#so i told her they're from ghost. had to explain a little bit
ambreiiigns · 1 year
had half a sleepover w alessia* we watched a weird horror and then she let me talk abt ghost and then we put carlotta to sleep for the 4th time and then i drove home. i'm sooo happy
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tealfloyd · 2 years
Hello and howdy do~! Thanks so much for the Halloween Costume fic! I loved it, even though I was hoping that MC's costumes would closely resemble that of each dorm's costume theme. Nevertheless, great job!👍 For my next request, I'd like the seven dorms' reactions when MC presents each of the boys a special Christmas gift. Since Christmas doesn't exist in Twisted Wonderland, MC explains its meaning to the boys before she presents them their gifts. Thanks a bunch!
"What do you mean Night Raven College doesn't celebrate Christmas? It seems that MC has a bit more work to do~"
SUMMARY: MC decides to host a Christmas party for all her friends, giving all of them special gifts! (Everyone x Fem!Reader).
WARNINGS: Maybe some light spoilers from most of the character's background, but they're very light. Also MC's empty wallet.
CONTENT: Ortho's part is platonic. My ghost fellows having names. Me trying my best at guessing their gift history. Most of the presents have hand-made decorations on them because I love them. Maybe some characters are ooc, but I really hope not. This format has some variations, and also some of the characters have fewer lines because it's kind of hard to write for all of them equally :( WORDS: 7K+
A/N: Hello dear! I'm sorry this took so long~ I wanted to finish this earlier but got caught up with some important things and so I couldn't write for some days, so maybe this isn't as good as I expected it to be. Either way, I still hope you like it, and if not, please let me know your comments on it!
(Fact that no one asked: I spent three hours looking for gift ideas, and even after that I'm still not sure if I choose the right ones).
Now onto the fic~
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What a lovely Christmas eve; just you and your adoptive cat son, patiently waiting for your guests as you friendly interacted with each other.
“Grim! What did I told you about eating the cookies?!” You scolded, taking the tray and placing it away from him, looking at the crumbs that indicated several were now on his stomach.
As I said, a lovely Christmas eve with friendly interactions.
“Nyah~! Why would you bake cookies if I can’t eat them?!” He whined, pouting as he crossed his arms, very much resembling a child.
You sighed at his antics, crouching next to him so you could pat his head. “You know that these are for the guests; but we can enjoy cat shaped pancakes tomorrow if you want."
“You know I’m not a cat…” He muttered, and you couldn’t help but giggle at his adorableness, correcting yourself.
“I’m sorry. Do ‘Grim shaped pancakes’ sound better then?” You started to softly caress his fur, hearing him purr after a few more petting, relieved that his petty moment was over.
“What a cute bonding time," Conrad said, cooing at the wholesome scene.
“Do you mind if we join?” Asked Brawley, already approaching you two.
“You better not!” Grim said, holding your hand to keep it in its place, trying to prevent you from saying yes, which didn’t work at the end.
“Don’t listen to him, of course you can join!” You said, extending your arm.
“Wah~ MC's so nice~ I don’t understand how those boys haven’t—“ Before Arthur could finish his sentence, Conrad elbowed him, knowing what he was about to say.
“You know we promised to not talk about their crushes on her," he murmured, making you a little suspicious.
“What are you muttering about?”
“Oh, nothing! Just that I think we forgot to buy some groceries, so we have to go!” Was the last thing they said before disappearing.
You raised an eyebrow at the excuse. “But you don’t cook... Or eat…”
A knock on the door made you stood up abruptly, checking the wall clock, gasping since it was already time and you still had to finish some things.
You dusted your apron, trying to look more or less presentable while rushing to the door, instructing Grim to put on the accessories you made for him. He wanted to complain, but couldn’t when he saw you giving him the look, and so he went upstairs, muttering about how you shouldn’t treat him so unfairly.
You opened the door, greeting the Heartslabyul students. “Hello guys!” You cheerfully exclaimed, stepping aside so they could enter. “Please make yourselves at home, I will join you in a moment."
While your figure disappeared after crossing the kitchen arc, the boys were left wondering why you had neatly organised gifts and colourful decorations.
 “What’s all this?” Asked Ace, looking at the pile, curious about the contents.
“Ace, manners," corrected Riddle, afraid he will ruin it.
“That’s so cute! I need to post it right now~” Cater said, pulling out his phone to take pictures of it, trying to think of a cool caption as he scrolled down the best photos.
Deuce was also staring at the presents, thinking about why you had so many. “Can these be… MC’s secret fan’s gifts…?” He muttered, oblivious to the fact that there was one that had his name on the label.
“Do you need help?” Questioned Trey, entering the kitchen to see you checking something in the oven.
“I guess I could use some of that," you chuckled, pointing at the deserts on the countertop. “Can you help me bring those to the table in the living room?”
He complied, taking the tray while carefully moving it so he could place on top the table, making sure everything was the way you organised it.
“Finally, everything’s ready," you exhaled in relief, removing your apron and cooking gloves, leaving them in a cabinet. “You can eat if you want, we still have to wait for the others to arrive."
Just after you finished talking, you heard a knock again, listening to some of them argue behind it.
You encountered the boys, who didn’t notice you already opened the door as the discussion continued. “Am I interrupting something?” You said, softly smiling at them as they stopped dead in their tracks as they turned their heads to you.
“Of course not, Prefect”, Jade was the first one who talked. “We were just having a friendly talk."
You knew he was lying, but didn’t think much of it, smiling softly as you stepped aside. “Sure, whatever you say."
“Thank you for inviting us, Prefect”. Azul and Jamil talked at the same time, looking at each other in surprise, and you chuckled at their expressions, inviting them to enter and feel at home.
It didn’t take much for Floyd to take that too literal, yelling: "yay~!" as he plopped himself on the couch, accidentally (or maybe not) hitting Riddle in the process.
“Hey! Don’t just take all the space!” He complained, anger building up inside him as he pushed his long legs out of the couch.
“My, your dorm seems very colourful. May I ask why?” Jade asked, inspecting the green, red and white decorations that were placed around the room.
“I will explain everything once everyone’s here," you responded, organising a few details that were off, proudly nodding at the results. “In the meantime, you can eat anything you want and—"
You were interrupted by the sound of munching, looking at the first years and some of the second years who were happily eating, sensing your stare.
“Sorry, you said eat anything you want," Ace said, mouth full and with cookie crumbs all over his lips.
“It’s okay, I’m happy you liked it."
“All of this looks amazing!” Kalim exclaimed, looking at his friend with puppy eyes. “Can I eat this, Jamil? MC made it so there shouldn’t be a problem, right?”
Jamil sighs, nodding his head, trusting you fully since he knew you would never try to poison someone, or at least someone so pure like Kalim. “Sure," was all he said, also trying some food himself.
“Who else are we waiting for?" Asked Jack, curious about who else you invited.
“Just Vil, Rook, Epel, Idia, Ortho, Malleus, Lilia, Silver and Sebek."
"Just?" Ace remarked, still munching on the treats you recently prepared.
“That lizard is coming?” Complained Leona, relaxing on the couch after he figured out it wouldn’t bother you.
“Of course he’s coming," you answered, stating it as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, which it clearly was. “They should be here any minute—"
Again, the knocking on the door made you realise they were already here. “Or maybe now."
You opened it, standing in front of a very elegant looking Vil and Ortho by his side, the height comparison making you giggle.
“Hello MC. Thank you for inviting us to this lively reunion," Vil commented.
“Indeed; me and my brother were very happy when we got the invitation!” Ortho cheerfully affirmed as he pointed at Idia, who didn’t know if he wanted to go home or be there. Maybe both.
“This is certainly going to be a magnifique soirée!” Rook exclaimed, excited about what you had ready for the evening.
“I sure hope to meet your expectations” You said, inviting them inside.
“Thanks for inviting us, MC," said Epel, trying to mask his accent so Vil wouldn’t scold him in front of you, who took notice of this and decided to step in.
“Don’t worry Epel. You don’t have to hide your accent here; I will make sure Vil doesn’t reprimand you for it," you calmly reassured, making him (and every person who heard it, even Vil because he was standing right next to you) swoon over your attentiveness.
“S-sure," he stuttered, trying to hide his flushed face from you.
You also noticed Idia and Ortho were still standing outside, probably because the taller one was having an internal debate about whether he should enter or not.
“You don’t have to stay if you don’t want to."
Idia jumped at the comment, not realising that you were in front of him due to his nervousness. “I-It’s okay…" Was all he could answer, cheeks red and hair slightly pink.
“Perfect! Then we must go inside before you catch a cold, brother!" Idia didn’t had room to protest as his little brother was already dragging him inside, hoping he wouldn’t get noticed by the rest of the students there.
Fortunately, and unfortunately for him, the attention was on you, curiosity washing over them as you still didn’t explain the reasoning behind the reunion.
“I told you already, I rather do the explaining once Diasomnia is here; I really want everyone to be here once I start the activity."
“You mean giving us those presents over there?” Asked Jade, perking up everyone’s interest even more.
“PRESENTS?! FOR US?!” The majority yelled, and you covered your ears as a reflective action.
“Yeah, exactly," you said, hoping they would let you talk. “But you have to wait for me to give them to you."
“Eh~? But I want to open it now!” Floyd whined, about to hold his present, stopping when you gently grabbed his arm. “Oh? Is Shrimpy going to give it to me now~?”
You smiled again, but this time in a menacing way, warning him of your wrath if he even touched the present before you gave it to him. “Floyd, please don’t open that box; if you do, I will be mad, and we don’t want that, right?”
It was shocking for them to see this side of you, but at the same time, they would be even more surprised if you didn’t have that side in the first place. After all, you’re still a student at Night Raven College, accidental or not.
The moment was broken when the last knock was heard, and you released Floyd’s arm from your very light grasp, rushing to the door to open it. “Ah, you’re here!”
