#so does octavo i guess
eclaire-went-bam · 1 month
i've been making these every year since 2021 for fun i can't wait for the time ro make my 2024 one
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these are in order from 2021, 2022, and 2023 lmao i got myself some disordered kins
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morrak · 1 year
Untitled Wednesday Library Series, Part 107
It’s late; I’m tired; let’s do it. This one is fun.
German Modern: Graphic Design from Wilhelm to Weimar. Authored by Steven Heller and Louise Fili; designed by Fili and Mary Jane Callister. Published in 1998 by Chronicle Books out of San Francisco.
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The How
A curveball: I truly do not remember. This came into my possession in 2018±2, which territory is badly mapped for me. I’ll have to make some calls tomorrow to establish whence this came — most likely it was a gift — and how it came to come therefrom.
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Yon bookplate says it’s ex libris Vance Gerry (yes, the very same storyboard artist and printmaker). The dates work out for that to be true, as does the geography and the bit where his press issued art books much like this. A reference for those, you might guess. Several of his now sell for [insert sounds of typing] hundreds to thousands of dollars. It’s possibly this is an artifact of publication/attribution of source images, but I’m not so sure.
For tonight, I cannot tell you why this plate is in my book. Stay tuned and I might eventually.
The Text
This is part of a series of oblong octavos on design, but I know nothing beyond that. The German stuff is where I sit the best; Art Deco or whatever is fun but not the sort of thing I’m likely to hold titles on.
The short essays are quite good for context, but not so much for tone. The font choices and blocky typesetting do not make them seem important to the book. This is really all about the images, most of which were (I assume painstakingly) collated from private collections and museums of advertising art.
The Object
You know it’s good. Images of letterheads, type specimens, point-of-sale posters, coupons, etc. Anything that could be construed as German Modern, which is to say ad material. A shame, a waste; frustratingly captivating.
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Special mentions for the decaf coffee ads and the GUARDIAN OF PRECISION IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING.
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Also there are some roosters above Sütterlin text advertising an advertising art expo, which is as on the nose as you can get. I appreciate the directness.
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All beautifully replicated, even if the captions around them are a little…whitespacey.
The Why, Though?
Ads are poison and German ads from the nineteen teens though thirties are very often no-safe-level affairs. As a dossier on the era, I’m happy to say this works as well as it might. Nicely selected; mostly well selected. Good trains; good birds; good sets of words to say aloud.
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spockandawe · 2 years
So, guess who hit one of those kinda manic Gotta Go Fast craft swings, haha. But I have a new running project for when the need for speed overtakes me! I own a lot of star wars novels, but a lot of them are ancient and cheap and falling apart, a lot are at my parents' place, my bookshelves are a mess, and really, these things could be a little more.... matched, don't you think?
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Maybe I have a problem.
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I do not have a problem!!!! I have an art installation in progress. I have the first twenty star wars novels as octavo handbound books (eight pages per side of printed paper), with subseries gathered into single volumes. Does this mean the thrawn trilogy clocked in at 1350 pages? ......yes, but look, at this size it's still very comfortable to hold, and it's so CUTE
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And just for a fun retro take on bookbinding, you have to cut apart the folds as you read. The font is small, but plenty comfortable for my eyes, and this is a project for me.
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Now, as I go through this, I do plan to purchase copies of whatever books I don't own. This is on pause for a little while as I look at buying a home and moving, because I don't need to be purchasing MORE things to relocate right now, but it's like the cnovels, this is not an exercise in piracy, it's an exercise in art and craftsmanship, and I believe in supporting creators.
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And finally, as I go through this, I plan to avoid repeating cover fabrics. They'll complement each other when appropriate, like the movie novelizations with the marbled fabrics above, and I plan to match novel vibes, of course. But there are 360ish novels? I can easily find that many unique but suitable fabrics, even when I'm finally forced to stop shopping from my existing stash. Splinter of the mind's eye can have something swampy, Lando can have something bold and flashy, Thrawn can be dark, with mathematical precision. So many options!! This is a fun project, and I am excited to someday pick it back up, hopefully in the nearish future
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bombcollar · 3 months
it's been months since I first played Cadence of Hyrule but I'm still on about it because it's just got such fascinating lore implications. The triforce can just isekai people I guess!
Mostly it's about Octavo though. Who is this guy who somehow knows about the prophecy? How does he know? The most common theories I've seen have been either that he came from the future world or that he had a vision somehow, but I have my own wack ideas that I wrote an entire short fic about.
This guy somehow found a workaround to holding the triforce by turning it into an instrument, which is not something I think we've seen any other character in the series do. And then he gets said instrument slapped out of his hands and he decides to go fight Ganon anyway, because he's somehow the smartest and dumbest motherfucker alive at the same time. Or maybe he's just desperate. I absolutely adore him.
I have some more thoughts on him too regarding my general characterization of him.
The locket Octavo can pick up in-game suggests he's related to Vaati, but it's never confirmed outright. This is a totally fine theory and has plenty of potential, but personally when I write him I don't go that route.
Octavo is nobody. He has no family, he had no childhood. He is a man with no past and no future, doomed to fail or give up on his quest. He pretends there is something special in that locket but it is empty. He was born from a magical object so old its original creator is lost to time. He has passed through countless hands, used to both heal and harm, helpless to choose for himself until he finally awoke. He is still helpless to save his homeland. He pretends to be someone but he is no one and the Fates will not let him forget that. He is not a hero. He is not chosen. He is nobody and he should know his place.
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dancerofhyrule · 2 years
Cuddle HCs with Octavo x Reader/Astor x Reader!
Alright well, time to start with the purple boys x reader posts and we’re gonna start off with cuddles, suggested by @lunaladevorak
- Octavo is honestly very affectionate with his lover. He tends to initiate the cuddles about as much as you
- He is a bit touch-starved and shy at first, though. His face turned beet red the first time you snuggled him and he melted right into it
- If you’re cuddling somewhere outside and you feel a bit cold, Octavo would gladly lend you his coat
- Chances are you’ll smell like cologne afterwards skjdfghsdj
- Octavo also hums during cuddle sessions! Great for if you’re having trouble sleeping
- This is also how you discover that this man purrs. He purrs when snuggled and it’s very adorable and soothing
- This man. He is so touch-starved. He doesn’t even realize he wants this at first
- When he finally accepts the affection, he’s surprisingly a good cuddler (assuming he has eaten and bathed, but chances are you made sure of that)
- Laying your head on his chest and taking in his heartbeat is very calming and therapeutic. It also makes you think “holy crap he has a heart?!?!” /j
- When Astor does cuddle you, he may not wanna let you go unless you need the bathroom
- Astor is also always so cold, so one reason why he secretly enjoys the cuddles is because it warms him up
- Whether he admits it or not, the man does love you very much. He never says it outright but cuddle sessions are very serotonin-inducing for him. Sometimes he even wonders when you’ll want to snuggle again. He may answer with “Oh, I guess”, but deep down, he’s very happy you asked
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A Study of Discworld
Light Fantastic
Twoflower has a tectonic shift of character.
