#so it is menacing. i have been menaced
plutocharons · 11 months
i dojt know how tumblr works or the culture around tags or rbs like i assume theres Something to it but i dont know it so my primary goal here os to be as loud as i possibly can about whatever comes to my mind thumbsup
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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A new challenger approaches (slowly)
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hungharrington · 9 months
How’s Steve a menace in bed? He was being very sweet and somehow convinced you to get naked and between his legs, your back against his chest, with the promise of a lovely fingering session <3 so sweet, so many kisses and pets and giggles, but he starts teasing you, barely stroking your clit and swatting your hands away when you try to touch yourself, cooing that you’re being so needy, tugging at your nipples, biting all over your neck and shoulder, and he just keeps getting worse and worse, switching between pretending he can’t find your clit or barely getting a finger in you and going deep and slow just how you like, and then spanking your clit when you whine too much ❤️
CJJCJSHDJSJSHCCUSHS THIS IS MENACE STEVE IN THE BEDROOM YES (also the promise a lovely fingering session…. why did i swoon and get horny in one go? jesus christ) MDNI this entire blog is 18+, afab!reader
He’s touching you too much in the wrong places and not nearly enough in the right ones.
Well, it’s not the wrong places— just he’s being a fucking tease and that was so not what you signed up to right now. You’re trying not to shift around, trying to keep your hands atop his thighs like you promised you would but he’s making it so goddamn hard.
“Stop moving, c’mon,” His breath warms your ear as he speaks, low and raspy. You can hear the smirk in it.
His lips move further down, taking your lobe between his teeth and suckling at it sweetly— knowing just how it makes you wetter. Heat plumes in your gut. Your grip on his thighs tightens and you inhale sharply, trying to keep a semblance of cool as his hand on your inner thighs moves back to your aching core.
“Then stop teasing me.” You bite back, eyes sliding shut. Any heat of your words is stolen by your breathlessness when his digits swipe through your folds, gathering slick and you can’t help it— your hips buck up to meet the touch.
Steve’s hand pulls back, right as the other, wrapped around your waist, reaches up to pinch your nipple. You whine, both from the change in stimulation and the never-ending teasing.
Your hands move without thought but you don’t get anyway near touching yourself before Steve’s hand grab both of them, planting them firmly back on to his thighs. He’s stopped teasing your ear and chuckles in that annoying, terrible, so damn hot way that makes you want to squirm again.
“Wasn’t it you that said,” He hums lowly, one of his hands trailing off yours to caress along your inner thigh again. “‘If either one of us is needy, it’s definitely you.’” He puts on a mimic of your voice, higher than his own.
You huff. You did say that— but you’re also pretty sure if you had him between your legs, he’d probably be in the same whiny state you are right now.
“I did.” You admit, chest rising a bit as his fingers dip back into to your cunt. They stroke up and down, ignoring your twitchy clit and just circling your entrance— you can feel how it clenches, trying to entice him in. You can tell he feels it too, given away by a twitch against your lower back and a poorly hidden groan.
“Mhm,” Steve starts. “So you can either admit that you are needy,” he coos, fingers ghosting over your clit. You barely manage to restrain yourself from moving. “And I’ll give you what you want— my fingers, my cock, my tongue, all of it, baby.”
It sounds good. It sounds so good— you know he would probably make you cum on each of those options. But damn, if you aren’t stubborn. You don’t say anything for a moment.
“Or?” You ask.
Steve laughs, like he knew you would pick the other from the start, and rewraps his arm around your waist, holding you snug against his front. His fingers playing with your cunt brush up against your clit and he pulls them off— a thread of your slick connecting them. He hovers them there, just barely not touching you.
“Or you can do it yourself.”
He pinches your nipple and it motion makes your hips jump, clit moving to brush against his fingers. You realise quite suddenly what his plan is — and are not too stubborn to admit how it makes your cunt gush a little. You roll your hips forward again, the motion limited by Steve’s arm around your middle and are rewarded with a soft rub against your neglected clit. A moan stutters out your lips.
