#so then i could finally insert the 11 plus images.
taxi-boi · 1 year
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withoutyouimsaskia · 2 years
Remember Me, Special Dreams
Part V.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 | Part 21 | Part 22 | Part 23 | Part 24 | Part 25
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GIF: Originally posted by @asleepinawell
Summary: Self-insert. You're having trouble with recurring night terrors and Morpheus pays you a visit. (Title from the lyrics of Placebo’s Special Needs)
Warnings: language, angst, mentions of night terrors.
Word Count: 1.2k
A/N: Hello there, hope you are all well. It’s been a while again but I have a very good reason, I promise. My partner and I have just bought a house and we’ve been very busy doing all those ‘adult’ things! I’ll try and get the next part out sooner. Have a great day, Saskia.
Sandman Masterlist
The ascent up the gloomy staircase was devoid of conversation. The single sound that carries through the narrow passage is a footstep ricochet, though these only appear to be generated by you.
It’s funny, you think, out the two of you it would have been more probable that Morpheus’ lace up boots would cause such a noise, rather than your bare feet.
Morpheus lets you lead the way. You are hyper aware of him maintaining a two-step distance behind you despite the fact that he moves soundlessly.
It is like he is a transmission and you are a receiver. Something keeps calling to you, prickling the outer layers of your mind, thrumming in your bones.
It's a heady, intoxicating sensation. One that tricks every neuron into thinking it's alive. You worry that it’s the kind of thing you could become dependent on, especially since it was infinitely better than the guilt ridden state you had been in for so many days now.
You are grateful when you complete your climb and have something to take away such consuming thoughts.
You push the door to your bedroom open and immediately take up residence on the bed. You drag the covers up to your hips and drink in the feeling of freshly washed linen on your skin.
Morpheus stands a polite distance from you.
You turn on the lamp and gesture for him to use the chair.
He sits gracefully, straightening up and staring at you with his transcendent eyes.
“May I ask you some questions?” You ask timidly.
“You may.”
"You're not a human, are you? Not really, even though you look like one."
"You are correct. I am not human."
"Are you a God, like in Norse or Greek mythology?"
"I am part of a family of entities known as the Endless. Seven siblings, all with different functions that serve humanity. I am the third sibling, Dream."
“Dream of the Endless.” You realise out loud, making sense of one of the monikers he told you yesterday.
“And your function is to create dreams and nightmares?”
He nods an affirmation before adding, “I provide a place for dreamers to explore their wants, forge their hopes and to face their fears.”
You decide right then that you love the way he constructs his prose. It sounds like a lullaby and a poem got married in a storm cloud.
Images of him sheltering in your porch after getting caught in a rain shower pop into your mind. Beads of water are dislodged from his dark, tousled locks as you pull him across the threshold and bring your lips-
You force yourself back out of your head again, distinctly hoping that he doesn’t see day dreams as well as night ones.
“Thank you for clearing that up, I really tried to listen last night but I couldn’t remember everything.”
“You are welcome.”
“One final question: Do you do this often? You know, come to people who are struggling to sleep.”
“I do not.”
You don't know whether to feel special or even more afraid than before.
“I’m going to be honest with you, I’m not even sure if there’s anything you can do to help me. I know exactly why I get like this and what causes it. Emotional overload plus moving from one stage of sleep to another equals parasomnia.”
“No, this is something else entirely.”
His intense response makes your mouth turn dry.
"I acknowledge that moving between sleep stages can cause abnormal activity in the nervous system often resulting in symptoms like sleep paralysis or confusion upon waking. In all these cases, the bodies remain here in the waking world and the minds are roaming the Dreaming. You, however, do not present in the same way.”
You shiver and pull your duvet further up to warm your torso.
Morpheus continues speaking.
“I have observed you several times during the state you call parasomnia and each time, I was unable to see you clearly. You were faded, flickering. Straddling the line between your realm and my own.”
“Have you ever seen anything like it before?”
“I have not.”
“Oh,” you say, feeling disquieted by his revelation.
You can tell by his body language that there is more he wants to divulge.
“There have been incidences in the past where dreamers have become so over stimulated by their dreamscapes that they have created seismic disturbances in the Dreaming. These have always been low level, anomalous and no cause for concern. You have been creating regular and impactful disturbances, gaining magnitude with each occurrence.”
You shake your head, feeling foolish. “Here was me thinking that you were just here because I was having bad dreams.”
“I apologise for my subterfuge. You were in pain and that needed to be addressed first.”
Your chagrin fades a little. “I forgive you... I think.”
A moment of silence passes between you as you digest everything he has said.
“Do you know why all this is happening, with the earthquakes and me glitching in and out of your realm?”
“You have a very high sense of lucidity when you dream. I suspected it from the very first moment we spoke, when you instantly rationalised that I was part of a dream. This was confirmed when I used my sand. You knew you were dreaming and you could remember details from our prior conversation very clearly.”
“Is that the purpose you mentioned on the mountain?”
“And to prove to you that I was real. I knew this would not work if you believed me to be a hallucination.”
You nod. Morpheus begins to talk again.
“I believe that your lucidity is allowing your mind to simultaneously occupy two planes thus creating the tremors, fuelling the severity of your reaction to the nightmares and convincing you that they have followed you into the waking world.” 
“So what now, what do you need to see to prove your hypothesis?”
“Now I need to see you in a nightmare.”
You close your eyes. You should have seen this coming. All the parasomnia episodes had involved nightmares.
Morpheus sees your hesitation but you jump in before he has a chance to respond.
“Couldn’t it just be a really bad bout of nightmares? I’m not exactly in the best headspace right now and I’ve always had nightmares when I’m feeling like this. Maybe they’ll just go away with time?” 
“Your abilities may be exacerbated by your emotional state but it does not guarantee that the stabilisation of one will lead the stabilisation of the other. I cannot risk this escalating any further for the sake of my realm.”
He says your name when a scared frown squeezes your forehead.
“I do not wish to force you to do this. I could use the sand but I would much prefer your consent.”
You take a breath, mouth opening in readiness to reply.
The answer dies in your throat.
“Please, Y/N?”
You stare at his perfect face.
This was such a bad idea.
“I consent.”
"Flash that angle grinder smile. Gasp and roll your eyes."
Taglist: @pinkcyclewitch @layla2-49 @shoidy-cat @silverhart93 @boofy1998 @dotieeee
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glitchyred · 1 year
Well for my take of Glitchy Red, it just starts out the same, except the game is pretty normal aside from a few glitches and odd details and comments. Glitchy here, always wanted to have people who player his game to have fun (even if he did get hurt because of the glitches/cheats they did. An example being Missingno (he’s also got a few scars from the glitches in game hurting him). However he just snapped because he was finally tired of being hurt. The MC here was thinking it was just a normal game and that’s why he did that Missingno cheat. After that Glitchy who’s very angry and tired just well makes the MC suffer badly, who’s feeling guilty for what he did : (. Red does realize that he was in the wrong, even apologizing to the MC, and was about to well…for now. But the player had a idea, and talked him out of destroying his game. MC talked things through over with Red, and they started bonding : ). For a while MC just kept the Gameboy on, and always chatted with Red everyday (who also does love Pokemon here, he even has his own team that are also sentient, he’s just kept them away from the players. And the MC’s team earlier was replaced by them. Red’s team is Blastoise, Dragonite, Ninetails, Alakazam, Hitmonchan and Marowak). Then one day MC was using his laptop when another idea struck. That being, what if he could upload Red’s data and stuff on there? He asked Red for permission of course, and Red wanting to finally get out of there agreed. So he got Red’s data on a memory disk and inserted it into his laptop and it worked! Now MC has a little (sentient glitch) brother figure who can chat with him anytime. He did also let Red just get into his phone because why not? Plus it’s easier bringing it than a laptop. So happy ending : ). Might do a sequel which has slice of life shenanigans and fluff after this, or one where Glitchy here, meets some of the other Glitchys (he does not know about them). Oh and he also does not hate FireRed LeafGreen Red for replacing him, he knows he did not have a choice in that, hating the creators for just abandoning him. Oh yeah he also has abandonment issues (and also the fear of being abandoned and left alone (like take away his Pokemon and put him in a room by myself, he would panic). His issues are mainly with his creators (but in the sequel thing, he's starting to move on from them.) oh and I made him 11 for a few reasons; first that in the OG pasta, I remember that one line where it clearly stated he was a kid, and the second being that seeing your take of Glitchy was also a kid, well that made me less nervous to make a slightly more accurate Glitchy. oh and sorry for the long infodump, I just have lots of thoughts on my take of the boy. Your take on Glitchy in Retold and ;Glitchy are some of the best versions I've seen, I adore them! Oh and here's a image of what my Glitchy looks like (drawn by a friend on Discord)
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Hell YESSSS so true!! I love the idea of Red having a team of sentient Pokémon that he keeps away from the player that's so sweet omg. I have a kinda similar thing to the laptop thing with the post-plot of GR:R where the narrator backs up RED into a rom they can play on emulator. It's a really fun concept and I like the idea of the player also having him on their phone NDJSJDJSJD this is so epic and I love ur interp your boy is so epic. The art is really cute!!
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grailfinders · 3 years
Fate and Phantasms #150: Merlin
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Today on Fate and Phantasms we’re finishing the last build in Observer on Timeless Temple, the man who broke the meta, Merlin! I’ll be honest, I really wasn’t expecting we’d make it this far. Anyway, you’re a Divination Wizard, because no shit. You’re a wizard, you can see the future, you kinda cheat at life, everything else just falls into place. You’re also a Fighter, because you also keep a shortsword stashed in your staff in case of emergencies.
Check out his build breakdown below the cut, or his character sheet over here!
Next up: A dimension-hopping bisexual. That’s not a phrase I ever thought I’d say, but I’m glad I did.
Race and Background
Merlin’s half Incubus, giving him immense magical power. Thankfully we can match that lineage one for one with the Abyssal Tiefling, an old UA that gives you +2 Intelligence, +1 Charisma, Darkvision, Abyssal Fortitude for half your level (rounded down, minimum 1) in extra HP, and Abyssal Arcana. That last one’s a bit complicated, so give us a second. 
Each long rest, you randomly get one of six cantrips by rolling a d6 (aside from the one you just had, you have to re-roll if that happens). You can get Dancing Lights, True Strike, Light, Message, Spare the Dying, or Prestidigitation. You can cast that cantrip like you would any other cantrip at your disposal, although awkwardly enough they never mention what ability score you would use to cast it. (I would assume Charisma, but feel free to argue with your DM.) After you finish another long rest, replace the old cantrip with a new one.
Being stranded on the other side of the world makes you the premier Hermit, giving you proficiency with Arcana and Religion. 
Ability Scores
You know literally everything, so make your Intelligence as high as possible. You also don’t have much difficulty avoiding the consequences of your actions, so it’s safe to say your Dexterity is pretty good too. You managed to catfish a not insignificant portion of the human race during the Goetia Crisis, so your Charisma is up there as well. Your Constitution isn’t as strong, you’re pretty much unkillable but I’ll be damned if Quetz didn’t try. Your Wisdom is rather low- you thought betraying the second sun was a good idea- but we’re dumping Strength. You are wizard, no big surprise.
Class Levels
1. First level wizards get proficiency in Intelligence and Wisdom saves, as well as History (you were there for quite a bit of it) and Insight (you watch people long enough eventually you notice patterns).
You also learn how to cast Spells using your Intelligence. Like all wizards you get an obscene number of spells, so we’ll just mention the ones that are very important to the character here, though the character sheet has a full list.
Mage Armor, of course is super important for any wizard, as is your caster balls (Magic Missile). I’d also grab Charm Person to make the whole Magi Marie thing a bit easier. You can also get Find Familiar, if you really want Cath Palug that badly.
Lastly, you get an Arcane Recovery, letting you regain spell slots with a total level equal to half your level rounded up on a short rest once per long rest. Not having slots sucks, don’t do that.
2. Second level wizards learn a specialty, and Divination basically lets you cheat at everything thanks to your Portents. At the end of a long rest, you roll two 20s and save those results.  At any time before your next long rest, you can use one of those results to replace an attack, save, or ability roll you can see, once per turn. If you roll high, give it to Artoria. If you roll low, still give it to Artoria, it’ll be funny.
You also become a Divination Savant, making it cheaper and easier to copy divination spells.
3. Third level wizards get second level spells, but your Abyssal Arcana also grows stronger, giving you a random first level spell each long rest as well. You cast these spells as if you were using a second level spell slot once per long rest. They are Burning Hands, Charm Person, Magic Missile, Cure Wounds, Tasha’s Hideous Laughter, and Thunderwave. You’re a Grand Caster candidate, so it’s not like there’s a reason you couldn’t cast any of those.
We’re also spending your spells this level to enhance party members, with Enhance Ability and Magic Weapon helping out in and out of combat.
4. I know we just got cure wounds last level, but that’s a one in six chance of using it once per long rest. I’d hardly call that meta breaking. We’ll fix that by using your first Ability Score Improvement to grab the Magic Initiate feat, giving you the spells Light, Minor Illusion, and Cure Wounds more consistently (the last one is still once per long rest though).
5. Fifth level Abyssal Tieflings get one last boost to their Abyssal Arcana, giving them one of six second level spells each long rest. You could get Alter Self, Darkness, Invisibility, Levitate, Mirror Image, or Spider Climb. 
