#so glad to be done with those weeks even if there was fun stuff too I was getting way overstimulated and overwhelmed!!
diurnalcritters · 10 months
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Day 349
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cinnamoneve · 8 months
nepenthe \ nɪˈpɛnθi \ (n.) - anything inducing a pleasurable sensation of forgetfulness, especially of sorrow or trouble.
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❆ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: collegeau!gojo satoru x fem!reader ❆ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: parties at shoko's always gave you something to look forward to ❆ 𝐰𝐜: 3.1k ❆ 𝐚/𝐧: soft launching a college au ♡ let me know if you like it hehe ❆ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: suggestive. reader consumes (a lot) of alcohol ( do not do what reader does xox)
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“it’ll be soooo fun, honey, i think we should go”
satoru’s voice was saccharine and encouraging, not even hinting at his secret motive to get you out of the house and to shoko’s party.
it’s been a long week, you thought. there would be nothing worse, perhaps, than crowding into shoko’s apartment and losing to her and suguru in a round of beer pong.
you lazily looked up from your studies to satoru, who was sitting on your bed cuddling a stuffed animal he gave you some time ago. he met your gaze with a stupid smile of his. it wasn’t his words that convinced you, it was probably his dimples.
“fine. only for a little bit, satoru, i have some stuff to finish up for class”
“just say the word, baby”
you and satoru got ready for the party, with the same routine you always do. he suggests the same playlist he always plays, which is full of what he dubs ‘bad bitch music.’ something about being in a bad bitch mentality before you go out raises your confidence? you stopped listening at some point, between nicki minaj songs that he hums along to while you put your makeup on.
“don’t you look cute,” he teases.
“you’re drooling there, satoru”
“mmm, is it really that obvious?”
“do you think this outfit is too much, though?”
“i can fight”
“i don’t mean it like that, stupid,” you give him a playful smack on the side.
he hushes your giggles with a quick kiss, and you feel his smile against yours. you can’t help but snake your arms around his waist to pull him even closer.
“you look beautiful, love,” he hums, “c’mon, we’re gonna be late”
with a quick tap on your butt and a pinch in his side, the two of you leave your dorm and head to shoko’s.
seems like anyone you’ve ever interacted with was poured into her tiny apartment, and the music blaring from every direction made it impossible for greetings. you and satoru resorted to a quick wave to the guests you made eye contact with before wandering through the crowd to find shoko. 
satoru holds the small of your back to guide you through everyone, his tall stature being a beacon to find your host.
suguru finds you before that, though, giving your boyfriend a shove before greeting you with a warm embrace. he hands you a drink of unknown origin or contents with a smile before walking off. “let me know when you two want to get your asses handed to you at pong,” he yelled over the music.
“oh, fuck off, suguru,” your boyfriend laughed behind you, “go get next, so we can show you how it’s done”
satoru hurried you along as you sipped the drink suguru gave you, realizing it was a little too strong for your liking. but you thought a little harder about it, and concluded that getting drunk would do wonders for the stress building up in your system.
bottoms up, you thought, and you pounded it away before even reaching shoko.
and you’re glad you did, because she was incredibly wasted when you found her. she greets you and satoru with a big hug, blabbering about how excited she was to see you both and how much she loves you.
she hands you another drink of unknown origin and content, and you think nothing of it and drink it too. surrounded by those you love and trust the most, there was really no harm in doing it.
“let’s dance a little, hm?”
satoru pulls your hand this time towards the lump of people moving in tune to the music. there wasn’t a designated dance floor of any kind, but it’s almost instinctual for people to dance if given the opportunity. 
you take more sips of your drink to loosen you up a bit.
“i thought you hated dancing, satoru”
your boyfriend navigates through a myriad of moving, sweaty bodies before he twirls you around on his hand to face him properly.
“i do, but i know how much you love it,” he teased back.
you didn’t–at least not like this. only if you were drunk. it hits you when your feet start to move that you’re a little in over your head.
your body happened to move before your mind could catch up. god, when did you become such a lightweight? two drinks in and you’re dancing already?
satoru pulled you close, and then pushed you far, swaying and dancing in time to whatever rhythm the speakers were spitting out. you could barely keep up with him, but shit, you were having the time of your life.
he pulled you to his hips, lining you up away from him, grabbing your waist in his big hands as the two of you bumped and grinded. seems like the whole world managed to stop, or clear out even, as satoru pulled you closer to him. one of his hands got a little searchy, moving up and down your body as he buried his face into your neck.
god, this felt good. 
the alcohol only made it stronger. it felt like every inch of your skin was lined with nerves that satoru knew how to push just right, just the way you liked. it was electric, but in the best way possible. you felt his smile against your skin as he peppered kisses along your neck, still guiding your hips against his own with one of his hands to sway to the beat along with you.
you could stay like this forever, and you wished you could. 
you turned your head around to meet his lips halfway, which he gladly accommodated. careful not to move your body away from where it was, you quickly and sloppily reached up for satoru’s lips, eager to be closer to him in any way you could. “mmm, what’s gotten into you tonight, love?” satoru pulled away between breaths, not missing a beat to sway with. he dared not move his hand off your hip, but let the other rest comfortably on your jaw to support you more.
“i could say the same to you, loverboy”
satoru smiles the same shit-eating grin he frequently does, usually when he’s got you right where he wants you. in the moment, and with your clouded mind, you’re deluded to think that it’s the other way around.
“i think you’ve had too much to drink,” he mumbles.
“i think you don’t know what you’re talking about,”
you shut him up with another kiss, and satoru giggles into your mouth but doesn’t seem to stop you. he continues to grind into you and needily shove his tongue further and further into your mouth. your head fills with all kind of thoughts, murkily racing through all your options for what this man was making you feel.
“hey, lovebirds,” suguru’s voice booms above the music, snapping you and satoru out of your trance.
“hm?” satoru lazily asks back.
“are you two playing or what? table’s free,”
you peek behind satoru to see shoko and suguru standing by the beer pong table, both of them obviously incredibly drunk. suguru can hide it way better than shoko, but at this point you have a way of knowing.
“coming,” you shout back at him, laughing.
satoru pulls you in for one more kiss, hungry for any last tastes of you he can soak up before you re-enter reality. 
“let’s go kick their ass,” he says.
you barely hear him. it takes a moment to register, anyways, but by the time it does, satoru’s given you a smack on your butt and he’s leading you by the small of your back to the table.
shoko hands you another drink.
the drunker you are, the better you shoot, and you and satoru have the beer pong game of your lives, effectively dethroning shoko and suguru on the first go.
their attempts to throw you off fall flat, and satoru showers you in praise and affection with every ball sunk in the red solo cups.
the alcohol in your system, the adrenaline of winning, and praise from the man you loved the most–it all was too much. you reached a strange, comforting, yet familiar nirvana that made you feel on top of the world.
this euphoria, it was new, but it was peace. pure and utter peace.
something must’ve been contagious and in the air, because satoru couldn’t keep his hands off of you all night. pretty much since you left the house, he’s been glued to you in some way. holding your hand, attaching himself to your ass, holding the small of your back–he acted as if not touching you at all times would kill him instantly.
you all shook hands with one another, congratulating each other on a game well played. satoru and suguru cannot be civil about anything, so you and shoko laugh about something while the boys criticize the other to no end.
“whatever,” satoru shrugs, “i’m not taking this from second place,”
he turns to you quickly.
“do you want to get some fresh air?”
the room looked fuzzy, and it all started to feel like slow motion by the time you understood what he was saying.
he took your lack of response as a yes, knowing you better than you know yourself at times.
“running away from defending your title, satoru?” suguru’s laugh echoed in the small room to the two of you, as satoru shuffled you towards the back door.
satoru doesn’t turn around to yell back to his friend, “being a sore loser doesn’t look good on you~”
your feet moved before you could tell them to, being pushed by satoru to the chilly balcony attached to shoko’s apartment. 
you immediately sat on the floor of the balcony, while satoru leaned on the rails. it was cold enough that his breath was visible.
“you cold, babe?” 
satoru must’ve felt your eyes burning a hole into him, as he looked down to see you with your arms crossed on the ground.
you closed your eyes so the world would stop spinning.
“i’m okay,” you mumbled back. it was hard to form full sentences at this point, as you felt like you were talking before you were sure of what was gonna come out of your mouth.
you felt satoru sit next to you on the ground, placing his arm around you to bring you close to him. 
he doesn’t drink himself–hates it, actually, but satoru could never turn down a party. he was all for other people getting drunk, though, especially his sweet girlfriend who was notoriously bad at holding her alcohol.
you open your eyes to look at him, your vision still a little fuzzy. satoru seemed to have a glow about him when you drank. it took everything in you not to confess everything running through your mind at the moment. you weren’t sure if you wanted to fuck him, marry him, or fall asleep on this balcony in his arms. it was fair game for any of the three. you opted to stare at him instead.
he smiled, and his dimples made their appearance once again.
“why are you looking at me like that?”
“i love you”
he chuckled and stroked your shoulder to soothe you.
“i know, baby. i love you too”
you’ve been dating for a while. you’ve said those words more than you could count. something about how he said it now was so genuine, so honest, and so satoru. you were fit to burst.
it all made you shy. the best you could do was stare off the balcony and into the darkness of the night. you’d lost track of time, of your worries, of all the stress slowly accumulating in your system. 
satoru didn’t mind. 
he wasn’t one to break the silence, anyways. he continued to rub your shoulder, humming some tune that he was fixated on at the time.
you loved him. you loved him, you loved him. what comfort there was in loving someone who would do anything for you. who loved you back. who held you gently in his arms as you faded in and out of reality.
he would do it a million times over. anything you asked, one million times over. he was obsessed with you. obsessed with knowing you, with loving you, with sitting in silence with you for the rest of your days. he was ready to sit in silence through all stages of your lives together, holding you in his arms as he drew gentle circles on your arm. 
he’d be content with that. more than content, actually–maybe the luckiest man in the world.
“let’s blow this joint”
“mm?” you could barely keep your head up.
“ah, you’ve had a lot to drink, love, let’s get you home”
“okay~” you giggle back at him.
“can you hold on to me?”
satoru picks you up to your feet and holds onto you as you walk back inside. the two of you say your goodbyes, giving shoko and suguru two big hugs as you tell them how much you love them. the alcohol in your system had you in a grip to tell everyone how much they meant to you.
your sweet boyfriend was no exception. 
he held your hand on the walk home as you swung it back and forth with your stride. you couldn’t seem to take your eyes off of him.
“you’re so pretty, satoru”
it sounded like you were on the verge of tears, and he wasn’t sure whether to cry with you or laugh. the best he could do was entertain it.
“oh, thank you, love”
“i love you”
“i know you do, i love you too!”
“no way”
that one seemed to get him, and he muffled a laugh quickly.
“way. it’s crazy, right?”
you thought for a bit before responding.
