#so she can be as loud as she wants in terms of walking
pit-and-the-pen · 17 hours
I'll Crawl Home to Her- Chapter 2
Sorry this update took a little longer, I had some personal stuff going on and my work schedule was pretty packed this week.
Also, this is a fix-it fic. It'll be following the events of the whole series so buckle in y'all.
Chapter warnings: Warnings: Mention of abuse/ trauma, one comment about weight in terms of said said abuse , minor blood
WC: 9.6K
Read the previous parts here
[prologue] [chapter 1]
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“Rhys is the most handsome High Lord.” I read line after line of similar words. I rolled my eyes at my brother's antics. 
“He’s sure laying it on thick.” I say as I sat down next to Feyre. She looks up from her writing and gives me a guarded laugh. 
“At least I’m entertaining.” She huffs out. 
“I can help you too, if you want. Give you a break from him.” She raises her eyebrow at me, studying me with a look that made me want to sink in on myself. 
“Why?” She asks sharply  
I willed my temper down. “Because despite what Tamlin might tell you, we’re not evil,” I spit out at her, she doesn’t flinch even slightly at the venom in my voice. “And you’re going to be here once a month for the foreseeable future. I’d like us to at least tolerate each other. Plus, it would piss off my brother.” Her eyes shone with mischief.
“You should have started with that.” And that was that. I pushed Rhys’ papers to the side and picked out a few books that had been my favorite. The plots are interesting enough to make up for the basic words used. Feyre caught on fairly easily. She could recognize almost all of the basic words but struggled to read them out loud. Not fully understanding how the sounds mashed together. We sat and read, and then when that got to be too much for her we just started talking. It was nothing deep, not really gossip either. Just casual words thrown back and forth until she asks out of the blue. “What’s the deal with Tamlin and Rhys?” I froze into stillness only fae possessed. Sensing my discomfort she backtracked. “You don’t have to tell me. I shouldn’t have asked.” Her voice held a little edge of fear. I forced my shoulders to relax. 
“No, you have every right to ask. It’s…complicated. You’re walking into centuries old distrust and unfortunately, are caught in the middle.” It wasn’t fair to her to be caught in all of this old shit. That was our baggage and I could see it was affecting her but she pressed on.
“But why do they hate each other so much?”
“I’m not the best person to ask.” She narrowed her eyes at my non-answer. I sighed. “We’ve both done some terrible things to each other's courts, the wounds run deep and that’s all I’ll tell you.”
“Why?” She would not let up. 
“Because you love Tamlin. And I don’t want you to think I’m trying to ruin whatever picture you have of him.” That really seemed to pique her curiosity. 
“You had a different experience with him?” It felt like she had punched me in the stomach. No. That’s the problem, I had the exact same experience with him and I ended up just as broken as I can see you’re becoming. 
“That’s not a story for today.” I tried to keep the shake out of my voice and maybe it was that, or the fear I know I couldn’t keep off of my face that made her drop the subject with a small, “okay”. 
It was lunch time before we decided to take a break.  “Do you want to eat here or go out with the others?” 
“Rhys will just pull me out if I don’t.” 
“My brother can fuck off. What do you want to do?” I saw a ghost of a smile twitch across her face. So we ate in the library. I left only long enough to stack up two plates full of food. Rhys took in the amount of food I was grabbing, 
“Hungry today?” I only stuck my tongue out at him and walked back out of the room. 
Rhys joined us a little after lunch. If he was surprised to still see me in here, he didn’t let it show. I didn’t leave until Feyre told me she was okay with me doing so. 
It was probably overkill to be so protective of her, Rhys was the last person who would ever try to hurt her or anything like that but she was still uneasy around him. She hid it well with the sheer disdain she showed him but I could tell from the rigidness of her shoulders and that slight edge in her voice. But there was also something else there that I couldn’t put my finger on. 
Feyre had stayed in the library long after their meeting. I found her hunched over another book, finger slowly tracing over the words. She hardly looked up as I placed another plate of food in front of her and went to walk out of the room. She didn’t call after me and I was okay with that. Scared she might start another round of questions. 
I didn’t see much of her after that. So I traveled back and forth between Velaris. Spending half my time at the manor and the other half actually doing my job as researcher. I really didn’t have to work but it gave me something to fill up my days. Before Amarantha I spent most of my time helping Cassian manage the Illyrians, from the background of course. Being the High Lords sister did not save me from their views on females. So I only showed up when necessary, Azriel and Cassian always following behind me. They learned fast enough to keep their tongues in check if they wanted to keep them in their mouths. 
Currently I was looking at old maps of Prythian. Combining through records for landscapes and t river patterns. Where the boundaries have shifted over time. And then came the daunting task of trying to pick out recountings of the old war. Figuring out who does best with what court. Prepping for the outcome we were all dreading, another war with Hybern. 
“I don’t understand what you’re trying to get from these books.” Cassian said, absently flipping through the large leather bound book I had just placed to the side. 
“Anything. Weakness, strengths, strategies, gods, anything.” I said leaning back. I knew I had to take a break, when I closed my eyes I could still see the words swirling in the blackness behind my eyelids. I took a deep breath and went to look at the giant map I had covered my desk with. Pins and markers to recount every movement during the last war. 
“Do you really think that it’s going to help?” I know he wasn’t trying to be rude. His voice was soft when he asked and my shoulders sunk in slightly. 
“I don’t know. But if it does…” He nodded in understanding. Azriel knocked lightly on the door, making both Cas and I jump. He had learned to knock now after he had to dodge out of the way of the book I had launched at him last week. I still haven't reaccustomed myself to how quiet his footsteps could be. A skill I had once prided myself on, I had even been able to pick up on those silent footsteps and find him before he wanted to be seen. 
“Just wanted to remind you two to eat.” He looked at the books strewn across the table, taking note of the one Cassian was still flipping through, playing with truly. “I know how you can get when you’re focused. Time for food.” He smiled at the shy look I gave him from being called out. Many times he had to drag me out of my office when I really got into something. His smile made me think he was remembering those times too. 
“If we go, will you two stop making eyes at each other?” Cassian spoke up, making me break away from Azriel’s stare. 
“We were not.” I responded, trying to tame the blush in my cheeks. Get it together. I told myself as I forced myself to turn to Cas. His eye roll was the only answer I got. Azriel had already started walking down the hall and I slapped Cassian on the arm.
“You’re so annoying sometimes Cas.”
“And you love me for it.” He gave me a loud, wet peck on the cheek and gave a full head-thrown-back laugh when I made a big show of wiping it off. 
I didn't return to the other house that night. Opting to stay with my friends. One of whom, Cassian, had gone into the wine cellar and returned with his arms almost full of the expensive bottles. I just laughed as he shot me a wink. I blew him a kiss back as I settled down on the couch besides Mor. 
We didn’t bother getting glasses, passing the bottles around while we talked about absolutely nothing, acting like we had during our teenage years. It was later in the night before Rhys appeared in the living room. He took one look at all of us and rolled his eyes before he swiped the bottle out of my hand and brought it to his lips. 
Mor and I were fully supporting each other's weight on the couch, I couldn’t tell who was leaning against who more but our giggles started to get louder and more frequent. She whispered to me so quietly I had to strain to hear her. “Stop staring at him.” And we fell into another fit of giggles.
She was right though, everytime Azriel talked I could feel how my eyes stayed locked on him. Reminding myself to breathe when he pulled the bottle to his lips. I pushed off of Mor and went to stand up, wobbling slightly as my feet touched the ground. Azriel made a move like he was going to catch me if I took a face first dive on the carpet but when I steadied myself, he moved back. It happened so fast I wonder if I imagined it.
“I think it’s bedtime.” I said, mouth feeling mushy as the words came out. Mor laughed again and I turned to face her and gave her a rude gesture. I offered that same hand to pull her up to her feet and she pouted before taking it. Everyone seemed to get the hint that it was late so all of us in our various drunken states started the climb up the stairs to our rooms. Good nights thrown through the hallways, Cassian all but screaming it to make sure Mor and I heard him. The sound made us flinch before laughing again as I closed the door to my room. 
Before I knew it Feyre’s week was officially up. She had demanded to be brought back home and I fought down the biting comments I wanted to make as Rhys agreed. I stepped besides the pair and she looked over to me for a brief second before pretending that neither of us existed. 
“You don’t have to come with me. Rhys spoke into my mind and replied with a shake of my head. I could do this for Feyre. Despite every part of my body screaming at me for bringing her back to the Spring court, if she could be brave then so could I. He sighed at my stubbornness but knew that there was no changing my mind. 
We weren’t going far. Simply dropping her at the border of spring and summer and making sure she got into the manor. I could manage that. Yet as we were getting ready to winnow in, I felt my hands go clammy. I remember me saying I’ll never go back there willingly.
The smell was the first thing that hit me. The overwhelming floral scent. I could smell the roses from the outside of the manor this far away, their sheer number coating the air with a smell that threatened to suffocate me on the spot. 
“Goodbye, Feyre.” She had already started walking before he finished speaking, not sparing so much as a glance back to us. So we stood and watched her retreating figure until those wooden doors closed behind her. That was that. 
We didn’t return to Hewn city, instead winnowing outside the townhome. 
Rhys didn’t stay to greet our friends. Instead, he all but ran up the stairs to either go to his study or his room. Everyone gave me a tentative look before I shrugged and sprawled out on the couch besides Azriel. 
He didn’t try to pull away from me. Instead, he lifted his hands from their spot on his lap. His way of telling me I could place my legs up so I didn’t have to sit awkwardly to avoid his wings. I did and I ignored how happy that little gesture made me. Over the last few weeks he seemed to be able to handle being around me again.
Cassian started rapid firing questions at me. What is she like? She threw what at Rhys? Anything for scraps of what their brother's mate was actually like. Sure they had gotten the story of her trials but this was different, getting to know who she actually was. Cassian seemed pleased to know she was still just as head strong. “Maybe someone will finally humble him a little.” He chuckled 
 Rhys spoke up as he entered the room. “Who’s humbling who?” He picked at an invisible piece of lint on his shoulder. The only sign of how upset sending Feyre back had made him. 
Cassian didn’t answer but instead asked “Did she really throw a shoe at you?” He laughed when Rhys shot me a dirty look. Answering the question for him. “I want to meet her.” Cassian said and I swore he was almost pouting. 
Rhys sighed, “And have you scare her off.” Cassian looked hurt so Rhys added, “Let her get more adjusted to me before we add all of this into the mix. Besides, she cannot see Velaris. Not when…” not when she came back to Tamlin. Not when she could still spill every little secret of ours to one of our biggest enemies. 
Cas looked like he wanted to argue but only said “Princess gets to see her.” 
“Because I have a winning personality.” I smiled at him and he launched one of the small pillows from his chair at me. I managed to deflect it but as it bounced off my arm it hit Azriel square in the face. I bit down my laughter at his faux outraged face. He threw it back and before I knew it, they were yelling at each other, well Cas was yelling and Azriel was trying his hardest not to laugh.Sensing a fight was emanate, I pushed off of Azriel and spoke loudly over the two Illyrian males. 
“Outside if you’re going to fight.” Even Armen, who had stalked into the room around as Rhys laughed at that. 
Cassian turned to me, his temper still flaring. “We’re not dogs.” 
“Last time you both fought in the house, I was cleaning up glass for a week.” I raised an eyebrow at him, challenging him to say otherwise. 
Azriel spared Cassian from having to respond. “C’mon.” He said, pulling Cassian to what I could only assume was the training ring. 
“I forgot how much you look like Rhys when you get bossy.” Cassian said as he was pulled from the room. And my responding gesture made the rest of the room go up in laughs. Rhys followed them out. Probably needing to get rid of his own tension and Armen had snuck back into the research room. 
I didn’t have it in me to just stare at maps all day long, regardless of knowing how much I needed to. So I just stayed in the living room, a random book from the shelf pulled onto my lap. 
Rhys came back first, hair only slightly disheveled, wings out proudly. “Once I get out of the bath, it’s time for your training.” I huffed and he could sense I was about to argue with him. “Cassian and Azriel told me you can’t use your powers.” Traitors. “So we’re going to figure out what the hel is wrong.” 
Less than an hour later I was sitting in Rhys’ study. A small candle flickering in front of me, taunting me to snuff it out. I pulled and pulled for any of the small dark tendrils to do so but found nothing. Sweat was beginning to form on my brow with how hard I was concentrating. 
Rhys huffed in frustration at my lack of progress. “It was easier teaching Feyre to read.” 
“Then by all means, go back to that. I’d love to see her throw another shoe at you.” I bit back at him and he just rolled his eyes. 
“Try again.” He went right back to business, ignoring my statement. I really did try. I Have been trying. That rich darkness that normally lingered under my skin seemed like it was hidden behind a wall. Just out of my grasp, so close I could almost taste it, almost touch it. I yelped as I reached out towards it. Pain flickering through my body as if it had burned me. Rhys’ hand on my shoulder snapped me out of whatever had happened. Sweat broke across my skin and I flinched as I felt my magic fight against the wall inside my head. 
“What’s happening?” I spoke to my brother. He just stared at me before I felt a phantom knock at my mental shields. I forced them open and almost screamed at the pain that flooded through me. I knew the moment he found it. Felt that sickening thread of magic that never released when the spell broke for the other high lords. Rhys’ presence in my head retreated and we could only look at each other. No words to be found between us. 
“Fuck.” The first word he uttered and I somehow found it in myself to laugh. 
“That bad?” 
“Good news is there’s not a physical block. No magic stopping you.” So why did he still look like death froze over? “Bad news, you’re the block.” 
“Go on?” 
“I don’t fully know but it looks like your magic is being tied up by your own magic.” 
“So, you’re saying. I’m the problem?”
“I’ve been saying that your whole life but yes, especially in this case.” He teased, trying to lighten the new tension in the air. I bite 
“Well then that simply means you’re going to be stuck with me a lot more. That or I go to Helion.” He rolled his eyes at the mention of the other high lord, one who has been trying for the last few centuries to get me into his bed. 
“Maybe.” shit. It must be serious if he’s actually willing to let Helion help. “Let’s hope it doesn’t come down to that.” He says solemnly and points back to the candle. I stare at him for a moment before sighing and trying to cover the light again. 
We sit as I try again and again and again. Nothing besides a small puff of black smoke to let us know that I’m even trying. Right as I’m about to say something I see Rhys flinch and his eyes flare with anger. Only not at me, his eyes look far away as that anger homes in on whatever must have made his shoulders tense. 
I see his eyes come back into focus and I don’t even have to ask before he’s spilling. “He hurt her.” I don’t need him to say who. “I can tell it’s nothing serious but I got nothing but pure fear from her.” Rhys had already explained that the bargain amplified the usual effects of the mating bond. That he could sometimes get whiffs of any strong emotion from Feyre. Fear, anger, mostly fear but as her nightmares have started to fade I haven't heard much about it. My stomach curls and I try to will my hands to not shake as my mind drifts to the endless possibilities of what could have happened. 
“It’ll be okay. She’s strong.” The words felt wrong in my mouth and Rhys said the very thing I had been thinking.
“You were strong.” 
“Well you can’t very well march in there and get her.” I saw the look on his face. “You can’t, we can’t. And she still doesn’t want us. Unless it feels like that first time…” He shook his head. So not as bad. Still bad, still awful enough for her to send fear down the bond but not bad enough that Rhys could only hear her screaming for someone to get her out of there. So we both let it go, ignored the thoughts that told every part of us to go help this girl from whatever Tamlin was inflicting. But even I knew that Tamlin’s anger comes from his love. That anger so wrapped in fear that something will happen that he almost wills those incidents into existence. 
We spend hours trying to break whatever block is in my head until I’m grumpy and all but biting his head off at every little comment he makes. He bites right back at me and I know there's no point in this anymore, both of us too on edge to do anything productive. Throwing his hands up in surrender he doesn’t stop me as I storm out of his study. I run head first into Azriel on my way to my room, his hands resting on my arms so I don’t topple over. 
“Training went that well.” He says with a small chuckle. The noise sends a low growl from my throat and he takes his hands off of me. “We’ll figure this out.” He says and I continue my path to my room, not staying long enough to see the concern in his eyes. 
I was still grumpy by the time that dinner rolled around but I managed to pull myself out of bed. My head is pounding from the strain and whatever Rhys did inside my mind. I throw on the first thing I find, still in my thin nightgown I pulled on after my bath, and head down to dinner. I don’t say much and not even Cassian tries to cheer me up, all he does is remind me that I’m joining them for training in the morning. I don’t respond with anything other than stabbing the chicken on my plate with extra force. 
I struck the center of the dummy and looked over for Cassian for any semblance of approval. He gave me a bored look and I stomped over to the stupid thing and pulled all three of the daggers out of it. Cas wanted me to get back up to snuff with long range before he put a sword in my hand again. I had never needed the sword that I kept strapped to my back on the missions I would accompany Azriel on, always having my powers to stop anyone from getting that close in the first place. Between Azriel shadows and my blanket of darkness, very rarely did we ever need anything more than truth teller. 
I grunted in frustration as the sharp metal flew through my fingers time after time, all of them hitting the center of the target. 
“Fuck this Cas, I did the warm ups, I did the exercises. Let me fight.” I needed to do something more than this. If I couldn’t use my powers, if they never came back, I needed to be useful. In no world would I just sit around and let my friends risk death while I sat around playing with my maps. Cassian must have heard the desperation in my voice because he agreed. 
We circled each other and I got a rare glimpse of Cassian with no restraint. This was the war general that scared people just by being on the battlefield. I tried not to let the frision of fear show as he surveyed every inch of me, seemingly reading my body language like I was screaming my next moves at him. I didn’t stand a chance. His fist made contact with my nose before I could turn out of the way and I fell to the ground. My hand went up and when I pulled it back, my fingers were sticky with my blood. Cassian was instantly in front of me, mumbling out apologies. I held up my hand to stop him from talking. 
“Cassian.” A stern voice called out as I ran my hand along my nose again, feeling for any breaks. “What did you do to her?” Azriel’s voice was full of concern as he knelt besides Cassian. 
“Alright bat brains. I’m not dying,” I started to stand up and they both reached out their hands to help me up, I swatted them away and brushed off the dust on my pants. “It’s not the first time I’ve been too slow before, and it’s not going to be the last.” They both stared at me and I rolled my eyes. “C’mon. I still have to beat you Cas.” He shook his head laughing and Azriel shot him a glare. 
Cassian, never one to back down from a challenge, and never one to miss an opportunity to piss off Azriel, agreed to go back into the ring with me. He coached me through it this time, slowing down his punches to explain how to predict them and block them. All things that I knew but just needed more practice. By the end of the hour I was covered in sweat but I was able to block him without his guidance. Azriel didn’t leave either, hanging back to watch, adding his own little tips and tricks to help me get some advantage over Cassian but I still couldn’t get him to budge an inch. 
“Do you want to get in with her then?” Cassian shouted to Azriel as he continued to assist me from the side lines. I made a motion for Cassian to stop as I tried to catch my breath. Placing my hands on my knees and sucking in screaming breaths. 
“I think I’m done.” I panted out.
“If you wanted me to make you breathless princess, all you had to do was ask.” He winked and tossed a canteen full of water over to me. I drank half of it in one long gulp and forced myself to stand up straight. My muscles were already crying out in protest. Tomorrow was going to suck for sure. 
The three of us walked back up to the house, laughing and joking and I felt proud of the progress I was making. Even if the dried blood still on my hands might have suggested otherwise. 
A month went by so fast, I had to tick off the days to make sure I was right.I woke up to Rhys preparing to collect Feyre from the spring court again. Rhys didn’t ask me to go with him this time, after that last flood of emotions he knew he would have a hard time containing himself let alone both of us. 
I was already waiting at the house for when they got back, ready to play mediator if need be. They had barely materialized before my brother was fussing over Feyre. The two bickered back and forth but from the way she looked over herself, I knew even she could hear the worry in his voice. She had lost more weight since the last time she had been here. The shadows under her eyes creeped back onto her pale skin. “Eat breakfast with me.” He said and I shifted from my place in the living room. Mor was somewhere in the house after her visit to the Court of Nightmares yesterday. Probably still decompressing with the bottle of wine she took with her to bed. 
I gave Feyre a small smile and she didn’t return it, but she didn’t glare at me either. It’s a step at least. The female in front of me gave a heavy sigh after weighing Rhys offer. The growl I heard come from her stomach seemed to make the decision for her. I didn’t follow them, if she had wanted me to I would have been able to tell. So I stayed close enough that I could swoop in and save her from my brother's overprotectiveness if need be. The glimpses of their conversation I caught weren’t the best but I stilled completely as I caught, 
“I was tortured, beaten and fucked until only I could tell myself who I was, what I was protecting. Please- help me keep that from happening again. To Prythian.” My heart ached at the words. He had had it so much worse than I did, regardless of what people might believe. I could see it on his face during some of his bad days, the scars of what Amarantha did to him. I didn’t listen to her response as I walked to my room. 
I found Feyre the next day as I had the last time, hunched over the table with more lines from Rhys to read. She was copying them in better handwriting than she had before. When I approached she didn’t so much as look up at me. I called her name gently and still nothing. So I took that as my sign to let her be. Rhys had gotten called to the war camps later that day. 
