#so even tho i got into a decent program i just decided to go work instead
sorry for diary posting so much on main but this is the last one today prommy
#it's in the tags anyway so#SO#i didn't go get my masters. or rlly try for a phd because i felt like i was bad at school right#(because i failed two classes in freshman year and i'd never ever done that before)#(and i failed those because. my meds made it very difficult for me to retain any information/make memories or whatever)#and it was just so WEIRD and i felt so dumb because never in my life had i been bad at school before like that#so that kind of killed my general confidence in academia#so even tho i got into a decent program i just decided to go work instead#(and yes a big part of it is that my current job is awesome and i didn't know if i'd get this kind of opportunity again)#and i kind of just realized#the last year and a half have LITERALLY JUST BEEN SCHOOL#OR WHAT A MASTERS PROGRAM WOULD BE LIKE#sort of. like an engineering masters.#except technically i have come up with new stuff too it's just operational and not research#but i spent the last year and a half learning something completely new that i knew nothing about at all.#and i've been teaching classes while i was learning and taking exams#and my exams went WELL#the last oral exam i had my evaluator told me it was the best one he'd seen#i went to talk to one of my senior instructors recently about the last big class i taught to become certified#to fucking important ass terrifyingly smart people#and he told me i was a model for all new people and i did super well#and then he told me not to tell anyone he said that because he didn't want people to think he was a softie#(he's a gigantic softie. i can't believe people are scared of him)#when he gets mad he expresses it and honestly he's valid for it sometimes people are dumb bitches and need to hear it. but apparently some#oh that's a tangent. anyways. if i can do this i can probably go back to academia right...#and jesus fuck girl it doesn't have to be mit. it can be a normal school#i can Lower my Standards because they aren't about to lower theirs. haha but what if.... anyways im gonna stick with the same major as my#bachelors cause i did actually enjoy it. and aerospace is boring in comparison. and i wanna figure out how to keep people alive both in#space AND under the ocean. at pressures we were never meant to survive at! Now THAT' would be fun.
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miekasa · 3 years
mie!! i’m so late to the party but i absolutely loved ‘NICE’, it made me feel so warm and fuzzy <33 it’s so unique to its own and the flow of it is beyond wonderful!
what is married life like for oc and eren in ‘NICE’? is it just like before/do you have any nice!husband!eren headcanons?
AHH I’m so happy you liked it and that you took the time to come and tell me!! Married life for them... doesn’t really differ from what their lives looked like before actually hehe. They were basically married without knowing it 🙄🙄 idiots to lovers or something like that; but here are a few head canons of the months immediately following NICE!
You officially got married in Paris on the fourth, not too long after Carla’s wedding. You guys flew in some officials, checked through all the technicalities, and signed the papers right on top of the Eiffel Tower (access granted by the city of Paris upon request of one Carla Jaeger, of course). 
Aside from having the most picturesque location in the world to sign your marriage certificate, there wasn’t anything lavish in celebration after that. Carla’s wedding was just three days earlier, after all, and was still the talk of the local press. You did have a small party with your friends (Jean, Armin, Mikasa, Marco, Erwin, Levi, Hange came from the Alps for Carla’s wedding) in your overly large hotel room. Just some music, room service, and lots and lots of champagne.
Eren extended your winter break vacation by two weeks for an impromptu honeymoon to the Bahamas before you went home. Let’s just say you did not leave the safe haven of your hotel room very often, except to dip into the ocean a few nights (benefits of a private beach).
After getting married, the rings swapped places; the band with diamonds previously on your pointer finger was put on a chain (a new one since Eren threw the other one on the ground 💀), and you now wear the engagement ring on your ring finger.
Eren doesn’t like it when you take off the ring (the ring being the engagement ring). The first time you were going into the water, you were going to put it on the chain for safekeeping, but he protested very strongly. He would rather it rest safely in your suitcase than go around your neck again.
Your wedding bands are actually very similar to the band you already have: gold and diamond encrusted. Eren’s, however, has an emerald in the center, like the two emeralds that serve as the pistils of the sunflowers in your engagement ring (for reference, that ring looks something like this, but with a gold band). The bands were the first thing Eren bought when you guys got home.
Your friends in Dubai (Ymir, Reiner, Annie, Connie, Sasha) had no idea that you and Eren got married over winter break. Safe to say they were all… very surprised to hear the news. Connie was a little bit bitter because he missed it, and wolf whistles every time he sees your ring (even though he’s seen it before because you wore it on the necklace every day).
You got married in January, but have an official wedding in the process of being planned sometime around late summer/early fall. Carla insisted that you guys have a wedding despite already being married, and Eren agreed whole heartedly. They are both very into planning it, and yes, Eren is somewhat of a bridezilla, and his mom is enabling him 100% please.
The night you signed the wedding papers, Carla lent you an off-white satin couture gown from one of her past collections. She is designing and making your official wedding dress by hand, with the help of Mikasa.
The two of them are also making Eren’s suit, and all the outfits for your wedding party. Carla will murder you if you even so much as hint at just buying other suits/dresses. This is her baby’s wedding, and she runs one of the most renowned fashion houses of the modern century; she’ll be damned if you guys wear something off the rack.
You considered a destination wedding, but settled on having it in New York. You haven’t decided a location yet, and it’s the one thing Eren isn’t actually picky about (because you know he’s gonna go ham on the decor no matter where it is bye).
Jean doesn’t know it yet, but he’s your maid of honor. Good luck and best of wishes to Eren picking between Mikasa and Armin for best man.
Even before confessing and getting married, Eren never slept much in his own bedroom. You both have California king sized beds in your rooms, and more often than not, Eren would sleep with you in your bed. You didn’t always cuddle, but he just liked to be there (for your presence, and because he was grossly in love bye)… you ended up cuddling a lot of the time tho.
He wants to renovate your apartment now that you both “officially” live in the same bedroom, even though it’s not necessary. He just likes renovating things.
You guys go to dinner every weekend, and sometimes you even go dancing. Eren still can’t dance and he doesn’t actually care to learn; it just reminds him of being in Nice with you.
He kisses your ring finger every morning waking up and every night before going to bed; sometimes he even does it subconsciously in his sleep.
He holds your hand way more often. Not just because you guys are together now, but because he likes seeing the ring where it’s meant to be. He also notices that it helps to curb your anxiety, which is a good bonus.
Eren wants kids, but he hasn’t really brought it up yet. He knows you both are fairly young, and that you’re still technically in school, but that’s not really a deterrent for him.
The only reason he’s waiting to say something is because you guys have a lot going on with wedding planning and settling in to “married life”—there’s a lot of tedious paperwork to be done and documents to update. He’ll bring it up next year when all that is settled.
On the subject of school, you are still attending university, but have been eligible for graduation for a year now. You had enough credits to graduate last (the year before NICE) December, but there were a few more classes you wanted to take out of interest that hadn’t been running in past years, so you stayed for all four years. Eren picks you up from your lectures.
Eren graduated in December before you guys went on vacation. By normal standards, that’s a semester early. However, he was supposed to be in this Honors Arts and Sciences program, that should have taken him another two semesters. He decided it wasn’t worth it, and dropped the honors part, and with that, had enough credits to graduate, so he did.
A college degree is really more of an accessory for him anyway, and school was never his thing. He’s decently smart, sure, but he never enjoyed school because of the emphasis on exams; he’s more of a creative person, a dreamer if you will. The only reason he even went to Columbia was because you decided to go there. 
He and you both have enough money to live more than comfortably if neither of you decided to get a job after graduation… way more than enough/ But Eren isn’t doing nothing; he’s actually sorta been working his way into the world of professional interior design, and he really loves it. You’re proud of him, and more than anything, happy that he decided to go for something he loves.
Armin and Jean also graduated a semester early. Armin’s been living with Mikasa since Connie got his own place off-campus in January. Jean is a little upset blondie is living with his girlfriend before he is, but it’s whatever 🙄if it’s gonna be anyone, at least it’s Armin. 
Carla mentioned that Eren got married sometime during a NYFW interview (along with talking about her own recent marriage), and since then you both have interviewed for two magazines, one of which featured pictures from your smaller party in Paris. You’ve gotten requests from Vanity Fair and Vogue about your bigger wedding later in the year, but you guys haven’t invited any media officials as of yet.
You and Eren attend the MET Gala almost every year. You don’t walk the red carpet and nobody is scrambling to take your pictures; but you have passes because of Carla. Also, you could just buy your way in if you wanted you (and your friends have in the past). This year, Eren had to pay two security officers $10k in bribes because you two snuck away to fuck in… a part of the museum not sectioned off for the event. Whoopsies.
Even before Eren got him arrested, going out to brunch was kind of your and Armin’s thing. Eren insists he should be invited now that he’s your husband. He is not. (His bitterness grows when he learns that Jean has secured himself an invite somehow).
Eren sold the car he got arrested for drag racing in. He never told you why—and as far as transportation goes, it wasn’t a big deal because you guys have other cars—but, to him, it was a kind of symbol. He thinks it’s dumb if he thinks too long about it, but he just didn’t wanna have that there are a reminder of how he’d hurt you and his mom.
Jean still drives you to your therapy appointments, but now Eren picks you up. Eren also goes to therapy himself, and has been before you guys got married; his therapist says he’s undoubtedly happier in recent sessions… like a weight’s been lifted off his shoulder.
As far as drugs go, there’s, of course, weed on a happy occasion, or at a party; but he hasn’t touched coke since that one time (which was also the first time he’d ever done it). That’s not even him being a changed man, he just didn’t like it—he only argued with you about it because he was being stubborn. He’s more of a drinker than anything, and absolutely loves to get you drunk on a special occasion, too; he always has. He thinks you look cute, and he likes taking care of you.
You have lived in that apartment with Eren for years before marrying him, yet he insisted you needed to christen the place like it was brand new… at this point, the only places you haven’t fucked in are the elevator itself, the foyer, the storage closet, and the pool. The latter only because it’s been too cold in NYC… trust and believe pool sex is coming lmfao.
Eren bought the apartment and renovated and designed it, but he never did like being in it all alone, and that’s been magnified since you got married. If he’s there by himself, he’s usually in the living area, napping on the daybed. He waits for your faithfully every day, and is hardly in the bedroom if you’re not.
Eren has not stopped introducing you as his wife since January. Even to people in passing like cashiers and bartenders, everyone in the whole damn city probably knows you guys got hitched.
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fukurodaze · 4 years
haikyuu!! third gym squad taking the ib diploma programme
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ok... my friend and i got rlly stressed the other day and made headcanons for these guys if they were to take classes in the ib... it’s like a levels but like... a bit more death!
for my ib diploma folks you can just hop on over and read what i’ve hc’d but for my non-ib folks, lemme give you a bit of an introduction to the ib diploma programme.
characters included: bokuto koutarou, kuroo tetsurou, akaashi keiji, tsukishima kei, haiba lev, hinata shouyou
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THE IB DIPLOMA PROGRAMME is a rigorous two-year pre-college program in your last two years of high school. a full programme consists of one class from each of the six required groups (totalling to 6 classes), which are G1 - first language; G2 - second language; G3 - social sciences; G4 - natural sciences; G5 - mathematics; and G6 - arts (though, arts is optional, and can be switched out with another subject from G3 or G4).
within these six courses, students are required to take at least three high-level (HL) courses and three standard level courses (SL), but some students may take four HL courses and have two SL courses (kind of a rough one tho). 
just to note: there’s two types of math courses - applications and interpretations (Math AI) and analysis and approaches (Math AA). MAA courses are known to be harder than MAI courses because students do more theory work and have non-calculator sections in exams, unlike MAI courses where calculators are required for every exam. also, it is possible for a person to take IB courses instead of the full diploma programme, but i’m not very well acquainted with that variation of the IB programme so we’re just going to assume all the boys got 6 courses.
okay. i am so sorry i just lectured you on a whole school curriculum. anyways. back to haikyuu!!
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BOKUTO KOUTAROU : Japanese Language and Literature HL, Mandarin Ab Initio SL, Geography HL, SEHS (Sports, Exercise, and Health Science) HL, Math AI SL, Economics SL
ok so it’s canon that this dude is not doing very well in math but his parents made him do higher level math at first poor boy >:(
he started the year off in higher level and thought he was gonna be fine
no. he was not fine.
so he ended up switching his math hl to sl and his japanese sl to hl
IT IS CANON (special chapter in volume 19 titled “i just forgot” where bokuto has a wholeass crisis about words) that bokuto’s really one to actually really like to think about how words work and function as systems in the same way ib language courses do!!
actually having him do japanese ll hl is just an excuse for me to keep him in math sl sorry
i mean koutarou may be my fav tax evader but he really did sit through two years worth of econ classes... smh
mans is Not listening and has to rely on yukie for notes but he just memorises case studies for exams and does not do anything else
i feel like he just takes mandarin because he thought it was the easiest one... he also thinks the words sound similar so it’s easy to memorise
he’s a pretty good communicator so he practices his mandarin quite a lot. as in, he’s made friends to talk to in mandarin. we love to see it!!!
also. um. i hc that he’s pretty decent at memorisation so geography!! this goes for memorising all the kanji and mandarin characters too
i think SEHS is pretty self-explanatory. mans already known he wanna be a pro athlete might as learn about being healthy as an athlete
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KUROO TESTUROU : Japanese Language and Literature SL, English B SL, Business Management HL, Chemistry HL, Math AI HL, Biology HL
now... we all know this mf been taking chemistry hl. it is CANON
and as per his career path... DEFINITELY business management hl
i feel like he’s so analytical in the way he sees things that he likes to explore many areas of knowledge where there are different ways of thinking
takes english as a second language because... whew.. aint it sexy when mans wanna be multifaceted in business
also takes higher level biology because he’d rather not with the languages... but later on i believe he ends up in a higher level language class because he might as well
i feel like kuroo’s classes just give me a vibe i know too too well... 
mans takes math ai. he does not wanna fuck around with a pencil proving a theorem he just wants the answer bro
like in volleyball, he’s a quick thinker. so he’s pretty g with math and business stuff
i literally know someone with this class combo ... it’s not very chill but it screams “you never see me do any course work but i always get at least a B+ in every subject”
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AKAASHI KEIJI :  Japanese Language and Literature HL, French Ab Initio SL, Psychology HL, Chemistry SL, Math AA SL, Visual Arts HL
now... this subject combo radiates such pretty energy
pretty subjects for a pretty boy
he was originally going to do biology sl but then found out there is chemistry in biology so he just decided with chemistry. plain and simple.
we all know akaashi is both emotionally and academically intelligent
he’s logical and analytical, and when faced with a tough time he works through it well albeit going through a little bit of struggle
this automatically puts him in math aa... i just see him actually liking proving theorems??? 
but maybe he just thinks his calculator is a nuisance sometimes and would rather solve everything by hand 
also art boy! this dude likes graphic design more but when it comes to traditional art he does Not Hold Back
i like to think that he’s into painting backgrounds and mixed media
if he didn’t take VA, i’m pretty sure he would take economics. because. it’s quite systematic and i think akaashi would take a liking to it
as for japanese ll hl... we all know this dude was supposed to be a part of the literary section in a magazine/manga company but was moved to editor
goes hand-in-hand with psychology, likes to know how words convey meaning and how they affect people
he also thinks french is kind of a cool language. i feel like this guy just wants to do it because it sounds cool and novel for him
all in all, pretty solid subject combo!