You also learn Dispel Magic to break through Tiamat’s Chaos Tide.
6. Sixth level divination wizards have Expert Divination, recharging lower level spell slots after expending another spell slot on a divination spell. The recharged slot also has to be 5th level or lower, but that’s hardly an issue right now. Very useful for someone who’s technically in another plane most of the time.
You also learn Major Image, for stronger illusory power, and Haste to make a chosen warrior more of a hero.
7. We’re now going to bounce over to Fighter real quick, you’re surprisingly quick to pull a sword on someone if you feel like it. The Dueling fighting style adds 2 to your weapon damage with one handed weapons, and Second Wind lets you spend a bonus action to heal yourself. 
8. Second level fighters get an Action Surge, letting you add an extra action to your turn once per short rest. 
9. For your fourth level spells, Hallucinatory Terrain will give your allies a glimpse of Avalon (healing and NP charge not included).
10. Use this ASI to bump up your Intelligence, and learn Charm Monster to keep Cath Palug from smacking you upside the head for the eight billionth time.
11. With fifth level spells you can finally insert yourself into others’ dreams thanks to the spell Dream. It takes a minute to cast, but afterwards you can enter a trance to hop into a target’s dreams. You can shape the dream to your liking, or just watch the fireworks. You can also turn into a nightmare to deal psychic damage and prevent any benefits from that sleep if the target fails a wisdom save.
12. Tenth level divination wizards can use The Third Eye to gain one special kind of sight each short rest as an action. You can choose form Darkvision, sight into the Ethereal Plane, the ability to Read any Language, or the ability to see invisible objects and creatures. 
13. Sixth level spells like Mental Prison make things a lot harder for your enemies, charming one target creature if it fails an intelligence save. If it succeeds, it only takes some psychic damage. If it fails, it takes the damage and it becomes surrounded by an illusionary prison, so it can’t move, see, or hear anything beyond its space. If it’s forcibly moved out, or is attacked/attacks through the illusion, it takes even more psychic damage and the spell ends.
14. If you’re going with the standard array, you’ve probably noticed by now that your intelligence is currently odd. Thankfully we can fix that and make your DM’s life so much harder all at once thanks to the feat Keen Mind, which we’re picking up with this level’s ASI. Your Intelligence goes up by one, you have a great sense of direction and timing, and you have eidetic memory of the last month.
15. Seventh level spells like Mirage Arcane are another bump in power, letting you warp the landscape in a square mile around you. You can even add your fancy looking tower to the illusion now! Still not a lot of healing though.
16. Your last divination goody is the feature Greater Portent, letting your roll three d20s per day instead of two. Yeah, portent’s just kinda busted.
17. Eighth level spells like Illusory Dragon are a massive upgrade, almost as powerful as you usually are. This lets you make a dragon illusion that takes up space, is tangible, and can really breathe fire. I’m not entirely sure how this is an illusion, if I’m being honest.
18. Use this ASI to bump up your Dexterity for less dying and more stabbing. You also learn the spell Demiplane, to create your own Avalon! As long as you don’t mind your Avalon being a 30′ cube room and nothing else. Still, it’s hard to beat that level of security.
19. Seventeenth level wizards get ninth level spells. Seriously, just grab as many as you can. Merlin’s a grand caster, literally nothing is beyond his reach, certainly not anything a D&D character could do.
20. Eighteenth level wizards gain Spell Mastery over a first and second level spell, letting you cast them at their lowest level like cantrips. Silent Image and Magic Weapon are both good for support, I’d pick those. It’s not a huge issue if you change your mind later, too- you can change spells after 8 hours of study. You also learn True Polymorph. Artoria’s gotta father a child somehow.
With your maxed out intelligence, plus ways to confuse your enemies and buff your allies, you make for a pretty good support caster. I doubt that comes as a surprise.
Divination wizards are kinda busted? Three portents per long rest can seriously reshape a campaign if you’re smart with them.
Wish is also kinda busted? You know how a lot of builds I mention not getting to ninth level spells as a con? Now you get to find out why.
You’re squishy, which also isn’t too surprising. With an AC of 16 and HP barely scratching past one hundred, You probably won’t want to actually use your sword that often.
Despite healing being the big draw of your FGO counterpart, we didn’t really get that much in this build. You get one to two uses of Cure Wounds per day, plus your second wind. Not exactly meta defining.
Most illusions and buff spells use concentration, so good luck holding onto those with a con save of +1. It also means you have to pick and choose what you’re doing at any one time.
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npdclaraoswald · 3 years
@cauldronofmorning asked for these for both MASH and Doctor Who, so
1. What OTP's in your fandom do you just not get?
Charles/Klinger! I tried reading one of their fics just to see what the hell the appeal is and I think it's supposed to be some sort of enemies to lovers Cinderella story? But Charles is a racist and he treats Klinger terribly!!! Klinger deserves better! And he has better! He's great with Soon Lee and I don't understand why you would erase her or break them up for Charles
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
I wouldn't say ruined, bc I don't actively dislike them, but I don't like how beejhawk shippers treat Trapper and Carlye to make BJ look better
7. Is there anything you used to like but can't stand now?
I've only been in this fandom for like two months, I haven't had time for that
11. Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn't? Why?
Not really? I can't really think of any unpopular characters aside from like, Frank, who deserves to be unpopular. Trapper I guess, since so much fic villainizes him in his relationship with Hawkeye for reasons I don't at all understand
12. Is there an unpopular arc that you liked and the fandom didn't? Why?
Not that I can think of
19. What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
I know MASH is anti-war overall, but I do feel like we ignore the implications of loving army characters so much, and really gloss over how poorly the Korean characters are treated
22. Popular character you hate?
Flagg, I guess? I wouldn't exactly call him popular, but I have seen some people say he's funny and good satire, but I never really found him funny
23. Unpopular character you love?
Idk if he's really unpopular, but Sidney my beloved
Doctor Who
1. What OTP's in your fandom do you just not get?
I don't know if I have any? With all of the ships I'm aware of, even if I don't ship them, I do at least see the appeal. I guess 11 with any of his companions, but that's just bc I don't like 11
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
Not really. I do think tenrose is a bit overrated, but the show ran that into the ground in season 3 more than the fandom ever could
7. Is there anything you used to like but can't stand now?
The Family of Blood/Human Nature two parter. I know it's super popular and I used to like it too, but I just can't get over how fucking cruel and thoughtless it was of the Doctor to pick that particular time and place to strand Martha in and I fucking hate that he falls in love with a racist and that she gets to come back for the RTD era finale
11. Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn't? Why?
Clara Oswald, my beloved. She seems to be a really polarizing character where people either love or despise her, and admittedly, I used to hate her top bc she is absolutely a plot device more than a person in s7, but jesus christ, does she make up for it in her spiral into recklessness, control, and trying to be the Doctor. I love her so fucking much.
12. Is there an unpopular arc that you liked and the fandom didn't? Why?
Speaking of Clara, while I'm definitely not going to say Iiked season 7, I am endlessly fascinated by the concept of versions of her scattered throughout all of time and space and I don't understand how the fandom (or the show) hasn't addressed that more
19. What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
Oh, right now, all of the RTD love. I've gotten to a better place with my body image, but I am a fat person and watching his outrageous fatphobia as a teenager was awful. Plus, he treated Mickey and Martha like shit, and he treats older women poorly too. And while I don't really pay attention to behind the scenes stuff, I do know Billie Piper has said she felt harrassed on set and that RTD did nothing to prevent it. Like, yes, Moffant and Chibnall have some fucking problems, but so did RTD and I am NOT excited about his return
22. Popular character you hate?
The Eleventh Doctor. I fucking hate how he treats women, from him kissing Jenny without her consent to asking Rory for his consent for him to hug Amy but not hers. I'm 90% certain that the reason he's like that is bc Moffat treated him as a self insert and had every fucking woman in the universe throw themselves at his feet, and that the reason the writing with Twelve improved so much was that he stopped seeing him as a self insert
23. Unpopular character you love?
Mickey Smith my beloved. He had such a cool character arc, but the narrative still treated him like a useless idiot, just so they could prop up tenrose
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smileybokuto · 3 years
Cherry Soda | Chapter Five | jitters
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Chapter: jitters
wc: 1.8k
warnings: none
a/n: I know this isn’t a suga story but i love him and refuse to taint his image 😤
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        Y/n laid on their bed staring up at the ceiling anxiously looking at the ceiling replying their day, trying to figure out why Ushijima was ignoring them. 
       “This is so annoying!” Y/n rolls over and screams into their pillow.
         Y/n’s first thought was ‘is that toshi?’. Y/n immediately grabs their phone and brings it to their face. The blue light illuminates there room as the name ‘sugawara 😍’ popped up on their phone. 
‘Hey y/n! How was your day?🥰’ 
‘I’m not having the best day 😔’
‘Oh really? Hold on!’ 
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Incoming call from ‘sugawara 😍’. 
        Y/n wondered why he was calling but still swipe to answer.
      “Hello.” Y/n says hesitantly.
      “Oh good you're not crying. Do you want to talk about it. I’ll listen.” Y/n could hear the soft smile on his lips and smiled to themselves in return. 
     “You really don’t have to do that. I’m sure it’ll work out.”
     “Shh now. It’s not good to good to keep things inside. Tell me about you're day.” Suga chuckles on the other side.
     “It was really sucky. I woke up in such a good mood too. Then Toshi and I walked to school then he decided we were going to run a marathon. It seemed like he was in a bad mood so I didn’t want to push him you know?” 
      “Mhmm.” Suga says shaking his head in agreeance. 
      “Then he wouldn’t speak to me and I don’t know why. I don’t know if I did anything wrong. Looking back at my day I can’t figure out what I did to upset him but he didn’t speak to me and he ignored me all day. He didn’t even wait for me after school and we alway walk home together. My parents were confused because they are so use to us walking home together. I asked him why he was ignoring me at practice and started to cry because he kept saying he wasn’t but that’s not true!”
    “Okay, okay, okay. Take a breath.” Y/n takes a deep breath and Sugawara’s smile slowly grew as he continued to fold his laundry. “Okay continue.”
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      “Well that’s really all besides I bought him his favorite drink to cheer him up because everyone on the team was worried and he just shoved it away. Lunch was so awkward and I didn’t know what to do to make it better. That was my day.”
      “Y/n you're amazing you know that.” Sugawara hums through the phone and Y/n’s cheeks heated up.
     “How is that?” 
     “Well you went out of your way to buy Ushijima a drink because he was in a bad mood. You also tried to talk out the problem multiple times and you stuck by his side even though he was ignoring you. Sounds like an amazing person to me.” Suga giggles.
     “You're wonderful. You know that. You just know the right things to say to make my day better. Also thank you for listening to me. It made me feel better.” Sugawara face reddened and he dropped the shirt he wasa folding at the complement. Sugawara stood stunned for a minute then cleared his throat.
    “It really was no problem. I do this all the time for my teammates.”
    “Wow that’s amazing. You must be really trustworthy for everyone to come to you with their problems. Who do you talk to about your problems?”
    “Well no one really…”Suga laughs. 
    “That won’t do. I told you what was troubling me so tell me what’s troubling you.” Y/n demands.
    “There really isn’t anything bother me,” Suga smiles.
    “As a wise man once told me ‘It’s not good to good to keep things inside. Tell me about your day.’” Y/n smiles to themselves glad they turned the tables around our him. Suga laughs through the other side and Y/n just thinks ‘you're laugh is angelic’. 
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     “My day, well I had to wake up at five am-”
     “Five am?!?!? That’s so early!”
     “Yeah our first years practice a lot! Kageyama and Hinata never stop practicing and I need to work on my setting too.”
     “Wow you dedicated!” Y/n smiles. “You must be a really good setter and that’s why they keep you on the side. You’re just like Semi!” Y/n enthusiastically says.
     “Yeah,” a strained laugh came through the phone.
     “What's wrong?”
     “Oh it’s nothing,” Sugawara answers.
     “There’s obviously something wrong,” Y/n replies rolling there eyes. 
     “It’s just that Kageyama is better than me. He can bring out the best in people-”
     “Let me stop you right there. That’s the kid who was yelling at the springy boy right?”
    “Yeah.” Sugawara laughed at the way Y/n described Hinata. 
    “Well he reminds me of Shirabu. They are both very good, yes. No doubt. They can get the ball where ever they want and at it’s highest impact which is amazing don’t you think?”
    “But… When you or Semi steps out onto the court it’s like a reset for everyone. The atmosphere is calmer and everyone just want to win and have fun! I’d say that’s pretty powerful would you?”
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      “Yeah! You’re right!”
      “Yeah I am! Plus from the way that the first years listen to you i’d say they respect and cherish you a lot don’t you think. It seemed like you just brightened the mood for everyone. Out of that entire practice match you, that little springy boi and the middle blocker were the one who stood out to me the most.”
     “Really? I alway feel like I’m invisible to the everyone.” 
     “That’s not true at all!” Y/n looked over at the clock and wondered how it got so late. “We really should be going to sleep.”
     “Yeah. It’s already 11:30! How did that happen?” Sugawara laughs. “What are you doing Friday after school?”
    “Hmm. Oh nothing!”
    “Good, do you want to go to the bakery with me and i’ll walk you home so you aren’t lonely.”
     “That sounds great!”
