#silver wolf and reader
myfanfic-urfantrash · 23 days
Bro imagine being the only Omega of the all Alpha Stellaron Hunters...sfw
Let's say you take on a more administrative role, making sure everyone gets their scripts, and overall making sure things are running smoothly for Elio. Maybe a Harmony path?
Imagine being surrounded by their Alpha scents, it could be heaven or hell depending on if you like their scents anyways. Kafka smells like expensive perfume and something else you can't quite place but it's pleasant enough, a huge contrast with Blade's smoke and iron laced lilies. Not to mention Silver Wolf's berry and mint, though her scent is light as she is but a pup yet to be an adult.
Kafka's teases you daily always messing with your senses be it smell or sound and laughing at how cute you are when frustrated. She always leaves lingering touches in appropriate places but it always burns with her absence as your omega calls for more.
Blade on the other hand always watches over you protectively an ever looming shadow at your side where ever you are. He intimidates most but not Kafka. These two always have stare downs whenever they're both beside you, Kafka usually breaks eye contact but judging by her knowing smile its hard to tell if she's truly lost.
Silver Wolf pesters you to comfort her when she loses her games or to play with her whenever you're both free. It's a bit hard to say no to a pup when she's giving you those cute eyes.
Silver Wolf gladly makes herself home in your nest should you invite her even once to relax. She'll bring snacks and her latest games always.
Blade and Kafka offer up their coats or whatever else they have for nesting should you want them but again they always end up staring at one another as they offer up items to you.
Blade doesn't join your nest unless you drag him in and even then doesn't know what to do once he's in, he's that stiff.
Kafka on the other hand is in her element, relaxing into the soft sheets and scenting whatever you'd like.
Overall it wouldn't be too bad as they all tend to mind their own business, so except for the staring contests it's fine.
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lustlovehart · 5 months
Blade who travels across the universe, goes to your planet, breaks into your home, and wakes you up in the middle of the night because you sent him a 💀 emoji and he thought it was a code you were dying.
"Mm...? Blade...? Wha why are you here??"
And all he does is shove your text on his phone really close to your face.
And then you have to explain to him not everything you do is a code that you're in danger and need him to come save you.
(All the stuff you say goes in one ear and goes out the other, because the next time you do the same thing, he's already at your window with his sword in hand ready to fight.)
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romaritimeharbor · 2 months
FAMILY, OF SORTS. — in which kafka, blade, and silver wolf are an odd but quite special found family to be a part of.
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— trigger & content warnings. mentions of unspecified injury.
— pairings & notes. fluff, found family. kafka & teen!reader, blade & teen!reader, silver wolf & teen!reader. 1.3k words. reader is a stellaron hunter. reader is gender neutral (they/them pronouns used).
— author's notes. the sillies <3 APHE POSTING???? APHELION POSTING REAL AND TRUE????????? i had a request for this on my old blog (from my dear beloved moot @starryshinyskies <3) so i decided to finish it 💪 nd tagging @www-brontide since i know you were excited for this post HEHE anyways how are we feeling about this formatting? if you guys don't like it i'm very open to changing it back. i'm just experimenting with my post format is all 🫶
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kafka seems strangely motherly to me. caring and doting in her own unique ways, but also quite strange and odd in those same ways. an enigma of sorts.
she is the kind of person to always send the stellaron hunters' youngest member texts throughout the day; these texts range anywhere from silly and inconsequential to sweet messages letting [name] know that she was thinking about them.
(her doting nature is not dissimilar to how she thinks of and regards the trailblazer... hm.)
My coat got stained again :(
Won't you help me clean it when you get home, little one?
[ 1:22 PM ]
I saw a new movie today.
It made me think of you. It was quite to your tastes.
Perhaps we should go see it together sometime, hm?
Ah, but you're probably asleep by now...
That's fine. You do need it more than the rest of us.
Sleep well, darling.
[ 11:34 PM ]
she thinks of her little one quite frequently and has been known to pick up little trinkets from different planets that reminded her of them. a phone charm, a set of rings, something more practical like a new weapon... she once returned with a nice coat that matches one of hers. her gifts are always unpredictable but nonetheless very thoughtful.
and when or if they get injured, she is the one who treats their wound(s) with a tender hand.
she does chide them, however.
"you are a stellaron hunter, little one," she reminds, pulling the bandages wrapped around their wound a little tighter, making them wince. it is akin to a slap on the wrist—not enough pain to seriously harm them, but enough to force them to take her words to heart. "if it is not a part of the plan, try your best not to get caught or injured, hm? silver wolf doesn't like to see you this way, and it causes a unique stir in bladie. your getting injured causes quite the unrest among us all! do be more careful next time."
if there is ever a night during which they are struggling to sleep, they are more than welcome to seek out kafka's company.
she would be willing to read them to sleep, if that is what they desired.
however... a far easier method that would ensure they would stay asleep? her spirit whisper ability, of course.
they know kafka would not use it to harm them.
kafka finds their earnest trust beyond endearing. the trust of a little one like them is quite an important gift! the least she can do, she thinks, is assist them when her assistance is needed.
and sometimes, that just means lulling them to sleep.
blade is quite a difficult person to read, regardless of whether he intends to be so or not.
some days, he is distant and prefers to keep to himself. others, less so.
this, though, should not be mistaken for a lack of care. in fact, he cares quite deeply. his care is simply very quiet and he desperately, earnestly, truly does not wish to cause [name] harm.
he is also most likely the one who spars with them and trains them in the ways of combat, which... he isn't exactly the gentlest at doing. training sessions can be quite frustrating in that they often emerge sore and with new cuts and bruises (but really, these injuries are small and insignificant; they are confident in saying that blade would never truly hurt them, nobody in their family would). he does mean well in his tough methods, though.
the universe is not kind or gentle. it will never treat them that way. therefore, he does his best to prepare them so that they can effectively handle the universe's cruelty and defend themselves from it.
one of the ways in which his quiet care manifests is through his treatment of the small wounds he gives them during training. kafka has said many times that she can treat them, but blade always insists on doing it himself.
out of all of their coworkers, blade becomes the most restless when they're away. he gets particularly antsy when they've been gone for a long period or when they're out there alone. kafka always giggles and points out to him how utterly restless he becomes when such circumstances occur.
(he should be assured that they can handle themselves, given that he is their mentor—there is surely nobody else who would know their skills as well as he would—but somehow he simply isn't.)
blade is also, generally speaking, the most protective.
should they come back injured... if it is anything other than a shallow scratch on the cheek, a rage hotter than the brightest star burns under his skin. in those moments, he almost does not dare to touch them, for fear that he might harm them unwittingly... but he does. his hands are somewhat rough when he snatches their face and tilts their chin around to get a better look at the blood (is it theirs? he hopes not) and grime dirtying their face. there is a terrifying threat present in his voice when he demands, not asks, "who did this to you?"
(if kafka was not present in these moments, he might worry that his mara would get the best of him. thankfully, kafka is intentional and present in such situations.)
unless the ones responsible for the wound have already been adequately... taken care of, he will do so himself. there is nowhere in the universe that the perpetrators could hide from him.
it's about protecting them, but it is also about sending a message.
something along the lines of "anyone who lays hands on them will suffer a fate worse than death," perhaps.
death is anything but a terrible fate to blade, but he knows that it is the worst imaginable to some. he will be certain to deliver something infinitely worse, something beyond imagination, to those daring to hurt his younger teammate.
silver wolf is perhaps the least enigmatic of their little family. she isn't an open book, per se, but she's easier to read than kafka or blade... at least, for someone like [name], anyway.
she never fails to harrass them to play a few rounds (which tends to spiral into many, many rounds...) of a game or two with her. why them, specifically? she insists that blade isn't good at them and kafka is kafka. really, it may very well just be that she enjoys spending time with them, but she—of course—will not simply say that.
however... she bullies them terribly about how bad they are. it comes from a place of affection!
she is also the type to win them every single prize at carnivals, just because she likes the joy it seems to bring them. when she encounters rigged games, however, she becomes all the more motivated by her unadulterated annoyance to beat them.
what do you mean she of all people can't beat this awful and horrible rigged game? her???? the silver wolf????? seriously????????
unfortunately, it does not always end in her victory, even when she is infinitely motivated by her anger.
...and she really isn't above just taking one of the prizes when the stall's owner isn't looking. she has done so multiple times for [name].
she would definitely try to teach them hacking (keyword: try) if they aren't already familiar with it. since it has come in handy for her, she figures that they might also find use in it. it's her quiet way of looking out for them.
(her more obvious way of looking out for them is often seen when she is on missions with them. most commonly, it manifests as her snatching their arm and pulling them out of the way of an enemy before obliterating said threat.)
silver wolf is totally the sort of person to pinch their cheeks (to different degrees, kafka and blade also do this!). they are very cute to her.
overall they are a weird but very special little family to be a part of <3
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tragedy-of-commons · 3 months
no pickles
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stellaron hunters & gn!reader | wc: ~750
In which they get your order wrong. Kafka, dear friend that she is, decides to make it known.
tags/warnings: crack, reader is not described, vague canon-typical violence, comedy, found family, everything is platonic
notes: oops updated formatting
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When you first joined the Stellaron Hunters upon Elio’s suggestion (death threat), you never would have imagined the scene unfolding in front of you now.
Silver Wolf is double-dipping a greasy french fry into a dollop of ketchup. Kafka is dabbing her mouth with a napkin after her only sip of whatever soda she decided to humor, and Blade is standing guard by your table like some kind of intimidating fast-food sentry.
You, squished between all of them, lament your existence. Sam got to stay behind to “keep watch”, but you know the truth. His robot suit would terrify any children within a fifty mile radius, and this CosmiBurger is teeming with them. 
“Silver Wolf,” you mutter.
“I’m not sharing,” she answers immediately.
“That’s not what I–! Ugh, whatever. I was gonna ask why you chose this place for lunch. Don’t you think it’s a little below our pay grade?” “We don’t get paid, newbie. Elio doesn’t cover us eating out, so we have to be cheap.”
“You’re just saying that because you blew our budget on Roblox Premium,” you deadpan.
Kafka interjects. “Look on the bright side, hm? The novelty here is something we rarely get to experience - and I don’t think I’ve ever seen Bladie this happy.”
You spare a glance at your colleague. His scowl speaks for him.
Ignoring the fact that apparently Kafka’s got jokes now, you heave a sigh and poke at the lump of foil in front of you - a tangible warning of an impending stomach ache. The burger inside will have to serve as sustenance if you don’t want to wait twelve more system hours to eat.
Since Silver Wolf is now preoccupied with one of her handheld consoles, you don’t delay with your squabbling any longer. When you unwrap it and take your first bite, you’re blindsided by the overwhelming sour note of what can only be The Condiment That Shall Not Be Named. You can’t obscure the subsequent (ugly) scrunch of your brow and lips.
“Cyanide?” asks The Gamer That You Will Strangle One Day.
You glare at her and deposit your now even-more-unappetizing sandwich on the table. “You wish. They, uh, just got my order a bit wrong.” There’s a contemplative hum from your side that makes your heart skip a beat. Kafka stops playing with a strand of Blade’s hair to give you a coy smile. “Is that so?”
“Don’t look at me like that,” you complain. “It’s not a big deal, I’m just not a fan of pickles.”
“You should ask for a replacement. After all, you did mention that in your order,” she drawls.
You bristle. “I doubt the employees get paid enough to put up with that.”
Blade speaks for the first time today in that gruff tone of his. “You draw the line there? You’ll slaughter on command but stop at inconveniencing the working class?”
“Everyone’s picking on me! Smear campaign!” you accuse, pointing at the brooding man.
You don’t expect a reply from him, which he honors by staring at your outstretched finger with what could be described as murderous intent. Kafka chuckles.
“It’s the principle of the thing, darling. I’ll handle it.”
You don’t get another word out before she confidently rises from her seat and saunters over to the register, leaving you with your jaw on the floor. 
Silver Wolf is back to blowing bubblegum and spawn-killing some poor sap, but she makes the time to snicker at your plight. “That’s weak, newbie.”
All you can do is become an idle passenger in your own body as the scene unfolds in front of you. Maybe you try to stop her, but Blade’s lanky arm blocks your path. 