Lilia laughed, lifting his hand slightly. “We apologize for the delay. Malleus took quite some time since he was still processing your invitation."
Said man only stared at him in disbelief, coughing to dismiss his light embarrassment. “Thank you for inviting me— Us, Child of Man," he thanked, visibly calm on the outside but giggling out of joy inside.
“We truly appreciate your invitation to this reunion, human!” Sebek yelled, making you (and everyone who wasn’t ready for it) wince at the sudden noise, quickly replacing your frown with a kind smile to not hurt his feelings.
“You don’t need to yell, you know?” Commented Silver. “But indeed, we are very grateful," he added, politely bowing.
“It’s nothing, I’m glad that you arrived so please, make yourselves at home," and with that note, you finally closed the door, about to start the explanation when you noticed that someone was missing. “Wait a moment, please."
You walked upstairs, looking for your cat companion. “Grim! Why are you taking so long?”
“This thing is so stupid! I’m not going to use it!” He responded, making you sigh in discontent.
You didn’t expect him to throw a tantrum over an accessory, but it was okay; living with him has taught you quite a few ways of dealing with his childish personality.
“You can have cake for tomorrow’s breakfast."
The door creaked open, revealing him using a red and green bowtie with little snowflakes and a little handcrafted Santa hat on, also wearing a big pout
“Fine then, but you better keep your promise!” He grumpily walked down the stairs, knowing that everyone was going to stare at him.
“I would, but I don’t remember promising it." Checkmate MC, checkmate.
“Nyah!” He exclaims, trying to wriggle out from your grasp as you keep him in place, cradling him until he calms down. “Let me down! I didn’t sign for this!”
Well, neither did you and you’re not complaining for the most part.
“Grim," the cold tone you spoke with made everyone froze again, most of them remembering the earlier scene as you tried to control your child cat companion. “Are you going to behave or not?” He didn’t answer, and you repeated the question.
“I’m going to behave…” He muttered, deflating when you placed him down on the floor, not believing he fell for your tricks again.
“I’m sorry about that," you apologized, letting out a nervous giggle. “I may now explain why I invited you here today."
“I know that most of you’re going to be out due to winter’s break, so I wanted to celebrate Christmas with you before that happens!” You happily exclaimed, your warm smile making their heart melt, only to retrace your words in their heads, highlighting an unknown word for them.
“Christmas?” Asked Azul, intrigued by this.
“What’s that?” Leona questioned, ears perking up in curiosity.
“Ah, that’s right, I forgot that you don’t have it here," you started to think of forms to explain this holiday, deciding that Occam’s razor principle will be the best approach. “In my world, Christmas is a holiday that mainly focuses on love, laughter and happiness. It’s a time where we enjoy our friends and family’s presence and just bask in their warmth and comfort, relieved that they’re in our lives for another year."
Everyone stayed quiet for a while, leaving you to wonder if you had said something wrong until you heard multiple screams (of joy) and cheering.
“That sounds so amazing! I want to celebrate Christmas back home too!” Kalim yelled, already planning on doing something similar with his family.
“That was one of the most beautiful descriptions I’ve ever heard," commented Lilia, wiping a crocodile tear, while the crocodile was, in fact, tearing up.
“As expected of notre chér Prefect! She always ends up looking and sounding more beautiful than before!” Exclaimed Rook, dramatically posing.
“There’s no need for you to compliment me, I’m just explaining what’s Christmas so you can understand." It was useless, they can’t be reasoned with after you said such a heart-moving speech.
“There’s no reason to be so humble about it," Jade added, chuckling at your attempts to calm their cheers.
“I assume the gifts have a meaning in your world too?” Asked Riddle, gazing at them with a hand on his chin, thinking of the reasoning behind it.
You nodded, happy to explain. “Indeed. Gifts are given to show gratitude and affection towards the receiver; it doesn’t differ much from my world to this one."
Your sensed told you they were going to go crazy again, so you spoke again before they could even start talking. “I think that now it’s the perfect time for gift receiving. I just wanted to let you know how I celebrated Christmas back home."
Your strategy worked as they immediately shut up, impatiently waiting until you gave them their respective present.
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A tea set with hand-drawn red roses on it.
For Riddle: Thank you for all the times you’ve helped me with my studies, you were my lifesaver for my grades, haha! And also, for letting me stay at your unbirthday parties even if I'm not a part of your dorm, I really appreciate that!
Riddle can’t remember the last time he got a present. His mother didn't actually give him some kind of reward for his achievements, instead giving him things meant for his studies. Trey and Che'nya were the only ones who didn't expect something out of the things they gifted him. He felt like crying but didn’t dare to because he was worried about what everyone would think of him, not wanting to be seen as weak over such a small detail. A detail that he would treasure forever. Lightly clutching the box next to his chest, he lets a small smile form on his lips while his cheeks turn pink.
“Thank you, MC. I certainly expect you at the following unbirthday party so we can use this intricate set you've customized."
A wooden recipe box, along with pine cooking gloves.
For Trey: Thank you for all the times you’ve helped me, which now that I think about, they were probably a lot. I hope you like this! It has some of my mother’s recipes, and although they probably exist here that doesn’t make them less delicious!
Trey has received a fair number of gifts during his life, most of them coming from his siblings and parents, meaning that he usually got hand-made gift cards and things that could be used over and over again. Because of this, he prefers gifts that he can use and/or that are hand-crafted. He inspects the small, brown box, tracing over your neat calligraphy on the front. When he opens it he finds a small number of cards, sight reading them while finding the reference drawing on the side cute. He softly closes it, silently fawning over your attentiveness.
“Thanks, MC. If you like, you can make these with me, so I know how it’s properly done."
A mini microphone and a small phone tripod.
For Cater: I got to say that I'm impressed that you were walking on fire when you hosted our mini parties, because Riddle's wrath is no joke, haha! I hope this will make you grow on your journey to be a wonderful influencer, and when that happens, take for granted that I’m going to appear in your 1M follower's video!
The majority of Cater’s gifts came from both of his sisters, and let’s just say that he wasn’t very pleased by what was given to him. He wishes that his sisters tried to understand him and see what he liked instead of what they liked, and the fact that his family was constantly moving didn’t help. He stared at the presents, unsure about what to say after receiving a gift that he liked- Actually, no, a present that he loved, and not just because it was something he could use in his social media; it was also because you thought of him. He smiles widely, letting soft giggles as he tries to contain the joy that he’s feeling.
“This is totes cute, MC! I will definitely take a video later, and of course you will be the one starring it~!”
A spinning poker weight and a hand-drawn poker deck.
For Ace: I sure hope you like this because if not, wow. Just wow. But now talking seriously, I wanted to thank you for all the times you sided with me even though I was wrong in most of those cases; it meant a lot coming from you.
Ace has had his fair number of gifts too, half from his brother and half from his parents and relatives. He doesn’t really know how to react since the only presents that he got that were hand-made were some gift cards from when he was little, so receiving something that had your utmost care and dedication was a bit… Foreign, but certainly not unwelcomed. He realises that the first one is just you messing with him, because who in their right mind would randomly play Poker? And then he remembers who: you, and it’s odd because you created such a beautiful cool deck of cards, yet you don’t know how to play? He can’t help but chuckle at this, carefully saving the box in his pocket.
“For real? Like, thanks for the gift but I thought it will be way cooler— No, you can’t take it back, it’s mine now."
A pair of blastcycling gloves.
For Deuce: Thank you for all your help here in Ramshackle. I think that one of the reasons this dorm hasn’t collapsed is because of your skills. I know you want to have a blastcycle, and although I can’t give it to you I want to cooperate by giving you these gloves. It’s not much, but I hope you like them!
The only gifts Deuce has received came from his mother and grandmother, so he doesn’t have too much experience about receiving presents from other persons, and to top it off, that person is you. He just stares at the gloves, cheeks growing redder as his mind races with possible ways to thank you, not really coming up with something coherent. In order to calm himself down, he tried them on, surprised that they were his exact size, blushing again at the thought of you thinking about him while picking the accessory.
“I, uh— Thanks for this, Prefect! I really appreciate you— I mean, the gloves! But it’s not like I don’t appreciate you for picking them—"
Help him.
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A pair of earplugs and a travel pillow.
For Leona: Thanks for the times you've help me even when you’re too sleepy to even move, and so I thought of this gift for you! You usually sleep everywhere and anywhere, so please carry this pillow so you wouldn’t end up with a strained neck and sore muscles!
Leona has received a lot of gifts since he was a child; not that much now that he's older because he’s barely home but when he does, he still has a lot of presents with his name written on it. When it comes to gifts that he keeps or uses, that’s another story. He keeps looking at the label, suddenly remembering all of Cheka’s drawings and cards that he keeps in a secret box in his room, smiling at how cute and dumb it is, but a good type of dumb.
“Worried for me, herbivore? Why would I need this pillow if I already have you?"
A Sam’s gift card for two months’ worth of food.
For Ruggie: I don't consider that paying you with donuts it's fair after all the times you've helped, and so I managed to get this gift card from Sam's (yes, you still can get donuts)! Both you and Leona are going to be thanking me for this, haha!
Ruggie had little to no gifts during his childhood; he has always prioritized every income, so presents were given around once a year. Ruggie has grown to appreciate everything that can help him, so seeing this came as a shock to him. In all honesty, he wanted to cry, because how are you be so kind and considerate? This just doesn't seem like reality! He knows you can barely feed Grim and yourself with what's given to you yet you still thought of his wellbeing. He laughs to cover his nervousness, as a small, unnoticeable tear sliding down his cheek.
“Shi shi shi~ I guess if you managed to get this card then I wouldn’t mind sharing some of its perks with you~”
A personalized exercise dice and a bottle of water.
For Jack: I cannot count all the times I relied on you, and I'm deeply grateful for that, really grateful! You mentioned that you needed to change your water bottle, so I got this one for you! I hope you like it!