Let's start with the general stuff.
Light Fantastic is as cretive, insightfull and funny as Color of Magic, but there are changes.
The patrician and the politics with Agatea are completely dropped, replaced by the internal politics of Unseen University. Which is ineresting and funny, but still - continuity. This is symptomatic of Pratchett hiding changes between books, especialy his way of dropping things that happened 'far enogh' that the reader forgot about them. And there is so much happening in his books that it's easy to forget about stuff if there's no callback to them.
The plot is still episodic, but now the through-line of being chased by agents from Ankh-Morpork is explicit, not implied.
Some of the new characters come back in other books and become part of the main crew, like Cohen the Barbarian and Buggy Swires. Cohen is iconic for his cometary on aging, and the reveal of Swires' home is hillarious.
Bel Shamaroth and his connection to the Octavo are also dropped. This is necessary, because the role of the Spell changes completely, from a threat in the background to something hiding in Rincewind's mind, and protecting him from certain death. The reveal of what the eight spells are for is awesome, and also a brick joke from the very start of Color of Magic. It seems that Pratchett had the role of the Spells planned all along, and that the 'episode' with Bel Shamaroth and and the dryads was shoved in because... I guess Pratched liked the ideas therein (hyper-dimensonal trees, old magic, timelss temple of abomination, entities form the dungeon dimension that are worse than evil etc) and wanted to show them, even if that 'episode' contradicts the setup of the main plot? Which is fine I guess. Undermines continuity but the continuity of this story is fudgy anyways, so... Whatever.
My one big dislike is Twoflower's change of character in the end of the book.
See, Twoflower was always innoffensive and oblivious of subtext, always assuming the best of everyone.
"Everything could be sorted between people of good faith and common sense."
This is the guy who tried to talk things out with Bel Shamaroth.
But then suddenly, at the very end, he burtaly berates Rincewind for running away from problems.
And he does so at the one moment that Rincewind isn't trying to run away, but is in fact about to fall to his death. And the only reason Rincewind kept running is so he wouldn't die. Which makes Twoflowers's scathing criticism completely ill timed.
And this is somehow supposed to be an improvment on Twoflower? Like, making him deeper? But he was already deep enough, with his dreams of exploration, superior power of Imagination, and moments of briliance like spiting at the hydrophobic wizards.
And I can't help but be reminded of Carrot, who went from earnest and oblivious to a shrewd steamroller. He also lost apeal to me, because this isn't improvment. To explain why, allow me to compare them with two other charracters.
First is Sybil: She is friendly with everyone. She understands everyone. She likes nearly everyone. She takes care of dangerous animals. She sympathizes with the Dragon even as it is about to eat her. She sees bad people as being foolish children. She sees people for who they are, but also where they come from and what they could become.
When Sybil is suddenly smarter than she seemed, she isn't mean about it. The way Sybil gets people to be better is to call on their better angels, not to berate them.
Next is Vetinari. He will order you first, use reverse psychology second, threats third, and violence as the last resort. And he's honest about all of it. Moist knows that Vetinari "gets you to pull your own strings."
When Vetinari pretends to be igonrant to outsmart vilains, the book doesn't claim that he's "advanced simple."
Carrot bluffing with no cards is not simplicity, it's three layers of complexity. It's obfuscating stupidity. Which is a cool trait, but not when the text insits that it's still simplicity. That's just lying to the audience. And so is suddenly having Twoflower be aware of Rincewind's flaws all along. Of acting oblivious throught the entire book, instead of being oblivious.
So this habit of taking earnest, oblivious characters and making them smarter, but also mean and/or manipulative at the same time, and then implying this somehow makes them deeper...
No, just. Ugh.
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wolfvirago · 3 years
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unprompted asks [always accepting]
@bransles​ said: "for whatever reason, there exists this belief that the veil between this world and the whatever one where spirits exist becomes weaker," idle chatter as he sets up candles and snaps the wicks between his fingers, igniting them in purple flame, "personally, i believe whomever came up with that was full of it." this was one of octavo's stranger pastimes, for sure. communicating with spirits simply came with the territory. "that said, hyrule does have a lot of spirits that linger around. sometimes it is nice to hear their story, their memories of hyrule, their wisdom — whatever they have to offer." candles are all set up! they give a rather nice, cool glow in the otherwise dark ruins of what once was a home, it seemed. "oh, the candles are just for ambience, by the way. they do not actually do anything."
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The shifter watched with great interest, her eyes gleaming, reflecting the light of each candle as they were lit. It seemed as if she had been bathed in their glow, drawn to the power that was held hidden within. Waiting.
“The veil... I have seen it.” Robin never told anyone, just her brother, many many years ago. “Back when I was small. It was around this time, I think. I didn’t see it for very long, though, so I guess we have to be quick.”
The breeze filters through a window, caressing blonde locks, tussling them in soft waves. The curls remained firm.
At the mention of the candles not doing a thing, she snorted, hand clasped over her mouth as the giggles worked their way through her system. It really was fun, dealing with Octavo’s artistic quirks and his little jabs at expectation. Never a dull moment.
“Regardless, I hope you know what you are doing, friend.”
