#so like. do they just go yeah lets put the kids marks on the stomach and just?? give them lipstick or whatever and say go ham?
cinnabeat · 1 year
sorry just found out lipxlip give each other their kiss marks what the fuck
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sttoru · 1 month
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⠀ 𝝑𝑒 ⠀⠀ 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒. you show your husband some affection, thinking you two were alone - only to be interrupted by your son.
tags. dad!toji fushiguro x wife!female reader. fluff, suggestive. mentions of toji developing / having a dad bod. & reader having a mom bod. reader gets called ‘princess, mama (by gumi)’. baby gumi waking up bcs of a nightmare. excuse me - not beta read bcs i was half asleep when writing this rt_t
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“tooooji,” you smile as you enter the kitchen. you’ve put megumi to bed - finally - and have the chance to spend some one-on-one time with your dear husband. both of you deserve the rest after a hard day of work.
toji has been putting the dishes back in their designated spots whilst you were away. the dark-haired man turns his head to the side once he feels a pair of arms wrap around his waist. a small grin tugs at his lips, “missed me, princess?”
you roll your eyes. even if years have passed since your marriage, toji has not stopped using that specific nickname for you. he loves calling you ‘princess’, because that’s what you’ll always be to him. in his eyes, at least.
“mhm,” you decide to indulge him. you bury your face into his broad back, feeling the muscles he’s worked so hard on obtaining. after megumi was born, toji did let himself go for a bit, but that is a good sign.
it means he’s content with his life - this peaceful life that he’s settled down for with no regrets. no more being reckless, no more battling for money; he’s now got a family to come back home to after all.
“is the little brat asleep?” toji asks while putting the last dish away. he’s visibly enjoying your warm hands that have slid under his shirt. your skin is so soft to the touch compared to his.
you chuckle and nod to his question. “gumi’s sleeping like a baby,” you rub your husband’s stomach gently, feeling the little bumps of his fading abs. you’re loving his new body - just as much as toji loves yours.
toji turns around to face you, desperately needing to return the favor. he can’t get enough of being with you. his rough hands grab your waist and bring you closer against his body, until your chests are nearly touching. he lowers his head to your neck, “that means i can show my wife how much i love her, yeah?”
you shiver at how toji’s voice turns from soft and gentle to sexual and husky. big hands find their place on your tummy, massaging the loose skin with its stretch marks. you can hear your husband’s breath hitch. “fuck,” toji swallows his spit, his fingers moving to grasp your hips.
toji loves how your hips got wider after you’ve given birth to your child. every change in your body, whether big or small, is completely welcomed by him. your body has blessed toji with a son he loves and he’ll forever be grateful for that fact. the least he can do is take his time to appreciate you.
“so beautiful,” toji sighs as he leaves soft pecks on your neck and throat. his fingers are working their way down to your thighs and ass—not leaving a single patch of skin untouched. his lips eventually find yours and you melt into his embrace.
it’s getting heated and the tension is palpable. toji’s about to lift you into his arms when you catch a glimpse of a short figure in the doorway. your eyes widen and you immediately detach your lips from your husband’s.
toji quickly catches on and sighs. he cocks his head to the left, the sight of his toddler standing at the doorway coming into view. “damn kid,” he whispers, nearly pouting because of the interruption. you playfully slap his bicep—a warning to fix his potty mouth in front of megumi.
“h-hey, gumi,” you say with an awkward giggle, walking towards the child. you fix your shirt in the meantime, straightening the material. you crouch down to megumi’s level and pat his head tenderly, “what happened? why are you out of bed?”
megumi stares up at you with teary eyes. he’s clenching onto his dog plushie, hugging the stuffed animal to his little body. you can easily guess that he’s scared—probably because of a nightmare. he’s been getting those more frequently.
though, instead of explaining himself, megumi searches for answers to something else. he points at his dad who’s leaning against the counter with his arms crossed. the toddler then looks back at you like he’s made some big discovery;
“mama papa kissing!”
you nearly choke on your spit. megumi’s a clever little boy and it shows through his advanced vocabulary. you’re surprised that he’s learnt what that meant already. you try to deny what your child said, “no, uhm, mama and papa were just hugging!”
toji snorts at your half assed excuse. he lazily walks over to you two, hands in his pockets. he bends forwards and looks megumi in the eyes with a huge smirk on his face. “yeah, we were. ‘n you totally ruined it,” he utters without any shame and menacingly sticks his tongue out at the little boy.
you hiss and lightly shove toji—he cannot take anything seriously. you’re trying your best to distract megumi’s attention from what he’s seen his parents do, to what his reason is for waking up.
“did you have a nightmare again?” you coo and pick your son up. he instantly snuggles up to you and presses his face against your chest in search of comfort. you smile and can conclude that your assumptions are right.
you pet megumi’s head whilst softly humming one of his favorite lullabies. toji watches your interaction with his son and his mood softens once more. he silently hugs you from behind—also wrapping an arm around megumi—turning it into a little family group hug.
“y’re all right, buddy,” toji mutters to megumi and the little boy sniffles in response, “mama ‘n papa ‘re right here.”
after a couple minutes, you carry megumi back to his room before putting him down in his bed. your husband stands next to you as you make sure your kid is tucked in properly.
megumi stares up at you with a sniff and you nearly melt at the adorable sight. you brush his bangs out of his eyes and kiss his forehead, wishing him a good night. the toddler nods and hugs his plushie to his chest again, still a bit shaken up from the nightmare. however, he’s doing a lot better after he got comforted by both his parents.
“sweet dreams, gumi,” you whisper and rub megumi’s cheeks with a fond smile on your lips. toji simply stares at you conversing with megumi—his face showing little to no emotion. though, from within, toji is absolutely in awe at your motherly personality. you’re the perfect mother.
megumi gets drowsy and tosses onto his side so he could be more comfortable. he struggles to open his eyes, but manages to look at toji. the little boy pouts and points another finger at his dad, this time drowsily warning him, “papa no kiss mama, ‘kay?”
that comment catches you off guard. you’re embarrassed by the fact that megumi still remembers what he’s seen in the kitchen. you try to clear your throat and explain yourself, but toji’s one step ahead of you. he silently mimics megumi’s words and rolls his eyes—
“yeah yeah, whatever. i won’t,” toji promises his son. the toddler clearly inherited your husband’s protectiveness. you chuckle at the playfulness between the two, enjoying the jokey banter the father-son duo have each time.
megumi huffs in victory and nods. he can sleep in peace now, knowing his dad won’t try anything funny with you. he closes his weary eyes and is asleep within just a few seconds.
you stretch your arms and sigh in content. you can’t help but chuckle once you notice how megumi’s fallen asleep with a tiny smile on his lips. you give the child one last forehead kiss before leaving the room in silence.
toji follows right behind you. now that his son is sound asleep, he doesn’t have to keep his promise. technically— he wasn’t planning to anyway.
“c’mere,” your husband mumbles and grabs your hand. he pulls you into a tight hug, hands instantly roaming your body which he admires so much. he plants his lips onto yours not a second later.
you smile into the kiss, finding it funny how toji couldn’t keep his (fake) promise for even one second. he would die if he actually couldn’t kiss you, and that isn’t even an exaggeration.
toji pulls back after a moment and smirks at you—those bedroom eyes of his very telling.
“so, where were we?”
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matts-k1tten · 1 month
𝐅𝐢𝐥𝐭𝐡𝐲 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫
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summary: y/n and chris have been dating for about 3 months. but one day y/n finds out that chris has apparently been cheating on her when an anonymous number suddenly sends her pictures of chris and other girls and text messages between him and other girls. y/n believes it and doesn’t hesitate to end it with chris without giving him an explanation. but what happens when chris shows up at her front door?
containing: angst, smoking, swearing, mentions of cheating. yeahhh this might not be good but at least i tried!!
a/n: little gift bc of my absence 💋
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“Oh shhhit” i slur out. “you feel it yet?” my best friend whispers from next to me. i nod with a cheeky smile. “hell yeah” I reply as i take another hit. Jazzy and I were currently on the hood of my car having a smoke session. “i feel great” jazzy mumbles as smoke flows out her mouth. “shit” i whisper. i felt like i was floating like that everything i know wasn’t real and it was just me and the sky. the stars seemed to be brighter than usual so much that i reach my hand out and graze a star with the tip of my fingers. “My god”
the star was blinding me and all i could focus on was that star. jazzy was laying on the car with her eyes closed and a blunt in between her fingers. the star suddenly faded into the distance as i blink multiple times and snap out the trance i was put in. i look over at jazzy who was asleep and snoring. i laugh a bit and take the blunt from her fingers and put it out. “cmon let’s go home.” i murmur. jazzy groans and rolls off the hood of the car opening the passenger side and getting in. I do the same.
— ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎
jazzy’s snoring echoing through the room was the only thing you could hear besides my phone. i was now a bit sobered up but jazzy smoked more than me and was higher than the clouds. Looking at a video, a text pops up on my screen from an unknown number. Confused, i clicked on it and was met with a text that read “he’s a cheater.” and multiple items attached. i felt my heart drop to my feet and sobriety hit me all at once as i clicked on the videos and screen shots the number sent me. the first item was a voice recording containing chris talking to another girl who’s voice i couldn’t identify, guessing it was a fan or a random he met at a party.
“you want it baby?”
“yea i do-fuck!”
“this is all you wanted right? you slu-“
i clicked out the video feeling tears start to mark my waterline. the video was clear but you couldn’t deny that it indeed was chris. the tears started to fall down my cheeks and land on the screen as i frantically text the number back with my fingers spreading the tears.
to: unknown number
⚠︎︎ who is this? how did you get this?
⚠︎︎ hello? who the fuck r u?
my texts wouldn’t go through, i figured the number blocked me before i could say anything. i swipe through the items the number sent me with shaky hands and a pit on my stomach scared of what i might find. my other hand that wasn’t occupied covered my mouth in shock at what i was seeing. the texts, pictures, videos, voice messages everything was enough proof i needed to know that chris was a filthy cheater. i drop my phone on the bed and cover my face and burst out into sobs. i was an easy one to hurt, i’ve always been sensitive as a kid and very gullible.
my sobs woke up jazzy from her slumber as she slowly blinks her eyes open. she groans and rubs her eyes and looks at me with a concerned face. “what’s wrong? what happened?” jazzy furiously questions and throws herself up against the headboard and wraps her arm around me. she rubs my shoulder and pulls me into her while i sob uncontrollably. “shh what happened?” jazzy whispers while rocking us back and forth. “i-i” i try to speak but ended up muttering out croaks instead. “it’s alright i got you.” jazzy whispers again. my chest was tight and my throat hurt with all the sobbing. i couldn’t speak, it felt like my throat was closed off. “shh breathe, breathe”
after a while my shaking comes to a stop and my tears start to slow down. “what happened?” jazzy asks and leans away to look at me. my face was now puffy and my eyes were red with dried tears on my cheeks. i sniffle before looking back down at my phone. jazzy follows my eyes and also looks at the now black screen, confused but patient. “what’s on there?” jazzy whispers and pats my arm. i look at her and back at the black screen letting my gaze linger there for a moment. “show me”
after a minute, i unlock my phone and it reveals the messages with the unknown number with the items attached. i couldn’t bare to look at it again so i hand the phone over the jazzy to which she removes her hand from my shoulder and takes the phone. jazzy scrolls through my phone with wide eyes and her jaw slack. “what the fuck” she whispers. i could hear her playing the audio recordings and listening to the dirty talk provided within it. faint moans and grunts were heard followed by chris’s voice occasionally speaking up.