Jack has also received his fair number of gifts during his childhood, mostly useful things and cards from his siblings, so, like Trey, he likes presents that are meaningful and/or useful. He’s amazed that you remembered such a small comment, cheeks slightly blushing because of this, inspecting the little wolf drawing you did on the cover. He looks at the dice and realises that all the faces have his favourite exercises, even more amazed because he didn’t even need to tell you about his preferences for you to know them, carefully saving them in the box again.
“Thanks for the gift, MC. If you’d like, you can train with me— So we can use this dice you’ve made, clearly."
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A refillable notepad with a little octopus drawing on the cover.
For Azul: I noticed you had few notebooks the last time I visited, and since you use a lot of them, I thought this refillable one would save you space and money! I also drew in some of the pages, but you can erase them if you want!
Azul stared at the notebook, realising that you drew little doodles in almost every page, and he imagined the amount of time you spent in this, blushing slightly because that time was for a gift dedicated for him. Azul's gift history wasn't the best; he only got presents from his family and sometimes from Jade and Floyd (although they were mostly trinkets), so receiving such a heartfelt present from you (friend, loyal customer and crush) made him blush even deeper, and he tried to calm the butterflies that were fluttering inside his stomach in order to thank you.
"I'm surprised you managed to find such a suitable present. I'm very grateful for this valuable gift, Prefect."
A terrarium notebook with some mushroom's stickers on it, along with a terrarium earring.
For Jade: It's no surprise you love terrariums and mushrooms, so I thought this notebook that I found at Sam's would be of your liking. I also made this earring, and although is a bit messy I still hope you like it!
Jade didn't expect to receive such a sincere gift during his stance in Night Raven College, or at least one that didn't come from his brother and maybe Azul. Instead of his practiced smile, he does a much softer one, hiding the earring from Floyd as he asked what he got. He usually doesn't mind when his brother touches his stuff (as long as he leaves it in the same place); since they're twins, they've grown accustomed to sharing, but this is not something he thinks he can share with him, rather choosing to use it after finding a safe place for it.
"I am ever grateful for this, Prefect. I will make sure to take the utmost care of this special present."
A pair of roller skate shoes.
For Floyd: I'm walking on a thin line by giving you these shoes, Floyd. They may be a bit hard to use at first, but i know that you can be able to master the act of roller walking in a few days! (Just be aware of your surroundings... And the people around you too).
Oh, MC- I mean, Shrimpy. Since Floyd is not going to be at home during winter break, you can be completely sure that both you and Grim (mostly you) are doomed to stay by his side now that he can go as twice as fast than before. His face lights up when he sees the inside of the box, thinking that you got him a new pair of cool shoes, until he reads the label. Shrimpy? You got him skate roller shoes? Are you saying that you want him to chase you faster when he spots you in the hallways? (See what I told you by saying you're doomed?).
"Woah~! These shoes are soooo cool~! I'm sure that I can be able to catch Shrimpy way faster with these on!"
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A color changing mug with a little doodle of him, Jamil, Grim and you.
For Kalim: I found this mug when I was searching for stuff at Sam's, and I first thought of you! I know it's not the most expensive or fancy gift from all, but I really hope you like it and the little drawings I made!
Coming from a wealthy family, gifts in the Asim household were something very usual for all of the family members. Even if they were expensive, they all appreciated the meaning behind it, always thanking their parents and siblings. Kalim is very fond of these types of gifts; you can give this boy a rock and he would give you a pair of gold earrings in exchange. You have to cover your eyes because the light he's emanating from reading the label and seeing the present is insane. No jokes here.
"Thanks, Prefect! I never saw something like this! I will make sure to bring you lots of things to make up for this!"
A massage roller and essential oils.
For Jamil: I really appreciate all your help, even though you still have to help Kalim and manage Scarabia's reputation. I don't want you to be worn out, so I got you these! Vil recommended me these brands, so I assure you they're completely effective!
Jamil hasn't had many gifts during his childhood, much less during his teenage years. When it came to gift receiving, the main things he would get were special meals and clothes, and if the Asim's wanted to gift him something else, his family would politely reject it until they finally accepted due to all the convincing. He's puzzled at your consideration, standing still as he gazes at the present, snapping out when you call his name for the third time.
"Ah, sorry, it's just that— It's nothing, I'm fine. Thank you for the gift, Prefect. I will be looking forward to use these."
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A phone case with a small compartment to carry makeup.
For Vil: I wanted to thank you for all the skincare and makeup advice you've given me, even though you're the one actually applying it, haha! I don't know if you already have something like this, but if not, I really hope it will come in handy for you!
Vil has received an insane number of gifts during his life, all from his parents, sponsors, agencies and his fans, keyword fans. He knows it's because they love him, but it can't get a little too much if he's being honest, and now that he's telling the truth, he doesn't end up using most of those things. This, however, is something he's definitely going to use. It's practical, it's beautiful and it was given to him by you, so even if he had one before, he would have used yours instead. He didn't even have to use a mirror to know he was blushing, thankful that he could use the weather as an excuse.
"I'm really grateful about this, MC. Although I'm a bit surprised you've chosen such a unique gift. Ah, don't worry, that is a compliment."
A forest scented candle, along with a paper which had a handwritten poem on it.
For Rook: I know how much you love poetry, and I was told that scent can inspire different feelings, and I thought that the forest concept was pretty aligned with your personality! There is also my attempt at writing a poem and a note from Neige, though I would you should hide that from Vil.
When it comes to gifts, Rook would appreciate everything that is given to him, but, if it's someone that he specially has a keen interest for, then take for granted he would praise the hell out of that person. And would you see that? His precious chérie was the one that gifted him such a heartfelt present! Is this the perfect moment for him to confess his undying love for you?
"Quelle beauté! Once again, I've been blessed by your lovely kindness, ma chérie! How I wish for you to keep showing me this side of yourself!"
Did that count as a confession?
An apple-themed shaker bottle.
For Epel: I'm aware I thanked you before about this, but thank you for sticking with me; I know you had to face Vil's wrath after some occasions. I don't know if this is enough, but I got this shaker bottle for you! Coach Vargas says it's a great way to start building muscle and so I picked this one! You can always remove the drawing if you don't like it, what matters it's the bottle, haha!
The majority of Epel's gifts came from his family and neighbors, which consisted of handmade presents such as clothing and wood carved objects, so receiving something like this was a bit odd for him; mostly because he didn't read the label and was super confused when he looked at the bottle. When he did read the label... He was hurt, because he thought that you perceived him as someone weak. However, that thought vanished as you asked him if you could exercise with him, understanding that you just wanted to make him happy, and you certainly succeeded.
"This is—! Huh? Oh! O-of course ya' can exercise with me, and, uh— Thanks for the gift! If I use this then I can become strong enough to protect you..."
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A Pain and Panic phone and controller holder.
For Idia: You're not going to believe this, but I found this set at the back of Sam's shop and I immediately thought that they would be perfect for when we play! I know it's not enough as a thanks since you've upgraded my phone, but at least we would have something cute to look for, haha!
Idia has to sit down after this, because he thought that this day would never come. You, of all people, gifting him something? He needs a moment to process what just happened, all while blanky staring at the note and wrapped accessories, realising something that he thought was accidental, because it had to be; 'we would have something cute to look for', as in... A family...? *Idia soul has left the chat*.
"H-huh? What happened? Huh?! I did?! W-well, it's because this caught me off guard... Why are you looking at me like that? Seriously, I can't get why you're laughing... Thanks for this though, I guess that we can level this up together when I come back... If you want to, that is!".
A deck of Cards Against Humanity, Family Edition.
For Ortho: I may not be in the board game club, but I'm pretty sure this is something they don't have there, so we both can play an exclusive version of life choices! I know you like board games so I thought this will be fun to play with, but it all depends on what you think!
Ortho remembers receiving gifts, so he knows how it feels to receive something that he enjoys. His face brightens up, realising that this can not only make you and Idia even closer, but that he can be a part of it too! He likes when you spend time with his brother, but he also likes to spend time with you, as he's grown fond of your kindness and thoughtfulness, the huge number of presents you've given so far being proof of that.
"This seems like a lot of fun to play with! Thank you, Prefect! I will be looking forward to play with you once the break is over!"
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Winged gargoyle tabletop lamp.
For Malleus: I'm very aware of your likings towards gargoyles, Tsunotarou, and also that you're not the best with technology. Hence, this is why I thought this was perfect for you! The gargoyle is named Bartholomew, and it can work with both magic and technology! I hope you take great care of my son!
Malleus coughed when he finished reading the note, surprised by what you just wrote, contemplating the fact that you named his gift and that was your platonic son. Does this mean the start of a beautiful gargoyle family? Most probably and be you can be completely sure he's not leaving that thought anytime soon. He tries the lamp, smiling at the dim light that emanates from it, looking up to meet your expectant gaze, softly giggling after seeing that he liked the present.
"I truly appreciate your present, Child of Man. But why would I need a source of light when I already have you?"
A leather mini journal with some quotes from you and the Diasomnia members.
For Lilia: There was one time you've told me that you liked to travel, and although I know you have an impeccable memory, it never hurts to write down some interesting things, like the infinite amount of quotes that we've all said.
Lilia is amused; he chuckles when going through the pages, realising that you were the one that had great memory since you were able to write all of this. He really thinks you're one of a kind; gazing at all the students that were happy with their own presents as they chatted amongst themselves, he comes to realise that no matter the situation, you still manage to bring a smile to everyone's face, him included.
"Khee hee! This is very thoughtful of you, Prefect! If you have such a great memory, then I should probably invite you to serve as my personal diary~"
A deer pocket alarm clock.
For Silver: You may be wondering why I chose this as a gift for you, or at least thinking about it. I thought that it would help you with your drowsiness, since it's portable and doesn't need to use batteries or recharge. I really hope you like this, and if not, I can still be your walking alarm clock, haha!
