#smiley dog
halo-mango · 8 months
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Cringetober Day 13 - Creepypasta
He's so excited to watch his favorite show !!!
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maximalisticminimalism · 10 months
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My Creepypasta OC: Homo-Aranea(Name probably gonna change in the future)
This here is a drawing of my Creepypasta oc (that i made when i was like 12-13 years old) that i drew a few days ago, i forgot to post it here so yeah, now i did, she got kind of a redesign until now, and also a almost complete backstory, which she didnt have at the time the drawing was made.
Now i just gotta give her a good story and hope that y'all like her and she gets accepted in the creepypasta fandom.
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Happy boi
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sabh0 · 2 months
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Got a request on insta to draw those two ehehe (i will have to work on Murase's design a bit more one day but anyway) love those two sm Let's ignore the fact i posted yesterday, i love posting and i'm too impatient to wait days aughhhh
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ballpitwitch · 9 months
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KEANU REEVES ✦ Ride with Norman Reedus
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aestheticallyuncanny · 10 months
We have been watching you all grow up.
We miss you. And know that your favorite stories have not forgotten you.
To think you found comfort in monsters, because the ones in your head or in your home at the time were too much to bare.
So you painted your faces, drew yourselves with us, ruined clothes to look like us or just enjoyed looking like a lunatic.
We watched you go from band tees and rubber bracelets with ripped jeans, to black dresses, slacks, ties, and corsets. Some of you did a whole fuckin 180° and wear neons and pastels. Others of you just enjoy a hoodie (heh) and jeans. Some of you guys wear long skirts and pants, with cloth-patched tops and boots, crystals hanging from your necks.
Some of you just elevated your aesthetics. We can see pieces of us that got left behind in you.
Either way, we're proud of you little freaks. We know shit's been hard.
Just know the creeps and nightmares you found comfort in are still watching over you. Whether you forgot we existed, or moved on with your lives.
We see the art you make. The stuff you guys write. Some of it makes us laugh or roll our eyes, we adore it anyway.
As red and orange leaves surround you, horror movies, and screams fill your minds once again, and you see an increase of our faces, we hope you find that nostalgia again.
- Your favorite Creeps
(Just a little thing that came to my mind to write, bc I'm 22 now seeing creepypasta on my feed again, and it sent me down a rabbit hole. Idk writing this gave me comfort. I hope it gives you comfort too. ♡ )
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stuffeddeer · 5 months
I think Dazai would like mess around with your makeup stuffs and pretends he’s you doing your makeup and he’s like HUH how tf do you use this??
you definitely yell at him for wasting products!!! what i know about makeup is that it is Not Cheap.
dazai stares at you like a deer in headlights, your favorite eyeshadow pigment decorating the tips of his fingers. did he have to try and swatch all of them..?
you’d gently sit on the edge of your vanity, telling dazai what each product does, how to properly apply it, and helping him to doll himself up like you do.
he’s all giggly the whole time, not immune to the excitement that comes from making yourself look pretty! but he’s mainly giggly because the one helping him is you ❤️
when it finally comes time for lipstick, you help him pick out a nice shade that works well with the rest of the colors he’s since applied, and he excitedly stops you before you can put it on!
“i know how to do this one, i know!” he’ll say animatedly, swiping the tube from your hand and uncapping it.
you watch in amusement as he lathers his lips, deciding not to mention that sometimes less is more. he looks too cute, who are you to stop him?
Legs swinging back and forth, you watch him from your position on the vanity’s surface. Your hands gripped the edge of the piece, keeping yourself stable as he finally recaps the lipstick tube and sets it on the now messy table, all of your properly organized pieces in disarray from Dazai’s attempt at playing dress-up.
Even though it was applied haphazardly, he looked very pretty with his big brown eyes and now full lips, eyes showcasing an impish glint and lips accompanied by a mischievous smirk. You knew Dazai well enough to know he was planning something, but it was hard to decipher just what.
“You’re gorgeous,” you smirk back, still amused even while silently noting his coy expression. Teasing, you add, “I can’t believe I was able to land such a pretty girl.”