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ponett · 4 years
As I said in my thoughts on The Color of Magic, I’d been told many times that the Discworld series started out rough as Pratchett found his voice over the course of the first few books. Going into the second book, which is a direct continuation of the first, I was braced for more of the same: an enjoyable but very uneven genre parody starring Rincewind the funny wizard and Twoflower the fantasy tourist. An amusing but unambitious bit of pulp fantasy writing, with lots of fun moments that don’t quite come together to form a cohesive whole
So I was very surprised to find that, while we still haven’t quite reached the proper Discworld style I’ve heard so much about, The Light Fantastic was a huge improvement over its predecessor, and a book I had a great time reading
The Light Fantastic is essentially The Color of Magic: Part Two, picking up exactly where the first book left off. Rincewind and Twoflower had fallen off the edge of the world, their fates uncertain. This book begins with reality itself literally being rewritten to place our heroes back on the disc, safe and sound
There’s a reason for this: as established in the first book, Rincewind's head contains the eighth and final spell from a legendary tome known as the Octavo, which is said to have existed since the dawn of the universe. The Octavo had been kept in the wizarding university Rincewind previously attended, you see, and he once read it on a dare, at which point the eighth spell decided to quite literally live in his head rent free
Spells in the Discworld universe are sort of alive and have their own free will, and this one has been both a blessing and a curse for Rincewind. On the one hand, the Spell has been secretly manipulating reality to keep him alive all this time, giving an in-universe explanation for how the shittiest wizard ever has managed to get out of so many near death experiences. On the other hand, this one huge spell has left no room in his brain for any others. He’s tried for years to memorize other, more useful spells, but these lesser spells are “too scared” to stay in the same mind as one from the Octavo. While a little of this was established in the first book, it didn’t really go anywhere, so it’s nice to see it expanded upon here (and to learn what the Spell actually does in the thrilling climax)
The Spell is at the center of something The Light Fantastic has over its predecessor: a plot! Whereas The Color of Magic felt like four short stories stapled together and called a novel, book two has an honest to goodness narrative. The world turtle that carries the Discworld is headed towards an ominous red star, and the wizarding community believes that reading all eight of the Octavo’s spells is the key to their salvation. The fact that one of the spells has lodged itself in Rincewind’s brain is the central source of conflict that ties the events of the book together into a cohesive package
As part of this newfound main plot, book two also features a central antagonist in the form of a rival wizard named Trymon (played by Tim Curry in the TV adaptation). Trymon is a cold, calculating wizard who values organization over the chaos of traditional magic, and who wants to use any means necessary to put himself in a position of power in the wizard community. The book regularly checks in on him and the other wizards back in Ankh-Morpork as Rincewind is off having more misadventures with Twoflower, and he also sends multiple groups of mercenaries out to retrieve Rincewind. While book two still features a lot of standalone setpiece moments along the way, having this threat looming in the background from page one gives everything a sense of urgency and importance that was sorely lacking the first time around
The biggest and most consistent change, however, is the prose. I don’t know what happened in the three years between the first two books, but Pratchett’s writing has gotten so much snappier and funnier. While I almost dozed off a few times reading The Color of Magic in spite of its fun ideas, it feels like nearly every paragraph of the second book has at least one fantastic line, and the dialogue is a treat
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Perhaps the best example of this newfound creative confidence is a new main character introduced partway through the book. The Color of Magic featured Hrun, a buff and not extremely bright hero who was quite blatantly modeled after Conan the Barbarian. He was present for about half the story, existed to poke a bit of fun at the archetype, and then got unceremoniously dropped from the story before its final act. This time around, he’s been replaced by a character named Cohen the Barbarian. The name’s a dead giveaway, but yes, this guy’s still a Conan parody. However, instead of just being a straight expy of Conan to poke fun at, Cohen is something more interesting: he’s a version of that archetype who never stopped adventuring, even past his prime, and is now still fighting evil at the ripe old age of 87
Cohen is a lot of fun to read and a much more well-rounded character than Hrun ever was, and it’s not surprising for me to learn that he kept popping up in future books. Of course, for as much as I liked reading about him, Cohen also comes with some baggage that proves I’m still not quite out of the weeds. While Pratchett was definitely starting to move towards more empathetic writing, the Discworld universe is still a pretty cynical place in many respects, and the characters often exist more to be the subjects of mockery
Cohen caught me off guard when he suddenly announced to Rincewind that he had plans to marry Bethan, the fourth member of this makeshift adventuring party, who’s introduced as a sacrificial maiden who the protagonists rescue against her will. (She briefly complains about how a life spent among druids has now been flushed down the drain if they aren’t going to sacrifice her after all, and how she could’ve spent all those years doing anything else.) The problem here is that Cohen is 87, and Bethan is 17
Rincewind does immediately point out that this is extremely weird, of course, and the wiki tells me that the two apparently got divorced off-screen shortly after the events of this book. I know it’s not Pratchett advocating for 70-year age gaps or anything. It’s supposed to be absurd. It’s poking fun at how this Conan-style hero is still only interested in young maidens even in his 80s. And Pratchett thankfully steered clear of the Master Roshi style “pervy old man” trope, instead focusing on how Cohen likes that Bethan knows how to straighten his aging spine and things like that. But still. Before this, a heartwarming little moment where Cohen realized that Twoflower still saw him as this awesome, legendary hero had me thinking that the tone of the series was shifting more rapidly than I expected. But I guess we’re not there yet
Similarly, a bit about how Rincewind and most other wizards had a misogynistic bias against the types of magic women tended to perform and didn’t allow them to study as wizards made me think a little less of him. Again, while the characters are growing, there are still more instances where we’re supposed to laugh at the characters instead of with them. In many respects, they kind of intentionally suck as people
To put it in terms of modern sitcoms: tonally, we’re not at something like The Good Place yet. It’s closer to Always Sunny with wizards. But for now, that’s not such a bad thing for it to be
Some stumbling blocks aside, I found The Light Fantastic to be an extremely enjoyable read, and a clear improvement over its predecessor. While first book was a series of random events that just sort of stopped at an arbitrary point, this one offered a complete adventure that allowed the characters to grow a bit and left me satisfied. I’d list more funny moments that gave me a chuckle, but there are too many to list and this post is already long enough
I was also very intrigued to see Pratchett lay the groundwork for the next two books. As mentioned, the gender divide between witches and wizards was briefly established, and will be explored more in the next book, Equal Rites. (We also met a male relative of Granny Weatherwax at Unseen University, although poor Galder is quickly killed by the Luggage.) And Death has already moved past his shtick of trying to take Rincewind’s life. In a scene at his home, we got a tease of his personal life, and the fact that he has an adopted human daughter was revealed. Big things are on the horizon in this series, and after how good this second book was, I’m now even more pumped to get to these new stories
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dullweapons-a · 3 years
@bransles​   /   04.     entry made after experiencing a nightmare. for ray
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                 DEAR DIARY .  .  .  ( writing prompt )
my hands shiver as i hold the pen. sorry about the shitty writing. dawn said it was a good idea to try to write out my nightmares. something about helping me remember that they’re just nightmares. that they cant really hurt me. but then why do they ? i’m struggling to fucking breath. there are many goddess damn splatters on ink of the page i can barely make out what i’m writing . switching out between so many versions of hylian no modern man could make it out . guess thats good . no one can read it but me. 
in the dream i was going to work , i almost thought it was real with how mundane it was . being an odd probation officer to octavo after that horrible dancing spell he placed on all of hyrule. he’s a good man , nice to talk too .  he’s pretty cute too but when i got there , he wasn’t there . 
annabell was . 
she sat on his desk , swinging her legs like a child - her anklets jingling with every little kick. i remember how she made music with her dancing . she was playfully picking at his lute as if it was her own. singing her language-less songs . she turned her head and just smiled at me. gods she looked just as beautiful as she did all those years ago. i always know how these dreams go, but i can’t help myself from running to her . pulling her close and kissing her again. i can smell her - she smells so sweet , i’ll never forget it.  i press deeper into our kiss, my hands reaching for the ties in the back of her dress.