Sometimes you wish she’d just have a little more fear. Kafka converses with the cashier with her innate allure as you resign yourself to your fate of public humiliation.
The words audible over the ringing in your ears sound through the air in Kafka’s dulcet voice.  “They asked for no pickles.”
When she returns from the counter two minutes later with your presumably correct order, you’ve already decided that today has been the most harrowing twenty-four system hours of your long-life. Your stupor is cut short as the new pickleless burger is dropped into your hands like a gift from the Aeons.
“See?” Kafka teases. “It was no trouble at all.”
“..Thanks,” you cough into your hand awkwardly.
Lunch resumes its usual flow, but you’re still stewing in regret that boils down to a simple, bitter thought: You should’ve just ordered the chicken nuggets instead.
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Them reacting to horrible pickup-lines
characters: All Honkai Star Rail Characters (except the kids and Yanqing) x gn!reader
warnings: none
a/n: Someone requested Topaz reacting to a horrible pickup-line. I started thinking about horrible pickup-lines a bit too much and now we’re here.
Anyway, hope you enjoy!
I cannot stress enough how stupid of you it was to even think this was a good idea. Depending on their mood and whether or not you are relevant to whatever agenda they follow, you might escape with nothing but a stern warning and a scornful look. No matter what however, don’t try it again. You will not get off scot free a second time.
Damn, are you an aircraft engineer? Because whatever sentence you just constructed flew right over their head. Are you joking? Or was either of you suffering from a stroke? It doesn’t matter. Don’t try to explain it, you will undoubtedly make it so much worse. It is best for you if they treat your poor attempt at flirting the same way one might a cryptic message from the gods instead of thinking about it for even a moment longer.
Bravo! Whatever just came out of your mouth will forever be ingrained into their memory, although the reason for it is probably not what you had hoped for. Instead of answering, they just… stare at you until even your least socially adept neuron gets that they were not a fan. For both of yours’ sakes, apologize. And maybe cut it back with the pickup-lines in the future.
Dan Heng
Dr Ratio
Fu Xuan
They don’t have it in their hearts to tell you, but deep down you know your line didn’t pass the vibe-check. Either out of confusion or the simple desire for both of you to just pretend it never happened in the first place, they give you a polite smile and quickly change the topic. Don’t hold it against them, pickup-lines had their charms, but maybe try a bouquet of Flowers next time.
Ruan Mei
That is not a pickup-line. This is a pickup-line. They weren’t about to be outdone at their own game. Pretty savvy when it comes to stringing together the right words themselves they fire back almost immediately, the manner in which they respond enough to make you blink in surprise on its own.
Extra points if it’s somehow worse than yours.
Whether it’s just an amused chuckle or full-out laughter, you got what you wanted. The thrill of knowing you’d be able to put another skill on your resumeé filling you with enough pride to inflate anyone’s ego… It was your pickup-line they found amusing, wasn’t it?.
Black Swan
Jing Yuan
Congratulations, you will never see the day they’ll stop reminding you of your oratory genius. If you change your name, they’ll make it their mission to find you. If you go deaf, they’ll learn sign language. No matter how unpredictable the future was, you get the feeling they’d rather forget their birthday than this.
March 7th
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icysnails · 6 months
Hello. I was wondering if you could you write a platonic angst story where the reader is Blade's child. I was thinking that because Blade barely spends any time with the reader unless it's during one of their extremely harsh training sessions the reader decides to run away especially after one particularly rough training session where the reader was injured after they accidentally talked back and that night the reader starts packing their stuff but they accidentally left behind their late mother's pendant and Blade found it the next morning. (I hope you're okay with writing this and I wish you a good morning, afternoon or good night ☺️)
A/n: Hello Anon!! Thank you for your request!! I am so sorry this took so long- school + extracurriculars started so I had way less time to work on writing outside of school (TvT) But this was so much fun to write! I got a little bit carried away and it ended up being a found family type thing with all of the Stellaron Hunters– I tried to focus on Blade being a father figure as much as possible though! I hope you have a fantastic day, and I hope you enjoy!! ૮꒰ ˶• v •˶꒱ა ♡
Warnings: all relationships are platonic, found family trope, betrayal, suicidal ideation (Blade), mentions of death, reader's parents are dead, flashbacks, reader runs away, mention of bullets + broken glass, overthinking, Blade being insecure, reader uses a sword, reader gets injured a couple of times (If i forgot anything, please let me know!!)
Genre: angst, slight fluff
Pairing: father figure!Blade x gn!child!reader (PLATONIC), mother figure!Kafka x gn!child!reader (PLATONIC), sister figure!Silver Wolf x gn!child!reader (PLATONIC)
Word count: 7.3k
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Blade is a cruel man. 
There is no love in the red pools of his irises, no signs of any humanity. Dark circles adorn the skin just below his merciless stare, eyebrows slightly furrowed in an eternal state of aggravation. It was no wonder enemies cowered at the mere mention of him. He holds nothing back, and if an enemy was unfortunate enough to meet the steely edge of his sword, they were sure to be broken and lifeless by the end of the encounter. Unfortunately, he isn’t much different off of the battlefield either. 
Blade is bitter and selfish and cold, to the extreme that even Kafka and Silverwolf are convinced that he has forgotten how to feel.
The thorns of the mara in his veins torment him constantly, the pain never faltering, even after decades. The other Stellaron Hunters had begun to wonder if those thorny, agonizing vines had punctured through his heart as well. It would be understandable, to an extent. After all, he is a man who has experienced endless with suffering and loss, his mind poisoned with grief and the sole desire to die. No more pain, no more fighting, just darkness- the mere thought was enough to drag a bitter smile out of him.
He was used to the dark, used to feeling like an empty vessel. 
But why, if he was so familiar with agony, would he impose that same feeling on you as well? 
You had always been alone. You were only a toddler when your parents were taken from you, the only proof of their existence being a necklace your mother left with you before she died. You had spent your youngest years void of any parental guidance, hopelessly wandering between foster homes and planets, hoping someone would take you in. You gave that up by age ten, running away from your home planet to travel the galaxy. From that point on, most of your time was spent sneaking onto Starskiffs, hiding in empty cargo compartments on any moving vehicle you could find, and even stealing authorization keys to search occupied space stations, all in search of someone whom you could call family. 
But what exactly did the word family mean?
You always thought it was a strange word. It had such a subjective meaning, yet it was talked about so often. You didn’t understand what it meant, and no textbook definition could help you. All your efforts to find its meaning were in vain. And yet, your curiosity haunted you. 
With every new destination, the word family buzzed among the crowds constantly. No matter where you had landed yourself, all you could do was spectate. You watched as children laughed and clung to the legs of their guardians, as relatives sobbed in unified grief over flower dressed gravestones, and as teenagers linked arms with each other, growing away from the protective grasps of their parents. 
Every planet you traveled to, every dragging, lonely step you took, that sickening, seemingly joyous word that made you feel so isolated was there.
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Six months after you had ran away, you went out alone to buy food. It was late at night, and you were preparing to head off to another planet the next day. Luckily, you bumped into a nice shopkeeper earlier who gave you some extra credits because she thought your coat was cool (in reality, she was just worried about you wandering off all alone, but didn't want to pry about your parents' whereabouts). So, you headed out amongst the crowds as you always did, pouch of credits in hand and determination plastered on your face.
But a woman stopped you on the way there and asked why such a young child was wandering around alone at night. She had a little girl with her, who looked no older than you. 
She asked you if you had any family she could call to come and get you, with the assumption that you were lost. You couldn't say anything. Instead, you just stared, your wide-eyed gaze pinned on the child that almost mirrored you. Almost. Perhaps if the world were kinder, your eyes could have donned the same innocent, joyful light. One of her hands was encased by her mother’s, while her other hand kindly reached out towards you. A cheerful “hello!” rang through the air as she tried to shake your hand. 
You stepped away from her. It was hard to breathe. You had seen all this before. Yet why was it so painful this time? 
Internally, you demanded the Aeons to tell you why the truth of your situation had to be rubbed in your face so blatantly. You were alone. You wondered if it might be good to explain that to them, to create some kind of connection with these people, but no words would leave your throat. Your heart felt like it was splintered in two.
You didn’t know how long you stood there staring, but you were sure the devastation tearing you up inside was evident on your face. The woman called out to you one more time, her worry falling on deaf ears as you backed away slowly. You took one more look at the girl before turning on your heel and running as fast as you could, sobs wracking your chest so deeply it hurt. 
You hadn’t returned to that planet since then.
You wanted the life that little girl had. You wanted to have a guardian.
But as the years went on, nothing changed. Your travels continued, and you came to terms with the fact that you might never know what family felt like. You made acquaintances as you traveled, friends, even. They never stuck around for long, though. The darkness always swallowed them up one way or another. And with every loss, the painful void in your chest numbed and steeled over a little more.
You thought that your life would always be this way. In truth, you had forgotten that there was any other way to live.
However, that was before a certain group of Stellaron Hunters swept you away from your life of solitude, and recruited you into their dangerous yet thrilling world. 
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A year later, you found yourself on a sand covered planet. You were on a train, heading to one of the planets' larger cities from a smaller town. There wasn’t any way you walk- it was too hot and the distance was too far. Otherwise, you would have spent your savings on something other than train tickets.
The trip was uneventful and for most of it you just stared blankly out the window, exhaustion and boredom settling in your bones. You were tired from running errands for the previous town's residents- it was onerous but it happened to pay well. Though you were happy to have a break, your mind wasn’t used to the quiet. The barren landscape outside did nothing to help. It was a dry, flat expanse that was dotted only with dead weeds and the scraps of broken automatons. In short, nothing of interest.
Aside from that, all was going well. You had enough credits to last you at least six more train rides and get food and extra supplies, and you had several acquaintances with whom you could stay in the next city. You made a point not to talk about your budgeting skills, as it would usually spur a torrent of questions from whoever you were talking to. You couldn’t blame them though, children your age typically didn’t devote themselves to a life of aimless travel. 
The train stopped right on time, and you stepped onto the platform that was crowded with people. As usual, you were met with the sight of teary-eyed relatives hugging each other, children running around and playing, and couples greeting each other. You kept your head down, feeling more inconvenienced than sad. In their excitement, the crowds always seemed to block your path to the other platforms. Besides, they say time heals all wounds, so why would you care, anyway? You awkwardly shoved your way toward a nearby stairwell, grunting as several people bumped into you. Just as your fingers made contact with the stair’s banister, ear shattering sirens echoed throughout the station.
Emergency lights flashed on and off in a blinding rhythm, the red glow engraining itself into your mind. Suddenly, pixelated bullets flew towards the ceiling, shattering several of the glass panels. Screams rang out in response, and the previously happy crowd flew into a panic, ducking to avoid the broken glass. However, the glass shards evaporated into more pixels before they could hit the crowd, preventing any damage from being done.
Amidst the swarms of people trying to escape, you cautiously walked closer to the source of the commotion. You really shouldn’t have, but the nagging curiosity in the back of your mind compelled you to do so. And even if it seemed dangerous, there was something off about this incident. After all, if the initiators were out for blood, wouldn’t they have attacked the crowd directly? If whoever caused this wasn't intending to cause harm, they must be looking for something.
As you got closer, you saw three figures: A magenta haired woman with lightless eyes, a pistol in one hand, and a glowing thread of purple silk in the other. She was leaning back against one of the platform’s pillars, watching the whole scene with fake amusement. The second person you saw was a smaller girl decked out in a myriad of purples and blues, her drill style ponytail swaying as she typed up coordinates on a hologram screen. And lastly, you saw a red eyed man with a glare so sharp it made your heart sink. You certainly did not want to be subject to whatever rage he had stored away. From the looks of it, he could kill you in a split second.
For some reason, all three of them seemed familiar. You couldn't quite place it, but you quickly realized, you knew who they were. Their faces were plastered on all of the IPC’s wanted posters, which were scattered on literally every planet you had been to so far. You couldn’t remember their names exactly, but you knew that, together, they were known as the Stellaron Hunters- the universe’s most wanted criminals. You should have recognized them from the pixelated bullets earlier- how could you have been so naive?
You could have tried to run, but it would be futile. You were already out in the open, and they had already seen you.
