#so grateful to be part of this production tbh
chrisginny · 1 year
umm just did a nutcracker show and apparently there were almost 2k people in the audience??? hello????? holy fucking shit??
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horanghey · 2 months
sometimes im grateful that i basically wasnt allowed to wear makeup growing up but other times (like now) I'm so annoyed that i never went against my mom and just experimented with products
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crescencestudio · 7 months
๋࣭⭑ Devlog 36 | 11.26.23 ๋࣭⭑
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:rises from the dead: I'm.... BAAAAACK!!!!!!
Long time, no talk (kinda) everyone! I hope you've been happy, healthy, and well since we last saw each other and that the wind-down for the year is being kind to you all <3
We have a lot to catch up on, so let's do just that ^^ This is.... so long. I'm really sorry in advance tbh---I thought I hadn't done much because break, but there's quite a bit to show.
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It's been a while since a formal update on the routes, so I'll start by telling you all where they officially stand. Before I do, it might be helpful to tell you all how I define percentage completion in my head. Basically, when I finish the draft of a route, I consider it 70% complete. This means I could ship it as is. I wouldn't be happy with the product, but it's playable and makes enough sense---just not the best quality.
When Wudgey finishes their edits, a route is 80%-85% complete, meaning I could ship it as is. I think it'd be pretty good actually and players would be happy. Beyond this point, I am just making fine tuning edits to incorporate more player interaction, polishing the flow of things, etc.
After that, there's basically only Elm and Vi's edits left. When Elm finishes, a route is 95% complete. Again, I think at this point, it's good. Like edits from this point onwards are purely for polishing purpose. After Vi, it's 98% complete. Then the last review comes back to Elm and I for it to be 100% complete. Right now, this is where the routes stand:
Kayn: 98% Complete
Fenir: 95% Complete
Druk: 80% Complete
Etza: 60% Complete (Still working on their draft!)
Do Not ask me about Kuna'a or Aisa LFMASOEIDJ
So most of the routes are actually looking pretty good! They're just getting bounced around to different editors at this point, but the changes made for most of them are basically small. Fenir and Kayn especially could be shipped as is in my eyes if I really wanted to.
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Art recently has mostly been focused on commissions. Vui actually is almost done with ALL of the BGs for Alaris!! Isn't that crazy?? In about a year, he was able to create almost 25 BGs with daytime variations!!! He's a phenomenal artist, and I couldn't be happier to be working with him. It's also a bit bittersweet (and alarming??) to know that part of development is already close to ending! q.q
The most exciting art update I have is that we got the GUI assets finished and I've started coding them into the game!! AAAA!! These were the final updated assets I needed, and seeing the fully revamped demo come to life has been so.... Emotional HAHA! It's crazy to see how far Alaris has come from when I was first making it with my little fingies and throwing things together like paper mache. I'm incredibly in love with how all the assets look together, and I couldn't be more grateful for the artists who helped me update the assets!
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Updated History Log. Please say you like the dividers between entries---I'm most proud of those
I'm still making my way through coding everything, but here's a couple screen previews so you all can see how things now look in the game!!
First off, is the Dialogue/Choice Screen. You can see that we have a brand new dialogue box (She's Stunning) and Choice Screen! I'm hoping to add some sfx for the choices when you hover over them, and sfx for the new UI in general so there's more user feedback when you click and hover on things. But for now, enjoy this preview of the new dialogue box, choice screen, and the new personality indicators!
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Updated Dialogue/Choice Screen: You can't see it as well in GIF format, but the BG also has particles floating around, so there's a tiny bit of animation going on in some of the BGs as well!!
Next, we have the Free Time Screen. I actually posted this on Twitter recently but I don't think I posted it on Tumblr! ISN'T SHE STUNNING... ESPECIALLY WITH THE NEW BGS.... I'm especially happy with the text animations that show up at the bottom when you hover over the different choices! I was inspired by a couple other devs (specifically GUI god, @siyo-koy, and renpy animation master @just-a-carrot) to start incorporating animation style elements into my GUI. And I really like how it adds a little ~something~ to the feel of everything ^^
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Updated Free Time Screen: begging someone to say they like the text animation so I feel validated for finangling with it
Finally, for our last preview, we have the Save Screen! While it looks new obviously with the new assets, I also did a lot of backend coding revamping for how it actually functions since my coding experience is a bit better now compared to when I was first fighting for my life figuring out save/load screens. The biggest change for you all is that there are now chapter markers so save slots will tell you what chapter that save file is from! And instead of screenshots, it's now a custom icon inside that shows the chapter card. I think it'll make the save screen look more cohesive now and hopefully more intuitive as well!!
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Updated Save Screen: With a sprinkle of updated Chapter Card screen preview
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That was long. Are any of us surprised, considering I had two months' worth of devlogs piled inside of me, begging to burst from the seams?
Anyways. Only two miscellaneous updates. One is that all soundtracks have been completed for Alaris! Peter finished the last of them recently, and they're all beautiful!!! For ppl who love piano soundtracks... :holds hand in piano lover solidarity:
Other update is that I finally fixed that godforsaken sprite bug that was associated with the energy vision feature from the demo!!! FINALLY!!! AFTER.... SO LONG. Extremely huge thanks to @robobarbie for taking time out of their day to do that; everyone please say thank you!!!!! OGs know how long that bug was bothering me!!!! Robo also gave me a pretty new rain code, so I'm showing you how both look in the new demo so you can appreciate them with me!!
Last miscellaneous update is more on a.... logistical development level?? Basically, now that I have new GUI assets to code, that means I can get a beta build of the routes currently written out. I was feeling really overwhelmed by that idea because most of this year has been focused on writing and making assets, not really coding. Knowing that I can Code and get Playable Builds out to people was stressful because I have to divvy up my time a bit more.
After an extremely insightful talk with beloved and admired Esh of @steamberrystudio I decided I'm probably going to be shifting how development goes from here on out. Instead of focusing head low on getting as many words written for the remaining routes everyday, I'm going to be making smaller but consistent progress and spend the rest of my time coding so that I can have more of a continuous cycle of production going on (e.g., writing a bit, making playable builds, gathering playtester feedback, etc. instead of doing each stage in blocked, sequential order).
I'm mainly telling you all this because it means writing updates will probably seem slower from this point on, but I think production overall will be more efficient because of it! This is also exciting news for playtesters and/or early access backers/patrons because it means you'll have playable content in the near future for content outside of just the demo :')
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have u all heard of wudgeous of herotome. of course u have. they r all i talk about at this point
No market research because I've actually been addicted to BG3 LFMAOLSDJF. Actually, I'm taking some inspiration from it for the personality mechanic but eh.
On a more important note, @herotome demo is coming out December 2nd!!!! PLAY IT WITH ME. Wudgey is my editor, so you might think I'm biased but I'M NOT!!! I WAS A FAN OF HEROTOME BEFORE WUDGEY EVEN WORKED W ME!!! They have an exception eye for detail and player experience, and they are actually one of the devs that inspired me to even get into game development.
I just know the demo is going to blow everyone's socks off. OG Herotome prologue build fans know exactly what I'm talking about. Please mark December 2nd on your calendar---you will not regret it.
This was so unbelievably long, but I hope it's appreciated since there was no real devlog update for a hot minute. As always, Thank you all for your patience and continued support. With the year ending soon, I'm getting wrapped up in my feels in usual Crescence fashion. I am a Cancer so no one is surprised.
Next month will probably be more of an end-of-year devlog rather than the usual format. I know the devlogs of late have been all over the place, but once we get into the new year, it will be back to business as usual! Hope you all have a wonderful end to your year; I'll talk to you soon! <3
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bronx-bomber87 · 6 months
Happy Wednesday lovely readers :) I love any episode with Lucy/Tamara in it. Add in Tim? Makes an amazing thing even more so. I love this one for delving into Tamara’s past a bit, how Tim helps Lucy without a thought, and the bond between Lucy and Tamara. Such good one let’s get going.
4x11 End Game
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We begin our episode with Tamara and Lucy. It’s clear Lucy has been up all night researching. Tamara asks why? Lucy tells her legal research. That kid Tyler she cited out last episode ended up stealing from a liquor store. He felt stressed to pay back the dealer he lost product for. Unfortunately he gave the store owner a heart attack. Luckily the owner is out and ok.