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TSUKISHIMA KEI : Japanese Language and Literature HL, French Ab Initio SL, History HL, Biology SL, Math AA HL, Instrumental Music HL
4 hl’s... here we are folks
honestly does it for colleges to go like “holy shit this dude is kinda crazy”
but does suffer... coursework tings :)
first of all this dude takes french (even though it’s a beginner’s class) because he just loves to sound cool huh
the summer before his courses started he would have had the basics down after looking through free ib textbooks
plus, being the guy that’s super good at a new language in the class is a huge ass flex and a big ass ego boost. and anyways, with language, he thinks it’s just a lot of simple patterns working together.
this also applies to japanese ll hl... finds writing essays and making arguments ez (at least that’s what he tells himself - he’s kinda nervous when it comes to japanese but he holds on anyway)
practices extra hard on pronunciation. sounds hot tho
math aa hl??? there we go. another crazy one. thought he could ace the class at first.... no. no he couldn’t 
thinks about moving down to sl. probably does. (at least it’s not math ai)
history and biology go hand in hand for him. he has significant interests in prehistoric times, and likes to learn about the origins of life - that’s a given
but he does get tired of the politics talk in history like... goddamn all these people making so many mistakes? just stop making them smh
and instrumental music was just something he got onto because he really would like to just have a course where he could enjoy himself while also learning about the stuff he likes
nobody knows what music he listens to... but i think he’s willing to listen to anything as long as it’s music and it has the kinds of vibes he digs
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HAIBA LEV: Japanese Language and Literature SL, Mandarin Ab Initio SL, Psychology HL, Chemistry SL, Math AI HL, Theatre HL
i don’t know how to explain it but lev has such strong psych and chem energy
yes haiba lev’s classes are the ones i picked via roulette wheel
jk not really
here’s the thing though, lev takes psychology because he thinks econ, business management, history, ess, all that jazz is just... absolutely boring. like. super. mf-ing. boring.
so he’s like ooh cognitive processes!
kinda hates that he has to study research methods and research methods ONLY at first but when he gets the hang of it he really finds it one of his fav subs
i actually have no explanation for mandarin ab initio sl... he just seemed like the kind of guy who would wanna do the class solely because he thinks mandarin sounds cool with their intonations and everything
plus he heard that the teacher gives mooncakes every lunar new year ad he. loves. them.
okay now hear me out.
lev is good at math.
maybe not lightning speed analysis or calculations like akaashi, but he finds solving problems fun! except for when they’re without a calculator bc he HATES doing calculations by hand
he can get a bit clumsy with his hand calculations too so it’s nice to just have a calculator on hand
literally only does math ai for the sake of using a calculator at all times (a/n: i take this class, and this was the reason i took it too. COMPLETELY VALID)
and then does theatre for the fun of it!!! confidence levels high for presentations and performances... good fit
kinda thought that ib theatre would be his easy A but oh how he was wrong... hates the research tasks at first but he gets used to it
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HINATA SHOUYOU: Japanese Language and Literature SL, Portuguese Ab Initio SL, SEHS HL, Geography HL, Math AI SL, Theatre HL
his classes are bokuto energy but with theatre and portuguese
MANGA SPOILERS! we all know he started thinking abt going to brazil in his second year of high school, and the ib diploma programme starts in the last two years of high school so it fits PERFECTLY
lowkey most of the boys take japanese ll sl because they just. have to.
this is also hinata’s case <3
SEHS HL!!! he has a vision for the future and it definitely involves him understanding health and sports and everything like that, especially after nationals in his first year :(((( still sad abt that
but he’s motivated for this higher level class because he’s really just gonna go all out with the research
math ai sl because... he prolly don’t give a fuck about numbers!!! (it hasn’t been made clear already, but math ai sl is the lowest level math course)
he also took theatre hl because even though he does get scared at first, he’s a natural when it comes to learning new cultures
he’s just so curious about it all and it makes him quite engaged in the class as well!!!!
also kinda took theatre because the other subjects were just not it for him
about geography... he hates memorisation but he also hates everything else in the social studies group so
he just gets by by trying to find the little details of the things he’s studying interesting because really... geography class is just the base of all the places on his bucket list
hinata’s def one of those dudes who picks his subs purely off of liking because we all know he’s going. any subject that isn’t based off of liking is usually a mandatory subject anyways
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The forbidden crack! Untamed prompts: 22/?
Drama AU [this is just an idea tho, no plot basically]: “Did you find a bitch in me?”
[JC-focus crackships galore baby! title is from a Marina Diamandis’s song (“Hermit the Frog) but that’s probably not important for the non-plot so... yeah]
“So... wait a minute.”
“Hit me.”
“I’m still confused.”
“Wen Qing... why should I know about your ex’s exes?”
“Because he’s a bisexual menace and I don’t want him to ruin this for me.”
“Jiang Cheng is not going to sleep with me.”
“What do you know tho? He’s that powerful.”
“Babe, I’m a lesbian.”
“And he has dated everyone in our circle of friends and their significant others.”
“Big lesbian energy, you’re absolutely right.”
“Thank you. I taught him well.”
or the only au where there’s only drama and no plot and JC went from experimenting to actively turning people gay or straight just because.
[attn: in this au Jin GuangShan is not, I repeat, not a bitch and did not, in fact, have other kids aside from Jin ZiXuan bc I say so. don’t make me complicate this non-existent plot more, please]
[under the cut for more!]
ok. got it. JC knows he’s no saint. hell, he doesn’t even qualify as a decent human being, alright. he’s that socially abominable. but things have escalated to a point where he doesn’t even know what to do. maybe become a hermit, lock his dick and call it a day. yeah, that should do the trick. because he really doesn’t know when it all started... no. that’s a lie. total bullshit. it was Nie HuaiSang.
so, SO, he may have been 16. sweet bush child with no future nor name. a great big sister, a stupid big bro, an overachieving mother, a distant father, the usual. save for fucking Nie HuaiSang and his stash of porn. and JC was straight. and he just wanted to check if the link his high school friend sent him was a jumpscare or not. he closed the tab right after the first moan echoed in his room late at night, he forgot to put the jack in and his earphones were possibly all the way back in his backpack on the kitchen table. fuck his life. and also fuck HuaiSang for being into weirdly sensual artsy porn on top of that. fuck his life. fuck the replay button too.
coincidentally, HuaiSang was his first kiss, first head, first everything only one year later and JC still talks to the jerk to an extent, but not because he wants to, okay? they were experimenting, but JC was still straight. he wanted to do good on his first actual relationship with a woman, whatever that meant for him at the time. HuaiSang was okay with that, the lying bastard. JC may or may not have grown fond of him by the time their graduation came, but they never got around to talk about it because they were stupid and young.
also, HuaiSang’s brother had caught them once and JC had known there and then why his non-boyfriend had decided to cut things loose afterwards. that jock was scary as fuck.
then. THEN. university came and Wen Qing was the one reminding JC he was still very much as straight and unbendable as he could get. it took him three years to not yell at her in frustration and ask her out: the sexual tension between them fueled by rivalry over good grades and the scholarship program they both wanted to have access to for their masters.
she had been the one asking him out. JC was lying about having the balls to do it, obviously. the fact that she also discovered to be a lesbian while being with him could have burned less, all things considered, but JC knew he had made love to her and that was enough for him. letting her go had been the right thing to do and they still talk everyday and she loves his nephew and everything is fine.
it only took him the two remaining years of his masters to get over her, but. FINE.
he’s not gonna talk about her brother. it happened only once. okay maybe once that particular night, at a bar and they were drunk and Wen Ning was nothing like his sister and the boy always had a slight crush on him and he was the one suggesting it, okay?
Wen Ning was kind and gentle and kissed way better than his sister and maybe after two years JC could get over it and move on and they could still be a family after all and that last stall in the staff toilet had been where JC’s bottom cherry was popped and oh gods that felt so good...
“actually, Jiang Cheng, you’re lovely. but I think I’m actually really straight so... I’m sorry. I hope we can still be friends?”
yeah. JC’s not gonna talk about fucking Wen Ning.
maybe the fact that his brother Wei Ying got married so soon was the reason why. it has to be.
JC hated, HATED Lan Zhan. he hated how much in love they were. how softly they moved around each other. how much he wanted some of that as well.
and since he was THAT petty he had to flirt with Lan Zhan’s brother (Lan Huan) because of it. the man was terrifyingly good looking and a gentleman. so much he didn’t want to give in to JC’s requests... because he already had a boyfriend.
JC knew nothing about said boyfriend aside from the fact that he was apparently a snake, whatever Wei Ying meant by that.
Lan Huan looked very intrigued, but he’s also very loyal and JC admired him for that. he didn’t want to have that conversation tho, the one where Lan Huan politely asked him to stop being so charming in his periphery, so JC decided to hide for a month or two and maybe extended that period of time and never show his face again while he’s at it.
Lan Zhan would have also had his head on a fucking plate if he dared touching his precious older brother so, there’s that as well.
so he dated a bunch of people after swiping them on apps left and right, got the hitch out of his system and felt miserable about it.
Nie HuaiSang came back into his life like, the day before JC started working for a new company and asked him out for a drink. HuaiSang was crushing for a man too young for HuaiSang’s comfort because he usually liked older men and this boy was fresh out of his bachelor and JC’s friend was well in his late twenties and didn’t have a job yet and...
JC shut him up with a kiss and they felt slightly less lonely afterwards, until they actually talked about their issues and decided to stop being messy and grow out of their bad habits.
JC still fells sick at the idea of being someone else’s “bad habit” though.
Wen Chao was a mistake.
Wen Chao’s girlfriend was a mistake.
Wen Chao’s brother was a mistake.
Their bloody uncle was a mistake.
Their father was an even more spectacular mistake.
JC has yet to find out how he survived the year of his thirtieth birthday, honestly. that shit had been wild as fuck.
YanLi and her husband offered JC to look after Jin Ling more often in order to make him feel some sense of safety, he knew that much. at the time, JC hated the fact that ZiXuan worried over him and that his own sister didn’t know how to help him either.
people at work had started to treat him differently as well, now that they knew how messy he was. he started getting treated for depression soon after being promoted to supervisor, his workaholic tendencies saving him from himself after years of sleeping around and drinking too much for his own good.
A-Su was YanLi’s friend from university and was kind enough to ask him out one day. she stayed with him for a year before apologizing to him, saying she wanted something more: a family, a future, something JC could have not given her anytime soon.
his brother and Lan Zhan adopted a boy and JC became an uncle for the second time. A-Yuan was difficult to look after, having survived stressful living conditions in his early childhood, so Wei Ying appreciated the extra hand when JC offered it to him and his husband.
looking after children forced him to be not so angry all the time and now Jin Ling had a cousin he could play with and was very glad his Jiujiu was feeling better.
when Lan Huan came back into his life, JC had forgotten about even attempting to win him over in his early twenties. it felt life a lifetime had passed.
they started as friends this time around, but JC felt nothing for him and he was okay with that. they were good uncles to A-Yuan and that was enough.
what really caught JC off guard was when Meng Yao stumbled upon him one day in midwinter, crashing on JC and sending his briefcase up in the air. the older man was apologetic and kind and gods forbid JC still needed some of that in his life. even if it was the other who had crashed into him, JC offered to buy him coffee since Meng Yao’s cup was now sadly rolling out frame on the snowy path.
to his utter astonishment, Meng Yao accepted.
JC took his time with him, willing to slow down and really get to know this new man who seemed so welcoming and easily approachable... yet so impossibly far and unreachable.
Meng Yao confessed cheating on his previous partner with his best friend five years prior and how he felt undeserving of another chance with someone as kind as JC. he revealed how therapy helped him work on his tendency of manipulating others and that this was the only reason why he wanted to be honest with JC and tell him the truth. so that the younger man could make up his mind if Meng Yao could be granted a chance with him.
this heartfelt confession startled JC in the beginning, especially bc Meng Yao seemed adamant about not sleeping with him for the foreseeable future, unless they talked it out some more.
on JC’s thirty-fourth birthday, one year after meeting Meng Yao, JC asks him to marry him during a pleasant dinner the older man has planned for him.
to his horror and absolute joy, A-Yao accepts.
JC didn’t mind not having been intimate with him until then, nor he would have minded if A-Yao never happened to change his mind on the matter. JC felt safe with him, even when he saw him reminiscing the past with grief painting his features behind his fake smile. JC knew he could give him happiness and so he asked him to meet the Jiangs for the first time to announce the good news.
all but Wei Ying and his husband have arrived the even JC brought A-Yao home, their car stuck in traffic. they start eating without them, with the couple’s permission. YanLi and ZiXuan didn’t bring A-Ling this time around, not willing to leave too soon and waste a chance to really get to know the new member of their family. JC’s father seemed pleased to meet with A-Yao, exchanging pleasantries and conversing about common interests...but JC’s mother is weirdly cold and distant that night.
once dinner came to a end, finally Wei Ying arrived, apologizing profusely for making the lot of them eat without them. however, nor he or his husband could take their eyes off of A-Yao...and neither could JC’s fiancé.
“if you still have some dignity to spare, I suggest you leave this very moment,” said Lan Zhan, the most he has ever spoken in one breath in front of JC. to which, to JC’s astonishment, A-Yao answered by giving JC one last look and the saddest smile he had ever worn...before leaving the house and never look back.
confused, heartbroken, humiliated...JC didn’t know what to feel when Lan Zhan explained to the lot of them what Meng Yao had done to Lan Huan after eight years together. cheating on the kindest man alive with an old acquaintance of his that to that day remained unnamed bc Meng Yao refused to reveal their identity.
JC’s mother didn’t have to tell her son that she had known all along something was off about A-Yao: JC could feel it in the way she was looking at him, sitting next to him on the couch. she had a sixth sense for venomous people.
the following year, JC is pretty sure it passed in a blur. he remembers working less hard than what he was expected to do, been consequently and rightfully demoted in his company. others gossiped about him being so proud for nothing in the end, which aggravated his mood.
to his surprise, his mother was the one suggesting him to take a break somewhere nice. to clear his head for a month or two before deciding what to do with his life. Wei Ying booked him a trip to Taiwan the following day and in less than a week JC is on a plane to take a long vacation there.
one night, roughly a week after his arrival at the hotel, JC was staring blankly at the skyline in deep thought. he had done the tourist-y shit, eaten all the foods in the best restaurants, brought presents for his family. and now he was bored out of his mind. the same, old questions swirling in his mind: did A-Yao lie when he said he loved him? did he lie just so he could have a fresh start and forget about the past? did he leave bc he felt guilty for his past with Lan Huan? was he serious when he had accepted JC’s proposal?
that’s when Mo XuanYu came barging into his life like a hurricane.
the younger man, seven years his junior, spotted him from an adjacent balcony and proceeded to talk to him as if...trying to de-escalate a suicide attempt from his part.
“sir, please. I’m sure there’s more to life than this. I don’t know what happened to make you feel this way but...everything will be fine in the end. I promise you. I was there. It’s okay. please don’t jump over the balcony.”
JC had no intention of jumping, just to be clear, but something in his eyes must have caught the kid’s attention and...was that a steward uniform he was wearing? did he work for the hotel? JC was none the wiser but that was the first time someone had reassured him so wholeheartedly without even knowing him and it felt...weird.
he started tearing up and the younger man panicked, promising to keep him company all night if necessary, reaching out with a hand to touch JC and reassure him from the other side. JC grasped it gingerly in his own and let himself be coaxed back to the realm of the living by such gentle soul.
JC hated himself for sleeping with him not even a week after their encounter.
but it just felt so good to let himself be guided by hand to the most hidden and wonderful places. away from the tourist crowd, eating delicious food with someone smiling prettily at him. yet he hated himself more for thinking about someone else in bed with him, at least in the beginning.
Mo XuanYu seemed to know anyway, and even encouraged him to just do whatever he felt like with him. casual hookups didn’t have to be meaningful, the younger man had said, and it wasn’t even the first time someone used him as a rebound either. still, something ugly stirred in JC at that.
so he decided to stop thinking about himself for once and shoved every bad memory away. all to pour his affection into someone else and cater to his lover for the following month and a half. borrowed time of a stolen season, during which JC doted on the younger man and learned to listen.
some of the stories Mo XuanYu told him felt slightly familiar, almost as if they had a friend in common and didn’t know who it might have been. after his shift, the younger man would ask to eat with JC and share his frustrations, repaying him in kindness with sweet kisses and even sweeter smiles that felt a little bit too brittle in the morning, when he was bound to leave.
by the end of JC’s trip it was clear to him that he had grown fond of the other man, too much for his own good. but during a vacation, away from home, surrounded by new and exciting things...anyone would have worn a mask to forget their normal life, that reality they would have eventually been forced to come back to.
by the end of his vacation, JC had figured out who their common friend was and remembered how distant Nie HuaiSang had felt falling in love with Mo XuanYu. how sad the younger man’s emotional unavailability has made him feel.
and when they parted ways at the airport, JC kissed him goodbye and never saw him again. the memory of Mo XuanYu’s brittle smile engraved forever in the back of his mind.
back to work. back to his bad bitch persona. it felt good to focus on his job and nothing else for a year or two, keeping others at distance while bossing them from his office as he regained his boss’s trust. being promoted a second time gave him the confidence he needed to move on with his life and by his thirty-seventh birthday he could finally see a future for himself.
therapy was helping a great deal and even his siblings seemed to notice his progress, praising him for his willingness to seek help and his hard work.