she breaks the kiss to look up at me and says so sweetly: 
are you sure you haven’t created an idol out me ?
               warning ; gore , violence & murder !!!
a dagger finds itself in my neck. always she hurts me. is it her ghost haunting me for what i’ve done?  havent i suffered enough? I loved you so much why why why why im sorry im sorry im sorrv------
              the pen nib snaps with a horrid sound against the parchment, ink splattering everywhere like blood. each inhale of air was quick  &  paired frantic fingers pull at his neckline as he cries silently. he didn’t want to wake up his fellow demon, sleeping so peacefully in the bed next to him. how can she sleep so soundly ? does the memories of the past not haunt her ? suppose her lands were clean. 
finding a new nib he continues. 
i fall, struggling to breath and crawling away from her. i try to speak, something to get her to stop but i’m choking on my own blood. it hurts so much but she keeps smiling down at me. annabell walks up to me, straddling her legs around me. perhaps if this wasn’t a nightmare i would have found this attractive. instead i’m terrified of what she will do this time. every time she is brutal as she is beautiful. this isn’t even the worst one . i try to say i’m sorry but she stabs me again - again and again and again . i feel my eyes roll back in my head but with another stab i jolt to look at her again. 
but its not her anymore. it’s octavo, covered in my blood. his lips part to speak in a language he shouldn’t know. 
‘”your memories overlap over one another . she was a good girl .”
guess i see a bit of her in him as well. am i trying to find a replacement? either way he finishes the job that annabell started. 
i pray octavo doesn’t notice how jumpy i might be today .
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regalisventi · 4 years
time to ramble about. my boy.
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This is redeemed, one of many Vaati aus, and certified “trying his best”. Some of this is re-stating what’s in the doodle comics i’ve done but that’s fine bc i like him a lot.
So, for basic backstory: Redeemed is from a big AU that me and my friend have called twin princes AU, where Vaati and Octavo are (you guessed it) twin princes, reincarnating multiple times in a kingdom called Windhm. Redeemed is the third prince Vaati to have been born in the kingdom’s history.
However, his childhood was, to put it simply, not good.  he was neglected and grew up to be incredibly resentful and angry- but he incorrectly placed his hate onto his twin brother, Octavo. Redeemed is actually an AU version of Wrath- named as such because he kills his brother and turns into a demon, who the people call Wrath.
Redeemed, on the other hand, has a moment of clarity before committing his crime. He is confronted by Octavo and decides the thing that would be best for the kingdom would be to leave it, choosing to hide away within a massive underground tunnel system that could be accessed by an old abandoned mine.
Redeemed lived underground for five years, never seeing anyone for that stretch of time. During his exile, he was able to calm his anger- he can still be an irritable person, but he’s not full of murderous intent any longer. 
He was found one day by pure accident- he broke his leg while wandering in some tunnels near the surface, letting out a scream of pain before passing out. A nearby villager found him and helped dig him out, where he was taken to a very small village and helped to heal up. 
In the meantime, Octavo has become king, and while Vaati does not return to the palace he is glad to see that his brother is doing well.
also, just for. some fun facts.
he’s horribly claustrophobic. that’s one thing living underground did not help
also an incredibly powerful wind mage. he’s not the strongest prince Vaati the kingdom has known (that would be the first, called Regent), but he’s still quite formidable
his eyesight got worse while he was living underground. he’s got pretty good night vision now, but not so great during the day
he limps now somewhat due to the break in his left leg never setting quite perfectly, he uses his staff in part as a walking stick
he has a tiny little cottage in the village, that he likes quite a bit. it was originally abandoned, but he was allowed to move in because turns out having a powerful mage to help protect your town is great when you’re a tiny village of 50 people
also wind magic is surprisingly useful at cutting trees. who would’ve guessed.
tea enthusiast. he always appreciates a good cup of tea
and im shoving this down here because i keep chickening out of posting it visibly but hey if anyone has vaati or octavo ocs send me asks so he can be confused-
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skgway · 4 years
1828 Dec., Sun. 28
11 1/2
At my desk at 7 1/2 – Wrote the few lines across the margin of page 220. Looking for an old Manchester Observer in which is a paragraph on the rights of women.
Take up (at 8) my letter written last Sunday to Miss McL– [MacLean] mentioning expecting M– [Mariana] for a couple of days and my promise to return with her for a fortnight or 3 weeks about the 31st. Then obliged to come back here for a few days, that it would be the end of January before I should be in London – Surely she would then be ready to return with me –
“I see that you are still, and that enough remains for Paris, and for me? Todo – For me! What can I do? Is it much, or little? ‘How little you still understand me’ – I lament over your thinking so, because perhaps every atom subtracted from your faith in my knowledge of you, may proportionally lessen my power to do you good – We know the efficiency of faith in working wonders – and I, perhaps, in spite of your scepticism, know you yourself better than you think – It is even possible, that I know you not less well than some whose penetration may seem to have more ‘in it of the intuitive and extraordinary’ – At all rates, may I not ask, did you know me well enough to guess, that I should muse over some parts of your last with deeper feelings of regret, then maybe trusted to my pen – There is more in the manner of doing a thing, than we are some times aware –
‘It is visible the fright some of your friends are in . . . . . . . Set your mind at ease, and you of your friends, you may depend on they need not dream even of a possibility of your being obliged to infringe on the liberties of’ – . . . . What was their feeling, Sibbella, when you wrote the above, and the much more connected with it? Perhaps I understand you sufficiently well to guess better than you imagine – At least, I am tempted to venture on asking you, if you understand me well enough for it once to have occurred to you, as your pen was writing on relentless, what would be the impression of pain or pleasure, that it would leave upon my mind –
If there was one single word in my last letter, with which you could, or did find fault, – If there was, at unawares, one single term of expression which might seem wanting in that high consideration which has never ceased to be associated with every sentiment I have ever felt towards you, – I can in no way account for it – Surely, surely Sibella, you do not quite understand me – 1st I mean not to pother you in any way – All I mean is, that I felt your manner of writing less gently considerate than usual, and that you will, in no case, find me less easy of persuasion, than in days of yore – I shall be delighted to see you, in the hope that I can then convince you better than now, that not only you need not ‘repent,’ but need not ‘feel a little vexed that I was so selfish as to accept your most kind invitation’ – ....
