#sleeping on our problems outtake
sevi007 · 2 years
So I’ve been working my new job – an IT-support hotline, well, okay, a very limited category of IT-support, only for the products our company offers – for three months now and just realized I never rambled about it on here, so.
Have some funny outtakes from hours and hours of phone calls (and one kind of sad one):
   Customer: “Fair warning, miss – I’m an old man, so explaining all this computer stuff to me will take a while!”
Me: “Alright then, fair warning back – I’ve only been working this job for three months now, so might be that we have to figure out some stuff as we go.”
Customer: “HAH, what a pair we make!”
   Waiting to see if the problem is now fixed
Customer: “We should do a prayer circle or something. You got any candles?”
Me: “A prayer circle with only two people is kind of pathetic, no?”
Customer: “Well, yeah, with that attitude for sure!”
Me: “So sorry to ruin the moment!”
 Same Customer, half an hour later, problem fixed: “Thank GOD – is there some kind of feedback chart I can fill out for you? You’re getting gold stars all over.”
Me: “Even though I didn’t do a prayer circle with you?”
Customer: “I will let it slide this once. Gold stars all around.”
   Customer: “Welp, since we gotta wait until that software does its job – might have to flirt with each other to pass the time.”
Me, as ace as they freaking come: “Wrong address for that, sir. I can ask a colleague to take over for me though?”
   Customer: “Has anybody ever told you that you have such a nice, calming voice? I mean. I feel like I’m drinking a sleeping draught, here.”
Me: “That makes me sound like I’m boring you to sleep.”
Customer: “If I start snoring, don’t be offended, that’s a compliment.”
   Customer: “I’ve been kicked out of the call for no reason for the fourth time today!”
Me: “Oh. Want to see how far we get in trouble shooting before it kicks you again?”
Customer starts laughing so loudly I have to take the phone away from my ear. “Miss, I like the attitude!”
(He did get kicked out three more times, but we fixed his problem)
   Angry Customer, as soon as I pick up the phone: “Oh, no, no!”
Me: “Sir? What is the-…”
Customer: “No, I want a man on the phone. Get me one of your colleagues on the phone!”
At that point I had already been warned that computers and stuff are still considered a “man’s job” for some people, so sometimes, there’s the rare customer who does not a woman helping him. I had been advised to just hand the call over. Me, perplexed dork that I am, just blurt out: “Would it help you if I talked with a deeper voice, or…?”
Let’s say HE was not happy, but my colleague nearby burst out laughing so hard he had to skip the next phone call.
   Customer: “… and so I told your colleague he has to pass me over to you, Miss Sevi, because you already know I’m a hopeless case!”
Me: “Mister Smith, we talked about this – no badmouthing my favourite customer, please.”
Customer: “I’m literally calling you every two days with another problem.”
Me: “Yea, and it makes my day. So hush. Let’s fix your problem now.”
   Customer, super nice elderly lady: “I like talking to you, you know. You’re so kind and patient.”
Me: “Aw, thank you. You’re also a very nice customer.”
Customer: “You know. You remind me a lot of my granddaughter.... I miss her every day.”
Me, after an “aw fudge” moment: “Ma’am? Do you maybe want to call again?”
Customer: “Can I? Not too often, I know you’re busy of course-…”
Me: “I will find the time. Just ask for me, okay?”
(We have been talking once a week now. Like, ten minutes, just talking about her day, or some funny moments I had in the office, but she seems to love it. I haven’t told my boss, so shhhh)
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falsegoodnight · 4 years
✰ say a little prayer: an outtake ✰
*a harry-centric drabble from sleeping on our problems taking place the five days after louis told harry about the baby.
(obviously: major spoilers from the fic!
a birthday present for @louislyrics <3 thank you for asking the question that sparked this!
The door shuts behind Louis with a dull thud, silence echoing as Harry stares at the wood, mouth still dropped open with his protest lingering on his lips. 
A wave of nausea rises in him, strengthened only by his disbelief, confusion, and slowly festering panic. 
Pregnant. Louis is pregnant. 
With his baby. 
The panic grows, tightening in his chest and filling his lungs. He exhales jaggedly, hands shaking as he sits down on his bed stiffly and places them on his knees, bracing himself.
He’s twenty. He’s twenty years old and he’s gone and knocked up an omega. He’s just recently been picked as captain. The season is picking up soon and he’s got classes and responsibilities and he’s knocked up an omega. 
A product of him and Louis has been planted in Louis’ stomach and will grow into a living breathing human after just nine and a half months. The white gap on his wall between his window and a poster sears into his burning eyes as he stares blankly. 
He doesn’t realize someone has entered his room until a hand lands on his shoulder, jerking him out of his tense actions. Liam’s face slowly comes into view when he glances down, a worried furrow between his brow. 
His mouth is open too, closing and widening as if pronouncing syllables and words, trying to communicate - except Harry can hardly hear a word through the thundering of his heart, deafening in his ears and making his vision go blurry. 
“Harry,” Liam says, maybe for the fifth or dozenth time, “Harry, are you okay?” 
Opening his mouth, he is unable to respond. Is he okay? Is he okay after finding out he’s going to be a father when he’s only twenty years old? 
And it’s like - Harry has always known he wants children, wants to find a nice omega and settle down and put a baby or a bunch of babies in them. He wants to have a family. He gets off on the idea, for fuck’s sake. But it’s different having it sprung on him so suddenly. It’s different because he’s not ready. Not even close. 
He’s Captain for fuck’s sake. He’s got a year to play well and play hard to up his chances of being drafted to a good team in the summer. Not to mention, an entire team not to let down. Hockey is his life - it’s been his life since he first got onto the ice at eight years old and fuck, he wants it to continue being his life for a long time. 
“H, you’re worrying me, what’s wrong?” Liam continues, sounding completely bewildered. Harry can’t blame him. He’s Harry - always cool headed, calm, and driven. Not much rattles him, though it’s safe to say this definitely has. 
“Liam,” he says slowly, voice hoarse. He forces himself to make eye contact with the fellow alpha, taking a deep shuddery breath. “Liam, I’m going to be a dad.” 
He watches as the words process and Liam’s face morphs into one of disbelief. He watches as Liam looks at him, face pale once he sees the tears in Harry’s eyes and the raw honesty on his face. He watches as he realizes it’s the truth. 
Fumbling for words, Liam sits down on the bed beside him. “Um,” he starts, giving Harry an anxious look. 
Shaking his head, Harry explains properly. He reminds Liam about Louis, the omega he hooked up with at their end-of-summer party and who helped him with his rut. He tells him that Louis wants to keep the baby. “I mean, s’his body, his choice, of course,” he says panickedly. “But he also wants to know if I want to be involved and-” He cuts off, unable to continue. 
Liam is silent for a bit. “What’re you going to do?” he asks eventually, voice soft and gentle. 
It’s still enough for Harry to break. Suddenly he’s crying into his hands, shaking because he has no fucking idea what he’s going to do. He’s twenty - he’s twenty years old and he has no fucking idea what he’s doing. 
He thinks of Louis. Sweet and beautiful Louis who’s caught his eye more than any omega he’s ever met, who his inner alpha feels an inexplicable pull towards, against his mind’s wishes. If he hadn’t been so dedicated to hockey, he wonders how things might have been between them. If this would be playing out a little differently. 
Most of all he wonders how Louis isn’t in pieces like him. He’s the same age as Harry and yet he was so sure - so certain of this new permanent fixture in his life. 
Even when he left, face crumpled and close to tears much to the torment of his inner alpha, there was no trace of regret or doubt in his face. He wants to keep the baby. He’s okay with being a mother and raising a child. 
Meanwhile Harry feels like he’s going to puke. He keeps crying, letting Liam awkwardly pat his back and murmur semi-encouraging words, struggling to handle an emotionally distressed Harry when he’s never even seen him cry before today. But Harry soaks up the little bit of comfort Liam offers, closing his eyes shut and wanting to scream because the ultrasound picture  he left on his desk is still branded across his eyelids. 
One thing’s for sure, he needs to make a decision here. But first he has to come to terms with it. 
Harry wakes up on Sunday morning and almost forgets the revelation of the evening before. 
He told Liam to tell their frat brothers he was feeling ill and would be eating in his room. Then he proceeded to have his dinner, which was tasteless and overall unappealing to him, while staring aimlessly at his laptop screen where Criminal Minds was playing. He remembers nothing of the two episodes he watched, putting his laptop on the nightstand and yanking his clothes off so he can sleep about three hours earlier than usual. 
Though he forgets, it comes back to him like a knife to the chest when he glances at his desk where the ultrasound is sitting, black and white little blob and all. He sucks in a breath and then exhales through his nose, heading to the door and slamming the door shut behind him.
Liam must have told the others to leave him alone because no one comes up to tell him good morning or complain about current chore assignments. He’s sure he’s radiating frustrated pheromones as he grabs some cereal and an energy drink. 
There’s a morning practice in half an hour so Harry brings his breakfast upstairs with him, eating as he gets dressed and grabs his stuff. 
He stares at the ultrasound as he gathers his gear, eyes latched onto it even when he’s stuffing everything in his duffel along with his water bottle, before turning his head and looking away. He pushes it all down. 
Striving to the door, he hesitates, glancing back at the desk. With an exhausted sigh, he walks back to the desk.
After spending the entire morning avoiding the elephant in the room, it all comes rushing back to him, a heavy weight in his lungs making it hard for him to breathe. But he makes himself look at the paper, lets himself study the small blob in the middle that will be his and Louis’ pup.
His pup. His child. 
He wonders what they’d look like. Would they look more like him or Louis? He imagines a baby in his head but its face flashes between Louis’ delicate features and his sharper ones, Louis’ big blue eyes and his green ones, Louis’ soft smile and his own. 
“Harry,” Liam says, knocking gently on the door. He’s cautious as he reminds Harry that they have to get to practice.
Harry nods, gnawing on his lip. “I’ll meet you down there,” he murmurs, not moving his eyes from the ultrasound picture. There’s traces of Louis’ scent on it, sweet ripe strawberries. So lovely and intoxicating and so much deeper now. Deeper because of the baby. He glances at Liam who hasn’t left, a concerned frown on his face. “I’m fine,” he swears, voice lowering to a whisper. 
Liam dips his head to his chest in acknowledgment and backs out of the room. 
Heart fluttering painfully, Harry realizes that he just spent five minutes thinking about his child and not panicking. 
Examining the black and white sheet carefully, he folds it gently and tucks it into his jacket pocket. It sits there like a promise through the entire day. 
Harry spends the next couple of days going through his normal routines and attending classes and practice completely dazed. He zones out during lectures, mind wandering to heartbeats and tiny limbs. He’s distant with his frat brothers and absent from his friends; ignoring text messages and Snapchats and cutting all interactions with everyone, except Liam, short. His mind is constantly spinning with thoughts of ultrasounds, parenting, and panic. 
How is he expected to talk to people normally when a lump the size of a boulder is clawing up his throat and fighting to spill out, his thoughts utterly consumed by something the size of a cherry. 
(A size of a cherry. That’s what the internet said when he googled information on babies at 9 weeks in the middle of Music Theory. Itty bitty. Just bigger than the pad of his thumb.)
He’s distracted in practice and everyone notices, including Coach, who pulls him aside during a practice game to tell him off for being sloppy. He’s captain for fuck’s sake and the season is just kicking off. He can’t afford to be so spaced out - he’s lectured on this point over and over, head ducked and shame curling in his stomach. 
And yet, he can’t stop himself from pulling the picture out of his pocket during class or practice or in the middle of the night when he wakes up staring at the ceiling, while his insecurities and nerves whirl around him like a never ending nightmare. 
The folds grow cracked and worn with the amount of times he opens and refolds the paper; looking, staring, and memorizing the lines of his future pup as his heart beats painfully. 
On Wednesday, three days after he found out, he calls his mom.
She answers with a, “Hey, lovey,” like she always does, chipper and happy.
Harry swallows, closing his eyes. When he speaks, his voice shakes. “Mom, I have something to tell you.” 
As if sensing the panic in his voice, her response is soft and encouraging. “You can tell me anything, darling.”
“I don’t want you to be disappointed,” he whispers. 
“You’ve never disappointed me and you never will,” she says easily, sounding confused and curious. 
It doesn’t make him feel any better. His stomach is twisting painfully when he finally works up the courage to blurt it out. “I got someone pregnant.” 
His mother’s shock is palpable, bleeding through the phone and seeping into his skin until he’s flinching, the hitch in her breathing almost deafening to his ringing ears. 
Before he knows it, his tears are brimming again. 
“Mom,” he says desperately. “Say something.” 
“Harry,” she says. “Oh my god.”
Needless to say, he starts crying again. The whole story comes tumbling out and his mother is achingly indecipherable, asking him questions about if they used protection (no, but Louis had been on birth control) and how far along Louis is (9 weeks and 4 days as far as Harry knows) and how well they know each other (“Not well at all,” he had been forced to admit). 
“Honey,” she starts, voice gentle but firm. “I’m your mother and you know I always want the best for you. But you also know I’ll never bullshit you, which is why I feel comfortable telling you that there’s a right and wrong decision to make here and I swear to God, Harry Edward Styles, that if you choose the wrong path - the coward’s path, I will come up there and -”
“Mom, I’m not abandoning him,” he interrupts, gaping. “What the fuck?”
“I know you’re not,” she scoffs. “I meant if you choose not to have a joint-custody. I know you, darling, and I know how much you’d regret it if you let one of your own flesh and blood slip through your fingers even when you’re as young as you are.”
“I…” He trails off, swallowing. “How am I supposed to raise a child when I want to be in the NHL?”
“How is this omega supposed to carry a child while attending classes and living his own life?” she counters. “I’ll tell you how. You figure it out. You work your ass off and you come up with solutions and you never give up. When it comes to family, you can move mountains if need be.” 
Harry exhales, words embedding themselves into his skin and sticking there. He nods even though she can’t see him. She’s right. She’s completely right. It’s been four days and his pup is still just an embryo but he’s already attached. He’s in too deep and there’s no way he can settle for anything less than as much as he can get. “What about weekends?” he suggests.
“Weekends,” Anne repeats. “Is that what you want?” 
He takes his time to respond, mulling it over and considering every option. Is it possible for me to do this? he thinks. Is it possible that he can live and breathe hockey and other obligations while still being a father that his pup deserves?
In the end, it’s an easy question to answer. 
“Yes,” he says, no signs of hesitance or doubt in his voice. “It’s what I want.”
“I’m glad to hear that, darling. So glad. But I also need you to understand. Being a parent will change your life forever - it’s the most satisfying and fulfilling and beautiful thing, but it’s hard. Looking after another human being is a full-time commitment and I know you want kids, but it’s different when you’re actually having them.”
“I know,” he says. He’ll need to do research and tag along to appointments and be as involved as he can. He’ll need to find time for his pup - make time for them - both before and after they’re born. “I’ll do my best.”
“And I don’t care if you and this omega are nothing but strangers,” she continues fiercely. “That child is half yours and this omega will be carrying it for the both of you these next nine months. You better be there trying to make it even a little bit easier for him every step of the way.”
He sputters. “Of course,” he says, defensive. “I would hope you’d expect better of me than that.”
“And I’d hope I raised you well enough that you’ll treat this omega as good as if he were your own omega and support him as much as possible,” she says.
“You did, I will,” he argues, brows furrowing. He thinks about Louis and how much discomfort, pain, and struggles he’ll have to endure over his pregnancy and how he knows he’ll handle it brilliantly. Because Louis is smart and determined and he’s going to be a brilliant mother. 
He knows it. 
“I love you and I’m proud of you,” his mother says after a beat, voice softening. “And I’ll be here for you whenever you need me, honey. Just a few hours away. For you and Louis.”
It’s the first time she’s said his name out loud and Harry’s heart does a funny thing at the sound. “I love you too,” he says belatedly. 
“Robin’s going to be home in a few minutes, so stay on,” she says. “I want you to be the one to tell him the news. You have to tell your sister too, but maybe in a little bit. I don’t want to overwhelm you, darling. But how long do you think is the appropriate time to wait before telling the relatives?”
Harry can’t help but smile as she rambles on but it fades as his earlier worries return. She wants to tell the relatives but Harry’s still scrambling to process, to believe. 
“Mom,” he says, voice ragged. 
“Yes, lovey?” she asks softly, sensing his distress.  
“Do you think I’ll be a good dad?” he breathes, wiping a stray tear with the back of his hand. He hears his mother’s shocked inhale before she’s crying too, telling Harry of course, darling, the best dad in the entire world. 
And Harry, through his tears and worries and anguish, believes her. He can feel it in his bones, in his mind, in his heart. He will be. For his pup, he’d be anything. 
They stay on the phone for hours. 
It’s Thursday afternoon, five days after he found out, and Harry’s staring at the creased and wrinkled ultrasound picture - staring at his future - when he pulls out his phone and writes out a text. 
Hey Louis...
this is one of quite a few drabbles i have on a list for already-posted fics and the first one i’ve actually finished (whoops) - hopefully i’ll get to the others too!! :) this was really fun for me to write and i hope it was nice to read :)
thank you @soldouthaz and chelsea for looking this over for me! <33
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creatureoffiction · 2 years
Okay new post. Still Ukrainian, hanging out at our distant relatives because my home city is being bombed heavily, can't leave the country right now, refugee status is legally bullshit, fuck everything.
Reason for posting this? Just saw some outtakes from news reports. I have a question: What In The Flying Fuck?!
"These are not some Syrian refugees, these are civilised white people". I beg your fucking pardon? If this sentence is something you agree or sympathize with, kindly shove whatever else you have ever had to say so deep it will stick out the other side. Done? Good. Now:
I can't speak for all of Ukraine obviously. But I can speak for myself. I am scared for my life and for my future and that makes people think and do horrible things sometimes. I've heard people around me wish for things that made my skin crawl, even if I understand how hurt and angry they are. Sleeping in a basement and hearing explosions at all hours really does a number on your emotional regulation and overall state of mind. But as of now? I can say that if you are a person who didn't feel as though people from Syria or Georgia or Palestine or any other country that was attacked or had their government repress their peaceful protesters (like India) deserved help and sympathy when they had to go through all these horrific things, but our country is apparently white and christian enough to "deserve" help than I don't fucking want any of it.