She’s been up all night trying to finds ways for the state to show him leniency since the owner is fine. I love both of them calling Chris the ‘clown’ from the DA’s office. Might be my new name for him. Chris the clown. It’s fitting. They have a lovely moment as Tamara refills her coffee and brings it to her. Saying this kid is lucky to have her backing him.
That she knows she was. Best thing she ever did was steal Lucy’s car. I mean it’s true haha I love Tamara being more open with Lucy. Showing how grateful she is that Lucy took a chance on her like she did. Tamara saying crime pays actually. In this case it does tbh. Heh Lucy says she’s cute when she walks away. It’s such an adorable mom/daughter open for them.
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We see Mr. Clown shortly after Lucy arrives at the station. She is gloating that the store owner survived. Chris agrees with her that he’s happy she survived. Lucy questioning how true that is. She tries to get him to charge Tyler as a minor but Chris refuses of course. Schmuck. Lucy starts to tell him studies and he’s so condescending to her. Saying not to quote studies at him. I hate it so much. I dislike him greatly...
Tells her he will only charge him as a minor as long as he’s a CI for his crew. This is where Lucy really goes off on him. Both barrels and pulls no punches whatsoever. Chris is finding this amusing and I want to clock him. Calling her dramatic too. You don’t know her like that ya clown. So rude to say. Tim coming into the convo asking if everything is ok? I love that. Protective Husband is in the building.
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The way she spins around to face Tim is hilarious. His face and posture LOL Lucy saying she can’t believe the nerve of him calling her dramatic. She sees his reaction and tells him don’t start. Haha Eric is the king of facial expressions. He doesn’t disappoint in the least here. His face conveying ‘ I didn’t say anything…’ Even though his body language is saying everything. Laughing so hard at his reaction.
Such a hubby move here. Doesn't say anything but she knows what that reaction means. HIs silence saying more than he ever could. He’s smart enough to know when not to engage her in a fight. Be more married you two please. Lucy is in full wifey mode here and my heart is so happy. Also my god the forearms/biceps. Phew lord. Love to have those wrapped around me like a blanket. There is just so much to love about this mini moment.
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It’s the next part where we hit peak married vibes. Tim knowing her so damn well. Pinpointing why she is so friggin keyed up. Asking exactly how many cups of coffee she’s had this morning? God these two know each other so damn well. Lucy doesn’t lie and says she’s just going to apologize right now LMAO
Knowing how she’s going to be the rest of the shift for him. It’s so funny. I love her self awareness knowing she’s gonna be extra cause she’s hopped up on caffeine. Good thing Tim is actually is so very fond of it even though he’s exasperated at the same time hehe. She’s so cute I cannot.
Tim’s reaction to her reply is the best part. No one does the eye roll better than our guy. It’s so funny. It makes me laugh every single time. Lucy knows what she’s done and is just owning up it to ahha I love these two idiots so very much. Her saying it’s going to be a long day for him. Oh he’s well aware of that one my dear. I love them so much makes my heart hurt haha
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Tim and Lucy are called to Lopez’s homicide. It’s a 18 year old girl killed and dumped. Tim is confused why Angela needed a sergeant. She tells them she didn’t. Just Lucy. Asking if she knows her? Lucy tells her no. Angela hands her the phone and says Tamara does. Pic of her and this girl as her Lock Screen. Hence them being looped in.
Cut to them retuning to her apartment. The marriage theme continues in this episode. Except it goes from sassy poking fun husband and wife. To very sweet and supportive husband for his wife. Being a sweet mom and dad tag team for Tamara in this moment. Which I adore so much.
Lucy is feeling lost and not sure how to handle this. You can tell as she enters the apt. She’s honest with Tim. Replies 'I don't know.' When he asks how she wants to handle it? Lucy tells him she’s done death notices before. But never for someone she cared about. Handling it as a cop vs as a roommate are different approaches. I love how Tim is watching her as she talks out her thoughts. Not judging her but wanting to support her. Knowing this is part of her process.
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She is torn and Tim decides for her. Telling her just to be a friend and he’s got the cop part for her. I love this sfm. Letting her be the soft empathetic friend in this moment. That if she needed someone firmer or more business like to tap him in. Tim knows she wants to be the caring and soft one in this moment. Because he knows her so well. Wants to relieve her of the burden of being a cop right now. To let her just be the caring friend and if she needs a cop he will handle that portion for her.
It seems like such a small gesture that comes across as so much more. You can see Lucy visibly relax when he tells her this. Thanks him for this kindness. He has her back in more ways than one. I love their bond so much. Knowing exactly what the other needs in moments like this. He’s so soft for her I cannot handle it. Just being the best supportive work hubby he can be. Such growth makes my soul happy.
Gives Lucy a chance to relay the news to Tamara in the way she is most comfortable with. Solo in her room. It so sad to watch Tamara take in the news. Not believing Lucy at first or not wanting to really. Lucy confirming it by the phone that was found at the scene. Telling Tamara how sorry she was. I love Tim giving her this private moment alone with her. To be empathetic, caring and all the things she would need in this moment. Let her be Lucy her friend and roommate and not the cop.
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Once they’re out of her room Tim is apart of the convo. Officially in cop mode now. Lucy asking if there was anyone her friend Becca was afraid of? Tamara says no but they hadn’t talked in 3 months. With school and her moving in they lost touch. Tim steps in and asks 'Any idea where she was crashing?' She tells them mostly the street, sometimes shelters, some families let you crash on the floor if they had room. Her last known suggestion is a darker one.
It's where we get a peak into Tamara’s past and it's grim. You can see it all over Lucy’s face as Tamara speaks. How her heart is breaking for her. Killing her to think she ever had to do ‘swiping’. Hitting her like a ton of bricks. You can see the pre-tears in her eyes from hearing all this. The protective mama in her wanting to hug and protect her. To never let her experience that ever again. Tamara can't even look at them while she explains it. Breaks my heart.
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Tim can read Lucy like a book once they’re back in the shop. They’re talking about the men they found on Becca’s phone but her mind is elsewhere. He knows she’s upset and asks her if she’s okay? I’ll never be over this portion of his growth. Him actively engaging in personal stuff with her. Giving her his advice and caring. Being 100 percent genuine in all of it too. My damn heart. He’s also just so damn good with her. Just like she is for him. The shop where they supposedly leave their personal lives at the door is a rule that never really existed for them.
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He provides such a comforting environment for her to share in here. I love him being the one to reach out for this. Lucy engaging right away with him. Voicing everything she was feeling about their convo with Tamara. How it worried her that Tamara knew right away about the swiping idea. Asking Tim’s opinion if he thinks she’s used it herself? If she gave that impression to him?
Tim doesn’t answer so much as shoot a question back. Asking if she’s ever mentioned it to her before? You can hear the hurt in her voice. See the pain in her eyes as she speaks. Telling Tim as close as they are she won’t talk to her about her past. I can see why Lucy would be hurt by this. I can also see why Tamara doesn’t want to talk about it. She probably feels shameful about some of what she did to survive. I can only imagine what she had to do pre-Lucy.
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Tim’s reply is perfection. What I love most about it is that it’s coming from experience. At least that’s how it’s coming off to me. We all know how hard it was for Lucy to crack the nut that is Tim. How she scratched and clawed for him to open up to her. Tim had a painful past and lot of reasons to be closed off. But that didn’t stop Lucy from pursuing that relationship with him. It was slow but so very worth it. Tim telling her not to take it personally.
That it might just be hard for to open up to her. It’s not Lucy it’s Tamara's own stuff preventing her from doing so. Just like it was for Tim. Lucy kept knocking at that door till Tim answered. Now look at him. He shares things with her. Deeply personal things. Is giving her advice on her own personal life. Look how far we’ve come. It’s these moments I love the most. The ones that show us how damn far Tim has come. How far they have come as a pairing.
It’s unreal to watch and so rewarding. It’s why the slow burn works so damn well for them. We get moments like this. Where Tim sees she is upset, reaches out, and even relieves her worries. Also once again using his past experience to help her out. Knowing it was hard for him to start to open up with her. That took time for him too. Applying that to his advice for Tamara not opening up just yet. You can see she feels lighter after their talk. Nodding her head agreeing with his advice. Relieving her of her worries for the time being at least. Tim being every bit the supportive husband here and I love it sfm. The emotional intimacy between these at this point is off the charts amazing. *sigh* I love them so much.
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They return to the station to watch interrogation. Lopez has one of Becca’s clip talk guys in the box. Angela comes right at him. Doesn't waste time after he admits he knows her. Saying she knows he used clip talk for sex. In exchange she got warm bed and a meal out of it. He is instantly defensive. Thinking he’s been brought in for something she did or said. Is an ass outright calling her crazy cause she’s homeless and possibly on drugs.