“yeahh~ so crazy”
satoru could barely contain himself. he didn’t like to bring out this side of you when you drank, but you were so doting and honest, his ego always got the better of him. he couldn’t get enough of it. he didn’t think he’d ever get used to hearing that you loved him.
he hummed his tune, admiring the stars in the sky as you walked to your dorm. you joined in humming, off-beat and a little out of tune. if the universe were as kind as it had been to him so far, satoru hoped that you and him would be stars in the afterlife. he imagined you’d be next to one another, love forever stained in the infinite together. 
it was the type of love people named constellations after. and there was a certain beauty in that satoru couldn’t put his finger on. he wanted to soak it up as much as possible. 
satoru helped you back into your dorm, where he carefully got you both into your pajamas for the night.
“i love you, i love you,” was all you could say to him as he gently took off your makeup, washing your face after as he’d watch you do every night. 
he didn’t outwardly say he knew your routine, but all the nights spent admiring you doing it on your own had burned into his mind. anything you did he found himself memorizing, committing it all to his memory so he can love and know you more and more.
“i love you too, honey” was the only thing he could say back to you, each one breaking his resolve a little bit more each time. he couldn’t decide if he wanted to kiss you all over, laugh, or cry. he wasn’t usually this emotional, but his soft spot for you crumbled with every ‘i love you’ that you said like a prayer.
he cared for your hair, gently brushing it out and fastening it in a way it wouldn’t knot. he scooped you out of bed to carry you to the bathroom, sitting you on the counter to brush your teeth for you. 
“say ahh,” he giggled, and you could barely hold it together as you obeyed. your eyelids felt like sandbags, and you found yourself so content that you were slipping in and out of consciousness as satoru took care of you.
he placed you softly back in bed before grabbing water for you.
“i need you to drink this for me, baby”
you take big sips of the glass of water, the cool liquid soothing your nerves and the headache forming as the buzz wears off. 
“very good, i’m proud of you,”
“i love you, satoru, you’re so pretty” you haven’t opened your eyes for a while. you said this out into the ether, hoping they’d collide with him wherever he was.
“am i now? thank you, love," he giggled. you were so adorable, he could barely stand it. he moved his hands to cup your face, slowly stroking your cheek and moving up towards your hairline. 
it felt so good, you could feel yourself drifting off after only a few seconds of it all. 
“can we cuddle?” 
your voice was so quiet and mumbly that satoru could barely register it. he answered with a quick “mhm!” before shutting off the lights and hopping into bed with you. 
he pulled you onto his chest, drawing a long line up and down your spine and combing his finger through your hair.
“satoru, we should go to parties more often,”
“i told you it’d be fun,”
“i want to dance more,”
your eyes were closed, sleep present in your voice and demeanor. your face was smushed against his chest, making every word an effort to push out.
“we also have a beer pong title to defend”
satoru began to close his eyes as you adjusted to wrap your arms around his bare torso. he couldn’t be more comfortable if he tried.
“i love you, satoru”
he didn’t answer with his usual ‘i know,’ this time. instead, he found himself hanging onto every word, digesting each one before he answered. but his answer was the same as it always was.
“i love you too”
he wishes there was a phrase invented to describe it better. 
“love” is just scratching the surface. and in those moments between your matching confessions, satoru was digging for any way he could describe everything he wanted to say to you as swiftly as ‘i love you,’
he couldn’t find it, and he wasn’t sure if he ever would.
for now, he hoped you’d be patient with him as he looked. that you’d indulge him in thousands more ‘i love you’s’ so he could say it back every time, each one meaning more than the last.
but it was all too much for his brain to handle this late at night. 
he decided to opt for a forehead kiss to you, who already fell asleep, before falling asleep himself and hoping he’d get to spend more time with you in his dreams.
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all content © cinnamoneve 2023. do not repost, modify, steal, or copy without permission.
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teddynivvy · 1 month
omg i need more teacher!ted!!!!!
i can imagine him in the lil suit he was wearing in the barbie video oml hes so hot 😭
ok i'm glad y'all also imagined him in the barbie vid outfit bc that's exactly the vibe i was going for... and i have some hc's for teacher!ted hehe (also if anyone has specific requests lmk)
like i mentioned he's def one of those teachers where basically every girl in the class has a crush on him, because he has good banter and connects so well with his students
lets students have movie days when he's hungover on a monday lmao
"ok ok guys we actually have to get this done because the final's in three weeks"
when he does get serious or mad, the class listens because they don't wanna upset mr. nivison!!
"i love you guys i promise i just wanna make sure we actually get everything done"
lets people leave class early on Fridays so he can go home too, just as long as they don't make noise in the hallway
spends his free time in the teacher's lounge, feet up on another chair with his laptop in his lap and a to-go mug of coffee always full
is somehow always there before the other teachers every day
consistently has amazing test scores, even tho it seems like he slacks off
is def the teacher that everyone goes to if they're having problems with the class, or at home, or with anything. so he has an "open door" policy and doesn't mind if people spend time in his class while he works on other stuff
is def the type to organize all the cool field trips, like to museums and art galleries (and would def invite your class to tag along hehe)
usually spends his lunch hour duty talking to other teachers and barely pays attention to the kids
tries to sub for the drama class when he can! and everyone loves when he subs for that class because he makes it fun
"look, i'm not saying you should skip gym class, but if you hypothetically do, no i won't tell anyone"
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nerdieforpedro · 4 months
What He Deserves
Tim Rockford x female reader
My blog overall is Fanfiction is 18+ MDNI
Main Masterlist / Tim Rockford Masterlist
Word Count: 1.3k
Summary: Tim thinks about what went wrong in your relationship.
Warnings: Sad Tim, angst, body issues, domestic fluff
Notes: I'm trying to write shorter fics to try and get my juices going hopefully for other fics I'm supposed to be working on.
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Tim wonders what could have been had he just told you then. That you make him laugh, make him glad that the day’s finally done, that your hand is the one he wants to hold while watching Rocky III for the 50th time. He knows you hate it but you’ll watch it with him because he has you place your legs in his lap while his calloused hands run over your skin.
What should he have said? He wasn’t ready and he didn’t want to lose you. Despite being the gruff man he is, you’d brought out a soft side of him. Something he’d long forgotten since his children were grown and had their own lives. Tim ran his hands over his scalp as the water ran down his back. He had renovated the house for you, your own office, a large shower with dual sinks so you two could get ready in the morning together. He used to joke with you that maybe he should get a brightly colored bonnet too so that he could still see when the lights were off. You’d slap him on the shoulder.
Turning the water off and stepping out of the shower, he looked at himself through the steamy haze. He’s older, more gray than the chocolate brown he’d had. A bit rounder due to those dinners and lunches you’d make him before bed. Now he was back to take out. He’d never thought he would come to hate the stuff but he loathes it now. It means you’re not here with him. You’d put him on vegetable duty while you handled the meat and starches. The doctor said his numbers had never been better and he could stop taking two of his blood pressure pills.
Now what does he do? Who will he talk to at the end of the day? Hold at night? Have to make fun of him a little for his ties and shirts even though you’ll iron them and tie his tie for him in the morning.
He knows you’re at your sister’s place. It’s been a week. The longest fight you’d had. He should have just done the same thing when you asked him about smoothies that he never drank and that you didn’t either, “it’s something to think about.”
Rockford knows you likely weren’t even going to push for anything to happen this year or the next, you’re both in your mid-fourties’ so kids weren’t the issue. You’d just wanted to talk about tying the knot. Taking his name as you’d explained or hyphenating it. He thinks back to the night in question:
Tim’s reaction had been so visceral. “No we’re not. We don’t have to, didn’t we agree to that?!” The look on your face told him his mistake. He should have remained silent or just said he’d think about it. But three bad marriages and four kids from two different women colored him sour to the idea. He knew you’d never been married, that you loved him. You have for the five years you’ve been with him.
He has a rare day off today. He should go and use it to talk things out, explain why even though you’re aware of his past. Likely not about his feelings, most people would assume Tim Rockford would have moved on but he doesn’t. Not easily. It’s why it had taken him so long to ask you to dinner all those years ago. He’d still felt like a failure, a whole ‘three strikes you’re out’ deal. Life isn’t like that. You’re only out when you’re dead, which he’s not. 
In the car, Tim listens to instrumental blues, his feelings floating out of the window with the saxophone. He pulls in front of your sister’s home and sees you sitting on the porch, holding your niece. She’s six but still likes to be held sometimes. You see him and nod, standing and carrying her inside. He steps out and walks across the yard, asking to sit down. Graciously, you allow him to. Your sister peeps her head out and tosses him a dirty look and asks if you’re okay. You say you are and wave her away. 
“She still hates me, I see.”
“Well, she had gotten to the point of tolerating you but it’s back to hate.” Your eyes are red and puffy. Dark circles underneath them tell him what you won’t. He has the same eyes so he knows.
“Sweetheart. I’m sorry I reacted that way. I just…I should have listened.” Tim admits. He’s an excellent listener. You need to be able to interrogate and be a detective. He’d failed the other night though, completely.
“Thanks for coming, Tim. I didn’t mean to bring it up so suddenly. I just wondered if you’d thought about it at all. I guess not.” You turned away from him and looked over the yard, he doesn’t know what your eyes are looking for but he does see fear. You’re scared of what? He reached for your hand, touching it tentatively before grasping it after you didn't pull away. “Or maybe you never thought you would again. Because of the hurt and rejection.”
Your last word stings as his grip tightens slightly. That might be part of your fear, the rejection he gave you that night. He sighs, he can’t deny that it wasn’t, but he wants you to know. 
“I love you. I didn’t mean to reject you or the idea of us getting married. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I…” He pauses. He pondered why it stung so badly when you’d asked. “I wasn’t or rather I’m not sure if I deserve you being tethered to me for the rest of your days. I don’t feel like I’m deserving of that anymore. I’m thankful that you’re with me honey.”
Your eyes are wide and he’s trying to calculate how badly he’s messed up this time. He was honest but what he said did half sound like a break up and then begging. Where was he going with this? Did he even have a plan? You stood while holding his hand then shook it off. Tim thought you might stomp inside the house but you didn’t. You bent down and kissed his forehead and then his lips softly.
“For such a brilliant man, you’re an idiot Timothy Rockford.” His confusion led to a beaming smile from you. “I’m with you and want to marry you because I want to be tied to you Tim. I’m the happiest I’ve been. You deserve to have someone you love beside you as I do.”
Tim shoots up out of his chair and wraps his arms around you, squeezing you almost making you wince. “I’m sorry for being an idiot. I’m your idiot detective baby.” A swift kiss to your shoulder as you tell him you’re going to go inside and pack your bags.
The drive home had Jazz and some classic disco thrown in for you. Singing badly together as you pulled up in the driveway, Tim carried two of your bags as you held your purse. The house was just as you’d left it, minus the take out on the counter. You chuckled at the sight and told Tim you’d cook after putting your things away. He went upstairs to help you and assisted in cooking and putting the take out away. Laughter resumed in the once cold home.
“I think I should make you Mrs. Rockford sooner rather than later.” Tim cooed in your ear as he held you after dinner, rocking you slowly as his chin rested on your shoulder.