Yes we desperately need our sky closed and support for our army who is still defending. To take care of people who still can't leave and of those who did. But if you think like those people who called us "not some underdeveloped country but Europe" then newsflash you have the same mindset as Putin and Hitler and I wouldn't trust you as far as I can throw you.
I have been in this situation for over two weeks and my brain switches how it handles the bad bits from apathy to feeling drained and hopeless to being completely terrified. I panic when I hear loud noises. People in Donetsk and Lugansk? It was almost a decade for them. The war never ended, it simmered. They had to live in a state of "I wonder if they'll attack my city today" for years. And I did not grow up right next to them to see another country being ravaged by war for this long and think: "Oh they're used to this" that is in fact the problem and it makes it worse not better. Try having some goddamn compassion for someone who does not look and act like your mirror reflection, fuck.
Now it's late and I'm tired and this post makes no sense but I was and still am pissed. I also genuinely think the people who made those news reports should be fired. I wouldn't listen to them if THEY paid ME. What a wreck of time to live in.
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sheerfreesia007 · 3 years
Finding Love In Legacy Oaks pt. 10
Title: Finding Love In Legacy Oaks pt. 10
Fandom: Kingsman
Pairing: Agent Whiskey x OFC!
Author: @sheerfreesia007​
Words: 10,384
Warnings:  Fluff, Sadness, Mention of death
Permanent Tag List: @paintballkid711, @fioccodineveautunnale, @phoenixhalliwell, @synystersilenceinblacknwhite, @linkpk88, @weirdowithnobeardo
Author Notes: Man Cynthia really is a witch! Bunny and Es are getting closer, I’m loving their relationship so much. They make my heart happy. Also Jack and Bunny are developing more, mostly on Jack’s side so far that we’ve seen but we’ll see soon on Bunny’s side don’t worry. Also I’ve already got quite a few outtakes/spare parts for this story and one is girls’ sleepover when the little ones go to bed and the alcohol gets passed around! Oh also my grandmother still makes the cross stitch house napkin holders to this day. She used to make little movable doors and windows too that I would play with.😃
Gif Credit: Google
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“Gentlemen if you look at the screen. We have a lead that a scientist by the name of Alek Byrnes has created a serum that affects the nervous system and allows him to control their actions.” Ginger said solemnly as she presented the briefing for their latest mission. “His last known whereabouts was Chicago, Illinois working at RemScope, a company that has grown to be one of the more popular sleep aid manufacturers.”
Jack looked down at the case file in front of him observing the candid photograph of Alek. The man didn’t look like he was old enough to drink let alone know how to create a serum for mind control. Sighing softly Jack realized that he was starting to feel much older than his age with this new wave of younger criminals and terrorists. He had a feeling soon enough there would be pictures of kids of Esme's age staring back at him. Just then a nudge came from his left and he looked over at Tequila who sat next to him.
“You alright there Whiskey?” Tequila asked softly as he leaned closer to Jack. Jack nodded his head not wanting to interrupt Ginger’s briefing. Looking over to where Ginger stood at the head of the table in front of the screen Jack could see that this mission would take him to Illinois and would most likely take at least a week, possibly longer.
“Your mission is to infiltrate the company and get close to Byrnes. Find out who he’s selling the serum to. According to our reports it’s not RemScope. It’s a different buyer, we’re pretty sure that RemScope doesn’t even know he’s using their facility to produce this serum.” Ginger explained, frowning down at her clipboard.
“Could be using it to control his supervisors.” Jack mused out loud and Ginger nodded her head looking at him like she thought the same.
“We don’t have proof of that but it was something that was tossed around when we first came across him. We need more intel and then we’ll figure out a way to stop him.” Ginger advised as she concluded her briefing. Jack nodded his head knowingly and turned to look over at Champ.
“I want Whiskey and Tequila on this one. You’ll have to leave by the end of this week, is that doable Whiskey?” Champ asked, looking at him expectantly.
“It shouldn’t be a problem, I will let you know for sure by tomorrow morning. I have to ask my neighbor if she’d be able to watch Esme.” Jack said truthfully as he looked down at his phone quickly pulling up the text thread for Bunny. He knew it had only been a month since the last time she watched Esme for him and he didn’t want to ask her too many times to watch Esme but this was work and he would have to ask. As the texts loaded on his phone screen he smiled as he saw the last few texts between the two of them from earlier today.
So is the greenhouse done? Esme keeps asking for an update.
Should be done by the end of the week! I can’t wait for it to be complete. It’s gonna be so awesome when it’s done. Hey could I steal Esme from you for the whole day on Saturday? I’ll take her to dog yoga and then I’d like to go get some plants for the greenhouse.
That had been the last text from Bunny before he had gone into this briefing. Jack thanked his lucky stars for her asking to take Esme on Saturday. It would be an easy way for him to bring up her watching Esme for him while he was on his mission. Hopefully Bunny would be able to watch her for him.
“Yeah I’ll let you know for sure by tomorrow.” Jack reiterated as he looked up to Champ. He jolted when he spotted the wide grin on Champ’s face. “What?” he asked cautiously and Champ’s grin widened.
“Nothin’. It’s just nice seeing a smile back on your mug.” Champ said fondly but gruffly. Jack sat there for a moment in shock not realizing that he was in fact smiling because of his texts with Bunny.
“Is it the captain?” Tequila asked teasingly and Jack felt his face flush instantly at the reminder of his pirate dream of Bunny on his last mission.
“Captain? Now this sounds promising.” Champ said avidly as he leaned forward resting his elbow on the table and cradling his chin in his palm. Jack quickly stood from his chair and moved out of his seat pushing the chair in.
“Ginger, I'll walk with you.” Jack said quickly and followed Ginger out of the office as both Champ and Tequila laughed loudly and conspiratorially behind him.
“I hope you treat her right Whiskey.” Ginger said honestly and Jack felt heat creep up the back of his neck.
“I’m not with her. Or dating her.” Jack answered truthfully as they both fell into step with each other.
“But you want to.” She guessed correctly. He nodded his head affirming her guess. “Then go at your own pace and treat her right. There’s nothing else to it.”
“Yeah, I’m goin’ slow. Getting’ around the whole keeping things from her.” He said confiding in Ginger and she turned to him curiously before her face reflected her figuring out what he meant.
“You mean with Maria’s case?” she asked cautiously and Jack nodded his head at her question. “Well it can’t be helped. Tell her enough to where she doesn’t question it and she’s still safe.” Ginger advised him softly before placing a hand on his forearm. “We’re going to get the kingpin, don’t worry.” Jack nodded solemnly at her before they reached her office. “What are you going to do now?” she asked him as her hand rested on the door knob to her door.
“I gotta call Bunny and find out if she’s available to watch Esme for me.” He responded easily as he held up his phone and wiggled it in the air. Ginger smiled softly at his slightly eager tone to talk to Bunny.
“Alright get to it I’ll see you before you leave for the mission.” She said laughing softly as Jack nodded quickly and turned on his heels to get to his office.
Bunny was standing at the stove stirring a large pot of goulash when she heard the series of knocks on her front door. Butter barked loudly and shot out of his dog bed towards the front door making Bunny laugh as she shook her head. Slipping the dish towel over her shoulder she turned the burner down to simmer the food and walked out of the kitchen to the front door. Butter danced happily at the door and Bunny grinned softly at the sight. Opening the door a loud cheer rang through the air as Esme and Jack were revealed. Butter barked loudly and happily as he jumped from spot to spot in front of their guests.
Esme stood in front of Jack with  a small duffel bag packed and her school backpack on her back. Jack, who was holding a large brown box in his hands, was behind her smiling warmly at Bunny. Bunny felt her eyes widen slightly as she took in Jack before quickly stepping to the side and letting the two of them into the house. Her brow furrowed slightly as she tried to peek into the box as he passed and Jack easily leaned away from her to not allow her to see the contents.
“Don’t peek yet!” Esme called out as she giggled happily. Bunny held her hands up in faux surrender and Esme giggled again.
“Alright, alright I won’t peek. Go put your bags upstairs in your room and then we’ll all have dinner.” Bunny said with a soft smile at the little girl who quickly ran towards the stairs and then up them with Butter on her heels squealing in delight. “Go ahead and set the box on the kitchen table at the end, that way we’ll have enough room for dinner.”  Bunny instructed Jack easily as she moved back over to her simmering pot of goulash.
“Oh I was just going to grab something from a fast food place on my way out.” Jack said a little sheepishly ducking his head before looking over at Bunny. Bunny stood with her back to the stove and her arms crossed over her chest with a disapproving face.
“Nonsense, it’s free homemade food. The least you could do is eat it and tell me how it is. It’s a new recipe that I’m trying. Sorta a remake of an old family recipe.” Bunny said flippantly as she watched him from her spot. “Besides, you have to take a tour of my new greenhouse!” she gushed suddenly and Jack laughed good naturedly.
“So it’s finished finally?” he asked, teasing her and Bunny rolled her eyes at him before turning back to the stove. Jack moved behind her and came to lean his back against the counter next to the stove while crossing his arms over his chest. He felt a warmth start low in his stomach as he realized how domestic this felt to him. Bunny standing at the stove cooking dinner for them all as Esme was up in “her room”.
“Yes and it’s absolutely beautiful!” Bunny gushed excitedly and her face seemed to light up with energy. “It’s got a low brick foundation wall and white framework with all clear glass.” she explained proudly as she stirred the pot of food. “I can’t wait to fill it with plants and vegetables.”
“Do you plan to buy any outlandish plants for it?” Jack asked curiously and Bunny shook her head.
“Not yet, I wanna see how well it goes with just regular plants, flowers and vegetables before I purchase anything more expensive.” she said absently as she looked over to him.
“Well let me know when you’re ready and I’ll purchase them for you. As thanks for always being Esme’s babysitter.” Jack said easily as he watched her eyes dart up to his.
“Jack, that's too much.” she admonished him softly and Jack shook his head at her words. “Besides I told you it’s no problem to watch her for you. You don’t have to repay me or thank me. I’ll gladly watch her.” Bunny reminded him.
“I know but you’ve continually saved my ass by watching Es and by suggesting things for her. I need to repay you in some way.” he stressed to her.
“This is what friends do. We take care of each other and help each other out. It’s not a tit for tat thing. At least I don’t want it to be.” she explained to him seriously as she turned to face him fully. Jack felt his face flush slightly as he felt her chastising him. He silently studied her serious demeanor and saw the soft pleading look in her eyes as she stared at him. He finally relented with a soft sigh.
“Alright, fine. No more trying to repay you for watching Esme for me.” he promised her, making the sign of a cross on his heart. Bunny lifted her chin slightly and stared at him shrewdly before nodding her head and turning back to the stove with a soft smile. Jack leaned in close to her ear before asking in a low tone. “Why do I feel like I just made a crossroads deal with the devil?”
“Jack!” Bunny cried as she jolted away from him in surprise. “Calling me the devil now you heathen?” she shot back at him and Jack laughed loudly at her question.
“You gonna tempt me to sin sweetheart?” he asked in a low gravelly tone. Bunny’s response was almost instantaneous as she gasped softly before whipping her head over to stare up at him. Jack smirked softly as he watched a pretty blush begin at the bottom of her neck and a shiver ran through her body. He loved the little cat and mouse game that they had going, it made things more exhilarating. Making Bunny flustered was quickly becoming Jack’s job and he loved the response he always got out of her. And every response was different sometimes she was brave and flirted back, other times she would just react and get flustered. It made things between them interesting and kept him on his toes.
Even now as she just reacted to his words Jack felt an almost predatory feeling come over him. She was standing there silently watching him with wide eyes breathing shallowly. He could see her pupils dilating in arousal and Jack felt a growl start low in his chest. The tension grew to be almost suffocating as he leaned even closer to her. His eyes darted down to her lips and he almost moaned as her tongue swiped against her lower lip absent mindedly.
The sound of Esme’s footsteps bounding down the stairs loudly and Butter’s barking following quickly behind her pulled Bunny out of the trance she seemed to have been in as she stared at Jack. Jack watched silently amused as Bunny blinked a few times before shaking her head slightly and turning back to the stove. She stood there slowly breathing in and out trying to regulate her breaths, Jack wanted to lean in and drag his nose along the column of her throat to just behind her ear. He wondered what her reaction would be to that move. Jack felt his stomach clench in arousal as he thought if he’d be able to make her squeal in delight at his affection.
Taking a step back Jack leaned back against the counter and folding his arms over his chest once more watching quietly as Esme bounced into the room with Butter on her heels barking excitedly. Bunny turned to Esme with a bright smile on her face before pointing to a cabinet over by the sink.
“Can you do me a favor and get out three plates and bring them over here so I can dish out dinner?” Bunny asked Esme who then quickly moved around the kitchen and grabbed the dishes for Bunny bringing them over and setting them next to the stove. Esme then moved back to the cabinet and grabbed three glasses and set them out on the table. She came back again to the cabinet and opened a drawer grabbing silverware for the three of them. When she went back to the table she picked three napkins out of the cute cross stitched napkin holder that sat in the middle of the table.
“That’s a pretty napkin holder. Did you make it?” Jack asked absent mindedly as he watched Esme set the table for them all.
“Huh? Oh, no. Mrs. Turnbull and Mrs. Parker make them. They sell them at the farmer’s market in town on the weekends.” Bunny explained as she looked over her shoulder at Esme at the table.
“Really? I didn’t know that.” Jack mused curiously and Bunny nodded her head.
“Yeah, they have a stall at the farmer’s market in the morning. They sell anything that they’ve canned during the season, pickles that are delicious, as well as any cross stitch and crochet projects that they do. I have a few blankets and hats that they’ve made for me.” Bunny replied as she began to put scoops of white rice on the plates and then dished out the goulash on top.
“Huh, maybe I’ll ask them to make Esme a blanket.” Jack said as his mind began to race with thoughts of getting in touch with the two ladies across the street from him. Bunny nodded her head as she handed the plates full of food to Jack and he walked them over to the table. Setting one in front of Esme he took a seat across from her as Bunny sat in her chair.
“So what’s in the box?” Bunny asked after swallowing a bite of food, raising her fork to point at the box seated at the end of the table. Esme grinned over at her and Jack shook his head softly.
“You have to wait for later.” Esme told Bunny proudly and Bunny huffed at her making Esme burst into giggles.
“Fine, fine. But you know I can’t help being curious.” Bunny said to Esme who nodded her head eagerly as she giggled.
“I know!” Esme cheered as she began to eat more of her dinner. Jack tucked into his own plate and nearly groaned at how good the food was. He had missed having home cooked meals that he wasn’t in charge of.
“Good?” Bunny asked from her spot and Jack nodded his head as his mouth was full. Bunny chuckled softly at him and began eating more.
Soon dinner was finished and Jack was put on dish duty with Esme while Bunny stored the leftovers in the freezer as well as in separate containers for Mr. Quinten and Henry. Jack looked at the container for Henry and then looked back over at Bunny.
“Sarah’s on a three week long work trip. And Henry can’t cook to save his life.” Bunny said with a shrug as she moved around Esme who was drying the dishes that Jack handed her and placing them on the towel that she had laid out. Jack burst out laughing at her explanation making Esme look up at him surprise. He knew Henry had mentioned it before that he couldn’t cook and Sarah had agreed with him but he didn’t think it could be that bad. Looking down into the soapy water Jack felt his heart grow larger in his chest as he realized that Bunny was the type of person who always remembered the little things about her friends and went out of her way to make things easier for them. Logically he knew that about her but seeing it in practice just made him stop and realize that she truly was that way without much thought.
“You’re a good person, you know that right?” Jack asked rhetorically to Bunny and she tilted her head to the side at him with an amused confused look on her face.
“Did you think I was a bad person?” she asked softly teasing him and Jack huffed at her softly. Bunny sidled up to him and nudged his side. “Where’s this coming from?” she asked softly as Esme peered around Jack’s back to look at her silently. Bunny smiled over at Esme softly reassuring her everything was alright. She knew the little girl was picking up on her and Jack’s relationship, she didn’t want Esme to worry about anything.
“It just took me by surprise for some reason.” Jack said solemnly not looking up at Bunny. His eyes darted around the popping soap bubbles in the water. He knew he was being odd but it truly had taken him by surprise to see how caring and attentive Bunny was. Jack took in a deep breath feeling the moment begin to grow with tension that was ready to pop. His emotions were starting to crawl up his throat and Jack turned suddenly to Bunny and wrapped his arms around her tightly hugging her to his body.
Bunny’s soft huff of air ghosted across his ear and Jack buried his face in her neck. He didn’t understand why his emotions had built up so quickly just over seeing her being kind but he knew that Bunny wouldn’t judge him for it. He took in a shaky breath and pressed his face further into her neck when he felt her arms come up and around him hugging him tightly back.
“You are so appreciated by so many. I don’t know if we tell you that often enough. But you make all of our lives better.” Jack muffled out against her skin and felt Bunny melt against him.
“Thank you.” Bunny replied softly and hugged him tighter to herself. Jack looked down when he felt a small arm wrap around his hip and back. Esme had joined the hug and Bunny chuckled softly sounding a little teary as she pulled slightly away before enfolding Esme into the hug. Jack looked at Bunny and saw she had tears sparkling in her eyes as she grinned at him. Jack smiled back fondly at the woman and opened his arms wider to accommodate both of them as they all huddled in the hug a little longer.
The crickets chirped loudly as Bunny opened the back door, Jack and Esme followed her out of the house into the backyard and looked around in the setting light of the sun. The yard was lined with bright colorful flowers along the fence line and bees were buzzing around the flowers while Butterflies still fluttered in the air. There was a large open area of grass in the middle of the yard and in the back left corner was the decent sized greenhouse.
Esme cheered loudly as she tumbled across the grass with Butter barking and following her closely. Jack stepped onto the small red brick patio at the bottom of the steps taking a spot next to Bunny who stood taking in a deep breath of air.
“You’ve got a nice yard.” Jack said appreciatively and Bunny nodded her head as she smiled softly looking across the yard watching Esme and Butter play.