Silver's gift history it's not exactly the best. He has received presents from his father, Malleus and Sebek, and let's just say... Some of them weren't that great. After years of receiving Lilia's cooking, Malleus's gargoyle speeches and Sebek's drawings of Malleus, this came as quite a shock to him. There's only one thing that can connect your gift to the other ones: the intention behind it, and that's what has him smiling.
"Thanks, MC. I will try to use this... But if your offer still stands, I will be more than happy to accept it."
A bookmark that has a photo of Malleus, Lilia, Silver, Sebek and you, along with a crocodile notepad.
For Sebek: I've noticed that you have a keen interest towards reading, and while I cannot offer you a Malleus's history book, I want to give you this! Even though the result is a bit unpolished, I think that what matters the most is the photo itself, don't you think?
Due to him having a very attentive and caring father, Sebek was always surrounded with gifts, finding them and his father's actions off-putting. Despite of that, he's very appreciative of the things that both Malleus and Lilia gifted him, keeping every single one of them in peak condition so he can remember how he felt when he first got them. It's no different with you, no matter how much he denies it; he can mask his flushness (for the most part), but an action that gives him away is how careful he handles both things, unconsciously smiling as he traces the bookmark.
"Human! How can you place a young master's photo into such an ordinary object?! Huh? W-well, if it means that much to you then I suppose I can keep this... Thank you... "
After making sure everyone received their gift you exhaled in relief, grateful that all of them seemed happy with what they got.
You sat down, chatting with them for a bit until Grim threw an unexpected comment, making all of them stop the chattering almost immediately.
"I can't believe that you didn't get something for me! You spent all that money in these humans and nothing for your master?!"
"Potato," Vil started, face completely serious. "Care to tell us how many madols you spent for these presents?"
"Indeed. Even if they're handmade or bought with cheap prices, twenty-two is a big number for presents," commented Azul, calculating the total price in his head.
You started to sweat, laughing to cover your nervousness. "It's no big deal, really, I—"
Jamil took a step forward, visibly upset. "Prefect, you need to tell us how much you spent for all of this. No approximations."
You realised that there wasn't a way to revert this situation, knowing that even if you didn't say it, Azul would've guessed the total price with a few madols of difference.
"Maybe I spent four... hundred madols..." You silently added, clear enough for them to drop their jaws in horror.
"Four hundred madols?!" Cater exclaimed, too shocked to even note that he dropped his phone.
"That much?!" Asked Ruggie, eyes wide as plates.
"Why would you do that?!" Ace and Deuce screamed.
"It's no big deal, really," you started to explain. "Grim and I already have guaranteed food for these holidays, and it's not like I'm fully broke."
"Yeah, but still! Four hundred madols it's a lot of money!" Epel scolded, irritated by the sole fact that you would spend your precious money that way.
They started to complain, the majority trying to find ways to help you while the others tried to calm them down.
It was then when you decided to intervene. "Guys," you exclaimed, making all of them turn their heads to you, taking notice of your sad face. "Christmas is about happiness and joy! If anything, I only spent that much so you would be happy! You don't need to worry about us when we will be fine, so can you please stop arguing and enjoy this party?"
That's right; you only wanted them to be happy, and yet here they were, ruining the party and making you upset.
"I'm not mad," you spoke again, reading the room. "There's no reason to not continue celebrating; after all, you all leave tomorrow, don't you? Let's just enjoy our time together while we still can, please?"
They softly nodded, calming themselves down as they realised that you would be okay, embarrassed by their earlier outburst.
"Don't make those faces," you chuckled, a little amused by their golden expressions. "There's still plenty snacks and—" You were interrupted by a 'ding' that came from the kitchen. "Turkey, apparently"
While you were busy cutting the portions for them to eat, they were wondering how they got lucky enough to get a friend like you, quietly enjoying the fact that they got to call themselves your friend to begin with.
They will make sure to pay you off, both from your gifts and your kindness.
"You really couldn't have wait until everyone was gone?" You scolded, retrieving a big box from beneath the counter.
"What are you talking about—" Grim asked, still annoyed that you didn't have a gift for him, at least, not until now. "Is that—?"
"Happy Christmas, Grim," you handed him the present, chuckling at the way his eyes lighted up in enthusiasm.
He hurriedly opened it, and the remains of the package flew in the air, result of his anticipation.
When he finally got to see what was inside, he widely smiled. "And? What do you think about it?"
"I love it!" He raised the premium tuna cans, delighted that they had his face on the cover. "Of course, you had a present for me; I'm the mighty Grim, after all! Nyah ha ha ha!"
You frowned. "Was that your way of saying thanks?"
"... Thanks, henchman..." He shyly said, making you giggle.
"You're welcome, Grim."
You five (adding my dear ghost fellow) ended up having a movie night, cozily snuggling to each other as you all watched the old screen, cheerfully laughing as the rain was pouring outside.
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Quitting your 9-6 security job because of Tetra 🦊, Pricilla 🐞 (Grumpy guard and lowkey sassy🤐)
An: I... The way that I wanted to change Tetra's into a black cat one so it could be an MLB reference... Rocky start but trust, it gets better in the end... 😊 - Here we go again... 😌 you found a job at a museum, to pay for your gacha addiction 📃 so yeah, pooks you were assigned at nighttime... 😃 This time though, you actually LISTENED 🤯 to the people, and found numerous articles about the Fox and the rabbit duo that made you FEEL single 🙄 Yeah, you heard that right, these two smh... 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ At this point, bestie didn't want to deal with them at nighttime, that you made a pledge that you're QUITTING 🚪🚶‍♀️ when you see the two... It was ON SIGHT 👥 If they show up... - Oh, pookie... You weren't wrong... Fast forward to 12 midnight, they show up like a cliché heist scene, making you sigh and down the scalding HOT 🥵♨☕ coffee. Honestly pooks, I feel you rn... 🧍‍♀️ You end up staring at the two of them DEADASS tired 🙄, making them stop in their tracks and STARE 👀 at you. Turning away, and muttering to yourself that you didn't want to be dealing with this shit, you walked away, from them, thinking about how you're going to file a resignation letter in the morning or just ghost your employer altogether... Regrets were made when a voice speak up, making you walk a little bit fasterrrr 🚶‍♀️💨 You were not in the mood for this... 😶
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The girl, who was dressed like a fox asked why YOU were ignoring them??? 🤨 You gave her the side-eye, responding that this was not how you wanted to spend your Sunday... 😐 At this point, you were being sassy 😭 My girl... You just wanted a normal night, why couldn't they just give you that? 😞😞😞 Like, can't a woman just... Get away from all the struggle you've been through...? Having multiple jobs, one which was basically free labor, one got you almost DEVOURED 😭, why does this have to happen to YOU??? 😩 You can never catch a break, can you??? 😿😿😿
Girlie was STUNNED, like??? Isn't this your job? Do you not care about getting fired or what? 😧 The one that dressed up like they were in a masquerade... 💃 attempted to provoke you... But you was not responding like they were expecting you to, making them even more concerned??? About the lack of reaction coming from you, lmao you were just standing there, as if you were babysitting them 👺 Then both of them awkwardly waited for the queue that you were playing with them, but you were NOT at all 😶 Making them just stand there and observed you like you were Mona Lisa...
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Busying yourself with playing the award winning, hit video game called "Path to Nowhere", you ended up farming a lot of hypercubes just enough to pull for your favorite character... 🥰 You weren't in a grumpy mood anymore after half an hour of playing the game... Meanwhile, not noticing that the two were still there, waiting for you, like they were waiting for their MOTHER or smth... The fox lady cleared her throat, making you glare at them for interrupting your game time... 😒 My girl is CONFUSED as to why you were literally doing nothing but playing games on your phone... Like omg, it's like they're obsessed with you or something Pookie... 🤭
You let out a nasally "What?" with an attitude 💅 That's right bestie... You tell them girl 😤 Making them flabbergasted at the way you were talking to them, like they can't believe that this... Guard was not GIVING like excuse moi? Why is YOU not chasing them or smth? This wouldn't be the heist for them... Yeah right, as if you had the energy for that... So, they carefully explain that they wanted you to do something or like call the authorities at least? But you didn't like getting told what to do, so... NO 🥰 making their jaw drop at the way you were nonchalant over the whole thing... The way they were debating if they were just going to find another place to rob or just... Leave and like steal the items they were targeting.
But they wanted to at least understand why were you not interested in them...? So you end up ranting about this game you were playing and how you needed MONEY because you blew all your life savings for this particular game like it was the casino, gambling away your chances for a better life... 💸💸💸 which is why how you became a security guard to cure your gacha addiction... (You did not get cured at all btw, I was the credit card 💳) Making them think you were crazy, to which you respond...
"Crazy? 🤪 I 😜 was 😈 crazy 🤑 once. They 🤐 put 📦 me 👉😝👈 in 📩 a 😻 room. 😭 A rubber 😰 room 🤩 A 😥 rubber 😞 room 😢 with 😖 rats 🐀 And 😯 rats 🐀 make 😩 me 😬 CRAZY 🤪" Girl,,, both of them actually felt bad and decided to talk to you the entire time, making them forget about stealing 😊 for awhile... (Pookie that was such a smart response, I could NEVER come up with that 🙅‍♀️🙅‍♀️🙅‍♀️) You learn both of their names. Tetra and Pricilla, decided to "kidnap" you out of the museum and end up giving you some 💰💰💰 to help you in your gacha addiction...