Lopez cuts him right off saying she’s dead. Asking where he was last night? He stumbles and says he has nothing to do with it. That he did see her for few minutes but his GF was coming over. (Classy SOB..) Angela asks what she wanted? He says hot meal, shower, place to stay. But told her to go cause his GF was on the way. I love the way Tim leans forward as they get to heart of his story. He continues on saying Becca threatened to tell his GF if he didn’t give her money.
Telling Lopez all he had was a 20 dollar bill on him to give her. After she left he said he noticed Becca swiped his Cerus Watch. Which he paid 10K for. Lopez following up saying he couldn’t file a police report or it would expose his secret. Lopez cycles back to our couple. Lucy telling her she didn’t have a watch on her body. That she either sold it or whoever killed her took it and did. Tim says they'll ask Tamara where they think it would be pawned.
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We find Tamara catching up with her old life. Visiting with friends she knew. My guess is she felt guilty about not talking to Becca all these months. Wanting to reconnect to help herself grieve. One of her friends telling her how proud Becca was of her. That she missed her but was so happy to see her move on. It’s then we see Tim and Lucy pull up. They all get nervous and Tamara tells them they’re cool.
Lucy is in mom mode asking how she is? Tamara tells her it’s a lot to be back here. She is trying to put up a brave front. Pretend she’s ok. So she avoids saying anymore by asking if they found anything? They update her on the watch Becca took. Asking her if she know where she would pawn it? Love Lucy seeing her hesitancy and reassuring her it’s ok. Also not wanting to leave her there. In full mom mode I adore it. Not wanting to leave her there but not having much of a choice atm.
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They head to the pawn shop Tamara suggested. Tim doesn’t mess around or mince words with the owner. Saying they’re looking for a stolen Cerus watch. The owner gets defensive and says they just come into his shop accusing him of this? Lucy comes right at him too.
A tag team of confidence and unity. I love it. Her reply is feisty af. ‘Of purchasing stolen property from homeless teenagers? We are accusing you of exactly that.’ Get em Lucy! Gah love them being this bad ass united front. This guy goes off on a rant how he’s a lifeline for these kids. Lucy shows him the pic of Becca. Tells him this watch is what got her killed. He sighs and pulls it out to show them.
Saying it was brought in yesterday and shows them who brought it in. It wasn’t Becca….it was the kid Tamara was visiting. The look of realization washes over them. That beautiful silent communication of theirs kicking in. A shared look of worry washing over them. Tim asking isn’t that Tamara’s friend? The one they just left her with...
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We cut back to Tamara talking to him. Asking if he’s ok? He say no. She starts to apologize she hasn’t been around. We see Tim and Lucy racing to get back to her. Such great cinematography in this scene. Declan starting his confession and it flits back to a worried Tim and Lucy. They're trying to get back to her as soon as they can. You can see the panic/urgency written across both of their faces.
Declan tells her how Becca was going to go back to school. Use the watch to get her started with it. She wanted to be more like Tamara. He starts to get emotional saying she was going to leave him too. You can see the shift in Tamara as she see’s where this is going. How he mentions he tried to sneak the watch out. That she caught him and he pushed her and didn’t mean for her to hit her head like she did. It’s then Lucy and Tim roll up like the BAMFS they are. Lucy all but jumping out of the shop to get to Tamara.
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Tim cuffing him immediately. Once he's secure Lucy turns to her asking her if is she’s ok? Not expecting the response that she gets. Tamara finally putting down her walls and being honest. That she isn’t ok and runs to Lucy for comfort. I love this hug and Tamara finally turning to Lucy and being vulnerable. Lucy’s reaction is so sweet as she holds her tight. Such a nice moment for them. Adding to that growing familial bond between them.
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The clown catches Lucy on her way out. I hate writing about him but I also don’t love writing about Ashley either. But they are apart of this season thus in my reviews when I have to. Lucy is straight with him. Says she isn’t in the mood for anymore bad news. He tells her he cut a good deal for Tyler. That he won’t have to be a CI. Just 6 months in Juvie. Probation till 18.
Clearly trying to impress her with this deal. Because let’s be honest if he had his way that kid would’ve been screwed. He did this to get on her good side. To me Chris was always kinda clueless but a little manipulative as well. I.e. This deal to impress her. Never liked him or thought he was good enough to be in her presence let alone date her.
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This scene is a good bookend to how the episode began with Tamara’s gratefulness. Except this ending portion is a lot more sincere. No jokes involved. Makes me emotional as she thanks Lucy for everything she’s given her. Tamara thanks her for helping her leave it all behind as well. That if not for her she could've ended up just like Becca. Their scenes are always so good. Thanking Lucy for getting her friend justice.
Lucy not taking credit for that. Saying she did that for her. It’s true she guided them most of the investigation. Without her tips and such it would’ve taken them so much longer. I love Lucy telling her she doesn’t need to worry about what could’ve been without her. That’s she’s safe now ❤️ This next bit is so good. Lucy bringing up talking about her time on the street.
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Tamara telling her not right now. Lucy bringing up she doesn’t have to. She doesn’t even have to with her. Just someday talking to someone would be good. So it doesn’t sneak up on her. Because it will. She is not wrong...It did for me. I took too long to talk to someone myself. I had a random run in with a sweet old lady who was a client of mine. She commented on my earrings. Asking where I got them? I said my mom with no real emotions attached to it. She looked me in the eye and said ‘Your mother must love you very much.’ I wanted to cry because I wasn't sure how true that was.
I swallowed my complicated emotions and my racing thoughts. I thanked her. But it triggered something in me when I got back to my car and I cried. Because it brought up all the emotions and feelings I hadn’t talked about with my mom. I texted my baby sister about it. She told me it was time to seek some therapeutic help. I did and it's helped so very much. So Lucy is so very right if you don’t talk about it. Suppress it for too long it sneaks up on you.
This is such solid advice once again from Lucy. Therapy and talking it out does wonders for the soul. Because if you don’t It’ll eat at you slowly. Take away from your present. Such a lovely way to end the episode for them both. I always love me some Tamara/ Lucy eps.
Side notes-Non Chenford
James and Nyla being cute af. I truly love them together. They work so well.
Also more cute James/ Wes moments about the pregnancy and such. I do love their bromance so.
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deleteddewewted · 2 years
Hello saw your requests were open and I wanted to try it out
May I request the 1-A boys + monoma and shinso(separately) with a female s/o that's 5'6 and has very long hair specifically reaching the knee and they take care of it very well and takes it with pride because took them years to grow it (I would be proud to tbh cuz ya can do whatever the hell ya want with long hair)
MHA Boys With Long Hair Fem! S/o
Characters: Shoto, Midoriya, Bakugou, Kirishima, Denki, Iida, Monoma, Shinso
This one was so cute to write.
W: Non-sexually sharing a shower. Fluff
If you'd like to support my work (Check my Ko-fi and Throne!)
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He never thought much about his hair length but after starting a relationship with you he started to reconsider.
He liked the way your hair would flow in the wind.
The bounce that it had when you'd walk.
It was pretty.
The texture, the type, the length, it all made it uniquely you.
He started to look at other people's hair and compared it to yours.
He loved helping you do your hair routine.
It gave him the excuse to be physically close to you.
He admitted during one of these sessions that he was touch starved.
"You trust me with something that is incredibly important to you. Something delicate and special. It makes me feel grateful but appreciated."
He starts to grow out his own hair in the process too.
He had so much fun helping you out that he also wanted to share another experience with you.
His hair required attention and you both would spend time brushing it together and maintaining it.
It was a cute couple thing that he enjoyed talking about with others.
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Your hair was something he deeply appreciated, mainly because it was uniquely you.
He loved helping you put your hair up in a bun or ponytail, braiding it or styling it in any way you wanted to.
It made him happy when you'd wake up with hair all over the place.
Did it get in his mouth and cause him to choke once in a while? Yes, but it was you so he didn't care.
Your hair always found itself on his clothes but he didn't care.
Is it weird that he collects the strands of hair that he'd finds and keeps them in a ziplock bag?
He just wants to keep things that belong to you.
He loves it when you let him play with your hair because it means that you’re letting him be part of something unique.
He appointed himself as the official hair brushed and learns new techniques in order to help you with whatever look you wanted to go for that day.
He’s a simp for your hair routine.
