#so many cores it's stupid
dreamer-ame · 2 months
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friday's forest walk moodboard
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naturecalls111 · 9 months
I think I love Sanji so extra much because he’d acknowledge my ‘girl-ness’ in a way that I feel like has not ever been acknowledged in a way I wanted it to be wails
The chivalry intended not with hopeful reciprocation but with admiration. WAILS.
#nc111 talks#like growing up the whole concept of ‘being one of the boys’ was so stupid to me#mostly because I had so many guy friends and I was not appreciative of their treatment of me at all#there were definitely times where I wanted to tell them like. hm. I wish you would respect my girlhood a bit more#I love being a woman. I really do#my girlhood is something I keep very close to me. I was very jealous of other girls in my school who exuded that type of femininity#speaking purely from personal experience - just to make that clear#but I like being and being associated with traits that are quite literally stereotypically aligned with Girl-ness#so hard to explain!! but at its core I just love chivalry though lol#one of my friends was like ugh no I’d never want a guy to hold a door open for me just because I’m a girl#‘I’d want them to hold it open because it’s just a kind thing to do’#and like. yes. core sentiment I totally agree with#but also I Do want to be acknowledged as a girl I spent all of my childhood and teen years having my Girl-ness barely recognised and#it sucked seing the disparity in the treatment#but it also sucked seeing the intent with which these guys treated women chivalrously#which is why Sanji appeals to me. his chivalry is not ill intended or manipulative. ever. and it acknowledges womanhood all the same#OK RAMBLINGGGG#lost the plot. point is I love Sanji because I see him do his little dance while giving Robin a dessert she never had to ask for and I sigh#WISH THAT WERE ME.#edit: none of this matters mostly because I don’t care to date men#but I suppose it’s like. even in my friendships with other girls I feel like there was an inherent establishment that ok so I act as the Guy#And She acts as the girl#when we go out their arms would wrap around mine#and mine never wrapped around theirs. does that make sense#hold their hand as they walked down the stairs in heels. helped them out of cars. you get the image#SANJI WOULD HOLD MY HAND OUT OF A CAR EVERY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love him#I’d never have to ask! ah. love chivalry.
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doctorwhoarchive · 9 months
so I know some people hc that Kirby’s parents used to babysit Sam and Tara right
so what if they babysat them for a long time like since Sam was a baby
and Kirby, being 4 years older than Sam, remembers some stories and stuff of little Sam that not even Sam herself remembers
now imagine the core 4 + Kirby together having a good time and vibing when out of nowhere Kirby decides to be a menace and bring up the absolute most embarrassing story of baby Sam she can think of just to piss her off and make everyone else laugh
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daz4i · 10 months
dazai won't die not only bc it's a shitty writing decision in a story with bsd's themes and the way the story has been going so far but also like as a business decision this might tank bsd enough to get canceled lol. he's the most popular character in every single official fan poll (as in, those run by the magazine and channels that host bsd or the companies that own the rights for it in the west) if he's permanently killed off you would lose like half of the readers. if you don't believe in good writing to get us out of here believe in the power of capitalism, as awful as it is
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cordeliawhohung · 2 months
save me pregnant!reader x gaz..
i love those idiots with my whole heart.
i'll get my fucking wips managed and write more for those idiots soon ):
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prismaticpichu · 11 months
Hi, Pi! Hope you're having a good day. This is a little generic, but I love you little "Jenova shocks" that get Sephiroth sometimes and all of a sudden everyone's panicking trying to calm him down. If you have any of these scenarios, I'd appreciate the spookiness!
Hope you’re having an amazing one too!! <33 And omg, not generic at all! I live for these types of headcanons lmao! xD Always up for some good ol’ Jenova making a mess in the mental kitchen™️ shenanigans. Let’s do this! *plops on chef’s hat*
Even without puppet strings directly fettered to his mind, or even being in Mumsy’s direct line of psychological fire, Sephiroth can still act up when handled the wrong way. This fella doesn’t need to be a mesmerized, coerced-into-deadly-arson drone to be dangerous. No sir. Not at all. Certain triggers can still catalyze that celestial biology of his, and in the process, ultimately awaken millennial-old eradicative instincts laying dormant in his blood. This is what we call Sephiroth going absolutely Cujo. And it is very dangerous, and very scary.
Did you… did you not want 2K words of this? Oops.