“Just look after her please. I know she’s fine but let me know if either of you need anything.” He blabbered as I all but pushed him out the door. 
“We’ll be fine, you overprotective mother hen.” His face fell slightly and I couldn’t stand that look on his face. “I’ll let you know if she needs anything, okay? Now go be a High Lord.” I saw a hint of a smile as he winnowed out of the house. 
I tried to stay out of her way. Whatever bit of goodwill she had allowed me last time seemingly disappeared. So I kept bringing her books when she ran out of the ones Rhys had given her, brought her food and left her to her own devices. Today, she didn’t give me a glare as I sat down in the armchair on her left. I opened my own book without giving her a second glance. The small hmph she made was the only indication she had even noticed my presence. She didn’t want to talk and quite frankly, neither did I, perfectly content with getting lost in our own books. 
It was around midday and the sun was just starting to peek through the heavy curtains of the library when I felt Rhys appear in the room. In his hands were trays of food which he presented to Feyre. A small thank you left her lips and I wanted to smack that smug look on Rhys face as he teased her. But then I saw his face get serious and I suddenly felt very much like I was intruding on a private moment. “Tell me how I can help you.” His voice was scratchy and I knew he was trying to hold back tears, to keep the conversation casual enough that she wouldn’t shut him out again. I truly did try to tune them out but these were the same things I had been wanting to say to her all week but couldn’t find the strength. 
“If you fall apart then the bitch wins. All of that is for nothing and she wins.” Rhys said plainly and Feyre flinched before going back to her book. I could tell that she was talking to him in her mind. My eyes grew wide when I saw that slight layer of frost cover the book cover. Rhys barely had time to dodge said book as it was thrown right at his head. It bounced harmlessly to the floor and I stifled a laugh. The laugh died in my throat when I saw the flicker of flames in her palms and I tried to reach my mind out to Rhys, he all but threw me out. 
Feyre and Rhys left later that day. I didn’t offer to come with, didn’t want to come with. Just like last time when Rhys returned to Velaris, he stalked to his office and hid out for the rest of the evening. I only got close enough to the door to leave a plate of food outside before retreating back to my side of the house. His emotions pouring through the door were enough to give me a headache, the way it felt like I was walking into a brick wall. I didn’t try to talk to him for the rest of the day. Instead choosing to pull my attention back to the map in my study. 
I had been neglecting it to focus on Feyre and Rhys but I knew it’s just because I wasn’t getting anywhere. No matter how many books I read, I couldn’t think of anything that would help us win this war. Not without all seven courts working together and I knew Hel would freeze over before that ever happened. 
So I read until my eyes became blurry and heavy. My head had gotten so heavy like the words were getting stuck and wouldn’t leave. When I felt my eyes starting to close and knocking on the door jostled me awake. I saw the shadows before I saw him, too tired to notice that they had time to take in my current state and report back to Az. 
“You should take a break.” He said as he went to pull up a chair at the table I was sitting at. 
“I can’t take a break when I haven’t found anything yet.” I whined at him. “I’m supposed to be good at this, I am good at this. Or at least I was.” I slumped in my chair and I saw that familiar look of concern flash through his warm amber eyes. He sat there, I could almost see the gears in his brain turning, his shadows starting to swirl around the floor like soothing waves. I stared at them and felt my mind calm slightly. He sighed and leaned back in his chair, wings flapping behind him. 
We just sat there in silence for a few moments and then he stood up suddenly. My eyes tracked the movement, following his arm as he extended a hand to me. It was like my brain short circuited at the gesture. He had to clear his throat before I snapped out of it and I timidly placed my hand in his. He led me out of my office and I felt his shadows on my heels. “Where are we going?” I laughed at how ridiculous this must look, one of the fiercest Illyrian warriors towing someone behind him like an excited kid. 
“Just be quiet. You’ll know when we get there.” His own voice full of an almost giddy excitement. So I let him pull me along. All the way outside until it clicked. There was a little patch of grass beside the Sidra that I loved to sit by when the weather was just starting to turn warm. Our little group used to spend free days out on that field, just soaking in the warmth. He gave me a proud smirk when we finally reached that stretch of grass. “Now, you’re going to sit and just enjoy being out here.”
“Is that an order?” I teased and he didn’t miss a beat. 
“If that means you’ll actually do it, then yes.” I sat and looked out over the river. The lights and sounds of the city walk could just trickle in, becoming a lovely hum in the back of my mind. I patted the spot next to me and Azriel sat beside me. I curled my knees up to my chest and rested my chin on top of them. Just looking at the city I loved so much. We didn’t talk, Azriel was always good for that. He knew when I needed the quiet. The sound of the small waves helped clear my head and after a while I felt my shoulders sink down, the tension lightening. It was still there of course but became more manageable as I could smell the water and Azriel’s pine and fresh air scent. It wrapped its way around me and held me like my favorite blanket. 
“Thank you.” I said, breaking the comfortable silence. We didn’t look at each other, still staring out at the city just ahead. 
“Of course. Anything for you,” He cleared his throat, “For one of my friends.” I bit down the string at that little word. I fought the urge to put some distance between us at the feeling that flooded me. The cruel reminder of just exactly how he saw me. So I just pulled my legs in tighter and ignored all the thoughts of him that began to take over. 
We didn’t head back to the house until sundown. The pair of us walked under the flickering faelights that lined the streets. It still blows my mind how much the city changed while I was gone. I told him that much. And he shrugged off the tiny complement. 
“Rhys and I will never be able to thank you enough for how much you all did while we were…gone.” My voice felt tight as I finished, “You kept our home safe when we couldn’t.” He turned to look at me and went to say something but stopped himself. His face looked slightly pained, in that concerned way he always managed. He shook his head slightly. 
“You did more than we ever could. You and Rhys gave us a chance to have something to protect in the first place.” In his words, I was pulled back to that night when it had all gone to shit. How Cassian and Azriel were out dealing with the camps and how I couldn’t convince Rhys not to go so I insisted that I come along. I had to beg him to let me come with him and he still wasn’t happy about it. We walked right into a trap and before most of his power had been ripped away from him he wiped the memory of Velaris from everyone who was under the mountain and let our friends know what was happening, how they couldn’t come after us without leaving Velaris unguarded. 
Azriel’s small nudge to my shoulder pulled me back to the present and his eyes asked the question before he needed to. 
“I’m okay.” But I felt how my arms had wrapped around myself but he didn’t say anything about it, letting me have my space. We reached the house again and I could hear Cassian and Mor’s voices floating down the hallway. The sound alone plastered a smile on my face. Azriel followed behind me as I rounded the corner and Cassian all but cheered when he saw me. “There you are princess, we went to pull you out of your study but it seems someone beat us to it.” He gave me a small wink and I laughed at the joke behind it. I shook my head as I sat down next to Mor who was already pouring me a glass of wine. 
Rhys spoke to me across the table, “I peaked in and saw the map, tomorrow if you’re up for it I want all of us to go over it.” I nodded and he smiled at me. And we all ate and joked and I left the love I felt for the people in the room washed over me like the waves in the Sidra. 
“So if it comes down to war. Who do we have?” Rhys turned to Cassian and myself. We were all sitting around the map I had been working on, face grim as I explained the various markings. 
“The Illyrians don’t have a choice. The court of nightmares should. We kept up pretty well with Dawn and Day. Winter…” His voice trailed off. I still remember Kallias’ face as the news broke of the attack on Winter. The thousands of babes dead by Amarantha’s hand. The pure loathing his face held as he looked at Rhys. 
“I can talk to them.” I had always liked Kallias. And from the little bit I’ve heard since our return home, he finally married Viviane after being friends since childhood. Viviane was sweet and her, Mor and I had been known to get ourselves in trouble when together. If she would listen, Winter would come around. 
“Autumn and Spring are lost causes.” Cassian sighed beside me, slumping down in his chair. 
“Tamlin is delusional enough to think it would keep him safe.” And keep Feyre safe. But I didn’t say that outloud. “Beron is…well Beron. Unless we think we can pursue one of the brothers to take him out of the equation, I think it’s better to not plan for them.” 
“Summer?” Rhys asked pointedly ignoring Cas’ words on the other seasonal courts. 
“Tarquin is new and young. He’ll side with the majority. But I think I could talk to him and at least see where his loyalties lie.” I had only talked to the new high lord a few times during our time under the mountain. He seemed nice enough, one of the few people who was even willing to talk to me at all. No fear of the role I had been forced into and hoped he would side with us. Hoped his newness wouldn’t scare him into the easy choice.” 
“I don’t like the idea of having two courts fighting against us.” Azriel finally spoke up. I had almost forgotten he was in the room but his shadow currently sitting at my feet should have been reminder enough. “Hybern has the armies he needs and if he has the cauldron….” 
“So what do you suggest?” My brother asked, head in his hands. 
“We talk to them. Let them know that we won’t win this if we’re not unified. Remind them that we fought a war once to avoid this very thing and some courts were on the wrong side of history then and would be now.” I spoke plainly, it was the only answer. If it had been anyone else the idea would have been shot down. But Rhys just let out a heavy breath and nodded. 
“We’ll wait until we’re sure. Some courts will refuse to believe there will be a war until it’s staring them in the face.” The tone in Rhys’ voice letting us know this meeting was over. We all stayed in the room, the same exhausted look sat on our faces. “Good work.” Rhys said to me as he studied the map again. “You got all of this from books?” I had been too young to remember most of the war, let alone fight in it. But at least someone had thought it smart to recount all of it in very exact detail, I just managed to translate to current day Prythian. Rhys was silently nodding to himself as he really studied the map. The others slowly filter out of the room, leaving Rhys and I alone studying the map. 
“And these?” He pointed to the orange marks I had drawn all over. 
“Trade agreement routes, the thicker the line, the more movement there is through that path. They would be the most vulnerable areas since people know them so well. They’re also normally the quickest way between courts.” I pointed out more of the lines and pins. I had so much marked off, down to what ways the rivers flowed and where their currents changed. Rhys just drank in all the information I threw at him, only nodding along to the explanations. I was about to start on another part of the map before I saw his face freeze. 
Rhys had completely stilled besides me. That all-too-familiar far-away look on his. When I raised my eyebrow at him, “What is it? Is it…” He didn’t wait for me to finish, instead he let me into his mind and I almost flinched at whatever feeling Feyre was sending him. The crushing agony and pure terror. It was a feeling I knew all too well. These weren't the few stray glimpses Feyre had sent him while they were separated. This was the very thing all of us were holding our breath for, hoping it never happened. 
“Rhys we can’t just ignore it this time.” I spoke, already leaving the table. His hand wrapped around my wrist, making me pause. 
“If you storm in there, Tamlin has every right to declare a war.” 
“And we’ll have every right to kill his sorry ass. Something that we could have done decades ago.” I spit back at my brother. 
“Please.” His voice shook with fear. Scared for Feyre and maybe for me. I put my hands up in surrender. I couldn’t argue against the tone in his voice. 
“So how do you want to do this then?” I asked him and we started planning. 
In less than 10 minutes Mor had winnowed right on the border of spring and summer. Rhys had insisted that she come along to help. Her status would help blanket us from any repercussions. Plus her powers would come in handy if any of the guards found us. So her and I snuck into that manor I had sworn I would never see again. Do it for Feyre. Be brave for her. I said to myself as my own terror rose to a fever pitch. 
I could see the darkness already pouring out of the house. My anger quickly turned into fear. What did he do to her? The voice in my head screamed. Rhys had already broken the wards and whatever was locking her inside the house. Mor knocked out the guards before they could spot us. When we finally entered the house my blood ran cold. Sitting in a ball of inky darkness was Feyre. Her screams pierced something deep inside of me. I looked around and locked eyes with Alis. Her eyes wide as she took in my face. 
“He locked her in the house. I tried to…Please just keep her safe.” Was all the older fae had said to me. 
My heart warmed at the concern in her voice. The same concern she had once shown me. I nodded and walked towards Feyre. Whatever darkness she was wielding seemed to only be for her and as I shook her shoulder, gently saying her name they retreated slightly. I looked over to Mor who only gave me a small nod. Taking her cue, I picked up the shaking female and was startled by how light she felt. Mor spoke up from beside me. “Your guards are going to have a hell of a headache when they wake up.” 
Alis nodded in understanding and I added. “Don’t tell him where we took her. Please.” And for a second I felt just as broken as the female in my arms. I knew she would tell him, and would have to tell him but a small part of me wished she wouldn’t. But that was unfair to expect of her. It reminded me too much of the same hope I had when I left. Face sunken in and heart broken as I begged her to not tell Tamlin I was leaving. No one was there to help me and I’ll be damned if Feyre ever felt that pain. I didn’t say another word as Mor winnowed us right in front of the border. It felt like I could finally breathe again as the scent shifted to ripe fruit and salt water that marked us as safe. Marked us in summer. Feyre shifted in my arms and mumbled something softly. 
Mor soothed a hand through her hair. “You’re free.” 
Rhys quickly scoped Feyre from my arms without so much as a word. He looked at Mor and I 
“We did everything by the book.” Rhys nodded before I felt the air whoosh around my ears and I knew we had made it home. Rhys deftly climbed the stairs to take Feyre to her room and I just stood staring at my brother back. I blocked out the memories that began to rise to the surface. The scar on my arm prickled and when my other hand raised to scratch at the angry white lines that trailed down my forearm, Mors hand wrapped against mine. Grounding me in the present. 
“She’s free.” She repeated to me. 
“Thank the mother.” I responded as I started to climb the stairs suddenly bone tired. 
Feyre didn’t emerge from her room that night or the next morning. More than once I found myself standing outside her door, hand held up to knock but some part of my brain told me not to. Rhys hasn't left her side the whole time she was asleep. Whatever magic she had used in the house had exhausted her and I felt my heart pang for her. How alone she must have felt, how scared she must have been to be locked in that house. I remember my simple panic the first time I went to the basement of the townhouse. How it transported me back to under the mountain, I couldn’t imagine how it felt to be locked away again.  
When I finally did see her, she seemed to have gotten a little color back. Enough so that she was able to argue with Rhys again. I didn’t linger this time to hear the fight, letting them duke it out in private. But as Rhys turned the corner, I knew something that happened. Something important. 
”We’re going home.” 
If someone had told me two months ago that Feyre would be standing in the living room of our home in Velaris I would have probably keeled over laughing. But here we were, Feyre’s eyes flickering from spot to spot in the house. I couldn’t get a read on her face but before I could even process that, I heard a pounding on the door. Cassian’s voice filtering through the wood, already complaining. Rhys shot me a look that said deal with them please. He tried to hide it but I could tell he was waiting for Feyre’s reaction to her surroundings. A hint of anything to gauge how she was feeling. He needed her to like this place like he needed to breathe. So I excused myself from the room and slipped out the front door. 
”Are you serious Cas?”
”I want to meet her. She’s right there, my brothers m-” I cut him off, blocking both him and Azriel from trying to peek into the house. They could easily push right past me but stayed a healthy distance. 
”Do not finish that sentence. Do you want all of Velaris to know?” I whispered screamed at him and he rolled his eyes.
”I promise you drama queen, no one’s up this early. I don’t want to be up this early.” 
After a few minutes of us bickering back and forth, Rhys opened the door and said to us, “Are you all just going to stand there?” 
Cassian all but trampled me trying to get in the house. I laughed when I saw his crestfallen face as he noticed Feyre was no longer in the room. “She was here right?” He spoke to the room. 
”Maybe she’s scared of your good looks Cas, can’t have her falling in love with the wrong Illyrian bastard now can we?” I shot Rhys a wink and he growled lightly. 
”She’ll meet you when she’s ready.” Was all he said before he rangled all of us into the dining room. 
Feyre slept for the rest of the morning. She came down the stairs dressed in Night Court clothes and I felt my breath catch in my throat. The way they seemed to compliment her well enough and I had to bite my tongue to prevent me from pointing that out. Rhys met her at the door and shot me a vulgar gesture at my sugary sweet, “Be safe kids.” That I called out from my spot on the couch. I sat on the couch until the sun started to set. I had just got to the good part and debated even going to the dinner at all but I was dying to see how Feyre would handle our crazy family. If she had any chance at surviving here, she needed to like them or they would drive her crazy. Although from Cassian’s earlier words that might be the case either way. So I groaned and pulled myself off the couch, pulling on the first thing that I saw and winnowed with Mor to the front steps of the house. 
Azriel and Cassian were waiting to fly us up. Cassian wrapped his arm around Mor’s waist and Azriel did the same to me. I hardly felt my feet leave the ground before he was already placing me down in front of the door. I had not had the heart to come here since I’ve been home. Too many memories for me to want to come alone and Mor grabbed my hand as she pulled me through the threshold. We had just settled in before I heard the faint trails of Rhys and Feyre voices outside the door. I couldn’t stop the two males from bounding to the door, they flung it open to reveal a very annoyed looking Rhys. I held my breath as she stood in the doorway, eyes searching for something and she landed on me. She squared her shoulders but Cassian was already speaking.
”I promise we won't bite.” 
Last I heard, Cassian, no one has taken you up on that offer.” And I laughed as Feyre’s face blanched. I didn’t miss the way the female's eyes raked over the Illyrians as they stepped into the light. I tried not the bristle as her eyes lingered on Azriel just a fraction longer than I would have liked. Rhys introduced the two and it was Feyres response to one of his questions that made me feel a frision of pride. 
”How the hell did you manage to survive this long without anyone killing you?” She would fit right in and Cassian’s booming laugh told me that very same thing. Armen had appeared almost out of thin air as we all made our way to the table. 
Feyre was slowly filled in about how the three brothers had met. Her eyes flickered to me during the story. 
”Where do you fit into all of this, besides being his sister.” She quickly added. Everyone seemed to be waiting for me to answer. 
”I mean there's not much else to it besides that. He got stuck with them so I did too. I nearly knocked Cassian's teeth in the first time I met him and I’ve been stuck with them ever since.” I stuck my tongue out at Cassian who rolled his eyes. 
”You mean you broke your fist trying to, princess. I had to nurse you back to health and you were helpless but to fall for my charm.” Now it was my turn to roll my eyes and I fought the urge to throw my bread across the table at him. If it wasn't for Feyre I would have. The rest of the stories and tales flowed out and, much to Feyre’s credit, she didn’t falter in the slightest. She interjected at the perfect moments, making jokes that had everyone roaring with laughter. Then the tables were turned onto her and Cassian was asking her about her life. After she had finished she turned to Rhys.
’I accept your offer- to work with you.” And I wanted to scream and cheer. I felt no such joy from Rhys as he started.
”Good because we start tomorrow. Hybern is starting this war and he’s going to bring back Jurian to help him.” I felt a shiver run down my back. Rhys had neglected to tell me that part. In an instant the lighthearted conversation was thrown to the side and Cassian launched into full general mode.
 I tried my best to keep up with this new bit of information, how it would throw a wrench into any attempts of a plan. I missed the conversation that followed, mind already trying to figure out the adjustments I would need to make to the map in my office. Armen managed to snap me out of my thinking. 
”The Bone Carver might indeed be willing to talk to her.” She pointed a finger at Feyre and I went to argue against the ancient female. Rhy had beaten me to it. 
”Your choice, always your choice, Feyre.” and I tried to keep the fear off my face as she answered. 
”How bad could it be.” Cassians’ answer had her face pale as a ghost and it was clear dinner was over at that moment. The others reduced to arguing over the semantics and who would be doing what in preparation for their journey to the prison. My eyes suddenly felt very heavy at the sounds of their voices. Azriel’s gentle hand on my shoulder was the sign that the arguing had stopped at all. I didn’t need to be asked a second time and as he flew me back down to the ground below Velaris, I wondered if all of us would make it through the war a second time.
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Taglist: @durgenyx @tothestarsandwhateverend @quinzzelx
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cinewhore · 7 months
ok be real with me is it weird to write my downstairs neighbor a note about her sexcapades?
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dilemmaontwolegs · 6 days
Angel || LN4
Summary: Kingsday gets a little wild, in honour of Lando’s nose. Warnings: alcohol, injuries, blood WC: 1.7k
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Lando wasn’t drunk, but he was by no means sober either. Everyone had warned him the Kingsday event was a marathon not a sprint so he was taking it slow, sipping his rum and coke out of the orange paper cup while the river boat cruised its course.
By midafternoon it was another story completely.
Martin had taken a break and let a playlist continue the party without him on the deck while he went in search of Lando. The British driver had reached the point of being tipsy and fallen into a state of drunkenness where he could no longer block out his intrusive thoughts. Everywhere he looked couples were dancing or making out and he couldn’t help the despair of loneliness that separated him from the fun.
Leaning back on the cushions that covered the bow, Lando looked up to the bright blue sky and wondered why he couldn’t find someone that loved him with the same passion he had. He was always the one to fall harder and knew it was why things didn’t work out long-term.
The half empty cup was stolen from his hand and Lando lolled his head to see Martin drinking it dry. “No more for you, my friend. Smile! It’s Kingsday: the sun is out and the music is loud.”
“Sorry,” Lando sighed, not quite able to muster up a real smile.
“What’s wrong?” Martin dropped onto a cushion beside him and nudged his shoulder until Lando spilled the thoughts he was harbouring.
“These heels are killing me,” you complained as they wobbled on the cobblestone. “Can we stop for a minute?”