“turn it off” i mumble into my hands. jazzy doesn’t hear me because of the volume so it continues to play and mold itself in my mind. that was a sound i could never forget. “turn it off!” i speak louder. the audio abruptly comes to a stop followed with the faint plop of the phone colliding with the comforters. jazzy shakes her head in disbelief. “what the fuck was that?!” she whisper yells. i feel my throat start to ache again. “i don’t know..” i reply my voice all wobbly and weak.
we stay there in silence for a moment, both of us processing what we just discovered. i felt used, worthless, angry, hurt, and everything that came with it. my anger seemed to bite at me and i could feel my blood boil as i snatch the phone and unlock it to text chris a whole paragraph.
to: chris💗
r u fucking kidding me? all this time our relationship meant nothing to u?! all those dates, kisses, hook ups, and gifts were nothing?! i can’t believe i fell in love with such a disgusting person like u. ur sick in the head. why’d u make me fall for u just to hurt me? use me? make me feel worthless?! if u didn’t have any feelings for me that’s fine but doing that is a whole other level. i can’t believe u. fuck you we’re over. goodbye christopher.
*y/n blocked “chris💗”*
i didn’t realize i had hot tears streaming down my face until i turned off my phone and saw my reflection. these weren’t tears of sadness, but anger. you could practically see the veins popping out my forehead. jazzy didn’t know what to do but stare at me while my breathing became uneven. my breathes were either to short or to long, to loud or to quiet and shaky. jazzy rubbed my back as an attempt to soothe me with a look of sympathy. “let’s go to sleep yea? we’ll deal with this in the morning” jazzy whispers. i look at her for a second then nod. jazzy gives me a ‘sorry’ smile and lays down, rolling over so her back was facing me.
a few minutes later jazzy was back to snoring. all i could do was stare at the ceiling confused, angry, sad. all i could do was lie there and think about everything me and chris once had. everything came crashing down so fast. i barely had time to enjoy our moments before this random person sent me that. it made me physically sick to think about. i just wanted to disappear, disappear from all my problems and vanish from the universe.
my tears made my face feel like plastic every time i moved my cheeks. I let out a deep sigh of defeat and roll over to my side, closing my eyes which made a slight burning sensation under my eye lids. I kept my eyes shut and forced myself to sleep, if I sleep I’ll be okay, if I sleep this will all be a dream and in the morning it’ll be all fake.
— ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎
Loud and aggressive knocks against my front door woke me up from my sleep. It was non stop and kept on going. It irritated me to my core, who the fuck was knocking on my door at this time?! I sit up and grab my phone checking the time. 1:22pm.
Okay well maybe it wasn’t early. I glance over to the other side of my bed which was empty. The banging was probably jazzy who went to get starbucks or something and accidentally locked herself out. I get out of bed and head over to the bathroom to grab my toothbrush and turn on the sink. I squeeze the toothpaste on it and turn off the sink, heading to the front door.
“Okay!! Okay!! i’m coming!” I yell, my voice a bit muffled. The banging abruptly stops when I swing the door open and see chris standing there. Memories of last night came flushing back reminding me of what I had just found out. Maybe it was real. My face visibly drops from the sight. Chris had on grey sweatpants and a black hoodie with a hint of dior sauvage and his eyes were red and slightly puffy. Matt was parked on the street in front of my house, staring at us with a kind of disappointed look.
“Y/n, can we just talk for a moment please.” Chris pleads. I shake my head side to side quickly as I feel my eyes start to water. “Please” Chris whispers. I try to shut the door but Chris stops it with his foot. “Get out of here Chris” I growl and start to speed walk to my bathroom. Chris follows me inside and shuts the door behind him. “What did I do wrong can you just tell me?!” Chris yells with worry laced in his voice as I spit and rinse my face. Chris stares at me waiting for an answer. I ignore him and shove pass him to the kitchen. “Y/n!” Chris shouts while following me. I stop in my tracks and turn to face him.
“What Chris?! Literally what?!” I yell in his face while leaning toward him a bit. He stares at me with glossy eyes and licks his lips before speaking, “You love me?” He whispers. My angry expression fades as I lean back. “I did.” I whisper and cross my arms, looking down. Chris stays silent. “Then tell me what I did wrong if you love me..” Chris whispers with hurt in his voice as he steps closer to me. I refuse to look up at him r not shake my head. “It doesn’t matter anymore” I reply and look up at him.
Chris blinks at me. “Yes it does!! Tell me please!”
I stare at him for a minute. He stands there waiting for an answer. “Cause you’re a filthy cheater! Don’t act clueless and pretend you don’t know what you did!” I cry out, finally letting go of the tears. Chris looks at me confused and shocked. “Y/n, w-what are you taking about?!” Chris stutters.
I scoff and pull out my phone and click on the saved chats with the unknown number. I hand the phone to Chris who takes it with his eyebrows furrowed.
After a few minutes of Chris scrolling through the items he starts to laugh. I look at him with a wide eye. “What’s so funny?!” I ask and snatch my phone back. He continues to laugh and covers his face and shakes his head. “You really believe that y/n?!” Chris yells through his hands. I stare at him waiting for him to stop whatever this was. “Stop laughing fuck face, what is wrong with you?! You think this is funny?”
“No! It’s just these videos and pictures, you can tell that it’s not me, some of them are edited and some are old, those voice recordings are clearly fake whoever made those used a voice maker” Chris replies. I look at him with a confused expression and unlock my phone. I look through the items and zoom in on the pictures. You could clearly see how edited it was. I felt so stupid. “Fuck” I whisper and giggle a bit. “I think I was too high to spot the editing”
Chris laughs louder when he heard my sentence. We calm down a bit and stare at each other. “I’m so sorry baby I didn’t know” I speak. Chris smiles at me and steps closer.
“It’s okay baby, but you need to lay off that smokin’.” Chris laughs. I smile up at him and lean in to kiss him. Chris kisses me back and lifts his hands to hold my face.
I pull away and smile at him. “I love you, y/n.” Chris whispers while rubbing my cheek with his thumb. “I love you more.”
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sanjisblackasswife · 2 years
OP Men With a Girlfriend with a Fat Ass. (Black Fem! Reader)
Ft. Monster Trio, Kid, Law, Ace, & Shanks
A/N: Yeah boobs are great…but nobody talks about anime dudes loving ass like commonnnnnnnnn. + I think women in OP don’t have big butts. Like…they have the tits sure and Ik they have A FORM of a butt but like…they ain’t got a fat asssssss
CW: A whole lotta nonsense.
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You are the sole reason he is a butt guy rather than a boob guy
He likes having you walk in front of him for obvious reasons
He doesn’t realize how much he stares though it’s kinda just subconsciously a thing he does with no shame behind it
Your butt has a literal mind of its own when you walk and it’s just mesmerizing to him
He never touches it though
On purpose
When Luffy hugs you he mostly enjoys wrapping his arms around your hips and thighs and lowers himself to pretty much hug your butt with his face
You remember when Luffy had to hide under Boa’s coat and his body was wrapped around her body—-yeah like that that’s how he hugs you from behind
It’s so soft pls let him bite it.
There was a few times you caught him staring and he’d laugh it off scratching the back of his head before you almost scold him for not paying attention as you talked
If you both are sexual in your relationship your ass is something he holds dear when sleeping with you.
Luffy grinds on ur soft and plush butt while you both are sleeping, at first you couldn’t sleep because of this but you’ve somehow gotten used to his erratic thrust against your ass
When you lay on your stomach and watches you shift just to see your butt jiggle
He’s so amazed on how it still moves even after you stopped shifting
All in all Luffy loves dat ass.
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Ass eater fasho
Look at him.
Booty Hunter Zoro
He loves the booty more than anything else on you.
He was actually shocked on how fat your ass really was when you stood naked in front of him the first time KSHSSHS
You always wore jeans and they were so so tight (still looked good in them though) he just didn’t register HOW BIG your butt really was
“Fuck, you have a fat ass, babe.”
And he SLAPS IT ALOT so be prepared
He doesn’t care either how much it hurts he loves watching it jiggle afterwards
Like sir excuse me you left a mark
Absolutely sleeps on it when you both nap.
Zoro is another one that just stares at you when you walk across the ship
Lord help you if you wear a sun dress
You have almost all thongs so when you wear looser clothing your butt is free to move how it likes
Makes you do mostly leg workouts to watch you squat
Swears you’re doing it wrong just to be behind you when you do it
“No, Y/N you have to go lower like this.”
“Get Ya dick Off me!”
He does ask you such stupid ass questions about it though
“So it’s not heavy when you fight?”
“Zoro what the hell are you talking about.”
“All of…that you’re carrying behind there.”
Sitting on his face or eating it from the back once is a must if you want to use his mouth
“Imma suffocate you.”
“It’s okay i can hold my breath really long.”
Zoro is a Ass man and you just made it worse so congratulations
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Same as Zoro. Eats dat ass for breakfast, lunch, and dindin
He enjoys watching you put on pants
“Something you need?”
“Just enjoying the show.”
He thinks your butt is nothing but temptation and something to distract him
Blames you for it completely because how dare you.
He has caught Killer watching. Killer tries to say he wouldn’t know because of his mask, but he know he’s looking right at your butt sway back and fourth
He uses it as a stress ball sometimes KSBSJSKS
Actually compares your butt with his
“Mine is bigger.”
“You mean flatter.”
“I hate you.”
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Definition of “Don’t know what to do with all that ass.”
When he first met you he of course adorned your beauty. Granted you always worn baggier clothing than the rest of the girls on the ship, since you were a bit heavier and insecure Sanji didn’t give af about that anyways he still liked you, but after the 2 years you loss some weight and gained the strength and confidence you always deserved and finally started to wear more revealing clothing and which revealed your true shape.
Bleeding on sight. You were wearing some cut shorts with a tied shirt and the shorts cupped your round butt so beautifully.
Crush him with your thighs and butt pls
When you walk you tend to sway your hips a lot making your butt move and it catches his attention so fast all he wants to do is rub it :((
He gets hard a lot when you wear bikinis
NEEDS a reason to touch your lower half at least once a day or he’ll combust.
“Would you like me to rub sun screen on you, my princess?”
His lotioned hands always tease around your smooth fatty cheeks when he massages you
Speaking of massages he gives you one every night and that either leaves him a horny mess or fucking into you from the back
You shook your ass on him once while dancing and he just COULD NOT handle what he seen and bled on you
“Please do me the honor of sitting on my face.”
Okay so…there was this one time Sanji fucked you in the kitchen and he asked if he could try something knew and you said okay, he bent you over and poured honey on your ass and licked it up.
You were shocked and turned on all at once.
When you wear skirts you’re such a damn tease to him the way the back of it always ends up shorter than the front and it always hits the bottom of your cheeks so beautifully
Immediately kicks around mfs that say anything derogatory about your shape
“She has to be a slut with a body like t—-“
One to the head now you know he dead
Yeah Sanji and the rest of the OP boys do not play about people talking about your body. It’s theirs for a reason who is anybody allowed to talk crap about it?
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He’s more of a thigh man but since you’re natural best believe you have those to match with them two beach balls you got back there
He always under estimates how you look in clothing.
“I don’t think this will fit—“
“It will It’s Just your unifo—-oh.”
Ass is still sitting pretty in a jumper.
Law’s stupid ass tends to read about bodies with larger mass of fat on specific areas and if it’s normal
He cuddles the butt and if your have stretch marks or cellulite he traces /pokes them with his fingers
“Stop that!”
“Your ass moves even when you talk, fuck..”
Absolutely cannot handle you doing reverse cowgirl
Cumming in minutes you didn’t even properly adjust to his size
He taps or plays with the fat of your thigh when he is in thought. So much so there is a small bruise that formed because he always did it in the same area
Wants you to sit on his face, but embarrassed to ask
You did it and he did the most obnoxious moan inside you
Makes you wear nothing but your panties when you both are alone.
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“Suffocate me with your thighs please I don’t want to be alive anymore.”
He uses your butt as a punching bag sometimes KSHSHSISK
Like you’ll be looking the other way talking to him and he’ll be behind you lightly punching each cheek for his own amusement
He wants you to wear his shorts so bad???
“I can’t fit them.”
“You can—look they stretch!”
He just plays with your butt a lot and like 90% of the time it isn’t even sexual he just loves the fat of your ass sm.
He thinks you look like a mf goddess with how your body moves when you dance
He absolutely loves when you ride him but he does it in front of a mirror so he can watch your wet ass bounce in him.
“Stop Doing that or imma sit on you.”
“Don’t threaten me with a good time.”