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He used to hate your long hair but he managed to warm up to it.
It gets everywhere but when he noticed how attached you were to it he stopped bitching.
He will never admit it but he was at one point jealous of how much attention you have your hair.
You had this whole hair care routine that he wanted to get upset over but he remembered to do his breathing exercises and rationalize things.
You help him with his own hair.
He's so sweaty most of the time and like to shower with him since it gave you the chance to take care of his hair while he helped you with your own.
He loves doing your hair and makes sure to plan out his schedule so that he could give your hair the attention it needs.
He makes sure to buy you all of the things you need for your hair and has you sit on his lap late at night as he helps brush and braid it.
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He's in love with your hair.
He has his own hair care routine since he dyes all the time.
He asks you to dye your hair with him since he thinks it's a cute couple activity.
He thinks you'd look with red hair.
He likes to cuddle with you, mainly with your back against his chest since he can bury his face into your hair.
He likes the smell of your shampoo, can you blame him?
He loves showering with you since he can massage your products into your hair and see your hair's true length.
He brings up your hair length in all of his conversations with others.
He finds it unique and wants to share it with others who may or may not know you.
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Oblivious mf when it comes to hair care.
He cuts his own hair at times and puts gel in it but besides that, he had no idea how to maintain his own hair.
He also owned a straightener but he always managed to burn his hair.
When he started dating you and noticed how much care you put into your hair, he immediately asked you for help with his own.
You both bonded over hair care and you mainly had to take care of his hair.
You never allowed him to get too crazy with your hair but did let him braid it and put it up in a bun or ponytail.
Little by little his hair care began to improve and so did his understanding of hair health.
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Very precise with everything.
He knows when to stop adding products and when to add more.
He made sure to be exact with everything since he wanted to make his hair look good and now greasy.
With you, he had to learn to break some of his strictness when it came to hair care.
You had much more hair than him and it was somewhat overwhelming at the beginning of your relationship.
Once he was adjusted, he often found himself watching you do your hair in complete silence.
He loved it.
It was peaceful.
And if you ever did his hair, he would certainly cry because your touch was always soft and you constantly showered him in complements.
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Its to the point where people know every single step of your hair care routine.
He makes sure to set up your hair appointments for you for trims and only a trim.
Once you mentioned that you liked your hair long, he was going to make sure your hair stayed that way.
He also bought all of your products.
He was kinda like your sugar daddy but he always brushed it off.
He just wanted his darling to have everything they needed.
He's always screaming about the time.
He likes to keep you on a hair care schedule so you don't have to stay up at 2 am doing your routine.
He cares a lot about you and your hair.
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He's a cat so watching the way your hair sways as you walk or how the wind blows it.
It makes him very happy and takes away all of his thoughts.
He's so enamored with your hair.
He likes cuddling you with your hair somewhere near his face.
It tickles him but in a positive way.
He likes napping while smelling your shampoo.
He was all over your hair care and he joined in on it at times.
He likes brushing your hair for you and loves it, even more, when you brush his own hair.
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defilerwyrm · 8 months
Thank you for posting so authentically and tbh poetically about your transition. I was wondering if you have any gems of wisdom to share about your total hysto.. I was born with a malformed uterus (it is bicornuate) I've always had problems from it and I just want it gone. How was the process? And healing? How has the removal affected you in the years after? I appreciate you bro.
Heya, first off, sorry for taking so long to reply, and thank you! It’s been really rewarding to get to share my experience with others, answer questions, and hopefully dispel some myths. Bottom surgeries for trans men & trans mascs are too often maligned or erased and I’m grateful for the opportunity to fight against that with facts and experience.
The process was kind of funny. The admission and all such were your typical surgery stuff. They kept me overnight in the hospital pumping me full of saline with two jolly nurses watching over me. More or less every hour I woke up needing to piss like a racehorse, and the nurses would gently make fun of my woozy attempts to get up in these marvelous Georgia accents while helping me do so and disconnecting me from the drip, and I’d shuffle off to pee like half a liter (like…literally). This pattern continued until I was able to pass a certain threshold of how much I peed at one time. The purpose of this was to make sure my bladder was working correctly. After that, they let me sleep a bit and then I was released.
Before the surgery I had asked my surgeon if I could see the parts she was taking out, so she took photos for me of my insides during surgery and the whole kit & caboodle after it was removed, and printed them out on nice glossy paper for me. I was frankly astounded by how tiny the uterus actually is. Diagrams make it look like it’s the size of both hands put together or something but it would have easily fit in the palm of one! Also my liver is kinda cute. I still want to frame those photos.
I went home and mostly slept in a recliner a lot for the first couple of weeks. I wore sweatpants and kept an ice buddy (a penguin full of rice my friends got me) on my belly much of the time. I am pretty good at staying ahead of the pain with my meds without taking it more frequently than is safe, so I was only really a little sore and very, very sleepy. Bathing was a matter of wet wipes and dry shampoo for a while. I think I was off work for somewhere between four and eight weeks, and once I was past the first two or so, I spent a lot of time still in the recliner with the ice buddy, but this time binge-watching Critical Role and playing Stardew Valley. My cats stayed as close to me as they could the whole time. I think 4 weeks after the fact I was more or less fine.
Shortly after my spay, I started having hot flashes: since mine was a total hysterectomy (they removed the uterus, both ovaries—which, sure enough, turned out to be absolutely riddled with cysts—and the cervix), my estrogen level went from low to fuck-all, so I basically went through Menopause Lite. The hot flashes weren’t miserable. They were just stretches of time when I looked around and went “Is it just me or is it hot in here all of a sudden? Is the A/C on?” and it was, in fact, just me. Those came and went for maybe 3 months.
(A note for cis women and for trans/nb guys who aren’t on T: I attribute the mildness of my menopause symptoms to the fact that PCOS and HRT were already suppressing my estrogen production. If you have “normal” estrogen levels, there is a non-zero chance that yours will be worse. Ask your doctor for more info about this. If you don’t have your ovaries removed, you won’t go through this in the first place.)
Obviously I am now forever free of the misery of menstruation and the unacceptable risk of becoming pregnant. Both of those things are extremely awesome and I love them forever. Being sterile fucking rules! I’ve wanted this since I was 6 years old and no one can ever take it away from me! \:D/
This last section is about peeing so it goes under a cut!
The one and only downside is that I need to pee, like, all the time. Granted, the fact that I drink about a gallon of water every day does have a lot to do with that. But I’ve found that the sensation of needing to piss urgently comes a lot sooner than it used to. On a normal day, with me sitting here guzzling sweet, unchlorinated, high-quality well water all the time, I have to hit the head every 1-2 hours. If I stop drinking liquids about an hour or two before a road trip I can make a 3-hour drive without needing a pit stop. I asked my mom and a friend, both of whom have also had hysterectomies, if they go through this too, and they confirmed that yeah they do need to pee a lot more frequently than before the surgery. Just, y’know, not as often as I do because they’re not drinking 3-5 L of water daily.
The upside to THAT, actually, is if I need to wake up early, I can just drink a glass of water before going to sleep and I am guaranteed an early wake-up. I am an extremely deep sleeper, much to my own detriment—except where my bladder is concerned.
An odd little thing I’ve found, since my uterus is no longer helping to control where my bladder sits in my torso, is that how I urinate is a little different. Before, it was just the normal muscle movements I’d been doing all my life. Now, I find that urine comes in “waves”: it starts out normal, but then—it’s hard to explain, but I use a slightly different sort of muscle movement, a Kegel type thing, to…it feels like repositioning my bladder a little(???), and then I can feel the rest of the urine pouring down to my ureter, and then it’s normal pissing again. I mean…I’m just guessing at what’s actually going on in there based on what I can feel happening, so I could be off, who knows. It’s a little strange, but it’s not at all painful or anything, it’s just a neutral thing.
I very strongly recommend starting Kegel exercises as soon as you can if you plan on getting a hysterectomy, if you’re not doing them already. These can go a long way to making sure you don’t have problems with incontinence afterward. They were a standard part of my daily life for quite a few years leading up to my spay and so far so good.