There were groans from some of the guys in the group but their girlfriends silenced them. You smiled gratefully at your friends but knew they were in just as much pain after hours of drinking in the city for Kingsday. The thought of walking any further to the house party someone had invited everyone to nearly had you calling for a taxi, despite the chances of getting one next to nothing.
“Lennon said there will be tons of single guys at the party. In that dress you will totally pull a 10,” Sarah said as she leaned back against the bridge rail and rolled each ankle to ease the ache.
You laughed at the statement and mirrored her position, careful not to drop the glass you had accidentally stolen from the last bar. “Getting laid isn’t the problem, it’s getting the guy to stick around afterwards.”
“Relationships are overrated,” she said, blowing a kiss to Lennon when he looked her way and raised a brow. “Not ours, baby.”
You sighed longingly as they shared a smile. “I want what you guys have.”
“Well then you better hurry up because the love of your life might just be waiting for you. Wouldn’t want to miss that, would you?”
You rolled your eyes but decided that you would continue the walk barefoot and put your heels back on when you got to the house. Leaning against the rail, you balanced on one foot and reached for your heel just as a drunkard went flying past on his e-bike.
“Ah, shit!” you screamed as you lost your balance, toppling back over the rail and straight towards the murky water below.
Martin yawned as he listened to Lando’s long winded explanation for why he was alone and all his friends were in relationships.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t realise I was putting you to sleep,” he sassed.
“Well if you want some advice, from someone in a relationship, you’re not helping yourself moping around. For starters, you need to get up,” Martin encouraged as he rose to his feet and offered his friend a hand before the sunlight disappeared, the boat passing under one of the many bridges. “Love isn’t going to just fall into your lap-”
A scream pierced the air before a flurry of orange material crashed onto Lando, both their eyes squinting to readjust to the bright sunlight out of the tunnel.
Your heart hammered in your chest as you realised you were still alive and you looked around to see what had broken your fall. “Holy shit, I am so sorry!”
A stunned man sat beneath you and you reached for his face as you noticed the blood running down his nose. “Oh my god, did I do that? Are you alright? Shit, you probably don’t speak English.”
“He speaks English. It’s getting him to shut up that’s the problem,” a man standing above you said with a laugh. “Lando, mate, snap out of it.”
You started to climb off his lap but his arms tightened around you and he shook his head with a wince. “Don’t move, you might have broken something.”
“Fuck, I’m so sorry,” you apologised again.
“Not me, you muppet,” he laughed. “You might have broken something.”
You patted yourself down, straightening your dress back into place at the same time, but everything felt fine. You tested your wrists and ankles too, only to notice you had indeed broken things.
“What’s the damage?” Lando asked.
“Ego mostly,” you admitted sheepishly. “I think I broke my heel on your face.”
“Pretty sure that was your glass,” he said looking at what remained in your hand, the sting of the cut on your palm finally appearing when you noticed the blood on the broken glass. “How bad is it? Am I hideous?”
“You are still a 10,” you giggled after noticing he was devastatingly handsome, even with the cut across his nose. Grabbing the hem of your dress, you gently dabbed the blood away before realising that it was a stupid idea. “You don’t have any diseases, do you?”
“Rabies,” his friend joked.
“Speak for yourself, mate,” Lando shot back and while they bickered jokingly you heard your name called from the river bank. “Is that your boyfriend?”
“Are you alive?” Lennon shouted as he ran along with the boat.
“Nope, I’ve died and gone to heaven!”
“I’ll let Sarah know!” He grew smaller as he stopped running and the boat continued downstream to some unknown destination.
“That’s my best friend’s boyfriend,” you explained as you patted your bra but found your phone missing. “Can I borrow your phone? I think mine drowned.”
Lando carefully shifted you so he could get to his pocket before settling you back on his lap. The grateful smile you gave him almost made him drop the device and he had to enter his passcode in twice before he got it right.
“Where is this boat heading to?” you asked as the dial tone connected. “Hey, it’s me, calm down, I’m alive.”
“Good, I’ll kill you myself! You gave me a fucking heart attack, woman!” You had to hold the phone away from your ear as she shouted her concern.
“I didn’t do it on purpose, but I’m sorry for giving you a heart attack.”
“As you should be! Len said you landed on some guy. Is he hot?”
Your face heated and you knew he had heard the question with the curious look on his face. “Mhmm, very.”
“You should invite him to the party and do a little sexy dance for him!”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea. I kind of…broke his face.”
The silence was damning before you swore you heard her laugh from all the way upstream. “Only you could have the worst luck with men.”
“Trust me, I know all too well. Anyway, they are stopping at the Rose Bridge so I’ll just meet you guys there. Guess my luck isn’t all that bad.”
You ended the call and handed the phone back.
“What party are you going to?” Lando asked as he pocketed it again.
“I don’t know, it’s some house party. There’s a local DJ playing.”
Lando’s smile grew and he pointed to his friend. “Local DJ, ha!”
As it turned out the house party wasn’t actually a party at someone’s house and the DJ wasn’t just locally renowned. Once you were finally introduced to Lando’s friend you found out he was the DJ, Martin Garrix, and Lando was even more famous.
“I can’t afford a lawsuit,” you groaned when you realised you had practically assaulted a celebrity.
“It’s just a scratch,” Lando assured you after Martin found a first aid kick. His poor attempt at wrapping a bandage made Lando look like a mummy so you took the box yourself and found a couple of small butterfly stitches. “Nothing a kiss wouldn’t fix.”
You giggled at his flirty nature you had come to adore in the last hour and if you hadn’t drunk so much liquid courage at the bar you probably wouldn't have been able to lean closer and kiss his cheek. His skin was warm and soft beneath your lips and when you opened your eyes you found his blue eyes staring intently back. “Better?”
He shook his head. “Nope, I think it needs another try.”
“Hmmm, good idea.” You kissed his other cheek and grinned when he pouted. “No? One last try.”
Your fingers delighted in the feel of his soft hair as you combed the curls and dipped your head to his. Your heart rate spiked and you closed your eyes as you kissed his pillow-soft lips teasingly slowly before his hands cupped your face and he deepened the kiss.
You broke away with a small gasp and your eyes were wide with the want for more. It was a look reflected on Lando’s face as he gently stroked your heated cheeks.
“Hey, lovebirds! We’re here,” Martin called as the boat reached the canal edge.
You kicked off your broken heels and Lando frowned before he gave you his, looping his fingers into the straps of your shoes to carry them. You were already wearing his shirt since your dress had his blood on it and you were certain you looked at absolute mess.
“Ready to party, Angel?”
“What else would I call a beautiful woman who fell from the heavens?” Lando wondered if he was making a mistake and moving to fast like he always did but it was too late, the question was already out there.
“You could call me your girlfriend.” You cringed in an instant. “I mean not tonight, that would be way too quick but-”
Lando cut you off with a kiss and you felt his smile against your lips before he asked, “How about tomorrow?”
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luverboychris · 2 months
IN WHICH.. things become complicated when two friends in the same group like you. one being your secret fuck buddy.
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dom!matt x fem reader, secret fuckbuddy — 1.4k words
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why were you feeling like this? this god damn feeling arising inside you for the fourth time this week. you weren’t used to it. and you never have felt it before this much, especially towards him. so why was this happening so much recently?
the feeling of jealousy. just seeing a girl by his side made your face go a shade of red you didn’t want to come to terms with.
“y/n baby! come here.” cole shouts. you couldn’t really begin to explain your relationship with this boy. almost dating.. but not quite yet. what was stopping you from dating him?
well you knew the answer. you just didn’t want to say it out loud because the answer was his friend, matt.
you snap your gaze towards cole, seeing him flick his hand out to you with a drink in front of all his friends. and of course a random girl sitting next to matt. who was she? you never felt so vulnerable, as a bunch of male eyes are on you, looking you up and down. you gulp before walking over to him.
cole sitting down on one of the chairs, you standing above him as he wraps his free arm around your waist. “tell the boys the story on how we met, you tell it better than i do.” he laughs.
matt almost burns holes with his eyes as he looks at his friend’s hold on your body. you attempt to swallow your guilt, the guilt of how oblivious the boy was to your attraction to his friend matt. oblivious to how you and matt will fuck whenever you get the chance. in his head, he thinks he’s the reason you know matt but he has it all wrong.. you’ve known him for way longer. you would never tell him though, it would break him.
all of his friends flip their eyes onto you then to their good old friend cole that they care for so much, yet you know damn well matt is only looking at you.
“yeah, please.” matt blurts, “tell us how you two lovebirds met.” he adds. you wanted to completely ignore him but you didn’t want to come off as weird and suspicious. his cocky smirk forming against his drink as his lips grip onto the top of the glass cup.
you hated him. you hated this.
he loved you. and he loved this.
“well.. uh.” you stutter. cole’s grip on your waist tightens. “he was in my english class and he accidentally bumped into me. it was cute, i was a hot mess.. nervous for my exam and he was kind enough to calm me down.”
matt melts into his chair a little, arms crossed with his lips still lingering over his cup as he man spreads his legs. he was starting to act as if he owns the bar. “continue..” matt says.
“after that.. we sat down and he helped me with studying. we talked and talked for hours—”
“then he asked you out?” matt asks.
cole looks up at you to see your response, such innocence absorbing his face. “he asked me out on a date yeah..” you mumble out.
“ah i see.. he took you out on a date. but you’re not dating?” matt questions. you wanted to crawl across the table and punch him with how dumb he was playing in front of everyone. he knew the situation more than anyone, he just loved to tease.
“y/n isn’t ready to date.. but i’ll wait for her i don’t care.” cole jumped in and responded for you. all the friends smile but you catch matt sneakily roll his eyes.
“you’re simping so bad for her man.” matt scoffs, “i hate love, makes me sick to my stomach.” the boys laugh in unison as matt pretends to projectile vomit.
“i mean do you see her? how could i not matt?” cole laughs out.
you watch matt as he begins to look you up and down with his blue sensual eyes, “mhm, i see her.” he whispers out. is everyone blind?!— you thought to yourself. can they not see the sexual tension just roaming through the air coming off of matt right towards you? because you can, and matt definitely knows as well.
he loves how much sexual tension you two have. just the eyes alone that he gives you makes you weak to your knees but you’re good at hiding it, for the most part.
the random girl’s hand sneaks up around matt’s chair and you blink profusely at her flirty positioning. you begin to fidget, taking cole’s hand off your waist causing it to fall to his side.
“um, i’m going to the bathroom.” you blurt out. the table nods at your words and you don’t look back to look at him. you don’t want to give him even a taste of satisfaction from doing that. you knew he would feed off of it, and get excited.
the bathroom still having the music from the bar playing on the speakers in every corner. the bar’s bathroom had no privacy whatsoever.. meaning anyone could come in at any time.
you turn on the faucet and scrub your hands, hoping you can at least wash off just a smidge of jealousy that was steaming off of you. but it was no use.. you still wash your hands with agression as you cuss at yourself. you look at your reflection in the mirror, feeling ever so guilty.
“well hi cole’s girl.” he says, sarcasm laced in his voice. there was matt leaning against the door frame with his hands in the pocket of his black jeans. his car keys dangling from the front right one.
“matt, why’d you follow me?” you say, flipping your gaze off of him and back to yourself in the mirror.
he walks up from behind you, leaning down towards the back of your neck as he goes to remove your hair. he pushes it all to one side, letting your exposed skin be all out on display for him.
“you know why.” he whispers, reaching down to leave a trail of kisses softly down your neck. you feel chills run throughout your body with the gentleness of his lips pressed against your sensitive skin.
“i-i don’t.” you sigh out. you couldn’t help but close your eyes because of every kiss he leaves on your neck. he then starts to let his cold fingertips wander up your unclothed arms. 
“baby don’t lie to me.” he says, “you’re thinking about me.” he grabs all your hair, softly pulling it to the other side now as he kisses the skin he hasn’t given attention to, “just like how i’m only thinking about you..” he adds.
“and you want me to fuck the shit out of you like i did last week. i can tell, don’t deny it.” he whispers against your skin.
you feel your face heat up as you open your eyes. you push him off of you, “shut the fuck up matt!” you say. and there he was again with that snarky smile, so confident and dark looking.
a small laugh escapes his lips, “relax.” he says. god, he was such a dick. not only could anyone come in at anytime, he was trying to make you horny and it was working.
“ugh i..” is all you say, sucking on the inside of your mouth with your fists clenching.
“hmm? you what? you hate me?” he teases, coming closer to you. you don’t respond to him, “tell me that you hate me.”
“i hate you.” you say, the words flowing out like a stream. you say it again, over and over. three words that you didn’t actually mean, “i hate you, i hate you, i hate you.”
he reaches down to kiss your babbling lips, kissing you harder as ever. “i hate you.” you breath into his mouth.
“baby.. you love me.” he breaths out.
he reaches his left arm down to your inner thigh and grips onto it tightly, making a moan come out of you. he always does things with his left arm, he knows it gets a rise out of you. the arm filled with all his tattoos.
“let another man touch you like that again..” matt’s lips brush onto yours with each word, “and i will fucking kill them.”
he rubs his ring and middle finger against your underwear. “matt, h-he’s your friend.” you moan out. that sentence makes him rub you with more aggression.
“i don’t give a fuck.” he groans against your lips when he finally can feel how wet you are. “friend or not.. you’re not letting a man wrap his hands around your waist like that in front of me.”
“but you can have a girl have her hands around you?” you snap, the image of the girl’s arm around matts back while he was sitting down started to replay.
“oh shut up. you fucking know i only want you.” he says.
“you have me.” you moan out, as he rubs your clit through your underwear, the thin fabric blocking his touch made the sensation feel so much more intense, “im yours.” you add.
“for someone who hates me, you sure obey me well baby.”
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─── aid speaks ᝰ.ᐟ ───
╰┈ ⌞₊˚ est. march 9th 2024🗒 ˎˊ˗ ⌝
so im trying a new style lmk if u guys like it. someone requested to do a cheating type fic and i dont write that so i did my own twist wee! i hope i exceeded your expectations, anonymous cutie! i would love to do a part 2 on this so lmk if u want that maybe. i love u guys sm.
tags - @recklessmatt @plasticferal @imwetforyourmom @chr1sgirl4life @mayhem-72 @valeriestromboli @blahbel668 @whicked-hazlatwhore @penelopevonsweets23 @roostersforevergirl @pepsiluvr0209 @breeloveschris @strtuniolo @hearts4chris @matthewsfilmsss @obsessivekniss @st7rnioioss @mattybearnard @ireadstoriss @strawberrysturniolo @gamermattsgf @mattslutt @creamoncreamoncream2 @mattslolita @sturnioloss @alexosllurr @iluvm4ttsturni0l0 @robins-scoop @lustfulslxt @sturniololol @eroticsturn @mattybsbitch @septumchris @m4ttslvr @jjmaybankswifes-blog @8blonded @inlovewithmattstur @carolinalikesthings @angelic-sturniolos111 @b2cute @cindylcuwho @st7rnioioss @rootbeerworshiper @ellie-luvsfics @mattsturniolowifey @nicksmainbitch @sstvrnioloo
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maybankcore · 2 months
rafe cameron — nsfw alphabet ༝༚༝༚
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context : the alphabet.. but each letter has a new rafe cameron nsfw/sfw concept. this is also bunny!reader x rafe.
tws : smut, nsfw, rafe x sweet/bunny reader, cream pie, voyeurism, brief degrading, brief daddy kink. fingering, porn/nudes, tying reader up, oral sex, a ton of nsfw headcanons.
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A: aftercare • you would tend to get sleep almost immediately after you come, and the first thing rafe does is take you to the bathroom and let you pee so u don’t get a UTI, n he’ll probably wait outside and keep asking “u done baby?” ‘till you clean up. and obviously, after the oh so harddd task of peeing, he’ll carry you back to bed. rafe somehow doesn’t get tired after sex, but seeing you already get lazy eyed, he has no choice but to lay down with his little bun and cuddle up with her.
B: boobs. literally boobs. • rafe loves your tits, and he loves grabbing them even more. he’ll randomly come up behind you when you’re doing your makeup, hair, etc. and just grab ur boobs. he loves the way they fit perfectly in his big palm, and how flustered you get too. “rafe! stop— i’m doing my makeup!!” you’d say, as you wave his hands away, feigning annoyance. “relax baby, their just too tempting.” rafe snickered, smirking. rafe just can’t get enough of them, especially when your wearing the thin, baby pink, lacy top from victoria’s secret.
C: cum • okay, rafe knows that he has to use a condom, blah blah blah. but on those days where he just needs a good, raw, fuck.. trust me, he’d cum inside you, making sure every inch of his hot cum fills you up to the brim. and rest assured, you’d hate and love it at the same time.
D: dirty talk • he’d soooo dirty talk you in public, whispering sweet nothings in your ear, knowing how wet your sweet pussy gets just by the sound of his voice. he’d sometimes say the most vile things about what he’d to you when you both get home.
“do you really think i’m not noticing your blowjob eyes as i’m golfing, huh? y’know.. i’d love seeing those eyes of yours when i’m fucking you endlessly. making you cum so hard. oh god, baby, i can hear those pretty moans of yours already. hmm?” he’d huskily whisper, inches by the shell of your ear. and then, he’d walk off as if nothing happened. leaving you anticipated for the entire day, squeezing your thighs and drinking an excessive amount of water to help with the heat building in your cheeks.
E: experience • rafe deffo has experience with sex. but i wouldn’t call him the biggest man-whore, since he met you in s2 of obx, i’d say he had 4 bodies by then. 2 of them being random hookups and the other 2 being girls from a short term relationship w/ him. i also hc that bunny!reader would have a few bodies, but would act like she’s a virgin just for rafe, similar to how maddie perez did it.
F: fingering • mmm, rafe is a master at fingering. he knows how to get your pussy wet and make it even wetter when he’s touching you. he’d start off with just a few strokes on your clothed pussy, building up tension that you so desperately want to release. n then when you’d get all needy he’d slide your panties down and spread your thighs.
you’d position yourself on his lap, head on his shoulder, looking at him with your big bambi eyes, pleading. and he’d slowly circle your clit in circular motions, taking pleasure in the way your hips jerked and lips parted with heavy breaths. and then he’d sink two fingers in, slowly at first, and then going faster. the cold touch of his golden rings slipping between your lips made you moan. loud. and in amidst of all this, he’d be doing some random thing on his laptop, but secretly taking a voice memo of your sweet moans. to obviously jerk off to later, you really think he’d pleasure you and restrict himself from doing it later on?
G: g-spot • imagine no guy has actually found your g-spot before, they’d just fuck you and you’d get that tiny ounce of pleasure that made you cum, but when rafe first fingered you, curling up his fingers to hit that sweet spot that only you yourself could find, you UNRAVELED. i’m sure he was shocked at how loud you moaned. he had thought you’d never gotten fingered before. but when you told him that no guy had actually fingered you that good, he was both pleased and shook. “what d’you mean no one’s found your g-spot? isn’t that like— the main thing in sex??” but to be honest.. him being the only guy that found your g-spot really boosted his confidence lol.
H: hair • rafe absolutely loves your hair, playing with it, braiding it, seeing how it drapes over your shoulders elegantly. he had never met someone who takes care of their hair like their life depends on it. you’d have serums, hair masks, good hair days and bad hair days, and rafe was all here for it.
(this is for my curly hair readers btw). sometimes when your hair wasn’t cooperating you’d get annoyed and bang your hairbrush against your head, clearly disheveling your hair, and rafe would come over and brush it for you. putting in your gel, mousse and even diffusing it.
rafe also is weirdly obsessed with how your hair smells, he’d bury his shoulder into it, or randomly smell it throughout the day, and once he’d even gotten wheeze to smell your hair.. “her hair smells so good right? i don’t even know how, it just smells fuckin’ amazing.” he’d proudly state, and you not being sure if wether that’s creepy or cute.
I: initials (tattooed) • right on his chest, beneath his heart, are the two letters of your name, more so, your initials. Y/N.Y/L/N written in a bold, italic font. and right next to it is your favorite animal, a bunny. you were struck when he had actually gotten a whole ass bunny tatted next to your initial!!
J: jerking off in ur absence • whenever rafe has trips, or if you’ve been away for some time, rafe deffo jerks off to pictures you sent to him. you’d send a teasing mirror pic of you getting dressed, your hand covering your nipples. and then you’d send a soapy tit pic of you in the shower. but lastly, a day before you come back, you’d send the hottest picture of you in rafes favorite pink lingerie set, playing with yourself and moaning rafes name. leaving him needy and desperate until he lands..
K: kinks • omg the amount of kinks u and rafe would share imagine him fucking you for the first time and slowly starts roughing you up, only to see you cooperate and urge him to do more. the smirk on his facee😩.
L: location (where you fuck) • personally, public sex is a huge turn in for rafe, but being the little slut you are, it’s an even bigger turn-on for you. obviously you’d fuck in his bed or yours, and sometimes i’m the couch or kitchen counter. rafe would also take you on the druthers boat and make you ride his lap, stopping when a boat comes buy, your sweaty face and messed up outfit being evident.
M: marks • rafe would leave hickeys everywhere. stomach, thighs, neck, collarbone, shoulders, tits, even inches away from your pussy. you’d leave bite marks on rafe, scratches illuminating his back, and lipstick stains all over his collar and cheek.