It happened one night, at Angeal’s place, when he, Genesis, Sephiroth, and the newly-promoted Zack were all clustered on the couch watching a movie. There had been much squabbling beforehand as to what flick to watch exactly—particularly between the oil and water that is Genesis & Sephiroth—which ultimately prompted Angeal to let the pupper take the reins. It also helped that it was Zack’s first time hanging with the revered Firsts; Genesis didn’t care much for the “whelp” at all, while Sephiroth actually didn’t mind his presence. It was just a splinter of something warm, really, a slight elevation from the chilly neutrality he had with the other SOLDIERs below him. Surrendering (remote) control didn’t bother the man very much, especially when it was to someone as harmless as Zack. And especially when it meant that that control was not going to Genesis.
Surprisingly, a compromise was made pretty easily. Zack had cruised down the animation subsection in search of something wholesome and colorful—after Angeal said no to the “bloody blockbusters.” Hmph! He would NOT get nightmares. Anyways, what they ultimately stumbled across was something they could all agree upon: a nice, adorable movie with a smiling deer on the thumbnail. Zack wanted to squish the deer’s face, Angeal loved the floral scenery, Genesis appreciated its longevity, and Sephiroth had a hidden fascination with woodland creatures. Zack had picked well. Even Genesis admitted that the pupper’s taste wasn’t so “repugnant” after all.
So, they flicked on the movie and sat back. And y’know what? The four military minds did in fact enjoy it! It was so serene… so cute. Sephiroth stifled a chuckle as the titular deer learned to walk, Genesis humming along to the classical music. It was nice, really, Sephiroth thought, to just watch something so tranquil amid the tumultuous world they lived in, to fly off to a small oasis of beauty and bonding as he was bubbled in the warmth between his comrades. It was… perfect.
Y’know. Until It happened.
Bambi, as the fawn was called, was running. And running. And running. And running. Snow was billowing around him in blinding cascades of ice, the music escalating to match the racing legs of suspense. Bambi’s mother was right behind him—she was RIGHT behind him. But they were growing apart. Apart. Further and further apart.
Sephiroth raked his nails into the couch, his gaze becoming more and more fixated on the screen. On the deer. On the son. Locked. Praying. Fragmenting.
He was running. And running. And running. And—
No… no where was his mother…? Where was HIS—
Where was HIS—
The gunshot went off.
And Sephiroth felt the ringing.
Zack let out a little squeak, rattled by the sudden plunge in tone; Angeal cupped his hand over his mouth; Genesis breathed a shallow curse of surprise. Sephiroth didn’t know how long he was sitting there, simply staring, as Bambi crept his way out of the den. As he navigated back through the snow. As he called out in anguish.
Angeal noticed the almost paralyzed look first, reaching over and pausing the movie.
“Sephiroth?” he ventured slowly. “Are you okay?”
Sephiroth didn’t hear him; the world still rang, serrated and knifelike in his ears. He stated at the frozen image now, at the fawn’s tormented face. One that was full of pain. Full of loss. Full of grief. Abandoned.
“No…” He glared daggers at the TV screen, raking his nails deeper into leather. “Don’t leave your son. Don’t leave your son. Don’t leave your SON.”
“…Sephiroth?” Zack shrunk against the cushions.
“Do not leave your son. Do not leave your son. Do not leave your son.” He stood up, his focus honing into a snarl. “Do not leave your son. Do not leave your son. Do NOT LEAVE YOUR—“
“Sephiroth, calm down.” Angeal reached for his arm—
Sephiroth seized it.
And before a gasp of pain could be let out, as five savage nails plunged into his skin, the man was thrown into a wall. Violently. A bomb of plaster erupted with the impact, dust and paint rivering down from the human-shaped crater formed under the window.
“SEPHIROTH!” Genesis jolted up beside him. “What the HELL was that?!”
Unfortunately, the auburn was met with the same fate. Two blistering eyes snapped his way, pupils rattling, the man’s teeth bared, snarling, and he lunged for his companion—shoving him backwards into the stony ledge of the counter.
“TAKE COVER!” Zack threw himself behind the sofa, landing with a thump. Did this happen often??! What the heck was going on??! The General was acting so nice before!
Meanwhile, that General turned his seething attention back to the TV—to the son, to the loneliness, to the abandoner. ABANDONER. He threw his fist into the screen, and the lonely fawn went black.
He was alone.
Angeal, coughing, peeled himself off from the wall. He gaped horridly at the condition of all three of his friends. “Sephiroth!“
Sephiroth’s head shot back towards him, and again he lunged.
Angeal obstructed the man this time, seizing him by his own wrists, his feet quaking and equilibrium faltering as he fought to keep those savage nails from plunging back into him.
“GENESIS! Do you have a Sleep on you?!”