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diovstheworld · 1 year
La Squadra and Self Care
this has been sitting in my drafts for way too long so it’s time to finally post lmaooo. self care, hygiene, what they smell like, how they relax. a whole bunch of stuff. honestly they’re more just like personal life headcanons for the boys but oh wellll. enjoy! also i’m working on requests and stuff, i’m just so busy with class work and some things going on in my personal life i’m sorry </3
୨ ╭ ୨୧ ✦ ︶꒷꒦・⎯⎯・⎯⎯・₊ˎ✧๑
self care king honestly
in terms of hygiene, this guy showers twice a day, three times if hes around or has the time
face mask before bed every second night and has a morning and evening skincare routine
often likes to reward himself at the end of the week with a nice bath surrounded by some scented candles. this is his favourite way to relax
has a very strict sleep schedule. if you wake him up before 8am and it’s not important, he will fight you lmao
his hair is of most importance so takes great care of it. he washes it very regularly and loves to brush it until it’s silky smooth
he will not leave the house with any knots in his hair. for this reason, he takes a hairbrush with him in case he has to brush it whilst gone
he smells like his shampoo tbh. like some sort of floral scented shampoo
he’s always making use of body sprays and colognes too. normally also floral scented
to relax, aside from a nice bath, he likes to sit down and read people’s horoscopes. he probably keeps some sort of horoscope journal so he likes to fill that out too
sometimes he’ll play video games with formaggio and some of the other guys
honestly i can’t unsee that one part where he doesn’t wash his hands after going to the bathroom so this man is…questionable with his hygiene
showers when he remembers or can be bothered
applies way too much deodorant and probably reeks of lynx africa
that being said, he probably puts on cologne sometimes
he doesn’t have a routine to be honest. just a shower and deodorant and he’s probably good to go. cologne if he remembers it or the situation requires it
illuso and proscuitto have probably tried to persuade him to do face masks and skin care routines with them but he always tells them it’s a waste of time lmao
people buy him fancy shower gels and stuff for christmas and he doesn’t take the hint. he continues to use the lynx africa shower gel that came in a set with his deodorant
all jokes aside i think he would shower when he knows he’s unclean or personally feels unclean
always taking breaks for his mental state, most likely playing video games. it’s his escape. he enjoys playing them with ghiaccio and melone
he often stays up late doing so but this man will ALWAYS catch up on his sleep lmaooo. he’ll probably be napping at the worst possible times due to a messed up sleep schedule
also likes to relax by crocheting little hats for his cat <3
also uses 2-in-1 shampoo and body wash (nothing wrong with it btw, i just definitely see him using it)
has amazing self care, this man definitely has a big self care routine (partly because he’s worried grateful dead will have a negative effect on his appearance)
definitely showers every day, maybe even twice a day
i think he would use a bit of hair products like spray or gel so i think he’d be the kind of guy who washes his hair everyday otherwise it’s gonna be really clogged up there with all that hair product lmaooo. sometimes just simply washes it with water, other times he’s using shampoo and conditioner
also uses a lot of cologne. never leaves the house without it. he’d rather be caught dead than not have on his favourite scent
speaking of what he smells like, i haven’t smelled many men’s cologne, but i do know i love the smell of tom ford noir and i can picture him wearing this
also leaning into the whole what he smells like thing, he probably has a faint whiff of tobacco from him. it lingers on his clothes but not in a pungent, unpleasant way. it’s more comforting and has become part of his natural scent alongside his cologne :) he makes sure he doesn’t reek of cigarettes
he probably has a lot of colognes (probably gets them as birthday and christmas gifts when no one knows what else to get him). he also probably has a lot of skin care items
speaking of skin care, he definitely has a routine he does every morning and night for sure. he hates it when his skin starts to feel rough in the slightest. also shaves often for this reason. he hates the feeling of hair on his face
will take time for himself by stepping away and going to read, he’ll probably do a face mask while doing so lmao
on the whole sleep schedule thing, this man goes to bed at 11pm. maybe 10:30pm if he’s extra sleepy. he’ll only stay up late if a job requires it
not exactly self care but i just wanted to include the headcanon that pros carries a tiny little foldaway comb in his suit jacket pocket at all times
i also think he’s the kind of guy who sings in the shower lmaooo. he likes to sing heart of glass by blondie (i’m going to make a post on my music headcanons for la squadra but it’s gonna be a little messy and all over the place in terms of what i think the guys would listen to sooo that post might be a while away lmaooo)
just like prosciutto and illuso, he has his own morning routine. doesn’t have a skin care routine per se but he definitely uses face creams and such when he remembers or has the time
also a man who showers daily
he doesn’t bother too much about his hair unlike pros and illuso since his hair is kept under his hat anyway
that being said, he does wash it regularly. he gets irritated when he knows it feels unclean
he mostly relaxes by reading and listening to music. he also likes crime novels but often finds them rather cliche and can work out everything before the end of the book
also listens to music a lot while doing things like paperwork or other activities that don’t require him listening to his surroundings. music is a big comfort for risotto for sure
i feel like he often struggles to sleep so he often uses sounds he finds relaxing to get to sleep (mostly rainforest noises)
i have a shower song for risotto too unfortunately and it’s pour some sugar on me by def leppard :,)
i think he’s definitely got the cleanliness part nailed down but he’s not so good at relaxing since he’s always so busy so he’s probably not the best at self care
he’s always getting lectured by the other guys to take a break and take some time to himself for a while because honestly, he often forgets to take any time for himself
firstly, he definitely relaxes by playing video games and reading comic books. he loved to escape in stuff like that
i also feel like he relaxes by cleaning for some reason. like, he finds it very satisfying and calming to clean up his room while he listens to some music in his headphones and blocks out the shenanigans of all the other guys lmaooo
as for his levels of cleanliness, i can see him being a very clean man in all aspects
just like pros and illuso, he showers at least twice a day. however, unlike pros and illuso, he probably uses like a 2-in-1 shampoo and body wash. i can imagine him wondering (more like ranting) about why you would buy two individual products for more money when you can have the two products in one and save money
despite melone's efforts to try and change ghiaccio's ways, ghiaccio does not have a facial care routine in terms of things like moisturizers
he does, however, take care of his skin more now than he ever did due to constant outbreaks of spots so i can definitely see him at least using some sort of fancy face wash, even if he does refuse to do any other parts of a skincare routine
first of all, this boy likes watching slime videos to relax. he finds the noises very relaxing!
also likes to watch tik toks to take a break from the world
just like his big bro, he has a very good self care routine! he has a very similar one in fact
has a skin care routine and normally follows alongside prosciutto to make sure he’s doing it right
sometimes joins in the face masks
also he smells of apple shampoo! the smell is very comforting to him <3
other ways he likes to relax is by doodling. he’s not necessarily great at art but doing little doodles makes him happy. i totally think he would have his own OCs for the different media he consumes (he’s just like me fr)
also likes to read to relax! he often reads comic books and gets a lot of recommendations from ghiaccio and borrows them from him often
if he can’t fall asleep on his own, he sometimes goes to formaggio or ghiaccio’s room and falls asleep watching them play their video games
but for the most part he has a strict bedtime set for himself to ensure he gets the sleep he needs
loves getting his nails done
also likes doing other peoples nails to help them relax too
just like prosciutto and illuso, this guy also has a good self care routine in terms of skin care and hygiene
also part of the face mask gang. i can imagine melone, illuso and prosciutto have a little self care night doing each others nails and doing face masks and having a good little gossip
part of the night owl gang. he stays up late often playing games with formaggio and ghiaccio though he probably is the first one to cave in and go to bed
again, i think he would like to read. he definitely has a stack of books at his bedside that he’s desperately trying to get through when he has the time
i think he would also have a floral scent to him. illuso often accuses of stealing his shampoo or body sprays because the smell is so similar
very sensitive to light when he’s trying to sleep. even the tiniest little bit of light sneaking through the curtains will disturb him so he sleeps with an eye mask over his eyes
Sorbet and Gelato
as per usual, i don’t have many headcanons for these guys but whatever they do, fully expect them to be joined at the hip
i mean they’re brushing their teeth in the bathroom together, they’re doing their skincare routines in sync
they shower separately but they do enjoy having baths together. in fact, this is probably their ideal way to relax
they definitely like to paint each other’s nails too when they have the time. the second any one of them has a chip in the polish, they’re taking it off and redoing it for sure
they also like to snuggle up on the sofa together with a blanket sharing the same book as they read together <3
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samhaft · 4 months
Hi there, Sam! What’s the story behind you becoming part of The Living Tombstone? What was it about the project that compelled you to hop on board and play such a crucial role? (I’m not sure whether or not this has been answered in the past, so my apologies if it’s been explained before!)