“Is that right? It can be small Tim. I’m not one for fuss and too many people. Really, I’d prefer a small wedding and then we spend a few weeks somewhere tropical.” Your hand ran through his graying locks, cut short as he preferred, you chuckled from his beard against your neck.
“Anything you want. I’m fine with it, I’ll have to fit into a tux.” He chuckled and you shook your head.
“You know you look damn good in a suit, Rockford.”
“You’re always right honey.”
Buttons on Tim's Tux: @alltheglitterandtheroar @sin-djarin @morallyinept @yorksgirl @secretelephanttattoo @bitchwitch1981 @heareball @lady-bess @megamindsecretlair @rhoorl @trulybetty @goodwithcheese @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @agentjackdaniels
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hebimoonlightwrites · 10 months
awww I really liked the writing about "✉️" of the event I would like to request that for nayuta and hajun with a reader fem! plss (๑'ᵕ'๑)⸝*
Writer’s corner: Hey!! I'm so glad you appreciated it! I hope you will forgive me for being late at answering your request, sweetheart! qwq Of course I can do one with our dear Nayuta and our sadistic prince Hajun! I hope you will like it and, if you don't, please, tell me what you'd like me to fix or change! ♥ Enjoy and have a fantastic summer~!
mc's pronouns: SHE/HER (FEM!reader)
Warnings: none, just sfw and cute stuff♥
☀️𝐍𝐚𝐲𝐮𝐭𝐚 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐇𝐚𝐣𝐮𝐧☀️𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐜
✉️: if they went on vacation, what kind of postcard they would send mc (R)
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☀️Nayuta felt a strange feeling inside when he realized he would have been away from his usual slum-apartment and especially from you. As he has always been kind of serious and dry towards people around him, he cannot really hide his anxiety and slight sadness to you. Just while you were helping him preparing his luggage, Nayuta was sitting on the futon, with his big eyes fixed on you. You could see his puppy eyes sparkling softly and his throat occasionally letting some deep sighs. "What's wrong,my sweet boo?", you smiled warmly at him while folding some of his t-shirts and putting them into his suitcase. He sighed again and looked away: "You really can't come with me..?", you heard his low voice almost hushed. What you could only do was to look at his cute figure and smiled warmly: "Don't worry, Nayu.. It's only for a week. You'll see how fun it will be! And.. you know, you're not alone! Your brother is coming with you." As you spoke he turned and looked at you: "I want you to accompany me."... Those words surprised you and made your cheeks go redder.
☀️After his words, you decided to reassure him and the following day you saw him and Kanata getting on the bus and disappearing behind the corner's street. You felt how anxious both looked, especially because they had never been away from their slum, nor away from the city itself. But you smiled at yourself. "They need it.. I hope they will have fun and relax while away.", you said to yourself. Of course you started missing both Nayuta and Kanata, but you could see how usual Nayuta sent you texts like random: "I love you", or "I miss you", or even.. "Here sucks without you." You couldn't help but chuckle at reading his random texts or seeing his random pics. He even sent you a pic while laying on the bed and Kanata snoring in the background. One day, though, something surprised you, as you received a postcard from Nayuta, your sweet boo:
"Y/n, sweetie.. It's the first time I try to send a postcard, so I hope I didn't miss anything up. Why did I send it even if I texted you online? I don't know... You know when you told me to have fun? Well.. even if I'm on vacation with my brother, and even if I have never been on vacation before, nor saw all these beautiful places outside my city, well... I cannot have fun if you're not beside me! I cannot help, but think about you all day and all night. Like.. What is she doing? What has she done today? Is she happy?.. I didn't believe in love before meeting you, but... now I do because I have you and only when you're beside me I can say to be truly and fully happy... It sounds too wholesome, maybe too much, but I don't care. I just can't wait to come back, only for you. I miss you. Nayuta."
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☀️When Hajun got that he had to go on a trip with BAE, he looked happy at first. But when he got that you wouldn't have gone with the three of them, he changed his expression to one of sadness. The idea of going on a trip and being away from you kind of made him sad and especially concerned. You would have stayed at their apartment while they were away and Hajun spent all the last days buying a lot of stuff for you, like your favourite snacks and meals. Even if sometimes sadistic, he really cares about his friends, and especially about you. "Darling, I've also bought some chips and snacks, in case you want to watch a movie at night..!". You smiled at him, happy to see how caring he was behaving. You could see a soft fear in his eyes, a fear that he was able to hide but you could still see. So you got the chance, when you both were alone and he was preparing his own luggage: "Hajun.. It will be a short vacation. I won't forget you", you said chuckling surprising him. As his eyes met yours, you could see how reassuring your words were to him. He hugged you tightly and whispered to your ear: "I love you..."
☀️The following day you waved at him, Allen and Anne as you could feel Allen's and Anne's excitement for the vacation. Hajun tried to keep his usual confident and prince-like behaviour, but his eyes kept following your figure, especially after getting on the bus. He waved at you smiling especially after seeing your lips moving to form the words: "I love you.". The following day you missed cuddling with Hajun, but you even laid and slept on his bed when you felt like missing him a lot. You even checked online if he even sent you any text. Of course he didn't, actually. But one day you received a postcard from him, with some pictures of him buying ice-creams and cute stuff with BAE:
"Darling, How are you doing, my love? I'm sorry for not texting you, but will you believe me if I tell you that Anne did a huge mess in the kitchen while trying to help me and Allen cooking? Also I didn't text you actually because I wanted you to miss me... Did I manage to get you all sad for missing me~? By the way I hope that you're safe and fine at home. We're doing great here, even if it's not the same without you and your adorable clumsiness.. I bought something for you. I'll give you once come back~ I miss you too, darling.♥ Hajun."
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jamisonwritestf2trash · 8 months
What sort of jobs do you think the mercs would have if they weren't, y'know, mercs?
What Would The TF2 Mercs Jobs Be If They Weren't Mercenaries?
Ough, I love this. It's a very cool suggestion, Anon. Thank you for asking! I've thought about this a couple of times, and I'm glad to get a chance to rant >:)
Demo would get into pyrotechnics for a while, (shocker I know, but bare with me) he'd find himself setting up fireworks shows, making fireworks, teaching safety courses and all that fun stuff, but I don't think he'd be fulfilled in the same way being a merc would. He'd find himself being bored with the monotony of it all, only doing it for the money. After a while of this he'd finally just say fuck it, and try and look for other work opportunities, found an animal shelter in desperate need of new hires, submitted his application, and with in two weeks had become absolutely enthralled with his new job. He finds out he loves working with animals! He makes friends with every animal in the shelter right away, and gets a good chunk of them adopted each year or so.
Engie would have most likely gone on to become a very successful engineer. Shocker, I know. He would have probably specialized in biomedical engineering. I think he'd go in with no particular job in mind, but then would be introduced into the idea of building prosthetics and become a prosthetist. He likes being able to help people with his creations. (MINI HEACANON / STORY) The first time he ever made a prosthetic was for a little kid who lost his leg due to a car crash. He was super traumatized from the accident and refused to let anyone near him, Engie spent about a year working with the kid to, one be able to measure and fit him for his prosthetic, and two, to just make the kid smile and make him less scared. When the job was done the kid was so happy, grinning ear to ear, he hugged Engie and was literally crying out of joy, that's when Engie knew he loved his job 😭
Heavy has a doctorate in Russian literature, so I'd assume he'd go into the teaching field with that as his specialty. He'd find a university in need of a professor and work with students to help them better themselves. He just likes being able to share his experiences and perspective with those who want to learn. Very much a "Tuesday's With Morrie" type of teacher. Will literally do anything for his students by the way. He love each year he spends teaching, also loves hearing from his students after they graduate. Really just wants to make an impact on peoples lives anyway he can. He'd probably end up being a writer if he couldn't go into teaching for some reason. He'd write fiction mainly, maybe some life experiences too, for the same reasons above.
Medic would have found a way to get his medical license back, legally or illegally (most likely the latter). And went on to continue practicing medicine, most likely in a country with more lax laws on human experimentation. If that failed, the local morgue is always hiring graveyard shifts, and when no one really cares too much about what happens to the corpses, Medic would find ways to keep himself very entertained. I also think he could be content working as a librarian! I don't know, like the gap between librarian and doctor is huge but I can just imagine him and Archimedes running a little library together, (Kind of like uh Blue and Linda from Rio, I'm really pulling out random media this prompt, 😭) I just feel like even though he's batshit insane nine times out of ten he can still enjoy a quiet, peaceful life if he wanted too. Probably still does a bit medical stuff on the side though, you just can't stop him.
Scout is another case of me being unsurprising. He'd be a baseball star. It's really a toss-up on whether he gets super famous or just enjoys quiet success. If he's super famous you bet he's signing contracts for advertisements and other things you'd expect multimillionaires to be doing (He'd also be so thrilled to be a multimillionaire he'd be giving his mom her dream life) and just generally enjoying the fame. If he didn't make it into the big leagues, he'd still be successful in minor leagues. I'll even go as far as to say that even if he didn't make it big or even semi big, he'd become a coach little league/ high school /college and love it. Honestly, he would cry if one of the kids he coached went pro one day. (Maybe a Twitch streamer would also fit, but that's silly, right?)
Sniper has always been into wildlife photography. He absolutely loves animals. He's naturally good at photography. I think him having good aim and a steady hand are a mix of a natural talent and years of training. His years of training would have just gone into photography instead of, you know. He gets very good very quickly, takes pictures you'd see hung up as decoration pieces, and definitely had a fair share of curious animals wandering up to him to check out his work. For a guy who loves animals, he's living the dream. Haz had a few less than steller run-ins during his time, but generally appreciates being able to enjoy nature and animals as part of his job.
Spy being an actor would come naturally for him. He's great at switching his style, mood, character, etc. So he'd naturally be interested in a job where that skill would be valuable, then he finds out about how much money he can make off of acting and just goes straight in. I think he would end up being a really popular actor, people liking him in almost any role he plays, and would generally have little to no hater or bad press. He loves going over every new script and building up his character in his mind, then giving them a place off the page. He also loves going to fancy parties, so... Also, the first time he got a bad/negative review or comment on his acting, he cried lmao.
Soldier would so be a historian. Like, hands down, only job I think he could have outside of being a merc. He can rant for hours about American history and knows so much about other countries too due to their involvement with America and a general curiosity, that he'd be a perfect to teach about history in museums, classrooms, or even just uploading videos online. Just put someone who needs to learn about history of any kind in front of him, and they'll learn more in the time with him than they ever have. Also! I'm not sure what these people are called, and I'm way too tired to look it up, but I think that Soldier would help new immigrants with leaning English and with getting their citizenship. Solider would also help refugees. Also also, he'd hold support groups for veterans.