“Yeah I think I did pretty good with the setup of it.” She agreed happily. She then began walking over to the greenhouse and Jack easily followed her. Opening the door Jack felt the warmer air hit him and he felt his clothes begin to stick to his skin. Bunny walked in ahead of him and threw her arms out to show him the space. “Isn’t it great?” she asked eagerly. The greenhouse was empty but spotless from any construction debris and Jack knew that Bunny had meticulously made it that way.
“There’s nothing in it.” Esme said confused and Bunny turned around to look at her slightly dejectedly.
“Well not yet that’s our job tomorrow. We’re going to go shopping for plants and flowers to order for the greenhouse.” Bunny said in explanation. “But tonight I was thinking that you, me and Butter could lay out under the stars in here for a little bit before bed. How’s that sound?” Bunny asked Esme as she watched Esme walk around the greenhouse inspecting the room.
“Really?” Esme gasped excitedly as she whirled around to look at Bunny. Jack chuckled softly as he watched Esme launch herself at Bunny and hug her tightly around her waist.
“Yeah I figured it’d be good thing to do before I start moving all the work benches in here to set up the plants.” Bunny said warmly as she hugged Esme back.
“Yes! We could use flashlights and tell stories.” Esme started to plan as she rushed out of the greenhouse and back into the house. Jack shook his head at Bunny and she looked at him confused.
“What?” she asked as she moved closer to him.
“You’re gonna have your hands full with that one.” He said knowingly and she grinned up at him.
“Oh I’ll be fine.” She confidently. “I got through a whole week with her I can do it again.”
“So sure of yourself.” Jack teased as the two of them moved closer to each other unconsciously. His eyes darted around her assertive face and felt himself leaning closer wanting to know the feeling of her lips pressed to his. “Don’t cause too much trouble this week while I’m away alright?” he teased her and watched her eyes widen and then narrow at him shrewdly in challenge.
“Don’t hold your breath on that.” She teased back and Jack felt his blood heat scorching his veins as arousal and desire coursed through him.
I wanna kiss the breath out of you. The words were on the tip of his tongue and ready to be released out into the quiet warm air around them. But Jack knew he couldn’t do that to her, not with him leaving on a mission right after. No, when he finally gathered up the stones to confess what he wanted with her he was going to do it slowly and without any interruptions. He was going to do it when he had time to make her understand without a doubt what he wanted with her. Jack shook his head and smiled fondly at her watching as her eyes sparkled in challenge.
“Alright, alright. Just don’t let me come home and someone be missing a limb or anything.” He conceded and Bunny laughed in delight at her victory.
“Can’t promise anything but we’ll try to uphold the rule.” She saluted him and Jack chuckled softly shaking his head once again.
“You’re trouble.” He teased and watched as Bunny smirked softly at him.
“You’ve got no idea.” She promised and Jack bit his tongue as her confidence began to rile him up and stir the dormant desire he had for her.
“Bunny! How many blankets should I bring out?!” called Esme from the door and Bunny grinned walking quickly out of the greenhouse. Jack stood in the doorway and watched as Bunny quickly met Esme at the door and collected the blankets she had managed to gather and brought them out after telling Esme to grab a few pillows for themselves.
“Alright Es, I’m gonna head out.” Jack said as Esme positioned the pillows on the spread out blanket on the floor of the greenhouse.
“Ok Daddy.” She said and walked over to him. Jack crouched down and gave her a tight hug before kissing the side of her head.
“Listen to Bunny, she’s in charge and don’t cause too much trouble. Just a little bit.” He said holding his fingers close together making her giggle brightly at his antics.
“Daddy.” She stressed and Jack chuckled lovingly at her. He pressed another kiss to the side of her head before hugging her tightly once more resting his chin on her shoulder.
“Love you lots like jelly tots.” He said softly to her as she hugged him tightly. Esme leaned back and pressed her forehead against his smiling widely at him.
“Love you lots like jelly tots.” She said back to him and Jack felt his heart clench tightly in his chest as the love for his daughter flooded his senses. Returning her smile he kissed her forehead and stood from his position. He spotted Bunny turning her head to the side and quickly swiping at her eyes before she turned back to him with a warm smile on her face.
“Don’t worry she’ll be fine. I promise.” Bunny said assuredly and Jack nodded at her before her and Esme walked him out to and back into the house. He quickly gathered his things and the leftover containers that he promised to drop off on his way out. And soon with that Jack was on his way out the door waving goodbye to the two of them. He easily dropped off the food for Mr. Quinten and Henry before getting in his packed truck and driving slowly through the neighborhood knowing Esme would be perfectly fine with Bunny for the week.
Bunny stood at the kitchen table looking down into the box with surprise and awe written on her face. Esme was happily unloading the box onto the table explaining to Bunny why everything was chosen for the box.
“So Daddy said since we like movie nights so much he picked up some fancy popcorn for us and a few girly movies. Even though I told him we don’t just watch girly movies, he didn’t believe me.” Esme said as she pulled at the large bags of flavored popcorn and a few movies making Bunny laugh as she picked up the case for Legally Blonde. There was also a regular box of popcorn in the box that Bunny helped take out and set on the table.
“This is a good movie though, I gotta admit he did good with that one.” Bunny said impressed with Jack’s pickings. She peered more into the box as Esme pulled out more things from it.
“Daddy also picked up some face masks and sparkly nail polishes for us to try. He said he knew you’d like more brightly colorful ones and we could do manicure and pedicures again with face masks. And he got you more lotion for your hands. I told him that you have a lot of lotion and use different ones on different days.” Esme said pulling out a handful of sparkly nail polishes and some packaged face masks. Bunny chuckled softly as she spotted all of the colors were bright and two of them had different shaped sparkles. As she looked over the face masks and lotion bottles she smiled when she noticed that there were some floral ones but the scents leaned more towards what she would normally wear of a mix of coconut and a citrus smell. But there was also one lotion bottle of a sandalwood mahogany mix, opening the lid to it Bunny leaned down and took a sniff and let the scent fill her nose. Oddly it reminded her of Jack a little, he had that soft musk earthy smell to him, it was a scent that she normally wouldn’t pick up for herself but she would give it a try and see how she liked it.
And finally Esme pulled out a stuffed squeaky toy that she clenched in her fist making it squeak loudly garnering Butter’s attention. Bunny laughed as Esme began playing with Butter with the toy running around the kitchen with the dog. Bunny pulled out the large bag of dog treats that she normally fed Butter and shook her head at Jack’s attention to detail with his choice of gifts in the box.
Something at the bottom of the box caught her attention and she looked back in to see a folded piece of paper at the bottom of the box. Setting the treats to the side she picked up the piece of paper and unfolded it.
Thank you again for watching Es for me. It means so much that you’re always there to help me out and I can’t repay you enough. If you ever need anything please let me know. I’d be more than happy to help. Also I don’t know if I did the care box right, Es helped me pick things out and she told me that some of my choices weren’t right. Anyway I hope you two enjoy the week together!
Jack’s choppy scrawl littered the page and Bunny smiled softly as her eyes ran over the words he wrote to her. She knew he was out of his element with giving her a care box but she figured he did a pretty good job for his first try. Bunny figured she’d help teach him for future ones. Looking up she spotted Esme and Butter running around the kitchen island squeaking the toy. Shaking her head at the two of them she began chasing after Esme making grabby hands at her. Esme squealed loudly and tried to run faster around the island before Bunny over powered her and swept her up into her arms laughing and squealing in delight.
The sky was an inky midnight blue color and stars dotted the canvas of it but they could barely be seen. Bunny laid on her back with her knees bent, one hand splayed out over her stomach and the other was resting behind her head as she stared up through the glass roof of the greenhouse.
“You know we used to be able to see a lot of more stars about a year ago. But now with all the construction and new homes being built we can’t see as many.” Bunny said softly feeling a little dejected about that fact.
“So too many homes means less stars?” Esme asked curiously as she rolled onto her stomach to look over at Bunny.
“Well they’re still there we just can’t see them.” Bunny amended softly as she pouted slightly and looked over at Esme who giggled happily at Bunny’s pout. “One night I’ll ask your Dad if I can take you camping and you’ll be able to see all of the stars out in the wilderness.”
“Really? You go camping?” Esme asked excitedly. “Maya goes camping with her Dad every other weekend.”
“Oh yeah? Maybe we can get your Dad to plan something with them and that way it can be a father daughter trip.” Bunny mused softly and Esme looked at her with bright excited eyes. “But if not I can always take you two girls camping.”
“Ooooh! That would be so much fun!” Esme cheered happily and Bunny smiled over at her. Bunny closed her eyes and just relaxed next to Esme for a moment letting the silence fill the greenhouse. She smiled softly as she heard Esme begin to shift and move next to her on her blanket.
“What’s up kiddo?” Bunny asked knowingly.
“Can I show you my unicorn diary?” Esme asked softly and Bunny opened her eyes to look at Esme.
“You want to show me your diary?” Bunny asked curiously as she tilted her head to the side as she watched Esme quietly.
“Well yeah. It’s not really a diary just a book that I use to write and draw so that I don’t forget things. So sorta like a diary but not really. There’s no secrets in there.” Esme explains uncertainly. Bunny sat up and sat with her legs crossed in front of her waiting patiently.
“I’d be honored to look at your not-diary.” Bunny said with a grin and Esme laughed at Bunny’s words. Esme handed Bunny the sparkly unicorn book and then moved close to her side and peered over her shoulder.
Opening the book Bunny saw Esme’s practiced handwriting on the inside page advising who the book belonged to. Smiling she turned the page and was met with a vibrant ocean scene drawling with an octopus, some dolphins, a whale and a lot of crabs and different shells littering the ocean floor. There were seagulls above the water line in the sky and there was even a pirate ship floating along the water with a jolly roger flying proudly.
“Wow Es. This is impressive.” Bunny said in awe as she took in Esme’s drawing talent.
“You really think so?” Esme asked softly and Bunny turned her head to the side to look into the little girl’s eyes.
“I wouldn’t lie to you.” Bunny said solemnly and the two shared a look between each other. Turning back to the book Bunny flipped through the pages eagerly. Some pages were littered with odd doodles that the little girl came up with while other pages had full recounts of her day. Even some pages had quotes that she seemed to be collecting that she enjoyed.
Bunny flipped the page with the drawing of a little girl in a space suit on the moon putting up a jolly roger with the dialogue bubble stating I now commandeer the moon! Bunny was chuckling to herself after the drawing and gasped softly as she saw what was on the next two pages in a large spread. There in the middle of the book was a drawing of an angel with long dark brown hair holding a glass ball in her cupped hands and inside was a drawing of what looked like Esme and Jack laughing together. Feeling tears prick at her eyes Bunny quickly tried to blink them away as she began to read the writing on the outside of the large drawing.
“That’s my mom.” Esme said softly and Bunny could hear the tightness in her voice as if she was holding back her own tears.
“You captured her perfectly.” Bunny whispered to Esme and leaned her head against the little girl’s. Esme then moved away from Bunny’s side and crawled into her lap facing her, Bunny easily rearranged her arms to hold Esme close to her knowing that the girl wanted to be comforted.
“I miss her.” Esme whispered before a broken sob broke from her mouth. Bunny set the book to the side of them and wrapped her arms around Esme tightly holding her close to her body.
“Oh Es.” She whispered into her hair as she leaned down and rested her mouth against Esme’s hair. “And I know she misses you and your Dad without a doubt.”
“Why did she have to die? She shouldn’t have had to die.” Esme sobbed into Bunny’s chest as she pressed her face tightly into Bunny’s shirt. Brushing her hand slowly down her back Bunny began to softly rock Esme in her arms.
“I don’t know why she had to die. And it’s more than okay to miss her, she was your mom and she loved your very much. Her love shines through you every day.” Bunny said softly as she continued to brush Esme’s back and rock her in her arms.
“How?” Esme asked as she sniffled. Bunny smiled fondly down at the little girl before answering her.
“She raised you to be such a smart, caring, wonderful little girl. You’re always so happy and look for the good things in the day instead of the bad. You’re kind to Mr. Quinten and Jeremy. And you know how to stand up for yourself and the ones you care for. That’s how your Mom’s love for you shines through you.” Bunny explained softly as she continued to rock Esme in her arms. “I bet you that your mom is so very proud of the little girl that you’ve become.”
“Yeah I think you’re right Bunny. Thanks.” Esme said softly and Bunny nodded her head as she began humming and rocking Esme in her arms. The two of them stayed like that in the greenhouse for a long time until Bunny felt Esme fall asleep in her arms.
“Alright kiddo, make sure you’ve got everything in your backpack so we don’t have to come back home okay?” Bunny instructed as she zipped up her own overnight bag with hers and Esme’s pajamas and extra set of clothes for the next day. There was another brightly colored travel case that sat on the bed that held a large number of nail polishes and facial masks that Bunny was bringing with them. Butter stood in her doorway watching her silently. “Oh don’t give me that look you’re going to spend the night with Jeremy.” Bunny chastised him softly. Butter began to bounce and yip at Jeremy’s name and Bunny shook her head at the dog. “You would think you’re his dog as opposed to mine.” Bunny scoffed softly.
“Hey Bunny did you pack my toothbrush I can’t find it in the bathroom.” Esme said curiously as she appeared in the doorway.
“Yup I got it all packed. Do you have everything that you want to share with the other girls?” Bunny asked as she picked up the overnight bag and slung it over her shoulder. Esme nodded at her and slipped the backpack over her arms. “Ok so then let’s head out and get Butter dropped off.”
“Ok sounds good.” Esme said easily as she bounced on her toes before heading out to the car.
Penny Rogers’ large two story home was normally a happy home filled with shrieking laughter from her six children or bright smiles from herself and her husband Evan. A home that had a large fenced in front yard that would always have the forgotten ball left on the grass. It was a love filled home even if it was a bit chaotic with the large family.
But tonight the home held a completely different type of chaotic energy as it housed at least ten young girls aged from toddler to teenage. Screams could be heard from outside at the front gate where Esme and Bunny stood looking up at the lit the windows. Bunny stopped behind Esme and looked down at the little girl. She stood at the gate gazing at the front door of the house silently with a look of apprehension on her face. Placing the duffel bag and travel case down onto the ground Bunny crouched down to Esme’s level and turned her around by her shoulders.
“What’s up kiddo?” Bunny asked softly as she focused completely on Esme. The little girl fidgeted on her feet in front of Bunny before looking down at the ground quietly.
“I dunno. Can we just go home?” Esme asked dejectedly. Bunny smiled softly at the little girl as she watched her shift on her feet more in nervous energy.
“We totally can if you really want to. But what do you say we try first and then if you really want to leave we’ll leave. Scout’s honor.” Bunny says seriously as she salutes Esme making the little girl giggle loudly.
“I dunno Bunny. There’s going to be a lot of girls here tonight. What if they don’t like me and make fun of me?” Esme began to fret as she waved her hands in the air as she talked. Bunny placed her hands on Esme’s shoulders softly and made the little girl look up at her.
“I promise that they’ll like you Es. I mean duh, you’re one of the coolest little girls that I know. And I know quite a few girls in our neighborhood.” Bunny said as she smiled at Esme who bashfully smiled at Bunny’s compliment. “Plus if they make fun of you, you come to me and I’ll talk to them. They all know to be on good behavior since we’re all hanging out but if any of them make fun of you or bully you, come get me.” Bunny promised solemnly as she looked straight into Esme’s eyes.
“Ok.” Esme said softly as she looked at Bunny with admiration in her eyes.
“I promise I won’t let anything happen to you. Not on my watch.” Bunny said as she pretended to puff out her chest and Esme burst out into happy laughter. “If you really want to go then we’ll leave we don’t even have to go in if you don’t want to.” Bunny said seriously as she looked at Esme. Just then a loud shriek of laughter was heard from the house and Esme turned to look over her shoulder. A group of girls ran past the front bay window laughing and cheering.
“Well, maybe we can see what it’s like.” Esme said as she still watched the girls running across the window.
“If you ever want to leave you let me know and we’ll go ok?” Bunny promises once more and Esme nods her head at her before opening the gate and walking towards the door. Bunny smiles and picks up the duffel bag and travel case following Esme up to the door.
Esme rang the doorbell and Bunny flinched as she heard more screaming from behind the door. There was a fluttering of the curtain at the small window next to the front door and loud cheering. Bunny shook her head as she heard the running footsteps coming closer to the door. The door was suddenly flung open and a small red curly haired girl stood in the doorway grinning widely at them with one of her front teeth missing.
“Bunny!” she shouted loudly and almost instantly more cheers were heard before the group of girls all ran to crowd behind the red head at the front. “You’re finally here!”
“Hey Mollie.” Bunny greeted the red head with a happy smile.
“Who’s your friend?” Mollie asked excitedly as she eyed Esme as she bounced from foot to foot.
“Mollie this is Esme Daniels, she’s my new neighbor. Esme this is Mollie Rogers, this is her house.” Bunny introduced the two girls and watched as Mollie grinned at Esme.
“C’mon Esme I can show you where you can put your backpack!” Mollie said loudly and held her hand out for Esme to take. Bunny watched quietly as Esme hesitated for a second before placing her hand in Mollie’s and was led away with the group of girls following them.
Blowing out a breath of relief Bunny walked into the house and shut the front door behind her. She set the duffel bag and travel case down at the front door and began making her way to the kitchen where she could hear the soft chatter of the other women who would be spending the night. Walking in she grinned as she was met with her own happy cheer from her friends.
“Bunny!” called Penny Rogers as she scooped a tortilla chip into a bowl of salsa before making a bee line for Bunny and hugging her tightly. Bunny hugged Penny back as she laughed softly.
“How are you Penny?” Bunny asked pleasantly once they broke apart and she waved at the other women crowded around the kitchen island.
“Good. I’m doing good. We’ve got chips and dip here to snack on. I’m going to order pizza soon for the girls and we were just trying to figure out what we were going to order for us from the pizza place.” Penny said as she moved back around the island to grab another chip and dip.
“I think we should order some actual dishes for us. Make it a little classier tonight besides just pizza. I brought a bottle of pinot that I’ve been dying to try.” Said Veronica Schmee one of the mothers who lived nearby Penny. Bunny nodded her head at the suggestion as others nodded their heads in agreement.
“I’m fine with that. I’ve brought nail polish and face masks if we wanna get really classy.” Bunny said with a happy smile and the women all cheered happily.