Your eyes widened in sheer panic as the man dressed in black set his gaze on your shaking form. There was no way you’d survive this encounter. Absolutely zero chance. He stepped toward you but was interrupted by the sound of a clanging of a spear. The station’s security officers surrounded the Stellaron Hunters, demanding that they freeze and turn themselves in immediately.
You covered your ears and ducked as a fight broke out, the Stellaron Hunters throwing themselves into battle. Your eyelids were screwed shut in fear until the sounds of fighting had ceased. When you opened your eyes, you looked up to see that all of the guards had been knocked out, and that the taller woman standing above you, watching you in a way that was eerie, yet... comforting somehow. Even so, your better judgment caused you to back away, frantically scrambling on the hot cement of the platform. The red eyed man yanked you to your feet before you could stand up, and a panicked noise left your throat as he dragged you toward his two companions. you caught a glimpse of his sword that was poised in his other hand, taking note that he was ready to strike if necessary.
“It’s a kid.” He grumbled, still glaring at you. 
The tall woman chuckled and took a step forward, observing the way you struggled to get out of her companion’s grasp. You were getting more anxious by the second, she could tell. No matter how strong and collected you acted, you were still just a kid, and you had the minimal strength of one.
“Let them go, Blade. I don’t think they mean any harm.”
Small, scared breaths left your throat as you were released, your shaking legs failing to hold you up. You fell to the ground, staring in shock at all that had occurred. What would have happened if they didn’t let you go? How much danger were you really in, and how the hell were you still alive?
Then, the monotone voice of the grey haired girl met your ears. 
“What a waste. Looks like those signals were nothing but a glitch.” She sighed. “There's nothing for us here.”
The scary man who grabbed you- Blade, as the woman called him- looked down at you crumpled form, eyes softening just the tiniest bit. Your fearful gaze met his, and you didn’t dare move. The two other hunters made conversation about their next moves in the background, while Blade narrowed his eyes coldly.
“Why aren’t you running?”
“Go. Lingering here will only bring you suffering”
Your fearful gaze then turned to one of confusion. It was unclear if his words were meant to be a warning or advice. Either way, it gave you the strength to pull yourself off the ground and attempt to respond, but all that came out of you was a strangled groan. Your body hurt, and everything had happened so fast that your mind was still trying to catch up. It wasn’t that you were trying to make an impression by staying, you just couldn’t bring yourself to run because of the adrenaline coursing through you. You hunched over and placed your hands on your knees to get your bearings. After a few minutes, you finally responded.
“Y- yeah, I… uh…” You hesitated, unsure of what to say. “...I have another train to catch...?” 
It came out like a question, which was unintended. It was the truth, but you were so nervous that you would say something wrong and provoke him. Your life may have been spared for the moment, but they could still change their minds, and you didn't want to re-dig your own grave.
The man beside you let out a small sigh before turning his gaze back to his two companions.
“Fine.” He muttered.
A few moments passed with you and Blade sitting in comfortable silence. or, it was comfortable him, at least. He was still and silent, ignoring you entirely. You just kept fidgeting the whole time, unsure if you should stay or run for the hills. It was borderline suffocating. thankfully, the tall woman came over again, ending your misery.
“Well, we’re off.” She said to Blade, prompting him to walk towards the edge of the platform where the smaller girl stood. Before walking off, she turned to you one last time. 
“Take it easy, kid.”
Something in your heart screamed at you to speak up. A strange urge began eating away at you, telling you that if you didn’t do something right now you’d regret it for the rest of your life. But do what? What could you do without potentially dying? It was stupid. And dangerous.
But that old feeling of longing, that desire to be a part of something wouldn’t leave you alone. Your desperation to attain a family of your own had been reawakened. Your undying hope, which laid dormant for years, was now ruling your judgment.
Just as they turned to leave, you stumbled forward and cried out.
All three heads turned towards you. 
A purple set of eyes knowingly scanned you as you trembled, a smirk growing on the woman’s face. 
You anxiously gripped at your clothing, trying to summon up the courage to put on some kind of brave face for them. Before you think, pleas for them to take you with them were spilling from your throat. You told them that you wanted to see the universe and that if they gave you that opportunity, you’d do whatever you could to assist them. It was a partial lie- exploring the universe did sound fun, but it wasn't what you were truly after. Your true motivations were far too personal to tell them just yet. It felt like a wound had unexpectedly reopened ever since they arrived, and you were sure you’d crumble if you forced yourself to explain.
Luckily, you didn’t have to. You had the strangest feeling that they already knew your story to some extent. Even without the influence of your longing, you couldn’t deny that it was the opportunity of a lifetime. It wasn’t every day that you came across three highly skilled fighters who could quickly travel anywhere they wanted. You could save years worth of credits and injuries if you went with them.
Once you had finished your frantic explanation, you took a breath to calm your pounding heart. The silence you were met with was deafening, which you took to be a bad sign. A deep chuckle reverberated through the elegant woman’s chest as she took a decisive step closer to you. She hummed in amusement, holding her hand out for you to take.  
“You may not be crucial to our mission,” she leaned down to your height, voice almost a whisper, “but if that’s what you want, then who are we to disagree?”
You took her hand, heartbeat slowing to a calm pace as you did so.
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The days you spent with the Stellaron hunters were some of the most peaceful days you had ever experienced. 
You weren’t constantly slinking around trying to find information and resources for your travels, and it was the first time you had slept in a room that had officially been dubbed as your own. You weren't hopping between inns and the homes of your few friends. Even expenses weren't an issue anymore. It felt strange to have time on your hands. Guilt inducing, even.
You didn’t get too caught up in that though, since the confusion and questions plaguing your mind happened to be stronger than your melancholy. It was beyond your understanding how three of the most dangerous criminals in the entire universe could be so kind and willing to take you in. Perhaps it was because you had seen too much. You were a witness to Blade knocking out over ten armed guards. However, they were so powerful that they seemed to be able to get away with anything. Either way, you were a part of their goup, and that's what mattered.
As time went on, you grew closer to the Stellaron Hunters. Especially Kafka, who you learned was much less intimidating in regular life, and Silver Wolf, who was still as deadpan as before, but seemed subtly happier with you around. You also were officially introduced to Blade, and were promised that he wasn't always so brooding. That was hard to believe, though.
Silver Wolf was like a sister to you. She dragged you with her everywhere. She said it was a part of your duties to accompany her on errands, but in reality, she just enjoyed having you with her. Whenever a battle presented itself, she would have you on the sidelines cheering for her as she obliterated enemies in the blink of an eye. It was clear that your support went straight to her ego, but she also secretly wanted to impress you so that you'd view her as some sort of mentor. Silver Wolf wanted to be a reliable guide and friend to you, especially after you had been alone for so long. Thankfully, you didn’t mind spending time with her. In fact, chatting and playing video games with her became one of your favorite ways to kill time. The latter was clearly her passion– after all, her combat techniques were solely revolved around her exceptional hacking skills. 
Silver Wolf taught you how to play all her favorite games, staying calm and patient with you when you kept losing. Often, she would discreetly take you out to arcades during your free time, and every time it would be humbling due to your lack of gaming experience. However, losing meant that you had more time to watch her win, which was never boring. In any other situation, you might have been jealous, but it was just so mesmerizing to watch her play. Besides, she gave you all her prizes, so you weren’t going to complain. But what you found to be even more amusing was watching her lose it over the few games she hadn’t mastered yet. Her face would contort into one of sheer disbelief and anger as she held onto the machine tightly, aggressively mashing buttons and mumbling insults. You would always laugh and try to cheer her up in response. It always gave her a huge ego boost, and convinced her to try again, despite still being angry. You never expected to gain such a dear friend when you joined the Steallaron Hunters, and you wouldn’t trade any part of your friendship for the world.
Kafka was another story, though.
At first, Kafka terrified you. She held so much power over the other hunters- well, really over everything, that you were sure she’d destroy you if you stepped out of line. Her empty eyes and ruthless reputation didn’t help either. 
Ever since your arrival, Kafka kept a close eye on you. She made sure that you were alright as you settled in, and that you weren’t feeling unsafe or lonely in your new environment. She offered you comfort and advice and cared for you like the mothers you had witnessed on your past journeys. 
One night, a month after you had arrived, you hurt your leg on a walk and Kafka was right there to patch you up. She shushed you gently as you tried to protest that you were fine, and dragged you to the nearest chair so you could sit. She took a first aid kit from a nearby cabinet, and began tending to your wound. You winced as rubbing alcohol combined itself with your blood, and you quietly explained that you had been doing this your whole life- that it wasn’t her job to take care of you. Kafka paused and looked at you, eyes showing a rare glint of sadness. She whispered to you that those days were over. You weren’t alone anymore, and you should ask the three of them for help whenever you needed it. You weren’t a burden to them. 
Kafka wasn’t sure what the cause of it was, but something in her chest began to ache when she saw you injured. She had never felt fear before. She deemed it impossible before you came along. She had always been known as a ruthless, unshakeable force of danger, who would stop at nothing to achieve her goals. But now, she had to keep you safe. Part of her wanted to berate herself for getting so protective over someone, for willingly weakening herself by caring about you. But you needed safety and a group of loving people to return to. You were just a kid, after all, and even after the short time you had been traveling with them, she had begun to feel like your guardian.
Tears filled your eyes, her words weighing down on your lungs. You couldn’t truly believe her. Not after all you had been through. But even so, Kafka was right in front of you, smiling softly, waiting and willing to take care of you. She wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. It was a foreign feeling, one that scared you more than anything else. But you were safe. You were at home. 
So you let yourself cry. Your heart split open, all the bottled up agony from your past finally bursting out. You curled into yourself, the gash on your leg long forgotten. Kafka kneeled before you and gently wrapped her arms around your shaking form. One of her hands carded through your hair, while the other rubbed your back soothingly. Gentle whispers fell from her lips, promising you that she was with you. You were safe.
You weren’t sure how long had passed when you calmed down. Maybe it had been hours. Whatever the truth was, Kafka remained by your side, not pulling back until she was sure you were okay. After you had stopped crying, she leaned back, meeting your sad, exhausted stare. She looked down at your bleeding wound, grabbed a roll of bandages, and cautiously wrapped it around your leg. When she was finished, she smiled and stood up, placing a hand on your shoulder. You matched her smile, assuring her that you were fine.
However, after a moment, Kafka’s comforting smile was replaced with a teasing smirk. Confusion sparked in your eyes and your eyebrows furrowed as if to silently ask what the problem was. She just chuckled and took a seat across from you, crossing her arms over her chest and tilting her head back as though she was assessing you. Her next words not only shocked you but caused your entire being to wilt in annoyance and anxiety.
“I think it’s about time we start training you in combat. If a scrape has you in this much pain, imagine the damage a real battle would do. We can’t have you dying on us, now can we?” 
She paused, thinking for a moment before reaching her conclusion. 
“Yes… I’ll have you train with Blade. His abilities never disappoint.”
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And that was how your ongoing feud with Blade began. 
When Kafka decided to pair you up with Blade, you were pissed. However, you knew she was right. If you were falling apart just from accidentally scraping yourself, how were you supposed to handle actual threats? You would be utterly useless in a fight. And if anyone managed to get past the Stellaron Hunters and attempt to harm you, you would be dead on the spot. There wouldn't be a fight, just abrupt darkness, and a very disappointing end to a life such as yours. It would shatter the hearts of Kafka and Silver Wolf, who had already sworn to protect you at any cost. As you got older, the target on your back only became bigger. With the Stellaron Hunters’ reputation becoming more notorious by the day, civilians and authorities alike were bound to find out about you. Self-defense was a necessity.
But Blade never spoke to you. You felt as though you were a nuisance to him. Just another issue to be dealt with, another soul to pester him throughout the day. The way he glared at you made you wonder if you had done something wrong, or if you were imposing by being around. He made you feel out of place. Even after thorough reassurance from Kafka and Silver Wolf that his behavior was entirely normal, you still couldn’t help but worry. It was only after several months had passed that you came to understand that it truly wasn’t you- he was just grumpy. And that began to annoy you. If he wasn’t open to being somewhat nice, then why should you bother? You could glare back just as hard, and ignore him just as easily. If that's what he was getting at, then so be it. However, Kafka was the leader of both of you, and she wanted you to train. Despite your mild hatred of Blade, Kafka already had done so much for you. She only wanted the best for you. You could at least attempt to abide by her wishes.