Pyro is normally headcanoned as a fire fighter or ex-fire fighter I'm pretty sure, but I think it's easy to forget that while Pyro likes fire, they like making firsvl, you know what else they like? Making art! So naturally, being a glassblower would be a great fit for Pyro. They love the job! The molten glass is mesmerizing to them. The artistic freedom is liberating. It's all just so great to them. They make a lot of flame themed pieces that and animal themed pieces. They mainly do pieces and sell them at markets instead of taking commissions for them. They're super happy with this life and have multiple pieces of their work displayed in their home. They sometimes get this feeling of missing something, like a vague memory, but they just continue to make new art to fix that, but oddly enough, they end up reminding them more of those distant memories. I wonder what that's about.
I swore I'd get this out today, and I held myself to that, even though I almost passed out. (Not me posting this 5 minutes to midnight lmao) I only had three paragraphs left, and I was not giving up on them. I swear I'm trying to get better at consistency 😭
Anyways enough of that, I hope you enjoyed this! I had fun writing it. Trying to come up with different jobs for them is both really fun and oddly difficult. Anyways! The schedule for new posts will hopefully go as follows:
Mercs favorite books
Medic and Creepypasta
How the Mercs would react to a close teammates death
(Then any asks that come in would follow!)
So yeah! Busy weekend, but I'm not complaining:D
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coffeemakerwriter · 2 months
Yes saw your post about wanting something to write. Thought I'd drop an idea that's been living in my head rent free for a while. So picture this. The team is at the bar before having a briefing with another team in the morning. And they run into a group at there usual table and using there pool table and soap decides to just join them and they have fun or mostly just the reader and ghost getting on cus they were both dragged there and there both more quiet a broody so they sit in the corner but the reader is really really good a pool so they smoke the group wins a bet and ghost buys them a drink.
It's been living in my head for a bit so run with it and have fun.
Also love some of the stuff you've done <3
Running to write this anon thank you 🙏 I’ve never written x reader before though! So bare with me :) and thank you!! I’m glad you like it :D this isn’t that good sinxe I’ve never written x reader before but I hope you like it!!
No gender specified for reader!
The Pool bet
You hated this. Loud music and voices that just grated in your ears and drunk idiots who couldn’t keep their hands to themselves. You hated bars and of course the Captain had to choose this for a hangout of all places. Price just loved making your life miserable. Worst of all? Ghost had to go too, meaning he’d be just as miserable.
You stepped into the bar, looking around at the various tables filled with people, before spotting the team pushed into a larger booth towards the back of the bar, you can make out Soap talking with someone from a group that the team was sat with, making excited and expressive gestures with his hands as he speaks, the others were engaging in the conversation just as expressively, drinks scattered around the table, some empty and stacked up and others full of various drinks.
Stepping closer you slip into the booth beside Ghost, kicking his ankle under the table to get his attention, he tilts his head to look at you, his eyes crinkling slightly underneath one of those black disposable masks he has so many of.
“Having fun yet?” You ask quietly, huffing a short laugh at Soap’s voice becoming more loud and excited.
He snorts in response, shaking his head softly. “You mean hearing Johnny talk about the charges he got recently for the 20th time in the last week? Yeah, having the most fun I’ve had in years.”
“I’m scared for the day he finally convinces Price to let him place in the order for them next time.”
He shakes his head, his arms crossed across his chest loosely, his arms bulging from underneath the black long sleeves of his shirt. “Think price would sooner retire than let him do that.”
You go to respond before getting interrupted.
“Ye’re here!” Johnny interrupts, his voice excited and slurred, he’s partly leaned over the table to look at you, a grin stretching across his face.
“Been here for about ten minutes Soap.” You huff, a grin mirroring your own face at his lack of awareness.
“Ye’ but you’ve been hidin’ behind that big brute the entire time aye?” He retorts quickly, pointing at Ghost.
“Mm- maybe I have, maybe you’re just blind.” you shrug in response.
He makes a sound of sorts, he opens his mouth to say something in childish retaliation but pauses instead, thinking. “Make a bet wi’ me.”
“Make a bet wi’ me. First one to lose at pool has to pay for the next round.”
You pause to think about it, Soaps about as drunk as drunk can get and I mean, you’re completely sober. There’s no way you couldn’t win this.
Ghost tilts his head down closer to your ear, his voice a low, gravelly mumble. “Don’t think you could lose this one if you even tried.”
You lean your head back against the seat of the booth, thinking about his words for a second. “I kinda hate that you're right. Kinda feel bad takin’ advantage of the fact he’s drunk and knowing he’d lose”
Ghost shrugged. “He’s the one making the bet. Besides, he needs to be knocked down a peg or too.”
“And you don’t?”
“Watch it Sergant.” He grunts, his eyes are crinkled again, you know he finds this funny.
“Yes sir.” You huff a laugh before looking back at Soap. “Fine. But don’t whine and bitch when you lose.”
Soap’s grin widens. “Fuck yeah!” He lets out a whoop, the others around the table let out various laughs and words of excitement.
You slide up out of the booth, standing up and moving back a bit so Ghost and the others can slide out too, Soap quickly moves to lead you and the rest of the group to a pool table, which had a few other people around it, price and Gaz stood around it, holding a pole in their hands.
Price gave a nod, a drink in his available hand “Sergeant. Good to see you.” He smiled, he knew you hated this.
“Good to see you too capitan.”
“Take it, you're having fun?”
You scoffed, watching the others wrap up the game so you could finally get the bet over with. “The most fun I’ve had in years, captain.” Quoting Ghost’s words from earlier.
He gave a slight chuckle, shaking his head.
Gaz butted in, a grin on his face as he moved to stand next to his captain. “Come on, it's not that bad, yeah?”
“This place sucks.” You reach for a pole leaning against the pool table, watching as one of the strangers from the group set up the balls in the rack, watching as they remove it and place it on a table nearby.
Gaz gives a firm pat to your shoulder, “have fun losing” he steps back, leaning on the pole in his hand.
“Eat shit and die Garrick” you quipped
“Alright you two enough.” Ghost interrupted, his arms crossed tightly, leaning against a pillar by the pool table. “Are you two gonna argue all night or are you gonna get this bet over with?”
“We are just takin’ the piss Ghost.” Gaz shrugged.
Soap walks towards the pool table, the pole in one of his hands. “First one to get the 8 ball in the hole loses, that sound alright to ya?”
You nod and step back for him to have the first go.
Soap goes over and leans on the table, one knee resting on the edge, adjusting the position he pulling the pole back with one arm he pushes it forward between his fingers, the ball resting a few inches from the pole makes contact, hitting against the others and sending them clattering and rolling over the table, only a few going into the hole.
When he steps back you step forward shaking your head. “Always gotta be extra dont you?”
He shrugs, resting his hands on the pole, a shit eating grin on his face.
You lean over the table, lining up the pole to the red ball, pulling back the pole with one arm you push it forward quickly, sending the red ball rolling towards a blue one, ricocheting off the red it hits against the black sending it against the side before coming to a stop, the blue one dropping into one of the pockets.
Soap steps forward again, positioning the pole towards a yellow ball and pulls it back before hitting it harshly, sending it rolling against 2 different balls, watching them bang against the table, one hits against the black 8 ball, causing it to roll back away from the wall. But one doesn’t go into the hole.
You roll your eyes as he flashes another cheeky grin and steps back, pulling back your pole again to line it up with a green one, hitting it into the ball it rolls into another, sending an orange one clattering into a pocket.
In response he huffs and jerks back the pole, lining it up with a purple and white one he hits it, the ball making a loud clang as it makes harsh contact, sending it barreling towards a wall on the table before bouncing back, hitting straight into the black 8, causing it to barrel right into a pocket.
He lost.
“LETS FUCKING GO!” You shout your arms up, doing a little victory spin as you grin.
Soap groans, throwing his head back as he leans the pole against the pool table. “Ye’ gotta be fuckin’ kidding me.”
“Drinks are on you.” You set the pole against the pool table as well, stepping back.
Soap peels off to talk to a waitress for another round, groaning the whole way there.
Turning away, you start heading to the bar, not having much interest in interacting with the large and most definitely drunk strangers soap had somehow befriended, most likely with Gaz's help.
Sitting down, you hear footsteps follow not far behind, it doesn’t take you long to realize it’s Ghost’s heavy black boots making the thudding sound as he slides onto a stool beside you.
“You did good.” he mumbles.
“Oh? Is that praise I hear?” You tease, praise from the Ghost? Now that’s practically unheard of.
He shakes his head, snorting. He flags down the bartender, ordering drinks.
“Snarky one aren’t you?”
You shrug. “Maybe.”
The bartender places down two drinks, walking away to entertain other customers.
Ghost grabs one of the drinks, passing it to you.
Taking the drink from Ghost’s hand you huff shaking your head. “Mm.. thought the round was on Soap.”
“Figured I’d buy you one myself as a congratulations.”
He sits on the bar stool next yours, resting his cheek on his fist.
“You drink tequila then?” Swirling the straw in the glass, you tilt your head.
You snort, that makes sense. “Course you do.”
His eyes crinkle under the mask again.
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spider-jaysart · 6 months
Headcanon meme
Jon Kent
- sad headcanon (don’t have the emoji for it)
- happy headcanon (don’t have the emoji for it)
☠️- angry/violent headcanon
❤️ -family headcanon
☮️- friendship headcanon
♦️- quirks/hobbies headcanon
☯️- likes/dislikes headcanon
Sad Headcanon:
After a very rough mission for the Superfam, which involved Kryptonite, Krypto was severely injured and had a bunch of Kryptonite shards stabbed into his back, arms, and legs. The poor dog had to get medical help asap. Jon cried so hard about it, thinking he was going to lose him. He felt like it was all his fault for not protecting him well enough too, since he was the one who was actually with Krypto during his part of the mission.
Clark and everyone else tried to comfort him though and told him he's not the one to blame for any of this, especially since he was also pretty injured too by some of the Kryptonite bullets that were shot by enemies. Jon retorted that it wasn't as bad as Krypto's injuries though, so he should've been stronger for him, but later tried to understand that he's not at fault after some more comforting from the Superfam. Hours went by as Krypto was still being aided, and he was still asleep after all of it was done, so everyone decided that while he was healing, they would come back later in the morning to check up on him again.
At the Kent house, while everyone was already asleep during the late night, Jon couldn't fall asleep at all, so he sneakily went to go see Krypto and layed down next to the sleeping dog, cuddled him, and fell out like that. The rest of the Superfam came back to check up on Krypto like they had planned and saw the adorable sight of them both, along with a happy surprise as well. Jon soon woke up to Krypto giving him doggy kisses on the face and was instantly over joyed to see that the Super dog was finally awake and in a happy mood like usual too.
Jon gave him the biggest loving hug that he could and laughed with bright happiness in him. The rest of the Superfamily even joined in on it too, creating a wholesome family hug between them all. Jon, including everyone else, were so glad to see that their wonderful dog was doing okay again.
Happy headcanon:
One time, during the summer, Jon was going to a weekly science class for fun by himself, but Chris could see that he would've liked it if he had company with him, so he decided to join him. He felt it would be another great way for them to spend time with eachother and thought it would be pretty cool to learn some things about science too. Jon was very happy with this news once he brought it up to him and was very excited that he was gonna be able to share one of his biggest interests with someone. The classes were for five weeks and they both ended up having a lot of fun there together. Chris learned a lot of interesting stuff from Jon and that class and Jon got to enjoy everything so much more than he thoight he would. This bonding time of theirs was one of the greatest ones they've had together as siblings.