     “Then it’s a date!” Sugawara smile grew when he said that. “Well goodnight text me tomorrow anytime and I’ll answer.”
     “Same go to you! If you want to talk I’m here! Good night.” 
     “Okay goodnight.” 
      With that they ended their call and Y/n hugged their phone close to their chest and squealed. Meanwhile Sugawara hung up with a gigantic smile on his face and couldn’t stop looking at his call log with Y/n’s name on it. 
     “They are going to be the death of me,” Sugawara sighs. “How did I get so lucky?”
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      Earlier at the Ushijima household, Ushijima was laying on his bed angry. Tendo and Semi face-timed him to see how he was doing. 
     “Miracle Boy Wakatoshi~” Tendo sings.
     “You left without Y/n…” Semi says glaring through the phone.
     “They’ll be fine.” Ushijima rolls his eyes.
     “They looked really sad.” Tendo inserts.
     “What is wrong with you? Did something happen with Y/n? Why are you acting like a child?”
     “Eita, nothing is wrong with me.”
     “You called my by my first name just now which means you are upset.” 
      “Leave me alone,” Ushijima sighs and runs a hand over his face. “I don’t want to talk about it.” 
      “You’re acting like a child, Wakatoshi. And in the process you are hurting Y/n.” Semi slowly says emphasizing every word he says in a warning tone. 
     “You talking to me like my mother Eita.”
    “You’re being dumb Wakatoshi-Kun~” Tendo sings through the phone bobbing his head in and out of the frame. 
    “I am not.”
   “Then tell us what’s wrong! We are your friends you know?” Semi huffs.
   “Tch. You sound like Y/n. That’s annoying.” Ushijima glares at Semi through the screen. 
    “Is Y/n annoying you?” Tendo asks confused and astonished. 
    “No not Y/n themself but the thought of Y/n is annoying…” Ushijima sighed looking at the two boys with sad eyes. 
    “You look really sad Wakatoshi,”Semi says laying his head down on his arms still in frame. 
    “I’m annoyed and the person I want to talk to is the person I’m annoyed with and I don’t know what to do..”
     “Talk to them,” Tendo says finally joining the conversation. “Y/n was pretty sad all day you know. And they kept trying to think of things to do to cheer you up but you hurt them you know. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you refuse something from Y/n before but you definitely hurt them by pushing it away even I could see that.” 
    “I know…” 
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       After a long pause Semi sighed and lifted his head up.
      “I’m going to ask you a very important question Wakatoshi, okay?”
      “What is it, Eita?”
      “How do you feel about Y/n?”
      “I don’t understand the question. Y/n’s my best friend. I’ve known them since I can remember.”
      “Okay we know that. But how do you feel when your with Y/n is it the same like Tendo or Me?”
     “Well no… Y/n’s different. Everytime I’m with them it’s like the first time I hit a spike past three blockers I guess. It’s a different feeling. I never know what Y/n’s going to do or say. There like Satori in that sense but it’s different. More interesting. But now it just hurts… Everytime I see them it hurts and it feels like my whole body aches and I don’t know what to do. What do I do?”
     “Well you need to figure out what Y/n means to you before it’s too late…” Semi says with a sad look in his eyes. 
     “Who’s the first and Last person you think about Ushiwaka~”
    “Y/n.” Ushijima says without taking a second to think.
     “Like an old married couple~” Tendo jokes and semi rolls his eyes with a smile on his face. “Semisemi please burn that shirt I thought you got rid of it already!”
    “Satori leave me alone. This is a nice shirt. It is fashion you wouldn’t understand since you have none.” Semi scoffs.
     “I’m going to sleep. See you two in the morning.” Ushijima sighs. “Don’t stay up to late we have practice in the afternoon.”
    “Yes Sir~. Be nice to Y/n tomorrow Kay~”
   “Night also listen to Satori about Y/n.”
   “Okay.” With that Ushijima hung up and rolled over in his bed pulling his pillow over his head. 
    It was another sleepless night for Ushijima with him tossing and turning the entire night trying to sleep. All night he kept imagining Y/n and Sugawara doing the things they use too. Talking all night long, going to the convenience store and lastly holding hands. That’s the thing he didn’t like the most was the thought of Sugawara comforting you how he does.
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thedenimdentist · 4 years
Truman Boot Co: Java Waxed Flesh MTO Review & 1 Year Update
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Truman Boot Company is an American boot making company founded in 2014 in Pennsylvania. They later moved out to Boulder, CO, and recently moved again to their current location in Eugene, OR.
This will not be so much of an in-depth review of the Java Waxed Flesh boot by Truman Boot Company, as an amazingly extensive and detailed review was already written by Nick over at stridewise.com. Instead, my goal is to provide a quick overview of my specific pair of Java Waxed Flesh boots (including the customizations I chose and their build quality), as well as provide detailed photographs capturing the patina they’ve developed over the past year. 
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I designed these boots through an MTO order placed back in March 2019. The customizations I chose were as follows:
Last: P-79 last
Size: 11EE
Construction: stitchdown (+$100)
Vamp: cap toe
Heel style: standard, no pull tabs
Stitching: brown
Ankle style: plain
Tongue leather: dark brown
Hardware configuration: 7 eyelets
Hardware finish: antique brass
Toe construction: unstructured
Sole: commando
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When buying my first pair of Truman boots, I was having a really difficult time determining what size I should order. After speaking to Truman and multiple people through Instagram, it was recommended I buy a size 10EE (based on my Red Wing Iron Ranger size, 9.5EE). Man, was that off. I normally have to wear my boots with a full length orthotic, and I could barely squeeze my foot into the size 10EE boots without the insert. I had to send those back to Truman to be stretched (to a size they claimed was 10.5EE) only to find that it was still way too tight. I ultimately had to sell those boots, and ended up purchasing 3 pairs of size 11EE Trumans within 2 months. (Probably not the best idea, but luckily 11EE was my correct size, so it all worked out.)
Tl;dr: I’m a size 11EE in Truman’s P-79 last.
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Above are the two lasts offered by Truman: the C-55 last and the P-79 last (image taken from the Truman website). The C-55 last was not available when I purchased my Java Waxed Flesh boots, and has more of a formal, almond-shaped toe. Unfortunately, Truman does not yet offer wide EE sizing in this C-55 last, so I wouldn’t have been able to choose it anyway.
Below I’ve listed my sizes in boots from other brands for reference:
Truman Boot Company - 11EE
Viberg (1035 last) - 10.5
Red Wing, Iron Ranger - 9.5EE
Thursdays - 10.5
Onderhoud - 44E
Parkhurst - 11
For a deeper dive into how my feet suck and why sizing is always an issue for me when buying any footwear, please refer to my Onderhoud review (here).
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(Above are the orthotic inserts I wear in my boots. They’re full length memory foam, so all my boots feel like slippers. Available on Amazon.)
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Above are my 3 pairs of Trumans (from left to right: Java Waxed Flesh, Black Waxy Commanders, and Aubergine Horserump), along with my Red Wing Iron Rangers. All 3 Trumans are size 11EE with unstructured toes. (I’ve heard others recommend dropping down a half size for Trumans with a structured toe box. I can’t say for sure since I’ve never tried, so don’t quote me on that.)
Price & Shipping
The base price for these boots was $380. With the $100 fee for stitchdown construction, the final price came out to be $480 (plus $18 shipping). I placed my order on 3/15/2019, they were completed and shipped on 5/17/2019, and the boots were delivered on 5/23/2019.
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Java Waxed Flesh is vegetable-tanned roughout leather produced exclusively for Truman by Horween Leather Company in Chicago. The leather starts as a rich, dark java brown color with a glossy waxed finish. This durable waxy coat makes this leather extremely durable and water-resistant. However, this glossy finish will scratch and scuff away with wear, revealing a roughout surface texture with a lighter, warmer color tone.
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Waxed flesh is a great leather option for those who don’t want to worry too much about leather maintenance. Other than a quick brush down every once in a while, I have yet to apply any conditioner to my boots.
Unboxing & Initial Impressions
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Unfortunately, when I first received these boots I had no intention of ever writing a review for them, and thus did not take very detailed photos. However, by looking at the photos I did take (and comparing to how they look now), these boots were constructed and finished very nicely. The stitching on the uppers appears to be very clean and neat, and the patterns are symmetrical between the left and right boots.  
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Straight from the box, these boots felt like tanks. The chunky commando sole gave them significant weight and made them feel very rugged and sturdy. The leather was fairly thick and stiff with a waxy gloss finish, making it feel like armor when trying them on for the first time.
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One area that I wish Truman had done a little cleaner is the two rows of stitchdown welt stitching. The spacing between the two rows is a bit inconsistent, with the outer row being a little wiggly in some places. It isn’t bad by any means. There are no loose stitches and the stitch density appears fairly consistent all around (I’ve seen far sloppier welt stitching out there on Instagram). That being said, I have no complaints about the durability and functionality of the stitchdown construction on these Trumans. I have no doubt that this welt stitching would far outlast the life of the commando soles, and will present no issues with resoling when the time comes. 
I admit, I have been told that I place a higher emphasis on the cleanliness and finishing of my boots than most (I blame Jake, @almostvintagestyle). I’ve come to appreciate the extremely precise and uniform stitching I’ve seen on boots by custom boot makers such as Rizky (@onderhoud.handmade), Peng (@flamepanda11), and Goto-San of White Kloud (@show_goto). I acknowledge that the precision and uniformity of a boot’s welt stitching mostly just aesthetics and has little effect on the durability/longevity of a boot (as long as it doesn’t fall apart or any cause issues with resoling in the future). However, I still believe that how cleanly a boot is constructed speaks to the craftsmanship and overall attention to detail of the boot maker, making me proud to own, wear, and post photos of their work.
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(The very clean and uniform welt stitching on my Onderhoud derbies.)
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1 Year & 139 Wears Later
As the header states, I have worn these Java Waxed Flesh boots 139 times over the past year (actually 11 months, but as the world is currently closed due to COVID-19, these boots probably won’t be worn much more over the next month anyway). The waxed flesh leather has broken in significantly and is much more flexible and comfortable. However, the leather still feels very thick and rugged, especially in comparison to my other smoothout leather boots. I admit, these are not my most comfortable pair. Even fully broken in, this waxed flesh leather is not nearly as comfortable as the Aubergine Horserump used on my other pair of Trumans (which were soft and pliable from the start). However, these javas are definitely my most heavy-duty boots. I feel like I could go into battle with these while still maintaining that slimmer, service boot silhouette.
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You can tell by the rolls and creases in the leather that the leather has conformed nicely to my feet. Also, at this angle you can really see the uneven, asymmetric, and wiggly welt stitching that I mentioned previously (especially on the outside of the right boot). 
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Here is a top-down view of the toe shape of the P-79 last in size 11EE (wide).
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As I stated earlier, these boots are rugged tanks and can withstand quite a beating. However, being a dentist living in the suburbs, I don’t subject these boots (or any of my boots really) to the outdoor manual labor for which they were built. The smooth waxy coating has only really scuffed away in areas of high flexure (where my toes crease and around the neck of the boot where I wrap my laces). Other than that, the majority of the boots still maintain the glossy shine, even after nearly 140 wears.
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Looking back, one thing that I might’ve changed is getting a dainite instead of the commando sole. I opted for the commando sole because I felt like it complemented the rugged aesthetic of the waxed flesh leather. However, as these boots are worn mostly at work in a dental office and walking casually around Target, the functional traction the commando soles provide has had little use for me. I actually prefer the dainite soles of my other Truman boots, as my feet feel more balanced and sturdy on the ground. (This may be because the width of the commando sole actually in contact with the ground is significantly narrower than my feet, as you can see in the photo above.) Ultimately, this is still just my personal preference. There is nothing wrong with the commando sole used by Truman. When the time comes for a resole, I’ll probably send them to Brian at Role Club for some half soles and a low woodsman heel.
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I’ve read online that some people find the heel (counter) of Truman boots to be bulbous and wide, resulting in some heel slip. Personally I haven’t had any issues with the heel.
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While my boot collection is still fairly small, I can definitely say that I prefer unstructured over structured toe boxes. I absolutely love the silhouette of a boot after the leather has broken in and the toe has fully collapsed, conforming to the shape of the owner’s foot. The toe boxes of these Trumans have partially collapsed, and I look forward to seeing how they continue to mold to my feet in the future.
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Overall, I am very happy with the construction quality of these boots by Truman, as well as how they’ve broken in over the past year. They are by far the most rugged boot I own (other than my Red Wing Iron Rangers), and would be my first choice should I ever need to do anything outdoors (like hike, or go camping, or whatever). The waxed finish of the leather still has a lot of life to it (I’m guessing, based on the amount of sheen still left on the boot), and I look forward to see how they look after another year of wear.
In the Wild
Below, I’ve compiled a few extra photos I’ve taken of these Java Waxed Flesh boots as I’ve broken them in over the past year. For more photos of these boots, as well as the rest of my denim and boots collection, please check out my Instagram (@thedenimdentist). 
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jeannereames · 5 years
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I don’t necessarily post a lot about myself, and I’m not sure most people care that much. Ha. But all right, I’ll play along:
1. the meaning behind my url.   It’s my name. Nothing exciting. The name on my actual Tumblr “Mathetria,” means “woman scholar” in ancient Greek.
2. a picture of me   In my profile image.