It feels good— so fucking good that your hips buck forward around without thought, chasing the pleasure. Your eyes slip shut in concentration — Steve’s fingers are just too far to get a proper good rub — and open them again when Steve chuckles, beginning to kiss down your neck.
“It’s adorable that you think this is better than admitting you’re needy for me,” He murmurs, voice strained in his own arousal. You can’t stop now, hips rolling up wildly, desperate for friction. You whine and moan in his arms.
“Stubborn.” He teases.
“Menace.” You just manage to say back.
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ghouljams · 10 months
I do love the mental image you supplied of Price being out there with a broom trying to shoo the Mimic away, like-
Price: Get out of here, shoo!
Mimic: :((
Price: No! Go find another witch to snack on! *whacks*
Mimic: :(((((
You watch from your window as Price leaves your garden. The not-moose moves from one side of the wall towards Price. You aren't sure why that makes your stomach twist. You grip your chest, twisting your shirt in your hand, feeling that warm magic buzz at the tips of your finger again. Price can take care of himself, you're sure of it.
Price feels his tethers pull tight as the mimic walks towards him. The overgrown beast doesn't even have the common courtesy to pretend to be a regular animal. It stares right at him, it's eyes moving in different directions as it attempts to keep its focus on you as well as the new threat. Price cracks his knuckles, moves towards the mimic with the same predatory intent that it had been.
"Fuck off," Price advises the mimic, "kindly."
The mimic stops, shakes it's head. It's lips pull back in what Price is sure is supposed to be a terrifying display. He will admit that the noise it makes is downright unsettling, the sobbing wail that seems to broadcast from the mimic. It's face doesn't move at all, the sound just shakes out of it. Price raises a brow.
"You don't look starving."
Another wail from the mimic, the moose turns and butts its horns against the threshold. The twist of horn against your wards makes even Price grimace. It unhinges its jaw to press the full extent of its teeth against the garden's barrier. Price growls, leaning to reach over the wall to grab your watering can.
The iron burns.
Price twitches, his jaw clenched as his head pulls to one side. The unnatural sting of metal against his skin is almost as unpleasant as the scream the mimic lets out upon seeing it. The glassy eyes of it roll to look at him, it slides its teeth off the threshold like dragging knives through molasses. It gives another wail, almost bargaining. Price weighs the sentiment against the iron in his grasp before swinging the can hard at the mimic.
The creature flinches, stumbling back away from him. It drops its head low, menacing. Price doesn't move except to raise his free hand and make a shoo-ing motion.
"If you're not going to leave on your own I have no qualms makin' you."
The mimics eyes roll between Price and the house. It's lips curl, tongue lolling out over its razor sharp teeth. The menacing posturing doesn't let up, in fact the mimic almost seems to be challenging that assertion.
"Price," it sobs in your voice. Price's eyes narrow, his grip on the iron watering can tightening. The burn of it bites into his flesh.
"Now you're tryin' to make me mad." He growls, the mimic takes a half step back, "I'm tryin' to be civil, bet you can't even remember that part of yourself."
A step forward, the mimic attempts another show of aggression only to be caught by the swing of cold iron. The metal scrapes fur and flesh from its muzzle, oily blood sloughing off it into the snow before it can pull its skin back together. It scrambles back away from Price, away from your property. The mimic tries another sobbing voice, aiming for sympathy over threats. Isn't it pathetic? Cursed with only might and the decaying sense it once had as a human. If it could just get enough magic...
"Then find another witch to snack on, this one's mine." Though Price imagines any witch it finds will yield the exact same results. Well, maybe not exactly the same. He can't think of a single other fae that would- That would be eager to help? Have the tethers to be called on? The conviction to grab Iron in defense of their- of a witch. God help him this is getting out of hand.
The mimic seems to ponder this for a moment. It's neck twisting its head one way then another, its horns scraping the snowy ground as it does. It lets out an agreeable is terrified scream, before turning and making its way back into the thicket of trees. Price watches it go for a moment before tossing the watering can back towards the fence with a pained swear.
