's kingship, so I don't mind discussing it :)
#either anon is making rounds or someone else saw the ask and asked me something similar 🤷🏻‍♀️#edward iv#elizabeth woodville#ask#also (I wanted to make a separate post about this but fuck it I'll just rant in the tags):#Something I find very interesting (read: fucked-up) is how we have multiple independent accounts praising Edward IV as extremely#attractive at the end of his life#Yet for some reason (aka fatphobia) most historians simply assume that he lost his looks over the years because he put on weight#even though his actual contemporaries (sans Commynes who in any case didn't even see him after 1475) certainly didn't seem to think so#as we can see: Croyland Mancini and More all noted the fact that he had put on weight AND emphasized his attractiveness#because the two are not mutually exclusive in the slightest and assuming that they are is not only incorrect it's also deeply problematic#it's similar to how so many historians assume his health was failing towards the end of his life when we KNOW - we are literally TOLD -#that his illness was both unexpected and baffling to contemporaries#(there is a contemporary reference to his supposedly deteriorating health but as Horrox says this is actually an editorial interpolation)#and the thing that's *always* referenced almost synonymously with this alleged non-existent ill-health is his weight#and the thing is - even if both of these were true they still ultimately wouldn't (and SHOULDN'T) matter. But we KNOW they weren't#and so it's incredibly indicative that historians and general histories STILL automatically assume them - and this assumption#is almost always on conjecture with his weight. (I don't think I've framed this coherently but oh well)#I'm still not over Katherine Lewis's deranged and frankly extremely ignorant epilogue in 'Kingship and Masculinity'#she literally framed her entire perspective on him around his weight with some really ridiculous (read: fatphobic) speculations/assumptions#she's even worse than Thomas Penn who is also revolting (and AJ Pollard isn't much better)#though of course they're not the only ones - almost every historian and general history does this
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morewyckedthanyou · 2 months
i've suffered from a cough and a stuffy nose for a couple of days now and now my whole face and teeth also hurt and i've got an awful headache so yeah, looks like it's sinusitis 🙄😵
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playablekairi · 4 months
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only this, only this is gonna be the death of me
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snallavanta · 3 months
this might be silly but i miss jan/feb when nana tour episodes aired on tv every friday ☹️ it gave me something to look forward to every week and now i’m just… going through the motions
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yumemiruuuu · 4 months
“Murong Lian and Yue Chenqing duo moments that made me giggle like the corpse of Miss Cui”
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and a bonus Yue Chenqing moment:
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As a sidenote, can we talk about how Murong Lian’s name is made up of the same characters from Mu Qing, Qi Rong and Xie Lian’s names? It just occurred to me today and I don’t think I will ever be the same knowing this????
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metacrisisdoctor · 1 year
"rose is allowed to still be in love with eleven/twelve/thirteen/etc"
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a-study-in-dante · 11 months
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July 6th, 2023 | Slowly getting back to normal and ready for Summer at the library, meaning librarians are back to hating me 📚
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gregmarriage · 1 month
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therampicncrew · 3 months
@pyrokineticwarrior liked for a starter from Wolf!
The sharp point of a sword comes to rest beneath Devlin’s chin, celestial bronze glinting in the fading light as it presses against the soft flesh of his throat. Wolf fixes startlingly green eyes on the stranger, every muscle taut beneath his olive skin.
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“Who are you,” he half-growls, “and what business do you have here?”
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timeisacephalopod · 5 months
Part of being Canadian is how similar we are to the US, and honestly not a single person on earth I think could genuinely pin point the difference between Canadian and American culture but the average Canadian. Americans assume we're the same as them (we aren't), even a bunch of Canadians think we're Americans, especially around voting seasons, and about half our cultural identity is "we're Not American!" but there are some cultural differences and if we all spoke French equally we could have had a language distinction but nooooo. Despite not being America unfortunately such a fuck off massive country right below your teeny tiny ass country (population wise) does result in a cultural avalanche from said fuck off massive country. Especially when you share a language.
The war of 1812 will forever be funny to me though because Americans were like "hmm maybe Canadians would also like to tell the British to fuck off, we will invade to show them!" And Canada was like *burns down the white house* and we've been tentatively chill with each other ever since lmao (even when we probably like. Shouldn't be cool with America but like. We could not risk that implosion politically or otherwise it'd be suicide).
#winters ramblings#apparently americans think they won the war of 1812 and you did not. you did not achieve your goal#and a bit over 100 years later canada would nicely ask sempi to be free and britian decided yeah i guess#you guys did a vimmy ridge in WW1 i guess you can be yourselves#and native people- still unable to vote and would be ineligible for another some 50 years or so- were probably like ??!!!!?!!!#REMOVE these pale faced demons!! and i cant say i blame them for that even if my settler ass does not mind being from here#no fucked up spiders very few fucked up bugs ok seasons amd weather where *I* live anyway#i cant complain too much aint no spiders the size of my head OR fucked up weirdo beez on steroids that look like some feckin#HUNGER GAMES ass shit and not an earth bug. if i lived on either coast though my opinion would be different#especially the east coast FUCK their ocean-y assed winters lake effect is bad enough. the SNOW BELT is bad enough#i cando without that shite too although outwest aint better especially in the praries but still no fucked up bugs so 🤷🏻‍♀️#anyway i do genuinely believe if youre not canadian you wouldnt even know the difference between America and Canadian culture#OR the difference of history and even CANADIANS dont know our voting system isnt the same#like we dont even have half the shit Americans do like an electoral college and canadians STILL think we need to vote#as if we're in a 2 party system. we arent. arguably were in a 4 party system but 3 if you reasonably dont count Greens#its fuckin weird though because youll see people talk about canada and america interchangeably#and like i cant evenblame em when even some canadians get confused or WORSE actually WANT to be america#usually conservatives who like deepthroating boot#although i do think this is somewhat odd as a phenomenon because America doesn't have ONE culture#what canada is near idential to is NORTHERN Americans like the south is a whole Thing with a textured history#like obviously the north is too but culturally i get that more than what the south has going because you could even argue#the south have MULTIPLE cultures and in the north you could at least argue the coasts are distinct culturally#like they got terms like pacific north west we dont have ANY of that we are an EXTREMELY small rural country#its strange to confise it with America but at the same time like. yeah that makes perfect sense to me. and not all at once lol
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amtrak12 · 8 months
Vague work email: Don't come into the building until we send an additional notification
Me: 🤔 Is this flooding or a bomb threat?
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