Angry/violent headcanon:
After hitting puberty at the early age of 15, Jon didn't expect for it all to be so much more difficult than what the normal experience is for humans. Both of his ears would literally turn into the color blue, making him have to usually wear headphones to cover them up while in public or wear a beanie over them during school time, he would get very itchy underneath both his feet and under arms all the time and would look strange in front of others who aren't his family and friends whenever he repeatedly kept having to try to scratch those areas. He would also grow little pink hairs on his neck as well that would shed off, grow, shed off and repeat, so he had to sometimes wear one of Lois' scarf to hide it. He would always get so angry and fustrated having to deal with all of these super strange and annoying symptoms of Kryptonian puberty and hated the fact that he couldn't even really do much about them either
The only thing that he got similar to human puberty were zits, which would sometimes unexpectedly pop up in the most obvious places on his face, his forehead, chin and cheeks, except they would be slightly bigger than normal small ones.
One time, after getting too many mean comments from bullies for a week at school, he decided to just be brave and pop them. Kara thankfully caught him though and stopped him before he could even do anything. She told him popping Kryptonian zits is the last thing he would want to do since the puss would actually just explode all over the room and create a big gross mess for him to clean up, which would only just make things worse. It's something she had to learn the hard way when she was a teen herself after only popping just one in her bathroom.
She did know a way to calm them down though, and that was with an old Kryptonian recipe that she was taught as a kid. She tried her best to find similar enough ingredients to recreate it again and made it for Jon. He loved the taste of it, which Kara was glad to hear and she even decided to have a plate with him too because of how delicious it is
As he was enjoying the special homemade meal with Kara, the rest of Superfam came into the room and joined them. After getting comfortable, each of them later talked with Jon about their own past experiences back when they had to deal with Kryptonian puberty before too, having lots of laughs about it together. Even Lois, despite her being human, also brought up the old embarrassing moments she had to go through as a young girl as well during puberty.
After hours of chatting together, Jon's zits became smaller like how Kara promised they would after having the meal, which made Jon even happier. Jon began to feel much more better than before about everything that had been happening to him lately and was glad that his family spent time with him that day, sharing their own humiliating stories to help him cope.
The only good thing about all of this, besides that comforting day from his family, was that these crazy affects didn't last too very long for him, only for three months and then he was able to feel normal and a lot more like himself again.
Family headcanon:
When they were a little older (around junior high age), Chris went through a really bad break up with some girl from school over the phone one time and it had ended with a big argument between them (one that was started by her). He was left crying alone in his room after it happened. Jon had heard and saw everything and went to go comfort him. He told his older brother that the girl he was going out with was pretty toxic anyways and that he should realize he deserves better. Chris agreed with him on that, but still couldn't stop thinking about everything since it was still very distressing for him.
So Jon decided to make it a brothers hang out night just for them both, so that Chris can forget about his ex. Jon made big bowls of ice cream sundaes for them both to enjoy, put a few of their favorite movies on to watch together while sitting on Chris' bed and talking about a bunch of their favorite stuff, played some video games with eachother after that and laughed loudly with one another through it all, and later fell asleep hugging eachother.
Lois and Clark saw them both asleep like this, feeling proud of their youngest for being such a good brother to Chris during a hard time like this, and pulled the covers over them to keep warm, kissing them both goodnight on the forehead.
Friendship headcanon:
One time while hanging out and having a sleepover in Kathy's tree house with her, Maya, and Damian, Jon and them were having fun making many art crafts with a bunch of art supplies they had in a bucket. Their worked on peices ended up getting stolen though by a raccoon who just jumped in and left. They chased after the animal together but ended up getting unexpectedly stink sprayed at. Kathy, who was pretty upsetted by this, used her telekinesis to just yank their stuff out of the grip he had on them with his mouth and he ran away. They all went up to the Kent house to get cleaned up and Lois couldn't believe what a complete mess they looked like once she opened the door to them, seeing all four of the kiddos with little branches sticking out all over their hairs, dirt stains on each of their clothes, and then the yucky strong smell that followed them too. She quickly told Clark to bring all of the tomato sauce they had and let the kids take their separate baths. It took a while, but they successfully got all cleaned up in the end and were able to have a laugh with eachother about the crazy situation while sleeping in Jon's room for the night. It's a hilarious memory that none of them forget.
Quirks/hobbies headcanon:
Bites his nails a lot, always brushes his bangs or other parts of his curly hair out of his face a lot and puts it behind his ears, uses a lot of emojis or emoticons to express himself through text more and whenever he doesn't do it, it's easy for his brothers and friends to tell that something is actually wrong with him. He also mixes his meals with other kinds of foods a lot, which most times creates very weird combinations, but he enjoys them since his Kryptonian taste buds actually tastes things differently compared to a humans
Likes/Dislikes headcanon:
Science, playing video games with others instead of just by himself all the time (can either be by playing in multiplayer or just having someone by his side to enjoy it with), loves Sunflowers, playing in the farm with his brothers and Krypto, doodling silly stuff in his notebook during class sometimes, talking to Kathy about boys since its fun lol, painting his nails sometimes, being around family and friends, Spider-Man, building Lego sets, especially with his brothers or friends.
Whenever Kon double dips in sauces that they're supposed to be sharing whenever they're eating out together, since it grosses him out (Kon usually does this on purpose cause he knows that Jon wouldn't want it after that), hates writing, watching scary movies, retying his sneakers again, so he always leaves the shoelaces tied when taking them off and just slips his feet out instead and pushes them back on when going out again.
Thanks for the asks!!! :D
Here's a Jon doodle as a part of the ask too btw since I think it's really cute!
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AITA for potentially putting a loved one between me and my client, who is their friend? (Gonna keep stuff vague aside from some details about myself since I'm actually kinda intimidated by this client) This is a wacky one, I'm still reeling from it. I (26m) am a freelance illustrator and approached someone for work after hearing that they were looking for artists to help them with a project. We discussed things and everything was good at the start. I did a couple orders, payments were fine and it all seemed gucci. Now, I fumbled communicating one or two times and that got resolved (or so I thought) and I explained several times that I'm a huge perfectionist when it comes to hired work. I also knew that they were busy and had a couple medical issues so I kinda stopped contacting them because if it were me, I really wouldn't want to deal with 'HI SO ABOUT THOSE ORDERS' when I'm in misery and pain and have appointments with specialists but I guess that's just me because only after they FINALLY got back to me with some work (work that was never on my commission sheet and so , I said no and explained that right now I don't feel comfortable with that level of complexity) things went south and I was told I was basically being fired. For those who want some extra context, the offer I got was a similar type of art I had done ONCE before for the same person but only because I offered and only because they 'desperately' needed someone. The piece took me a week and I voiced that I was glad to be done with it, fun as it was, because I was originally hired for character art, smaller stuff, not big illustrations. (There was also some real life bullshit happening like dealing with shitty social workers, falling off my bike, nearly slipping into a depression as the heat made my european ass VERY uncomfortable and have no AC so I couldn't get much done at all. There's more but you get the idea. I let them know of most of the heavy stuff but I guess it didn't matter in the end)
When I was told that 'we should stop cooperating' it wasn't just a single sentence, it was an entire paragraph basically outlining every single mistake and flaw they could see in me, accusing me of wanting to work on 'equally complex' work instead (in other words accusing me of lying about the work they wanted from me being too complex for me at the moment) and that I hadn't properly communicated *anything* when I very clearly did and could easily go back and pull up those DMs. I defended myself with a paragraph of my own, debunking the assumptions and accusations but was met with a fresh paragraph that was even longer and read like a court document. I'm not kidding, this person used bulletpoints and titles that were bolded to further outline how I was wrong and how I was a shitty person to work with. This is where I cut them off, told them I felt misunderstood as hell, wished them well and removed them from Discord as well as blocked them on most other platforms. This person however, is a friend of someone I'm close with. I'm now paranoid that, although this loved one is agreeing with me on most things, they're now going to be caught in the middle of this and now I'm just analyzing the whole shitstorm, trying to see if I was, at any point, just a huge asshole. So tell me, AITA for waiting instead of contacting my client and 'showing initiative? Was I an asshole for cutting them off like that? Did I potentially screw over someone I care about because they're friends with this client and will no doubt hear about it from another perspective?
What are these acronyms?
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pukanavis · 9 days
Toi Shiramitsu SSR Card Story 「Electrifying Fan Time」 Part 1
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Location: HAMA House
Momiji: (That shopping trip was great. I was able to buy what I was looking for without any problems. What a nice day off this has been~)
I’m ba–
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Momiji: (Toi-kun collapsed!?)
Toi: Ah…Chief…san…
Momiji: Are you okay? Did you have an accident!?
Toi: C-Chi-sama…
Momiji: Huh?
Toi: When I said goodbye to Chii-sama…he said he’d bring me back a gift…!
He even…winked at me…aahh.
Momiji: (Oh, it’s a false alarm.)
Toi: I’ve made up my mind. There was never any reason for me to think twice about it.
At the mini-live to celebrate Chii-sama’s release from prison next week, not only will I buy a new light stick, but I'm going to make a brand-new fan too!
Momiji: That reminds me, isn’t a lot of the merchandise you own handmade?
Maybe I could try making something to cheer Yuki-nii on at his competition next week…
Toi: Say…if you’d like, we could make fans together in my room?
Momiji: Are you sure?
Toi: Of course. I bet Yukikaze-san would love to see you supporting him.
Momiji: Thank you…alright, I’ll put away my things and then join you in your room. I won’t be long!
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Momiji: I’m here…oh, where are the other two?
Toi: Ani-sama and Netaro-san have been out spending time together since this morning.
Momiji: (Together…that sounds a little concerning but it should be under control as long as Ryui-kun is there…)
Toi: Shall we get started then? I have plenty of fan colours to choose from so pick whichever one you like.
Momiji: There’s so many options that it’s hard to choose…I'll go with light blue to match Yuki-nii.
We’ll be decorating these, right?
Toi: Yeah! I’ve printed out a bunch of letter templates so use whatever ones you want.
I even have the kanjis for ‘yuki’ and ‘kaze’.
Momiji: Oh, perfect, I’ll use those ones. Thank you.
Toi: Help yourself! The scissors and glue are over here.
Momiji: What’re you going to put on your fan, Toi-kun?
Toi: I want to try out something different so I’m having a hard time deciding…I even ended up staying awake ‘till pretty late thinking about it last night.
Chief-san, do you think I should go with the sparkly stickers or the matte ones?
[Option 1]: How about the sparkly ones?
Momiji: How about the sparkly ones? Chihiro-kun likes that kind of stuff, right?  Toi: Yeah, something metallic and sparkly suits Chii-sama’s radiance, don’t you think? It’s amazing how well you understand Chii-sama, Chief-san! Sparkles it is then!