“I brought a bottle of merlot too if anyone prefers that.” Said another mother that Bunny didn’t know.
“I’ve got plenty of alcohol for all of us so we’re covered there. Thank you ladies for brining something though.” Penny said with a smile. “So we’re only waiting on a few others to join us and then I figured we’d order and then hang out in the den downstairs.” Penny advised happily. Bunny nodded her head and hooked her thumb over her shoulder.
“I’m gonna go put my stuff down there so that it’s out of the way.” Bunny said and Penny nodded her head at her before turning to Veronica who began asking a question.
“So is Cynthia and Diane coming? I ran into them at the community center this morning and Cynthia was saying that she was still thinking about whether or not they were coming.” Veronica asked as she turned to Penny.
“She never texted me to let me know if they were coming or not. So we’ll wait for a bit to give them time before ordering. But if they don’t show up at a decent time then we’ll order without them.” Penny said with a shrug of her shoulders. Bunny smiled softly as she began to walk out of the kitchen to the front door, Penny wasn’t one of the women who catered to Cynthia and it was like a breath of fresh air for Bunny.
Just as Bunny made it to the front door she peered out the small glass window at the side of the door and saw Mercy was walking up the front walk with her own overnight bag. Opening up the door Bunny grinned widely at Mercy.
“Well hey there stranger!” called out Mercy happily before rushing to wrap Bunny in a tight hug.
“Hey to you too. How are you?” Bunny asked fondly as they separated and she led Mercy into the house with her.
“I’m good. How are you doing? Keeping busy?” Mercy asked brightly.
“I’m doing just fine. Always busy you know this is my busy time. Spring time and all the companies want a revamp of their websites trying to get more traffic. How’s the new yoga studio?” Bunny chatted effortlessly as the two made their way down to the den to put there things down there.
“It’s doing great! It’s open six days a week now, had to add on an extra day because of all the interest in doing it on a weekend day. But Wednesday is our busiest day and I’m working with the local high school hiring students as part time to run the front counter.” Mercy explained eagerly and Bunny smiled at her friend.
“That’s wonderful to hear! I’m so glad it’s doing well. Do you need me to take a look at your website? I also know a lady who is the signage and printing department I can see if she’d be interested in making some signs for you.” Bunny offered and Mercy wrapped her arm around Bunny’s waist hugging her to her side before setting down her overnight bag next to one of the long couches.
“I would love all of that. But let’s not talk shop tonight. We’ll work the details out another time. Tonight we’re just having a girls’ sleepover.” Mercy replied thankfully and Bunny grinned over at her setting her duffel bag down next to Mercy’s bag.
“Of course.” Bunny said happily as they both began the walk up the stairs.
“So did you bring Esme tonight?” Mercy asked with a nod to the basement door.
“Yeah, Jack is on a work trip again so I’ve got her for a week again. I figured she’d enjoy having a sleepover with other girls around her age.” Bunny responded nodding her head. Mercy nodded her head in agreement as the two of them walked out of the basement together.
“What does he do for a living?” Mercy asked curiously as the two of them began walking towards the kitchen.
“Security, he said that he has his own branch that he and his business partner run. Not sure what company though. To be honest he seems a bit evasive now that I think about it. But I don’t wanna push ya know?” Bunny explained. The two of them entered the kitchen and joined the other women who were in the kitchen.
Bunny moved to lean against the kitchen island next to Veronica and Mercy did the same next to Bunny. The soft chatter around Bunny filled her with a sense of comradery as she joined in conversation with the other women and learned what was going on in their lives. Shouts and cheers could be heard from upstairs as the girls continued to play together. Taking in a deep breath Bunny leaned against Mercy contently and just drank in the moment. Mercy’s arm wrapped around her back and tugged her closer into her side before pressing a fond kiss to Bunny’s hair.
Just then Bunny’s stomach grumbled loudly and everyone stopped talking before bursting into laughter. Bunny wiped away happy tears as she laughed and Mercy slapped the table with delight.
“I think we need to order some food Penn or this one is gonna turn into a gremlin.” Mercy teased and Bunny laughed before poking Mercy in her side making her jump.
“They turn into gremlins when they’re fed after midnight you noob.” Bunny teased Mercy who stuck her tongue out at her. Some of the women laughed at Bunny’s and Mercy’s banter while others had bewildered faces as they looked on.
“Alright, alright.” Penny said as she raised her hands in faux surrender. “Girls! We’re going to order pizza!” Penny shouted and the sound of thunderous footsteps could be heard from upstairs. Bunny watched as Mollie came rushing into the kitchen with Esme on her heels, the two of them were out of breath and their faces were bright as they both looked at Penny with expectation.
“Can we order a cheese and a pepperoni?” Mollie asked as the other girls ran into the kitchen as well. Just beyond the girls Bunny spotted Cynthia and Diane walking into the kitchen as well. Cynthia had a sneer on her face as she looked over all the girls that were now crowding into the kitchen. Each girl who had a mother here paired off and cuddled up to their moms. Esme was still over by Mollie in front of Penny asking about the pizza.
“Yeah I think we can do that. Is there any other toppings you want on them?” Penny asked as she pulled out the menu for the pizza place and began passing it to the other women so they could figure out what they wanted to eat. “Cynthia, Diane we’ve decided to order pizza for the girls and dishes for us.” Penny explained as she pulled out a pad to write down the orders. Esme walked over to Bunny and squeezed in next to her at the island.
“Hi Mercy!” Esme greeted cheerily as she leaned against the island next to Bunny.
“Hi Esme, how are you? Having fun?” Mercy asked kindly and Bunny looked over at her gratefully.
“Oh yeah! Mollie and the other girls are so much fun! They’re also really nice.” Esme said enthusiastically as she shifted closer to Bunny. Bunny smiled down at her and moved her body so that she took Bunny’s spot next to Mercy and then stood on the other side of Esme. Esme smiled up at Bunny and giggled as she cuddled closer into Bunny’s side.
“Mom! Can we make one of the pizzas a deluxe with all the toppings?” Mollie suddenly shouted and Bunny turned to look over at Penny as she began writing down orders. Veronica passed the menu to Bunny as she told Penny what she wanted for dinner. Perusing the menu Bunny was tuning everyone out as she looked at all the food that was offered. “Mom! Can we also get garlic knots?” Mollie asked loudly and Bunny laughed softly as she heard Penny mumbling softly at Mollie’s requests. “Oooh! Mom! Can we get mozzarella sticks too!?”
Bunny passed the menu over to Mercy before looking over at Penny who just easily wrote down what Mollie was requesting of her before looking to Bunny. Just then Bunny felt a tug on her shirt and turned to look down at Esme.
“Hey mom, can we ask for soda too?” Esme asked as Bunny was leaning down to her. Bunny stopped for a second shocked at Esme calling her mom before she smiled warmly at the little girl, as adoration and love burst inside her chest like a bomb, and opened her mouth to respond.
Before she could respond to Esme though a loud scoff rang through the air and everyone turned to Cynthia who was sneering at Esme ugly. Bunny frowned at Cynthia and placed a hand softly on Esme’s back knowing Cynthia was going to say something nasty to the little girl.
“She’s not your mom Ella, did you forget? You know I told your dad that you spend too much time with Bunny. I told him you’re going to start getting it confused with your actual mom and Bunny.” Cynthia spat out as she crossed her arms over her chest. Bunny felt Esme flinch against her hand at Cynthia’s words before she quickly dashed from the room crying softly. A sudden rage instantly filled Bunny and she glared at Cynthia heatedly.
“Cynthia why don’t you keep your mouth shut? Do you think about what you’re gonna say before you say it or do you just let it spew out?” Bunny asked callously as her eyes darted to the door where Esme ran out of. Mollie had quickly followed Esme and Bunny was thankful someone had gone after her so quickly. Cynthia gasped outrageously and Bunny continued to glare at her angrily. “First of all her name is Esme not Ella and second she just got excited and caught up in everything. Besides I’d be damned lucky to have a daughter like Es.” Bunny hissed angrily at Cynthia as the woman across the island from her twisted her lips into a sour pout as she heatedly glared at Bunny. “You must feel real insecure in your life if you feel the need to be mean to a little girl.”
“You can’t talk to me that way!” Cynthia snapped angrily at Bunny and Bunny shrugged her shoulders as she felt the rage cool to a slight simmer inside of her.
“You were being mean to a little girl while you’re an adult. The gloves come off when the kids are involved. Just ask any of the mothers here.” Bunny said angrily as she threw an arm out to include the mothers. All them nodded their heads and glared at Cynthia. Cynthia scoffed again as she took a step back towards Diane.
“Let’s go Diane, we’re obviously not wanted here.” Cynthia snipped out and quickly whirled on her heels and stormed out of the house. Everyone stood there as the tension slowly fizzled out and when suddenly Penny spoke up.
“Finally! Ugh I don’t like that woman.” Penny said and the tension was instantly relieved as the others all began to giggle and chuckle. “Sorry ladies, I felt like I had to invite her when Diane and I were talking and she showed up.” Bunny nodded her head knowing exactly how Cynthia was and she waved her hand in dismissal of Penny’s explanation as to why she was invited.
“Have you noticed that she does that a lot with Diane? Doesn’t let the poor woman be without her. Always hovering around her.” Veronica casually mentioned as she shook her head. “It’s almost smothering.” Bunny shivered slightly at Veronica’s observation and Mercy stepped closer to Bunny giving her silent comfort.
“I gotta go check on Es. Tell Penny I’d like the Chicken Marsala with linguine and a side salad please.” Bunny said to Mercy as she turned and began walking out of the kitchen to go find Esme.
Walking up the stairs to the second floor Bunny could hear the soft chatter of the girls coming from Mollie’s bedroom. Standing in front of the door she knocked softly not wanting to walk right in.
“Come in.” called Mollie and Bunny slipped into the room quickly before shutting the door. She saw Esme was sitting on Mollie’s bed with Mollie on one side while the other girls were all sitting around her on the floor talking softly to her as she cried and sniffled.
“Hey Es.” Bunny said softly not wanting to upset her more. “Can I come sit?” she asked as she stood by the door waiting for Esme to look up at her. When Esme did finally look up at her she had tears overflowing from her eyes and down her face. The sight broke Bunny’s heart as the little girl silently nodded her head. Walking over to the bed she stepped over the girls making them softly giggle at her antics before plopping down next to Esme. “Come here honey.” Bunny said softly as she held her arms open for the little girl.
Esme quickly crawled into Bunny’s lap and Bunny wrapped her arms around the crying girl. Pressing her lips to Esme’s hair she rocked her back and forth softly humming. Esme began to sniffle and wiped at her tears as she buried her face in Bunny’s chest.
“What Cynthia said was very mean and she shouldn’t have said it.” Bunny began to say softly. “It’s cruel to pick on people and make fun of them. And we can forget about it if you want, you say the word and it never happened.” Bunny continued softly as she rocked Esme in her arms. “But I want you to know just like I told Cynthia and every mom in that kitchen downstairs. I would be damned lucky to have you as a daughter. I would be so proud to be your mom.” Bunny could feel tears begin to prick at the back of her eyes and she hugged Esme tightly to her chest. “Just like I told you the other night you are a kind, smart, wonderful little girl and I am so grateful and lucky to have you in my life.”
The girls who were all sitting around them on the floor were smiling widely up at Bunny as they nodded their heads. Mollie reached out and grasped Esme’s hand in hers softly smiling at Esme who smiled back at her from Bunny’s hold.
“Yeah Es. Cynthia is always mean to us kids. She doesn’t have any and my Mom always says that Cynthia just doesn’t get it.” Mollie said with a shrug of her shoulders.
“Yeah she may be an adult that we should listen to but if she says something mean you should just tell one of the other adults. They’ll tell her that she’s wrong.” Said a little girl with long black hair and olive skin tone that looked like a mini-me of Veronica.
“She once told me that I should wear longer clothes otherwise I’ll just get darker.” Said one little girl with a dark skin tone and pretty shoulder length cornrows. Bunny felt Esme start to pull away and loosened her arms around her to allow her room to move as she turned to her newfound friends.
“So she’s mean to everyone?” Esme asked softly and all the girls nodded their heads making Bunny’s rage from earlier start to boil inside her. She was not only dismayed but disgusted by Cynthia’s actions towards the girls and the way she just let anything come out of her mouth towards them.
“Don’t believe anything Cynthia says when she’s being mean. She’s just not a nice person.” Bunny said softly as she looked at each girl before looking down at Esme.
“Thanks Bunny.” Esme said softly as she smiled and hugged Bunny tightly. Bunny hugged her back feeling better about the situation now that Esme wasn’t crying. But in the back of her mind Bunny was a little saddened that she had been brought back to ‘Bunny’.
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iamnightduchess · 3 years
Improper ReiKasa Outtakes #004
a.k.a Annie, Pieck & Connie say the darndest things
(Alliance's Post-Ending Reunion)
Annie: Pieck and I have a great idea in solving this issue with Mikasa.
Armin: Wait-Annie, what issue?
Connie: We tie her up when she's asleep and drag her back to our ship in case she refuses to come with us?
Jean: What the hell, Connie? That's kidnapping!
Mikasa: Guys, I'm standing right here.
Pieck: This is where Reiner plays a very important role.
Reiner: Me?
Annie: Reiner, stop sniffing a married woman's letters. Mikasa, stop sniffing a dead person's scarf.
Pieck: Both of you should stop sniffing inanimate objects and start sniffing each other starting today. If you both like getting off on sniffing something, might as well make it off each other.
Mikasa: To set the record straight, I don't sniff my scarf. I only ever cried into it every night.
Armin: That's the only problem you're seeing right now, Mikasa?
Annie: You can cry into Reiner's chest from tonight onwards and Reiner can sniff your hair to sleep or whatever creepy pervy thing he does at night.
Pieck: We're burning that letter and that scarf.
Armin: That doesn't make any sense.
Connie: I don't get it either. First they'll sniff each other like dogs. What's next? Doggy style mating? Oh shit, I just realized what you're trying to do.
Mikasa: For the love of God, I'll get on that ship but please just stop talking and don't touch my scarf.
Reiner: Regardless of whatever you guys just said, I can still sniff something right?
Jean: Read the room, asshat.
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mightbewriting · 4 years
Wait and Hope Outtake!
Our winner for the outtake drabble was the scene wherein Draco tells Theo that Hermione finally used his first name! So please enjoy this little nugget from Theo’s POV from that night! Please note, this takes place directly after chapter three so if you haven’t read Wait and Hope at least through that chapter, you’ll want to do that first! Read it here!  
Theo paced, contemplating his alcohol options. He’d already hidden most of the expensive bottles in a different wing, about as far away as possible from the Floo access Draco kept stumbling through.
Even Blaise had commented that the Nott Manor stores seemed to be running dry. And then he’d gone and offered to curate a more esteemed collection as if Theo’s tastes left something to be desired. If Blaise wanted to curate something, he could curate a new tapestry collection for the north wing after last month’s incident with that fucking cigar. Which is what Theo had told him in not quite so many words.
Theo paused in his pacing. The sudden absence of clacks from his dragon hide shoes made the manor, enormous and empty as ever, feel even more so. A chill passed through him, the dark corners of his haunted childhood home taunting him from the periphery of his vision. Something squalid and vile lingered just beyond the edges of his sight and it did nothing to calm his nerves about how the next few hours of his night would pan out. 
There were a few potential avenues, if he really thought about it.
The first involved Theo being a genius to rival that of the great Hermione Granger. In this scenario, he’d fixed everything in his kidnapping adventure and Draco was currently fucking his wife’s tremendous brains out, problem solved. This was the most ideal option, Theo decided, as it likely included no hexes, curses, or jinxes being sent at him. Frankly, it could probably earn him the title of godfather in the future. 
In the second scenario Hermione ratted him out and Draco was currently plotting Theo’s assuredly very dramatic, very painful death. There would likely be psychological torture involving peacocks. Theo shuddered. Rule loving Gryffindor as she was, Granger wasn’t a snitch so Theo considered this outcome rather unlikely. However, the threat of albino peacocks was enough to force Theo to take the possibility seriously. 
A third option involved failure on Theo’s behalf to convince Hermione to take any sort of pity on Draco. Which meant that soon, a predictably moody Draco would waltz himself into Theo’s home like he owned the place, helping himself to whatever he liked. Just because Draco didn’t have his own estate to prance around anymore didn’t mean he could commandeer Theo’s just because Theo really, truly hated the place. 
The last possibility, of course, was that Draco didn’t show up at all.
Of all of them, this was the least likely. Draco showed up almost every night like clockwork after waiting for Hermione to fall asleep, prepared to vent or drink or sleep in a real bed for a few hours before returning to the vigil that had become his marriage in the early hours of the morning.  
Theo resumed his pacing. His afternoon with Granger had gone well, all things considered. Though he did make her cry, but just the once. Since she didn’t hex him for it he’d essentially already been absolved all his wrongdoing. 
And truth be told, he’d missed the witch. Irritating as her insertion into his life might have seemed at first, she certainly had a sneaking effect on one’s sensibilities worthy of a snake.
The Floo roared to life in a flash of green and a dazed-looking Draco Malfoy stepped through. 
Not ideal. The lack of focus in his eyes meant he wasn’t occluding. And the bit of unsteadiness in his step? Possibly already imbibing. 
“Scotch,” Draco announced as if he owned the fucking place. “We need scotch.”
Theo reached for the cheapest bottle he had, prepared to climb back in the trenches with Draco’s bruised ego and broken heart. Gods, being such a fucking fantastic friend was exhausting. 
“Not that swill,” Draco said with an eery sort of cheeriness. The affectation did not look good on him. Theo could feel a suspicious grimace spreading across his face.
“All out, mate,” he lied.
“I thought Blaise wanted to curate a whole new collection for you?” Draco asked with better clarity that Theo expected from a man already deep into his drink.
“And I told Blaise exactly where he could shove said collection,” Theo muttered. Even quieter, “fucking prat.”
The holler of a laugh Draco released further confirmed for Theo that something was off with his friend. Perhaps he hadn’t been drinking, but the wild sort of mania he saw in front of him was not typical Draco behavior, before or after Hermione’s accident.
