#since while you do get access to a very useful mechanical benefit potentially
aeondeug · 3 months
reading the imperium maledictum corebook and whatever this system is like to actually play i do think that the patron and influence systems are neat.
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Coldshot Thoughts
I'm doing this for another operator because I took the time to figure out how she works and now I have to upstage Gamepress. That's not hard but it's my moral duty as someone who actually plays Arknights.
HP: 1,855 ATK: 958 (+105 from Trust) (Total: 1,063) DEF: 224 RES: 0 Redeployment Time: 80 seconds DP Cost: 21 Block Count: 1 Attack Interval: 1.6 seconds
Potentials DP Cost -1 Redeployment time -10 seconds DP Cost -1 Improves "Not to be Outdone" DP Cost -1
Welfares in Arknights suffer from being in a state of limbo generally. Welfares are generally decent or good units, but they very rarely fall out of these bounds. Unlike normal Operators, Welfares do not really benefit from access to their potentials: they have deliberately inflated DP cost and Redeployment Time which means that their potentials don't actually end up improving them across the board. Most Welfares are also 5-stars, which means they end up sitting in the awkward rarity where they feel like they cost more like a 6-star operator but don't quite have the same impact.
This said, Coldshot doesn't initially leave a bad impression, at least in part because the Hunter class is pretty impressively stated. They have good bulk for a Sniper (only losing to Spreadshooters), very high ATK, and a reasonable attack interval. This all comes at a rather nice 18 DP cost too.
Trait Attacks consume Ammo (not Ammunition) to increase ATK to 120%; While not attacking, Ammo will be slowly reloaded (max Capacity 8)
This is due to the Hunter trait. They can attack continuously while they have ammunition, but will have to spend time reloading once they don't. This results in some DPS loss while they have no ammunition, since there is some delay between reloading and attacking again (at most about 0.39 seconds).
Reloading is worth talking about here as well. Reloading takes the same amount of time as attacking (1.6 seconds), but isn't affected by anything that would modify the attack interval, such as ASPD. This means that while Hunters can benefit from ASPD buffs, once they need to reload, their DPS can be considered capped since they need to go through the entire reload process.
In addition, it should be noted here that Coldshot has no synergy with Chen the Holungday. Her talent won't affect Coldshot's ammo use, since they're different mechanics entirely.
The benefit here is the juicy damage increase Hunters get. This is an Attack Scale buff, which means it gets applied after all other modifiers (Inspiration, +x% Atk buffs) but before Defense. This gives Coldshot a rather fantastic damage per hit of 1,275.6 damage, which is really impressive as a base line for a Sniper class. This makes Hunters rather versatile anti-armor units thanks to their good attack interval, especially against low Weight enemies with high DEF (such as in Contingency Contract) where Besiegers are disadvantaged.
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The Hunter attack range is an upgraded Lord Guard attack range, and that's honestly a pretty good place to be. She doesn't quite have the spread of the other Archer classes, but she has better penetration being able to hit 5 tiles away.
That was intentional, this is absolutely the cock and balls attack range. Helena is a trans milf and you cannot change my mind.
Next let's move to Helena's talent.
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This is an interesting talent since it supports using Helena in generally low pressure lanes. Not attacking for 2 seconds is a pretty easy condition to fulfill by accident since she only needs to stop attacking for 0.4 seconds, and she gets another nice Attack Scale buff for her trouble. Attack Scale buffs stack in a multiplicative fashion, so she'll end up dealing 1.596x her attack in damage with her talent.
This brings her DPH up to 1,696.548 (yeah I've learned that Arknights doesn't round its really annoying on my eyes too) which is quite impressive. If you're sustaining her talent hits over a long period of time as soon as you can, it's worth noting that Coldshot's DPS actually goes up a bit too, which really incentives the low pressure lanes for Coldshot.
Moving onto her skills:
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ATK Up gamma Auto Recovery, Manual Activation, 30 second duration Starting SP: 15, SP Cost: 30 ATK + 100%
There is not a particularly compelling reason to use Coldshot's S1. The attack buff it provides is weaker than her S2, she misses out on the Slow bonus which helps to keep enemies in Coldshot's attack range, and it has a worse duration than her S2. Even with the shorter reload time compared to her S2, her DPS is weaker thanks to the smaller ATK buff.
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Party Night Auto Recovery, Manual Activation, 40 second duration Starting SP: 25, SP Cost: 40 Increases reload interval by 0.8 seconds, ATK +140%, and attacks slow the taget for 1 second.
This is the only skill that's really worth using on Coldshot. Her ATK with this skill goes up to a pretty staggering 2,551.2, and that's before adding in the ATK scale bonus innate to the Hunter class. That brings her DPH to 3061.44, and that's really impressive. It's not often you can boast damage numbers that high on a Sniper, and this also means Coldshot has a very respectable DPS while her skill is up of 1,913.4.
The extra reload time is both a drawback and a boon. It means that while Coldshot is reloading, she will always benefit from the effect of her talent, and the extra damage pushes her DPH to 4,071.7152 this rather gross looking number. 4000 DPH is genuinely impressive, but Coldshot also suffers from a DPS while having to reload, since the increase to her reload interval outweighs the extra benefits of her talent.
This puts Coldshot into a very weird spot. There's already a general shortage of enemies in the 3000 DEF range, you can tell Coldshot was teched for her event stages given the Energy mechanic, so the extra damage per hit is mostly just unnecessary, and she does suffer from the DPS drop. But hey, you wanna see a fun calc kid?
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1063 * 1.35 = 1435.05 * 2.4 = 3444.12 * 1.596 = 5,496.81552
Coldshot while reloading can do meaningful damage to a non-debuffed Last Knight while her reload interval will keep her from being frozen. If you pair her with a Therapist Medic (particularly Ceylon), or have the Healer's Path - Restore Sanity book, she can DPS him while his HP is below 50% as well and won't have to worry about running out of ammo beforehand.
That rocks personally, I cannot fucking wait to try that out. That's with one Relic too. Imagine.
With this all being said, where exactly does Coldshot fit into all of this? If you were concerned about her viability, what is there to think about? One of the problems facing Coldshot is that a high DPH Sniper class is not one without competition, since Deadeyes, Heavyshooters, and Besiegers all fit in that slot too. Hunters don't quite have the ceiling that Heavyshooters like Melanite do, the range that Deadeyes like Firewatch provide, or the impressive DEF ignoring benefits of the Besieger class like Erato.
But, critically, Coldshot is really fucking easy to use, and comes with her own fun specific range benefits over the other classes. Melanite requires extreme close quarters range or ends up having worse DPS with her S1 than Coldshot. Provence can boast similarly nutty DPH numbers, but doing so is both luck based, requires enemies to be damaged, and has a strong positional requirement. Erato needs outside Sleep support to make the most out of her DEF reducing talent, Toddifons is good against exactly Sarkaz enemies, and the Deadeyes all end up with weaker DPS than Coldshot. Firewatch's DPH without her module is even weaker than Coldshot's.
(It's better with her Module though, although her DPS is still lower thanks to her longer Attack Interval.)
Every 5-star comparable operator has some tension in their kit, tension which is fun and cool to work around, but its still there. Coldshot just gets to do big funny numbers for free, with the tradeback that she will have a period where her DPS takes a hit comparatively. This ease of use is a big reason Ray is really good on CN: she's very comparable to the other 6-stars but benefits from being really easy to use. Unfortunately, this does incentivize people to not take much note of Coldshot, but let's be real for a moment.
Coldshot is pretty good, but a very what you see is what you get operator. She maintains no strong niche for the benefit of being more generally powerful. There's no real way to push her higher, meaning her ceiling won't be that impressive, but her floor is rather ridiculous. In the world of shitty Youtube thumbnails and Gamepress tier lists, sometimes you just gotta sit down and go
3000 damage is 3000 damage.
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huntunderironskies · 1 month
If (hypothetically speaking) a guy (not necessarily me, but whoever's doing it would definitely be very smart and handsome) were to make a game about were-creatures (guess what it's inspired by) in an urban fantasy setting (ft. a lot of fighting on both the social and physical front and sick-ass powers), how would you like the player characters to be handled in terms of mechanics?
For context: I'm planning on doing a splat type deal (like a character class if this somehow breaches containment from my normal sphere) with your species being your splat. This will determine powers and other benefits you'll have access to. Uncertain if it'll function on an x/y splat axis, this is still very early development phases and honestly I need to hack out just how I'm going to handle everything before we get to that step. I'm torn on whether or not I like the idea but I feel like the secondary solution here is to just do both.
And to be clear, I am very set on having a monster secret society here. I don't like the idea of them being individualistic or isolated, so having the splats be culturally cohesive in some way is very important to me. I'm also somewhat set on having a medium-to-high crunch system here, rules-lite monsters has been done a bit more extensively than I'd like. This will almost definitely be an in-house system as well.
So, with that said, here is my cost-benefit analysis for the three options. You might have to pitch me the secret fourth thing but I promise I will at least consider those.
Folkloric Archetypes
As you are probably very aware if you've heard me talk for more than five minutes, I really like religious studies. It's very easy to come up with general roles that certain animals can play within human folklore and mythology. Tricksters, warriors, psychopomps, and so on. The idea here is you get fairly abstract powers (like being able to talk to ghosts if you're a psychopomp) and get to roughly pick what species you might be that fits into that general archetype.
Bonuses: Permits a very wide variety of potential animal species. Lots of wiggle room in terms of what species can be what and I could just give general examples. Allows people to use their own animal species I might not have thought of.
Drawbacks: Extremely difficult to give broad archetypes any specific lore focus or concentrated society. My preference is towards simulationist systems and it'd be very hard to come up with ways to handle form bonuses since that will absolutely be a thing, what's the fun of a shapeshifter system if you don't get to literally go beast mode? Not as much room to expand on roles either since there's far less you can do with general archetypes.
Species-by-Species Case
Kind of self-explanatory. You get a grab bag of well-known species heavily associated with shapeshifting (wolves, hyenas, cats, bears, possibly seals, et cetera) and pick one you like. You'll still get at least some abstract powers, though.
Bonuses: Lends itself well to mid-to-high crunch simulationist thing. Easy to incorporate actual fun facts about what the animal in question is capable of and make those innate abilities. Easier to justify in an urban fantasy setting as having inspired various folklore bits IRL, meaning they feel like they have a natural place in the setting. A lot easier to justify each group having highly specific cultural practices, making the options feel more unique.
Drawbacks: Way less freeform in terms of character options, meaning player options are more limited. Simulationist usually means tons of tweaking stats and having to fuss over game balance while remaining somewhat realistic, so lots of cognitive overhead for the designer, who may or may not be me.
Both (usage of an x/y splat axis?)
Yeah. My first thought is that in this case the species splat would be like..."giant predator" or "stealth ambusher" or whatever, and then you have a cultural splat that's more like what your folklore role is (so the whole "trickster" or "psychopomp" thing.)
Bonuses: Best of both worlds...? Maybe?
Drawbacks: Not sure how to handle the way shapeshifter culture would work here. Justifying something like a trickster bear seems like it would be difficult which could lead to some incongruities. oh god so many powers to make
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bebeautifulusa · 9 months
Ultimate OFF-GRID Generator Reviews - Does It Work ?
The Ultimate Off-Grid Generator is an eBook that shows you how to reduce your electricity costs and produce power whenever needed. Cost-saving and straightforward to construct. 
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Many people embrace off-the-grid living because it is an eco-friendly lifestyle that considerably lessens the potential harm that power generation can do to the environment. However, due to the challenges in obtaining and utilizing renewable energy sources, it is not always feasible. The answer to the issue is The Ultimate Off-Grid Generator. For individuals looking to reduce their dependency on the electrical grid and save their energy costs, it is a huge relief. The Ultimate Off-Grid Generator is a backup generator that can be utilized in case of power outages and as a temporary replacement for a power source.
It may be transported from the office to the workplace or to a farmhouse where someone may be vacationing because it is portable and lightweight.
The power tool is so efficient that it may guarantee a savings in monthly energy costs of up to 80%.
The system is intended to run on green energy sources that have long been underutilized. In doing so, The Ultimate Off-Grid Generator helps the consumer save money while also protecting the environment.
Visit the official website of Ultimate OFF-GRID Generator
What is the Ultimate Off-Grid Generator's mechanism?
Today, everyone today considers electricity to be a basic requirement. In order to assist you optimize your savings while using a safer and greener source of power, the Ultimate Off-Grid Generator was developed.
The simple-to-build gadget can enable you to save more money on your power bills or supply you with electricity in case of crises.
The Ultimate Off-Grid Generator has a very straightforward process.
Simply install the device by following the instructions when it has been constructed. Once installed, you may test it out to make sure it functions properly.
With the help of the gadget, your house and appliances will have access to a source of power you have never known before.
What does "boosts energy" actually imply now? The solution is clear-cut and straightforward to comprehend. Every family receives a predetermined and capped amount of power.
This flow of electricity may be impacted by variations, power shortages, and other factors.
The Ultimate Off-Grid Generator multiplies this electricity and amplifies it into a source that is five times more powerful than what you get at home once it is connected to the main portion of your electrical system.
The affordable and efficient Ultimate Off-Grid Generator gadget is simple to use while still being extremely powerful.
What features does the best off-grid generator have?
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. A person becomes independent when they are not reliant on the electricity grid, which is arguably the most significant public utility service.
. Its user may utilize it wherever they want because to its mobility.
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. Just 20 minutes spent learning how to utilize The Ultimate Off-Grid Generator may result in a 200% boost in electricity production.
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Get Ultimate Off-Grid Generator
The Ultimate Off-Grid Generator: Why Purchase?
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An excellent source of alternative energy is The Ultimate Off-Grid Generator. It was developed to assist you in increasing your savings and reaping the benefits of having a low-cost energy source installed in your house.
It's an entire package: After making your purchase, you have access to a number of resources that will enable you to construct the full system on your own. They consist of the following:
A guidebook that includes all the necessary information. . The schematics, or exact representations of the gadget, are provided. . Make a list of every component you need. . A step-by-step manual to make the system-building process simple.
2. Cost-effective: The components needed to construct the Ultimate Off-Grid Generator are inexpensive. Hardware stores and nearby electronic retailers frequently carry these parts.
3. Works in all weather: The Ultimate Off-Grid Generator operates without difficulty in any weather, unlike some other alternative energy systems, such as solar energy, which is only effective in locations with abundant sunshine. It doesn't need to be charged by the sun, and it doesn't need extra batteries to operate at night.
4. Simple to construct and maintain: The system comes with a detailed, step-by-step instruction manual to assist you in the construction process. Once installed, it doesn't need to be maintained and is functional for the next three to four years.
5. It is environmentally friendly: When you use standard energy, a lot of radiation, fumes, and other dangerous chemicals are released into the air. It is reasonable to conclude that the Ultimate Off-Grid Generator system is as environmentally favorable to solar and wind power systems.
6. Doubles your savings: It cuts down the consumption of electricity that you use. Hence, it reduces the costs of energy bills by 50%-80%.
The Most Effective Off-Grid Generator: Step-by-Step Building Instructions?
The vendors of The Ultimate Off-Grid Generator give thorough and precise instructions for locating the necessary parts, assembling them, and installing the gadget, so constructing and setting up the generator is not extremely difficult.
The guidebook includes detailed step-by-step instructions for the whole procedure.
First step: The first task is to gather the materials needed to construct the system. Nearly majority of these will be accessible locally.
Step two: After the necessary materials have been obtained, the power producing system must be constructed in accordance with the instructions in the instruction manual. Each line should be carefully read, and the items should be attached as necessary, taking care not to neglect any instructions.
Step three: After the device has been appropriately assembled, the user must make sure that it is linked to the appropriate locations.
Step four: The following task is to connect it to the building's primary power source. At this point, installation instructions must be carefully followed. At this point, anyone who does not feel very secure handling it themselves should seek expert assistance.
The final step is where the system is tested. It is assured to function properly, and once it does, the user's path toward financial savings will have begun.
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With great certainty, it is beneficial to spend money on The Ultimate Off-Grid Generator when all its benefits are taken into account, as well as the time and expertise needed to build it.
Setting up The Ultimate Off-Grid Generator offers consumers tremendous power-saving advice. Saving money and avoiding overloading the electrical system that supplies electricity to a whole region are two benefits.
The benefits of The Ultimate Off-Grid Generator considerably surpass the small initial expenditures required to produce it.
The fact that The Ultimate Off-Grid Generator uses green energy is another significant plus.
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Whatever element of the device we look at, it is a useful one. The consumer is further safeguarded by the business's refund promise.
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off-grid power generator customer reviews
Martin Craig from Austin, Texas: My electric bills kept getting bigger and bigger... and for a while, I was thinking about paying $15,000 on a solar panel system. Glad I didn’t. The Ultimate OFF-GRID Generator does the trick, and it cost me a little under $108 to make it.
71-year-old Andrew Johnson from Colorado: I’ve never built anything in my entire life... yet this was so easy, I assembled it with my grandkids. Now we get free electricity 24/7.
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aresmarked · 3 years
I'm curious what is your opinion on Surtr from a gameplay perspective like I understand that you don't have to use her if you have her but do you think having such powerful characters negatively impact the game since future content has to keep in mind that power level?
lol tfw you wanna sit on a q and almost forget it's there
Mmm.... honestly, I feel like having to keep in mind that actually encourages creativity on the part of devs and players, because they have to create mechanics that can be managed by people both without and with Surtr, and players have to figure out said mechanics and potential solutions. Take the mechanic in WD-8. Yes, Surtr certainly makes it easier; there's no denying her power. But the mechanic, and the gilded medal attached to the stage, is more about minding who's your biggest damager, who could be any reasonable DPS unit, and careful timing of unit drop and withdrawal. A bit like the Rat King puzzle. And the one Contingency map that revolves around managing alerting enemies.
For me I mind Surtr's existence less than others because the content does not become inaccessible because of her. I mind if that happens, and I mind if potential other options can't find a way to be used. Arknights' context is also unique, because you're not playing against anyone/trying to beat anyone really. Unlike, say, gold brick honour racing against other players in Granblue raids (and even that, is in a very specific context and generally at a certain level).