[Option 2]: A matte look would be nice too.
Momiji: Sparkles might be more fitting but a matte look would be nice too, right? I mean, sometimes Chihiro-kun makes mature expressions while he’s dancing, doesn’t he? Why don’t you try to represent that side of him? Toi: Mature…Chii-sama… AAAAAAH, wait, wait, if he ever looked at me like that, not even 100 hearts would be enough to keep me alive. Aah, seriously, he’s so perfect it’s gonna make my brain fry!! Momiji: C-Calm down, Toi-kun! Toi: Huff, huff, sorry, I didn’t mean to get so excited… But I’ve never thought of that before! I’ll try making something more refined this time!
Toi: …Ehehe, consulting with each other while we make our fans is a lot of fun.
Momiji: I’m glad you think so but…what about Ryui-kun? I’m sure he’d be happy to give his advice on anything you wanted. 
Toi: That’s true, it’s just—
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Ryu: This is the greatest fan I’ve ever seen, Toi. It’s a national treasure.
Toi: —He always praises me.
Momiji: I see, so it’s not the kind of consulting where you exchange opinions…
(Even so, Toi-kun’s smile when he imagines Ryui-kun is filled with love…)
Toi: Aaand…done!
Momiji: Your fan looks great! I better put extra effort into mine too…!
Toi: Take your time, don’t rush yourself. I’m here to cheer you on, Chief-san!
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Momiji: Phew…I finally got the tinsel attached.
I’m done too, Toi-ku…oh.
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Toi: Zzz…zzz…
Momiji: (That’s right, he said he was up all night deliberating yesterday.)
Toi: Zzz…ani-sama…chii…sama…fufufu.
Momiji: (He looks adorable when he’s sleeping…I wonder what he’s dreaming about?)
(I’ll put a blanket over him so that he doesn’t catch a cold. Let’s see…)
(Oh, there’s one. I’ll borrow this and—)
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Momiji: Toi…kun?
Part 1 | Part 2
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johaerys-writes · 8 months
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Ch. 15: Like In The Movies
Read on AO3 | Read from the beginning
Patroclus gazes out of the window, getting lost in the approaching dusk as the Maths teacher drones endlessly in her level, monotonous voice. The clouds close to the skyline are starting to darken, their undersides soft and fluffy and tinted a warm pink, while time crawls at a snail’s pace towards the end of lesson.
He’s been having a lot more of them since the start of the school year. It’s the final year of high school, only a month until the Panhellenic exams, and prep has never been more intense. He often finds himself studying well into the small hours of the morning; he has even started taking drawing lessons, two hours every Saturday morning before going back to cram school for revisions and mock tests. The drawing class was Achilles' idea; he'd insisted they should both apply for the Athens School of Architecture, and had pestered Patroclus about it until he finally agreed. 
"Just think of how cool it will be if we both end up in the same school together," Achilles had said with a grin, and Patroclus had found it impossible to resist the fantasy, no matter how unlikely he finds it. The School of Architecture has the highest entry requirements of almost all technical schools, and while that isn’t a problem for Achilles — ever since he took school seriously and started studying, his grades have soared well above most other students in their grade — Patroclus has been struggling a little with Physics and his architectural design assignments of late. He has never been quite as drawn to it, besides; Achilles can devour several books on the subject in the span of a weekend, and even though Patroclus is always glad to hear Achilles prattle on about differents waves and styles at the drop of a hat, he just doesn’t think he’s cut out for it. 
Patroclus hides his yawn behind the back of his hand. It’s only a few minutes until the clock strikes seven, but he swears he could sleep with his eyes open. Not that there’s rest waiting for him when he’s done. He still has to study for the Maths test on Saturday, and work on his translation of an excerpt from Plato’s Symposium for the Ancient Greek elective course he took for extra credit, the one that Achilles had found particularly disappointing. 
“School would never teach us the good stuff,” he’d complained the previous day after reading through the given text and finding it void of all his favourite passages. He had found a dusty copy of the full work in Peleus’s library the summer before, and had read it aloud cover to cover while Patroclus did his push ups or his stretches at the shed. He had been delighted with Alcibiades’ and Agathon’s rivalry over Socrates, and the fact that they both flirted with him so shamelessly in front of all those other great men. He had talked about it incessantly for weeks.   
“All those ancient dudes we read about in class were gay, you know,” Achilles said with a wink. 
“That’s not how I’d put it,” Patroclus said, grateful there was no one within earshot. “That’s not how they’d put it either. It was mostly a thing in Athens, as far as we know, and even then there were rules regarding the age and social position of the erastes and the eromenos , and—” Achilles dismissed his rather technical remark with a wave of his hand. 
“That’s just the fine print. You know I’m right.” Achilles’ eyes gleamed with the thrill of a challenge. “If we lived in ancient Greece, we’d be making out all the time. Boys our age were sort of expected to. For practice, or bonding. Or just for fun.” 
“For fun, huh,” Patroclus murmured with an uneasy laugh. He had a feeling Achilles was making all of this up, but didn’t have the heart to point it out. And then Achilles grinned his feral grin, the one Patroclus knows too well, and it was all over for him. 
One moment Patroclus was by the edge of the creek, a pebble in his hand waiting to be tossed across the water, and the next he was being kissed, his back pressed to the trunk of the ancient willow tree. Achilles’ lips were soft and sticky-sweet from the apple he’d had a moment before, and the quiet moan he let out when Patroclus’ mouth parted beneath his was at once electrifying and achingly familiar. 
They’ve been doing this more often of late: surprise kisses when they’re alone, fleeting touches when they're not. No words have been spoken about it, but they’ve both been careful not to do it where others can see— at least Patroclus has. He is keenly aware of his surroundings for the most part, but there’s this strange rush that comes with what they're doing that makes him feel reckless and bold. That makes him feel as if there are no barriers between them; as if what he truly wants is only slightly out of reach, and if he were to reach for it in earnest, he can have it. 
It scares him. More than being caught or seen, more than the rumours that might spread, it scares him to think that Achilles might feel the same. 
“It’s for practice,” Patroclus had murmured into their kiss, “right?” 
“Sure,” Achilles had hummed noncommittally, as if he'd barely heard him; and then his fingers were in Patroclus' hair, his teeth tugging impatiently at his bottom lip, and Patroclus had no more questions to ask. 
Read the rest on AO3
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Trigger warning for a bunch of shit and I am genuinely sorry that I can't parse out what, if in doubt just probably stay away from it altogether.
I keep reading about people being glad they quit drinking because of all these negative experiences with alcohol, and I just hardly had any of those, I always had fun when I drank, and not in a wild do things I regret way, just it was nice to sit and relax and listen to music. And sometimes I’d get really emotional and sometimes that emotion would be sad or angry but usually that was stuff I was feeling anyway and couldn’t express sober so I would feel better for having got drunk and get to properly feel it.
The one thing – the one really big negative effect of alcohol that I got all the time and really wanted it to stop – was the psychological hangover the next day, where I’d spent all morning and most of the afternoon being convinced that I’d been a terrible person the night before, that if I’d interacted with anyone in any way from a message to a Tumblr post or God forbid in person I’d said something horrifyingly wrong and should be ashamed of that, and I’d really really hate myself. Even if objectively all I did was sit in my room listening to music while drinking whiskey. I wanted that to stop. And I figure I have a lot of respect for sober people, I know they make better choices than I do, so maybe if I stop drinking then I can stop having the hangovers where I hate myself and also I’ll just like myself better in general for being the kind of person I respect.
But it’s been so much the opposite. I don't know how much it's from the not drinking or maybe I was just going to have a breakdown this month anyway, but my levels of hating myself have gone through the roof lately. Just yesterday I spent a Sunday convinced that everything I’ve done lately has been drastically wrong and terrible, and I didn’t even need to drink to make it happen. But at least when I feel that way after drinking, I know it has a specific cause and the feeling will wear off as the hangover does. But now I just have that feeling creeping in all the time and there’s not a point where it’ll expire.
Last week at work I had a somewhat scary incident where a kid tried to hurt himself and then I came home and spent all night panicking that I’d dealt with it wrong and was going to get fired for being a terrible person. Then I went into work the next day and my supervisor told me I did a good job and it turned out it was fine. But then the next day didn’t have any particularly bad incidents at work and I still had this immediate regret for everything I did, like I’d immediately have this deep regret about it like the type I get during hangovers, but for something quite normal that I said like five minutes ago.
It’s been escalating for a few weeks, really, and then yesterday I went for brunch with my dad and came home and cried for an hour because I was convinced I’d said something terrible even though I’m pretty sure it was objectively fine. Then I tried to distract myself with Tumblr posts but immediately after became convinced that everything I’d said there was also wrong (and I’m definitely getting that feeling with this one too). And throwing myself into comedy is always my distraction but it’s creeping into that, I was reading stuff on a Taskmaster subreddit and managed to twist that into convincing myself that I was a terrible person because of the kind of comedy I like, which I’m pretty sure this morning is probably not the case but it seemed like a really significant problem yesterday.
Anyway, this escalated quite badly over a few hours and then I [don’t need to actually get into gory details here, maladaptive coping mechanisms but I didn’t drink any alcohol] spiralled really fast into feeling suicidal for the first time in just over a year, and then I get scared because my roommate’s out of town and I don’t have any other friends left to call in a situation like that (I definitely used to have friends that I’d call at a time like that and they could call me at bad times too, but lost touch with basically everyone in the last few years, I had a brief thought that I guess this is why people stay in relationships so they don’t have to be on their own at a time like that but then I realized that if I were still with my ex-girlfriend I’d have canceled on her this weekend because I didn’t feel up to the social expectations of a romantic relationship, in fact when we were together I did cancel on her for reasons like that, and that sort of thing is why it ended, so I guess being in a relationship would not help in this instance), and I was scared that I would hurt myself (more than I already had, again I will spare the details) if I was by myself, so I called a mental health line, and they said if nothing else the physical symptoms I was describing means I should probably go to a hospital, so I did that, and they did some EKGs and stuff to make sure my chest pain and dizziness and numbness was in fact just anxiety, and then they gave me a benzodiazepine and it made me feel quite high, so I guess my streak of being sober for all of 2024 so far is over. It’s been about six years, I think, since I last had anxiety so severe that I went to a hospital. But it was probably the right choice.
I was supposed to work 8-6 today but I woke up and could not get out of bed so I called in sick. Which I am also freaking out about, because that’s exactly what I was afraid would happen when I started working fulltime in person, that I won’t be able to handle it. And you get a certain number of days when this can happen and you can call in and it’s okay, but past that point you can’t keep your job and pay rent anymore. And historically, there have been times when I get like this and its lasts more than one day.
I said I was going to not drink in January because I was trying to use the trick I use on treadmills. I run at a pace where I know I can go about 22 minutes before completely burning out. But that’s a fast enough pace so I’m already really tired by about 4 minutes, and if I’m 4 minutes into a run and tell myself I still have to get to 22, I’ll get overwhelmed about how that’s impossible, I’ll panic about being given an impossible task, my body will dump a bunch of adrenaline from anxiety and then I actually won’t be able to run for as long. So I tell myself that it’s okay if just this once, I stop by 10 minutes, if I really can’t go on. Then I get to 9 minutes and realize I can keep going for a bit, so I say okay, do 13. Then I keep doing that until I eventually end up going for 22.