N: nudes • he just has a hidden album filled with your nudes. wether its videos of you both fucking, teasing pictures you’d send him of your bikini try ons, or you fingering your self. he’d also have voice memos of your moans saved. p.s, rafe would so ask you to talk about something random for a minute on voice memos and jerk off to your voice.
O: only fans acc • a little similar to the one on top ^. but imagine making an only fans account where ur only follower/subscriber is rafe. and trust, he will act like a whole ass fan. he’ll comment on your videos; “omg ur so hot can i request food play” with a +400$ message next to it. youd livestream and he’d be your only viewer, talking you through playing with yourself. and when i mean he’s a fan, i mean this man would literally pay you 1000$ per month as per his ‘subscription’..
P: plushies • whilst fucking you hard, rafe would grab your favorite plushy and tell you to hold it. he found it so fucking hot seeing you cling onto the soft toy, bringing it to your mouth to bite onto to hold back your loud moans.
Q: quickies • yall would deffo have quick fucks in between parties, hangouts, dinners, etc. sometimes if your ovulating you’d practically beg on your knees for a quickie with rafe. “rafeyy, please. if you don’t do anything i’ll go to the bathroom n’deal with it myself!” you whine, nudging his arm to get up from his seat at an event. and obviously, he gives in. every. single. time.
R: riding his thigh • when your extremely horny, and need an immediate relief youd prop yourself on rafes thigh and start grinding. this would be your only option as he’d dismiss your attempts to make him fuck you, so he’d tap his thigh and say “if your really that horny jus’ ride my thigh. cmon, you wanted to come, right?”. you’d get so wet, making a mess on his sweatpants.
S: sucking his dick • messy blowjobs>>. sucking him off after a hard day, at a party when he’s high and needy, or right after you went to his family dinner. you’d look so perfect with your big, glossy eyes staring up at him. head bobbing as you perfectly swirl the pad of your tongue against the base of his cock. him groaning and praising your amazing head-giving skills.
T: tying you up • hands above your head, a belt knotted against both your wrists, restraining you from pushing rafe away whilst he fucks you mindlessly. rafe would be destroying you, pounding in and out as you take the pleasure like a good girl. you are his little bun, after all.
U: unfair • teasing you when your sat on his lap, waiting for him to finish off his work, whilst he slowly and lightly circles your clit. “daddy, i really need you.” you’d moan in his ear. “i know baby, i know. daddies gotta finish this off first, ‘kay?” and so you waited, only for him to go into the shower, not even letting you in.
V: voyeurism • sliding your panties off and stuffing it in his pocket is his favorite thing to do when he’s off golfing whilst your sitting in your garden chair, feeling the coldness of the air blowing against your sticky cunt. not being able to fix the unbearable tension in your pulsing clit, and having to wait till you get home.
W: what/how big is he • a whopping 7.3 inches. a tad bit specific ik, but the way he’d ruin you.. and what’s funny is the fact that rafe knows he’s big!! and he knows that you can take it too.
X: ion know what to put for this one.. so i’m gonna put a random hc of rafe.. • has a weird food play kink?.. i just feel like he’d take ice cream and lick it off your tits, or spread chocolate syrup all over your nipples and stomach and lick it off too. (obviously nothing down there, don’t wanna get a yeast infection).
Y: ‘your too big!’ • lining himself up against you, seeing his big cock already needy of slamming into you, made you worry. your eyes slightly widened at his size, how the fuck is he gonna fit?. “rafey, i don’t think it’s gonna fit.. your too big.” you mustered out, wanting but at the same time not wanting him. “shhh bun, ts’ gunna fit, i’ll go realll slow? okay baby?” he stated, making you ease up and unclench your pussy, allowing full entrance. he slowly slid inside you, already owning a long moan and scatters of whimpers escaping your mouth. he went in further, and you took him in fully. “good girl, i told you it’d fit.”
Z: also have no idea, so another random hc one again! • loves seeing you spit out his cum after sucking him off. just seeing his cum drop down your chin turns him on sm and makes him hard asf.
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janaispunk · 25 days
come morning light
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chapter 2 • series masterlist
pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader
summary: An injured Joel and Ellie stumble into your home in the middle of the night. Against your better judgement, you decide to help them.
word count: ~2.5k
tags/warnings: post outbreak, slow burn, found family, age gap (sorry not sorry), able-bodied reader, angst, reader has a sad sad backstory and ptsd, hurt/comfort, fluff, eventual smut, vague description of an injury
a/n: i'm finally finished with chapter 2, and once again nervous af about it haha. there's not terribly much happening in this one, but i promise we'll get there, it just needs the buildup :)
thank you @catchallfangirl for beta reading <3
follow @janaispunknotifs for fic updates and find my full masterlist here :)
dividers as always by the lovely @saradika-graphics 🤍
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You don’t feel like you’ve slept at all, but after hours of tossing and turning in the darkness of your bedroom, you think it’s probably time to get up. 
You’re halfway convinced that last night’s events were a product of your imagination, that your mind has felt so lonely that it conjured up the whole scenario. But when you step out of your bedroom and find the door of your parents’ bedroom only halfway closed, the way you have never left it before saying good night to Ellie earlier, you have to come to terms with the fact that this might actually be your reality. 
Ellie seems to be sound asleep, a lump under the covers, softly breathing, but when you head to the living area and switch on one of the smaller lamps, you’re met with the piercing glare of Joel. He’s still lying on the couch, much like you left him, still pale, still dark shadows under his eyes, but he’s much more awake now, his gaze following your every move. 
“Hey,” you say softly, sinking down on the same armchair that you sat in when you watched him last night while Ellie took a shower. You suppress a shudder at the way he regards you, his eyes flicking up and down your body, taking in your size, you presume, searching for weapons. Your gun is tucked into the waistband at the back of your pants, which you’re sure he’s already aware of. You don’t like the way he makes you feel, like somehow you’re intruding on him. You should have the upper hand, this is your home and he’s injured, you helped him for crying out loud, and here you are, nervously watching his every move. You did the right thing. It’s gonna be fine. 
“Where’s Ellie?” he asks, ignoring your greeting, his voice gruff. 
“Sleeping,” you reply, nodding your head to the bedroom door. “She’s okay, I promise.” 
Some of the tension seems to release from his body and he slumps back down a little, but the distrust in his expression when he looks at you doesn’t waver. Then again, you’re probably not much different. 
“Look,” you sigh, “I’m not playing some kind of game here. You came into my house, I saw that you needed help, so I helped.” You try to infuse your voice with as much confidence as you can. “Don’t make me regret that, okay?” 
He shrugs, a noncommittal grunt the only verbal answer. It could potentially be interpreted as a thanks, you guess. In a less tense situation, you’d probably grow annoyed by now. Shrugging yourself, you get to your feet and head to the kitchen. Anything to escape the way he’s watching your every movement.
“Hey, do you want coffee?” You don’t really want to offer him any, but you’d feel weird drinking it yourself without asking. 
He pipes up at the question, head turning in your direction, his face the most open that you’ve seen it yet. “You have coffee?” 
“Yeah.” That’s why I’m fucking asking. 
“I– yes.” A breath, a second of him not meeting your eyes. “Thanks.” 
You smile, small, fleetingly, busying yourself with the ground beans and the boiling water, reveling in the smell that slowly spreads throughout the room. It reminds you of happier times, when the world was still normal. 
He has pushed himself into a sitting position, breathing heavily, when you walk over to hand him the steaming cup, still careful to keep your distance. 
After you sit back down, the both of you stay silent for a few minutes. You enjoy the bitter taste on your tongue, the way you slowly feel your energy rising. 
“Does it hurt much?” you ask eventually, gesturing towards his stomach. 
Another grunt, the hint of a head shake. 
“So it does.” He opens his mouth, the protest most likely already on his tongue, and you raise an eyebrow. “I have painkillers, are you sure that you–”
“No.” It comes fast, his voice raised, no room for arguments.
You instinctively flinch back at the unexpected louder sound, the cup shaking in your grip. You set it down on the table in front of you. Have your hands free, just in case.
There’s a hint of regret in his eyes, his free hand slightly raised, palm open. He’s trying to calm you down, you realize. 
“Okay,” you breathe, working hard to keep your voice steady, “no painkillers, got it.” 
“Sorry,” he mutters, his face half hidden, words almost lost behind the cup. “Didn’t mean to scare you.” 
“It’s alright,” you tell him as much as yourself. 
You’ve gotten jumpy, not used to loud sounds anymore, raised voices, not used to humans in general, you suppose. You hadn’t fully realized it until now, until there’s other humans around you again.
“Thank you,” he continues unexpectedly, “not just for the coffee, but– you know.” He’s struggling, the words not coming easily, but you think that he’s being earnest. “Patching me up.”
“Of course.” You nod hastily, your heart still beating a little too fast. 
Another moment passes in silence, both of you slowly sipping the coffee. He’s looking around, taking in his surroundings, eyes lingering on the closed wooden doors and the stairs leading up. You try not to get nervous about it. It’s normal that he would want to know more about where he is, after all. 
“This is the basement, right? Is it safe?” 
“Yeah,” you breathe. “No way to get in from outside.” As long as you stay inside, you’re safe.
He hums, appreciatively, you think.
“How long have you been living here?” 
“Always. It’s my parents’ house. I mean–” you laugh, but it comes out hollow, “we lived upstairs, obviously. But my dad was… kinda crazy. Or– not that crazy, I guess, all things considered.” Your lips curl into a wry smile. 
Your mind flashes back to long lectures about survival techniques, learning how to shoot, your father going on and on about first aid, hunting, all the things that you couldn’t have cared less about as a teenage girl, but were ingrained in your brain nonetheless. You’re grateful, now, but it’s laced with guilt about how often you snapped at your father, how often you told him he was paranoid, seeing dangers that weren’t there, that he was wasting your time. You couldn’t have known, the rational part of you argues. But you can never take it back now, the guilt whispers. 
When you look up, Joel’s eyes are on you, eyebrows raised in question. You shake your head, trying to clear it. Stay in the present.
“Sorry, what did you–?” 
Worry is painting his expression. “Are you okay?” 
Don’t show weakness. “Yeah, of course. Just spaced out for a second.” 
You force a smile onto your face and stand up rather abruptly, gathering both cups and putting them into the sink. Joel hasn’t moved, but you feel his eyes on you as you move. 
“Do you, um, do you want to shower, maybe? Or just wash up, I don’t know, how–” You gesture towards the dried bloodstain on his flannel, forcefully keeping your tone light. “I have clean clothes, too, if you want.” 
A shiver runs through you at the thought of going through your dad’s things, of someone else wearing them. He doesn’t need them anymore. He’s not coming back. 
You know that you’ve gone silent for too long again even before you see Joel’s expression. He doesn’t ask this time, but there’s something in his eyes that you can’t place, something that almost looks like understanding. 
“Yeah, I guess cleaning up a bit would be nice. I– thank you. Again” 
His voice is gruff and he avoids your eyes. You think that he doesn’t like it, having to thank you. Owing you. 
Giving him a nod, you head to the bedroom, hoping not to disturb Ellie, but she’s awake already, her eyes glinting in the light that’s falling into the dark room from the living area. You clench your jaw, heading for one of the drawers, trying hard not to think about what you’re doing. It’s not like he ever wore this stuff, it was just sitting down here. It’s fine, you’re fine. 
“Don’t worry, it’s not about you,” Ellie says quietly from beside you, breaking through your racing thoughts. 
You turn towards her, confusion on your face. “What is?”
“Joel,” she shrugs, still keeping her voice low. “He’s like that with everyone. He’s a bit of an asshole, really.” She sounds fond, saying it, like it’s an endearing character trait. 
A surprised laugh escapes you. “I– okay, thanks, I guess.” 
She waves it away, swinging her feet out of the bed. “No, thank you for not murdering me in my sleep.” 
“Yeah, likewise.” You shake your head, still laughing to yourself. It’s so easy to like the girl, to feel like you already know her. 
You hand Joel a pile of clothes, purposefully avoiding to look at them too closely, explain where the towels are and he grumbles his approval before the bathroom door closes behind him. 
You release a breath and close your eyes for a second. You are undeniably warming up to Ellie, finding it almost impossible not to, but her companion is a different story. 
“Hey, do you drink coffee?” you ask in the direction of the bedroom. 
“Ew, no!” comes her reply as she steps out of the door, collecting the wild mess of hair on the top of her head and securing it in a ponytail.
Her offense at the mere suggestion makes you chuckle under your breath as you busy yourself with preparing breakfast in the form of porridge instead. She’s leaning against the doorframe, watching you, her eyes wide as she takes in the cupboards full of supplies. 
You’re glad that you don’t need anything from the storeroom, keeping that door in the corner firmly closed. You want to trust her, want to trust them, but a feeling of unease still lingers at the thought of letting them know just how much you have.
Instead, you voice another question, a thought that fills you with unease as well. 
“Hey,” you begin, keeping your eyes trained on the stove, “I’m sorry, but you and Joel, there– there isn’t anything weird going on, is there?” 
“Like what?” She sounds slightly defensive, but when you steal a glance at her, she’s eyeing you with curiosity. 
“I don’t know, like…” You shrug, stirring the mixture of water and oats, “you want to be here, he’s not forcing you to come with him or anything, right?” 
“No, don’t worry about that,” comes her reply, almost amused. It was a bit of a stupid question, when you think about it, considering how worried she was about him last night, how protective. 
“Okay,” you smile at her. You’re curious nonetheless, how they ended up together and where they’re headed, but it’s probably not really your place to ask. 
You divide the porridge into three bowls and hand her one, while you carry yours and one for Joel back to the living area and set them down on the wooden table. 
Ellie starts shoveling the food down immediately and you’re left wondering once more what happened to them and when they last ate something. 
“So…” Ellie begins, her mouth still half full, “you’re just down here with all this food? Because your dad stored it here, before… things went to shit?” 
You can’t blame her for her curiosity, you’re aware that you’ve probably found yourself in a better living situation than most people. Your thoughts go to the storeroom again, basically stuffed with enough supplies to last you multiple lifetimes, especially now that it’s just… No.
You hum in affirmation, not trusting your voice and you’re thankful that she’s too distracted by her breakfast to notice anything weird about your reaction. 
“So you don’t go out hunting or anything?” comes her next question. You freeze. 
You did go hunting, back when you cared about variance in the meals you prepared, about using fresh ingredients when you could. Until there was no need for that any more. 
You realize that Ellie is saying your name, not for the first time, judging from the look on her face. 
“Sorry,” you mumble, your hands tightening around the bowl. “No, I- I don’t go hunting.”
If she finds the situation weird, she shrugs it off impressively fast. 
She nods to herself, eating quietly for a minute, before she speaks up again. “So what do you… do? Down here all day?” 
“Uh…” What is it that you do all day? Time has been blurring together, days without anything happening repeating on a constant loop. You realize that you don’t remember, can’t talk of any activities that are part of your day. How long has it been like this?
You’re relieved from having to answer by Joel emerging from the bathroom, his face pale and his breaths going heavy. He has put on the sweatpants you gave him, but his torso is bare, the skin around the injury still an angry red. 
He sinks back down into the cushions with a heavy sigh and you quickly get to work, cleaning the wound once more and giving him more antibiotics before you redo the bandages and hope for the best. Your hands don’t shake as badly as they did last night. 
Ellie gets him some water and pushes his bowl of porridge into his hands, urging him to eat, before she turns to you. She’s trying to be strong, to hide her worry, but the pleading look in her eyes when she asks you if he’s gonna be okay tells a different story. 
“Of course,” you say, giving her what you hope to be a reassuring smile. 
Joel does look better after he’s eaten something, but his eyelids are drooping and after a few more minutes, his eyes close and his breath evens out. You do the dishes and check the cameras, calming down a bit more when you’re sure that everything seems to be quiet upstairs. 
When you return to the living area, Ellie is rummaging through her pack, muttering to herself, until she pulls a book out of, proudly turning the cover for you to read it. No pun intended - Volume Too.
She starts reading them to you while you settle back down with a second cup of coffee and you share her laughs, enjoying the way it makes her look lighter, allows her to be a kid who can laugh at stupid jokes. You ignore the sting it causes in your chest because you once knew someone who would have loved this book just as much as Ellie does.
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thank you for reading 🤍 if you liked this, please consider reblogging, leaving a comment or sending an ask, it truly makes my day every single time!
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lilahisntsadanymore · 4 months
Blood status seems to become less important when you acknowledge the actual feeling of love. What will Theo do when Y/n comes to the terms with the differences between them being impossible to ignore?
Pairing: Theo Nott x granger!reader
Words count: 1.9k
Author's note: My apologies for keeping you waiting so long, but I finally got some time off at uni!! Wishing you all a good year!!
Kind of a 2nd part of this fic, but you can read it without the previous one
≫ ──── ««•◦ ✪ ◦•»» ──── ≪
Keep you safe
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One evening, Theo was waiting in the library. Waiting for a person he never expected to talk to. Y/n Granger. He found himself feeling a bit nervous, even though there was no reason.
Thinking about Y/n made him feel something. A feeling he never felt before. Slughorn said it's love, the muggle kind of love, the purest form, not induced by anything supernatural.
Theo decided to read about it. Hoping to find some book about it, he asked the librarian. She gave him a book specifically about love potions and spells. One of the first chapters was just what Theo was looking for.
"How to tell the difference between love and infatuation caused by magic." He whispered the first sentence to himself.
He started reading, his mind realizing what he got himself into as his gaze brushed over the text. Well, technically it wasn't his own fault and apparently also not the girl's fault.
But there must've been a reason. If love was a part of biology, brain chemistry, there had to be some logical factor.
"What are you reading?"
When Theo heard Y/n's voice right next to him, he immediately closed the book, causing it to make a loud sound.
"You took such a long time I got bored." He replied.
"Don't be so shy," the girl shifted her eyes to the title of the book, "oh, love potions and spells? But we're doing something completely different."
"Really? I couldn't care less, forgot what we were supposed to do." Surely one thing he'd love to do was making out with her on that table.
Y/n put her homework on the table.
"Read it and tell me what's wrong."
"Nothing is wrong, I just-"
"What's wrong with my text, Nott. I didn't ask how you were doing."
Theo took the papers and started reading. The text was written with the most beautiful handwriting he's ever seen. So elegant, so precise.
"How long did it take you to write?" He asked.
"One evening. It was easier than you'd think."
"I think it's extremely easy." He bragged. "Anyway, is that all? Or do you wanna add something?"
"Well, Slughorn thought it's necessary for you to help me. Is there anything you think should be added?"
"Uh, no, it looks fine," he mumbled, avoiding eye contact.
"Fine? Theodore Nott, the perfectionist Slytherin, settles for 'fine'? I expected more from you."
"Look, it's not my homework, it's yours. I don't know why I agreed to help you, but it was pointless."
"You got yourself into this, could've said no."
"What the fuck am I even doing?" Theo asked rather himself than the girl. "I don't need to be helping a mudblood, who cares what grade you'll get." With these words, he stood up.
"Because-" Y/n stuttered. "Because... I've heard your conversation with Slughorn. And you said... that you liked me."
"Me? Liking you?" He snorted with laughter. "What the hell, Granger?"
Tears formed in Y/n's eyes as she watched Theo walk away. Sure, he was mean to her before, this wasn't the first time. But this time was somehow different.
Y/n could swear she heard Theo confessing to Slughorn that he's actually in love with her. It's not possible her brain played tricks on her. Plus Hermione said Theo told her about his feelings for Y/n.
≫ ──── ««•◦ ✪ ◦•»» ──── ≪
Harry walked onto the astronomy tower. Y/n was supposed to be back a long time ago. Ron and Hermione also wanted to go there, but Harry asked to let him go alone.
Harry knew where Y/n was thanks to the Map. He felt such relief not seeing Nott's name next to hers. She was standing alone, leaning on the banister. There was something in her hand, Harry couldn't see well in the dark, but from the smell he realized it was a cigarette.
"I didn't know you smoke." He spoke.
Y/n expected this to happen, she was aware of Harry's feelings towards her. She took one last drag from her cigarette then dropped it on the ground, put it out with her shoe and kicked off the tower.
"Why do you keep doing this?" Y/n asked, smoke leaving through her mouth. "I knew you're gonna look at your silly little map to see where I am."
"We were starting to get worried. Theo is... you know, dangerous. We got scared he would hurt you."
And he did. Theo did hurt Y/n, just not physically.
"Hermione should be here instead. But, let me guess, you told her you'll check up on me."
"Maybe," Harry admitted finally, "do you know why? Because I actually care about you. I've had feelings for you for years. I deserve you, not Nott. I deserve you, because-"
"Because you're the chosen one?" She mocked and paused. "Look, Harry, I like you as a friend. I've never felt anything more than this. I can't change how I see you and I won't pretend otherwise."
He nodded, acceptance settling in. "I get it. I just... I thought if I cared enough, it would make a difference."
"Caring is important, Harry, but it doesn't always lead to the feelings we hope for."
"Whoever you date, just don't date Nott, please."
"I promise I won't. Not after today, I'm over him."
"Care to share what happened?"
"I'll tell you, Hermione and Ron in the common room. Let's go, I've been here too long."