So it’s not something we’ve talked about in a lot of detail! Yoav and I had been friends who were sharing a music production space, and occasionally working on a song together - very notably including My Ordinary Life but also some of our album zero_one by this point - and started developing a cartoon together (at the time called Sonic Strike, now called Rock N’ Rumble). But primarily at this point I was a writer/director who made most of my money voice acting. Then in late 2018 I got two pieces of news in fairly quick succession. First - my wife was pregnant. Second - my literary agent was cutting down her roster and I got dropped. I was in a bit of a worrisome spot tbh! I called up Yoav, explained what had happened, and we decided to more formally partner on writing for / running the band instead of him paying me individually for contributing to songs, and me not really helping run the business. And to pat ourselves on the back here for going for it, we migrated the majority of TLT’s income from YouTube to Spotify (which was Yoav’s top priority), built up a company with a handful of employees, more than tripled our audience! I love the saying “If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together.” and that’s what happened. I’m incredibly grateful for his faith in me, and I’m incredibly pleased it has paid off!
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neon-vocalist · 6 months
tbh. ok vtuber fans don’t kill me but am i the only one who found oshilive xmas a little,,,, disappointing?
don’t get me wrong, (most of) the performances were astounding. abi’s “santa baby” was excellent, i loved yae yugiri’s song and dance, as someone who had never watched her before she really impressed me— tbh with the exception of serina i loved all the v4mirai girls’ dances— and juna smashed homeostasis out of the park, to name a few, but the aesthetics were sorta uhhhh lacking? it was the 3d model on an otherwise empty stage, no props or anything minimal lights, no interaction with the “set” which was actually just a background… feels like we could’ve gotten a bit more production. i found it slightly underwhelming.
i did expect it to be…. christmas themed? and like for the most part it was, or it tried to be, but everyone was in their normal outfits without even a santa hat or anything, and we did not get traditional christmas songs. we got santa baby from abi, and we got yk. snow halation and other songs to that effect— what i’d call non-traditional christmas. but we also got like. homeostasis from juna and idol from the Origin girls. which is fine but also guys it’s a christmas concert what do you think you’re doing. i just wanted to hear my oshi sing rudolph the red nosed reindeer.
the rigging on some of the 3d models was a bit icky to me— i can appreciate abi’s attempts at dancing but the clothes clipping through skin sort of turned me off (for lack of a better term), and serina’s rigging was just WEIRD. there were hands bending the wrong way and joints… popping what appeared to be out of place? unsure. the discrepancy between talent levels (for HORRIBLE lack of better term) also kinda took me out of the magic. we got showstopping performances from some girls and some performances that were like…. mhm. that girl sure sang a song. not naming names, but some girls had me cringing at their tone / technique, and it was all the more prominent when they followed or preceded someone who had a better handle on their voice or more experience. same with the models. we got abi’s near-seamless rigging with dancing and everything and then the idol girls with their… big-headed dorky looking fucked up chibis.
there was a bit of scuff, like the wrong intro cards showing a couple times. like it was like bao!!! and then serina stepped out. which normally would be excusable considering the amount of work that i’m sure went into this thing but like that is the littlest of things and even my tiny high school makes sure they have their programs in order, so come on guys.
the idol girls using their chibi models also really disappointed me. i don’t know how i got it in my head that they’d be stepping out with full, yk, actual 3d models, but i had, and so when i saw Origin’s chibis i was like :(. i don’t want to blame it on false advertising so i’m going to pin it 100% on my own stupidity but going into this i assumed we were getting full body 3d models for all the girls involved ++ christmas outfits, like the outfits they’d been drawn in for the promo stuff. can you tell i hate the idol chibis?
the performances were incredible and i’m of course incredibly grateful that we got this event and these covers from everyone. i don’t mean to sound ungrateful! i fully understand how much work went into creating and producing oshilive’s christmas concert and how hard all the girls worked, and how talented they are. i get that. like i said, abi’s santa baby was gorgeous with impressive dancing, yuko and fuyo’s “baby it’s cold outside” absolutely TOOK ME OUT— the choreo was hilarious, their voices are so smooth and beautiful, the harmonies were tasty, and their friendship is goals. we had some sparkling high notes from many of the performers. the lighting with rin’s yona yona dance was so fun— that’s what i mean when i say i would’ve liked better production— though i WAS a little disappointed at her song choice since we’ve heard her sing yona yona multiple times before. however this was i think the best version of yona yona we’ve heard from her so really who am i to complain?
i guess what i’m saying is i’m glad i didn’t leave my party early to catch the show live, as i was considering doing, and the whole thing just sort of underwhelmed me. either way, great job to all 15 performers and great job to everyone behind the scenes! this was a fun event and i’m glad i got to watch it. happy holidays, and pretty please don’t come at me in my inbox.
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aptericia · 4 months
i saw your tags and thought i'd just say this. i am of the belief that there is actually no such thing as laziness. there is always a reason behind the actions one thinks is 'lazy'. like for example. even if you don't have chronic sleebytireds like me, you could be experiencing burnout, or depression, or adhd, or some other thing that is preventing you from being as 'productive' as you'd like. and that's the other thing, measuring productivity is difficult bc we aren't robots who can just work work work we need breaks or else we get burned out! if you find yourself having a hard time getting simple tasks done, it is 99.99999999% likely that you are suffering from something that is preventing you from being able to do it as opposed to laziness. and if it's becoming an issue for you (like it was for me) then seeing a doctor or psychiatrist might be something to consider!
so tl;dr you are not lazy and it's ok to take breaks! and remember to be kind to yourself regarding productivity! 💜
(sorry if this sounds preachy it is meant to be encouraging more than anything!)
It does not sound preachy at all, and I appreciate you taking the time to share your opinion!! Yeah tbh "lazy" was a poor choice of word on my part because it's so loaded... I suppose I meant to differentiate between feeling like I "can't" do things and feeling like I "don't want to" do things, as I assumed sleebytireds would feel more like the former and I needed a word for the latter if that makes sense? Idk I have trouble seeing the difference between the two, so I don't really know how to talk about it. anyway that's beside the point lol. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and your advice as well! I have talked to my doctor multiple times about both sleepiness and insomnia (she was unhelpful), but I'm currently trying to get an appointment for blood tests to see if they give any insights 🙏
also thank you to @princejace for sharing your info in the tags!! I am always embarrassed to be assertive with doctors, but I know it's the only way to be taken seriously. I wish both of you the best with your own sleebytireds and I'm really grateful to have experienced friends to help me out 🙏🙏
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witheredoffherwitch · 7 months
This is the anon who was talking about tropes and themes being able to be criticized when it comes to fanfiction. I’m not really sure what you’re not condoning tbh, I definitely don’t think any hate should be sent to people by any means but I do think it’s okay for readers to offer critical and not always positive feedback when it comes to different works. I think that can lead to many productive reflections and conversations among readers and writers and I personally do not see how this is the same as “hate” at all. Also do people actually believe Nettles/Daemon’s arc will be given to Aemond/Alys? I don’t see how that would be the case at all and that honestly seems absurd to be frank. Just seems like fans creating imaginary scenarios to get mad at. Their relationship is open to interpretation obviously but 1) Definitely don’t see Daeron OR Nettles being cut and 2) These are two very different dynamics and stories so I don’t see how those can be conflated…..
Hi nonnie,
I was 'not condoning' the previous anon post you referenced (where the individual reached out to some fanfic writers to express their disappointment about the misogynistic depiction of Alys in their fics). I am sorry - I probably should have made that more clear. I thought you were endorsing those said tactics of taking one's personal gripes with story arcs/tropes to the fanfic writers. My bad!
To your other point, I DON'T KNOW 😩😩
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Every logical thought in my head says that Daeron and Nettles won't be cut from the show - it would such a glaring mistake on HBO's part. Moreover, we've had GRRM's own admission about Daeron's inclusion in season 2 -- and then there had been leaks floating around online about "dragonseeds" and an actress on set who looks just like the description of Nettles. So I don't know what to believe tbh.
The leakers are fairly reliable and my cynical ass won't allow a bout of reassurance even when they make little to no sense. BUT my last confession in your ask has now opened my inbox to few anons who have assured that these changes will not make sense narratively - and quite frankly, I AM GRATEFUL FOR THAT! 😣🤧
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padfootagain · 1 year
A quick update, friends!
Just wanted to share a quick update after posting my first fic in a while, and discuss what I'm planning to do, and also ask for your opinion on a few things (a pole is under the cut if you're interested). I'm going to put everything under the cut to avoid bothering people who would not care about this post.