He grips his wrist, staring at the consumed flesh, the sinew revealed by the acidic burn of the iron. His fingers clench and shake, the muscles pulled tight with pain. Behind him the house door opens and closes, the iron back gate creaks, the sound of rapid footsteps through snow reaches him. He turns in time for you to throw your arms around him.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you," You squeeze your arms tightly around his shoulders. Price wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you more securely against his chest. You pull away too quickly to cup his face graciously, briefly, between your hands. He can feel his tethers singing for you as you leave his hold, eager to have you close again. His fingers still drag along your waist, reluctant to stop touching you as you turn to grab his injured hand.
Your fingers are so gentle as they graze the outer edges of the wound. Your expression pained, it makes him want to rip his hand from your hold. Instead he lets you finish your exam, his fingers tightening on your waist when you prod a little too hard. You mumble a quiet apology and release his hand, crouching to pick up a handful of snow.
"This might feel a little strange," You tell him, without actually telling him what exactly it is that's going to feel strange. You press the snow against his hand, careful to spread the ice down his fingers as well. Sort of weird that you'd think he'd never iced a burn before.
You lean over his hand, your face close to the snow, close enough he can feel the brush of your breath as you exhale. Then your lips move, and he feels it. The soft shift of the wind, the ringing in his ears, the lacing of his skin knitting back together under rapidly melting ice, the magic that races up his arm and circulates through his heart like a shot of ecstasy. Your grip on his wrist is far flung from the light touches it was, and he sees why now.
Your magic makes him want to jerk away, an involuntary reaction that he tries to steady as soon as it happens. It's hot and molten, it rustles past his ears like a sea breeze, and it is a foreign body invading his own. Price's pulse races, instinct keyed to the highest settings, and you are mouthwatering. All potential power and pretty packaging. He brushes your hair off your neck with his uninjured hand. You're so trusting. He can feel the itch in his teeth, and smell blood.
Price grips your shoulder hard enough to bruise, and leans down to press his teeth to your neck. He can feel your pulse rushing under his tongue, smell your scent under all those lovely herbs. You drop his hand and he's quick to thread it through your hair, to hold your neck long for his consumption. There's no pain, and the tethers between you are so brilliantly warm. No pain. Price blinks. The ringing is gone, the sea breeze gone, you're not holding his hand. You're finished.
He pull back, looks at how you've squeezed your eyes shut, lips thin with fear. That's not right. Fuck.
"Fuck," Price clears his throat, it feels like he hasn't had anything to drink in days, "I'm not gonna hurt you, that's-" He takes his hands off you, as a show of sincerity. Tension bleeds out of you as you open your eyes.
"I told you, it'll feel weird." You tell him, turning quickly to go and grab your watering can. Weird is not how he'd describe it, nor is that how he would've warned about it. But it's done now.
"That was real magic," Price swallows, flexes his fingers now miraculously, magically, healed. You don't miss a step in your quick pace back to your garden.
"It's all real magic," You call over your shoulder, "I just didn't use a buffer this time."
You only turn to look at him when you're closing your garden gate, your smile a little shy and your cheeks pink. You mouth a last 'thank you' and disappear into your house. It's strange. There should be a new tether between you, something solid, something the weight of unfiltered magical expertise, but there's nothing. Even done out of just the kindness of your heart he should have some evidence that you'd done him a service, nobody gives themselves that freely. Even those that do, a recipient would never accept such a gift without a debt; save maybe the few foolish enough to think they're in love.
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cupidle · 1 year
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averlym · 8 months
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litany of the martyrs (click for better resolution!)