Genesis collected himself from the ground, crimson drizzling from temple. He looked genuinely panicked. “No!”
“Because I didn’t expect him to go APESHIT, Angeal! Why do you think?!”
“Great…” Angeal muttered, before a hiss of pain tore jaggedly through his lips. His elbows rattled against the force trying to bend them backwards.
“Sephiroth!” he futility tried again, desperate. “We’re your friends! LOOK!” He gestured with his head towards a side table, to a framed photograph of the three of them.
Sephiroth didn’t look; instead, he overpowered the other, and with a wildfire in his eyes threw his friend backwards and into the coffee table. It shattered.
“GEAL!” Zack cried, inadvertently revealing his location as he jolted up from behind the couch. Sephiroth snapped towards the boy then, the same murderous blaze now homing in on him, ready to lunge.
Genesis swooped in before he could; he wrangled Sephiroth’s arms, distracting him, grappling to keep him in place as the man clawed and snarled and balked.
“Jesus Christ what is the MATTER with you?!”
Another snarl was his response; another snarl, and joining Angeal in the bones of the coffee table as he overpowered him as well.
“Gahhhhhh!” Zack grabs fistfuls of his hair, panicking over the sight of the two incapacitated SOLDIERs. He needed to do something—quick! Sephiroth was acting like some kind of crazed Chocobo, all wild and violent. How did you quell a crazed Chocobo…? How did you quell a crazed Sephiroth…?
Zack willed his breath to steady, coming around from the sanctuary of the couch.
“Get away from his, Zack!” Angeal warned.
With no more roadblocks, there was nothing standing in the way between the rabid General and the anxious puppy. Nothing stopping him from whipping around to him. Nothing stopping him from utterly ripping him in two.
Zack stood tall though, swallowing his heart, and did the thing he knew best: charging forward and throwing his arms and legs around the older man’s neck, proceeding to ride on his shoulders like a frantic bull in a rodeo.
“Calm down! Calm down!” he shouted. “It’s okay!”
“GET OFF OF ME!” Sephiroth snarled, ramming into the wall in an attempt to shake his rider off; Zack bonked his head, letting out a yelp, but SOLDIERs skulls were pretty darn strong. He just held on tighter.
“Never!” he shouted unwaveringly. “Not until you calm down!”
Sephiroth continued to snarl—why was he SNARLING?—using his nails like they were claws as he tried to scratch his face off.
“It’s just a movie, Sephiroth!” Zack let the words tumble from his mouth, a desperate solace he was reaching for. That was what had triggered this whole thing, wasn’t it? That scene! That darn, sad scene!
“It’s just a movie! You’re okay!”
“He was a ALONE!” Sephiroth roared, another bash against the wall. “ALONE.”
“Yeah! But you’re NOT!” Zack clutched him tighter. “You got your pals here, remember?! They’re right here!”
Sephiroth didn’t bash into the wall again; he stopped, huffing, like he was processing the other’s words. Like they were sticky, painfully wading through a wall of molasses in order to reach him.
“We’re right here.” Angeal echoed his student in a kind, strong assurance, his back cracking as he raised himself to a sit.
“We never left, you NUT!” Genesis joined his friend with his own plea. Whatever Zackary was doing—as insane at is was—it was working. Somehow.
And it was. Sephiroth stared at the two men on the floor, staring like he was trying to remember why he was staring and who he was staring at. But the fire was ebbing in his eyes. His breath was slowing, his heart was quelling. The Chocobo was quelling.
“See?” Zack said kindly, giving one last reassuring squeeze. “You’re just fine. You’re just fine… Please stop throwing people into furniture now.”
That seemed to push Sephiroth to the finish line; slowly, the man closed his eyes, falling to his knees as he panted long, pained bursts of oxygen. Zack dismounted off him, crouching beside his new friend in concern. His eyes were majorly strained… It looked like a migraine if the boy didn’t know any better.
The coast clear, Angeal and Genesis picked themselves up, making their own way to their friend.
“Sephiroth?” Angeal ventured again, also crouching down beside him. “Are you okay?”
“…….Yes,” Sephiroth said through his breath. “I’m fine.”
“That’s it. I’m calling Hojo right now.” Genesis stalked off towards the telephone.
As Sephiroth watched him leave, he let his gaze idly roam around, catching sight of the crater and shattered table and splotch of blood on the counter. Acute guilt flashed through his eyes, the flames smothered. Whatever happened was a blur, a nauseous smear of rage and emotion and something bursting from the trenches of his soul. But he knew what he had done.