There is also the accessibility piece to consider. It has a little less to do with your question per se, but if a player is more focused on being able to clear content quickly than finagle out mechanics, they can bring their own Surtr or borrow someone else's. I feel that's a perspective that gets easily lost when people focus a lot on playing a game a 'right' way. I now have work that keeps me busy for a good part of the day, away from a lot of potential 'solving' time, so I'll freely admit, I use the tools around me to ease the amount of thinking required, guides and characters alike.
Is there validity to concerns that characters like Surtr allow bypass of a lot of mechanics? Sure. Is there benefit to having such character? Yes. While, if I were a game dev (and I am most decidedly not someone who has work experience building game systems and numbers for that purpose--it's a more difficult/specific job than a lot of folk realise), I'm not sure I'd add Surtr, I think Arknights probably has one of the more resilient systems where her existence doesn't render strats that don't centre around her irrelevant. The environment is such that her existence is less a concern. Namely, Arknights is at its heart a single-player puzzle game, and people can choose how they want to deal w that puzzle. Including incinerating it XD
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happi-tree · 3 years
On The Style and Effectiveness of 1-A Hero Costumes - Part 2/5
Part 2 of this post!
Part 1 2 3 4 5
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It’s armor time!!! Behold a man. 
What I don’t like:
The costume seems too bulky for a Quirk and fighting style that optimize speed. And while it’s true that cars are pretty bulky but still go fast, it’s equally true that certain types of cars are designed to go faster. The current design reminds me most of a semi or a big SUV, but if the costume was more streamlined along the lines of racecars or sports cars, it would help take off the extra weight that the bulk provides, leaving Iida lighter and more streamlined - therefore, faster. 
Some examples of slimmer armor include Go Go Tomago’s from Big Hero 6 and Jim Lake Jr.’s from Trollhunters. And while I get that his body type inherently lends itself to being tank-like, lightening up on the bulk would probably be great for him.
The exhaust pipes out of his back confuse me. They bring some car energy, which is entirely welcome, but they likely hinder balance and motion, which is bad. They leave him looking a little unbalanced, and since so much of his strength and his fighting ability focuses on his lower body, having excess superficial material protruding out of the sides like that doesn’t seem to lend him any favors. And even while it looks cool, it just seems like it would be uncomfortable? Especially since a lot of runners - Iida included - like having full range of their arms to help propel them forward. The pipes might get in the way of that.
Here’s what I like:
The overall aesthetic. I love how this look both makes sense with Iida’s Quirk and personality and plays with elements of his older brother’s costume. It simultaneously puts across some knightly vibes - which is genius, considering how chivalrous and rule-following Iida typically is - and also calls to mind Transformers and cars with the emphasis on the engines and some of the more mecha elements.
The support! Armor is such an easy way to protect yourself while also getting some serious style points. His most essential areas are covered - neck, chest, arms, and legs - which is especially important considering that Iida’s legs are integral to his Quirk and his fighting style. The helmet is also a really good choice, considering this boy is essentially a human car. He looks a bit intimidating wearing it, which is good for fighting Villains, I suppose. Class dad is protected.
And a misc. note:
You know how after Iida’s special Recipro Burst move, he has to wait awhile while his engines cool back down? I think it would be really neat if he implemented some cooling technology into his Hero suit (similarly to Todoroki’s temperature-regulating gear). Theoretically, if he could find something that worked a bit like coolant for his engines, he would have a much quicker reaction time - and speed is the main facet of his Quirk, so it would probably help a lot!
Overall: Very good at providing protection while having a bomb-ass aesthetic. Not quite so good at being built for speed.
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On the other side of the armored spectrum… we have this kid!
What I don’t like:
*Edna Mode voice* NO CAPE! Why do I not like the cape? Capes can snag on stuff very easily and it would be an easy thing for Villains to target and use to unbalance Aoyama. Longer capes are especially susceptible to getting trapped under rubble, torn up, or covered in gunk from the environment (which is not the Look he seems to like). I feel like a shorter cape would get a similar message across while minimizing the potential dangers that a long cape poses. Of course, Aoyama can be trained via experience to utilize his costume effectively with the full-length cape, but when his life and the lives of others are on the line, I’d rather not take that chance.
The shades. I get that they’re iconic, but they’re taking rose colored glasses a bit too seriously. 110% will fall off his face and also messes with the princely Vibe the rest of his costume provides. I do like their Elton John energy, though.
Not a bad thing, but I just want to know how his belt works.
Here’s what I like:
The overall aesthetic. I love how the costume’s obvious “princely knight” vibe reflects so much of Aoyama’s character. 
The support here is also really good! Working the belt into the theme of his costume so seamlessly is very innovative and I love that for him. Getting the knee pads and shoulder pauldrons to match his central laser both adds to the uniqueness of the outfit and also pushes that royalty theme since they look very similar to inset gems. 
The color scheme. Purple, silver, gold, and black look very classy and regal together, and I appreciate how the royal purple ties back into the concept of European royalty, which is very in-character for this boy. His pantaloon-looking things??? Neato.
Overall: Eh, okay. Ditch the glasses and shorten the cape. Superb, you funky lil knight light.
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Here we are! I’m finally taking a crack at one of the most highly debated hero costumes in the entire show, and like a good portion of people, I’m gonna be extremely salty about it. Yaomomo doesn’t deserve this - none of the girls deserve this. These are my thoughts:
What I don’t like:
The absolute lack of support. For any aspect of her. Nothing about this costume is protective (other than maybe the partial high collar). Her most vulnerable areas are exposed, and while it makes sense for easy Quirk usage, it does not make sense for a girl who’s fighting homicidal maniacs on the front lines. The most glaring area in need of support is obviously her chest, as nothing substantial is holding her bust in place. However, so much could be done to work with the benefits of Creation and against its weaknesses that is not being done in this costume. I’ve seen quite a few redesigns that include a sports bra with a front zip closure, which is worlds better. With the show being set in the future, having a slightly mechanized costume with the ability to retract certain pieces at the press of a button would be useful and likely doable considering Yuuei’s own Support department. Gloves would probably be a good idea to give Yaoyorozu a better grip on harder-to-handle Created objects, such as heavy metal machinery. 
The over-sexualization is, obviously, disgusting. Nothing about this costume says “Hero.” What it does say, in-universe, is that someone had the absolute gall to approve and send this outfit to a 15-year-old girl about to be thrown headfirst into training for an extremely dangerous profession. It says that giving a person in their freshman year of high school an overly sexualized outfit meant for combat training is okay (it isn’t, for reasons I can’t even begin to explain). This more closely resembles an outfit for a lingerie or swimsuit model than it does for any type of superhero, which alone should be enough to warrant some serious changes - especially, as I have stated, since the girl is only 15!
The overall aesthetic. There is no aesthetic reading for this costume other than “sexy”, which, as I explained above, is very problematic. Sure, the exposed skin makes sense for her Quirk, since she needs access to skin in order to produce items with Creation, but nothing about this outfit denotes anything about her personality. Yaoyorozu Momo is a gentle girl who has been shown to have self-esteem issues from early on in the show, and just knowing that makes me wonder if she feels uncomfortable wearing this. If she’s totally comfortable in this look, good for her! But comfort in our clothing factors so much into our mental states, which translates directly to our physical performance - it’s the same reason why having clothes that fit you and your style well make you feel more confident and more content. And especially if Yaoyorozu wasn’t quite expecting the amount of skin revealed when her costume was given to her, it could likely have added on to her self-esteem issues as seen early in the school year.
The skintight fit of what amounts to a glorified bathing suit is not conducive or acceptable whatsoever. With such a powerful Quirk, Yaoyorozu needs all the protective material she can get - which, as I said in Uraraka’s analysis, is quite simply not possible to fit under that bodycon fabric. Some padding at the very least would work wonders, and bulletproof material would serve her even better. 
Once again, heels are not good for any kind of running or fighting! At least it’s a block heel, which is marginally more stable than, say, a stiletto, but still.
The literal bookshelf on her ass. It makes no sense to put it there - it’s an inconvenient place (what if she needs to sit down?) and it looks incredibly awkward to move around with. Besides, there’s absolutely nothing stopping that book from falling at the slightest jostle. At least give her a proper holster or implement it into a toolbelt like some of the boys have. 
What’s with the belt? Can it hold emergency supplies? Or is it just there to make it seem like she’s wearing more than a deep v one-piece? I’m at a loss here.
Here’s what I like:
The color scheme. Deep red, white, and pale yellow look good on her! The color ratios are also pretty good in my opinion. Unfortunately, this is the only good thing I can say about her getup.
And to round us out, some misc. notes:
I feel like the book could be done away with entirely and replaced with something digital. This universe is set multiple centuries into the future, and I think something like a holographic data set would look slick, enable for faster search time for whatever info Yaoyorozu would need, and eliminate the bulk problem completely. At the very least, there could be a smartwatch-type gauntlet to pull up info with a larger screen to enable easy reading. Really, the lack of support for Yaoyorozu’s look is devastating because she could go so many directions in creating an outfit that works with her Quirk’s strengths and against its weaknesses.
Overall: Awful, a disgrace, and a disservice to one of the coolest, kindest characters in the class. I would kill for her to get the outfit she deserves.
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Wow, look! Two travesties in a row! One more and I get a bingo!
Hagakure, I love you so much, and I am so, so sorry that the yahoos over at the Support company thought that this was a good idea.
What I don’t like:
Uh. The fact that there isn’t a costume. There is literally no in-universe rationalization for this. Surely, they have the technology. Just look at Lemillion! Togata Mirio’s Quirk is literally phasing through materials (including his own clothing) and they made him his own non-phaseable costume by weaving his own DNA into the fabric! Even if they don’t have the technology (they do), I know that Hatsume and probably the rest of the Support students would immediately jump on the chance of creating a fabric with the ability to switch between visible and invisible modes. 
Once again, the sexualization of minor Hero students continues to disturb me. Who in their right mind thinks it’s okay to send a naked teenager out into a live battlefield just because she’s less likely to be noticed that way? This line of thought surely doesn’t account for stray bullets or falling debris, nor does it account for this poor girl’s peace of mind. She should be focused on getting the job done and saving people, not worrying about how it’s too cold for her to work properly or how there’s nothing between her body and a loaded gun except for the air between them.
The gloves and shoes seem like they’re kinda. Missing the point of contributing to a stealth Hero costume? Yes, they’re good so that Hagakure can be easily recognized among her allies, but does she just have to stow them wherever when she needs to go fully invisible and hope she can find them once the mission’s over? Plus, Hagakure will always, at the very bare minimum, need something to protect the soles of her feet. Walking barefoot just for everyday civilian stuff would cause a lot of problems, but Heroes likely have a lot of broken glass, broken nails, debris, and other nasty things on the streets where they fight. Tetanus is not fun to have. 
Here’s what I like:
The gloves are a nice color, I guess?
Some misc. notes:
I gotta say, I’ve seen SO many good takes on outfit redesigns for Hagakure (same with Yaoyorozu) and the fandom collectively has some wonderful ideas on how to go about creating a costume for her. Personally, I think it would be cool if she had a full-body suit that could change between visible and invisible modes - that way, she would be easy to identify in head counts and it would likely be easier to see places where she could be injured after a fight. At the very, very least they could pull a Lemillion and have her outfit infused with something from her own DNA so it can disappear as she does while leaving her at least covered.
Overall: So, so bad. Please give this girl a suit. I’m tired. 
TLDR Part 2:
Great Costumes: 
Good: Iida
Okay: Aoyama
The Absolute Worst: Yaoyorozu, Hagakure
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ceescedasticity · 3 years
a terrible, terrible idea I will not be finishing
TMA SBURB session scenario
The setup is that somehow, one of the current main character survivors finds out about SBURB, and comes up with an outlandish plan to force a session and drag the fears into the Incipisphere, thus leaving Earth to return to its original state. Pretend this is a feasible plan. Pretend it comes with a good plan to keep the Reckoning from destroying Earth immediately after it's restored.
The fears aren't going to be naturally inclined to go to the Incipisphere. It has a very low population — I'd be surprised if carapacians and consorts together topped a hundred thousand, though if you count underlings that's probably at least doubled — and even setting that aside some fears are just not well-represented. It's a very sterile place. So, the plan is to fill the "player" positions with people who can provide anchors for the fears and drag them into the Incipisphere, too. Pretend this makes sense.
(That puts us at over twelve players in a session, so I'll be using some original classes and aspects.)
The necessary qualifications for "players" are that they (1) are well-marked but not overwhelmed, (2) can be convinced to cooperate, and (3) are… accessible. Obviously live people are most accessible, but most live people are either overwhelmed and most of the rest are Avatars who are… actually they could also be described as overwhelmed, just in a different way. And the Incipisphere does have that little "dreamself" mechanism, so if they (read: Jon) have a sufficient... trace on a person (read: direct statement, Archive contract, accumulation of indirect statements, or some weird stuff), they can toss them straight into their dreamself, thus reviving them, possibly closer to human than they were before. (Or possibly creating a functionally identical copy. Hopefully no one asks.) Pretend this makes sense, too.
(They didn't attempt to exert any control over which moon people got, or which 'role'.)
Also benefiting from a dreamself: Jon, who barely survived the gross overextension of his powers figuring out how to do this and pulling in the "players" but just dropped upon entering the actual Incipisphere. He's now definitely in pre-coma condition and possibly even more regressed; he's been too disoriented to do much experimenting.
Melanie agreed to be the primary anchor for Slaughter because it's one of the stronger fears in the Incipisphere (the Battlefield and Prospit-Derse war in general mean the carapacians tend to be a good source for it) so they need someone trustworthy in the position. She's monitoring herself VERY carefully. She's also a secondary anchor for Beholding, but there's not any shortage there anyway. Her role according to the Incipisphere is Mage of Breath, Prospit dreamer, Land of Reeds and Whistles.
Georgie can't really anchor anything but End. Which is fine because it's also a fear native to the Incipisphere, and the only one that's a conceivable flight risk since the horrorterrors aren't afraid of anything else. Her mythological role is Sylph of Time, Derse dreamer, Land of Knells and Echoes.
Martin is the primary anchor for the Extinction, which may be a bit player as far as the entities are concerned but which is deeply engraved in the Incipisphere what with the Reckoning and everything. He's a secondary anchor for the Lonely as well as Beholding. His role is Rogue of Blood, Prospit dreamer, Land of Smoke and Craters.
Jon is the primary anchor for Beholding and a secondary anchor for pretty much everything else. (Beholding isn't a major concern for the Incipisphere's natives, but it's a potential issue for players, depending on their awareness.) He hasn't been needing statements, which he hopes is because he's regressed past the need for them, but which is actually because his Aspect is standing in for them. His role is Prince of Light, Prospit dreamer, Land of Sand and Searchlights.
Basira is the primary anchor for the Dark (since Beholding is taken). It's of middling strength, more than Beholding but much less than Slaughter or End; you get some Prospitians and consorts scared of the dark, but usually it's the least of everyone's worries. Her role is Maid of Mind, Prospit dreamer, Land of Pitch and Frames.
Annabelle Cane probably would agree to participate, but no one trusts either her or their own ability to manage her. Mikaele Salesa wouldn't want to interrupt his retirement, and if coerced he might sabotage things. Uh… that Jordan Kennedy ECDC fellow still seemed to have his head on fairly straight, right? He can anchor Corruption. (All of Corruption's strength in the Incipisphere is built on Dersite revulsion for amphibians.) His role is Page of Fire, Derse dreamer, Land of Toads and Hellbenders. (Did I mention how reliant Corruption is on Dersites and amphibians just now.)
At this point we have exhausted our living candidates. So: cast some dead people as players, force their dreamselves to form, maybe give them a nightmare about the post-Change world so they understand what's at stake, and wake them up.
The remaining fears that are really seriously strong in the Incipisphere are the Hunt (players hunt underlings hunt consorts) and the Desolation (meteors and RED MILES).
The Hunt goes to Daisy, who has been rebooted to mostly human in her dreamself and is unsurprisingly very shaken up about everything, but at least she knew about the Change (though she doesn't remember clearly). She's a secondary anchor for both Buried and Beholding. Her role is Haunt of Heart, Prospit dreamer, Land of Tracks and Traces.
Desolation goes to Tim, who is... not thrilled to be alive and conscripted again. He's somewhat mollified by it at least DEFINITELY not being more of the SAME bullshit. He's a secondary anchor for Beholding and Stranger. His role is Heir of Rage, Prospit dreamer, Land of Stone and Ashes. (He really likes the sound of Heir of Rage but isn't about to admit it.)
Stranger goes to Sasha, who is having an odd time of it. A lot of the background information everyone else knows already is new to her, and bringing her up to speed is extra work, but Jon and Martin were feeling sentimental and everyone agreed she'd be a stabilizing influence on Tim. She has MOST of her memories. People have MOST of their memories of her. (The Stranger isn't particularly strong in the Incipisphere because the locals are predisposed to accept any kind of weirdness from players without being bothered. Everything is familiar to them, no matter how strange it should seem.) She's a secondary anchor for Beholding and Spiral. Sasha's role is Clerk of Doom, Prospit dreamer, Land of Masks and Music.
Since the game prefers an even number of players, and it's already established the fourteen/fifteen don't REALLY cover everything, it's more complicated than that, maybe include an anchor for 'Unclassifiable'. Give that one to Gerry. (Jon can't decide whether he should feel guilty about this; Gerry wanted an end, but this definitely isn't life as a book.) (For his part Gerry is in 'this might as well happen' mode.) Gerry's role is Knight of Grief, Derse dreamer, Land of Tomes and Boxes.
The Incipisphere's natives aren't automatically AWARE of being steered, but they are; players always have their options restricted by alpha timeline bullshit; this particular group of players mostly got thrown into it without asking them so may be even more aware of their lack of control. All of which is to say the Web is not particularly weak and they need a trustworthy anchor. They settled on Gertrude and still aren't sure whether it was a good idea. What she thinks of it she isn't saying. Her role is Seer of Space, Prospit dreamer, Land of Webs and Frogs.
To everyone's surprise, Gertrude apparently came with a bonus Agnes. Possibly because they were leaning on her Web connections? Who knows? They set her to anchor Lonely, because even though she never had room for any marks but Desolation before she was definitely lowercase-L lonely. Agnes's role is Witch of Void, Derse dreamer, Land of Smog and Drizzle.
(At this point someone finally figures out lunar alignment is apparently being determined by whether someone has ever signed a contract with the Archives.)