Dazai’s grin doesn’t falter. “Not done! Next you’re supposed to blot, right?”
His words make you smile. “If you want to, yes.” And he definitely should, judging by how much of the tube he just used up. $30 well spent, you suppose.
A yelp escapes your lips before his are pressed to yours, arms wrapped around your neck from yanking you down towards the vanity chair he sat in. Dazai couldn’t help the small smile on his face as he held you close, eyes fluttered shut as he enjoyed the kiss.
Your hands moved from the edge of the vanity to his shoulders, not wanting to topple forward as you kissed back. Yeah, $30 well spent.
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golden-girl-daisy · 7 months
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Cheese! 😬
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fushigurro · 16 days
i need ‘came back wrong’ gojo who’s nonverbal and has his scary powers but who also like… clings to you like a toddler because you make him feel good 😭
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silverskye13 · 2 months
wait silver if renbob visits hels has he met the red king? and if so are they disastrous or iconic together
"Deliiiiivery! :D" Renbob calls in a sing-song voice, holding a stack of boxes in his arms. "RK, where you at my brother?"
He stands in the empty loading dock at the back of the Colosseum, smiling expectantly at the vacant bay. He likes hels. It's warm, and the people are interesting. It could stand to be a little more colorful, but not all pretty places are colorful. Like the beach for example! It's mostly just yellow and blue and hot, and it's still pretty.
(That's perfect actually! Hels makes him think of the beach: hot and monocolor, but somehow still interesting once you get past all the sand. Hah! Imagine a beach in hels! It'd be like a sauna, all steam and rocks.)
"RK I know you can hear me," Renbob calls again. "I can't hold these boxes all day! Well I can, but I will get bored you know?"
There is a grumbling, growling sound that comes from everywhere, but mostly the back of his head. It starts as several whispered and snarled words, and slowly coalesces into a string of coherent thought, "I don't answer to the name RK here, lad."
"My bad, must've gotten you mixed up with someone," Renbob chuckles. "Do you want your delivery?"
"Loading bay?"
"They won't let me park the van anywhere else, my brother. Oh! Please bring your favorite sword, if you don't mind? :)"
There is a cacophony of barks and growls as Red's presence slips out of the back of Renbob's mind. He wonders if Red knows that's the sound his thoughts make: an angry pack of wolves. They aren't kind wolves. They whisper a lot of unkind things when they trail after Red's thoughts. He wonders if that's why Red is always so nice to people: he's keeping the wolves from the door, so to speak.
Red strides into the loading bay, one hand on the wall as a guide until it ends in the open room. He steps confidently even when the wall is gone. The iron crown, sunk down low over his eyes, either doesn't hinder his sight, or he's memorized enough of the Colosseum that it doesn't bother him anymore.
"What sound do my thoughts make :O ?" Renbob asks. Red, who'd been walking a little too far to the left of him, twitches his big, wolf-like ears and realigns his path, meeting Renbob where he stands in front of his camper van.
"What sound do ye... Thoughts make?"
"Yeah, do they make like, sound? I always figured you'd hear a pleasant background of guitar and ukulele music."
Red tilted his in an expression that probably meant he was raising his eyebrows. It was hard to tell with the crown in the way. "Ye thoughts sound like yer voice. Though there do be a slight... Birdsong type noise."
"Is it chillaxin?"
"Aye sure."
"Groovy! :D" Renbob laughed. "I'll take it then! And like, you can take these."
He passes the stack of boxes to Red, who struggles a bit with their weight.
"What all have ye brought for me lad?" Red grunts, giving up on holding them all and setting them down. "All I asked for were some of those hot chips, and ye lemon squares."
"Oh it's just some bits and bobs, mostly," Renbob hums brightly, counting on his fingers. "There's a shulker of emerald and lapis (you said you were looking for a new color to go with all the red? :V those are opposite on the color wheel might be a good place to start! :) ), a shulker of flowers for dyes (all labeled. Are you color blind? I can't remember. Anyway I labeled the dye colors they make ^_^), three boxes of lemon squares (for you and your hand and a box for your Colosseum buddies! I'm sure they'd love some :D), two bags of spicy chippies, and I got you two bolts of fabric (your cloak is getting so torn up :( you've gotta take better care of your stuff brother!). Oh, and there's a few diamonds in there I nicked from Ren. (He won't miss 'em I promise ;) )."