Angeal laid a hand on his younger friend’s shoulder. “It’s alright. I’m just glad Zack calmed you down.”
“He… did?” Sephiroth turned to the boy beside him, both confused and marveled as he met the young blue eyes
“…Thank you.”
Zack smiled at him in return. “Anytime.”
Movie night was relocated to Genesis’s place, as Angeal placed an order for some new furniture and paint. Needless to say the rest of the movie went much smoother; both Genesis and Angeal decided it was best if Zack sat nearby Sephiroth, which ultimately resulted in Zack falling asleep against him. And Sephiroth, for his part, didn’t mind too much. Just as he didn’t mind anything else in the movie.
He glanced between his two best friends + one, sandwiching him on the couch, and couldn’t help but let a small, warm smile form. The whole mess was a blur, yes, but one thing did manage remain clear in his mind.
The fact that he wasn’t alone.
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vampire-email · 7 months
if i see another 13 y/o on the internet posting shitty 2014core aesthetic thinspo images and wishing they could be teens back then im gonna lose my shit
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captainjonnitkessler · 11 months
“Tumblr is going to die because all these changes are going to drive away its core userbase!!!”
Tumblr is going to die because it’s losing $30,000,000 a year, investors are finally realizing that social media is not and never will be profitable, and its core userbase is a bunch of broke millenials who pride themselves on never paying for anything but sure, the fact that they moved the menu from the top of the screen to the side of the screen is probably the primary factor. Obviously if they just instituted the changes you personally want, random tumblr user who thinks they represent everyone on the internet, they’d become profitable overnight.
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faunandfloraas · 4 months
inadvertently stopped using my freckle fade cream without thinking.... right around the time i started making gifs of felix.... coincidence?
#positive influence.....#i do wonder sometimes how jarring it must have been for he and lil chris to go from australia to korea#bc i copped shit for being pale and freckly as a kid#i have a core memory of this girl talia wearing a country bumpkin costume with these cartoonish freckles drawn on and she pointed at me#and was like Lol im jessie haha and i was like Okay so you want to fight??#another time had to do some speech and when i finished and had questions from my classmates and two boys just asked me why i was pale#and why they could see idk i guess my bloodvessels in my legs ??? i didnt even notice like i was just like UHHHH idk ask about my topic#had so many instances like that and they werent terrible but it did make me insecure#like in the 00s here being tan was /it/ you had to be nice and tanned- go lay in the sun and ignore we are number one in melanoma deaths#like it was so consistently the thing... prob why i have so many freckles bc i didnt tan in the sun i freckled#but in both felix and chans aus photos they were quite tanned!#so imagine going from Hey go lay in the sun and get nice and brown ya pale fucker to Do Not Do That. Be pale as a ghost#white as fuck twilight vampire printer paper ass complexion or else you arent the beauty standard must have been so...... odd#idk beauty standards are so fucked and stupid#at least for me it was just like mean it wasnt like systemic. still wasnt nice but its not damaging the same way#but yeah I imagine some of the cultural differences must have been jarring and weird#like when chan said he was glad to get sex ed in australia bc it was comprehensive here and its not something i would have thought about#but yeah he went to school here and there he would know#idk must be hard to be an idol and straddle that line of not wanting to cause any ripples but having your own ideas and beliefs#oh i'd love to talk to him off the record lmao#dont take this as anti korea sentiment btw like australia is also wack#it just must be interseting and sometimes hard...#wow these tags are long SORRY
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ludinusdaleth · 10 months
maybe it's on campaign 3 for not emphasizing it so much beyond frida (though as we're probably about to meet devexian, it may expand in scope), but it astonishes me how no one on any side of any cr meta discussion here seems to remember aeor at all. and when they do, it's this scoffing "well every aeorian deserved their fate" (which.... i have thoughts on. not nice ones. as a texan who hears that one often. and before anyone points it out yes this is a parralel to takes on the gods as well). i wonder how meta would shift if people were (re)aquainted with the extremely prominent fact from c2 that aeor was destroyed, entirely, by every god teaming up at once. c3 adding that half the city was fighting not to anger the gods makes it all the more disturbing. and this impact left exandria in a dark age it still has not recovered from.
i feel that ive seen maybe one take maximum on here that seems capable of acknowledging regardless of your opinions on the conjecture of c3 the gods, including the primes, have in fact made choices & spurred to action before. they exist as more than concepts or guiding voices in the story. their hands have literally molded history in more ways than just creation myth. and their molding, at times, turned into a fist, squelching blood. a fist that punched a city open like plaster.