“Get the good stuff, Theo, I know you’re just hiding it somewhere,” Draco said when his laughter calmed.
“Not a chance, we’re getting down to the collector’s stuff. I’m not breaking open a 25,000 Galleon bottle to nurse your broken heart, sympathetic as I may be.”
To illustrate his point, Theo poured from what was absolutely going to be a horrific bottle of scotch. The sting from the smell of it alone, even at a respectable distance as Theo poured, did not bode well.
Undeterred, Draco grabbed the drink as soon as Theo finished pouring and knocked it back without a blink. 
“Now get the good stuff,” he said, voice tight from what Theo could only imagine was a terrible burn. “We’re celebrating tonight.”
Oh? Oh. 
Carefully, ever so carefully, he posed his question, “celebrating what, exactly?”
The dazed expression returned, clouding Draco’s features with a faraway kind of look. He slung an arm around Theo’s shoulder and laughed. Dazed and unhinged, that was really the best way Theo knew how to describe it. 
“She finally said my fucking name,” Draco said. “And she bought me a book.” Technically, Theo bought him the book but the nuance of the matter probably wasn’t worth mentioning. 
“And,” Draco continued with an almost conspiratorial glint behind his eyes. “She sat so close to me I could smell her shampoo and, Merlin, then she asked me about us. Theo. She asked me— about us. And she said my fucking name, did I mention that part?” Draco released a sigh he’d probably been holding since January if Theo had to place a bet on it. 
With an arm still slung around Theo’s shoulder, Draco steered them from the room. “Now where’s this 25,000 Galleon bottle?”
Theo showed him. 
And for the night, Draco’s relief lit up all the dark corners haunting Nott Manor. Theo imagined it did even more to light up the dark places that haunted Draco, too. 
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mahalkitajohnnysuh · 4 years
So, I never thought that it would come to this. I do not tolerate this action due to family history, but I don’t know what came over me. Maybe I was overpowered by this guy’s charms that I just had to write something like this. 
To know more what I’m talking about, read on. I won’t even give a summary because I want you guys to know what’s up with this. 
And here’s the devil, erm, Jeong Jaehyun looking like a full-course meal even if he’s just serving face to hype you up. 
Tumblr media
Mahal ko kayong lahat! :) 
POV: 2nd person still. 
Word count: 1,900 + words 
Genre: Romance, with a dash of fluff and a bit of angst. A well-balanced meal, if I should say so myself. 
Warning: Read until the bottom of this page, and you’ll get what you’re going to read, maybe next post or some other time. 
You felt conflicted whenever Jaehyun was near you.
Although he was your boyfriend’s ex-roommate, there were times that he would hang out at your apartment to catch up with him.
After all, they used to work together as radio DJs. They had a nightly program that you always tuned to before. You and Johnny were still best friends then, and you know you would be frustrated if he still had his program now that you’re together. You two won’t have the time to cuddle, because he would be working and you would wake up with him asleep on the couch.
As you watched Johnny and Jaehyun converse at the dining table, you couldn’t help but observe the younger guy. He was a Disney prince in real life – creamy white skin, immaculately dressed, and with great hair to boot. He also had a beautiful voice that everyone, regardless of age and gender, would fall for.
Those reasons made you feel weird because you’re already in a relationship with one of the most handsome men you know, but at the same time, you couldn’t keep your eyes off him sometimes.
Why am I even thinking of this? You thought as you tied your hair up in a bun to focus on your sideline. It has been a hot minute since you edited textbooks, and sometimes they amused you because some manuscripts contained hilarious content from idiotic authors.
You were already halfway editing the textbook when you felt someone tap your shoulder. You turned around to see Jaehyun, smiling with his adorable dimples on display.
“Hi Essie, it’s time to eat,” he said gently before he went back to the dining table. You followed suit since you didn’t say no to an invitation to eat. You saw that the guys prepared Korean barbecue, which you have been craving as of late.
“Wow, samgyupsal! I missed this!” You cooed, eyeing all the side dishes that you haven’t eaten in months. “I know you’ve been craving for this, baby. I hear you looking for samgyupsal in your sleep,” Johnny said, eliciting a chuckle from Jaehyun.
You glared at your boyfriend who just gave you a heart sign and winked when you raised your fist at him. Your guest was laughing at your interaction, entertained how one of his best friends bantered with his girlfriend.
As the three of you dug in, you talked about everything – from the weather, your music playlists (to be honest, you liked Jaehyun’s taste more than Johnny’s), your upcoming plans, and even your relationships.
“Uh, can someone please pass me the kimchi?” You asked, your hand trying to reach the bowl of said food across the table. It was Jaehyun who handed you the bowl, and you almost dropped it when your fingers touched.
“Sorry,” you both muttered, giving timid looks at each other. Johnny noticed your interaction and raised his eyebrows.
“Babe, what’s this? You’re shy of Jeong Jaehyun?” He asked, even stamping his feet for effect. You could tell that he was both curious and annoyed – curious that you felt that way and annoyed that maybe your feelings for him weren’t that strong as he thought.  
“B-but…” you started, your eyes meeting Jaehyun’s for a moment before you turned to your boyfriend. “He’s too handsome, just like you…” Your voice was so soft that you felt you were the only one who heard it.
There was a moment of silence before Jaehyun cleared his throat. You and Johnny looked at him, which made him flustered. His ears were practically red now.  
“Baby, I know he’s too handsome for this world, but I hope you’re not falling for him,” Johnny said monotonously, trying his best not to sound jealous.
On your part, you appreciated his honesty. That was one of the things you loved about him – his brutally frank comments helped you with your problems most of the time.
However, you also enjoyed how he seemed jealous of your budding crush on his friend, who now covered his face with his hands. “Please stop looking at me,” Jaehyun mumbled while peeking from the small spaces in between his fingers.
“Of course not, darling! You’re still my number one,” your attention was directed to Johnny this time, “but I have to be honest that Jaehyun is such a stunner that I can’t help but look at him sometimes,” you ended by taking a glance at the guy on your right.
The nerve of this guy to wink at you at this moment! You felt your body heat up at this, and you clenched your utensils tightly to fight it off.
“Jaaaaay! Don’t make her fall in love with you! She should be in love with me, and only me!” Johnny was whining like a baby, and the tension that enveloped the table earlier vanished.
You and Jaehyun laughed at how the 6-footer was acting. “Don’t worry, she won’t. Right, Essie? You’ll try your best not to fall in love with me?” The prince-like guy gave you another wink again and blew you a brief kiss.
You laughed in return, flushing red at the attention you were getting. “Hey, you’re totally trying to steal her from me!” Johnny quipped, whose long arm grabbed your wrist so you can focus your attention on him.
“I’m the only one you love, right?” He changed his voice to a sultry one and he gave you The Look. You felt your heart flutter and your insides became warmer. Ah, he still got you every time he did that.
“Yes, honey,” you murmured, shyly looking at his face. “You’re the one that I love.”
Jaehyun began to sing Shania Twain’s ‘You’re Still The One’, and Johnny followed suit. Then all of you sang the song until the end and burst into laughter at how funny (and flirty) you felt for the past few minutes.
After eating, Johnny had to take care of some errands, leaving you and Jaehyun alone in the apartment. “Don’t you even dare, Jeong Yoon-oh,” your boyfriend threatened, which you and your companion did not take seriously. “Don’t try to do anything to my girl,” were his last words before he left the house.
If there was one word to describe your situation after Johnny left, it was awkward.
You were seated on the end of the couch with a pillow on your stomach as you busily scrolled through your social media feed. On the opposite end was Jaehyun, who was also doing the same.
You could hear the videos he was playing, and you bet he could hear you mutter something under your breath. That was one quirk of yours whenever you scrolled through your Twitter feed – you had to comment on people’s tweets audibly first before responding to them on the app.
“You’re such a hoe, bitch,” you mumbled as you also typed it as your response. You were commenting on Ten’s latest post, which was an outtake on one of his shoots. He looked like a Renaissance painting that came to life with his velvet suit, silk ruffled shirt, and jeweled shoes.
“Who’s a hoe, Essie?” Jaehyun asked, melting you with his stare.
“It’s definitely not you!” You responded, cheeks red from embarrassment. You didn’t mean for him to hear your comment – you made a mental note to correct your quirk, so people don’t question you.
He laughed at your reaction and moved closer to where you were seated. “Then who are you calling a hoe then?”
You leaned back against the couch, hoping that there will be more space you could back out into. “It’s only Ten that I call as such, and it’s our thing,” you said, raising your phone to your face to cover how flushed it was.
“Really? You and Ten have a thing? Does Johnny know of this?” With every word he spoke, he moved closer to you.
“Not like that, dude! Ten’s one of my closest friends now. And you know he won't do something that will make Johnny angry, right?”
This stopped Jaehyun from approaching you, and it was his time to lean back on the sofa. “Oh, is that so?” he rubbed his chin thoughtfully.
When you thought that he was done from crawling toward you, he surprised you when he wrapped his arms around your waist.
You squealed as he tickled you on the sides, on your knee, and his hands crept up on your neck.
“Jaaaaaay! Stop that!” You said in between panting, getting tired from laughing. You were pushing him away, but he easily overpowered you with his strength.
“No, Essie, I don’t want to! Say the magic word,” he said while staring at you with all his might.
Time slowed, and you took in how intent he was on making you say the magic word – what was it, anyway?
“Please?” You breathed, returning the stare he gave you. “Please, darling,” you tried again, your voice breathier than usual.
He loosened his hold on you, but he didn’t let go. “Do I need to repeat myself?” You asked, your hands ready to untangle yourself from him.
“Darling, you make me feel conflicted,” he said with the most painful expression on his face. It was a mixture of sadness and struggle, a combination that was indeed painful to see on anyone.
“Are you for real, Jaehyun?” You raised an eyebrow, hoping it masked how shocked you were with his words. You hoped you sounded scandalized to make him stop what he was doing.
“Essie, I like you. A lot. It pains me that I was never able to make a move on you first,” he said, tilting his body toward yours. He now had a loving expression on his face, making your heart melt.
“But why now?” You could feel the tears pooling at the corner of your eyes.
Come to think of it, Jaehyun was always nice when you hung out with Johnny before. He never teased you – he was actually very sweet and was always on your side. There were times he held your hand, and you let him since you two were good friends.
And how could you forget that he used to kiss your cheek every time you said your farewell? It was not just your cheeks touching – he really pressed his lips lightly on your cheek.
But best friends trump good friends, and eventually, you weren’t able to maintain your closeness once you spent more time with Johnny instead.
“I’m sorry, Essie. I don’t know what to do,” he slowly unhooked his arms on you, “I’m such a fool for coming here. Now I’m confused,” he ran his hands through his hair and looked distressed.
“I’m sorry too, Jay. But if you must know, I like you a lot too,” you said while fiddling with your thumbs.
“Essie, you’re making me more confused,” He sounded annoyed now. “I don’t want to ruin your relationship with John, I know how much he loves you.”
“But does he know that you…like me too?” As much as it made you cringe, you just had to ask him that.
His answer surprised you. “He doesn’t, and I intend to keep it that way.”
This was a plot twist that made your love life more complicated – even though you already have Johnny, you had Mark trying his best to woo you, and now Jaehyun has joined ‘the group chat’, as the kids would say.
“So, what do you plan to do then?” The question came out of your mouth without any thinking, which you now regret.
“Do you want to sin with me?” The way he delivered it sent shivers down your spine. It felt as if you were talking to the devil, only he was clad in a sweater and black jeans.
From that day until the following week, you and Jaehyun had your trysts.
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risthebrave · 4 years
future drabble list
(feel free to request any kind of drabble - there’s no promises i’ll ever write it but i’ll consider adding it to the list!)
in a world alone drabbles:
1. nesting drabble (louis pov)
2. marriage/mating ceremony drabble (harry pov)
3. returning to the lake drabble (louis pov)
sleeping on our problems drabbles:
1. harry teaches jamie what it means to be an alpha (harry pov)
peach drabbles:
1. outtake from peach fic (harry pov)
2. peach fic from louis’ perspective
(the rest are requests from clicktosubmit which will remain a secret)
curious cat prompts: 
1. japan larry drabble (louis pov)
2. complete drabble for this (harry pov). 
1. strangers to lovers fake dating drabble based on a tweet i can no longer find oops (louis pov)
last updated 02/20/21
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everlarkficexchange · 5 years
A Bite of Inconvenience
Written by: @katnissdoesnotfollowback
Prompt 131: Submitted by @amazinglovers747. Visual Prompt. Text: 4 ½ stars out of 5. Delivery time stated between 45 to 60 minutes but it was delivered within 25 minutes. This was a bit of an inconvenience as I was balls deep in the wife at the time.
A/N: This is an outtake of sorts from my story Case of the Honeymoons. I’d been contemplating writing it anyways after the original post this prompt is based on wandered across my dashboard. When I saw this pop up as an @everlarkficexchange prompt…well I had to snatch it up and fulfill it. The muse ordered it, hot and piping fresh. You can find the rest of the story HERE if you’ve not read it. Except for the 7th and final chapter which still isn’t written. Working on it tho. I tried to write this outtake in a way that you can still enjoy if you’ve not read the other chapters, although some of the inside jokes and running gags may not register.
Thank you to @javistg and @xerxia31 for all their hard work in organizing this event and taking care of all our whiny writerly questions. You ladies are rockstars. Also to @savvylark for pre-reading this one for me and making sure it wasn’t just a jumble of smut. ;)
RATED E for PWP… as in Plot? What Plot? There’s no plot here. Or maybe it stands for Pizza with Porn? Whatever, pick your poison on the acronym and enjoy!
WARNINGS: Contains explicit sexual content, explicit language.
Length: Around 7000 words
For a second or two, I’m convinced that I’m dreaming. Caught between the worlds of sleeping and reality. I can feel the warmth of Katniss’ body curled around my side. Her breaths on my neck. The scent of her filling my nostrils, anchoring me to her in both my subconscious and consciousness. Waking with her beside me is still one of the best feelings in the world. Someone once told me that after a year or two, the Honeymoon Phase would wear off, and then I’d start to feel the “old ball and chain.” I’ve always hated that expression. Why marry someone if it feels like a prison? And while the Honeymoon Phase has worn off for us, in a way, after almost four years of marriage, I’m still as much in love with her, if not more so, than I was the day we were married.
Our alarm hasn’t gone off just yet so we still have time to relax in bed. My brain registers all of this, but my body lingers in dreams. Dirty dreams of her mouth sliding over my dick in unrushed strokes. Lips squeezing and her tongue flicking under the crown. I can feel each slow pass and even hear the sounds of sloppy, wet suction. Can’t stop the groan from rumbling in my throat or my hips lifting up into her. I’m rock hard and wish I could tangle my fingers in her hair to urge her to go faster, but she’s pressing soft kisses just below my jaw and whispering my name, calling me out of sleep and away from dreams.
“Peeta, wake up.”
I don’t want to. I want to come down her throat, even if it is only in my dreams. She shifts beside me and her mouth tugs on my cock. Her lips press to mine, her tongue slipping past my lips when I whimper, fighting to stay in this dream but also wanting to wake for her. It’s too much, the dual sensations of dreaming and reality. Her tongue rubs against mine and her mouth on my cock picks up speed.
“Wake up, Peeta. I’m so fucking horny right now.”
My eyes fly open then and stare into hers next to me, so close to my face, her pupils wide and dark, eyelids drooping. I can still hear the sounds of her sucking me off and feel the pressure of it. My mind sluggishly catches up to the realization that it’s her hand on me, not her mouth, as I feel her grinding gently against my hip, one leg slung over mine. My cock throbs in her grip and I hiss at the pleasure, real and inescapable.
I take two seconds to absorb our surroundings. Our bedroom. I think. It’s our furniture but the light is weird and the door is in the wrong spot.
Because it’s our house, not our apartment. We just moved in yesterday, the towers of boxes providing further evidence. I spot a bottle of KY sitting on the nightstand and then Katniss bites my earlobe.
“Wake up and fuck me,” she whispers. “Before we have to be up for the fridge.”
Best of both worlds, I realize and rise up enough to pin her beneath me, use my legs to spread hers and slide my hand up her leg slowly as she stops stroking me to push my underwear down to my thighs, just enough, wiping the lube off her hand onto my shorts. She’s already naked, and that alone would show me just how turned on she is since she rarely sleeps in the buff, if there wasn’t further proof between her thighs as well. When my fingers reach her center, I groan again.
“You woke up like this?” I whisper and lift my fingers, rubbing her arousal between them for a second.
“Yes. I’ve waited as long as I can. Enough chit chat, Peeta.” She’s right. I glance at the clock and see we’ve got about an hour before our brand new refrigerator is supposed to be delivered. I push inside her, eyes rolling back in my head as I’m engulfed in her warmth. She’s already insanely wet plus the KY she was using on me, and I can hear it as soon as I pull back just a little and she digs her nails into my ass to bring me deeper.
“God yes,” she whimpers as our hips meet. “I need this.”
I briefly wonder if she’s ovulating today. There’s something deeper in her scent and the way she’s being so aggressive, but I don’t have time to do the math before her pussy walls clench on me and she grins up at the choked noise I make. She’s just recently discovered that this drives me wild. Trying to get pregnant has only teased out and enhanced her adventurous in bed side. Like the fact that kegels actually feel really fucking good.
“Be careful with those.”
“Why?” she asks with fake innocence and bites her lip before doing it again. I grind my hips down into her and she gasps. She does it again anyways and I grab her hands, pinning them over her head, both her wrists contained in one of my hands as I start thrusting. Slow and sure, but she wriggles beneath me and whispers dirty words about wanting me to pound into her and fill her up. How glad she is that we no longer have to worry about thin walls and neighbors hearing me make her scream with pleasure.
And despite the fact that I have her arms pinned, she’s not immobilized. She uses her legs to leverage her body against me and her eyes drift shut, mouth hanging open as she moans.
“Louder, Katniss. I can’t hear you,” I tease and slide my hand up her wrist to lace her fingers with mine.
“Peeta,” she whines and her now free hand claws down the back of my shoulder, tipping me off the edge of control. I listen to her quiet gasps, the sharp slapping as our bodies collide. Fuck, I should make her come first, but reason and thoughtfulness dance away on the waves of ecstasy coursing through me.