The Vast goes to Adelard Dekker. Vast isn't among the strongest of the entities in the Incipisphere, but there's space involved and theoretically an entire universe, so it has definite potential and needs to be anchored by someone who won't go out of control with it. Adelard's role is Count of Hope, Derse dreamer, Land of Stars and Stairs.
That just leaves Buried, Flesh, and Spiral. None of them are particularly strong in the Incipisphere — you might think the Spiral would be, but SBURB does have its own rules.
For the Spiral, the main thing is they don't want the Distortion. They could try for non-Distortion Helen Richardson, or even non-Distortion Michael Shelley, but if something went wrong then they'd have the Distortion alive again and who knows what would happen. So… uh… hmmm… Oh, Mike Crew had a prolonged Spiral problem! He might not be very happy with the because of… everything, but he could probably be talked into cooperating for his own benefit, right? So he's reluctantly anchoring Spiral, because it's supposed to be temporary, he wants to live, and at least that stupid Lichtenberg figure hasn't showed up. He's also more human than he's used to. His role is Bard of Stone, Derse dreamer, Land of Mazes and Ravines.
And as long as they're giving second chances to dead avatars who probably don't deserve them but who did start out as traumatized children, what about Julia Montauk? She could maybe anchor the Flesh — there were those beating hearts in the shed, and she probably ran into more while Hunting… Okay, Flesh. She's not super happy about the Flesh thing but is more disoriented by being much less Hunter than she has been in years. Her role is Ghoul of Life, Derse dreamer, Land of Ribs and Regrowth.
And finally… okay, they're going to throw Buried at Jurgen Leitner. He's probably marked by about everything, and he was "buried" in the tunnels for years. It's fine. His role is Thief of Strange, Derse dreamer, Land of Pits and Dust.
How does it all turn out in the end? Who knows. Almost certainly no worse than canon will.
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rpgsandbox · 4 years
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The Gaia Complex is a cyberpunk RPG set on earth in 2119. Towards the end of the 21st century, the third world war, which became known as the Resource War, pushed mankind to the brink of destruction and brought ruin to the Earth’s atmosphere. Small pockets of humanity survived this horrific conflict, eventually forming the eleven metropolises. These incredible mega-cities have since grown and prospered, largely due to developments in atmospheric processing and significant technological advancements. Now cut off from each other, these heaving urban landscapes must each face their own difficulties and hardships. The Gaia Complex focuses on the largest of these metropolises; New Europe, a single sprawling city that covers much of what we currently know as mainland Europe. New Europe is a world of street violence, corporate espionage, vampiric uprisings and an overzealous A.I., known as Gaia, which functions as the city’s governor and the protector of its citizens.
The Gaia Complex is a dystopian world of urban violence, exploring the age of cybernetic enhancement through a vision of Earth that is somehow ‘changed’. This vision of the future injects both vampires and a strange species of people known as ferals, who are able to enter the minds of animals. This is a game of conspiracy and brutality, where players take on the roles of Mercs; former police officers, hackers and street-savvy dealers who are hired to fight back against the system and ultimately unravel the secrets of The Gaia Complex.
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Of course we'd love you to back this campaign and be a part of making The Gaia Complex a reality, but before you do, maybe you want to give it a whirl for yourself? Good news - you can do this right now.
While this campaign and the updates throughout will talk about the game setting and rules, our free (well, 'pay what you want', but please, enter £0 and just grab a copy!) 48-page Quick Start for The Gaia Complex is out right now and will allow you to read and play for yourselves. This PDF contains a huge amount of lore surrounding the game, offering an in-depth insight to the world of The Gaia Complex and what it means to be a Merc in 2119. In addition, the booklet is jammed full of gorgeous artwork and gives you a good idea of what to expect from the full core book.
Go and grab your copy of the Quick Start by clicking this link
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                   The cast of playable characters from the Quick Start
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The Gaia Complex core book will be 'at least' 256 pages of full-colour hardback beauty - take a look at the Quick Start for a general idea about how it will look. We say 'at least' as we have a whole host of extra content that we might just squeeze in, either through stretch goals, or because we end up deciding certain things just need to be there.
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At the time of launch, the core book writing is roughly 90% complete and layout for final proof-reading has already been completed for some chapters - this is a significant strength for this project, having completed so much of the writing ahead of launch. Artwork at this point is around 40% complete and new art is in the pipeline to be finished (and shown off) during the campaign. The art direction for this book is very important and great care is being taken to ensure the visuals support the writing as closely as possible.
The structure of the book is split over 12 chapters, plus an NPC (non-player character) library at the end. We'll go into more detail about the chapters over the coming weeks via the campaign updates, sharing some key information as we go. Alongside the rules, background and resources for playing the game, the book also includes multiple pieces of short fiction that slowly unfold the real story behind The Gaia Complex. These stories, and the characters they describe, lay the foundation for the world in which the game is set and allow us to explore New Europe in 2119 in much more cinematic detail.
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The engine behind The Gaia Complex is called 12.3 and can be taken for a test drive in our Quick Start by clicking HERE.
The basis of the system uses 2d12 (that's two twelve sided dice - but you're all roleplayers, so I'm sure you knew that!) to make the majority of tests on a 'roll under' basis. Whenever a test is required, the GM determines a potential difficulty for the test, ranging from 1 (easy for a child to accomplish) to 11 (impossibly hard). A character will compare the difficulty to their relevant statistic and if the stat is equal to or greater than the difficulty, the test is a success - There is an emphasis in the game on keeping the action flowing and not making tests unless they are really needed.
If the character's stat is less than the difficulty, a test is required: the player rolls 2d12, requiring a result that is equal to or less than their relevant stat. An 11 fails (without cybernetic enhancement) and a 12 is a Critical Failure. To pass, a character requires one or both d12s to succeed depending on whether they are skilled or unskilled - The Gaia Complex does not consider 'ranks' in various skills like the majority of RPGs, instead a character either possesses a skill or does not (though becoming a specialist in certain skills is possible).
During combat, d3s are also used to determine damage - you can use funky d3s like the ones available on this campaign, or simply use common d6. The engine for the game uses d3s to enable a more consistant result when rolling multiple dice together and to remove the chance of whiffing a result of a 1 in situations that should always achieve a minium degree of success (thus 3d3+3 damage represents a weapon with more consistent output than one that does 1d12 damage) .
Of course, the game includes many other rules - some core, some optional - covering a huge array of options, but at its root, the game falls back on 12.3 to keep it rolling (pun intended).
During the course of the campaign we'll dedicate a couple of updates to specific areas of the rules and give you a deep dive into them beyond what you can get your hands on in the Quick Start.
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Characters in The Gaia Complex are known as Mercs. At their core, Mercs are citizens of New Europe who have chosen to rebel against the system and take up arms by making themselves available on the freelance market. The seedy clubs and bars of NeoMunich are the most common place to find Mercs and while their work is entirely illegal, there is enough anonymity that it isn't worth the expenditure of resources for Gaia or its police force to worry about shutting down the network.
Most Mercs are hired to run jobs against one of the many corporations in the metropolis. From hacking R&D servers to kidnapping, assassinating or Bio Hacking company execs; there are few limits when it comes to taking a job. Ironically, the primary employers are the corporations themselves, all looking to get a leg up over their rivals, employing Mercs to do the dirty work in order to maintain complete deniability. Of course, it's not just the heaving corporations that are the enemy; outsider vampires that lurk in the subway tunnels and outer fringes of the metropolis, the cybernetic police force controlled by the LE1 A.I. subsystem, or even Gaia itself - the all seeing ruler of the metropolis - everyone is a potential mark if the score looks big enough!
The core rules contains a detailed character creation process, allowing players to play either human or feral (a mysterious group of people who can enter the minds of the metropolis' animals) characters from one of ten varied roles, each with their own unique rules, benefits and style. Characters can choose from:
Operator - Former law enforcement, corporate security and guns-for-hire that pack the hottest weapon tech that the black market has to offer.
Core Hacker - Hackers and coders who live their lives in the digital pathways of The Core.
Bio Hacker - A new wave of hacker, dedicated to hacking the cybernetic brains of their targets and inducing 'forced servitude'.
ParaMed - Former TactaMed paramedics who have realised they can earn more money patching up Mercs by being one of them!
CyberDoc - Back-alley hackjob specialists and cybernetic installers. An often riskier, but cheaper approach, to main stream cybernetics clinics.
MilTech - Weapons techs, tinkerers and specialist drone pilots. MilTechs keep the team's gear working and provide invaluable technical support.
Mech - Drivers, pilots and expert mechanics. Mechs keep the metropolis rolling and give Merc teams much needed access to reliable transportation.
Tech Trader - Black market dealers, handling everything from illegal weapons and stolen cybernetics, to narcotics and false credentials.
Data Dealer - Information traffickers and dealers of stolen secrets. If there is something worth knowing, you can probably buy it... for a price.
Handler - Exclusive to ferals. Handlers have dedicated themselves to honing the feral's ability to step into the mind of an animal. This is the feral in their purest form.
We'll be taking a more in-depth look into each of these roles as the campaign unfolds.
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Kickstarter campaign ends: Wed, October 7 2020 6:59 PM BST
Website: [The Gaia Complex] [facebook] [twitter]
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monstersdownthepath · 4 years
Spiritual Spotlight: Chucaro, Maiden of Haze and Whimsy
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Chaotic Good Azata Empyreal Lord of Dreams, Hallucinations, and Mists
Domains: Chaos, Good, Madness, Magic Subdomains: Azata, Insanity, Revelry, Whimsy
Chronicles of the Righteous, pg. 10
Obedience: Drape yourself in gauze and eat hallucinogenic mushrooms or fungi while meditating on the teachings of Chucaro. Benefit: Gain a +4 sacred bonus on saving throws against poison.
I can’t recall having ever seen a Good-aligned god of drugs (though Pathfinder does contain two or three Good deities of madness!), so this is a refreshing change of pace. Rather than demonize the whole practice, Chucaro here advocates for responsible and safe use, like what you have to do when performing your Obedience! Somewhat restrictive in that you can only munch hallucinogenic mushrooms, of which very few are actually statted out (rather than the more commonly available Flayleaf), leading to the necessity of DM fiat. You can always get around the complication by growing your own fungi in a dank terrarium in your Bag of Holding, or you could plop a bunch of ranks in Survival to always be able to scavenge up a nice loopyshroom no matter your environment.
In times of troubles when you can’t find some good fungi, I think Chucaro would allow you any old hallucinogen, such as the commonly available Pesh (and, again, Flayleaf). This is definitely one of the Obediences you can’t do if denied your inventory, though, as it also requires a bit of gauze--not enough to wrap yourself up, but just enough to ‘drape yourself’ in it, making you look kind of like you walked into a spiderweb. The gauze and ingesting of hallucinogens also makes it one of the better Obediences to do just before you go to bed rather than when you first wake up; as a goddess whose portfolio includes drug-induced dreams, I’m sure she’d appreciate your before-bed trip as well.
The benefit is one we’ve seen before. It’s a little on the weaker side, but preventing stat damage from poison will save you and your party some gold in the long run, and it means the casters will have one or two extra spell slots available that would have otherwise been used on Neutralize Poison. Ironically, it doesn’t prevent you from becoming addicted to your nightly fungus crunching, because addiction is, mechanically, a disease! Be careful! 
Boons are gained slowly, typically achieved once you reach 12, 16, and 20 Hit Dice. Followers of the Empyreal Lords, however, can enter the Mystery Cultist Prestige Class at level 8, which grants them their Boons much quicker! Entered as early as possible, you gain the Boons at levels 10, 13, and 16 instead. Mystery Cultists MUST take the Celestial Obedience feat, NOT Deific Obedience.
Empyreal Lords do not grant the typical Evangelist/Exalted/Sentinel spread, instead having only one set of Boons granted to their followers regardless of their class.
Boon 1: Kaleidoscopic Images. Gain Color spray 3/day, Hypnotic Pattern 2/day, or Gaseous Form 1/day.
I’ve stated multiple times in past articles that Gaseous Form’s biggest weakness is the absolutely crippling movespeed reduction it slaps you with, capping your cloudy shape at 10ft/round, limiting its use as an effective scouting tool or a method of escaping some nasty situation, except perhaps in the rare cases where you have access to vents or a window out of a preposterously tall tower. The actions you can perform while gaseous are painfully limited, and it can’t even really be used to stealth around since you still look like you, just cloudy.
Plus, it’s up against Color Spray and Hypnotic Pattern. Both of them excel in knocking minions out of the fight, with Pattern’s 10+2d4 HD limit potentially lets it affect boss-level monsters, or at least their larger minions, freezing them in place for as long as you can keep concentrating on the effect. Not only is it useful in battle, but throwing it out as a distraction before a fight even begins can work as well, keeping a guard’s eyes off you or redirecting the attention of civilians elsewhere.
And Color Spray? A classic, always useful... Provided you don’t mind getting within 15ft of your enemy, or multiple enemies. It’s at its most powerful at low levels, but you’re going to be at 10 when you finally get this power, so its saving throw (11+Cha) is struggling to keep up with the enemy’s rapidly growing saves. At its best, it’s a 1-round stun against foes kind enough to line up in a 15ft cone. At its worst, you’ve essentially gotten into melee range of your foe. I’d stick with Hypnotic Pattern. 
Boon 2: Wispy Form. Your body becomes misty when you are under attack, diluting the damage of edged weapons. Though outwardly you appear the same, you gain DR 5/bludgeoning.
This is one of those Boons that’s great, but difficult to talk about since it’s a simple mechanical bonus with little room for creativity. It’s a one-size-fits-all Boon that benefits literally any class it’s slapped on, subtracting 5 damage from pretty much every melee attack (characters with bludgeoning weapons are remarkably uncommon--swords are cool!) you see coming your way. You want it as a frontliner because it’s extra protection, you want it as a midliner because it makes getting caught out easier to handle, and you definitely want it as a backlner because suddenly taking physical damage likely means your life is about to meet an abrupt end. Having 5 whole free DR against the most common physical damage types can be a world of difference!
That’s all I can really say here, unfortunately, because at the end of the day it is just a simple buff.
Boon 3: Terrible Reverie. 1/day, you can cast Weird.
And this, this is much more fun to talk about. We haven’t seen Weird as a Boon before, and one look at what it actually does may give you a hint as to why: It’s a mass Phantasmal Killer with no limit to the number of creatures it can target. Far from the pathetically crunched version some people may get disappointed by in 5e, Pathfinder’s Weird is the widest Save-Or-Die effect available to players, able to affect entire crowds so long as none of them are more than 30ft apart and plucking their lives from them in a single instant. To say you can clear a room is an understatement; you can clear an entire city if it’s densely packed enough.
Good thing you’re a good guy!
It’s not all sunshine, roses, and horrifying death, though. Phantasmal Killer has some pretty hefty downsides: namely, it’s a mind-affecting, emotion, AND fear effect, meaning it’s unlikely to affect higher-end Outsiders and is utterly useless against Constructs, Undead, Plants, and most Oozes and Vermin. However, it’s notably NOT a death effect, so creatures relying on immunity to instant death effects without making themselves immune to mental attacks is still vulnerable to Weird.
The other biggest weakness is that Phantasmal Killer and, thus, Weird require the subject to fail two saves, first a Will save to fail to realize the illusion is an illusion, and second a Fortitude save to keep from having a fatal heart attack as fear overwhelms them. The good news is that succeeding the Fortitude save still causes the target to take 3d6 damage, 1d4 Str damage, and become stunned for 1 round, so it’s still potentially a Save-Or-Suck if your party can capitalize on the enemy losing their next turn.
The third but perhaps most dangerous weakness, however, is that if the victim of Weird succeeds the Will save to disbelieve the illusion and they possess telepathy, they can send the attack back to you and force you to make a save against it. Now, I can’t find any particulars on how Weird’s mass-terror interacts with this particular rule from Phantasmal Killer, but for the sake of safety, I would avoid hurling into a crowd of minions with telepathy, lest they force you to make dozens of saves to avoid being terrified to death.
Still a good spell, but just be careful with who you send it against!
You can read more about Chucaro here.
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thelagendjz4 · 3 years
NiftyPlanet (NFPL) Project
NiftyPlanet (NFPL) - Decentralized international NFT marketplace.
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#NFT #NFTCommunity #niftyplanet #niftyplanetnews #NFTmarketplace #digitalart
About Nifty Planet project
NiftyPlanet is the world marketplace for Nifties. Nifties are authentic and unique digital items that you can actually own. What is NiftyPlanet? Our first NFT Drop successfully launched on June 19th! Stay tuned and subscribe on our social media for more upcoming events and news!
A platform based on blockchain technology, where your unique digital creations are protected, the love and authenticity of your creations is guaranteed.
BlockTalks x Nifty Planet AMA Transcript!
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We recently hosted an AMA with Nifty Planet, on June 26th at 1 PM UTC. Many of you might have participated or many of not. But we make sure no one missed out from the knowledge shared by Toku Mei, CCO of Nifty Planet. So here we are up with the AMA transcript, for those who missed the live session, this blog post will be a saver & feeder of knowledge for them.
Introduction Questions Asked By Team BlockTalks!
Q1. Could you please introduce Nifty Planet to our community in layman’s term?
Ans — Yes. NiftyPlanet is a web.3.0 platform that built based on Ethereum blockchain. From the start it is place where users can buy NFTs from the famous people and original NiftyPlanet NFTs. In the future, our platform will be fully decentralized and be managed by a Foundation.
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Q2. What are the advantages of Nifty Planet to other alternatives in the Blockchain field?
Ans — I would say that there are many differences between the NiftyPlanet and other NFT markets but 2 of them are the biggest to us. First of all we are preparing for any drop together with creators in advance. Including pricing, special mechanics, advertisement. That is why all NFTs have bigger values for the holders than NFTs from rest of the markets. Any creator have to pass Due Diligence process. But at the same time we are web.3.0 system it means that all the assets are under the user’s control.
Second biggest difference is that we plan to attract not just artists of creative people we plan to adopt NFT technology for many different industries and help to join crypto spase different companies and independent people. And our customization can help to make it easier for them and increase the value for their products (NFTs) for everybody.
Q3. What are the major milestones Nifty Planet achieved so far & what are in the future pipeline?