It was supposed to be like that. If I tell myself I’m going to completely quit drinking forever, I’ll just think that’s impossible and I won’t bother to try, I’ll just start drinking again as soon as it gets hard. So say I’ll do January, that seems possible enough to be worth pushing through the hard parts, and then once I manage that I can extend it. But honestly I underestimated how hard it would be. I figured I’m already down to only drinking twice a week, how hard can it be to go from two to zero? Really hard, turns out.
Because the thing is that you do eventually get to get off the treadmill. While according to this analogy, if I do this right then I have to keep running on a treadmill forever. Alcohol is the only break I get from living in my brain with all the anxiety and regret and hating myself and thinking everything I’ve ever done is wrong, and if I quit drinking then I’m asking myself to go for the entire rest of my life without a break from that, and what happened yesterday is that kind of hit me and made me think in that case I’d really like the rest of my life to not last for all that long. I used to motivate myself to get through stressful days at work by saying I can sit down with whiskey on the weekend and have a break. But now the weekends are also just exercises in trying not to drink, and the next thing in my life that I’m actually looking forward to is a trip to the UK but it doesn’t feel like enough to get me through months with no break.
 I was genuinely convinced yesterday that the type of comedy I like makes me a terrible person. I read some stuff about people who don’t like the same thing I do and I spiralled into the worst explanation for that and I started to panic about every single post I’ve ever made on this blog. That’s the kind of thought I might have the morning after drinking a bunch of alcohol but I’d also be able to slightly step out of it, remind myself that this is an artificial feeling caused by a hangover, and wait for it to go away. I think that’s the biggest part of abstaining from drinking that I didn’t see coming. Didn’t expect that to drastically escalate. No idea why that happened.
It's possible that I underestimated how bad an addiction can still be even if you only do something twice a week, and I shouldn’t have tried to just stop it all at once with no plan or support for it (although it’s not completely true that I have no support, I genuinely think I’d have started drinking again by now if I didn’t have this Tumblr blog to write in and have a bit of an outlet, which is why I’m writing this now even though I already know as soon as I post it I’m going to become convinced that I shouldn’t have put this out there and I’ll regret this too). But I don’t really know what else I’m supposed to do, I don’t have any better ideas.
I keep having dreams where I’m drinking, and they’re just like the dreams I used to have when I was a competitive athlete and cutting weight. We used to have to do all these drastic things in the week before big tournaments to get into a weight class, that involved eating very little for ages and then for the last couple of days not eating or drinking anything and sitting saunas and running in sweaters to lose water. And I would always have these recurring nightmares where I’d eat a bunch of food, then immediately remember that I was supposed to be cutting weight, and panic and realize I’d ruined it all in a few moments and then try to throw it up. Though in the last couple of days I’d be so thirsty that I wouldn’t even feel hungry anymore, I used to say that I haven’t eaten in 2 days but if you offered me bread I wouldn’t take it because it would just make me thirstier and that’s all I can think about, and then I’d have dreams where I’d jump into a pool and drink all the water, and then I’d remember that I wasn’t supposed to do that, and freak out about it.
I haven’t had dreams like that in years, but I’ve had a bunch of them this month, where I drink some whiskey and it feels really good in the moment, and then I immediately remember that I’ve set a rule against that and now I’ve broken it and I’ve ruined everything and there’s no changing it because I can’t un-drink that and I wake up freaking out. I haven’t had dreams like that for years because I haven’t competed for years, so it feels scary to bring that back too. Cutting weight used to be horrible, not just in the last few days when I was doing something drastic, but even in the weeks before when all I did was restrict my food. As soon as I told myself I couldn’t have something, all I’d be able to think about was wanting to eat a Subway sandwich or something, just because I couldn’t do it. I sort of feel like I’ve also set myself up to spend the rest of my life feeling the way I used to when I cut weight, having to make a conscious effort to avoid having something I really want, but this time there’s no point where we get to weigh in and then immediately drink 2 litres of Powerade. It’s just my whole life. I don’t want it to last that long if it’ll all feel like that.
I know, by the way, that all of this is not a sign I should start drinking again, it’s a sign that I had a bigger problem than I thought and I should definitely not be drinking. I do know that. I’d just like to be clear that I do know that. This blog is for posting whatever irrational shit I’m thinking, feeling a bit better and less scared now that I know that’s out there and I’m not trying to do it completely alone, and then later regretting ever putting anything on the internet or indeed saying anything to anyone, but still, it helps in the moment. Anyway, the point is that I know none of these feelings are good or correct or rational. I’m just trying to untangle how I spiralled so fast yesterday. Though a fair bit of it was also just being convinced that everything I’ve ever said is incorrect and makes me a terrible person. Which used to only happen when I drank but now apparently just happens all the time forever. That is also the sort of thing that makes me not want forever to be that long.
I’m pretty sure my perspective on everything is wildly skewed and I haven't been right about anything since about 2018. I definitely used to do things and not immediately regret them. I do have a bit of an excuse for how incoherent this specific post is, which is I think the pill I got at the hospital last night is having some lingering effects. And I’m not an idiot, I did rip up the prescription they gave me for more of those to take as needed if this happens again, I am not going to add a benzodiazepine addition to my life right now.
Also I feel weirdly self-conscious about the fact that I now actually sort of know a couple of the people who read this blog, so it's not just shouting anonymously into the void, sorry to those people for being weirdly more personal than you'd normally be with people you actually interact with personally, I don't have the clearest view at the moment of what's appropriate to say to anyone.
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comicaurora · 2 years
Hello Red! I'm happy to say you've inspired me to start drawing comics, but the biggest issue I've encountered is that it takes actually forever. I'm always really happy I did it when I'm done but it's hard to convince myself to start when I know a couple panels is gonna take me days. So I was wondering if you had any advice regarding streamlining the process for time efficiency or keeping up motivation for long projects, and, if you remember, how long a page took you when you first started vs how long it takes now?
Hoo boy. Yeah, I can help out with that. The very first page of the comic took me, if I'm recalling correctly, a full week. No other projects or pages, just this.
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A lot of work went into details that are frankly impossible to see, though I am still glad I did it, both as a learning experience and because I felt like I owed it to Vash to do it some justice before I squished it in twelve pages.
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Hell, if you look closely, you can even see the cavalcade of little visual errors I missed because I didn't have it in me to do a seventeenth cleanup pass after a week straight of drawing tiny houses. Getting faster meant I'd have more energy left to polish the pages and get them looking nicer.
The process of getting faster has been kind of a fits-and-starts situation. Drawing that many humanoid figures over and over again eventually means you just get better at the parts you're less sure of, so the process of lining the pages has gotten rather faster since I don't need to burn as much time getting the character poses and lines right. Currently, depending on page complexity, I can fairly consistently get 3-5 pages fully lined in one night. Backgrounds have also gotten faster, and I tend to do those in large batches, sometimes filling out entire chapters with location backgrounds and skyboxes because the scene location isn't going to change and that makes it easier to keep it consistent.
Initially my backgrounds were both more complicated and worse-looking, which is a bad combination.
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I ended up deciding between chapters that painstakingly lining a bunch of background trees probably wasn't worth the effort, and worked on finding a shortcut that would work better. I ended up doing something a little more lineless, a shortcut I initially discovered because I didn't want to plug in my drawing tablet and was playing around with things I could do with just my trackpad.
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It was simpler, faster, not too jarring, and it meant my clearly-lined foreground figures were more naturally visually separated from the distant background. Win-win-win.
For the style of coloring I do, I tend to shade before I add color, though this is a shortcut I didn't figure out until something like chapter 6. This process is also pretty fast, all things considered, though I've had a lot of practice doing this kind of cel shading which is why I can hammer out a lot of pages' worth of shading quite quickly.
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I like working in batches of about one scene, often broken up into subgroups of 4-6 pages at a time, so I can't give a front-to-back turnaround for an individual page - but I also think this kind of assembly-line process has sped up the process overall and makes it more fun for me, because I can storyboard basically as far in advance as I want to, which in turn makes it easier for me to motivate myself to keep going, because I know there's all kinds of good stuff I'm looking forward to drawing down the line. There's some good shit I'm excited for in Chapter 21, and bursts of enthusiasm on the storyboard end of things often translate to enthusiasm on the page-finalizing end which makes it easier to slog through even the tedious bits.
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As a bonus, working ahead means the story's got a better chance of making sense and having good pacing when it's read back as an archive. Another win-win.
Overall the greatest optimization tool I can recommend is just working on the project. There's no better way to identify the parts that feel unnecessarily slow and could be changed, or the parts of your art you're unsure of that need polish to get more speedy. If you're planning on publishing the comic anywhere, I recommend building up a buffer beforehand - something like the first chapter (or in my case, first three chapters) will give you a very good sense of what parts need more practice or improvement as you move forward. And it is genuinely easier to motivate yourself to continue if you have an audience giving you positive feedback and/or panicking at what you're doing to their darlings.
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bellybiologist · 5 months
Tallying up the Year
I hope you guys' december (which is almost over already, wtf) is going/has gone well! 2024 is upon us.
This christmas weekend, I mostly found myself thinking about how this year went, and honestly? despite all the things I haven't gotten to do, I still managed to accomplish quite a lot.
Me typing this rambly post out is less anything anyone needs to read, but more to remind myself of Things That Got Done™ than anything else because sometimes... I forget I do be getting shit done! And it's important we remind ourselves of the work we do.
The Things That got Done™
I advocated for my own Health. I scheduled (and went to!) so many doctor and dental appointments this year, holy shit. But, if the last few years have taught me anything, I simply have to put in the effort. I got my colon mostly sorted out, started a new regimen for my skin and hair (after chopping it off) so I'm feeling better, schedule an appointment with the optometrist in January, and even got lots of issues with my teeth fixed. Granted, our broken medical system made it incredibly stressful, and i spent thousands of dollars on the latter that I will be paying off til next july BUT!!!! This section is about the good things.
Started Streaming Again! I've been missing streaming since I stopped way back in I believe 2020. It was a fun way to interact with followers and supporters, so I'm glad I'm back to it on a regular schedule, with many of the old regulars still joining me while I work. Speaking of which:
I finished 43 total stream doodles. While I'm only filling a handful a month, it's definitely adding up! 40+ boys in the span of 5 months is nothing to scoff at, and that's not even considering that I'm doing this alongside normal patreon work.
I finished 39 total commissions this year. I'm definitely still going quite slowly, and I thank everyone who has been extraordinarily patient thus far, but I'm happy to say that my pace has been decent... at least relative to previous years. I got more done in the last 5 months than i did in the roughly year and a half period before 2023!