When he hugs you from behind he tends to dry hump you and sometimes you don’t notice KSHSHSKS
Falls asleep on your ass
Has thought about eating your ass
He just really loves your ass
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So. Many. Butt jokes.
He was drunk and barged into your room one night to find you laying on your stomach in your panties reading and kissed your ass
“I was craving something for my tooth so I kissed your butt…cuz you have such a sweet ass.”
You hate this man sm.
You have to sit on his lap once a day or he’ll pout. Literally pout all day.
Rubs your butt constantly when he is beside you.
Doesn’t give af who is watching because who gone stop him?
Another ass eater
HATES when other men look at your ass.
That’s his ass who tf are they to look and gawk over it?
Would prefer if you wore No panties when you wore skirts
Makes stupid excuse for you to bend over a lot
Absolute menace because he in fact an ass man
You’re actually the first woman he has been with with an ass like yours so when he sees it he sometimes gets flustered you never see it though.
Unlike Law doggy style and reverse cowgirl is the go tos. Your jiggly booty is his new treasure.
Dry humps you sm you swear he’s like a dog in heat.
When you guys go shopping he likes to be in the dressing room with you to watch you struggle to put on pants.
“Baby did you get the right size these feel too small?”
“Cuz look..” -casually pokes the fat that couldn’t get in the pants.- “sexy.”
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We absolutely do have the same kinks I will consume anything you put out involving breeding?? Raw?? Dirty talk?? I'm playing bingo and you're out here hitting EVERY SINGLE ONE. I appreciate all the content even the fluff! Take all the time you need, I'll be busy lurking on your page while I'm at work don't mind me <3
I went a little wild in Shane’s tbh because I love him but like enjoy!!
The bachelors and breeding kinks
Content warning: afab reader implied and afab parts used, smut, lotta cum talk, little bit of bondage in Shane’s MINORS PLEASE DO NOT INTERACT
Definitely has a bit of a breeding kink
Loves to cum inside you and will use a plug to keep his cum inside you if you’ll let him
Like one of those remote control vibrators
He has you on your back on the bed while he fucks you
Cock slamming into your sensitive cunt at a quick pace
“Doing so good for me love, just a little longer yeah?”
Can’t stop imagining what it would be like to get you knocked up with his kids
Wants to have your tits heavy with milk while he fucks you so he can suckle them
That being said best believe he’s sucking on a nipple while he fucks you, hand toying with your clit, the other supporting his weight on the bed while his tongue swirls around your nipple
“Gonna fill you up, be good and take it”
Gasps when he cums inside you, stays there for a few moments to catch his breath before very quickly replacing his softening cock with a remote control vibrator
“Can’t have any of that slipping out now, can we?”
Fantasizes about cumming inside you, always hated pulling out because your cunt is so warm and wet and inviting
Thinks it’s a waste of his cum to blow his load on your stomach, not that he doesn’t love the site of you being marked with his seed
Your on your knees on his computer chair bouncing on his cock while he plays video games
“Shit baby, just like that. Don’t fucking stop”
Meets your bouncing with sharp thrusts up into your cunt, loves the moans you let out
Sets his controller down, threads his fingers in your hair and pulls you into the deepest kiss while you grind on him
Hand wrapped around your throat, gentle enough to still breath but hard enough for that lightheaded rush
Cums in your warm cunt with a whine, doesn’t let you get up
Makes you cock warm him while his cum threatens to spill out of your cunt
You take a nap stuffed full of him in his gaming chair
King of stamina, can go multiple rounds in one session
Loves to stuff you full of multiple loads, wants to see how much of his cum your cunt can take
Holding you up against the wall, hands under your ass supporting you while your legs are wrapped around his waist, arms around his neck
Slamming his hips up into your cunt at just the right angle to drive you insane
“That’s it baby, take my cock, gonna stuff you full of my cum yeah? Think you can handle the third load of the night?”
Your brain is overstimulated mush so all you can manage is a high pitched whine and nodding
Loves seeing you like this, all dumb on his cock
“Fuck baby feels so good”
Cums inside you with a loud groan, face buried in your neck while he mouths at the skin there
His cum is slowly dripping out of your cunt and down your thighs
Loves how sensual of an act it is, letting him cum inside you, to claim you in such a way that may create life
Absolutely over the top romantic and lovely
Feather light touches and whispered praises while he works you up
“Doing so well for me my love, that’s it, cum on my fingers. Let me feel you”
Slow deep thrusts when his cock is inside you, passionately making out while his hips drive into yours at an agonizingly slow pace
Leaving soft open mouth kisses down your neck and chest while pulling you down to meet his slow thrusts
“You feel amazing darling, so good for me”
Cums with a groan of your name, hips pressed deep into your center
Cuddles up with you as you cock warm him, will fall asleep in this position, loves the intimacy of the act
This man has the biggest breeding kink out of all of them
More then ready and willing to oblige at any point in time
Absolutely will bend you over the kitchen table, hands flipping the bottom of your dress up, running along your thighs and ass, letting the lacy underwear your wearing scrunch in his hand while he gropes you
Pulls both of your hands behind your back and secures them there with his belt wrapped around your wrists and arms
Fingers gently ghosting along the growing damp spot on your panties, rubbing circles where your clit is before he’s shoving them to the side and jamming three fingers deep inside your cunt to stretch you out for his cock
“Fuck baby gonna make sure your nice and ready to take this cock yeah? Gonna stuff your slutty little cunt till your dripping”
When he feels like your adequately prepped he shoved his whole cock in, in one harsh thrust. Bottoming out inside you with a low grunt
“Fuck yeah, take it, fucking take it”
Harsh thrusts while one hands reaching to rub your clit, the other reaching forward to grope your chest and pinch your nipples
When he cums inside you he slams his hips into your as hard as he can getting as deep as possible, one hand in your hair pulling you up a bit so he can groan in your ear
“Fuck that’s such a good girl for me, taking it so fucking good”
Pulls your panties back over your weeping cunt and tells you to spend the rest of the day feeling his cum soak into your panties
You’ve been edging him for the past hour and a half now, his cock is so sensitive inside your gummy walls
Your bouncing on his cock, he’s a subby mess beneath you while he whines out
“W-wanna cum inside, please let me, fuck please lemme cum inside baby”
You pretend to give it some thought while speeding up, his hands are all over your body groping your tits, your ass, rubbing your clit
“Hmmm, have you been a good boy?”
His brows are furrowed with the effort it takes to form a coherent sentence
“Fuck I’ve been so good, please please please”
Your smiling at him as you pull him to sit up so your face to face
“Then be my good boy and cum inside this cunt”
Smashes his mouth against yours in a messy needy kiss as he cums inside you
High pitched whines and moans leaving his throat while his hands ball into fists in your hair
Quickly flips you over ready to take control for another round
“Now sweetheart, I think it’s my turn to be in control, and I think it’s payback time”
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wosowrites · 10 months
For Her Safety (Jessie Fleming x Reader)
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warnings: swearing
prompt: in which you get tackled horrifically during a dirty game by an irish player and jessie is furious.
a/n: by the way I LOVE Katie so much she just does these things for the sake of the story.
Bev had given you all a talk days before the Ireland game. It went something along the lines of "Katie McCabe plays dirty. She's brilliant, she's tough, she's dangerous, she will do anything to win, including taking your ankles out." The gaffer warned you all to be careful but not back down, to fight but not let her have any reason to hold a grudge against you. But mostly she emphasized that you had no control over the irishwoman, and that the only thing to do was hold her off.
When the Irish scored in the fourth minute you knew you had time, you knew you had the skill, but you also had a new found sense of worry. That goal was lucky. You cant mark someone taking a corner. She scored a good goal by accident, but a good goal nonetheless. And then it was Julias turn. It was Canadas turn to get lucky.
Right before half, Julia crossed the ball in from the left side and into the far right corner. An Irish defender tried to deflect it, but it went into her own net. You screamed your lungs out, running to Julia and hugging her and Jordyn closely. The Canadians formed a mob of joy before the half time whistle blew, but you all knew that you couldn't perform like the first half in the second.
And you didn't.
The real Canada came into the light in the second half, you were pressuring the Irish box, making passes, tackles, smart plays and taking shots, but the next goal came in the 53' minute. You were desperate to get on the score sheet as the striker, and when you saw a cross coming into the left corner just out of your reach and just a little too low, you knew what you had to do.
Throwing yourself in the direction of the ball head first, you made contact and sent the ball slamming into the back of the net along with yourself. You slid into the Irish net and quickly got up, running towards the only person you wanted to celebrate this goal with. Jessie Fleming. Her arms were outstretched as your body connected with hers in a hug at the top of the box. You wrapped your arms around her waist and laughed as Sophie, Jordyn, Sincy, and the entire of your team crashed into the hug as well. But the only person who mattered to you in that moment was Jess. Jess, your beautiful, perfect girlfriend and her shining, proud brown eyes.
The first foul on you came only minutes later, you were running down the wing, having switched momentarily with Jordyn. You got to the left edge of the box when Katie started marking you, jockeying and holding you off until support came. You moved up to her slowly, keeping the ball controlled and then faked going left before taking a small touch to the right past the irishwoman. But before you could get the ball again, Katie's leg stuck out and wiped your feet from under you. You barely had any time to react, already having been low due to the position you were in to change sides quickly, the fall made it that your head smashed into the turf without your arms to support them. You sat up quickly, your arms wide and the slight feeling of blood going down your face from your nose. You didnt care though, choosing instead to stand up and demand that the referee give Katie a yellow... which she didn't.
"You're kidding me, right?" another voice said. Jessie had closed in on you, Katie and the referee. "She stuck her foot out and made her fall on her face shes getting a card," Jessie said, her eyes cold and fixated upon McCabe. "You're not the referee, Fleming," the woman said. "Jessie just leave it," you said softly, putting your hand on her stomach to try and get her to back away. She probably would have if Katie hadn't sassed her.
"Yeah, you're not the ref," she taunted. This made the midfielder have other ideas. She pushed forwards and into Katie so that their faces were barely apart from each other. "Say that again, huh? I swear I see you touch her one more time and you'll be off this pitch in a stretcher," Jessie threatened.
Somehow, throughout the commotion between both teams, no medics had come for your nose. A big clump of players had formed, the green behind Katie, pulling their captain away and the white trying to put themselves between the two captains. Due to the big group of people and the loudness, the referee ended up not hearing anything that was being said, so a free kick was awarded and that was that.
However your nose was still bleeding like crazy and your jersey was soiled. Your head felt light and Jessies head snapped towards you as she saw you sit down on the grass again. The Canadian waved over medics and kneeled next to you, pushing back your baby hairs swiftly. "You're hot when you're mad," you winked at her. "You're hot when your nose is bleeding," she winked. "Dont lie," you rolled your eyes at her. "I'm not," she said almost hungrily. It made your heart skip a beat.
But then the medics were there with some towels and ushered you off the field just for the time it took to change your jersey and stop the bleeding. And then you were back on, but Katie was still angry.
The second foul on you came due to a slide tackle you had done to her. You had honestly tried to get the ball but ended up clipping her ankles. Not enough to injure her but enough to piss her off.
You were quick to stand up yourself, apologize and offer her your hand but she refused it, jumping up on her own and pushing you to the ground with a loud cuss word. You sat there, slightly stunned with your hands up in submission, but what made you stand back up was Jessie rushing towards you both, followed by a worried looking Vanessa Gilles and Quinny. You were quick to place yourself between Jessie and Katie. You grabbed onto Jessies waist with one arm and turned to Denise O'Sullivan. "Get her away from us O'Sullivan, she's not big but she stings," you yelled at the woman, referring to Jessie. Denise led her captain away and you watched as you got booked.
Before Jessie could argue with the ref, you gave her a stern look and took the yellow card. The game ended 2-1 which you were thankful for, but somehow McCabe still had it in her to argue.