≫ ──── ««•◦ ✪ ◦•»» ──── ≪
Y/n didn't even know how wrong she was that night on the astronomy tower, but she forgot about it. Weeks went by, Christmas had passed, everyone were back from the break. Classes started again and Y/n found herself hoping to catch a glimpse of Theo.
They kept exchanging glances on the corridors, accidentally bumping into each other in the crowds. Y/n wanted to believe Theo liked her, but even if he did, they could never work.
"Y/n, listen to me," he said, catching her when she was alone in the library one time. "I know how things have been between us, but during the break I... I realized I don't wanna keep being enemies."
"Theo, you know it could never work. You said what you said and maybe it's better to leave it this way."
"I contemplated a lot," it was true, he spent the break mostly in his room, drowning in thoughts. About her, about them, coming to terms with what he was feeling. "I decided to accept my feelings."
"That's great for you, but we could never work. I've always 'fancied' you, I guess, despite what you were doing, ironically, but the time we worked on my project together, I accepted we could never work."
"And why's that?"
Y/n took a deep breath, wondering if he was stupid or just pretending. Maybe it was a bet he had with someone. Maybe Draco dared him to do this.
"You don't see how different we are? What do you expect is gonna happen? Would you introduce me to your father? Wouldn't you care that I'd get you disowned?"
Theo looked at her, Y/n could see sadness in his eyes. She realized her words made him realize the differences between them, because he walked away. Theo walked away without a word.
Y/n pierced her own heart with an invisible knife. She was really hoping they could work, but it just wasn't possible in this universe. Maybe there was a universe where none of this purity bullshit didn't exist. Y/n wished she would've been born there.
Y/n couldn't predict what Theo was going to do. She thought her words made him give up on her. It was for the best, of course, she should've focused on her studies firstly, and then on a realistic relationship.
It was a Friday. Y/n was sitting next to Ginny by the Gryffindor table. It was dinner time, all the students gathered in the Great Hall. All the students besides one Slytherin, the one that Y/n hoped to see. Maybe it was weird, but she enjoyed the sad looks they'd pass to each other.
"Hey, Y/n, are you listening?" Hermione asked from across the table.
"Sure," Y/n quickly shifted her eyes to her sister. "You were talking about Defence Against the Dark Arts."
"You've got divided attention. Stop looking at the Slytherin table."
"Ugh," Ginny groaned, "were you doing this again? Merlin, you stare at this Slytherin git 90% of the time."
"Well, he isn't here today. I wonder where he could be. Everyone else is here."
"There he is," Ron pointed out, rolling his eyes.
The golden trio and two younger Gryffindors looked at the doors' direction. Theo had just walked into the Great Hall, but surprisingly he didn't walk towards his table. He walked towards Y/n.
"Y/n," he spoke, catching everyone's attention. People were reading to witness another argument. "I can't help this, I love you."
Shocked noises came from all the tables, but Slytherins kept whispering between each other also when Theo continued talking.
"I don't care what anyone says, anyone thinks. Love is not meant to be controlled, it kills me to fight it."
Y/n stood up from the table, ready to leave the room.
"Theo, stop," she begged, "you're embarrassing us both. Your friends will-"
"I don't care what they do. If they don't accept it, they're not my friends. If anyone wants to fight me for having feelings for a muggleborn, I can fight, I've never lost a duel."
The whole Great Hall fell silent, even the teachers didn't try to intervene, when they saw Theo pulling out a small, black velvet box.
"I want you to wear this ring," he opened the box, "as my promise to always protect you from whoever tries to harm you or our relationship."
"It's beautiful, but..." Y/n was speechless by the sight of the ring. It was silver with two gemstones forming a subtle heart - half emerald and half ruby.
"It was custom made and if you accept it, I'll once get you a matching engagement ring. Also, there are thorns which will hurt you when you try taking it off. I want you forever, Y/n Granger."
The ring in the black velvet box sparkled under the enchanted ceiling. The Great Hall remained in silence as Theo poured his heart out, confessing his love. The unexpected turn of events had everyone on edge.
Slytherins exchanged intrigued glances, Gryffindors shared confused looks and even the teachers seemed to not know how to react. Y/n could feel the weight of everyone's eyes on her, and for a moment, she considered the potential consequences of accepting Theo's proposal.
"Theo," she began, her voice breaking, "it's not that simple."
"I know it is. But I can't keep hiding my feelings, Y/n. I've tried, and it's tearing me apart. I'll protect you from whatever comes our way."
Y/n looked at the ring, then back at him. "I believe in second chances. And I appreciate your sincerity. I accept the ring, Theo."
Theo carefully took the ring from the box and gently slid it onto Y/n's finger. The Great Hall burst with cheering and applause, only the Slytherin table didn't seem so enthusiastic about this.
Theo placed his hands on Y/n's waist, pulling her in for a kiss. She didn't hesitate to kiss him back, her hands sinking in his dense her yet the ring on her finger still visible, reflecting the light from the ceiling.
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mysticmunson · 9 months
buddy; steve harrington x f!reader
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s.harrington x f.reader
a little blurb i wrote quickly about reader ditching the mushy nicknames they both love. no warnings, but blog is 18+ and special thanks to the loveliest girl ever, autumn, for entertaining this idea w me @lilacletter word count: 1k
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The idea sprang into your brain through a conversation with Robin over frozen yogurt, a mountain of toppings on each of your treats. 
“The way you two fawn each other is weird!” Robin scolded, shoving her plastic spoon in her bowl.
“What! How?” You laughed, wiping a bit of vanilla from the corner of your lips.
Rolling her eyes, she huffed, “Baby? Sweetheart? Love? Don’t even get me started on darling or mama-And yes! I did hear when he called you mama and it made me gag. Use something less gross.”
Her tangent made your cheeks warm, covering your face in embarrassment. The names were cavity levels of sweet, both of you loved them, but it was silly to consider how often you indulged in them.
So sitting on your blue sofa, you watched TV with the volume a bit higher than you wanted it to be, too lazy to stand and turn it down. 
“Hey buddy, can you turn it down please?” You asked from the mountain of blankets as he walked into the room.
“Yeah- Wait what?” He froze, finger on the sound, pushing down for a few notches.
“Thank you.” You replied, ignoring his question and just relieved you could watch Family Ties in peace. 
Your warm smile made his own question fade, figuring he misheard you, and moving on with what he was walking towards. Which he forgot, so he went into the kitchen. 
It would be an hour or so later when you were getting ready to hang out with friends, standing in the bathroom and applying some concealer when it would happen again. The wand glided over your skin, gently patting it with your fingertips as he walked in behind you.
A hand firm on your waist to solidify his balance and keep you in place, he went over your head to reach your medicine cabinet, taking the pot of hair cream you bought him for Christmas.
At your side, he opened it and began applying it to his hair which was now scattered with shades of blonde due to the brutal summers of Indiana. After he finished, he wiped his hands on the towel hanging on the rack, turning around to put his cream back.
“You look so pretty.” He gawked, kissing your temple before looking at your concentrated face in the mirror as you applied mascara. The words made your heart flutter, a small ache in your tummy that could only be brought on by emotions from another person.
Recalling Robin’s words, you smiled, “Thanks, pal.”
A nearly disgusted look went onto his face, not remembering the last time someone called him a pal. But you looked unphased, so he assured himself it was a bit of a tease, settling for squeezing your hip assuringly and walking out of the confined space. 
However, the ride to Eddie’s new apartment was seamless with listening to Wham on the radio, stopping for candy, and walking in his front door with that and the movies in hand. Nancy and Robin were already there, and Jonathan and Argyle were ditching this week's movie night to go on a small road trip to buy certain plants in another state.
The pizza man had delivered dinner as you all sat on pillows on the living room floor, napkins and paper plates in hand. 
“Thanks, dude.” You quipped, taking a bite of the pizza your boyfriend had just set on your plate. 
Eddie’s loud cackle broke Steve’s distressed look into a more agitated one, Nancy smirking to herself as Robin joined the laughter.
“Harrington, how did you get friend-zoned by your own girlfriend!” Eddie barked, grabbing his own stomach. The use of ‘dude’ wouldn’t have caused such a fuss if they weren’t already aware of how overtly affectionate you two were in terms of endearment.
 “I’m not in the friend zone, you asshole! There’s nothing wrong with being friends with a woman- But we’re not friends- Wait! No! She is, but we have se- She is my best friend and girlfriend!”
Cutting off his rambling, you patted his shoulder, “I know what you mean, man.” You placed a kiss on his forehead, but that didn’t erase what you called him. 
Swallowing his pride, he pouted through the rest of movie night, even when you cuddled up next to him sweetly. Physically, your public displays of affection weren’t too egregious, so the normalcy felt pleasant.
As the night came to a close, both of you now in pajamas, the frustration had dissipated. Beneath the sheets, you curled and waited for Steve to turn off the light before joining you. Walking over while scratching his belly, he joined you, shuffling to be closer to your body.
“Goodnight, sweetheart.” He whispered, kissing your nose, followed by your forehead.
Putting a kiss on his collarbone, “Goodnight, buddy.” 
What you didn’t expect was his foghorn whine, dramatic as he sat up, yanking you with him, all to just hover over you with your wrists in his hands. It was embarrassingly easy how quickly he could overpower you like this, but this was probably due to how you didn’t fight back. 
Giggling with girlish lit, you looked up at him, “What?”
The creases between his brows doubled as the scowl on his lips grew, pressing his face to your cheek as you shrieked. 
“Stop calling me buddy!” He complained, resting his weight on top of you, “Or any of those other names either! Why do you hate me!”
“Stevie, I don’t hate you!” You cooed, nudging his head up with your cheek until he looked at you, “Robin mentioned how gooey our names are and I wanted to try to switch things up.”
Scoffing, he rolled his eyes, “Of course, Buckley had something to do with this.”
Slinking your hands free, you cupped his cheeks and kissed his lips. There was something so enticing about his skin that you were convinced you were reliant on it. 
“I love you, baby.” You murmured, his sigh of relief audible as he deflated to his side, pulling you in close to his chest.
“I love you too,” He began, speaking into your hair, “don’t call me dude like that again though or I will lose my mind. Absolutely bonkers. I will fight Robin at work-”
“Okay, sweetheart.” You cut him off, kissing his chest as it rises and falls.
“Much better.”
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thank u for reading! check out my other fics in my masterlist :)
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adorbzliz · 2 months
perfect little husband
CW Sub!Anakin x Reader
(Dom!ani at the very end)
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⚠️warnings: pxrn with no plot, fluff at first then full on smut, degrading (both, mainly m receiving) and praise (both receiving), choking, teasing, humiliation, heavy overstimulation, breeding kink implied, handjob, p in v, brief blowjob, overuse of “baby” and “good boy”, use of Y/n. This is INTENSE (in my opinion) smut, PLEASE be warned!
A/n: i know most of you are waiting for a “family beach trip” pt 2 but i don’t have much inspo anymore (i will still post it soon i swear, it just might be slow due to lack of motivation!!) so I’m feeding you with this as i was thinking about it in the middle of class and there needs to be more subby Anakin content 🙏🙏😓 not proofread!!!
you’re taking care of your husband after he was shot in the stomach with a blaster, when things quickly start to get steamy.
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"Hmph..." Anakin let out a small huff of air as Y/n tended to his wound, it was a small graze he got from some of the blaster fire. Nothing serious in his opinion.
"Stop looking at me like that." He mumbled under his breath, keeping it just loud enough for her to hear.
By now she would have scolded him for being reckless but instead she was just giving him the silent treatment—the silence was eerie to him. "I made it home alright, didn't I?"
Despite his obvious desperate words, she just rolled her eyes, continuing to roughly tend to his wound in frustration. she knew he hated silent treatment, but she didn’t care.
”You know you don't have to be this mad at me." He started. The silence still made his skin crawl. "It was just a graze." Anakin pouted, leaning into her touch slightly.
”Anakin there’s a fucking hole in your stomach!” she finally snaps, looking up at him with frustration.
”It's just a flesh wound!" Anakin tried to laugh it off, but the pain caused him to practically choke on his own words, coughing up a storm rather than chuckling.
”Fine... maybe it's not a graze." He muttered softly, still leaning into her touch.
”just.. lay down.” she sighed, placing her hands on his chest before pushing him back gently onto their bed. “if you’re going to heal you need to rest.”
He grunted slightly when she pushed him, but laid down on the bed as she had told him to. "Fine..." Anakin replied, quickly realizing how ‘stupid’ he sounded. He felt very insecure when his partner was being stern.
”You aren't actually upset about this are you?" Anakin asked, looking up at her with his puppy-dog eyes.
”i am, but i can’t stay mad at you when you look at me like that.” she sighs, putting away her first aid kit in a nearby cabinet.
Anakin smiled at the success. "You know I can’t help it, you're too pretty to stay mad at me for too long." He pouted softly before reaching out for her.
She walked over to him, placing his outstretched hands in hers before squeezing lightly. “yes, dear?” she tilted her head to the side, staring down at him with a light smile.
Anakin smiled at the term of endearment. He knew it wasn’t meant to be sarcastic when she used it. It was just her way. “I love it when you call me that.” He sighed contently, his eyes fluttering slightly. “Can you promise me something?”
“anything,” she nodded, one of her hands still entangled with his while the other gently brushed his wavy hair out of his face.
”That you'll never leave me?" Anakin whispered softly. He was asking something serious this time. His tone didn’t betray any emotions, and his eyes were straight ahead — the seriousness of this conversation was more difficult than any combat situation he had ever been in.
”never.” She smiled, leaning down to give him a loving and gentle kiss on his forehead.
Anakin sighed contently as she kissed him, the affection that he had missed so much was all there. “I love you.” He told her softly. An obvious statement, but one he wanted to make sure was clearly communicated constantly.
“i love you too ani.” she muttered against his skin, leaning back slightly with a content smile as she soaked up the comfortable silence.
“...will you ever grow to hate me?” He asked, breaking the peaceful quiet as he wanted everything he feared to be reassured.
It was evident that his dear wife’s reaction to the wound and or the close brush with death had gotten to him quite a bit.
“no. even if you betrayed me in the most vile ways possible, i could never hate you.” she told him, her words genuine.
Anakin breathed a sigh of relief. The confirmation felt much better than any physical relief, and his eyes fluttered lightly. He felt content in her embrace, knowing that her love wouldn’t falter.
“Even if I… did something really bad? Really bad, like… terrible?”
“you’re starting to scare me Anakin,” she chuckled in a amusement, her smile fading when his serious expression remained on his face. “..yes.” she nodded her head.
Anakin breathed out an audible sigh, one that would’ve turned into a sob had she not been there to comfort him. It was almost as if he could finally relax after hearing those words, as if some burden has been lifted from his shoulders. He tried not to cry as tears began to run down his cheeks. He was almost embarrassed by how pathetic he felt. He looked down and sniffled as he tried to regain his composure.
She wipes his tears, placing kisses on his face comfortingly. “why are you crying baby?”
Anakin sniffles softly in response, wiping away his tears as he smiled lightly. “I’m such a wreck.” He admitted. For a man who was a Jedi warrior that led a battalion of troops, he felt utterly and pathetically vulnerable in this moment. But he knew that he was safe in his wife’s arms. He couldn’t help but feel loved and protected.
In the midst of his thoughts she suddenly slaps his arm, her expression scolding. “don’t talk about yourself like that.” Anakin chuckled as she slapped him lightly. He felt a strange mixture of humbleness and affection at her actions.
“What? You don’t like sensitive men?” He asked, looking up at her with a sarcastic grin.
“no, i do. i love that you can show me your emotions, but i don’t like when you talk down on my husband.” she lectured.
Anakin laughed at the term she used, but he was too content and relieved to argue with her over small semantics. "You're right, you're right," he agreed. The way she said 'my' husband just made him melt inside.
“You know," Anakin started. "I never really thought I would marry. I was always told that it was the Jedi way not to." He let out a small sigh, reminiscing the strict values of the Jedi.
“and i never thought id have a husband,” she sighed. “but here i am, with the best husband i could ever ask for.”
Anakin smiled at her compliment, reaching out to touch her face. He was glad that she gave him a chance, as in her youth she had rejected practically any man who approached her.
“What made you see light in me?" He asked, not expecting such a serious conversation. Despite his attempts at humor it was clear he genuinely wanted to know the answer to the question.
“other men only spoke to me for my body or appearance and looked down on me, but you were so genuine. you always believed in me and your compliments were from the heart, not from.. anywhere else.” she joked, looking between his legs with a chuckle.
Anakin blushed slightly, trying to suppress a smile at the joke she made. He had always loved how candid she was about those sorts of things.
“Of course, every compliment I make is from the heart!" He protested. "I wouldn't want you getting the wrong idea." He joked.
“though, i did catch you slipping up when we first met.” She grinned.
“like when you were protecting me on that mission as a padawan with obi wan, i saw your eyes lingering on me a bit too long. plus you’d get all hot and red and have to excuse yourself from the room.” she laughed, remembering when they were both immature teens.
Anakin blushed profusely, his cheeks turning completely red. Her memory was sharper than he expected it to be.
“I was... a teenage boy... I... was having those thoughts..." he stuttered out. The idea of being attracted to her in that way was something he was already ashamed of admitting-despite them literally being married and having sex almost every night—and she seemed to have noticed.
He looked away from her as he continued to become increasingly flustered from shame.
“well i liked you too, y’know? way before we met again. i thought you were really cute, and charming too. but i kinda thought you hated me because you would always avoid me when in reality you were just too shy to talk to me.” she chuckled, her hands still tracing his face calmly.
Anakin let out a soft groan as your hands traced his cheek, the sensation feeling way too good to be innocent.
“You liked me?" He asked, sounding surprised. He had always avoided her as a teenager due to his own insecurities. He was too shy to approach her. But that wasn’t the only reason, she always seemed to be uninterested in any man that came her way—even the richest most powerful senators in the galaxy. He felt like he just didn’t fit the bill for her.
“a lot. i don’t think a single day went by when i didn’t think of you, even when we had no contact.” Anakin’s face was a complete shade of red at this point. He was taken aback by her revelation.
“You really… thought of me that much?” He asked, feeling overwhelmed at the idea.
“yup. but i never made a move because i thought you were too good for me.” she admits, her fingers now trialing up and down his biceps.
Anakin laughed softly, taking her hands in his own. "Too good for you?" He was starting to chuckle softly as he kept his eyes focused on hers.
“Dear... there is no one in this world... in this galaxy that is too good for you." he reassured her, his eyes full of admiration.
a smile spread on her lips, her cheeks going a bit pink. despite being married for two years now, she still got flustered by her husbands words.
Anakin smirked at her blush. It was almost too good to be true having a partner that he could still make blush after the years. His smirk turned into a full blown smile, and he gently began kissing her cheeks.
She giggled, her hands laying on his chest. “A-ani stop.!” she smiled, her words playful as childlike giggles escaped her lips.
"Stop what?" Anakin teased playfully, leaning his body towards hers slightly. He continued to kiss her everywhere, making his way towards her ear.
He would occasionally glance at her, teasing her in that same playful tone. The way she laughed and the way her cheeks turned red was something that made him feel so at ease.
Her arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him in for a loving passionate kiss. And, of course, Anakin was far too willing to go along with her advances.
He had been more than eager to kiss her from the start. The fact that she was the first one to lean in just made it all the more addicting.
He pulled her closer to him as the kiss increased in intensity. She was always the most loving and passionate person he had ever known. Anakin loved that about how she approached physical intimacy.
Her teeth grazed over his bottom lip as she climbed into bed with him, her hands tracing his chest calmly. She felt his breathing slowly start to increase as she traced her hands along his toned chest rhythmically. Her touch was calming.
His hands gripped her waist tightly, pulling her towards him as he continued the kissing spree. It was almost as if he couldn’t get enough of her.
She pulled away from his lips, placing delicate kisses on his neck, jaw, and collarbone. “i love you, Anakin.”
Anakin gasped softly and moaned as she continued her tender kisses. His eyes were screwed closed and his breathing was heavy, her touch had the same effect on him that it had on the day they had met. It was calming, and arousing all at once.
“I love you too,” Anakin groaned softly, wrapping his arms tightly around her as his hips slightly buckled, rutting onto her leg.
She bit her lip at the sight, noticing the large tent in his pants before turning her attention back to him.
“be careful baby,” She hushed, leaning back a bit while glancing down at his not completely healed wound. “i wouldn’t want to hurt you.”
"Don't worry, dear," Anakin muttered softly. "It's almost completely healed by now." Even if it wasn't, he wouldn't care. This was far too important of a moment to think too much about a mere wound.
Anakin gently pulled her back in for another kiss, far more passionate than the last. There was nothing he wanted more in the moment than to be with her.
“whatever you say sweetheart,” she grinned, her lips finding his collarbone. He moaned softly at the feel of her lips on his collarbone, shivering slightly as they kept finding their way back there.
She never failed to arouse him with her touch. Her kisses had a way about them as if he was under a spell. Everything she did had him completely and utterly hooked.
her hands slid down his body, meeting his hands with a gentle squeeze as she held them lovingly in hers. her lips continued to graze his neck and collar bone as she hummed in satisfaction.
Her hands squeezing his made his heart start to race even faster than it already was. She always had this incredible effect on him, even with the smallest things such as holding his hands.
His breathing would steadily start to increase again as he was able to feel her soft lips caressing his collar bone so lovingly. He couldn't help letting out soft moans as it felt so good.