Ans — First of all, we created an Ambassador program and have already gained three Ambassadors to work with us. We have also started our first drop and already sold the majority of those NFT’s. Additionally, we have already built a solid team of more than 10 international team members. And we have our own system that was created by our own engineers based on proven smart contract technology. We have already contracted with a few famous artists to launch NFT drops on our platform starting next month, and we are also in negotiations with at least 10 more international creators.
We plan to be leaders in offering hybrid NFT’s by merging physical and digital offerings on our platform. We already have many offers from international creators and businesses that wish to use our platform to sell physical items as NFTs. Additionally, we will also offer what we call, “Functional NFT’s” which will provide the ability to offer an unlimited number of possible services and knowledge-sharing that will not only open up new channels of commerce and financial opportunity, but will also connect people that would never have been able to connect directly before.
Questions Asked on Twitter For Nifty Planet Team!
Q1. At this moment, which one the most Necessary for your project: 1. Investors 2. Community 3. Market/Exchange and why?
Ans — At the moment, for us, Community is the most important of these three. Of course, we welcome more investors ;) but Since we have the technology, a plan, and a growing list of creators excited to create unique and useful NFT’s together with us, what we need next is more people to share it all with, and to benefit with us as we create opportunities for everyone that gets involved with us. We hope in turn that our community will share their ideas about how we can grow and create more opportunities from the NiftyPlanet platform, and together we can bring more and more people around the world to join this incredible world of blockchain and decentralization, which is a big goal for us.
Q2. What other partnerships are you looking for and what is the focus of these partnerships?
Ans — Well, we really want to push the limits of NFT’s and so we are and will be actively seeking new partnerships with individuals and businesses that have great new ideas of ways to use NFT technology for Art, for business, for communication, for socializing and more. We don’t claim to know it all and we all know that there is power in numbers, and so we are open to the ideas, brains and creativity of all of those in our community and hope they openly share and offer their ideas with us. Think "functional NFT’s" and the potential is limitless.
Q3. Telling about real world adoption. Most of the user are still not aware about Blockchainchain and Blockchainchain related products. So, how Your project can raise awareness about their project with non-crypto users too?
Ans — You are exactly right. For the first time in maybe thousands of years, we "common" people have a chance to take back our freedoms from the "Mis-Leaders" and Elite classes, and create wealth without worry of being extorted by overreaching governments. So this is one of our big goals. We want to help more and more people become involved in blockchain and cryptocurrency and understand its implications and usefulness. By selecting our initial creators carefully by hand, we can select artists and creators and influencers that also are in line with our goals to wake more people up to the freedom, opportunities and benefits of blockchain, and are willing to reach out to their vast numbers of fans, most of whom are not aware of blockchain, and invite them to become involved in it by learning and talking about and buying and selling the NFT’s created by those artists and influencers. And we as a platform will do everything we can to onboard those new members by providing a friendly and easy to use platform.
Q4. You plan to have an IDO (Initial Dex Offering) in Japan, China and Internationally. So,why did you focus first in Japan and China? Aside from this countries,which other country you plan to have an IDO? Can you share some details about your plan IDO of PlanetNifty?
Ans — The main reason is that we are big fans of Asia and have spent a lot of time in Asia living and working and playing. Thus we have a lot of friends and strategic partners that can, and want to help us grow both our business and our community organically and confidently. We love and know Asia well and are very comfortable working and creating in its markets. We also are lucky enough to have direct connections and relations with a large number of really wonderfully genius artists and creators whose work and ideas we want to share with the rest of the world. This why we focused on the Asian market to start business and our IDO’s as well. We will share more details about IDO very soon so please watch our Telegram group.
Q5. If I like Nifties but I am not a creator or artist, how can I be part of this project? Is it exclusive for those with creative skills, or is there an inductive one for beginners?
Ans — Thats a good question. To be honest, in order to build a strong business and community we are focused on well known artists from the start. But we do have plans to open up to more and more up-and-coming artists and creators over time, especially those that propose new and unique uses for NFT’s, and ways to use NFT’s create more interest and opportunities for our community. But even before that, we want to encourage people that want to start learning how to create NFT’s, so we plan to provide a way to access our NFT engine to create your own NFT’s for practice, or for fun, or to try and sell in any of the marketplaces that accepts brand new artists. We will also introduce our partner NFT markets where you can join right away.
Questions Asked by our BlockTalks Community Members during live Session to Nifty Planet Team!!
Q1. It is easy to claim that your project as well as the product is good, however it takes so much effort to prove. What are the qualities and security that Nifty Planet is worth investing for especially that you’re new and is anonymous, how will we able to assure the stability of the project and how will you stay up to date on the latest tokens and coins that the market has to offer?
Ans — Well to be honest, we here at NiftyPlanet have been around the crypto space for a while and we have seen a LOT of crap and scams, and we have also been left high dry by fake or undedicated project teams. One of the reasons we started this project, is not only because the idea of NFT’s is really awesome, but because we want to give back to all the people that were let down in the past, by creating a project that people could get excited about, become deeply involved in, that we could directly interact with and share ideas with, and build something that is not only fun and useful but creates financial opportunity for everyone involved so we can all become more free and happy.
Q2. How can I trust your project? If you can give any proper information about it, I would like to invest in your project.
Ans — Well, although we are keeping our identities quiet for now, we have gone to great lengths to be as forthcoming and transparent as possible. We have even published our and our investors wallet addresses and of course our contract address right in our literature (website and our medium blog), we intend to be as transparent, honest as possible and always, think of our community first.
Q3. Do you have any plans for ambassador programme role for your project growth and awareness? If yes how may I apply?
Ans — Absolutely! Please contact us through our Telegram group or through our website if you believe you can offer solid support that will enhance our growth.
Q4. Is your project a local or global project? How many communites, do you have for non-english users?
Ans — We are definitely global > our team is international, our creators are international, and our investors and users are international. At the moment, we already have English, Russian and Chinese communities. and we will keep adding more and more.
Q5. How will NiftyPlanet bring the digital and physical world together through blockchain technology? What strategies have you developed to achieve this goal?
Ans — We have a LOT of companies and individuals with really cool and useful digital and non-digital things that they want to make into NFT’s. we are working face to face daily with these people to brainstorm new ways to combine and connect real and digital and we have some very interesting cases in the works already.
Q6. How can we invest in the project? Do we have a minimum requirement to be eligible?
Ans — We welcome large investors and have various options to partner with us and we communicate directly about such details. We will be holding Both ICO and IDOs. Please watch our channels closely for more details about these to participate as an individual investor. And of course, please visit our platform and hopefully buy some of our original and creator-based NFT’s.
Q7. How big is your team ? Are you a public team or not? Please tell us more about team background?
Ans — We are more than 10 i think now. Collectively, we are a team of Crypto pioneers with experience in many different areas.
Between us, we have many years of experience with IT startups, blockchain technology, ICO’s, traditional Art & Music, marketing, fundraising, digital Art and Music production, show business, community development and social media.
Q8. Staking is one of the strategies to attract users and hold them long term. Does your great project have plan about Staking?
Ans — Yup we will have several ways for hodlers to earn with their tokens.
What is the main aim for the NiftyPlanet project?
NiftyPlanet is an NFT marketplace and minting platform that utilizes the NFPL token to empower users who actively interact with the platform.
Users on the NiftyPlanet platform can buy and sell NFT’s (non-fungible tokens) created for rare and unique digital items such as music, artwork, trading cards, experience-sharing, hybrid digital/physical, and in the near future, even physical items.
NiftyPlanet’s plans extend far beyond being just another marketplace for digital collectibles and art. We intend to bridge the digital and physical world via blockchain technology to make it possible for collectibles and creations borne from both worlds to be shared with the world in the same exciting place.
We also want to give an international voice to creators that have never ventured past their own “neighborhoods” by connecting creators with an exploding International Crypto community.
Finally, we plan to provide a place where creators can monetize their creativity and even make a living from it, something especially needed in the wake of the globalist-created plannedemic, inhuman lockdowns and global financial destruction of 2020–2021. NiftyPlanet also wants to give back to all of its users and will offer rewards for active participation on the platform (creating and selling, collecting, voting and moderating, etc.). NiftyPlanet plans to provide the opportunity for farming to earn, as well.
The NiftyPlanet protocol is a solution to the limitations faced by the intellectual property market, including licensing and paperwork challenges, piracy issues and right-protection, limited or subdued revenue, and more. The advent of NFT’s represents an awesome alternative to everyone.
Why is the NiftyPlanet project team remaining anonymous?
We believe that new era of privacy and also private money is here. The world is changing very fast and people want to have a new approach in their relationship with the world at large, including the economy and government. It is clear, especially after the tyranny that has arisen from the insane and and irrational response to the “pandemic” that the NWO and its buddies in the new Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex, are currently trying to take over the world, and or kill us all. We feel that it is essential that we all begin guarding and protecting our privacy and rights before everything we own and love is gone or usurped by the “powers that shouldn’t be” either via their surveillance, assisted by other NWO buddies such as the tech giants we all know and love. Our own efforts start with this project. Those megalomaniacs aren’t welcome to participate in our community nor do we want anything to do with them thus we choose to remain anonymous.
We also feel there is too much pressure on companies and individuals to pay exorbitantly high taxes. And besides the obvious fact that taxes are too high, governments have shown perpetually that they are completely irresponsible in how they use taxes they collect from hard working citizens the world round; wasting and misusing funds for personal ends such as visiting prostitute establishments, rebuilding the same road many multiple times just so they can receive the same budget as the previous year, and last but not least to start wars, spending billions worldwide to create weapons of destruction to kill people in foreign countries that the taxpayers have no desire to have conflict with at all in the first place. But saying all this does not mean that we are against the taxes completely. In fact, we will gladly support the payment of taxes when they will be used for the people that bust their asses to pay them, and not to benefit the psychopaths who are currently in control of the spending of the taxes they collect from all of us. Taxes should migrated to a cryptocurrency basis and the method of payment should be changed from advanced payment — where you pay VAT, consumption taxes or taxes from your income from trading, to the “payment for the results”. In business area it’s called “Pay for Performance Principle”. In this payment for results scenario, for example, if you were happy with how the roads look around us that were built by your government, you would go to the DeFi Tax platform and pay directly to the company who built those roads. The same with your local Police force or any other kind of service that are currently funded by the thousands of types of taxes collected around the world. This way of paying taxes after you see the results or actual use of those taxes will motivate governments to transform and become more effective, efficient and responsible, and it will improve the world and environment around us. In our opinion, VAT that we are all paying in shops is absolutely enough for the government to survive. The rest of the Taxes we will pay in the future, once governments recognize and respect that The Era of Private money is here and we will no longer forgive their irresponsible use of our hard-earned income.
Cryptocurrency gives us our power to control our governments once more, the way they should be. Until the governments can prove they can be responsible and will not misuse or simply steal taxed money from the people we have no reason to hand any over to them. Another important reason for remaining anonymous, is routine paperwork and other extra costs. Once we register any kind of a earth-based company we need to hire a lawyer open a physical office, get and send correspondence in perpetuity. And all these things decrease our efficiency and effectiveness. In our initial stage we can not allow ourselves to waste such important resources as a time. We would better off investing this time to improve your user experience on our platform and make your life easier and more interesting, and to provide more creative and financial opportunities for our users.
The structure of NFPL token distribution
The NiftyPlanet platform is a semi self-funded platform. Half of the funds for the development and platform launch were provided by a few pre-seed investors.
Total token supply is 1 billion tokens.
There are 10 pre-seed investors of this project. In total they control 83M tokens. Additionally, they own 29% interest in the project.
2 main Founders control 8% of all token supply (80M tokens).
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Tokens have been distributed to 2 founders, 2 team members and 10 pre-seed investors.
Before we hold our IDO which is planned for June 2021, founders’ and pre-seed investors’ tokens will not move at all. The main reason we are doing this is because we believe that people who participate in IDO’s should have a guarantee that the team and investors will not sell all of their tokens all at once before the IDO starts.
In the graphic you can see the entity structure of token allocation with exact ETH addresses. Until the end of the actual IDO, there will be no NFPL transactions originating from project or investor wallets.
Founder 1 (4.00%)
Founder 2 (4.00%)
Pre-seed investor 1 (2.00%)
Pre-seed investor 2 (1.15%)
Pre-seed investor 3 (0.60%)
Pre-seed investor 4 (0.55%)
Pre-seed investor 5 (0.40%)
Pre-seed investor 6 (0.40%)
Pre-seed investor 7 (0.40%)
Pre-seed investor 8 (0.40%)
These tokens will be distributed after IDO
Pre-seed investor 9 (0.40%)
Pre-seed investor 10 (2.00%)
Core team member 11 (1%)
Core team member 12 (1%)
Marketing (10.00%)
Main address with rest of the NFPL tokens (81.70%)
Platform Roadmap
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Buy our NFTs from the first Original NiftyPlanet drop!
#niftyplanet #digitalcollections #NFTs #ETH #Drop
NiftyPlanet — Where Are We Heading?
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NiftyPlanet is the world’s marketplace for Nifties. Nifties are authentic and verifiably unique digital items you can truly own. Our team has been working hard to create something worthy of the attention of our community. After quite a lot of testing of the platform, we are happy, excited, and proud to announce that we are officially launching tomorrow, June, 19th! Our first drop is now scheduled, so more info will be published on our social media shortly.
Let’s talk about some things that you can expect in the next few days. On June 22, we are conducting our first Chinese AMA, so make you follow our WeChat and have your questions ready.
Another important piece of news is that NiftyPlanet is starting its first bounty campaign. During the next 8 weeks, bounty hunters will have a chance to earn $9,000 worth of NFPL tokens.
There will be 160 winners in total. At the end of the bounty campaign, we will count the number of stakes earned in all bounty programs and reward the best achievers. To increase your chances of winning, participate in several bounty programs. More details and rules will be published separately.
Our first ever AMA session is live. Only for Chinese people!
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#AMA #Niftyplanet #digitalart
For more information about niftyplanet
WEBSITE: https://niftyplanet.co/
MEDIUM: https://niftyplanet.medium.com/
TELEGRAM : https://t.me/NiftyPlanet
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/PlanetNifty
YOU TUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7iTV9RFgEOQsxhOaKfITDw
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nifty.planet/
Reddit: https://discord.com/channels/829112237247561738/829112237247561740
Bitcointalk UserName : Thelagendjz4
Bitcointalk Profil: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2577207
Telegram Username : @Thelagendjz4
ETH Address: 0x45365defCa88A8c888e9A67F57e0c315f2B1e5F2
1 note · View note
ayuwandira · 3 years
[NFPL] NiftyPlanet
NiftyPlanet is an NFT marketplace and minting platform that utilizes the NFPL token to empower users who actively interact with the platform.
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About Nifty Planet project
NiftyPlanet is the world marketplace for Nifties. Nifties are authentic and unique digital items that you can actually own. What is NiftyPlanet? Our first NFT Drop successfully launched on June 19th! Stay tuned and subscribe on our social media for more upcoming events and news!
A platform based on blockchain technology, where your unique digital creations are protected, the love and authenticity of your creations is guaranteed.
NIftyPlanet Video Guides - What are NFTs?
#NFT #NFTCommunity #niftyplanet #niftyplanetnews #NFTmarketplace #digitalart
BlockTalks x Nifty Planet AMA Transcript!
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We recently hosted an AMA with Nifty Planet, on June 26th at 1 PM UTC. Many of you might have participated or many of not. But we make sure no one missed out from the knowledge shared by Toku Mei, CCO of Nifty Planet. So here we are up with the AMA transcript, for those who missed the live session, this blog post will be a saver & feeder of knowledge for them.
Introduction Questions Asked By Team BlockTalks!
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Q1. Could you please introduce Nifty Planet to our community in layman’s term?
Ans — Yes. NiftyPlanet is a web.3.0 platform that built based on Ethereum blockchain. From the start it is place where users can buy NFTs from the famous people and original NiftyPlanet NFTs. In the future, our platform will be fully decentralized and be managed by a Foundation.
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Q2. What are the advantages of Nifty Planet to other alternatives in the Blockchain field?
Ans — I would say that there are many differences between the NiftyPlanet and other NFT markets but 2 of them are the biggest to us. First of all we are preparing for any drop together with creators in advance. Including pricing, special mechanics, advertisement. That is why all NFTs have bigger values for the holders than NFTs from rest of the markets. Any creator have to pass Due Diligence process. But at the same time we are web.3.0 system it means that all the assets are under the user’s control.
Second biggest difference is that we plan to attract not just artists of creative people we plan to adopt NFT technology for many different industries and help to join crypto spase different companies and independent people. And our customization can help to make it easier for them and increase the value for their products (NFTs) for everybody.
Q3. What are the major milestones Nifty Planet achieved so far & what are in the future pipeline?
Ans — First of all, we created an Ambassador program and have already gained three Ambassadors to work with us. We have also started our first drop and already sold the majority of those NFT’s. Additionally, we have already built a solid team of more than 10 international team members. And we have our own system that was created by our own engineers based on proven smart contract technology. We have already contracted with a few famous artists to launch NFT drops on our platform starting next month, and we are also in negotiations with at least 10 more international creators.
We plan to be leaders in offering hybrid NFT’s by merging physical and digital offerings on our platform. We already have many offers from international creators and businesses that wish to use our platform to sell physical items as NFTs. Additionally, we will also offer what we call, “Functional NFT’s” which will provide the ability to offer an unlimited number of possible services and knowledge-sharing that will not only open up new channels of commerce and financial opportunity, but will also connect people that would never have been able to connect directly before.
Questions Asked on Twitter For Nifty Planet Team!
Q1. At this moment, which one the most Necessary for your project: 1. Investors 2. Community 3. Market/Exchange and why?
Ans — At the moment, for us, Community is the most important of these three. Of course, we welcome more investors ;) but Since we have the technology, a plan, and a growing list of creators excited to create unique and useful NFT’s together with us, what we need next is more people to share it all with, and to benefit with us as we create opportunities for everyone that gets involved with us. We hope in turn that our community will share their ideas about how we can grow and create more opportunities from the NiftyPlanet platform, and together we can bring more and more people around the world to join this incredible world of blockchain and decentralization, which is a big goal for us.
Q2. What other partnerships are you looking for and what is the focus of these partnerships?