So you gave in and begrudgingly stated training with Blade. 
For a few hours every day, you and Blade would find any open area and he would walk you through different defense techniques. You expected the technical side of it, but you did not expect that you would be sparring right off the bat. On the first day of training, he threw you into your first match and charged at you with the assumption that you had sharp enough reflexes to block him successfully. Obviously, you weren’t at all prepared since you had zero experience with combat. Turns out Kafka really wasn’t kidding when she said Blade knew how to fight.
Lessons carried on like this for weeks. You would return from sparring exhausted and bruised, feeling completely done with everything as you limped to your room to sleep. You felt generally bitter, making it hard for Kafka or Silverwolf to help, and Blade just acted like it wasn’t his problem. The most he did was help you up, and that was only if you put up a good fight. But thankfully, after a while, Blade began to notice how badly the sparring affected you. It wasn’t like you were on the brink of death, but you were still in pain. And given your age, there was no doubt that it was a lot more overwhelming than anticipated. So Blade subtly began to take care of you a little more. It wasn’t much- he mainly just gave you icepacks whenever you needed them and helped you walk, but it was the most he knew how to do. He was clueless when it came to caring for people, especially children.
You were a persistent kid, which Blade found surprising. He thought you would have given up within the first week of training, but you just kept working at it. And while Blade found your stubborn behavior annoying most of the time, it assured him that you had enough courage to fight alongside him and the others. He knew you didn’t like him much, and he knew a part of you blamed him for the injuries you got, which was reasonable. As annoying as you found him, Blade never gave up on you, even when you messed up or got so frustrated that you cried. He never babied you during these moments either. Instead, he would walk you through what went wrong and have you run through the solution until you had it down cold. Even if you were upset, he wanted you to push through it and use your anger to become stronger. You had been fighting your whole life. You had the tenacity and potential to gain the strength that you required. Blade could tell that, even after joining them, you wanted a purpose. You wanted to explore the universe and find your place among the glowing webs of stars. However, the beauty of the galaxy came with dark and unfamiliar territory. If you were to traverse the universe, you had to learn how to handle to darkest parts of it.
Little by little, you improved. You worked as hard as possible until you were able to withstand Blade’s strength and evade his attacks properly. You had a long, long way to go before you could actually defeat opponents, but you could at least hold them off, which was just as important. Despite how grueling Blade’s teaching methods were, you did come to respect him more as your mentor. He looked out for you in his own distant ways and seemed to actually care about you. In truth, Blade had started getting protective over you- not that he would admit it. It wasn’t an overbearing kind of protectiveness- he just wanted you to stay out of trouble. It was nice to pass knowledge onto someone, and protect them from the world's dangers by doing so.
The truth was, even if Blade acted indifferently toward you, he secretly was really proud of you. He admired your kindness, even after all the pain you had been dealt. You kept smiling and picking yourself up, finding your back to the light time and time again. Perhaps that's what made you so different from him. His will to keep fighting was growing fainter by the day.
Even with your differences, you both became closer. Blade kept an eye on you whenever you left the ship, talked with you whenever you got bored, and even helped you whatever chores you had to do. Sure, you were stubborn, but Blade never grew to dislike you. Your relationship felt routine and safe- it held a sense of comfort that felt normal. Blade caught himself questioning if this was what family was meant to feel like. He couldn't remember, but a faint, distant memory assured him that it was. If he could contribute to the familial safety you longed for so much, he would gladly do so. 
Was that even possible, though?
Blade had very little experience with love of any kind. Any memories he had of his past friend and family were long gone. His own sense of self was unstable, so how could he provide stability for you? He couldn't bear the thought of causing you pain. Or, there was a chance that he would rub off on you. That you would start to become like him. That prospect was enough to make him feel sick. So he began distancing himself from you in any way he could.
Now, whenever you crossed paths he would treat you especially coldly. Most times he saw you, he walked past you and pretended you didn't exist at all. He was back to being rude and dismissive, even more so than when you first met him.
Instead of encouraging you during training, he would call you weak and pick apart everything you had done wrong. This was not received well by you. After all, you didn’t know if Blade’s behavior was your fault, or if this was just how he truly was. You felt dejected and lonely, even with the support from Kafka and Silver Wolf. Though you loved them immensely, Blade was also someone you cared about, and you didn’t want to lose another parental figure. After weeks of being ignored, hatred replaced any good image you had of him. What used to be a safe, happy friendship soon morphed into an incessant rivalry. 
It felt like Blade only wanted to see you unhappy. You imagined that he was secretly gloating over your distress- that you were nothing more than a temporary amusement to him. But you were wrong. So, so very wrong. Blade hated seeing you upset because of him. He was failing you by ignoring your wellbeing. You were just a kid. More importantly, you trusted him.
But it was for your own good, wasn’t it? His past was dark, and perhaps he was too, by nature. He would never forgive himself if he allowed harm to come to you. Even if that meant leaving you behind. No, he would much rather watch you grow up and live happily from afar. 
Kafka still wanted you to train though, so Blade couldn’t avoid you entirely. Sparring was the only time he saw you anymore. Your sessions with him were difficult, but not because the material was hard. In fact, it was harder for Blade than you. You would glare at him constantly and show complete indifference to everything, making it nearly impossible to communicate with you. He wasn’t doing much better either- he couldn’t bring himself to say anything to you. It felt like the consequences of his neglect were crawling up his back, ready to snap at him at any moment, and he knew that any day now, you would finally break. Soon, everything would fall apart.
You knew Blade was heartless, but his cruelty was amplified when you trained with him now. He went all out, forcing you to scramble for scraps of knowledge he had previously given you to win. But that wasn’t enough this time. You were too tired, physically and emotionally, to continue. You felt smaller and weaker than you had ever felt before.
Lightning-fast blows struck you from all sides, the scent of bloodstained spider lilies clouding your senses. You weakly pulled your sword out of its sheath and tried to block his attacks, but doing so would knock you off balance from the force of his blows. You fell back on the ground, coughing and clambering to your feet, promptly hurling yourself towards Blade with hopes of hitting him just once. Built-up anger from the last few weeks rushed through your heart, tears of desperation dripping down your cheeks. God, you were tired of this. Blade used to be your friend. You wanted to know what changed, and you wanted that piece of your family back.
In your fury, your reaction time fell short. Blade darted behind you and shoved you to the ground, watching coldly as you crumpled over in defeat. A glint of regret shone in his eyes, but he quickly covered it up by turning his back to you. Once more, you picked yourself up, your throat burning from the lack of a break. It must have been hours since the start of your match, but it might have just felt that way because you were the one getting injured. Never before had Blade fought you this hard. You weren’t prepared, and he knew that. You internally questioned if he was actually trying to make you despise him, albeit sarcastically. It hadn’t occurred to you yet that it might actually be the case. You shakily lifted your head to look at him, angrily mumbling something that Blade couldn’t understand.
Blade took a breath and turned around to face you, blank expression unwavering. 
“What was that?” He growled. The world seemed to fall silent as you locked your gaze with his in an act of defiance.
“I said, I hate you!”
You hated that you were crying. You hated feeling weak. You hated what he had put you through.
But you didn’t hate him. Not entirely.
You wanted to hate him fully. You wished you were strong enough to. But even then, as you wiped your tears and walked out, you couldn’t bring yourself to hate him. Maybe it was the memories you had of when he felt like family, maybe it was inherent kindness or just plain stupidity. You couldn’t feel hatred. All you felt was dejection. So naturally, you began spiraling. 
If Blade didn’t want you around, there was a chance Kafka and Silver Wolf didn’t want you either. If it was possible that they secretly hated you too, you wouldn’t allow yourself to withstand their rejections as well. You might as well just get out of their way, and save yourself the trouble. It was nice feeling happy for a while. But it wasn’t what you were made for. It wasn’t how you were used to living. Perhaps this was a sign that your destiny rested in the familiar arms of solitude, away from the glowing crowds.
That night, when you returned from training, you bid Kafka and Silver Wolf goodnight and began packing your bags. When you were sure everyone had gone to sleep, you took your leave. You slipped out of the ship’s main entrance, the frigid night air numbing the uncertainty in your chest. You started walking, not sure where you were headed. You were out of practice with your usual travel routines, but that wasn’t important. As long as you were away from the Stellaron Hunters, you would be safe. Lonely, but safe. But even with your half hearted reasoning, you still felt a sinking feeling that this wasn’t right. That you might regret this. You shoved it off, cursing at yourself quietly for getting so softhearted. It was time to cut ties. It was for the best.
However, you had made one vital mistake. While preparing to leave, you had purposely left behind any photos or items given to you by Kafka, Silver Wolf, or Blade. In your rush to leave, you accidentally left behind something incredibly important to you: your mother’s necklace. 
You took it off and left it on your desk by accident. It was the last existing link between you and your biological parents and you cherished it because of that. So when Kafka found it the next morning, along with your neatly made bed and discarded photos, she knew something was very wrong. Silver Wolf burst into your room shortly after she found them, questioning Kafka about your whereabouts. She had no answer, all she could do was say she hadn’t seen you. Silver Wolf left worried and agitated, grumbling about how they had to find you. As Silver Wolf left, Blade approached your doorway with the intent of finding you for your training session, because at this point you would have been late. Gripping the necklace tightly, Kafka turned to face Blade. She knew there tension had been growing between you and him for the last month. If he was the cause of your absence, she would not let him get away unscathed.
Blade’s expression was serious, but Kafka could see the glint of confusion in his eyes. He seemed entirely clueless, so perhaps interrogating him wouldn't do much.
“There’s no sign of them anywhere on the ship,” she said softly, trying to keep her voice steady. “There’s only this.” Kafka gestured to the thin chain that lay forgotten on your desk. Dread immediately shot through Blade’s heart.
You had left.
And it was all his fault.
He neglected you. You had every right to leave. He was meant to be a guardian to you. It was his job- no, his privilege to keep you safe, and failed to do so. And now you could be anywhere in the galaxy, wandering aimlessly once again. Blade carefully took the necklace, trying to keep his composure as questions and visions of the worst raced through his mind. What if they never found you, or what if you had gotten hurt? What if it was too late, and you were already–
He didn’t allow that thought to finish itself. Catastrophizing would only slow the process of finding you. 
But would you even want to come back? Why would you, when you felt unwelcome enough to leave in the first place? And even if, by some miracle, you came back, would you ever trust him again? If you ever granted him forgiveness, would he even deserve it?
This was what he wanted, wasn’t it? That was why he pushed you away- so you would leave him alone. You were gone now, and he had gotten what he wanted. Was he truly so terrible that he would still be unhappy, even after he had achieved his desire?
It wasn't meant to go like this.
You weren't meant to leave them. It was his fault though, so maybe it was best to let you go.
Kafka’s piercing gaze bored into the side of Blade's head as she watched the gears turning inside his head. She took a short breath before heading towards the door. She was scared of losing you, and angry that they hadn’t noticed your absence until now. There was no time for emotions such as anger. You were missing. They had to find you.
Blade stood in the center of your room, now entirely alone. The metal of your necklace dug into his skin as he clutched onto it for dear life, his eyes falling to the pictures on your bed. You seemed so happy before. So did Kafka and Silver Wolf- he was happy too, though he was reluctant to admit it out loud. He had broken the loving family you had brought together. A strange family, but a family nonetheless. 
Blade kept staring. He wished he could go out looking for you. Unfortunately, wishes are not reality.
Blade would not search for you that day. He would be chained to where he stood, fighting with himself internally as time slipped by quietly. You could have died already. And he was just standing there, staring.
No, he would not look for you.
Because the truth cannot be denied, nor masked with excuses- in the end, Blade is a cruel man.
One who cannot be changed by anything.
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sugumii · 1 year
Blade X Reader: Affection
TW: None.
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“Love of my life.”
“My love?”
“My lovely amazing lover whom I care for very deeply and cher-“
A gloved hand covered your mouth, stopping you from speaking. Instead, confused muffles came out as the raven haired male eyed you irritably. His dark, wine red eyes stared at you with annoyance. “What?”