“you know i love you, right baby?” she smiles against his neck, knowing he loves the validation and reminder-her voice and touch smooth and gentle.
He had to stifle a loud moan from the feeling of her lips on his neck plus the loving words spilling from her lips, vibrating against his skin.
“Mhm…” he moaned softly. “I know, you tell me all the time. I love you too, dear.”
“do you now?” she raised an eyebrow with a grin, her fingers lightly tracing the veins up his arm until they land on his shoulders. she gives them a brief squeeze, easing the tension for a moment before her lips lazily graze over his.
Her fingers tracing up his arm and on his shoulders made me tingle all over. He hadn't even realized just how tense every fiber of his being had been until she eased that tension. The light squeeze of his shoulder also felt oddly comforting.
He groaned softly when she began trailing kisses across his neck again. Her lips were so soft, so gentle, he could just sit there and let her kiss his neck for eternity.
“you’re so cute Ani..” she coo’s in adoration, her lips placing open mouthed kisses on his jaw and upper neck.
He continued to feel his stomach flutter at the touch of her open mouth kisses on his skin, he was feeling incredibly aroused from her soft-touched caresses. His breathing and heart rate only continued to speed up, which resulted in me feeling an intense sensation of pleasure.
He needed some kind of friction to stimulate what he wanted her to touch the most, practically humping her leg like a dog in heat.
“I just love you so much,” He muttered, moans escaping his round lips, “I don’t think I can ever love anything as much as I do you, dear.”
“my sweet boy..” she smiles, her voice still maintaining the sweet tone. “you treat me too well baby. i want to make you feel so good, can i do that?”
The feeling of her calling him ‘my sweet boy’ made him feel his face go hot from the soft and intimate expression. He had to pause for a second to prevent himself from letting out a loud moan of pure ecstasy.
“Please do darling, I want to feel really good right now…” He responded softly. she grinned, nipping at the skin on his neck teasingly. “what do you want sweetheart?” she mutters against his neck, placing hot kisses and hickeys on it.
“I think you know what I want now…” he shuttered, “Just the thought of what you’re going to do is sending my body into a euphoric state.”
His body felt as if he was being swept away by her soft hands and lips. It was almost like he had fallen under some sort of spell and was being controlled by every subtle movement she made with her body.
Her light hickies on his neck made him shiver, his body trembling in excitement at the thought of what was going to come next.
“i want to treat you.” she sighed against his skin.“make you feel how you’ve made me feel every second of our marriage.” she hums, her lips trailing up to his before pulling him into a deep and hungry kiss. “my perfect little husband,” she cooes sweetly, her works full of admiration and love.
She pulled him in for a deep and passionate kiss, and his mind instantly shut off. It was as if he didn't have anymore thoughts in his head, he couldn't focus on anything more than the feeling of her lips pressing onto his. That hot and steamy kiss had him feeling like he was about to cum from the intense heat of passion alone.
Once the kiss ended, he opened his eyes again and looked at his wife with a look of total adoration. "My beautiful wife… My everything..."
“oh stop..” she giggled softly, her smile bright as she stared up at him. "No, I won't stop," he replied playfully, his smile bright and his eyes locked on her. "To me, you are perfection... Everything about you is just perfect."
He bent down and gently caressed the side of her face in his palm, his words of admiration and love still flowing from his mouth. "The color of your eyes... The way you smile... Your soft touch... It all makes you absolutely gorgeous."
“i could say the same about you dear,” she smiles, nuzzling into his warm touch. “i knew you’d be mine the second i saw you. you’re perfect.”
"I..." He mumbled, feeling his face become flushed as she complimented him. She was too kind to him, and that was another thing he loved about her.
“You've always accepted me, for who I am and what I do. I haven’t felt that level of approval and acceptance most other places, but you give me this sense of comfort and reassurance." He nuzzled her neck with his nose, wanting to give her a small taste of what she gave to him.
“why wouldn’t i? if i could, i would give you the world. I’m lovesick, crazy even. you’re everything in my eyes.” she whispers to him in a almost poetic manner, her words making him feel something he never thought he would.
He was still amazed to this day that he was loved and admired so much. he was always a lover boy, spilling his heart out to women—cough cough Padmé— when they would never feel the same. But Y/n, Y/n was the same way. they both loved unconditionally, and when they did, they loved hard. like nothing else in the world mattered.
He couldn't think of anything more poetic than the words that she used to express her love for him. They made him feel things he was never able to feel for other people. She made him feel secure like he had never been before, and her words made him feel complete.
He placed his hands behind her head and pulled her into his chest, making their bodies touch more. It felt so warm and comforting for him to hold her like this. “I still can’t believe that someone as beautiful as you could love me back the same way I love you.”
“and i can’t believe someone as perfect as you even looked my way.” she giggled gently, her hands exposing his body teasingly.
He felt his entire body shiver as her hands traced his body and exposed it to her. Her fingers moved with grace and care as he felt a light and warm tinge of pleasure that rose up in my body.
It felt like he was about to explode into a million pieces at the way in which she touched him. "Please, don't stop," He groaned passionately, "Do whatever you want to me, I'm completely lost in this moment."
(this is where it gets spicy spicy y’all 😛🌶️😏)
“aww my poor baby,” she frowned up at him teasingly, her big e/c eyes gazing into his. “you’re so sensitive and desperate for me to touch you huh?” she nodded, her hands sliding up and down his body.
He groaned softly again as her touch sent a chill down his spine. He felt as though he couldn't stop himself from saying all the things that he felt about her. She was the only one he had ever been this intimate with, and it felt so good to be this honest with how he felt.
"Yes... I’m so terribly sensitive and desperate for you," he admits meekly, "But you love that, don’t you… You like when you have complete control over me, don’t you…”
“you know i do pretty boy.” she patted his cheek with a small grin, her hand grazing over his clothed hard on.
That one touch made his entire body shiver, the touch of her hand grazing over his sensitive area was enough to make him moan like crazy. The way that she teased him was the thing that drove him most crazy about her, and the way she used it to make him desperate for her was like being wrapped around her finger.
"Please… I need it… I need you right now," Anakin shuddered, "I ne-need you." He groaned, throwing his head back as his hips began rutting into her palm.
“and you’ll get me baby, just be patient. you can do that for me right?” she spoke to him in a dumbed down way, knowing it made him feel more submissive while making her feel more in control. she gave his cock a sudden squeeze, her hands lingering on the waistband of his loose pants before tugging them and his boxers down.
His angry red cock sprung out, pre cum dripping down in large amounts as the veins were prominent. It slapped against his stomach, 7-9 inches long while also being very girthy. Despite them having done this multiple times over the course of 4 years, she would always be shocked on how pretty and big his dick was.
The moment he felt the cold air hit his sensitive member he shuddered with pleasure. She made it hard for him to stay patient with her teasing, it made him feel more submissive with every passing second.
He groaned softly and looked back up her, his body shivering in anticipation of her touch. "Yes dear... I can be a good boy for you..."
“oh you’re so perfect, Ani.” she groaned, her finger tracing up and down his cock while she stared up at him. “tell me how much you love it ok sweetheart?”
A loud moan escaped his lips as her hand began to tease him so agonizingly slow. His entire body shuddered with pleasure from every touch, it was something that he could never ever go without again.
He could feel my heart pound within the depths of his chest, and as she continued her teasing, his breaths got more and more shallow. “I love it... I love it so much... It makes me feel so good... Makes me feel s-so mmhm.... So close to you... Oh baby p-please.. I can't..." he blabbered, mind clouded by pleasure as she began stroking him at an easy pace.
“yes you can baby,” she hummed. “you’re my good boy remember? just keep it up for a little longer yeah?” she told him breathlessly, looking up at him with eyes full of lust as her hand sped up.
"Y-yes baby... I-I'm your good boy... I'll keep going.. I-I will keep being a good boy for you..." He gasped in short breaths, his thoughts all scrambled from the pleasure she was giving him. Every moment he was feeling hotter and hotter, he couldn't take her teasing for much longer.
“oh f-fuck..” she moaned softly, biting down on her lip. “you’re so pretty for me Ani. so pretty.” she coo’s, her hand wrapped around his throbbing member as she stroked him quickly, running her thumb over the tip occasionally.
"I-I can't stand the way your hands feel..." he shuttered, pornographic moans slipping from his pretty lips.
That one moment where she bit down on her lip was enough to push him over the edge, causing his body to shiver and his cock to pulse in her hand. "Y-yes I'm you're pretty boy... You're t-too perfect... A-and you h-hurt s-so good..." he groaned in pure ecstasy.
With little to no warning she slid off her shorts before turning him over, sinking onto his dick with a groan, throwing her head back slightly. it slid in easily, her wet and warm walls sucking him in greedily.
“s-shit Anakin..” she shivered, her pace still quick. “do i feel good baby? h-hmm?” she grinned with lust, small moans escaping her lips.
He felt himself moan loudly as the heat in his body escalated rapidly. He was getting to the point where he was about to explode with sheer pleasure, the way that she was able to make him feel this way was like an addiction. Her touch made him feel so helpless and vulnerable.
And the way she looked at him while she was this intimate with him made him feel something he never felt before with anyone else. "You feel amazing baby... Just like Heaven..."
“ooh how sweet..” she hums, one hand on his chest while the other traces his jaw and caresses his cheek. “you’re so good to me Ani.. too good..” she smiles, beginning to slowly ride him.
The moment that he felt her hand caress his cheek was the moment that he felt his entire body heat up even more than before. It was such a soft touch that sent waves of pleasure through his body, and it only added to the sensation of pleasure which she was creating in a different way.
His breath was shallow and his moans were getting louder. There was a small bead of sweat on his forehead, and his body was becoming more and more vulnerable to her. "Oh darling... Please... I'll do anything for you... Your touch is divine..."
“just being in your presence is divine, it’s the least i could do.” she coo’s, kissing all over his face in appreciation. her speed switches between agonizingly slow to painfully quick, bouncing up and down on him.
Her kisses scattered across his face was enough to make him smile and laugh from pleasure. Her speed was almost too much for him to handle, and she knew this. Every moment she teased him was an opportunity to make him beg for relief, which he always did.
He moaned softly once more, the feeling of her wrapped around him becoming unbearable. "Please... Please darling... I need... I-I'm...I-It's too much..."
“you can take it baby, i know you can. you can do it f’me can’t you pretty boy?” she encourages him, her breath heavy as she down at him with lustful e/c eyes.
"I'd do anything for you baby... I'll keep going... Just please... Please don't go any faster... I'm so close..." If there was a moment that the word begging was appropriate, it was now. He was starting to lose his voice from all the screaming begging and moaning, his body shaking with pure pleasure and desire to be released from this teasing.
“what was that? did you say go faster?” she grinned, her words teasing as she began to ride him the quickest she had been so far, the only sounds were their heavy moans of pleasure and the sound of their skin slapping against one another.
she buried her face in the crook of his neck, peppering kisses and bites along it. Those extra kisses and bits of teasing she added to the mix along with her bouncing on his cock at such a quick pace was all it took to make him lose control of how much pleasure he could handle
“Oh darling... I... Please... S-stop... F-faster... Yes... O-Oh..." He groaned loudly, his breath shallow and his voice begging for relief.
she aggressively slapped her hand over his mouth, gripping it harshly as she glared down into his eyes. “do you want everyone in the temple to find out how much of a slut their precious little chosen one is? huh?” she spat, speeding up.
The moment that she slapped her hand over his mouth, his breathing slowed dramatically. He was surprised by her sudden action, but it was a welcomed surprise. He was starting to get more and more comfortable with her dominant nature, and the way that she took control over him was something he wanted more of.
"I'm... I'm so... close to... Hnghhh..." He groaned, his body shaking hard from the pleasure. Her words filled him with more excitement, and he was begging for release.
“you’re pathetic. dirty. imagine if the council saw you like this, begging to a mere unarmed woman as one of the most powerful men in the galaxy.” she growled, her other hand wrapping around his neck firmly. “but you’d like that too much hm? the shame, everyone knowing you belong to me. how weak you are under my touch.” she grinned almost evilly, her speed still rapid.
The moment she wrapped her other hand around his neck, the way he responded would have made him shocked if he was a third party viewer. But even as the one being put into such a position, his response was as submissive as possible. Her words filled him with so much shame, and he was begging for more.
“Oh my... Y-yes darling... Y-You've truly... s-subjugated me... M-Make me s-shake from your touch... I want you to own me... I-I'm yours... I beg of you.!.." he practically yelled out, his eyes rolling to the back of his head as he weakly bucked his hips up into her.
She sped up, her hand tightening around his neck as she braced herself, moans and groans escaping her lips as she sunk down onto him as deep as possible, stretching her in the most delightful way.
By the time she sped up, he could feel himself about to explode into pleasure. Her words, her touch, it was all so perfect. Every bit of resistance he could have possibly put up was gone, and his body was left totally vulnerable to her.
A moan that was just close to a scream of pure pleasure escaped Anakin’s lips as he pushed himself deeper inside, her breath escaping her enough to fill him with arousal and excitement.
“f-fuck Anakin!” She practically screamed as he pushed himself deep, her fingernails clawing at his flesh as she threw her head back.
The moment she screamed was the exact moment that he was pushed over the edge , shooting hot loads into her cunt as he squeezed her down onto it. She was full, a small bump in her stomach as Anakin’s heavy cock sat inside, pulsating and twitching with pleasure. The sensations of heat that shot through his body made him moan so sharp that his voice and body were shaking uncontrollably, his entire body was drenched in sweat.
Despite his release, she continued her brutal speed, fucking his cum into her as she overstimulated him to the max— his entire body twitching like crazy.
Her speed was too much for Anakin, and he shook involuntarily as his entire body was forced to twitch and spasm. The sounds of his breathing on top of the lewd and wet sounds coming from her pussy was too much, and his breath had become so shallow that he could barely get words out. He was begging for a chance to recover.
“Darling please... I-I... I'm going to h-hurt myself... P-please..."
“i don’t fucking care.” she growled, grabbing his jaw harshly before slamming his lips into hers. She knew he was enjoying it, as they both had a safe word he would have yelled if he was truly in unbearable pain. She felt his dick harden and swell again as the speed picked up, Anakin feeling tears stream down his cheeks. He didn’t know if it was from pain or pleasure, but the feeling was somehow addicting.
He was sobbing hard as both pain and pleasure went through his entire body. He felt each tear run down his cheeks and trickle down his jaw, but the pleasure was so intense that he could barely focus on the pain. It felt like he was being ripped in two, and he couldn’t decide whether he wanted it to stop or keep going.
His body fell limp as his wife continued to brutally ride him, holding his face in her hands roughly. Hot tears streamed down his face as he yelled out, his cock throbbing from the overstimulation.
“You okay baby?” She whispered sweetly, despite her dominant behavior, she still made sure he was enjoying himself.
After several minutes of sobbing and groaning in a mixture of pleasure and pain, he was finally able to collect himself enough to respond. “Oh darling... It hurts so much... It hurts so good... It’s like being ripped in two, I-I…” His words trailed off as he continued to cry and moan from the mixture of the intensity of the pleasure and the fact that he couldn’t handle much more.
“Just one more time sweetheart.” She hushed, her mouth finding his as she continued the painful speed. “you can do it one more time for me can’t you Ani?”
This last time was different. The previous times where he had let out tears was because the pain was so intense and pleasurable his body was trying to handle it. But this time, when he was sobbing in her arms, it was because the feeling of being torn apart was too much to handle.
He could feel myself shaking hard, and his breath was so shallow that he could barely speak. “D- darling… I- I... I c-can’t… p-please... Y-you d-don’t.. understand…
“Please baby,” She moaned, her hands on his shoulders as she sped up. “I-i can’t stop.. feels too good..” she babbled, cockdrunk.
The moment he felt her hands on his shoulders, he felt a rush of heat shoot through his body. The rush of heat mixed with the intensity of the pleasure and the pain made his eyes water, and his body shake uncontrollably.
Then... a thought occurred to him. The pain and pleasure was getting too much... But the reason why it was getting so unbearable was because she was on top.
(dom Anakin 😍)
In a matter of seconds, he flipped them both over so that she was now on her back, letting him take control.
She gasped, her demeanor completely shifting as she stared up at him. He maintained the speed as he harshly thrusted into her, loud guttural moans escaping her lips.
"S-stay still... fuck...j-just feel my touch darling... This should feel so good baby... " He continued to maintain the speed, hitting her g spot with every thrust. The heat and intensity he was creating, especially combined with his dominance over her was something that he found incredibly pleasurable.
He couldn't help but smile with some hint of sadistic joy as he saw the way she was reacting to his touch.
“O-oh.. so f-full.. oh my - g-god..f-fuck..!” she moaned out lewdly as her eyes rolled to the back of her head, her jaw slightly agape.
"Oh my God-... You're enjoying this way too much..." he whined in a teasing and condescending tone. He saw that he was pushing her body to its limits, and he was enjoying every second of it. The moment he said those words, he decided to add on extra speed just to make it even more intense.
“I-I hate you Anakin..” she moaned, them both knowing her words were far from the truth. “..m-more...” she begged quietly, clawing at his back.
The moment he thought she was going to ask him to stop, the exact opposite happened. Instead, her words only pushed him further to make this experience the best it could be for her.
“Aww sweetheart... Who's so desperate for more... Such a needy little girl..." he teased her with a smile, pounding her poor little pussy into the bed, pushing her body past its limits. He was determined to make this experience the most incredible one she’d ever felt.
“O-oh-.. oh my god.. I’m about to- oh f-fuck..!” she groaned out, practically drooling from the feeling of his pulsating cock inside her.
The moment she started drooling, he began chuckling quietly to himself. "Oh dear... You seem much too eager... But who am I to deprive you hm?"
He started getting even more aroused from the sounds of pleasure coming out of you, and he was feeling more and more motivated to make this even more intense for you. His speed increased once more.
She came on his dick, screaming and moaning as she threw her head back, Anakin pushing his cock further in her causing his release from earlier to travel even deeper.
She expected him to pull out, but he didn’t. In fact, he sped up the pace, his hands on the headboard as he shamelessly fucked into her as fast as possible.
She practically screamed, tears streaming down her cheeks prettily as she batted her lashes. “A-Ani.! Too much.!-“
The fact that the sensation was too much for her was enough to give him satisfaction. He couldn't help but laugh a bit, and he took a moment to get his bearings.
“T-Too much for you dear-?" He asked in between gasps for air, his breath shaking and his entire body shaking with excitement. “F-fuck you’re so tight around me..” he groaned in delight, the slapping noises of skin on skin loud in the room.
She sobbed, jaw clenched as he relentlessly stretched her bruised walls, his mouth finding her chest before pulling the top down with his teeth —causing her boobs to spill out.
He dived in, leaving hickeys and bruisers all over them. She was close to cumming again, her moans loud as her hips rutted into his.
“O-oh sweet girl.. you about to cum? Hm?” Anakin asked breathlessly, the headboard almost snapping under his grip.
She blabbed out some words he couldn’t understand due to her pornographic moans, but she nodded her head signaling she was about to cum.
“Mmm I’m gonna fill this pretty pussy so well..” he moaned, his thrusts getting sloppier as he too was close to his realese. When he said that, he felt her walls clamp down on him, making them both moan in sync.
“You like that pretty girl? You like that you’re gonna be full of my cum?” He cooed mockingly, his hand gripping her hair as he forced her to look at him.
“Y-yes.! Oh god Anakin yes, please..!” She yelled, her hands gripping at his shoulders before he sped up his thrust.
They both moaned in sync, the lewd noises so loud they were sure the rooms next to his could clearly hear the two. He thrusted into her, taking her lips in his before spilling his seed inside her as she spilled her release on him, a mess in between their sweaty body’s.
Anakin collapsed onto the bed next to her as she did the same. He pushed down on the bump in her stomach in a amused manner, watching the cum ooze our as he got his fingers and plugged the cum back inside, licking the residue off his fingers before pulling her into a deep and passionate kiss.
When she regained some slight strength, she snaked her way down the bed, taking Anakin’s throbbing red member—still covered in their shared juices—before she began sucking him off, looking up at him with pretty doe eyes.
Anakin gasped, quickly grabbing her head with shocked moans. She licked his dick clean, slapping it to her face before deepthroating it once again. “S-shit Angel! N-no more..! I can’t..!” He yelped, tears returning to his face as his brows were upturned in pain and pleasure.
After a minute or two he came all over her face, completely empty as he began to fall asleep.
She cuddled into him, falling asleep in the mess they had made—waking up and hour or two later before taking a sweet shower together.
A/n: idk what possessed me to write this but I hope it’s good because I’ve literally never written smut before.. 😭 i apologize if you’re traumatized from this 😁💞😛
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franzivonkarma · 3 months
I desperately need people to understand that Franziska's whipping thing really isn't solely a silly character gimmick. Of course it is to a degree, just like Godot and coffee and Klavier and air guitar in court, but so often I see people dismiss Franziska's whipping trait as an annoying feature that adds nothing to her character and I cannot stand it. This is a bit of a rant and I touch on gender inequality and the way I see a lot of men treat her as a character a decent amount within this because I feel like the fact that she is a woman is actually very important to this element of her character, and her treatment is also a lot of the reason why I feel compelled to talk about this in the first place.