Ans — Well, we really want to push the limits of NFT’s and so we are and will be actively seeking new partnerships with individuals and businesses that have great new ideas of ways to use NFT technology for Art, for business, for communication, for socializing and more. We don’t claim to know it all and we all know that there is power in numbers, and so we are open to the ideas, brains and creativity of all of those in our community and hope they openly share and offer their ideas with us. Think "functional NFT’s" and the potential is limitless.
Q3. Telling about real world adoption. Most of the user are still not aware about Blockchainchain and Blockchainchain related products. So, how Your project can raise awareness about their project with non-crypto users too?
Ans — You are exactly right. For the first time in maybe thousands of years, we "common" people have a chance to take back our freedoms from the "Mis-Leaders" and Elite classes, and create wealth without worry of being extorted by overreaching governments. So this is one of our big goals. We want to help more and more people become involved in blockchain and cryptocurrency and understand its implications and usefulness. By selecting our initial creators carefully by hand, we can select artists and creators and influencers that also are in line with our goals to wake more people up to the freedom, opportunities and benefits of blockchain, and are willing to reach out to their vast numbers of fans, most of whom are not aware of blockchain, and invite them to become involved in it by learning and talking about and buying and selling the NFT’s created by those artists and influencers. And we as a platform will do everything we can to onboard those new members by providing a friendly and easy to use platform.
Q4. You plan to have an IDO (Initial Dex Offering) in Japan, China and Internationally. So,why did you focus first in Japan and China? Aside from this countries,which other country you plan to have an IDO? Can you share some details about your plan IDO of PlanetNifty?
Ans — The main reason is that we are big fans of Asia and have spent a lot of time in Asia living and working and playing. Thus we have a lot of friends and strategic partners that can, and want to help us grow both our business and our community organically and confidently. We love and know Asia well and are very comfortable working and creating in its markets. We also are lucky enough to have direct connections and relations with a large number of really wonderfully genius artists and creators whose work and ideas we want to share with the rest of the world. This why we focused on the Asian market to start business and our IDO’s as well. We will share more details about IDO very soon so please watch our Telegram group.
Q5. If I like Nifties but I am not a creator or artist, how can I be part of this project? Is it exclusive for those with creative skills, or is there an inductive one for beginners?
Ans — Thats a good question. To be honest, in order to build a strong business and community we are focused on well known artists from the start. But we do have plans to open up to more and more up-and-coming artists and creators over time, especially those that propose new and unique uses for NFT’s, and ways to use NFT’s create more interest and opportunities for our community. But even before that, we want to encourage people that want to start learning how to create NFT’s, so we plan to provide a way to access our NFT engine to create your own NFT’s for practice, or for fun, or to try and sell in any of the marketplaces that accepts brand new artists. We will also introduce our partner NFT markets where you can join right away.
Questions Asked by our BlockTalks Community Members during live Session to Nifty Planet Team!!
Q1. It is easy to claim that your project as well as the product is good, however it takes so much effort to prove. What are the qualities and security that Nifty Planet is worth investing for especially that you’re new and is anonymous, how will we able to assure the stability of the project and how will you stay up to date on the latest tokens and coins that the market has to offer?
Ans — Well to be honest, we here at NiftyPlanet have been around the crypto space for a while and we have seen a LOT of crap and scams, and we have also been left high dry by fake or undedicated project teams. One of the reasons we started this project, is not only because the idea of NFT’s is really awesome, but because we want to give back to all the people that were let down in the past, by creating a project that people could get excited about, become deeply involved in, that we could directly interact with and share ideas with, and build something that is not only fun and useful but creates financial opportunity for everyone involved so we can all become more free and happy.
Q2. How can I trust your project? If you can give any proper information about it, I would like to invest in your project.
Ans — Well, although we are keeping our identities quiet for now, we have gone to great lengths to be as forthcoming and transparent as possible. We have even published our and our investors wallet addresses and of course our contract address right in our literature (website and our medium blog), we intend to be as transparent, honest as possible and always, think of our community first.
Q3. Do you have any plans for ambassador programme role for your project growth and awareness? If yes how may I apply?
Ans — Absolutely! Please contact us through our Telegram group or through our website if you believe you can offer solid support that will enhance our growth.
Q4. Is your project a local or global project? How many communites, do you have for non-english users?
Ans — We are definitely global > our team is international, our creators are international, and our investors and users are international. At the moment, we already have English, Russian and Chinese communities. and we will keep adding more and more.
Q5. How will NiftyPlanet bring the digital and physical world together through blockchain technology? What strategies have you developed to achieve this goal?
Ans — We have a LOT of companies and individuals with really cool and useful digital and non-digital things that they want to make into NFT’s. we are working face to face daily with these people to brainstorm new ways to combine and connect real and digital and we have some very interesting cases in the works already.
Q6. How can we invest in the project? Do we have a minimum requirement to be eligible?
Ans — We welcome large investors and have various options to partner with us and we communicate directly about such details. We will be holding Both ICO and IDOs. Please watch our channels closely for more details about these to participate as an individual investor. And of course, please visit our platform and hopefully buy some of our original and creator-based NFT’s.
Q7. How big is your team ? Are you a public team or not? Please tell us more about team background?
Ans — We are more than 10 i think now. Collectively, we are a team of Crypto pioneers with experience in many different areas.
Between us, we have many years of experience with IT startups, blockchain technology, ICO’s, traditional Art & Music, marketing, fundraising, digital Art and Music production, show business, community development and social media.
Q8. Staking is one of the strategies to attract users and hold them long term. Does your great project have plan about Staking?
Ans — Yup we will have several ways for hodlers to earn with their tokens.
What is the main aim for the NiftyPlanet project?
NiftyPlanet is an NFT marketplace and minting platform that utilizes the NFPL token to empower users who actively interact with the platform.
Users on the NiftyPlanet platform can buy and sell NFT’s (non-fungible tokens) created for rare and unique digital items such as music, artwork, trading cards, experience-sharing, hybrid digital/physical, and in the near future, even physical items.
NiftyPlanet’s plans extend far beyond being just another marketplace for digital collectibles and art. We intend to bridge the digital and physical world via blockchain technology to make it possible for collectibles and creations borne from both worlds to be shared with the world in the same exciting place.
We also want to give an international voice to creators that have never ventured past their own “neighborhoods” by connecting creators with an exploding International Crypto community.
Finally, we plan to provide a place where creators can monetize their creativity and even make a living from it, something especially needed in the wake of the globalist-created plannedemic, inhuman lockdowns and global financial destruction of 2020–2021. NiftyPlanet also wants to give back to all of its users and will offer rewards for active participation on the platform (creating and selling, collecting, voting and moderating, etc.). NiftyPlanet plans to provide the opportunity for farming to earn, as well.
The NiftyPlanet protocol is a solution to the limitations faced by the intellectual property market, including licensing and paperwork challenges, piracy issues and right-protection, limited or subdued revenue, and more. The advent of NFT’s represents an awesome alternative to everyone.
Why is the NiftyPlanet project team remaining anonymous?
We believe that new era of privacy and also private money is here. The world is changing very fast and people want to have a new approach in their relationship with the world at large, including the economy and government. It is clear, especially after the tyranny that has arisen from the insane and and irrational response to the “pandemic” that the NWO and its buddies in the new Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex, are currently trying to take over the world, and or kill us all. We feel that it is essential that we all begin guarding and protecting our privacy and rights before everything we own and love is gone or usurped by the “powers that shouldn’t be” either via their surveillance, assisted by other NWO buddies such as the tech giants we all know and love. Our own efforts start with this project. Those megalomaniacs aren’t welcome to participate in our community nor do we want anything to do with them thus we choose to remain anonymous.
We also feel there is too much pressure on companies and individuals to pay exorbitantly high taxes. And besides the obvious fact that taxes are too high, governments have shown perpetually that they are completely irresponsible in how they use taxes they collect from hard working citizens the world round; wasting and misusing funds for personal ends such as visiting prostitute establishments, rebuilding the same road many multiple times just so they can receive the same budget as the previous year, and last but not least to start wars, spending billions worldwide to create weapons of destruction to kill people in foreign countries that the taxpayers have no desire to have conflict with at all in the first place. But saying all this does not mean that we are against the taxes completely. In fact, we will gladly support the payment of taxes when they will be used for the people that bust their asses to pay them, and not to benefit the psychopaths who are currently in control of the spending of the taxes they collect from all of us. Taxes should migrated to a cryptocurrency basis and the method of payment should be changed from advanced payment — where you pay VAT, consumption taxes or taxes from your income from trading, to the “payment for the results”. In business area it’s called “Pay for Performance Principle”. In this payment for results scenario, for example, if you were happy with how the roads look around us that were built by your government, you would go to the DeFi Tax platform and pay directly to the company who built those roads. The same with your local Police force or any other kind of service that are currently funded by the thousands of types of taxes collected around the world. This way of paying taxes after you see the results or actual use of those taxes will motivate governments to transform and become more effective, efficient and responsible, and it will improve the world and environment around us. In our opinion, VAT that we are all paying in shops is absolutely enough for the government to survive. The rest of the Taxes we will pay in the future, once governments recognize and respect that The Era of Private money is here and we will no longer forgive their irresponsible use of our hard-earned income.
Cryptocurrency gives us our power to control our governments once more, the way they should be. Until the governments can prove they can be responsible and will not misuse or simply steal taxed money from the people we have no reason to hand any over to them. Another important reason for remaining anonymous, is routine paperwork and other extra costs. Once we register any kind of a earth-based company we need to hire a lawyer open a physical office, get and send correspondence in perpetuity. And all these things decrease our efficiency and effectiveness. In our initial stage we can not allow ourselves to waste such important resources as a time. We would better off investing this time to improve your user experience on our platform and make your life easier and more interesting, and to provide more creative and financial opportunities for our users.
The structure of NFPL token distribution
The NiftyPlanet platform is a semi self-funded platform. Half of the funds for the development and platform launch were provided by a few pre-seed investors.
Total token supply is 1 billion tokens.
There are 10 pre-seed investors of this project. In total they control 83M tokens. Additionally, they own 29% interest in the project.
2 main Founders control 8% of all token supply (80M tokens).
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Tokens have been distributed to 2 founders, 2 team members and 10 pre-seed investors.
Before we hold our IDO which is planned for June 2021, founders’ and pre-seed investors’ tokens will not move at all. The main reason we are doing this is because we believe that people who participate in IDO’s should have a guarantee that the team and investors will not sell all of their tokens all at once before the IDO starts.
In the graphic you can see the entity structure of token allocation with exact ETH addresses. Until the end of the actual IDO, there will be no NFPL transactions originating from project or investor wallets.
Founder 1 (4.00%)
Founder 2 (4.00%)
Pre-seed investor 1 (2.00%)
Pre-seed investor 2 (1.15%)
Pre-seed investor 3 (0.60%)
Pre-seed investor 4 (0.55%)
Pre-seed investor 5 (0.40%)
Pre-seed investor 6 (0.40%)
Pre-seed investor 7 (0.40%)
Pre-seed investor 8 (0.40%)
These tokens will be distributed after IDO
Pre-seed investor 9 (0.40%)
Pre-seed investor 10 (2.00%)
Core team member 11 (1%)
Core team member 12 (1%)
Marketing (10.00%)
Main address with rest of the NFPL tokens (81.70%)
Platform Roadmap
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NiftyPlanet — Where Are We Heading?
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NiftyPlanet is the world’s marketplace for Nifties. Nifties are authentic and verifiably unique digital items you can truly own. Our team has been working hard to create something worthy of the attention of our community. After quite a lot of testing of the platform, we are happy, excited, and proud to announce that we are officially launching tomorrow, June, 19th! Our first drop is now scheduled, so more info will be published on our social media shortly.
Let’s talk about some things that you can expect in the next few days. On June 22, we are conducting our first Chinese AMA, so make you follow our WeChat and have your questions ready.
Another important piece of news is that NiftyPlanet is starting its first bounty campaign. During the next 8 weeks, bounty hunters will have a chance to earn $9,000 worth of NFPL tokens.
There will be 160 winners in total. At the end of the bounty campaign, we will count the number of stakes earned in all bounty programs and reward the best achievers. To increase your chances of winning, participate in several bounty programs. More details and rules will be published separately.
Here are some important links of Nifty Planet:
WEBSITE: https://niftyplanet.co/
MEDIUM: https://niftyplanet.medium.com/
TELEGRAM : https://t.me/NiftyPlanet
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/PlanetNifty
YOU TUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7iTV9RFgEOQsxhOaKfITDw
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nifty.planet/
Reddit: https://discord.com/channels/829112237247561738/829112237247561740
Author: Ayu Wandira
Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3239934
Telegram Username : @ayuwandiraputri01
ETH Address: 0x0B2DbA0771d4b6562AEFFa7f9D9256c74ecD14dc
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jinruihokankeikaku · 4 years
Hello! I absolutely ADORE your classpecting posts. Since I trust your judgement, I was curious if you could analyze my session with a Heir of Space, Witch of Time, Knight of Void and Rogue of Mind? Thank you!!!
Oh hey, thanks!! I’m really glad you’re enjoying the content ^^^^v^^^^ And I sure could analyze that session. This is our 5th session analysis, and our third? I 8elievve, to feature a 8ard of Heart, interestingly enough.
(A/N: Wwhile I wwas wwritin this, I realized that due to the timing, phrasing, and Classpects requested that this ask and the prevvious one wwere from the same person. So I’vve included all 8 of the Classpects from the original ask just in case.)
Player Lineup
Rogue of Mind
Passive Appropriation Class; Personal-Associative Aspect
Witch of Time
Active Manipulation Class; Actual-Culminative-Conclusive Aspect
Heir of Space
Passive Manipulation Class; Actual-Expansive-Explosive Aspect
Knight of Void
Active Defense/Service Class; Actual-Introspective Aspect
Mage of Light
Active Comprehension/Interpretation Class; Actual-Associative Aspect
Bard of Heart
Passive Destruction Class; Personal-Introspective Aspect
Sylph of Hope
Passive Creation Class; Personal-Culminative-Conclusive Aspect
Prince of Doom
Active Destruction Class; Cyclical-Culminative-Conclusive Aspect
Session Outlook
Space and Time players present? Check. Interestingly, they’re an Active-Passive pair, which definitely means… something. We’ll get into that soon.
Active-Passive balance? 50/50. That’s always a good sign. You’ve also got three pairs of opposed Classes – the Knight and the Rogue, the Sylph and the Prince, and the Heir and the Mage. The Bard and the Witch are left unpaired, but their respective Active and Passive counterparts are both present in one of the other pairs. Very symmetrical, which on one hand means more diversity/versatility, but on the other does set up potential intra-team conflict.
Functional Balance: 2 Destroyers, 2 Manipulators, an Appropriator, a Defender, a Creator, and an Interpreter. You’ve got all 6 Class Functions covered here, and you’re doubled up on 2 of them – not the two I’d pick to double up on if I were trying to conceive of the Team Most Likely To Win, but you’re nonetheless as  well-balanced on this front as an eight-player session could be, and you’ve got some very powerful roles here.
Direction Balance: 2 Associative, 2 Introspective, 3 Culminative-Conclusive, 1 Expansive-Explosive. You’ve got everything covered here, too, with the Culminative-Conclusive Directional Trine predominating 3 to 1 (Space being your lone Expansive-Explosive Aspect. This suggests that that Trine will have a particularly strong influence on your session – Doom, Time, and Hope, a Prince, a Witch, and a Sylph. They’re going to drive the plot forward, regardless of whatever else they may do, as all of their Aspects are focused on drawing things to their conclusion. The Prince of Doom – Sylph of Hope pair are going to prove tremendously influential, especially if they’re on the same side (which is a more likely scenario than one might expect, given their Roles’ opposition. While the two may still be friendly while the Prince is ghosting Life [at a sextile relative to Hope], it’s when the Prince truly embraces Doom [at a trine relative to Hope] that they’ll start really playing off each other. The Witch of Time, arguably the most powerful Class-Aspect pair in the game (if we’re characterizing “power” as “raw ability to deliberately affect change within the session”)(cases could also be made for Witch of Hope, Witch of Space, and perhaps Witch of Rage [depending on how meta you wanna get]), is bound to do something dramatic – if you combine the Witch’s reckless experimentation with Time’s death drive will to action, that’s all but inevitable. Your Associative-Introspective Directions are balanced with one another through the Light-Void and Heart-Mind pairs, which is a good thing – The Mage will have access to the knowledge the Rogue needs in order to effectively implement their strategies, and the Bard (once fully developed) will incite the Knight to wield the power of the Furthest Ring towards ever-greater martial/destructive feats. The Rogue and the Knight, despite having opposed Classes, both have Aspects at a semi-sextile relative to the Heir (and at a sextile relative to one another), which could help the Knight fulfill their duty to protect the Heir, as those two are rather unlikely to come into direct conflict.
Source Balance: 4 Actual, 3 Personal, 1 Cyclical. Your Prince of Doom will be the only one in the session drawing on the Cyclical source, but the presence of the Sylph of Hope should help compensate for that when it comes to keeping the worst of the Prince’s destructive impulses in check. Otherwise, you’re fairly balanced on this front, and the presence of all four Actual Aspects means that you’ll be able to draw on all four axes of in-Game reality (timelines, physical space, Skaia, and the Furthest Ring).
Possible Events
Well, as I think my rambling meander above made clear, this is sure to be an eventful session. Here are some briefish notes on the individual players and their relationships with one another.
Rogue of Mind [Pe-As | Passive Relocation/Appropriation]
Your Rogue of Mind is tasked with redistributing and balancing justice, planning, and consistency, where in your session they have fallen out of balance. They’ll likely be a rather shy player, with many great ideas but little confidence or motivation with which to share them. They’ll likely get along with the Bard well enough prior to their crisis; however, said crisis could well damage their relationship beyond repair. They’ll be a crucial support player for the Heir, giving them “peace of mind” and strategic aid when they need it most, so long as they can overcome their inhibitions when it comes time to express their ideas.
Witch of Time [Ac-Cu | Active Manipulation/Transformation]
Witches are given the most raw power to change their Aspect, but not the wisdom to know when and how their Aspect ought to be changed. Their challenge within the session is to acquire patience and temperance, and, in the case of the Witch of Time, to avoid dooming the Timeline by flying too close to the proverbial sun with their temporal shenanigans. They’re very likely to resent the Heir’s leadership, when the Heir rises to that role, which may become problematic; ideally, the Sylph will be able to help the Witch’s energies be directed in a positive light, because Inversion or Over-embracing on the Witch’s part would almost certainly doom the session (as the Witch would be unable or unwilling to close the loops they had initiated).