“Gonna come,” I manage to warn her and that only makes her more insistent. She opens her eyes and orders me to fill her up, to give her my cum. Her thrusts turn more forceful and combined with her dirty words and the intense look in her eyes, I don’t stand a chance of holding out. My body seizes and all I can manage is to grind my hips against hers and hope she can find some pleasure in that as I empty myself into her. Because I’m lost.
When I finish and collapse on top of her, her fingers trail up and down my spine. She squeezes our still twined hands as I pant into her ear and whisper an apology before shifting so I can get my free hand between us.
“Your turn,” I promise and nibble on her ear.
“Stay inside me, Peeta. It’s always better with your cock inside me,” she murmurs. Her legs slide off me, giving me more room to work her clit and she falls apart in a surprisingly short amount of time, her walls clamping down on my still hard cock and making me groan at the overwhelming sensations. But I force myself to stay put where she wants me. When she’s done, we lay there in one another’s arms.
“Good morning,” I say and she laughs a little before turning her head to face me.
“Good morning. Ready to set up our house?” I can’t help the smile spreading across my face as I nod eagerly. We’ve got the whole day to unpack. Yesterday, after the movers left, all we had the energy for was getting the bed set up so we’d have a place to sleep. Sometime today we’ll need to do another round of grocery shopping for cold items. Tomorrow we both have to return to our jobs, so we’ve got a lot of work ahead of us today.
“Where do we start?” I ask after we’ve showered and dressed and eaten several muffins from yesterday’s batches at the bakery. She wrinkles her nose at her glass of water, mumbling that she can’t wait for us to have milk so she can drink her tea again.
We wind up dividing to conquer. I meet the delivery guy and Katniss hits up the grocery store. I fill a cooler with the bag of ice she brought home to keep what she bought cold until the fridge has reached the right storage temperature. “Now what?”
Now Katniss scrunches her nose at the boxes scattered around the kitchen as she folds up the last of our grocery bags she used, setting it on the stack to return to her car later.
“I’m thinking we start in here.”
“At least then we’ll be able to fix meals soon,” I agree and start up some music to listen to. We work mostly in silence, and I think we’re moving at a good pace except for one problem.
Katniss keeps distracting me. She’s pinched my ass at least three times, ran her hand over my crotch while I was stretching to get a few things on the top cabinet shelf, planted kisses on the back of my neck, flirtatiously evaded me every time I’ve tried to pull her into a more involved embrace, and whispered several dirty things in my ear.
“We’re not done yet, by the way. I’m still horny.”
“Can’t wait to break in every room of our house.”
“The sooner you get that counter cleared off, the sooner you can fuck me on it.”
I spend the day half aroused and jumpy. Almost like it’s our wedding day all over again. Each caress or teasing phrase she gives me leaves me half cocked and half out of my mind with desire. I’d really like to leave the packing for another day and just get right down to breaking in each room.
But then Primrose shows up, wielding lunch and a wreath she made for our front door, offering to help us for an hour or so. Normally I’d enjoy her company and be perfectly capable of behaving myself in front of Katniss’ sister, but Katniss keeps resting her hand on my thigh under the table while we eat. Her fingers massaging and clenching and drawing blood down my body until I’m almost fully erect, my mind inevitably wandering back to this morning and all her teasing throughout the day. I shift uncomfortably in my chair, earning a questioning gaze from her.
I scowl and glance down at my lap, but Katniss just smiles innocently at me. And then grazes her hand over me when she stands to clear her plate.
“First dirty dishes in the new dishwasher!” she declares.
“How can I help?” Prim asks when they’re done loading. I haven’t moved yet, still hiding beneath the table.
“How about you help me with the living room? And Peeta can finish in here,” Katniss says and gives me a pointed look.
“Sure,” I agree, and as soon as they’re gone, I hide in the bathroom long enough to get things under control. When I’m good to resume unpacking the kitchen, they’re clearly occupied filling bookshelves and considering which pictures should go where. With the open floor plan, I can hear every word of their conversation and smile to myself, happily staying out of the way so Katniss can have this time with her sister.
“Oh! I have a housewarming gift from Effie, too! I helped her with it.” Prim says at one point and rushes out to her car. Katniss looks wary as her sister returns with a framed picture and shows it to Katniss with a bright smile on her face. “Ta-Da!”
I cough and Katniss’ cheeks heat up at the sight of the wedding picture we just can’t seem to escape.
“She said your new home needed a gorgeously framed portrait of the two of you.”
“We have a wedding portrait already,” Katniss says, referring to the one in the living room right now. I can see it leaning against the couch, waiting for us to decide where to hang it. Your standard portrait of bride and groom right after the ceremony.
“Sure. But this one is so gorgeous, and much more personal. I helped her coordinate the matting around it to your new bedroom linens.”
“So it’s for the bedroom,” I say and slide it from her hands, smirking at Katniss a little, enjoying her discomfort after what she’s put me through all day. “I think that’s perfect.”
After all, Effie snapped this candid shot of Katniss and I in the gardens, not knowing that we’d had sex literally a minute beforehand. In fact, as Katniss once so eloquently pointed out, my dick is still inside her in this picture. You just can’t tell with the voluptuous skirt of her wedding dress covering us.
“You don’t like it?” Prim asks, and Katniss rushes to reassure her.
“Oh no. I do!”
“I’ll go put it in the bedroom and we’ll hang it up later,” I tell Prim and she smiles at me. After that, the girls finish up the living room while I get the kitchen squared away and then hook up the washer and dryer. It’s close to dinner time when Prim finally leaves, assuring Katniss that she’s got a dinner date with a friend, otherwise she’d stay to eat with us. Katniss walks Prim out to her car and when she returns, flops on the couch with a groan.
“I am not up to cooking tonight.”
“And after all my hard work setting up the kitchen despite numerous distractions,” I tease.
Katniss opens one eye to scowl at me. “We could just order a pizza.”
“Pizza sounds good,” I agree and she heaves herself off the couch to join me in the kitchen. Opening the Domino’s app on my phone, I start building our order.
“Mushrooms. I want something with mushrooms,” Katniss says as she stands in front of me, pulling my phone down so she can read the order upside down.
“I just know what I want,” she murmurs and slides her hands up my sides then back down again, making me pause to glance at her before submitting the order. I hope they’re fast tonight so we can eat and then I can make love to her on the counter I cleared off today. Then maybe on the couch if she’s feeling up to it. I can feel the resurgence of arousal.
“There. I got you your mushrooms and black olives,” I tell her. Then the estimated wait time pops up on screen. “Forty-five to sixty minutes?”
“Seriously?” she says, sounding as peeved as I feel. I try to shake it off, though.
“Guess we’re not the only ones who don’t feel like cooking in this neighborhood tonight.”
“I can’t stand the thought of opening one more box. What are we gonna do for that long?” She huffs and then grins at me.
“A whole hour,” I agree with a smile matching hers and she pulls my phone from my hands, tossing it aside before winding her hands around my neck and playing with my hair. I shiver in delight as I rest my hands on her hips.
“Wanna see how many times you can make me come in an hour, Peeta?”
“Fuck,” I mutter.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” she whispers right before she brings our lips together.
We’ve been trying to get pregnant for awhile now, and sometimes I feel like we’re having sex as part of a routine, but other days, the spontaneity still strikes hot. Today is clearly one of those days.
We move together and Katniss shoves at my shirt until it’s off and on the floor. Our mouths join together again in desperate moans and sliding tongues. I tear at her belt then push her shorts down. As she steps out of them, I whisper to her that I can’t wait to fuck her in every room of our house.
“We’ll start in here,” I murmur as I kiss her neck and she tips her head back to give me complete access. I scrape my nails up her thighs, enjoying the way that makes her shiver. Then I slip my hands inside her panties to grab her ass and pull her close, so she can feel how hard I am already. “You’ve been teasing me all day.”
“I told you I was horny,” she complains. I push her back, one step at a time as I kiss her mouth and drink her sighs. She squeals a little when her back hits the counter.
“And yet you still blush over that picture,” I say before pushing her panties down, following them down her legs with my mouth. When I stand back up, she’s arched towards me, palms flat on the granite surface. I lift her up and her eyes fly open as I plant her ass on the counter and kiss her again, step between her legs and caress her thighs, her hips, her back. My hand brushes my phone and I smile as I break the kiss, hand it to her. “Set a timer for me. Forty minutes gives us time to make sure one of us is presentable enough to greet the pizza guy.”
I suck on her pulse point, she shudders but taps on my screen as I run my hands over her, massaging her breasts over her shirt and kissing all over her neck and ears. She’s almost rocking back and forth and cursing at herself as I slide the straps of her tank top off her shoulders. She moves her arms enough to pull them free of the straps, glaring in annoyance at my disruption of her task. Her bra goes next, tossed aside on the kitchen floor next to her panties.
“Stop distracting me,” she growls, setting my phone aside.
“Turnabout’s fair play,” I murmur and shake my head and bend her back enough so I can massage and suck on her breasts, sucking moans out of her chest. Moans that make me throb and close to just plunging in and selfishly taking.
“Oh god,” she moans and runs one hand through my hair, lifting her knees to embrace me. When I have her squirming and pleading, I move on, letting my hand wander down to her labia as I kiss her mouth, stealing both of our breaths.
“I’m gonna start right here,” I murmur. She whimpers at my touch, her legs spreading and pushing her hips forward on the counter. Almost falling off the edge. “Careful. Maybe it’s better if you just hold still for this.” Grasping her hands, I plant them on the edge of the counter and then return my fingers to trace her lips. Set one hand behind her ass to hold her in place. “So fucking wet.”
“Oh fuck, yes,” she moans, hips moving a minuscule amount as I trace over her folds, dip inside just enough to trace the inner folds. “Peeta.”
I turn my head and nibble on her ear as my fingers part her, then slide inside to the sound of her soft gasps. “Wet as rain for me. Katniss, I wanna lick this up next.”
“Yes,” she pleads and arches her body, pressing her breasts into my chest. I tickle and stroke, savoring the hot feel of her on my skin as she lifts higher, her mouth widening and her breaths shortening.
“But your first orgasm tonight belongs to my fingers,” I whisper and slip a second finger inside her. She grinds her clit into my palm. I can see her thighs clenching with the effort to hold still as I slowly fuck her with my fingers. Pull out and trace her juices over her lips, up to her clit where I brush the pads of my fingers over her again and again.
“More. I need more, Peeta,” she pleads. This time I start with two fingers in her and pick up the pace. I can feel her tensing and hear the lifting pitch of her moans. My fingers scrape soft, spongy flesh and she cries out.
“You’re ready now, aren’t you?” I whisper. “Ready to fall apart at the slightest touch.”
A third finger and I curl them up, touching deeper and faster. It’s almost harsh as her spine bows and I breathe deeply in the crook of her neck. Kiss along her shoulder then back up. I can smell her arousal too and whisper that my tongue gets her next orgasm.
She yells an indistinguishable sound and her body jerks. Just once before she holds still as her pussy releases more of her wetness into my palm then clenches my fingers in a steady pulse. I keep thrusting them, sucking on her neck and then holding her tight, feeling her pulse thundering under my lips and against my chest. My fingers get to feel the pulse of this release but my body already knows the feel of her on my cock and fuck do I want it. I’m breathing harsh as she grabs hold of my neck to steady herself.
“That’s one,” Katniss gasps when her breathing evens out a little and she lifts my phone off the counter. “And we still have thirty-five minutes.”
“That’s a good pace. Think you can handle seven more?” I ask and slide my fingers from her, smile at her juices coating them.
“That one was easy. I told you I’ve been low-key turned on all day. You’re gonna have to work for the next one,” she teases as she tugs playfully on my belt loops. But her bravado fades as I trace her lips with my fingers, painting her mouth with her own release. She’s still staring up at me, a little stunned as I suck the rest off my fingers before cradling her head in my palms and kissing her to get the rest off her mouth. When I lift my head, she looks dazed and not nearly as sassy as she did just a minute ago.
“Second one’s always the easiest to get from you. And it’s gonna be in my mouth,” I say and then drop to bury my face between her thighs supporting them with my palms so she doesn’t fall off the counter. She curses and her palms smack onto the solid surface behind her as I tongue her clit then swirl my way inside her pussy, groaning and heady with delight. My ears ring with the sounds she makes, ecstatic and frantic. Her entire body shudders as she wraps herself around me, my name a warble on her lips as her release courses over my tongue. I kiss her clit as she mumbles and then stand up, cupping her ass in my hands and pulling her back to the edge of the counter. “Two. If you want my cock next–”
I don’t get to finish. She has my clothes down my hips and on the floor in seconds, hopping down to help me step out of them and then hopping right back up, splaying her legs, her pussy parting for me. I tease her folds with my tip, determined to make this good for her, but then her soft keening as I slide home drives me to the brink.
“Fuck, such a warm welcome,” I whisper as she clings to my neck and squirms against me. “Gonna be fast if you don’t stop that,” I warn, but her eyes, a gray fog of need, challenge me.
Pulling back, I ram into her and she groans, her nails digging painfully into my neck and scalp. I have to hold still for a moment to regain control, my hand clenching on her hips as she wriggles to get me seated better and lights dance behind my eyelids.
“Again, Peeta. Please.”
Her desperate tone is the end of me. I only get a few sharp thrusts in before I know for sure that I’m gonna lose it too soon like this. Her walls grip me with each thrust, like her skin can’t stand to lose the contact with mine. Her soft pleas for me to fuck her harder make my head spin. The sounds of slapping skin and sucking wet flesh are nearly my undoing and she complains when I pull out. Clings to me when I lift her off the counter and carry her back towards our bedroom.
She kisses and nips at me as I go, demanding that I move faster and finish what I started, so many dirty phrases about needing me inside her that weaken my knees and my resolve. By the time we reach the bedroom, her lips are on mine again, her tongue demanding satisfaction. I’m forced to move based on touch to lay her out on the bed, following her as we kiss and she writhes on the cool cotton sheets. I fondle one breast, swallowing her moans as I pluck the nipple into a hard peak until she’s arched beneath me.
I could take her like this, facing each other, but that usually takes longer to get her there. I have no idea how much time we have left and my phone is back in the kitchen.
Rising up, I tug her to the end of the bed and flip her over, urge her to get up on her knees. I massage and spread her cheeks as she moves, tilting my head to watch her pussy take my cock as I slide in, smooth and easy.
She sings out a string of filthy words and grips tight to the sheets as my hips meet her ass. Her moans only get louder and filthier as I move, grabbing ahold of her hips and driving myself into her. Watching us fuck is such a high, a deeper layer heaped on top of the sensations.
But she begs and I can’t deny, bending forward so my chest is pressed to her back and I can get my fingers on her clit. My lips on her neck. I keep this up for a bit, but I’m still in trouble.
I’m getting close again, too fast as I feel my balls tighten and I curse, shoving her forward with too much force and not the results I planned. She face plants in the mattress, her ass in the air and my cock still inside her. With another curse, I pull back. She shouts in protest as I bend over and spread her enough to get my mouth on her.
I’m drowning in her pussy, my mouth and nose filled with her desire. Her sounds filling my ears and taunting my body. The air cools her juices on my cock and I shiver but keep licking and sucking, thrusting my tongue in her then laving her clit before sucking on that too while she grinds herself on my face and her hands claw at the bed.
She starts mewling then chanting the word “yes!” And then her entire frame shakes with impending release.
“No! Fuck! Peeta, I want you to come with me,” she demands as she moves to separate us. I wipe her off my face and lay on top of her. My cock brushes through curls and finding her soaked lips once more, I slide right back in. When I kiss her shoulder, she turns her head. Thinking she wants a kiss as I start pounding down into her, I join our lips. But she pushes me back and shakes her head.
“Up,” is all she says, but I think I get the idea, going back to standing at the edge of the bed with her in front of me. “Yes.”
I don’t let up then, gathering some of her hair in my hand for leverage as I feel sweat trickling down my temples. Down my spine and tickling between my cheeks. The sounds reverberate a little off the still bare walls. I feel release building at the base of my skull, driven higher and hotter with each sharp thrust I give her and each plaintive cry she gives me.
The doorbell rings and Katniss wails.
I stop and she groans in frustration. “I was so fucking close! Why’d you stop?”
“I thought I heard the doorbell.”
She shifts to look at the bedside clock and shakes her head. “It hasn’t even been thirty minutes yet.”
“Are you sure?” I ask and she pushes back into me. “Yes. Now make us come, Peeta.”
I start moving again, slow this time. Uncertain. But her insistent movements beneath me make it impossible to stay that way and within seconds, my thrusts are hard enough to make her ass shudder with each one, and the sounds of our bodies colliding, of my balls smacking into her, ring through the room again.
“Yes! Close! Almost–” Ding dong! “Fuck!”
I slow down this time. “You heard it too, right?”
“I don’t fucking care. Don’t stop,” she groans and pushes herself back on me. I try to pick my pace up and Katniss arches her body. I can feel her tensing in anticipation.
That’s when the knocking starts and Katniss groans. I pull out of her completely this time, my cock leaping in denial, my balls screaming at me to get back in there, because I was damn near close, too.
“Okay someone is definitely at the door and isn’t going away.”
“It better be the pizza. If it’s a neighbor, we’re moving,” she practically snarls. “After we egg their porch.”
Her cheeks are flushed and her hair’s a mess. There are bite marks and suction marks all over her neck and shoulders. She looks sexy as fuck. A living wet dream. There’s no way I’m letting some random stranger see my wife like this.
“Be right back,” I tell her as I stumble back into the kitchen. Whoever it is is still pounding on the door. “Coming!” I shout as I pause long enough to get my jeans and shirt back on, laughing humorlessly at the irony that actually no, I am not coming the way I’d like to be. I grab my phone off the counter as I head to the front door and stop the timer.
“Fucking hell,” I mutter and pocket the thing as I open the door. “Sorry. Unpacking, moving furniture,” I excuse to the guy who nods and extends the boxes with the receipt on top and a pen. The delicious smells waft up to my nose and my mouth starts to water, but my brain’s caught in a schism between this food and Katniss back on our bed.