Firstly what you need to understand is that not only is Franziska a woman, she is also laughably young when she becomes a prosecutor. She's a 13 year old girl trying to hold the attention of a courtroom of mostly grown men and be taken seriously. It's no secret that misogyny does exist in the Ace Attorney universe of course (see: Godot), but aside from this, maybe it's just because I've been playing Ace Attorney Investigations recently, but she is just very small all around. It's a running gag in Turnabout Reminiscence that she is short, she's small, she can't see things Edgeworth can - although granted Edgeworth is definitely fairly tall, most estimates I've seen linger around 5'8-5'10 (around 170-180cm). And of course, she is only 13 here, she's not done growing, but it's at this age that she actually did begin to prosecute. Naturally, she'd often be underestimated, and we can see a strong desire to prove herself during Turnabout Reminiscence, even just to her father; I can only imagine that this would extend further into her trials as a young girl. Secondly, she's the daughter of Manfred von Karma, whom she idolises to a godlike status and who teaches her everything she knows about prosecuting, and also a lot about life in general - he's her father. There's a lot I could say about their dynamic, but I feel that much of it doesn't need to be said in this specific post if you're already here dedicated to Franziska enough to bother reading this post.
Manfred's courtroom (and often, regular) behaviour revolves a lot around him taking complete control of the entire courtroom, with him even speaking over the judge, overruling objections he does not like and sustaining his own, and instructing witnesses himself. He also often snaps his fingers to direct attention to himself and his point. Franziska learns this, but how does a literal 13 year old girl follow her father in this regard? Well, by force. Whipping someone is a very clear way to get their attention. Not only the person it hits but the people around - whips cracking are loud, they take up a lot of visual space, and they also obviously cause harm to the person they hit. These are all things you can't really ignore - it forces you to look at her and pay attention to her and gives her control of the room exactly like Manfred. I've also been thinking a lot about the end of Justice For All in relation to this. She's lost to Phoenix multiple times and she couldn't beat him even once just to prove that she was better than Edgeworth as she so desperately wanted to. This brings me to another point about her use of her whip. While I think control is a huge aspect and is my main focus here, I think it falls more under the umbrella of Franziska's own perceived shortcomings. We also know that she doesn't believe she lives up to her father's genius, and that she consistently feels like she's walking in Edgeworth's shadow, she says it herself:
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I think at least some part of the reason her whip is so important is because she believes she could very well be less than equal to others in the room in terms of certain traits. She sees her father as a genius, knows she isn't equal to him, and internalises this (whether she is actually less intelligent or not I personally don't know what I believe, I haven't played Justice For All in over a year and a half and I would have to replay it to decide my thoughts).
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In having to be perfect, there are many expectations she cannot live up to, and this leads to many ways in which she falls short of what she believes she should be. By using her whip, again, she can account for her perceived shortcomings in other areas - control, her intelligence, her ability as a prosecutor. I think this last scene of JFA actually introduces us to the idea that Franziska is somewhat self-doubting in some ways and compares herself a lot with others, not just Manfred, but also Edgeworth, which we see more of in Ace Attorney Investigations during Turnabout Reminiscence, where we see her at 13 attempting to prove that she can "out-logic" Edgeworth for the entire case, and essentially, that she is "more perfect" than he is.
But to come back to her whip, control, and the end of Justice For All.
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She is left with little of who she was before and doesn't know how to move on - everything she was taught to be from the moment she was born, she no longer is. She is 18 here, prosecuting for 5 years already and desperate to be prosecuting for even longer. As far as her life was set out, this was basically it for her - become a perfect prosecutor and prosecute perfectly just like Manfred - the ideal prosecutor in her eyes.
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A Von Karma is perfect, but she is not - she lost, just like Edgeworth, whom she shamed for the same thing. She gives up her whip here, and I feel that it's truly symbolic of how she feels like she's completely lost control of herself, her life, her relationship with her father and most obviously her occupation as a prosecutor. How could she continue being a prosecutor when she no longer lives up to the idea of it that she's had her entire life? What use is her whip if she will not need to hold the court's attention any longer?
I'm sure a million other people have thrown their coin in the pot on this exact topic, and I'm sure many have said the same thing as me and many have said something different, but I needed to write my thoughts out about it because I couldn't stop thinking about her. This is one big reason why I feel like I see a lot of men who don't understand Franziska and see her as very annoying, gimmicky, and my least favourite - a "female Edgeworth." She is a woman who steals attention and space forcibly; both from characters in-game, and also from the player with her animations that take up time in trials and a lot of the visual space. Of course this makes her unpopular with a lot of men. I'm not saying that if you dislike her or the whip it comes from a place of misogyny, I am saying that I think her whipping trait is reduced to a stupid, annoying gimmick more than, say, Godot and his coffee, because a lot of people don't really care to see that there is intention behind it that reveals a lot about her character, just like how Godot's coffee problem is relevant to his backstory.
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aliaology · 7 months
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summary: reader slowly starts to realize that her best friend, luke hughes, has been in love with her for forever. she also comes to terms, knowing that she is in love with him too.
pairings: luke hughes x fem! reader
warnings: jealousy, fluff, underage drinking
BASED ON the song “you are in love” by taylor swift!
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it started at a party. the dark room, the only light being the flashing ones from another room. you stood in the kitchen, grabbing another drink. luke was your d.d. tonight, but where was he? your eyes scanned the room, landing on him. he leaned against a wall, talking to a friend of both of you, ethan edwards.
luke’s eyes make their way to you. this was the first clue. his eyes held a look. one of yearning, one of adoration, one of lust. you look away, before glancing back. his eyes were back on ethan. no, no, no. do it again. i need to see it again. you thought.
you made the unilateral decision and walked over to the two boys, “what you guys talkin’ about?” you spoke, slightly loud due to the music from the room next door.
“just about how lukey here has you help you button up your coats.” ethan laughed.
you rolled your eyes in embarrassment. “cant keep things to yourself, can you?” you took a sip from your drink, grumbling.
luke laughs, throwing his arm around your shoulder. “you’re my favorite thing to talk about, gotta come up with more stuff.”
ethan let out an inward groan. “literally— all he talks about is you.”
it was a good thing the room was dark as you felt your face heat up.
driving with luke was normally fun, unless he was going so slow. he kept pointing out things as he drove the dark and very much calm roads. you held a warm cup of coffee in your hands, still tired from just waking up.
“i promise me waking you up will be worth it.” he told. you turn to look at him. “i found this area with a really pretty view and wanted to show you, i just didn’t expect to get back so late.” he added.
you chuckle. “its okay, lu, but if you keeping driving this slow, i think i might lose my mind.” you watched as he grinned.
he sped up and it didn’t take long to get there. it was at a park. he grabbed a blanket from his backseat and got out of the car. he rushed to your side and opened the door for you.
you smiled at him as he closed the door and then threw an arm around you. he walked you to the middle of the field, letting go of you to place the blanket down. he stood back up, shoulder brushing with yours. he looked over to you, the chain dangling on your neck caught his eye.
the moonlight reflected on it. it was the chain he got you. one that had a small pendent in the middle that had ‘you deserve to be loved’ engraved on the back.
he tore his eyes away from the necklace and looked at you instead who had been looking around at the trees. “look up” he said.
you looked at him and then at the sky, lips parting in disbelief as your eyes made contact with the millions of stars shining brightly. your apartment made it hard to see this stuff, with the lights all around and the light pollution, it was hard.
as you gazed at the stars in wonder, luke gazed at you with love. a small smile adorned his face as his eyes scanned yours. his eyes watched as the stars were shining bright, reflecting in your eyes. he trailed his gaze down to your nose, then your cheeks, and then your lips.
he wanted to kiss you. but he didn’t. he wished he did.
sunday mornings in the small hughes apartment was chaotic. living three doors down meant you practically lived with luke and one of his brothers, jack. you sat on the island, hiding your face in your hands as you laughed.
jack was currently scolding luke, who had somehow burnt the toast he was supposed to make. “how the hell do you burn toast, this fucking bad?” jack exclaimed.
you put your head in the shirt you wore, which was lukes. you used the fabric and your hand to muffle the giggles that were falling from your lips.
“im sorry! jesus ill remake it!” luke spoke.
“no!” jack said. “ill do it” he groaned.
the older boy then turned, looking at the girl who sat on the counter. “how the hell did you not smell this shit? either of you? and why didn’t you help?”
“shes just sitting pretty in my shirt.” luke scoffed, not listening to his brother and grabbing more bread out.
“shut up” you groaned, rubbing your eyes. “im sick— i cant smell anything.”
jack let out a small comical shriek. “get out! why are you here if you’re sick, we have hockey, dont get us sick.” he exclaimed. you rolled your eyes at jack’s behavior.
you hopped off the counter, making your way slowly to him. “come here jacky… its just a small cold” you cough to add a dramatic effect and soon, hes running. you laugh as you chase after him.
jack runs past luke, you go to do the same, but luke sticks his arm out and lifts you up. your laughter floods the apartment as luke presses your body against his, trapping you.
unfortunately, you missed the way he looked at you. missed the way jack looked at you both. and missed the way he really wanted to kiss you.
you liked parties, when they weren’t cut short. you grabbed a drink from the kitchen and made your way to the living room where everyone seemed to be. you pushed your way through the crowd until a man stopped you. he was roughly your age, maybe jack’s age.
he asked you to dance with him, which you did. you laughed as you two danced, not noticing the glare luke gave him from afar. the taller boy leaned against the wall with jack next to him. his hand tightened around the cup he held as his jaw clenched.
he shoved the cup in jack’s chest and moved towards you. he pushed through the crowd until he finally got over to you. “we have to go” he spoke, grabbing your arm lightly.
“what?” you asked. “yo— man we were havin’ fun here!” the man behind you said.
“yeah? well she needs to leave. lets go (nickname).” luke pulled you gently, making his way out of the house. as you both made your way out and neared the street, you removed yourself from his grip.
“what the fuck was that, luke? we’ve been here like an hour, there is no way we need to leave yet.” you scoff.
“we do— its getting late.” he replied, still walking.
you scoffed again. “seriously? jesus christ luke, i was having fun!” you told.
“having fun rubbing your ass against him?” luke turned, looking at you with anger.
“why does it matter if i was?” you yelled. “its my fucking body, im not even drunk either! i dont get why you are so upse—“ you were cut off.
luke shut you up by grabbing you by your hips and crashing his lips against yours. your eyes widened before closing slowly. your hands made their way to his face, holding both sides as he held you close.
he pulled away, resting his forehead on yours. he brought a hand up and held one that rested on his cheek.
“you’re my best friend.” he spoke. “but i want more. im so in love with you its not even funny. thats why we left, i can’t stand seeing you with anyone else.” he told.
your eyes scanned his face, looking for any indication of a lie. there wasn’t one. you smiled and pulled him back into you, your lips meeting his again.
he was in love.
you are in love.
true love.
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she shoots, she scores!!!
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Reader as Persephone's only daughter? And she doesn't get into relationships bc of her mother's past as she was kidnapped by Hades?? Like History repeats itself with Luke being so obsessed with her and the reader doesn't know that she'll just end up like her mother
hello, hello! this one is definitely long overdue. i've been very busy with uni, but this ask was very intriguing!!! thank you for sending, anon ♡ (bonus scene at the end lol)
Luke Castellan wasn’t immediately taken by her the first time she set foot on Camp Half-Blood, that much was certain. She was only a topic of interest because she was Persephone’s daughter, promised yet unexpected all the same. He was far too caught up with claiming his own hoard of kleos to entertain ideas of attraction; however, she became a friend soon enough.
“What are you growing?” He asked her during a spring afternoon years ago, so insignificant that a normal person would forget it entirely.
“I don’t know yet actually.” She responded with pursed lips. Her open palms lingered just above the brown earth, colorful beads dangled from her wrists.
Luke raised an eyebrow.
At his silence, she looked up then waved a packet in front of him. She smiled. “Secret stash from Persephone.”
“Now, I’m not really the boss or anything but I think I’ve been here long enough to know the rules.” He perched his forearm against the bark of a tree, leaning his weight against it. “I don’t think that’s allowed.”
“But you wouldn’t tell on me, would you?” She batted her eyelashes sweetly, jokingly. She turned back to her lump of land. “‘Sides, they're harmless… I think.”
He remained silent and observed as a sprout quickly rose from the depths of her plot. A number of curved leaves on top leaning stems dotted the once empty ground. She rose from her knees, dusting off pellets of grass that hitched onto her clothing.
“That's it?” He asked her, sounding very unimpressed. Was this the extent of her god-gifted abilities?
She narrowed her eyes at him as she stretched. “I don’t give a show for free, Castellan.”
“What do you want in exchange, then?” He asked curiously. He wanted to see— witness what Persephone’s little seedling was capable of flowering.
She thought for a moment then shrugged her shoulders. She walked away from him with a wave. “Grow something of your own then we negotiate the terms.”
A few weeks later, he proudly paraded a plant pot all around camp in search of her. Most of the younger kids looked at him a bit judgmentally when he held it up like he was Rafiki and the little thing was his Simba.
She emerged from the greenhouse after several vexingly loud knocks. She looked down at Luke’s outstretched arms, her lips twitching in amusement at the container filled with inch-long two-leaved sprouts.
“Strawberries?” She pursed her lips. She motioned to the fields of berries sprawling to the left of them. “A bit unoriginal considering…”
“Well, you didn’t tell me I wasn’t allowed to grow strawberries.” He reasoned.
“Touché.” She ceded. She placed a hand over the pot, the sprouts growing exponentially before she took it from Luke's hands. She spent a handful of minutes transferring them into the dirt.
Luke watched silently, interested and intrigued by the alacrity with which she moved.
“Can you look away for a sec?” She spoke suddenly. She turned towards him, all seriousness. “The glaring is pressuring them. They’re a bit self-conscious.”
“Oh.” He looked away immediately, distracting himself instead with the silvers of light that shone through the canopy of branches of a tree not far from him. He listened to her hum as she worked. He couldn't help but return his gaze to her once in a while.
“Done!” She proclaimed excitedly, pulling off her gardening gloves with a satisfied look on her face.
Three strawberry bushes stood before him, taking up residence in what was an empty patch of land mere seconds ago. His lips parted slightly in surprise— it definitely wasn’t uncommon for demi-gods to inherit some of their parents’ powers, but he was startled by how quickly it manifested, especially for botanokinesis.
“Impressed enough?” She crossed her arms with a grin.
“Just the right amount.” He responded casually, returning her smile. He bent down to pick a big ripe berry from the branches.
He bit into it, the juices trickling down his chin. “Sweet.”
He offered the other half to her. She looked down at it skeptically before Luke urged her with a slight little shake from the bundle of leaves at the fruit’s head. She took it into her own hold then lifted it up to her mouth.
In her iteration of the story, Luke wasn’t merely a stand-in for Hades. He wasn’t simply her captor— he was also her pomegranate. His smiles, his looks, his words, his lies, his charm and his wit were all the seeds she foolishly consumed over the years. She yearned desperately for the tart sweetness he offered and unknowingly caused her own captivity.
Bound, bent and broken: this was the fate of Persephone’s only child.
In the darkness of the night, with the hum of Luke’s faint snoring keeping her senses alive despite the late hour, she wondered to herself briefly: was this how her mother felt?
She paused at the thought. Surely, it was a thousand times worse for her mother— a dread and pain so unfathomable that she couldn’t even begin to imagine it. Persephone was innocent; she was tricked and taken advantage of. She, however, was complicit: ignorant at first, but willing to succumb to Luke’s pleas and promises even if she knew the horrors of what he was attempting to do.
“Can’t sleep?” He whispered suddenly, jolting her out of her reverie. His hand moved to rest against her hip, his thumb stroking comforting circles onto her skin.
“Hm,” She hummed absent-mindedly. She turned around to face him, breathing in the scent of sea and sweat that lingered on him— a glaring reminder of what he was getting himself into.
Luke caged his arms around her then pressed a kiss against her temple. "Mine."
"Yours." She responded softly.
He returned to sleep in a matter of seconds, but he held her firmly against him. She couldn’t escape even if she wanted to. She didn’t even want to, anyway.
She closed her eyes. Luke’s presence was her prison, and she was insane enough to willingly stay shackled, albeit metaphorically, regardless of how horrific that sounded.
This was her underworld— her own dauntingly lovely elysium.
BONUS scene from my first draft that i didn't continue writing:
“Well, what’s her master plan then?” She asked. “Why kidnap me?”
“You’re Persephone’s daughter.” He shrugged his shoulders, as if that was enough explanation as to why the leader of a rebellion against the gods wanted to kidnap the spawn of the Goddess of Spring— really, what did he think she was gonna do for him? Grow daffodils and tulips to distract his enemies? It didn’t seem like horticulture proved useful on the battlefield.
“I am not going to grow potatoes and peas for her little revolt, Castellan.” She scoffed.
Of course she knew why she was being held captive. Pretending to be foolish and ignorant never hurt anybody, though. Let him think she was dumbed down enough to bend to his will.
“You’re basically Hades’ daughter.” He continued, essentially bypassing her reply. It was a bit rude, honestly, but the fact that he kidnapped her showed plenty about the state of Luke’s manners.
“Careful what you say, Lukey.” She would’ve wagged her fingers if her wrists weren’t so tightly bound together. “You might just insult another one of the gods.”
Her relationship with her stepfather was… civil yet glacial at best; definitely on brand for him, actually. On her annual winter-break visits to the Underworld, he’d just ignore her for the most part (very understandable, there wasn’t much in common between an eons-old powerful god and a nineteen year old, except the angst probably, but that was a very awkward topic to breach with a father figure). Most of the time, she assumed he just tolerated her because of her mother.
“With you on board, Hades is going to think twice before attacking,” He explained further. He began to pace in front of her. “Your presence might even dissuade him from attacking at all.”
Oh. Oh.
“Sweetheart,” She called him softly with a condescending coo in her tone. “Oh, sweetie. You’re delusional.”
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midnightblues444 · 4 months
Two man job |
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College! Geto and Gojo x fem! Reader
Part one here
Warning: smut, m oral, and guided masturbation, threesome, nastiest thing I've written
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"I've never gone this far with a guy before"
a term you found is a key to wrapping them around your fingers .
You've said this to both Gojo and Geto in the last 4 weeks of seeing them. each on different occasions that you carefully planned out.
Fucking around with best friends is no easy job, theres always risk that the other will find out. Yet so far theres no sign that either knows.
You usually meet up with Gojo in his car, driving around in the late hours of the night.Gojo was the faster of the two, almost so rabidly horny it was cute. He would always attach pictures of him in his boxers to all his messages.
Sometimes sending ones with his print as the focal point. This is where youd use your innocent persona saying you're blushing or something like that.
Leading Gojo to believe he taught you how to suck dick. You gave him a nervous whine, and look up at him and said: "I dont know how Toru"
"You'll be fine" he encourage, throwing his head back as you eased him down your throat. His sheer size made you feel like a true virgin again, struggling to take his length drooling all over it.
"just like that" he'd huff, guiding you with a gentle push
His groans, and thrusts picked up as you started tearing up. As he got closer and closer he let out deep whiny moans, making your clit throb. Hes needy and his pale face is flushed pink as he leaks into your mouth.
Geto on the other hand is, sensual and extremely domineering. He'd usually invite you over, and his place was clean and always prepped for you. He would ease into everything he did with you.
Passion in all that he touches, you usually dont have to crank up your innocent act because he makes you nervous enough.
"You ever touch yourself" he'd whisper in your ear
"Well I try to but cant finish" youd admit embarrassed
"I'll show you how then"
Seating you in his lap, his hand over your own as his thick fingers working themselves in and out of your wetness.
Hed coopraise, as you sigh and moan his name. Arching needily into his touch, working another finger in even when you whine that two's too much. He drooling at how slick you are, living for every sound you make for. That you shake and beg for him as you came all over his fingers.
A steady stream of links with both, you find yourself getting too comfortable that's probably why you dont check if they're together when you text them anymore.
The next thing you know, Getos asking you to come over.
You're nervous but excited, skipping to the familiar building. Pressing the elevator for his floor, with giddy butterflies flooding your stomach (and coochie)
You add a cute flare to your knock, adjusting your skirt and everything. You even baked cookies for this link.
Geto half opens the door, smirking down at you with a look you've never quite seen before. You smile at him.
"I baked us some cookies" you presenting him the box
"Is there enough for me"
The door opening fully, to reveal Gojo in all his glory.
"What you say (name) is there enough for three?"
They both laugh at your defeated look, you feel obligated to walk in. Shifting awkwardly on the couch, shrinking into the cushions. The loud sound of them chewing the cookies you baked fills the silence.
"You know what, I'm outta here" you say, standing abruptly. Mustering as much confidence as possible.
"But we just started" Geto feigns sadness
"Take a cookie" Gojo offers amused
They're worse when they're together. Matching cruelly unserious smirks as the play with you.
"Look, if you want an apology.." you start,
They laugh in a weird unison, looking at each other with mischief
"Suguru, you want an apology"
"That depends on how she apologizes, Satoru"
They look to you, expectedly, you can only shrug your shoulders unsure to what they're playing at. Studying they're expressions you cant seem to read.