Heir of Space [Ac-Ex | Passive Manipulation/Transformation]
Heirs are gifted with or surrounded by their Aspect from the beginning, and this can lead to their being capricious, complacent, or confused early in a session’s progress. However, as they come into their own and allow themselves to merge into their Aspect, they will (ideally) prove themselves as leaders, and play that part effectively. The Heir of Space in particular is going to start out from a position of physical and perhaps emotional isolation from the rest of their team; in order to step into their role as leader, they’ll have to traverse great distances, and to allow the journey to transform them. Because of the uncertainties surrounding the Heir early on, and the fact that their presence is necessary to successfully complete the Game, it will be crucial for the Knight have the Heir’s back while the Heir is developing their talents.
Knight of Void [Ac-In | Active Defense/Service]
The Knight of Void is tasked with protecting the session, and especially the Space player, by wielding and extensively utilizing the quantity of their Aspect available to them (which is likely Not Very Much). To wield the Void might mean “to literally weaponize shadows, silence, or secrets”, but it may also mean “to call on Unknown Powers to defend your session” – Unknown Powers being, as we know, the Horrorterrors of the Furthest Ring. They’re likely to present to the world, and even to most of their friends, an enigmatic and/or secretive image that isn’t entirely authentic. Indeed, our Knight may often feel overstimulated and overexposed, and use this image as armor to ward off the eyes of the world.
Mage of Light [Ac-As | Active Comprehension/Interpretation]
The Mage of Light is one who fully experiences both the costs and the benefits of Light and its domains, which include fortune, knowledge, revelation, attention, and of course, literal light. They’ll know a whole lot to begin with, and come to learn a whole lot more, but they’ll likely suffer for their knowledge, and they won’t have the knack for communication and education that a Seer might. Ideally, they’ll be able to work with the Rogue, providing them with the raw information they need to form effective plans with the session’s leader. They may draw untoward attention in their quest for greater knowledge or fortune, however, and they’ll likely have (and openly express) disagreements with the Knight, which could prove harmful to group cohesion in the long run.
Bard of Heart [Pe-In | Passive Destruction]
The Bard of Heart is one who causes identity, performance, soul, and romance to decay by their very presence. Like the Prince, they’ll begin the session ghosting their opposite Aspect, which Aspect is in this case Mind. Their calculating yet casual demeanor may make them seem initially impressive to the Rogue, and the two may well be friends early on – but the Bard’s manifestation of Mind is merely a defense mechanism against the overwhelming presence of Heart in their identity which they’ve hated or been afraid to confront. The Bard cannot repress their nature like this forever, however, and will ultimately face a crisis that causes them to lash out against Mind with all their pent-up Heart, shattering the veneer they’ve hitherto maintained of rationality and impartiality. This will push them away from the Rogue, but may bring them closer to the Witch and the Mage, and will in any case lead to widespread chaos as the rest of the team is forced to confront the truth and falsity of various facets of their identity in a manner very similar to the Bard. Bards are always a force of chaos, and combined with Heart’s tendency towards selfishness and/or impetuousness, you’ve got a player to watch out for.
Sylph of Hope [Pe-Cu | Passive Creation]
The Sylph of Hope is the one who will, hopefully, hold this team of dynamic and often clashing personalities together. As the Role destined to repair, correct, or heal faith, credulousness, and positive emotion, the Sylph should bind the team together by fortifying their shared beliefs despite their differences, unifying the team’s differing facets and splintered in a single focused direction. They’ll be a sort of balancing force to the powerful yet volatile Witch and the well-intentioned but wrathful Prince, both of whom share an Aspect Trine with the Sylph. Because they not only passively create Hope but also passively create through Hope, they’ll have the incredibly useful ability conferred to all players – the ability to create matter and energy through pure force of will. While they won’t force the hands of Hope in the way a Maid or Witch might, they will nonetheless be a beacon of Hope, finding themselves in and calling to their allies brief but valuable moments of serenity and serendipity.
Prince of Doom [Cy-Cu | Active Destruction]
Princes have a (somewhat justified) bad reputation, due to the tendency of their good intentions to derail into wanton destruction and resulting chaos and intra-team conflict. Like their Passive counterpart, the Bard, they’ll manifest their opposite at first, and if they fail to grow beyond this initial ghosting phase, the consequences may well be dire. In this case, we have a Prince of Doom whose opposite Aspect is Life; this means that their ghosting phase will manifest as petulant rebellion, covetousness, and spiraling out into chaos and disarray. If anyone can help the Prince correct their course, it’s the Sylph, who may be the only other player capable of seeing the Prince for the Doom-bound player they are, reminding them through subtle yet compelling intervention that their soul is older than the shouting demons in their mind, and that to fulfill their role as an authority figure, they must be a symbol of law and order, rather than random tyranny. Unfortunately, even if they succeed in this transformation, the odds of their surviving into the new universe aren’t great – it’s hard to imagine Doom’s burden of suffering and the Prince’s self-destructive tendencies combining in any positive way.
Some Final Notes
Your session outlook is generally very strong, so long as your Hope, Space, and Time players stay alive and fulfill their roles. As always, the presence of a Bard makes any session that much more chancy / complicated, but the Sylph’s intervention should prove to be a sufficient countervailing force to the havoc wrought by the newly self-aware Bard.
I hope you found this analysis useful or at least interestin!! Thanks again for yr message, it means a lot that ya trust my judgment despite the fact that I’m rather neww at this ^^^^v^^^^
~ P L U R ~
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skvaderarts · 4 years
Apocrypha Chapter Twenty Four: Discretion
Masterlist can be found Here! Thanks!
Chapter Twenty Four: Discretion
Notes: I’ve just gotta say, I LOVE the comments that I got on the last chapter! Jokes on YOU, I’m crying too! I just use humor to mask my pain like Dante because it’s my only coping method! I’m worried about V, too and I wrote this shit! *Cry laughing*. Oh I’m so sorry, V. Please forgive me!
The coming storm built up momentum as it coated the forest below in a heavy layer of fog and rain. The air cooled down considerably as the minutes ticked by, night settling in earnest across the region and somehow making it even more difficult to see. As he neared the edge of the clearing to make a timely rondevu with the rest of the team, Griffon couldn’t help but shake his head at the insanity unfolding before him. If he strained the reaches of his subconscious, he could swear that he could still hear Nero and Vergil protesting V’s proposal, the plan seemingly unfathomable to them. 
While the concept was sound, the actual execution of the plan depended upon variables that none of them could control. While Nero was a bit more flexible in terms of ideas presented to him, Vergil couldn’t claim anything of the sort. Minimizing dependence on outside factors was quite literally a way of life for him, and the idea that the lives of either of his sons could fall into that category practically made his blood boil. But V’s counter-argument had been difficult to turn down, especially with the prospect of being rid of the cult forever on the table. It all came down to Vergil’s willingness to tolerate a plan that he despised, but he agreed to do so against his better judgement. At the end of the day, this was the best overall method of thinning out the ranks and being free of this threat for the foreseeable future.
At least Vergil still got to cut down his enemies…
Griffon landed with a firm thud, shaking rain droplets off of the tree as he came to a stop before the rest of the group. Being the only one who was experienced with a weapon who they could afford to spare, Nico had volunteered to get everyone out of town and onto the train. She had her own undisclosed plans as to how she intended to accomplish this that she wasn’t disclosing, but that was her primary objective overall. The last two days had been a refreshing change of pace, but there was no way in hell they were staying in town with the potential things had for going catastrophically wrong. While the young mechanic doubted that the city would end up under a pile of ash and rubble like Redgrave City had, she still thought that it was a good idea to round up Patty, Kyrie, and the children and skip town. And it was an idea that the rest of the team wholeheartedly supported. Having bystanders in the line of fire was never a good policy, especially when those bystanders were family.
They were in unfamiliar territory, and fixing that as quickly as possible was a solid idea. As soon as Lady and Trish had returned from escorting Patty and Nico to the relative safety of the hotel, they would return to help back up the rest of the team. But for the moment, Griffon had the stage, and his audience was what remained of Sparda’s descendants. Well, at least those of them that were present.
“Oh boy, I don’t like anything about this plan.” The vibrant blue bird said as he shook his head, totally unsure as to how the situation he currently found himself in was going to pan out,” I got out of there just in time. That cult made off with V right after I left. I heard them say something about taking him back to their base. It has to be that cave, right?”
Dante shrugged, totally unsure as to what was going on. All he knew was that Nero had bolted back into the clearing at top speed with Vergil behind him and that his older twin looked less than pleased about whatever had happened back there. He’d stepped away for a moment to figure out where they had disappeared to, casually mentioning that he was going to figure out where they’d gone. But when Nero had returned with more than a few cuts and bruises, and V hadn’t returned at all, Dante knew that something was terribly wrong. 
Vergil was clearly on edge, despite the fact that he was doing an excellent job of hiding it from everyone around him. Well, everyone but Dante. The younger of the two knew his older twin’s mannerisms far too well for that to sway him. But at the same time, he couldn’t help but agree with the wiley bird’s assessment of the situation they currently found themselves in. The youngest Son of Sparda had precisely no idea what had happened back there and the same amount of input in the plan, but he knew that he was a part of it and he’d take the opportunity to rip Vergil a new one about it after V was safe. 
As much as he’d like to tell his frigid twin off for not explaining things to him, a part of him was actually happy that he knew he could depend on him to help him, even without asking him first. Even if Dante would have preferred that they discuss things beforehand, he was relieved to know that Vergil finally trusted him to some measurable degree. He’d been on the fence about it for a long time.
“So what’s the plan then?” Dante asked, looking over his twin pistols idly. He wasn’t so much checking their condition as he was trying to find something to do to occupy his wandering mind.” I mean, there is a plan, right?”
Griffon shrugged, flapping his wings. He was honestly just as lost as Dante was. “Your guess is as good as mine. V didn’t explain the fine details to me. He just sort of does things sometimes and I just go along with them. All he had to say was that “everything was going according to plan”. Cryptic little brat.”
Both Dante and Nero were willing to agree with that statement. Sometimes V really did do things that made them consider that fact that he might be slightly unhinged. Vergil folded his arms, clearly unamused with the entire situation. Did they really have time for pleasantries and small talk considering the situation?
“I assume he sent you to lead us back?” Vergil said as he stepped towards the edge of the woods. He didn’t strictly need the rest of them to come with him. He’d found the cave once, and he’d find it again. He had to.” That part of the forest is thick with dark magic and, as such, is incredibly difficult to navigate. Having an aerial view would be advantageous.”
Griffon nodded and took off towards the sky, double checking the trajectory they needed to follow. Vergil addressing him wasn’t something he was used to, and he got the distinct impression that Vergil was only doing so to further his own goals. Luckily for both of them, they were on the same wavelength in that regard. Everyone present wanted nothing more than to help facilitate V’s safe return and take down the cult that had seemingly developed an unhealthy fascination with him since his return from the underworld. If Griffon could help in some way, then they were glad for it. But how long could the blue bird stay away from his master?
“Well, let’s get out of here then. We can talk on the way, right?” Nero said as he followed after Vergil. “Wasting time here talking when we don’t know what they have planned isn’t going to get us anywhere or help V.” 
Dante returned his guns to the holsters and nodded in conformation. Nero made a good point. Their limbs and mouths worked in tandem. Why not use them that way? V was skilled at adjusting to difficult situations, but if the cult had magic and demons at their disposal, who knew what they could be capable of. The longer they spoke, the more Dante got the feeling that he understood the premise of the plan. And the less he liked some of the finer details of it. Giving the cult exactly what they were looking for was a good way to gain access to their domain, but to what end? How did that benefit them? After all, there was no way that Vergil and Nero would've accidentally left him behind. As he entered the forest behind them, Dante took one last look at the peaceful clearing behind them. He had to agree with Griffon. This particular mission had “bad news” written all over it.
Panic worry and calm vigilance melded into one tense atmosphere as everyone packed their bags in a blind rush in anticipation for the trip home. While they were shaving off almost an entire day from their trip, no one had the time to worry themselves with such trivial concerts and they rolled their belongings into messy tubes and tossed them into their suitcases. They could do this again somewhere else at a later date, but they had to live that long first. 
Lady and Trish watched the door to the room with a level of professionalism born of the kind of experience that came with a lifetime of fighting the denizens of the underworld. Under no circumstances were they going to let anything harm their companions, human or otherwise. While it was true that they didn’t tangle with humans very often and normally stuck to the more overtly demonic cases, they had been forced to take up arms against less demonic foes in the past. The only thing worse than fighting a crafty demon was fighting one that was backed by an intelligent human.
Hopefully this subsect of the cult wasn’t very smart.
“Look, Love, all you need to do is make it to the train station and head back to town. I’ll be there to back you up as soon as you arrive.” Magnolia said firmly from the other end of the phone. There was no questioning the honesty and seriousness from which her statement had been spawned.” I protect my own, and those cultists are going to rue the day they threatened you sweet girls. Stay safe until then!”
Nico nodded in agreement, not considering the fact that the older woman couldn’t see her from this end of the phone. She still had Magnolia’s number in her pocket from the card she’d given Nero before they had departed back to Fortuna with V. The young mechanic wasn’t entirely sure if she was stepping out of line by asking for help, and she didn’t care. Anything that kept the people she cares about safe was a win in her book, and she trusted Magnolia. All she could hope for was that they would arrive back in town safely and that the botanist didn’t have to reopen any existing injuries to save them. Nico didn’t know if she could live with any untimely deaths on her conscience, especially when it was someone who had shown her nothing but kindness. That, and Magnolia was basically Vergil’s only friend. Getting her killed was bound to have negative consequences.
“Don’t work about it, Magnolia. We're gonna leave here as soon as I get off the phone with ya. The train ride is only a couple of hours. Seeya then!” Nico said, trying her best to sound confident and sure of herself. She wasn’t lying, but she did have her reservations. She could practically feel Magnolia’s concerned smile through the phone as she wished her a safe trip and hung up, leaving Nico holding the receiver with nothing but the sound of the dial tone to keep her company. All she could do now was hope for the best and do what she could to help everyone get out of there safe. The gunsmith sighed and turned to the rest of the group, pleased to find that they were all packed and ready to head out. All she could do now was hope that the cultists didn’t know who they were.
“Is everyone ready to go?” Trish asked, giving the room a once over. Lady unfolded her arms and reached down to grab her luggage bag. She shared a similar sentiment. The trip had been fun, but she was ready to get the hell out of there and back to a more familiar place. At least she would have an advantage to use against her opponents back in Dante’s stomping grounds.
Everyone nodded or vocalized in agreement, trying their best to hide their uncertainty. The children were too little to comprehend the danger they were in, and to a certain degree, they were glad for that. The last thing anyone wanted was for the children to have another thing to keep them up at night.
“Yea, were good. Let’s get outta here! The train is gonna be here in like twenty minutes!” Nico said as she helped grab the bags and herd the children towards the door. Someone was going to have to pick Carlo up to keep him from lagging behind or wandering off in the commotion. She just hoped it would be someone else. She didn’t have a hand to spare.
“Okay then! You head down towards the lobby. Trish will lead the way and I’ll cover your backs. Let’s get out of here before they find us.” Lady stood out of the way and allowed Trish to leave the room, followed closely by Kyrie, Patty, Nico, and the children. Moving with a group this large was going to be a challenge.” Paying repair fees to the hotel is not going to be the thing that finally sends me into bankruptcy. Let’s get out of here in one piece, okay?”
As soon as the room was empty, Lady closed the door behind them and bolted after the rest of the group. The only straightforward path in the entire place was the route down to the lobby. If they could make it down there and out of the building, all they had to do was go a handful of blocks up the street. Then they were home free. And she was going to make sure they got there in one piece. She’d never be able to face Nero again if something happened to Kyrie or the kids, and Dante would literally go to hell and back for Patty. She couldn’t let her family down.
“Why are there always so many people willing to jump at the opportunity to join some sort of sinister death cult?!” Nero said as he kicked one of the cultists in the chest, knocking them off the side of the cliff they were facing towards. They wouldn’t need to worry about that guy anymore. “Like, where do all these idiots keep coming from?! Is there a super villain lackey shop or something?!”
“Because it is the nature of humans to seek power beyond their current threshold, and they latch onto those that promise to deliver that to them.” Vergil said as he came to a stop, sheathing Yamato. Half a dozen cultists that he had taken off guard toppled over in a very upsetting way, clearly no longer a factor in the current battle. “All one must do to gain the trust of another is promise them something they do not currently possess that they seek to acquire, and many will see that as enough justification to commit unspeakable atrocities.”
Nero raised an eyebrow, giving Vergil a sideways look before turning to face Dante. “Care to translate, Dante? Your brother is speaking another language again!” 
The youngest Son of Sparda had just finished off his opponent’s summon and was pursuing them. The hooded man was spouting some indecipherable nonsense about something he didn’t care to understand and throwing everything between them at the red coat wearing devil hunter in an attempt to slow his approach. In a way, Dante pitied them. They seemed to be clearly out of their minds, the presence of so much demonic power and the toll of summoning so many demons with so little training had clearly robbed them of their humanity and their sentience. All that was left of them were the shells of what had once been people. But now they were twisted beyond recognition. Despite the fact that they were human, they were more akin to a demon than any pure blooded human should be. He’s seen powerful pure blood demons that could easily pass as more human than these poor husks pretending to be living beings. No. They were like worker ants, more akin to the Empusa than anything from the human world that wasn’t an insect ought to be. And he needed to find out who the leader of the hive was and give them a heavy dose of insect repellent.
Whoever was in charge of this cult needed to be stopped before any more lives were ruined.
“You think I know? I wasn’t really listening! Nothing Vergils says makes sense to me.” Dante said as he closed in on the cultist and finished him off quickly. No need to drag things out. His life had clearly been filled with enough suffering. No need to rub salt in his wounds.” Something about how it’s easy to deceive despirate people into doing stupid things for you, if I was going to make an educated guess. Why don’t you ask him?”