A-Yuan and A-Ling included: the kids were growing up too fast, involving their uncle in their school projects and plans for mischief any chance they got to see him.
Lan Huan caught everyone by surprise one day in autumn by confirming YanLi and Wei Ying’s suspicions about his breakup with Nie MingJue, Nie HuaiSang’s older brother.
the older man didn’t tell them why he had stepped back from his engagement with the man, aside from saying that the both of them had found out something concerning about their past and common acquaintances. the discovery making them feel so disheartened to the point of braking their engagement of mutual accord.
JC felt bad for the man, knowing how much it hurt to lose someone so dear. not that they had had been able to discuss over the matter much, not even after A-Yao had left. it would have been awkward to talk about their common ex and his penchant for secrets and hurting other people’s feelings.
but they understood each other well enough and started talking more, out of their common interest in their nephews and their well-being.
five years later, JC was forty-two and content with his life. A-Ling was close to thirteen and A-Yuan quickly approaching fifteen. he could see them growing up and out of his reach, but their affection for him never wavered. until one day A-Yuan called him in the middle of the night, startling him awake.
apparently, his best friend JinGyi had called him for help after being beaten up by his foster mother and A-Yuan didn’t know what to do. calling his parents would have only alerted and worried Wei Ying and Lan Zhan, who were probably still asleep and hadn’t even noticed their son had sneaked out in the middle of the night.
panicked and worried, JC called Lan Huan instead and they left for the hospital. and something hurt at the sight of such a young boy lying still on a bed too big for him. something else clicked in JC’s brain at the sight but it would have taken him several months to realize what exactly.
furious and restless, Lan Huan spend months looking for the woman who had hurt the child, eventually destroying her in court until he pried a confession out of her. social services immediately alerted as JC inquired over the possibility of giving the child a permanent home himself.
not even a year later, JC was able to welcome the kid in their new house in the quietest part of town. it took a while for the boy to adjust, worrying over JC eventually changing his mind and letting him go. “who even adopts someone close to be of age?” JinGyi had asked, frustrated and certain JC would grow bored of him.
but JC was there to reassure him every step of the way, telling him family was forever and not something easily dismissible. he repeated it until the boy seemed satisfied and called him “dad” for the first time one inconspicuous evening at dinner. if JC cried on his pizza, well, nobody has to know.
Lan Huan was glad to listen to JC gushing over his son, more than supportive and borderline enthusiastic to listen to every little progress and new success.
JC knew this was enough, but he would lie saying he hadn’t felt loved by the other man. yet, he didn’t dare hope he could have another chance at happiness at almost fifty years old. Lan Huan himself close to fifty-five and well settled into his career as a lawyer...too much to consider a valuable partnership with someone like JC.
his therapist had bashed him for ages over such insecurity, but JC could only smile at him and shrug. many people didn’t find their happy ending and he still had JinGyi to look after. which seemed a good way to spend the rest of his life.
so it came as a surprise when, one evening, as JC overlooked at Lan Huan building a piece of furniture with JinGyi in their living room, he started crying with love and affection.
“why are you crying Jiang Cheng?”
“I’m happy.”
he really was.
he still is to this day.
[they don’t marry, but they do spend the rest of their life together anyway]
I need a break, this took days to make D:
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mvneyshot · 4 years
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          [  simay barlas  .  20  .  female  .  she/her  ] just saw 𝐀𝐘𝐋𝐀 𝐂𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐖𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑 dragging their suitcase up the steps to 𝐁𝐀𝐗𝐓𝐄𝐑  .  good luck living with 𝐇𝐄𝐑  ,  i hear that that they’re 𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐂  ,  𝐀 𝐏𝐄𝐎𝐏𝐋𝐄-𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐄𝐑  ,  𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐄-𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐃  &  𝐎𝐁𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐀𝐍𝐓  .  makes sense the chose that house now  ,  doesn’t it  ?  let’s hope this new living situation doesn’t affect their 𝐉𝐔𝐍𝐈𝐎𝐑 year of 𝐀𝐃𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆 & 𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐎𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐏𝐇𝐘   [  oliver  .  22  .  they/them  .  est  ]
          sports run deep in your family. your grandfather, your father, your older brother : the triple threat of sports, each cutting their way through their own league ( the mlb, the nhl, and the nfl — RESPECTIVELY ). you were never as gifted as any of them athletically — good enough, smart enough, but nothing more than a decent athlete that could hold your own. no, instead you picked up a camera and this is how you fit in.
          AESTHETICS: she is like the summer nights when the stars are far away and the fire is dying out, the sun’s warmth a comforting memory and all the potential of tomorrow ready to be spread out before you ( worn out timberland boots, pink lipstick, short and flowy dresses, fireflies in a jar, a denim jacket covered in patches, the heat of a sparkler against your fingers, do no harm but take no shit, coy smiles because you want something, the smell of balsam and pine needles )
— she was adopted when she was just under two years old from turkey when her parents decided they wanted a little girl, so the clearwaters have always felt like her family to her. she knew the greater part of growing up that she was adopted, it just never was an issue for her. recently, though, she has felt like she should reconnect with her native middle eastern heritage.
—  the clearwaters are a triple threat in sports : her grandfather retired mlb player and coach, her father a retired prominent defenseman in the nhl and current dartmouth men’s hockey coach, and her older brother michael ( 26 and always mikey to her ) is making a splash in his third year in the nfl as a wide receiver.  however, her parents made sure she and her brother had a ( fairly ) average “middle class” bringing up, though they had their fair share of money in the bank. didn’t have to struggle, really, but didn’t get everything she wanted either. had a summer job scooping ice cream for two years in high school.
— grew up in norwich, vt, real big on nature and hiking and all that jazz. she’s always down for an adventure and to go hiking.
— when she was ten she got one of those kid’s polaroid cameras ( u know the ones where the film is only a little bigger than a postage stamp ) and she was obsessed. she worked her way up through cameras over the years, having a natural eye for it.
— one of the first games she ever shot was one of her brother’s high school football games which sounds sweet but it was actually because she was so bored out of her mind and wanted something to do. needless to say, though, that was the start of it. some might say it was kind of inevitable she gravitated toward sports somehow — she was a clearwater at heart. since then she has gained a lot of knowledge and respect for all different kinds of sports.
— for college she was torn between dartmouth, nyu, and halston. she ultimately chose halston because it was somewhere new, though the elite photography program at nyu was hard to pass up.
— her freshman year ayla was at as many games she could physically get it every weekend, shooting and shooting and shooting, until eventually the office took notice of her. her sophomore year she split time between the men’s hockey and football teams ( and a few other games of other sports where she could grab them ). a couple of her photos have been used for the banners outside the football field and hockey arenas, one across the header of the football team’s website, and several in the yearbook, including a two page spread shot of roo carlson that she’s very proud of.
— PROFESSIONALLY, she has managed to shoot a few kings, dodgers, and lakers games as well. she’s held an internship with the la galaxy from the spring of her freshman year to early fall of her sophomore year. she then accepted an internship with bernstein associates, official photographers of the la kings, clippers, dodgers, and lakers, this past summer.
— she does a little freelance work as well ; mostly for friends or friends of friends, though she’s been considering lately trying to make her skills and business available in a more professional manner to begin building an image for when she graduates. she does do a lot of photographing for herself — a lot of candids ; she thinks they capture the true spirit of a person moreso than when they’re posing or prepared for a photo.
— just got a new camera + lens ( nikon D500 + fancy zoom lens ) last summer as an early birthday present to herself. she practically become one with it over the course of the summer and she’s rarely separate from it. that thing cost her so much money and is her baby okay.
— she hopes someday to be the team photographer for a professional team, hopefully in one of the “big four” ( mlb, nfl, nba, or nhl ), and she thinks her prospects are looking very good.
— she played field hockey and lacrosse through high school.
— ayla thinks she’s better at shooting people. part of what she loves about being a sports photographer is how active and unpredictable it is to shoot a game. she’s had to learn a lot to try to predict what she can. they say you make your own luck and for a sports photographer that is true. part of it is down to chance, but there are things you can learn about the game in order to increase your chances of being in the right place at the right time.
— very much a morning person. has never had a problem waking up in the morning. typically goes for a run at sunrise, and has showered, gotten ready for the day, and is at a local cafe shop editing photos / making graphics and drinking an iced mocha by 8. truly couldn’t be me… 
— you can often find her watching practices, not just to practice shooting but to learn more about what makes each team and player tick in order to improve her ability to predict their tendencies ( which in turn makes her chances of getting a good photo go up ). she takes her craft very seriously.
— she has a policy of not sleeping with or dating players on the teams that she shoots — it’s called professionalism, boys !! she likes to be respected and somehow doesn’t think that sleeping with the players goes very far for her in that regard. that doesn’t mean the players don’t try, though...
— she has struggled a bit with people who think her opportunities have only arisen because of her family pedigree ( which some have gone so far to tell her they’re “not her family” — which, don’t even go there, lads... ), and that has made ayla work all that much harder to prove that she’d gotten where she has on her own merits.
— so desperately wants to be that girl with tons of cute aesthetic plants in her room but tragically plants always die in her care no matter what she does. probably has gotten one of those tiny tabletop sand zen gardens to make herself feel better tho she still keeps trying with plants. so far the only ones that have lived any length of time are the air plants. there is no hope.
— she’s generally well liked, with a hint of sass and humor. she comes across as a bit of an air-head at times, but that’s part due to a persona she put on from a young age. she has an observant eye that drew to her photography in the first place and will often allow her to draw certain conclusions about people. 
— ayla has a very down to earth outlook and approach to life, often taking things as they come. she’s adaptable to situations, but manages to usually stay to the original path she saw for herself.
—  she’s well versed in all the sports she shoots, something that tends to surprise a lot of people, but how is she supposed to be good at her job if she isn’t ? if she gets bothered during games she typically shuts people down with wide eyes and some obscure bit of knowledge in her cute, raspy lil voice. dareisay… elle woods, what like it’s hard ? energy ?? she’s a hard worker, and strives for everything she posts or hands in to be perfect.
— a few of her downfalls include her narcissism and need to be liked. she looks to look and feel pretty, by her own standards, and is a queen of the self-timer and remote self photography : has two instas because of it – one for her sports photography and one that’s a “personal” and mostly just pictures of herself. 
— her need to be liked is something she doesn’t even realize. she likes to be seen in a positive light and it can on occasion lead to her agreeing to do things she doesn’t really want to. at the same time this is constantly in conflict with her desire to be independent and be her own person. 
— she also just believes that everyone just does like her because she is a likeable and very down to earth person — both of which are true for the most part, but reveals the blurring line she has between confidence and arrogance. she can be quite judgmental at times, especially towards those who are overly dramatic, but they’re confined more to just thoughts than any actual voiced words or actions. in a way, this feeds into a sense of her own self-arrogance.
—  alya stands at 5′3″ with a slim but athletic build. she has a runner’s body, deceptively strong, lithe, and built for distance.
— warm brown eyes that look like they’re laughing more often than not.
— her hair is naturally brown, but is dyed to have blonde highlights near the bottom. often styled half up & half down, kept down and loose, or in a messy bun.
— she does not need glasses or contacts and has no tattoos.
— piercings & jewelry: both lobes and cartilage. often wears simple black studs in all of them ; has an affinity for simple silver rings, often wearing two on each hand ; a black timex watch she bought for $20 at target that’s waterproof
— style : she’s almost always wearing the same pair of beat up timberland’s she’s owned since like sophomore year of high school. she likes to be able to move easily ( bc homegirl absolutely cannot walk in heels at all ). despite this, she also likes to look cute at the same time, often pairing them with short, flowy sundresses or skirts + crop tops. when she shoots games, however, she’s dressed rather practically in skinny jeans, a crop top, and a cardigan ( if necessary ).
— pretty girl like you ( any ) : someone who does not understand why ayla is “wasting” her talents on sports and thinks she should try moving into the fashion or modeling business. i don’t think this is necessarily a negative connection — it could be well intentioned, or maybe it is truly just meant to be scathing.
— you & me were never meant to be ( any, female wld be real lit tho 👀 ) : an ex from her earlier years at halston. i imagine they broke up either before the summer of her sophomore year or early in her sophomore year. there’s not much ayla loves more than her photography, and i think maybe they didn’t understand. could have been mutual, could have ended poorly, could have just.... fizzled out. pretty open !! i’d just like her to have an ex.
— you just don’t get the message ( male ) : someone who is just relentlessly pursuing her ( not in an overly creepy way, y’know tho ). someone she’s told no multiple times and yet he still keeps trying rip. — TAKEN BY OWEN
— my brother, what ? ( any, probably female tho ) : just someone who is a big fan ( honestly fan or like... fan 😉, y’know ?? ) of her brother and she’s like please stop my poor ears don’t want to hear this.
— and i just love to vibe ppl !! ayla is a pretty friendly and outgoing person so... let’s just have at it :)
hello friends. oliver/ollie back here again ( 22, est, they/them ). i also play caz !!
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Gift - Zawavember 2019
Day 24 of @zawavember ! One more to go and I will have this challenge through! There’s still the Halloween and Christmas challenge though, so keep curious for those two (; Did you know that in Bavaria doesn’t celebrate Christmas on the 25th but on the 24th? We also think an angel called the “Christkindl” brings present, crazy huh. I think we have it from Austria, not sure tho.
Characters: Aizawa Shouta, Reader Genre: Fluff
"Can you pass the carrots?" you asked sweetly, Shouta halting his action and browsing over the vegetables laid out on his side. With searching fingers and a thoughtful hum, he picked out the orange from beneath all the green, handing it over his own cutting board to you, putting them right where you needed them. "Thanks," you chuckled.
There was some sort of serenity in the air that you couldn't quite pinpoint. Maybe it was because he was home for Christmas, maybe the fact he was standing in the kitchen with you and preparing the dinner together. He was quick, yet cautiously slicing up vegetables, not even close to your handiness, but he did a decent job of what you told him to do.
Not many words stood between you two, the TV in the close-by living room running some merry Christmas-program in the background. You had decided against watching the news, knowing there would always be reports of villain attacks. Just for this one, special-occasion-Christmas, you did not want to hear it. You just wanted some quality time with your hard-to-get-a-grip on boyfriend, like you had imagined it years before already.
And so did he.
Cutting vegetables wasn't art, at least, not to Shouta. But it also gave his mind a break from the usual logical ruses, to just think about - even if it was stupid - if bell peppers really tasted differently when the colors varied. A small nip at the different colored stripes he had on his board made him figure that out quickly, giving him a sense of accomplishment.
A little bit, he felt bad for not holding up a conversation for you. All day long, he wondered about a million things, like: Had you eaten already? How's your work? Was there something you wanted as a gift? Could he bring anything from the convenience store?
But now, that he was standing right next to you, all these questions seemed to take a pass on his mind, leaving him empty-headed and unable to do any small talk. However, he was glad when he noticed that you didn't need the conversation either as you started to hum along to some American Christmas song on the TV. And he let out a sigh, feeling some more of his usual tension fall off with the knowledge that you were content as it was.
The hums quickly shifted to singing the notes out loud, until you caught up to the refrain, piecing the words together and singing them along. Maybe other people wouldn't have put you on a stage and - lo and behold - you yourself probably wouldn't have wanted to become a singer either, but that didn't mean you couldn't sing well. Out of fairness, Shouta had to admit he might not have been a good critic either. Still, from what he could hear, you hit your notes fairly well, and your body shook a little to the beat, bumping into his hips at an especially high note.
Starting to giggle, it quickly turned into a laugh before you muttered, "Sorry, sorry," in between the chuckles. Patting his arm softly, you went back to your carrots while also picking up the next song's lyrics slowly but surely. Shouta couldn't help but have a small smile graze over his lips now too, not minding your butt-bump at all, yet, being caught in your good mood.