As you shook hands with the opponent, Katie was closing the line and so were you. She stopped you by putting her hand on your stomach and pushing you in the slightest. "You play just as dirty as me you're just better at hiding it," she whispered in your ear. You rolled your eyes at her before moving away. "Whatever, I'm gonna go talk to my girlfriend now because I still have one," you scowled, knowing immediately you should not have said that. You walked away from her and towards Jessie who was looking more calm and concerned now instead of angry and on edge. "What did she say?" your girlfriend asked. "Nothing, just banter," you answered.
The next time you saw Katie, she was being booked. You had no clue for what because the game had been over for about five minutes now. You exchanged a look with Jessie and burst out laughing, clapping your hands together as the Irish ignored you.
The locker room was happy but full of knowledge that you all collectively needed to perform better versus Australia.
Once you got into the bus it was late and dark outside. Your hair was wet from shower water instead of rain and you cuddled up beside your girlfriend in the bus. "It's cute when you get all protective," you said to her, nuzzling into her shoulder. "It's cute when you put your arms out to stop yourself from almost breaking your nose," Jessie answered, making you let out a short, loud laugh. "Okay Fleming," you rolled your eyes.
Jessie looked down at you and you shifted to look up at her so that she could place a small, sweet kiss on your lips. She closed her eyes and so did you, knowing that you had a couple hours of sleep before taking a plane back to Melbourne.
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writing-rat · 4 months
Chemistry Acting
Pairings: Melissa Barrera x Reader
Content: Smut, 18+ content, strap-on sex, fingering, breast sucking, bit of fluff
Summary: Melissa and you have a sex scene together tomorrow and she's horny so she decides to use it as a reason to fuck you...
WC: 1148
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It had been a long day on set and Melissa was horny. She couldn’t help it as she knew what scene would be shot tomorrow, and she wanted it and wanted it now. That’s when she decided on an idea while in her trailer, waiting for her call for a scene to do. She texted you. ‘Hey, come over to my trailer!’ she texted, smiling and humming happily.
‘Be there in a second!’ was the response she got and she smirked to herself, getting the strap ready. She licked her lips, ready for her favourite person on set…
You were relaxed, in your trailer just watching videos when you got texted. You smiled, blushing a little. You always had a crush on Melissa and was happy to be in a film with her. You didn’t expect that you would get her love interest role which was making you flustered but you tried to ignore it. No way Melissa liked you back. You yawned, getting up and putting on some shoes before getting a glass of water and chugging it down. That’s when you were finally walking over to her trailer, happy they were close by at least. 
Once you arrived, you opened the door and smiled at Melissa, who was lying down on the sofa in a pair of sweatpants and a cropped tank top, showing off her muscles and stomach. You couldn’t help but stare for a little bit before sitting next to her. “What’s up?” you asked, unable to stop tilting your head. 
“I just want to work on our chemistry so we can get the scenes right,” Melissa hummed. You blinked in shock but nodded.
“Yeah, I get that,” you responded, putting her head on your lap and rubbing her hair. “I want to also prepare for the scene tomorrow,” she added before she started to roll over and was starting to rub your thigh, but with enough room for you to move her hand if you didn’t want to. She was pleased when you didn’t stop it.
“Are you serious?” you asked, not wanting her to kid. Melissa nodded before she sat on your lap, when you felt a bulge against you. You knew it was her strap. 
“Oh, I am,” she stated, kissing your neck and her hands going under her shirt. You let out a small moan, before you opened your legs. “Please, let us work,” you responded, showing you were ready for her. Melissa. Melissa nodded and quickly pinned you down, pulling her sweatpants down. The harness was on, the strap attached to it. It was a good 7 inches. You couldn’t help but lick your lips, watching as she was stripping to nothing. She noticed where you were staring, which was hr chest and the strap constantly. 
Eventually she kissed you gently. You kissed back, not realising how Melissa was bringing her hands up your body gently before she rubbed your nipples. You moaned in the kiss, feeling yourself soaking your underwear slowly but surely. Hell, Melissa even know and started to grind against you. “Please, just use me like you want,” you begged and the dominant girl grinned before she quickly pulled down your own clothes and started to rub you. “I’m going to loosen you up, ok baby girl?” she teased. You nodded, eager. “Please do,” you spoke. 
She grinned, before she entered a finger in gently and slowly. You let out a gasp, moaning as you opened your legs up wider for Melissa, wanting to be a good girl. You was wanting the praise from her, you needed it in fact. You let Melissa do whatever she wanted as one hand held her up, the other in you and she was sucking on your nipples. You started to arch your back, letting out a small moan as you gripped her hair. She was gentle with her finger, soon entering a second one as she stretched you out more. You loved it, loving how gentle she was and how she cared for you. She soon started to kiss up to your neck, marking you. She couldn’t help it anymore. She needed you and right this second, it was clear. She kept stretching you out though, which you was happy about. Soon she started to pull her fingers out and lined the dildo up before you realised it was a double sided one so she would have pleasure too. “Are you ready?” she asked. 
“Yes, please. Melissa, I need it now,” you begged and Melissa smiled, kissing you sweetly before she entered.
You let out a gasp, thankful she was letting you adjust to the size. She entered slowly as she was peppering your neck, shoulder and jaw with kisses, laying her body fully on you. You couldn’t help but moan as she rubbed your clit while entering her. She was making sure you were ok, and it was obvious as she looked at your facial reactions every now and then. Eventually she was fully inside of you, and was biting your shoulders. She smirked at the noises you were letting out, still rubbing your clit.
“Fuck, you can move,” you finally spoke, to which she started to thrust slowly and gently, moaning as she was kissing you softly. You kissed back, holding onto her as one hand groped at your breast, rubbing your nipples and her other hand was rubbing your clit. She was smirking as she was starting to bite your lip gently. You gasped, where she entered her tongue into your mouth. You arched your back, her hand touching you more. She smirked, getting faster as your moans echoed into her mouth. She was moaning as well, but not as loud as you. She could control them, and she only wanted to hear you.
She was thrusting hard and fast at some point, kissing and marking your neck in visible spots. She didn’t care at this point, she just wanted to be your lover. She was moaning louder as she was feeling your hands suddenly touch her own nipples. She was smirking while moaning. “Good girl,” she moaned, loving how you was getting more confident with her body. You was happy at the praise before she sped up faster and got harder. Soon she was starting to tighten around the dildo before she came. At the same time, you did as well due to her rubbing your breasts harder. 
You held her gently as you panted, enjoying the closeness. “You was amazing,” she spoke gently and was smiling as she kissed you softly. 
“You were too,” you spoke yawning. “So are yo-” you started, but was interrupted.
“Melissa, you are needed,” a castmate called out. Melissa chuckled.
“We can talk more after today, ok?” she spoke with a smile. You nodded, excited before she finally left. You was excited to see how the relationship would progress.
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salmonskinrolltf · 2 months
this is soooo embarrassing. I can’t believe I’m even typing it out. But dude, I’ve been a gaymer for as long as I remember. I’m 30 pounds too heavy. I’m 27 and living. With too many roommates in the suburbs. And well. I’ve been watching Glee lately. And I just got to the season around college and I was hoping I could rent some tapes. See, I’ve got this major crush on Darren’s character Blaine and itd be awesome to always be singing and dancing and having fun. I was never a theatre kid myself. Any chance you can help?
Almost like a miracle, right when you considered ordering a tape from Be Kind Rewind, one of your roommates got a VCR. You suppose. You’re not sure which one of them actually got it, but it’s right there, plugged into the TV in your living room, so someone must have. The only thing is, you’ve had to wait until everyone was out to use it. You double check that the door is locked and everybody is out for the evening. You’re embarrassed to be seen watching the show, but you’re embarrassed for another reason tonight, too. Because renting this tape feels like a special occasion, you’ve decided to cosplay as Blaine a little bit. Your hair is neatly slicked back and you’ve donned a cardigan and bow tie to match his put-together preppy look.
When you’re certain the coast is clear, you open the (thankfully discretely marked) package and a die rolls out into your hand. Oh yeah. The die thing. Weird. You toss it onto the coffee table and it lands on 4.
When the VCR whirs to life, you hear those a cappella credit trills that indicate whatever episode that was playing has already ended, so you jab the rewind button, humming the music quietly to yourself. You scratch your stomach and realize the fabric of your cardigan is much looser than it should be. You lift it up and see that your stomach has shrunk, flattening against your torso, which seems firmer and more lithe in general.
Stunned, you gaze at yourself in the nearest mirror, noticing how the new outfit looks even more Blaine-like after your bizarre transformation. In fact, everything is looking more Blaine-like. Your eyebrows thicken and darken, your slicked-back hair darkening along with them. As your lips plump up and your skin tans slightly, you realize you look like a total Blaine doppelganger. Your dick hardens in the thrift store pants you bought to match the overall preppy look. You look just like your crush! You’re not even questioning it, you just figure you must be dreaming or something. But even if you’re only dreaming, why let the opportunity pass you by to admire yourself more… privately?
In a daze, you wander into the bathroom. Instead of the pigsty it normally is, living with so many roommates, it looks neat and tidy. Tubs of hair gel neatly line the sides of the sink, and the mirror is decorated with playbills, a photo of Blaine and Kurt, and a bumper sticker for a local Lima, Ohio radio station. Not only do you look exactly like Blaine, you’re now in what seems to be his bathroom! You admire yourself in the mirror.
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A thrill of excitement thrums through you and you unzip your pants, rubbing yourself at the thought of looking just like your crush.
As you pleasure yourself, you think about the various Glee characters you have the biggest crushes on. Could you use this VHS service to become them all? The thought makes you even more aroused. However, when Blaine returns to your mind, your dick deflates. Suddenly it feels wrong to be thinking about him. You try to cycle back through the other characters in your mind, but suddenly only the female ones come to mind. Brittany, Quinn, even Rachel. Your dick springs back to full hardness and you panic at the sudden shift in your sex drive. You shove your erection back into your pants but not before cum explodes into the sink. You hurriedly wipe it up with some toilet paper.
What the hell is going on? As you scrub, you don’t notice that the gel is slowly easing out of your hair, which curls and falls over your face in a more lackadaisical, unkempt fashion. Stubble sprouts from your cheeks, chin, and upper lip, slowly growing into a short beard. Your clothes morph from your preppy ensemble into more of a rocker vibe, your shredded T-shirt dipping into a V-neck that exposes the dark, matted chest hair that has been busy unfurling across your newly taut torso. 
Right when you flush the balled-up wad of TP, a voice interrupts your panic.
“What the hell are you doing in my bathroom?”
You turn to the doorway and see Blaine Anderson standing there. Wait, that can’t be. Weren’t you just him? You turn to look at yourself in the mirror and see a much more rugged, sloppy individual than the person you were just a moment before. You look like Blaine, but… different. Older, somehow. And more unkempt, definitely.
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This intruder, on the other hand, looks exactly like Blaine. He also looks annoyed. He taps his toe and runs a hand across his impeccably coiffed hair. “This is why I asked Mom for my own bathroom, so I wouldn’t have to wait for you all the time. How is it that I use 12 hair products a day and you still take longer than I do for everything?”
You’re too shocked to say anything. You’re unsure whether you’re more shocked by the words he’s saying or the fact that Blaine is standing just feet away and you feel nothing about it whatsoever. As your brain sputters, your body kicks into autopilot and you shrug.
“The gays haven’t cornered the market on looking good just yet, little bro,” you chuckle, punching his arm as you head back out into the hallway, which now looks like one that belongs in a pristine suburban home. 
As you head back into your room, you notice that it looks entirely different. No game consoles in sight, just laundry strewn everywhere and a mini basketball hoop on the back of the doorway. You absent-mindedly toss a NERF basketball toward the hoop and it hits the rim, flying back in your direction and smacking you in the face, knocking you back onto the unkempt mattress that’s on the floor without a bed frame.
You groggily open your eyes and look around. Where the hell are you? Who the hell are you? You rack your brains. Oh yeah. David Anderson. Eldest son of one of the lamest families on the planet, smack dab in the middle of Buttfuck, Ohio. You scratch your hairy chest underneath your T-shirt and check the time.
You remember you have plans to grab some brews with the boys this evening before seeing the latest movie starring that hot actress you like, so you’d better head out quick so you can hit up the gym beforehand. You throw on your gym clothes, grab your water bottle, and rush out the door.