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thedandelionthief · 9 months
i love being friends with people who have vastly different tastes and interests and opinions than me. surrounding yourself by people who think exactly like you is the worst form of self sabotage
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lord-squiggletits · 11 months
I think one of my least favorite takes on Optimus annexing Earth is the surprisingly common opinion "he should've just left Earth alone and minded his own business because they didn't ask for help," not because it doesn't have truth in it but because it's a massive oversimplification of the whole situation and seems to pretend that Optimus annexing Earth was just completely stupid and had no reasoning whatsoever.
Like, it just bothers me when people talk about it as if Optimus leaving Earth alone would've been the not-bad-guy thing to do despite the fact that the Decepticons were literally about to try colonizing Earth again under the command of a guy who was literally from the Golden Age generation that made colonizing and genociding organics popular, Galvatron. I mean Galvatron was literally there saying "so when are we going to kill these fleshlings" and even being a Functionist asshole to Soundwave's cassettes. The last time the Decepticons invaded Earth in All Hail Megatron they killed literally a billion human beings. Are there seriously people in this fandom that are out there believing with their whole ass that "Optimus should've just ignored the openly genocidal Decepticons returning to a place they had already tried to colonize just a few years ago because it's none of his business and the humans can handle themselves" like what.
#squiggposting#and this isn't even getting into the fact that like there was that one titan buried under earth's surface#or the enigma of combination being there#are we not going to talk about how bad of an idea it is for cybertronian technology to just be left in the hands of other civilizations#with no supervision or input from cybertron whatsoever#there was an entire fucking tyrest accord made specifically to ban cybertronians from sharing their tech with other races#which megatron broke btw when he spread mind controlling guns across earth specifically to cause chaos#like i'm not saying that the sentiment of 'they didn't ask for help to be forced upon them' isn't valid#but i feel like saying 'lol optimus should've just not gotten involved' is incredibly naive at best and stupid at worst#ppl will be like 'noooo idw op is evil because he annexed earth he's not a real OP he's shittily written'#bro optimus was following one of his most core personality traits which is trying to protect innocent lives#from the imperialistic factions of his own species. the fuck do you people mean that idw op sucks#is it bc one of his positive character traits was turned into a double edged sword that also makes him flawed and make mistakes#and you just wanted OP to be your unproblematic g1 daddy who never does anything wrong?#i need to do a reread of barber's side of phase 2 to cement my opinion and remember the exact sequence of events#but mfs act as if optimus doing that had no reasons behind it whatsoever and as if he had any good choices in that scenario#(then there is the sub faction of idw op haters who kiss idw megs' ass simultaneously but that's a rant for another day lol)#mostly what gets me isn't the fact that people don't like optimus' decision#but the fact that so many ppl completely disregard and refuse to consider the context around that decision#and they just go 'oh he just sucks' as if that's the end of the story lol
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headofthedemonn · 5 months
It's very seldom my heart agrees with my mind but I know he's not coming back.
#captain's log#I've never once felt desirable he told me so many times how beautiful i was he asked me why did i hate myself#and who hurt me so much he made me feel seen because he told me everything they did to me wasn't my fault he said stop calling yourself ugly#please don't hurt yourself anymore okay? im here for you I'd never leave you like they did okay? never I'm not like them i promise#i love you. but none of it was true finding out the truth made me hate myself even more how stupid could i have been to think someone#love me i wanted to believe it so bad no one has ever said that to me so of course i wanted to hold on with an iron fist but everything#but i was just a game to him he didn't care about me i honestly think he hated me to my core#i don't think i have a chance at finding love but that's all i want i could easily fall in love with a boy or girl or whatever but someone#lied about loving me and caring about me so am i doomed to chase things i don't really want money? status? success?#sure money is needed to survive the world but why can't i have what my grandparents had or other people have had love and it lasts still#i just wanted to feel it in my heart so much i was willing to do anything but i was so fucking stupid i should have known better#i thought it was real i didn't think he was being dishonest because i was telling the truth the whole time so i expected him to do the same#i don't think i have a chance but if i do idk i don't think i can survive getting hurt again#i just want something real and someone real but that's far too much to ask
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gasterofficial · 2 years
So what your saying is it wasn’t quick and painless at all, that they suffered a truly agonizing death. You threw blow after blow, beating integrity until they were unrecognizable. To the point that Asgore had to restrain you….
So not only did you not feel sympathy for the child you were killing, but you enjoyed the rush of power it gave you. I feel nauseous.
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Reading a bunch of @the-wheatley-core's analysis I'm eating really good right now
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Jay Ferin would make these
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