You snickered upon hearing his annoyed tone. You just loved pushing your boyfriend’s buttons. Funny enough, even as his s/o he never dropped his tough boy act. He was still the same, cold and aloof, but he did show off his soft side in private sometimes. Dating Blade was certainly not for the light hearted. With a past as dark as his, it was only natural for his heart to have countless walls and remain guarded. Except, he let his guard down a little around you. There were times he’d joke and mumble a quiet, “I love you” but nothing more has occurred. He wasn’t one for displaying affection after all. You slowly removed his hand from your mouth to respond.
“Nothing. Just bored.”
“…” His eyes narrowed and a scowl took form on his face. Bored? Just what the devil was wrong with you? If you’re bored why bother him? Go play games with Silver Wolf or scheme with Kafka. Why bother him?
“Soooo… as my boyfriend you have to entertain me! Let’s do something!” You excitedly said, looking up at him with vibrant eyes. You were grinning and looking ecstatic for reasons Blade didn’t understand. He raised an eyebrow at this before speaking. “Go bother Silver Wolf or something. I’m busy.”
You whined and pouted. “Busy doing what? Standing aloof? Come onn don’t push me away. You wouldn’t want to upset your s/o now would you?”
Blade huffed and closed his eyes, seemingly done with your antics. His whole body radiated vibes of annoyance but on the inside he was actually amused and intrigued by you. You looked cute to him, pouting and complaining about wanting to spend time with him. He refrained from smiling and instead remained stoic. “Fine. What do you want to do?”
Your eyes lit up as you internally cheered and replied, “How about we cuddle? We haven’t done that yet and I wanna try cuddling with you! Plus, you look comfy to hug.” Upon saying this, you watched as your boyfriend’s eyes opened with the smallest hint of surprise at your suggestion. Cuddle? With him? Blade wasn’t one for being touched, in fact he despised it. He was never interested in things such as holding hands or cuddling, not even hugs seemed that interesting to him.
He studied your expression for a moment, taking note of your pleading gaze. Maybe… just maybe, he could make an exception for tonight. He sighed and gave in.
“Fine… but don’t get used to this.”
“Yaaay!” You cheered, quickly taking hold of his hand and ushering him to the lounge’s sofa. He flinched at the close contact but didn’t complain, allowing it to happen. You sat down as he followed suit, then scooted closer to him. He remained seated and stared straight ahead into the distance.
“Bladeeee, come on. At least act like you want to.” You huffed, closing the distance between the two of you. You were leaning into his side, looking up at him expectantly. His stoic facade was easily fooling you into thinking he didn’t care, but on the inside his heart raced ever so slightly.
He looked down at you and had the faintest hint of a blush on his face before he slowly wrapped an arm around you. His heart rate quickened at the close contact, especially when you hummed happily and leaned in closer to him. Was this really happening? Him, letting someone get this close to him? Usually he was quick to point his sword to them and threaten them, some even getting struck down immediately… but you. You were his only exception. You were the only one whom he genuinely enjoyed their touch. Maybe, just maybe, this wasn’t so bad.
“Bladeee? Are you blushing?” You teased, watching him seemingly snap out of his thoughts. You poked his cheek as he returned to his emotionless expression and glared at you.
“Huh-?” You yelped as he pulled you in suddenly and leaned down to place a quick kiss on your lips. You blushed furiously, completely not expecting this outcome. Your heart raced, but unknowingly to you not as fast at your boyfriend’s. Blade leaned back and looked straight ahead again, pretending as though nothing had happened leaving you stuck in a daze. He just kissed you… he just kissed you. He just-
You came back to reality as you felt a slight pain on your forehead. You blushed and whined and rubbed at it, looking up at Blade’s face. Before you could question him he smirked and looked proud, almost smug at your reaction. He flicked your forehead once more and pulled you into his side closer.
“Aren’t they just adorable?” Kafka grinned teasingly, snapping a few photos of you and Blade cuddling together. You both had ended up falling asleep together in the lounge. Blade had you glued to his side, pressed firmly yet comfortably against him. His arm remained wrapped around you as you snored softly with your head against his chest. His head rested on yours with a peaceful look on his face. Elio nodded in agreement, a slight smile on his face. Of course he had foreseen this outcome already, but seeing it personally was even cuter.
“They’re quite cute indeed.”
“Kafka, send me those photos when you’re done.” Silver wolf commented, continuing to lie down on another couch with her eyes glued to her gaming device. A lollipop was in her mouth as she casually replied, “I want to upload this to my social media.”
Kafka chuckled and stood back up, putting her phone in her pocket. “Sure, sure… just be sure to give me some credit.” She turned to Elio and nodded her head with a sly smile on her face. “Alright, now that I’ve had my fun it’s time to head to Xianzhou Luofu to fulfill the mission. I’ll see you two later.” She grinned as she made her way to the teleporter. Before she entered, she turned her head back to the two and commented.
“Just be sure those two are awake when we need them. Bladie’s suppose to get captured after all.”
With that she teleports away and leaves the four to themselves in the lounge. Elio turns to leave elsewhere, needing to finish his business while Silver Wolf opens her text messages to see the pictures Kafka sent her of the two. She smiles and saves them, opening her social media.
“They’re cute together… #OTP.”
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morphodae · 6 months
🩷Waking Up Beside Them🩷 (HSR Women)
The long awaited female character version of this post
The ones who bask in the tranquil atmosphere as they wake before you. The soft lull of their voice threatens to drag you back into slumber. It doesn’t help, either, when they play with the strands of your hair, caress your face, and all but coo at the state of your sleepiness. You can’t blame them for how precious you are, now can you? It’s a beautiful sight to see their lovestruck gaze as the first thing to greet your eyes in the morning.
“Hehe, sorry, my love. You simply can’t blame me for how lovely you are. If there’s nothing pressing, let’s stay here a while and enjoy each other’s company, okay?”
Hanya, Himeko, Kafka, Tingyun
The ones who are far too energetic in the morning for their own good. They are, perhaps, too motivated to start the day. Yet, their sunny optimism is a welcome delivery— especially if you’ve had a long, stressful week. They nearly hop out of bed while you’re practically dragged with them. They only relent when you plop back under the sheets and continue sleeping soundly until the next time you awake. Once you finally wake for the day and wander into the kitchen, they’re already stuffing their face; a bit of flour from cooking is stuck humorously on the top of their nose.
“Good morning! I just finished making breakfast for us! Oh but uh, if you’d like something else, just lemme know!”
Guinafen, March 7th, Serval
The ones who sometimes scare you; they practically sleep like the dead and you’d think they exited the land of living, too, were it not for their soft snores and drool on the corner of their mouth. It’s such an amusing sight to see, you do your best to hold back a humorous snort. They let out a grumble of protest when you try to prod them awake and you pay the price when they begin clinging to you or their pillow in a tight grip.
“…huh? Jus’… five more minutes, ‘kay? We don’t have anything to do so… *yawn* just stay with me……. Please?”
March 7th, Qingque, Sushang, Silver Wolf, Stelle
The ones who are gone long before you awake. Their duties must always come first and no amount of temptation from you or the comfort of the space you share can pry them back into your arms. Truly, they feel bad, but— duty calls, and they mustn’t abandon it. Perhaps, they think, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to make it up to you later. They could show you around the planet, take you to get something to eat, or do anything you’d like on their next day off.
“I’m sorry for leaving so early, there were things I had to take care of. Oh? You don’t mind? Well, it still isn’t fair to leave you alone for so long and so frequently, too. How about I take a day: just you and I, doing anything we want. Does that sound alright with you?”
Bronya, Fu Xuan, Hanya, Jingliu, Natasha, Pela, Seele, Yukong
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Hello!! May I request headcanons for Blade, Dan Heng, Gepard, Jing Yuan, Kafka, March, Silver Wolf and Welt with a normally quiet and meek reader who very quickly turns no-nonsense and aggressive when fighting, and will use anything and everything they can get their hands on as (improvised) weapons?
Ebon Deer keeps reviving and healing? Get a bunch of alcoholic liquids, turn them into Molotovs and get ready to commit arson.
Trying to raid a Sanctus Medicus hideout? Get a crowbar and pry that door open. Keep it on your person as a bludgeon.
Heliobi outbreak? Get something you can smack them around with (hammer, bamboo stick, whatever causes pain) and slap one of Huohuo's paper talismans on it.
Dealing with Sampo? Pepper spray. Easy. Hot sauce and/or raw pepper juice also work.
And if the opposition turns out to be less capable and far more helpless but they're still struggling, just slapping them across the face and knocking them to the ground (almost) always works.
Things reader has also used as weapons, including but definitely not limited to:
That backscratcher nabbed from Sanctus Medicus
Broken wine bottle
Scarf (for strangulation)
Foldable chair like in IWE (Interastral Wrestling Entertainment; don't question this one, I just made it up on the spot)
Electrical circuits
Coffee mug
Pray for the enemy if reader can use computers and the battle zone is somewhere with a lot of technology and automatons; reader may just find and hack into a terminal and turn the whole environment against them
Someone: "How do you know how to—"
Reader: "I grew up in a bad neighborhood."
Hi Anon! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took so long. I hope you like the headcanons!
Fandom: Honkai Star Rail
Characters: Blade, Dan Heng, Gepard, Jing Yuan, Kafka, March, Silver Wolf, and Welt Yang x gn! Reader
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Blade thinks you’re wonderful. When he first met you, he wasn’t so sure since you were so quiet but as soon as he saw you fighting, he knew you were far more complex that he had given you credit for.
His personal favourite improvised weapon of yours was the broken wine bottle. He thought it was classy. However, he was also rather fond of you simply slapping and enemy and knocking them out.
He’s definitely got the backing to make technology a permanent feature of your fighting style but then he wouldn’t be able to see the improvised weapons and that would be a true shame…
He might hold off on that for now. After all, who is he to stand between you and a box of firecrackers that just happen to be nearby? He’s just dying to know how this will end.
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Why? Why does he always get partnered up with people who go crazy in battle? And why did he have to fall for this one?
Dan Heng does have to admit he admires your creativity at times though. The coffee mug attack was particularly inspired: it just would have been better if it wasn’t his mug and if there wasn’t coffee inside.
He finds your personality switch fascinating. One minute you can be timid and too nervous to ask for a napkin from a waiter, the next, you’re leaping into battle with no inhibitions.
He thinks your computer skills are quite impressive as well. He’ll find a way of incorporating those skills into every battle you encounter, if only so you stop using anything you can get your hands on as a substitute weapon.
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Gepard is torn on this one. Sure, he’s glad you can defend yourself anytime and anywhere. But those improvised weapons are likely to injure you as well as your enemy and that just won’t do.
Oh, he was cheering you on when you used pepper spray on Sampo. Those two have an…interesting relationship in my mind so while Gepard was concerned about any permanent damage, he certainly wasn’t about to stop you.
He likes that you’re not always a chaotic as you are in battle though. He already has to deal with a lot of over-the-top people because of his work. Your quiet nature is a nice change of pace.
I can see him trying to keep you out of harms way a lot, in part to keep you safe, and in part to keep everyone else safe as well. Sure, they might be enemies, but they deserve some mercy…
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Ooh, you’re an interesting one aren’t you? Jing Yuan thinks you’re a wonderful addition to any fight. Something interesting is always bound to happen when you’re around.
He’s so used to people around him fighting with the same weapons in the same way every time they fight that your fighting style is a breath of fresh air.
His favourite improvised weapon was probably the scarf since he probably gave that particular item of clothing to you after he had to leave for a while.
Despite what anyone else might think, he saw it as a bonding experience for the two of you. You used a gift of his to take down your enemy? How romantic!
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Kafka knows you’re one to look out for. She’s glad you’re on her side at the moment but should anything happen between you, she knows she’d have to watch her back every moment of the day.
I see Kafka as someone who likes control and, while she has that when you’re calm and quiet, once you get into a fight, all semblance of control goes out the window. Nothing can hold you back now.
She was particularly fond of the shoe incident and made sure to grab the shoe after the battle was done as a memento. Now, she has it tucked away as a reminder of your strength.
Much like Blade, Kafka has the resources to supply you with technology so you can use it in every battle you fight. She likes to think this will give her some amount of control back but isn’t hopeful. She knows what you’re like when a battle’s upon you.
