#so adorable i might die
bagelondwell · 2 months
A Fanart Gift for @neuknot!!
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i really love Serrie's design and all!
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spitinsideme · 8 days
You haven't posted in 12 whole hours and I feel like a part of me is missing now
iam sure you have all missed me veey mucg .. as an apokofy i have made a drawing of pomnian ragataheir first year of meetig .. befire theh staeted dating with pomni tryong to impress ragatha with her guitar skills
(bimbo x tomboy au)
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chickensauras · 20 days
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His wife and kid:
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moeblob · 11 days
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Impulsively shoving a guy's hand in your mouth after having the thought "oh just like when my little sister used to prick herself on a rose thorn" and then immediately being treated like a pet who ate something they shouldn't have? Wonderful. Thank you, Thane.
(also not pictured is Thane apparently trying to scrape your tongue with his hand BEFORE pouring the holy water down your throat because NO. BAD.)
#bewitching sinners#palmier baker#thane verashkova#accidentally ingesting vampire blood because of big brother impulses is wild#also the reason hes so alarmed is bc in that world you kinda soulbond to others and thats how you soulbond as a vampire#you drink each others blood and so hes flipping out because while he hasnt had your blood yet#hey your ex is going to absolutely kill me if we bond on accident and i dont think i wanna die like that!#which is VERY cool to know thank you thane im so glad your concern is actually less of being bound#but about being murdered thats really cool#also the fact thane is found in the library studying with arshem my beloved ex and is BRIBED TO LEARN RECIPES#by arshem with vials of mixed blood hes just CASUALLY CARRYING is like hey man#thank you for being group mum i love you for it#and then later on arshem actually is like oh thane you can drink my blood later since you havent fed for a while#and thane is super chipper about it like HECK YEAH THANKS !#hey boys youre adorable thank you for existing in this incredibly fucked up world#im in a choke hold with this otome im sorry#you ever try to be nice to a guy and think surely this will help him a little bit then you get background lore#and you realize youre probably making things A LOT WORSE FOR HIM by being nice#im going through it with my emotions as i learn about palmiers actions pre game swap so like#dude please i am BEGGING YOU palmier please have ONE redeeming quality in you at some point#i want to adopt one of the love interests as my son though and im obsessed with the fact he can speak fish#my son can speak to the fish and he gives me fish as a present bc i might need it later#and i do actually in fact need said fish later for another quest#thankyou my son i love you and i appreciate you youre amazing#gonna have to draw arshem at some point and everyone will immediately go yeah that makes sense
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katierosefun · 1 year
not to be like “ugh aos crew” again but ugh aos crew again spock really got accepted into the most prestigious university on vulcan and was like “haha fuck you <3″ bc they insulted the fact that he’s mixed-race jim banged his forehead in the shuttle within the first 30 seconds he was on board leonard was hiding in the bathroom of said shuttle because he hates flying sulu couldn’t get the ship to warp for the first 3 minutes of his first-ever flight on the enterprise uhura is mostly okay still except she’s also got a thing going with her former professor so maybe that raises some eyebrows (ha) scotty is literally in a butt-fuck middle of nowhere outpost on a death ice planet chekov is. seventeen. i don’t really have much more to add to that except guys your ensign is seventeen years old
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cassandracain52 · 7 days
Alternative Bat ship names
Some of the batship names leave much to be desired (as I somewhat mentioned here )I wanted to propose some new ones or bring awareness to ones I think should be more popular! My credentials are that I was a part of the RWBY fandom back in 2015 so
Pairing: Dick Grayson and Barbara Gordon
Original: DickBabs
Alternative: Nightwatch
"DickBabs" is not that bad tbh but also not at all creative. “Nightwatch” Was something I first saw on Spotify as a ship playlist name and thought it fit perfectly. "Night" is the first part of Dick’s hero name and watching the BatFam during patrol is kinda Barbara’s whole job description so it combines them both beautifully
Pairing: Bruce Wayne and Selena Kyle
Original: BatCat
Alternative: Thieves Crusade
“BatCat” just feels too much like “CatDog” and I don’t want to associate them with that. Now the easy choice is to go "Black Cat" As it still fits them but that's not that much better creativity wise. "Thieves Crusade" Is fairly self explanatory with Selena being the thief and Bruce being the caped Crusader but is also Selena’s goal in a way
Pairing: Tim Drake and Stephanie Brown
Original: TimSteph
Alternative: Ultra Violet
Again, “TimSteph” isn’t the worse but it’s just so bland. "Ultra Violet" Is the name of an energy drink which while mostly fanon based does remind me of Tim and Violet is a shade of purple which is Stephs favorite color
Pairing: Damian Wayne and Nika
Original: DamiNika
Alternative: Knightshade
I just don't like the way "DamiNika" sounds. "Knightshade" would be said the same as "Nightshade" which is a poisonous plant. Damian is the heir to the mantle of the Dark Knight(something he use to point out often) and Nika's whole powers surround death so I feel like it can apply to them both
Pairing: Conner "Kon" Kent and Cassandra Cain
Original: KonCass
Alternative: Star-Crossed
"KonCass" could be worse but it also could be better, it also is a bit too close to "KonCassie" for me which is a whole other ship. "Star-Crossed" Is a bit more of a stretch but my reasoning is that DC had set their relationship to fail from the beginning so the phrase itself fits and also one of the only "dates" we really see of them in canon is when Kon takes her into the sky to see the stars and the clouds(Kon is also half ailen which can kinda apply here)
If anyone knows some other good ones please share! I'm not even saying these are particularly great, In fact I’m aware they’re not, but I just miss the fun shipnames so bad:(
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runningforabel · 2 months
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“Good to see you in the flesh! The totally-unbroken, skin-not-bitten-by-zombies flesh…right?”