3. tattoos i have  2: one is the Achemenid royal lion, the other, the Macedonian sunburst. At some point, I’d also like to get a Sargonid lamasu, and not just any, but one specific lamasu detroyed by Isis that used to guard Nineveh. Many of the things they destroyed were copies, but that one was real, so he’ll live on, on me.
4. last time i cried and why  I honestly don’t remember. I’m more inclined to cry in a rage than in sorrow. The last I do remember was as I drove away after my last visit with my father, who was dying. But that was in Feb. of 2017, so I’m sure there’s been something more recent. I just don’t cry a lot. That’s not necessarily recommended, btw.
5. piercings i have  These days, just 2 in each ear, and I think one of the two in each ear have finally closed. I used to have some others in my ears, but it hurt to sleep on the earrings, so I took them out.
6. favorite band  Of all time? Probably the Indigo Girls, followed by India Arie (not a band, granted). But I go through phases, and at the moment, I’ve been listening to a lot of Tool and Godsmack.
7. biggest turn off(s)  If meant romantically, smoking. It’s a visceral “Ick,” for me, as well as a “What the hell are you taking into your body and why?” But it’s not going to make me think less of a person as a human being; I just don’t want to kiss you. LOL. What WILL make me think less of you as a human being is rudeness and unkindness to people in service industries. If I’m eating out with a friend who’s rude to the waitstaff? You just went WAY down in my estimation. So is the person who constantly steals the conversation and can’t shut up and listen to somebody else, ask others questions, or has to one-up everybody else either in successes or in personal struggles, “Oh, you think you have it bad, I had to....” Ugh.
8. top 5 (insert subject=public figures I’d like to have a long conversation with)  Michelle Obama, Rachel Maddow, Anderson Cooper, Pete Buttigieg, Ronan Farrow (since Cokie Roberts died this year).
9. tattoos i want  See #3 above for my lamassu.
10. biggest turn on(s)  Intelligence, I suppose, plus kindness and certain quirky sense of humor, a love of travel and learning
11. age  55
12. ideas of a perfect date  The perfect date isn’t the place, it’s the person.
13. life goal(s)  I’ve achieved some of them: I’m mother to a child who can pay his own bills and is pursuing a job he wants. I’m a professor, I’ve published my Alexander novel (finally), abut I’d like to publish more, and I hope to finish my Hephaistion bio sometime in the next few years and finally see that in print. I’d love it if my fiction took off so I could retire sooner, although I’d probably remain teaching part time because I enjoy it.
14. piercings i want  I’ve got all I want/can deal with
15. relationship status  Single, and have been since, gosh, 2005, formally divorced in 2006. And I’m pretty okay with that. If I found the right person (either gender, btw), I might consider dating somebody, but I’m not actively looking.
16. favorite movie  Too many to make up my mind; same problem with books
17. a fact about my life  I’ve wanted to be a writer since I was in 6th grade and announced to my English teacher that I was going to write a novel about my “bionic cat.” (Yes, it was the mid-70s and the whole “bionic” TV craze.) Instead of laughing, Mrs. Best (I still remember her name) popped over to the board, drew a cat face, and wrote over it, “The Seven-Million Dollar Siamese.” THAT is a great teacher.  Btw, bionic cat novel, written in longhand on lined notebook paper, got exactly 4 pages before I gave up. Ha. I wish I still had it, but it’s lost down the years (that was almost 45 years ago!). I just changed subject matter when, around the same time, The Lord of the Rings ate my life and I became a devoted fantasy fan.
18. phobia  I’m not keen on heights. Or spiders.
19. middle name  My middle name IS the name I go by (Jeanne, pronounced Zhe-anna).
20. anything you want to ask  I assume this means for those reading, if somebody wants to ask me something specific.
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Tel Aviv 2019: Straight outta Denmark to Eurovision with a cute multilingual jingle
Dansk Melodi Grand Prix is... a NF I don’t really have anything to say about. Like, you expect me to rile up 3 big paragraphs about the pre-NF dramas and what-not, but honestly... what’s the point.
Well, aside from the fact people did not really get excited over the lineup this year. Me neither from the names alone, actually. Even last year was more interesting to look at despite with another lineup of songs you can’t give a fuck about and then move on - I noticed they had Sannie who used to be known as Whigfield (”Saturday Night” <3333 the duck quacks <333), Ditte Marie (anyone remembers “Overflow” from 2012?) and Albin Fredy (which seems to be the same Albin that brought me my one of the two DMGP 2013 favourite songs, “Beautiful to Me”???). This year was a big “WHO IS SHE?? WHERE DID YOU FIND HER???”, so I just left DMGP in the corner where it picked cobwebs until not too long ago when someone got chosen.
Well, this NF keeps being a NF where I don’t personally feel too emotionally fucked about any of them entries, so that’s a big plus in my book, which will mean that I won’t throw a “THIS WAS ROBBED!!!1″ post on Denmark NF-wise... at least this year and the last year because I really loved “Venter” in 2012 and the said “Beautiful to Me” and “Invincible” in 2013 (I also liked “Only Teardrops” but I was mad its victory was so obvious xD). As for why I like it when the NFs don’t toy with my feelings, A Dal 2019 is an obvious demonstration, but more on that on my Hungarian writeup, which is significantly longer than this one - that’s how much of a demonstration it is.
Anyway, let’s talk about the chosen song, shall we? Performed by a smol skater girlie Leonora (Jepsen), here comes “Love Is Forever”, which was co-penned by the ever-so-notorious Lise Cabble - the champ-mastress of writing Eurovision songs for the Danes (by that I mean she wrote their 1995 entry... and then none of her entries got chosen for ESC until 2011 lol). And this is a significally softer turn of hers compared to “Only Teardrops” - ever since Anna Ritsmar in 2018′s DMGP, she tends to write cute, acoustic tunes sung by young ladies with their lil cute and lil crispy voices. “Love Is Forever” is just that, tbh.
Well THAT and also it sounds like a lovely acoustic background song for those funny photos/student quotes/test answers/etc. compilation videos on Youtube (I actually am talking about the channel Scoop, because other kinds of compilation videos use Youtube Audio Library-like pop songs or something straight off NoCopyrightSounds). Or the theme song for a TV programme for animals. Or the theme song for a children's programme they show at hospitals. There's so many places you can insert it into, I guess. At the same time it feels like a cupcake with pink frosting that tastes nice. And a cup of warm cocoa with whipped cream and sprinkles. It's a delightful bite. Yum.
Realistically though, the song itself has an easy noddable-along-to rhythm, cute violin string plucks, the capability to melodically progress to sound even more joyful (I mean, the chorus just adds more and more layers of brass as it keeps repreating, just giving it a bit more of a typical Scoop channel background music material), the D flat major key of this song’s uplifts the spirits of this whole shebang and it also somehow includes lines in some more languages than expected in a Danish song ever, how odd it seems like??? And it’s especially given that we haven’t really heard Danish in a song since like what, 1997?? We only got “shout insh’allah” and “taka stökk til hærri jörð, taka” ever since then, and these aren’t remotely Danish lines. But this year we’re getting some Danish, and French, and even German. Feeling the love in multilingual. L’amour est pour toujours, y’all! Liebe IST für alle da!
There are also people that aren’t buying into the song all that much because Leonora looks way too creepy to sell a song about love love peace peace, like someone emerging out of a demented cabaret. I suppose that other people think that this song was forced onto Leonora when she didn’t really want it, and now has to pretend that we have to spread love to the world, make friendships with others, don’t get too political, and then act all supercool about it. The saddest bit that she does sound like that person that would sing a song like that... young, with a passion for skating, looks like a person that could probably hug you when you least expect it, the one that posts light purple sweater pictures with a glitter effect applied to them on Tumblr, the one who would wear white mittens with a giant red snowflake painted on/knitted into them... I don’t know if that’s all Leonora wanted to compete with in DMGP to make a breakthrough with her singing career after skating so darn much, and if she even believes in what is she singing (this is my rare reminder of the war situation in Israel that’s going on, and I’ll probably never have to speak of this again in any writeup, hopefully. Yeah sure, love is for ever...), but I somehow buy it, sue me. Those acoustics and that touch of brass instruments won me over.
So my final thoughts on this song is that it’s a joyball with that kind of song message so overused I cannot be angry on it because it’s not slapped on a dreary Russian peace ballad - it’s a singer-songwriter-esque small showtune, which makes it all seem a lot different because love is cute and this song is cute. So I guess I have no issues with it, whereas I can’t stand the aforementioned Russian peace ballads all that much because if you remove the good singers singing it, they’re cliché af; “Wars for Nothing” (Hungary 2015) sounded too innocent while having a full gun tree serving as a backdrop for them and if you looked too much into Boggie’s eyes, you could very well feel her penetrating your soul with war imagery; and Iceland last year was a knock-off Russian peace ballad that sounded too good to be unbearably dreary and the vocalist wasn’t even a belting girl. So yeah, I like it. More adorable songs about spreading love, less overdone ballads about world peace.
Thing is though, why did she really dress like a barista from a late-night-open cocktail club? I get that looking like a princess à la Maria Olafs won't cut it anymore as it would look way more saccharine, but Leonora is up like she's there to serve you your damn drink as soon as possible so she could go outside for a small smoke break, not to advertise love. Watch me make "when you have Eurovision at 9 and job at a cocktail bar at 11" memes on the night of the 16th. Seriously, her image barely even fucking suits the song!
Approval factor: Well, one of my faves won DMGP again, for the 2nd time in a row, so why wouldn’t I approve? ^_^ Love from me is forever!
Follow-up factor: For Denmark it kind of seems like a decent follow-up? For all those out here that remember Denmark as the nation that plagiarises every other entry, it would just seem logical for them to finally send a generic royalty free ukulele song for Youtube videos. Which is spectacular! No one knows which song did this one exactly plagiarize - the entire concept was ripped off! Jokes aside, it’s an interesting one after Rasmussen. After a song that urges you to lay your weapons down in a war and go find higher ground more peacefully, we’re now getting a morale on the fact that love is for ever and everyone. Isn’t it sweet. I’d rather these than a bland love song about laying down armours and guns. ^_^
Qualification factor: depends. For now I feel like writing it off because to the 1% of the people who’ve already heard this song beforehand and hate this song, the whole thing feels like “love :) is :) forever :) please love everyone you little shit :) :) :)”. To some others however, like Luke Malam from ESCXtra, it’s a song that definitely makes them feel the love being forever, just like “yaaaay we love each other and the world yaaaay!!! ^o^”, so it’s perhaps a bit of a mixed bag. I wanna see it through though, just as much as I want to see Lithuania, about which I will be talking next in these write-ups. But I see it very much so as a borderline because... idk, just a gut feeling. Sometimes songs that ooze loveliness just don’t quite get themselves across the other hand side of the viewer thus they don’t really qualify, for example, Finland 2012, another song sung by a lady better known as a sportswoman rather than a singer (but maybe that’s just because there was too much intimacy of hers with her and her celloist’s mom, and she looked too awkward to pass the intimacy to the viewers so they too could feel the loving bond and the life metaphors coming from a Finnish entrant singing in Swedish). For now from me it’s a positive borderline. Yes, I think that it probably will make it and we’ll see that large Ikea chair prop with many people swaying to the rhythm on it next to Leonora on Saturday as well.
Even with me not having much to say about DMGP, I will go ahead and cherrypick the favourite songs from the event:
• The big favourite of mine this year was brought by Julie & Nina, who served a bilingual schlager-like midtempo track, “League of Light”. Hats off to sounding properly Eurovision-y but without using a “rent-a-NF-songwriter” songwriter for to write this! It’s soaring, majestic, somewhat memorable and inclused Greenlandic. Yeah. Do you believe that this would have been a year where we could’ve gotten more exotic Language spins? Now we have lost both Aboriginal and Greenlandic out of Eurovision, hopefully just for this year so the languages can return again sometime. I’m proud of these women being so courageous and delighting some that really wanted schlager pop that still can click with some that are bored of Eurovision NF schlager cliches. Oh and this song is in A flat minor, probably one of my favourite keys in music. Not too bad, everything this was, although the aggression they transmitted through the song during their live DMGP performance kiiiiinda made them looked like pissed-off housewives imo?
• Them both and this guy below, Sigmund, were picked to the superfinal to compete against Leonora. What was Sigmund’s contribution and why did he deserve to be there so much? Well, I really love his colourful flamboyant electropop track that has piano influences, “Say My Name”, which lyrically reflects on the song’s protagonists big power that he will probably have if only the invisible force Sigmund’s singing to would just “say [his] name”. And I definitely think he deserved his spot over some really nice pop entries that the fandom definitely overrated. Oh and the song is in A flat minor too. Maybe I’m biased, maybe I’m not. You judge. >:)
• See, I don't feel like talking about the DMGP songs this year. It's a cool bunch of songs that some of them I like but nothing quite outstanding to talk about beyond those I already have paragraphs for. Well maybe you'd like to look up the entries by Humorekspressen (for to get a pub singalong song) and Jasmine Gabay (for to get yet another Latino-influenced Havana club track). But that's it. Here from me the last one you'll be getting is Simone Emilie with her teen-flavoured light radiofriendly dance-ish song "Anywhere". Why didn't it do better despite having the power to click with the Eurofans quite much? Well, maybe it's because her backdrop and the fairytale-esque dress went for another kind of atmosphere than it was required to have on the song.