As you pass by your little bro’s room, you see him singing along to a Mariah Carey tune and practicing his dance moves. You roll your eyes good-naturedly. Singing and dancing aren’t for you, but you appreciate how into it he is. You figure that, for him, singing and dancing brings him the same joy that going to the gym and playing ball with your bros does for you. You leap up to smack the top of the door frame as you head outside, barely giving Blaine another thought as you walk down the street, anticipating the awesome evening ahead of you.
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xhdream · 7 days
06. yes, sir — 18+
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pairing: youtuber!theo x fem!reader
synopsis: the charming guy running the youtube channel you enjoy watching mostly because of him and not the games he’s playing, moves in the apartment across from yours, and turns out to be the biggest asshole you’ve encountered in years
genre: smut w/ sprinkle of plot wc: 1927
chapter contains: foreplay, edging, marking, choking
a/n: please, keep in mind english is not my first language, i apologise in advance for any mistakes i’ve might missed
!! this is pure fiction for entertainment purposes
📁 loser(s) masterlist
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It was fun until Taeyang’s phone started ringing from the nightstand.
You keep your fingers laced through his hair as he moves his tongue up your neckline while holding you on his lap. He allows himself to suck on some skin while you grip on the strands of hair tighter from the thrill of his mouth turning more greedy with each bite. The effects his grazing teeth have on your sensitive body feel so nice, especially after you haven't been intimate in two weeks, but you quickly snap out of it after remembering that you can’t show up marked at work tomorrow.
“Tae, slow down,” you mewl, but he’s unable to detach himself from your neck and you have to use some force. “I can’t go to work with bruises.”
“You’ll cover them up with makeup.” He simply says before aiming for a new bite.
“Are you telling me what to do?” You grip his jaw, staring at him challengingly.
The corners of his eyes crease as they twinkle with playful sparks, and you cannot help but grin, because they're enough to show the mood he's in today. However, your laughter quickly turns into a gasp after he swiftly lays you on your back.
“I am,” he states and places a kiss below your bra, “and you’re going to listen.” He locks eyes with yours while lowering his lips. Kiss after kiss, he travels down your stomach, letting his wet tongue roam around your bellybutton before pressing his lips against your skin again. “Say yes, doll.”
With two hands he lifts your hips up from the mattress. His fingers tease your panties, ready to drag them down any second now.
“Make me.” You dare him.
The unexpected sound of Taeyang’s alarm completely shatters the moment, and you let out a deep sigh from the interruption.
He moves on his knees to take his phone from the nightstand, and just by the frustrated look that suddenly glooms his face, you know you’re not going to finish what you started.
“Shit.” He jumps from the bed looking around the room. “Shit, I completely forgot I have to go live in five minutes.”
“You’re kidding.”
“I wish.” He puts on the hoodie he drags out from his wardrobe and hurries to his desk. “I’m doing a stream with Keeho.”
“Keeho?” Your brows jump in surprise. “As in Keeho the…”
“Yeah, that guy.”
“Oh, I’m a big fan of him actually.” You stand up, wanting to take a peek at his computer screen. “He’s a hottie.”
Taeyang removes your hands the moment you hang them from his shoulders.
“Put on some clothes and move. You can’t just stand behind me like that.”
“You don’t think your viewers will enjoy what they see?”
You tease him by taking a seat on his desk. Your bare legs dangle next to him playfully meanwhile his hands click on the keyboard in a rush to get the stream started.
“I think they will enjoy it too much.” He shoots you a quick glance which was a mistake.
The small freshly made bruise on your neck is exposed by your hair and steals his attention right away. He didn’t even realise that he would end up leaving a mark; he didn’t kiss your neck with the plan to do so. The only thing he knows is that he didn’t wanted to stop. Not from a desire to be possessive over you, but because he’s come to love having your taste on his tongue.
Although, now that he thinks about it, letting you walk out knowing he left a trace on your body doesn’t sound so bad.
“I think so too.” You agree, disappearing from his gaze.
You weren’t planning on getting on his nerves.
It sounds untrue - your entire friendship is built on you picking fights with each other. Playing cat and mouse.
But he told you to wait for the stream to end so you can continue from where you left off, however, waiting ended up being more difficult to achieve than expected.
You can’t just sit wet in you underwear and do nothing when he’s on the other side of the room. So close to reach…
You move on your knees, slowly and discreetly, to avoid being caught by the camera. The fact you know this is a bad idea makes you even more excited to settle under Taeyang’s desk. Your heart races with adrenaline as you get closer.
He gives you a signal with his fingers to go away, but you only smile mischievously while getting more comfortable between his legs. You spread out his thighs a little more, roaming around his crotch area while he’s in the middle of the game. Your hands slow down to ghost over his cock which has softened, but not for long.
Taeyang tries his best not to look down as you rub your palm against him. The moment you grip his cock he starts regretting the decision not to wear sweatpants over his boxers. The material of his calvin klein pair is barely doing anything to prevent the delight from your touch. In fact, it doesn’t prevent any of it at all. It starts flooding his body in waves, one after another, as you make the first squeeze on the sides of his semi hard on.
He got hard all over again embarrassingly fast.
“Ah, shit.” He scowls with eyes scanning different directions of the computer screen.
Whatever is happening during the game is definitely helping him out in covering up his emotions.
With time you got to know bits of Taeyang’s personality, and you’re aware of his good self control, hence why you know you should take things a step further if you want a proper reaction.
You lean closer and stick out your flat tongue, running it against his inner thigh in a warm wet stripe; a gentle long licking which eventually turns into a soft kiss that sends a new, but even stronger wave through his body.
Although he keeps his full attention on the stream, Taeyang still notices the tenderness of your mouth. You’ve never kissed him like this before.
You hear his deep sigh of resignation as you guide your lips up - in the direction of his shaft. The clicking sounds in the room suddenly stop for a moment, but your kisses continue, spreading from his balls to his stiff clothed length meanwhile your nails leave scratching marks on his skin. You think he’s giving up; that he’s finally about to do something, but you’re wrong - he resumes the conversation with Keeho, and the game, without acknowledging you.
Your fearless hand palms his erection once again. It’s so vivid, all compressed inside the tight fabric, leaking under your thumb. Occasionally you feel it moving in need to break out of the restraints.
“I’m not going to put up with this.” He tilts his head soon enough while staring at the screen, but he believes you’re aware that in reality he’s actually speaking to you.
With slow motions you massage the prominent shape, frustrating Taeyang’s mind and body at the same time. One tug at a time.
It’s like a reward for you when you see him pull the hoodie over his head. You can’t see it well from down here, but his face must be burning up, and he’s doing everything he can to hide it. His voice remains calm and collected though which only arouses you further.
You’re so immersed in the moment that you don’t realise when exactly he tells everyone that he’ll return in a second.
You haven’t seen his facial features so tense in a long time.
When Taeyang slides backwards into his gamer chair, taking off his headset, it’s like you’re experiencing a deja vu moment from your first confrontation few nights after he moved in the building. He looks just as irritated as he was back then with gaze cold as the breeze that was blowing outside the windows; the way he tries to control his temper is the same as well.
“Having fun?” His palms land on his bare thighs in anticipation as he waits for you to come out under the desk. “Come here,” he insists. A sharp curl of his lip follows. “You’re not planning to stay there forever, are you, sweetheart?”
“I want to have fun too,” you confess with a perky smile. The innocent tone sounds far from your real one and it forces a chuckle out of his lips - one that show his disbelief.
Nevertheless, you notice the way his tongue presses against the inner side of his cheek, and the way his eyes keep peeking at the computer screen which tells you his frustrations are not fading away soon.
“You out of all people should know that there’s a time and place for that.”
You slowly crawl to him and remain on your knees. Obedient, pretty position that has Taeyang wanting to drop everything and switch his attention on you, and only you. He gulps, watching you stay still, half-naked, like you’re waiting for a command, if only you were able to take one.
“I can be really quiet.” You keep pushing his buttons. “Let me show you.”
You look him daringly in the eye, and he responds with the same intense expression. You can’t pinpoint what’s the reason, but the mean spark in his stare excites you even more when his cock is so obviously hard. It has you wondering about the things he would do just to cum.
His upper body leans forward, erasing the distance between his face and yours.
“If you don’t get your pretty ass up and hide in the other room you will not be able to walk for a week straight.”
“Is that a threat?” You raise a brow.
Every time you provoke him by using his own words, Taeyang feels the urge to tie you up and wipe off that confident glow on your face that turns him on like crazy.
Instead of acknowledging your question, he grabs your throat, firmly, but with a subtle gentleness that he often shows to the rest of your body too.
“Got it?”
“Yes, sir.” You mewl, looking with satisfaction the surprise that appears on his face once you speak out the words.
You’ve never called him that, not in a serious sexual manner, nor in a playful one. The seductive tone in addition to the unfamiliar nickname transforms his appearance from irritated and tense to purely thunderstruck.
“Go.” He says after clearing his throat.
He watches blown away how you walk towards the door in your erotic lingerie, and sighs once again. His brain feels fuzzy, almost empty and laggy every time he attempts to regain focus on what he’s supposed to be doing. Ignoring his erected cock that’s begging through the wet patch, he joins the stream and apologises for the minor inconvenience.
As he dives back into the game a ring from a notification distracts his gaze. He thought it’s coming from his phone, but turns out it’s from yours, because he doesn’t have anyone named Jiung in his contacts. He didn’t even notice that you left it on his desk right next to his keyboard.
It wasn’t his intention…
The message wasn’t meant for anyone else but you. However, his eyes were too quick; quicker than his rationality. He read it before he even got the chance to realise that wasn’t his own phone.
Want to grab dinner tonight?
I can pick you up at 8.
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! please do not repost, copy or translate my works
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sixhours · 2 months
One Day at a Time - Chapter 3 - Embryo
Series Chapter Index | Read on AO3 | Complete
Rating: Explicit, 18+, here be smut Series tags: The Last of Us, The Last of Us (HBO), Joel Miller x f!OFC, Joel & Ellie, mostly follows canon, SMUT, gratuitous smut, dubious consent (drunk sex), unplanned pregnancy, fluff, references to past miscarriages, angst, hurt/comfort, romance, age gap (~21 years), childbirth, fluffy baby stuff, I've probably forgotten some so please let me know <3
Days become weeks without word from Charlie. Every time he sees her, she gives him a little nod. Nothing overt, just enough to send a message.
We’re still here.
After two weeks, he’d found an old pocket calendar from 2001 and put it by his bed, and he marks off each day that passes with a big X. He’s done the math, and there’s a date in mid-December circled in red pen.
He can’t sleep for shit under the best of circumstances, but lately it’s impossible. He’s given up trying, choosing instead to crash on the couch with a movie playing on a loop in the background until a fitful sleep takes him.
He’s parked like this on the couch one night when the knock surprises him out of a half-doze. He fumbles for the remote and pauses the movie before answering the door.
It’s Charlie.
“I’m bleeding,” she says in lieu of a greeting.
His stomach sinks.
He reaches out without thinking, hands on her shoulders; she’s shivering. He pulls her forward into the warmth of the little house, closing the door behind her.
“Midwife says it could be normal or it could be a miscarriage,” she says flatly. “No way to tell yet.”
He seethes. He remembers Maria and Tommy telling him about the Jackson midwife; she was competent, but her bedside manner was shit.
“Does it…feel like…” He doesn’t know how to finish the sentence.
“I don’t know, I’ve never made it this far. I’m not cramping. It’s not a lot of blood. I just…you wanted me to tell you, so I’m telling you.”
He nods, feeling stupid and helpless and hating it.
“Uh…sit,” he says, gesturing to the couch. “Want tea? It’s herbal. No caffeine.”
She nods warily. “Sure…I guess.”
He sets the water to boil, gets out two mugs, pulls the little canister of tea from the shelf, and fills the infuser with dried peppermint leaves. He can’t stand the stuff, but Ellie won’t drink coffee like a normal person, so they always have some in the house.