You end up dragging them into the rabbit 🐇 hole 🕳 of playing PTN, that they became your friends in the game as well in real life... You also got them addicted to gacha... Now there's three of you 😈😈😈 You guys chat whenever they were free and hung out a LOT in your apartment, making it their second base to crash 💥 in after their usual heist. Sis... I'm going to ask you again, how do you manage to be friends with these people??? Were you some magnet for sinners? Maybe you should lend me some of your luck or smth... An: I still have some ideas 💡 left in me which is why I post often hee hee 🥰
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nemo-me-impune · 5 months
Listening to Larry talk about Friends explains why they ended it the way they did but I do think the issue that's occurred is that the reason Friends ended the way it did is because Friends was about people who were inevitably going to get older and get married and have kids and that was always the stated goal
Whereas the whole point of Ghosts is they can't change. They never will change. There is no progression for any of them, including Alison and Mike.
I think it speaks to the class thing I was thinking about before (it's almost impossible to stop being poor after all) but also the difference between the 90 and the 2020s is that none of us are able to progress the way we were told we were supposed to. We can't afford to get married, we can't afford to have children, we can't afford to buy a house and move out of the city.
And Alison and Mik as representatives of our generation get those things, but they don't really do it the way they're supposed to. They're married, but they're very young for a married couple who met when they were still in school. They've got a house in the country, but it's a ridiculous crumbling thing that is never going to be sustainable.
So when they have the baby, the ultimate mark of being an Adult, it feels off to us that they get that without there being talk of finances, about childcare, about support. Anyone who has kids these days only manage it with the help of extended family, and Alison's family can't physically help her (which hits so close to me as the child of disabled parents you don't even know lol) so of course Mike's mum steps in and steps over.
But the resolution should have been leaving the house for the good of the child, for the financial security, the tangible reality of the situation. Not because the Ghosts were lesser in some way than the nuclear family model, which is how it came across to many.
It's like when you put a family member into a care home. Of course you want to be able to care for them and be there for them but reality means they need more help than you can give them, and you need to be able to live your own life outside of being a caretaker.
Alison should not be expected to be a caretaker for eight people and a massive house at the cost of her life and her own desires of a family with Mike. That doesn't mean she doesn't love them, but given the choice she had to prioritise herself. That should have been where the emotional focus was.
I hate to say it's a little out of touch but I honestly think that might be a bit of what's going on here.
Ironically it seems like the ending comes from a place in the past, like pre 2016. Not the distant past but distant enough for us to notice.
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aita-blorbos · 11 months
AITA for reminding a friend to keep the promise he made to me?
Everyone I've asked so far has had really weird knee-jerk reactions but I think it's probably just because they don't know me super well. I'm pretty sure I'm being reasonable but hey, best to double-check, right? (And sorry if this is long, but boy do I have a LOT of ground to cover!)
Anyway... I (??M) am a ghost, and a bunch of people recently moved into the place I'd been (un)living in, and then about half a year later all of them were suddenly able to see me. They're all really chaotic people, so a lot happened between them pretty quickly and I wasn't able to fully catch everything that went down before I became visible to them. This is to say -- I don't know why my friend (??M) decided he wanted to have the grand prize for his claw machine game be a no-strings-attached favor from him, I just know he did that.
I eventually got the grand prize (technically someone else won it first and it was a whole thing, but we're even now) and met up with my friend to talk about it. Basically, I told him I wasn't going to call in that favor unless there was something I really needed him to do, and otherwise we'd be fine to keep being friends as usual. He seemed a little unsettled (I guess my nervous laugh kind of freaks people out?) but said he understood.
Fast-forward a couple months later, and there's this whole... situation. Extremely short version: I need a bunch of diamonds to restore my memories from before I died, the queen keeps stealing precious materials because she's possessed, and my friend wanted to use the diamonds in her hoard to do an exorcism. I pulled him aside and asked if I could call in the favor and get him to give me those diamonds for something really important, and he flat-out refused. Even though this was technically getting into strings-attached territory, I respect him a lot, so I settled for asking him to get me the diamonds after we'd done the ritual.
Anyway, we do the exorcism and it goes great, and I nudge my friend and ask him if he can help me grab the diamonds now, and he says "no, let's go out to eat first." Honestly I probably should've just stopped him right there, but I was really hungry at the time so I agreed. Everyone went out to eat, but after a while I started getting antsy and ducked outside to ask my friend to help me go get the diamonds like we'd agreed on. We headed out to the ritual site and uh oh! A mutual friend (?M) of ours apparently had a relapse in his kleptomania, because all of a sudden all the diamonds are gone, something that wouldn't have been a problem if my friend had just listened to me and gotten them right after the ritual!
A lot happened that night (specifically, the apocalypse -- long story, everyone's mostly okay now) and everyone sort of lost contact with each other for a few months before finally reconnecting. I notice my friend is avoiding me, but I figured he just needed some space or something and waited for him to come visit me. He did (I actually showed him the new house I'd gotten) and we chatted for a bit before I got tired of dancing around the issue and asked him if he was still going to keep his word -- and y'all, he just leaves. Doesn't even explain anything, he just turns around and leaves.
I figure, okay, maybe he just remembered something else he needed to do, but it's been several weeks now and every time I ask him if we're still going to work on the thing I asked him for or at least ask him for something different, he insists that I'm "holding it over his head" and he's "going to follow through, just not right now" and it is getting really frustrating. I asked him for something, I even compromised on that thing despite the fact that I technically didn't have to, and now apparently I'm the bad guy just because he's being a flake!
Also I think he might be planning a coup and/or my murder. AITA?
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smartycvnt · 1 year
Haunted Hotel
Pairing: Rhea Ripley x Reader Prompt: "That wasn't so scary." "Speak for yourself, I'm calling the Ghost Hunters."
"Rhea, what was the name of our hotel?" you asked as you shifted in the passenger's seat. You had been staring out the window for the majority of the drive just looking at all of the billboards and scenery. None of them were particularly interesting until you saw one for a haunted hotel that had a suspiciously familiar name.
"The Ashcroft," Rhea answered. For a moment, you could have believed that it was an accident, but you saw the little tightening of her grip on the steering wheel.
"The Ashcroft, the apparently famously haunted hotel. That's very interesting, who exactly did you make the reservations with?" you asked. Rhea turned her head away from you to avoid the harshness of your glare. You knew that it had to be Damian, the only other one in Judgement Day who liked scary shit nearly as much as Rhea did. Dominick may have done whatever Rhea wanted, but at least he had some boundaries when it came to spiritual things like ghosts and demons. Finn had his demon gimmick, but you didn't take him as the type for roadside attraction scares.
"Um, well, Priest and I were looking for a nice place on the way. This hotel looked way cooler than the one the company was gonna put us up in. Oh, and we're not going to be the only ones staying here. Maybe we can all have like a little party or something in one of our rooms. You still like Alexa, right?" Rhea sounded genuinely excited, which was the only reason that you weren't currently texting either Bayley or Mia to come and get you from this hotel. However, something told you as you saw the building off in the distance that you'd be making that call anyways.
"Rhea, I'm not staying in there," you told her. Rhea pouted as she pulled into her parking spot. Damian was standing outside with Dominick and two keys in his hands. You hadn't stayed in a hotel that still used physical keys instead of cards or codes to lock the doors. You couldn't explain it, but this building gave you a horrendously bad vibe. "You know I don't like scary stuff."
"Come on, it'll be fine. I wasn't supposed to tell you this, but Liv, Tegan, and Shotzi are all waiting in the lobby to see you. They're pretty excited," Rhea said. You sighed in defeat as Rhea undid your seatbelt. You very slowly got out of the car and sent Damian a glare on your way into the hotel. Just like Rhea had said, your friends from Smackdown had been waiting for you, all of them, except for Tegan, seemed stoked to be staying at this hotel for the night.
"Candace is ready to pick us up if something freaky happens," Tegan said as she linked her arm with yours. Rhea had Damian and Dominick bring the bags to your room while you joined her on a tour of the hotel. It was a really beautiful place, even if every single room did make your skin crawl a little bit. The tour was sort of cool, getting to learn about the history of the hotel, but then Rhea decided that it would extend to the basement. You already didn't like basements, and one that you knew was haunted was bound to be an absolute no-go.
"Come on," Rhea said as she grabbed your hand. She was holding onto it tightly so that you couldn't just opt out and run off. You managed to get about halfway through before you swore that you felt something watching you. You tried to hide yourself with Rhea, but it was no use. Luckily, that part of the tour got cut short by an emergency at the front desk. Whenever your group got back to the lobby, you immediately pulled your phone out and started texting Candace to come get you. "That wasn't so scary. I bet you could stay here all night even."
"Speak for yourself, I'm calling the Ghost Hunters," you told Rhea. She laughed it off, but did tilt your phone screen down so she could see who you were texting. "Candace will be here in about 20. Have a good night here. Please try not to bring anything back home with you, I do not want to have to get our house cleansed."
"No promises. I kinda want whatever made you cuddly in the basement," Rhea joked. One glare stopped that amusement in its tracks. "Not funny, got it."
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joezworld · 9 months
Hi guys, just dropping in to say that , no I'm not dead or anything. I've merely caught a major case of capitalism with a side of adult, so I've been working a lot.
With that in mind, let's get into why I am here:
As you might have seen @theflyingkipper has taken on this year's Traintober duties, and I imagine it's going to be a blast. However if you're like me and have (checks watch) negative time to devote to a month of train content, then I have the solution for you! Just one Halloween themed TTTE prompt/challenge, which you can devote as much, or as little, time to as you want.
And that prompt is:
Sodor's Ghostwatch
To explain what this is, we have to go down a bit of a British TV history rabbit hole:
On Halloween night, 1992, the BBC aired Ghostwatch , an hour and a half long programme that purported itself to be a live TV investigation into a haunted house in London. The poltergeist, named "Mr. Pipes", or just "Pipes", is tormenting a family by possessing their daughter on a regular basis. I'll spare the specifics for brevity's sake, but while the broadcast starts off normal, it gradually becomes clear that Pipes is using the broadcast as a way to transmit himself across the TV airwaves, eventually kidnapping the presenter in the house, and jumping into the broadcast studio to possess Michael Parkinson as the broadcast ends.