‘I would not on any account permit Cameron to come near me’ – I trust, you will soon see, that there is no necessity to carry caution so far as this – You will probably prefer McD– [MacDonald]; and I should therefore offer her to you, as I should offer you anything and everything in my power that I thought would please you best – In fact, Sibbella, my regard for you is a regard which makes me ever anxious for your comfort and happiness; – and to see you happy will probably make me as happy as I am capable of being under my present circumstances –
God grant that I may see you restored to health, in the possession of every blessing that a reasonable person can desire! I do not much like your account of the nervous attack you mention, but trust you will have no repetition of it –
There is one subject on the settling of which so satisfactory to yourself and others I heartily congratulate you – It is not that I do ‘not choose’ to enlarge upon it, but, simply, that I know of nothing to say, that will not be better said, when we meet – Surely we shall cross the water together; for surely, you will be ‘dismissed’ by the end of next month, tho’ the having ‘bile and cough still to send adrift’ makes me not sanguine” –
Then on page 3 little chit chat, answers to the different, other parts of her letter – Sorry for the bad accounts from Han Dieman’s land, etc. etc. Should like to be in the same house with her – Independent of the pleasure of her society “it would save me nearly 1/2 – I should not keep myself and Cameron under 2 guineas a day” –
“ . . . Have you been at Richmond Park? Poor Vere! May she have chosen well; and may she speedily be happy to her heart’s content! But checkered are the paths of life and love; and, after all, ‘tis but to all a vale of shadows in which we walk – Who would be immortal here? None, None, Sibbella, who have felt, and thought, and passed the age of thirty-five! How often those who seemed happiest have sighed in secret, and longed to flee away, and be at rest! But good night! I am beginning to prose – ‘Twere better far to nod’” –
Breakfast at 9 – Meant to have gone to Lightcliffe church, but it began to rain at a few minutes before 10, and no likelihood of fine weather so staid at home – My father went to church in spite of the rain – Staid talking to Marian about his queer temper throwing away of prospects, etc.
At 11 40/60 Marian and I read aloud the whole of the morning service in about 38 minutes – Then staid talking a while and came upstairs at 12 3/4 – Wrote 9 lines small and close at the bottom of page 3 of my letter to Miss McL– [MacLean], and 14 lines on the ends dated today – Her not hearing from me not owing to forgetfulness – Waited as she would – Of course conclude, to tell her something tolerably certain of my plans – Still unable to fix – Had scarcely written the first 3 pages when all was upset – M– [Mariana] prevented coming and I prevented going –
“Know nothing beyond the improbability of my being able to get off from here before the middle of next month, and that I shall avoid the necessity of returning if possible . . . . . . . . . If you understand me at all, you will be quite sure, that neither yourself nor your last letter has been long unthought of –
You have been daily with me in mind, and under graver circumstances of moody musing then you may have dreamed of – For every idle word that you have ever heard me utter, and for every written word that, faithless to my heart and to my intention, may have ever caused you any feeling of vexation, I entreat your forgiveness –
I, at least, ought not to be the one to add in any way to your annoyance or uneasiness; and we will try if it be not possible to make you forget all that it would be doing me a kindness to forget and to remember only what may give me a lasting claim to your good opinion and regard – I hope you will have no reason to repent trusting yourself across the water – But tho’, as you tell me, ‘the idlest of the idle,’ write me one cheering line or 2 as soon as you can, and believe me always your very affectionate friend AL– [Anne Lister]”
Till two and twenty minutes writing the last thirteen lines and what I wrote to Miss MacL[ean]. What will she answer? She does not quite expect all this perhaps. Has thought me huffy. I have treated her with too little romantic loverlike attention of late. Too much as if I had got all I wanted. Can I be more on P’s and Q’s when we next meet? I must try and then we shall doubtless do admirably. One does not like the not being able to get a thing, but otherwise I have had enough of particular intercourse with her –
Sent off by Jno [John] at 2 35/60 my letter to “Miss Maclean of Coll Mrs. W. Reid’s, 13 Nottingham Terrace or Road, London” – From 2 40/60 to 5 50/60 at my accounts – Dressed – Dinner at 6 20/60 –
My father read aloud sermon 6 volume 1 South – I knew little about it, being asleep sitting on the sofa almost all the time – Did not rouse up till 10 – Came upstairs to bed at 10 20/60 damp rainy day from 10 a.m. – Fahrenheit 52º in my room at 10 20/60 p.m. –
Read the following pamphlet lent me on Xmas [Christmas] day by the William Priestleys –
“Evangelical preaching, (commonly so denominated ∴ therefore) its character : errors : and tendency : in a letter to the right reverend the Cardinal bishop of Bath and wells: by the reverend Richard Warner, F.A.S. Honorary member of the Imperial Cæsar Society of natural history moscow; and of the Dutch society of sciences, Harlaem; and Rector of Great Chalfield, Wilts, and of Croscombe, Somerset. Ea si vera sunt, ingenuè ingenii mei tarditatem, qui mon assequor; certè sciens non reluctor veritati, et ex animo faveo libertati vere evangelicæ, et detestor quicquid adversatur evangelio. Eras. de lib. arbit. 3rd edition London : printed for C & J Rivington, St. Paul’s churchyard, and Waterloo-place, Pall-mall, 1828 price 2 /. [shillings]” London : printed by R. Gilbert, St. John’s square.” 8vo [octavo] 6 prefatory pp pages and 31 pp pages of the letter itself
[sideways in margin] Borrowe]d of Mrs. W[illiam] P– [Priestley] Thursday 25 December. Returned Monday 29 December. Reading this pamphlet (good) and writing out its title page as above took me till 10 50/60.
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space--cadet-glow · 4 years
Theory: Octavo's Odyssey: A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
(AKA, Octavo's Seriously Messed-Up Timeline)
...I think I've finally done it. I think I've finally solved it all. And to think a migraine and a coat-rack helped me fix everything. Let's put an end to this.
...Okay, so you're wondering why I mentioned a coat-rack? Well, in Hyrule Castle, you can (quite randomly) find a coat-rack that happens to have what appears to be Octavo's clothes hanging on it.
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You can see an extra jacket, an extra pair of shoes, a copy of his red shirt, a blue shirt, and a green shirt... But... What's with that random gap between the blue shirt and the jacket???
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Like there's the perfect space left for one more shirt...
Then, it hit me. That missing shirt solves everything. This is a wild claim, but... I believe that that speculatory missing shirt belonged to a version of Octavo. But, not just any version. The original one. The one who started this mess.
So, assuming that this Octavo is (was) real, the approximate Timeline goes as follows...
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Higher quality of chart HERE.
The very first, original, Octavo (Dead Octavo, AKA "Deadtavo") is just skipping happily around Hyrule, not a care in the world. He has a regular, old lute and a special pendant. At some point, he dies. (I don't know how; let's just say he gets struck by lightning for convenience's sake.) He winds up in the den with the Fate in black. Before getting thrown to the Void, he steals a single magic thread from the Fate... But, Deadtavo leaves behind the old (powerless) lute and the pendant... Somewhere...
(Also, if you're wondering, yes, there ARE not three, but FOUR STRINGS present in the intro to "Octavo's Ode").