“Just sign here, my dude.” I sign and try to give the guy a pleasant farewell as I take the boxes from him. But I’m still rock fucking hard and my jeans are chafing things that are used to a layer of cotton underwear protecting them. Not to mention I’m still covered in Katniss and both of us had a perfectly spectacular orgasm ruined by this guy’s delivery speed.
I shut the door and carry the food to the kitchen, startling when I see Katniss in the hallway that leads to our bedroom. She’s put on clothes and is scowling.
“We’re definitely cursed,” she says.
“What?” I say with a half laugh as I set the pizza boxes on the counter.
“I was in the bedroom, staring at that damned picture from our wedding day and thinking about all the times we’ve been caught, interrupted, photographed, or had something disastrous happen, et cetera, since we got married.” She lifts her hand and starts ticking them off. “Our wedding day when Effie photographed us immediately after. Our wedding night with the neighbor and the candles and the fire alarm.” I can’t help laughing a little.
“Pizza?” I say as I flip open the lid, because food is the best way to help Katniss get thoughts straight in her mind and I have got to hear the end of this. It’s not the first time she’s suggested we’re cursed but if it’s going to be a recurring comment of hers, I’d like to know what she means. She doesn’t answer, but lifts a slice of mushroom and black olive straight from the box, taking a huge bite and cupping her hand under her chin to catch the strings of cheese.
“Then our honeymoon,” she continues before even swallowing.
“Ah yes,” I say and nod my head.
“With my twisted ankle and your burned butt. The fiasco with the picture reveal when we got back from our honeymoon. That time in the bakery–”
“That was your idea,” I remind her and she shakes her head.
“When ‘just a quickie’ turned into half a day’s worth of destroyed work for you. Last Christmas,” she doesn’t finish but I remember. It’d be hard to forget my oldest brother walking in on us trying something new… That was also the first time she mentioned this idea about us being cursed. “Rye’s engagement party last month? When everyone just knew what we’d been doing upstairs–”
“The hickey on your neck sort of gave us away.”
“The point is, before we got married, we got away with this shit all the time.” She takes another bite and gestures wildly. “In college…how many times did we make out with Johanna asleep across the room?”
“She would have high fived you for that if she knew. Actually, she probably did know.” Katniss ignores this, the volume of her speech rising to cover my commentary.
“Or fucked in my car parked in places maybe we shouldn’t have? We tried some crazy things with the bedsheets and that one time when you did that thing with my vibrator, and we never got injured or anything! Or what about that time in the movie theater?”
“Well this conversation is not helping me get rid of my erection,” I say and start working on my own slice. We manage to eat one slice each, and are starting on slice two when she picks the topic back up again.
“I’m serious, Peeta. We’re cursed and I think–” she stops talking and her eyes go wide. “Haymitch! When he stepped on my train!”
“That’s ridiculous,” I tease and she shakes her head.
“It makes perfect sense! He somehow cursed us when he stepped on my wedding dress! That bastard. I’m going to–” I fling my crust into the open box and grab her, tossing her over my shoulder. “Peeta!”
“What makes sense is finishing what we started now that we have some food in us,” I tell her. “Clearly you need another orgasm or five to clear your head of this curse nonsense.”
“I still have pizza in my hand!”
“Finish it before we reach the bedroom because your mouth will be too busy for eating in about thirty seconds.” Her answer is muffled and I laugh as I imagine her stuffing the rest of her slice in her mouth. “We’ll heat the rest up to eat it later. Then I’m giving that driver a terrible review.”
She laughs as I toss her on the bed. “That sounds like something I would do, not you.”
“He tested my limits, ringing the doorbell when I’m balls deep in my gorgeous wife,” I say as we start flinging clothes until we’re naked again. This time, I take off my prosthetic too. Within what feels like mere seconds, we’re laid out on the bed, her mouth busy just like I promised, her hands roaming over my back and shoulders as we kiss, her foot sliding up the side of my leg then back down. We’re in no rush this time. No timers to beat. So when I lift my head, she sighs instead of protesting. I trace her bottom lip with my thumb, wondering how I got so lucky. I don’t feel cursed at all. Quite the opposite, as I nuzzle her nose with mine.
“I wanna see your eyes when I come inside you,” I whisper, prompting her to open her eyes and the look in them floors me. So much love that I’m not sure I deserve it. And I wonder if she’ll look at our children with just as much love. I hope she does. “Maybe it’ll stick this time.”
I can’t help the hopeful note in my voice as she places her hands on my cheeks. I move to kiss her again and it registers too late that she was about to say something. I’m already deep into the kiss before I think to be polite and ask her what she was going to say.
“It can wait. Now deliver on your promises, Peeta.”
I grin down at her and watch her eyes as I let one hand caress over her body, take a meandering path over dips and rises, soft curves and puckered nipples. Down around her navel and finally between her legs. She swallows as I touch her, closes her eyes for a second as her hips undulate softly into my hand, once more coating my fingers in her need, drawing them deeper inside her. I watch her eyes darken and fog over with desire, sharpen when I find a spot or rhythm or pressure that she favors.
Eventually she whispers to me. “I need you inside me.”
Her body bows and flexes beneath me once were joined, presenting her breasts to me and I can’t ignore them, massaging and caressing all over her torso as I move inside her. Unhurried, leisurely touches that linger and heat. I feel torn in two in a way. Part of me wanting the fast and frantic with quick gratification. The other part wins out as she grasps at my arms and begs me down to kiss her. That’s the part that never wants this to end. The part that’s content to feel her surrounding me, welcoming me and loving me as much as I love her.
“Peeta,” she says softly when our lips part and I rest my forehead on hers, hips still rocking between her legs as she licks her lips and seems to come to a decision. She takes a deep breath and pulls me down to whisper in my ear. “I love you. And I want to spend every possible moment of the rest of our lives together. Now, like this. With our children, and after.”
I feel like I should stop, but she looks so earnest and the shuddering breath she takes when I start moving again seems to break the damn as she spills forth fears and hopes and happiness. Usually her words during sex don’t wander into such emotional territory. I’m reeling from it all and am barely able to focus on my pleasure, so much that I’m actually stunned when she scrapes her nails down my arms and arches beneath me.
“Oh god I’m gonna come. Peeta.”
I whisper her name and return my own hopes and fears to her ear, unsure if she even hears them over her own moans. And when she crests, she’s the most beautiful thing in the world, gray eyes locked on mine with stunned pleasure and love swirling together and singing off her lips. It only takes another two thrusts with her walls clenching me and then she claims my release right along with my hopes and my love.
We lay there, still joined at the hips and caressing over skin shimmering with sweat. Katniss kisses along my jaw and then plays with my hair while I keep my face hidden in the crook of her neck, lips just barely touching her skin as a content warmth washes over me.
In the morning, it’s actually surprising how easily our routine from the apartment adapts to the house. I’m up, showered and dressed before Katniss wakes and I get breakfast started. While I’m cooking, my phone reminds me that I can review the driver from last night. I open the app and fill out the form. I start with four and a half stars and glance up at the hallway as I hear water running. Katniss must be awake so I get her tea started. Then I contemplate my review. The pizza was delicious, even warmed up later on, and normally I’d be thrilled with the early arrival. Even though we eventually were able to finish, it’s still annoying me for some reason. Katniss’ words about how it’s something she would do, not me, still tickle at me, almost goading me into doing it, and for once, I decide to just go for it. Besides, the high star rating will show that I’m not really complaining.
Delivery time stated between 45 to 60 minutes but it was delivered within 25 minutes. This was a bit of an inconvenience as I was balls deep in the wife at the time.
I’ve just got her tea ready and my review posted when Katniss walks into the kitchen, still in my t-shirt, a pregnancy test in her hands and a wide smile on her face. She just stands there, silently radiating joy as my brain leaps straight into the sky.
“Is that…? Are we…?”
She nods and tears well up in her eyes. She flings herself into my embrace as I make a choking noise of joy and hold her tight. We stay like that for a long time. I’m probably going to be late for work, but I don’t even care. I just want to live in this moment for as long as I possibly can. We’re having a baby. That alone should suffice as an excuse for being late to work.
And I may need to revise that review…
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janiedean · 5 years
*Roose Bolton voice* I'm dissapointed in you
HEY ANON SORRY FOR THE LATENESS BUT I’M SURE YOU SENT THIS FOR SPRINGSTEEN ANALYSIS, RIGHT? ;) then sure let’s have something! what can I get for you with the roose bolton voice, hm…
so: SEEDS!
Seeds is an outtake from born in the USA and was only properly published in 1998 when it ended up on tracks (a four-cds compilation of outtakes that still doesn’t even fucking scratch the surface of what he has in the vaults bruce come on take the rest out), but as a lot of other bruce songs that were never technically published on official records it has enjoyed a very lively life on stage/live especially when our man gets political. we should probably put as a premise, other than that, that this was one of bruce’s first political pieces following the vein that would then end up in bitusa, tom joad, youngstown and so on, and as a lot of those songs it focuses on poverty/unemployment in the us of a. it’s not a coincidence that it was out of the bitusa sessions post-nebraska, but then again nebraska was his first record with Serious Political Themes and half of the original songs ended up on bitusa anyway so those records are pretty much tied together.
also, seeds has been a favorite throughout the bitusa tour (the one where bruce dissed reagan) where it was played along the title track, a cover of war that you can find on the live 75-85 box set, johnny 99 and atlantic city. as in, basically it gave you a pretty straight bleak picture of the current times, and it came back with a vengeance post bush-jr and I’m 100% sure it’ll show up again when he tours post-trump.
anyhow, as I think I’ve bored you enough with the technicalities, let’s move on to the actual thing. so, what do we have?
Well a great black river a man had foundSo he put all his money in a hole in the groundAnd sent a big steel arm driving down down downMan now I live on the streets of Houston town
so, we’re starting with a bang. first thing, the song’s title is seeds, which should suggest us that it’s about either agriculture or farmers.
except that it opens saying that ‘a man found a great black river’, and at the end of the stanza we find out that we’re in houston, so presumably around texas, so the black river that then turns into a hole in the ground with a big steel arm driving down down down (which considering the fast rhythm of the song gives you anxiety just hearing it) means that someone found oil and started drilling it in texas and as a consequence the narrator lives in the streets of one of texas’s biggest cities, so we can suppose that this guy was a farmer, he lost his land because of the oil drill and now he’s homeless. NICE START GUYS! but let’s go on.
Packed up my wife and kids when winter came alongAnd we headed down south with just spit and a songBut they said “Sorry son it’s gone gone gone”
next stanza, we find out that our guy has a family that he had to pack up when winter came along, so either his land was dead because of the oil drill or he couldn’t support them anymore out of farming. now, this could either be set in texas or not, but since in the eighties a lot of people from the north who lost their houses or land and used to be farmers or steel workers or so on went to texas because it was said to be someplace they could get jobs (again I know I say it every damned time but if you read dale maharidge’s somewhere like america or journey to nowhere you’ll see exactly what I meant), so either he went to texas from a nearby state or he was in northern texas and went down south, but the point is: he lost his job, he was a farmer (so not in a good position to start from since farming hasn’t made much money for small owners for a while) and now he’s gone to texas with a spit and a song (ie: hope), but as the song’s music keeps on being fairly bleak, the only answer he’s given is ‘sorry but it’s gone, gone, gone’, as in: if he wanted work, there isn’t any.
Well there’s men hunkered down by the railroad tracksThe Elkhorn Special blowing my hair backTents pitched on the highway in the dirty moonlightAnd I don’t know where I’m gonna sleep tonight
If we thought that was bad news, though, we’re just getting started, because not only our dude isn’t the only one in that same situation (men hunkered down by the railroad tracks, referring to the fact that in the eighties a lot of people had started riding trains again like in the great depression so they slept near the railroad - the elkohorn special is the name of a train), in tents along the highway in the *dirty* moonlight which suggests you a fairly bleak, sad picture. also, he doesn’t know where he’s going to sleep tonight, which means he doesn’t even have the tent.
Parked in the lumberyard freezing our asses offMy kids in the back seat got a graveyard coughWell I’m sleeping up in front with my wifeBilly club tapping on the windshield in the middle of the nightSays “Move along man move along”
solution: sleeping in the car, since they don’t have anything else. so, the guy and his family try to sleep in the car in a lumberyard with his children being sick (graveyard cough, suggesting that it’s pretty damned bad), except that they can’t even do that because the police shows up and tells them to leave, which was apparently common practice in texas at the time (again: same thing happened to the reporters in the aforementioned book because they had a car with ohio plates…), so they can’t stay and have to *move along*, but to where? we just don’t know.
so: the guy used to be a farmer, lost his job, went down to texas to look for work with his wife and kids, didn’t find any, was treated like crap and can’t even sleep in his car with his family, the alternative is tents along the highway or a railroad in winter, his kids are sick and there’s no hint of salvation anywhere nor of government help nor… really much of anything.
Well big limousine long shiny and blackYou don’t look ahead you don’t look backHow many times can you get up after you’ve been hit?
now, that’s it for the backstory - we don’t know where the narrator ends up or if he finds work. but we learn his opinion. first of all, he talks to a generic ‘big long shiny black limousine’, which we can automatically assume means that he’s talking to someone rich (or the idea of someone rich) who could afford such a car (he certainly can) accusing them of not looking ahead ( = not seeing the consequences of their greed, which we can tie back to the oil drill in the first part that started our guy’s problems) and of not looking back ( = can mean that they don’t care for who comes behind them in wealth or that they don’t remember not being wealthy or both), and then asks them, how many times can you get up after being hit, as in, how many times could you fall on your feet before you end up like me?
we just don’t know, but probably more than the narrator… though one supposes the narrator is hoping the time comes for them, too. that becomes veery clear in the next part:
Well I swear if I could spare the spitI’d lay one on your shiny chromeAnd send you on your way back home
if he could spare the spit (which suggests he can’t, so maybe they barely even have means to drink and eat) he’d use it to spit on the limousine ie what stands for enormous undeserved wealth that a) the narrator will never obtain, b) caused the (economical) situation that brought the narrator to misery, so we also can see that the narrator is absolutely aware that his poverty is tied with the fact that rich people don’t care for the likes of him and would throw him under the dirt in a second, nor care if he can’t support himself anymore. and then he’d send the rich person back home, if he could. but he can’t.
and that’s bleak enough, but then we get to the last part and it gets possibly worse:
So if you’re gonna leave your town where the north wind blowTo go on down where that sweet soda river flowWell you better think twice on it JackYou’re better off buying a shotgun dead off the rackYou ain’t gonna find nothing down here friendExcept seeds blowing up the highway in the south windMoving on moving on it’s gone gone it’s all gone
at this point, the narrator is addressing someone else - someone named jack who could be anyone as it’s an extremely common name - who might want to go south and tells him not to. going south means leaving a town where the north wind blows (so where it’s cold and there’s nothing for them) to go where that sweet soda river flow which paints an imagery of a river overflowing with sugary refined drink… from which poor people can’t serve themselves anyway, and according to the narrator if that is the plan, then you’re better off buying a shotgun ie killing yourself before you go south because there is nothing down there except seeds blowing up the highway in another type of wind, so the seeds they might have planted back home are getting wasted along the highway people sleep on… and everything is gone and they have nothing left.
and the fact that it’s this bleak is probably why it didn’t end up on the record proper (admittedly bitusa has a slightly different feeling so it probably wouldn’t have fit given that it’s a lot more raw and musically angry than any other song on that record except maybe bitusa but the electric version lures you in with the beat and you don’t realize how angry it is until you hear the original imvho), but it’s sadly a fairly accurate portrayal of how things were going bad economically for all the people laid off without a second chance to find something better in the late 70s-early 80s. too bad that things haven’t changed and this piece has stayed pretty much relevant even these days.
thank you anon with the roose bolton voice, I hope you enjoyed the fruits of your disappointment ;)
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stupidocupido · 5 years
Outtake 1 | you want it darker
Read the ‘real’ story here: You want it darker 1 You want it darker 2 You want it darker 3
This was at first how part 3 would start. I didn’t think this fitted the tone of the story (a bit too sweet, a bit too soft.) Keep in mind, this is rejected writing for a reason! 
Summary: Picks up after the night of part 2. Reader has a dream again and doesn’t really like the way it makes her feel. Mentions of morning sex and a lot of thoughts. 
His skin is an icy white, blue circles beneath his eyes. The eyes are barely open. The beasts are devouring him, moaning with each bite they take. The blood flowing over his flesh is not red, it is black. As black as the bodies burned around us. And burning is what they will do for forever. The hungry beasts ignore me, they only have eyes for the bringer of dawn. Whimpers escaping him, the asphalt turning dark. I don’t know where I am. The sound of a car in the distance, the boy dying in front of me is young. Bleed is all what he will do for the rest of eternity. Forever burning somewhere nobody can reach.
When I wake up he is still there. He is making small sounds, arms wrapped around my body. I still feel a slight panic in my stomach from the dream, it all felt too real. I had never dreamed like this, never dreamed of a place so hopeless. The whimpering sounds he is making cut right through my heart. Does he dream about dying? Does he dream about his end as well? I push my leg between his legs, the movement causing friction. I don’t want him to die, I realize. Watching him sleep like this, the look of fear on his features. He does not deserve to end like that, does not deserve to end up burning. Does not deserve to be eaten away. And that realization is scarier than every thought I ever had about him. Wanting to fuck him was nothing compared to this feeling. My body had needs, he could provide a solution for those needs. There was nothing wrong with that, but my mind also wanting him is a problem. The ache my body had for him could be easily cured, his body also seemed to ache for me. But there is no cure for the ache my heart has for him. There is no cure against falling in love.
I feel him against my core, the heat of his skin a pleasant feeling. I need to exorcise the feelings in my heart, need to get rid of the ache I have for him. Rubbing myself against him, watching his body react to mine. His eyes are still closed, the angst on his face gone for now. He is half hard already when I touch him. Slowly feeling him, my other hand touching his stomach. Going lower, touching the inside of his tight. Placing my lips in his neck, pressing a soft kiss against his hot skin. He looks so innocent like this, lost in the world of his head. A world that is entirely his, but a world he cannot control. It is so easy to let him fill my heart, it is so easy to fall in love with him. I push him on his back, crawling on top of him. Our shift in positions finally wakes him up. Eyes slowly opening, a confusion in the blue when he realizes where he is. I bet he planned on leaving me lonely after I fell asleep. He opens his mouth to say something, but I cut off his words with a kiss. I don’t want to talk, don’t want to hear him say something clever. This newfound feeling I have for him does not need to get stronger. With every teasing thing he says I love him more, I must exorcise the feelings I have.