#at some point i wanted to make an illustration for each character but in retrospect maybe each is multiple song-coded..#drew the sketch for a quincy thing after a chat with a mutual reminded me this song existed dfsghjkl and then spent weeks rendering this#quincy cynthius martin#adamandi#i'm finally done with this! the saints especially were joys to paint and the halo a menace.... this has been the most ambitious one so far.#but it also took quite long because i only worked on it <engages with quincy> when mentally okay to deal with the themes. i'm not religious#but i do identify with the irrational(?ish) guilt + family legacy + academic achievement + disregard for self. also more complex thoughts#about love [but depsite quincent being a large part of quincy's character this piece deals with mostly the Rest of it. so another time..]#anyways! in the original sketch- the saints had heads bent towards quincy so the halo spikes pointed at him. but this worked better! halos#of the saints implying/creating one for quincy was a concept from the start though. in the show they don't touch him directly here but#differences in mediums i think- i don't have time in an image to craft a narrative so everything has to be happening. also artistic liberty#misc inspiration for this includes stained glass windows. i might have maybe misinterpreted the saint costume but i think i logic-ed it out#as the cloth part following a nun's habit w the hood. and then halo above. the material is also more transparent originally but i had. um.#too much fun painting fabric folds.. if you look closely you can see the basis of faces though behind the cloth; but only the vague shapes#because smth obscurity + inhumanness// cassian is the only one i gave a mouth though. that stems from melliot's post about the saints and#st cassian as spokesperson (<- did research teehee!) that's also how i found out which costume = which saint. speaking of which.#left to right: 'st lucy take my hand' // 'st lawrence give me strength' (presses quincy forward; but hand on shoulder connotates guidance)#/'st cassian help me smile' (quincy's mouth is btwn a grimace and a smile; tilts up at side. also no direct touch bc added insidiousness.)#//'st jude [...] i hope your causes burn' (jude's hand is in two places to show movement- nearing the flame and then snatching back; burnt)#other notes: at the midst of the flame the core is shaped like a human heart /the saints and their wax are all melting like the candle for#fun visual effect and also this way they are even less tangible <real>. perks of painting as a medium i guess. // also insp from icarus?#wax and burning imagery; looking at the halo and rays as parallel to sun that burns. too close to the sun; melting; hurting; hurtling //#candles at bottom are a nod to the frankly gorgeous set// also the entire composition kind of stems from the lyric <what use is a candle if#both ends aren't burning>; the two sides between the concepts of catholic guilt and academic perfection that spur quincy#the halo above (saints and guilt; litanyofthemartyrs) and the 'halo' below (academic papers; insp from choreo for perfect at school)#the papers were originally supposed to be more glowy. but i like the idea of it now being a reflection of how quincy's priorities shift#also of note is that <candle> in centre = quincy; w burning candle + aforementioned heart in flame -> most human; idea of love + passion#last thoughts: kneeling + hands close tgt = prayer //wax dripping onto the red As make an effect that looks like blood. because i like#hiding that within the adamandi pieces :OO continuity!! // i've run out of tags but yeah! had fun with this one! every so often i go a#little insane in making art and the final result astounds even me. ngl i'm quite proud of this one. pretty colours <3333
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thefrogdalorian · 29 days
While I was rewatching The Phantom Menace yesterday, I was thinking during the sequence at the end with the N-1 Starfighters that one of them could be Din's, and boom! A rather amusing new headcanon was born.
So, obviously we know that Peli Motto somehow came into possession of one of the ships and in approximately 9ABY on Tatooine, she restores it with Din on Tatooine.
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But what if four decades previously, it was the same starship used by a certain Anakin Skywalker during the Battle of Naboo...
So, why would this be funny?
Well, because of what Anakin uses the ship for, and the fact its eventual owner has a well known disdain for droids...
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After Anakin leaves the hangar on Naboo, he joins the dogfight up in space. Eventually, he finds himself on one of the Trade Federation's ships and after a bit of panicking, has a great time destroying a few droids...
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As they fire at him, he launches a few shots which inadvertently causes the Droid Control Ship to blow up. Every single one of the thousands of droids on Naboo instantly powers down, ensuring that the planet is saved.
But this kid really used an N-1 starfighter to blow up an enormous ship of vital strategic importance. I mean, look at it go! Bye bye droids!
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I have nothing to base this hc off other than Anakin used an N-1 to destroy droids and Din (who hates droids) eventually has the same kind of ship. But I'm running with it because I think it's hilarious and that Din would be pretty pleased to know that his N-1 has a history of destroying droids...
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Wizard, indeed.