He waited for you to finish up a carrot before he reciprocates the favor, bumping his hip into your side, too, and causing you to giggle even more. "That's not fair! You didn't apologize!" you complained, but the smile gave it away that it wasn't something you minded at all. "Oh, yes, sorry," he grinned, leaning forward to kiss you.
However, before it even came to intimacy, you felt the wetness and taste of carrots against your lips, getting a piece of it shoved right against your waiting lips. "Rude," you mumbled - a little disappointed - and bit the piece right out of his hands. By now, he couldn't help but laugh too, shaking his head.
"Sorry, sorry," he chuckled, imitating your apology before while you puckered your lips expectantly. Stretching into his direction, you waited for him to act, even though Shouta took his sweet time cutting up half of a bell pepper before finally leaning in. Settling back into your position, you sighed, satisfied, getting back to your carrots.
"That's fun," you noted, and he rose an eyebrow instead of questioning it directly. "Cooking together," you kept on explaining, and he nodded, humming in agreement. So much, he had to agree with you. Not because you two got to cook together, or joke around.
Just because it was the greatest gift for him this Christmas, too, to be with you on that evening.
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invertedfate · 4 years
Random Ask Dump - Anniversary Edition (50+ REALLY OLD ASKS!)
Going through OLD AND CRUSTY ASKS to try and chip away at the inbox. HERE WE GOOOO...
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That’s an interesting idea, and I could run it by Cake, but I think it would honestly be a LOT to track from a programming perspective. Especially ‘cause killing Sans is gonna result in a “bad ending,” so to speak.
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An attempt was made by Undyne to have all three hang out at the same time. Papyrus was SUPER EAGER. ...but one thing led to another and there were many messy explosions of chemicals and lots of smoke. Alphys had to step in before things got out of hand. It was all very daunting for her. Pap and Undyne are VERY LOUD, VERY AMBITIOUS PEOPLE.
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I actually have some ideas of some side comics I may do at some point! :o It’s just that right now there’s a lot going on.
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I need to poke Carni about that at some point. He’s just been very busy with other projects!
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Clearly he’s standing on the “out to lunch” sign.
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I wanna say that it’s very possible in theory. :o It probably affects them differently since monsters’ emotional state affects their magic and their physical state.
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I do like little easter eggs like that, though I’m not sure where I’d fit it in atm just ‘cause I already showed Pap’s room, haha.
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I made the chase theme for Mad Dummy as well as Mad Mew Mew’s battle theme. @pinewsun​ made the battle theme for Mad Dummy, and @thomasthepencil​ made the Season Dude battle theme and MD’s overworld theme. :o
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That’s a really fascinating conundrum! You’re absolutely right- if IF was a standalone game, then from a writing standpoint, having more subtle implications would make sense! The reason I chose a different approach for IF is because it’s set after Flowey’s already known to be evil and I like to give different POVs rather than stick to just Frisk’s.
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That’s an interesting thing, actually- both fights lean heavily on the fourth wall. Both are treated as climaxes for their given routes. It’s funny because Asriel’s fight is a lot more straightforward and less meta by comparison.
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I agree! The thing with Papyrus is that he’s extremely powerful- he just doesn’t want to kill. But it’s a deliberate choice not to kill- he’s able to force his attacks to do next to no damage. He’s also pretty darn crafty, as he made the Gauntlet himself. It really is just a case of Undyne’s personal biases and concern for him.
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That was a deliberate choice. :O Papyrus is very influential toward Frisk. He is best skeleboi.
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Papybot loves you, anon! He just wants to feed you WHOLESOME SPAGHETTI!!!
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It is possible to whistle through teeth. ...alternatively, magic. As for the music, Undertale implies that the music is heard! Maybe it’s just... a thing that exists in this world. Or it’s just meant to be a silly meta joke. I try to keep it somewhat ambiguous other than occasional nods to it. Chara’s pants are lighter because I just... felt like it, I guess? Haha. I wanted their feet and pants to stand out more from each other, so they have khaki pants. As for the Undyne fight being animated, well, this ask is old by now, but Sparks was the one who was down for it.
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Well, the teaser’s been out for a long time now, but that’s the idea! It’s also why this has been in production for so long. The Determinator has some really over the top attacks (that weren’t even shown in the teaser), and Sparks animated in Photoshop. That’s how hardcore he is.
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Shhhhh. Don’t give me ideas. I’m already slacking on Tem Village. :P
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Sometimes I do have slumps and burnouts (see Antipode’s lengthy hiatus), but breaks lead to me being refreshed and coming back with even more enthusiasm than before!
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Oh, there are a lot of these throughout the comic. For instance...
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Flowey appears in a few background shots in the Ruins!
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When Sans says “or maybe...” he looks at the empty flower pot. This was one of the earliest bits of foreshadowing about who created Flowey, and nobody noticed it at the time!
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The MTT vending machines initially look like this but have helpful items.
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And then they look like this, with an angry face and pose- Mad Dummy has possessed them!
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As of Part 38, it’s been revealed that he did first meet Asgore as “Santa.” As for whether or not he knows the truth, time will tell. :o
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Oh, these are excellent suggestions for calls! I’ll try to keep these in mind.
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So, I believe Glyde uses the Mysterious Door motif. Jerry uses the motif in its battle theme- I believe it’s a mix of original motif and Wrong Number song?
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Sans is a master of power napping. He probably gets a decent amount of sleep, though.
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There are a lot of ways to interpret Pap’s lack of sleep! In IF, he can get by without it, but he also has a lot of reasons to avoid sleeping. Some reasons include productivity but also due to a looooot of heavy baggage. More on that later.
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I think sleep can definitely make monsters healthier. Rest = better mental health as well as physical health, and with how important mental and emotional help is for monsters, that’s very important!
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They just really like socks. Socks are warm. Socks are slinky. And googly eyes are the best. So they took on the form of a really eccentric sock puppet and sock collector. Scandalous.
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It also has Alphys’ motif, as the two are the leaders of the royal guard!
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I would say the lack of Asgore as an influence has left Undyne slightly less grounded? Like, she had Toriel and Gerson in her life, but her relationship with Toriel is... definitely not quite as close? Like, Toriel by that point kept people at an arm’s length due to losing multiple children (including one from old age). So, while they were on friendly terms until the aftermath of the DT experiments and the tapes’ release, it was more like mutual respect and a sorta professional relationship with Undyne admiring Toriel and wanting to spare her from more heartache.
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That is a really interesting idea. While that didn’t happen, I do need to maybe revisit the grumpy dog at some point or another. He’s still a lil’ salty.
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I think in terms of layout it won’t change much, but there will be new/different content for sure. :O
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Mad Dummy’s base design is mostly original, but she has a wig + headband from DIO from Jojo Part 3! Fun fact: While MTT has Kamina shades, Papyrus’ goggles are loosely based on Simon from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann in terms of color. :O
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So basically, when Asriel defeated Frisk, he had the power over the timeline to reset it as he pleased- in theory. However, that power was overwhelming for him, and due his lack of understanding OF said power and one last ditch attempt at resisting from Chara, things went wrong.
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There is a track that takes some inspiration from Rage Awakened. It’s not released, and it’s not exact, but it won’t be released for a WHILE. Like until the part comes out.
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I think it’s just the fact that tacos are so random. Like, my biggest beef in that regard was that OG Underswap had a lot of arbitrary replacements for things in UT and not all of them made sense. Like, if Sans was to make a foreign food, ramen would’ve made more sense due to Alphys being weeb trash, haha.
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Okay, so the rough timeline iiiis... Falling: - Cyan - Green - Orange - Blue - Purple - Yellow Dying: - Cyan - Orange - Blue - Purple - Yellow - Green
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You know, it’s funny because this ask is super old, but that’s basically sorta what happened. :O It became a beach-themed resort.
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Never forget MTT fangirl Temmie’s pool escapades.
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I think Forgespring for me because I had to make the tileset myself (it took a few months, I think?), but Aquarius was definitely in the works for a while. But once I had the tileset from Fours, the rooms were very easy to design!
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That woulda been pretty rad! Maybe I can find another spot for it one day, haha.
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I think for Dohj, I’d have to check with Fours, but I’m certainly not opposed at some point? Right now, the following chars can take questions: - Frisk - Papyrus - Sans - Undyne - Alphys - Napstablook - Mettaton - Asgore - Chara - Flowey
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Cyan appears in Part 45! :O No answer about orange for now, tho.
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I do have vague ideas for Tem village. I just haven’t had time to go back and do it.
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Stay tuned and you may find out! :O
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Hmmmm... I had a lot of fun with MTT SPIRAL and the Determinator, tbh. They were both very time consuming, but I love how they came out! Also, buff Jerry.
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Turnabout Storm. :)
It’s a really awesome fan crossover that works way better than it should. :P
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None taken! We know that with headcanons, everyone is gonna have their own interpretations. These are just the voices we liked for Fireglobe Production, but everyone has their right to their favored interpretations!
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Yeah, Knight Knight is one of the coolest CORE mercs in the original game. It was fun to repurpose them for Inverted Fate as royal guards. :o It made room for unique encounters in the CORE in the form of them robots- as Undyne would rather use machines than other monsters to do her work.
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Personally, I see it as an Asriel motif, but I also acknowledge that at one point it WAS gonna be an Asgore motif. Toby has a habit of just using whatever music works for a scene (see sans. at the snail farm.)
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I do have a few ideas, though I won’t say for what yet. :o
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He’s likely made blueprints for that train. :P
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It probably would just have different flavor text/progression!
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So basically, I treat the starting motif for BAaTH/Power of NEO is just a “true hero” motif.
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MTT is definitely major in IF! As for whether or not he’ll have a hangout, time will tell. There’s definitely more to resolve with him, though.
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I’m gonna remake at least a few of the older tracks, including Regret. My goal is just to bring the OST to a similar standard of quality.
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So, animated parts coming up: Part 47, Part 49, Part 50. There may be some other parts, but we’re gonna wanna scale things back for a little bit for the sake of all our sanities.
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I go with both. ;)
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Honestly, probably fairly similar to the bully fight in the Ruins- which is why I ultimately decided not to do one. Both fill similar archetypes, though I think if I did do a battle, I woulda still had Flowey interrupt at the end and scare them off.
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It’s a very emotional scene. Far more tragic than her geno death, IMO.
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Well, the main goal in that regard is the remasters (Part 9 is in progress). Otherwise, I do think these hiatuses are good for working ahead. I’ve still gotta do more work, though, because my buffer this time around is a lot smaller from the trial-hiatus buffer. Alas!
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Honestly, the website is the best thing to happen to IF. It’s allowed us to do so much with the comic’s presentation that would be impossible with imgur. NORIX IS THE BEST...
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ramblingshit · 5 years
Some Video Game Ratings
> Heavy Rain - 2010 - 3.5/5
good enough gameplay, somewhat interesting story, nice twist, but the stupidest most unbelievable kids in all of history. Only a few emotional moments but otherwise pretty bland. Fun though. 
>Horizon Zero Dawn - 2017  - 4.5/5
fuckin awesome concept and execution, love the clothes options, love the progress from outcast to basically a fuckin goddess, that she’s a clone of Elisabeth, her finding her body at the end fuckin made me cry, it was beautiful and so realistic and grounded, everything felt like it could have truly happened, the ruins of the city they have no concept of, just bits of strange metal. The whole gaia program and the enemies being manipulated by the dark side of it. Love alloy, love the gameplay – stealth and otherwise, love the story, love the visuals. Boyyyyyy. Love this game. 
>Ratchet and Clank  - 2016 - 2/5
nostalgic and pretty fun, clean but dull visuals, fine voice acting, but very much a children’s game with very little depth to story or characterisation. Meh. 
>Until Dawn - 2015 - 4.5/5
fuck me another fantastic game, story was brilliant, twists and turns and people dying at any moment, visuals were great, acting was stellar, action and sneaky scenes were terrifying tryna hold that controller as still as possible, literally put it down at times to keep us from getting our jaw ripped off. Quick time events were fun and stressful. Was actually really fun to replay episodes to get achievements and all collectibles. Fkn love this game, Sam and Mike for the win, with Emily a close second, Matt and Chris are meh but Ashley can suck a fat one, like damn that chick was a fuck up. 
>Rise of the Tomb Raider - 2015 - 2/5
good visuals, kinda fun gameplay, only interesting scene where Lara shows any kind of characterisation is where she meets Jacob in the cells and their chat there. Otherwise #notmylara. She’s not even stoic and cold, she’s just blank. Her voice actress is shit, the story is like, not even there who cares. But hair and clothing is pretty g, as is seeing the bow get better.
>Batman: the Telltale series - 2016 - 3.5/5
boy this was pretty g, chilling smashing out quick time events, batman looked a bit odd and had too many expressions and it was a bit slow at times, but some options were sick, like impaling that dude in front of a newscrew. All exploded uphill when suddenly wayne was locked in Arkham and he met fkn ‘John Doe’ who was nice if a little off and sincerely eager to be Wayne’s bestie. I decided at that moment that at all times I would go along with my dude John. Some other uninteresting stuff happened, I beat Cobblepot as Bruce and then some other stuff happened like honestly story was unmemorable as fuck. But it was a fun enough time, especially with mr pre-joker hanging around whoop whoop. Also no one cares about Selina Kyle, just scrap her honestly. Actually good twist with vale being Arkham or whatever and wayne getting shot in the ear instead of letting Alfred get hurt, shout out to my bby Alfred. But otherwise it was decent game. 
>GoT: the Telltale series - 2014 - 2.5/5
only cared about Rodrick and whats her face in king’s landing. Other black cloak guy was forgettable, dude running around Dorne n meeting khaleesi even more so. Made kings landing girl good at the game, manipulating here and there, doing what she could to keep alive, keeping everyone at arms length. Had her accept whatshisface’s proposal and sacrifice her one loyal friend the coal boy to stay alive. Brutal, I loved it. Rodrick and getting him strong enough to fuck off the whitehills was sick, but tragically had him sacrifice himself for his dumbass little brother but tho I regret it I knew it was what the loyal family man would have done. But anyway visuals sucked ass, gameplay was telltale’s usual fuckery and there you go who gives a shit about the rest amirite. 
>Amnesia: the dark descent - 2010 - 4/5
good atmosphere, ambient lighting and sounds make you tense AF, stories pretty good, finding out that you were a piece of shit helping alexander torture people for his whatevers to power them before he had to kill a kid or a woman or something and decided he felt like shit and didn’t wanna do it anymore so took a forget potion to reset himself and hopefully work to stop what he helped alexander start. Also I think alexander was an alien but whatevs. Bad guys were scary at first but you soon realise that the majority of them patrol for a bit but if you wait long enough they literally just fuck off and youre free to do what you want its fully wack. Had fun, mechanics were cool, visuals were good for its time. It was hella dark so keeping enough oil for the lantern was enough. Most of the story was told in letters, which were badly read by the actors but you could just skip em so no real worries. A few puzzles and collecting shit here and there. In a solidly well done game. 
>Fallout: New Vegas - 2010 - 5/5
occasionally characters mention people/things that you didn’t or didn’t even have the option to, mention or ask about, had a lot of experiences with enemies warping through walls or getting stuck in the ground, crashes with fire effects, female models talking with male voices, game freezing on loading screens and having to restart entire system to get out of it. All of this is forgiven because fallout new vegas is a fucking gem – it is the epitome of a RPG, you can do and be almost anything you want. The customisation is awesome, the factions and faction clothes are fantastic. The karmas a bit iffy because my character is a kleptomaniac and stealing lowers your karma so I’m basically the Devil but everyone in the wasteland loves me? But again, I can forgive. I’ve played this multiple times and am still finding new quests or new ways to complete old quests; new places, new people to talk to etc etc. this game is beautiful, I love it. Closest thing to perfection you’re gonna find.
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entamewitchlulu · 6 years
whew okay that’s gonna be a lot and I already did Yuya, Yuzu,and Yuuri but here goes
Headcanon A:  realistic
he’s that one friend in the group who gets all up in arms whensomeone swears
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
he is VERY PASSIONATE about detective and crime shows.