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haveihitanerve · 4 months
Kaz Brekker stood in his small, cramped attic room, and stared out the window. Fat drops of rain pelted the glass and Kaz lips twitched as he watched a few last minute shoppers rush home through the downpour they were facing. His ungloved hands were clasped in front of him, but they dropped to dangle at his sides instead when he heard the door creak. “Hello Inej.” He said, his voice hardly louder than a whisper. She had wanted him to be aware of his arrival, for while the door had creaked, no other sound was made until she stood at his side, her slender fingers sliding into his. Kaz squeezed them, marveling at her soft hands, and the fact that he could do this. Hold the hand of the woman he loved without freezing up, or shaking, or having violent flashbacks. She had broken his fear/hate/dislike/trauma of touch slowly, recruiting Jesper for help, since the two of them had known him the longest and were closest to him, so their touch was known. It still made Kazs heart twist a little, in fondness and affection, when he thought of how ready the two had been to help him overcome this. The thought that they still cared for him, despite all he had done, despite who he was, and how he had treated them. Albeit there own selfish reasons for wanting to break his hatred of touch. They had gone slow, and Kaz was grateful, though he knew they were both eager. Despite her years at the menagerie, Inej’s love language was touch, and Jesper had grown up in a very affectionate household. But they had always been good about it.
Inej had never touched him except maybe to brush against his side in passing, or a light hand on the shoulder. And Jesper had refrained from hugging him, or slapping him on the back, or ruffling his hair the way he was prone to doing with other Crows. Instead Jesper had always kept his hands to himself, knocking their shoulders together in silent comradery, offering a fist bump in place of a hug. It had never been intended to break his dislike of touch, but now it had turned into it. Inej would slide up behind him and press herself against his back for a second, longer each time, before pulling away again, never staying long enough to suffocate him. She would trace patterns across his chest and shoulders and brows, fingertips trailing lightly across his skin. She would brush their fingers together, maybe hook one or two, but never for too long. Never too much. Jesper increased his shoulder bumping activities, and sometimes would even venture to drape his arm around Kaz’s shoulders for a quick second before pulling away again. When Kaz would sit down, Jesper would sit next to him and grab his legs so they slung over his lap, playing drums on his good knee. As time had worn on, Kaz had found himself enjoying the simple touches, and on occasion he would even miss them, or seek them out. The two Crows had never pushed, and somehow also knew how much Kaz was able to handle without he even knowing himself. Apparently today was a good day, because Inej slid her whole hand inside of his, entwining their fingers together. Kaz let his thumb circle lightly on her knuckles, and she rested her head on his shoulder. “Hello Kaz.” she whispered. “Hello Jesper!” Came the call from the door as it was kicked open and Jesper strolled in. He grinned at them both, joining them at the window and draping an around around Kaz’s shoulders. Kaz rolled his eyes. His room had always been a safe haven, a place he could get away from everyone, but somehow that everyone no longer applied to the Six of Crows. Not that Kaz could say the definition of his room had changed. “Its a beauty aint it?” Jesper asked with a pleased sigh, leaning his head against Kaz’s. “What is?” Kaz asked in mild annoyance, leaning his head away only to knock it back harder. Jesper snorted, rubbing his head before placing it right back where it had started. Kaz grumbled. “Our city.” He pointed at the window. “Ain't she gorgeous?” he breathed in reverent awe. “You got the best view of her Kaz. Thats for sure.” Inej hummed her agreement but Kaz frowned, trying to see the city the way they did. As a place of beauty. And maybe it was the fact that he was holding Inejs hand without his gloves. Or maybe it was the fact that despite his attempted annoyance at Jesper, he was really enjoying the way his arm wrapped around his shoulders. Or maybe it was his throbbing head from knocking too hard into Jespers, but whatever the reason, it was as though Kaz truly was seeing the city through new eyes. “Yes.” he breathed, blinking a few times in surprise. “She really is.”