Vergil finished off the last of the demons, grabbing one of the cultists around the collar and slamming him into a nearby tree with enough force to shatter both him and the sturdy oak in two. They groaned and shook their head, clearly dazed.
“You're going to tell me where the rest of your ilk took him, or things will not end well for you.” Vergil said sternly, making eye contact with the young man in the hood.” My companions are patent. I am much less so. Do not test me.”
The younger man stared at him, clearly intimidated. “ B-but Agreus will kill me if he finds out I said anything! I can’t!”
”Yes, I’m quite sure he will. That is not my problem. You should’ve put more care into who you trusted in the first place.” Vergil gave him a sideways glance, allowing a hint of his demonic power to manifest in the form of his eyes flashing an eerie red for a moment.” But I am here now, and while he might kill you, I assure you that if any harm should come to my son, you will wish that was all I did. There are worse fates. Trust me.”
A visible look of horrified shock crossed the cultist as his blood ran ice cold. It was evident to anyone that could see him that he took Vergil’s threat to heart. With a sigh, he raised a shaky hand and pointed in the direction of the cave, barely hiding his worry. In that moment, he was more afraid of Vergil than he had been of anything in his entire short life. Not only was he sure that the Darkslayer could kill him, he knew that he wouldn’t hesitate to do so.
“Follow that p-path towards the interior of the cave. The part you can see here is only the mouth of a greater cavern that stretches several miles under the forest. At the end of the left fork is the cave you're looking for. You can’t miss it! They took him that way, I swear! Something about Master Agreus wanting to understand “what the dark lord saw in him”. I don’t think they plan to kill him, though. No. Master Agreus might be our leader, but he answers to a much higher power. A terrifying power. And that power is what is after that kid. We just do what they tell us to. I’m sorry, I didn’t know they would do something like this. I didn’t sign up to kidnap people! None of us did.”
Vergil yanked the younger man away from the tree and forced him in the direction of the woods before releasing him with a forceful shove. The younger man glanced at him for a moment, wrapped in confusion as the Darkslayer allowed Yamato’s blade to peak out of its scabbard. “Leave before I come to my senses.”
“Your… not going to kill me?” The older teen asked, clearly shocked by his decision. If he had been in Vergil’s place, he wasn’t sure what he would’ve done to the man who had helped kidnap his child.” What if I’m lying.”
“Then you're a fool and you should spend the rest of your life looking over your shoulder for me. Now go before I bathe my blade in your blood and leave your corpse here for the wolves.” Vergil said, far beyond the limit of his patience. Was this foolish boy actually going to stand there and look a gift horse in the mouth? Humans were truly something else…
“T-thank you! I hope you find him.” The young man said as he took off running in the direction of the forest. Vergil doubted his ability to navigate in the vast darkness, but he’d made his way out there so there was no way of knowing. Regardless, he was no longer the eldest Son of Sparda’s problem. As the young man disappeared into the darkness, Vergil turned in the direction of the cave and his two companions, both of which seemed genuinely surprised at his decision. Vergil half groaned and passed them, heading into the cave. Dante and Nero shared a glance at one another before following him.
“So Vergil, why didn’t you…” Dante started, unsure of how to approach the topic in a way that wouldn’t reignite his twin’s barely contained blood lust. It seemed that his older brother possessed more restraint than he gave him credit for.
Vergil stopped for a moment, glancing over his shoulder at Nero. While his response was a result of Dante’s inquiry, his response was meant more for his youngest son than his twin brother. “... I don’t kill children, Dante. I see no need to elaborate further.”
With that, Vergil continued towards their objective. It had been entirely too long since they had heard from Griffon, and Vergil was admittedly concerned for what that might mean for his oldest child. Hindsight is twenty-twenty, and as such, Vergil loathed the fact that he had agreed to go along with this foolish plan. But he felt the need to allow Nero and V to prove that they were as capable as he believed them to be. After all, they were descendants of Sparda and they had worked together to bring him down in Redgrave City. Not just anyone was capable of doing something like that.
He just hoped they would all survive long enough to regret what they had done.
Oh, the last two three chapters have been a blast to write! This is the kind of melodramatic shit I live for! Thank you so much for reading this chapter and have an awesome day! I’m thrilled that you’ve all stuck around this long. Thanks for all the love!
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Sweet! I want to commission you for a story then. I was hoping for Rhackothy for the pairing, and this is the prompt: Jack/Tim does something impressive with their hands (cooking/gun skills/something) and Rhys notices. And then obsesses. And then is basically thirsty for their hands on him. But Jack and Tim don’t notice, (or Jack doesn’t notice at first but then catches on and starts messing with Rhys?) because they are both super busy until Rhys just finally snaps and gets what he wants.
This labeled as A Curse and a Blessing. Also on my ao3 here. I had so so much fun writing this, I had to go 2 chapters xD  See that post for all relevant tags and shit woo!! My masterlist archive of bullshit i write can be found linked at the top of the blog or here.
There were certain privileges to being Handsome Jack’s personal assistant, Rhys found.
The obvious things like a bigger paycheck, a nicer apartment, and bragging rights were a fun novelty that he’d quickly gotten used to. Access to executive-level information, tech upgrades, and the power that went with having Handsome Jack’s ear were among the nicer benefits that still gave him a rush over a year later.
And right now— with his cybernetic arm laying palm-up on Jack’s desk- the CEO himself was performing a delicate upgrade to Rhys’ hardware. The special attention got his blood pumping quicker for more than a few reasons.
Jack’s attitude was very much like his body: large and in charge. But while the older man might’ve enjoyed strangling the life from especial-idiots with his bare hands, he also had more refined skills. The spectrum of things Jack could do with his hands wasn’t exactly new to Rhys, but having Jack’s deep in the circuitry and wires of his forearm brought a whole new level of understanding, and with it, fantasy.
The delicate machinery and circuits inside of Rhys’ arm were handled with utmost care as the CEO manipulated the tech. Jack knew how to be careful, just like he knew how to effectively snuff out life. That Rhys was on the end of the ‘care’ spectrum definitely had him inwardly-preening, and it got his brain applying Jack’s particular handiness to other scenarios in his mind.
“Hand me that screwdriver, pumpkin,” Jack said flatly as he was focused on a wire inside his arm. This was one of the few times Jack ever wore glasses, his usual frenetic-energy centered on working with surgical precision. It wasn’t helping Rhys pay attention, rather lending more fodder to his less-than-pure daydreams about his boss.
Jack had his free hand open expectantly to Rhys as he kept his attention on the inner-mechanisms of the cybernetics. His other hand was carefully maneuvering a small purple wire around a coil with a pair of grounded tweezers, moving to see from different angles. The area the CEO was working in was delicate indeed, and if Jack really wanted to, he could cause some real damage and considerable pain without even trying (Rhys had hurt himself quite a few times tinkering).
Frankly, Rhys was impressed by Jack’s technical skills being put to use.
Those bigs hands of Jack’s had strangled more than a few necks in Rhys’ presence, and the violence he was capable of was legendary in fact and fiction. But the sheer control the older man had— the skill needed for the upgrades- made Rhys’ pulse race. Not out of fear, but of excitement.
Hands as big as Jack’s shouldn’t be able to be so careful with him. They were strong hands meant for violence. Jack’s particular brand of violence was always so messy, but this… Well… The PA found Jack’s competence distractingly attractive.
Rhys passed the screwdriver and let his mind wander further as he absently observed, watching Jack expertly manipulate the other tools in his hand. He wondered what else those skilled fingers might be capable of if put to better use. The CEO had already made a few jokes about Rhys ‘letting him put some fingers in him’, and while Rhys had rolled his eyes, it certainly gave him something to think about.
Jack was making a voluntary-override for Rhys’ surge-protection, the idea being that the younger man could store a burst of energy in his arm for later use; enough to direct an electrical-current from his fingertips.
While the idea of finger-guns being brought to a brand new level was amusing in of itself, the very-real issue of Rhys being kidnapped or taken hostage— due to his relationship to Hyperion’s CEO- only made the shock-delivery system make sense. It would only be a single shock, maybe two, but enough to bring down a potential kidnapper, and essentially a weapon that wouldn’t be detected in meetings with rival companies.
There were a few minor calibrations Jack had to do, and a few more adjustments in directing the electrical flow inside Rhys’ palm circuitry to his ring- and middle-fingers. Jack held the back of Rhys’ palm in his own while he worked, the CEO’s hand dwarfing Rhys’ cybernetic one as he cupped it.
It didn’t take much at all to imagine what it might be like if Jack curled his fingers to entwine them with Rhys’ own. The innocence of a hand-holding fantasy quickly switching up to the visualization of Jack’s larger hand pressing his into sheets. It was easy to imagine as Jack moved his hand as he worked, the firm grasp feeding back through his arm’s sensitivity receptors.
He bit his lip to bring himself back to reality, and they tested out the connections before Jack eventually closed up the paneling, and Rhys went home for the day.
Rhys was… maybe a little embarrassed that his front door was barely closed before he was palming himself on the way to the shower. He couldn’t take the thought from his mind of Jack’s large hands being put to better use on other parts of his body.
Rhys knew Jack’s hands well. The breadth of them, the general size. Especially after watching him all afternoon up close and mentally fighting the half-chub in his pants. They’d fit good around his waist. Probably be able to cup his entire ass in both hands. What would it feel like to have Jack’s warm, large hands sliding up his inner thigh? Or to feel one of those palms cupping his throat without intent to kill?
Rhys cleaned himself off in the shower with minor shame, figuring to put things out of his head as he knew Jack, and this level of infatuation after working for him so long already was ridiculous.
He couldn’t stop his dreams though, and the visions of Jack’s hands on his body— holding him, pinning him, touching him- assaulted Rhys throughout the night.
Suffice it to say, he didn’t get any rest that night, and he woke up in ruined sheets and a sense of agitation that kept him on-edge all weekend.
“I got you one of those caramel-foam things since you didn’t answer any of my messages,” Rhys spouted off early Monday morning as he walked into their shared office, the CEO sitting at his desk as the younger man strode in with coffee for the both of them. “And they were out of cheese bagels. We’ll have to order something in later.”
As he got closer, Rhys realized it wasn’t Jack in his seat, but Tim— the man’s body-double and sometime stand-in- and he pulled up short at his misplaced snarking. “Oh, hey! Sorry, I, uh… ha ha… thought uh….” He looked at his hands, coffee in each. It was clear who he’d thought Tim was. “Well. Would you like a coffee?”
Tim snorted as Rhys offered up the sweet concoction he’d brought for Jack, the man making a few noises of gratitude as he took a careful sip. “That is way better than the crappy instant I had this morning,” Tim said with a smirk. “Jack’s not coming in today. Obviously.”
“Sleeping-in or hungover?” Rhys prompted with a grin, sipping from his own cup as Tim chuckled and laughed as he confirmed that, yes, Jack was hungover or something, but he wasn’t even on the station right now. Probably still sleeping off the meeting-turned-party that had gone very well on Elpis.
Tim took another sip of the coffee as Rhys put his stuff away at his desk. His voice was just like Jack’s, but there was something always just a bit softer there when they were alone in the office. Tim took another sip of the sweet concoction before speaking again: “I think there’s the one echo-meeting he wanted me to do on video for payroll, but what else is on the roster for today?”
Rhys easily opened up the display of Jack’s schedule on his palm, quickly opening to the date with his echoeye and scanning through the day’s lackluster agenda. “Yeah, there’s a few things, but most of it’s just signatures and stuff or quick calls.” Rhys frowned to himself. “…he could’ve just given us both the day off too…”
Tim made an annoyed sound that Rhys agreed with wholeheartedly.
“Oh! Yeah-” Rhys began suddenly in idea, “did Jack tell you about the upgrade he did to my arm?”
A smile spread across Tim’s face. “He did, yeah, but I didn’t wanna be nosey… Is it cool?”
Rhys smirked. The differences between the CEO and his body-double were obvious if you only paid attention, and as handsome as the namesake, Rhys was indeed paying close attention. “Well… You wanna see how it works?
They ordered-in for lunch after the novelty of playing with Rhys’ new finger-gun wore off; noodles and vegetables and sweet and spicy chicken. Rhys used a fork to eat his while Tim expertly ate with chopsticks like it was nothing. His smoothness was enough for Rhys to comment on as they were settled in eating together at Jack’s desk.
“How’d you get so good at that?”
“A’ wha’?” Tim asked before swallowing, making Rhys smirk.
“That,” Rhys said, motioning with his fork.
“What? Chopsticks?”
“A lot of long nights eating take-out while studying in college.”
He made a show out of smoothly picking up a piece of chicken and popping it in his mouth in one completely-natural motion. Rhys couldn’t manage that type of finesse if his life was on the line.
Tim smirked and continued eating, maybe showing off a bit as it was clear Rhys was still watching. Rhys felt a mildly-excited chill go up his spine, followed by an aroused sense of shame as he realized that Tim must be just as good with his hands as Jack was knowing the CEO’s standards, and while they might be identical physically as far as Rhys knew, he’d never considered their less-showy skills might align as well.
Rhys was already scheming as thoughts of big hands on him invaded his mind, and he knew he wasn’t going to forgive himself– nor stop himself- from taking advantage of a perfect opportunity to have those identical hands on him again.
Rhys put down his fork and looked at Tim as innocently as he could otherwise pretend. “Can you show me how?”
Tim’s brows raised, and the curious expression there looked so amusingly out of place on ‘Jack’s’ face that Rhys almost wanted to laugh.
Tim sat up and dug out the other pair of chopsticks from the takeaway bag, and he moved Jack’s huge yellow chair to sit closer to Rhys to demonstrate.
“Okay, so eventually, you want to hold them like this,” Tim presented his own chopsticks in repose between his fingers. “If you do this-” Tim moved the position of the utensils, “you lose the strength at the bottom to hold anything with. If you do this-” Tim moved them again, far lower, “your hand is going to get tired and sore before you’ve even started.”
“Tell me about it…” Rhys muttered, then blushed at Tim’s laughter. He quickly got back on topic, doubling down and pursuing what he expected to be a hands-on lesson. “Okay, okay. So down the middle or whatever. Am I holding them right?” He hoped he wasn’t. He was counting on it. He ignored the thing inside him that told him he was dirty, and greatly enjoyed Tim’s hands on his own correcting the hold. Inwardly he complained when Tim fixed it and removed himself, and asked Rhys to try to pick up a piece of chicken.
While momentarily distracted by his dastardly plans to have Tim put his hands back on him, Rhys did want to actually look good, but he didn’t manage much. Tim insisted he try again, and Rhys deflected by opening his palm and asking where the chopsticks should be making contact with his skin, or if he was using the right finger muscles (did fingers even have muscles?) Rhys sure didn’t care as he made his own excuses.
“Like, let me show you what I mean, I don’t know what it’s called,” Rhys said as confidently as he could and willing away his telling blush as he took Tim’s hand and opened the palm. He shamelessly traced the inside of Tim’s hand with his thumb, asking if the ‘muscle-thing’ was supposed to touch here, or here, and should he feel the pressure of doing it right from this side of his palm or that as he traced along?
Rhys kept his eyes on Tim’s hand— not daring to meet his gaze in case Tim realized what Rhys was up to- and Tim patiently explained what parts of his hand he should be using to make the best hold, and he put them back in Rhys’ hand and had him try again.
Had Rhys not been successful this time, he was pretty sure that Tim might’ve caught him out on his ulterior motives. But he managed to pick up a piece of chicken and get it to his mouth, and for that, Tim gripped his flesh arm in an excited touch of congratulations and praised that he was a fast learner.
Rhys used the excuse of ‘practicing’ to finish his lunch with chopsticks instead of a fork, even though Tim gently teased that it would take him twice as long to finish.
That, Tim didn’t know, was the whole idea. Rhys was half-stiff in his pants as he sat there. Unnoticeable, unless he got up, but he had to admit that maybe indulging in Tim’s hands on his own– after sleepless nights dreaming of those same hands, only Jack’s, all over his body- maybe wasn’t the best idea. The half-realized boner was his punishment for indulging himself.
By the time lunch was done, he was safely able to return to his own desk and continue boring secretarial work that could’ve been done at home while Tim did much the same. He didn’t think Tim caught the interested looks he gave him as they finished off the work day, but as far as his psyche was concerned, he wasn’t going to get any rest anytime soon.
Jack had been in and out of the office all week, and Tim stood in more often than not for the random video call needing the CEO’s face.
Between Jack’s sudden interest in cleaning his gun at his desk when he was present, and take-out meals with Tim when Jack wasn’t, Rhys was in a hell of his own making.
The PA had been certain he was being punished by galactic karma for his dirty thoughts about Jack’s hands on him, and for the shameless touching of Tim’s own a week prior. Rhys didn’t know if he was just conscious of taking notice now, or if his fantasies had gotten just that deep under his skin, but it was like he could focus on nothing but the strength and dexterity in Jack and Tim’s respective hands.
And it only snowballed from there.
Jack became rather insistent— after Rhys’ denials of any ability- that his PA know proper gun maintenance, which then lead to an intensive lesson in structure as Jack expertly took the weapon apart, and put it into Rhys’ own hands to make him learn to properly put it back together, he’d said. Jack was already a touchy-feely type of guy, and Rhys credited sheer force of will for not outwardly-blushing as Jack moved his hands freely about Rhys’ person in his teaching. The touches were peppered with all the usual familiarity and innuendo Jack normally used with the younger man, but whatever desensitization Rhys had developed in a year working for the older man was raw and easily-excited again.
Jack would probably never let Rhys live it down if he knew he was actually hitting the mark, and Rhys had been trying to fight a hard-on the entire ‘lesson’. While it gave him more wank-material to pull into his fantasies, it wasn’t exactly lending to his quality of sleep.
Tim had stood in for Jack a few days that same week, and it was like the PA couldn’t catch a break with him either.
Tim and Rhys had gotten noodles for take-out again— so Rhys could practice, Tim pressed- and the gentle encouragement and demonstrations not only made Rhys’ chopstick skills better, but they fully aggravated his rekindled obsession for his boss and his body double.
And after that trying week, that was how— after not being properly laid in months, and fueled with more than enough reality-based fantasies in his mind- Rhys had been absolutely going to town on himself in the shower, using both hands, and toys, as he fucked and jerked himself off.