Red tilted his head to the side, "How...? In the world...?"
"Hmm? :)"
"How do ye make...? With your voice...? Ye know what, it be unimportant," Red chuckled, a growling noise that fractured on the edges, a hint of the wolf-thoughts that leaked into real life. "Alas lad, I did not know ye would bring so much, else I would have had payment ready for such finery."
"Oh perish the thought, RK!" Renbob grinned, waving a dismissive hand. "You know you don't have to pay me!"
"Er... Red."
"That's what I said. :3"
"I see, ye be jesting?"
"Jest so!"
"Ah," Red smirked and leaned against the tower of boxes. "Ye said ye visited Ren. How fares our little brother?"
"He's older than both of us Red!"
"Aye, but he also be shorter than both of us."
Renbob laughed, bright and hearty, and for a moment, sunshine flickered in the Colosseum. Flowers bloomed around Renbob's feet. "Right you are, brother! Though I think he might be taller than me if I took my platforms off."
"Aye, but I see no universe where ye be making that particular wardrobe choice."
"I dunno. I was thinking about going to the beach after this. Do you guys have beaches in hels?"
"Aye, if you fancy soul sand by the lava lake."
"Oh man, I haven't taken a good lava bath in awhile!"
"Ye do love those an uncanny amount."
"It's exfoliating!"
"Makes me smell like burning hair."
"Well, to like, really enjoy it you have to get past the-- wait! You asked me a question?"
"Our little brother."
"Right! Ren's doing well! Gave him a ride over to his new season with his boyfriend."
Red, who had found one of the boxes of lemon squares during the conversation, coughed out a bite of lemon. "Begging your pardon?"
"You know, those go down a lot better with milk. I think hels dries them out a little. :("
"Ren has a boyfriend?!"
"Oh! Yeah, mister Docm77," Renbob beamed. "I don't think they've made it like, Facebook official yet, but they sure were making a lot of plans together for next season!"
Red sighed out a breath of relief, holding a hand to his chest. "Ye be jesting again."
"Mostly. :)"
"Well, when this great Book of Faces writes their names side by side, ye let me know."
"Certainly!" Renbob crossed his arms behind his back. "Oh, hey, before I go, like, could I ask you a huge favor?"
"Aye, lad?"
"I need a sword. Gonna be hopping to some dangerous orbits soon I think, and like, I'm real peace love and plants and all, so I can't make my own. But I can accept a gift, if you catch my drift?"
"Ah, suddenly all the gifts make sense," Red hums. He reaches down to his sword belt and unbuckles it, passing it off to Renbob, sword, scabbard and all. "Must ye take my most precious one?"
"You know how I work, Red. Only gifts given with love," Renbob grinned. It was a little sharper than it needed to be. Red couldn't see all the teeth. But it was nice to smile wide sometimes. "I do really appreciate it, my brother."
"Of course." Red smiled back, also showing a few too many teeth. Renbob felt a swelling of fondness for Ren's helsmet.
(It really was nice to be with kin sometimes, the people you could really be yourself with. Red didn't think he was unsettling, or fae-like. Red didn't go making a big deal about how widely he smiled, or how much he changed when his whims stretched him around. Red didn't begrudge the odd little pacts and rules he had to follow.)
"Well I'll like, catch you on the flipside brother!" Renbob said cheerfully. "Don't die while I'm gone, ya dig? :)"
"Don't go being any stranger," Red returned, picking up a box to carry back to his rooms. He would need help carrying them all.
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littlefleamart · 11 months
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sidetongue · 7 months
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4x good boys
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t4t-dazai · 8 months
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uh ! dazai osamori? anyone? no?
[ID: black and white portrait of dazai in the artstyle from the game "omori". End ID]
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never-looked-so-good · 6 months
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📷 @/scuderiaferrari
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ssaraexposs · 24 days
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Look at his lifeless eyes. My heart is breaking
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golden-girl-daisy · 4 months
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