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict onfriends
during the XYZ invasion, there were several instances wherebuildings nearly caved in on him and one instance where he wasactually blockaded inside a building and trapped for a few hoursbefore their Solid Vision monsters could dig him out, leaving himwith a crippling claustrophobia
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about itbecause I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
well idk if it’s unrealistic as there was no indication one wayor another, but my hc is that he was raised by a single teen motherwho loves him a lot
Headcanon A:  realistic
he has some trouble reading even now and the only reason he canplay his decks properly is cause he’s subconsciously hearing hismonsters who tell him what their effects are and how to play them
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
when he first met Rin the first words out of his mouth were “didyou know that I’m in love with you??” and that’s how theybecame friends
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict onfriends
surprisingly out of all the boys, Yugo experiences some of theworst bursts of Zarc’s anger at inopportune times, which sometimesresults in him whiting out for a few moments and breaking things
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about itbecause I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
Idk if this is unrealistic??? but he totally seems like a vlogger. Like he finds himself a cheap video recording app for his Duel Diskand makes dumb snapchat/vine-esque videos and also records Rinworking on the D-Wheel and explaining parts of the D-Wheel and shit
Headcanon A:  realistic
she initially got into playing Duel Monsters because of herbrother and decided to join Duel School because he was going to
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
everyone thinks she’s the innocent one in the friend group butthen she pulls out her doujin collection and she has a list of kinkslike a mile long.  Everyone is mortified but she’s very matter offact about it
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict onfriends
Ruri and Shun were pretty decent siblings but tended to butt headsa lot, especially Shun who sometimes thought she was kind of clingyand was annoyed that she always wanted to do the things he did. Before Ruri was kidnapped they had a really big fight and Ruri’sbeen regretting it ever since
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about itbecause I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
The canon absolutely did not make herout to be like this but I still see her as the cool, sweet oldersister-mentor type esp for Sayaka
Headcanon A:  realistic
while Yugo is smart in his own right, Rin is the technical masterof the two of them and did most of the engine programming and wiringfor their D-Wheel
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
she hates to admit it but she has a soft spot for idols andsingers
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict onfriends
the reason Rin defaults to being kind of physical with Yugo isbecause she is constantly terrified that Yugo is going to dosomething that gets him taken away by Security and so anytime he doessomething extra stupid that might get him in trouble she defaults tosmacking him
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about itbecause I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
Rin is even punchier than Selena and will absolutely throw downwith her fists before she pulls out her cards
Headcanon A:  realistic
Leo used to bring her books to occupyher while she was cooped up in her room and she read a lot of fairytales about princes and knights and stuff and wanted to be just likethem which fueled her desire to be a soldier for Fusion
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
she’s really, really easily flusteredby even the slightest bit of sexual content. She’s still a furry tho.
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict onfriends
Leo might have cared about Selena as apiece of Ray but didn’t quite see her as her own person and neglectedher pretty badly.  Selena has pretty severe attachment issues becauseof it
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about itbecause I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
She’s absolutely the type of person to get super fucking intocosplay once she learns what it is
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st0ned-butch-blues · 6 years
new year, new me (for real this time)
2017 was absolutely the worst year of my life. But I have this weirdly strong gut feeling that 2018 will be a pivotal moment for me, and honestly I’ve never gone into a new year with this much optimism and willingness to grow and change. Here’s a long ass post for me to list out all the shit I want to work on and to just get all the clutter out of my head. This is the first time I’ve really set new year’s resolutions so yay me.
~2018 Resolutions~
1. Be healthier physically and mentally
Try to go to bed 1 am at the latest or get at least 7 hours of sleep.
No more binge eating vending machine snacks to replace meals.
tbh exercise is not realistic, but at least try not to be sitting 24/7 aka get off yo ass!!
Work on self-love. Put in the effort to dress nice so you feel more confident about yourself. Take more photos and maybe even post them on social media instead of being so hypercritical of your body.
But also it’s okay to be ugly?? Your worth is not tied to your beauty, and fuck a society that pressures women to be “beautiful” 24/7.
Remove the internalized shame you have against being sexually active (with yourself and with others), esp as a woman. You probably won’t be ready for the idea of casual sex. So first work on confronting your sexual trauma, getting over your trust issues, and trying to love your body the way it is. Maybe try masturbation as a solution towards healing your unhealthy relationship with sex??
Be better about self-reflection and capturing memories both good and bad (maybe actually commit to journaling for once) Allow yourself to feel things and talk about your emotions with others.
Develop healthier coping mechanisms when you’re having bad mental health days.
Animals give you so much sheer joy, so find a way to reintroduce animals in your life now that Izzie is gone. Maybe volunteer at the Humane Society. Being around animals will do wonders for your mental health.
2. Improve your social life
Be more involved SOCIALLY in clubs. Yes, you have a bunch of board positions and help w logistics and programming, but actually make an effort to socialize with the people in your clubs.
Tell your social anxiety to CHILL THE FUCK OUT. People don’t hate you. Branch out and make friends.
But also be a better friend to the ones you do have. Also stop being such a passive friend. Ask your friends to hang out, facetime, grab a meal, watch a movie, etc. Make a list of fun activities to do with friends!!
Fuck. Cishet. Boys. They are the biggest reason you’re as fucked up as you are right now, so you really need to take a break. Stop seeking validation from them and love your-fucking-self.
Instead, be more gay!! #happy20gayteen
But actually tho. You finally having the freedom to explore your queer identity. You’re not tied down by an unhealthy relationship and you’re an out and proud bi girl (at least in college). Find your queer community because THOSE ARE YOUR PEOPLE.
Stop obsessing over the idea of being in a relationship. That’s been your unhealthy security blanket for 3-4 fucking years and you need to learn how to love yourself independent of being in a relationship. Plus, you’re in such a shitty shape that it just wouldn’t be fair for anyone to date you rn. Stop being a hot mess and then just let a relationship come to you. If it happens it happens, and if it doesn’t, wait till there’s actually a decent dating pool when you move back to the west coast LOL.
3. Get your academic shit together. Plan for your future career/life.
Officially decided not to transfer. But be careful about falling into periods of depression. Try to not just survive, but find ways to be genuinely happy at Colby. Be productive, but in a healthy way.
Fuck grades. Learn for the sake of learning.
But also learn how to be a good student just to build good work habits. (buy the Forest study app since you’re highly motivated to help others and the planet more than you are helping yourself lmao... fight climate change while studying to fight climate change!!!!)
On that note, don’t skip class. It only makes you fall behind and anxious about your teachers hating you. (newsflash: they don’t!!)
Develop better relationships with teachers, don’t be afraid to interact with them just because they’re an authority figure.
Be the good student that you know you are. Don’t be afraid of failure or looking dumb. Participate in class! Ask those stupid questions! Get help when you need it!
Get back into reading and then take notes on significant findings/quotes cause you know your ADHD brain will forget. You got a nook and made a book list on goodreads, so that’s a good first step!
Create more content (photos, videos, documentaries, podcasts, make a list of projects you want to work on)
Watch more content (documentaries, maybe podcasts, and also tv shows/movies for fun)
Also clean up your personal blog, your tag system is a hOt mEsS
Continue learning more about environmental justice, sustainable agriculture, and food sovereignty.
Last year you definitely avoided red meat, but this year commit to 100% cutting out red meat and reducing your consumption of meat in general (esp when it is not responsibly sourced). Instead, eat sustainable seafood whenever possible.
Pay more attention to where you’re spending money and think about who you’re choosing to support with your dollar (maybe log your purchases and also learn how to budget?)
Continue reconnecting with your korean heritage. Learn the history, listen to korean music, possibly even learn the language. Keep talking about korean shit w korean ppl.
Don’t forget to apply for internships/summer programs, because you don’t want to be stuck with your family again for the entire summer. Maybe try to live in a city by yourself, or get away from your family/hometown in general.
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3inghao · 7 years
I'm so glad to see you are happy and back. I don't wanna like add any stress in anyway but could you tell me what engineering classes are like? Cause im thinking of looking into environmental engineering so id just like to know from an insiders view.. sorry if this is strange.
no this isn’t strange at all! So my college doesn’t have environmental engineering, and I’m in software engineering which is going to be quiet different but like I’m only ever around other types of engineers so I can try my best to give you advice..get ready for an essay. 
Assuming you haven’t started college yet, it actually might be a good idea to start your major as an undecided engineer. I say that because a LOT of engineers switch types of engineering after the first year, so it would keep your options more open but still centered around engineering. If your school doesn’t have that as an option, that’s alright because engineers all take practically the same classes the first year anyway. If you are pretty sure you want to be an engineer but are just unsure on what type of engineering I would definitely just go in as an environmental engineer instead of completely undecided (unless it’s undecided engineer) because you’ll be taking the same classes as all the other engineers anyways and that’s better than taking random classes that won’t be related to an engineering major. And I definitely wouldn’t sweat trying to figure out what kind of engineer you want to be before school starts..like I was between software engineering and chemical engineering but two weeks into chemistry I realized I never want to look at a periodic table ever EVER again. Like I don’t know how to explain it because it took me so long to realize I wanted to be an engineer and what I wanted to do with my life while I was in high school, but once you come to college it becomes really obvious real quick. One of my good friends, one week in, already decided she was changing her major. Another friend, half the semester in, decided she wants to do a different type of engineering. Like it won’t make sense till you’re there, but you will know very quickly whether environmental engineering is your thing! 
As far as classes go, all my classes are some kind of STEM related class. It can kind of be difficult at times, and I would definitely not take very many credit hours your first semester of freshman year. Because it takes ADJUSTING getting used to only be learning calculus and chemistry and programming all day versus high school where you had a lot of different subjects. Like for sure don’t take that many credit hours..just don’t. I assume if you’re interested in environmental engineering, then you like science which is gonna be v v v helpful. I have to take three natural science classes, but software engineering and science are like so god damn unrelated it hurts my soul. I’m never gonna need to know chemistry but i have to take it for some reason!!! nevermind my angst about science because if you like science than you’ll be fine! Just be prepared for 2-3 hour science labs and your lectures for science classes, for the most part, are going to be very big. 
ALSO WATCH TF OUT FOR SCIENCE CLASSES BC THEY ARE NOT LIKE HIGH SCHOOL CLASSES like I just wish someone had told me..”adrian u may have thought high school chem was easy but this shiz ain’t the same so read the god damn book and start studying at least a week and a half before the test” then I might not have gotten such a low score on the first exam lololol but honestly I’m adjusting so it takes time. I would just make sure you stay on top of your shiz in science classes and use the resources available to you and start studying EARLY. Also even if your like oh this is review from high school..still make sure you spend quality time studying otherwise you will regret it…this is from experience. 
As far as math class, I think they are very bearable. Idk what grade you are in but if you can I would try and go to the highest level math class your high school offers. For me, it was honors AP Calculus which is Calc 1 and Calc 2. This will really help set the foundation for your calc skills for college because you’ll have to go through calc 1, calc 2, and calc 3 and the probably differential equations and linear algebra. But having taken some sort of calculus in high school made what I’m doing now SO much more bearable, and I even got 100 on the first exam! My tips for math classes is always show up to the lectures, do AT LEAST half the homework assignment (bc i like never did math homework in high school), and try to go to your teachers office hours often and just ask a couple random homework questions because having the teacher who knows what they’re doing working through a problem with you one on one is gonna really save you on the quizzes (esp bc the teacher knows whats on them). I really enjoy my math class (i went straight into calc 3 from high school), but even if you start at calc 1 again having taken your high schools calc class will be so so so helpful (AP science classes on the other hand?? didn’t take any nah worth it lol).
I think that’s a decent amount of adivce? feel free to send another ask if you have like more specific questions! i love being an engineer I feel like I made the right decision even tho i dislike science courses lol i get free printing at my school for bein an engineer it’s pretty sweet but just know….there’s a reason STEM majors get paid more after college..bc this shiz isn’t a walk in the park and there’s a lot of work, but if you’re passionate about it you’ll excel! 
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janiedean · 7 years
Ok, I know it may come as quite offensive for some people, but it's a real question. I'm upper middle-class, as my parents were before me, I was still living with them during the econonical crisis and I barely felt it and now I have my own job, I have no problem having money for myself. And fortunately or not, all of my friends either come from this social class or got into it with their jobs, so I never had a real talk with someone considered "poor". I'm not trying to brag or anything, (cont)
I'm just explaining where I stand and why everyone in my family (including me) is right-winged (not far-right, thanks god, but very liberal). So there is my question, I see so much talk and post about how the situation is awful for people (and mainly young people) and I don't know if it's an exaggeration (aka the opinion of 90% of the people I know, friends + families) or is there a real problem I fail to understand. Thanks for taking the time to read (and maybe answer) me.
Sure I can answer you XD
So, given that the economical crisis hit differently in different countries so there’s different perspectives to be had, the short answer is: it’s not an exaggeration. Long answer:
if you come from an upper middle-class background it’s highly likely you won’t have felt the repercussions, and if you were living with your parents when the crisis hit because you weren’t old enough for college then I suppose you’re in your early-mid twenties, right? If you are, congratulations, you dodged the millennial bullet, which I will rant about further later. Anyway, it’s not like it’s a fault or anything, but like, upper-middle class = you have some degree of privilege.
Now, I also am middle class, though in Italy, which is a whole different thing than being middle class in the US - now I can’t be knowledgeable about the details of how it works in the US tho I know a few things that might give you extra perspective further down, but anyway, I do have the middle-class privilege that comes with having managed to dodge the economical crisis, but... I’m late twenties/early thirties, which means that I finished studying right when the crisis hit here the worst - it caught up with us a bit later than in the US but when I finished university there was literally nothing for anyone with my background and most people my age I know either are working from home somehow or working jobs that have nothing to do with their skill set or what they studied for or are freelancers or work without benefits and/or it took them years to get to economical stability - like, my cousin got first in this year’s chart to teach middle school in her area and she got two schools (if not three) for one year and is still living with her parents and it took her six years if not more to get there since getting the degree, her brother has worked for an ONG for years but his contract’s is meh and he compensates renting a room in a house his parents bought for him and as far as I’m concerned... it took me two years to get a shitty paid state job for one year and now I have to look again and I might end up trying to end up in a program to get a teaching certification that I don’t even want to do, but it’s STATE MONEY with BENEFITS and after four years and so of working without benefits I’m freaking out about retirement and shit, which brings us to another problem.
My parents’ generation (and the previous one) found jobs in a moment of economical growth. When my mother retires and when my father does, they’re going with the old pension system which means they get 90% of their last paycheck. As it is right now, I haven’t put money towards it at all because I don’t have it, and I’ll have to work until I’m like seventy and I’ll get.... an abysmal amount of money, with the current system, sure as fuck not 90% of my last paycheck. I couldn’t buy a house without my parents’ help or without them backing me up (banks don’t let you have a mortgage if your parents don’t grant for you). And like, the generation before mine all managed to lend decent jobs because the economy was pre-crisis, the one after mine is getting better jobs because we’re out of it and everyone is hiring again, and the one I’m in is fucked because we’re too old or too young or too qualified because if you don’t find work you go back to studying and get titles that then mean you should get PAID WHAT A TRAVESTY or not qualified enough because we ended up taking jobs without proper contracts that you can’t put on your resume and so on. Given that I don’t consider myself old and that I come from a background where I’m more or less covered because the parents have good jobs, the situation for me and my entire age group is shitty af because unless you have uber rich parents and you come from money your retirement money will be shit and our retirement funds are shitty af, and good luck when our parents retire and don’t feed the system with their retirement money.
Like, if I wanted hypothetical children (THANK FUCK I DON’T) I could never afford to give them the same level of wealth/living that my parents gave me and that their parents gave them. I could never. Because even with someone else in the house, if they were my age and in the same work conditions it’d be an utopia.