Now, if that name rung a bell with you, well done. Michael Parkinson was a very famous BBC talk show host... as was every other on-screen personality on the show. That was on purpose, because while the show was actually scripted, it was intended to give the appearance of being a live broadcast, using real TV personalities, real TV facilities, and during a real timeslot on BBC 1, the flagship TV station for the country, at a time when satellite TV and alternative cable channels numbered in the low double digits.
Let me rephrase this: The BBC, an organization that does not joke around, created their own version of the War of the Worlds broadcast, except that instead of aliens invading, they told the entire country that they were doing a live show about a real haunting... and then the ghost escaped and attacked the presenters.
The BBC got over thirty thousand phone calls before the end of the night. Michael Parkinson's mother was one of the callers. Numerous people who believed that the show was legit had actual problems afterwards, ranging from the absurd (a woman called the BBC demanding they pay her husband's laundry bill after he soiled himself while watching) to the more upsetting. (lots of children got nightmares)
To this day the special has never aired again on British TV, regardless of network, and it likely never will again. It predated, and inspired, films like Derren Brown's Séance, The Blair Witch Project, and Host (2020).
It is one of the greatest TV events of its time. It scared the shit out of a lot of people.
So... with that in mind,
What do we think happened on Sodor?
That's what this challenge is:
By 9:00 PM GMT on 31 October, 2023 (5:00 PM US EST), produce some content about Ghostwatch and its effect on Sodor and its residents. It can be art, a story, an audio file, whatever. This is a very freeform challenge. You can make one thing or you can make twenty, just make sure that they're good. Nothing else really matters. Tag it with #Sodor's Ghostwatch and see what everyone else has made!
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innytoes · 6 months
Dinosaur and Magic AUs apparently 😁
Okay so world where everyone has one magic gift. Some of them are really cool (levitation), some of them are very destructive (that awkward moment when you learn your toddler's magic gift is Fireballs), usually they're nothing special. Like you find out your magic gift is always being able to pick avocados that will be ripe exactly when you need them, or you're a necromancer, but only for overwatered cacti.
Julie's magical gift of being able to see ghosts and bring them back to life with the power of he hugs is a little bit of a shock. It's a powerful gift, considering Rose's magic of Summoning Car Keys and Ray's gift of always knowing exactly how someone takes their coffee.
She's only done it a few times, because she really needs to love that person for it to work. But let's just say Grandma Molina lived to see 130 before she patted Julie's hand and told her she was ready to go. Which, considering she didn't come back as a ghost and crossed over, was pretty clear, even though it was heartbreaking.
(It meant her Mom came back to her, though, and maybe that broke her friendship with Carrie because she wasn't able to bring her mom back when she and Carrie were both six. Just because something is a gift, doesn't mean it's always a blessing, her Mom explained.)
Still, when she met this dreamy ghost called Luke and fell in love with him after a few months of him haunting her Mom's studio and she brought him back, the Pattersons did call it a blessing. Luke was grateful for his second chance, even though he was kind of upset when he realised this meant he had to go back to high school.
Thankfully he makes friends pretty quickly at his new school. And drags them into a band with Julie, because who can say no to Luke's puppy eyes? (No, that's not his gift, it's summoning knit beanies. Not very useful in LA.)
Alex, their drummer, can turn into a cat, which Reggie, their bassist, is very, very jealous of. He shrugs when they ask him what his gift is. "Dogs really like me?" he suggests. Some people never really figure out what their gift is, or only very late in life. Like Tía Victoria, who only found out she was able to turn snow into powdered sugar after a very disastrous ski trip to Aspen with her college girlfriend.
It's not until he shows up at band practice one morning holding a box and looking very nervous that they find out what his gift is.
Which is... summoning tiny dinosaurs.
Real live dinosaurs, just teeny tiny. The biggest one, a long neck, is about the size of a chihuahua.
"What am I supposed to do with them?" he asks, desperate. "I just woke up this morning and they were in my room."
"Well first," Flynn suggests, reaching her hand in despite Alex' nervous protests. "Maybe call a museum or paleontologist or something because I'm pretty sure you shouldn't be feeding a stegosaurus donuts for breakfast."
"Yeah, I don't know, man," Luke agreed. "I can call my dad and see if anyone at his old university knows anyone with a specialty in dinosaurs. They look pretty real to me, but who knows. Maybe your power is just summoning creatures you imagined."
"Quick, summon a tiny unicorn!" Flynn said, and Reggie screwed his eyes shut. No unicorns appeared.
"I don't think I created them from my own imagination," Reggie said. "Because like, I never really knew velociraptors had feathers."
Nobody said anything. In fact, they looked concerned, and then panicked.
"Oh!" Reggie said, slinging his backpack off his shoulders and zipping it open. "Meet Chompy. I couldn't put him in the box with the others, he kept trying to eat Humphrey." Chompy, true to his name, snapped at them, before going back to devouring what appeared to be half of a beef jerky. His plumage was rather bright and gorgeous.
"Okay," Alex said, faintly.
In the end they called Mister Patterson, as well as Rose and Ray and Tía. This was an All Adults On Board kind of situation.
Carlos was delighted with his new pet brontosaurus for his birthday, though.
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optiwashere · 3 months
A.5 Asheera and Shadowheart? i wouldn't know who would be gushing to who about the book though. SH has an obvious choice but what would Asheera read and be passionate about? Asheera must have some good reads!
Thank you so much for requesting this one, Bear! 💜 You're right, Shadowheart's enjoyment of books has been brought up a few times in my fics before, so why not...
A5. Character A gushes about their favorite book with Character B
"You can't be serious? These are your favorites?"
Shadowheart flicked through the pages of a rebound collection of poems that Asheera had taken with them from Baldur's Gate after they met with her parents. The years weren't kind to the original binding, and Asheera missed the poems within the one Shadowheart held. Tales of lost loves and longing were especially poignant when told by Asheera's favorite wordsmith of them all.
The books, collections of poetry and technical manuals of forges, now rested on a meager shelf in the sitting room of their cottage far away from the ravages of the past. Their home away from the hurt of the past.
"What's wrong with them?" asked Asheera. "They're beautiful."
"This one compares a woman's eyes to glowing blue orbs. And this one?" Shadowheart showed her the flowing script of one of Asheera's favorites. "Isn't the darkness imagery laid on a bit thick?"
"It is, but that's what's so good about it. Mournsoul really touched my heart with these poems," Asheera explained, carefully taking the book from Shadowheart's hands. "And laid on thick? There are so many comments I could make on that, but I'll spare you."
"Don't spare me anything. What kinds of comments?"
"Well, to start, one of us was a Sharran. And it certainly wasn't me."
"It's a bit like the pot calling the kettle black?"
Shadowheart grimaced. "Fine, I suppose I have to give you that one. But the orbs? What's your stalwart defense of that, love?"
"Oh, but it's not so terrible in context, is it?"
"What possible context could there be to describe eyes like that?" Shadowheart asked with a short laugh.
Such an earnest little noise. It was joined by a smile that creased the scar on her cheek and showed off the laugh lines on her face.
Asheera countered, "The subject of the poem is a stunning enchantress. Don't wizards like magical orbs?"
Shadowheart laughed again, this time openly and louder until her eyes shone with the humor. It was a precious thing. Such a beautiful look on her face and Asheera couldn't look away.
She placed her hands on the backs of Asheera's and closed the book Asheera held. She stared up at Asheera with that smile still ghosting her face.
"If you ever compare my eyes to orbs," she whispered, "I'll really struggle not to drudge up some old Sharran interrogation techniques."
Even hearing her joke about something that sat unwell with her for years was its own beauty.
"Oh? Think you'll be able to hold me down long enough?" asked Asheera, setting the book down wherever she could. She didn't take her eyes off Shadowheart. "I've been known to overpower you, you know."
"I'll manage." Shadowheart still smiled, but a different light was in her eyes. "Unless you think you can stop me?"
Asheera settled her hands on Shadowheart's waist, broad palms covering so much of her body. Felt perfect underneath her hands like that. Shadowheart's found her hips, and they both dug in with insistent fingers.
"Shall we see?" breathed Asheera.
A particularly strong grip drew a gasp from Shadowheart, whose eyelids drooped to a lidded stare focused on Asheera.
As Asheera walked them back away from the sitting room and towards their bedroom, Shadowheart muttered, "Lead the way then, my Lady paladin."
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transxfiles · 6 months
so I’m gonna need some context for the tag about your grandma performing an exorcism, if you’re comfortable sharing.
yeah sure alright. before we get started i wanna preface this by saying:
a) i was a very small child when this happened and i discount any "memories" i have of it because i think they're probably heavily impacted by the stories i've heard, so basically i don't claim any firsthand knowledge with this experience. and,
b) going off of that point, all of what i'm about to tell you is based off of stories i have heard from my mother, father, and patrilineal grandmother.
cool? cool. alrighty.
my mom has a history of seeing ghosts (which is a whole other can of worms) and you can decide for yourself if the ghosts she sees are real or the side effect of carbon monoxide poisoning, psychosis, etc. she's avoided any medical diagnoses that would explain her ghost-seeing abilities because she keeps that information strictly inside of the family. she's been seeing ghosts since she was a very small child. it's a whole thing.
and on top of that, she has a lot of experience with haunted places (according to her, all but one of the houses that she lived in growing up were haunted, and she lived in a lot of different places due to her family's lifestyle) so she can kinda gauge when a house is haunted just by existing in the place for a little bit. but not all hauntings feel the same (when a spirit is neutral, malevolent, benevolent, the vibes just feel different. it's a gut feeling sorta thing) so when she and my dad decided to buy their first house she stepped in the front door and knew it was haunted, but also that the spirit was really benign, so they didn't care that much and they got a good deal and they decided to move in. and because she got the vibe that it was haunted right away, she wasn't surprised when she saw a man in his night clothes standing at the bottom of the staircase in the house. what DID surprise her was that my dad saw him too.
my dad isn't as good at seeing ghosts as my mom is, just as a general fact. again, we don't know why. it's a whole thing. but they both saw the man at the bottom of the stairs. when they noticed him, they kept it to themselves at first, but somehow it came up in conversation not long into them living in the house, and when they described the man that they saw to each other, their descriptions of him matched. again, take this as you will. according to my parents, the man didn't seem angry, or sad - just lonely and a little confused. so he just sorta became a part of life in the house? they didn't see him all the time, just every now and then, and when he was there it wasn't that weird. my parents just had this unspoken look they would share like, "oh, looks like the man's back." but they didn't really talk about it.