He glances at Charlie from over his shoulder as he waits for the water to boil. She’s on the couch, arms wrapped around herself as if she could hold back the thing she fears by force of will.
“You take milk or anythin’?”
“Just sugar, if you have it.”
He does. The kettle whistles and he pours the steaming water over the leaves.
She takes the tea with a small, hollow smile and sips at it. He takes a seat in the armchair next to her.
“Is there anything we can do?”
She shakes her head. “Midwife said to check in tomorrow morning. If it gets worse before then, I’ll go to the clinic.”
“Okay,” he says. “I can…wait with you.”
She nods, takes another sip, and sinks back into the couch. Waiting.
The silence presses in around them. It’s like torture, and Joel wracks his tired brain for something, anything to say. She saves him the trouble, blinking with interest at the television screen.
“Is this Gunz Blazin’ 2 ?”
“I haven’t seen it since I was a kid,” she says, smiling a little. “My dad and I used to watch these movies all the time. They’re awful.”
He swallows hard, thinking of Sarah.
She looks at him and picks up the remote. “Mind if I…?”
“Yeah, yeah…sure.”
She hits Play and sits back, curling her legs under her and clutching the tea in her hands.
The credits roll a couple of hours later. Charlie has nestled into the couch with a blanket over her lap, empty mug resting on the coffee table.
“S’it as bad as you remember?” Joel rasps.
“Yes. Maybe worse. But in a good way,” she smiles a little. “Nostalgic, I guess.”
He nods. “How’re you, uh, feelin’?”
“Fine,” she says automatically, then laughs. “Not fine, actually. I’m exhausted and I’m sick all the time and my boobs are so fucking sore I could—“
She stops. “Shit, I’m sorry. That’s more than you needed to know. My husband used to say I was born without a filter.”
“S’alright,” he murmurs, his face burning. “You’re, uh, married?”
“Was…or what passed for marriage in the QZ, I guess. We were cordyceps orphans…grew up together after the outbreak, protected each other…kept each other out of trouble. We had 17 years together before…before our luck ran out.”
“So he, uh…you and he…wanted kids?”
“Yeah,” she snorts. “Sounds pretty stupid, right? Bringing a baby into a quarantine zone?”
He bites his lip and doesn’t say anything. He knew people still brought children into this broken world, but he’d never considered it. His interest in that life had stopped when Sarah’s heart stopped beating.
“I miscarried three times,” she murmurs. “We might have kept trying if we’d made it to Jackson together…I don’t know.”
“What happened to him?”
She shrugs. “We ran into trouble on the way here. He was bit. I…took care of it. We always said that was the deal, that we wouldn’t let each other turn. He…he didn’t even flinch when I pulled the trigger.”
She’s looking down at her stomach now, tracing her fingers over the ridges in her shirt, lost in thought.
“I wasn’t looking for this any more than you were,” she says softly. “But I want it anyway…I–I can’t help it. Is that foolish?”
Her eyes bore into his then, not sad now, almost…angry. Challenging him to deny her this.
Joel doesn’t know how to answer, but he huffs a soft, “No.”
She rubs her palm slowly across her lower belly. “This is the longest I’ve ever made it. I didn’t have morning sickness or the…other symptoms before, so I thought…maybe…maybe this time…”
“It’s not over ‘til it’s over,” he says softly.
He wants to take her hand. Instead, he gathers their mugs and takes them to the sink.
“Oh…it’s late,” she says faintly. “I should go.”
He frowns. “You shouldn’t be alone. You can stay here tonight.”
“Oh, no—”
He shakes his head, cutting off her protest. “If somethin’ goes wrong or if you get…sick…someone should be with you. I could come to your place if that’s–or call a friend if you don’t want, uh, me–”
“It’s not that, Joel, but I’ve been through this before–”
“By yourself?”
She swallows hard and ducks her head. “No.”
“Then stay,” he says. “Just for the night. I can put you up in–”
He falters, thinking of Ellie’s old room, still decorated in ugly pink stripes. Meant for a teenager but too close to a nursery.
“You can stay in my room,” he says quickly. “I’ll take the couch. Usually end up down here anyway.”
“I couldn’t–”
“It’s fine,” he waves her off. “Can’t sleep for shit no matter where I land. C’mon.”
He makes for the stairs before she can argue, and breathes a sigh of relief when she follows. He pauses outside the door to his bedroom.
“Just, uh…wait here. Gimme a minute.”
He ducks into the room, picking up clothes and tossing them into the hamper. He strips the bed and digs wrinkled but clean sheets out of the linen closet. After a pause, he picks up the calendar and the red pen from the nightstand and stuffs them into his pocket.
“Should be all good. The bathroom’s, uh, right through there,” he gestures. “All yours. There’s, uh, pain medicine if you need it.”
“I’ll be downstairs,” he says. “If you need anything, if anything, uh, happens…just come get me. Or yell.”
“I mean it,” he says.
“I will, Joel,” she murmurs. “Thanks.”
“G’night then.”
He goes back to his usual spot on the couch and lies down, staring at the little cracks in the living room ceiling. He won’t be able to sleep now. He thinks about the raw need in her voice as her fingers traced her stomach, the hitch in her breath, maybe this time …
He throws an arm across his eyes, trying to block out the thoughts. A small, grief-blackened part of him hates that he cares. Before Ellie, he could numb the pain with booze and pills and a lucrative career in smuggling. But he’s not that man anymore. It would be so much easier if he were, if he couldn’t feel the little flicker of hope in his chest.
The calendar and pen dig into his hip, and he pulls them out of his pocket. It’s well after midnight, so without thinking, he uncaps the pen and crosses off another day.
He must have fallen asleep. When he opens his eyes, the room is lighter, and Charlie is nudging his shoulder.
He’s upright before he’s fully awake. “What is it? Y’okay?”
“I’m fine,” she says quietly. “I’m going to go. The midwife said she’d see me at 7:00. I need to go home and change.”
“Right, okay. Do you, uh…do you want me to come with–”
“No,” she says quickly. “I haven’t told her…or anyone…about you.”
“Right,” he blinks. “Um. Let me know…okay?”
She nods, holding her arms around her middle like she could protect herself from the worst. Without thinking, he reaches out and touches the back of her hand. She doesn’t pull away.
“Sorry,” he mutters, withdrawing. “I…I hope it works out,” he says lamely.
“Do you?” she asks, with an edge of bitterness in her voice. She’s immediately contrite. “I’m sorry. You’ve been kind, and that was…cruel. Missing my filter again.”
He wants to tell her he does have hope, despite himself, but she’s already out the door.
Charlie hasn’t been gone for five minutes when there’s a knock.
He’s on the schedule for a construction job and he’d promised to meet Tommy early. Now he’s late.
“I’m comin’,” he mutters, wincing at the stiffness in his back. “Hold your goddamned horses.”
“Long night?” Tommy smirks on the other side of the door. “Thought I saw Charlie doin’ the walk of shame–”
“Shut it,” Joel growls, surprising himself at the bite in his voice. “Don’t say another fuckin’ word.”
Tommy’s hands coming up in mock defense. “Whoa, easy. Didn’t know it was like that.”
“It’s not,” Joel snaps.
“Alright,” he says, peering at his older brother curiously. “So…you ready to go?”
“Yeah. Lemme get my stuff.”
He’s distracted all day. The work is simple enough–framing a new barn for the sheep, to replace one that’s been infested by termites beyond repair. It should be easy, but he’s overtired and he can’t seem to make his hands behave. Tommy keeps having to repeat himself, giving Joel curious looks. 
“You’re losin’ it, big brother,” he says amiably when Joel brings him a jar of the wrong-size screws for the second time in a row.
It’s mid-afternoon when he brings the hammer down on his middle finger. He watches the whole thing as though in slow motion, knowing exactly what’s going to happen well before he feels the pain, but he’s powerless to stop it.
“Fuuuuuuuck,” he hisses, shaking out his injured hand. Purplish red blood is already blooming under the wide, flat nail. He resists the urge to stick the finger in his mouth to soothe the throbbing ache like a child.
“You break it?” Tommy’s looking over his shoulder.
“No,” he growls. “Just a bruise.”
“Yeah, right. Well, you’re done for today,” Tommy says. “Go home. Made good progress, anyway, we’re almost done.”
Joel shoots him a look, but it doesn’t affect his younger brother in the slightest. It never does. So he relents, packing his tools and trudging away, finger throbbing.
He sees her on the walk home.
Charlie is standing with someone just outside the caf. She looks about as tired as he feels, but then she sees him and brightens, the subtlest glimmer as she catches his eye. The look stops him in mid-stride, frozen in the middle of the street.
She gives him a little nod.
Warmth spreads through his chest, a flood of relief, and that blasted hope again.
We’re still here.
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eyesofshinigami · 4 months
Leave It All Behind
Rating: G
CW: None
Tags: Established relationship, fluff, new beginnings
Prompt: For @acasualcrossfade "Love is having hope for the future together"
WC: 1112
Written for @steddielovemonth Day 12
Steve stands in the middle of his empty bedroom, hands on his hips, trying to untangle the knot of emotions in the pit of his stomach. He’s not sure how to feel; as much as he hates this house and its shadows on the wall, it was still home for most of his life. They made some good memories here. Late night movies with Robin, hosting Hellfire for the club, and he and Eddie’s first time right there where the bed used to be. 
But, on the other hand, he can’t wait to get out of this place. Not just the house, but this town; he struggled with the idea for a long time, feeling like he was abandoning the kids, but they called him on that pretty early on. Now that the gates were closed and the Upside Down had collapsed in on itself, El promised that there was nothing else they had to worry about. No more fighting. No more saving the world.
They could just be people again. 
Steve’s not entirely sure he remembers how. When he thinks of his life over the last four years, it’s mostly a blur of blood and nightmares that have left him a little changed, a little broken. He knows things and sees things that he would never wish upon another human being, and most days it feels like he would never be free of the marks it has left on him.
But. But. 
The car is packed. Eddie’s van has been sold, since it would be too big to drive in the city. Their whole lives have been taped in boxes to bring with them to the apartment waiting for him and Eddie in Chicago, along with Eddie’s record store job and Steve’s waiting teaching program. 
Now he just has to say goodbye.
“You okay in here, Stevie?” Eddie calls from the doorway, his footsteps light across the beige carpeting. “What’s on your mind?”
Steve sighs. “Just not sure how to feel. I hated this place, but it also…” he trails off, not sure how to put it into words. It’s complicated.
“It kind of feels like letting go of something important?” Eddie finishes for him. Of course Eddie would be able to find what Steve was trying to say. Months of living out of each other’s pocket and loving each so thoroughly tends to do that to people. “I get it. As much as I would love to see Hawkins burn to the ground in a blaze of unholy glory… I think I would actually be sad about it.”
Steve can’t help his chuckle. “Yeah. I’ll just be glad to get gone, you know? Leave this place behind once and for all.”
Eddie wraps his arms around Steve from behind, pulling his body into a gentle sway. They’re about the same height, but feeling Eddie pressed against his back like that always makes Steve feel small and loved and cared for. “Going to be a whole new world, baby boy. Just you and me and the Big City! And, you know, maybe Robin and Nancy when they can make it down.”
That idea settles something inside Steve. Robin and Nancy are heading to Boston, three days after he and Eddie hit the road. The kids will only be a four hour drive away, practically nothing in the grand scheme of things. They’ll be fine without him, he knows, and he’s glad that thought doesn’t make him want to curl up and die anymore. 
“I can’t wait to do this with you,” Steve whispers into the empty room, turning around in Eddie’s arms so that he can rub their noses together. This wasn’t the life he had planned on having, but he’s so grateful that he gets to have it. He never thought he would find happiness and peace in someone like Eddie; frankly, he never thought he’d find it at all. He had spent so long convinced that he was going to be just like his dad, angry and bitter and mad at the world because he was trapped in a life he didn’t want but thought he had to live. 
Not Steve. He shed that shit the moment that demogorgon came after them in the Byers house, slowly shaping into the person he is now. A person moving to Chicago to start a life with the man he loves more than life itself, who is planning on being a teacher and starting a garden on their little rooftop. 