Maybe I can pull a Pavlov on myself, and just have sex with him every time the word ‘love’ forms in my head. Then love will be nothing more than just sex. I can do that, let it be just sex. My kisses are gentle though, containing the burning desire to a minimum. Kissing his lips, his cheeks, the top of his nose and his jaw. He allows it all, let’s me kiss him like a lover.
Leaning on my elbows, letting his kisses devour me. Rubbing myself against him, his hips are bucking up. His member touching my ass. I cup his face in my hands, still not saying a word. It seems like he also does not really feel like talking. Kissing me instead. In another world this would be just a cozy morning, waking up in a bed with the person I love. But this is not another world, not another life. But for now I can pretend it is, for now I can pretend the world did not end, that he did not kill my sisters. For now I can pretend that we kept seeing each other after our first time together. Can pretend we lived together, a perfectly boring normal life.
And I want it so bad, the life I can so easily picture. I want all of him, all of his love, all of the clichés and all of that could have been. And to stop myself from crying I reach out to touch him, guiding him inside me. It is everything yesterday was not, gentle movements, gentle touches. My mind telling me to rough it up, that this feels too much like making love and not the fucking I want from him. But that is not really what I want from him, this is exactly what I want from him. My breast pressed against his breast, his arms wrapped around my waist. Letting me control the movements, kissing my shoulders, my neck and then finally my lips. Breathing in his soft moans, every sound he makes goes straight to my core. It is nothing like yesterday, it is more personal, it is more intense. Every expression he makes for my eyes to see, the look in his eyes to be forever stored in my mind. His hands stroking my back, the gentleness of his touch doing crazy things to my body and mind. My orgasm hits me by surprise, losing control of my body, riding it out. It is so intense I don’t even notice that he came as well. Caught up in my own pleasure, caught up in all the contradicting feelings I have for him.
I keep lying on top of him, bringing my face closer to his. “Good morning.” My voice a whisper, not wanting to break the spell we’re in. He smiles, pulling me down for a long kiss. “It now is, yeah”
Tagging: @avesatanormalpeoplescareme @americanhorrorstudies @queencocoakimmie @ccodyferns @sloppy-little-witch-bitch26 @kylosbabe @queenie435 @langdonsdemon @supremewltch
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zukalations · 5 years
Monthly Question!! June 2018
Monthly Question!! is the new Kageki Top Star feature for 2018, taking over from That’s RanKING! It’s somewhat similar to That’s RanKING! in that it asks the Top Stars what they think the others would do in a particular situation, but without the points competition element.
An outtake from the back of the magazine is included.
This month’s question: If you were 10cm tall for a day, what would you do?
Monthly Question! In this situation…what would you do!?
The Top Star of each troupe answers ‘if this happened, what would you do?’ Enjoy this feature as we compare their predictions!
This month’s question: If you were 10cm tall for a day, what would you do?
Makaze Suzuho, Cosmos Troupe:
I would… I’d like to get in someone’s pocket and go see the other troupes’ rehearsal rooms. I think it would be fun to see how they deal with rehearsals and what’s popular in the other troupes.
Everyone else would… If Mirio-san (Asumi) shrank to 10cm tall she would be a fairy for real (laughs). I think Tama-chan would ride around on a golden retriever, since she loves them. Daimon-san would be really shocked and be like “What do I do!! Someone help!” and go to someone else for advice, maybe (laughs). But at 10cm tall using her smartphone would be a struggle too (laughs). Maybe Sayumi-san (Kurenai) could try riding across a river on a flower petal, like on the poster for ANOTHER WORLD (laughs).
Nozomi Fuuto, Snow Troupe
I would… I might like to try riding in somebody’s pocket. Also, I might like to try pranking people like “Where’s that voice coming from!” or “There’s a tiny person in this photo!” but...I’d probably get tired of it after around an hour…
Everyone else would… Mirio would make herself a hammock and things, and turn a corner of her house into Hawaii so she could spend the time relaxing. Tamakichi (Tamaki) would try to calmly fulfill her duties just as she would every day, I think...I have trouble picturing that for her, though (laughs). Sayumi-san would have people carry her around places and just try to enjoy herself. I have trouble picturing Makyaze (Makaze) like this, but she seems like she might enjoy riding on someone’s shoulder.
Asumi Rio, Flower Troupe
I would… I’d spend the time inside some food. Like trying to sleep inside a bread roll! It would smell nice, and it would be so soft… It would be really hard to try and go anywhere, so I’d just sleep in the bread roll the whole time.
Everyone else would… I think Ryou-chan (Tamaki) would be determined to challenge herself somehow, like climbing up on the sofa, or carrying the remote control or something. Even if Aya-chan (Nozomi) shrank, I think she’d still read her scripts and sheet music. She’d be working hard to try and turn the pages thinking “maybe looking at this while I’m smaller, I’ll make some new discovery.” Kurenai-san would ride on one of the troupe members’ shoulders, or in her pocket, and go out somewhere. I can’t picture a small Yurika-chan, so I’d like to meet her and play with her.
Tamaki Ryou, Moon Troupe
I would… If I was 10cm tall, I could go into even the tiniest holes, but...if there was a mouse that would be a big problem, and if I ran into a cat or a dog I might get carried off...ahhh, it’s so dangerous! I think I’d have someone let me ride on their shoulder so I could get around safely.
Everyone else would… I think the 10cm Asumi-san might enjoy challenging herself by seeing how far she could walk. Nozo-san (Nozomi) would be really excited about being 10cm tall and spend the whole time really actively. Kurenai-san would be like “Alright!” and spend the whole time startling people by calling out ‘Here I am!’ or setting up practical jokes. I also have an image of Yurika-san as someone who likes pranks, but I think she would try to silently startle people by moving things and such (laughs).
Kurenai Yuzuru, Star Troupe
I would… Eh~? Well, in the first place, it would be really dangerous outside, so I wouldn’t go out. I’d spend the whole time very quietly at home. I wouldn’t want to do anything risky! That’s so scary!
Everyone else would… I wonder if our phones would shrink too. If so, I think Yurika would take really cool pictures. If not I think she’d just sleep (laughs). Daimon would...maybe she would get in someone’s pocket? And then she would survey the landscape from inside their pocket. I feel like Tamakichi would spend the time studying the electrical system or something (laughs). Mirio-chan might go climb up on a flower. And me, I’d be at home sleeping (laughs).
Whose pocket would be best to ride in… Makaze: “Someone kind would be best. Tama-chan (Tamaki) seems like she’d take really good care of me. I’m her senior, after all (laughs). Mirio-san (Asumi) also seems like she’d be really careful with me. Sayumi-san and Daimon-san might not be the best idea (laughs). Daimon might make a sudden move and accidentally throw me out of her pocket, and Sayumi-san might forget I was in her pocket and end up hitting me, Bam! (laughs) Nope, nope, nope.”
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falsegoodnight · 3 years
Tumblr media
organized by category + universe
fic masterpost here
in a world alone:
✰ the sweetest devotion | G | 1k
bruise you like a peach:
✰ found on @clicktosubmit (masterpost)
yesterday came suddenly:
✰ a place to hide away | M | 1k
outtakes/alternate pov:
sleeping on our problems:
✰ say a little prayer | T | 3k
✰ what used to be mine | G | 2k - (song-fic; exes to lovers, non-famous x famous, angst with a happy ending, no smut; louis pov) 
all of these are only found on tumblr so reblogging the actual posts is much appreciated <3
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troiings · 6 years
so thursday afternoon something fucking busted (likely the water outtake or whatever on the washing machine considering i was washing clothes at the time), our kitchen and the master bedroom were filled with water and the mcfkn saga began
we acquired two shop vacs - a small one and an industrial one, filled them multiple times, managed to get all the surface water up except what was under the appliances (lol not moving that shit), and then began the epic string of “so and so’s coming” “no nevermind they’re not” or “they can’t help”
a man literally came thursday evening, looked, and said “well I dont know where the water is coming from; i need to know where the water’s coming from” and knowing that the water had leaked when the washer was running (and that the water was no longer leaking despite that the water to the house was not cut off) did not so much as bother looking at the washer. meanwhile our landlady is stressed and we’re stressed and she seems a little ignorant with all this because when she came over the water was all cleaned up and the twins and i are all hella passive people and landlady is having mental breakdowns now because we’re being pushier because we have a potential mold problem and the twins don’t have anywhere to sleep because we literally packed their whole room and the kitchen up yesterday (literally their belongings and all the kitchen stuff except large appliances are wrapped or in boxes just across the dining and living rooms. not to mention all the appliances in the kitchen are turned off because ?? well??? who knows how much water is under there still? 
basically we’re in a gigantic fkn clusterfuck right now
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adamwatchesmovies · 2 years
Christmas Break-In (2018)
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Somewhere, a child will grow up with Christmas Break-In. It will become their favorite holiday movie. Then, they will see Home Alone and have their world rocked. This is a shameless rip-off.
On the last day before Christmas break, young Izzy (Cameron Seely) is forgotten at school by her parents (Denise Richards and Sean O’Bryan). She has a great time eating the cafeteria sweets, playing guitar as loud as she wants to, and goofing around. Then, a trio of thieves - Barbi (Katrina Begin), Rico (Douglas Spain), and Ned (Jake Van Wagoner) - decide to hide inside the “empty building” to avoid detection from the police. Now it’s up to Izzy to ensure they don’t get away.
A little kid facing off alone against a group of bumbling thieves with cobbled-together traps because they’ve been left alone over Christmas? This is obviously Home Alone. The difference is you could stretch your imagination to buy the farfetched scenario thirty years ago. In 2018? it makes no sense. Even if Izzy doesn’t have her cellphone with her, even if the phone lines are down, even if the internet connection is down (it must be, even though she never even tries to jump on a computer), her parents have their phones; they should be able to contact SOMEONE to go get Izzy. Your mind immediately rejects the setup but this movie’s just getting started. For us to get to the face-off between Izzy and the crooks, Christmas Break-In has to jump through a half-dozen hoops. Her parents have to be the stupidest, most neglectful adults you’ve ever seen. Both of them forget to pick up their daughter despite “3 o’clock” being written on the back of their hands, and both working in the same office (a building which must be hours away from the school based on the changing daylight as they start driving). The Wet Bandit wannabees are just as useless. They’re on the run because they’ve stolen… the change from a Salvation Army. How much could two bags of jingling coins really be worth? They couldn’t have robbed a bank instead? Driving around in an ice cream truck (which they’re shocked to discover plays music as it drives, despite having driven to the crime scene in the same vehicle), they’re easily tricked into believing in ghosts and pose little threat to a little girl.
With no character arc for our heroine and relatively few “traps” to apprehend the villains, the story is padded out with parental foolishness. It’s a lot of bad slapstick and an encounter with a man that’s clearly Santa Claus (James Robert Miller) which goes nowhere. Then there’s what could generously be called a side plot with her brother. He gets fed up waiting for his idiot parents and decides to take it upon himself to rescue Izzy. Finally, there’s Ray (Danny Glover) the school janitor. He’s been teaching Izzy to play the electric guitar - yet another character from the Macaulay Culkin franchise slightly tweaked. Nothing is original.
That’s the biggest problem with this movie. It isn’t the unconvincing performances, the awful writing, or consistently unfunny comedy; it’s the lack of anything new. If you've seen Home Alone, you could write this plot in your sleep. If you haven't, you'll reject it outright as contrived and ridiculous. Christmas Break-In is cheap and stupid but if you decide to watch it, there are outtakes/bloopers during the end credits you might as well stick around for. (December 13, 2020)
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ziamfanfiction · 6 years
this week’s ziam ao3 feed
ohh look at me posting late again lol but in my defense i have to wake up at the ass crack of dawn on mondays so sunday posting gets difficult now lol so here we are. Anywho, remember to leave comments and kudos on the works you liked, make a writers day! 
fics posted/updated from March 19th to the 25th
It tastes better on you. by iwasnthere
Part 2 of At First Sight
Perfect by softzbaby
Zayn Malik-Payne is beautiful.
Twelve Fic Outtakes/Deleted Scenes by watyonameisgurl (wip)
Pretty much exactly what the title says and what I've hinted at in numerous end notes of the main fic for like forever - a collection of outtakes/deleted scenes (and possibly even some eventual alternate scenarios if I feel up to exploring that) from the Twelve fic verse
[DO NOT READ if you haven't finished the first fic in the verse yet]
Part 3 of Twelve Verse
30 Days of Ziam by milehighziam (wip)
A customized 30 Day Challenge all about Ziam in different instances, not each one in the same AU/setting as the next.
Jealous of Your Cigarette by suburbanmotel
I’m jealous of your cigarette And all the things you do with it I’m jealous of your cigarette And the pleasure that you get from it And not me
-- Hawksley Workman
“The way you smoke,” Liam says. He shakes his head like he’s coming out from underwater or out of a deep sleep. Maybe he is. He moves closer. “The way your mouth moves. Your tongue.”
Zayn stops moving completely. He just stops and stares at Liam, every muscle still and frozen, watching and waiting, lit cigarette tucked lightly between his elegant fingers. “What?”
“Like, you don’t even know." Liam licks dry lips. "You don’t get it. You don’t know what it does to me. What you do to me.”
What a feeling by Mary_dutch (wip)
When Zayn is forced to spend time at his family home, he expects a lot of problems. What he doesn't expect, is the boy-next-door to turn his life upside down.
Tumblr Drabbles by JoMouse (wip)
A collection of drabbles (anything that somehow ended up less than 1K words) that I've posted on tumblr based on prompts. Various pairings (mostly Ziam, tbh) and storylines and 'verses.
Don't know 'em. Don't own 'em. Don't show 'em.
Part 8 of Tumblr Prompts
Diet Soda Society by SpookyFaces (wip)
Zayn is a villain with daddy issues. Liam is a superhero with a fragile heart.
The thing is - they are roommates. Liam would never think Zayn is his enemy, and Zayn wouldn't even guess anything about Liam being a hero at nights. They keep making excuses to each other about why they are out all the time when something happens and lying about why their bodies are covered in scratches in bruises.
Oh, and they are in love. But this is just another secret they try to hide from each other.
The Science of Love by ShiningStar324 (wip)
"There are three stages of falling in Love. Lust, Attraction, and Attachment. There are hormones help the process. Oxytocin, Vasopressin are some hormones that get us attached to one another. So all in all it's not out heart that makes us fall in love, rather our brain."
"....I love it when you talk science to me..."
Or the one where Liam isn't good with words, and Zayn knows how to use way too many of them
Shawcross Park by Niler (wip)
Liam isn't a singer, a dancer or even a builder.
Zayn is one of the above.
The Article by arcticxonedirection (wip)
Zayn just thought he would spend his life writing topics he (didn't) love... What he didn't expect was for one of those topics to love him back.
AU where Zayn works for one of the most read gossip magazines alongside his pal Louis, Niall owns his own music shop and Liam is the hottest new star while his best friend Harry might start to like the fashion column a bit more.
Demons by PubuMalik_love_ZaynMalik_FOREVER (wip)
“I’m not available.” Zayn blurted out. “You’re married?” “No.” “Engaged?” “No.” “Living with someone?” Zayn shook head. Liam was quite for a seconds, staring at Zayn as if Zayn was a puzzle that he wanted to solve. “I’ll see you later,” he said eventually. “And in the meantime… I’m going to figure out how to get a ‘yes’ out of you.” Or Zayn is a wedding planner who's coordinating his first biggest wedding with his sister Sophia as he happened to meet handsome rich Liam payne on the wedding day.
Intoxicate Me, Mesmerize Me, Obliterate Me by eternallyunleashed (wip)
There was a certain heat obtained from rebellion that even the actual throes of heat never sparked. Keeping up an image of perfection; being the good kid, the perfect son to the Mayor and Chief of Police, the city of Lincoln’s sweetheart omega, it was all taxing to Zayn. Walking the thin line of danger was exhilarating. Was it coincidental that this danger happened to be an attraction to a certain alpha who was none other than the leader of the South Side Vipers gang, who seemed to despise him and the part of town he came from? Probably not. But when had anything ever stopped Zayn?
Who's That Boy? by LonelyAquarian (wip)
What If Zayn Had The Key To A Life That Liam Never Expected?
The King Of Queens by LHSHIP (wip)
Zayn was just like every other fangirl, except he was a boy. So technically you should call him a fanboy. Since he was gay as fuck though and got referred to as "biiiish" or "guuurl" all day long anyways he didn’t even think about that kind of issue. He wouldn’t even call it an issue in the first place but some people insisted on making precise distinctions whatsoever.
His internet friends - all girls of course - thought he should be called something like "The King Of Queens" apparently being the only boy who openly drooled over singer Liam Payne. And he liked it, not only because it was his dad’s favorite TV show but also because he'd always called his girl friends queens to make them feel special.
So yes, he was one of those crazy super fans who basically spent all of their time on Twitter because of a super famous and successful celebrity who didn’t even know about their existence.
And maybe Zayn was a tiny little bit of in love with Liam Payne...
Don't Be A Stranger by ohthathurt (cloisterrific_221B)
Louis has plans for Zayn but it involves international popstar Liam Payne, who has no idea what's about to hit him... or kiss him.
Part 3 of Drabbles
Beyond Words by StoryAnonGuy33 (wip)
"Some things are beyond words" Liam added lightly, Zayn laying back down on Liam's chest. "They are, aren't they?" He commented back, Liam smiling and kissing the top of his head. "You bet babe"
Or when Liam and Zayn attend the same college and with budding and cemented feelings between the two, will things turn out the way they want?
The New Teacher by mmaree (wip)
Being a novice teacher is tough, but being a novice teacher at Payne Academy is even tougher. Fortunately for Zayn, the other teachers on the staff seem friendly enough…at first.
Or the one where Zayn’s dream job slowly turns into his worst nightmare. And his worst nightmare may or may not be named Dr. Payne.
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