(that's another thing my mom has about ghosts: she says you shouldn't talk about them when you're on their property, because they don't like it. she won't really elaborate, but the few times i've personally been in a haunted place with her, she won't let me talk about the haunting until we're a good distance away from the property. also, from what i gather, she doesn't like to refer to ghosts as ghosts. on the occasions when she will actually refer to them directly, she refers to them like they're normal people. so my dad and her didn't really talk about the ghost of the man at the bottom of the stairs, and when they did, they didn't refer to him as a ghost. he was just the man at the bottom of the stairs).
(i know this sounds kinda crazy, man. i'm sorry.)
a little while later, i was born, and they've told me that they got the vibe that i could see the man too? idk. i can't really give my personal input on that one. i have some foggy memories of seeing a man fitting his description going up and down the steps, and of someone standing at the bottom of the stairs when i was playing in the living room as a child, but again, i discount all of this because i think it's just too messy considering how young i was at the time and how the stories i've heard about the haunting probably impacted my memory.
but the point is, when i was born, my dad's mom of course wanted to come over to meet her grandkid. my grandma lives overseas, so this didn't happen immediately. it was a couple years of my life before she ever met me in person, from my understanding. but when she eventually came over to the states to visit, we were still living in that same house. before my grandma came to visit, my parents talked to each other about the whole "man at the bottom of the stairs" thing and they decided they just weren't going to bring it up. good plan.
so my grandma came over, they picked her up from the airport, she met me in person and they showed her into the house and they set her up in her room for the night and everyone went to bed. uneventful. the next morning, at breakfast, my parents were both up and my dad was making food for everyone and my mom was at the table drinking tea i think. and apparently my grandma walked out of the bedroom and the first thing she said was, "so were you going to tell me about the man who stands by your staircase?"
my parents were not expecting that. and they had no idea how to respond.
a quick aside about my grandma: she's kinda weird. she's my dad's mom, but they don't know each other that well for reasons we just don't have time to get into right now. in the brief moments when she saw him during his childhood, he remembers her teaching him how to read tarot cards. the tarot cards were allegedly an old family set, but were lost during a flood that also robbed us of decades of photo albums and letters and diaries and other family heirlooms. so. grain of salt. she makes little spells and charms to keep us safe. that sorta thing. and maybe it's just because she was massively involved in the hippie movement as a young adult. but yeah. there's something going on there. my grandma also has this whole thing where if she touches electronics when she's mad or upset, they malfunction. or they die. and whenever someone in the family wants something to go well for them, we ask her to light a candle for us. just in case. yknow.
my mom and my grandma disagree on a lot of erm for lack of a better word spiritual things. my mom hates tarot decks because she believes they invite spirits in, like a door you can't lock completely no matter how hard you try, and my grandma thinks they're a handy tool. my mom isn't religious in any direction, meanwhile my grandma tells me that the angels are fond of me and watch over me. stuff like that. and, most importantly: my mom thinks that if there's a ghost hanging out somewhere, and they're not doing anything to mess with your life, you should just let them hang out and chill. because they're just some guy and they're not hurting anyone. but my grandma? she thinks that if there's a ghost haunting your house, you should get rid of that sucker. no matter what.
apparently, though, the rest of breakfast was uneventful. my mom clearly didn't want to talk about it (remember her rule about talking about hauntings), and my dad didn't want to upset my mom, and my grandma dropped the line of conversation.
that night, my parents woke up to the sound of something like glass or pottery breaking. my mom remembers smelling smoke like faint incense or maybe a strong candle, or maybe both. it's fuzzy. they got up the next morning to find two of my mom's favorite vases shattered, some new candles on the mantle, and my mom's gut feeling about the house changed. like something about it had shifted.
apparently, my grandma was sitting in the living room when they got up that morning. when she saw them, she said something like, "it's alright, i took care of it."
and they didn't see the man at the bottom of the stairs again.
so my mom still has minor beef with my dad's mom about that one time she performed an exorcism over a ghost that my mom didn't even mind having in the house, and who broke two of her favorite vases on the way out.
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overthinkingtaleblr · 8 months
AU where Woah is Spooker's related daughter and they're on the run because of Major Problems and Someone Wants Them Dead. She Joins P.I E so that its reputation can hopefully ward off their attackers
At first, Spooker doesn't tell anyone about Woah because she doesn't want any harm to come to her from the team. This backfires when the team discovers Woah and connect the dots almost on the spot
Doesn't help that Colin and Spooker had started dating before the reveal. (Spooker already told Woah what was happening between her and Colin)
Also She/Her Spooker because why not?
First and foremost: hell yes She/Her Spooker, we love to see She/Her Spooker! As someone who had Spooker with a lesbian flag as my icon for a super long time. I love and support this choice.
Even if PIE would be super supportive of Spooker, I can understand why she'd be a little bit worried on telling them the truth of her situation. Like. Her first job with the team was spent learning that Ghost has no qualms about banishing ghost children. So even if they Seem to be opening up to her, she still knows what they're capable of doing and has to be 110% certain that they Won't do the bad thing
Hopefully the PIE members can understand her point of view, too... Maybe Colin can help them come around if Spooker is too scared to explain herself?
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seresinsbabe · 1 year
Jake (because I literally can’t choose anyone else help)
Fluffy: 7
Spicy: 35
Sorry this took me so long to get to you! My brain was I don’t even know where yesterday! Thank you for sending and I hope you enjoy! 🥰
Prompt Asks!
7. Unflinchingly settling your head into your lover's lap while they watch television/are reading a book/doing their favorite hobby. Then asking your lover to explain what's going on/what they're doing.
Work was stressful. You’d spent most of the day frustrated over having to fix a problem you didn’t create. By the time you walked in the door your brain and body were exhausted. Jake was on the couch immersed in some sort of documentary. The only thing you could think to do was crawl on the couch and lay your head on his lap.
“Hi pretty girl,” he hummed as he leaned forward and kissed your temple.
“Hi cowboy,” you whispered in response, mustering a soft smile. “What’s this ‘bout?” You asked, smiling a little more when you felt his hands on you. One resting on your waist and the other absentmindedly playing with your hair.
“The dumpster fire that was Woodstock 99’.” He chuckled. Jake didn’t watch a lot of TV. If he did it was always either some sort of sport, a documentary or the bachelor or bachelorette. Of which he’d sworn you to secrecy over. No one could know that the Hangman watched that garbage.
You rolled so you were laying on your back, looking up at him. “I love you.”
“I love you too pretty girl.”
35. "Do I make your heart jump?”
The last place you expected to find yourself was in a closet with Jake Seresin. The rest of your friends, who you’d classify juveniles in adult bodies, could be heard whispering not so quietly outside.
You could kill whoever had the bright idea to play 7 Minutes In Heaven when you were all close to or over 30. Something told you it was Phoenix or Coyote. Both of whom were well aware of your crush on Jake. Surely they’d planned this with the intent of getting you in a closet with him.
As if it would be anything other than awkward.
Jake didn’t look at you that way, you were sure of it. You weren’t pretty like the other women you’d seen on his arm. You were nowhere near his type.
But if you weren’t his type why did he have you caged against the wall, his face inches from yours. His eyes staring you down as he waited.
“So, do I?” He prompted and your brows furrowed. “Do I make your heart jump?” Could he really not hear how hard your heart was beating right now?
All you could do was nod and bite down on your lip.
“Keep biting your lip like that and we won’t leave this closet, sweets.” Jake was hovering dangerously close to you now. If you moved even just a bit your lips would’ve touching.
One of his hands came down, caressing your cheek and then travelling down until it ready on your hip. One of his fingertips rested on the sliver of skin where your shirt had ridden up. Just that little touch sent shocks through your whole body.
In a sudden act of bravery you grabbed that hand and drug it up your torso. A soft whimper left you as his palm ghosted over your still clothed but now hard nipple. Finally you rested it over your heart. “That answer your question?”
And then his lips were on yours, his hand palming your breast. The other one hitched your leg over his hip, allowing for him to grind his stiffened length over your core and draw a moan out.
“God you’re gon’be the death of me.” He groaned.
Just as he went to lift your shirt off a knock came at the door.
“Go’way!” Jake growled.
Another knock and then Rooster’s voice.
“No! Take her home we don’t want to hear that shit!” You giggled and tucked your face into the crook of Jake’s neck.
Jake just grumbled something about Bradley, but still opened the door. Jake grabbed your things from a grinning Phoenix and then carried you out the door.
“My car?”
“Get it tomorrow. You’re all mine for the night.” And who were you to argue with him?
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ghostbc-headcanons · 2 years
I'm kinda confused about Copia's childhood so I'll just drop my questions here (if you're not too busy ;)
Did Seestor raise him? Was he raised in the church or maybe even in secret??
What's with the doom call?? Seestor corrects her title from "loving mother" to "someone that loves you very much." and Copia corrects himself from "I love you" to "I- I like you." Are they trying to fool each other or us??
Where did Copia even live? He gives me more french than Italian vibes if I'll be honest (especially Cardi C).