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mishapen-dear · 9 months
HUGE probs to cc!forever btw i thought he added the furniture thing as a joke option to like- legitimately get under q!bad's skin to give cc!bad an excuse to give his cubito more problems. but no apparently his chat were just instigators and made that suggestion to him 😭
i'm so impressed by how he got blindsided by a Full Lore Mode angry q!bad and kept his cool, and worked to communicate, and admitted when qbad had a good idea about the voting (qbad could NEVER), and went and got Cellbit when he realized the language barrier was too much. absolute king shit over there. like here he is trying to legit make the server better on a meta level and gets blindsided by q!bad's lore problems and he rolled with it so so well. he's doing legit such a good job for the server
and this is like- me being a bad fan, and i know it was an accident, but im very grateful to him for how that shook out. every time bad starts to get a little lore moment or something dramatic for his storyline, it fizzles out or gets overtaken by something else. cc!bad has been doing a great job with his storytelling/roleplaying and building up a narrative of feeling unappreciated/like a helping object instead of a person (and i could GUSH about the parallels between qbad and qforever and how they recognized those feelings in each other) but!! the point is that cc!forever did it. even accidentally. he created a catalyst event that could finally get my favourite little cubito off of his rocker (FINALLY), and bad is a good person to get off of his rocker. this is going to be a gorgeous little storyline that i am going to enjoy so so much. forever wanted to do good for the server and the story and by god he has done it
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 9 months
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Happy day one of Chatember, starting it off with strong with the Thunderclan (Jin) leader, Jin Guangshan (Lionstar)
(Name and AU credits to @clintbeefwoods!)
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dahpurplehatgirl · 1 year
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So can we all agree Jack Black Bowser stole the movie.
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He’s such a dorky boi I love him!
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confusedmothboy · 2 months
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please bertholdt one chance is all i ask ill do anything 🙏🙏
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dizzybizz · 3 months
YOU THERE, SQUIRE! YOU SAID TO SEND ART REQUESTS! may i perhaps humbly ask for an Ollie...or a Prince Leon bc he's one of my favorite side characters..
i love this boy so much
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wayfayrr · 16 days
The Menace Anon heed your call and you choose "Lone Wolf" so here is something for you to read.
I got this idea from a book on Quotev called "Skipped Cutscene" from MayBeDragon12. And this book has an interesting feature. Reader is a Link, Wild to be specific, but it's not a Yandere Chain x Reader but a normal Chain x Reader. So I thought to myself, why not turn them into Yandere? So here we are. This is Sage!Reader and how I headcanon my TotK Link.
They loath Wild and Twilight.
They are different from Wild like a alternative universe, where Wild was never named Link. Or they are Wild and just said, that they aren't Link anymore.
Twilight was still their guide through the first adventure, though.
Twilight was confused as hell before feeling guilty. He feels guilty because he thinks he abandoned Ruins as they needed him the most, on their second journey, third if we count pre-calamity.
Wild is Pup, they are Pup Cub in his mind.
Ruins' Sword is a fused Master Sword, but to be specific a fusion of Gloom Sword and Master Sword. This Sword Fi doesn't react to the other heroes at all.
It's because of the Gloom Sword and the Gloom and Malice inside of Reader's blood.
Nobody but them can wield this sword properly because of the Gloom.
If you thought Legend took awhile to trust the Chain, he still doesn't trust them completely.
Well Ruins will not trust them for a loooonnnng time maybe even never.
Because I found the nicknames weird, I came with a new one "Ruins" as they literally are surrounded by them.
As for "Sage", it's kinda mean as they got the nickname because of the sages they wield?  So how about "Pilot"?
Their title is "Hero of Ruins" because they deserve one.
Twilight is always near them, he's trying to make amends.
Reader doesn't want that at all.
Reader doesn't want to be a hero anymore just Reader who lives in the outskirts of Tarrey Town.
As the Chain said, that they still are a hero, that they needed them to be the hero once again. Reader wanted to scream and blow up a goddess statue.
If the Chain want's to capture Reader to take them with them? A wild goose chase is going on.
They have a slide for snowy mountains and a makeshift skateboard for the hills and cars. And don't forget, that they can teleport.
It was one hell of a fight.
They would jump of Skyloft, without a care for the world. Twilight is losing it.
They are a savage bastard after all.