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Octavo gets resurrected by the Fates, who "aren't done with (him) yet". This is the second Octavo, the one who ends up an evil mastermind (Competent Octavo, AKA "Comptavo"). This lute has the one single string that Deadtavo had attached beforehand. Comptavo learns about the importance of destiny from the Fate in black (who I'll just call the "Weaver of Time" because, why not?). That one single magic string has given Comptavo's lute just enough ability to put everyone in town to sleep. Whilst traveling around, he wonders what Fate has in store for him now since he has one of the special Threads of Fate. He goes to see the Weaver of Power, who then bluntly tells him that he'll die at Ganon's hands. This causes Comptavo to flip. He goes on a string-stealing spree, and restrings his lute with ALL FOUR STRINGS, thus creating the first Golden Lute. He then enchants the entire land into following the rhythm of his magical music. He trains the Four Champions that he believes will help him take down Ganon. Comptavo trains for twenty-five years and succeeds in taking down Ganon before he rose to power. However, he succumbs to the Golden Lute and becomes... The Necrodancer.
The next Octavo, the third one, is yanked in from the Void. This is the level-headed one (Suddenly-Mature Octavo, AKA "Smoctavo"). Much like the second version, Smoctavo has a regular lute with one single thread. Talks to the Weaver of Time; learns about destiny. He then puts everyone to sleep. And (again) like Comptavo, Smoctavo goes around to get his fortune read. He goes to see the Weaver of Power. The Weaver of Power tells him that he'll die at Ganon's hands. Smoctavo snaps and steals all of the Threads of Fate and restrings the lute, creating the second Golden Lute. He memes around (also affected by the "move to the rhythm curse" because of what Comptavo did before him) a bit before deciding that's he's strong enough to time-travel to the future and take down Ganon. There's just... One teensy problem. Comptavo is ALREADY THERE IN THE FUTURE AS THE NECRODANCER. Smoctavo is horrified at what he becomes if he DOES succeed, so he defeats that monstrosity, and NOPEs right out of the Timeline. He goes back in time to just before his gets his fortune read by the Weaver of Power and decides to not go through with his plan to steal the rest of the strings. He then gets to live in peace.
...BUT BECAUSE SMOCTAVO DOES NOTHING NOW, enter, the fourth/final Octavo, the absolute moron (Dummy Octavo, AKA "Dumtavo"). He already has the base lute with the single thread that started everything. Learns (again) about destiny from the Weaver of Time. He puts everyone to sleep. He then goes to see the WEAVER OF COURAGE, who tells him that he's destined to be the Necrodancer. Dumtavo flips and steals the remaining strings, restringing his lute- to create the third/final Golden Lute. He himself is also afflicted with the "move to the rhythm curse" because of what Comptavo did prior to him and Smoctavo. He's so desperate to avoid his bad future that he hastily rushes his training of the Four Champions and loses them to the heroes ("Team Triforce", I guess). Panicking, Dumtavo time-travels to the future, fully expecting to meet the Necrodancer, but since Comptavo/Necrodancer was already defeated by Smoctavo, GANON HAS RISEN TO POWER IN HIS PLACE, and curb-stomps Dumtavo to death...
Team Triforce then arrives, defeats Ganon, and sends Cadence back home. The end.
...Also, that random portal that appears after Octavo's boss battle in "Cadence of Hyrule"? That would be the exact moment one of the two Octavos during "Octavo's Ode" time-travels to the future, hence Octavo's bewildered reaction.
Oh, yeah... And the random lute Cadence finds in the cave? ...Deadtavo's lute. And the pendant that Octavo finds during his journey? ...Deadtavo's; which explains why he didn't realise he lost it in the first place. This ALL also explains the Weaver of Wisdom's comment, "Fool! Do you even remember who you are? Where you came from? Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it..."!!!
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So, that's the Timeline. ...I hope.
And thus... Amongst it all... There are... 4 Octavos... 3 Golden Lutes... 2 Definite futures... And... 1 Self-fulfilled prophecy.
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thewiredept · 4 years
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So I heard that there was a wave of Octavo OCs lately, so I was told ‘do it’ in a discord server motivated to make my own! Meet Opus! She’s a transgender MTF AU version of Octavo. Why did she lock herself in Hyrule Castle? Why won’t the monsters and champions she made listen to her? Why does she seem so nervous? What’s with all these other versions of her running around? I guess we’ll find out eventually... Art was made by the lovely lovecore-farmer <3
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dancerofhyrule · 4 years
Me writing my own Octavo angst: Hehehehe poor sucker
Me seeing other people’s Octavo angst: NOOOOO STOP STOOOOP THAT’S ILLEGAAAAAAAL-
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octavoh · 5 years
heard you had an Octavo AU and I'm curious: Is he a puppet of Vaati ? Who hurt this poor boy™ and what is this AU about?
So the premise of the AU is that Vaati shares a body with Octavo due to some kind of curse. There’s a lot more below, including art for the AU. Please talk to me about it anytime!
I’m copy/pasting this from a doc. My notes are kind of incoherent, as I haven’t solidified the storyline too much (and most of them are just from me rambling on discord). 
Context for the AU:
Vaati dies at the hands of the Hero in the Minish Cap. When he’s defeated, he casts a curse that binds his soul to a vessel. I don’t know what the parameters for the curse are, but it binds Vaati’s soul to Octavo’s.
Octavo knows that Vaati’s sharing a body with him, and Vaati can appear as an apparition to him. And since Octavo is born a few years after the events of MC he knows who Vaati is. That makes Octavo isolate himself, so at the point where shit goes down he lives as a hermit in the middle of the Minish Woods. He is, however, also a traveling musician who hoards instruments in his house.
16 years after Octavo’s birth, Ganondorf invades and takes over Hyrule. Both the king and queen -MC Zelda and Link- die at his hands. (They were barely adults at this point :(  ) However, their daughter, Zelda, escapes with Impa. 
And the plot:
The actual plot takes place 6 years after the fall of Hyrule. It’s anarchy, monsters abroad, Gan seeking the princess, etc. Zelda, now disguised as Sheik, takes refuge in Octavo’s house while being hunted by monsters. I made comic thumbnails about it. Click on the link to see ‘em
So Tavo opens up the door and hes like “bruh wtf” at all the monsters… and gets his ass beat. When Tavo’s knocked out, Vaati takes the chance to blast the monsters away (but doing so takes up most of the power he’s accumulated over Tavo’s lifetime, RIP).
Sheik sees this all happen. They know that Tavo’s gonna have a target on his back due to both his appearance (Since his color palette is kinda sheikah-like. I don’t know. It’s the pale hair) and, he just obliterated like half a platoon of monsters. 