A person he can be proud of. A person he can learn to love like Eddie does.
“And I can’t wait to do this with you, baby. No one else I’d rather do this with. The words are whispered against Steve’s lips, like a secret just for the two of them, even if they both tend to wear their love on their sleeves. “Just think, in like… ten hours, we’ll be unpacked in our new place and we can break in our new bed tonight. Scare the neighbors, you know?” Eddie grins against his mouth.
Steve rolls his eyes and shoves him back, even if he loves the pleasant little shiver Eddie’s words produce. Their place. Their bed. Their life together. “Come on, you menace. Let’s go say our goodbyes and get this show on the road.” 
They walk down the stairs hand in hand, after Steve gives one last silent farewell to this room, this place. One day he’ll be able to put it away, fold the memory of this place up like a letter and hide it in the back of his drawer, never to think about it again. Today? Today he lets it hurt, just a little. 
They give hugs and kisses and noogies to the assembled crowd that’s here to see them off. Their going away party had been the night prior, a perfect send off that had Steve crying into Eddie’s shoulder when they went to bed in Eddie’s trailer for the last time. It was perfect, all that he could ask for. 
It’s not forever, but it’s definitely time. Steve’s ready. 
He climbs into the driver’s seat and gets settled in, giving a few more last minute waves as Eddie climbs in on the other side. He starts the car and pulls down the driveway, trying to swallow the lump growing in his throat. 
It hurts, but in a good way. Kind of like the way a healing bruise feels when you flex the skin. Painful, but bearable. Especially when Eddie takes his hand and holds it over the console, squeezing it tight as they make their way out of Hawkins and into their future.
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missinghan · 5 months
「 lee minho, (god)father at 800 years old 」
⤷ from the world of ‘your heart & your headache, too.’
◦ tw : slight swearing, chaos that comes with babysitting, mc sort of passing out at the end (out of exhaustion and anger)
It’s Lee Minho’s first day on his job as a babysitter. He sounds stressed when you pick up the phone. 
“Y/N, what am I supposed to do with these little demons,” Minho says, he’s starting to sound near tears now. “I haven’t got any sleep for three days already.”
If you were nicer (less tired), you might ask him why and sit up to drive over to his place to help. You might even laugh because for someone like Minho, who used to and still exorcises demons for a living because he’s quite literally a god who was banished from Heaven, to call Hyunjin and Felix little demons and make no attempt to hide his fear for them is laughable. 
However, you spent the entirety of last night finishing marking all of the midterms for your professor’s psych course, fueled by sheer spite and caffeine. You think you might suffer from a heart attack if you move the slightest inch right now. 
“They won’t let me sleep yet somehow they still get more sleep than I do, how is that fair!!” Minho is on the verge of pleading for mercy, you can feel it.
“Sounds tough on your end,” you hum, curling up on the couch while Jisung makes popcorn in the kitchen. “Maybe lay down and take a nap?”
“Felix broke a light bulb and Hyunjin tried to glue it back together and now he’s got glass in his fingers—“
“Y/N!!!” Jisung’s voice is suddenly coming from the bathroom now. “There’s no more toilet paper on the roll!”
“I was looking for a first aid kit and when I turned around the piece of glass was gone—“
“Han, go get it yourself. It’s on the second shelf of the right drawer,” you echo back while covering your phone’s speaker.
To your dismay, Jisung thinks his matter at hand is more important than your much-needed rest. “But I’m taking a shit!”
“Hyunjin said he ate it—“
Minho has thought leaving Jisung at your place is a good idea for two reasons. Firstly, he doesn’t trust Jisung with kids because Jisung is apparently a descendant of the ancient vermillion which he has hatched from an egg, extracted his soul into a blade, and then nurtured him inside his spine for at least a hundred years. Simply put, Jisung is a spoiled bird who takes immense joy out of making Minho miserable. And secondly, he knows Jisung has a soft spot for you.
“Why can’t you just turn into a bird and then go take a shit outside? I have a bidet for a reason, what the fuck,” you mumble the last part, limply rolling your neck away from the direction of the bathroom. 
“—and now Felix won’t quit crying because I told him the doctors might have to slice Hyunjin’s stomach open so he might possibly die—Y/N, are you listening to me???”
“What, yeah, yeah, I’m listening, I'm listening. I’m so listening, uh huh,” you reply distractedly. It takes a full inhale and exhale for you to register what just happened. You gather every last inch of patience you can muster in the fibers of your body. “Minho, you’re not supposed to say that to a kid.”
“And he was not supposed to believe me when I said so!!”
You think Minho has begun stress-crying at some point amidst the conversation. “So did Felix actually swallow the piece of glass or…?
“You weren’t fucking listening! Hyunjin was the one who claimed he had swallowed a piece of glass but he just confessed it was a prank—“
You hear a certain noise coming from the bathroom so you lean over once again to shout with any last dying breaths that are still there, “Han Jisung, if you get water on the bathroom floor I will pluck every single one of your feathers!!!”
To your absolute horror, Jisung walks out of the bathroom with toilet paper wrapped all around him. “I did get water on the floor,” he says with a start. “But I found the roll of toilet paper like you told me to…”
You lift a brow, expecting more elaboration.
“I tripped,” Jisung admits.
“And now Hyunjin just stepped on yet another piece of glass! I’ve got two crying kids here. Y/N, I need your help, I seriously need you—“
Kids are crying. Minho is in distress, or more like despair. And Jisung is showing off his new look as if he’s too dirt-broke to buy a proper Halloween costume. But then again, Halloween was months ago and apparently no one is sane anymore in this fucking household (yes you are factoring yourself into the equation). 
“I think I might actually die and that is coming from an immortal god!!”
“Drop dead, then,” you mutter and hang up.
Jisung has disappeared from your viewpoint. He pokes his head out of the bathroom seconds later after a faint thud can be heard. “I spilled your favorite hand soap,” he informs you seriously because he knows how much you love that hand soap and it is unfortunately discontinued.
“Forget it,” you say lifelessly. Seriously, forget it. Forget driving over to Lee Minho’s place and lending him a hand. Forget forcing Han Jisung to clean up after himself. Forget turning in that one philosophy essay two days early. Forget the merits and legality of murdering a god. 
Forget it, you think tiredly as sleep hovers its gentle hands over your eyes.
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paigeishere · 1 year
What About Me?
Lord Tewksbury x fem!reader
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Warnings- fighting, mentions of reader wearing a dress and makeup, brief mention of blood, angst please tell me if I missed something
Part two
You are pink and Tewksbury is green
Description- date night doesn’t exactly go as planed 
It’s been rough lately. You and Tewksbury haven’t talked in days. What felt like weeks. Both of constantly working and trying to get a good amount of sleep was hard when working 14 hour days.
However, you both decided to set aside a day for each other, a date night, whether you would go out or stay in you would decide at the time but you just couldn’t live with him being away from you for so long. It was Tuesday today and the assigned date night was Friday night. Never in you entire life had 3 days ever felt so long.
2 hours.
You’ve been waiting 2 excruciating hours for him to come home or maybe a letter to arrive that said he got held at work and wouldn’t be home until later. But nothing happened. So there you were sitting in a beautiful dress, hair and makeup done perfectly, homemade dinner wasting away on the counter. You were losing hope he would even come home tonight.
At the 3.5 hour mark you had given up that he would come home in time. So you put the leftovers in the fridge, undid your hair and hopped in the shower. Gods where is he? What could be so important that he couldn’t even sent a note?
Once you got out of the shower you checked one last time to see if he was there but to no avail he wasn’t. You climbed into your shared bed and tried to fall asleep. Key word tried. Sleep never came and intrusive thoughts did. What if he’s hurt? It wouldn’t be the first time if he came in bloody. Oh my god what if he was hurt I’m laying here while he was hurt how much of a horrible person was I.
But just then you heard the door open and close. You rushed out of bed to go see him. But when you see him he looks fine. In fact he looks happier than normal.
Tewksbury oh my are you okay? You’re not hurt please tell me your not hurt?
What are you talking about love? I’m fine.
Then where were you.
With Enola.
Your stomach drops. With Enola. He was with Enola the entire time. On your day together. You were with Enola?
Uhhh yeah. Why?
Are you kidding me?! You’ve got to be joking, right? You let out a scoff.
No. What is happening right now?
Did you forget?
Forget what?
You felt tears prickle your vision. Was this what it felt like. To be heartbroken. Maybe looking back you were over exaggerating it but at the time it felt like heartbreak.
My love? Why are you crying? He walks towards you a step. You take one back. He stops with a hurt look on his face. 
You really did forget didn’t you?
Forget what I’m so confused right now. He looks exhausted but you don’t care this conversation needs to happen right now.
Our date night. He remembers now. But it’s to late. Your openly letting the tears fall but won’t let your voice waver. It was today. I had a nice dinner made, your favorite dress on. All you had to do was come home. Maybe bring some flowers. I waited. 3 and a half hours for you or even a note saying you were going to be late. But I got nothing. You voice cracked. And you turn away from him trying to collect yourself You start waking to bed.
Y/n wait don’t leave we can talk about this. I’m sorry I forgot. I promised Enola that I would hang out with her and I loss track of time. I’m sorry, please forgive me. Y/n, Y/n please. But you continued on to bed.
As you laying in bed you feel Tewksbury enter the room and strip, putting on pajamas. The bed sinks in next to you. I really am sorry and I understand if you don’t forgive me right now because what I did was dumb and hurtful. But I promise I’ll make it up to you darling. Okay. Why is he like this I’m meant to be mad at him not wanting to turn around give him a hug and a kiss and forgive him already.
He slides in next to you but not quite touching you almost like he’s telling you that he’s there if you need him but wants to respect if you want space between the two of you. You both don’t sleep well that night.
If this does well enough or if I get motivation I’ll do a part 2.
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iamnmbr3 · 9 days
Hi again :)
Two questions actually:
First why didn't Lucius buy Draco another broom? I know JKR meant for Harry to have the bestest broom ever but I wonder why Draco never got a broom upgrade? His parents can afford it and I dont see why Lucius would deny his son a faster broom. Especially after he became prefect.
Second, why exactly is Harry so obsessed with Draco early on? Its obvious why Draco goes after Harry given he is famous and all. But why the other way around? Before Draco ever really did anything to hurt him, he was putting Draco on the same level as his abusive cousin, which makes no sense, and getting all angry at Draco getting care packages. What's his problem? Why pay this rich kid so much attention??
Hello! :D Once again, thank you for your patience. This was a cool ask so I wanted to do it justice.
On your first point, I think a couple of factors are at play, but basically Lucius was probably feeling a bit fed up at that point and also he quickly had other things on his mind due to Voldemort's return. What do I mean by that? Well, in second year he already seems annoyed with Draco for coming second to Hermione in school and is kind of Done TM with hearing Draco talk about or complain about Harry (to be fair Draco did seemingly spend the whole summer doing this). Then he goes out and gets Draco on the Quidditch team and buys the entire team really good brooms. And Draco STILL loses to Harry (though only just). And presumably still comes second to Hermione in school. I think Lucius might've been less than pleased with this.
Plus, Draco's more of a talker than a doer. Yeah he complains about Hermione but he doesn't actually do anything to her because of his aversion to violence. If Lucius and his Death Eater buddies had got ahold of her at the Quidditch Cup they wouldn't have insulted her. They would have hurt her. And they would have enjoyed it. Draco would not have the stomach for that, and Lucius might already be beginning to suspect that. Not to mention, Lucius actually doesn't approve of Draco's open rivalry with Harry. He feels that it is smarter to at least pretend (at this stage) to like Harry since openly seeming anything other than grateful for Voldemort's fall is unwise politically. Draco of course is incapable of leaving Harry alone since if he can't be in Harry's life as his friend he's determined to be in his life as his Nemesis TM. Lucius probably views this as shortsighted and is likely annoyed by it.