Now, given all this, I’m still middle class. If I, a person with a relative amount of *privilege*, am fairly screwed when it comes to job perspectives (I mean, in this country you work as soon as you finish uni if you studied engineering or economics and that’s it...), how do you assume someone who actually comes from a low middle class or poor background is faring? Spoilers: a lot worse than me. The unemployment level in between young people here is tremendously high and working jobs without a contract to bring money home doesn’t help either. And like, at least here a lot of people my age just dump everything and leave Italy (and I honestly sort of wish I had when it’d have been easier but never mind) because finding a job tied in some way to what you studied for here is a lottery gamble and then people don’t understand that if all the young people leave who pays for their goddamned retirement money? Anyway, tldr: obviously if I had found a government job at 24 just out of university I wouldn’t be here worrying about my retirement money as much, but I don’t have a government job and the majority of people doesn’t, and given the current times it’s not shaping up to look that much better for us, at least.
On to the US, since I assume you’re from the US: thing is, from what I understand especially right now the part where if you work hard enough you make money and climb into upper-middle class is kind of a myth especially when in order to attend university you have to get loans unless you’re on a scholarship and/or come from money, which means that you end university and you have already 40k of debt to repay on you, which already puts a hinder on anything you do because you’ll have to pay that shit off, same as your car, same as your house and so on, which means that if you’re *poor* it’s a lot less likely to get into college or find a good job unless you go in the military (which is imo another whole level of fucked up but never mind), not counting the people who from what I understand end up in debt or broke because they can’t pay off hospital expenses/insurance expenses if they get sick. Never mind that the entire 2008 crisis spiraled from the Reagan/Thatcher ridiculously terrible economical liberalims that people decided was AMAZING in the eighties, but if I don’t remember wrong, what kickstarted it was basically the fact that a lot of people took loans to buy houses with money they didn’t have and the banks defaulted and it all came tumbling down. Now, the people who lived in those houses basically lost everything and got fucked thrice over, and how do we assume their kids are faring? Not well, most probably.
Now, idk how the situation is there because it looks like by the end of his term Obama had managed to create more jobs and send things back on  a better track (if Trump doesn’t fuck that up obv) but like... Obama was there eight years. It took that long. Anyone who finished college and/or was in my age range and on the job market during the crisis or when it hit most probably got very much fucked, never mind that I’m 99% sure that the US don’t have the same retirement system as here when it comes down to it so people are nowhere near as sheltered when it comes to their retirement. Or to get benefits. Though from what I gathered we have more benefits than the average US worker, government or not, so... a lot of people have real issues finding a job or moving on from their crappy one or meeting the living standards their parents had and which from what I gather they’re expected to have (see the credit cards post I reblogged yesterday). And that’s going to be the majority. And since ‘young people’ are usually considered my age range these days and my group (the millennials of doom) was the one most hit by this fuckery when it came to finding jobs... no, it’s not an exaggeration. I can say it’s not from another country where things are marginally better and coming from a background more like yours, I can’t even begin to imagine how worse it is for people who had it worse growing up and have less welfare to fall back on.
also, we’re talking young people but here a lot of older ones got fucked over thrice because the pension reform hit them badly, and most of them weren’t wealthy and worked time/health-consuming jobs, a lot lost their job and who’s going to re-hire you when you’re fifty-five, and that’s without having lost your savings as it happened in the US. if these people had kids, those kids didn’t fare well, most probably. the crisis was a problem for people from every age, not just for young people.
So, again: yes, there’s a problem, and no, it’s probably hard that you’d notice because if you managed to miss the crisis’s effects and you don’t have the retirement/pension funds problems we have here you wouldn’t have any reason to. However, it’s not an exaggeration at all and like, I don’t want to sound condescending or anything and I have nothing against moderate liberals so like don’t take it as me insulting you or anything because I swear I’m not, and I know it’s hard to know people outside your sphere which is usually someone in your same economical conditions, but if you get the chance to talk to someone who’s less economically well-off than you/your friends/your family is I’d suggest listening to them because a) they’d give you a better idea of it than me since I only know my country’s situation well, b) it’s always a good thing to go outside your bubble (but that’s valid for everyone - all people should, from all backgrounds) and check how things are. I can give my perspective (which is bad) but someone who actually lived it worse than I did could give a better one. Anyway, I hope it was a satisfactory answer - it’s not in any way shape or form comprehensive but as I said I can only speak for what I’m sure of. :) 
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dachi-chan25 · 7 years
Riverdale episode 6 recap
Okay so it's been a while since I've done I recap (cuz I don't usually have much time) but today I'm hella sick so work is out of the picture and I have a LOT of thoughts/feelings about THIS episode so why the hell not???
First of all I applogize for the format (I'm on mobile cuz turning on my computer literally gives me a headache when I'm sick) I'll try to fix it, and lastly I warn THIS contains–
•So we start the episode talking about fear (honestly I LOVE the intros) we see Archie with his guitar staring anxiously at himself in the mirror and we also see Betty and Polly when they were children, then we have a pretty neat transition to the present. Betty is chillin' on her bed and writing her diary while Mama Cooper (aka Satan) is folding Betty's clothes, oh and my baby drops the bomb she invited Jughead over for breakfast, no biggie am I right???? (OMG THIS is happening!!!!) Alice was shocked!
•My sarcastic baby boy is having the most uncomfortable breakfast ever, (honest to God Imma kill Alice and then I'll adopt her daughters) it seems breakfast was only an excuse for our sleuths to distract Alice (they communicate only with a look #married4eva) So Betty can check her purse for any clues about Polly's whereabouts.
•Their little plight is succesful cause Betts finds a check for some kind of religious asociation (Can't remember the name sorry) they research it on the Blue & Gold offices and find out it's a home for 'troubled youths' #bingo of course they know Polly is there.
•So we have this kinda variety show on Riverdale (my boy Kevin is organizing it of course) and Archie is auditioning but he has stage fright, and no I'm not gonna make any Troy Bolton joke cuz I understand Archie. For those who want to know I'm am actress, I do theater mostly, musical theater, and when I began to study for it I was scared af because even if my friends and family were supportive I had tons of insecurities (and when you are an actor/Singer that's perfectly normal) so yeah I really connected with Archie here (What's the deal with Reggie tho??? First he is an asshole with Juggie and punches Archie, then he is actually decent with Archie and now he is pulling a 'keep ya' head in the game Bolton' and being a total dickhead like???
•At lunch my cutie sleuths are talking bout Polly and sharing food and once again communicating with their eyes (OTP) and for the first time Archie offers his help and Juggie totally rejects his ass (pretty logical tho cuz they would attract too much attention) and I kinda got the feeling Archie is getting jealous idk the way he looked at them did not sit right with me.
•So yeah Archie is angsting about the whole stage fright thing, Valerie is being supportive af (that's pretty cool cuz she actually has experience with this) and my girl Ronnie says she convinced (read: forced) Kevin to give him a slot in the show's program so he has the chance to share his songs (Kevin is totally NOT happy about it tho) but Archie thinks he can't make it alone and Valerie is like 'would love to help but I'm with the Pussycats babe' fear not cuz Ronnie is all smooth and offers to be the 'Bey to his Jay' (honestly I'm not very invested in Archie's love life but he certainly is lucky to have such awesome girls intrested in him) he accepts and it's all very flirty.
•Then we have Mama Lodge and Papa Andrews talking bussines, it seems things are not going good but Fred refuses to 'let his people go' cuz he felt real bad the last time he did (he is talking about Juggie's dad isn't he?) anyway he is not doing them any good either cuz for the looks of it the money is not enough for the payrolls, Fred has a plan tho, he wants to convince the new owner of the Drive In to give him the construction job and he asks for Hermione's help (which is hillarious cuz we, the viewers, know the buyer was her husband) she agrees and... We see Ronnie (i LOVE her) taking flowers to her mom but she doesn't get to give them to her cause she fricking watches her mom kissing Fred!!!!! WTF I thought she wasn't intrested??? Dunno this just made me sad for my girl Ronnie.
•Once Hermione arrives home Veronica confronts her, and is totally logical cuz she is still married, and of course Veronica thought once her dad was free they could be like they were before but Hermione tells her she is not So sure about it. OMG whyyyyyyy??????? Ronnie doesn't deserve THIS and while Hermione can do whatever she wants this is not the right way to go about it. For starters she should get a divorce and talk to Ronnie instead of letting her find out everything on her own and hurting her in the process #fuck them I'll adopt Ronnie too!!
•Then we get a scene where Fred is telling Archie all his 'guys' are gonna go to watch his presentation, Archie is still nervous but his dad is real supportive (why can't all the Riverdale parents be like this???) and he even tells him what happened with Ronnie's mom (see Hermione?? Not so hard to be honest with your child) Archie is also pretty supportive (the Andrews are so uncomplicated is like watching a completely different show)
•We're at school again and we have Archie and Val talking about music and stuff, and then we get a Pussycats rehearsal, Josie is really in the zone and gets pissed at Valerie, my girl Val snaps at her that working with Archie is much more plesant, and Josie looses it saying Val can't sing with both of them and she must choose ASAP Val promptly quits and I'm shoook!!!!!!! WTF is going on???
•Josie, now more calm, tells her mom and her mom is So nonchalant about it??? She tells Josie to replace Val and other pretty fucked up BS (why are the Riverdale parents So shitty???) cuz apparently Josie's dad is comming to see the show and if the Pussycats aren't perfect he would blame her for it. Da fuq????? And what about what Josie feels??? #I'm adopting Josie too
•So yeah Val tells Archie she can sing with him cuz she left the Pussycats and they start rehearsing and it's all nice and dandy til Ronnie arrives with her partiture and Archie is the douchiest douche to have ever douched, for real he didn't even told Ronnie he was going to sing with Val now and just put her aside like a toy or something (honestly fuck him so much!!! I support his love for music but that doesn't give him the right to use people and discard them whenever he wants) of course my girl totally calls this fuckboi out but in her anger she ends up yelling at him about their parents's affair. #protectRonnie #where's my girl Cheryl to console her gf??? Anyway Ronnie goes straight to the Pussycats and offers to replace Val (OMG she gets the kitty ears And the whole mean girls corridor-catwalk vibe it's awesome)
•They are rehearsing but Ronnie is not into it And Josie calles her out, And Ronnie explodes about everything, Josie is supportive af and very insightful tho. #I'm here for Josie/Ronnie friendship (And maybe more) Cherjosieca is my new OT3
•So we get Juggie and Betty in front of this wierd asylum (OMG they totally skipped school) there they must be separated cuz only Betty can enter, they take her to Polly's room, but she is not there she is in the gardens and honestly when the Cooper sisters reunite is the most beautiful thibg, and also Betty founds Polly is not sick but she is pregnant (I totally knew this)
•We get the full story about how she and Jason were gonna run away on July 4th but someone told her parents and she got taken away (for fuck's sake why do you do this to your daughter?!?!? Over maple syrup really????)and OMFG she doesn't know Jason is dead!!!!!!! #go home Riverdale parents # this year's 'Shittiest parent' award goes to Alice and Hal Cooper.
•An old lady (she is the one who recieved Betty and Juggie) takes Betty away And boom!!! Alice is there, the witch practically drags Betty to a corridor and says she paid the institution to inform her every time Polly got a visitor, Betty is having none of THIS shit And confronts her about not telling Polly about Jason, and then they run into Polly (I guess she was being taken back to her room) And Polly is crying And screaming at Alice for not telling her and they drag her away from Betty, And Jughead tries to help but can't And OMG why must Betty suffer like THIS??? #protectBetty #my heart broke
•Then back at the Coopers, Betty is being confronted by her patents who try to gaslight the shit out of her (why are you So awful???) of course Betty doesn't let them out the hook And asks her dad if he broke into Sheriff Keller's home ( we know he totally did) he says he didn't, And Betty asks if he killed Jason her mother starts to laugh (she goes from suburban mom to the Joker in .5 seconds I swear) and says she wishes either of them had killed Jason (I mean I knew it wasn't them, but that's such a fucked up thing to say let alone in front of your daughter) #the Cooper parents are batshit crazy, of course Betty tries to make them see reason And the abusive shits say they are her parents and she must believe them just cuz they say so. #Imma fight them both tbh
So we get this elegant dinner at the Lodge's place, And Josie's asshole dad is there being pretentious as fuck, and I can't stand him (also Josie called Archie Yoko Ono and I cracked up xD) Fred presents his project but Mayor Mccoy says it's not up to her but she'll try to help him.
•Arch talks to Val about crazy dinner time, and of course about Josie's dad, Val says now she gets why Josie was So worked up about the show, Archie tells her to go back to the Pussycats cuz I guess now he is more confident of maybe he wants to stand on his own, And that's a good thing!!!! Cuz Val loves the Pussycats And Arch doesn't want to be Yoko #LMAO
•Ronnie is getting ready to go to the show but she decides to talk things with her mom like Josie suggested, unfortunately Hermione drops her the bomb that Hiram (aka dady dearest) gave her a sharing of his company before going to jail and she needs Ronnie to sign the papers to give Fred the job, Ronnie gets mad af And says she won't sign anything for her mom's lover, and what does Hermione do?? She FORGES her daughter's signature #fuck her tbh!!! #she is driving her daughter away with all her BS
•So apparently Betty is confined to her room, worry not cuz our brave Jughead (aka Romeo) climbs to her window and kills me with a single line ('hey there Juliet' *dead*) she smiles And OMG they are the cutest ship ever!!!! Anyway Betty is feeling pretty out of it because her parents are crazy And maybe Polly And she are too... Jughead tries to calm her down saying they are not their parents (THIS sounds So Romeo&Juliet to me!!!) And he stutters and its adorable And he gains courage And then HE KISSES HER (ahhhhhhh ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥❇🌟🌠✅✔✔✅✔🆒💯💯💯💯💯‼‼‼‼❗❕❗❕❗) And it's the cutest thing ever cuz one really gets to see that Juggie was waiting to do that for a long time (the lil' sigh he gives *dead again* And her smile!!!!! *couldn't be more dead*) now Betty starts talking about Jason's car (I know lots of people think she ruined the moment but consider this: before the kiss she was lost, she doubted herself and her parents and everything BUT after the kiss she regains focus and trust in herself and tbh I find this beautiful, I don't think they need big romantic declarations of love cause they know, they have such a Deep understanding with each other that words are not really necessary) And Juggie gets So amused at her (SAME Juggie) So they are back at the sleuthing bussines and go to check Jason's car.
•Now in the show Val talks with Josie And everything between them gets fixed (I LOVE girl friendship) And Kevin (OMG it's me or he looks like Corny Collins???) introduces them to the audience, they sing a modern cover of 'I feel LOVE' And we get a transition to Betty and Juggie finding the car, they see the back And find one of Jason's jacket And lots of drugs, And OMG they actually are going to go to the police (THIS is such an unusual thing for this kind of shows) but someone is watching them (God I hope nothing bad happens to them)
•Josie's asshole of a dad gets up and leaves before the Pussycats finish And Imma fucking gonna fight him cause my girl Josie is trying So hard not to cry in front of everyone #fuck your dad Josie #you are enough #you are talented And amazing.
•Now it's Archie's turn And he is still terrified, but Ronnie (bless her forgiving heart) gives him the support he needs to go on stage and actually sing, And OMG THIS is straight outta High School Musical cuz after the show every one is cheering on him and wow just crazy.
•But before the show ends Betty and Jughead arrive (like two adorable drenched puppies) with Sheriff Keller And tell him what they found, And OMG for a moment Betty hears Archie's voice through the speaker but she decides to go after Juggie and Sheriff Keller (my girl is already moving on!!! Good job at visual representation writers!!)
•So Archie thanks Val for everything, and they KISS, OMG I really like them together but I'm not So sure Archie is ready to have a relationship, I mean he is So volatile, Idk, I liked the kiss And I hope he is not an ass to Val.
•So Hermione and Fred are huggin and Ronnie arrives being polite af (So classy) Fred gives her the good news (that he got the job) and of course Verónica immediatly knows what happened And leaves #well now you did it Hermione #I just wanna hug Ronnie tho
•The police + Bughead get at the car but it's on Fire!!! And the evidence is lost with it!!!! OMG why?????????????????? Then my babies go to Polly's institution only to find she escapes through the window (there was blood on the glass and I'm So damn worried for her)
And the episode ends there cause the writers of this show wanna keep me anxious over my children til next week!!!