In the meantime, Ganondorf senses Vaati’s magic outburst. He takes it as a sign of the princess’s return, and mobilizes his forces.
Sheik and Tavo end up travelling together. This is a rash decision on Sheik’s part; they know that they could’ve left him behind without endangering him. However, Tavo’s also the only person they’ve really interacted with in three years and both of them are starved for human contact, so they end up clinging to each other.
For a while, they just travel without purpose, helping whatever people they meet on the way. (At this point they also hear about the Link of this AU. I’m still not sure where I’ll implement him and how, though, so I won’t elaborate rn.)
Then they meet [NAME PENDING]. He’s a suspicious old man that Tavo and Sheik just. Keep. Meeting. Eventually, the man confronts the duo. He’s the guide of the story, and tells Sheik about their mission and how they can defeat Ganon. He tells them to find Link.
Congratulations! [NAME PENDING] joined your party! 
… Kind of. He disappears for days at a time. (Eventually, days become weeks. Weeks become months. Months become never again.)
And another major event that happens early on: while Tavo and Sheik are off adventuring, Tavo fucking dies. It’s probably not even a heroic death he just trips on a moblin or something.This activates an aspect of Vaati’s curse. 
So Vaati and Tavo make a pact (a la Ava’s Demon) before their souls really die. I’m still figuring out what exactly they promise each other. 
This is what the pact does, though: 
- Vaati takes somewhat of a “backseat”. However, if it’s necessary, he can take over Tavo’s body for a while. (Doing so puts immense strain on Vaati and he can’t do anything for a while).
- It lets Tavo and Vaati communicate via dreams. 
- Vaati also surrenders his magic power to Tavo (until the pact is … accomplished? Its conditions are met?) but Tavo, being a dumbass… doesn’t find this out till later. 
- It changes Tavo’s appearance… dyes the dude purple. 
- Vaati’s powers magically amplify Octavo’s music, letting him summon monsters and manipulate the elements (to an extent) with it. I might give him the wind waker because it’s the perfect weapon for Tavo (Is baton, has wind powers).
The rest goes something like this:
- Old man disappears altogether. 
- The party finds Link. (Link is a soldier who was chosen by the Triforce of Courage after his predecessor, MC Link, died in battle. He leads somewhat of a one-man rebellion against Ganon.)
- Link also remembers all his past lives (Granted, there aren’t many of them at this point in the timeline.) This includes MC Link. 
- Link is immediately hostile towards Octavo. Their animosity is probably going to be a major arc in the story. (…I’m probably not going to write it. F)
- Sheik and Tavo fight Link at some point when Link attacks Tavo. Eventually they get along and travel together lol
Also I think that the stuff that happens when the party gets to Hyrule Castle deserves its own section so it’s here. My notes also get a lot more incoherent from this point on, so beware
- As Tavo, Sheik, and Link gradually approach Hyrule Castle, they notice something different. The (Hylian + some Gerudo) citizens are happy and healthy. The castle is not in ruins. There are no monsters. It’s eerily idyllic.
- The castle is surrounded by an aura of malice, but everything else is peaceful.
- When they enter the Castle, the staff seem mostly be Gerudo. They welcome the party warmly. (The party is literally just waiting for the sneak attack, but it never comes).
- I don’t know what these are but they’re probably quotes/explanations from people in the castle
- “Six years ago, our king, Ganondorf Dragmire, came to Hyrule. Contrary to what you think, we did come in peace; we were to strike a trade agreement benefitting both our nations. During the last few days of negotiation, Ganondorf fell to a bout of madness- some sort of possession. Nobody had seen anything like it before.”
- “He came back to his senses to discover the blood of a thousand Hylians on his hands.”- [bitterly] “He still disappears to who-knows-where, only communicating with us by notes. We are doing the best we can to make amends for his own actions.”
- [From… Nabooru?] “I grew up with him as a child. He is hiding himself because he thinks- no, he knows- he will hurt others.“ 
And stuff from/about Ganondorf:
- Gan does his best to keep the will of Demise at bay.
- The Thing Happened when he touched some evil artifact in the Hyrule Castle vaults, which enabled Demise to use him and wreck shit up
- Gan has been researching the triforce to better understand what happened to him and learns about the Link/Zelda/Gan cycle thing.
- So the party meets Gan. Link’s in FIGHT mode from the start- Sheik and Tavo recognize Gan’s voice. Oh, wait. That old man…. Huh……..
- They fight and you can see that Gan’s holding back. But before Link can deal the finishing blow Gan goes apeshit because he can’t hold back Demise’s spirit anymore
- Cue epic boss fight but it’s sad because oh man that’s the old dude
- I know i mentioned [NAME PENDING] for like 2 lines but he’s an integral part of the story and becomes a little bit like a father figure to Sheik (and a lesser extent, Tavo). So they’re fighting a close friend. it’s not fun.
- By the end of the battle everyone’s exhausted, triforce pops out and forms that wish-granting triangle thing
- Guess who boops it. Surprise mothafucka, it’s Vaati (having taken over Tavo’s body.)
- He does the evil speech thing and taps the triangle with malicious intent. But there’s been a Vaati redemption arc throughout the story where he learns to empathize with people and become a decent dude. And though his wish sounds evil, but the interpretation is surprisingly neutral/good because his heart’s not really in it, so to speak. i havent even decided to use that particular event or not, though.
I’ve got a doc (It’s kinda inconsistent with what’s here. I need to update it)
And refs! 
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Headshots of Octavo, Sheik, and Link respectively:
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Yeah! Thanks for reading through all this; I’m really glad you asked!!
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askharmonia · 5 years
Harmonia, Octavo & The Silver Mage Chapter 2
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Chapter 2: Other Friends.
Octavo and Harmonia encounter Krys, a Gemonyk known as the Silver Mage - a powerful sorceress who has studied nearly every kind of magic. But not soon after their encounter, they meet another mage who isn’t as friendly. Who is he and why does he have a vendetta against Harmonia, Octavo and Hyrule?
‘What did she say about me? What did she say? What did you do without me? What did you do? Did you play games without me? What did you play? Did you think all this time that I wouldn't find out about you? Oh that's right I heard the story over and over again! Gee, it's swell to finally meet her,  Other Friends.’
Octavo and Harmonia stood outside the cave in Hyrule Forest with Krys. “Krys is a Gemonyk.” Harmonia explained, stars in her eyes, “They’re a race of powerful mages and spell casters. And Krys is the strongest and most known of them – the Silver Mage. She knows nearly every type of magic there is.”