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• I don't know, I just find this particular winning reaction shot funny. Not sure if she's yawning or being like "yaaaazs bitchesss ;) 😄 ✨" in here. I gotta say - her lipstick was definitely on fleek that night.
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That guy below her takes the cake at making this shot memorable too. Do you want the invisible meal Leonora is about to take a bite of too?
And besides that moment I don’t really have any on-show moments besides songs that were somewhat memorable. Why do Danes always have to be this vanilla in the Nordic country barrage, I will never get. That’s it. That’s their crime. Of being average. And being sued for plagiarism a lot in the past.
For now I’d just wish Leonora good luck in Tel Aviv and show ‘em that love can and will prevail before hatred does, if only people remember to love... ah wait, wrong kind of philosophy.
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creideamhgradochas · 6 years
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Thanks to the lovely @marvelmom for taking the time to answer these! Get to know more about her, go give her a follow and then show her some love!
These questions are from this list. You should check it out, there’s 50 questions all together and they’d be great to ask your favorite fic writer!
1) How old were you when you first starting writing fan-fiction?
A woman never tells her (fanfic) age ;)
2) Do you prefer writing OC’s or reader inserts? Explain your answer.
I can't honestly say that I prefer one over the other since I've never written a fic for an OC.  I guess my style of writing is better suited to allowing readers to insert themselves into the narrative. I like the challenge of writing a character that allows the reader to flesh out in their own image but still have some substance on their own within the story.
3) What is your favorite genre to write for?
Is smut considered a genre? LOL.  Seriously though, I love humour so you'll find most of my stories have an underlying comedic thread.  I have a really dark sense of humour and I'm sarcastic af so I love when people respond favourably to it in my writing.
4) If you had to delete one of your stories and never speak of it again, which would it be and why?
Wow, this is a really good question!  I think it would probably be the very first fic I wrote called "Marked."  I wrote it for a friend when I was deep in the Cumberbatch fandom.  She was complaining about the lack of Khan fics so I wrote one for her.  It's on Ao3 and every now and then I get a kudo and I cringe.  The writing seems so basic and stilted compared to my newer works.  If anything it shows how much I'm improving.
5) When is your preferred time to write? 
I find I do my best work late at night.  I'm a single mom with a full time job and busy teenagers so I don't usually get to sit down at my computer until after 11pm.  I love being able to leave the day behind and just focus on my writing without any interruptions.  I typically go until 2am.  It's a little crazy but writing relaxes me and helps me sleep better.  And it inspires some really great dreams ;)
6) Where do you take your inspiration from?
Most my inspiration comes from real life, my experiences and passions like music, film and literature.  I like to daydream and I find I'm constantly having conversations with characters or constructing scenes in my head.  I'm a little crazy I guess lol
7) What’s your favorite scene that you’ve written?
Another great question...let me think.  I have one in my head that I haven't written yet that I know will eventually be my favourite but at this very moment it's the scene in Chapter 10 of The Contest where Bucky and the reader are dancing in the antique store and they finally kiss. It was the very first scene that came to me when I started to think about this story and to finally get to write it was incredible.  But man did I stress over it...I wanted it to be perfect.  Exactly like I had pictured it in my head.
8) Have you ever amended a story due to criticisms you’ve received after posting it?
Hasn't happened yet.  I'm very stubborn and it would take a lot for me to deviate from the vision I have playing in my head. My muse won't let me rest until I've captured a scene note for note on paper.
9) Who is your favorite character to write for? Why?
Bucky!  I can't seem to get him out of my head.  For me, Bucky is the most fascinating character in the MCU.  His story arc has brought him from one end of the spectrum to the other and back again in so many facets and I love exploring these layers of his personality,
10) Who is your least favorite character to write for? Why?
Thor but only because I stress over his speech patterns when I'm writing his dialogue.  I want to make sure I'm doing his character justice and capturing him accurately on paper.
11) How do you come up with the titles for your stories?
For one shots, I usually wait until I'm done and then riff on a major theme in the story or what inspired my to write it in the first place. The title for "The Contest" series came from the Seinfeld episode of the same name that inspired the story.
12) What do you think is the best idea you’ve had for a story so far?
Considering that The Contest is my very first Bucky fic (and series) I would have to say this is my best story idea so far.  More to come I hope ;)
13) Do you have any abandoned WIP’s? What made you abandon them?
Thankfully none yet!  I find that when story pops into my head I can't move on until I get it down on paper and out in the wild.
14) Are there any stories that you’ve written that you’d really love to do a sequel to?
I get a lot of requests for part 2 of "Three Creams, No Sugar".  Everyone wants that shower scene ;)
15) Are there any stories that you wished you’d ended differently?
Yes, Infinity War. Oh wait....do you mean one of mine?
16) Tell me about another writer(s) who you admire? What is it about them that you admire?
Oh wow, there are so many incredible writers in this fandom that it's hard to pick just a few.  I'm grateful to have fallen in with amazing writers such as @evansrogerskitten, @Thewife101 and @avenger-nerd-mom on Twitter.  Their support and guidance are the reasons I gathered up the courage to start posting my fics on Tumblr.
Writers like @unicorns-and-fairy-dust-blog own my emotional ass....Dre is the master of angst.  I love the wit and humour in  @tilltheendwillIwrite 's stories - I think it's a Canadian thing born out of bitter cold winters and ketchup chips.  @lovelynemesis has such a great style of writing, very flowing and descriptive.  The depth of talented creators in this fandom is insane.  There are just too many to mention!
17) Do you have a story that you look back on and cringe when you reread it?
Definitely "Marked"
18) Do you prefer listening to music when you’re writing or do you need silence?
Complete silence.  If I have music or Netflix playing I start to daydream and boom, a whole new story.
19) Have you ever cried whilst writing a story?
Not while writing but as I listened to a song and imagined a Bucky one shot to the words.  I was ugly crying by the end.  I may get around to writing it one day..
20) Which part of your fics have been the hardest to write?
I would say the first few starting paragraphs of a new story or chapter.  I take way too long with the beginning sections.
21) Do you make a general outline for your stories or do you just go with the flow?
I pretty much have the whole story plotted out before I get started. "The Contest" has been in my head from beginning to end for over a year now.
22) What is something you wished you’d known before you started posting fan-fiction?
I wish I had known about Tumblr to be honest.  It's a great outlet for fanfic and the source of so much inspiration and support.
23) Do you have a story that you feel doesn’t get as much love as you’d like?
I'm always in awe of the fact that people want to read my stories period so I appreciate every single note, comment and message whether it's 4 or 400 :)
24) In contrast to 23 is there a story which gets lots of love which you kinda eye roll at?   
I'm always in awe of the fact that people want to read my stories period so I appreciate every single note, comment and message whether it's 4 or 400 :)
25) Are any of your characters based on real people?
Not so much characters but personality traits.  I find that I project my style of humour and sarcasm (plus my lack of filter) onto characters all the time.
26) What’s the biggest compliment you’ve gotten?
I must be the slowest writer in this fandom.  I seriously don't know how you all put up with me.  I've had so many incredible compliments but it always amazes me to hear readers tell me that a new chapter was worth the wait.
27) What’s the harshest criticism you’ve gotten? 
One that really stands out is someone telling me that I was going to lose all my followers if I didn't update my fics faster.  That one really hurt because like most writers here, I really beat myself up knowing that I can't turn around stories or chapters as quickly as I would like.
28) Do you share your story ideas with anyone else or do you keep them close to your chest?
I have a few writers here that I talk to regularly and we feel comfortable enough to share our ideas.  Some of my favourite messages have been from other writers wanting to talk through an idea or ask for some help with a scene or ask for some help with a scene or some dialogue.
29) Do people know you write fan-fiction? 
Aside from a few twitter mutuals I have met, no one in my "real life" knows I write fanfic. Though I think my kids may have their suspicions...I have a writing degree and my friends and family are always telling me that I should write more.  If they only knew LOL
30) What’s you favorite minor character you’ve written?
I can't tell you because they are about to make an appearance in the next chapter of "The Contest" and I'm excited to write their scene.
31) What spurs you on during the writing process? 
The incredible feedback and messages I get from readers like you (I live for your chapter summaries....seriously), pictures of Sebastian Stan, reading all the amazing fanfic out there, Bucky's thighs, Marvel, eating chocolate....eating chocolate off of Bucky's thighs.... (Need to add that to my list of future fics)
32) What’s your favorite trope to write? 
Definitely slowburns.  I love the flirting, the teasing, the witty dialogue as the sexual tension builds....it's delicious.
33) Can you remember the first fic you read? What was it about?
This is going to date me....please no judgment.  It was a 'NSYNC fic. Wish I could remember the name but it was a JC x reader.  I was obsessed with JC back in the day...ok, stop laughing.
34) If you could write only angst, fluff or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why? 
SMUT with my fucky Bucky and my side boo Sebby ;)
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Kinky Questions
Per request...
1: Kitchen Counter, Couch, or on top of the dryer?
I’ll say dryer, since that’s the only one of the three I’ve yet to do.
2: Your last sexual encounter: Good or Bad and why:
Wonderful. And I got some great pics to show for it. J
3: A fictional person that you think would be good in bed:
Myra Monkhouse, from Family Matters lol. She desperately wanted to put that thang on Steve Urkel, and she gave off a vibe that tells me that she would have worn him out. Her being cute and busty didn’t hurt either.
4: Something that never fails to make you horny:
Having my dick grabbed. Simple, effective.
5: Where is one place you would never have sex:
A church. Yet I’ve seen some clips of a woman masturbating inside of a church that absolutely got me off.
6: The most awkward moment during a sexual experience was when 
I lost my erection and all feeling in my dick due to wearing an “extended pleasure” condom that apparently had a numbing agent in it. And it was my first time ever having sex smh.
7: Weirdest thing that ever made you horny:
Nothing stands out.
8: What is the best way to sexually bind someone: Handcuffs, Rope, or Other [if other please explain]:
Probably rope, but cuffs get the job done as well.
9: What is the fastest way to make you horny:
Being directly told with urgency that I am yearned for and/or that my body/dick is needed. Also, receiving or seeing a nude image of someone I’m in lust with.
10: Top or bottom?
11: We were about to ____________ but then ______________ [example: we were about to have sex but then his mom walked in]
We were about to take some photos of us in doggystyle from her POV in the hotel hallway but then our room door shut and we were suddenly locked out, naked.
12: Is one orgasm enough? Are multiple orgasms necessary?
One is enough as long as my partner is satisfied. Multiples are great when they flow naturally. As for myself, I often go sessions without cumming and still enjoy the sex immensely.
13: Something that you have hidden in your room that you don’t want anyone to find:
The two large containers of sex paraphernalia I have under the bed.
14: Weirdest nickname a significant other has ever called you:
I had a previous partner call me Wolfie, due to a patch of hair I have on my lower back.
15: Two things you like [or dislike] about oral sex:
Two likes: The physical responses. Feeling the vagina tightening around my inserted fingers while I’m teasing the clit with my tongue and lips. The clenching and contractions that build up and precede an orgasm. The body jerking, having my head grabbed, or being pushed away when the sensations are too intense. And so on. Secondly, I enjoy the taste and messiness of the flow of her fluids and my saliva comingling
16: Weirdest sexual act some has performed [or tried to perform] on/with you:
I can’t think of anything that I would consider weird. My partner and I both enjoy analingus, and I don’t mind a finger in my anus while receiving head or a handjob. Some might say those are weird.
17: Have you ever tasted yourself? [If no, would you?] [If yes, what did you think?]
I can’t say that I have
18: Is it ever okay to not use a condom
19: Who was the sexiest teacher you ever had?
I honestly can’t think of one that stands out.
20: A food that you would like to use during a sexual experience:
Cake frosting, maybe.
21: How big is too big:
Depends on what we’re talking about lol
22: One sexual thing you would never do:
One-on-one sex with a male.
23: Biggest turn on:
Natural sexual chemistry.
24: Three spots that drive you insane:
Nipples, dick head, perineum.
25: Worst possible time to get horny:
Prior to any work interactions or on public transportation
26: Do you like it when your sexual partner moans:
27: Worst sexual idea you ever had:
Trying that damn “extended pleasure” condom.
28: How much fapping is too much fapping:
When you’re sitting in the same spot six hours later with multiple tabs of porn open and you’re still searching for the “right” clip to finally let yourself cum to. Or you wind up late to work or an engagement because you just couldn’t stop stroking.
29: Best sexual complement you ever got:
“You have me all turned out”
30: Bald, landing strip, Jumanji:
Landing strip is fine. I don’t mind hair though, so Jumanji certainly wouldn’t be a turnoff.
31: Is it good sex if you don’t nut:
For me personally, yes.
32: Fill in the blank: “If they ____________, we are fuckin”
Desire me, and I desire them, have good personality and sexual chemistry with me, are into (most of) what I’m into  
33: What your favorite part of your body:
My mouth.
34: Favorite foreplay activities:
Kissing, groping, dry humping.
35: Love (>,
36: What do you wear to bed?
It depends on the season. When it’s warm, I usually wear nothing. In the colder months, maybe a shirt and underwear. It varies.
37: When was the first time you masturbated:
I remember pulling my pants down and humping large baby doll my older sister had after we went to see the movie Mischief. I was maybe five at the time. I didn’t start really masturbating until I was 16-17. I didn’t masturbate to completion until I was 17-18, but I had definitely had some wet dreams prior to that.