"Maybe she could beg?" Gojo circled around to sit on your left
"Maybe she could get on her knees, do what shes good at" Geto sat to the right
You're their prey as of now, catching on to what they want from you. You fight back a smirk, it's been hard to conceal that your lowkey into the corruption aspect of this affair. You liked pretending to be a lamb and them the big bad wolves.
"I'll do anything you ask" you say
°《♡•`*☆》° °《♡•`*☆》° °《♡•`*☆》°
Sandwiched between the two men, you feel as though you'll explode right there. 3 orgasms in, Geto fucks you from the front and Gojo in the back. Harshly thrashing in and out of you.
"Too rough" you sob out incoherently, feeling like they're in your stomach
"Aww shes cryin" Gojo pinches your nipple, Geto kissing your tearful cheeks
The masochistic assholes, folding you in half are mean. Getting off to your tears, I mean you hurt their pride and now it's getting taken out on you.
You can feel their collective throbbing, they've switch positions after each rounds. Both taking turns between your cunny and ass.
"Fuck shes so tight, I'm gonna bust" gojo groans as he finishes and it leaks down your ass
"God shes perfect" Geto huffs out, you cant respond your too drunk on the sensation. Your g spot Perfectly getting hit each time, as Gojos slender fingers circle your abused clit roughly.
You can feel that knot inside you tear, almost painfully as you gush. Your eyes roll to the back of your head and you fall limp on Gojos chest.
Uncontrolled and messy,
"Dude no way"
"We should make her do it again"
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leighsartworks216 · 5 months
Migraine Pain
Astarion x gn!Tav/Reader
Wrote this for me bc I have a migraine rn and I want Astarion to act as my personal cold pack. Beginning of Astarion's dialogue taken from the vid Neil did of an Astarion wake up call lol
Not proofread bc brain hurts
Warnings: migraine descriptions, pain, light angst if you squint, swearing, OOC Shadowheart
Word Count: 1,839
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First Baldur's Gate 3 Masterlist - Second Baldur's Gate 3 Masterlist
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The two knocks at the door split your skull. Each one like an iron spike hammered into your temples. All you could do was hide deeper under the covers, hoping they would muffle the sound enough to stop hurting.
“Darling, get up,” Astarion called through the wood. Two more knocks accentuated his annoyance. He groaned when he didn’t hear any movement. “Get the fuck up!”
You wished you could tell him what was going on - really you did. But the slightest twitch from your tadpole was enough to have you wishing for death. Hells, you’d make a deal with Raphael with unbalanced terms just so it would go away! Instead, all you could do was wait it out. It would be a long wait indeed.
With another irritated sigh, you could hear the familiar scrape of his lockpicking tools working at the lock. Even the quiet metal-on-metal grated right against your eardrums. Fortunately, he was exceptionally skilled, because with a click the door was swinging open.
He rolled his eyes when he saw the lump of your body underneath the blankets. “My gods, you’re so lazy. Just like Gale.” His footsteps, even as an elven rogue, were too damn loud. You pressed your nose into the mattress, willing the thumping pulse in your head to stop. It thudded behind your eyes with each step.
In one swift motion, the blankets that provided the small mercy of darkness were whipped off of you. You curled as tightly into yourself as possible, covering your head with your arms to block out the sunlight streaming into your room. Astarion scoffed.
“Get out of bed and get up!” He gestured to the window. Even though you couldn’t see it, you could hear the rustling of his shirt. “It’s the morning. Listen, I might be a vampire that’s been away from the sun for 200 years, and I can actually now walk in it thanks to a tadpole that’s induced my mind,” he rambled, before huffing indignantly, “but even I don’t rest in!”
Now was the worst time for his dramatics. You usually adored how sassy and silly he could be, but now it just drove a stake through your brain. Even the Absolute couldn’t cause a pain this agonizing.
You whimpered, reaching out with one arm to swat him away. You missed. “Please, stop,” you whined. “Head hurts.”
He clicked his tongue. “Nothing the cleric can’t fix. C’mon, she can do whatever it is she does on our way out of here.”
You shook your head slowly, burying your face further and further into the bed. Gods, why did it have to hurt so fucking bad? Your chest tightened as the burn of tears stung at your eyes. Even crying hurt. Your body trembled and shook, your hands tangling into your hair to press at your affliction, as choked sobs suffocated you. Each gasp for air felt like a vice gripping your brain.
“Darling?” Astarion spoke, much softer. You couldn’t answer. He sighed softly, no longer annoyed. Well, a little annoyed. He dragged the blankets back up to your shoulders. “I’ll get Shadowheart.”
His footsteps were much lighter as he rushed out of your room. Was… this the work of the tadpoles? But wouldn’t they be affected, too? Ugh, why couldn’t anything be simple in this damn group of weirdos?
Shadowheart rushed in a moment later, remembering to keep her steps light halfway to you. She knelt down, frowning at the sight of the group’s leader so shaken. “Is it a migraine?” she whispered.
A sharp pain bolted through your temples as you nodded. You whimpered.
She sighed quietly. There was nothing her magic could do; migraines weren’t something she could just heal. “I’ll tell the others and whip up some tea, alright?”
She didn’t wait for your answer and set to work closing the curtains over the windows. Astarion frowned, missing the golden light already. “What’s wrong with them?”
Shadowheart put a finger over her lips with a glare. He scowled, but didn’t say anything. She only spoke when she was right next to him in the doorway. “They have a migraine. They’re extremely sensitive to light and sound right now.”
“Can’t you do something?” He glared impatiently at her, crossing his arms.
“There’s nothing for it. All we can do is wait. I suggest getting comfortable - we’re not leaving today.” She slipped past him, back down the stairs to the rest of your anxious companions.
He tapped his arm as he watched the lump under the blankets shift slowly as you finally uncovered your head. Baldur’s Gate was so close. Cazador was so close. They couldn’t deal with these delays when he was so damn close to being honestly, truly free.
He hadn’t moved from his post by the door when Shadowheart returned with a steaming cup of tea. She placed it carefully on your bedside table. “Drink this,” she whispered. “It should help with the pain.”
You nodded slightly, wiping at your face. She offered a little sympathetic smile. She gave Astarion a stern look as she passed. “Don’t try taking a nibble, vampire.”
He forced a sweet smile. “Offering yourself up instead?”
She scoffed, scrunching her nose up at the mere thought. “They need rest. And you leering over them isn’t going to help.” She left once more, with a last cursory glance over her shoulder to see if he’d leave.
Once she was out of sight, Astarion stepped into the room, softly closing the door behind him. His feet barely made a sound as he found his way back to your side. At least you weren’t curled up into a little ball anymore. Or crying. Small mercies, he supposed. He had no idea how to deal with someone being sick, let alone someone crying.
You looked at the cup on the table. Liquid salvation. The real trick was being able to drink it.
With a deep breath, you forced yourself to sit up, wincing and whimpering with every jerky motion. He was honestly shocked you didn’t jump when he grabbed your arm to help, but perhaps you really were that out of it. Or you knew he was there. Either way, you thank him in the smallest, most pathetic voice he’s ever heard.
Comfortably propped up on a stack of pillows against the headboard, you reached over to try grabbing the cup. He caught your hand just before you knocked the cup over.
“Careful, darling,” he chastised quietly. With a put-out sigh, he sat down at the edge of the bed and picked up the cup. He brought the rim to your lips. “Since you’re so incapable…”
You carefully took a sip. Your whole face relaxed at the warmth, and the soothing herbs mixed in. It wouldn’t be an immediate remedy, but it was a very pleasant one. After you eagerly drained half the cup, he set it back on the table. You sighed with relief, content in the knowledge even a single percentile of your pain could be eased away.
“You don’t have to stay,” you mumbled, watching him through squinted eyes. Even the dimness of the room was too bright for you.
He rolled his eyes playfully. “Least I could do after such a rude awakening.”
You chuckled, but the sound was cut short with a strong wince. You sat there for a moment, face pinched and brow tight as you waited for the sting to pass. Once it did, your face softened once more.
“How bad is it?”
“Like Dwarves are taking pickaxes to my temples in search of gold.” You took a breath. “And like an ogre is sitting on my head.”
He huffed a laugh. “Not much I can do to help with that, love.”
You hummed, shaking your head ever so slightly. You didn’t want to go jostling the miners when they were so damned hard at work.
With a small gesture toward the cup, Astarion helped you finish off the last half of the tea. A small dribble fell from the corner of your mouth down your chin. He caught it with his thumb quickly, the knuckles of his closed hand brushing your cheek. You leaned into the touch immediately, without even thinking about it. You sighed with relief.
“You’re cold.”
“Mm. Comes with being undead.” He set the cup aside, but allowed his hand to linger. In fact, he opened it up so he cupped your cheek with his palm. A sharp chill raced down your spine, but you didn’t pull away.
It was curious, how easily you placed yourself in his care. Watching as your eyes shut in easy tranquility as you indulged in the coolness of his hand, how relaxed you became - it surprised him. You always found new ways to amaze him.
Slowly, not wishing to jostle you, he moved to press his hand to your temple. If he thought you were relaxed before, this was utter bliss. “Gods, don’t stop,” you begged.
He glanced at the door, half expecting Shadowheart to burst in and yell at him for disturbing you. But nothing happened. Still, it would be better to avoid being told off. He pulled away, but kept a hand on your arm. “Lay down, dove.”
Whether out of desperation to have him acting as a cold compress once more or just to take the pressure off your brain, you complied in a heartbeat. Slowly, you shimmied back down into the covers, head situated on a pillow once more.
Astarion thought for a moment. Did he really want to keep sitting here, back tiring out, arms reaching for hours? You whined, placing a hand over his on your arm, asking without words for relief. He hushed you.
As quickly as he could without shaking the bed, he stood, rounded it, and slipped in under the covers beside you. You gravitated toward him immediately, even as you winced. Head on his chest, arms clinging to him like a babe holding onto its mother, you relaxed into the natural chill he offered. He rested a hand back on your cheek, but slid the other to the back of your neck. That was the sweet spot, it seemed; you practically melted in his arms.
It wasn’t long before you were fast asleep, lulled into peace with the aid of the tea. He stared at the dark curtains blocking out the sun. One more day couldn’t hurt, surely. Not that they really had a choice, but…
You stirred in your sleep, turning your head to press your nose further into the ruffles of his shirt. Like this - bags under your eyes, hair a mess, a bit pallid - he was sure. He would Ascend. You’d never have to suffer like this again. Neither of you would. He’d be the most powerful man in the lands, with you at his side. Never again would he have to live in fear, bound in chains to someone else.
He sighed and rested his cheek lightly on your head. Gods. Just a few days now.
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onmydelulushitasalways · 11 months
the marauders being clingy
Characters: James Potter, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black
Synopsis: The Marauders loving their s/o and being all clingy
TW: Drunk, alcohol (Sirius)
James Potter
“James,” you whined, “breakfast is going to be over soon, we need to get out of bed.”
James was still half-asleep, with his face pressed against your chest as he laid on top of you. He was like a koala to a tree, clinging onto your warm body.
The way your hands massaged his scalp probably didn’t help keep him alert.
“Five more minutes,” James mumbled sleepily against your skin. “You’re too comfy.”
“James, don’t you have a quidditch match this afternoon? Don’t you want to strategize with the team this morning?”
“They can wait.”
“I have classes to get to, you know?” you stop playing with his hair, a gesture that didn’t go unnoticed.
“Please, baby, I don’t wanna get up yet!” James complained pathetically.
“You have to get up eventually,” you sat up slowly, James reluctantly following suit. “Let’s get ready, go to breakfast, go to class, I’ll cheer for you at your game, and then tonight we can cuddle until we fall asleep.”
James grumpily got out of bed and ready. “Tomorrow morning is a Saturday. And I will not let you out of my arms until lunch, you hear me?”
Remus Lupin
“And so the combination of rose petals and swan feathers creates a sand-like powder that is commonly used in beauty and love spells. Rowena Ravenclaw, however, feared that access to such emotional magic would harm the students, so for the first two centuries of Hogwarts’ existence was an impeccably swan-free zone…”
You read your history book out loud to Remus, who had his head rested in your lap.
“Remus? Are you listening?”
“Hm? Yes, of course, love. Swans and the lack thereof,” he nodded, as he flipped himself from his back to his stomach. His head still resting comfortably on your thighs.
“Tired, Moony?” you put the book down.
“Mhm, a bit. But don’t stop reading on my account. I’m still listening,” Remus’s voice was tired and relaxed.
“Don’t be silly, you go to sleep.”
“Are you gonna fall asleep with me?” he looked up from your lap, expectantly.
“No, I still need to study. The history of Hogwarts waits for no one,” you sighed with a faint smile. “But you had this class last term, so you don’t need to sit through all this.”
“I want to, love. I like hearing you read,” Remus laid his head back down. “Please, continue.”
You smiled with a roll of the eyes and reopened the book. “In addition to swans, all white feathers were equally prohibited. Notably, doves and cranes got it particularly rough…”
Before you could make it to the next page, Remus was asleep on your lap.
Sirius Black
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know who else to call,” Remus frowned as he led you into the Gryffindor common room.
On a couch, laid a very drunk Sirius, talking some poor second year’s ear off.
“Oh, and you should just see them! They’ve got this smile, and these eyes, and, ugh! I hate them they’re so perfect. And I’m dating them! How did that happen?” Sirius ranted.
“I, um, I don’t know,” the perfectly sober second-year shrugged awkwardly.
“Me neither!” Sirius said just a bit too loud.
You walked over to relieve the poor kid from their duties. “I’ve got him from here, thanks.”
“Darling!” Sirius cheered happily at your arrival. He opened his arms for a hug, which when you accept he turns into a cuddle.
He wrapped his arms around your neck and pulled you down on top of him on the couch. The scent of alcohol hit you.
“How much have you had to drink, Sirius?” you inquired.
“Enough to feel good enough to do this,” he smirked as he pulled you into a kiss.
The kiss was long and sloppy, until you pulled away. Sirius frowned slightly at that.
“Siri, you’re smashed. I think you should get to bed,” you advised.
“What? No! You just got here, I’m just starting to have fun!” Sirius whined.
Suddenly, another Gryffindor approached you, asking for help with an essay he had due tomorrow.
“Back off! She was just about to take me to bed!” He declared proudly, with drunken loudness and shamelessness.
And you did just that. Took him to his room, and cuddled him to sleep. Although his hangover was not as pleasant.
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holyparadisenightmare · 2 months
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It had only been a few days since your partner left for their business trip, but you were already going stir crazy. You were spending the whole day tempering your ravenous, insatiable libido. Every inch of you boiled. Toys refused to satisfy.
Climbing into the shower, it was hard not to be turned on just looking at yourself. Your erect nipples, idle playthings for your horny mind. Minutes in and all that work cleaning yourself would be undone. So you'd rinse and repeat.
In your room you found your partner's favourite set of lingerie: a matching set of black, lacey panties and a bra. It had only been a few days since you last wore them, but you could already feel yourself spill out more than usual. What were once large, but perky tits were now heavy hanging breasts that sat snug, snugger than usual, in that delicate fabric.
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Nights turned to days as you roamed your house alone. But it wasn't long before your concerns were vindicated. Your breasts had gotten larger. In fact, they continued to grow. Veins pushed their way to the surface as the skin around your tits stretched thinner.
But it wasn't the only thing growing.
You honestly thought it was just bloat. Anxious that a few days of unaccompanied eating and wanking had you gaining weight, your belly surged forward from where you were used to. But after two weeks and the bloat refusing to pass, you knew more was going on.
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Throwing on a sports bra, you tried to hide your growing tits and belly. A grey, oversized tracksuit followed over and with a pair of sunglasses the look was complete as you venture out into the world to find some clarity.
You arrived at a pharmacy. The woman at the counter greeted you as you walked in. You smiled politely but bit your lip as you saw her. She was short, a little shorter than you, chunky with a black bob. Thick in all the right ways.
Terrified, you tried to hide your arrousal and your belly.
You smiled back and asked "Can i get a pregnancy test?" your words fell away as your mumble through the last of your sentence.
"I'm sorry, i didn't quite catch that." She said with a smile that said 'i heard you but I want to make you say it out loud.'
Your face was bright red. The woman behind the counter carelessly looking you over like a piece of meat. "A pregnancy test. I need one." You conceed, pointing past her to the display behind the counter.
"Oh, I'm sorry miss." She snarked, reaching back to grab one, "I didn't think someone so far along would needs that."
Your face and pussy burnt. "H-how dare you!" You half moan at her, looking around to see if anyone had heard. You were both alone.
But before you could break into a full tyrade, you looked down at yourself for the first time since you stepped into the store. You had grown since the drive here. And you were huge. The sweat shirt did nothing to hide your size, the front pulled taught by the size of your growing belly.
You cried, "Oh my god!" Before running... well, waddling to the bathroom. You tripped and stumbled as you adjusted to your new centre of gravity. You locked the door behind you and peeled back your slowly shrinking sweat shirt.
You looked full term. 9 months pregnant. Your belly button had popped. Your ass had widened, and your belly grew so naturally from your plump form you wondered how you had ever looked without it.
As you raised your shirt to reveal yourself your hand brushed against your breasts. Its swollen flesh threatened to spill out and over your tight sports bra. You carefully pulled the bra up and over, careful not to put too much pressure on your very sore breasts. Regardless, each nipple slowly trickled beads of milk down your body.
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Your pussy craved satisfaction. It ate at you, filling your mind with fog. You were one part petrified, but 9 parts severely turned on. And what little scared you onlu turnes you on more. What if someone caught you?
With a hand you slid up and squeezes one of your engorged breasts. Milk splattered across the mirror. You moaned as you watched your reflection play with herself.
But a knock at the door brought you crashing back to earth. "Ma'am?" The clerk called from behind the door.
"Y-yeah?" Your voice hinted at the pleasure you're so desperate to return to.
"I hate to bother you. But that stall is for paying customers only. And, like I said. I dont think you need this test."
"I can't come out right now." You said back.
"Do you need help?" She asked, genuinely concerned.
You hesitsted for a moment.
"Can you get some oil, some napkins and a clean shirt? I'll pay for them!"
You could hear her voice catch at the strangle request. "O-Okay?"
Eventually she returned. You unlocked the door a crack and let her pass the items through. But in the corner of your eye, in the reflection of the window, you see her face looking back. She saw you, tits, belly and all. Her face turned bright red as she slams the backroom door shut.
Flustered your deslerately scramble to clean yourself up. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." You hurridly cry.
Her voice turned into a long and uncertain "uuuhhhhh" as she tried to find the words to describe how she's feeling. "The ummm. The bathroom is kinda gross. Did yo-did you want to use the staff room?" She finally utters. "Its just me here. Perfectly safe."
You sigh. Tired, hungry and heavy, and in desperste need of being milked, you agree. Slipping the white shirt she gave you on, you couldn't deny it left little to the imagination.
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Quickly you open the door and slip awkwardly through the pharmacy. Your belly and tits swinging as you do. The wet stains around your nipples getting larger, revealing your dark areolas underneath. After what felt like an eternity of exposure you cross the threshold and slip into the backroom of the store. The clerk quickly closing in behind.
She pulls up a large office chair and gestures you to sit down. You happil oblige, resting your monsterous belly on your lap and your leaking breasts on your belly. The sigh of relief came involentarily as you thank her.
Her smile turned from carring to ceniving as she locks the door behind her. "Now we're alone, I need you to take that top off."
"E-excuse m-me?"
The pharmacist drops down to her knees and begins kissing your enormous belly. "Big girl, you're going nowhere like this. I heard the noises you made. And i know you think i'm cute. Come on." She says, lifting your struggling shirt and sweezing oil into her hands. "Be a good girl for me."
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You couldn't help but yelp at her touch, but something about her stern stare made you melt. Between your partner being gone and your sudden pregnancy, you were keen for something certain. Your body relaxed as she went.
She lifted your shirt off completely and exposed your collosal breasts. Rounded, swolen with milk, yet so large they flopped to either side of your mamoth belly. Pinned beneath it, stuck in this chair, the pharmacist had her way with you.
She dragged a tongue up your belly, around your breasts, lapping up stray milk. She sent shivered down your spine. Thrulls of pleasure followed too as she latched onto your swolen nipple. She sucked. Your nipples, raw and wanting, felt a wash of instant relief as you felt your warm milk release from its prison.
Your stray hand reached low, past your belly, in search of your pussy. You were dripping wet. You dove deep into yourself to lube up your finger and began rubbing your clit. You moaned as the gorgeous woman sucked away at your breasts, still rubbing lotion on your belly.
You quickly fell into the pit of pleasure. Your pace was steady and you begged her to keep going. With your other hand you took hold of your spare and swollen tit and squeezed. A yelp jumped from your lips. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as your sprayed milk across the back room.
It wasn't long before the pleasure built to a breaking point. You tried to hunch forward but your belly got in the way. You let go of your tit and gripped the desk beside you as hard as you could as you reach climax.
For the first time in weeks you finally felt satisfied. Panting and sweating you look over at your new friend with a greatful smile. She returns the feeling.
But as you stand to leave your legs give out. Not just regular jelly legs, you look down and realise you've only gotten larger. Your belly stretches out to your knees, and your breasts fall down by your side. You can see them swelling with fresh milk. Your thighs have grown and your fat ass is stuck in the chair.
You look up helplessly at the pharmacist as she kneels down between your legs and vanished behind your belly.
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