But before that, I would simply like to thank everyone who has read my new fic! I wasn't expecting to do so well on my come back, I've already received requests again... It really feels like I'm fully back, and I'm very grateful. So thank you so much to everyone!
Now, the rest is under the cut :
First thing first, again, thank you so much for the very positive feedback I got for my Sirius fic! It's very encouraging to me, and shows that I can still write good (or at least okayish) fics, despite being gone for so long! So thank you all again!
I've received two similar requests for some Ben Barnes fic (I don't know if it's the same person going on and off anon or just two separate ones that are just oddly similar...), requesting some shenanigans with the Shadow and Bone cast, the request is accepted and already written!
Concerning requests, I just wanted to remind you all that I do not write smut or nsfw content. If you make a request that could include smut, I will thus keep your idea but without any nsfw scene.
Quick update on where we're at! Here is my little list of all my fics that I have been working on or am currently working on :
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You will recognize the first five fics as being the ones already included in my posting schedule that I shared last week (it's still my pinned post, in case you need to check it out again). But as you can see I've been pretty productive this week! Wrote a long one-shot that I will split into two parts cause it's too long, and the request I received this week. Also already working on a chapter for a series.
I am thus seriously thinking about posting more often than what I had originally planned... I don't want to overwork myself, so I don't think I'll go as far as posting twice a week on a regular basis, but I might do an intermediate rhythm... like once every five days or something like that. I don't know yet, I'm still thinking about it. But it's a bit silly that I have so many stuff ready at this point, I reckon. So might let myself post more often in the coming days.
Also, as you might have noticed in this list, there is an awful lot of Ben Barnes content coming (I do not blame myself for it, I love this man with all my heart, have been doing so for way too long to still be counting now, it's really not my fault...). But I am aware that some of you might be interested in other characters ! So, if you have a minute, you can answer this little pole here in order to decide who I should focus next for another one-shot!
I am also thinking about planning an event in the coming month, if things go well, if you're still enjoying my writings and if I'm still productive :) I think it could be a nice way to mark my come back, make you all involved in the creative process again, and it also would be a way to help me focus my energy. Because rn I have so much motivation to write fics, it's a bit overwhelming tbh cause I have lots of ideas and have a tendency to be a bit all over the place. So, organising on an event could help me focus all this energy. It would probably be an event using dialogue prompts or AUs/tropes. I will give myself a few more days to think about it, and will probably ask your opinion again about it through some poles :)
Anyway, end of this very long post, a pat on the shoulder to anyone who's managed to read this post all the way through, and I will keep you updated again next week :)
Feel free to drop by to discuss everything I'm discussing in this post, or if you just want to have a chat about whatever you want :)
Thank you all again, have a nice Sunday!
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lochley · 3 months
obvs i think lyta and g'kar just end up flying around the universe together 5ever but i used to think that like... lyta faked her death etc. and established a colony for teeps. and that was her nice little endgame.
but even in that sort of setting i had this idea of her off in her own little cottage away from everyone else because even around other telepaths, around telepaths who owe their rights to her, she'll still never be one of them because of the uniqueness of everything she's been through.
in hindsight, all telepaths are products of the vorlons so it would be weird for people to have TOO much of a problem with her because of that... but it is still a bit different, and not something i think most would have an easy time accepting about themselves either. even for telepaths with more unique stories of being experimented on by other telepaths and so on, it's still... different.
but idk i think the idea was that even if they do accept her or are grateful to her etc, even if they do form a little no-blocks-allowed hivemind commune vorlon-style where she is a LITERAL part of the community... she wouldn't feel like one of them. on a social hierarchy level, she's a leader with different responsibilities. on a physical level, she's closer to the vorlons than she is to being human. and even on a mindscape level, she is so different from the rest of them in ways that sort of hivemind situation would only make easier to see (though i guess, to an extent, people can understand her better through it?)
i guess that's my issue with her being left to fight the teep war tbh. i don't think it's something she ever would have gotten wrapped up in to that extent in her own because it really doesn't concern her. she's her own thing at this point, and while i absolutely believe she would've helped... and while i think for a bit, it felt like she was finally CHOOSING to be a weapon in a fight she actually felt would benefit her... it still wasn't really for her.
that's not to say this is at all how it would really go. i'm just digging back into some old ideas and those ideas did lean toward very depressing, so maybe things could've been happier if this did play out for her.
i just do still love the whole unique hybrid-y experience she's got going on and i think that's another reason i really adore her getting to go off with g'kar, because he's been deified as much as someone from her generation of the universe can be without becoming part-vorlon (and he's had his vorlon experiences too). and she's basically part-vorlon. he can never go back to his old life, he can never be normal, he can never exist with other narns. and she can never exist with other humans or telepaths or mundanes so why not make a home with each other.
it's wild bc there are so many Unique characters at this point, like delenn also having a hybrid and vorlon experience, and things working out so much better for her, but i feel like i've talked lyta's thoughts on delenn to death.
it's just something i rly am obsessed with, the idea of walking between two different worlds and never quite being at home in either one so having to carve out your own. it's not that people who are at home in one world can't then be part of it with you, because honestly the biggest factor in not fitting into a singular world is when the people don't accept you in them. for lyta, humans are weirded out by the vorlon thing and the vorlons are gone. so anyone who does love her for Her, esp in such a diverse universe, is going to feel like home. it just helps to have people who are riding their own wave of Can't Go Home who get it i guess.
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coredrill · 5 months
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and more lagann-hen thoughts below the cut :]
i love you gurren lagann……….you’re so everything to me………i’m so grateful to have experienced these showings and i feel so strongly they should put these movies in theaters worldwide 😭 i’m writing this right after the last one and i’m nowheres near as jazzed as i was after all of the other showings and i feel like it’s because it’s somewhat bittersweet? it’s been a hell of a week+ and i can’t believe it’s over, but… we had a lot of fun, didn’t we? (absolutely bursts into tears)
anyways!! 4dx thoughts first:
at the scene where yoko’s just gotten simon outta prison and boota leaps into her titties the seats started bouncing too and like. causing some irl gainaxing i’m ngl 😭
i went to a different 4dx theater this time and they kept??? blasting the back of our legs with air??? and they did not do that during gurren-hen and i am SO confused what that was all about
every time i watch that scene where arc gurren transforms into arc gurren lagann i think to myself “those poor civilians are probably getting JOSTLED” and HAVING NOW FELT IT MYSELF. THEY SURE WERE 😭
ALSO i know why wakabayashi fell out of his seat while watching. and it’s because THEY PURPOSELY TRY TO KNOCK YOU OUT OF IT!!!!!! like when viral throws lagann at the antispiral and when lagann throws simon, they hit you in the back HARD and if i hadn’t been gripping the armrest for dear life i would’ve been knocked out too 😭 the lordgenome battle was crazy too, as well as Literally everything after they escape the labyrinth. which is expected but DAMN it was a wild time!!!
the fog floating around the theater during The Scene with kamina. fucking ethereal
OKAYYYY konishi & trigger interview/lead-in thoughts:
konishi’s little speech was so funny omg 😭 he really was like “i know some of you only came for this movie and not the first one” LMAOOOO. he also spend a HOT minute being like “this is the end of gurren lagann! the very end! there’s no more! please enjoy the end! 😇” and i KNOW trigger is smart enough to not make a sequel or anything BUT THE WAY HE WAS SAYING IT had me worried i’d get hit with some “surprise! third movie!” after the end of this one LMFAO
they said that the reason they added SO much new animation for lagann-hen was because the end of gurren-hen got such a good reception from fans and like. it’s WILD to hear that as i do still, in my mind, view these as “compilation movies” but i always forget JUST HOW MUCH of lagann-hen is just. completely new LMAO. and it’s really interesting as i feel like the new animation is kind of more dispersed throughout the movie than being back-loaded like in gurren-hen!!
koyama also mentioned something really sweet, that when they were finishing up making this movie they had pulled in a whole bunch of different animators from other studios, and it really felt similar to the spirit of gurren lagann itself in that it was stronger because everyone was working together 🥺 making myself tear up typing this out tbh but i really do love how much of ttgl’s message and story is part of its production………i think it really helps contribute to like, the honesty and sincerity of the story!!!!