The best songs that fit Sage!Reader would be "Link up" the TotK Rap from Austin Simmon.
Now how they met.
Twilight PoV:
We landed in Hyrule again. At first Wild and I thought that we were in his, but his doesn't have any floating islands. So then we thought it was Sky's, which wasn't it either. So we came to the conclusion that it has to be a Hyrule shortly after Sky, maybe like 100 years? So we went to explore it, I had to catch Wild a few times as he tried to run off. He really acted like a pup. We saw a monster camp near us, so Warriors began to formulate a plan to annihilate them.
„Yeah... Forget about that, someone with a robot is going through this.“ We all turned around and looked at the said person which Four mentioned.
They wore a blue tunic with a hylian hood, and brown pants and boots. Finished with the camp, they started to build something, which reminded me of a carriage but it wasn't drawn by any horses, yet. They climbed onto the strange carriage and it drove... Without any horses or rails... They came to our direction and stopped sideways in front of us.
„Do you need help?“
„Do you know, where the next town is?“ Pup asked them.
They looked with the eyes to us before signaled us to come up to them.
„I can drive you to the nearest lookout from there your on your own.“
„That would be very appreciated.“ said the old man.
We climbed onto the vehicle and they drove with us off.
We tried to speak to them but they didn't budge. They kept silent, just looking at the road before them. We could see a wooden wall in the distance with the castle behind it. They stopped at the door and turned the carriage sideways.
„We are here, you're safe in there.“ They sounded annoyed and mumbled under their breaths profanities. So we jumped off and they drove off. I looked at them quite a while. They were so familiar...
"Why do I feel like I know them...?" I thought to myself.
I jumped out of my train of thoughts as Wild laid a hand on my shoulder.
„Twi, you alright?“ I looked at Wild.
„Yeah, everythin' is 'lright, just somethin' is naggin' me about them“
„What bothers you?“ I looked at Hyrule beside me.
„I don't know... It's like I know them, but we aren't anywhere near my Hyrule...“ I told them while we were walking inside the "lookout". We looked around, it was like Ordon a small little village not town or anything. Zora, Hylian, Rito and some Gorons were here and trained. We heard fast footsteps and before we could see, who it was, Wild laid on the ground with a girl with short blonde hair on top of him.
„Reader! Where have you been?! Purah and I were so worried!!!“ She released the Champion from her hug and as she saw her mistake. She stood up abruptly and went red.
„I'm So Sorry!!! I thought, you were someone else! ~But you wear a Champion's Tunic and the hood in your face... I really thought you were them...~ Again I'm sorry...“
„Sorry mylady, but who is that "Reader" and can we help you with them?“ asked Warriors while I helped Wild up.
„Reader is the Hero of Hyrule... They changed after this adventure... After they woke up inside the Shrine of Resurrection they were so openly friendly and curious like a little puppy hehehe... But after this one it was like that they went from the curious puppy to a distrusting lone wolf... They travel around Hyrule to find anything to soothe their pain... I know, I was at fault at that, I even took over their house... I want my best friend back... The only one, who understands me the most...“ She laughed sadly and looked at the ground. She had probably tears in her eyes.
„Do ya want us 'da look for them? Maybe even bringin' them back here?“ I asked her, while the boys looked shocked to me.
„You would do that? Thanks!! Oh... I didn't even asked you for your names. I'm Zelda from Hyrule, the princess and next Queen of Hyrule.“ she bowed down slightly. 
So we bowed down as well, before introducing us.
„Well, our name is Link, so everyone has a nickname. I'm Warriors, that's Time, Legend, Four, Hyrule, Wind, Sky, Twilight and the one you tackled is Wild. We are all heroes of Hyrule but from a different era.“ Wars introduced us by pointing to said person. The said person either bowed or nodded.
She nodded with a sad smile. „So you will take them with you, right? You are definitely not travelling just to have a vacation... They need to be a hero again, right...?“
The Captain nodded with a sad smile.
„The threat we're dealing with isn't easy to slay, we could need any helping hand, that we can find.“ My ancestor told the princess with a stony face, but his eyes reflecting the worry of the soon-to-be new addition to the group.