Replaced SEVERAL appliances that broke down. My computer moniter, my microwave, my refrigerator... all failed on my this year, and it took some work, but I finally managed to get them all replaced! So far, everything is working fine, but next on my agenda is to save up for a new desktop. This one I use for work has been at it since 2017, and it's about time to look into upgrading.
My Google Drive is Looking Nice. It's still not perfect, but I'm still immensely proud of how it's shaping up. There's still some curating of older pieces to do, but I've found a stride where I'm regularly updating it for people to peruse.
Now despite these W's, I still got a long way to go. The things below could be considered resolutions for 2024, but that feels cursed to call them that. They are simply:
Things I Want to GET Done
Adding more YCH Figures. I was definitely expecting to have more to choose from by this point. And I really need to update some of the older ones too, because I think they've aged poorly. I got some neat suggestions and hopefully will find some time this week to showcase them in my discord to collect some feedback before releasing them.
Do more involved pieces/projects. I want to do more things like Comics, or simply pieces that I work on over the course of several sittings, ones where I can experiment and fiddle and practice!!! I rarely ever get to do that these days (I've only finished a few Big Personal Pieces this year), and I need to find time and energy to do them more because those are the things that truly make me feel like I grow as an artist. (and maybe I can find a shading style I actually fucking tolerate.). I also want to get more OC development and stuff done too, cuz I really didn't draw my children a whole lot this year!
Make more fucking Money!!!!! Let's not kid ourselves. I want to get to a point where I'm not just barely meeting the monthly quota. How to get there? I don't know, honestly. Things are so very stacked against artists right now, so it really does feel like the only thing that can be done is Not Give Up. Which I won't do. If/when I go down, I'm making it everyone else's problem. Trust. 😏
Save up to Visit the Boyfriend. I haven't seen him since January 2022! Big goal is to be comfortable enough to where I can fly my ass up there and smooch him. 👏🏽
I won't lie, i'm going into 2024 quite anxious and still scraping by by the skin of my teeth (that I'm still paying for). It's going to be a BIG year cuz oh boy, it's election year, there's plenty of family developments i gotta keep an eye on and work to be a part of... not to mention all the horrible stuff going on still (free palestine!).
Here's hoping shit goes our way this coming year! And let's get ,more strikes going so everyone is getting their fucking money!!! :V
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atierrorian · 2 years
Hello (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠) since requests are open can I request platonic yandere Lilia vanrouge
Lilia is the readers little brother I always read about him being the oldest there is so I think it'll be fun to have someone older than him
Fem!reader plz (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)
but if you don't write for fem!reader gn!reader is also fine (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)
I'm sorry if I'm being too specific (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)
If I accidentally broke any rules then I'm sorry (⁠ᗒ⁠ᗩ⁠ᗕ⁠)
Thank you and have a great week (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
Of course! And don't worry you didn't break any rules so It's fine! And thank you! Hope you also have a great week! And this is actually really interesting and I love how you were specific because It means I know what to do so thank you! Older or not I'll always be there with her.
Platonic Yandere Lilia Vanrouge x Fem!reader Summary: You are the older sister of Lilia Vanrouge which may seem surprising for others but it is true but despite being the older one your younger brother is pretty overprotective of you and you can't take a breather since he is always attached to your hip! Well nobody could blame him really..
Hm after the war between the Fae and humans things are peaceful well for now that is. I'm just honestly glad. But after the war my brother has been acting so strange now.. He became too protective for my liking even tho I'm the one who's suppose to be protective. But can't blame him really.. after I did almost lost my life in that war. But not really much of an excuse I mean I can barely talk to anyone without him popping out of nowhere and scaring them away It's annoying! And Sebek as well.. Sigh can't they give me a break already? I know how to defend myself honestly. And well Silver? Well He's pretty okay much better than those two combined that's for sure. And Malleus.. Sigh how do I say about his highness hmm? Oh yes also pretty overbearing just not as much as Lilia tho. And speaking of Lilia... "Hello Y/n!" Sigh speak of the bat. "Hello Lilia what do you want now?" I said slightly annoyed that he keeps following me wherever I go. "Just trying to watch over you of course!" He said while smiling and hanging as usual.. ".. I'm older than you what are you talking about? I should be the one to watch over you.." I said now annoyed. like I'm older than you what are you even talking about? "Just because your older than me doesn't mean I can't watch over my big sister?" He said. "I know that It's just your so overbearing It's insane! Just give me my space already Lilia besides I'm going to the Ramshackle dorm now I still need to help Yuu with something so please if you'll excuse me I'm going to go now." I said and walked to where the Ramshackle dorm. Surprisingly Lilia didn't follow but it seems like his thinking of something.. And one thing's for sure It isn't good...
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I was helping Yuu for some stuff since it seems they needed help so I gladly offered too. After we were done we were discussing about some things in our lives. Yuu telling me some of the things they have on there world. "Oh wait um Y/n.." Yuu said hesitating. "Hm? Yes what is it Yuu?" I asked. "What is your relationship with your brother?" That caught me off guard and it seems they noticed. "Oh I'm sorry if It's to personal for you to tell me! I didn't mean to and uh It's okay to not tell me! I understand I'm just curious.." Yuu said. "Oh well what caused this curiosity of you Yuu?" I asked since this was out of the blue. "Well the thing is.. I sometimes notice you a bit annoyed whenever Lilia was near you and he never leaves your side.." They said. "Oh well yeah umm.." I hesitated. "Well It's okay to not tell me! I completely understand if you don't want to talk about it so you don't have to tell me!" Yuu said trying to Reassure me, which is comforting? "Sigh I'll tell you Yuu." I said. "Oh really? Are you sure? I'm not trying to pressure you or anything and besides It's okay if you decline after all I still need to look after Grim." "No It's okay actually well I can tell you some of the details.. Hmm let's see actually.." I said and it seems Yuu's curiosity finally got the better of them.
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"Y/n!" Someone yelled out. "Lilia!" I was running and fighting for our lives. In war nothing can be peaceful no matter how many times you have wished to have peace even in war. I was fighting off some of the humans but I was too busy fighting the other humans I didn't noticed a human sneaking up on me and trying to kill me. Just as he was about to kill me all of the sudden the human suddenly felt something stab him and fell on the floor. I was done killing the other humans and I turned around since I heard something hit the floor. I saw a dead body and my brother. I was shocked since I didn't noticed the human and my brother. But I also knew I almost just died if it wasn't for my brother helping me and killing it before they could kill me. "Thanks Lilia." I said thanking my brother. But oddly his so silent and his head lay lowed. "Um Lilia are you alright? Come on Let's not just stand here the war isn't over yet." I said trying to snap him out of whatever he's thinking. "You could have died Y/n.." He said finally talking after some silence. "Yeah I could if it wasn't for you actually." I said a bit embarrassed. 'Yeah if it wasn't for me.." Lilia said.. Okay now he's just being creepy now.. "Mhm yeah whatever now come on let's go now!" I said and grabbed his hand and we ran to where the other Fae's and humans were where they were battling each other.
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After I was done telling them some minor details on what happened during the war. "So um yeah he started acting strange ever since that..day.." I said. "Oh.." Yuu said pretty much shocked on what I just told him. "Well anyways It's pretty late now I should probably go now before Lilia would send over Sebek and I do not want his yelling in my ears today so goodbye and goodnight Yuu!" I said and sat up and went to the door. "Oh well goodnight Y/n!" Yuu said. I smiled and went out off the door. But I didn't noticed a certain fae watching from the window..
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I was back at the Diasomnia dorm and I was pretty exhausted now actually. I greeted Malleus since he was the first one I saw in the dorm. "Hello Malleus." "Oh hello Y/n, I heard from Lilia that you went to the Ramshackle dorm." He said. "Actually yes I did now anyways I need to sleep now so Malleus if you will can you move now? I need to get to my room." I said and tried to go to my room until someone grabbed my hand. "Wait um Lilia told me he wanted to talk to you first." Malleus said. "Hm? Oh can you tell him later once I wake up since I'm pretty tired now so please Malleus let go of me now please." I said and Malleus was pretty hesitating to let me go. But eventually he did and let go. "Thank you now if You'll excuse me goodnight Malleus." I said went to my room.
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"She doesn't know what she's talking about! I'm just trying to protect her! She could have died in that war anyways.." Lilia said ranting to Malleus. "Well she did say that you are overbearing for her." Malleus said trying to calm Lilia. "Just because She's older than me doesn't mean that I can't be protective over her! I'm only doing this for her own good anyways.." Lilia said. "Well.. I guess?" Malleus said confused on what he's supposed to say. "Anyways sooner or later she'll realized that I'm only doing this for her own good! And besides she'll come around sooner or later and I just need to be patient.." Lilia said. "Lilia calm down.." "How can I calm down Malleus?! I almost saw her died in that stupid war! If it wasn't for me than she wouldn't be here with us! With me.." Lilia said his tone sounding sound now. "Oh well I think she'll come around sooner or later so don't worry about it Lilia maybe just give her space?" "No I'll still watch over her.. Older or not I'll always be there with her."
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A/N: Well I really hoped you enjoyed this I had so much fun writing this so thank you for requesting this dear! And uh sorry if this isn't much yandere but still hope you enjoyed this one! Requestor: @deemayaz
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td-tbbg-official · 4 months
How soon will the first chapter drop? And is the story done or a work in progress? Also you’re doing a fantastic job of introducing and making this intriguing it’s like seeing official teasers for the show.
I thought of keeping this ask for Ask Friday, but I think it’s best to answer it now.
First of all, thank you! I’m so glad you like the teasers! :D Now for the realer stuff...
You might not have noticed, but the introduction posts of the blog have been edited to say the fanfic is coming soon and the chapters have been cut from 30 to 26. Initially, I said the release would be in February, then, in spring. Now I’ve pushed the date again - and now, not even to a definitive one! So, you might be wondering: what the heck??
Here’s the thing. I made this blog on a whim, and it may have been a mistake. In hindsight, I should’ve made it when I got much more done, but I wasn’t convinced I’d find the support later rather than sooner, so I opted for making it this month.
TD:TBBG is a work in progress. To be fully honest with you, I only have two chapters done, and those need major editing. Character arcs are far from finished, and I only have about 1/4 of the challenges. As I’ve stated in the Gen 4 teaser post, I’m a busy high school student with two extracurriculars and much more than I want going on in my private life at the moment. It’s been a rough couple of weeks. I can’t get much done.
So, now, TD:TBBG is (hopefully) going to be published this year in no specific season. It’s a very... ambitious project. Probably stupidly so, especially for my perfectionist self. I strongly believe in putting out good content and quality over quantity, and I hope you do, too. This is why I hope you can understand.
In the mean time, I will try to keep this blog active with the short stories and teasers promised. In fact, one is sitting in the drafts!
So, yeah, sorry for being the bearer of bad news :( I will try my best to get out the best possible fanfic I can, and do that in my own rhytm. I hope you can understand, and thank you so much for the support! It’s so overwhelmingly good to see all your kind comments and fun reblogs 🥹 I appreciate you all so much 🩷
Geo :3
coming soon to an ao3 near you!
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