And that's it I always have fun doing these maybe I'll try to make one for next week (if I'm not to dead by then) I would LOVE to hear your thoughts about it!!!
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mstigergun · 7 years
OC Kiss Week, “marginalia”
OC Kiss Week, Day Five (a fluffy kiss, sort of? definitely dusty tho!)
(I don’t have any pictures of these two, since they are nerds in the University of Val Royeaux and not, you know, kicking around the Inquisition)
@enviouspride asked that I write something with Iona Trevelyan, who is the middle Trevelyan sibling. He’s mentioned in Leonid’s timeline fic, and in Alla’s, and also Leonid is really mean to Iona when he comes to visit for First Day one year. That is a formative and vicious little interaction, which makes Iona really take stock of his life and make a Big Change. Well, big for him!
So, in my little headcanon, Iona was sent off to be a Chantry archivist, but because of some ordinance about, like, y’know, not drafting the unwilling, young scholars are given the choice at some point to continue with their work for the Chantry or to go elsewhere. Most stay, because they’ve been shipped off by their families -- usually noble families with too many children and not enough coin -- and have no other means of surviving. Iona, because he is very clever and very handy with translations, gets head-hunted by the University of Orlais, who want to poach him for their own young scholars training program (tm) (also because he’s too good and clever to be an archivist; he would be wasted on the Chantry). Given the choice, Iona decides he’d rather work with the University, mostly because one time he kissed a girl in the Chantry and realized that a life of celibacy sounded pretty sad. He likes books, but not that much!
Iona would have joined the University at 18 in 9:33. This little piece is likely set around 9:39, when he’s 24. He and Sian would have met no more than a year earlier when she got her offer to study at the University. Sian is really into ancient codes used for old trade route manifests. And who knows? These two might someday come in contact with the Inquisition, who could need some translations completed of ancient letters or someone to parse out the specifics of some coded letters. No code can stand up to the intellectual fury of Sian Fields, while her tall and awkward fellow makes her tea and suggests alternate grammatical structures when it comes times to make those encoded sentences make sense... 
[~2600 words]
He likely wouldn’t notice, except that he’s taking a break from poring over Durotti’s Anderfels manuscript because his eyes have started to burn. With his nose pressed against the paper, he can’t hear anything, like somehow reading makes him deaf. It’s a quirk that served him well when he was studying with the Chantry, where bells and songs and the distant echo of the morning service might break his concentration; it’s an even more useful oddity here in the University, where he’s certain the other young scholars in his cohort spend more time gossiping about one another than actually tending to their research.
One good thing about growing up a Trevelyan, he often muses: he’s gotten very good at ignoring unpleasantries.
But since he’s not currently lost in translating a strange dialect into a more modern incarnation, and because he is instead sipping on his cold tea and staring pointedly at nothing, even when the words dancing on the parchment before him call his name so loudly they’re practical a choir…
Well, they’re not a choir. Neither is the voice that echoes off the dusty domed roof overhead.
“Shit, you fucking bastard. I swear to the Maker and beyond I will dig up your blighted bones and set them alight, you Antivan arsehole!” The heavy sound of manuscripts being dropped furiously on tables, or else on the floor. Footfalls stomping their way up and down the narrow passageway, then, “Foremost fucking scholar on the Storm Age Drylands route, my arse.”
There’s only one young scholar in the whole of the university who swears quite like that, just as there’s only one scholar in all of Thedas who is so invested in ancient Antivan trade routes and their curious codes as to be there in the smallest and darkest hours of the night. And if anyone could use a break before she sets the library alight instead of an ancient historian’s bones, then it’s sure to be Sian Fields.
Iona picks himself up, rolling out the crick in his neck from too many hours with his nose to a manuscript, and heads off through the precarious passageway toward the curses he can still hear.
This library, crammed in a tower in one of the University’s remote eastern spires, isn’t well-frequented, which is why it’s full of dusty towers of papers long since come loose from their bindings. It is entirely unlike the orderly library that houses hundreds of years’ worth of Chantry scholarship, which is bright and sunny, with air as clean and cool as the best sort of autumn afternoon.
There, his fellow scholars breathe easily, waving down attendants for tea or cheeses or a different colour of ink for improved notation.
Here, in the dark, tangled mess of shelves and labyrinthine cataloguing systems, Iona has to be mindful that he doesn’t take too deep a breath, lest he sneeze his way through the stacks and inadvertently cause an avalanche of forgotten Antivan translations of obscure trade histories.
Which would be very, very unwise, Iona decides, as he sidles through a particularly narrow gap between Mollarch’s Treatise (the revised third draft) and Lady Fontaine’s exhaustive lists of everything she ever purchased that was, at least in part, blue. Swear as Sian might, if anything were to happen to this collection –
Well. Iona would need to write Alla, and he very much doubts she would arrive in time to save him from Sian’s wrath.
“Fucking worthless pile of dog shite. Can’t you have thought of one halfway clever thing to put to blighted parchment, or is it all piss?”
This time, it’s almost a plea. Tremulous and unsteady.
Oh dear. Iona picks up the pace, shuffling around corners and shimmying delicately past particularly precarious stacks.
Down one very narrow row, a little light glows.
Ah, that would be her. Iona pokes his head around the corner. “Hello, Sian,” he says.
He sees her, more a shadow than a woman, in the very farthest corner of the collection, hunched over a desk, her head collapsed against her arms. She doesn’t even look up, her shoulders slumping forward as she scrubs her hands hard across her face. “Iona Trevelyan,” she sighs, truly sorrowful. “I hate Antiva.”
“No you don’t,” Iona tries, wriggling his way down the aisle to try and offer some semblance of… comfort. Emotional and academic support. The like. How Sian managed to climb her way over some of these stacks when they pose a challenge even for Iona’s long legs…
He frowns, worry squirming in the depths of his stomach, slippery and familiar. “How long have you been here? You know we’re meant to take breaks at least once a day. The Proctor has been very clear…”
That gets her attention. Sian surges to her feet, whirling to face him. Her face is smudged with the distant remnants of kohl, her hair – usually coiled very neatly at the base of her neck – has come loose and makes a frizzy, red halo around her finely-formed features. And though the top of her head wouldn’t even reach Iona’s shoulder –
Still, the look she levels him with manages to make his shoulders draw to his ears. Like staring down the mouth of a lion, all golden fury.
“The Proctor can go fuck a plate of cheese, for all I care. Awhile, Iona, that’s how long I’ve been here sorting these fucking codes out,” she spits, casting an arm out at the mess around them. “Can’t you tell? Haven’t had a breath of blighted fresh air in days. And if the Proctor thinks I’ll take a break when everyone else is busy swanning their way through their parties and assisted readings and afternoon scholar teas, then he can come here and tell me himself!”
Iona swallows once, his eyes very, very wide. Wide enough that the dust swirling through the air actually makes them sting. “Right,” he says. “Well. Sian. Perhaps you’d best take… a very small break. I’ve tea over in my alcove, and it’s cold but my sister sent it from Ostwick, so it’s decent enough. And… I suspect – it must be Bianchi you’re reading, yes? He will certainly keep. What else has he to do, but be dug up and burnt?”
Sian’s jaw tightens. And though this library, all but forgotten by their peers who pursue flashier topics and whose collections are orderly and clean and well-tended by servants, is dimly-lit, particularly this late at night, Iona can still make out the glassy sheen to her eyes. The tension in her shoulders. The –
She’s going to cry, maybe. And Iona isn’t quite certain he can handle that.
“Sian,” he tries, stepping forward. He reaches and catches her ink-stained hands in his own. Smiles, even though his stomach is fluttering with a million different worries. “It will all be alright. You’re the cleverest person in the whole university. If anyone can make Bianchi fall into line –”
“I’ll be fine,” she says, voice thin. “And that was unkind of me. I’m sorry. You’re not like the rest of them, and I should – As riled as a hound come full moon, my mum likes to say. And you’re right. Tea would be good, and some time away from Bianchi, and –” Sian blinks rapidly, furiously, hands tightening against Iona’s. Her stare, sheened with barely contained tears, darts from shelf to shelf. “It’s only that there’s so much. But – yes. Yes, I’ll be fine. It’ll keep.”
Then, firm and declarative, her hands very warm and soft in Iona’s, Sian straightens her shoulders, the light from her lantern making her hair glint like burnished copper. She draws in a long, steadying breath –
Which catches in her throat. Sian’s hands leap from Iona’s and she sneezes, so violently that Iona jerks backwards.
A thud as his elbow jostles into something. He has enough time to register the fact, before he hears it: the sliding of parchment, the whispering rustle of sheafs of paper coming undone. “Oh!” cries Iona, whirling, his hands flying up to try and catch what’s begun falling, to try and right this wrong, but –
The whole tower, which soars so delicately toward the ceiling, tilts toward him. He watches it, the middle sagging forward, then the top, then the rest.
It falls, a roaring, fluttering waterfall. First the one stack, then another, then the one to his left and the one beside that. A crescendo of hissing papers, quicksand closing in over him –
Iona’s coughing and sputtering and stumbling backward, and Sian has grasped him hard by the back of his tunic and hauled him away from the imminent catastrophe. Before him, the air is rife with thousands of ancient pages, with plumes of dust and flaking mildew. And the moment the pages settle, pooling across the floor, more liquid than parchment, Iona’s heart comes to a dead standstill in his chest.
He can’t feel his fingers. He can’t feel his legs. He can’t feel anything.
Maker help him. Andraste bless and keep him and guide him to something that is not this.
Hundreds of hours worth of cataloguing, only to be undone by –
Beside him, a wheezing breath.
“Are you alright?” Iona cries, whirling once again to face Sian, because if somehow her lungs have tightened, and she can’t breath, well. He’ll have to find a mage, which means finding the Proctor, who will skin Iona alive in front of all of Val Royeaux, but he will do it so long as Sian is alright and safe and –
“Andraste’s blessed tits,” gasps Sian, tears streaking down her cheeks as she laughs and coughs and sputters, her mouth caught in a grin so very bright Iona is almost blinded. “The whole thing, Iona! All of it!”
“Oh.” He feels himself shrinking, there in the midst of the chaos. “Yes. All of it.”
“I know I was cross with Bianchi and his kin, but I didn’t need you to go ahead and destroy the whole lot!”
“Well.” His hands curl against his sides and he tries to slide them beneath the cuffs of his sleeves. “I didn’t – I would never intend to – But Sian,” as again he realizes the scope of the damage he’s done. “Your work! How will you cross-reference if it’s all –”
Sian waves a hand through the hazy air between them. The same pale hand rises, fingers threading through her dust-whitened hair. “Let’s see, shall we? As Bianchi’s contemporary Russo writes in her very poorly composed summary of the four dominant trading families of the Storm Age, published in 7:23 and available in that lump of manuscripts over there… Who’s ever going to come here to check my citations? I can put it right before the Proctor even so much as suspects a thing.”
That will hardly stand. “I’ll put it right,” says Iona, with a firmness that feels very unfamiliar, but one he feels in the marrow of his bones. To demonstrate, he stoops and picks up an armful of pages, clutching them hard against his chest. “Since it’s my fault. And you’re clearly very invested in your research!”
Sian’s stare, which is bright and unflinching and always reminds him that he must be even more diligent in his studies and even bolder in his theories, narrows, staring at the sheaf of papers he’s holding. Then, with a loose shrug as she brushes dust from the front of her dark sweater, “Well, sure, it’s interesting enough when Bianchi’s not being a total prick, but no one reads it, so I’m never in a rush. Which nobles want to read about what a turnip farmer’s daughter thinks is relevant? None of them. Don’t know why I didn’t just stick to writing about whether the Chantry used red or mauve tapestries in the spring of 8:41 like all of our esteemed colleagues…”
Someone else would point out that it’s unfair, to her own research and to the research of their peers, but –
Well. She’s not entirely wrong. Iona’s heard what people say: that the University should never have offered Sian a scholarship. That they certainly shouldn’t have given her free reign of her research. That she doesn’t belong, with her foul mouth and loud laugh and refusal to pretend work that doesn’t matter does.
Sian shrugs again and turns away, fussing with the manuscript sitting on her desk. Her notes to the side are a scrawl, as usual, as wild and unpredictable as her mind. When first they’d started classes together, their teacher had gone up one side of her and down the other about the state of her lecture notes. You are not in Ferelden any longer, the man – the world’s foremost expert on what sorts of ink were popular in Val Chevin in 7:81 – sneered. You do not make notes for dogs.
Their whole class, a handful of the best and the brightest, or else the richest and most well-connected, had been tittering and watching the strange girl, her clothes a little too well-worn, her mouth a little too quick to criticize. But instead of recoiling, Sian had straightened under the stare of their teacher, shoulders squaring up as she tilted that bright glare in his direction. They’re sensible enough to me, she’d said, even though her skin had flushed red and Iona could see her knees jittering beneath her desk, And that’s what fucking matters in the end, doesn’t it?
So Sian’s right. She doesn’t fit here, and that’s why Iona loves her.
His arms tighten around the papers, which rustle gently in his grasp, his throat tight – and not, he knows, from the dust thick in the air. “I read your work.”
Her stare, golden as a hawk’s, again lands on him. “No, you don’t.”
“I do,” he says, breathless. Iona takes a half-step forward, no doubt doing irreparable damages to very rare manuscripts, but – Well. This matters. He continues, feeling bold despite Sian’s skeptical gaze. “Your translations of the shipping manifests from the harbourmaster’s encoded diaries were breathtaking. I’ve never seen anyone work like that before, Sian, and –”
Her forehead creases, eyebrows crawling upward toward the dusty nest of her hair. “You really read my work?”
“Of course I do,” he says, certain now that he’s on the right path. That this is important. “You’re the only original scholar in this whole place, and – And –” Iona pauses and squares up his own shoulders, trying to think of Sian in those early days, or on any day since. Of all the times she’s dealt with how unfair so many of the people here are. She’s brave and beautiful and brilliant, and the very least Iona can do, Iona, whose place is never questioned, whose research isn’t called useless or boring or –
“And you remind me to be better, all of the time,” he finishes, ignoring the way his heart flutters in his chest, the way his words are too quiet and foolishly breathless and utterly beneath her notice. Onwards, he thinks, ever onwards. “So I’ll clean up, and you can keep on with your work. Or maybe – maybe you could take a break, Sian. You do seem quite frustrated, and –”
“You’re a ridiculous man,” Sian breathes, and then she surges forward, and Iona nearly trips backward again.
Except this time her hand has fastened hard on the front of his tunic and she hauls his chest downward and plants a declarative kiss, right there on his mouth.
He drops the papers, and decides – somewhere between the delighted laugh that breaks free of Sian’s throat when his hands find her waist beneath the bulk of her sweater, and the smell of dust and crumbling paper in her hair, and the feel of her mouth and the way her eyes sparkle that singular gold when he kisses the very tips of her ink-stained fingers – he just doesn’t care about the manuscripts any longer. They’ll keep until tomorrow.