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If there’s anyone here who is likely to match your energy in battle, it’s March. Sure, she takes it seriously, but she’s gotta have some fun with it too!
The first time she saw your personality shift from shy to no-nonsense, she was delighted. Finally, someone she can goof around with who can also stand their ground in a fight.
For her favourite improvised weapon, it’s the folding chair through and through. She thought it was so smooth the way you calmly stood up, folded the chair and swung it at your enemy.
I think March would like to try and learn from and copy your techniques to see if they’d work for her fighting style. Sure, she has her normal weapons, but it can’t hurt to branch out once in a while.
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Silver Wolf loves going on missions with you! Not only does she get to hang out with her favourite person in the world, she also gets to finally have some fun.
Sure, Kafka lets her get away with some entertainment but she’s also pretty strict about keeping a low profile. With you around, there’s no chance of staying stealthy once things start heating up.
She’s also so glad there’s someone else on the team who has good computer skills. She’ll lend you any equipment she doesn’t have an immediate use for and make you some equipment of your own as well.
Of course, her favourite improvised weapon was the electrical wire. An enemy had broken some of your equipment but that didn’t mean you weren’t able to use it anymore.
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He’s so tired. He thought you were going to be a nice quiet addition to the otherwise chaotic team of the Star Rail, but no. You just had to have a chaotic side to you.
Of course, this doesn’t mean he cares about you any less. He just worries when a fight stars and he sees you inching towards the nearest object, whatever it may be.
He is glad you can defend yourself though. It’s important that people can fight with things other than their usual weapons and he supposes if he had to chose one, he’s glad you’re adaptable, if nothing else.
I don’t think he would have a favourite improvised weapon but the ones that surprised him most were the pencil and the backscratcher. Both of those occasions took him a moment to process.
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mid-stars · 8 months
Self aware honkai star rail au
How long ago when you started playing this game? You don't know..
When you first entered the game it felt like destiny! The game was amazing at every single point! The story, the companionship, the characters! Just like genshin impact! You expected nothing less from hoyo!
But.. When did the voicelines get more... Unique?...You don't remember some of them in the game..
"Make sure caelus isn't eating any trash." - dan heng
"Let's take selfies together" - march 7th
"I have a feeling you'll get lucky this time" - Caelus
"I have other stuff to do." - dan heng
"Hey! We're friends aren't we?" - march
You sigh, those voicelines were definitely not in the game... You should check the informa—
You clicked on every other character you have and none. It's not there... No matter which character you click.. It's not there.
Why.. Is it all just like an actual phone!? Wtf Is going on!? Wait.. What's spacegram? Uni tok? Huh!?
You are now totally insane, this is definitely just a dream and not reality! You sigh. Might as well go and fight some other random creatures at this point.
Using jing yuan, you decided to walk around xianzhou luofu. "Make sure to not make the same mistake [name]."
"Hell NAW!"
You left the game and freaked out silently on your bed. You don't want to be those isekai'd stories. You like those but being fr, too much for you!
You sigh..
"Not to worry [name], we won't bother you for long!"
Oh no.. Silver wolf..
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myfanfic-urfantrash · 21 days
I would like to ask for Alpha!reader X omegas!stellaron hunters (platonic for silver Wolf obviously) they are As a big family and the omegas rely on being intimate with the reader, I would like more context and plot but my creativity is limited
Kept this sfw since you said they're like a big family.
cw: omegaverse
As the only Alpha of the all Omega Stellaron Hunters it's their job, as the only Alpha, to tend to their needs to the best of their abilities.
Being the youngest of the omegas has it's perks. Silver Wolf is always tended to first out of everyone. She gets first pick of what ever clothes they have to add to their nests, she gets to be scented first, and she gets to have them cuddle her first when she's not feeling her best from her heat. Overall she's the most spoiled out of everyone in the Stellaron Hunters.
Silver Wolf's nest is filled with snacks and games and looks more like a gamers nest rather than a proper nest. But it's comfortable and it works for her. Invites the Alpha to cuddle and play games with her in her nest and demands they scent something of hers should she win, which is a lot.
Blade and Kafka, mostly Kafka, are amused by how attentive their only Alpha is to their pup junior but it also does something to them. Seeing them care so much and tend to her needs makes the part of them that desires a mate burn with desire for them though they won't act on it. Blade won't act because he thinks it's pointless or that he doesn't deserve to desire them while Kafka won't act because she wants to see Blade cave first.
Blade doesn't mind being scented at all which was a shock at first, but it's because he finds their scent rather calming that he doesn't react negatively. Kafka seeks them out to be scented often, teasing them while their doing so. She compliments them and tells them how nice it must be to be an Alpha especially one who smells so nice. She means these words of course but getting to see their reaction is entertainment for her.
Kafka is bold enough to nest in the same room as their Alpha much to the others annoyance. She does it to mess with them and to test their self-restraint. Can't have an Alpha that just disregards them or would treat them poorly, can they? No. So she's in charge of making sure they keep in line, though it's unnecessary. Her nests aren't lavish or anything but they are quite roomy and comfortable, filled with pillows and soft sheets. Is also one of the boldest and out right asks them to join her nest or scent any items she likes.
Blade doesn't ask for much of anything really, so it's up to the Alpha to provide for him things he might want but doesn't ask for. Leaving him a box of scented items usually works to help him build his nest though he usually only uses what's in the box so it's really up to them to get any nesting materials for him. His nests aren't the best but at least he tries.
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strwbmei · 1 month
Kafka seeing the messages between you and Silver Wolf and thinking the redacted words from Wolfy are swearing when it's actually the most rancid and disgustingly lewd shit ever imagined.
I feel like Silver Wolf is more of the type to send pictures/videos instead of actual messages. If she's really horny, the most she'll send you is a short message saying something along the lines of "fuck me" or "come over."
Anyways, the things that she sends are downright filthy. A video of her in a bunny suit bouncing on the biggest dildo in her collection with her tongue hanging out and eyes crossed would be considered tame compared to what she usually forwards to you.
And you can hear everything so clearly too?? Like, every breathless gasp is audible and so is the squelching of her pussy. The lighting is also perfect and highlights all of her curves. You can't help but think that she puts too much effort into these videos when she claims that she doesn't care.
Don't call her out on it though; she'll be sulking and acting all bratty for a while. Unless you're into that, then by all means, go ahead. Silver Wolf definitely also likes getting brat tamed.
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mercuriians · 4 months
do you feel like a young god?
synopsis ☆ blade wishes that his path had never collided with yours.
content info — NSFW (minors stay away 😡 i'm warning you), angst angst angst, fem! reader, regular fic but with a twist on the format. violence at the very end so be aware of that.
word count — 2.1k words.
author's note — this has been in my drafts forever. normally i don't write angst but i was listening to halsey's badlands album & it instantly gave birth to this fic. the entire album is so blade coded that it hurts. anyways this is just 100% pain and smut, there is no comfort. nonetheless i hope you enjoy this drabble and its unplanned christmas theme (i apologize in advance 😓) ALSO i'm working on reqs as we speak i swear
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BLADE has never had time to entertain romantic affairs, or even indulge in spontaneous sexual encounters. such matters reeked of the kind of superficial sentimentality that he's long discarded due to its blatant, disgusting lack of appeal. since he’s remembered, all he’s ever really wanted is to taste death, to be enrobed within its earnest invitation and to finally relieve himself of his all-consuming burden. there was no room for anything else—especially something as trivial as fulfilling the human heart’s wishes.
YOU didn't plan to get involved with the agenda of the stellaron hunters, but perhaps your hopes were ultimately futile when your older sister was their very leader. really, what's funny was the fact that even though you two were related by blood, and were raised together, you only shared two traits: a sharp gaze tinted with magenta and the useful gift of perception. otherwise, you might as well have been nameless strangers. you were kind, forgiving, and preferred to heal rather than harm; kafka was the complete opposite, her manicured fingers gleefully stained with scarlet.
BLADE remembers finding himself in an unusual state of confusion when he had first met you. your appearance in itself contrasted against your team members; whereas they wore dark shades of black, purple, and red, you were clad in smooth clothes of pure silver, which didn’t make sense since they would end up dirtied and tainted either way. he remembers disapproving of your very presence because you seemed entirely unfit to fulfill your job—to kill mercilessly and to follow elio's script without an ounce of remorse or hesitation. "you don't belong here," he'd sneered, his vexation only increasing when he saw the docile smile you'd given him in response.
YOU weren't ever truly angered by the blatant acts of disrespect that blade displayed during the earliest stages of your connection. some would argue that you possessed the patience of a saint, and though you wouldn't exactly disprove such a claim, you'd say that it extended far beyond that. there was something you saw behind the scarlet hue of blade's gaze, something that lain dormant behind all the hostility. for a reason unknown, you soon grew the desire to discover it, and to maybe in turn help the man in some way. it didn't matter if a part of your soul had to be sacrificed—you would do it.
BLADE found it all too easy to decline your attempts. it was a continuous, repetitive process, where you’d seek him out and offer a few questions that seemed unassuming at first, and he’d respond by pointing out the obvious holes ruining your facade. he didn’t know why you were suddenly so eager to uncover information about him—or, to “properly acquaint yourself” as you’d innocently described it—but he didn’t care either way because it wasn’t worth trying to. at least those were the words he told himself for the first four months.
YOU managed to break down the weakest parts of blade’s walls by the fifth month. it was slow, and arduous, and yes, a bit frustrating—hearing him curse you out wasn’t really a motivating experience—but ultimately your efforts prevailed in the end. finally, if only a little bit, he opened up to you, and he began giving short but actual responses instead of a mere grunt or a simple click of the tongue. and so he started filling in small snippets about himself. how he found pleasure in the familiarity of a sword. how he despised the way your sister called him ‘bladie.’ how kuding tea was one of his preferred drinks. how he couldn’t remember the last time he dreamt in his slumber.
BLADE was rather astounded by the change in behavior you seemed to have withdrawn from him. at first he denied the reality and brushed off the occurrence as him simply taking the easier route, so that he didn’t continue to waste unnecessary effort on dodging your pesky questions. but here was the truth—he wasn’t lazy, ever. he always did things for a reason, always justified his actions with some kind of logic, no matter how immoral. something strange was happening, and he wasn’t entirely sure why, but he still tried to maintain a form of apathetic distance. blade convinced himself that things were remaining strictly professional. even as his pale hands somehow found themselves entangled within your soft hair during one stormy night, and even as his chapped lips pressed against yours.
YOU were surprised but not at all unwelcoming of the unorthodox suggestion that blade gave you one day. in a tone that betrayed no emotion, he asked—well, perhaps demanded—that you two enter a sort of arrangement that he called “being each other’s respective stress relief.” in a more straightforward, explicit manner, you two would use each other for physical pleasure whenever needed. that was where the intimacy started, and it was where it ended. with your heart beating a bit more than it should have, you agreed. blade smiled—a small, predatory kind of smile—before engulfing you in a harsh kiss, backing you into the wall as his hand squeezed around your neck.
BLADE relished the sounds that he was able to elicit from you—sweet, pretty little moans, desperate, high-pitched whines, and of course, the breathless mantra of his own name. every ounce of it made him swell with smug pride, and made his cock harden even more. your eyes would shut tightly whenever you felt particularly overwhelmed with pleasure, and of course he’d always force you to open them. after all he needed you to see just how much of a slut you were for him, just how much he’d ruin you with the marks he’d leave all over your skin and the countless orgasms he’d trigger within you. somewhere in the very back of his mind, there was a faint voice that warned him of the territory he was threatening to cross, just barely short of touching the edge. but he ignored it in favor of savoring the depraved sense of exhilaration that electrified his veins, knowing that he was the one corrupting his colleague’s sweet, innocent, naive little sister.
YOU found your heart beating impossibly faster every time your lips met his, every time he quietly snuck into your quarters and whispered things that were only for you to hear. of course it was only inevitable that you fell in love with the man himself. long forgotten was your goal to solely fix him because in a strange, almost twisted way, it was like you were healing yourself with every scorching touch of his fingers, every relentless thrust of his hips. and for better or for worse, it felt like he was starting to care for you against all odds, and you saw it through the littlest of things. how his dull scarlet eyes seemed to brighten just for a second when he saw you, how he started to stay the night after he ravished you, how his fingers traced your beautifully bruised skin with an uncharacteristic gentleness when he thought you were asleep. you loved it, and soon his embrace was the only thing you learned to crave.