38: Do you have any nude/masturbating pictures/video of yourself?
39: Have you ever/when was the last time you had sex outside?
Last summer, mid-day, in a public park. Got pics of that too. J
40: Have/would you ever have sex outside?
Yes, and I’m looking forward to having more of it when it gets warmer.
41: Have/would you ever had a threesome?
I have not crossed that off my list…yet.
42: What is one random object you’ve used to masturbate?
When I was first figuring out how masturbating worked I once tried using a tissue paper roll.
43: Have/would you ever masturbate at work/school?
At work, but never to completion. It was mainly just to take pic/video to send to a partner.
44: Have/would you ever have sex on a plane?
I have not. I have received a handjob on a Greyhound bus before.
45: What is one song you’d like to have sex to?
That I haven’t already done so to? I can’t think of one.
46: What is something nonsexual that makes you horny?
The smell of Palmer’s Solid Formula Cocoa Butter, because it was my go-to masturbation lube for years lol
47: Most attractive celebrity?
I suck in this department. I don’t have any celeb crushes or anything like that. All-time though, I would say for me personally, it’s Vanity.
48: Do you watch gay/lesbian porn? why/why not?
Not much. Most of the lesbian porn I watch tends to be the short clips I see on tumblr.
49: If a child was born on the occasion of the last time you had sex, how old would that child be right now?
I just had sex a few days ago so, embryo?
50: Has anyone ever posted nude pictures of you online?
My partner, and photographer who has taken some photos of us.
51: What is one thing that NEVER makes you horny?
52: Do you have stretch marks? (How do you feel about them? Has anyone ever had a problem with them?)
My knees are the only place I can think of. I don’t think much of anything about them, and no one has ever had an issue with them. That would be weird lol.
53: Do you like giving head? (why/why not)
See #15
54: How do you feel about tattoos on someone you are interested in?
I don’t mind them either way.
55: How would you feel about taking someones virginity?
I don’t know that I would want to be some random person’s first. I’ve never actually taken anyone’s virginity. I think I’d feel okay if the person really wanted me to and we had a relationship of some sort (friendship/acquaintance/partner)
56: Is there any food you would NOT recommend using during a sexual encounter?
Acidic fruits might not be the best choice(s).
57: Is there anything you do on Tumblr that you would not like your significant other to see?
58: Do you own any sex toys? (what is it? (how long have you had it?)
See #13
59: Would you give your significant other unrestricted access to your Tumblr for a day?
I could. But why? lol
60: Would you be offended if your significant other suggested you get plastic surgery?
Would probably depend on what for.
61: Would you rather be a pornstar or a prostitute?
Probably prostitute. With porn there are variables like having to maintain an erection for long periods of time, having to cum on demand; as well as the fact that it will likely be accessible to the entire World. Being a prostitute seems a more discreet and little less messy, in theory. But there are safety concerns with prostitution as well. Still, I’ll go with prostitute.
62: Do you watch porn?
I do.
63: How small is too small?
Again, depends on what we’re talking about.
64: Have you ever been called a freak? Why?
I don’t believe so. If I have it wouldn’t have been due to my try-sexual nature, more so than any particular act that I perform or enjoy.
65: Who gave you your last kiss? Did it mean anything?
My partner kissed me on the cheek this morning before she left for work. It meant plenty.
66: Would you switch phones with your significant other for a day?
No, because my family group texts too often for me to be out of the loop, and I also don’t remember anyone’s phone numbers lol.
67: Do you feel comfortable going “commando”?
Yup. I just did so at a sex party my partner and I attended last weekend, and it proved to be the right decision. J
68: Would you have a problem with going down on someone if they hadn’t shaved their pubic hair?
Not at all.
69: If you could give yourself head, would you?
Technically I could, but I’ve yet to try, and I don’t believe I ever will lol.
70: Booty or Boobs?
I guess I have to go with boobs. I do love the booty, as it makes for a great visual while in doggystyle. Plus I really enjoy “hotdogging”/assjobs. And it just feels wonderful having my hands on some booty in general. But with boobs, there’s the nipples, and the areolas. You can mash the boobs together and fuck them, which is one of my favoritest things in life. As is gripping the boobies and simultaneously sucking both nipples. Plus they’re right below the face so they allow for the ability to have my dickhead licked or sucked while tittyfucking and slapping the tits with my dick, plus you’re in great position to conclude with a facial. So yeah, boobs it is.
71: If you had a penis, what would you name it?
I do, and it does not have a name lol.
72: Have you ever been on an official date?
I sure have.
73: Have you ever cheated on someone? (Why?)
No. I’ve never felt compelled to.
74: If you were a stripper, what would your name be?
Male stripper names are so cheesy or skeevy. I’d just let someone else choose for me.
75: Have you ever had sex in your parents bed? (Would you?)
No, and no thank you.
76: How would you react if you found out your parents had sex in your bed?
I’d be beyond shocked because my parents have been separated for decades.
77: What was your reaction the first time you saw a penis/vagina
I cannot recall.
78: If you had a penis/vagina for a day, what are five things you would do?
If I had a vagina for a day I would, try some Ben Wa balls, use a hitachi on my clit, I’d get a large dildo and see how far it could go, I’d attempt to make myself squirt, and I’d try a Sybian.
Source: @maliciousdeliciousunicorn c/o @myegotisticalindulgences
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shaizstern · 4 years
Article from WSJ: The Work Problems I Wish AI Could Solve
What about a system that automatically rewrites incoming emails to eliminate your co-workers’ unhelpful quirks?
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Imagine an artificial-intelligence tool that could rescue you when you zone out on a call and lose track of the conversation. PHOTO: ISTOCKPHOTO/GETTY IMAGES
By Alexandra Samuel
Whether you’re sitting in an office or toiling from home, often the hardest part of work is having to deal with colleagues. Sometimes it’s collaborating with them, sometimes it’s avoiding them.
If only AI could help.
I believe that it can, if we put our minds to it. Or somebody’s mind to it. What if the technology that’s so good at guessing our next Amazon purchase or even figuring out what we’re going to type next in our emails could help do the same thing in our communications with our colleagues? It could anticipate what we need and instantly find ways to fine-tune our interactions to make collaboration easier.
Here are my nominees and my wild imaginings about what AI could do for us.
The problem: It takes multiple meetings or dozens of emails for you and your colleagues to reach an understanding on a key issue.
The solution: the colleague translator. This AI tool will learn the communication styles of your various colleagues by studying their emails and text messages, and adjust their online communication so that you’re actually able to understand one another.
The colleague who always sounds angry because she writes in all caps, with no greetings or friendly asides? The colleague translator warms her up by converting her messages to sentence case and adding in a few words like “Hope you’re having a great day.” Got a junior assistant who floods you with so much background information and flattery that you can’t figure out what he’s trying to say? The colleague translator parses his emails and gives you the bullet-point, actionable version.
Need a little more TLC from an insufficiently appreciative boss? The colleague translator reads the nice comments he makes about your work to other people, then inserts them into the emails he sends you, so you actually know when he feels like “you really went above and beyond in your presentation to the board last week.”
Or maybe there’s a totally lovely lawyer on your team who always communicates in a friendly tone, but leaves you struggling with her legalese: The colleague translator uses its technical dictionary to replace her reference to stare decisis with “letting the decision stand.”
Premium upsell: a user control that lets you adjust the translator to your mood and needs. In a rush? Set it to candid, so your colleagues’ emails are pared down to the fewest possible words, without any of the embellishments that they added to avoid bruising your ego. Feeling blue? Set it to warm and fuzzy, so that incoming email arrives without any harsh language.
The problem: You’re trying to conduct a client call, but the person at the adjacent desk—this might be your office-mate, your spouse or your roommate—is on a call at the same time, and it’s so distracting.
The solution: the call director.
You give it a list of nearby colleagues (or it uses its omniscient location tracking to figure that out), and it manages your respective calendars and scheduling requests to minimize the occasions when you’re on the phone at the same time. If your office-mate has an 11 a.m. call booked next Tuesday, it will suggest 10 or noon as the best times for your own group meeting.
Premium upsell: auctions. You get to bid against your office-mate for speaking time, and the winning bidder gets the slot. So, if you outbid your roommate, you get to take your call at 4 p.m. and then knock off work, while he will have to wait until 5 p.m. to get the joy of a silent apartment for his call. (You might put all the money you’ve bid into a pool until the end of the month, then find an equitable way to distribute it—or maybe leave that to the AI.)
The problem: the dreaded “Zoom meeting fatigue.” You have so many video calls on your calendar that your brain (and legs) are going numb.
The solution: the meeting evader. This tool helps you see when you can avoid yet another video call by drawing on pre-existing information in your company communications.
Let’s say you’re about to set up a video call to discuss the plan for your quarterly sales report. Meeting evader prompts you for a meeting agenda, so you note that you need the latest sales figures, highest-value leads and sales, and current concerns and sales drivers.
Meeting evader then scans through the sales team’s shared drive and Slack/Teams channels, as well as your own email history, and compiles the information you thought required a meeting. Now you have your full report, plus an extra hour back in your day!
Premium upsell: the meeting blocker. It does the exact same thing as the meeting evader, but in the other direction: When someone requests your presence at a meeting, it refuses to book you without an agenda—nd then it uses the draft agenda to generate a reply by scouring your drives and communication for all the relevant information you could contribute, so you don’t actually have to take the meeting.
The problem: It’s hard to come up with great ideas when you’re working solo, but your colleagues are too busy to help you brainstorm.
The solution: the colleague simulator. You identify the colleagues you’d like to include in your online brainstorming session, and the colleague simulator constructs a simulated version based on their messages, emails and social-media presences.
Need the insight of the brainy co-worker who’s always up-to-date on the latest industry research? Colleague simulator scans everything she’s read or linked to, and echoes her point of view based on the kind of posts she usually writes or emails she usually sends or even (once we go full Big Brother) based on things she has said in the vicinity of a phone or digital home assistant. You have all the benefits of a sounding board, but unlike your real colleagues, your simulated colleagues aren’t insulted if you ignore their suggestions.
Premium upsell: celebrity colleagues. Once you’re simulating colleagues, why limit yourself to the people who happen to work in the same company? Your meeting can include extra-special virtual guests (Frida Kahlo, Albert Einstein) on a pay-per-colleague basis. You can even license yourself for use in other people’s simulations.
The problem: Your boss or colleagues feel annoyed when you zone out on a call and don’t know what they’re talking about when they ask you a question.
The solution: the job saver. Whenever you’re on a call, this app is running in the background, transcribing the conversation and using pattern recognition to predict when the conversation is coming around to a topic that directly concerns you.
Thirty seconds before your boss calls your name, the job saver delivers a small electric shock through your keyboard to get your attention, followed by a 20-second briefing that tells you what you missed while you were playing “Words With Friends.”
Premium upsell: video foregrounds. Yes, lots of videoconferencing apps let you disguise your background, but the job saver will also replace you in the foreground so that your colleagues can’t watch you doing the dishes, refinishing your floors or doing whatever it is you’re doing. When the job saver alerts you to pay attention, just return to your chair and the video foreground will return to live video mode.
The problem: Your colleagues interrupt you via email, messaging or phone just when you’ve finally gotten into a good flow on your own work.
The solution: inspiration protector. This app keeps a record of your work habits, so it knows the difference between a day when you’re just knocking out emails and an afternoon where you’re really feeling the spark of inspiration.
When your choice of applications or typing speed suggests that you have entered a flow state, the inspiration protector turns off your incoming-message notifications, closes the background window that might produce audible Facebook message pings and maybe even flips your phone into airplane mode. Anyone who tries to contact you gets an auto-reply telling them that you’re currently unavailable.
Premium upsell: the break taker. The same AI can observe when your focus or productivity tends to peter out. Instead of waiting until you’ve wasted an hour, the break taker anticipates the downturn and tells you it’s time to get up and go out for that walk.
Buy the full suite as a single package, and the break taker could also confer with the call director to schedule your sweetie’s lunch break at the same time, so you can take that refreshing walk together.
0 notes
hellmasterphibrizo · 6 years
Seriously FUCK these guys for destroying my childhood.
from a post made by an anonymous Rainmaker employee posted before the show was available to watch on Netflix, which means it is likely authentic:
"I feel you guys deserve an explanation and since I can't talk publicly about this without putting my job in danger I'll post this here where everyone will think I'm larping. Everybody that was working on this show knew this backlash was coming but Hefferon has his head so far up his ass he wouldn't listen to anybody and nobody could tell him to smarten up since he owns the whole company any idea he came up with was put in no matter how stupid, hell sometimes he brought his kid into reviews and had the kid give notes, also fun fact the main character shares a name with his kid and the main character's father's name is the name of his assistant. The production itself was a massive disaster as well, Hefferon got sold on using the unreal engine for lighting and rendering the series despite rainmaker having a superb traditional CG pipeline because the first ReBoot was the first CG show on TV he wanted to make this show a first as well so the first unreal game engine show on TV.