Furthermore, the Firebolt is REALLY expensive. Even Harry, with all his wealth, decides it would be unwise to buy it. I mean, it's not really something you would usually use for a school team. It's what professionals at the Quidditch Cup use. So after buying a whole team's worth of brooms and being a bit displeased with Draco, Lucius may not be in the mood to get him something so fancy. Still, Lucius might have bought it for Draco eventually but let's remember the timing. Harry gets the broom midway through third year. Lucius doesn't feel inclined to rush out that minute and buy Draco a new broom (again).
And then fourth year rolls around. The Triwizard Tournament means there's no Quidditch so there's no point. Plus Lucius is probably distracted by the fact that his Dark Mark is getting clearer every day and oh no what if Voldemort isn't actually dead? What if he comes back? What if he's mad at all the people who didn't stay faithful to him...?
And then Voldemort DOES come back. And Lucius has...so many problems. First he has to tell Voldemort that he kinda sorta might've lost his diary. Whoopsie. And that...does not go well. then he's busy trying to stay alive and un-tortured and trying to regain Voldemort's favor during fifth year. And then he gets caught at the Department of Mysteries and arrested. Probably broom buying is the last thing on his mind.
(First, as an aside, I don't know that Draco's interest in Harry is purely based on his fame. I mean, he tries to befriend and impress Harry in Madam Malkin's before he even knows who he is.) But anyway, both of them seem to be mutually drawn to each other even though their relationship is an acrimonious one almost from the beginning. Yes, Harry almost immediately takes a dislike to Draco. But he's also very aware of him. And that...never stops.
I'm not sure I would say that Harry exactly puts Draco on the same level as Dudley, but he is immediately reminded of Dudley due to Draco's boasting. Draco speaks in a way that makes Harry think he is spoiled and privileged...like Dudley. Draco also declares he'll bully his father into getting him a broom. This is a boast because he's trying to show off to impress Harry.
Lucius and Narcissa are not Vernon and Petunia. They do a lot for Draco but they would never allow him to push them around the way Dudley does his parents. Harry doesn't know this however, and takes Draco at his word which makes him draw a parallel to Dudley in his mind. Draco's bullying and bigoted behavior also further turns Harry against him. He's never afraid of Draco though in the way he is of Dudley, so the dynamic is different.
But yeah. Harry is...really hyper aware of Draco. Not because he's scared of him. But just because he can't seem to look away. They orbit and play off each other right from day one. Harry immediately recognizes Draco when he meets him again on the train (and Draco also remembers Harry right away). He watches Draco's sorting and where he goes to sit. He dreams of Draco his very first night.
I'm not sure Harry even knows why this is. There's just something about Draco that he's drawn to, even when they aren't friends, even when they are bitter rivals. They can never forget each other or look away from each other. Harry isn't like this with other people he dislikes. He's not like this about Zacharias Smith or Crabbe or Goyle or Michael Corner or Cormac McLaggen or even Snape or Voldemort.
There's something different with Draco. Something more. To me, that something is drarry.
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l1tw1ck · 1 year
What's Cooking Good Looking?
You get tempted by seeing your boyfriend while he's cooking
Bottom!FTM Arven x Top!Masc Reader
{Request} | AFAB Language Used
CW: Fingering, Squirting, Biting, Daddy Kink, Breeding Kink, Creampie
📝 774 Words
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You wash your face and leave the bathroom, pretty exhausted from battling in Area Zero. Your expression softens seeing your boyfriend in a cute little apron, cooking something hot for you to eat.
You wrap your arms around him, resting your head on his body. "Thanks, love."
Arven blushes, about to respond but his voice gets caught in his throat when you unzip his jeans. "Here?" His voice is kind of shaky but you can sense some excitement in there.
"That okay, baby?" You ask, stopping for him.
He nods softly. The food doesn't require a lot of attention and he's dreamed of doing this for so long.
You pull his boxers down, rubbing his clit and pushing two digits inside his already wet cunt.
He leans against your shoulder, hands gripping your forearms for balance.
"Can you squirt for me baby? Hm?" You nibble on the outer part of his ear.
Arven lets out a shaky breath. "Yeah-" He bites his lip, his legs starting to shake. "Yes- ah~"
You litter bites along his neck, gently humping him from behind. You sink your teeth into his shoulder, causing Arven to come with a loud sound, wetting the ground cabinet and the floor itself with his squirt.
While he's coming down from his high, you take out your hard length and slide it in between his thighs.
Arven moans softly. "Just put it in, please." He whines.
You do as he asked, pushing yourself inside him. Arven rests his hands on the counter and lowers his head. "Yes.." He sighs dreamily.
You hold his waist, fucking him nice and slow. "You'd make such a good housewife, cooking for me in just an apron and panties. Not to mention with a shiny ring on your finger."
Arven moans and arches his back, pushing himself back onto your length. "Yes- please."
"Yeah? You wanna be my pretty little wife, baby?" You spank him. "My little at home slut?"
"Yes yes yes-" Arven moves himself to meet your thrusts. "Harder, please-"
Your nails create marks in his skin as you fuck him at a harsher and more intense pace. "A pretty housewife like you deserves to be bred, right?"
Arven rolls his eyes back, squirting hard on your cock.
"I'll take that as a yes." You pick him up, his back flush against your chest. "I'll make you so full, baby, gonna come inside you as many times as you want."
Arven lets out a soft whimper, holding onto you tightly. "Please~"
"Give me a number, baby."
"Th- three-"
You bring him into a messy kiss, thrusts losing momentum as you reach your release. Arven moans into the kiss, squeezing your cock tight to milk it for more of its cum.
You manage to turn him around without much cum falling to the floor. "That's one." You smile. He wraps his legs and arms around you and resumes that messy kiss, rolling his hips to encourage you to keep going.
You go back to a fast and relentless pace, slamming him down on your cock to meet your thrusts. Arven pulls away and floods the room with moans, his sounds of pleasure almost drowning out the wet sloppy sounds of him being fucked.
"Gonna get you knocked up, make your tummy full with my kids." Your hand grazes his stomach before returning to his waist.
"Fuck~!" Arven throws his head back, coming again. "Want yo- your kids so bad- Daddy~!"
You groan, biting his shoulder and spilling inside him once again, more sensitive from already having come before. Arven cries out in pleasure, holding onto you tightly.
"Two." You say.
As trainers, the two of you still have enough stamina to keep going at least once more. "One more time-" You breathe out, pulling his apron down and pushing his shirt up.
Arven takes his shirt off completely, giving you full access to his nipples. You lick one of the soft buds, gently biting it and pulling.
Arven rolls his head back, gasping as you start fucking him again. "Yes~! Ah~!"
You move to suck on the other nipple, your hands gripping his ass. He tongue lolls out, eyes rolled to the back of his head as your thrusts become harder.
He places his hand on the back of your head, urging you to keep sucking on his nipple. "'M so close~! 'M gonna co- come aga- again Daddy~!"
With one final slam, the two of you coming at the same time, your shirt becoming wet from Arven's release.
Arven rests his head on your shoulder, letting you bring him to his bathroom to clean him up.
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gumnut-logic · 9 months
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It hurt.
“So, Mr Tracy, on a scale of one to ten how would you rate the pain you are in if ten is the worst pain you’ve ever felt?”
The worst pain? Hmm. He turned to Scott who was staring at him with worried eyes. “Well, it’s bad, but it certainly doesn’t rate up with the worst. Not like the time I broke my leg and you had to reset it halfway up K2.”
“God, I hope not. You screamed enough to cause an avalanche two mountains over.”
“Well, you held my leg wrong. I told you that.”
“Yeah, I’ll try to do better next time.”
Virgil just glared at him, not game to say there wouldn’t be a next time.
The doctor standing next to his bed was being extremely patient. “Let’s mark that at ten and work backwards.”
Virgil focussed on his stomach and tried not to groan aloud.
“It’s not as bad as the elevator that fell on me. That ached for ages. This is different.”
Scott straightened. “What elevator?”
Oh shit. “Um, nothing to worry about.”
“What elevator?” Blue eyes glared at him.
“The hammer. It is kind of like the time Gordon hit my hand with a hammer.” God, that had hurt. For a bit there he had thought his brother had broken half the bones in his hand and his piano playing days were over. On second thoughts. “No, that was at least a five. This isn’t quite up there.”
Scott’s eyes were promising pertinent questions later. “Then what about the bruising you got from catching that ballooning guy and falling twenty metres into your ‘bird?”
“Nah, are you kidding me? I walked that off within a few minutes. Barely a one.”
“Then what about the concrete that fell on your leg and arm on that last mission with Cass?”
Virgil frowned. “You know about that?”
“Of course, I know about that, you were limping for a week afterwards.” Scott’s lips quirked a little. “And besides I know a little ‘bird in orbit who tells me all sorts of things.”
Virgil grunted and was loudly reminded of why he was in the hospital in the first place. Ow. “No, that was nothing. This is something.”
“Then what about the building that fell on you in Pakistan? You had a concrete beam land on your belly. How does that compare?”
Virgil frowned. “Hmm, close, could be a four. Though now I’m thinking of that time we had to rescue those kids from that massive rollercoaster in Moscow. You know, when my safety line slipped and I dislocated my shoulder.” He frowned. “Though come to think of it, when you put it back in was pretty close to the broken leg incident. You know how to cause pain.”
“Hey, you were the one who demanded I do it. You watch too many action movies.”
“I watch too many action movies?! The only action movies I see are the ones I watch with you.”
“You said you enjoyed them.”
“I enjoy them because I’m watching them with you. Why else would I watch them?”
“Because they are fun?”
Another grunt, another wince. “Okay, okay, I’m going to go with a five now. This is definitely heading into hammer hitting the hand territory.” He looked up at the young female doctor who was attending them in Auckland Hospital’s emergency department. She was staring at both of them a little warily. “Doc?”
“Oh.” She cleared her throat. “So the pain in your stomach is equal to that of getting your hand hit with a hammer.”
“Yeah, and it is slowly getting worse-“
“Virgil?” A familiar voice interrupted him and he turned to catch sight of an equally familiar face. Uh, oh.
“Jimmy? Uh, hi.”
The older doctor straightened his stethoscope and frowned. “What are you doing here…?” His eyes landed on Virgil’s arm clutching his stomach. “Oh, you didn’t.”
“I had to.” So he was defensive, big deal.
Jimmy turned to the young woman attending them. “Josephine, I’ll take the Tracys on my slate, if it is okay with you. I know exactly what is wrong with this one. Any of the other brothers reporting symptoms?”
Scott answered. “No, none of us were that stupid.” Blue eyes were again glaring at Virgil.
“If I may so ask, what is the diagnosis, Doctor Keene?” The young doctor was looking at him strangely.
Jimmy sighed and Virgil blushed.
“Mr Tracy here, loves his grandmother so much, he is willing to put his life on the line for her. Despite having been warned multiple times before.”
“She does her best.” Virgil had to defend Grandma.
“Virgil, her chilli is listed by the Poisons Information Bureau. You shouldn’t eat it. Kill a pot plant or two like your brothers.”
“I don’t want to hurt her feelings.”
“Well, you’ve likely hurt your stomach lining instead.” Jimmy turned to grab a nurse. “See to it that Mr Tracy receives a full digestive tract examination and if necessary, schedule a flush.”
Virgil’s eyes widened. “Um…”
Jimmy arched an eyebrow. “You were warned last time.”
Virgil groaned and sank into the bed.
His brother’s hand landed on his arm and squeezed gently.
“This sucks.” Virgil shifted and his stomach yelled at him. “I’m upping this to a six. Suspension bridge cable across the back.”
“Ow.” Scott winced.
“I was wearing the exo-suit, don’t worry.” Virgil stared down at his hands. “Busted it though.”
Quiet. “Maybe we should give it its own number. Say six point five. Right between suspension bridge cable and that acid that ate our uniforms that time. I still have scars from that.”
Virgil frowned. “Actually yeah, that sounds about right. Six point five.”
“And don’t eat Grandma’s chilli again.”
“Okay. I’ve learned my lesson, I think.” Another groan and he clutched his stomach.
“Hey, doc.” He waved his hand in the direction of both the doctors having an earnest discussion, no doubt at his expense. “Definitely a six point five.”
“Grandma’s chilli is six point five.”
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