BLADE seemed like he was caught in a peculiar trance ever since you two had agreed to the "stress relief" arrangement. it was unimaginable, really—or at least it should have been. not once had he felt such unbridled emotion for a woman, or for any person in general. he detested the sensation at first. hated how vulnerable it made him feel. so, whenever he felt particularly exposed, whenever you smiled at him for too long, he used your body as a distraction. he'd mark your skin as if he was nothing more than a mindless animal, would pin both your wrists above your head as he snarled, hips smacking against yours. the strategy would work for some time, but the moment he saw you fall into a peaceful slumber—exhausted from all the rigorous activity—the emotions would come rushing at him again, full force. soon there was a voice at the back of his mind, whispering of how he was falling into a trap. one that he had arrogantly, unknowingly set for himself.
YOU started to feel a shift in blade's behavior, noticing how he became more distant as the days passed. your conversations shortened and shortened until they became almost reminiscent of the ones you'd have at the beginning of your relationship. your nightly sessions dwindled in frequency, eventually reaching the point where he barely even knocked on your door at all. all of it drove you to the brink of insanity, worry consuming every ounce of your being until you couldn't handle it anymore. "what the hell?" you had hissed, pulling the man aside once silver wolf and your sister had retreated to their quarters for the night. "why won't you talk to me, blade? what did i do?" but even that didn't work. all he did was scoff and push past your figure, shaking off your grip when you reached out for him. the next day, you were so distraught that, in a fit of desperation, you asked your sister for help. but the only thing you received was a look of warped pity and an obscure comment. "once the candle burns out, the room grows dark again." kafka murmured.
BLADE couldn't handle any of it anymore, his seemingly endless endurance having reached past its limit. he hated the way you looked at him in confusion and anger, and most of all, betrayal, as if he had stabbed you in the back. he might as well have. but above that, he hated the way you reminded him of his curse's weight. in another life, he had thought of immortality as a gift—a gleaming trophy awarded only to those who had gone above and beyond to prove their superiority. how foolish he had been. immortality was a burden, its pressure so insurmountable that it felt heavier than holding up the sky itself. from the very beginning, he'd known that being immortal meant that he'd have to watch the people around him fall prey to death's embrace, but somehow that simple fact evaded his mind when he—it still pains him to admit this—developed feelings for you. he wasn't quite sure if what he felt was love in its raw form, but he was pretty damn certain that it was the closest he was going to ever get. because as selfishly and disgustingly sentimental as it was, the last thing he wanted was to see you wither with age, until you were nothing more than another corpse. and so with a shaky breath, and an unstable heart, he decided to handle the situation in the only way he knew how to.
the truth was that YOU truly were one of the most perceptive people out there, even as heartbreak dulled your senses. so you heard the muted footsteps and saw the swiftly approaching shadow. you knew who it was, even without sparing a glance. still, you remained motionless, your movements almost painfully frozen as your eyes slid shut. tears silently rolled down your face, staining your skin even before the sword pierced through your chest. crimson seeped through your silver blouse like ink on a blank canvas. you fell to the ground, exhaling unshakily, unrivaled pain blooming within every inch of your body. you felt the strength being drained from your spirit, but you mustered the will to meet blade's scarlet gaze. "guess i should have expected this, huh?" you murmur, fingers moving to feel where he'd stabbed you. silently, blade crouched down to your level, his expression unreadable. you reached for his hand, neither of you flinching when his skin became stained with your blood.
"all of this was a mistake," BLADE muttered, tone betraying not even an ounce of emotion. still, he kept his fingers intertwined with yours, and that action alone was enough. "my fate is already determined, but you sealed your own the second you approached me." the wind was cold and unforgiving around the two of you, its invisible talons recklessly combing through the man's ebony strands of hair. but blade paid it no mind, not even when a particularly harsh gust threatened to overwhelm your last words. and as time would tell, those were the very words that would haunt him in the future.
"i'd seal my fate over and over if it meant that i'd see you happy again." you whispered, and for once you failed to notice one crucial detail.
for the first and last time, blade's vision grew blurry from his tears.
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xodarling · 3 months
More than the tip, not talking about guidance - xodarling
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includes: sub!silver wolf, dragon!fem!reader, g!p reader, breeding, marking, womb tattoo, size difference, fem!reader, head for a lil bit, established relationship, ty to that anon for the safeword idea, reader had a hoe era, stomach bulge, multiple orgasms, knotting
a/n: silver wolf is love silver wolf is life
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“so.. these are the almighty dicks those incels online were talking about..?”
in a random hotel room on some random planet, silver wolf’s kneeling in front of your average-sized but still soft members. “i mean, they look pretty mystical.” she hums, rubbing the blue tips and running her small finger up and down the ridges and curves of one of them. “is it ‘cause you’re still soft? maybe i should get you hard..”
now that she wraps her hand around one of them she can see the growing difference in size. grabbing both shafts with her hands, she begins to gently pump them, looking in awe as they grow more and more. you sigh and roll your eyes, the sexual touch of another was something you haven’t felt in centuries.
throughout your relationship, you refrained from doing this stuff with her and the only reason is that you’re afraid of her hurting her, even in your weakest moments you can without a doubt physically overpower her. but, she asked for this, so you caved in and said yes. slowly but very clearly, the two shafts grow in her grasp, the veins in my shaft pulsating from the feeling.
she stops pumping for a second, looking up at the two monstrous things before her, swallowing hard. “hm, maybe they weren’t lying..” she tries to sound confident but her voice betrays her. slowly, she leans in and licks the tip on one of them, letting out a whimper from the taste. then, she hears a noise that sounds like a growl coming from you, a grin appears on her face, “oh, I think you liked that..”
your arms give up on holding you up, your back now laying flat on the mattress, groans leaving your mouth as your throat bobs. silver wolf’s milking this situation to its final bits, her tongue running up and down on your left shaft, flicking the tip with her tongue, while her hand gently pumps your right. the muscles in your abdomen flex, the feeling of being intimate with someone else was something you haven’t felt in a long time, but the feeling was just as addicting as you remember.
your hands grip the white sheets below you and you continue to growl and groan, both of your tips leaking pre-cum. “not enough..” you mumble, with a growl, you sit up from the bed and pick up silver wolf by her hair. hard enough to make her bounce, but gentle enough so it doesn’t hurt, you toss her onto her hotel bed, kneeling between her legs, ripping her shorts off, and shoving your long tongue inside of her.
as you position yourself between her legs, her walls clench around your tongue, letting out whimpers of anticipation. her hips thrust upwards, grinding against your face as your tongue explores every inch of her pussy, she writhes and moans in delight. “more.. i want more..” you continue to tease her, alternating between gentle sucks and rough flicks.
her juices are already pouring up, covering the bottom half of your face with a sticky mess. you take your tongue out of her slick entrance, sitting up and growling at the view below you. both of your dicks, colossal in comparison to her, stand proud in front of her sopping pussy, your large hand takes one of your shafts and rubs the tip up and down her slit, groaning at the moisture.
after a few bumps of your tip onto her clit, you hover one of your shafts over her smooth stomach. “silver wolf, i’m not sure this will fit.” truth be told, just by hovering it over her tummy, it’s obvious it’s way too big for a girl her size. despite your concern, silver wolf huffs and stares up at you, her eyes pleading you to take her. “do it.. please.. i want it all..” she lifts her hips up, offering herself to you.
after a moment of concentration, you sigh and anchor your cock to press against her tiny hole, the other dick’s tip being caressed by silver wolf as you push. her walls spread to accommodate your giant shaft, those tight gummy walls stretching to an unbelievable width. you groan and stop halfway, “you remember the safe word, correct?” your thumb circles gently around her clitoris, waiting for her to get used to this feeling.
she nods vigorously, tears streaming down her face as your cockhead continues to push inside her, stretching her in ways she never thought possible. her body tenses up, unable to relax as it battles against your sheer size. “punklorde.. punklorde..” she manages to let out a shaky breath, affirming her memory of the safeword, g-go ahead.. i-i can handle it..” silver wolf exhales slowly, trying to adjust to the massive invasion.
you started to moving again, pushing inch by inch until your entire length fills her up completely. your eyes never leave her features, her eyes rolling back with tears beginning to form. you sigh when every inch gets pushed in her, one of her hands going to your lone dick and rubbing. your hand goes down and pats her small stomach and the obvious bulge on it.
you lean down and kiss her forehead while waiting for her to get used to the intrusion, one of your hands holding hers as you lean down to peck her forehead. “tell me when to move, dearest.” you coo. she nods slightly, still catching her breath and trying acclimate herself to the sensation of being filled like this. her vagina is stretched past it’s limits, muscles twitching and spasming around your cock, after what feels like an eternity, she whines,
“slowly.. please, move it slowly..” you nod and murmur, “alright. if it becomes too much, please, tell me to stop..” you kiss her head again. your hips pull back, taking out around half your length before slowly going back in, your eyes switching between her teary face to the bulge in her stomach. after a few thrusts, you rest your whole body on top of hers, her adorable face being smooshed in between your tits, whimpers now muffled.
you close your eyes and bite your lip, trying your hardest to keep the soft, slow pace you originally started with, but soon enough, you need more.. the predatory instinct of a dragon to fuck, to breed is getting more intense. “apologies.” you whisper, looking down at her doe eyes and flustered face. you take out every inch of your shaft, leaving the tip and then slamming down, repeating it and quickening.
she screams your name, her body shaking with the force of each thrust. the rhythmic pounding of her hips against yours, the sound of flesh against flesh fills the small hotel room. her pussy clasps tightly around your member, milking it mercilessly, the wet slapping sound echoing throughout the room. tears start to trickle down her cheeks as pleasure takes over her, the pain morphing into pleasure.
her hands tightly gripped the white sheets, nails digging into the fabric as she shakes violently. “more.. please.. give me more..” she sobs, legs hanging in the air. you let out a growl, one that belongs to a mystical animal only seen in folktales. your teeth being bared as you aggressively ram yourself into silver wolf’s pussy like a beast in an intense rut.
“it’s been..” you growl again and throw your back, “centuries since i fucked a pussy this tight.” the gentleness you were treating her with has disappeared, the only thing you care about is to breed the wanted hacker until she was big and round with your offspring. “so small, so easy to breed..” you huff, pulling your cock out and aligning you second tip against her slit, pushing suddenly.
you lean up and then tightly grip her hips, putting her legs onto your shoulders, and then starting to use the hacker as a fleshlight. she gasps and whines at the position change, your size stretching her even more now. she grits her teeth and widens her eyes, clutching onto anything she can, “..what? breed.?! a-are you seri-“ she gets cut off by you suddenly changing your pace again.
you thrust faster, her neck cranes and her back bends into a beautiful arch, drool leaving her mouth now. her eyes roll back, her legs tremble even more, and she beings to scream louder, her puffy jacket jingling with each thrust. “i.. oh, god..!” she screams, white-hot heat radiating throughout her body from her core, sending her into her first orgasm.
with each thrust, she pants and cries out, the double penetration driving her mad with pleasure. her walls clamp around you, milking your cocks desperately, an addicting feeling, she’s unlike any woman you fucked before, you start to regret not fucking mortals if this what their pussies feel like. you bare your teeth and roar, your muscles flexing and fingers leaving bruises on her stomach.
she’s small. easy to fling around. so, you pull her up and manhandle her to a hug-carry position, her arms around you neck and legs around your waist. your faces were inches apart as you continue to pound into her, you stare at her delirious face before pressing your forehead against hers, hissing and roaring more quietly now.
your hips keep bucking into her, fucking deeper and deeper into the overstimulated hacker, your skin slapping against hers gets louder and louder that, for sure, the other guests in this hotel can hear. you nuzzle into her neck and then sink your sharp fangs into her delicate skin, a deep red mark being left. the bed begins to rock aggressively and loudly because of the brutal fucking, her ass being red from the force.