HOLLYYYYYYYYYYYYY SHIT THIS DUB WAS AMAZING. even better than gurren-hen’s by a LONG shot - though admittedly i think it’s also benefitted by having so much changed dialogue, and so there’s not as much direct comparison that can go on? still, everyone fucking killed it and i’m so so so excited to buy this on bluray and listen to it every day LMAO
anyways all that said, my very small gripes that literally don’t even matter because i’m so fucking stoked that we HAVE A DUB AND ITS AWESOME: yoko’s performance is still not doing it for me 😭 i feel like her lines suffered the most from the stricter adherence to lip flaps, and she was still doing the head voice thing that she did in the first movie… also they pronounced “anne” as “ann” rather than “ah-neh” which surprised me, and ALSO at one point i think cybela said “laGAHN” rather than “lagann”? but they said darry’s name right and also these are SUCH tiny nitpicks that they don’t even matter cause everythign else ruled so hard LMAO.
VIRAL. AMAZING AS EXPECTED. LITERALLY NO NOTES HE WAS PERFECT. also that scene where lordgenome’s like “we have to steal my old moon gunman” and viral’s like “well it’s a good thing that your SPECIALTY is STEALING GUNMEN, simon” had me DYING. cut the man a break viral, you’ve been on his side for two seconds and yet could not wait any longer to sass him LMFAO
KITTAN RULED ALSO. his whole speech to gimmy - when he said “show me someone who ain’t afraid of dyin’ and i’ll show you a liar!” it fucking HIT. GOD. and his final sacrifice??? honestly on par with or even better than the tv version, god, he KILLED IT.
also gimmy!! and darry!!! i’m WILDLY impressed that they still sounded like their old selves here!!! excellent job!!!
the antispiral was really great too - crispin freeman did a great job of making him more, like, unhinged overall??? like when he is going to TOWN on ttgl and tearing it apart and there was BLOOD EVERYWHERE JESUS. that part is shocking in visuals alone but he knocked it out of the park with the voice acting too!!!
I Cannot Believe They Made Johnny Yong Bosch Say “i’m a fool of epic proportions!” Out Loud In English With His Mouth. about to integrate that into my own vocabulary tbh LMAO, i figured they would’ve tweaked the wording there a little!! either way though he ALSO KILLED IT AS ROSSIU, god his “so many others” like was PERFECT in its equal desperation and relief and i know nia is the one who says it but “rossiu cannot save humanity. he can’t even save himself.” makes me go ten types of crazy insane stupid oh my GODD
at one point dayakka had the line “oh no! the giga drill broke?” and i swear to god i saw the 2007 youtube compilation of “giga drill breaks” ending with that line in full 480p in my mind when he did LMAO. on par with simon’s “you mean we need an EVEN BIGGER DRILL? 😱” from the tv show
NIAAAAAAA OH MY GOD. she was INCREDIBLE, like her “no way! 😇” wasn’t as strong as in the tv version imo but HER ANTISPIRAL VOICE????? god it was soooo sinister it killed me. also every scene of her and simon… when she accepted his proposal i was full-on sobbing, maybe romance IS real………
AND NOW. SIMON. YURI FUCKING LOWENTHAL MY GOD. i knew he was gonna kill it since he did amazing in gurren-hen despite not sounding 14 anymore BUT OH MY LORD. I WAS NOT EXPECTING HIM TO COMPLETELY ALTER MY PERCEPTION OF SIMON AS A CHARACTER FOR THE BETTER. AND YET HE DID. LIKE. you can HEAR how much simon is struggling emotionally in this movie much MUCH more so than you can in any other version imo, like the fucking prison scene???? the way he sounded so resigned and defeated and NOT ACTUALLY CONTENT but knowing that he NEEDS to be content JESUS CHRIST. he literally NEEDED viral to jump in front of that blast from nia and save him oh my god. and during the final battle too, you can just Hear his struggle through his voice. his struggle with his spiral power, and how much of it he has, and controlling it when he maybe doesn’t WANT to. his struggle to move forward and fight with Everything he has despite knowing that Nia Will Die. simon as a force of nature, simon as a galaxy, simon as someone to whom the spiral nemesis is Already Happening and yet literally simon just some guy. i am going to start chewing through my walls. FUCK!!!!!!!!! thank you yuri lowenthal this was LIFE CHANGING. BLURAY WHEN
anyways. i’m ngl my undereye bags are starting to look like ep9 simon’s so uh. i’m v excited to go to bed at 8:30pm every night for the next two weeks 😅 highly extremely worth every second of sleep lost tho!!!
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utahimeow · 5 months
char!! i am dropping by with some good music and new year wishes! 🎶🎉 thank you so much for being part of my 2023 🥹 you are so sweet, so fun!! hot girl energy i think!!! i adore your fashion sense!! 🥹
as a year end pick, my favourite read from you is: swan song bc omg the way my eyes widened reading that 😭😭 fr healed my soul
if i may ask!! 🥺 (pls feel free not to answer if uncomfy!!) how was 2023 for you? what’s a favourite thing (anything) you discovered this year? do you have any reflections from the past year? any resolutions for the next? 🥹
sel <333 tysm for being soooo supportive of my writing this year, uve had a huge effect on me as an author from the lovely feedback u always give 😭💓 im so glad u enjoyed swan song!!! it was a pleasure to write,,, i also want to thank U for posting ur beautiful writing especially col, u should be so proud of urself for it 🥹
i won’t go into too much detail since a lot of it’s quite personal but ive had many many many good things happen to me this year and now that i think of it 2023 may have been one of the most productive years of my life? not necessarily in terms of accomplishments but i discovered many things about myself, finally figured out what i’d like to do after college (which is a huge deal for me), took some huge steps towards improving my mental health (and it’s paying off!!) to name a few! i went on some amazing trips abroad and got to meet rika not once but TWICE. its also been such a good year for my writing i think, ive posted some stuff im super proud of and have been able to realise how much ive improved as an author and that’s something im v grateful for. i don’t tend to make any resolutions tbh i feel like it’s too much pressure 😭 BUT i do always tell myself that it’s a new year which means itll be full of new opportunities and generally try to be super optimistic for the year ahead !!
hope u have an amazing new year sel 💗💓💗
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futureseaempress · 1 year
u gotta understand hs is one of those staple problematic™ medias and peoples shock at others still into it is largely that. cuz theres so much blatantly obvious shit wrong with hs it is kind of astounding seeing new or current fans. a couple steps removed from being as embarrassing as being a south park fandom mfer
I think I get what you’re saying?? I’ve been into homestuck since 2012. I know it’s a staple problematic media. I raise you: what media ISN’T problematic. DREAMSMP is everywhere at cons rn.
Homestuck is egregious given that a lot of it is “dark humor” “edge lord” “shock value bait” but it’s goofy to me to react like it’s the worst thing that’s ever graced the internet.
also no need to tell the homestuck fan it’s embarrassing to like homestuck I ASSURE YOU I KNOW.
I don’t buy that ppl are genuinely shocked being scandalized by my enjoyment of a thing.
making the same old jokes, that are actually their only way to “be in” on the fact that we both enjoyed homestuck at some point. by saying “IN 2023????” or “OMG IS THAT KARKLES?? AT MOMO CON?” “YOU STILL LIKE HOMESTUCK?????” They’re giving me the short end of the stick. Like we both know what it is and recognize it. Clearly they wanna draw my attention to the fact that they *know* why make the same dead joke about it?
There are some ppl who are happy to see homestuck cosplay and I am SO grateful to them and every time they ask for a photo I happily pause and take it— but I can’t help but feel like a spectacle as the ONE person asks for a photo, says nothing else, and walks away giggling.
also I wrote the post this ask is referring to roughly a month ago but I queued it so it only posted like last week and tbh I couldn’t even remember what I complained about… but if u care about that part
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my OG post touched on this but what I was really talking about was that I was in a server for something else and there was a homestuck channel and I was excited to talk about the comic and things I enjoy and instead every day it was the same two people talking about what pissed them off or disappointed them with the games or the epilogues or hs^2 and their various productions and how much they wanted to play the new video games but weren’t sure they would ever be able to and the one time I was like “this is interesting” I got sent a VERY long blog post and the person wouldn’t engage with me any further than that. It felt very….. dismissive? Of me as an “actual fan” and when I would try and answer I’d ultimately get drowned out by them “knowing better” about these particular niches
After a while (probably two weeks) it started to feel like a vortex of negativity. Every time I opened the channel there were dozens of messages I couldn’t engage with. I thought I would be ousted as a fake fan if I talked about Davekat bc there’s almost a separate fandom dedicated to those two alone and I felt like enjoyment of any kind would be frowned upon so I ultimately left
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