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elvesofnoldor · 7 years
lmao im kind of afraid of talking to my profs from major thesis project course about my project, cause im THIS CLOSE to going off on both of their stuck up faces. I didn’t want to talk about this on this blog for at least a month now cause i know its gonna turns to 30 paragraphs and everybodys gonna hate me for that. but i have to talk abt this now cause i gotta cope lol!!! 
i s2g everybody in the class knows that they have been anything but helpful when it comes to supervising our project, and their suggestions are usually so subjective af. The fact that they structure a 4th year THESIS course with full year course load into ONE TERM is already hazardous as it is, they literally failed several people’s mid term progress report presentation on ARBITRARY TERMS (i passed, fortunately, but my grade was not pretty). it was twenty fucking five present of people’s overall grade, and it’s not like people didn’t meet the very VAGUE guideline they provided for this presentation--which is just to show them what we have done so far. It was a progress report, and I’ve talked to several people in class about it, we all agree that we are not supposed to be graded on WHETHER OR NOT THEY LIKE OUR WORK OR NOT, they are supposed to grade us on how much we’ve done. In their feedback for me, they makes suggestions of what i should have done and it’s like??? well you didn’t tell anyone what you wanted from this presentation, so are we supposed to just KNOW? Also, they literally could not muster a convincing reason for FAILING PEOPLE in the class on that mid term presentation!! and 5 fucking people went to the department head about their shit experience in the course, and if worst comes to worst, i WILL be the sixth person to go the department head. 
last time i talked to one of them--frances-- about my project, she obviously didn’t like my unfinished rough cut of my short film, and decided that it was garbage based on that. Like i didnt do sound editing, colour correction--ANYTHING yet, i just put together some raw footage!!! she hasn’t even SEEN the entire thing, and I’m drawing inspiration from a director with very volatile and strange visual style and editing! A director that she obviously isn’t at all familiar with!!! (its wong kar wai, btw) SHIT even some of his films are hard to appreciate if you are not used to his kind of cinematography, and he’s a internationally acclaimed director that shoots his films on A. BUDGET, with PROFESSIONAL ACTORS WHO ARE MOVIE STARS, professional cinematographer and a decent sized crew of professional people, AS WELL AS BOUGHT EQUIPMENT THAT PROBABLY DOESN’T BREAK ALL THE TIME. Whereas im a film student shooting with no crew, no help from my goddamn profs that are supposed to supervise our projects, and shitty ass equipment that does not WORK sometimes (it’s such a thrill to work with audio equipment because oh bOY sometimes the shotgun mic just doesn’t record for no reason lol).
Honestly ive been really fucking depressed bc of this project, well im depressed in general but there is also this fucking project that makes it worse but its fine lol, and bc of that i had a hard time even touching the project. I reshoot two core scenes last Sunday and that’s all i fucking did. We are supposed to present our WIP for final feedback this week before presenting our work for real next week, and obviously im not ready since i can’t edit this film i just can’t. Every time i opened the editing program, and started editing i just couldn’t do it after a while cause i felt like no matter what i do its gonna be horrible and i will get a bad grade on my final project. I started to doubt my script, i started to doubt everything, and i couldn’t edit anything after Frances basically passed final value judgement on a VERY ROGH AND WIP version or something she doesnt like or yet to understand. And its stupid, but because of that fear of not achieving what i wanted to achieve, i couldn't do much editing. After I talked to Frances 1-2 weeks ago, i accommodated by planning to make a video essay to give context to the short film i will be screening either fucking way. I was gonna do a paper before deciding to concentrate on shooting the film. Frances straight up told me that i shouldn’t even show this film, she’s like “do you want to show people this?”, yes bitch i actually do, and how do u know its gonna be shitty when it’s NOT EVEN close to finished??? 
im just ranting here so i can calm myself down a little before going to see her today. I had good experiences in three of her classes before (got all As from them), PLUS she WROTE my reference letters for grad school, so i dont really want to end up in her bad book; but i know shes not the best prof and i took issue with how she structured her courses before (dude i learned NOTHING from screenwriting class, cause she just goes through the processes of writing a ten page screenplay and that’s fucking it. it doesnt matter i got an A from that course i just didnt learn much). Believe me, i was raised to not question teachers’ teaching methods and authorities, and if i take issues with profs and teachers it’s usually because they have done something seriously wrong. I dont think they gonna budge on giving me a better grade for mid term, but at least i want her to know what my main argument is in the video essay, just so i know if she has any constructive criticisms to give, because there is no point showing her a slightly updated version of the rough cut lol. im gonna have to muster all the strength i have to at least make the video essay by tomorrow morning to show to the class, and maybe a good clip from the film. Jesus Fucking Christ, i actually need this course to graduate cause its a 400 level 4th year course. Even tho i dont think im gonna fail i kinda want a decent grade for this course lol. 
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imissmymarcjacobs · 4 years
Ritual Vitamins Comprehensive Review
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A post shared by china frost (@olivecreativeco) on Feb 23, 2020 at 7:48am PST
Why I Was So Hesitant to Give Ritual Vitamins a Try
Honestly, my main issue with Ritual (versus other brands of supplements/vitamins/multivitamins) was undoubtedly the price. $30 USD for just one month of something that really only “works” invisibly is just not a really “fun” kind of purchase, if we’re being real here haha. I’d much rather spend that money each month on some nice skincare or makeup products that I can actually see working when I use them. However, I finally got serious about actually purchasing a Ritual Multivitamin subscription when 1. my doctor said I was anemic (likely because of my vegetarian diet that I’ve been following for the past few years) and that I should start taking an iron supplement, and 2. I found a Ritual promo code shared by someone I follow on Instagram for $15 off your first month. So, since an iron supplement was actually medically necessary for me (the regular Ritual multivitamins contain Iron as one of the ingredients, plus several more good things which I will talk more about later), and since $15 for a month’s worth of pills isn’t too much worse (I think) than what I’d pay for a decent iron supplement or multivitamin from a drugstore or something, I decided it finally made sense to at least give Ritual a try!!!
The Price
Is it Justified Solely by the Ritual’s Cute Packaging & Overall Brand Aesthetic? Or Actual Solid Reasoning Based on Quality and/or Performance?
Now let’s take a quick look at Amazon to see what some of their women’s multivitamin options are and what range of prices we’re dealing with there. Below is a pretty standard, seemingly decent (4.5 out of 5 stars with almost 300 total ratings) women’s multivitamin I found on Amazon. So, in comparison, yes, you can find a standard women’s multivitamin on Amazon (and likely at your local drugstores, as well) for a much more affordable price than what you would pay if you opted for a Ritual subscription, since the Amazon one (the one below that I’m using as an example) is about one-third of the price of the Ritual vitamins, and it comes with double the amount of product compared to the Ritual vitamins. (They both come with 60 pills, but you’re supposed to consume two Ritual vitamins daily whereas you’re only directed to take one pill daily when using the supplement pictured/linked below).
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A post shared by ⋒ gabrielle ⋒ (@35mmskin) on Apr 1, 2020 at 8:11am PDT
***Note for the rest of this post: From this point forward (in this post only, obvs), when I talk about the Ritual Multivitamins, I will be referring to the Ritual Essential for Women Multivitamin 18+ (Not the other two current options - Multivitamin 50+, Prenatal Multivitamin) unless otherwise stated. This is only because the two options I’m not really talking about in this post aren’t really relevant to me, personally, right now, and I don’t know much about the needs of the average 50+ person or the average pregnant or soon-to-be pregnant person, so I’m choosing not to speak on those things that I really don’t know much about, at least at this point of my life! However, if you have any specific questions that this post doesn’t answer and you think the 50+ Multivitamin or the Prenatal Multivitamin might be better-suited to your needs, please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments and I’ll do my best to share everything I do know! Thank you for understanding!!! 😇😇😇😇
So, is a subscription to Ritual Multivitamins actually worth it?
“Is it worth giving a try? Is it worth my money at the full monthly price? Is it worth it if I have a discount/promo code?” I’ll do my best to answer all of these questions in the paragraphs below (to the best of my ability, of course!)
Features/Perks of Ritual Multivitamins
‘No-Nausea Capsule Design’ - I absolutely love the fact that Ritual vitamins are specifically made/formulated/designed to be anti-nausea. I’m someone who struggles a LOT (I really mean a lotttttt!!!) with seemingly chronic stomach issues. I’ve been to a million doctors appointments about my stomach issues, but none have been able to figure out a cause or cure for me - yet! I try to remain hopeful but that doesn’t change the fact that this is something I’ve been struggling with for years. That said, a lot of foods, drinks, and medication (anything, really, that goes down my throat and into my stomach) upset my extremely sensitive and picky stomach, making me nauseous fairly frequently. Basically, this is just a long-winded way of saying that I’m already super happy with this claim by itself, because I haven’t noticed… honestly I don’t think I’ve noticed ANY other brand of vitamins/supplements that are specifically supposed to be anti-nausea. And I think it’s really great that Ritual actually thought about this as a concern for many people and made this anti-nausea multivitamin a reality!
‘Vegan Certified’ - Having been a vegetarian for the past 4 years, and a vegan the year before that, I can safely say that, in at least one area of my life, I intentionally go out of my way to avoid most animal products - and since almost 100% of those intentions are because of ethical reasons (factory farming = BAD, SCARY, HORRIBLE, TERRIFYING, DISGUSTING, AHFSDILJLFSD don’t get me started lol but look it up - not anything made by PETA tho tbh - and you’ll find a bunch of stuff that you’ll wish you never had to find out but you still should educate yourself because it’s what’s actually going on in soooo many places “behind the scenes” and it’s NOT okay!!!!), I’m loving the fact that Ritual vitamins are completely vegan! It can sometimes be difficult to find certain types of supplements or vitamins that are actually 100% vegan, especially gummies (don’t forget that gelatin is an animal product and therefore not vegetarian and therefore I try my best to avoid these), so this fact/feature is actually one of the big reasons I’d be alright with paying a higher price - in my head, I’m justifying it to myself by thinking, “It’s okay, the extra money isn’t going towards cute, fancy packaging that’ll end up just being thrown in the trash, but it’s also - at least somewhat - going towards the sourcing of all-vegan ingredients, which aren’t as common and likely harder or just plain ol’ more expensive to get for the company.
‘Gluten and Allergen Free’ - I don’t have any real food allergies (I suspect that I might be slightly lactose-intolerant, but it’s definitely nothing severe and I don’t think that even counts as an allergy haha), but I do really appreciate the fact that Ritual took this feature into consideration and was able to implement it without sacrificing the quality of the vitamins or anything like that. Just because it doesn’t necessarily apply to or affect me, personally, doesn’t mean I don’t wholeheartedly appreciate the intentions behind this and what it means for others who do struggle with these issues.
‘Non-GMO’ - To be blatantly honest with you, I actually don’t really know much about GMOs and wasn’t really taught much about them while I was in school at all - and if they did even mention it in school, you can bet your ass I don’t remember even a lil bit of it lol… 😬😭 So, for that reason only, I’m not going to really comment on this particular feature, but I still wanted to mention it in case you’re someone who does know a lot about this topic and is either strongly ‘pro-’ or ‘anti-’ GMO!
‘No Colorants or Synthetic Fillers’ - The fact that Ritual doesn’t use colorants or artificial fillers in their multivitamins is one of the other main reasons why I can better understand and justify (to myself and my wallet, lol) the higher cost of Ritual Vitamins compared to other brands who add random colorants and weird synthetic fillers all over the place while formulating the product, without regard to how this may affect the efficacy and/or absorption of the vitamins even when taken as directed. Since Ritual’s formula is backed by so much science and isn’t formulated with simply price in mind (“What can we do to make this formula as cheap for us - the company - to actually make, without making the product so absolutely terrible and ineffective that our customers won’t want to keep buying it?” - I feel like SOOOO many brands and companies ARE like this, without considering the quality of their product or the consumer’s needs/preferences at ALL, and it’s so refreshing to see a company like Ritual Vitamins doing pretty much the exact opposite and actually taking into account scientific research studies + their accompanying results, the preferences and needs of the consumer, and the quality, branding, and high standards of everything from their products they sell, to the quality + design of both their physical product packaging as well as their digital website and newsletter emails.), I feel so much more confident in the product I’m purchasing and have less guilt and remorse as a consumer (like I might experience if I were to purchase from a ‘cheap,’ almost ‘fast-fashion’ type of brand or company.
Delivered monthly - Ritual is, in fact, a subscription-only program/service - aka, you’ll either like that if you tend to enjoy subscriptions and paying a lil bit of money on a regular, ongoing basis; or, you’ll hate this fact if you’ve had bad experiences with subscription plans in the past - i.e. not being able to easily/conveniently cancel your plan, getting charged each month despite being told your subscription had been canceled, or if you just prefer paying a larger amount all at once rather than making smaller payments continuously over time. This one is all about preference! I, for one, typically prefer most things to not be in subscription-only format, but if the claim (below - #4 in this list) that Ritual offers ‘free, easy cancellation’ is true, then I wouldn’t necessarily be mad at the fact that it’s subscription only.
Free shipping, always - I do enjoy the fact that the Ritual website offers free shipping (even if you need to/choose to take a break from your subscription for a lil bit and then come back, and even if you need to/choose to rush your package!). Honestly, I don’t think there’s ANYONE who truly doesn’t like seeing the words ‘FREE SHIPPING’ on a product you’re thinking about ordering, so I think this point is definitely a perk for mostttt people!
Control your delivery date - Love this perk/feature of Ritual’s service as well! I also am a user (and LOVER!) of Curology, which is also subscription based, and I didn’t think I would even use this type of perk at all, but since I knew Curology offered it, I’ve actually used it a couple of times to order my next “monthly” product early (I was a lil over-eager and was applying wayyy too much product each night at first and ran out of my bottle that was supposed to last 2 months in like, a lil less than one month lollll 😂😋). I don’t know how likely it is that I’ll end up finishing my monthly bottle of pills too early like that, cause that doesn’t sound like a healthy use of the vitamins lol, but it’s still a nice perk that’s good to have juuuuust in case you find yourself wanting to needing to get your Ritual package on a different day than what was automatically scheduled for you!
Free, easy cancellation - As stated earlier (#1 in this list), the MOST irritating, frustrating thing about subscriptions of any kind is when there’s no easy or convenient way to cancel. Is there a button on your website that I can simply click on and once I confirm that I actually do need to cancel my subscription plan, it’s done? Simple as that? That’s what I prefer and that’s what I feel like should be the 'norm’ for subscription-based companies/brands/plans, but unfortunately that’s not the case. I haven’t needed to cancel my Ritual subscription yet, obviously, but I’m hopeful that this claim is actually true and not an exaggeration or even a lil white lie.
30-day guarantee - Ritual claims that it will give you a full refund (‘It’s on us.’) if you end up giving the product a try and ultimately being dissatisfied with it or just disliking it for whatever reason. Of course this is a great perk, since it (likely/hopefully) means that they really stand behind their product, service, and brand - they’re basically betting on the fact that you’ll fall in love with it after trying it, since if you do decide to utilize the 30-day guarantee, they obviously end up losing money. So, since they’re still in business and seem to be thriving, I have to assume that there’s at least a majority of people liking being a Ritual customer as opposed to those who were dissatisfied enough to seek out a refund. I might not be the best, or even average lol, at math, but betting on the fact that each customer will end up loving your product is a great way to build trust with your customers - even I feel like I put more trust into the company after reading this perk (and all the others!), so it’s great that they keep the customer in mind.
Build better habits - Ritual offers an Apple Watch app that you can use to help you stay on track with your daily Ritual Multivitamins, as well as to learn new tips and things provided by Ritual - all through their app for the Apple Watch!
Ritual is Created ‘For and By Women’
So, the CEO/Founder of Ritual is a woman, which makes me so happy and even more eager & willing to support the brand, but wait, there’s more! If you scroll down past the blurb from Katerina Schneider, you’ll get a glimpse at some of the rest of the Ritual team (and their credentials). After taking just a quick glance at the people shown on that page, I noticed two awesome things: 1. There’s at least one woman, if not more, in every single one of the career sections featured there. I am a huge supporter, of course, of women’s rights and the issue of equal pay, representation, etc., and knowing that Ritual has a number of women on their team is definitely a step in the right direction and something all brands need to learn from, honestly!
This post is getting… rather long haha so I think I’ll stop here and just make a ‘Part 2’ in addition to this post at a later date. Until then, I hope this provided you with some helpful and/or interesting information about Ritual, vitamins, multivitamins, and different features and/or perks that Ritual offers. I haven’t yet shared my complete final thoughts yet, because I think it would just make more sense to do so at the very end of Part 2, since I’ve decided to split this long post.
If you have any questions, whether they have anything to do with Ritual or not, please aaaalways feel free!!!!!!!!!!!! to contact me!!!!!!!!! either using the contact form linked in the navigation bar on this site, or by commenting using the comment form under this post, or by emailing me directly! All of these methods end up landing right in my email inbox in a few minutes, usually, so none of the methods are any faster or slower than the others. If you liked and/or appreciated this review, this website, or anything else I make/produce/share, pleaseeee please please let me know (again, using either of the methods listed above - your choice/preference!).
P.S. When Ritual Vitamins Comprehensive Review, Part 2 is eventually written, posted, and published for the whole internet to see, I will go ahead and link it here at the bottom of Part 1 of this lil Ritual “series.” 🥰
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