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whore-tm · 1 year
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moodboard for…
‘Good winter, I’ll be with you’
by @yabakuboi
fandom: Game of Thrones
pairing: Jon Snow/Tormund Giantsbane
word count: ~ 30k
rating: Explicit
tags: Post Series Finale, Spoilers, canon compliant, hurt/comfort, slow burn, (domestic) fluff, falling in love, depression, explicit sexual content, sexual exploration, internalised homophobia, suicidal ideation, past Jon/Daenerys, past Jon/Ygritte
summary: Jon follows the wildlings past the wall and into winter, never expecting to find anything more than a snowy grave and the quiet death of the North.
Read here on ao3!
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thresholdbb · 6 months
i have a VOY confession: I skipped Threshold because the rating on imdb was SO so low... is it required viewing???
I was holding off on this question so I didn’t give you the most insane rambling answer, so thank you for your patience. Short answer: I definitely think it’s worth a watch. I, thresholdbb, am obviously biased about this, but imo Star Trek isn’t quite Star Trek without its delightfully campy side.
Threshold is often pointed to as the worst episode of Star Trek, and it has also been voted as such. That said, it really isn’t that bad. The science is iffy at best, but it’s science fiction and that part gets a pass in my book. It only veers into the ridiculous in the last act, otherwise it’s actually not bad. If it didn’t take a hard left at the end, people probably wouldn’t rag on it as much as they do.
Tom Paris has some excellent moments and Robert Duncan McNeill was having a blast being a mutant, chewing up all the scenery. The EMH has a bit that makes me laugh every time. Janeway is delightful as always. Plus, the episode won an Emmy for make-up.
Really though, I love what episodes like Threshold (and the like) represent: a willingness to take risks. Some of that has been lost in the bigger budget productions that have come after (they’re coming back around), but I unabashedly adore that these “bad” episodes exist. Plus now we get to poke fun at and enjoy hyper-evolved salamander babies for eternity. What’s not to celebrate?
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junoat · 1 year
hi can we just take a moment for my beautiful rabbits please🐇
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designernishiki · 11 months
i just need to make everyone aware that yuki, canonically, according to rgg online, at age 39 is completely uninterested in dating in favor of playing games on the internet. and i think she’s a real one for that
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orphicss · 5 months
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Preparing a special bundle for my shop exclusive to February: "𝕰𝖗𝖔𝖘 & 𝕿𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖆𝖙𝖔𝖘" with three different prints, stickers and writing paper because I want to write lovely letters to my friends.
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fruityfroggy · 8 days
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dirt-str1der · 1 year
What ive learned about the yakuza community is that you guys are way too hung up over that scene in y4 where he pinned haruka to the ground then started panting really heavily , that didnt happen for me , that scene wasnt real to me i forgot about it.
#Yakuza loveblog#it literally didnt happen for me like the game could have been perfect without it so i took it out#like how could you not like saejima he... he would be the perfect man if not for that scene#but it WOULD be funny to make haruka have beef with both majima (kidnapped her) and saejima (lowkey assaulted her)#saejima wouldnt do that .. he loves kids ...#i adore saejima i think hes super cool and extremely hardcore. more hardcore than kiryu even and kiryu is extremely hardcore#saejima was the first to almost die in the snow but unlike kiryu he didnt even get frostbite#well he did a bit but it wasnt that bad ... kiryus fingers were one hard press from having the flesh slough right off#anyway HOW CAN ANYONE NOT LIKE SAEJIMA HES SO COOOOOOL#Hes so charismatic and you can tell the depths of his empathy are unfathomable ... he looks at someone with sorrow and you know his heart#is breaking. he always gets so serious and sombre when hes trying to convince someone not to go down a dark path#my stomach HURTS. see saejima could have given me medicine because he is so kind#you have got to forgive him for pinning haruka to the ground with his knee between her legs like you need to forgive him#that was a slipup he was never planning on doing anything and he was very sorry for it ... i swear to you he just froze up he wasnt planning#on touching her or anything ... you know whos truly to blame ? kiryu. for standing there once again like a stone starue and letting it happe#hey ‘suzuki’ (lol thats a good one i might steal it later) i know youre an escaped convict because of the animalistic look in yout eye when#you pinned my twelve year old daughter to the ground and slobbered on her. and not the other telltale signs like you wearing a prisoners#outfit when you washed up on shore (lol) no there were no other clues. that was what tipped me off#hated kiryu in y4 he is useless. i will never forgive him. see saejima was panicking because haruka was going to call an ambulance. kiryu#had a cool head and he still decided to do some stupid shit. too bad i badly want men who make bad decisions and want to fuck kiryu so much
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fore-seer · 7 months
i don’t really ship owain with anyone in either game he’s in but he’s such a good dad to ophelia that i can’t imagine him not having her, and i had the idea yesterday that it’s severa he approaches about wanting a kid bc after their time in fateslandia with inigo the three of them are bonded for life anyway and she’s the only one he trusts with something like that
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