And right as he’d been enthusiastically working the Master Handsome 5000 into himself, flesh hand drifting down to tug at his cock in earnest, the worst damn thing had happened.
“The whole arm’s dead, Jack,” Rhys hissed agitatedly into his comm. He was pulling on clothes as he spoke, a long week of sleepless nights and ruined sheets making his mood go from bad to worse.
He hadn’t even gotten to come when his arm had suddenly gone dead, and the panic had been real enough to kill his hard-on.
And now all that pent-up frustration and arousal was being used to fuel his anger.
“Your arm’s dead?” Jack repeated nonchalantly. “Like, you can’t move it, or—”
“As in no movement at all,” Rhys snapped, then cleared his throat a little. He took a breath as he realized that Jack was still his boss, and he was asking him for help and probably shouldn’t be snapping at him… even if it was probably Jack’s own tinkering that had caused it, and thus in relation, was to be blamed for his current lack of orgasms. “It was fine, but then—”
“Don’t get your panties in a wad, babe,” Jack spoke into the comm like it was nothing. “Come on over and I’ll fix it for you.”
Rhys opened his mouth to say something back to that blasé tone, and then thought better of it as his exhausted mind quickly whiplashed him from thoughts of anger and resentment back into the morally-ambiguous territory of recent arousal. “…at the office?” he asked far more calmly than he felt.
“Nah, I’m already home. Got everything to make-do here.”
The anger came right back. “Jack…”
Rhys bristled at the thought of ‘making-do’, and things getting further screwed up inside his cybernetics. He was already frustrated that he’d gotten no rest all week due to filthy dreams about large, warm hands all over his body, and to top it all off, now he couldn’t even get off. Not in the way he really needed, anyways.
Jack’s own tone shifted, and something in it made Rhys’ mood shift as well.
“I can fix it, okay?” The exasperation in the older man’s voice was only shadowed by the confidence there; the promise to make it better under the tone asking for his trust.
Rhys sighed. “…Really?”
“You betcha,” Jack promised, the smirk evident over the comm. “Come on up, cupcake. I’ll leave the door unlocked for ya.”
Chapter 2 will be found at my ao3 :)
kofi | ao3 | commission ‘info’
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rogueshipagogo · 4 years
ppl have been asking me my opinions on space channel 5 vr... and i guess since i bought a vr headset off craigslist just so i could play it and speedrun it before work the day it came out... i should talk abt it now... i dont rly think i’ll be able to separate it into ‘good’ and ‘bad’ things i think i’m just going to do a rambly stream of consciousness bc i have a headache... but i DO have good things to say abt this game... so st.... sta stay t tune  d
right off the bat, the thing i appreciate most abt this game- i like that space channel 5 vr doesnt have cash grab vibes. i Do genuinely believe that they Wanted to make this game For the people who are still obsessed with it, and that they ultimately did what they set out to do when they intended to scale certain aspects of the series up conceptually to match the way the fandom perceives it nowadays. but like i’ve said before... i’m not going to Disagree with the very common conclusion that it Needed to be longer, or at Least more intricate plot-wise. one of my fun and fresh excuses for sc5vr being as short as it is is because you arent really supposed to be playing vr games for too long anyways, its really disorienting and kinda painful, but even that doesn’t account for why so much of the game that we got is a rehash of old settings, concepts, songs, and characters. [i dont even have a problem with reusing old songs, i just think the ones they chose ended up being misleading]
for example i think it makes sense that the first report is a remake of the first games first report on the surface, it’s meant to take you back to the way the first game felt and give you an idea of what it means that the games classic scenery can be rendered in actual high quality detail now [same with the recurrence of events like encountering the space pirates in the asteroid belt/the last battle against a villain being singing to it about what it’s done wrong], but i really thought, like, report 1 was going to end up being a simulated scenario for the benefit of lou and kee’s training... which i dont think ended up being the case??? i think they really did write ‘ok here you are in the first game’s setting again, fighting the old enemies again, because... :^) ok have fun playing report 2!’
and then whats report 2... you fight another old boss from the first game... but theres Still no clear villain or motivation for anything thats happening... and there wont be until like... basically the end of the game...
like, glitter is a really cute character, but its kind of underwhelming that shes just a random citizen who was kidnapped by an entity that we NEVER LEARN ANYTHING ABOUT... like part 1 was extremely notable for being about corporate greed and corruption, part 2 honestly wasnt that political in comparison but at least made you do a think wrt purge’s motivation and his methods, and this game just has a plot device that feels like it’ll do smth but then ends up not doing anything beyond what we already learned about it from the information on its character bio before the game was out. if it turns out that cell x is actually relevant again in a future entry in the franchise and they do have a more developed concept for what cell x Is in mind, i’ll do an entire backflip, but for now its just chalked up to being the result of More Space Hijinks that dont need to be explained
ESPECIALLY WITH ALL OF THE ALLUSIONS TO CELL X BEING AN ENTITY THAT FEEDS OFF OF DANCE ENERGY... it had me thinking that there would have to be some New Method of fighting it off that didn’t just lend it more power in the process, but nah apparently just tacking on the disclaimer ‘*this dance energy is not for glitter’ is enough to turn it from smth it can consume for power into big attacks you can use to kill it... like honestly it sounds like im asking for a lot from a game that has Never made too much sense, but considering that in part 2 they could add details like ‘oh didnt you know purge can open pocket dimensions? ulala is capable of manifesting tangible dance energy and the only other person who can do that is purge???’, its not like they havent come up with weird new shit for dance energy to do within the plot before. they just didnt do it in this game fsr
like did anyone else think that cell x/glitter was going to be the result of tossing purge out into deep space and him encountering the sc5 universe’s equivalent of an eldritch alien creature, smth more bestial than morolians?? even if purge wasnt part of it, when you say ‘uh oh, this guy Eats this society’s only source of energy!!!’ i expect the stakes to get HIGH, and i want the ramifications of it to be kinda STARTLING, because blank wanted money and purge wanted to ritualistically end the world but something this near to an ecological disaster that would force an entire paradigm shift hasn’t occurred yet in the series?? its totally new!!! there’s a lot they could do with this but OH DONT WORRY ABOUT IT EVERYONE ulala knows how to make dance energy kill cell x instead of feed it she’s got this we’re good no need to investigate more into all that
i can’t explain why the game is like this. and i dont expect grounding to address it in any meaningful way either. i’m sure they’re Aware of these complaints by now- the game reviewing community has Not been kind to sc5vr specifically due to all of these shortcomings [i didnt even touch on the issues with motion sensing and how many of the games mechanics were removed in favor of smth presumably easier to program yet much less satisfying, like Secret Moves just being mini quicktime events and Turning Your Ratings Into Stars just being replaced with the standard Three Strikes You’re Out method of scoring], but the pr team still seems very enthusiastic abt the game and is still promising dlc and potentially even more games in the series after this one- heres hoping that they’ll at least take these grievances to heart and consider making the experience not only more accessible [aka it will... go back to being a rhythm game with controller input.... and not... an exclusive vr experience...], but also as immersive and detailed as the old games, with less reused plot beats. i can let some of it off the hook in this game simply because i’m aware that it began its life as a tech demo that was only supposed to be that initial first report from the first game But Happening All Around You!, but i Really dont think they could get away with doing this little to expand upon the groundwork set by the first two games again. not with the way people remember part 2 being such a vast upgrade from part 1... the bar had been set so high that this just felt like a huge backslide into something even sillier and harder to take seriously than part 1 before we had any idea what kind of staying power the franchise would have as a hallmark of sega’s quirky antics. like... this game is what i think space channel 5 looks like to people who don’t understand the appeal of the first two games. and that scares me
but i guess for the most part, aside from wishing they had done more to revitalize the setting and the lore of the sc5 universe itself, im kind of glad it didnt do a lot to change the existing storylines the characters have kinda forged for themselves- here i was stressing out that they would pull out some plot development that would utterly and drastically change the way we talked abt the series for the rest of time, but so little happened and so little was added to the bank of sc5 lore that we can kind of all just carry on as usual and keep having the same headcanons we always had.
BUT!!! there ARE a lot of cute little details here and there that make the experience feel wholesome and like i said not an utter cashgrab- like so many of the character profiles referencing previous games [all of the references to npcs in this game being relatives of the npcs of the last games made me lose it] and how often ulala changes her expressions up and looks right at you and talks to you. the new music they wrote for the game also all slaps and everyones redesigns [if they got a redesign... rip pudding] are stunning
one of the most important things they did in this game was give a nice sort of Update to every character.... for example explaining that ulala isn’t a rookie reporter any more like she was in the first 2 games, that she’s moved up to being in charge of training new channel 5 reporters, and that while pudding is still somewhat stuck on her rivalry with ulala her career isn’t stagnant either, she was just cast in a romcom series as the lead... which is really nice considering how in the past she was portrayed as somewhat of a loser with almost no remaining fans left from her idol years
and you knew i was going to bring up jaguar at some point HES ALL OVER THIS GAME AND IT LITERALLY MADE ME FEEL LIKE MY LIFE WAS WORTH POWERING THROUGH THESE LAST FEW YEARS AND ALSO LIKE IM A GENIUS FOR SPENDING SO LONG POSTING EVERY SINGLE DAY ‘NO REALLY, HE’S THE SECONDARY PROTAGONIST OF THE STORY, ITS ABOUT CHANNEL 5 AS A COMPANY AND THEIR IMPACT ON EVERYONE WHO HAS EVER ENCOUNTERED THEM AND THAT INCLUDES JAGUAR AS WELL AS ULALA HES INTEGRAL TO THE PLOT BC SHE WOULDNT BE ALIVE IF IT WEREN’T FOR HIM’ i feel like it’s really incredible how in this game he has genuinely nice energy and doesnt withhold praise from ulala just to be helpful in a mysterious way later and he like HAS FRIENDS now. like consider how he went from disgraced former ch5 employee who got mad every time he saw them, to kidnapped robot henchman kinda humbled by the fact that now the turns tabled and ulala had to rescue Him, and now 3 years later his bio is all about how he has a new tv show thats super popular and he has a new entourage of ladies who he considers his '’’’’’comrades’’’’’’’ within the station he founded??? AND AFTER 20 YEARS THEY WERE FINALLY ABLE TO GIVE HIS MODEL JUICY ASS CHEEKS??????????????? NO MORE PANCAKE BOOTY???? THE BOY HAD A GLOWUP AND NO I WONT STOP TALKING ABOUT IT
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Sunday, March 15 COVID-19 updates: TL;DR this is worse than we thought, people without symptoms can be carriers and infect others, and millions of people’s lives are at risk, but that also means that every act of hygiene + social isolation is both more important and more powerful in flattening the curve and saving lives.
Each source dated; because this situation is changing so quickly, I tried to use sources only from the last few days. (Somewhat, but not entirely, U.S.-centric as I live + am tapped into organizing networks here.)
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[id: CNN article headline, March 14: Infected people without symptoms might be driving the spread of coronavirus more than we realized.]
“Several experts interviewed by CNN said while it's unclear exactly what percentage of the transmission in the outbreak is fueled by people who are obviously sick versus those who have no symptoms or very mild symptoms, it's become clear that transmission by people who are asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic is responsible for more transmission than previously thought.
"We now know that asymptomatic transmission likely [plays] an important role in spreading this virus," said Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota.
Osterholm added that it's "absolutely clear" that asymptomatic infection "surely can fuel a pandemic like this in a way that's going to make it very difficult to control."
+ “Coronavirus is most contagious before and during the first week of symptoms”
In other words, instead of thinking in terms of avoiding getting sick, we need to think in terms of avoiding getting others sick. There’s a real and ever-increasing chance that, without necessarily knowing it, you could be a carrier.
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[id: NPR article headline, March 13: Flattening A Pandemic’s Curve: Why Staying Home Now Can Save Lives. Image is of a chart with Number of Cases on the vertical axis and Time Since First Case on the horizontal axis. There’s a straight dotted line labelled Health Care System Capacity running horizontally through the chart. An orange curve labelled Without Protective Measures rises steeply at the beginning of the time axis, showing the number of cases bursting over the Health Care System Capacity line, while a blue curve marked With Protective Measures is spread out over time and and is less steep, staying under the Health Care System Capacity line.]
“As the coronavirus continues to spread in the U.S., more and more businesses are sending employees off to work from home. Public schools are closing, universities are holding classes online, major events are getting canceled, and cultural institutions are shutting their doors. Even Disney World and Disneyland are set to close. The disruption of daily life for many Americans is real and significant — but so are the potential life-saving benefits.
“It's all part of an effort to do what epidemiologists call flattening the curve of the pandemic. The idea is to increase social distancing in order to slow the spread of the virus, so that you don't get a huge spike in the number of people getting sick all at once. If that were to happen, there wouldn't be enough hospital beds or mechanical ventilators for everyone who needs them, and the U.S. hospital system would be overwhelmed. That's already happening in Italy.”
Flattening the curve with hygiene and social distancing isn’t just about the coronavirus. An intensive-care bed is an intensive-care bed, and as people catching a new virus that no one is immune to overwhelm the capacity of the healthcare system, more people are going to die more from all causes--heart attacks, tuberculosis, HIV, the flu, pregnancy complications, injuries from car crashes—because the system won’t have intensive-care capacity for them. Flattening the curve is about keeping coronavirus cases under the dotted line of what the healthcare system--and the rest of our infrastructure--can handle.
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[id: Tweet by Don Moynihan @donmoyn (verified), Mar 15: Real-time evidence of flattening the curve. Lodi had the first Covid-19 case in Italy, and implemented a shutdown on Feb 23. Bergamo waited until March 8. Look at the difference. Incredible research by @drjenndowd, @melindacmills & co-authors. Image is a graph of daily total number of positive cases over time in the two cities, with Bergamo’s rising extremely steeply (approaching 1,000 on March 7 and 2,500 on March 13) and Lodi’s leveling off (approaching 1,000 on March 7 but at barely over 1,000 on March 13). Link in tweet. end id.]
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[id: Tweet by cuddly but deadly! @HikeoftheMenrys, Mar 12: I keep thinking about South Korea’s Patient 31. South Korea was effectively managing the epidemic, and then one person – Patient 31 – infected over 1,000 people over the course of a few days, and caused a national pandemic in that country. Link to article in tweet. end id.]
People are currently using #ShutItDown to encourage U.S. event/bar/restaurant closures, and #StayTheFHome to encourage social distancing.
Stay The Fuck Home website (has many languages, and a SFW “Stay The F--- Home” option): staythefuckhome.com
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[id: Tweet by Andy Slavitt @ASlavitt (verified), Mar 15: COVID-19 March 15Prep update: Every day brings vital new developments and I talked to leading epidemiologists, public health experts about what is happening & coming & what we should be doing. I learned a bunch. 1/ end id.]
Full Twitter thread here—lots of good info, including on the phenomenon of people taking preparation less seriously in a few weeks if the virus takes longer to hit our communities, and an endorsement of #StayHome/#StayTheFHome
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[id: Tweet by Amanda Mull @amandamull (verified), Mar 12: i think the impulse for many people is to look at things closing down or events cancelling right now as a sign of doom, but for the most part i think it's cause for optimism—someone in charge of something is taking this seriously, and doing what they can to limit interactions. end id.]
- Donate to COVID-19 funds, and to the individual fundraisers of people trying to make it through the pandemic.
- Check in with your friends; offer emotional support if you have the capacity to; offer financial help if you have the capacity to. Can you offer to PayPal/Venmo your friends $5, or $20, or the equivalent of their daily or weekly pay so they can take time off? (If it feels awkward, I’ve found a simple acknowledgement “I hope this doesn’t feel awkward, but” can do wonders to allow awkward-feeling conversations to actually happen! I had the capacity to make one of these offers (hint: not the pricey one) to a friend, and he was not remotely offended.)
(And conversely, don’t be hesitant to ask for or accept others’ support! Text/call your friends if you need to talk to someone! In a time of physical isolation, we’ll get through this by staying emotionally connected.)
- Help others find accurate info. Struggling to talk to the older and/or Fox News-watching folks in your life? Buzzfeed has got ya covered.
- There’s organizing by medical schools and other groups to look out for of elderly, isolated and vulnerable people in many communities; check for (or begin) efforts in your own.
- In the U.S. (and UK and other countries, though again I’m only tapped into things here so this part is U.S.-centric, I’m sorry), there is a large population of people who can’t use hygiene or social distancing: people in immigration detention or incarcerated in jails and prisons.
Many people in ICE detention are already sick from medical neglect and hunger strikes, and many people in prisons and jails (which often overlap with ICE detention--there are county jails and other facilities being used as immigration detention centers in every state in the U.S.--are over the age of 60 and are disabled or have serious mental and physical health issues.
Coronavirus inevitable in prison-like US immigration centers, doctors say
Coronavirus: call to release UK immigration centre detainees
Explainer: Prisons And Jails Are Particularly Vulnerable to COVID-19 Outbreaks
Now is a very good time to donate to bail funds, and to look for and support (or begin) national efforts and grassroots efforts in your community to release people from prisons, jails, and immigration detention. “Iran temporarily released 54,000 people from prison in the wake of this global pandemic. The United States must also consider releasing as many people as possible, among other measures, including decreasing the numbers of people being sent into jails and prisons in the first place.” (Slate)
More asks, actions and links to efforts/mutual aid re: incarceration and the pandemic
The Justice Collaborative has a page and the beginnings of a tracker sheet of efforts to help incarcerated people and other vulnerable populations.
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[id: Tweet by Kimberly Corban @Kimberly_Corban (verified), Mar 12: All joking aside, for those who are worried about quarantining during #COVID19 in a home where they do not feel safe, live help is available from the National Domestic Violence Hotline 24/7/365 at @ndvh by chat or by calling their hotline at 1-800-799-7233. end id.]
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[id: Tweet by Joanne Starer @JoanneStarer, Mar 9: If you're not plugged into disability twitter, you may not realize that the hoarding of hand sanitizer, wipes, masks is keeping many immunosuppressed people from getting supplies they need. If you have extras, check in with your community to see if anyone could use them. end id.]
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[id: Tweet by Clint Smith @ClintSmithIII (verified), Mar 9: A reminder that if public schools shut down, millions of children will lose their access to some of the only meals they receive each day. Food banks will become more important, and I've learned the best way to help is not to donate your spare canned goods, it's to donate money. end id.]
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