"To compound that problem those of us that came over from a traditional pipeline were given next to no training in unreal so we are figuring it out as we went along, the guy that was supposed to be the big know it all guy about unreal ended up being completely incompetent at his job but was great at kissing Michael's ass and creating conflicts by going behind the art and animation director's backs. Also wouldn't be surprised if a # MeToo story comes out about this guy as he was just creepy in general with the girls on the team. The project also went through a number of different art directors as they got fed up and quit due to the related issues this of course caused a lot of issues to the point where most environments in the show were just improvised off of single concept images. Also in the trailer you might notice some of the CG shots look extremely crappy and some look good, here's why that is. The creepy kiss up guy from earlier convinced Hefferon early on that reboot wouldn't need a team of lighters since "The game engine will do that automatically for us." So for the first few episodes there was no team dedicated to lighting the shots so it fell to the world builders to light those episodes and as no world building had any lighting experience you can see the results, after those episodes were complete they finally came to the realization that you actually need lighters to get good TV show level lighting so they hastily hired a team of lighters but because it was so late in the production schedule they had to hire basically anybody that applied so that means the majority of the lighters were straight out of school, and I don't think they finished up hiring that team till episode 11 or 12. Another reason for the crappy looking CG is because there was absolutely no training provided to the surfacing team on how shaders in unreal work, so you had them going in blind muddling their way through trying to figure out how to make ship work, hell the most any of us got to training in unreal for the whole project was about 2 weeks. I know to people outside the industry surfacing and lighting may not sound important but they are the subtle things that make something go from looking cheap and bad to looking good in CG.
"In summary the production was a complete cluster fuck with a CEO making all the decisions, refusing to listen to anybody just making his pet fantasy project about his self inserted son, but hey he got what he wanted, he can now say reboot the guardian code is the first ever show to be made with the unreal engine and rendered in 4k plus there is some VR stuff. Watch anytime he talks about the show he'll hit on those points, hell those are the points we've been told to hit on in the handout they gave us about how we're supposed to talk about the show in public.I'm very sorry about the product we put out there, I can't imagine how hard it is for long time fans of ReBoot to look at this abomination, if you're holding out any hope for this show don't, not only did the spit on the grave of ReBoot they did it in a badly written, badly acted show. If you're wondering if they tried to do anything to placate you guys, that'd be episode 10, they have all the old main characters in that episode but only that episode and it's just as badly written and acted as they other episodes. Do not watch this show, do not support this show or if you feel the need to satisfy your curiosity about it wait at least a month after release, netflix tends to make a decision on renewing for more seasons based on the numbers after about 2-4 weeks so the last thing this show needs is to do well out of morbid curiosity during those weeks and get another season."
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kierongillen · 7 years
Writer Notes: The Wicked + the Divine 30
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Spoilers, obv.
And another quieter issue, where we primarily delineate the other other half of the issues of 28's reveals, while putting those final few dominoes in position. It's also, art wise, a relatively undemanding one.  The rest of this arc is brutally hard, so an issue where the team could take a breath is also worthwhile. A comic series like WicDiv is a marathon made of marathons. You make it all uphill at your own peril.
It's also one of the more classically structured issues for a while. The issue's effective lead is Dio, and his 3-encounters-in-the-underworld structure the backbone which everything else is built around.
I suspect notes on this one will be short, by the way, but whenever I say that, I'm always wrong.
Jamie/Matt's cover:
That this isn't the best cover in the arc only speaks to exactly how great issue 32 is. Some startling design elements here.
Meredith's Cover:
She's always been great, but seeing her cover for East Of West was the thing which prompted us to go and try and talk her into one. It was a pleasure to work with her – all her design ideas were smart and interesting. We ended up here, because frankly, who can resist hot pink? Not us.
Jonathan Hickman's Cover
Talking about East of West. I've always been envious of Jonathan's designer string to his creative bow, so when we were asked if we wanted to be part of the month of his variants, we jumped at it, if only to see how he'd reinterpret our mythology. This is very much the cult-sci-fi novel alt dimension take on WicDiv.
Page 1-3
I'm always interested in the history of the second page reveal. Old school comic writer guides normally suggest opening with the big image, to throw people in the world. That – and, I feel, especially in the 00s – got changed into the delayed reveal. Enter the world in a quieter way, and then do the big reveal. That means you can create some context quickly, and use that big impact for something a little more complicated.
(It also means if you go to a 2-3 page splash, you can make the image bigger. If I remember correctly, almost all the New 52 books hand that rhythm, which I have to presume was an editorial guideline. I may be misremembering though.)
It's worth noting I say “a little more complicated.” I don't say “sophisticated” or even talk about effectiveness – complicated says nothing about a piece of work's quality. I just mean there's more moving parts involved before the reveal. Look at someone like BKV and his love of the opening splash to see how effective the HELLO, HERE I AM, LOOK AT THIS THING! Can be.
In our case, we have this little conversation between Woden and Cass, and then show what we've done to Valhalla. We've been talking about the plans for this gig for a long time, so we really needed to show what that means. Clearly, the gig is going to be key to the back half of Imperial Phase II, so we really let people have a good stare.
The best thing Jamie did here was make sure there's a stage built into Valhalla, as he correctly guessed they'd be one required for next issue. SMART MAN, THAT MCKELVIE.
This is the sort of page which is primarily expositionary, but by having the characters get together and basically scheme it out hopefully carries it. As you can imagine, there's going to be a statement of exact goals next issue in a similar mode.
(Why not say them here? Efficiency. Don't need to know it yet, and we'd have to repeat it next issue anyway. Why burn the page count twice?)
Cass speaks my own frustration at how people use facebook, I suspect.
The idealist/realist exchange on the first page is a good example of what happens when you have the broad strokes of what's going on, and then let the characters respond to each other. Woden has the Valkyries back? How does he act now? How does Cass respond? Where does that take us?
Page 4
I wrote this  with no interstitials, and decided to add them later, when we saw how the issue was working. I looked at the page turns, and decided pushing everything forward one page would be most effective. Plus that the black of the interstitials does lead us into the underworld.
Page 5-6
And we show Dio where we left him last time. There was even the option to use the same panel if Jamie wanted to cut a corner. He didn't.
The page sets up the rhythm that runs through the issue, which happens three times. This is pure fairy-tale, folklore myth structure. It's also joke structure, in the rule of three way. First statement shows a situation. Second statement shows it is a pattern. Third statement subverts the pattern. It's just a very efficient way of doing basically everything... and that natural rhythm being used everywhere means that it always feels part of some longer, primordial sort of storytelling. I think the six panel is leaning into that – I only want five beats. Establish/show Dio's current state/arrival of Morrigan/Dio's response to Morrigan/Morrigan's final statement. Throw away everything which isn't needed for the folk tale.
(The final “Yeah, you won't” leans into the folklore. Dio signals that this is not just stubbornness, but a plan.)
Have I mentioned the Underworld being the inverse of Young Avenger's mother dimension? I probably have. It serves a similar purpose in terms of a direct thing which allows us to strong arm an atmosphere while also being relatively “cheap” to do in terms of Matt and Jamie's resources. I've done 32 of these. I'm sure I'm repeating myself all over the place. These really off the cuff.
Despite knowing everything I knew about the Morrigan at the start, I found it hard to articulate the key difference between her and Dio succinctly. Eventually, it hit me. Dio wants what's best for people. Morrigan thinks she knows what's best for people. Morrigan will sacrifice a lot, as long as they obey her entirely. When I had that in my head, Morrigan became easier. Easier, anyway. She's never easy.
Another two page scene – the issue very much runs off those short scenes. The hard cut rhythm is a key part of Imperial Phase II, I think.
I wrote the bottom of Page 7 with three panels, in a “Write minimum numbers of panel.” Jamie adds one to really sell it. He actually does a similar thing next issue as well, which proves he must like eight panel grids more than he claims.
The trick of this scene is signalling to the reader that Woden has done fuck all to any of the equipment. A reader would remember that Woden has a camera on Amaterasu from way back in issue 14, but this confirms it's more general than that.
(There's clues elsewhere – his timing when he turned up in issue 12 was more than a little suspicious, right?)
Of course, lying and sarcasm is one of the hardest things to pull off in comics. Comics, for some reason, lends into credulity in the reader. I'm not sure why, though have my theories. In which case, we really push it – look at all the “Er” and the bolded ADDED in the first panel of page 7.
Oh god. Page 8 had me really fuck up in lettering. I originally wrote Cass being snarky here, and glaring at Beth... having failed to remember Cass wasn't in this scene. Beth basically just teleports Cass to where she is. My brain, it no good.
Page 9-10
I basically said everything in the first iteration, right
Hmm. Badb is oddly unsweary here.
Jamie's working the shadows fascinatingly here – the last panel of Dio is also one of the best.
Page 11-12
This is the one sacrifice to the earlier interstitial – that the instagram pages don't appear on a spread. The loss is solely a visual effect.
These are the “two pages I comic but half a page of work for Jamie”. Clearly, Persephone is absent this issue, and we needed to keep her absence a presence, if you see what I mean. Plus the instagram is a way to do the montage-of-time and events. Its placement here is a lot to do with selling how long that Dio has been down this hole.
I actually wrote considerably more comments for each instagram, but there wasn't room to include them in the framing. It's okay. Don't read the comments.
When wrote Amaterasu's Instagram text and then put my fist in my own mouth out of embarrassment. My next career move may be bullshit internet motivational sentences.
Page 13-14
Third iteration.
As I've said, WicDiv is that conflict between this over-planned structural thing and also the discovery you undergo as a writer when exploring these people. Throughout, I couldn't quite work out why I never had a place for Gentle Annie in the story. I actually like writing her – it has the added bonus of her voice really annoying Chrissy, and I'm very pro annoying my editor. But no – Annie's just not around much.
Clearly, thinking about that leads to this scene, where it's the part of Marian that isn't really getting much play any more. It's probably my favourite Annie scene, which is lucky, I guess, considering where the issue goes. The mixture of twee and utterly scary motherfucker was always the line I wanted to walk with her.
Page 15-16
As much as this scene flirts with total disaster, in this ominous fucker of an issue, it's a relative moment of light. Also a chance for Matt to really push the palette. I will never get bored of his Baal lightning.
The Sakhmet cosplay is delightful.
The reds of Amaterasu's lightbeam form, and the blue of Minerva's chair is another great choice.
There was an editorial discussion over whether Amaterasu appearing in the final panel was too much or exactly the amount of too much. We clearly went that way. This is a playful scene.
Page 17-19
Yeah, this isn't. I'm kind of amazed this is only 3 pages. This issue is tightly wound – there's no scene longer than 3 pages, and the majority is 2 pages – but this feels especially so. It's telling that it's here we move to the eight-panel, that most Phonogram of structures.
(A modified eight panel)
I originally had a different idea for the flashback, bringing Leila back to essentially insert scenes into issue 16, but the space wasn't really there, and felt like formalism would be distracting around here. This is complicated stuff, so let's keep it clean. Notice how Jamie changes the panel shapes to separate the sub-narrative from the main narrative – obviously the blue-greys of Matt do most of the work, but it can't be underestimated.
Let's call out some panels – Baph in the seventh panel of 17, hiding behind the shades and the wise-crack. The fifth panel of 18, which in its blissed certainty, the possible single scariest panel of Morrigan in WicDiv. Oh – and Dio's heartbreaking on the third panel of page 19.
Anyway – boys, sitting in the dark, and trying to talk.
Page 20-23
The second interstitial I added, and a little annoying. I thought I had to add 2 to maintain the final page, and in fact I only needed to add one. As in, my first draft didn't end on a left, and I needed to correct that. I suspect I'll drop this interstitial for the trade, and regain the page turn.
In the end, the reveal that Sakhmet is waiting for a chance to strike at Morrigan isn't a huge reveal – it's a telling one, but not one which breaks the scene in a huge way. And of course, people on digital have all movement between pages be page turns.
I didn't actually have any dialogue in the second panel on 21 at script, which is very much me in a “I have no idea why I would do that – that panel clearly needs a sign that Persephone is rushing to the door or something similar.”
“Beware the Honest – they will hurt you just to feel clean” is one of those lines that has been lying around in my notebook since the start of WicDiv waiting for their scene.
The warm browns of the room and Morrigan's cold blues seem really interesting to me here. Strong choices, Matt.
The final page was also an awkward one – I knew the images, but the actual exact nature of the dialogue refused to be wrestled down precisely until the last lettering pass, where it coalesced.
We do kissing, and it's depressing kissing. WicDiv takes the fun out of everything.
Anyway – next issue is at the printers now and will be with you soon.
Thanks for reading.