Does Copia even know there's a possibility he's related to Nihil, Primo, Secundo and Terzo? Rn I can't really remember the chapters but there's obviously a hate-hate relationship between Nihil and Copia.
Also WHY did Copia do plastic surgery?? To make it seem he's related to the other papa's?? Was he insecure about his looks???
i'm never too busy to answer questions about our dear copia!
so the issue with ghost lore is that beloved musician toblerone fudge LOVES to skate around any sort of confirmation, which is why blogs like mine exist - to build up off the small bits of information that he has given us.
so canonically, i couldn't tell you if sister raised him in the church or in secret or if someone else raised him. i personally headcanon that she DID raise him in the church, but he was told he was an orphan and had no relation to sister (which is a lie)
i choose to believe that they're fooling each other rather than us! i don't think sister has told him of their relation so that explains the slip up for her, and copia probably feels vaguely embarrassed of viewing her as like. a mother figure when he thinks she's just a lady who was kind enough to take him in
honestly i have no clue. i would assume he (and the other characters we know) live in italy and are from italy but like...... WHO KNOWS!! i'm just a feeble american!!
i don't think that he knows, but at this point now that he's papa and has gained a little more wisdom, i can see him being suspicious. if that makes any sense
the non-lore reason he got 'plastic surgery' was because his new mask with the papa face paint looks a little different from pre-promotion copia. i'm sure tobias had to think of an excuse as to why he looked different and plastic surgery is what we got. lore-wise, we don't really get an explanation... he just brings it up in the doom call, i don't think it'd be because of wanting to look more like the emerituses but rather i think it's because he had the money to do so, so he's like 'ehh fuck it' and bam we get new copia face also mixed with a little bit of insecurity yeah, i think that's the case for a lot of people who get plastic surgery
BUT NONE OF THAT IS canonically confirmed, just me musing about mr cardinal's character
anyways, i hope some of this has helped! if you have any further questions feel free to send them in and i'll respond as fast as i can!
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valen-3o · 9 months
Can we get some lore about Amellia’s and Valeria’s listeners? 👀🎤
Oooo their Listeners!!
For amellia's story line I've got it mostly layed out.
Her listener is a ghost who's been bound to their childhood house, and amellia happens to have moved there after a fatal fall. She's been told she survived a brutal car crash. However, that might not be the case 👀. Amellia is a seamstress/tailor. She loves to make clothes or just sew in general. Her first week moving in, she happens to notice some weird changes around her work area. Like various threads being miss placed, or some of her mannequins go missing. That's until she finally decides to store those random boxed she moved with her to the attic, where she meets her fellow ghost! She sees them with the mannequins that had gone missing and one piece of green thread. Before she could question the situation, the ghost dissappear. And to rap it out short to avoid some of my future products getting revealed...🤭 She finds them and they both get along. But it does take alot of courage for our little ghost, as their a absolute nervous wreck and love the colour green that amellia was using, explains the green thread. She may or may not have made some clothes for them in that colour..🤫 They do get comfortable after a while...that is until, angst
Don't think I've mentioned it, amellia is human, while valeria is a vampire (evidently)
But moving on with Valeria!
Her listener is an oracle/Seer. And honestly, I haven't really got her and her seer's story line down yet, apart from the fact that the poor oracle was stood up at the same bar valeria co-manages causes she trying to keep her ceo position at DABO a secret. At first they were a bit snarky with valeria since it looked like valeria was only trying to bring down their mood by saying their date ain't showing up. Turns out she was right, and they end up being a huge ball of joy towards valeria and literally anyone who exists. Also they're taller than valeria, and that is very important. + if you are confused why they couldn't have just seen that they were gonna be stood up, since there a Seer and all - that's spoiler so no.☝😠 (@echovale052 you are completely welcomed to hit me up with any ideas for them, if you want).
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aristocratic-otter · 2 years
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I swear, the fic writers in this fandom get more talented every week. Thank you for the tags, @artsyunderstudy, @palimpsessed, @ivelovedhimthroughworse, @confused-bi-queer, @facewithoutheart, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @bookish-bogwitch and @tea-brigade
It's been a while since I posted on Sunday! Sunday's a big work day for me usually, but now I'm on vacation, so I've got time. So, some snippets.
From one of my two CORBs, Playing With Fire, Treading Thin Ice
“Laugh it up, fuzzball,” I grumble. That gets his attention. He straightens, and he’s gone from hilarity to delight in zero seconds flat. This boy. The way he’s got no filter over his emotions is so fucking refreshing after my very repressed family life. 
“You watched it!” he says, and I meet his eyes.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I say coolly. 
A bit from the final chapter of Tale of Two Tails (probably wrapping up this week):
It’s dark in our room, so I assume that Baz is asleep or out at the Catacombs drinking his supper. The Nurse let me go early. She marveled over how fast I’d healed, though for some reason, she kept glaring at my hair as if it annoyed her. When I asked if there was something wrong with it, she shook her head, though I think I heard her mutter something about ghosts who make hair grow. 
I worry about Nurse Christie. I think the stress of her job is affecting her mind. 
The final two snippets are a little spicy, so they're under the cut:
Raising Dragons is in a very smutty section at the moment; this is the most SFW bit I could find:
Baz is damned good at distraction. He’s pulling me back to our bedroom with his droopy-dog eyes at half-mast and a devastatingly distracting curl to his soft lips. When I walked in the door today, I was too lost in my head to realise that he was only wearing his dressing gown (black silk with silvery-purple lilacs embroidered throughout). I’m noticing now, from my sprawled position beneath him. The moment we passed the doorway to our bedroom, he stripped me to the skin with a simple “Naked As A Jaybird,” and shoved me onto the bed without preamble.
Now, he’s standing before me, his long fingers picking at the knot holding his robe closed.
My COBB, Careful What You Wish For, is also in a smutty section (I'm sensing a trend), so this is the safest section I could find:
I can tell from the way his muscles tensed after his moan that he’s self-conscious about it. But he just told me where he’s got an erogenous zone, didn’t he? I read about erogenous zones in Dr. Wellbelove’s waiting room once. Reading articles about sex when you’re about to have a physical exam from your girlfriend’s father is extremely stupid, but I’ve never been known for my foresight. I ended up getting a stiffy and having to rub one out in the bathroom for ten minutes and then explain it away by saying I’d had a stomach upset. 
There’s nothing like telling your girlfriend’s father that you had a ten minute episode of diarrhoea in his bathroom. 
Zero pressure, but if you haven't posted today and would like to, there's still time (in Pacific time anyways). Tagging: @annabellelux, @bazzybelle, @captain-aralias, @dragoneggo, @fight-surrender, @fatalfangirl, @giishu, @gekkoinapeartree, @ileadacharmedlife, @mrskrementz, @moodandmist, @nightimedreamersghost, @prettylightsbigcity, @technetiumai, @urban-sith, @whatevertheweather
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whats elizabeth like in your au?
Ah Elizabeth! She's. Quite interesting.
So Elizabeth was a pretty normal child, barring her dad being a serial killer. She got along well with her brothers, as all siblings do at least. Which is to say she loved them but they were all menaces to each other.
Elizabeth was seven-ish when Evan died. And she.... she handled it in the way that seven-ish year olds do. Which is to say she was sad and grieving, but also doesn't quite have the full range of capacity to processes the more existential idea of death.
She was lonely. She wanted her parents and older brother to go back to how they used to be and play with her. But they're all stuck dealing with Everything and just kind of ignore her past basic needs and general 'I know you miss Evan but he's gone now' comfort.
Wanting to have someone to play with, she does the one thing she was told never to do: Go into her father's workshop alone. (The workshop being what I turned Sister Location into).
As William's projects were all designed to harm children if they were alone....
Well. You can imagine.
Elizabeth's Ghost was stuck in the workshop for a while, essentially possessing Circus Baby. She's... a bit out of it but Time means little to the Dead. So she just does what a seven-ish year old would do and play with the 'toys'(the other animatronics). She actually has plenty of time to study how the animatronics work, especially as she realizes that no one is going to fix them when she breaks them.
Eventually this bores her, and she wants to see her family and friends again. She even misses school, can you believe that? She is desperate to leave, but is stuck there. Either because of possessing Baby or because of other factors I'm not sure yet.
Until Michael eventually returns, looking for clues on where William might be. Elizabeth doesn't really recognize him. It's been years since she's seen him. The Michael she remembers is about 10. This is a grown man.
Seeing a way out, she end up killing him in her attempt to possess him. Since Michael also 'goes ghost', it doesn't take long for him to realize what happened to her, and for him to tell her everything else. (She regrets killing him but what's done is done.)
The two, now both possessing Michael's corpse, seek out Charlie who is beginning her rebuild of the Pizzeria. They explain this shit to her, and as this is post-Silver Eyes she goes 'yeah that tracks', plus she's pretty sure William isn't dead since weird shit's happening in the new location.
They all agree to help each other out. Charlie makes new animatronics for Michael and Elizabeth to possess since the whole corpse thing is nasty.
Elizabeth's new body is initially childlike. She was a child when she died so she should be a child still, right? Well age is also kinda funky when you're dead.
She's a bit older and more mature, even feeling uncomfortable in the child-like body and requesting an adult size one. But she does sometimes have odd moments of very childlike behavior and logic.
Over time, Elizabeth realizes she kinda likes working on the animatronics. She did spend a while learning on the fly in the workshop, so she's already kinda good at it. though there's a slight learning curve of 'what do you mean they shouldn't have murder claws inside them?'.
Elizabeth helps Charlie in their new Workshop, working on the Pizzaplex's animatronics. Though they work on things together, they do consider whoever had the main bulk of design work will have that one be 'theirs'. Sun, Moon, and DJ Music Man are all Elizabeth's creations. Though DJMM isn't entirely finished, she's also started tweaking Mapbot into a new Animatronic seperate from the regular staff bots.
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