“Ah, I don’t know about strongest.” Krys laughed, sheepishly scratching the back of her neck, “I mean, there’s still many types of magic I haven’t mastered. Like Symphonyxian magic! It’s hard to master that type of magic if you’re not of Symphonyxian origin. And don’t get me started on its dark counterpart.” Krys squinted at Harmonia for a moment, “Actually…I know you! You’re Soloria’s kid! Harmonia the Dark, right? I heard about you from my last trip to Symphonyxia!” Harmonia nodded. Krys turned to Octavo, “And that must make you Octavo.”
“Pleasure to meet you.” Octavo smiled. “So what brings you to Hyrule?” Harmonia asked. “I travel all over.” Krys began, “But Hyrule’s always been my home-away-from-home. And when I heard there was a festival going on, I just had to come visit!” Krys seemed to cut herself off as she seemed to realise something, “Wait a sec…gyah! I forgot! I told Zelda I’d check in with her when I got here! I got distracted by those cuccos! I’ll see you two at the festival, right?”
“Sure!” Harmonia smiled. “Cool!” Krys clicked her fingers and a portal opened behind her, “See you guys later!” Krys hopped into the portal.
 “Well she’s spritely!” Octavo chuckled. “She’s the coolest.” Harmonia added, “I’ve only heard stories of her, but I never thought I’d meet her in person!”
“I wonder what other types of magic she knows.” Octavo wondered before shaking his head, “We better head back to the festival…if Gleeokenspiel hasn’t wrecked everything.”
“Have a little faith in them, Tavo!”
“I did, and I ended up being stuck on a giant four-headed glockenspiel dragon that was hell-bent on catching a mouse.”
Harmonia chuckled and was about to respond but was cut off by the gentle summer breeze suddenly turning into a gust of wind, “Urgh! Where did this wind come from? Is Wizzroboe here?”
“No.” Octavo replied, shielding his face from the wind, “I don’t know what this is!” Before they could react to anything else, a sinister laugh echoed around them, “Well, well, well. Look who we have here. The music sorcerer who nearly destroyed Hyrule in an attempt to ‘save’ it, and the little princess who helped put an end to it.”
“Who’s there?!” Harmonia called out. The wind began to die down as a small tornado appeared in front of Octavo and Harmonia. “To be honest, I’m almost glad you saved Hyrule!” The tornado disappeared to reveal a figure in front of them. He had pale lavender skin, red eyes – one of which was covered by long lavender hair – with a strange mark under the left eye. He wore periwinkle, red and gold robes and an indigo cloak and hat. He had a smirking expression as he glanced between the two Symphonyxians, “Because now I can destroy it myself.”
“Who are you supposed to be?” Octavo growled, whipping out his magic baton, as Harmonia had two magic sigils at the ready. “She didn’t mention me? Tch, figures. Guess she really DID forget.” The figure muttered, “Well, you might as well know the name of your demise. I am Vaati, the Wind Mage. And I’ve heard about you two and the events of three months ago. If I am to succeed with my plan, I must destroy Hyrule. Therefore I can’t risk you two getting in the way. It’s bad enough I’ll have to deal with that little brat and the princess again. Oh well…” Vaati summoned a ball of energy in his hand, “Believe me, this is nothing personal. Actually, no. This IS personal. After all, you were one of the nobodies of this nowhere kingdom who took away my best friend!”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Octavo interrupted, “There has to be a mistake! We didn’t take-”
“Shut it!!!” Vaati shouted, “It doesn’t matter. For now at least. I just need to make sure my plan goes smoothly. Now...to stone with you!!!” Vaati lobbed the ball of energy towards Octavo and Harmonia, but Harmonia threw down a gold sigil that summoned a wall of golden light that blocked the spell before disappearing. “Is that all you have?” Octavo smirked. “No but thank you for asking!” Vaati grinned as he summoned a series of fireballs and launched them at the two magic users. “Fireballs? Child’s play!” Octavo launched a series of fireballs from his baton to counter Vaati’s. “My turn!” Harmonia smiled, summoning a new sigil, “Blinding Crescendo!” A beam of light shot from the sigil at lightning speed, growing bigger as it travelled before hitting Vaati dead on, the light blinding him for a second. “Sounds like you hit a flat note!” Octavo announced as green energy shot from the baton, forming a large green mallet above Vaati, who barely managed to dodge out of the way in time. “Heh. Not bad.” Vaati smirked. “Why thank you. When it comes to magic, I’m awfully ‘sharp’!” Octavo grinned as the green energy turned purple and the mallet shifted into a number of purple swords. Vaati tried to dodge past the incoming blades, but one of them managed to graze his arm. Vaati grabbed his arm in pain. Harmonia took this as an opportunity and summoned a number of sigils in front of her, “Molto vivace!” A flurry of lightning-fast beams of light struck Vaati one after the other. “Urgh! Alright, that does it!” Vaati growled as a swirling vortex of wind surrounded Octavo and Harmonia as Vaati hovered above them on a gust of wind, “I have work to do, and I’m not letting you interfere! Now die!!!” Vaati lobbed a giant fireball at the duo.
 “Batter up!”
 In the blink of an eye, Vaati saw his fireball come shooting back towards him, barely missing the Wind Mage. Vaati glared down only to see three figures now instead of two. There was Krys holding a purple baseball bat made of magic. “What? Baseball not your thing? How about ‘Bats up’ then?” Krys grinned as she tossed the baseball bat into the air, which turned into a flock of bats that began to swarm around Vaati, who tried to swat them away. “Hey! Why did the Silver Mage throw butter out the window? To see a butter-fly!” Krys summoned a large brick of butter with butterfly wings that flew right into Vaati’s face. “Ok, that’s funny!” Harmonia laughed. Vaati growled, “So you haven’t matured I see.”
“And you lost your sense of humour!” Krys fired back, “I don’t blame you. My jokes tend to stink!” And with that, Krys blew out of her mouth and a pungent green cloud drifted towards Vaati. “Agh! That stinks!!” Vaati exclaimed. “Sorry!” Krys giggled, “Here! I have a spell that’ll blow you away!” Krys summoned a giant propeller that blew away the cloud and nearly Vaati, but he managed to fight against the wind. “Don’t like it? No problem! I already have three huge fans!” Krys grins as she summons two more propellers that managed to send Vaati flying backwards. “We need to go before he comes back!” Krys clicked her fingers and a portal opened again, “Come on!” Krys grabbed Harmonia and Octavo by the arms and pulled them into the portal.
Next thing they knew, they were in the middle of Hyrule Castle. Zelda rushed over to the three, Link by her side, “Is everyone alright?”
“Shaken a little.” Harmonia began, “But we’re okay. Krys saved us.”
“It was as I thought.” Krys began, an expression that was a mix of concern and seriousness on her face, “Vaati’s here.”
“I was afraid you would say that.” Zelda sighed.  “Wait. You know him, Krys?” Octavo asked, a look of surprise on his face. “More than that.” Krys replied.
 “I’m the reason he’s here.”
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