So we said her we help her and bring the hero here before we depart around Hyrule to find the shadow. We went out of the village and headed the way, that "Reader" drived off to. But they were much faster than we ever could be. So we crossed the bridge and saw a destroyed Talus with bodies of Bokoblins.
„Does that Talus look strange for you too?“ Wind asked as Wild rushed to it's side to investigate it.
„That's awesome! The Bokoblins took the Talus as a walking fortress!!“
„Their called "Battle Talus" and they are a real pain in the ass with the right monsters on it's head.“ We looked up the hill and saw the obvious hero of this Hyrule. They wore the Champion's Tunic with a leather armour over it, they wore the same cape as Wild but their's was more tattered and ripped at some parts. Their pants was a normal beige-brown with a ripped green tunic with Triforce symbols tied to their hip and hanged down sideways and heavy looking travel boots. Their hood hid their face even as they jumped down and slided down the cliff. They stopped before us and stood on the remains of the Talus.
„So what do you want? I heard you guys talking about me. So what is it?“
I looked in-between Wild and the newcomer and noticed something that made me a little dizzy.
"They have the same scent!! That's what's nagging me! That's why I had the feeling I know them!!" I thought and looked at the older copy of Wild, my pup.
They looked at me but they didn't seem happy like Wild always was as I appeared before him as a wolf. They seemed cold and angry and stepped aside as I tried to hug them. They are my pup, after all!
„Don't come near me, you mutt! I will behead you myself, if you try it again! You abandoned me as I needed you the most! As I stumbled around like a newly born fawn and crawled out of the shrine as I woke up, The Second Time! You weren't there! So do me a favour and get the fuck lost!!“ It hurts like hell to hear that from the one I took under my wing but I could understand it. I abandoned them...
„Is this how the old man felt as he heard that he abandoned Wind's time?“ was my first thought.
They acted so feral and snarled at me so I stepped back.
„I'll not tryin' 'da come near ya again, but please hear us out...“ The others looked shocked to my and my second pup.
„Spit it out, I still have things to do!“
„Stop acting like a child! What are you five?! You can't jus...“ Warriors was interrupted as the hero before us stripped off their tunic and hood.
We could see their arm. It wasn't their arm and it's reeking old magic while also reeking dark magic.
„Just what?! I lost my arm and got cursed!! I wander around Hyrule to find shrines to complete them under pain! Normal people would trying to bit their arm off! Under a blood moon I can feel the Gloom and Malice swirling in my blood!! If I could I would do Ganondorf a favour and jump off the next cliff!! Without the glider!!“ They put their clothes back on before walking away.
„Look for someone else to travel with you, I distanced myself from my so called "titel". I'm no hero anymore!“
With that the wild goose chase began and the Chain, especially Twilight, were hunting Sage!Reader like the monster hunted Hyrule on his journey. Reader really thought at first they were puppets but after some "investigation" or "stalking" they new they were the real deal. It didn't make it any better. After Reader is back from their forced fourth adventure, they can fix their house as that got rearranged during their fight against the Chain. During the journey many insults were thrown around, especially on Wild's and Twilight's head but since when is a Link known for giving up? Oh and what Chain tries to do with Reader so they stay? Well, trying to be the most trusted companion obviously. So now please help me stop Sage from beheading Legend with their bare hands.
okay so - I hate to start it like this (and feel a little bad because I did choose this) but I cannot handle sage anymore. There is a reason I stopped writing him, and had to block any tags to do with him - it isn't something I would like to take public though with all due respect. it is the reason why tears exists as a link that I now write for as my preferred totk link. So this was something that took me a bit to read through and I couldn't really read all of it. This is something that I should have made clearer on my blog however, and I'll take responsibility for that. but in the future I will ask to please not send me anything to do with that version of the character for my own sanity.
but the premise is really good! I love the idea of a reader being an alternate link and how it could impact their relationship with the chain
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jinstronaut · 2 years
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(cr. namuspromised)
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alsojnpie · 4 months
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dishes are forever
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s2pdoktopus · 3 months
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There weren't enough fanfics to satisfy my inner GinZura trash so... I drew this...
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