“mine.” you growl, gripping her smooth body with such a possessive grip that it’s painful, completely overpowering her with your force. the pain and pleasure reach an all-time high as you plunge into her over and over. the feeling of ownership makes her heart race, the pain adding to the intensity of the experience. she clenches tight around you, holding onto you for dear life as you pound her with brute force.
she whimpers into your shoulder, every movement driving her closer to the edge. her body convulses, your cockheads rubbing against her g-spot with each stroke, sending electric shocks through both of you. “i can’t.. i’m.. i’m cumming..!” she screams out your name when she reaches that peak, the force of her orgasm making her a little nauseous. she spasms around your cocks even more, milking them with an intensity that’s unlike anything either of you have felt before.
your hips never tire, only going faster even as she cums for the second time. your pupils dilate when she squirms and screams her lungs out from pure pleasure, the ridges and bumps of your shafts heighten her pleasure, your long tongue licking up some of the tears pouring down her face. “i am going.. to breed you..” you huff. there’s no telling which one is louder, silver wolf, or the sounds of skin on skin, an unfiltered and perverted symphony of lovemaking.
silver wolf’s orgasm slowly subsides as you show no signs of stopping. the intense pleasure’s making her delirious, unable to form coherent thoughts. teary eyes plead with you, begging you to continue and never stop even as her body screams for an end. her hips gyrate, legs tightening around your waist, meeting your thrusts with equal ferocity, matching your brutal rhythm. “m-more.. i-” unable to find the words to express herself, she simply sobs and whimpers, lost in the labyrinth of pleasure.
your cocks twitch inside of her. so tight, and so wet. the lack of action for the past few centuries, catches up to you, you can feel it bubbling inside of you, ready to fill the young, incoherent girl up. you groan and stare at her face, your pace slowing down but becoming more aggressive. “close.. i’m close.” you pant, your brows furrowed as fuck her dumb even more.
she whimpers in response, your words sending shivers down her spine. the thought of you cumming inside her, being pregnant with your children make her heart race even more. her pussy clenches around your cocks the feeling of fullness is unbearable, the sensation is overwhelming, her mind hazy with lust and desire. “c-cum inside me, please.. i-i want your-..” her sentence is cut off by a loud moan again.
your jaw clenches and you scowl from your focus, each thrust accompanied by a growl. it’s there, you can feel it get closer and closer. your bury your head in the crook of her neck again and buck your hips up once, twice, and then three more times before a guttural moan leaves your throat. one before the other, both of your tips begin to dump decades worth of stored up cum inside of her.
she screams as the first spurt fills her up, the hot liquid is the solidification of her being knocked up now. you sigh and groans as it keeps dispensing, your eyes rolling back in euphoria. after a moment, instead of cum leaving one of your tips, it’s something hard, sealing silver wolf’s womb once you finish cumming. “mine.” you whisper, you look down at her stomach and notice a pattern forming, the color matching your horns. you groan once you realize what it is.
“mine.” you repeat, sighing in exhaustion. she pants and sobs, your words making her heart race. the sensation of being owned and claimed overwhelms her, mind foggy with pleasure and emotions. she clutches you even tighter, your muscles tense underneath her fingertips. “i love you..” she murmurs, her voice breaking, the afterglow of your passion hitting her like a wave, tears streaming down her face.
you sigh and shift around so your laying down and silver wolf’s on top of you, mindful of the sensitive knot connecting the two of you. you kiss her head and hold her close to you, “i love you, too.” you confess back, looking down at her figure in an admiring way. she trembles madly as the heat from this encounter fades, being replaced by cold feeling, especially from the layer of sweat surrounding the two of you.
she sniffles and draws a smiley face onto your breast, eyes still teary from the painful pleasure, it makes you chuckle quietly. your hand goes onto her head and plays with her fluffy gray hair, massaging her scalp to comfort her after your fucking. “it’s okay..” you whisper, keeping her close to you, protecting her from literally nothing.
it’ll be a while until the knot releases, and until she can walk. but, at least you can cuddle the tired hacker, your tired hacker for the time being.
the people in the other room probably aren’t as happy as you two, though..
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mono-dot-jpeg · 9 months
tiny exception [pt. 2] - stellaron hunter crew
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summary; there's one little exception to the rules of the stellaron hunters...
genre/extra tags; one shot, fluff, a lot of fluff, comedy, children are menaces but it's okay, blade will be punting a kid (/j), rich aunt kafka, silver wolf doesn't know how to handle kids
[platonic] [5-7 year old reader] [gender neutral reader]
[buy me a kofi to support!]
word count; 615
a/n; finally i have finished the part two of this iconic work bc someone requested it. hope you enjoy!
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[rule 1; don't bother blade]
this rule really should be obvious. it really should, but kids don't listen to obvious rules.
"why are you so grumpy?"
"because of you."
"that's mean. you're really mean." you sit right on his lap because you felt stubborn today. "and you're stupid." silver wolf stifles a laugh at the sight before her. you and blade glare at each other as you poke at his face like a cat. "and ugly."
"i think you're talking about yourself." anyone who didn't know blade would think, man, he doesn't like this kid. but from the way he holds you gently and the tiny glint of playfulness in his eyes as he talks to you.
"you're so rude! i'm gonna tell kafka!"
you push yourself against him in a weak attempt to tackle him. he only carries you, hands under your armpits as you struggle in his hold.
"you're a little snitch, you know that?" he holds you like a baby this time as you're still kicking your legs and trying to squirm out of his grip to get a chance to get to kafka.
"because you're a big meanie! a big butthead!"
"yeah, yeah."
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[rule 2; don't go in kafka's room]
there wasn't really anything incriminating in there. she just didn't like people invading her space and it was normal. but there's always those little exceptions.
"auntie!" you knock on her door, almost a little too loudly. she does open the door, not really fazed since she knows your loud knocks from anywhere.
"what is it, dear?" she's tiredly picking you up, it's clear that she's had a long day but by aeons, she wasn't gonna let that stop her from caring for you.
"can i sleep with you tonight.." you're a little bit embarrassed. you usually stay with silver wolf as her late night working sessions usually help you fall asleep but you haven't seen kafka in the past few days.
"of course you can. i would never say no." her hand pats against your back, comforting you and starting to lull you into a sleep. she lets you rest your head on her shoulder, humming, "i'll be doing a little bit before we lay down. just sleep, baby."
"i like your room, auntie.. i like being with you." you mumbled tiredly. you rest against her as she sits down at her desk, still holding you.
"i like being with you too."
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[rule 3; let silverwolf focus when she's playing her games]
something about children and always wondering what games you got on your phone always has silverwolf reeling away from you when she goes to play her games. it took her longest to get used to your bright presence. honestly, children were not really any of their forte. you were an unexpected (yet expected) part of the crew even if you didn't do much (yet).
she usually kept herself away but today was different. she offered to play with you. as it was almost out of character of her, you immediately accepted. and you played a two player co-op game. she was more focused than you were but you didn't mind.
you weren't doing well in the game as your character died multiple times during this boss battle (that was set to medium for you but co-op gave it more health and different battle patterns). you watched as silverwolf tried her best to pull through.
"you can do it!" you had said in the heat of the moment, but her finger slipped and you both lost. "i'm sorry!"
she's a little bit frustrated being so close to the end but she lets out a tired sigh. "it's okay."
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sunny-fox · 10 months
Trial exams are gonna start soon so I may or may not be active for a few weeks. Anyways these exams remind me of that one night before similar exams a few years ago - I got frightened because I woke up and heard my father yelling at my little sibling, so here's a fic inspired (?) by that
This will be quite similar to my SAGAU "Comfort" fic
Reader's pronouns: they/them
Warnings: implied anxiety / panic attack, cult behaviour
1) SAHSR cult AU
2) The Astral Express has a carriage that's used for "connecting" to the reader's world, everyone including the Stellaron Hunters are allowed to enter it as long as they don't start fights in there
Himeko let out a breathy giggle as she watched you sleep.
"Just a few minutes...I'll be back soon..." you had mumbled before falling asleep on your bed with your device still running.
That happened around 2 hours ago.
The red-haired woman sipped at her coffee, sitting on a cushioned chair with a novel on her lap. She would gladly wait till you woke up. For now, she was content with watching over you.
"As much as I want to be able to see Their Grace, it's bad for them if they leave their device on near themselves while sleeping," Natasha said, approaching Himeko and standing behind her.
"I'll see if I can tell them not to do that anymore." Himeko smiled at the doctor.
"They're stirring," Dan Heng reported, gesturing at the hologram. Your brow was scrunched up slightly, and you shifted your grip on your blanket. Faint noises they couldn't place could be heard as your eyes fluttered open and glanced at your device.
"Oh," you said. "Did I make you wait - "
Your sentence was cut off abruptly as a loud yell pierced through the nearly silent carriage. The younger acolytes quickly covered their ears at the sudden noise while the older ones winced.
Apparently you weren't the one who had yelled, as they saw your eyes widen - in shock, fear, some emotion they couldn't describe. You bit down on your lip, pulling your blanket over your head. Your fingers dug into your pillow as you hugged it close and buried your face in it. Himeko swore she saw you quiver ever so slightly. They couldn't see your face, but they could hear your breaths starting to quicken.
"Your Grace?" Jing Yuan stepped closer to the hologram, voicing his concern. You didn't seem to hear him. The glow of your device reflected off something shiny at the corners of your eyes - you were crying.
"Let me try!" With a wave of her hand, Silver Wolf summoned a digital screen and began to type on it rapidly. Crackles of static rang out in tandem with your breaths. After a few minutes, Silver Wolf finally stopped and nodded her head.
"We can talk to them now."
You squeezed your eyes shut, feeling tears escaping them and trickling down your cheeks, dampening your pillowcase. A crackle of static caught your attention - was it from your device? Or was it your imagination? But then you heard a familiar voice say,
"We can talk to them now."
You lifted your tear-stained face and propped yourself up on your elbows to look at said device. You saw Jing Yuan, Himeko and Silver Wolf staring back at you. Several other characters could be seen in the background, including Dan Heng, Natasha, Bailu and Serval.
"Jing...Yuan...?" You choked out a sob.
"Yes, Your Grace, it's me," he said. "Do you want to talk?"
Your hands shot to your ears to block out another yell. The closed door still wasn't enough. A hurt look flashed across Jing Yuan's face - he'd probably assumed that you didn't want to hear his voice right now - before turning into realisation.
"Sorry," you apologised.
"It's alright, Your Grace," he replied. "I understand. Your comfort is most important."
"Your Grace." Natasha showed up on the screen. "Breathe according to my voice, okay? One, two, three..."
You forced yourself to breathe in deeply, then exhale slowly. A few more tries and you could feel that you were calming down.
"Thank you...Natasha..." you managed to say. Now that your breaths had become even, the tears you were trying your best to hold back flooded your eyes.
"You can cry, Your Grace," Bailu said. The camera had tilted downwards to show the Vidyadhara healer. "You can cry for as long as you like."
You buried your face in your pillow once more, sobbing quietly into it. Jing Yuan and the others said nothing, just watched silently as you cried your heart out. After what felt like half an hour, you raised your head to look at your device.
"Sorry," you said, biting back a sob.
"You don't have to apologise, Your Grace," Dan Heng insisted. "Besides, there's nothing to apologise for. Are you feeling better now?"
You nodded in response, slumping onto your bed to lie on your back. Now that your tears had finally run dry, fatigue started to creep into your mind. You yawned and rubbed a hand across your face.
"Are you feeling sleepy, Your Grace?" This voice was unmistakably Serval's. You nodded again, too tired to reply verbally. You device emitted the soft, soothing tune of a lullaby as Serval hummed gently.
Before you slipped into unconsciousness, you heard one last sentence from your device.
"Sweet dreams, Your Grace."
Everything seemed so surreal the next morning.
You logged into the game, but couldn't find any place on the Astral Express or the planets that looked like the background shown last night.
All of the characters were still in their original spots, and as usual, they would only face the model of your vessel character when approached - never the screen.
You had assumed that it was all a dream.
But it wasn't.
Give us a little more time, Your Grace, and we'll bring you to our world, away from that thing (or anything else) which caused you pain.
I've only ever gone through this once so I don't know if it even is considered a panic / anxiety attack ;^^ I've checked the symptoms of both online and some of mine are similar to them but I'm still not sure, hence the "implied" in the warning.
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