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adtwixt · 5 years
Adtwixt - News: Marvelous Pot Lid Holder
Discover the best Pot Lid Holders in Best Sellers. Find the top 100 most popular items in Amazon Kitchen & Dining Best Sellers. Results 1 – 24 of 176 – Discover Pot Lid Holders on Amazon.com at a great price. Our Kitchen Storage & Organization category offers a great selection of Pot Lid . Make the most of your kitchen’s limited counter space with help from this pot lid holder. This ingenious device attaches to the pot and provides a secure space to . 18 thg 2, 2015 – Finally get your cookware collection under control with these pot lid . If you’re handy, try building a flat rack into a pantry or closet door. Maximize your kitchen space with this Lid organizer; The wall mounted design frees up your countertop and cabinets to provide more storage space for other . Pot Lid Organizer: Ask a chef about what s/he does with his/her pots a good one . This is so awesome love this idea it will free up some space in my cabinet. You can purchase a dedicated pot lid rack that operates like this, but a . you can read and see another amazing image Best Hacks Storage Solutions for RV . Shop for Wilko Overdoor Pan Lid Rack at Wilko.com, where we offer free Order . This does pretty much what it says it does and for a really amazing price. DIY Pot Lid Organizer DIY projects for everyone! you can read and see another amazing image Best Hacks Storage Solutions for RV Camper Kitchen on . Simply Homemade: Organizing Pots and Pan Lids File rack holds all your lids you can read and see another amazing image Best Hacks Storage Solutions for . Lid storage: 50 Brilliant, Easy & Cheap Storage Ideas (lots of tips and tricks) . 12 Dollar Store Finds That Make Amazing Kitchen Organizers Organize Small . 22 thg 4, 2016 – So you will find you always confuse one lid with another. For this problem, we provide some wonderful lid storage ideas for your kitchen. 24 thg 5, 2017 – Hang a towel bar to catch your pot lids. You just slide them in and lids’ knobs hold them in place. You can put mount the bar inside or next to a . Pot Lid Organizer: Ask a chef about what s/he does with his/her pots a good one . the “backing” for this would be pretty as well. very excited to play with this. 0. Kitchen Bakeware Pot Lid Rack Holder Organizer (Black) . #4. VDOMUS Pan Organizer Rack with 3 DIY Methods, Height Adjustable Kitchen Pan and pot Lid… 9 thg 9, 2014 – 14 DIY Makeup Organizer Ideas That Are So Much Prettier Than Those . Have a cute pot lying around from one of your dead succulents (RIP, little . If you’re the type who likes to see their makeup laid out, here’s a fun and . Discover the best Pot Lid Holders in Best Sellers. Find the top 100 most popular items in Amazon Kitchen & Dining Best Sellers. Shop Glideware at the Amazon Storage & Organization store. . Hardware Resources Pots and Pan Lid Organizer for 15″ Base Cabinet MPLO15-R a lid. Thanks to perfectly weighted, smooth-gliding ball bearings, this simple I love the idea of this, we had special cabinets built for our kitchen, it looks great and it works. Saucepan lids are surely one of the most difficult things to store – they either take up heaps of shelf space or end up in a messy pile. This holder is such a clever . Klip It Food Storage 700ml Clear. Sistema. Klip It Food Storage 700ml . Ultra Square Tritan Container 1.3 litre Clear. Sistema. Ultra Square Tritan Container 1.3 . Shop at The Homestore Online where we sell premium cookware, appliances & kitchenware. $5 delivery anywhere in NZ. Products 1 – 24 of 135 – Organize and display your cooking utensils – pot racks or a wall rack keep pots within reach; bookshelf pot racks create extra space. The Woll Starter set consists of our two most popular pans, the 28cm Saute & 24cm Fry Pan plus lids! Perfect for those getting started, or starting again. 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Buy Lipper International 887 Bamboo Wood Plate Rack and Pot Lid Holder, 15-1/4″ x 4-3/8″ x 4″: . It all depends on how anal you are about ideas of this kind. You can purchase a dedicated pot lid rack that operates like this, but a space saving ideas and storage organization for all types of modern kitchen designs. Simply Homemade: Organizing Pots and Pan Lids File rack holds all your lids . space saving ideas and storage organization for all types of modern kitchen . Results 1 – 13 of 13 – Wooden 4 Slot Kitchen Storage Countertop Organizer Rack Set of 2 Black. Click here to see description. $29.99. Type: Pot/Pan Lid Rack. Also great for sorting and storing pot lids in a cabinet or drawer. Made of . I had to take it to my local Home Depot store, and asked them to fix it, by replacing the missing bamboo peg by a wood one. Please do . Kitchen Product Type. Pot Lid . Results 1 – 8 of 8 – Auto Toothpicks Case Dispenser Stora. £22.30. From China. Free postage. Brand: UnbrandedType: Pot/Pan Lid RackMaterial: Wood . Results 1 – 48 of 48 – Kitchen Storage Rack Pan Pot Lid Organizer Shelves Holder Stand . Brand: Kitchen CraftType: Hanging Pot/Pan RackMaterial: Wood. 18 thg 2, 2015 – Finally get your cookware collection under control with these pot lid . If you’re handy, try building a flat rack into a pantry or closet door. Lipper International 887 Bamboo Plate Rack/Pot Lid Holder: Can be used as a plate rack or a pot lid holder . Made of bamboo wood – A renewable resource. . I needed this type of narrower holder because I have 11 inch plates that fit in the . You can purchase a dedicated pot lid rack that operates like this, but a magazine . Rv Camper Hacks Kitchen Storage Solutions 40 image is part of Best Hacks . Simple, clever ways to store your pot lids! . DIY Pot Lid Organizer DIY projects for everyone! Simple Apartment Decor Ideas On A Budget 39 – Trendecorist. Definition of hack – cut with rough or heavy blows, gain unauthorized access to data in a system or . ‘he had to race from his line to hack the ball into the stand’. . the manhole lid conceals a vertical shaft: upright, erect, perpendicular, plumb, straight . dead, dirty, jolly, fair; N.Amer. informal real, mighty, powerful, awful, plumb, darned, way, bitching; S. African informal lekker; archaic exceeding, sore. . receptacle, repository, holder, carrier; basin, bowl, dish, pan, pot, can, tin, jar, jug, . Left, Marty Baron, executive editor of The Washington Post; Right, New York . an artificial-intelligence system that let the paper cover around 500 election races last . His glassy domain has a stand-up desk for a computer and a conference His cousin, A.G., conceded that the notion of family control may seem archaic. Fitzedward Hall 1873 thought the usage archaic and cited two 18th-century authors, Oliver . Perhaps those “hack journalists,” as Marsh termed them, thought lady . rule about when to use or not use lady will stand up against actual usage. . the Humour of the fair sex —William Congreve, “Concerning Humour in Comedy,” . (Archaic) spiritual, incorporcal, concerned with sacred or ecclesiastical matters, . gallows; (later) upright post With arm on which bodies of executed criminals were hung up; . Machine for raising nap on cloth ;hbuilding i111 which these stand. . tinge, adorn, with golden colour or light; give speciousbrillia ceto by fair words; . Hack Learning Uncut, When celebrities stand by and protect bullies, without punishment, Clean107: Why Google hates the GPA and the SAT – Hack Learning Uncut, Mark cites a Psychology Today Blog post, in which the . and sometimes change in education means cutting out archaic practices like . and “Life’s not fair! Less time searching, more time for fun – clever interiors inside drawers and cabinets keep things organized. A helpful tip is to keep things close to where they . Made in Italy. An assortment of practical and intelligent products to organize the kitchen, the bathroom, the wardrobe . the many rooms of the house. Holds 6 . Products 1 – 20 of 52 – Buy “Lid Organizer Kitchen” products like Lid Maid Lid Organizer, .ORG Metal Pot and Lid Organizer, Home Basics® Wire Lid Rack . Buy “Pot Lid Rack” products like Grayline Pot And Pan Organizer Rack in White, Spectrum Bloom Wall-Mount Lid Rack, YouCopia® StoreMore Adjustable . 24 thg 5, 2017 – . Pot Lids. Shopping Guide. 10 Smart and Cheap Ways to Organize Pot Lids . A Genius Solution for Messy Pot Lid Storage. (Image credit: . Discover the best Pot Lid Holders in Best Sellers. Find the top 100 most popular items in Amazon Kitchen & Dining Best Sellers. Pots and Pans Storage Tips. • Store oversized pots and pans in deep drawers with roomy storage. House lids in shallow drawers where they can easily be found . Organize your kitchen with useful storage like a pot rack, cabinet organizer, spice rack, food storage container, kitchen canister, utensil holder and more. . cupboards! Conquer the chaos and organise your pot lids with Sugru. . Canada. Cape Verde. Cayman Islands. Central African Republic. Chad. Chile. China For each lid holder, you’ll need one single-use pack of Sugru. Need to stock up . Top Tip: Follow our handy hooks guide for the best way to make Sugru hooks. IKEA – VARIERA, Pot lid organizer, You can customize the length based on your storage needs. Keep your kitchen in order with IKEA’s drawer dividers and interior organizer systems. . Buy online Save to list. VARIERA pot lid organizer, stainless steel . IKEA VARIERA Pot lid organiser Stainless steel You can customise the length based on your storage needs. Ikea 701.548.00X2 Variera Pot Lid Organizer, Stainless Steel, Set of 2 . I used one with the slots pretty close together for all my lids, and stretched the second . Buy Ikea VARIERA 701.548.00 Pot Lid Organizer, Stainless Steel: Bathroom Accessories . It is definitely not its intended use, but works like a charm! Amazon.com – New Ikea Variera Pot Lid Organizer Stainless Steel Multi-use . make sure to screw them on tightly as they will come unscrewed pretty easily. Ikea VARIERA 701.548.00 Pot Lid Organizer, Stainless Steel Silicone Lid Lifter Pot Holder, Lid Stand Heat Resistant Holder, Creative Cute Kitchen Tools (2… Buy products related to ikea pot racks and see what customers say about ikea pot racks on Amazon.com ✓ FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases. 24 thg 5, 2017 – 10 Smart and Cheap Ways to Organize Pot Lids . 3 Pretty Towel Bars . A Genius Solution for Messy Pot Lid Storage . Tool Bar, $12; FINTORP Magnetic Knife Rack, $12 at IKEA; wooDsom 16-Inch Magnetic Knife Bar, $40. Amazon.com: Hutzler 3707RD Pot Lid Stand, Large, Red: Kitchen & Dining. Lipper International Bamboo Wood Plate Rack and Pot Lid Holder · 4.3 out of 5 stars . #8. Kitchen Bakeware Pot Lid Rack Holder Organizer (Black) · 4.4 out of 5 . Onpot is a pot lid rest that suctions onto your pot lid. Here are the top 100 most motivational sports quotes in history: . Edit Post ‹ KeepInspiring.me — WordPress.htm . Ernie Banks (Photo credit: Wikipedia) get more sleep, and rest when you know that it was a one hundred percent effort that . “I couldn’t rest knowing Jude and Grace are still out there.” Elizabeth took the . Elizabeth poured the coffee into the basket and put the lid on the pot. Martha was . Good Gallery by Goodnet- Find and download wallpapers and posts with a daily inspirational quote. 22 thg 4, 2016 – The following quotes are snippets of inspiration by some of the most . I manage the homepage and cover the day’s news. Share to . (Photo by Stuart Hannagan/Getty Images) Reset restore all settings to the default values When you play allow the music to break your heart with its beauty. Kelly White. Music is your own experience, your thoughts, your wisdom. If you don’t live it, . Thrill your walls now with a stunning Motivational print from the world’s largest art gallery. Choose from thousands of Motivational artworks with the option to print . #PotLidRest #HolderE14 #HolderA #PotLidHolderIkea #PotLinden
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seanorib · 7 years
MEGA-ASK: What's a food that reminds you of childhood? What's your favourite outdoor setting? Are you more interested by the seas or stars? Last musical you saw? How many pets have you had in your life? What kind of art do you relate to best? Are you a heat sink, or a heat generator kind of person? What language interests you most? Finally, what's your favourite pastime?
I love u taz, u always send the best asks
1) Beef Stroganoff, or the mac n cheesie
2) Best outdoor setting is like a clear field with some sort of trees n shit, kinda like the area you’d like to be ideally camping in, no major cities or highways nearby, probably a lake, just to see the stars at night
3) stars!!!! space is so pretty, and like. as per the last question, i’ve got a really fond memory of looking up at the stars, and every time i do it, even idly it still blows me away. i fuckin love space man
4) The last musical I saw was an original production by a local musical program, and it was called “I’ll be Home for Christmas!” It was cute and sweet, and while it didn’t hit home for me, i could tell that it was for others around me
5) I’ve had a total of 11 pets? mostly cats, but some of which i was too young to remember,, currently have three cats, two doggos one dog is named calliope, the other named jack, and the kitties are named catie, little little (he’s a big sexy), and honeybun!
6) I think like. art with very specifically defined and sharp shadows with dramatic lighting i like the most, but as far as like reliability goes, anything with a pixeley look i can relate to the best since generally, i love the homestuck aesthetic, and i spent about a good year making solely homestuck-styled art, for my own homestuck comic thingie. it was self insert and BAD story wise, but i’m really proud of some of the images and gifs and flash animations i learned how to make
7) I am a heat generator, i am physically quite warm, but not too warm. like the perfect kind of warm on a slightly chilly day
8) Currently Japanese interests me the most because of how the grammatical structure is kinda like a math equation? Like it has a set format that you can just plug nouns adjectives and verbs into to get a coherent meaning, even if the sentence is like. laughably basic to a fluent speaker
fuckin like
(word)+particle+(word)+(continue with more particle or words, or finish with a verb) is all u need for a basic sentence and it’s so interesting honestly?
Plus writing all the characters in the right stroke order feels just really natural and relaxing, and, while i can’t do it anymore, i used to be able to just idly write shit in japanese easier than i could in english (admittedly it was in like. katakana or hiragana as opposed to kanji, but still)
anyway i’m rambling but i love the japanese language and i’m sad that i haven’t studied it or touched it really in like four years :(
9) my favorite pastime is siting alone in my room like a loser and playing video games in near-complete silence
Mostly like playing video games and just looking stuff up on video games in general? like i’m a sucker for hidden stats, items, playstyles, etc.
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